#memory modification [draco]
dramioneasks · 6 months
Beyond Recall or Desire - vannminner - E, 25 chapters - In December of 2001, Draco Malfoy was meant to be married. Unfortunately, a union with Astoria Greengrass would be impossible as his soul had already been bound to another's. Now, if only he could remember whose... - “A birth bond?” Narcissa asked. Alistair shook his head, “I’m afraid not. This is something else entirely.” He made eye contact with Draco before quickly looking away. “This is a chosen bond… a mutual decision…”
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nebulablakemurphy · 9 months
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 3)
Draco Malfoy x fem!OC
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse, reader discretion advised.
Part 1 | Part 2
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Draco makes the proper modifications to the obliviate charm. It won't completely alter Rosanna's memories, it will only suppress the ones where he is present. When everything is sorted, he'll be able to give them back.
Seems simple enough, and once it's done, it's done. The imperius curse however is more difficult. When Draco casts it, he has to mean it. If he half asses the spell or lets his feelings get in the way, not only will it not work; but the effects it will have on Rosanna's mind...he wants to avoid at all costs.
The duration of the curse is also up in the air, could be weeks, could be months, could be years. All the while he'll be commanding this shell of the girl he loves.
'I control you.' Draco repeats the mantra in his head, every night before bed, willing himself to mean it.
When the time finally comes, he's standing in front of Rosanna as she's sound asleep, with his wand drawn. 'She doesn't remember', Draco tells himself. 'This isn't your Rosanna, it only looks like her. You can do this, you have to.' "Imperio." Draco says, with conviction.
Nothing happens, because he hasn't given a direction. 'Wake up', he wills her. And so she does.
It takes him a few tries to get into a routine, he doesn't have to think each specific step. She still has a brain after all. He only has to think of the desired out come. For example, 'get dressed and follow me', is one simple order instead of several smaller ones.
After a few weeks of having her at Malfoy manner Draco begins experimenting with more complex demands such as, 'tell me what you think.' Or, 'act like you care for me.'
For a time he can almost forget that it's all a lie. Draco sees her in the room of requirement, how she was, how she loved him. If he ignores the small discrepancies, it’s bearable.
Malfoy manor is under lock and key, however that doesn’t stop an owl from arriving, carrying a parcel with the last will and testament of Albus Dumbledore. Along with Ron, Harry and Hermione; Rosanna is a beneficiary.
‘To Rosanna Marie McVay, I leave my mirror. May you always remember who you are.’
A long ragged shard of an old broken mirror. Draco wants to get rid of it, because even the words seem to taunt, like a cruel joke. But perhaps it means something to her that he cannot comprehend. And so he files it away in his chest of drawers for safe keeping.
It takes about three months before Narcissa runs her wand over Rosanna; and finally it glows. She's expecting.
"Well done, Draco." Lucius says, putting a hand on his shoulder. He’s out of Azkaban, still he isn’t the same man he was before going in.
Draco shrugs him off, they haven’t spoken more than a few words to each other since his return.
"You should let the dark lord know, tonight." Narcissa tells her son gingerly, "he'll be pleased."
"Shouldn't we wait a while? Just to be sure." Draco is still in denial, everything's happened too fast.
"Don't be ridiculous." Lucius insists. Voldemort has been breathing down their necks for weeks.
"What about Rosanna's parents?" Draco asks. "Surely Archer and Dixie deserve to know they're expecting a grandchild."
"Draco...you must understand, we could hardly have them looking for her." Narcissa cuts in.
"What've you done to them?" He spits, angrily.
"Relax Draco, 'twas a simple memory spell. They're on holiday." Lucius informs him.
"Where?" Draco's jaw ticks.
"Just off the coast of France, it's a lovely villa. All expenses paid." His mother brushes a spec of lint from his shoulder.
"If you ever do anything to hurt her or her family-"
"Draco, darling," Narcissa stops him. "We're on the same side. We are protecting Rosanna, we are protecting her parents."
"Could've fooled me." Draco disagrees.
"Mind yourself." Lucius snaps.
"Did it ever occur to you, that perhaps forcing us to have a child was not, in fact, in our best interest? That it might, instead, be detrimental to Rosanna, who hasn't had a proper chance to finish her education? Or the fact that she is brilliant and deserves every opportunity in this world? Do you ever consider the fact you took all that away from her?" Draco is gutted, he's afraid, he is alone.
"No one’s taken a thing from her. We've given her a wealth of opportunity. Is the situation ideal? Of course not. But son, you must know, when this is over; after serving the dark lord, she can have the best tutors. If she wants to continue her studies, she will do just that. Any avenue that Rosanna wishes to venture will be readily available to her. As for you, you will want for nothing Draco. Just as you always have. You can marry, live a long and happy life here in the manor." Lucius doesn't understand, it should be an honor to both of them to restore the Malfoy name to grace.
"What about the baby?" Draco runs a hand through his hair.
"He will have the world as his finger tips, darling." Narcissa coos. "A strong Malfoy boy, a son. You will raise him right, just like you were raised. "
"So you're no longer concerned with her lack of pure blood?" The boy scoffs.
“Draco, you are my son. I care for you a great deal, I want the best for you; always. All will be right once this baby is born. Open your eyes, see it." Lucius says, in closing.
Draco can't see it, but he does see Rosanna's belly grow over the next five months. 'Be happy,' is his only requirement of her.
She has a proper bump now. After she's gone to sleep, Draco keeps his hand on her stomach. Finally feeling his son stir beneath his fingers.
He attempts to choke down the lump in his throat, but he can't. Tears slipping onto his pillow as his shoulders heave with sobs. He can't do this alone.
Rosanna gasps, springing up into a sitting position. The pleasant, floating, out of body feeling she's become accustomed to is gone. Leaving behind a terrible migraine in it's wake. "Fuck." She complains, clutching her head between her hands.
"Lie down, love." Draco tells her, without much thought.
"No, my head-" Rosanna argues, "something's wrong."
He can tell, she's not listening to him anymore.
An imperius curse can be broken, but only through extreme force of will. Few people have ever done so.
"Please, do something." Rosanna reaches for him with trembling hands. She can't recall more than a passing glance shared between them at Hogwarts, but she can remember the passed months with him here. How kind he was, patient, gentle; the way one might treat a very dear friend.
"Let me look at you." Draco insists, holding his hands on either side of her face. "You're bleeding, Ro."
Blood trickles from her left nostril. Upon truly seeing him, something within her scream. There's something right there, just beneath the surface that she can't seem to grasp, but she wants to. The harder she reaches for it, the harder her head throbs in protest.
Draco knows what he has to do, the bleeding is getting worse. Her mind has been tampered with for too long, these kind of spells aren't meant to last forever. He has to give her memories back.
When he does, the blood from her nose slows significantly. Dashing to the bathroom he retrieves a hand towel, holding it beneath her nose. Massaging her temples as she keeps the towel in place.
"Rosanna," Draco says, after a long moment.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Me? I should be asking you." He chuckles, he doesn't know if the spell worked. He doesn't know if she remembers, or if things were lost in translation.
"I heard you crying," she explains. "I knew I had to get up. I couldn't at first, but I just kept telling myself, you have to wake up Ro, you have to wake up.”
"An imperius curse is nearly impossible to break." Draco remarks, brushing wayward hairs from Rosanna's face. "I should have known, nearly impossible is no object for you."
"Of course not." Rosanna shrugs, teasingly.
Draco knows she's never thought of herself as anything special, clearly she is; she always has been.
"You should try to rest." He encourages.
"Yeah," She agrees, moving to lie down in the bed they've shared for months. However, this being the first time it's truly them.
They face each other on top of the dark satin sheets, their hands clasped between them. Content to simply stare into the others eyes for the rest of eternity.
"Did you miss me?" Rosanna whispers, after a long while.
"Every second." Draco confesses, in the same hushed tone.
The next few weeks are spent finding their new normal. Another adjustment, from the kids at Hogwarts, to the imperiused puppet and master, to now pregnant Rosanna and overprotective Draco.
Narcissa and Lucius can see that something is different about her, in comparison to the girl who'd arrived there all those months ago. Writing it off to hormones and never pressing the issue.
The news that Voldemort has finally requested Rosanna attend a death eater’s meeting doesn't come as a surprise to any of them. It has only ever been a question of when.
Narcissa offers to get Ro up to snuff. Draco is wary of leaving them alone together, but Rosanna assures him that she's fine. So eventually he leaves to ready himself for the evening.
"You're a beautiful girl." Narcissa remarks, running her brush through Rosanna's long strawberry blonde hair.
She sits in front of Narcissa's lavish vanity, staring blankly into the mirror as the older woman stands behind her. Rosanna doesn't look like herself, painted in dark makeup and zipped into a perfectly tapered midnight blue silken dress.
"A perfect match for my Draco." She goes on. "Any thoughts on a name for the baby?”
"Not yet." Rosanna forces a smile.
"Draco is named after a constellation; just something to think about." Narcissa knows full well that right now, she's the closest thing the girl has to a mother.
"I don't really know anything about having a baby." Rosanna thought she'd have more time to learn, when she was older, when she was ready.
"It's perfectly normal to be nervous. After all, being a mother is the most important undertaking a woman has. All Draco's life I have spoiled him, but there are things money can not buy. Namely love; your love." Narcissa moves her hair lightly into place.
Rosanna twists her hands in her lap, "Draco keeps telling me I'll be a good mother, but how does he know? I'm going to disappoint him if I don't know what to do the second that sucker is slapped into my arms."
"You'll have help," Narcissa assures her, "a nanny if you'd like."
"No, I don't want a nanny." Rosanna shakes her head.
"Draco-" Narcissa greets when she spots him.
Rosanna turns to him, blonde hair styled into an elegant updo. Makeup done to perfection, a deep red gloss that makes her full lips look truly sinful.
"Give us a moment, mother." Draco stammers at the sight of her.
Narcissa gives a tight lipped grin as she leaves the room.
