#mc: cyra
stephschoices · 7 months
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pov you remember how pretty your gf is 😳💞
(morgan & mc my from @theunseelieif )
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nirawrite-holab-if · 11 months
Can’t believe this question has yet to have been asked…… Facts about Astas mother 😳. What was she like with Aedh, Asta and her siblings ? What would she think of all her grandkids ?
Oh yes...😳 Asta's mother
•Cyra is alive and "well" But far from the kingdom.
•She descends from the high elves (the only elves who can communicate with the gods through magical rituals)
•She supported and was an active part in the movement to dethrone Asta when she became pregnant with the MC
•She and Aedh were friends before they got married (for political reasons) unfortunately the marriage was not very good for them and the friendship did not survive.
•She is only proud and has some level of affection for Silvina, the others she considers disappointments (mainly Asta and Rigan) She conceived them only because it was her duty.
•She doesn't care much about her grandchildren. She doesn't think about them enough to have an opinion, you know? Not even about the MC (okay, she finds the MC weird) but just that. I promise.
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midnightsun-if · 10 months
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DEMO — Chapter One: Part One [34K Words] — 11/12/23
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Aurelian Academy, the pinnacle of evolution within the supernatural world; the first landmark to be erected after the Dark Ages— the time when supernatural races still lived within the shadows of the mortal world.
You’ve been prepared to go for your entire life— all one hundred years of it. Being the youngest child of a ruling vampire clan didn’t give you much choice in the matter. Going to Aurelian meant taking the next big step in your immortal life regardless.
Will you be able to prove yourself to your parents? To your siblings? Will you be able to uncover the mysteries that surround the ancient school?
Or will everything vanish as the midnight sun approaches?
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Create your character. Customize your name, potential nickname, gender (male/female/non-binary), sexuality, appearance, and hobbies. (Note: The MC is a Vampire and is 100 Years Old.)
Choose from 3 Classes— Charmer, Shadow-Kin, or Warrior.
How does your character feel about humans? Are they simply ants that you don’t bother with? Potential allies? An intriguing conundrum?
Do you enjoy the modern world? Or do you miss the simplicity of the past?
Romance 1 of 8 potential romances.
Explore Aurelian Academy and uncover the secrets that litter the ancient halls. Just make sure you don’t miss class while doing so.
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Koda Kingston — [He/Him] — Bear-Shifter — He’s a mass of muscle and warmth, eyes filled with good humor and overall joy. Might not have a lot going on upstairs, but he’s definitely got the spirit. [Male MCs Only]
Scarlett Voltaire — [She/Her] — Vampire — Cold as ice, ruthless to any that oppose her, with a flair of heated contempt at the people who annoy her, Scarlett is the middle child to the oldest ruling family within the vampiric race. [Female MCs Only]
Cyrus/Cyra Aurelia — [He/Him or She/Her] — Phoenix — Heir to the Eclipse Throne; they’re the eldest child of House Aurelia, Founders of Aurelian Academy. They’re the pinnacle of what an heir should be: dutiful, strong-willed, and loyal above all else.
Quinn Grant — [He/Him or She/Her] — Wolf-Shifter — An individual that’s been whispered about within the halls of your home; a prospected mate in the event that both your warring families wish to unite. Now that you’re meeting them, you may be able to see if that’ll ever become a reality.
Caden Randall — [He/Him or She/Her] — Phantom — Appearing on a random night five years before, they’re not exactly what someone comes to expect when thinking about a phantom: scared of their own shadow, fretful, and a complete neat freak. They’re tasked with ensuring your stay at Aurelian Academy goes smoothly.
Sloane Addams — [He/Him or She/Her] — Wolf-Shifter — A wolf-shifter without a pack, disgraced in the deepest way possible, they don’t seem to be that overjoyed at the prospect of attending Aurelian Academy, but that doesn’t mean they’re not set on proving themself and finding a pack once more.
