#mellow the turtle
allyheart707 · 5 months
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH everyone, look at this beautiful commission I just got from Bluepearforlaifu - they are one of my favorite artists! It was really cool because they have never drawn turtles before and so they did a few cute practice sketches and gave me those as well!! I love them sm ;^;
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3mutantsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
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Three versions! The full render, flat color and just play sketches (real sketches are different)
Some foodie ocs! Hanging with cowtail after a day of hangin
And Sundae is probably very wrong sized but is oki
Cowtail: mine
Mellow and gram: @allyheart707
Sundae: @cosmocafe
Bluecrop blueberry/blue/berry: @trashyandtiredsol
Salad/lettuce: @diona-98
Ichigo miruku: @tinker-the-dragon
Foodie au by @sleepis4theweak
And I would love to draw more of the foodies I'm just nervous about wether people are alright with fanart or not :]
And I apologize if I got any of the names wrong Its like 4 am and also same goes for tags anyway love you all!
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delicatechildwitch · 7 months
Thinking about how the foodie au has several categories of characters.
Like for instance, there's at least three Draxum made turtles (Slushie, Peppermint, Blackberry)
Then we have all the itty bitties. (Mellow, Gram, Toffee, Peppermint, etc.)
At least three ocean goers (Mellow, Gram, Chips).
The non-turtles (Cowtail, Caramel, Bluecrop Blueberry, Ichigo Miruku, Cotton Candy, and Cocoa who is not yet official).
Also, the Big Mama employees, of course. (Caramel, Milkshake, Waffle-ish, Kiwi, Chips, Muffin, Slushie, etc.)
Plus there are several that share colors or have similar types of foods for names. There are a lot of fruit/berries, for instance.
There's probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Just wanted to share my thoughts.
(owners of the characters mentioned, since I don't want to not credit them:
Milkshake, Waffles, entire AU - @sleepis4theweak
Slushie - @buny1
Peppermint - @pinkatint
Kiwi - @banana-pancake5
Bluecrop Blueberry - @trashyandtiredsol
Toffee - @peoplepersonoaktree
Ichigo Miruku - @tinker-the-dragon
Blackberry - @artcosmique
Chips and Muffin - @critter-core
Gram, Mellow and Cocoa - @allyheart707
Cotton Candy - @ofthefrogs
Cowtail - @3mutantsinatrenchcoat )
And Caramel is mine.
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mortimerlatrice · 3 months
Getting overstimulated just because the people I live with are moving around and talking.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 7 months
Leonardo is the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Michelangelo is a party dude does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is a fellow even for a turtle. He’s mellow. Raphael
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
This isn't an nsfw ask- but I wanted to ask for the rottmnt boys in mating season and how they act towards their s/o
Mating Season
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Rottmnt x gn!reader
Warnings: feral turtles, aged up
A/N: there is nothing explicit in this, just turtles being turtles
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He made precautions once they all started dating
It wasn't an issue before because April is their sister
You can tell it's starting because he gets more affectionate
Normally kissing your neck more
He talks about the way you smell
During mating season, Donnie is locked in his room
He can't get out, he made sure of it
He is feral
Donnie doesn't speak hardly at all, instead communicating with chirps and hisses (mostly hissing)
If he does speak, it's normally begging
He doesn't like being away from his lab, but he can't do anything when he's in this state anyways
Larger, bulkier blankets and such have to be removed because he'll tear them up
He makes a nest on his bed with his clothes and thinner fabric
Due to him being feral, Shelldon is the one who gives him food and water
You sometimes give Donnie food, but it can be dangerous so you leave it to Shelldon (he bites)
Paper plates and such have to be used otherwise you won't be getting them back as he adds them to his nest
After mating season, he dismantles his nest immediately
He hates having a dirty room
Also absolutely feral
But! Donnie is a little scarier when feral...
Leo tried not to show when it's coming on, opting to remove you from the situation completly
Although that hardly ever works
He locks himself in his room as well
Unlike Donnie, he actually does talk
He's a sweet talker, tries to convince you to let him out... That it's over
He's done so successfully a few times
Leo is very persuasive
He's not as dangerous to approach
He'll bite sometimes, but that's just on bad days
If you give him food and water, he'll stay as far away from you as he can
Leo will wait there until you back up from the door
It's almost like Leo takes the logical part of Donnie's brain during this time
He also makes a nest
He doesn't tear things up like his twin so he has a bigger, comfier, bulkier nest
After mating season, he'll leave the nest for at least a week just to make sure it's over
Mikey doesn't lock himself up
He knows himself and will let you know when bad days are coming
He rarely goes feral during mating season
When he does, you're not coming over
He still talks and everything, but he needs physical contact otherwise he'd lose his mind
His nest is pretty basic, it's not too big, but it's comfy
He likes having you stay over so his nest is warm and inviting
He feeds himself so you don't have to worry about anything
Raph does go a little feral at least he thought so
But he saw Leo and Donnie and realized he was just paranoid
He doesn't lock himself up, but he tells you not to come over at all during this time
He's worried he might hurt you
Raph acts pretty normal for the most part
He does make a nest, it has to be in the living room because his room isn't big enough
He can go feral like Mikey, but he tends to be pretty mellow
Raph has a tendency to tear things up, but not as bad as Donnie
During this time, the couch is moved out of the living room so Raph has more room and doesn't feel the need to tear up the cushions
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lovebugism · 1 year
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☄. *. ⋆ ┄ We Fight to Make Up
summary: after a run-in with your ex, steve's anger gets the best of him. sometimes you think he picks a fight just for the make up sex. pairing: steve harrington / f!reader word count: 7.6k warnings: smut, steve calls himself daddy once, briefly mentioned breeding kink, a touch of angst, insecure!steve, also steve with scruff because that needs a warning too, 18+ mdni a/n: ok i'm not the happiest with this but it's been sitting in my drafts for so long and she needs to see the world now so.. enjoy? <3
You don’t go out anymore. None of the party does, really.
Fighting through the end of the world and somehow surviving for three years straight made bars and clubs and getting drunk seem a little less important. It gets too easy to stay within the inner circle that’s seen the same sort of hell you’ve seen.
Eventually, time goes on and you don’t realize that you’ve only been around the same ten people until the thought of going to the grocery store alone sounds scary. 
Fighting monsters, weathering alternate dimensions, beating up Russians soldiers — that’s cake. It’s the getting back to normal that’s so hard.
That's a bitter pill to swallow. None of you got to have too much of a childhood before the knowledge of a sentient darkness swirling beneath your feet turned everything upside down (no pun intended). A life with a regular routine unbound by the impending doom of an armageddon is hard to go back to, when fighting to stay alive is all you’ve ever done.
You try really hard, though. All of you do.
The kids try to find a nostalgic amusement in the arcade they used to frequent while grappling with the fact that they’ll never been those kids again. The older group of you dabbles in the simple pleasure of growing up and discovering what adulthood really means — getting drunk and going dancing just because you can, but facing the inevitable consequences of those actions all on your own. 
The six of you find a certain solace at the Limelight. For Steve and Jonathan, they serve good beer — obviously cheap and unusually tangy on the tongue, but nice and cold nonetheless. For Eddie and Robin, there’s a karaoke machine and a stage across the bar, complete with every rock ballad imaginable. You and Nancy take special interest in the dance floor — a platform with light-up rainbow squares for all your drunken twirling needs.
