#menorca villas
joanshomesmiami · 10 months
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Buy or Rent a Villa on the Balearic Islands 🇪🇸
The Balearic Islands have always been a popular travel destination in Europe for it’s obvious reasons 😍 but with the Golden Visa Program, affordable pricing, great rental income, and an increase in direct flights incl NYC, Miami & Atlanta, there has been a big increase in Americans buyers lately.
Here’s more info🏝️
3-5 bedroom villas start at €1.5/2m, 6 bedroom+ start at €2/3m.
• Balearic buyers: In Ibiza & Formentera: French & Italian, in Menorca: UK, France & Italy, in Mallorca: Germans, Austrians, Swiss and USA.
• As a foreigner you can get financing which is usually with 25% down at interest rate of 1,5%-2,5% currently.
• The deposit it 10% signing and balance at closing.
• Commission is for the seller, closing costs for the buyer are about 8-12% of the purchase price which includes: Taxes => Resale: Property transfer tax 4-10% depending on the region, New construction: 10% VAT and 0.4 to 1.5% AJD (Tax on Documented Legal Acts), Notary and registration fees: 0.15% for properties is €1M, Lawyer if needed, is about 1% of the sales price.
• The Golden Visa 🇪🇺 If you buy a property over €500k, you can qualify => a 5 year Spanish residency, renewable after 5 years and you can apply for citizenship after 10 years.
• A rental license is needed to rent it out short term. Rental income tax is 19% up to €12,450, 24% €12,450-€20,200, 30% €20,200-€35,200, 37% €35,200-€60,000 and 45% for €60,000+
• Costs: Property taxes are between 0.4-1.1%. Property insurance & utilities are about €2,500-3,750 a year for a villa.
• High season is from April until October (peak June-August).
• Price🏡💰
=> Our villas start at €10-€20k/w for 3-5 bedrooms and €15-30k/w for 6-10 bedrooms, with some exceptions. Prices vary per island, Menorca being lower and Ibiza the highest.
• Most villas have a 4-5 days minimum.
If you you’re planing on buying or renting a Villa on the Balearic Islands let me know 🏡 I partnered up with Viva Sotheby and happy to assist you here!
#balearic #balearicislands #balearicvillas #sothebys #sothebysrealty #mallorca #ibiza #menorca #formentera
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menorca-sir20 · 6 months
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by sir20 for menorca-sir20
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Vacaciones en villas de Menorca durante todo el año
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Hace ya semanas que el verano ha dado paso al otoño y, con cierto pesar, nos damos cuenta de que el invierno está al caer. Con cierto pesar, decimos, porque, por mucho que tal vez nos guste la Navidad, es posible que seamos fans de las vacaciones de verano, esas caracterizadas por el sol, la playa y tal vez un merecido descanso en una bonita villa. Sin embargo, hay destinos turísticos que, a pesar de caracterizarse de manera muy evidente por la presencia de playas paradisíacas, merecen mucho la pena en todas las épocas del año precisamente por lo que ofrecen. Por ejemplo, en los meses estivales es muy agradable visitar Menorca y nadar en el mar, pero en los más fríos, esta preciosa isla sigue ofreciendo delicias gastronómicas, agradables pueblos pesqueros, ciudades animadas, museos y vestigios prehistóricos. Además, hay algo que se mantiene igual todo el año: el alquiler de casas de lujo en Menorca.
Aunque podemos escoger alojamientos más tradicionales, lo cierto es que viajar a Menorca y no alojarse en uno de sus establecimientos no solo lujosos, sino tradicionales debido a su arquitectura y el contexto natural en el que suelen ubicarse, sería un error. La experiencia, en definitiva, mejorará de manera sustancial si acudimos a las villas de Menorca y reservamos estancia en la que más bonita y hogareña nos parezca; que, por supuesto, también está llena de lujo, confort y modernidad. Muchas de ellas, además, se ubican junto al mar, de modo que, ya estemos disfrutando de unas vacaciones de julio o de agosto, o de otras fruto de las épocas otoñales o navideñas, podemos escuchar en todo momento el siempre agradable sonido del mar y respirar la naturaleza circundante durante las veinticuatro horas.
Unas vacaciones de otoño e invierno en Menorca, por lo tanto, parecen excelentes en estas circunstancias. Lo serán todavía más si somos previsores y buscamos con tiempo ofertas de alojamiento en Menorca. Fruto de todas esas maravillas que podemos descubrir en la isla también en octubre, noviembre, diciembre o enero, no debería sorprendernos encontrar dichas ofertas. Lo que sí debe preocuparnos es reservar la nuestra.
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fandomwritingbit · 2 years
So.. kinks, huh?