Ro runs her hands over her dress as she stands.
Draco approaches her, his face a mask of indifference. And for a second, Rosanna actually wonders if he's mad. "I would not change one cell in your body, nor hair on your head. You are easily the best thing that's ever happened to me. You could never disappoint me, I need you to know that. If you're having trouble with something, never hesitate to come to me."
"You gotta stop ease-dropping." Rosanna chastises, draping her arms around him, stroking lovingly at the soft hair on the nape of his neck.
"About tonight," he changes the subject. "We're meant to be guests of honor. You know who sits head of the table, we will sit immediately to his right. Traditionally, I would be seated aside of him, because I'm the male."
"Damn it." Rosanna shakes her head. "He's sexist too?"
Draco chortles, "As I was saying, you'll be next to him. Be calm, steady; I'll be right there with you. Across the table is a seat reserved for Snape, if he shows up. He shouldn’t try to talk to you, none of them will. If they do, keep it short and simple. You're honored to be there. I know you're a decent liar, you can pull this off."
"So what happens at these meetings?" Ro asks, nervously.
"Not much, we cover any news about Potter. While we're on the subject, it's imperative to remember, the dark lord knows you and Harry were friends. When he accessed Potter's mind and memories, you were there. Don't lie about it if he asks." Draco smooths a hand along her back.
"Ok." She nods.
"He'll give assignments, if need be and tie up any loose ends. It's all straight forward really." He puts her mind at ease.
The moment they enter the dining room, everything Draco had promised is out the window; because there's a woman, suspended midair near the archway. They recognize her as one of the professors from Hogwarts. Muggle studies wasn't a class either of them had taken, they don’t really know Ms. Charity Burbage, but they'd seen each other plenty in passing.
"Breathe," Draco whispers, "just keep breathing." His hand is at the small of her back, guiding her toward their seats.
Voldemort's mouth twists into a demented grin. "Well, if it isn't the young Mr. Malfoy and his beloved Rosanna. What a pleasure it is, to finally meet you." He purrs. "Come, join me." Voldemort motions to the seats aside of him.
"Thank you for having me," Rosanna smiles as Draco pulls out the chair for her, waiting until she sits before pushing her in.
"Of course, dear one." He eyes her belly. "As I'm sure you all know, a congratulations is in order for our friends. They are to have a son, bringing them one step closer to fulfilling their destiny."
All eyes at the table are fixed on them. Rosanna isn't sure if they're meant to speak or not. So she simply nods, crossing her legs beneath the table. Draco's left hand stretches over, searching for hers. She twines their fingers together, resting their hands in her lap.
Severus arrives a few moments after the meeting has officially started. Joining them at the table, giving Draco and Rosanna a once over as he takes his seat.
He sees them third year, in detention for fraternizing after hours. He sees them fourth year, dancing the night away at the ball. He sees them fifth year, tested and divided by circumstance. He sees them sixth year, leaving together the night he'd killed Albus.
He sees their then faces, he sees their now faces; still just children, but stripped of their innocence.
When Rosanna is excused, she rushes up the stairs to their bedroom.
Draco stays with his parents to see the others out. "She's not been feeling well, terrible morning sickness." He explains, "I better go check on her." Draco closes the door behind last of the death eaters before venturing up the staircase.
He finds her, dry heaving over the sink, mascara stained teardrops falling against the porcelain. Draco knows what a panic attack looks like, from personal experience.
"Alright sweetheart, you're alright." He wets a rag with cool water from the tap, lying it on the over heated skin at the back of her neck.
"I can't breathe," Rosanna sobs, fingers twisting against the edge of the sink basin. She needs to be sick, she needs to breath, she needs to lie down, she needs to scream.
"Try, try for me." Draco murmurs, his lips at her temple. "Take a deep breath in."
She does try, but suddenly her dress is too tight, suffocating her. "Get it off, get it off me." Rosanna chokes out, clawing at the zipper behind her, but her fingers won't cooperate.
Draco moves her trembling hands aside, using his own to ease the zipper down her back. The material pooling at her feet, but it doesn't help.
All she can think about is the woman from the parlor, dropping lifeless onto the dinner table and served as a meal to Nagini.
"I'm so sorry, Ro. You have to believe me, I had no idea that was going to happen. You were never supposed to see that. It was to be a normal meeting, just as I said. I didn't know." Draco apologizes fiercely, pressing desperate kisses to her shaking shoulders.
Her breaths come in short gasps, resting her head against the cool surface of the mirror. "It's not your fault." Rosanna shakes her head. The child in her womb stirs wildly, seemingly sensing her distress. She places a hand over her belly protectively.
Draco wraps both arms around her, grounding her. One hand resting over her heart, to dull the ache that's taken root there. The other on top of hers, calming their baby. "You are strong, you are safe, and you are so loved."
Rosanna isn't sure if he's talking to her or their child, either way, it's enough to bring her back to herself. She catches her breath, standing up straight and turning to face Draco.
His features still laced with worry. "Can I get you anything?"
"No, I'm sorry. That's never happened before." Rosanna can't meet his eyes.
"There's nothing to apologize for." He tips her chin up to catch her gaze. "They aren't as awful once you're used to them. I'd like to tell you that they suck less too, but that'd be a lie; they always suck."
Rosanna smirks at him, "since when does Draco Malfoy say something sucks?"
"I've been hanging around this girl for sometime. She's an awful influence, you see, she's got quite a dodgy vocabulary." Draco teases. "I've tried to keep away, only problem is, I'm terribly in love with her and it never seems to work."
"I love you so much." Ro laughs, peppering his face with kisses. Effectively covering him in cherry red lip stick. "You look ridiculous," she tells him as they break apart.
"Yeah?" He turns her back toward the mirror.
Her hair is a bird's nest and her cheeks a mess of black streaks. "Before you take the mickey out of me, let's get that rubbish off your face."
"Screw you." She takes the cloth from her neck, rewetting it with soap; properly removing what's left of her makeup.
"What about me?" Draco protests, "you've done this." He motions to his crimson stained face.
"Don't you like my work?" Rosanna feigns hurt, softly swiping the marks off his face.
"I love your work, darling, however I'm afraid red's not my color." He smiles, it’s been so long that the feeling is foreign to the muscles in his face.
When the golden trio is dragged in, by snatchers, to Malfoy Manor, they look slightly worse for wear. Especially Harry, who is nearly unrecognizable under the swelling of his features from Hermione’s stinging jinx. A last ditch effort to conceal his identity.
When Draco cannot positively identify the boy as Harry Potter, Bellatrix utters one sickening command. “Bring me Rosanna.”
Draco nods, taking the stairs up to his bedroom. The door creaks open and Rosanna turns to him.
“What’s wrong?” She closes the book she’s been reading.
“I need you.” He chokes out. “I need you to come with me and I…Rosanna, I’m so sorry.”
Rosanna swallows hard, moving to her feet and smoothing out the front of her dress. The one with light purple daisies scattered about the material.
Draco and Rosanna know full well what will happen if they are caught lying. Still they do it anyway.
Legillimacy comes easy to her, the way occlumency does Draco. They’ve been working to teach each other, no time like the present to put those skills to the test.
“Come, Rosanna.” Bellatrix insists, giggling erratically as she does. “Right here.”
Rosanna crosses the room, joining Bellatrix near where Harry is kneeling. She is about six months along and her belly comes as a shock to her former friends.
“Good girl, come come.” Bellatrix pulls her in. Attempting to peer deep into Rosanna’s mind. “Take a good look for us.” She points down to the man in question. “Is it him? Is it Harry?”
Rosanna floods her thoughts with images of Harry from their childhood. Distracting Bellatrix, hiding what she knows to be true. This is Harry.
Bellatrix huffs out a breath, “you really don’t know, do you?”
Rosanna shakes her head, “I’m sorry. It’s too hard to tell with his face that way.”
“That’s alright, precious.” Bellatrix puts a hand to Rosanna’s belly. “You’ve done your part. Now run along, there’s work to be done.”
Rosanna nods, moving towards the stairs on shaky legs.
“Put the boys in the cellar,” Bellatrix barks her next command at Lucius and Draco, grabbing Hermione by the collar. “Me and this one need to have a little chat, girl to girl.”
The sound of Hermione's tortured cries haunt Rosanna's nightmares for years to come. But she knows the best, and only course of action is to return to her room and come up with a plan.
Tearing through the dresser, in search of her wand, she slices her finger on a shard of…glass? Even through the parchment wrapped haphazardly around it.
‘To Rosanna Marie McVay, I leave my mirror. May you always remember who you are.’
Rosanna tosses Dumbledore’s will aside, staring down at the reflection in her hand. Somehow the image staring back is not her own.
“Hello?” She whispers. The eye looking back at her could almost be her former headmaster’s. But that’s impossible. “Can you help me? My friends are being held captive in Malfoy manor-”
There is a pop from behind her, Rosanna squeals at the unexpected appearance of a house elf. Not one of the Malfoy’s, not anymore.
Dobby had been freed the year before Rosanna transferred to Hogwarts. He isn’t thrilled by the prospect of returning to Malfoy Manor, his old masters were very cruel, and Dobby is a free elf. But, “Dobby is here to help Harry Potter and his friends.”
“Harry is a good friend of mine. I need your help to get him out of here.”
“What about you, miss?”
“It’s a long story, but I can’t leave, not yet. Harry and Ron are in the cellar, I can show you how to get there.”
“Dobby knows his way to the cellar.” The elf lowers his voice.
"Thank you, Dobby." Rosanna leans down to kiss his cheek. "Tell Harry, Rosanna sent you. Tell him I'm sorry, for everything."
"I'll tell them, Ms. Rosanna." Dobby agrees, any friend of Harry's is a friend of his.
The elf disapparates into the cellar. Rosanna grabs her wand and sets off to find Draco. Harry and Ron are now free, having fought their way back up to the main floor with Dobby’s help.