It’s a nice place. More than that, it’s a familiar one. Eventually, going there every friday night is like comfort food in the belly, pleasant and warm. Steve feels safe there when he’s with all of you and tonight he’s especially fuzzy with a quiet sort of happiness that’s got his cheeks all pink. 
Maybe the beer is partly to blame. 
Or maybe it’s because you’ve got your hand tucked into the back pocket of his jeans, anchoring yourself to him and simultaneously fending off any unwanted attention from the scantily clad women around you who can't seem to take their eyes away from your Steve.
But he only watches you as you smile into your glass while Eddie Munson, all sweaty after his Madison Square Garden worthy rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart, tells some stupidly unfunny joke. You’re pressed contently into his side, like you would melt into him if you could, and he’s buzzing with the comfort of your warmth and the chemically induced mellow from the drink in his cup. 
It was a good night. An easy one. A fun one.
And then it just… wasn’t.
When your ex waltzes into the bar, he brings the cold air in with him and an unusual sophisticated energy that’s typically foreign to this side of town. He’s got on a gray corduroy blazer and slacks to match. The black turtle neck he wears beneath it clings to his lean torso and broad chest, like he wants people to marvel at how muscular he is. 
You don’t even realize it’s him at first. You turn to Nancy to talk shit about the douchebag at your eight o’clock that just walked in while the guy settles at the far end of the bar, around the corner that faces the group of you. He removes the dark Ray-Bans from the straight bridge of his nose and uses them to push back his cinnamon-colored curls. 
Steve feels you tense at his side then. You duck inside yourself and force him and Robin to form a makeshift shield around you. 
It’s a tad too dramatic for two people who ended on pretty decent terms. It was about as amicable as a breakup can be — you were both seventeen and thankfully already mature enough to know that the relationship wasn’t bound to make it outside of high school. So you split up in search of more fulfilling things.
You found yours, in Steve and in the rest of the party. And by the looks of it — the obviously expensive suit and the silver Rolex glittering under the dim yellow bar light — he found his.
You aren’t exactly sure how, but he sees you. 
Probably because Robin couldn’t stop ogling at him from over her shoulder, obviously not getting the hint to act casual and inevitably dragging his attention over to the group of you.
He’s confused by the attention at first and then beaming when he notices you. The man flashes a set of pearly whites beneath a plump pink grin, all but shoving through the crowded bar to come and meet you.
Steve is able to get a better look at him when he’s no more than a couple inches away. The guy wrenches you away from him to wrap you in a friendly embrace, smiling like a ray of a thousands suns while he laughs with a hearty mirth.
A childlike and terribly jealous scowl settles upon Steve's features as his stomach wrenches something fierce. This stranger is touching you, and he hates that he’s touching you, but it’s more than that.
Steve’s almost certain this is what he would look like if he hadn’t been through the end of the world. The ornate suit and sunglasses worth more than most people’s salaries could’ve been his. In another life, he could’ve been this pretty and perfect and pure.
But, instead, here he is — dressed in an aged Hawkins Tigers sweatshirt and hand-me-down jeans that are frayed at the hems. There are bits of dried blood on the knee that he can’t get out. He isn’t quite sure if it’s his or if it belongs to one of the three varying monsters he’s been face-to-face with over the years. 
His hair is pushed back and visibly un-styled, fluffier than usual because it hasn’t been washed in a while. And only now does he notice the prickly layer of scruff itching at his jaw and above his lip because the effort to shave is just too much sometimes.
He wishes he had, though. Now, he wants to completely perfect his appearance and change his life entirely — all at the sight of some stranger he didn't know existed before now.
The man introduces himself to the rest of the group when he parts from you — Todd. 
Because of coursehis name is Todd.
No one says that out loud, of course, but you do share pairs of knowing looks. Eddie’s the only one brave enough, or rather drunk enough, to take the piss out of the guy. 
“Aren’t you a little overdressed for Limelight?” he asks before laughing into his beer.
The rhetorical question leads to the man, Todd, to start complaining about work — how he’s making more than he knows what to do with, that the lifestyle isn’t as lavish as everyone made it out to be, that work is his best friend most days because he doesn’t have time for real relationships anymore. 
And it doesn’t sound braggy. This isn't some rich guy complaining about all the money he has. He’s genuine, and that’s somehow even worse.
Steve can tell he’s working for some big four accounting firm without him having to say it. He can practically smell it all over the guy. Todd’s just got that air about him, that he’s got an office on the fiftieth story with large glass windows that span from the floor to the ceiling. He’s making well into the six-figures if that’s the case. Just like his goddamn dad. 
Just like he would be if the endless cycling of fighting hadn’t stripped him flesh from bone.
Steve forces himself to shove that thought to the back of his mind.
“You know I’ve actually been thinking about, you know, just dropping everything. Putting in my two weeks and fucking off to France,” Todd admits. His eyes sparkle like a pair of fucking diamonds when they lock in on you. “Like we always used to talk about.”
That was your dream. The kind of reverie that wasn’t at all practical or the least bit tangible, but the kind you fantasized about nonetheless. 
And here this asshole goes, living it for the both of you.
You’re grinning at him anyway, patting him on the shoulder while you congratulate him. You tell him he should do it. That he deserves it. 
Steve, meanwhile, is so angry he can feel the prickle of the red-hot rage on his skin, like so many little needles. It’s a simmering heat for now, all slow and lazy. The longer he holds it in, the more likely he is to pop into a full boil. He knows that. But he keeps the fire in his chest and wallows in that high-pitched ache.
Todd leaves not too long after. Makes it a point not to overstay his welcome. He’s polite when he goes, making sure to talk to all your friends even though he didn’t exactly come for them — he compliments Eddie’s leather jacket and Robin’s taste in style, Jonathan and Nancy are both blushing pink when he praises their work with the local paper. He says something to Steve he can’t quite register because he’s too busy fuming. 
The brunette girl beside him is practically swooning, and he has to remind her — “Robin, you’re gay.”
The man was kind, terribly so, the sort of politeness you can’t help but notice and marvel at, like a pretty pebble you’ve found on the ground. He didn’t overstep any boundaries with you either, like he respected that you two were practically strangers now — fucking asshole — and whether or not he knew you were with Steve, he kept a chivalrous distance anyway.
He must’ve known, though, he did have eyes after all. There’s no way he missed the way Steve had been looming over you the whole time. Or the possessive arm he had around your shoulder. Or the stern chocolate gaze that had ping-ponged between you and him the entire conversation.
When he leaves, there’s nothing to talk shit about or make fun of him for. Not only is that really fucking annoying, but it’s boring, and it leaves you and Steve as the punching bags for all their stupid jokes.
“You certainly have a type, don’t ya, doll?” Eddie teases you as he reaches behind Nancy to shove at your shoulder. “Steve’s practically a carbon copy of that douchebag.”
“Holy shit, I can see it now,” Robin marvels breathlessly. Her deep ocean gaze is still locked on Todd across the bar. He’s minding his own business now, ordering another drink, while the rest of you can’t seem to stop talking about him. She turns back to Steve, her eyes flitting over his features like it’s the first time she’s seeing them while she puts the pieces of a puzzle together. 