I’m kinda shy to request this, actually. However. Would you be able to write some predator/prey scenario for William Afton and female reader? Girl, the chase, the thrill… of course reader being the chased one and Will being the chaser.
Hello! Thank you so much for your request, this was an absolute pleasure to write, please don’t feel nervous to request anything else Xxx.
I’ve had a predator William in my head for a while, title and all lol. May have gotten a tiny bit carried away as this is fairly long, but I hope that this is kinda what you were after. 
We’re all goin’ on a summer holiday: Predator William x (fem)reader
Warnings: smut. creepy/predator William. vaginal sex. oral sex. age gap. corruption. inappropriate relationship. swearing.
The holiday in Menorca had sounded like a good idea when your mum and dad pitched it to you some months ago. You, your 9-year-old brother and your parents: great. Then the news of your dad’s old Uni friend wanting to tag along with his three kids: awkward? 
They’d blown a lot of money on it, a six bedroomed villa with a pool, outside bar area, all the bells and whistles. Given the stress of your studies it sounded like pure heaven. 
You met the Afton family for the first time at the airport. Except Michael, you knew of him from your secondary school days. The two of you hadn’t exactly been friends, you’d been too nerdy for your own good, focused on smashing your GCSEs and he was a loner, the kind of lad with one or two mates who occupied the space under the main stairs. 
You met the other family at the airport, right before your flight. And were quickly introduced to the two young ones, who instantly took up with your little brother fairly well, and of course their father, Mr Afton. Far be it from you to deny that he was a bit of a silver fox. All unreasonably tall, broad shoulders; a kind of scruffy and sleazy attractiveness that led to you taking sneaky glances at him wherever possible.
You’d thought that you were in for a treat, having a good-looking older man to look at as you laid about around the pool, it wasn’t ‘til later that you’d realise that maybe you were sorely mistaken.  
Once on the plane, you and Michael had decided that as the newly founded adults (still considered kids) you’d might as well form an amiable pact, at least that way you could have someone to roll your eyes at when the parents were getting up your nose. And so you’d sat together for your flight, trying to somewhat get to know each other - though it was hard to talk like normal humans when your parents were sat on the other row cooing about how sweet the two of you looked together. Not to mention the cooling presence of Mr Afton on the row behind you. 
About halfway through the voyage, the young Elizabeth booted your seat with enough force to make you spill your water all over your shirt. And so, you turn around to ask her, as politely as you could muster, to pack-it-the-fuck-in. You didn’t have to though as her father did it for you.
“Ay, watch your bloody feet.” To which she’d giggled a high-pitched “Sorry, daddy.” followed by a heavily prompted “Sorry, y/n”. 
“I’ll keep telling her to stop.” He turned his attention to you. “But you’ll be in for the full 4D experience.” He’d leaned forward as he spoke, the crooked smirk on his face making butterflies appear in your stomach. They increased ten-fold when his eyes traced down to your wet shirt, clinging not too modestly to your tits. Near making you pass out in embarrassment when he sat back in his seat, chuckling mean-spiritedly at your expense.
The feeling didn’t subside for the remainder of the flight and despite your growing comfort talking to Michael, the feeling of eyes watching you, studying you, was more than enough to keep you quiet.
And it only got worse from there. He’d liked the look of you from the offset, such a lovely lass and how you’d looked at him - or well, tried to, hardly able to shake his hand or meet his eye, your bottom lip pinched under your teeth. So sweet and nervous. Vulnerable. Truth be told it drove him wild. 
If there’s one semi-redeemable quality to be found in William Afton, it’s that he’s a decisive man, tenacious at that and when he sees something he likes, he’ll do his damned best to get his hands on it. 
The weather was overly hot there and it only got hotter and hotter further into summer, meaning you never got out of your summer dresses, little shorts and bikinis. You’d hoped maybe to get an eye-full of Mr Afton lounging similarly by the pool, but for the majority of the trip he kept to the shade, the sleeves of his button-up rolled halfway, being the only allowance he made for the weather. There he’d be in the shadows, with your parents or not, drink in hand and eyeing you up whatever move you made. 
How could you not play up to it? Getting out of the water with your back to him. Taking a bit too long to put your cover-up on. Bending at the waist to pick up your drink. To be honest you’d though you were imagining it, it’s not like you’d had much luck with men before, being single and all. 
But as the days went on, it became apparent that you’d bitten off more than you could chew. The childish fantasy of having your dad’s mate’s attention becoming a bit too real. Something about how he’d brush shoulders with you when you walked past each other. How when you sat down to eat, his eyes would be on you, talking pretty much solely to you, the usual questions of “You got yourself a lad back home?” framed more dangerously, especially when followed by “Such a gorgeous girl like you? Now I find that hard to believe.” All encompassed with that smirk. A joyfully malignant expression like that of a cat batting a mouse between its paws.