Rosanna finds herself on the opposite end of Hermione’s wand. They stare at each other for a beat too long.
“Rosanna!” A voice, dueling in the distance, warns.
In a panic, Rosanna casts a healing charm.
Hermione returns the gesture.
They put on a good show, before Hermione finally disarms her. In the chaos, only she and Rosanna know that's all she's done.
"Ahh!" Rosanna howls, falling to the ground clutching her belly.
"What is it, darling? Is it the baby?" Narcissa is beside her in an instant, abandoning her post.
"Something's wrong." Rosanna lies.
"We'll call the midwife straight away." Lucius assures her, appearing only a second later.
Everyone but Draco and Bellatrix have stopped firing curses at the golden trio.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Draco demands, as he and Harry wrestle over his wand. Over powering Potter for just a second, he leans down to whisper. "Knock me off, take the wand and go."
Harry listens, they disapparate with Dobby, but not before Bellatrix throws her knife into the mix.
The midwife arrives shortly after, checking Rosanna over. Deciding that the stress might have caused a bout of false labor pains, and orders her a weeks bed rest with increased fluids.
Draco waits on her hand and foot, playing his part well. He quite enjoys doting on her and the growing baby in her belly.
As soon as Ro is cleared for regular activity, she and Draco spend the night in the kitchen. Making tacos the muggle way, the way Rosanna's grandmother had taught her when she was just a little girl.
"Why is this so bloody good?" Draco says in disbelief, diving another chip into the guacamole.
Rosanna is seated atop the cool granite island, contently swinging her feet. The platinum haired boy in the high rise chair to her left. "I told you. The baby likes tacos." Rosanna notes, feeling the infant practically doing flips in her belly.
"Course he does, he's my son." Draco grins at her, moving to his feet to have a feel.
"Everyone keeps saying boy. How do you know?" She cocks her blonde head to the side.
"The last ten generations of Malfoy have only a single male heir. Truthfully, I'd be just as happy with a girl. I do worry though, that they'll have an accent." Of course he wasn't actually concerned. Draco could listen to her speak, uninterrupted, for days on end.
"I don't have an accent." Rosanna bats at him.
"This estate will be ours someday. I'd like to fill it." Draco confesses, stealing a bite from his abandoned taco.
"You want more kids?" It isn’t something that’s ever come up.
"Not straight away. But after a while," he nods. "I want everything with you. A proper wedding, a home filled with our children, their laughter. Pets, if they please you. Holidays in America, show our children where their mother is from, why she talks funny. Send our children off to Hogwarts and take pride in whichever house they're sorted into. We can grow old together, we can be happy together."
"I'd like that." Rosanna decides.
"Can I tell you something else?" Draco asks, drumming his free hand against her knee.
"Mhm." Rosanna hums, around a mouth full of taco shell.
"I was never truly happy until I met you." He confesses.
"That’s not true.” Rosanna rolls her brown eyes.
"I know you hate me going on about it." Draco grins, looking down at his hands. "But being with you, eating tacos that we made, on a stove, which I hadn't the slightest idea how to work... You make me feel like I can do anything. You never make me feel daft for having to learn. No one's ever done that for me. Only you."
It still startles him, the depth of his love for her, the way it never seemed to bottom out. How he would look at her with absolutely certainty that he couldn't love her anymore than he did at that moment and then somehow he always did.
"That's because I love you," Rosanna says, before bursting into tears, "dumbass." She adds for good measure.
Part 4
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dhr-fics · 1 year
Author: Arcacia (Elantil)
Erised (13KB - One Shot - G) She was the girl who fought for house elf rights, the one that picked the ugliest cat in the shop because she didn't want it to be unloved, and if it gave her a twisted enjoyment to be the salvation to her once tormentor, she didn't show it. If saving him was saving herself as well, she didn't show that either.
Flesh and Blood (12KB - One Shot - R) All Draco knows when he wakes up is an insatiable hunger. "The tantalizing aroma grows stronger. Saliva rushes in his mouth and he swallows." One-shot. Dramione if you squint.
Flesh and Blood: Extended (126KB - 15 Chapters - NC-17) Draco Malfoy's life as he knows it is no longer the same. Not after the fateful night in Muggle London, certainly not after the reunion with the bushy haired witch. Their first meeting — their past is irrelevant — is serendipity. Continuation of Flesh and Blood. Has prequel: Dying of the Light.
Footnotes in History (16KB - One Shot - R) At the tender age of 7, Draco stumbles upon a stack of diaries belonging to a person with the initials of R.A.B. What he reads scares him enough to leave it be, but as the years go by, they eventually become his only comfort. "What utter tripe. It's a logical fallacy. An all-powerful being will never be magnanimous." Background dramione if you squint.
Hurricane Thunderclap (13KB - One Shot - PG-13) Hermione hadn't meant for it to happen but the fact remains that she did nothing to fix what she had wrought. "... the old headmaster had only taken a calculating look at the boy who trailed after her like a lost puppy and told her that the boy needed her now and sent them both away." Memory Modification fic
The Inbred Problem (14KB - One Shot - R) Wizarding Britain is nearing a crisis and Hermione will do what she must to prevent it, even if it means putting herself on the line. "Every single pureblood family is quite literally three steps away from being the pug of humanity!" Marriage Law fic.
The Sound of Her Wings (11KB - One Shot - G) He knew what she saw him as: a project to undertake. If she gave him ugly knitted hats too, he thought he may very well snap and do something truly deserving of a life sentence at Azkaban. Companion piece to Erised.
Strings on us (29KB - One Shot - R) There is a belief that everyone who is born is connected to another intimately through a red string tied around their ankles. It should have been easy, but with Draco and Hermione, things have never been quite as clear cut as that.
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infiniteleecity · 4 years
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Footsteps of a Stranger 
Chapters: 12/14 (Work in Progress)  Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Not Canon Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Memory Alteration Summary:
Draco Malfoy goes back to Wizarding London to find out that nobody knows about him, and his whole family history has been altered. Hermione Granger, just getting back from Australia after working on giving her parents back their memories finds herself the only one remembering who Draco is. Together, they try to uncover what happened and hopefully find someway to return everything back to normal.
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shealwaysreads · 3 years
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drarry | E | 1.7k | kinktober, body modification, henna, tattoos, piercings, nipple piercings
Summary: It had started with lovebites.
Read on Ao3
It had started with lovebites. Harry liked to give them, and Draco liked to receive them. First they were delicate little things, then bigger, deeper. Purple-black bruises that Draco begged for, that he touched when they were apart. He’d strip in front of his mirror and stroke every wide-blooming mark Harry had left on him, then send Harry the memory in a glass phial, ready to pour into a Pensieve.
Draco liked the pain, liked the way it drifted like smoke through the pleasure of Harry’s hands and mouth on him. He liked the marks. He liked knowing Harry had touched him and he liked having the proof of it. Draco had been marked before, for all the wrong reasons. But this. This felt right.
“Sometimes I wish—” Draco paused. Swallowed. Perhaps this should stay secret. He couldn’t un-say it. But Harry’s hand was warm on the back of his neck, Harry’s bed was soft under him, and Harry had demanded no secrets between them, no shadows for darkness to fester, so Draco spoke. “Sometimes I wish that Snape hadn’t done such a good job healing me. I wish I had scars from your wand.”
“From… From Sectumsempra?”
Draco turned away from Harry’s too-knowing eyes, and nodded while he looked out of the window. There was a copper beech in the next door garden and the autumn winds had blown half of the leaves away. Draco felt like half of him had blown away, too. Harry’s hands held the rest of him down, kept him from disappearing. But Harry couldn’t hold him all the time.
He’d thought, once, that Harry was thoughtless and stupid. But he wasn’t. Headstrong, maybe, but not thoughtless. He already knew Draco better than almost anyone else in Draco’s life. Draco hadn’t thought anyone would ever even want to know him this deeply. But Harry did. He knew how Draco took his tea, how he touched his right ear when he was nervous. He’d divined Draco’s want for him, and his silent urge to be held down. And he understood this, too.
Harry gripped Draco’s left forearm, his thumb pressing hard against the scarred remnants of the Mark. He kissed the inside of Draco’s wrist, sucked a little love bite there, then kissed it again.
“You want something that lasts,” Harry said.
He was right.
Harry used henna; the heady scent of it lingered in Draco’s nostrils as the delicate patterns Harry had traced onto his skin set. When they showered it off, together of course, it revealed deep red stains that decorated his body like lace. Harry pressed him against the tiles, kissed him and bit him and rubbed hard against him until they both came in spurts that were rinsed away before they stopped panting.
Draco spent the week at work half-hard, knowing his skin was still Harry’s. That Friday, Harry laid him out on the sofa and feasted on him. Both of them liked the love bites, and both of them liked the henna.
Eventually, Draco got tired of the slow fade of red from his skin. It was a melancholy abandonment, each time he bathed, each time he dressed. Harry’s marks faded, even when they were stained into him.
Draco bought the ink, and the needle. He even brought the book—a battered old thing that had travelled the world—and opened it to the dog-eared page with the charm he thought would work best.
“Are you sure?” Harry asked, wand and needle in hand.
Draco stripped, left his clothes in a messy tangle on the floor, and lay back across Harry’s bed. The knitted blanket was soft under his fingers as he gripped at it, the comfort of a house that felt like home even though his own flat was ten tube stops away.
“I want something that’s permanent.”
Harry sighed, and it sounded like relief. He bent low and kissed the stretched hollow of Draco’s hip, and then he whispered the charm and the needle began it’s dance across Draco’s skin.
It hurt, but Harry stroked his thigh and Draco watched his green eyes follow the path of ink and metal; he was utterly focused, utterly. Draco asked for permanent and Harry gave it to him like it was easy.
