#mdzs reread
moonwaif · 1 year
"A-Su, weren't we doing just fine before you learned about this?" Jin Guangyao reasoned. "Today, the day you've found out, is the only time you've felt such nausea, and it's only because the knowledge troubles you. Which just goes to show that it doesn't really matter. It didn't substantially affect you in any other way. It's just your own mind causing you grief."
MDZS, Seven Seas Edition
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miixz · 2 years
"In terms of running wild, Wei WuXian was definitely a master. In the past, if he wanted to run wild, he would have to keep his status in mind, but now, he was a lunatic anyways, which meant that he could do whatever he wanted to, whichever way he wanted."
Started thinking about this paragraph on my mdzs reread, cause I think it shows exactly what tends to bother me with gremlin WWX takes, which is that he did have fun playing around and messing with people, but he was never unaware of his standing and what the implications were on his social relationships.
He was never unaware or uncaring of consequences, to portray him as someone who needs to be kept in check not to cause shame or something of the like just doesn't fit.
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spriteofmushrooms · 1 year
Wei Wuxian refused to accept this.
Since when was he categorized as a "nefarious, malicious ghost"?
While he'd had a fairly poor reputation and died an extremely tragic death, he didn't haunt the living, for one, and he'd never sought vengeance, for two.
-- from the 7 Seas translation
God, Wei Wuxian is the funniest guy alive. How rude!! Why would anyone think I was interested in vengeance!! Honestly I am just a little guy who likes to hang out! 😤
The next paragraph says that his being alive is "a silent acknowledgement that both parties had formed a contract." So his restless soul, at least, was willing to accept Mo Xuanyu's curse; but his waking mind doesn't like to think of himself that way, perhaps?
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jin-zixun · 1 month
MDZS Reread - Chapter 4 (Part Two) - The Elegant Flirt (Refinement 11-18)
Manhua Chapters 30- Well 35 in this post.
Ch 4.1 ; Ch 3.2 ; Ch 3.1 ; Ch 2 ; Ch 1
"When Wei Wuxian reflected on it later, the start of his poor relationship with Lan Wangji could probably be traced back to the year when he was fifteen."
Poor relationship, yeah sure. Last we saw these two like zero lines ago they were snuggling in bed together. Come on Wei Wuxian get it together man.
"There was a highly respected and reputable elder named Lan Qiren in the Lan Clan of Gusu. ... Over the years, he had raised countless exceptional Lan disciples. Anyone educated under him for a couple of years, no matter how terrible they were going in, would appear decent coming out—or, at the very least, their poise and etiquette would see considerable improvement. Many parents wept streaming tears of excitement when they picked up their sons upon completion of their tenure."
Okay I did not remember Lan Qiren specifically being so sought after but like good for him? Maybe my feelings are colored from watching CQL but like Lan Qiren's classes in CQL at least... Kind of suck? But you know what, if the novel says he's the best damn teacher there is and everyone wants their kids in his class then like, sure. Send your kids to Lan camp.
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What is with threatening to break legs? Is this a thing? I've gotta assume it's just a thing.
"Nie Huaisang continued, “And that Lan Zhan, he’s…sheesh. He’s the same age as us, but he’s not as lively as a boy should be. Stiff and strict. He’s the same as his shufu, or worse.” “Oh,” Wei Wuxian said. “Is he a pretty good-looking fellow?”
Presented without comment. I have no words. Okay okay, this is clearly Wei Wuxian's "hey this is the guy from last night" conversation but still "oh the hot guy?"
And Jiang Cheng's response like "Uh, they're Lans, they're ALL hot." Like thank you Jiang Cheng. What a great point.
Wei Wuxian: "no no but he wears all white and has a forehead ribbon and also a silver sword" Buddy in what way are you narrowing it down that's literally all Lans. All Lans wear white and have forehead ribbons and have silver swords, probably. Silver is the standard color for swords, I think?
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Yeah, Original/Novel Wei Wuxian absolutely was a little shit here.
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Nie Huaisang and co being fully engrossed in this story, but unwilling to do the troublemaking themselves I guess. Tiny Jiang Cheng's expression here though... He's so unimpressed. He's just like "*sigh* and then what happened? Did you make it worse? You made it worse didn't you? Why am I even asking that of course you made it worse."
"Wei Wuxian wasn’t scared in the least. He waved dismissively. “What’s there to be scared of? Didn’t they say Lan Zhan is a child prodigy? If he’s so precocious, then his shufu should’ve taught him everything by now, and he should be spending his days in secluded cultivation without any free time to keep eyes on me. I…”
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"Jiang Cheng tapped Wei Wuxian’s shoulder and whispered, “His eyes are on you. Best of luck.”"
