#meraki fic
meraki-yao · 17 days
All At Once Everything Looks Different (Now That I See You)
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Prologue: The Stardust Flower
The first chapter of my fic for @aroyallybigbangrwrb is finally out!!!
Thank you to @havanaroses for the beautiful, gorgeous mood board and for @luainthewild for being my #1 supporter and beta reader, love you guys!!!
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merakiui · 6 months
thinking about time loops and the idea of grim reaper!floyd sent to capture your soul and ferry it onwards to the afterlife, but he can't do that because you're stuck in a time loop. maybe unfortunate circumstances have led to your untimely death, but then something goes terribly wrong and, though you know you should be dead, you wake up and the day starts again and you're completely fine. of course this anomaly is what first grabs floyd's attention. you can't have more than one life; that's not how it works. so he's sent to correct things: pull you free from the time loop and take your very overdue soul.
AAAAAAA the concept of being hunted down by floyd, who greatly enjoys the chase at first until the task becomes near-impossible and suddenly he's less excited to catch you and more annoyed that you're so slippery due to the nature of the time loop...... and you think you can keep outrunning him because the time loop has given you a new appreciation for life and you can't possibly let him take your soul right now—not when you've just started to truly live!
it's all fun and games until you have not one but two grim reaper eels after you. :) if floyd is easy mode, then jade is impossible mode. floyd's mercurial, so he may just give up halfway through. but jade's determined to catch you, and each day you spend in your little loop, living off of borrowed time and getting intimate with that guy (azul) you were crushing on all throughout university, he grows ever-closer, his presence looming like a shadow.
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agentplutonium · 18 days
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @romirola *checks notes* over a month ago, but never late then never, right! ,,, right?
ANYWAY I’ve been very slow on some of my writing recently (burn out from school is a BITCH) but here’s a small snippet of a Milo/Sweetheart fight fic and mayhaps a little snippet of original work I’ve been chipping away at:
(No pressure) tags to: @pinksparkl @zozo-01 @angelicaether @lovelylonerliterature and anyone else who wants to join! I’m really bad at tagging people ngl
I was really captivated by the idea of Sweetheart snapping at Milo for constantly bashing their job, no matter how correct he is, so I ran with it. Here’s the beginning of that:
It was always a strain on their relationship. Milo knew that. He just didn’t think it could ever come to this.
Sweetheart came home with a limp. A limp that was not there when they left, and one that was certainly unwelcome in their typically confident gait. Milo was onto it immediately.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?”
“Nothing,” they said hurriedly. “Fell at work today.”
“You didn’t get it checked out?” Milo asked.
“It’s nothing, Milo. I’ll be fine in the morning.”
Milo paused what he was doing, turning to look at Sweetheart fully. They weren’t facing him, set on emptying and putting their things away. They never took that tone with him, and it concerned Milo. Did he do something? Were they mad at him?
“Are you okay?” Milo asked, standing.
“I told you I’m fine!” Sweetheart snapped. “Stop looking into it.”
“Okay,” Milo said, tone hardening, “you don’t get to talk to me like that when I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay.”
Sweetheart let their bag slump to the ground, taking a deep breath. When they turned to face him, their eyes were closed. They opened them a moment later, saying, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ve just had a hard day at work. That’s all.”
Milo eyebrows furrowed, one corner of his mouth turning down. “Do you need anything? I can—“
“No,” Sweetheart said quickly. They realised how that came off and back tracked, “no, Love, I just want to go lay down for a bit. Is that alright?”
“Of course that’s all right,” Milo said. “I can come get you once dinner is ready.”
“Thank you,” Sweetheart sighed, kissing Milo’s cheek. They stalked off toward their bedroom, catching the attention of Aggro who followed them.
Milo didn’t like how that went. Sweetheart was hiding something from him. But, he trusted them to bring it up later, maybe after they decompressed after today. They wouldn't keep secrets from him.
And now for a small snippet of my boys (gn); Terra and Caelus. I just really wanted to write something for them so I can share them with more than just me and PK. ANYWAY:
The night was young, the drinks were flowing, the band playing joyously in the corner, and Terra was having a very good time.
She never got to have nights like these, where time slowed and she was able to conjugate with her humans. She loved watching how they interacted with each other. She loved watching the dances that they’ve come up with, and how the translated to group settings like this. They were very creative creatures, that was for sure. Terra liked to take credit for that part.
Terra could feel magic warp behind her, bending and expanding, leaving a tingling sensation on the back of her neck. She smiled, recognizing the figure that appeared behind her.
“How does anyone have any fun at these things?” Caelus’ voice vibrated within her.
“They find their ways,” Terra hummed. “You can’t fault them for that.”
“All it is just stuffy dances in stuffy clothes,” Caelus complained.