You’d think about it in your room at night. Heart pounding as you went over that day’s encounter an intoxicating mixture of fear and arousal. So sure your horny brain must be exaggerating everything.
Regardless of it being a holiday or not, your parents didn’t get off your back. Despite being nearly 19 you were ‘one of the kids’ and that meant no drinking. Not to mention any other irresponsible behaviour like leaving the villa on your own. You felt like a chicken stuck in a coup and your parents babying only giving the fox a way in. 
Out for dinner one night, you’d decided fuck it, your mum and dad had both had a few which often made them easier to persuade, you were going order a drink. The young kids were busy watching fish in a nearby pond so you took your chance. 
“Where are you off to?” Your dad asked you almost immediately, before your chair had been pushed out a pissing inch. 
“To the bar.” 
“Why?” This was when all the adult’s attention had been earned. 
“I want a beer; they’ve got good stuff here.” You looked to your left as you spoke, catching the grin half-concealed by the glass of whiskey at William’s lips.
“We spoke about this, sweetheart.” Your mother chimed in. “The answer is no.” 
“I’ll go and pay for it. I have my ID, it’s not a problem.” You offer, a hopeful look on your face.
“Except it is, because your mum’s said no.” Your dad firmly counters. 
“Yous are all drinking. For God’s sake! I’m 18 I can drink what I want.” 
“Not when we’re paying for your holiday, young lady.” He finishes. The mood at the table had shifted negatively, so you go quiet, scoffing to yourself in disbelief. 
Sometime later, after shooting you a sympathetic look, Michael went to the toilet and your mum and dad had went off to check on the little kids. You’d hardly noticed them leave, too engrossed in bitching about them to mates on Instagram. 
When you put your phone down to reach for your lemonade you shudder at the realisation of being all alone with William. Flashing him a look of acknowledgement and you’re about to resume, but he plucks the phone from your grasp, setting it down on the table. You brace yourself for some sort of dad speech about modern technology, but surprisingly he simply leans forward to make eye contact with you.
“It must be annoying to have your mam and dad baby you.” He almost purred as he spoke, his eyes bright with mischief. “Mine were a bit like that: it’s a sure way to turn the kid into a right cunt.” Your eyes widen at his language, you hadn’t expected it from a man who you’d so far categorised as a creepy stoic.
“Yeah. I’m at the end of my rope to be honest. Might just get one after they’ve gone to bed anyway.” You feel about 5 years younger just for saying that and look down accordingly.
“Why wait?” He glances over his shoulder, that now familiar smile across his lips, as he picks up his glass, offering it to you. Part of you wanted to tell him you didn’t feel like it, but you were pissed off at your parents and the prospect of rebelling somewhat was making your blood run hot. And besides what’s the worst that could happen?
You go to take the glass from him, but he doesn’t move his hand. Guiding it to your lips himself, your hand uselessly overlaying his but too startled to move. You let him bring it to you and the whisky burns your throat as you drink, making you wince. He sniggers as he pulls away, the effect of his touch leaving you dazed. 
“Maybe that’s why they don’t let you drink.” You would have defended yourself but you were too busy trying to recover. 
He continued, “I wonder what else they don’t let you do. No boys over?” Able to answer now, you shake your head, an embarrassed smile appearing due to his patronising tone. 
“No, I uh just don’t want boys over.” 
“You want a man instead then?” His words have you reeling, the meaning of them hardly veiled. You simply stare at him chuckling away into his drink, your legs pressed tightly together under the table in some vain attempt to quell the heat gathering there. It was a remark your nana would’ve called ‘lecherous’ and it was - he was - although it creeped you out, you still found yourself reliving it later that night. 
From there it got worse. The illicit passing of contrabanded alcohol became a fairly regular thing, sneaky swigs of spirits you could hardly speak after when your parents weren’t looking becoming a new game for him. 
His eyes were still on you all the time, but now if you found yourself sat near him, he’d rub his foot along your calf or put a large hand on your thigh, sneering at your stunned reaction. Hands would brush against your hips as he moved past you, each time knocking all sense from you. You began trying to avoid him, but he still found ways to grab you by the crook of your arm into a corner, where he’d make you try smoking his cigarettes, only laughing when you couldn’t stand them. 
But then all this mocking, teasing, and laughing at your expense came to a head. It had been weeks in the making.
It was pissing it down raining like it only can in the Mediterranean, so hard it bounced off the walls, pinging loudly off the glass. You’d gone to bed early, tired from a long day of playing with the kids, missing the beginning of the rain completely. By midnight it was so bad the electrics were gone, the villa in total darkness; to William that was a chance he could hardly refuse. 
He went towards your room with a torch in hand, the perfect excuse if asked what the fuck he was doing, but of course he was too careful to be caught. 