Now I know (or at least Wei Wuxian does) what you might still be asking about all this...
"Lan Qiren was tall and thin, his back as straight as a brush. Although he had a long black goatee, he was most definitely not old, and in line with the Lan Clan of Gusu’s tradition of birthing beautiful men every generation, he was most definitely not ugly."
Is Lan Qiren hot? Well sure, but Wei Wuxian isn't really into dilfs. If you're into dilfs though... Well, just be careful he's very strict!
He then reads them out all 3000 rules one by one as the kids sit there in silence, gets mad about the kids not already knowing the rules, singles out Wei Wuxian (not unearned he's been a little troublemaker) and then scolds him for getting the right answers because he shouldn't be proud anyone could get right answers (but when Lan Wangji gets an answer right that's a reason to look up to him ok buddy). Then Wei Wuxian, the known troublemaker, the guy who Lan Qiren is apparently targeting as a known troublemaker and trying to humble because he's an arrogant little shit or whatever, that guy, he says some edgy shit and Lan Qiren gets immediately outraged and kicks him out of class.
Lan Qiren... He isn't THAT great my dudes.
"“Wei-xiong! You’re amazing! He told you to get out and you actually left! Ha ha ha ha…” “He couldn’t wrap his head around what happened for the longest time after you left, his face was so sour!”"
Wei Wuxian is an arrogant little shit though. But like... Maybe Lan Qiren should ask... If he is the one... Who needed to be humbled... Hmm... What about that huh?
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Power move. No notes.
You know what? I'm gonna say it. Using your nephew like that in class, as an example to humble others... Hmm... Kinda shitty to Lan Wangji. That's literally an awful position to put him in oh my god. And LWJ is probably just like "this is normal" like why would you do that to him. And Lan Xichen like "uwu Wangji needs more friends" I WONDER WHY HE HAS NO FRIENDS OH MY GOD
"Nie Huaisang contemplated this. Then envy began to surface on his face. “What Wei-xiong said is actually very interesting. Obtaining spiritual qi requires cultivating and laboriously forming a golden core. Who knows how long that’ll take for someone like me? Any aptitude I have seems like it got chewed on by dogs in my mother’s womb. But resentful qi… That’s abundantly produced by all those nefarious creatures out there. If it could be put to use, how nice would that be?”"
Demonic Cultivator Nie Huaisang! Demonic Cultivator Nie Huaisang! Demo--
"Wei Wuxian laughed. “Why would I leave the grand avenue under the sun to walk the single-planked bridge in the shadows?"
Oh no an arc phrase that will reappear inverted ironically later on in the story oh nooooo what an emotional time to have emotions.
"The Righteousness Collection was the Lan family precepts. Their family precepts were so numerous that Lan Qiren had edited and assembled them into a thick collection, and the “Highest Justice” and “Standard Etiquette” chapters took up most of the work."
Stop! Stop! I already hate the Lan! I don't need any more incentive I am a Su She stan and you had me at 4000 rules. No one needs that many rules. You can cut those down. Some of those things probably just don't matter that much.
"Wei Wuxian spat out the sprig of grass in his mouth, dusted off his boots, and said, “Copy three times? I’ll ascend after the first time. I’m not a Lan, and I don’t plan on marrying into the Lans, so what do I need to copy their family precepts for? I refuse.”"
See it's funny because he does marry into the Lan and become a Lan. Bad Ending Should have realized it would be a Bad End after they killed JGY
"He was graceful and elegant, as if he himself were a tree of jade, mottled with the shadows of the leaves and the sun’s rays."
"Wei Wuxian, however, jumped down and went over to call after him, “Wangji-xiong!”"
"Wei Wuxian didn’t care. He chuckled aloud. “He can ignore me all he wants. It’s not like he’s even that pretty.” But then when he thought about it, yes, the boy was indeed that pretty. So he nonchalantly tossed that pouty feeling to the back of his mind."
Wei Wuxian falls first. He is smitten. Like, you're seeing this right?
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"“Please, I beg you, Wei-xiong. This is my third year attending school at Gusu..."
Huh really wow Lan Qiren must be such a great teacher lmao. (Sorry, I'm bagging on poor Lan Qiren now, does he deserve it? Probably not, but like... Maybe a little bit yeah.)
"This Wei Ying really was as he had expected—the largest threat to humanity!"