“Don’t you see what I’m seeing?” Terra asked, turning her head to look at him.
Caelus hummed, stepping closer, “What do you see?”
Terra took Caelus’ jaw in her hand, turning his head toward two young people chatting away on the edge of the room. “Love.”
“That’s love?”
“The beginning of it,” Terra hummed, “and it’s always so beautiful watching them fall in love. Not to mention,” she redirected Caelus’ gaze to the band, “that’s love, too.”
“How is that love?” Caelus questioned.
Terra chuckled, letting go. “Look at how they play, look at how they are so encapsulated by the sound that they are making. You can’t tell me that someone who plays an instrument is not in love.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Caelus said.
“And the musicians would agree with me,” Terra defended.
“You say that about everything,” Caelus muttered half-heartedly.
Terra sighed, expecting this answer from Caelus. He never understood, despite Terra feeling the innate curiosity burning within him. To see how their creations interact with one another. She knows that, fundamentally, that same desire to love and protect what he creates is in him. It was in all of them. A base functionality to their existence. However, for some reason, Caelus’ love, and hers, are two completely different things. He sees love as a neat and tidy thing. Not conditional, by any means, but there is always a cause and an effect. A means to an end. A list of tasks that must be done, and the meticulous upkeep of said results. He doesn’t like restarting a process unless it is inevitable. Terra, on the other hand, doesn’t have a process. Until something is finalized—with a consciousness—she does not feel like she is stuck with one design. However, even if a design has it flaws, Terra will often let it live anyway. She couldn’t bring herself to destroy something she created just because it didn’t go to plan. It was cruel. She could always build off of the prototypes, and evolve them into what she wanted them to be.
They were two sides of one coin. Perfection in different forms.
Terra got an idea, turning to Caelus. “Come see the celebrations in the town,” she insisted.
“What for?” Caelus asked her.
“I want to show you something.”
Thank you for reading !
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arts-and-drafts · 10 months
Home Again (Hermempires Crossover)
(In which Tango and Jimmy stargaze on the roof of their new ranch in Tumble Town, and reminisce. This one is unbelievably sweet, it rotted my teeth writing it. Enjoy!)
CW: Mentions of death
"It's beautiful, Jimmy." Tango said, for what felt like the millionth time.
And for the millionth time, Jimmy smiled wide and flushed, shyly turning his eyes away from Tango's to the ranch he built earlier that day. Tango kept it up for two reasons; the first being that the ranch really was beautiful, and nostalgic, and the fact that Jimmy built it solely because Tango was here meant a million unsaid words.
The second reason is that Jimmy rarely smiled near the end of Double Life, and Tango missed it with an ache that surprised him. Now that they didn't have to expect death at every moment, Tango tried to make Jimmy smile every chance he got.
Turns out, when he wasn't fearing for his life, it was extremely easy. Jimmy smiled so much, and it never lost it's novelty. Not to Tango.
"I'm so glad you like it." Jimmy beamed, tipping his hat upwards to take in the cobblestone "R" at the very top. "I figured it fits right in."
"It sure does." Tango agreed warmly. He didn't feel like it was fair to attribute Jimmy's whole western aesthetic in this server to the short few weeks they spent together previously, but it was a beautiful coincidence. The ranch fit right in with Tumble Town's theme.
Jimmy's hat and badge suited him even better. Tango could tell his Soulmate stood a little taller with that title on his chest, and the responsibility fit him well. Now that he saw the person Jimmy had grown into, Tango couldn't imagine him being anyone else.
He hoped Jimmy was as respected as he looked he deserved to be. He had always deserved respect, to Tango, but the imp hoped that his Soulmate's appearance commended it from the other rulers in this server.
Jimmy was looking at him again, his smile turning shy. "What're you lookin' at?"
"Uh, nothing." Tango coughed, and turned his eyes away. "The hat is just very impressive."
"Isn't it?" Jimmy agreed with pride, readjusting it on his head. "That blue fire is something else, too, man! It's cool!"
"'Cool', you say?" Tango grinned cheekily and gestured to the frost pattern on his robes, and Jimmy laughed.
It was like sunshine, his laugh. Jimmy practically emanated light as he doubled over, hiccuping and giggling, and Tango had never felt warmer in his life.
"Stop," Jimmy giggled, getting ahold of himself and turning back to the barn as he waved an enthusiastic hand over his shoulder. "Come on, I want to show you the best part!"
Tango followed him, smiling all the way, as Jimmy started to climb a ladder propped against one of the barn posts. "I had to wait till it was getting dark."
Once Jimmy was a decent amount ahead, Tango started to climb as well, his excitement building purely from Jimmy's reaction.
Tango's head breached the trapdoor at the ladder's top, and he looked around to find Jimmy already smoothing out a blanket on the stable roof.