They fucked, afterwards, with Harry underneath. Draco bounced in his lap and each rise and fall stretched his just-etched skin and it burned and warmed something deep inside of him. Harry stared at him, steady even amidst his own rising pleasure—flushed cheeks, parted mouth, clenching stomach muscles and trembling thighs—and then reached up to Draco’s chest. He brushed his nipples with his thumbs, then pinched hard and sustained until Draco was gasping and grasping at Harry’s wrists but too torn to decide whether to push him away or draw him closer. Instead, Draco just held onto him, and shook and wailed as his orgasm tore through him.
Harry sat next to him afterwards (after a shared glass of water, and an apple eaten one bite each until it was just a core) and passed Draco the needle.
“You know the charm,” he said, and then rested his right arm on Draco’s legs, wrist up.
Draco turned to kiss Harry’s shoulder, still sweat-salty under his lips, and closed his eyes to bear the moment. He took a breath then straightened, and picked up his wand. Harry didn’t flinch as the needle touched his skin, just tilted his head to rest it on Draco’s shoulder and watched as he left his own mark on Harry.
Harry understood him. He understood how words mattered but sometimes pledges were made with skin and blood. He understood that things could be fleeting, leaves on the wind. But roots settled deep, and tangled in the deep earth, and they couldn’t be moved once they were set. Draco was set where he intended to stay, windswept or otherwise. He’d have to be felled for him to stop wanting this.
He liked to touch the mark on Harry's wrist when they were out at the pub with their friends, or queuing at the chippy, or when they lay together in bed with only the streetlight’s orange glow filtering through Harry’s curtains.
It was Harry who brought a needle back into his bedroom. It was spring. The copper birch next door was washed in a wine-red haze of new leaves. The needle was bright silver, and in Harry’s other hand were two golden bars.
“Only if you want,” Harry started.
But Draco didn’t need to hear anything more. He stripped off his jumper (Harry’s jumper, well-loved and so scented with him that Draco wanted to take it home with him) and then his trousers too. He knew what Harry intended, but he wanted Harry to know that anything—everything—was theirs to share.
“Yes,” Draco said, then lay back on the bed, and that was all Harry needed.
He set down his tools, and then took off his clothes too—for all that they did, all that he might have been the one doing, not done-to, Harry was always with Draco, they did this together—and climbed up to straddle Draco where he was stretched out over the rumpled duvet. He pinched Draco’s right nipple, hard enough to make it peak, hard enough to make Draco’s cock swell where it lay in the crook of his hip. A whispered charm clamped his nipple tight, held it high, ready for Harry and his steady hands and the silver-bright needle.
Draco watched—like he watched when Harry sank down on his cock, like he watched when Harry held him open and fucked him in front of the mirror, like he watched every time Harry reached out and tangled their fingers together—as the needle pierced his flesh. There wasn’t any blood, Harry’s charmwork was clever, but it did hurt. Draco’s cock was hard now, and so was Harry’s.
“Wait,” Harry said, as he threaded the ball on the bar he had pressed through in the wake of the needle. “Let me do the other one.”
Draco brought his hands to Harry’s legs, and he cupped his palms around his knees while Harry applied his charm and his needle to Draco’s left nipple. He stroked his fingertips higher along the lean muscle and wiry hair of Harry’s thighs as Harry twisted the bar closed. He wrapped his fingers around Harry’s cock as he sat back, a satisfied smile on his face as he looked down at Draco.
“Beautiful,” Harry murmured, and let his hand rest on Draco’s sternum, the span of his hand covering the space between his new piercings.
Draco knew he was talking about the glint of gold against the tender pink of his nipples, but he was also talking about Draco, and he was also talking about what they meant when they made these marks together.
Draco moved his hand, twisted his wrist, and breathed deeply to feel the sting of the metal invading his body. Harry came quickly, with an open-mouthed cry, and then he crawled backwards and pressed Draco’s aching cock into his mouth, against his cheek and tongue and throat, until Draco was moaning and shaking under him.
Sometimes Draco took the gold bars out of his nipples, cast a healing charm, and presented himself to Harry with a shy-sure question. Harry always reached out to him with a moan on his lips, ready with their needle and charm.
Sometimes Harry changed the bars for a pair of hoops linked with a delicate golden chain. He’d settle himself on Draco’s lap, impale himself slowly on Draco’s cock, and use one finger to tug mercilessly on the golden links. Draco always shook, and whined, and he always thrust up hard, and leaned back the barest amount to increase the tension.
Harry still left lovebites on him, sweet little suckling things and huge bruises that settled muscle-deep. Draco liked them, and so did Harry. Draco liked it when Harry pulled him into bed, tangled his fingers in his hair, and rested their mouths together in a lazy endless kiss. He liked it when Harry asked him to stay, to properly stay—for good—in one shared breath, Harry’s lips moving against his with each carefully shaped word.
The copper beech in their neighbour’s garden was in full leaf; bruise-dark red, sunlit and rustling on the breeze of a summer afternoon. Harry lay across Draco, his leg thrown over Draco’s, his cock softly pressed to Draco’s hip. Harry stroked Draco’s tattoo, a soothing pet of callused thumb against thin skin and bone. Draco’s right hand was in Harry’s hair, it was long now, almost to his shoulders, and his other rested on his belly. Harry had put a ring there, too.
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October 30th from this prompt list
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Severus Snape being an awesome teacher and human being
Au Volant - Elsa & Emilie
He makes sure to let students work on their own when they brew Amortentia. They only have to pass in a list of things they smell and he draws little smiley faces on them because he knows a lot of kids are very insecure about their feelings. (Once a kid passed in a list that just said, I’m sorry Professor but it doesn’t smell like anything, and on their paper Severus drew an ace and aro flag and a time for the student to be at Mcgonogall’s office that weekend for tea, along with a smiley face and an O grade.) (The student was Newt.) (Hailee’s just read, People are gross and if I fall in love with one I want you to kill me, to which Severus responded, Valid, and drew her a picture of a turtle.)
He makes fake batches of Felix Felicis and gives one to every student secretly before their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so they feel extra confident going into the test but aren’t actually cheating.
He knows his area is Potions, but he teaches defense spells to students who come after class or report bullying anonymously. Severus Snape does not fucking stand for bullying in his classroom or outside of it. If you dare to pick on one of his students, he will burn you so hard with his mere words that you will wish you were dead. Do not fuck with Severus Snape’s kids.
On parent-teacher day, he drinks different batches of Polyjuice Potion to imitate certain students, all of whom hide away in their dorms after drinking a fine batch of invisibility potion. He then follows these select parents around and endures their horrifying, demeaning remarks about their “failure of a child” so his students don’t have to. He makes sure to give these students glowing praises to their parents when it’s his turn to offer feedback (after making up an excuse to go to the bathroom as the student), and takes mental notes of the parents’ most prominent criticisms so he can be sure to compliment those parts of his students during their next assignments (and also just because).
He brews sleeping potions for students he knows stay up all night studying and sometimes slips it into their drinks if they refuse to take it willingly. He then gives them back their (usually almost flawless) tests with the note that if they want a full O they need to sleep more.
He invites kids he knows don’t have many friends to have dinner and lunch and breakfast in his classroom whenever they’d like. He tries to make friends with some of them too, hoping to make their lives a little less lonely than his was.
He keeps an eye out for abusive home situations. He does his best to come up with excuses for those unfortunate students to stay at Hogwarts over breaks or to visit often over the summer. He tries to find them friends that will help them the way James helped Sirius and Regulus, and speaks to Mcgonogall about opening a home for these kids on campus. He does his best to be the parent he knows these kids don’t have, and is open about his own horrid past in hopes of getting some of them to fess up so he can help them better than he can without hearing it explicitly from their mouths.
He uses his Pensieve to collect happy memories of and for his students to reflect on when they need to and they sit in the corner of his classroom. (Among them are his wedding day to James and Lily, the day Harry was born, a couple playdates with the other Marauder children, Sirius and Remus’ wedding day, studying with Remus, pranking James with Sirius, Sirius and James asleep cuddled together with Remus on the couch in ugly Christmas sweaters, his son and many nieces and nephews playing dress-up, reading with Hermione and exploring with Luna and Newt, dancing with Draco (he likes to dance but was always ashamed to do it at the Malfoys), going on long drives with Regulus, the Blacks’ funeral (Regulus and Sirius performed a very gay stripper dance on top of their graves, it was beautiful), and many, many more.) Sometimes he can see his saddest students watching them and smiling, and their sad eyes twinkling make him smile.
He brings in a box of small kittens, puppies, and bunnies one day and lets them wander around the classroom. Some kids start crying because they haven’t felt this loved in years. After an incident with a bad potion and a rainbow puppy, he stops bringing them all out during class, but they’re there on the weekends and whenever a student needs to hug one (or borrow one, much to Mcgonogall’s chagrin).
He works to break down House biases and help students develop inter-House relationships and friendships. He wants every student to be proud of their House and not to treat anyone differently because of theirs. He creates (with Dumbledore, Sirius, and Regulus’ help) an annual House Pride, in which every student dresses up in their House colors and has their nails and skin painted and everyone is smiling and laughing and waving flags with their House emblems in the air. Even the teachers get in on it.
He stresses the importance of friendships, communication, and choices. He urges students not to make his mistakes by treating their friends well, talking about their feelings even if they’re ugly, and making the right choices in life for you and your loved ones, even if those choices are hard. He invites Lily in to talk about this too sometimes.
He sends out his Patronus every night to wander around the school. Often it comes back to him with nothing, but sometimes he can hear a student crying through it. He’ll instruct his doe to sit with the student until he gets there, and then he’ll walk around the castle, pretending to “accidentally” happen upon the crying student. He’ll sit with them until they’ve calmed down and listen if they want to talk and then take them to their dorm, bidding them goodnight and get well soon.
He gives students hugs when they want them. He didn’t want to originally, but Harry would greet him every class with a hug, and then one day Draco came in crying and attached himself to Severus like a sloth, so he patted him on the back and continued to hug him. Not long after, Hermione couldn’t figure out a potion and burst into tears out of frustration, turning and burying herself in his chest. After Luna wrapped her stick arms around his neck for no reason, Severus just accepted his fate and let his students hug him.