“But, Steve’s like the dollar store version of him, though, right?” she wonders rhetorically and then feels the need to explain herself when Steve furrows his brows at her. “—Because, you know… he’s a lot richer than you are…”
The boy rolls his and brings the beer back to his lips. The clarification makes it sting more. 
“Thanks, Rob.”
Steve isn’t quite sure what’s got him seething. He’s the personification of a forest fire now — scorching, raging, and deadly — without a reason to be. It’s entirely likely you’ll never see Todd ever again. He lives in the city these days and he just told you that he was planning on moving to fucking France.
But these facts don’t mean as much to him when he knows that the guy isn’t totally over you. 
Steve knows Todd would be more than happy to take you out for coffee tomorrow morning to tie up any left-behind loose ends. He’s a rich guy going through a quarter-life crisis (Steve knows a little about what that’s like, too), he’d be more than happy to sweep an old ex-girlfriend off her feet and take her all the way to France with him. She’d need only to ask him to.
Maybe that’s what angers him. There’s a man, all rich and pretty and unscathed by war, that might love you like he does.
The wildfire in his chest grows. It’s a wonder it hasn't seared a hole in the fabric of his sweatshirt. And it burns. It leaves aching blisters on his skin like it’s the real damn thing. It’s like punches to the face, worse than every time he’s ever been beaten up combined.
He manages to keep the ashes of himself together. It's the least he can do for the rest of you, who obviously aren’t as bothered by Todd’s lingering presence and have since moved on to things more meaningful.
It wouldn’t be fair to project his ache onto you.
You guys don’t get too many nights like this, with work and school and lingering bouts of PTSD — who’s he to ruin this night for everyone else when he’s the problem?
But if any of you notice his simmering anger, you don’t show it.
He isn’t sure if that makes him feel better or not.
Nancy and Jonathan stay no longer than fifteen minutes after the fact. “We’ve got an early day tomorrow,” the say with a shrug, though everyone knows what that’s code for. Robin makes kissing noises at them as they make their exit.
Now, the brunette girl stands in front of the stage that Eddie parades on. He belts “If you only hold me tight, we’ll be holding on forever!” into the microphone for the hundredth time. She cheers for the boy like it’s the first time she’s ever heard the stupid song.
The bartender hands you two drinks, a couple of Sex on the Beach’s for you and Robin to try.
She hadn’t stopped talking about it since she spotted it on the menu even though she hates peach schnapps. You tell Steve you’re going to run it to her and that you bet she won’t make it through one sip without gagging. You also promise that you’ll try and pull Eddie away from the stage when the Bonnie Tyler song fades and then inevitably loops again.
He only nods and mumbles a vague affirmative under his breath. He doesn’t even look at you. Just stares down at his empty glass of beer and draws patterns on the cloudy cup with his finger. 
It’s hard not to notice his uncharacteristically long silence. 
He hasn’t been King Steve for quite some time, but that version of him always manages to peek out after a couple of drinks. He gets loud and brash and smiley and stupid. It makes the quiet demeanor he possesses now that much more daunting. Like a flag he’s waving to make sure everyone else knows that he’s upset about something or other.
Eventually, it makes you burst.
“Is something wrong?” you blurt.
He finally glances at you then. And has the gall to look confused. “What?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. You shift your weight on your feet and try to ignore the distant stinging of the ice glasses in your hand, how the cold of them shoots pins and needles into your palms. “You’re just… being really quiet.”
“I’m fine,” he dismisses with a shrug of his own. A hint of a smile flashes at the very corner of his mouth before he brings his drink to his lips. He swallows down the rest of it in one quick gulp. You watch anxiously as he waves to the bartender for another. 
“We can go home if you want—”
“Jesus, I’m fine,” he interjects. The laugh that spills from his throat borders on annoyance. “Just go get the freak before he drives me crazy.”
With that, the two of you part ways. You, with the knowledge that something’s wrong with your boyfriend but having no way to make it better because he won’t tell you anything. And Steve, with another irrational reason to be angry at the world because how do you not get it?
If his ex-girlfriend showed up to a bar, looking like an airbrushed model with more money than all of you combined who’s got brains and wit and humility, he’d want you to get a little fucking jealous too.
It’s stupid. He knows it’s stupid. But he chooses to wallow in his anger than reflect on it, anyway. He takes pity on himself and makes everyone else out to be the enemy. Like he does best.
Even hours later, when he’s sobering up with room temperature water and a bowl of pretzels — and you’re calling a cab for a significantly drunker Eddie and Robin — he still feels the sting. 
He makes sure you know it too. 
The drive back home is uncomfortably quiet, which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if he at least had the radio on. But when he stuck the key into the ignition and music started blaring from the speakers (because he forget to turn it down beforehand), he turns it off completely. You feel to awkward to touch it.
“Do you, uh… Do you wanna talk about it now?” you ask him.
You’re unfamiliarly timid with him as you peer at him through your lashes. It’s like you’re looking at the sun, the way you have to glance at him from the corner of your eye so he won’t blind you. And it isn’t because of his usually sunny disposition because, somewhere along the course of the night, his shine got snuffed out. It’s because he’s practically lit himself on fire with his anger where he sits next to you.
And he still has the nerve to shake his head. “Talk about what? I told you, there’s nothing wrong,” he dismisses with one hand in a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel and the other resting its elbow against the driver’s side door while his fingers pick anxiously at his lower lip. Nothing wrong, my ass.
“Are we seriously gonna play that game tonight?”
“What game?” he scoffs out a laugh.
“The game here you’re upset about something, but refuse to tell me why, so I have to guess what’s wrong with you until I get it right and you let me make it better.”
Steve glances at you and then back to the road. “I… I don’t do that.”
Oh, fuck, he totally does, he thinks to himself. Fuck, he hates that you know him so well.
“You’re literally doing it right now.”
“Well, I can’t be. Because I’m not upset about anything,” he argues with a shrug. “That’s, like, a mathematical impossibility. Or whatever.”
“Considering this is the most you’ve said to me all night, I know that isn’t true— And it’s not even a conversation! You’re just being passive aggressive!”
“Passive aggressive, huh?” he repeats sardonically.
“Yes!” you seethe. “You’re mad at me and I can tell that you’re mad, so just tell me why—”
“I’m not mad at you,” Steve grumbles. He feels even more like shit for making you think he was acting all pissy because of something you had done. You hadn’t done anything. You were perfect. You’re always perfect. And here he goes, making you think otherwise.
He slows to a stop at the last red-light before home. The neon scarlet matches that anger sweltering in his belly. He still refuses to look at you. 
“Then what happened between when we got to Limelight and right now that’s got you so fucked up?” you ask him with a furrowed brow and inquisitive eyes.
The boy only huffs. His chest deflates with a heavy breath. He almost forgets to answer you because he’s too busy praying for the light to turn green so he can get the fuck home.
He just needs a little food in his system, he concludes, and a nice hot shower and a bed to rest his tired bones. Maybe then he’ll be able to function like he’s meant to. 
He feels a sense of relief for the first time in hours when the light bathes the two of you in a neon emerald glow.