The knocking woke you immediately, your room cast in grey but with enough natural light to find you way and answer the door. When you realised who it was, you pulled the door half shut, just your head visible. You hadn’t had a chance to put any trousers on in your rush and you were burning with shame.
He walked in regardless of your attempt at keeping it shut, placing the torch on your bedside table and noticing your bra on the floor. You were too busy keeping your shirt pulled down, preserving your modesty, to pay much attention to it. 
“Uh what do you want?” You ask him somewhat panicked when he picked up the undergarment from the floor, toying with the fabric. 
“Though I’d come check on you, what with this storm and all.” It could have been pitch black in the room and you still would have known he was smiling; it was written in every note of his voice. He continued, “And I’m glad I did. Were you expecting me, dressed like that?” He predatory eyes on your bare flesh made you tremble. Who the fuck did he think he was barging in here like that? Then making comments like he was? 
“I don’t...” You half-say, unable to think of anything else.
He hums mock pityingly, “You’ve been teasing me since we got here. With all you short skirts... thongs.” He bent down to pick up a pair you wished you’d sorted, a false expression of shock on his face as he held them on the tip of his finger. “Well, you’re all on your own now, love. I thought I’d come to collect.” 
You snatched the skimpy knickers from him flummoxed, your hands falling by your sides with the weight of embarrassment. “I have not.” You say, partially to yourself.
“No? Have I gone mental then?” He cocked his head to you, not wanting to leave his interrogation unanswered.  
“Y-You’ve been all over me for ages,” Your voice was getting loud and he stepped forwards towards you, his finger to his lips in warning. “For fuck’s sake, you’re my dad’s age. I’m not... interested.” He just laughed. 
“A lot of talk for a lass with no trousers. Not interested?” He paused to scoff. “You batt your eye lashes at everyone then?” To match your own, his voice had taken on a rather accusatory tone and he stepped even closer, your moving back amusing him.
“You... should go.” You state ignoring his goading, desperation threatening to seize hold of you. 
He put a hand to his chest in feigned heartbreak before nastily saying, “You’ve not even asked me to leave.”  
You roll your eyes, a nervous giggle caught in your throat. “Huh fine: please leave.” 
“No.” He laughs shortly, shaking his head. 
“Wha- why the Hell not?” You were panicking considerably now, the thought that your parents were down the hall and a middle-aged man was cornering you in your room becoming very apparent.
“It’s dark in here but I see you rubbing you fucking legs together, getting all hot and bothered.” He speaks slowly, clearly finding pleasure in your reaction. “Now I wonder if you taste as sweet as you look.” 
You speak without thinking, suddenly all too eager to defend yourself, walking towards him with your arms raised. “I don’t know who you think you are. You think you’re so grea- so desirable? Y-y-you disgust me.” 
Grabbing you by your arm he frog-marched you to the nearest wall, holding you there. Craning his head down, so close to your face you could feel his spit when he spoke.
“You’re full of shit. You can pretend you don’t want it if it helps your sleep, sweetheart. But you fucking do.” You closed your eyes as he spoke, not really sure of what you wanted yourself: you couldn’t decide if you wanted him closer or as far away as fucking possible. 
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” His voice was low now, dangerously so. And so you did - or tried to, struggling with how close to your face he was. 
That seemed to be the trigger for him, your eyes wide and trying to look everywhere at once, not quite managing to stay on his for more than a millisecond. Like a wild rabbit caught, terrified. 
He kissed you, if you could call it that, it felt harsh and dirty, his tongue pressing inside as you struggled to keep up with him. Your mind raced with how wrong this was but the thrumming of your whole body made you give in, letting him possess you.
The lack of clothes on your bottom half, made it easy for him to spread your legs and toy with the abundance of slick developing there. His fingers on your clit instantly rubbing deliberately inconsistent circles that made you whine for some kind of rhythm.
“Not enough?” He grunts before his teeth press hard into the side of your neck, sucking so brutally you had to cover your own mouth to stifle the sound burning in your throat. It was almost tortuous but your hands pulled at his head, silently begging for more: to which he obliged. Dropping to his knees to better watch your face as he inserted his long index finger into your soaking pussy. You close your eyes at the breach, you’d never felt so hot, fuck, you were practically bloody burning. 
“So impolite. Fucking. Look at me.” He spoke so close to your core that you could feel the vibrations of every syllable, all the while introducing a second finger and slowly fucking them in and out of you. It was hard to be quiet and you kept catching yourself forgetting the situation; just as you’d become lost in the devastating curl of his digits, you’d be slammed back into the reality that the man, who’s tongue was now ravaging your clit, was more than twice your age.  