He's an edgy 15 year old. You know there's people actually killing each other. Dude there's at least four types of evil things you taught in class as standard stuff everyone should know about.
Is it because of the crush on Lan Zhan? It's the crush on Lan Zhan isn't it?
"Wei Wuxian blurted praise in spite of himself, “Beautiful writing! Best of the best.”"
"Seeing that he’d finally been able to tease Lan Wangji into talking, he was secretly delighted, like he’d seen the bright moon at last after waiting for the clouds to part."
Then he tricks Wangji into reading porn and I've got nothing to say to that. I'm sure that's very funny if you are an edgy 15 year old and very not if you are Lan Wangji.
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It's a very cute Lan Wangji though.
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Alright, I'll listen to him. No need to send him off.
We'll uh... Well I'll try to power through the rest next time (there's no chance it doesn't just devolve into me fawning over little baby minshan forever and delaying the end of Chapter 4 even more. No chance. It's Minshan all the way down.)
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rkivees · 11 months
I'm rereading the last few chapters and I'd really like to understand why many can only see WWX and JC reconciling and not each going their own way. It's all in the past, Wei Wuxian said it himself and for me that was kind of a boundary being set but what do I know I guess
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thebestestbat · 1 year
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wwx using the power of being a cunt for good
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suibianandbichen · 1 year
I can't help but think Lan Sizhui seems more like Wei Wuxian at this moment.
Lan Sizhui had watched Wei Wuxian make a scene during the day. then later heard plenty of exaggerated rumors about this illegitimate son from the others. He felt great pity for this mentally ill person and couldn't help but try and speak up for the man.
"Madam Mo, the state of your son's corpse is clearly the work of evil. Its blood, flesh, and spirit have been completely sucked out. He could not be the culprit."
Madam Mo's chest heaved. "What do you know?! This lunatic's father is a cultivator, so he must've learned plenty of evil magic!"
Lan Sizhui looked back and took a glance at the se half-witted Wei Wuxian. "Madam, there is no evidence, w still best..."
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a-ninja-magpie · 1 year
I begin my reread of MDZS and I am immediately smacked in the the face with The Wei Wuxian Experience.
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dyinghomoerotically · 6 months
I love how people in mdzs are like ooooh ghost flute Chenqing aaaaah so scary but this flute. Has teeth marks from a child on it. Wei Wuxian aka Evil Yiling Laozu takes care of a child and lets him teethe on his Scary Demon Ghost Flute. And then in tgcf they’re like ooooh E’ming, Evil Deadly Scimitar, aaaah don’t touch it or even get near it!!! But then Xie Lian goes and pets it and it squeals with delight at the attention.
And then there’s Luo Binghe whose sword fucking possessed him lol
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ghostclowning · 1 year
everytime jin ling asks "are you wei ying" i can't help but imagine this
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icyolive · 5 months
"Wen Ning hadn't gone over to help support Wei Wuxian in the first place, nor followed them into the cabin. Instead, he crouched on the deck outside. The boys had found this strange at first, wondering why he didn't go in. It was only now that they realized just how wise the Ghost General truly was."
Wen Ning: Follow Hanguang-Jun as he bridal carries Wei-gongzi into a small enclosed area? After a fraught day of fighting corpses, getting dissed by the cultivation world again, and meeting dead loved ones? No I Do Not Think I Shall.
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moonwaif · 1 year
...Wei Wuxian leaned against the divan and sat on the floor. His mind was running wild and in complete disarray, but one thing was absolutely clear.
He couldn't let Lan Zhan drink again. If he acted like that with everyone when drunk, then that wouldn't be good at all.
MDZS, Seven Seas Translation
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wutheringskies · 7 months
Re-reading MDZS; CH 1 - 11
rereading mdzs out loud with my bestie and we're only doing 2 chapters a day, and discussing everything and here are things I never noticed:
1. from the start, the narrative exposes us to how Wei Wuxian is when he's upset: he's unfocused, walking off the wrong way, disliking his reflection, organizing his thoughts, crying but not saying he cried.
2. despite being miserable, when lil apple tries to cheer him up, he thinks "the poor donkey even went out of its way to drag him" and decides to be get up and move on. it's not an in-built setting - it's not a "being born chronically optimistic" but rather a conscious choice.
3. frankly i never noticed just how sombre his tone is in the first couple of chapters. it's quirky and sarcastic but sombre all the same.
4. also, this guy is literally a Lan. like I'm sorry, he probably has a degree in the Lan Sect. he keeps explaining everything about them.
