#melionë hades 2
eanul-rmbl · 7 days
will draw hypnos and baby mel like this
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she even has the little hair wings when she was a baby child!!
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ghostatrandom · 1 month
I hope Thanatos comes back in Hades 2 as the biggest mess imaginable. Like I want him to be so depressed and miserable because all of his close allies and friends are gone because of Chronos. And Melinoë finds him and says "damn bro why so sad" and he cannot believe his eyes its the baby sister of his boyfriend alive and also his brother is trapped in eternal sleep (maybe Endymion and Selene lore???) And she is all like "yeah death to Chronos, join my resistance group" and he is like fuck yeah I'm death I want that bitch gone.
Either that or he is being controled by Chronos to fight Melinoë idk whatever works for me-
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cosipurple · 1 year
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Had to draw her before going to bed or I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep 😭
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words cannot describe how fucking hyped i am for hades II dude i don’t wanna wait until 2023 i want to break into supergiant’s studio and steal the source code
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testsubject24601 · 2 months
Can we talk about how Hypnos is essentially in a coma
Can we talk about the time jump from the end of Hades to how Hades 2 takes place
Skelly has a beard, Hypnos has long hair, Melionë was essentially raised by Hecate and doesn’t know her immediate family at all
Also has the House of Hades been captured by Chronos? Are they dead? Are they stuck in a time prison?
Imagine Persephone sadness when she realizes she never got to see her baby girl grow up just like how she didn’t get to see Zagreus grow up. LET MAMA BE WITH HER KIDS
My brain is alive with Hades brain rot ONCE AGAIN
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knackeredforever · 24 days
My favourite part of Hades II was when Melionë beat Chronos and said “This is our Hades 2” and then she Hades all over them.
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the lovely mootie of mine @astral-nautical make an awesome post here on Hades 2 and I wanted to add on but felt I had too many unrelated thoughts so would make a separate post while making them connected!!
spoilers for Hades 2 ahead ^^; + opinions
Orca mentions in his post why he doesn't feel Hecate can be trusted, and I agree! The nature of Hades 2 is vastly different from the first in specific terms of its story/plot devices (the gameplay does not apply in this post) While Hecate has raised Melionë, she hasn’t raised her in the way Zagreus was you know? I say this because I’ve noticed a massive shit in tone and feel for the two games. While the first one has themes of “mending” a toxic family, of reconnection, love, and growth from a place of warmth (House of Hades) The crossroads feel different. And I know it’s because the circumstances have drastically shifted but again comparing Zag and Mel their starts are different! Zag never knew his mum but was still raised as a “normal” kid (albeit not the greatest, that’s another post) but he seeks to reconnect or at least know why she left. Mel has been raised from birth since her family was taken from birth to “find the Titan, slay the Titan.” She doesn’t know anything else! She has an objective and that’s what she has been raised to do. The crossroads don’t feel like home. They feel like a military base, that’s no place for a child. No one there cares for her in a parental way, they all care about her, but it’s her mission they care for. I say this also as we see with the,,, hot spring,, scenes. Everyone as far as we know, has known Mel since she was a kid and those feel off. I think it would be weird if I went to a hot spring, naked, with the people I considered family. (I’m also aware of Greek practices but that’s not the point). Mel mentions that she doesn't care for anything a mortal may feel for doing such a thing but I am mortal minor, so I have feelings T^T, I think it’s all for the end goal (slaying Chronos, saving the family) but what of after? Mel also feels like an autistic person (<- projecting as an autistic person), in the way she acts/behaves, and goes about social situations, so when she achieves the thing, she’s been set to do, what after? Will she know how to be a teen? Young adult at best. What about the rest of the family? Will the Olympians set out for the house for any grievances from the war from Zags waking the Titan’s blood? So many questions. I own the game and it’s been very overwhelming in a positive way, but I just have so many questions! I’ve hardly covered all my thoughts in just this post! Supergiant Games and their titles are my special interest so genuinely excited for what's to come with this game.