You let out a sharp exhale through your nose at his silence. You shake your head at him like an annoyed parent and cross your arms over your chest. Your knees turn away from him and towards the door in time with your gaze that flits to the window. Now you’re the one that’s pissed.
Steve mumbles lowly when he finally answers you. It’s nearly inaudible.
“Your douchebag ex.”
“What?” you reply, sparing a glance over at him. It isn’t a question of whether you heard him or not, but of why that’s what he’s being so mean to you about.
“Your douchebag ex,” he repeats louder and picks chapped skin from his bottom lip. He rubs his tongue over the irritated skin to soothe the burn. “That’s what I’m upset about.”
Your brows furrow as you rack your head for the conversation you had with Todd that you’d already forgotten about. He’d said hello, and that you looked nice, and then asked you what you’d been up to before making conversation with your friends. He’d wished you luck and walked back to his seat not too long after. You wonder if there was some code in his words that you’d missed.
“…I don’t get it. What did he do?”
“Really?” Steve wonders with an emotionless laugh. “You don’t have a single clue why that might’ve pissed me off?”
He barely slows at the sign of the four-way stop. The block is practically a ghost town now. No one’s out so late into the night. Any other time you might’ve said something about it, but you’re just as eager to get home as the simmering boy next to you.
“No! He stopped by to talk for, like, five minutes! Are you really upset because another man talked to me?” you shout and it burns him because, yeah, that is kind of what he’s mad about — but it’s more than that and you don’t seem to get it. It’s not your job to either. He’ll just burn for the both of you.
The car jerks to a stop when he parks in the driveway.
“Yeah, you’re right—” Steve mutters to himself as he snatches the keys from the ignition. “You don’t get it.”
You feel the impact of the slammed of the car door as he exits. The headlights illuminate the boy as he uses his key ring to unlock the front entrance of your shared home. The dim orange overhead light slowly dims above you and then shuts off completely, bathing you in darkness.
With a sigh and a fleeting thought of oh, it’s gonna be that kinda night, huh? you follow less unenthusiastically behind him.
“Then just explain it to me,” you plead, your voice coated with exhaustion. The warmth of the living room seeps into your bones and makes you that much more tired. “I really, really don’t wanna do this tonight.”
“That asshole was all over you,” Steve finally chooses to air his grievances while he toes off his sneakers.
“He hugged me once! What was I supposed to do? Push him off?”
“That’d be a start.”
“I would’ve done it!” you promise.
He plops onto the couch with a rather dramatic huff as you struggle to take off your boots, what with the zipper getting caught in the slider and being distracted by the storm cloud across the room.
“I don’t care about him! I literally haven’t seen him since I was eighteen! I basically forgot he existed in the first place.”
Steve doesn’t let himself take any solace in your words.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs with the shake of his head. He rests his elbows on his knees, runs his palms over his face once before dragging his fingers through his mussed hair. “Sometimes… I don’t know, I guess, sometimes it feels like maybe you deserve someone better than me.”
His confession feels like a stab in your heart. 
You can only imagine how many daggers are piercing him now.
“No. Don’t give me that bullshit spiel, alright?” he spurns with a shake of his stubborn head. When he laughs, it lacks any and all emotion; it’s gut-wrenchingly bitter and coated with venom. “We both know he could take way better care of you than I ever could. He’s practically a fucking millionaire, babe! And he’s, what, twenty-five? He has the money to drop everything and fly across the world— to France.”
“Steve—” you try again, to stop the spiral before it starts.
He doesn’t let you.
“I mean, fuck, I know how bad you wanna go there. You’ve been talking about it since we were eight,” he laments with wide, glassy eyes and an hand splayed out towards you. He brings it, then, to his chest and clutches at his heart, “But I can’t take you. Because I’m so broke, it fucking hurts. You deserve someone to do that shit for you, alright? And it’s not me. It’s never gonna be me.”
“…You really think he can take better care of me than you do?” you ask him so quietly that it sounds like a whimper. Your face is twisted in anguish, like his sadness pains you too.
“Well, yeah,” he chuckles like the answer’s obvious. He sniffles. “Considering we’re working our asses off just to make it through the week and you’d never have to work a day in your life if you were with that asshole.”
“It’s not about the money, Steve,” you agonize with the shake of your head. “I don’t love him. I would be so unhappy if I were with him because he’s not you. I don’t give a single fuck about France if you’re not gonna be there with me.”
You close the distance between you as you walk from the entrance to where he sits in the living room. He can hardly look at you as you round the couch to stand ahead of him, sparing only meek glances your way.
The small smile on your lips only half puts out the fire raging in his chest. It’s one of those natural wildfires now. The kind that you’ve just got to let burn.
“What do I have to do, Steve? What do you want me to do to prove that I just want you?” you ask him softly, nudging your sock-clad foot with his own. “I’ll fucking— I’ll find his number in the phone book right now and invite him over if you want—”
Yeah, because seeing him again is gonna make any of this shit better, he thinks bitterly to himself, though he’s pleasantly surprised by your following promise.
“I’ll make him come over here, act like I wanna catch up or whatever, and then make him watch while I suck your cock,” you paint the picture for him in a suddenly low, sultry tone.
Steve can almost see it —  the look on Todd’s face as he stands in the foyer, his hands balled into fists at his side, wearing an angry amber tint upon his perfect face while he watches the girl that got away take a mouthful of another man’s dick. “I’ll get all nice and pretty on my knees for you and make him watch.”
Steve tenses at your words. His fingers twitch where they rests on his knees, itching to get a hold of you. His eyes go heavy as he gazes up at you, his stern stare looking much darker than before — hungrier. 
Your eyes carry a similar sort of desire. They swim with innocence and yearning and knowing. 
Because both of you understand how your fights usually end. You’ve been together long enough to know. The anger grows and grows in the belly of a dragon until it’s all you can do to keep your hands off of each other. You make Steve come so hard he forgets all the reasons he was raging in the first place and then he apologizes with his tongue deep inside you, touching you in all the tender ways he knows how.
“Yeah,” he breathes with a nod, the word heavy on his tongue. “That’s what I want.”
“You wanna own me, don’t you, Stevie?” you purr.
Your movements are calculated and cat-like as you mount him. Your hands caress him from his knees to his thighs, then rise up to his chest when you straddle his lap. “You wanna fuck me and make me forget about every guy that’s ever had me before you. Is that it?”
He nods, too dumb to speak for now. Your voice is all silk and heat. It reminds him of your wet, hot pussy sitting just over his lap. Only the thin layers of your clothes separate you from him.
“You wanna ruin everyone else for me, huh?”
“Fuck, yes,” he breathes, both in an answer and a moan as your hand reaches between you to grab his cock through his jeans.
“You already have,” you assure with a sincere twinkle in your eyes. “But feel free to remind me.”
When your mouths collide, it’s all tongue and teeth and spit. It’s not passionate, it’s dirty.
His tongue forces its way between your lips and into your mouth, rubbing every part of you he can reach with the muscle, like he wants you to feel all of him there — a lingering touch that you can’t get rid of.
Your mouths caress each other and then break apart again in acute, wet, and filthy clicks that fill the silence in the house. 
His stubble softly scratches you as it rubs against your skin. The feeling of it sends chills down your spine. Fuck, you curse to yourself. It’d feel even better between your legs.