Blake Herrera — [He/Him or She/Her] — Demon-Hybrid — Your best friend (and potential FWB). With a flirtatious air, a rebellious spirit, and an affinity at finding trouble, they’re a demon that takes a bit to get used to.
Reginald/Regina Presley — [He/Him or She/Her] — Human — A scholarship student to Aurelian Academy; the first of many that may be attending. With a thirst for knowledge, along with a devil-may-care attitude, they’ll try their best to fit in. Of course, that’s easier said than done. As they’re the first human to ever be admitted as a student.
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theunseelieif · 11 months
A commission I did for @stephschoices featuring her werewolf!MC Cyra and male Morgan. It was originally 500 words but got out of hand lol!
The dried blood is sticking your shirt to your upper arm in a way that you know will be painful when you rip the cloth off. Then the mostly-healed wound will be torn open, and you’ll be right back where you started. Nevertheless, you shimmy halfway out of it, mourning the cute blouse for a moment before gripping it tightly as you brace yourself to pull.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Morgan avert his gaze, hesitant and unsure. You nearly laugh; he’s seen far more than this…but that was before. Before, not now. You’re hardly strangers, no longer lovers; you exist in some odd in-between that threatens to crack every rib to devour your heart.
Back to the matter at hand, you remind yourself with force. Your throat bobs as your hand jerks. The shirt flies off with the fresh scabs, leaving your right shoulder raw and bloody once again. Those claws had gotten you good, and now you feel the marks as if they’re being freshly carved into your skin once more.
“Cyra, are you-?” Morgan croaks as you slam your hands down on the top of your vanity, your fingers curling into fists at the pain.
You bite your lip, sharp canines pinching and gnashing as you choke down a scream. Your mom is asleep in the other room; waking her up is not an option.
“Cyra?” Morgan repeats, hovering nervously at your side.
Already the flesh is stitching itself back together, your accelerated healing both a blessing and a curse. You force a thin smile, not wanting to worry Morgan any more than you already have.
“I’m fine,” You say, though it comes out more as a wheeze, “Really.”
His brows knit together, his hand hovering over your back as if fearful of initiating contact. You can feel the cold of his skin radiating before he even touches you, a stark difference from your own warmth.
“I don’t believe you,” He whispers.
You glance up and meet his eyes in the mirror. His skin is pale, his green eyes dark; he’s a ghost of who he used to be. That’s fine, you think; you always knew you’d love him even in death.
His gaze drops down to your shoulders, to your wound, and he freezes. You see how his pupils dilate, and you frown, twisting slightly so you aren’t just watching his reflection.
You hesitate to ask, “Is it-?”
“No.” He snaps out of it, shaking his head sharply, “It’s not…I’d never…”
“I know,” You say, as softly as possible.
“It was…the tattoo. I saw the tattoo.” The words are clumsy as they escape him, “That’s new.”
The tattoo on your left shoulder isn’t actually new at all; you’ve had it for almost two years. You recall how you’d stumbled into the tattoo parlor in your college town about a week after Morgan’s funeral, bordering on a breakdown. You’d asked for a rose through a haze of tears, trembling from the cold and grief.
A rose, because Morgan was born in June.
He had gotten a daisy tattooed on his forearm right after you graduated since you were born in April. You had thought at the time that a matching sentiment might connect the two of you across life and death. The rose helped in some small way, even though you’d thought its counterpart was six feet under.
It wasn’t, though. Morgan stands before you, and you can see the furling leaves of the daisy peek out from under his rolled-up sleeves. Never in a coffin, never beneath the dirt, but still not close enough for you to touch. He stands barely a foot away, yet it feels as insurmountable as six.
“So you…” He blinks, rolling his lips together, “I don’t want to assume-”
“It was for you.” You interrupt firmly.
The grief of what you both lost is thick in the air, but you don’t have much time to linger in your melancholy. The words hit him like a physical blow, and he takes a staggering step back before collapsing.
You go to your knees with him, sinking down without reservation to finally, finally pull him into your arms. He shakes in your grasp, so you just pull him tighter to your chest, trying to physically express what words can’t even begin to.