A lot of first years get scared in the hallways, since the staircases move and everywhere is incredibly crowded and they are oh so very small. Severus will often hold the hand of the most anxious ones for the first few weeks and walk them to class. Eventually they become more confident with the castle and themselves and stop needing it, but the occasional sixth year will slip their hand into his just because sometimes.
He walks around campus with students sometimes. He can tell when they’re nervous or sad or angry and he takes them on walks around the outskirts of campus and lets them vent. He also teaches them how to throw curses at the Whomping Willow just because (it’s for Remus but nobody’s gonna say it out loud).
He teaches students how to walk dramatically (as he should). He puts on student drag shows in the Great Hall with James’ help (who always kisses him way too enthusiastically because of it) and Dumbledore’s permission (so long as he gets to be the finale). The students work with Sirius on their drag looks and Sirius and Remus both join in the drag show for the opening act. Sirius’ job is to design and create the students’ looks while Remus tells them they look pretty and tames their stage fright. Severus just sits in the audience smirking while Lily screams in delight. (Regulus also shrieks with excitement eventually, though he does usually spend the first half trying to look disinterested.) (Peter’s job is to get the cookies and sweets (and underage alcohol).)
He turns into his snake Animagus form sometimes without warning when his students aren’t looking and just slithers around the classroom scaring the crap out of people. His favorite students are the ones brave enough to pet him. Harry and Newt are the only ones brave enough (and allowed) to wind him around their shoulders. Severus and Harry sometimes have conversations in Parseltongue.
He invents spells to help with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in his spare time. When he’s done with that he plans to try looking into some cures to mental illness. He’s thinking possibly a potion that treats PTSD by replacing traumatic memories with pictures of puppies, unicorns, bunnies, cats, and parrots. What do you think?
He tries hard to come up with solutions and modifications to his lessons for students with ADHD. He often talks to James about what the best steps to take are because James has ADHD. (So does Sirius, but his insecurities are bad enough that he won’t talk about it with anyone but Remus and James.)
He plays the violin sometimes during tests and uses Sonorus to make it echo throughout the classroom. Occasionally he cancels class and just plays until most of his students fall asleep. Those who want to work on extra work can, but he tries to keep their stress and general teenage angst to a minimum. (Though he encourages the emo phase.)
One of the first things he does after the Prank is get to work on a lycanthropy solution for Remus. After a couple years he invents the wolfsbane potion, but it doesn’t quite do the trick. Eventually he manages to figure out the cure, and when Remus finds out he cries so hard he can’t breathe right for days. (Sirius also cries. So does James. And Peter. And Lily and Regulus and Mcgonogall. Seriously, everyone cried and everyone hugged him and Severus tried to get away by transforming into his snake form but toddler Harry just grabbed him and refused to let go, so that didn’t work.) (He also helps Remus become a wolf Animagus when he asks almost a year later.)
He teaches certain kids Occlumency and Legilimency after school. It’s strictly for kids he knows come from abusive homes, whether they’re open about it or not, so they can tell when it’s going to be a bad night and get away or protect themselves. He teaches Occlumency for those who need to hide things from their parents (like Sirius and Regulus used to) and Legilimency to all, just in case. He focuses on stealth and untraceable versions of the craft to earn the kids as much time and protection as he can.
He figures out how to remove the Dark Mark from his own arm after the war. The next person he calls is Regulus, whose he also removes. He writes down the entire process and when the war starts up again, he keeps an eye out for students suddenly wearing long sleeves. He speaks with those he does find and helps them to make the right choice and join the right side of the war, starting with removing that horrid tattoo. (Draco bawls uncontrollably when Severus removes his.)
When they do the lesson on Veritaserum, he’s extra careful to make sure students don’t test it, especially on themselves or their friends. It, along with Amortentia, is the most guarded potion in his stash. The only times he uses it is when a student from an abusive home is too scared to tell him what’s going on, in which case he finds them somewhere private, asks them if they’d be okay with it and if so which teacher they want to be there to ask the questions (usually Remus, Sirius, or himself), and then administers the potion and leaves or begins to ask yes or no questions. It’s helped a lot of kids escape their families.
He tries to ease trepidations about himself early in the school year, since he’s aware he can be intimidating and the rampant stories regarding his time under Voldemort (though entirely as a spy) do not help. His friendships with Remus and Sirius often serve to alleviate students’ fears though, as they tend to tell embarrassing stories about him from their own Hogwarts days that make him seem more human (and make him want to strangle them, but that’s neither here nor there).
Every year, he works with Remus and Lily to arrange Muggleborn Pride. It’s an incredibly popular event with tons of Muggle inventions and artifacts floating through the air over students’ heads. At any time they can reach up and pull one down to study it. Many students dress as their favorite Muggle icons and characters. Because of this, Muggleborn students are more comfortable being who they are than ever before. (Some have even reclaimed the word Mudblood by setting up mud pits during their Pride.) (They also have more Slytherin Muggleborns now than any other time in recorded history.)
He tells Regulus’ story to every class of students, to teach them what true bravery is and how love and family, even if not blood, can change the course of history. Regulus survived his encounter with the Horcruxes and worked to destroy them and eventually Voldemort, but now lives away from the public eye in a secluded part of Muggle London. He and Severus are friends and visit often, and Regulus will occasionally come back to Hogwarts to say hello to his brother and mum (Remus), but for the most part he keeps his life intensely private. He allows his family to tell his story because he wants other kids to know they are not alone and that there is a way out, and that you are not a bad person for things you did in your childhood. Severus does his best to do it justice.
He has incredibly loud arguments with Dumbledore until he finally agrees to implement sex ed as a mandatory class at Hogwarts. Severus works with the other Marauders on the curriculum and they try to include multiple angles and identities in their lesson plan. At first they try to trust Remus with it, but Remus doesn’t go anywhere without Sirius who is less than tactful and Remus himself has some deadpan sarcasm and a lack of shame to rival James Potter’s, so. They try Lily. She can’t stop giggling. Finally they beg Regulus to come back and teach it. He’s surprisingly… perfect for the job. (He steals parenting books from Amir, that’s his secret.)
When James visits, everything becomes chaos for a bit. While he mostly hangs out with Sirius and Remus and causes trouble with them, he certainly seems to enjoy sitting in the back of Severus’ classroom and bothering him during lessons. The only way to get him to leave is to turn into a snake and wind himself around his shoulders, which makes James shriek and sputter and run away (James has always had an irrational fear of snakes; odd that he married one then, innit?). But when James isn’t causing chaos, he’s following Severus around adoringly and grabbing at his hand, whispering jokes in his ear and kissing his cheek. Despite all of the times he’s a pain in the ass, there are always these little moments that remind Severus why he fell in love with him in the first place (entirely unwillingly and with much stubborn pride on both ends, but, well. It is what it is and they got here eventually, so that’s all that matters).
When Lily visits, everything is calm. She reigns all of the Marauders in and forces them to have picnics under the tree where they all used to do homework. She often holds Severus’ hand and dances with him there, turning his insides to useless goo. She’s always full of laughter and fairy bells, and though she makes every student question their priorities and life decisions, she’s a favorite of them all. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t pull him aside and say, “You’re a lucky, lucky man.” (Or, in James’ case: “Fuck, love, how’d we bloody manage that?” (Severus just shrugs. It’s not like he knows.))
He helps kids with autism feel more like they belong. He also works to educate non-autistic students how to better socialize and respect those who are, and takes extra care to dispel myths about autism and its causes, effects, and characteristics. Lily helps when she can.
Above all, Severus tries to give his students the education he never had. Anything he can provide for them he will. He’s been given a second chance and by Merlin is he going to bloody use it.
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 15: Tinder Date Gone Wrong
"Potter, don't tell me you're wearing that to your date tonight?" Draco questions with distain. As much as it pains his heart to see Harry go on a date, that doesn't mean he won't ge a good friend and advise him on his horrible fashion choices.
Harry looks down at his tshirt and jeans and looks up at Draco with a confused expression, "Yeah what's wrong with these?"
"Nothing if you never want a second date in your life." Draco replies as he starts rummaging around the closet. At last he finds a button-up shirt and a pair of trousers, both of which had been forcefully bought on Draco's insistence. He throws them at Harry and orders him to get changed.
When Harry gets out of the bathroom, Draco has a hard time taking his eyes off him. Harry, he looks positively edible. He knew green would suit Harry perfectly, stubborn git doesn't want to wear Slytherin colours.
"Well...?" Harry asks at last, when Draco just stares.
"You'll do, I suppose." Draco says with an air of indifference.
"Alright, I'm off then!" Harry bids his goodbye and leaves the house.
An hour after Harry has left...
"Harry!" Draco hears someone call out from the living room, so he bookmarks his books and goes to check and sure enough Weasley and Granger are standing there looking around for Harry.
"Weasley, Granger hello." Draco greets and they greet him back and ask for Harry.
"Oh he has gone on an date actually. Some app called Tinder or something, he said it's the new form of dating these days. Terribly dire if you ask me." Draco says and Weasley and Granger share a look.
He understands why Harry is often pissed off about Granger and Weasley and their looks.
"Tell me he isn't actually that much of an idiot." Weasley says and shakes his head.
"We all agree he is an idiot but why exactly in this case, if you don't mind me asking." Draco asks.
"Because he clearly can't see that you're deeply in love with him, that's why!" Weasley growls in frustration. And Draco stops breathing, no it can't be. Weasley, oblivious Weasley can't be so observant.
"Yes, Draco we both know. Have known for quite some time and believe it or not. Ron had been the one to concur it." Granger replies calmly, as if they are talking about knowing a first year spell and not Draco's love for Harry.
"But- but how?"
"You're not as subtle as you think you're, mate. Not when it comes to Harry and-" Just then Harry comes in with a loud pop, looking thoroughly disgusted and looks like he needs a drink or nine.