Steve separates from you suddenly, his teeth digging into your bottom lip. A whimper leaves your throat as he mouths at it. With hooded eyes, he lets it go and watches it fall back into place. Then he grabs your cheeks with two large palms and drags you back to him, sucking on the bitten skin and then on your tongue. 
The sensation’s got you moaning, your eyes rolling back in your head, and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
Your obedient hands worm between your bodies to unbuckle his belt.
“You gonna be good for me?” Steve asks you while your fingers undo that button on his pants. His lips are pinker and more swollen, coated with a fine sheen of spit that matches what's smeared on his chin.
“I’ll be so good for you, Stevie,” you promise before reaching through the band of his underwear to wrap your fingers around his warm, half-hard cock. 
A grunt escapes his throat as he slides your panties to the side. He’s suddenly grateful for the easy access granted by your dress — the one that makes your tits look like heaven, the one he was cursing just hours because it had Todd drooling all over himself when he saw you.
The thought of the man no longer angers him. He’s not the one with his finger between the lips of your pussy, already drenched and coated with you.
“Yeah? You want daddy to fill your hungry little cunt?” Steve asks you, almost taunting you. He only uses that nickname when he’s in a certain mood — the mood to ruin you.
The tip of his finger catches the peak of your swollen clit and you keen.
His touch makes you so stupid that you’ve already forgotten to answer his question. He makes sure to remind you, though, when his hand rears back and smacks against the bare flesh of your cunt.
You hear the wet slap before you feel it. 
It makes you clench around nothing and moan louder for him, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Words,”he demands softly.
“Please,” you moan helplessly into his shoulder. You love when he gets like this, assertive and showy with the power you let him have over you. He gets mean with you, but never too much that you forget how much he loves you, and that’s when you like him best.
His finger slips so effortlessly into you. You could easily take more than that with the way your pussy is so eager to suck him inside. He knows it, too. He just wants to tease you.
He wants to leave you empty and yearning before he fucks you silly. For now, he’s taunting you with his slow and clinical touch, observing everything he’s doing to you and how it has you twitching and begging for more. 
He wants to commit it all to memory. 
He’s barely got the tip of his pointer and middle finger prodding at your clenching entrance; it’s your pussy that drags them further in, opening for him and then tightening around the appendages so they’ll never leave. The obscenity of it makes both of you moan.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty like this,” Steve mutters to himself. “And so fucking wet— enough for me to slip right in, don’t ya think?”
You’re not so sure but you nod into his shoulder anyway. Even after all this time together, you can’t quite get used to how big he is. He still has to work you up to take his cock, with three or more fingers shoved inside of you until you’re ready. Even then, it still burns for the first couple of seconds. There’s always a grace period that you have to wait for before he can move. 
And you feel the ache of him in your belly after, every damn time. Like he’s still there.
But you’re so wet now, impossibly so, you don’t think you could feel a thing other than pure bliss when he nestles his cock deep inside of you.
You whine quietly when he pulls his fingers from you, though it turns into a breathy moan when you see them glisten with your wetness. He slides them over his length, jerking himself to lube himself up for you. Just for good measure, he grabs hold of his cock and rubs the rounded tip between your velvet lips, coating it further with your slick. 
“Think there’s enough for me to take your ass tonight, baby?” he asks over your low moan. He has to hold back his own, grit his teeth to keep it from leaving his mouth. God, you feel exactly like silk. “You want me to fuck that tight little hole, huh? You’ve only let me in there, right?”
“Uh-huh,” you answer tightly. 
He doesn’t know which question you’re answering. Probably all three. Or maybe you’re just moaning because he’s got you all stupid with his cock and it’s not even inside of you yet. Both seems most likely.
Steve positions himself against you. When you feel the bulbous tip of his head, you hardly wait to slide down, down, down upon his cock. 
It doesn’t take long for you to feel full. It takes less time before he reaches the apparent end of you. The feeling makes you jolt against him, like your body’s trying to move back up and away from the sensation on instinct. He’s quick to grab your hips to keep himself inside you.
“Uh-uh,” he hums. “Don’t run away from me.”
“Fuck,” you moan into his shoulder and then whine. The pleasure and the accompanying ache has your head spinning. “You’re already so deep.”
“I know, baby. You gotta take all of me, though, okay? Said you were gonna me by good girl, remember?”
His coo is enough to comfort you. You nod against his neck and let him guide you further and further down his cock.
You grit your teeth when you think he can’t possibly fill you anymore. The burn peaks all at once and ebbs so quickly, letting the rest of his inches slide in you with ease. And, god, if you don’t feel him in your fucking throat. 
He stills, thankfully, and lets you get used to the feeling of him all over again.
“There you go,” Steve praises like he always does and then laughs at how rigid you’ve gone. “Breathe, baby.”
The exhale comes out as a sob and a small “fuck”, but you force yourself to relax against him nonetheless. His warm hands rub soothingly against the buzzing skin of your thighs beneath the skirt of your dress. “Doing so good for me, baby.”
“I can feel you in my fucking guts right now,” you slur, voice fragile like glass.
Your words are almost enough to make him burst and you haven’t even moved yet. A deep, hearty groan climbs from his throat. He tips his heavy head to the back of the couch and clenches his jaw, squeezing his eyes shut to stave off the feeling.
He makes himself climb down from the peak of pleasure and quickly gain his bearings all over again.
“Ride me, honey,” he whispers you.
Immediately, you start rocking your hips against him. His sigh is blissful, almost dreamy, as he watches you work yourself on top of him. 
You’re always so patient with your pleasure, so calculated and attentive. You slide your hips back over his thighs and then up again, moaning every time the material of his sweatshirt rubs against your clit. You’re not chasing the feeling, you’re letting it come slowly and ease its way up to you. You know you’ve got all the time in the world.
Steve has always admired your patience, but it’s never one he could hope to possess. He rides toward an orgasm on a white mare. He claims it, he hunts it, he snatches it. Because, you’re right, you’ve got all the time in the world — he wants you to come as many times as the night (or, rather, your pussy) will allow.
So it isn’t at all surprising when gets impatient with your slow movements. And when one hand falls to your ass and the other slides up your back and clutches the opposite shoulder, you know what you’re in for. 
Even though you’re expecting it, a high-pitched moan spills from your mouth when he starts fucking up into you. He’s doing a whole lot more than just hitting the right spot. The rubbing of the fabric is unrelenting against your clit.
You’re always done for when he takes you like this. Both of you know it.
“You already close, aren’t you?” he manages through heavy pants over the lewd slapping of his thighs against your own. “This is all it takes, huh?”
“’S because of you,” you slur into the sticky skin of his neck.
“Yes,” you moan.
He can feel himself getting closer and he groans through gritted teeth. The hand on your shoulder ascends to the back of your head. His fingers tangle in your hair and pull you from the refuge you’d found in the book of his shoulder. It allows him to see you for the first time since you’d mounted his cock.
Your cheeks are blotchy and glowing cherry. Your eyes are glassy and glazed over with pleasure. Your lips swollen from where you’d been biting at them. 
Perfect, he thinks to himself.
He drags that hand to your chest, wrenching at the plunging neck and pushing it down to reveal your tits. They bound out of the fabric with ease, a small red and raw line at the tops of them from where the dress had kept them so tightly contained. 