His hands reach up and grasp at where the tattoo is, leaving your skin chilled but flush at his touch. It’s thrilling to feel his skin against yours after going so long without it. You card your fingers through his hair, so much shorter than in your memory, and ignore the ache of your knees against the hardwood floor.
“Cy,” He whispers into your shoulder, his voice breathy, “Cy, Cyra, I’m-”
“You’re okay,” You press a kiss into the crown of his head, “You’re with me, and you’re okay, do you understand?”
It only breaks him down further, and he just about goes limp in your grasp, his body sagging against yours.
“I’m sorry, Cy,” He practically whimpers, “I’m so sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” You insist, your voice kind but firm, “It was never your fault.”
“I’m different-” His voice catches, “I’m-”
You deny the notion fiercely, “You’re Morgan.”
He doesn’t speak anymore; if it’s because he’s unable or simply too tired, you’re not sure. You stay curled around him on the floor of your childhood bedroom, surrounded by memories and haunted by what could’ve been. You block it all out, too focused on the version of the man you’re presently holding to be bothered by his ghost.
You know the truth, lodged in your heart like a bullet that cannot be dug out, and that’s the fact that you never got over Morgan. You never could have, even if you’d tried. Now, as the grief in your heart migrates back to love, you know you’ll hold him close for as long as you both need.
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darkfictionjude · 15 days
Cairo and Cyra should kiss to have some relief
Nonnie it’s better if you call Nia, Nia for one people would get confused and I just like my characters who aren’t mc to be called by the name I chose for them like I wouldn’t want Imre to be called Alonzo or Lorcan to be Winter 💜
I feel like kissing would be a bandaid for the main problem 😭
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loopylooly · 5 months
I started a little project a while back where I drew (most) of my MCs aaaand here's that! Most of them took between 6-10 hours and I was in hell
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Rhiannon Yulia
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Alissandra Cyra
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Genevieve Helena
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bardic-tales · 2 years
hello and how are you?
Happy Storyteller Saturday NL! c:
Can you tell us a story of a character who shifted status? Did you ever have a MC who decided to not and bled into the background until someone else came and did their job? Did you have a character who wasn't ever supposed to be a part of the story, and yet jumped in and made themselves their own MC?
If this questions doesn't apply, can you tell us one random things about your story that you focused on, developed, or thought about this week?
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Hello Rune! Happy belated STS. Thank you so much for the questions, and I hope you are having a wonderful day or evening.
I'm fine. My family adopted a new kitten about a month ago, so it's crazy here. Cookie is about 2 months now. Our other two cats, ginger boy (Loki) and Russian Blue (Fenrir) have only gotten used to the baby. How are you?
These are very interesting questions. I'm going to break them down one by one, as that is easier for me.
cw: arson. murder attempt.
Can you tell us a story of a character who shifted status?
Kritos is a main character of Flight of the Dragon. He is also the first person that Alystin has loved. They grew up together in a quaint village called Siollán.
As no village child wanted to play with Kritos, Alystin would go out of her way and spend time with him. At this time, her foster parents would keep the fact that a cult who worshipped the Old Gods was actively hunting her. Their reasoning is that it was safer for her not to know the fate the Gods handed her.
Even at a young age, Kritos was a member of this cult. He would later burn down her parents' inn. Kritos would prove to be a throne in another main character's side, as Kritos became an assassin of this cult. His sole purpose was to assassinate one of the silver dragons guarding Alystin and ferret her away to the cult.
Kritos would eventually have a change of heart. Without spoiling to much of the second book in the Dragon Chronicles, he will be redeemed. I've read recently that a redeemed character's sacrifice has to be equal to their sins. So, the future for Kritos is grim.
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Did you ever have a MC who decided to not and bled into the background until someone else came and did their job?
cw: assassination
In Cold as Ice, Albus Raspanti does this. His inaction costs him his life. This ignites a chain of events and starts a civil war in the Olessan Empire.