5. Sizhui already made such a huge impression on him that the first thing he thinks of when he sees Jin Ling is that he's of Sizhui's age.
6. Wei Wuxian IS traumatized about Jiang Cheng. His reaction is simply to run off into the distance. He DOES NOT like being around Jiang Cheng, and his opinion about him is not good, as he keeps adding comments about Jiang Cheng's arrogance, his anger, and comparing him to Lan Wangji (knowing JC hates being compared, and I personally think this was something he never allowed himself to do.)
7. Jin Ling was such a jerk under Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao's tutelage. Like, sincerely.
8. Lan Wangji does not even acknowledge Jiang Cheng.
9. Also, a comment that my friend and I made: MDZS is a book about Lan Wangji, with Wei Wuxian casually throwing some trauma on the pages in between. Like, goodness, the narration from Wei Wuxian's point of view rarely describes a lot. But come to the point of Lan Wangji and this guy won't shut up. His clothes, his face, his voice, his sword, their meaning, the clan rules, what they stand for - Wei Wuxian tells us more about Lan Wangji and the Lan Clan than about his own life.
10. Wei Wuxian was so in love with Lan Wangji. Since he saw the Lan Clan this guy was on his head. THE FACT WEI WUXIAN CAN RECOGNIZE LAN WANGJI JUST BY 2 STRUMS OF HIS ZITHER after 13 years of being dead!!!
11. When Lan Wangji held his hand, he was breathing hard and his notes on the flute kept cracking
12. Wei Wuxian is so good at meditating btw
13. Wei Wuxian describing Lan Wangji's voice as "deep and magnetic" and "stirring the heart" like bro trust me Jiang Cheng's not feeling any tugs upon his heart, and Jingyi is most probably just scared.
14. Wei Wuxian is such a flirt with women - his best flirting tactic is "give them space" 😂😂
15. Wei Wuxian did not ask, expect or even comment upon the absence of gratitude from the villager clan after saving them and instead even thanked them for providing him with information.
16. Wei Wuxian is so keen on people's behavior. Noticing the orb of souls that could've been saved if people were more focused on their duty than catching a prey like Wen Ning, understanding people's discomfort etc.
17. He's such a good teacher, earning the respect of Lan students just like that, asking good questions, not even complying with his own worship, and appraising them when they get things right and also playfully scaring them with Hanguang-jun's punishment (what a husband)
18. Wei Wuxian has great self esteem but poor self worth, but he's working on the second part.
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jin-zixun · 2 months
MDZS Reread - Chapter 4 (Part One) - The Elegant Flirt (Refinement 11-18)
Manhua Chapters 26-Who Knows Not Me
I'm going to be super real again like. This chapter is very long. Like so long. Like it's eight chapters? What? I'm sure this will be a part one of probably more than two tbh
Oh boy
"Once he was dragged in, it’d be difficult to get back out. Back when he’d attended school here, the visiting student disciples had each been given a jade travel token. Only with the token could one come and go freely— otherwise, the protective barrier surrounding the Cloud Recesses could not be crossed. Over a decade had passed since then, so security could have only grown tighter, not laxer."
I think I've always kind of skimmed over the fact that WWX actually *cannot* leave here. But I guess he really can't leave. That's... A little horrifying Kind of messed up you need the travel token to *leave* the Cloud Recesses. I guess it makes sense for keeping your lover imprisoned there, but uh, that kind of makes it worse. Like way worse.
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Manhua has the happiest Er-Ge! Look at that Er-Ge. Magnificent.
Hope nothing bad happens to him that would like destroy his happiness forever or something that'd be pretty fucked up.
"The Lan Clan of Gusu had always been renowned as a family who consistently produced handsome men, and the Twin Jades born of the head household of this generation were especially striking. While these two brothers had not been born twins, their looks were very similar, and it was difficult to discern who was the superior in appearance. However, they were one color, two shades. Lan Xichen was warm and elegant, sincerely gentle. Lan Wangji was overly aloof and stern, completely unsociable, and kept others at arm’s length. This was why, in the rankings for the looks and character of the clans’ young masters, the former was ranked first and the latter second."
Wei Wuxian: "Now I know what you're all wanting to know about Lan Xichen! Is he hot? Is he as hot as Lan Zhan? How hot is he? Well actually he's the number one hottest guy that there is! He's incredibly hot! He's probably about the same as Lan Zhan but he's got a better personality, I guess. idk."
Thanks Wei Wuxian I'm glad you came through for us. So that we all know that Lan Xichen is definitely topping the hotness scale...