He palms at your left breast, digs his fingers into the fat of it and lets your hard and pebbled nipple rub against his palm.
“Fuck, baby,” he almost whines. It takes all of his willpower to keep his eyes open to look at them. “You’ve got the prettiest fucking tits I’ve ever seen.”
“That’s why I wore this— wanted your attention—” you confess through each of his thrusts.
“Yeah, you got my fucking attention, sweetheart,” he manages a breathy laugh.
His heart swells at the thought of you picking this dress because you thought he might like it. That you’d think of him doing something as mundane as picking what you wore out to the bar you went to every Friday night. 
It gets too easy to want to slip into that softness. But he knows that you’re already close. So, so fucking close. 
“Now come all over my cock for me, yeah?” he demands softly. “Cream on this dick and show me how good you are.”
And, like the good girl you are, don’t need to be told twice.
You shudder against him and then go rigid. He watches with a proud, lazy grin as you tip your head back, squeeze your eyes shut, and let your mouth fall agape. The feeling in your stomach builds and builds and builds, the pleasure disappearing for a moment, before coming back in an explosion that makes you gush.
As though your moans weren’t enough of a confirmation of your orgasm, you go so unmistakably tight around him that it makes his legs twitch beneath you. He angles his hips so he can peek between the two of you to watch the sheen of your cum glisten on his hard cock. 
“God, you’re so fucking sensitive like this— holy shit.”
“Steve!” you whine when your high starts to fade and his thrusts only quicken. 
He's chasing his own pleasure now, you know that, but the feeling against your abused pussy is growing into a nearly unbearable one.
You bite your lip so hard it’s a wonder you don’t draw any blood. You grip his shoulders and ball his sweatshirt in your fist, tethering yourself to him and to reality.
“Who’s making you feel this good, huh?” he asks with his chin jutted out to look up at you. “Who else can fuck you like this?”
You can tell by his glassy eyes and erratic thrusts that he’s close to his own orgasm. He always wants you to talk him through it, to praise him and to tell him how good he makes you feel. For obvious reason, the whole thing comes terribly natural to you.
“Only you,” you promise tiredly. “’S just you, Stevie—”
“Fuck,” he spits and tilts his head to the back of the couch. He squeezes his eyes shut tight and brings his bottom lip between his teeth, never easing his impossibly swift thrusts.
“Want you to come in me,” you whisper to him. You rest your arms on his shoulders and drag your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and pulling every time he lets a moan slip. “Want you to come so deep inside me— I’m dripping for days—”
“Shit, baby.”
“And then, when I’m all round and full with your baby— everyone’s gonna know who I belong to, right?”
“Fuck yes,” he groans. “Gonna come so— fuck— so nice and deep in this pussy. My pussy.”
“Please,” you beg, like you aren’t half-delirious with your own pleasure. “Come in your pussy, Stevie.”
“Holy shit—” His cock pulses and twitches and then spits inside you. He grabs onto your hips more roughly than he intended and keeps you tightly pressed against him while he comes, giving you several long and warm ropes against your velvet walls. He whimpers when your pussy flutters around him.
You collapse against him when his orgasm comes and goes, rocking against his lap to get him through his high until he stops you with a firm squeeze to your thigh. You both sink further into the couch, swimming in the peaceful void that pleasure always pushes you into. 
He rubs his hands beneath the skirt of your dress, petting your warm and sticky skin as the after-sex bliss rest heavily upon the both of you.
“Here,” he breaks the satin silence and taps at your hip. “Get off, baby. Let me get you some water or something—”
He feels you shake your head from where you’ve tucked it in his shoulder again. “Don’t wanna move. Want you to stay inside me.”
You’ve never done this before — cockwarming. He’s not sure if you have before, but he definitely hasn’t, and certainly not with you. 
Before you, he was the kind of asshole that went to sleep right after sex. The thought of staying inside his partner never crossed his mind. But to his defense, none of his partners thought to do it either. Being King Steve and all meant there wasn’t a lot of cuddling going on after sex. It was usually one-and-done affairs, but he never did this with any of his girlfriends before either.
And now that he’s matured into a somewhat respectable adult, he takes great pride in taking care of you after, in cleaning you up and making sure you’re alright. And when you’re either falling asleep or wanting to shower, there’s no room to be kept inside you. Not until now.
“Wanna fall asleep like this,” you confess. The way you’re halfway slurring and settling more heavily against him tells him you’re not too far off.
“That’s not gonna be comfortable for you, baby,” he scolds softly. Because him — he’s perfect like this. He’s slouched in the plush cushion of the couch and you’re wrapped so tightly around him (in every possible way) you've become his own personal blanket. 
But your back is hunched from where your neck is snug and pressed into his shoulder. You’ll likely wake up aching tomorrow, in more ways than one.
“Don’t care,” you mumble and sprinkle kisses to his neck, just because you can. “Wanna stay like this forever.”
“Forever?” he laughs tiredly.
“Uh-huh,” you nod. You shift on his lap to look at him, exhaling a moan through your nose when you feel him twitch inside of you, even though he’s going steadily soft. Your gaze is innocent and yearning and knowing — hungry again. “Think you can take that, Harrington?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he promises with a sincere twinkle in his cinnamon colored eyes. “I can take it.”
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 3 months
hey so how do you think 2003 boys would deal with being the one asked out by their crush, full confidence, but not overdoing it and mellow. Very I know you like me, i knew you were never gonna ask me out though(cuz the boys worry about their own appearance being scary. Crush thinks they’re very handsome despite the doubt), so I figured One of us had too? Also lets them know they can still be friends if it’s a possible no (they highly doubt it though they’re just being considerate to their favourite of the brothers)?
Can do! 🫡
Asking THEM Out
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 560
CW: Gender neutral reader, referred to as ‘you’, you ask out the turtles, fluff!
💙 The casual asking him out throws him through a god damn loop. Leo is just overall shocked honestly, doesn’t expect for you to be like, “Hey, wanna go on a date?” You let him know he can say no of course and that there’s no hard feelings, but he quickly shut that down and said he wanted to go on this date.
💙 Secretly thrilled though, like dude is so happy. In all honesty, I feel like it would take Leo so long to ACTUALLY confess, like you’d guys be in your thirties or something and he finally says something about his feelings, so you making the first moves, that helps a lot.
💙 Asks you if you’re sure first, because you know the whole mutant thing, and how it would be a little hard on the dating life, I mean the dangers and people never knowing who your boyfriend was could weigh down on you, but you waving off those concerns with that smile makes him feel a little better about it all.
Raph is lowkey surprised by this, seems like somebody has bigger balls between the two, and it was you. Chuckles at first and is like, “You serious?” And wouldn’t even let you try and back out of it with the ‘you don’t have to if you don’t want to’ bs.
A little more surprised when you confirm that you’re indeed serious about this. Now has that huge smirk resting on his face and he’s leaning in close, “Well why don’t we go out right now?”
Overall, he took it very well and was very happy with the result. Probably makes out with you at the end of the date too not gonna lie, I mean, he’s been waiting for this long. He’s the second chillest out of the brothers, (Mikey is number one).
💜 Works out well for Donnie if anything, he’ll push off confessing because of his worries of ruining the already great relationship the two of you already have.