You weren’t a virgin, but by God, his finger coaxed noises from you that you’d never heard before. And it didn’t take long of this mind-melting finger fucking to have you cumming. Hard. Your tight walls clenching like a vice around his fingers. The sight of you shuddering, your knees going weak with the waves of your orgasm, made him smirk against your heat. His cock was rubbing nastily against the fabric of his clothes, and he couldn’t help but rub over it as he watched you recover. 
“You nasty little thing. Driving me crazy for pissing ages.” You didn’t have the agency to respond but you could see what he was doing and you gulped at the prospect of him fucking you. He didn’t seem like the sort of man who’d play nice.
Before you could register the actions, he had you laid back on your own bed, legs spread wide while he removed his aching cock from his confines. Your legs rose almost to your chest as he moved in between, completely knowing what was about to happen but still nervous and uncertain. The tip of his cock pressed against your entrance as his hand dragged it through your slick. 
“You want me to fuck you, sweetheart?” His words made you take your eyes off of his dick as you tried to focus on anything other than the tantalising anticipation. You nod, slowly almost in a daze. 
“That’s not good enough.” He grins, his head pushing delightfully against your clit.
You’d pretty much forgotten how to form your words. “Yes, fuck. Fuck me...” Seeing the look on his face you hastily add, “...please.” 
Your embarrassment was cut short as he pressed his cock inside, stretching your little cunt to accommodate him. Half-buried he grabbed your breast, pinching the nipple; perhaps to distract you while your walls got used to the shallow thrusting of his cock that wasn’t even fully sheathed. The moans drawn from your throat stayed in time with his movements, until you broke it. Interrupting yourself with a near-screech when he thrusted in fully, the sheer size of him making darkness appear in the corners of your vision. 
His head was brought close to yours, his weight bearing down on you whilst he found a pace that allowed him to chase his pleasure. The sound of flesh on flesh loud in the stillness of your room, only drowned by his breathing and your pathetic mewling. 
This holiday might end up better than you had thought. 
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shiatsumassagemenorca · 5 months
Desde el año 2012 estamos ofreciendo nuestro servicio externo de masaje profesional en el sector hotelero y villas de Menorca.
Nos adaptamos a las peculiaridades e infraestructura del hotel para poder ofrecer el servicio:
- Rehabilitando espacios en desuso del hotel: habilitamos y condicionamos espacios para crear una sala de masajes.
- Construyendo espacios  nuevos : creando espacios con instalaciones de madera y cañizo (véase foto más abajo) en hoteles que disponen de una zona adecuada en jardín u otros espacios.
- Realizando directamente un servicio “In Room” (servicio en la misma habitación del cliente). Para los hoteles que no disponen de una sala para masajes o para villas.
Nuestro personal, de ambos géneros, se adapta a las necesidades del cliente y se combina para cubrir toda la demanda de masajes, de las 9h a las 20h, 7 días a la semana. De esta manera garantizamos la máxima cobertura de los servicios demandados.
Las opiniones de los clientes y de los hoteles desde el año 2012 nos avalan.
Sumando el mejor trato hacia el cliente y la calidad de nuestro producto , este servicio ha sido siempre un éxito desde su principio, del que pueden dar referencia hoteles como (Can Faustino, Can Araya , Hotel Tres Sants, agroturismo Ses Talaies, Morvedra, Cadena de hoteles  Hoteles Globales, Hotel Princesa Playa, Marinda Garden, Roc Lago, Oasis Park, Apartamentos Talayot, etc) algunos de los cuales conocen nuestro servicio desde hace más de diez años.
Nuestra empresa se distingue por ofrecer un tipo de masaje muy diferente del convencional , el Shiatsu & Essential Oils (masaje tradicional japonés Shiatsu combinado con el masaje con aceites esenciales).
Esta técnica mixta, que combina las presiones y estiramientos precisos del Shiatsu con la capacidad de relajar, hidratar y descontracturar del masaje con aceites, es la marca propia de nuestro servicio, y combinado con otras técnicas puede transformarse en una amplia e interesante gama de masajes, como el relajante, el descontracturante y el terapéutico.
La formación en común de los masajistas de "Shiatsu Massage Menorca" de 2 años de Shiatsu Namikoshi, por escuelas homologadas, es ya de por sí una garantía solida de un masaje reconocido mundialmente, muy seguro y efectivo, e indicado para todo tipo de personas, desde la juventud hasta edades más avanzadas.
El equipo lo integramos personas altamente cualificadas, formadas y certificadas en masaje tradicional japonés Shiatsu, por escuelas homologadas, y también formadas en otros tipos de masajes y técnicas, ofreciendo un rango muy interesante de terapias corporales.
Disponemos de todo el material necesario; camillas de masaje, toallas, calentadores de aceite, sistema de musica, etc...para convertir el masaje en una experiencia única , con los detalles y pormenores de un masaje de Spa de lujo.