"Draco!" He says before he takes in their guests, "Oh hello Ron, hi Hermione."
"Hey Harry," they both say in unison.
"You're early, you know?" Draco says and Harry's eyes snaps back to his.
"Yes I know. Turns out even Muggleborns use Tinder and this bloke was totally heroworshiping me and I couldn't take it. Made it seem I'm taking him home, paid the bill. Outside in the alleyway, I modified his memory and apparated directly here." Harry shrugs as if memory modification isn't a crime at all.
"Harry! You can't just do that to any one!" Hermione says with indignation.
"Mate, I'm an Auror. You should not be saying that infront of me." Ron says at the same time. But Harry just waves his hand at them.
"Oh c'mon Hermione. I didn't want my name on the front page again, 'Chosen One Chooses Prefers to Date Muggles' or whatever rubbish they come up with this time. And mate, you won't turn me in in your wildest dreams so...." Harry says then frowns, "What are you both doing here?"
"Oh we came to look for you. Draco said you had gone out. Let's go out for a pint then?" Weasley suggests and looks at Hermione and they have some kind of married couple conversation.
"Yes, let's go. You too, Draco. Go get changed." Granger says and smiles sweetly at him. Draco does not like that smile one bit.
"Okay..." Because what else would you say to Hermione Granger.
When he comes back out, the couple is nowhere to be seen and Harry is sitting on the couch waiting for Draco.
"Ron and Hermione remembered some urgent work and left. We can still go, if you're in." Harry says and Draco nods in agreement and both of them floo to the leaky.
They greet Hannah at the bar and get their drinks and food, making way towards the corner table. As soon as they are inside, Harry projects out privacy and silencing spells, effectively shutting out the loud pub.
"Do you think anyone would ever actually like me for me?" Harry asks abruptly.
"Yes I think so."
"You can't be sure, can you? I don't think I would ever find someone who likes me, Harry and not the Savior of the fucking Wizarding World." Harry says, somewhat morosely.
"That's not true, Harry and you know that."
"Well I bloody well don't. Give me one name, Draco. One person who has liked me for myself and never for being the Chosen One or any of that shit. Cho doesn't ever count because well she didn't like me. And Ginny liked me as Chosen One before it became something else. Never any fucking one has liked me for me. Nuh uh, all they want is the fucking Saviour. I'm bloody person, dammit." Harry dumps the pint glass loudly on the table in frustration and Draco has to say it.
"I...uh I like you." Draco stammers and Harry looks up sharply at him.
"I know you like me, Draco but I'm not talking about that, I want someone to like me as a partner!"
"Yes Harry, and I'm saying exactly that. I like like you. As someone I would like to date and not just as a friend." Woah Draco said that without so much as stammering. He pats himself mentally as Harry inhales sharply.
"Look, you obviously don't have to do anything about it, I mean I just wanted to point out that you're wrong and clearly Potter, you must know me well enough to be sure that your fame has never been an attracting factor to me. Rather the opposite, really. So it's not that. I like you Harry as you are as a person and not for defeating that old fart," Draco says, nervousness and Harry's silence making him say just about anything.
"Draco, I had no idea really. And I would like to date you. Let's see where the road takes us. If you'll let me," Harry says and he smiles shyly at Draco. Draco just nods in return.
"So can today be considered a date? Or the Leaky too bland for your posh tastes, huh?" Harry jokes and Draco snorts at that playfully.
"Well the Leaky is sort of plebian for my posh tastes but you know just this once I'll allow it," Draco says in his most posh accent possible.
"Woah, Draco you're so generous. What would I ever for such generosity?" Harry says and they both look at each other for a moment before both of them are snickering out loud and can't keep the smiles off their face.
And Draco suddenly remembers why it was so easy to fall in love with Harry in the first place as they chat and spend the evening together.
Requests open and welcome!
Day 14: Muggles Studies || Day 16: I Love You
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dramioneasks · 5 months
LF where Draco wakes up in the hospital and is CONVINCED he is married to Hermione, and the healers bring her in and ask her to play along. I *think* he wakes each morning at a different stage in their relationship - newly dating, just engaged, just married, etc. Of course Hermione develops feelings for him throughout this process! Hopefully someone will read this and be able to identify the story. It was good!
This was asked a few months ago, and we still haven't found it.
Edit: Thanks!
haterackerman: omg it might be unspeakables (but he wont shut up) by an orphan account https://archiveofourown.org/works/27582782/chapters/67473965 Anon: Unspeakables (but he won't shut up) by orphan_account on AO3
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fltsnoutboy · 2 years
I stumbled upon this really cool dmhg fanfic but then I finished it up to the latest chapter update and I wanted to read another dramione fanfic that are actually in my reading list but i can't (but i really want to) because it'll mess and mix up things along the way 😀👍
The fic has memory modification, single parent hermione, dramione kids (they are OCs), widowed draco, scorpius, blaise, theo, rekindling the feelings, you know the good stuffs
check it out
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I’m curious about why fans love certain tropes or versions of Dramione. For example, if you love dark!Draco, what makes you love it? If fluffy fics or fics built on slow burn and progressive friendship are your fave, why? If you love Veela stories, why? Not looking for things people don’t like, which we see articulated all over fansites, but wondering why certain tropes resonate with certain people. Just looking for some positive engagement around the things people love best.
Well these are my fav tropes:
Marriage Law/Forced Marriage - I like the idea of them having to work together, being forced to be together and so they learn things about one another, their misconceptions clear up, they find similarities, they fall into a comfortable rhythm. Of course I only like fics where the tone is romantic or humourous, not a dark forced marriage situation. Just ones where they realize that maybe the marriage law thing kinda makes sense and the willingly go along with it.
Fake Relationship - The idea of two people who have to fake romance or put on a display is hilarious to me. These stories with them pretending to like one another will always make me laugh and I have a good time reading them.
SingleParent!Draco - It's nice to see Draco is a fatherly role. Also typically in movies/shows you always see the woman being a single parent where a man comes in and changes her life and helps her, so it's nice that we have so many fics in this fandom where Draco is the one who has someone coming into his and his child's life.
Memory Modification - The concept of memory loss is fascinating to me. Something happens and the person wakes up in this new world. It's interesting to see that person's POV and how they deal with all these new and scary and different changes.
Harry/Pansy Side-pairing - I think this pairing is very similar to Dramione. I also love a story where Pansy is good, so to have her in a positive way and to have Mr. Chosen One falling for her is fun!
Anti-Ron - It's so easy to use canon to make him a negative character. Of course, some stories over do it.
Future Children - Time travel is very interesting on it's own, but to have your child come back to the past and tell you this is what your life is gonna be like, is kinda scary. Especially for Hermione who doesn't believe in fate and prophecies etc. So it's very interesting to see her character in a situation where has a choice to affect her future.
Co-workers/Office Partners - Similar to marriage law, them being forced together etc. But in this situation, you have an added mystery to solve or crime or adventure to go on!
- Lisa
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dhr-fics · 2 years
Author: SilverShiver (ShiverBoo)
Bloody Valentine (23KB - One Shot - PG-13) Based off of GC song, Hermione recieves a mysterious phone call from a man claiming to have murdered her boyfriend so that he himself would have her. It's a slight battle of the wills in this oneshot.
Memory Modifications (17KB - One Shot - PG-13) Hermione is Minister of Magic and responsible for all of the prisioners of Azkaban. She signs her name and their fates are sealed. Easy enough, but what will happen when she recognizes the name of someone she believes to be innocent?
Rock You Baby (15KB - One Shot - PG-13) Draco's POV of his meeting with the broken Hermione who needs someone to understand her and love her.
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scullymurphy · 3 years
My Dhr Advent Story, ‘Après Ski’!
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I was lucky enough to participate in Dhr Advent this year (!!) and my story, Après Ski, features a pair of bed sharing, snowed-in, idiots in love ... plus boozy hot chocolate! 
"Well," Ginny said. "There are, ah, four bedrooms. All upstairs and in each corner of the house. Rather brilliant placement actually. Everyone has an ensuite and a view."
"Four?" Hermione's ears zeroed in on Draco's soft comment like a sonar. Her eyes went to his before she could help it and she could feel the blood creeping up her neck. He cocked his head at her.
"Yeah, there was a mix-up," Ginny said. "It was between this and another chalet. I thought this one had a loft with another sleeping area, but it was the other one. So you two," Her eyes darted between Draco and Hermione, "will have to share?"
There was dead silence in the room.
"Or I could sleep on the couch," Hermione blurted, chancing another look at Draco. His brows lifted and she glanced over at the sitting room. The sofas were all very short. More a grouping of loveseats, really.
"Granger, I doubt even the Weaselette would fit on one of those," Draco said, walking over and leaning against the counter next to her. "It will be fine," he said in a softer voice. "I'll sleep on the floor. Or you can build a wall of pillows between us.
Hermione snorted a small laugh. "OK, I guess."
"Excellent, well that's settled, then." Blaise clapped his hands. "I'm going up to get my things out of my case before they wrinkle. Maybe get a quickie in…" He winked at Neville, who went bright red. "Back down here in thirty for cocktails?" He wiggled his brows at everyone and they all agreed, then began slogging up the steps.
"Remember, no wandwork!" Ginny called. "This is a muggle property and although the letting agency is wizarding, they ask that we not do any obvious magic. If they have to do a memory modification, we lose our deposit!"
A chorus of 'yeahs' and 'OKs' drifted down the steps.
Hermione looked over at Draco, who had stayed against the counter next to her, arms crossed. "Wall of pillows, eh?" she said, smiling weakly.
"To protect my virtue from your ravenous advances, Granger." He gave her a signature Malfoy smirk, and she laughed—but then his expression became more sincere. "I'm serious, though. I'd be happy to sleep on the floor. The management company will never detect a little cushioning charm."
"No, no. That's ridiculous!" Hermione put out her hand. "It's fine."
He nudged her shoulder. "Not like I'll get any sleep anyway, what with your snoring."