Albus was the Duke of Norven, and this is where the main military members for the Olessan Army comes from. Both the Shade and Niccolo Napoli take advantage of the chaos and try to stage a coup.
The only ones who can stop them are Cyras Covelli, Silas Silvius, the Wraith, and the Wraith's allies.
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Did you have a character who wasn't ever supposed to be a part of the story, and yet jumped in and made themselves their own MC?
cw: main character death
When I first outlined Cold as Ice, there were to be 8 allies to the Crown. These were the Crown Prince, the Stewardess, the Black Tigress (who would later be renamed to the Wraith), and the Tigress' allies.
In redoing the outline this time around, I created a character named Silas Silvius, a cousin to the Crown Prince. Silas has a wyvern companion, too.
I was originally going to have him die during the coupe at the end of Cold as Ice, but he is such a wonderful character that I have written that death for someone else and moved it to the first chapter of the second book.
If I were to create a standalone novel about any of the other main characters of Cold as Ice, SIlas is the character I'd chose. He is inspired by the ranger fantasy archetype.
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Warning: swearing.
Their games had always been rough, though there had been unspoken rules about things since sometime back in fourth year, it still didn't stop the two from constantly becoming underhanded, especially during the holidays.
On this particular day, they were on the Moore family reserve , fires lit in a circle around them as they took full advantage of their new found abilities not only to use magic legally outside school—though they had found ways around the trace years ago—but to practice the wandless, silent magic that they had spent well over the last year to learn.
"come on Cyra! You can do better than that!" Merula found herself challenging, despite knowing how difficult that Cyra had with spell casting these days, though her girlfriend just smirked and retorted by a wave of the hand.
And a ball of snow to the face.
"ow! Bloody hell! What was that for?" Merula snapped, rubbing at her eyes with a sleeve. It didn't help that she got cold far easier than the other girl.
"remember the devil's snare first year? I've owed you for years!" Cyra retorted, prompting Merula to send her own icy blast toward her, though she missed as Cyra side stepped.
"point taken but did you have to hit me in the face?"
Cyra laughed then as she conjured a towel from the kitchen and dropped it over Merula's head, warning a yelp.
"as if you never hit me in the face. Payback can be a bitch."
Merula glared before getting an idea, sending what could only be called a tidal wave of snow at her.
"you're right. It is."
She smirked.
She definitely enjoyed this newfound freedom with magic and she certainly was going to use it to her advantage.
Especially when her cocky girlfriend was involved.
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trinitytrilogy · 2 years
Love it so far! Even though we haven't seen him, I love how Ares is a good father (or at least good enough to send something sweet) Really love stories where the Greek Gods aren't villainy douchebags <3 Question though, did Cyril/Cyra try to become MC's friend because of what Artemis said? Since they seem a bit clingy even if MC doesn't like them
Nope! They're just like that. MC was the one that kind of "showed them the ropes" of MOA when they got there, and they associate that feeling of comfort (even if your MC is... rough...) to them with the MC.
Hope that makes sense!
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stephschoices · 11 months
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The Unseelie ( @theunseelieif ) mcs insta edits 2/4
cyra 🩷
(sokki , cyra)
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nirawrite-holab-if · 11 months
The maternal grandmother seems like an ominous person. I prefer Aedh a thousand times 🥲
Do elves grant death penalty? and the vampires? How do Asta and Aedh make sure that Cyra won't try to kill MC or plot against them?
Does Cyra live apart from everyone or does she have the support of important families?
I don't think MC's father would have allowed her to get away 😤
The elves have the death penalty for the following cases (treason, espionage and murder) And vampires also have the death penalty, but they prefer to use other punishments.
Neither Asta nor Aedh can stop Cyra from trying to do anything against the MC. It's a waiting game for all of them, one side can only act after the first one makes a move.
Cyra comes from a noble family so she could have some support if she wanted to but that's not the case. She's on her own.