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gonzalo-obes · 2 months
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Día Mundial del Teatro, Día Internacional del Enlace entre las Ciencias Médicas, Día Nacional del Trasplante, Semana de solidaridad con los pueblos que luchan contra el racismo y la discriminación racial, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Narses y San Ruperto.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1977
Dos aviones, un Boeing 747 de Pan Am y otro 747 de KLM, chocan en la pista del aeropuerto de los Rodeos, en las Islas Canarias (España), muriendo 582 personas. (Hace 47 años)
En la URSS, Nikita Kruschev, sustituye a Nicolay Bulganin como premier soviético, convirtiéndose en líder absoluto del Partido Comunista y del Estado. Siendo presidente, Kruschev denunciará el sistema totalitario de Stalin y su culto a la imagen, pero esta atmósfera de libertad y crítica interna sólo traerá movimientos y manifestaciones anti soviéticas en los países satélites de Hungría y Polonia. Durante la crisis de los misiles de Cuba, y mediante un diálogo razonable y cuidado evitará, junto con Kennedy, la que podría haber sido Tercera Guerra Mundial y primera termonuclear. Kruschev dimitirá inopinadamente en 1964 por la presión a la que le someterá el Partido Comunista, crítico con sus políticas económica y extranjera. (Hace 66 años)
En EE.UU., el jefe apache Gerónimo se escapa junto a 19 guerreros y 13 mujeres, hacia su tierra natal en Arizona. Allí retomará la lucha, aunque será detenido de nuevo en septiembre. (Hace 138 años)
Francia y el Reino Unido, como aliados de Turquía para el mantenimiento de la integridad del Imperio otomano y temerosos del expansionismo zarista, declaran la guerra a Rusia, lo que da origen a la Guerra de Crimea. La guerra se dará por finalizada con la firma de la paz de París el 30 de marzo de 1856, lo que supondrá el aislamiento de Austria, la hegemonía de Francia y el fin de la política fuertemente conservadora del zar Nicolás I. (Hace 170 años)
En Berlín, Federico Guillermo III, rey de Prusia, empujado por la opinión pública, decide declarar la guerra a Francia. (Hace 211 años)
Mediante la paz de Amiens, la isla de Menorca caída en manos inglesas en 1798, vuelve a ser de soberanía española. (Hace 222 años)
Al morir hoy Jacobo I, Carlos I es proclamado rey de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda. Reclama, asimismo, el trono de Francia. Ejercerá el poder de modo absolutista lo que le enfrentará con el Parlamento. Durante el transcurso de la llamada Segunda Guerra Civil será cuando morirá decapitado en el cadalso el 30 de enero de 1649. (Hace 399 años)
En España, la Inquisición encarcela a Fray Luis de León, sobre todo por su traducción del "Cantar de los Cantares". Pasará cinco duros años en la cárcel donde escribirá algunos de sus mejores poemas. (Hace 452 años)
En América, el español Juan Ponce de León y en el día de hoy, día de la "pascua florida", llega a una tierra nueva a la que bautiza con el nombre de Florida. (Hace 511 años)
Después de casi 20 meses de asedio, los cristianos, comandados por el rey Alfonso XI de Castilla, entran en la villa vieja de Algeciras (España), arrebatándosela a los musulmanes del Reino de Granada, lo que será un golpe decisivo en la Reconquista, al dotar al Reino de Castilla del principal puerto de la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar y al servir la ciudad como base principal de intervención para el ejército cristiano. (Hace 680 años)
En las cálidas tierras de Egipto, Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, restablecida como reina tras una guerra civil contra su hermano Ptolomeo XIII, al que ha derrotado con la ayuda de su amante romano Julio César, se casa con su hermano Ptolomeo XIV, de tan sólo 10 años de edad, para poder seguir gobernando. (Hace 2071 años)
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princepj · 11 months
Luxury villas in Balearic Islands | The Venya
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Discover luxury villas in Balearic Islands. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Ibiza, Mallorca, or Menorca while enjoying the ultimate in comfort and style. Experience breathtaking views, private pools, and top-notch amenities in these exclusive retreats. Book your dream vacation in the Balearic Islands and indulge in the epitome of luxury living.