"Excuse me, I do not snore!" Hermione pointed a finger in his face.
"Says you. But I slept on the bunk above you at that hostel in Paris, remember?" He grinned down at her and caught her finger, trapping it in his warm hand.
Hermione swallowed. The smile slowly faded from his face and his eyes grew intent on hers. A small crease appeared between his brows and he breathed in as if about to speak.
"Oi! Draco! Granger!" Blaise's dulcet tones drifted down. "Get up here and draw a straw or you're getting the smallest room by default."
Hermione started and snatched her hand away. "Better go!" she said a bit too brightly before turning and heading for the stairs.
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Full name: Violett Eileen Snape
Birthdate: May 23, 1980
Species: Human
Blood status: Halfblood
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: British
Hometown: Cokeworth, England
Residence: Devon, England
Languages: English
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ESFJ (The Consul)
Traits: Curious, strong-willed, lively, organized, impatient, impulsive, idealistic, caring, witty, practical
Her favorite color is golden
She loves tea (iced or not)
Violett favorite school subject is Transfiguration (although in muggle school it's Math)
Her favorite movies are the Star Wars ones
Wand: Ebony, Dragon Heartstring core, 9¼ inches, slightly yielding
Boggart form:
As a child: Her friends turning their backs on her and not trusting her
As an adult: Her friends and family dead
Riddikulus form:
As a child: Her friends smiling and hugging her
As an adult: Her friends and family turning into soap bubbles and popping in the air
Patronus: Fox
Patronus memory: Spending Christmas at Grimmauld Place with her friends
What do they smell like?: Old books, herbs (like sage and thyme), rain, green apples
What do they smell?: Cinnamon, black tea, books, firework
Mirror of Erised:
As a child: Her father saying her he was proud of her
As an adult: Her father alive
House: Slytherin
Class proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
D.A.D.A.: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Arithmancy: A
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Divination: P
Extra curicular: N/A
Prefect?: No
Head Girl?: No
Quidditch: N/A
Snape family
Weasley family
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dumbledore's Army
Slug Club
Order of the Phoenix
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Age 11 — 18: Student
Age 18 — 22: Trainee healer at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Age 22 — 82: Healer at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Age 82 — ???: Retirement
Faceclaim: Alice Pagani
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Height: 5'7"
Physique: Slim
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black and mid-back length, although she cut it above the shoulders when she was 15 years old and she's been using that way ever since
Skin tone: Fair and with some freckles on the face and the shoulders
Body modifications: N/A
Scarring: N/A
Inventory (what do they carry on with them?): Her wand, quill and ink, parchment, hair ties, some lip gloss and her grandmother's watch (given by her father in her 17th birthday as it's tradition on the wizarding world)
Father: Severus Snape
Mother: Sophia Mason (oc)
Arthur Severus Weasley (b. 2004)
Holly Jean Weasley (b. 2010)
June Hazel Weasley (b. 2010)
Luca Benjamin Weasley (b. 2016)
Love interest: Zacharias Smith (dated in her fourth year); Adrian Pucey (dated in her fifth year); Theodore Nott (dated in her fifth and sixth year); Fred Weasley (dated for 5 years; spouse)
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ronald Weasley and Tracey Davis
Best Friend: Daphne Greengrass
Pets: N/A
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Remember When (Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw!Reader)
Summary: y/n goes through a memory modification and does not remember Draco or the Wizarding world...or does she?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw!Reader, HBP era to Post war
Warnings: Angst and maybe some fluff
A/n: Flashbacks are in pink and also, the “muggle Poetry book” mentioned in the story does not exist, it’s just random words arranged together by yours truly. Lastly, please don’t dwell on how memory modification charms work for this one shot to make sense.
Word count: 2195
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The straps of your heels dug deep into your ankles as you stumbled out of work wondering why you even bothered. 
Your back was aching and the gauzy fabric of your turtleneck did little to nothing when shielding you from the winter winds. 
You hated your job with a burning passion—fluorescent lights, telephone buzz, keyboard clicks and all. 
It all felt so dull and dreary. 
As soon as the clock hit five, you’d dash out of work and walk right into the pub across the street because god only knows how you’d cope without your alcohol induced stupor. 
Usually, you’d cross the street with a crowd of nine-to-five workers clad in pantsuits but today, there was something different about the crowd.
You could have sworn you saw a girl dressed in a weird robe like outfit. It was all black had a warm yellow color accenting it. 
There was something so familiar about the girl’s peculiar choice of clothing. Almost like you could see yourself wearing it—only yellow wasn’t really your color. 
The weirdest bit of it all was that when you turned back to look at her, she was no longer wearing the robe. 
You rubbed your face against your palm at your hallucination and sank into a high bar stool and you were drunk before you could say “old fashioned.” 
Partly because the bartender knew you always drowned yourself in old fashioned and left him with a handsome tip every fucking night. 
Speaking of handsome, a blonde guy with a permanent frown on his face sat at the far corner of the bar every day. You’d caught him looking at your direction on multiple occasions and you wondered if he was as tired of his life as you were. 
Why else would he come to a dim and dismal pub every single night?
After drinking away your misery, you walked back into your apartment and threw your high heels into the abyss. 
You must have used a little too much force while throwing your heels because they landed with a thud on the wooden floor making the spot where it landed creak loudly. 
After quickly sinking onto your knees, you pushed your shoes to the side and ran your hands across the floor board.
You felt your eyes enlarge as you pulled out a loose floorboard and retrieved what looked like a dusty old book from underneath it. 
Upon blowing away the dust and flipping the book open, you noticed the untidy scrawl of your handwriting on the very first page. 
If found, please return to y/n y/l/n. 
It looked like a collection of poems and prose some sort but you couldn’t understand why some words had been underlined and some had been circled. 
For instance, you had underlined the words “reaching towards the strangely stippled blue sky” and scribbled “the great lake” next to it. 
The late November sun warmed your faces just enough as you lay next to each other on the grass near the lake after finishing up your potions essay.
Draco laid far enough so as to not invade your personal space but close enough that your fingertips lightly brushed against each other every now and then as he quoted something out loud. 
"You're quoting Muggle poetry to me?" You asked with your eyes widened as you tilted to your side to get a better look at him. 
He shrugged, resting his head on his arm as he looked up at the painfully blue sky stippled with strangely shaped clouds. 
"I didn't know you read Muggle poetry." You joked supporting your head with your hand as you looked at him—your loose curls cascading down your head and pooling around the grass 
"I don't." He retorted. "Not on most days anyway." 
"It's okay if you do, you know." You chucked, placing the book in the space between you both. 
"I won't tell anyone. I promise." 
You ran your fingertips along the worn out page and there was an infinitesimal pause in your breath. 
Upon turning the page, your eyes landed on another underlined sentence. “Shattering into glittering smithereens” with the words “astronomy tower” written next to it. 
“You’re cold. I’ll walk you to the Ravenclaw tower.” He mumbled observing the bluish hue that had started to appear on your otherwise fuschia tinted lips. 
“No.” You protested as you tried to bury yourself closer to his body for warmth. 
“Stubborn as always y/l/n.” He huffed and wrapped his robe around you as you continued to read your book. 
Draco loved it when you read to him. It helped him find solace amidst all the mayhem around him.
“This is a good one.” You mumbled jabbing your finger at a verse of a poem you were reading. 
“Why is your so-called muggle poet shattering into smithereens?” He scrunched up his nose, unimpressed. 
“She’s talking about how she felt when her beloved kissed her lips Draco!” You said shaking your head at the boy. “It’s called romance?!—look it up.” 
A wicked gleam began to show in his silvery eyes and you looked at him with your head tilted in confusion. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Look at you, getting all riled up about romance y/n.” 
“I am not riled up.” You protested and he chuckled leaning in closer to you. 
“If you say so y/n.” 
“What—what are you doing Malfoy?” You stammered as his lips inched closer and closer until they were pressed firmly against yours. 
Draco let you get used to the feeling before moving and capturing your bottom lip in his. 
Warmth rushed back into your body and blood rushed back to your lips as his lips gently moved against yours—turning them into a bright fuschia shade again. 
“So, did you shatter into smithereens or is your muggle poet talking rubbish?” He asked with a smug look on his chiseled face as he backed away.
You flipped to the next page before you could start hyperventilating and saw  “The echo of your footsteps late at night” underlined with “Cabinet.” Scrawled out next to it. 
“It’s fixed y/n—Look! I’ve fixed it.” Draco exclaimed walking towards you and you jumped right into his arms as he lifted you off the ground and spun you round and round.
Your happiness was short lived because you both remembered why Draco was tasked with fixing the cabinet in the first place.
“When?” You asked with your voice cracking as he dropped you back to the ground. 
By the time you turned to the next page, you were desperate to know what happened after that. 
“There was love. So much love.” With the word “love”underlined twice with “D.L.M” scrawled next to it. 
“Look at who we found following us.” Corban Yaxley cackled as he gripped both your arms—dragging you into the Malfoy Manor. 
Your shirt was ripped on the arms, there was a livid looking gash on your cheek and blood at the far corner of your lip. 
Narcissa Malfoy eyed you carefully from head to toe—her face devoid of any kind of emotion. 
“I’ll take it from here.” She said before gripping your arm and taking you upstairs. 
“The door on the right is Draco’s room. You don’t have much time. Everyone will be back tomorrow.” She murmured before turning away. 
You took another deep breath and delved deeper into the incidents of that night.
“Y/n” Draco breathed when he saw you at his door. “What happened—what are you doing here?—who did this to you?” 
“I—I had to see you.” You choked out before collapsing in his arms. “I just had to.”
He lifted you into his arms and laid you down on his bed.
“I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy. I wanted you to know that.” You said before the world faded to black.  
Beads of tears started to form inside of your eyes as you flipped to the next page. 
“When push comes to shove I'd happily give it all up. Everything just for you.” This time the word “everything”was circled out and your name was written next to it in a neat handwriting that starkly contrasted your own. 