About Carmello, we can say that he is more attentive to the situation than it seems. And he's not the only one
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deciphered-narrator · 3 years
Preptober - Set-up
i saw this post from @dontjudgemeimawriter and thought it was cool so i'm going to do it, even though we're a good few days into october already. i don't really have the time or energy to do nanowrimo, but i think this is a neat way to plan out a wip. also i like rambling about my own writing
i'm working on my latest wip "unbirth," which came to me one day and quickly consumed my life. it's the first straight-up horror novel i've worked on, and it's about a man who discovers he has a monstrous parasite growing in him and travels to a creepy otherworld to find someone or something to get rid of it. big silent hill vibes, basically. the main character is also trans and aroace, and while that's not the focus of the story, it impacts it in a metaphorical way
putting this under a cut so i'm not annoying lol
1. F: Who is the main character(s)? Why are they the main character? Who/what is the antagonist and why?
the main character is Jamie Harris, who's Just Some Guy trying to live his life before shit goes down. he has the first-person narration for the book, and is deadpan enough to keep things from being super depressing, and that allows for slightly absurd humor in some scenes. unlike some of my other protagonists, he isn't unreliable, but tends to downplay how freaked out he is by some of the things that happen. along the way, he meets the secondary protagonist, cyra (though i might change her name), because i like writing books with a central duo. she's kind of a spoilery character, but she lives in the "otherworld" (again, i need a better name for it), knows the rules of it, and is a little monstrous herself. at first, the antagonist seems to be the parasite in jamie's gut, as well as the otherworld and all its monsters, but there's Fun Secret Villains that get revealed as well
2. S: What is the general setting? What location, if any, does most of it take place in? Why is this the main location?
the book starts out in Nondescript City, USA, and i want it to be set sometime around the 1990s, since the main character doesn't have a cell phone or anything. however, after the inciting incident, the setting changes to the otherworld, and the rest of the book takes place there, until the very end when they return. my idea for the otherworld is that it's basically the giant corpse of a murdered "god" (at least, something cyra describes as a god), and each setting is sort of like a part of its body. the structure of the story is kind of like an odyssey, so i think each section could relate somehow to where the characters are in the body, both literally and metaphorically
3. S: What is 'life as normal' for your MC? What do they think or this? What is the inciting incident that changes this life for them?
there isn't a lot of information about jamie's life before the story because it starts in medias res, but he tells cyra a little about it after they've gotten to know each other. he had some problems with his family after coming out, particularly his mom, who sort of pushes back against him being trans and also insists that he should find a romantic partner, which he's averse to (i think i'm going to leave it kind of ambiguous if he knows what being aroace is, which i know is going to bite me in the ass if i ever publish this and have to deal with people insisting that he's not aroace actually bc he never explicitly says it, but i think it's fun to have lgbtq characters who just kind of exist as who they are). oh yeah and the inciting incident changes things because there are monsters now (and he has to have a journey of self-acceptance and stuff, if that's the character arc i land on)
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ilianightwish · 4 years
Well i tried..😅 The stage is so not the same as the game so is the card style......
Here's my lucifer and my mc 'Cyra' viennese waltz demon card.!
Next is mammon.!!
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And a bouns!
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Dancing with the devil indead.....
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midnightsun-if · 3 months
Who fell first, and who fell harder with each RO?
Koda: He fell first without even realizing it. It was as natural as breathing at the end of the day.
Scarlett: The MC fell first and she fell harder (or you were both in the same place all along and it just took her a moment to figure that out).
Cyrus/Cyra: They fell harder— not even afraid that they’d hit the ground while doing so as they knew you’d be there to greet them.
Quinn: Their wolf fell first and they fell harder as Quinn wanted to be sure that they, their human side, wasn’t just being influenced by their lupine one.
Caden: They fell at a sedate pace, taking in the sights and allowing themself to truly come to terms with what’s happening. Sometimes they may have shifted up a bit, but they would inevitably end up on the ground with you.