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sainz · 11 months
unfortunately it is not a matter of making public where you stay. those kind of villas are well known and it is usual to be robbed even if you're not famous bc robbers know that rich people stay there. it happened to my friends in ibiza (not that kind of luxurous villa) and it turned out the host was an accomplice...
i mean yeah, that’s also true cause spanish football players are being robbed 24/7 bc of the neighborhood they live in…but we gotta admit here that lando is always pretty careless when it comes to sharing a location jeje.
also m sorry to hear that 🥺🫠 it has never happened to me but its true that the security of some villas are… a joke. i remember last year while vacationing in menorca, we were spending our holidays in a villa and you could close the gate but not the principal door and we slept like shit all days cause of the thought of getting robbed 🥲
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canalmenorca · 1 year
Atardecer en FORNELLS, villa marinera del Norte de Menorca Pueblo de pescadores de extrema belleza
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danpo7n · 1 year
Glamorous luxury villa facing the sea in Son Xoriguer, Menorca
In a privileged enclave on the south coast of Menorca
#rentspainsun #Spain #Rent
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binicarsmenorca · 1 year
Road Journey– Car Rentals, Speed, Food, and More | Binicars Menorca
There is no denying that a road journey is fun, particularly on the beautiful island of Menorca. The thrill of a road trip is that YOU create your journey. Stop to explore on the way and visit the many places the island has to offer. scooter rental Calan Porter
If you are renting a car in Menorca, the following tips will help you enjoy the experience:
Rent a Car in Menorca: Instead of using the local transport, use a car hire service in Calan Porter or Rent a car at Menorca airport directly. Traveling in a hire car in Menorca will give you an unforgettable experience.
Make sure you use a rental car company that offers you comprehensive insurance with no excess, 24h road side assistance, free additional drivers, no hidden extras and a personal service. rent a car Menorca
Choose your Vehicle Wisely: In Menorca, a small car is ideal for couples, easy to drive and easy to park. You can also rent a scooter to explore the narrow roads of the small local villages..
Speed limits: if not sign posted otherwise, the speed limit in the towns is 40km/h and on the main roads 90km/h.
Use Google Maps: If you want to plan and organise your trip, we recommend you use Google Maps. Also, Google Maps helps you locate the local shops, petrol stations and fun activities nearby..
Go Local: Enjoy what the island has to offer by going local, try the many authentic restaurants, visit the unique local shops, taste the fresh produce, not forgetting the famous Menorcan Gin Xoriguer. Booking an All inclusive holiday can be tempting, however Menorca has so much to offer and we suggest self catering in a Villa or apartment is the best option to experience the real Menorcan dream. car hire Menorca
Carry Essentials: Map, guidebook, torch, drinks, snacks, etc., incase you decide to enjoy a long day out.
Book Ahead of Time: Certain tourist destinations in Menorca fill up very quick. So, it’s a good idea to reserve in advance for accommodation and car hire, so you are not disappointed.
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Finca Randa Luxusvilla Zu Vermieten Auf Mallorca, Spanien
Charmantes Stadthaus In Sineu Mit Separatem Gästehaus
Modernes Landhaus "Can Tano" Mit Pool, Garten, Terrasse
Fincas Und Villen Auf Mallorca, Menorca Und Ibiza
Das luxuriöse Can Moon ist ein hübsches Anwesen, umgeben https://miet-finca-mallorca.de/Strandnah von Pinienwäldern im Norden der Insel, mit atemberaubenden ... Dieses charmante Miethaus in der Nähe von San José und nur 10 km von Ibiza-Stadt entfernt ... Die Villa bietet eine komfortable und stilvolle Wahl für diejenigen, die den Frieden und die Ruhe der ibizenkischen Landschaft suchen ... Großes Bauernhaus mit 9 Schlafzimmern, zu vermieten auf Ibiza, 5 Autominuten von San Carlos ... Abgelegenes und verstecktes exklusives Anwesen mit 9 Schlafzimmern im nördlichen Kernland von San ... Wenn Sie eine Immobilie hinzufügen oder entfernen müssen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, um Ihre Einträge zu aktualisieren.
Die perfekte Art, Ihren Aufenthalt auf der größten Baleareninsel zu genießen.
Im Hafen von Puerto Pollensa gibt es den berühmten „Pine Walk“, den hafenseitigen Bereich, der von Pinien gesäumt und mit vielen Bars, Cafés und Restaurants ausgestattet ist.
Wenn sie innerhalb von 24 Stunden vor dem Aufenthalt stornieren, erfolgt keine Rückerstattung.
Besitzen Sie Schlüssel zu einer Wohnung im Zentrum von Palma und Sie suchen nach Immobiliengold.
10 Jahre Erfahrung Eine der ältesten und größten Ferienwohnungen auf Mallorca und den Balearen. Porta Holiday ist Teil der deutschen Porta Mondial GmbH und eine Tochtergesellschaft der internationalen Homes Charmante Finca, neben Sta Gertudis, privater Pool, zu vermieten auf Ibiza.