💜 You see him visibly relax when you ask him out, like a weight is lifted off his shoulders immediately. He listens to everything before giving an answer. Absolutely says yes and lets you pick out the date you wanna go on. Doesn’t care where you guys go, as long as it’s a fun date for both of you.
💜 By the end of it, you guys are holding hands while watching a movie together to finish the date night off. Actually asks you to spend the night (rather shyly), and you guys cuddle in bed for the rest of the night.
🧡 Mikey’s so chill with it, compared to most of his brother's reactions. Yeah he’s surprised, don’t think he isn’t, I mean when you literally asked, he made the ‘o’ face, before smiling widely. With how he’s reacting you don’t even have to backtrack in case things went wrong, you knew he was all for it.
🧡 Asks it’s a joke first before celebrating and bragging to his brothers and father. Literally everyone will know, and no, telling him ‘no’ is not an option, he has bragging rights now, and he’s gonna abuse the shit out of those bragging rights.
🧡 Probably the most chaotic couple though, you guys can range from very chill to pranking the brothers together within seconds. Everyone’s happy for Mikey, but… They didn’t expect double trouble.
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ahn1zos · 4 months
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RK!Penny for y’all
so, it was hard to find a character that fits at least a bit with Penny. So i came to the conclusion that she is (at least partially) inspired by the Mock-Turtle. In EA, she is called the Lonely Maiden
why’s that? well, the character is marked as being sad and always crying about the fact that one day they were a real turtle. They also tell tales to Alice about their days in sea school.
Apart from making puns, i think it fits pretty well.
Penny also met Alix first and after a lot of begging, she helped her find Louis. She didn’t want to be involved with the kids, afraid she would bring them harm. But Penny ended up giving in.
she showed her powers to the siblings who where amazed at the beauty of it. Penny smiled.
Alix always showed concern about Penny’s emotions, the Maiden always seemed sad, the girl didn’t know why. They became friends. Louis was quieter and she liked him a lot, he was good company.
Sometimes, Penny let her old self slip out. She felt genuinely happy, something she didn’t felt a lot before the siblings. When they were gone, she blamed her self for letting them in, she mellowed out and everything ended going wrong.
Penny didn’t knew the Cat very well, since she isolated herself from everything most of the time. But they talked and they were sorta of friends. She trusted the Cat and after they betrayed them all, she shut down once again.
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allyheart707 · 6 months
Hi I would love to see more of Mellow and Gram! (I forgot the human’s name)
They are all SO COOL and I wish to see more/hear more if you have anymore lore for them!!
(If you don’t want to you don’t have to!!)
I hope you have a nice day! ^-^
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Work doodles!! Thank you for the ask and OMG YES! I would love to draw more with them- tbh I just thought nobody would be intrested!! Hehe I had some ideas for a few short comics, I may make them sometime soon. Idk depends on how much time Little Subjects takes up XP
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catcas22 · 1 year
So you know how in Elden Ring, gathering an insane bounty of runes (aka killing lots and lots of things) seems to make you bigger?
You know, like rune bears. Red wolves and giant Miranda blossoms (rune wolves and rune flowers according to the code). Elite warriors such as the Black Knives, Cleanrot Knights, Tree Sentinels, etc? Hoarah Loux? Possibly Radahn?
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Before age mellowed him out, Turtle Pope was a fearsome warrior known as... Turtle Paladin.
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toastingpencils37 · 6 months
How I feel that interactions between the 2012 and Rise! turtles would go if they ever met.
Mikey: Best friends automatically, chilling together and doing fun stuff. No arguing, unless it involves baking. Because I'm sorry, 2012 Mikey CANNOT cook. And the way Rise! Mikey is, Dr. Delicate Touch will be activated by that. I mean, this guy wants to be like Rupert Swaggart!
Leo: Their interaction would very much depend on when in the Rise!Verse they meet. If it's prior to Season 2's finale, they'd probably just be very confused with each other. But if it is between Season 2 and the Movie, they probably wouldn't get along because Rise! Leo is very irresponsible despite being leader. And if it's post-Movie, I don't think they'd argue (mainly because Rise! Leo and Rise! Raph had already argued about that), but would probably be awkward because how they lead and act around their brothers is very different from each other, with Rise! Leo being much more laid back.
Raph: 2012 Raph might pick a fight with Rise! Raph at first, but later mellow out towards him.
Donnie: I'm sorry, but based off of "Donnie vs. Witchtown", Rise! Donnie would absolutely start beefing with 2012 Donnie due to feeling that 2012 Donnie may take his place. And like how Rise! Donnie does in other episodes when he is mad at someone, if anyone confronts him about it, he'll probably deny it. And with the way 2012 Donnie is, the situation will definitely get a lot worse before it gets better.
April: They'd get along very well. They'd probably be confused about just how different the two of them are from each other and how different their relationships with the turtles are at first, but that wouldn't really affect their friendship whatsoever.
Casey: Rise! Casey (Cass) and 2012 Casey would definitely first get into a physical fight with each other the moment they meet, because they are Caseys. However, right after the fight, they'd suddenly be the best of friends. Then Casey Jr. will just be standing at the edge awkwardly, being the one non-feral Casey Jones.
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imagionationstation · 8 months
How do you feel about them removing the leo and Raph rivarly in mutant mayhem?
The same way I felt about the Leo&Raph lack of rivalry in 1987 or Batman VS TMNT, or most of the 2018 series, or the mini rivalries in 2003 and Bayverse. Which is to say…
I didn’t notice. Didn’t even cross my mind until I saw other peoples’ posts about how great it was that they don’t fight. I find this kinda silly- like, everyone’s so caught up in the rivalry of 2012 that they seem to be imprinting it on every iteration.
Do Leo and Raph even have an power struggle in 2003?
I remember 2003Donnie getting feisty at some points, but honestly, 2003Raph always seemed like a fun mix of angy&mellow. Raph bickers with everyone. It’s in his nature. He honestly seemed to have a pretty open relationship with his older brother.
I think the interesting thing about 2012 and the power struggle is that the whole “team” idea is established the very first episode. They were equals before their fifteenth mutation day. The first episode introduced an entirely new power dynamic that all of them need time to get used to.
None of the other turtles had that. It was already pretty obvious who was in charge by the first episodes of each series. Same with Mutant Mayhem. Leo was already trying to establish himself in a leader role and we appear to be midway through his progress.
The rivalry in 2007 was because Leo straight abandoned them and Raph was hurting bad because of it. His ache swelled and burst out as irrational anger. It’s understandable.
So… Honest feelings about the subject?
It feels… Silly. Dismissible. Unnecessary thought. Not every iteration should be treated as if 2012Leo&Raph is the basis of all Leonardo&Raphael relationships with turtle teens.
They aren’t. They’re just another realistic pair of teens who have to deal with the ups and downs of the redo of their family dynamic.
When we appreciate that they aren’t like 2012, we relate a negative to that iteration. A “Finally that’s over with” to something that wasn’t as prominent or terrible to begin with. (In my unprofessional opinion)
I’m glad Mutant Mayhem Leo and Raph get along the same way that I’m glad that Mikey and Donnie get along or I’m glad Raph and Donnie get along or I’m glad Mikey and April get along or I’m glad April and Raph get along, etc, etc.