If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love love love to hear them!!! dms/replies are always open ^^
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dragonciphering · 1 year
#2 of my brain rots for Hektor-centric fics
Here me out, we are all vibrating with suspense while waiting for Hades 2. So why not throw Hektor in the mix?
Apollo literally favored him so much (Hektor’s his blorbo) that after he almost dies to one of the Ajaxes (but is saved from the brink of death by zeus) in book 14 & 15, he helps him out (although he was ordered to), heals him, and leads the charge. There are so many times that Apollo saved his life it’s not even funny. Also, when Achilles does the whole “I’m going to destroy this guy’s body” thing, Apollo literally shames the other gods for letting it happen. Everyone agreed with him except for Hera, Athena, and Poseidon. (I’m pretty sure.)
So, if Apollo is helping out Melinoë and Co….he could probably bring Hektor into this. Based on what we know so far, we can figure out that Melionë is probably going to some sort of witch school. And Hektor is the brother of Cassandra. And she probably is at this school too.
Imagine Apollo going over to Hacate and just being like: “I know your teaching speciality is magic, but what if you teach Melinoe some purely physical fighting too?” And Hacate going: “I hate that you have a point.”
And then Apollo just yoinks Hektor away from the underworld. (If only for a little bit at a time.) By just kicking the door in and rushing into where he is, jumpscaring him while kind of explaining what he needs to do.
So what if when Hektor gets there, he meets Moros and Nemesis and they almost immediately decide that he’s now their little skrunkly wet cat and just get a bit protective of him or something. Which would be hilarious because he met his doom (Moros) because Achilles wanted revenge (Nemesis). So he wouldn’t be very happy with this arrangement.
And he would be an amazing teacher. And there’s no way he didn’t somehow have a purpose in is siblings training. Also, what if one of his first lessons he tells Melinoë is this: “Yes you can let rage, anger, or wrath fuel you, but never let it blind you.”
Let Melinoë adopt him as her honorary uncle or something. Have her be told by Hektor about the Trojan war, have her be taught that sometimes you have no control over something, have her be taught calming techniques and strategies, have her be taught strategies for fighting and ways to survive in politics, have her meet Hektor’s family, have her decide to punch Odysseus (or Achilles son) for killing Scamandrius, have her decide to kick Achilles (or his son) in the dick, and have her do that while understanding that —yes they did some wrong doing— but it wasn’t completely their fault.
Let Zagreus meet Melinoë’s honorary uncle and respect him and try to find a way to repay him for helping his sister and helping save the House when Hektor has no need for (in his opinion) repayment because he doesn’t know how much he matters. Let Melinoë try to do the same thing but not now how to. Let Thanatos feel kinda worried about how to interact with him due to all the deaths that occurred during the war and that he wasn’t the one that reaped him. (It was Hermès LMAO!)
Let the House be shocked because, they were not expecting a mortal shade to help with this. Let alone one who is, well, used to be from Troy.
Perhaps Hektor gets a promotion.
And that’s my idea of Hektor somewhat unwillingly stopping Kronos.
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smallraindrops-blog · 11 days
Wake Me From This Dreaming is currently one of my top 3 fanfics to re-read. I love the story and conflict written in it, and you write the hades characters super well! I do have 2 questions.
Do you plan on updating your ao3 with the new chapters (along with the .5 chapters and oneshots related) for WMFTD sometime soon? Tumblr loves to be a pain in the ass when going through masterlists, sadly.
And um... do you, by chance, have any plan for more stories revolving around Hypnos and Y/N family? Or Y/N relationship with Melionë?
Again, thank you for writing such a masterpiece, and I hope the rest of your days are well!
(P.S. your Pyrrhus x reader is also delightful to re-read. We love toxic yaoi in this household.)
Oh anon, thank you so much! I love to hear that. It completely makes my whole year to know ppl are enjoying my works so much that they will reread it.
Also lol toxic is the polite way to describe that whole hot mess.
Regarding your questions:
Yes I do. I have just realized not too long ago how tumblr can be with master lists. I will setting time aside to post them on A03, expect to see some chapters and hopefully one-shots posted by tonight.