With the palms of your hands pressed against the mattress, you maneuvered yourself up but your legs wobbled and gave out on you the second your feet hit the rug. 
"Fuck." You cursed holding onto the bed post for support. 
Draco dashed out of the bathroom as soon as he heard your voice and placed a firm hand around your body as he lifted you up in his arms.
"I've got you." 
He ran you a warm bath—the tub, filled to the brim with lukewarm water and soap suds as he helped you get inside. 
His hands gently gathered your hair up and out of the water as you sunk into the tub and pressed your back against the tub wall. 
Although you could barely move your body, you wanted to wash away everything you had endured over the last few hours.
You wanted to get rid of the dried and crusty looking blood, the dirt, the pain. 
You tilted your head and looked up at him sitting outside on the edge of the tub, and gave him a tiny smile. It was the only kind you could muster at that particular moment. 
"You don't have to do this for me." 
As soon as you said that, he held your face in the palm of his hands and pushed your hair back, pressing his forehead on yours.
"For you,Y/l/n..." He murmured, giving you a pained smile. "For you, I'd do just about anything and everything." 
His fingers threaded inside your hair and gripped lightly pressing your forehead to his lips.
“I love you too.” 
And before you knew it, you were almost at the end of the book. 
“For as long as I live, I shall remember. 
Remember you.
Remember us.” 
The word “remember”aggressively circled thrice. 
“No.” You stammered as tears streamed uncontrollably down your cheeks. “No. please—no. No! No—Kill me instead. I’drather die.” 
You’d been caught and Draco was given an ultimatum by Voldemort—both as a means to punish him.
You were to die, or get obliviated because the he knew both outcomes would cause Draco almost equal pain. 
“I’m sorry y/n.” Draco sobbed, placing the palm of his hand on your cheek. “I have to do this.” 
“No!” You pleaded. “I’d rather die! —I’d rather die than forget you. Please!” 
“Enough!” The skeletal looking thin, hooded figure with gleaming red eyes hissed. “Anyone else care to complete Draco’s task for him?” 
“I’ll do it.” Naracissa stepped out and walked up in front of you two, pausing to let you both say your goodbyes. 
“Please, Just let me die, Draco. I can’t live without you.” You sobbed looking into his bloodshot eyes. 
“I’m sorry Y/n. You’ll see me eventually I promise.” 
And just when you thought your head may burst open and fall apart into tiny fragments across your living room, the book ended leaving you with a map. 
A map you had unknowingly created back to you and Draco.
He’d tried so hard to stay away because he knew there was nothing he could do. 
You weren’t even aware of his existence anymore and he’d have to live with it for the rest of eternity. 
One side of his mouth curved up to form a sad little smile. At least you were still alive. 
Your mere existence gave him hope. 
Heaving out a big sigh, he stole one last glance at you—the way you swirled the orange rind inside of your glass before sculling the entire alcoholic beverage in one breath. 
Draco didn’t understand your obsession with the muggle cocktail but the way you scrunched up your entire face and stuck your tongue after chugging intrigued him. 
He reached into his pocket to pull out his wad of muggle currency to pay for his drinks but when he looked up, there was a glass of old fashioned on his table with a note next to it. 
Eventually is here.
Eventually is now.
He rubbed his eyes and read the note once again to see if the alcohol was making him see things. 
But the twists and loops and in your handwriting was all too real making the ground underneath Draco shake.
“Been a while, hasn’t it?” 
His head jolted upwards and his glassy, tired eyes landed on you standing in front of him—blue dress reminiscent of the classic Ravenclaw blue and a familiar looking book tucked underneath your arm. 
“It—it has .” He barely managed to mutter as he stood up shakily, using the table for support. “How did you—that’s impossible..”
“I know.” You said softly as you reached towards his hand. “You’ll have to thank your mother for that one—I don’t think she really performed the memory modification, and my muggle poetry book.” 
He instantly engulfed you into his arms and inhaled your scent deeply, trying to capture as much as he could before cupping your face and pressing his forehead on yours. 
“Thank Merlin for you Ravenclaws and your books.” 
Tag list: @dlmmdl @desiredmalfoy @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @paulina1998 @badslytherin @fa-me @dracoswhore007
Lots of love,
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mightbewriting · 3 years
I’m slightly confused as to what happens to the time turner. I understand that hermione finds it eventually at nott manor in the office but what does Theo exactly do with it? Does he put it in the office and then time travel back to 2005 or does he stay in 2002 Hide it in the office and then get obliviated? By the way I loved the series!!!
hi there! just like with the previous three times the turner was used in the series, it returned with the user(s) to the starting time. this passage from chapter 40 when theo is presenting his modifications to draco explains what he thinks with happen next, because draco had a very similar question:
“To be honest, it’s a hack job. I only worked on it for a month. I pulled it together as best I can but if we use it—and I’d have to use it, too—we won’t remember using it at all. But we’ll still get the new timeline, and the new version of ourselves will be blissfully unaware. Solves your problem, right? Use it, try to fix things, and if it doesn’t work, well, at least you're freed from wondering, yeah?”
Draco’s brain cut straight to the end result of such an absurd, absolutely ridiculous thing. “And when we land back here, time turner in hand? You don’t think we’d use it again anyway? Should we write ourselves a suspicious note that says, ‘please don’t use this time turner you don’t remember having?’” Draco swallowed against a deluge of what ifs drowning him.
“Can I have a little bit of credit? I’m capable of thinking through more than one problem at a time. I charmed it. A sort of self delivering portkey—they are my specialty, after all. It’ll go straight back to the drawer in my father’s study where I found it years ago. I won’t even know it’s there, beauty of a memory charm.”
so theo and draco return to 2005, memories modified, and the time turner is instantly hidden, which theo doesn’t find again for several months. but i think what’s most important to remember where all this time travel is concerned is this line from theo:
“Best not think too hard about it. Time is a bit like magic, I think. There are parts we can understand and parts we can’t.”
he says a variation of that line in two different timelines because it’s literally me trying to give the reader an out lol. the fact that time travel happens is important, it obviously has ethical, moral, character developmental, and plot related significance. the mechanics of how it happens are much, much less important xD
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i took this quiz for a group of ocs known as the serpent's fang rebellion (+ pulsirnu, the brother of one of the members.)
name: apofis mesome age: depending on the story, 16 to 20ish role: rebellion leader specise: limeblooded homestuck troll (from multi + non fandom canon) pronouns: they/them, secretly thinks they might like snake/serpent
chat handle: ra'sAntithesis
backstory: apofis and the rest of the rebellion are from the planet of draco-elgava, ruled by the tyrant lady igneous. they live during her second reign over the planet, during which she imported their specise as well as carapacians. originally it was just draco-elgavans. (i promise the following is relevant, you just have to get to the bit where it connects) during her first reign, a group of rebels rose up against the lady known as the apophis rebellion. once they won, their leader, the warlock, sealed her in an empty non-dimension. but they knew that, one day, their planet would need them again. so, the warlock cast a spell. this spell was meant to, when draco-elgava needed them most, resurrect the warlock. however, due to reasons that werent anyone's fault, the spell didnt work quite as intended. instead of perfectly resurrecting the warlock with memories intact and the same body as when the spell was cast. instead, it took their consiousness and dna and created an amnesiac twelve year old by the name of apofis. the warlocks grave was deep in the woods by now, it had been millions of years since their death afterall. nearby was a group of fellow twelve year olds consisting of the others in this comment. apofis quickly formed them into a small rebellion. early on, apofis went on a mission to get rid of a nest of mind controlled (all of the rebels are immune to igneous's mind control) LI goons in a disused factory. they were quickly killed. but it turns out that apofis's bloodline posesses a unique form of psiionics that allows them to not only not go to the afterlife of the dream bubbles upon death, but control how corporeal and visible they are at any given time. the only problem is their ghost-white eyes. already being an avid collector of gas masks, they simply put on one with outwardly opaque lenses and refused to take it off ever again, developing a phobia of having their face seen. several years later, the serpents fang were ready to kill lady igneous. they got to the palace just in time to see her thrown out a fourth floor window by syne wake, my moirail (the other contributor to this lore)'s character and queen of draco-elgava's sister planet, elgava. initially, apofis takes this as a stealng of victory. over time, they begein to see it as a failure, as incompotence and a faillure to live up to their ancestor's legacy. eventually apofis gets their memories of being the warlock back (which doesnt just magically turn them back into the warlock) and this gets worse because now they couldnt even live up to their own legacy, but theres not much story beyond that.
name: leppus onwaar age: depending on story, 16 to 20 ish role: rebellion scout specise: purpleblooded homestuck troll pronouns: he/him
chat handle: needs to be redone
backstory: before joining the group that would become the serpents fang rebellion, leppus led a shockingly normal life. he lived with his nameless father and little brother bo in an apartment building, until an otherwise unrelated meth lab in the same building blew up. the explosion killed his father. bo ran away and became feral. and leppus was catapulted to the edge of the woods, where pogtan (next character) picked his unconsious form up and took leppus home with them. he eventually ended up as apofis's boyfreind. there was also a period where leppus let pogtan modify him however they wanted, now he posesses an unknown number of cybernetic modifications and may or may not be unable to die of anything short of total disinitegration. he also lacks eyes a a congenital thing but can either see anyway due to the modifications or has a similar thing to terezi from homestuck. hes directly descended from the intelligencer (meaning spy), part of the apophis rebellion.
name: pogtan thlaat age: depending on story, 16 to 20 ish role: rebellion explosives expert specise: neon teal blooded homestuck troll(?) pronouns: they/them or any emojipronouns
chat handle: unbrokenPyrotechnist
backstory: pogtan is a copy of the mind of the rift, a spatiotemporal rift at the center of elgava that goes from the begeinning of the universe to its end. they were cloned from the dna of the cryptic, a member of the apophis rebellion and probably some other miscellanious troll dna the elgavans had lying around specifc
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