Sloane: They fell harder… But perhaps they also fell first too… Their emotions are sort of all over the place, but they’re content on where they end up landing all the same. Doesn’t matter how long it took to actually fall.
Blake: They took a tumbling dive down a gigantic flight of stairs, got whacked over the head, and then proceeded to be oblivious that they had fallen in the first place and didn’t just find a new, more painful, way to travel.
Reginald/Regina: They fell first without question. How could they not when in the face of you? There’s nothing in this world that could have stopped them.
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urwendii · 6 years
i just love Cyra so much because most of the times she reacts to things so unexpectedly.
Cyra is by all accounts someone who is well educated in various subjects, knows how to perfectly behave in high society and has demonstrated a few times she has a moral code - when she puts Sybille in her place using perfectly mastered Sass(tm) when the latter was badly speaking of Aiko or the numerous times she called Lukan out on his behavior. Yet there’s something off about her from her aloofness to her secret she is keen on hiding from everyone (especially from someone who traveled all the way down to the Castle to see if she was safe and subsequently sent in the cells for one night. Not cool Cyra. Not cool). She seems to have no qualms to let Lukan have his mistresses around (for now) and has a hard time comprehending what Aiko is going through with Aethan (feelings are confusing!). 
But it’s interesting to note that despite being quite reclusive or as Aiko put it “ genuinely worried that Cyra was born without a fundamental part of human basic emotions.” it’s not true altogether. While she shows signs of being detached from some emotions Cyra is far from being someone ‘robotic’. She loves dancing, she has no trouble holding conversations as long as those remain interesting for her, and does have friends at Court apart from Aiko and later Baek (Lady Athanaïs spends a lot of time in her company, and Cyra is really fond of her handmaid Louise, as well as Master Oryn and Adrian’s intellectual company). 
And do i even point out the entire dynamic with Lukan ? like sure the boy’s a bit of a brat (an understatement) and he could use some How To Correctly Treat Women You Like book with the special edition of Stop The Immature Denial About How You Truly Feel About The Girl. (Aethan probably offers it to him) but really she never goes easy on him either.
There’s this scene I have not used in the early drafts of the Reboot of her making him believe she is going to kiss him only to slam a book in his unguarded face when he closes his eyes in wait for the promised kiss then laughs at his expression. and honestly that’s rather violent for someone who prides herself as ‘above the mundane trivialities of lower intellect people’. But Lukan’s an exception I’d say. As much as she turns him into an hormonal idiotic mess when around him, she is definitely affected as well. Cyra is much more short tempered and cynical when it’s related to him (remember the whole “it’s time for His Mighty Majesty to face the reality and admit what a self centered immature jerk you are!”) . Ah sparks ! 
Cyra feels. But yes it’s also true to say there are basic concepts of emotions that remain very abstract to her. love for example is one or the need to throw yourself in the mist of danger to save someone. Looking at you Aethan/Aiko. Whilst she is definitely a grey character (and i dont intend to make her lighter or darker) there were some concepts I really wanted to put into a MC such as the fact that cleverness can be a burden. 
One of the main reason Cyra always feel as standing apart from the rest of Dragonhome’s population is her own intellect. She is enormously smart and it’s not a blessing. Try living with people whose average level of communication would be throwing pebbles in the sea (yeah nice comparaison i know) that’s how she feels. Ladies aren’t supposed to be clever, they’re asked to be pretty and nice and to at least know basic Court survival tips. Cyra is there, with the burden of her identity and a mind that never stops working. Days and Nights. Now add girls who decided to hate her out of petty jealousies, a guy who made it clear he only wanted to bed her, a childhood friend who managed to make the second Prince’s falls in love with her despite her social rank, a matchmaker plotting queen. You would keep the fact you see ghosts and walls dripping blood for yourself right?
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darkfictionjude · 25 days
I always thinks Percy singing when Nia and MC are meeting 'Cairo and Cyra sitting on a tree' only to annoy her
He did that once and Nia kicked him so hard in the balls they grew twice their size for a week and so he sang it but never in front of her again
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