As for more stories with the family, I do actually! I enjoy writing them as parents along with my plans to explore my own lore behind Y/N’s family history. I just have a lot on my plate atm.
And for y/n and Melionë, I will likely wait until the full game is out before writing anything in-depth but I will post an noncanon short for you under the readmore.
If it helps, I kinda see them having the same vibe as Zagreus and Patroclus.
The shade never smiled.
Odysseus always seemed to have a smile for Melionë, even when she had misplaced his maps once.(Although he did looked ready to cry when she confessed to it. Not even getting shot by an arrow did that to him.)
Melionë inhaled, her small hand tightened determinedly around her gift, red flowers she picked for the sleeping one that never woke. No matter what they did.
The red flowers reminded her of his cloak, bright red and soft.
She marched right up to the where Hypnos and his stoic guardian always were. He was sitting down, his arm resting on a bent knee, his other hand close to his spear.
Melionë couldn’t help but admire the type of love it must took to wait endlessly by someone’s side. She hoped she would know such things one day.
The shade’s sharp eyes locked on her immediately as he stood up, his expression unreadable to her. In that moment, He seemed taller than anything else in the whole world. And she was so very small.
It took her a moment to find the words.
“Good day, Sir Y/N. I brought a gift for Hypnos.” Melionë told him, showing him the flowers, wishing that she didn’t sound so young and childish.
His eyes flickered to her hand then back to her face. “Thank you.” He said, his voice low as he moved aside. His head bow as a show of respect. “He would enjoy those. Red is his favorite color after all.”
It was the most he ever spoke in a single sentence. Melionë blinked at him in surprise.
She nodded slowly then after her decision made, she handed one to him. “For you, my good shade.”
His face broke in surprise, “For me?”
She nodded, all but shoving the single red flower at him. He eyed it like it was a weapon but took the flower, staring down at it.
“Thank you, Princess Melionë.” He said in quiet confusion. She gave what she hoped passed as a regal nod and curtsy before walking past.
When Melionë went up to Hypnos, she could had swore she saw a faint smile on his face.
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ghostgirlvii · 1 year
Why Hades 2 got my attention and finally kicked my butt to play Hades that was taking dust in my steam library?
The ghost arm.
That's it. It's that one single design for Melionë that got me like "I want to play the game"
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eanul-rmbl · 23 days
Thinking about how Zagreus and Melinoë's game play are relevant and important to me.
Ramblings under the cut.
Mel is a witch and relies on her magic ability mostly as core game mechanic. In the trailer, her attacks and movement are light and fast; almost acrobatic. She gives multiple quick jabs and dodges while moving forward. Compare it to Zagreus' trailer, where he relies on dodging and movement separately. Instead of multiple quick jabs, he gives fewer, yet more powerful attacks. (I mean it makes sense, since he's holding a greatsword and she's holding the twin scythes)
Onto their weapons, Zag's greatsword is a primary accessory in the Hades trailer. It's large, flashy and is helps him look really hot when he's putting up his hair.
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Differently, Mel's weapons (scythe) in the trailer are smaller and held much closer to the body. While she doesn't hide her weapon, it's a lot less conspicuous and I didn't even notice it upon first watch until Hekate gives her back the scythe. It makes sense, since their (Mel's and Zag's) motives, personality and need to hide differ.
In Hades, everyone knows about Zag's escapes attempt. It's not a secret and he actively says things like "I DONT WANT TO BE HERE" around the House.
Meanwhile, it's very much a secret in Hades 2. They're in a hidden base against Chronos. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
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Now onto their surface world mechanics!!!!
Before getting the "let me be on the surface pls" spell, Mel can barely last five minutes on the surface world. After using her spell tho, it's completely fine.
Meanwhile, Zag can last a good 20ish minutes on the surface world. Or, however long you want him there. He takes a short few/several minutes walk around Greece before reaching his mom, where they have enough time for Zagreus to talk about most of his past and what's going on in the Underworld.
To add, we see more muscles on Zagreus.
Moral of the story (I got lazy), Zagreus is and Melinoë is smart!
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