Thank you for the ask! This was actually a subject I was considering touching on, so I’m grateful for the opportunity!
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indieyuugure · 9 months
so i’m indie tmnt.. about leo and karai.. how’s that work?
So in Indie TMNT, Leo and Karai are what you could call “a couple” and while in the beginning that’s much more of a correct term, they mellow out as more of a super fighting duo that enjoys each other’s company.
Leo is the first to notice Karai and develop a crush, though he knows that it’s weird and he’s very shy about it. He does nice things for her and will cover for her even when he shouldn’t.
Karai in the beginning doesn’t have any feelings about him, negative or positive, he’s just another guy Shredder rants about at dinner. The Shredder, however, sees the potential for getting close to the turtles via Leo’s crush and she and him concoct a plan to play Leo. Unfortunately though, Karai actually ends up liking him back. They have many common interests, she thinks he’s funny and they naturally get along very well. So then Karai is caught between a rock and a hard place having to play double agent for both Leo and the Shredder.
During the invasion, Karai’s loyalties are really put in jeopardy as the Shredder is giving her direct commands and Leo is standing right there. Though Leo ends up thinking she chose to side with the Shredder—which he accepts and respects since he would do the same for his father, though he’s still kinda heart broken—Karai actually saved his life. I won’t spoil how, but she does in her typical sly manner.
Afterwards they make up and explain what happened. As time goes on, Leo’s teen crush kind of mellows into more of a close friendship and same with Karai. They’re both aware that their relationship won’t go anywhere and they’re okay with that, so they both decide that their relationship will end up being more like a friendship than a romance.
I hope this makes any amount of sense. I’m basing their relationship off of a couple I know in real life so it feels more natural. I do this with all relationships I write, for instance, April & Casey and Raph & Mona are based off stories I’ve heard of my parents as teenagers/young adults.
I think this is the most delicate relationship of all to deal with since it has a very bad reputation—no thanks to 2012–and can often come off as weird. The objective of Indie TMNT is to recreate and master everything in the TMNT universe and consolidate it into one iteration.
I think I want something more similar to the 87 Leo and Lotus which is very cute(in my opinion). I think people often take these relationships too seriously and forget the fact that the turtles are 15-16. All of the “romantic” relationships in my tmnt are very pure hearted “hey, I like you being here” sort of relationships.
PLEASE NOTE: a lot of this could end up changing because of plot reasons, so don’t take this as exactly what will happen to the letter. This is a vague idea that I currently have jotted down, so take this with a grain of salt and thank you for your understanding.
Good question! :]
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
To add my two cents about episode 8 and Calico Jack.
Stede's attitude always seemed peculiar to me (some call Stede jealous and while I think there's some truth to it, it's still a little unfair considering his past) I had the feeling that he was trigger and this is particularly due to the fact that quite a few elements of the episode echo his past as a victim of bully.
There is no flashback during this episode but it is a trigger atmosphere that Stede gave me.
Destruction of one's belongings (things that bullies do for fun), passive aggression and inability to defend himself (Big gal, Steve, pirate in store or something), hurtful activities (whipping, jumping off the boat, crabbing and the turtle which directly touches on violence against animals, something of which Stede seems particularly sensitive, the throwing of coconuts which can immediately be compared to the stoning and the boat of the pilot, and the death of Karl), the colors of the Stede's outfit is similar to the outfit he wore in the pilot's flashback with Nigel, and we can even see flowers embroidered on it.
It's for this reason that I somehow consider Calico Jack to be more vicious than Izzy, the latter is so annoying that we see him coming as a big jerk. While Calico Jack is so fun and playful that his abuse is toned down to "it's okay, it's just games" and as a result Stede comes across as the killjoy.
It’s for these kinds of reasons that at times the fandom gives me mixed vibes when it comes to Stede. I feel like there’s always this need to take him down one way or another. "That he never does anything right", "that he is always the one in the wrong" and that he will never win in the fandom...
(But hey, that’s more of a personal feeling than anything else, I have the unfortunate tendency to overinterpret so if this little gibberish makes no sense you can ignore it 😅)
In short nothing else to add, I love your blog and your metas on the serie in general ! ❤
I don't think Stede is jealous. He's seeing things slipping away from him and it's challenging his masculinity and his friendships. He's building something meaningful and he sees Jack coming in and trying to destroy it, bit by bit, in the way that Nigel and other bullies destroyed his peace in picking flowers.
Jack is insidious and he's designed to be. Izzy's hatred of Stede is very open and it's easy to see clearly. Jack hides behind that frat boy image; he's this apparently charming buffoon who knows exactly how to hurt people where it will do the most damage. And I do think Stede himself recognizes that, in a way that Ed can't because Ed has been accustomed to play along rather than resist. Ed's never been at the receiving end of bullies like Jack because he protects himself by playing with them instead of resisting them. The cracks in that show really early on because he's suddenly seeing that bullying directed at someone he loves, and it comes home to him increasingly that what is happening is not OK and not really justifiable, as hard as he tries to justify it. He tries to resist ("I've mellowed a bit"), but Jack won't let him. I think by the end, Ed sees Jack for what he is and also believes that's all he deserves, because he's brought pain and violence to Stede and Stede's ship. Ed is not having fun.
And Stede does stand up to Jack, quite unequivocally, nor does he walk it back when Ed decides to leave as well.
But I am also really bothered by how blame keeps being shifted onto Stede, like the kid who gets pushed down should have done something to avoid being pushed down. Or should just laugh it off.
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000marie198 · 1 year
Leo's Mom Moments™ counter in Turtle Temper:
Shushes and lightly scolds Raph and Mikey to be quiet on missions
Stops them again with a, "Alright, enough," when Raph is forcing praises out of the youngest.
Grabs Raph's arm, stopping him from pulling out his sai and attacking human Spiderbytez and says, "Let's go."
Gets mockingly called Mommy by the dude right afterwards.
Is the first one to reach forth and hold Raph back when his brother's weapon was called Salad Tongs and Raph tried to attack. (Donnie and Mikey join later.)
Elbows his brother so he would say, "Please"
"Okay okay. Thankyou, Raphael, I will take over." (Manages to make him mellow out with just an upset pout like a child)
Worries about Raph walking away from the fight all of a sudden and gets distracted enough to be downed temporarily.
Disappointed Mom Lecture ™
Going, "Not now, Donnie," when in lecture mode.
"Hey." Stops Donnie and Mikey from beating each other up when they're pulling their silly shenanigans and then shushes them with a glare.
Shushes human Spiderbytez
"Don't worry. The four of us can handle it." (Tries to reassure)
This proud smile:
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"Well, you've been punished long enough. Come join us." (If this isn't a Mom dialogue, I don't know what is.)
Gives a proud compliment at the end.
Also, just seeing Raph listening to Leo throughout the episode (when he wasn't too angry that is) like a duckling following it's mother. Like, he mellowed down with an angry pout so many times!
Counting all these moments, it makes sixteen in total, in a single episode! Imagine how much could there be collectively throughout the series and in-universe comics and the Half-Shell Heroes movie.
I think I should do Leo's Mom Moments counter for every episode I rewatch now. See how high it actually is throughout the series.
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