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...And probably also Lianfang-zun
"Jin Guangyao was also the elder half-brother, born of another different mother, to Wei Wuxian’s current identity, Mo Xuanyu. They were both illegitimate sons, yet the difference between them was night and day. Mo Xuanyu slept on the ground and ate leftovers at the Mo Manor while Jin Guangyao sat upon the highest seat of the cultivation world, with all those below at his beck and call."
I feel I don't need to remind everyone how Jin Guangyao started on the other side of this scenario? We're all on the same page? And also Jin Guangshan preferred Mo Xuanyu. And also Jin Guangyao sent Mo Xuanyu home to his mother, as we previously established. And also Mo Xuanyu was uh... Not very brotherly towards Jin Guangyao. I mean we're all on the same page right? Wei Wuxian is fucking wilding here, right?
"Wei Wuxian’s ears perked up at the mention of the Mo Estate, but then he felt his lips part. Lan Xichen had removed the silencing spell and turned to Lan Wangji. “It is rare for you to bring anyone back home and also to appear so happy. Treat your guest well; do not be like this.”"
Lan Xichen is really held back by propriety and all that shit. He could get rid of the use of that spell, but he doesn't! He uses it himself later on and, uh, it's not good. He's the Sect Leader, does he not have any will to make changes? Well, other than adding more rules apparently? Why is he still running the Cloud Recesses like this? Does he honestly think it's the best way? Does he not think about or care about the messed up implications? Is he just a figurehead for the Lan Elders? He's just so... Mild. He should be more radical. People would accept it. He's the hottest guy ever apparently.
This is terrible analysis. Also almost certainly untrue. The Lan Elders would like eviscerate him even if he's super hot.
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"After watching Lan Xichen leave, Lan Wangji instructed, “Drag him inside.”"
Haha, oh yeah man, that's uh. That's fucked up.
I mean I'm sure a lot had been said about how much Wei Wuxian wants to leave and how it's messed up that he can't, because that's like a central conflict to the characters and their relationship? I'll probably hold any comments of my own for now, because it has been awhile and I only vaguely remember how things progress in this regard.
"However, Wei Wuxian was most definitely not someone unable to avert his gaze when stunned by a bathing beauty in the first place. And it wasn’t as if he were actually into men, no matter how beautiful this man was."
Uh are you sure about that buddy? Are you really sure? Might want to take a second pass at that one, Wei Wuxian.
Then we've got the discipline whip scars... Guys I think the Gusu Lan Sect... Might be a bit uh... Messed up? Just a little?
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This is still pretty funny. The situation is what it is, but uh, Wei Wuxian is sure making the best of it (trying to escape).
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nOiSe iS pRoHiBiTeD oh my god Wei Ying
"He was used to seeing Lan-er-gongzi with his hair and forehead ribbon fastened, orderly, and methodical, not a single piece out of place. The sight of him now—slightly loose black hair, thinly robed—was something he had never witnessed before, so Wei Wuxian couldn’t help but take a look or two."
Yeah this is a guy with no interest in banging Lan Wangji. 100%.
"There was no way Lan Wangji could have recognized him solely based on the bit he’d played on that crappy flute, could he?"
Yeah dude no way. A bit of obliviousness is cute in a--
"Wei Wuxian didn’t think he’d shared any sort of deeply consequential friendship with Lan Wangji in his past life."
Oh, ok, no now that's a bit much. A bit too oblivious. Dial it back just a little, will you?
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I'm begging you to take a second pass at this one at least, please Wei Ying...
Anyway I feel I should stop here because hey, the flashback to the Cloud Recesses study arc starts here! That's a natural break point for such a long chapter, right? Even if the chapter's only 1/4 of the way done...
Well, see you in ~the past~
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mathi-cql · 1 year
Love and life to best husband lan zhan, but love and life to best husband wei wuxian too?! How good is that Lan Zhan gets a husband that wants him as much Lan Zhan? Who will see the depth of his passion and embrace it? Who sees Lwj's dreams and sees them for what they are? Who not only loves the ideals and shares them but is willing to travel and be by his side. Who isn't afraid to be a bit silly with him, and who allows lwj to be a bit silly in return. Who not only wants to share all the adventures but all the mundane duties, teaching kids, the grading. Who loves him so much he can't fall asleep if lan zhan keeps talking because he will feel compelled to reply. How lovely is it that Wei Ying is lan zhan's husband?
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thebestestbat · 1 year
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MDZS Chapter 10
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