Charmantes Stadthaus In Sineu Mit Separatem Gästehaus
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Im Freien bietet eine große Terrasse Teppiche und Bodenkissen, Steingut und marokkanische Laternen. Schattige Ess- und Liegepergolen bieten Platz für Dutzende, und ein Infinity-Pool schimmert über seinen blauen Mosaiktiefen. Reiter können sich an den Ställen vor Ort erfreuen, und alle Gäste profitieren von den Bio-Gemüsegärten, Honigbienenstöcken, Seife aus Zitrusbäumen und dem charakteristischen Olivenöl der Finca. Can PepEine traditionelle Villa in der Gegend von St. Augustine’s Ses Planes, Can Pep, repräsentiert ein wirklich authentisches ibizenkisches Finca-Erlebnis. Es ist ein üppiges mediterranes Paradies, das mit seinem traditionellen Interieur und dem Garten voller Flora Wärme und Charme ausstrahlt.
Modernes Landhaus "Can Tano" Mit Pool, Garten, Terrasse
Guatape ist ein weiteres beliebtes Ziel für Fincas, kann Sie jedoch aufgrund seiner Beliebtheit an den Wochenenden in 2-4-stündige Staus führen. Touristen in Kolumbien, die nach kühlerem Wetter mit mehr Aktivitäten im Freien suchen, sollten in der Gegend des Rio Negro oder El Oriente bleiben. Dieser Bereich liegt sehr nahe am Flughafen, was ihn für Reisende praktisch macht. Touristen, die nach heißem Wetter suchen, mit Schwerpunkt auf Entspannung und Spaß, fahren westlich von Medellin. Diese Orte sind etwa eine bis anderthalb Stunden von Medellin entfernt.
Es ist ganz einfach herauszufinden, was man für ein Wochenende in Medellin unternehmen kann! Santa Fe de Antioquia ist eine der malerischsten Städte in ganz Kolumbien, und unsere Finca El Paraiso ist ein Top-Reiseziel für Touristen, die diese historische Stadt besuchen. Dr. Helen Cummins ist Lifestyle-Redakteurin, Marketeer und erfolgreiche Unternehmerin, die seit 20 Jahren in Palma de Mallorca lebt und arbeitet. Sie startete 2003 abcMallorca.com, das sich mit über 6 Millionen Besuchen pro Jahr zu einer der größten Websites der Insel entwickelt hat. Melden Sie sich für unseren monatlichen Newsletter an und genießen Sie die besten lokalen Erlebnisse, während Sie sich wie auf Mallorca fühlen. Mit seiner schicken Happening-Atmosphäre und der hübschen Küstenlage ist dieser Küstenabschnitt zu einem der begehrtesten Orte für den Kauf von Immobilien auf Mallorca geworden.
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Die zum Verkauf stehende Immobilie in Pollensa wird von Interessenten für einen Zweitwohnsitz bevorzugt und zieht eine große Anzahl von Ausländern an, die das mediterrane Leben suchen. Der Immobilienmarkt in Port Andratx ist ein Synonym für Luxus auf Mallorca. Es steht für Exklusivität und verspricht einen guten Return on Investment. Es gibt auch eine überdachte Bar und einen Grillbereich, der ideal ist, um im Freien zu speisen und einen oder zwei „Sundowner“ zu genießen. Die voll ausgestattete Küche ist mit den neuesten Geräten ausgestattet und umfasst auch eine Frühstücksbar.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass wir Wochenenden in Kolumbien am besten auf dem Land verbringen, auch wenn wir mit einer Warnung enden. Es ist der beste Weg, das Leben eines Einheimischen in Kolumbien zu erleben. Im Süden von La Estrella, Caldas und weiter ins Kaffeeland hinein gibt es das eje cafetero.
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bellacasa-mallorca · 2 years
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MENORCA ISLAND 🦋 ISLA DE MENORCA 🏡 DIE INSEL MENORCA 🙏🏻 . BellaCasa Mallorca☀️ DREAM IT * FEEL IT * LIVE IT 🌏 www.bella-casa.com ☎️ +34 6626 44104 • CEO Volker Wessels 🇩🇪🇪🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Sales Pro Diego Gallego 🇪🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 • #realestate #house #finca #villa #hotel #apartment #penthouse #restaurant #bellacasa #bellacasamallorca #igers #igersmallorca #happy #love #mallorca #ibiza #island #sea #sun ##sol #mediterranean #sessalines #santanyi #palmademallorca #luxury #casa #immobilien #immobilienmakler @bella_casa_mallorca (hier: Santuario de la Virgen del Toro) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7A-FBjRQy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thefashiondarling · 2 years
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@villaleblancgm #menorca i don’t think I ever want to leave ☀️🏝💛⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #luxurylifestyle #paradiseisland (at Villa Le Blanc, a Gran Meliá Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiU12bNtsin/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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izatrini · 2 years
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Villa Le Blanc Gran Meliá Opens in Spain's Menorca - Luxury Travel Advisor http://dlvr.it/SX4RSn
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xavibapirus · 2 years
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