"Woah, a stargazing spot?" Tango grinned and climbed onto the roof to join his rancher.
"Yup!" Jimmy said, rising to his knees as he finished laying out the blanket, and turned his eyes to the sky. "It's also got a pretty good view of Tumble Town!"
Tango followed Jimmy's point and saw that yes, the part of town that was this side of the mountain was perfectly in view without strain. Illuminated by the softly glowing lanterns placed at the fronts of the buildings, it looked unbelievably quaint. If Tango didn't know better, he'd have easily believed this town had been here for at least a decade.
But he did know better, and he knew Jimmy built this whole place with his own two hands. It made the feat unbelievably impressive.
"It's beautiful." Tango said, for the millionth-first time. Jimmy's face lit up at the praise, just as before, but this time it was echoed by something soft.
"Thank you." The sheriff said, his eyes fond as they traced over the buildings. "It means a lot."
Jimmy's hand touched Tango's, and the imp curled his pinkie finger over the sheriff's and pressed their shoulders together. "Remember when you said you weren't a builder?"
Jimmy laughed, his eyes scrunching up. "I do! And I'm still not."
Tango gasped, and pulled away to whip around and stare at Jimmy like he was terribly offended. "Are you nuts?! Look at this place, Jimmy!" He waved an exaggerated hand at the sight before them, and Jimmy giggled again.
"This is downright beautiful! It's rustic!" Tango pressed, a smile pulling at his lips as he watched Jimmy's laughter. "And the way you used the stripped logs to make texture--'not a builder', I can't believe you!"
"Alright, alright!" Jimmy gasped through his laughing, pushing Tango's arm back down. "Thank you, I get it!"
Tango chuckled along with Jimmy's giggles, the two of them fading into a comfortable silence. Jimmy's hand had traveled from Tango's bicep to his hand, and he didn't pull away.
"I--I missed you." Jimmy said, quietly, and didn't meet Tango's eyes when he looked at him. His focus had turned to the stars, and Tango saw the whole sky reflected in Jimmy's eyes.
"I missed you too, buddy." Tango smiled softly, and maneuvered his hand to hold Jimmy's properly. They were close enough that the imp heard Jimmy's breath catch at the movement, and for a moment he worried he overstepped.
But then Jimmy's hand squeezed his, and a rush of a different heat than Tango was used to warmed his chest.
"Do you still--" Jimmy cut himself off and cleared his throat, staring stubbornly at the sky. Tango furrowed his brow. "...Still what?"
"We're not Soulmates anymore." Jimmy said plainly. "You don't--I mean, you don't have to be here anymore."
Tango blinked. Jimmy's hand was solid as a rock in his own, as if he had tensed it so it wouldn't shake.
"I'd argue we are." Tango said, softly, and Jimmy's gaze snapped away from the stars to look at him with wide eyes. Tango smiled in response.
"I can't feel your pain anymore, but you--the portal I went through lead right to you." Tango continued. "Can you imagine the chances of that?"
Tango squeezed Jimmy's hand gently. "I'm pretty sure that means the universe wants us together, man. And...I do too."
It was Tango's turn to look away, heat flushing his face. "If--if you'll have me."
"Yeah." Jimmy said, immediately, his voice sounding a little strangled. Tango turned back to him, and saw Jimmy's eyes were shining brighter than the stars above combined. "I would."
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winxwannabe · 8 months
I’ll throw a vote for BTC into the ring! Mostly because I quite enjoyed the opening chapter (but also because it saves me from caving and watching the later seasons in order to read your other fics 😅). Also, think of the delightful chaos if somehow you updated BTC, I updated BTS, and BloomValyria updated Broken Pieces on the same day! We could break an entire fandom 😈
P.S. Glad that your dog is doing well!
Ok but seriously coordinating updates would be hilarious we should do that
What We Do - 3 Ashes - 3 Break the Chain - 1
I can't blame anyone for not wanting to watch the later seasons. I will say though, people can probably just know S1-3 and still enjoy Roll Here In Our Ashes. There's basically no Nickbow information in it, and the most talked about S8 plot point involves Icy and Dyamond, which people involved in the fandom have probably heard through chatter by now. Though now I'm curious how many people read it that haven't watched S8.
What We Do, though...I can't talk you into that. That's fair. And I can't in good conscious recommend anyone watch those seasons. Or, not sober, at least.
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
Please imagine the hermits trying to gradually teach Tommy how to become a better builder, but in a way he would actually want to learn. So they gift him metric fucktons of cobble and let him build his cobblestone tower monstrosities while carefully nudging him towards the right direction with small/subtle tips --AA
They've all built uglier things back in their days, but Tommy for the longest time is adamant that his building style is perfect and he's already got it all down. Which isn't...technically untrue, he does make solid towers when he's actually trying! There's just so much more potential in those stone brick stairs, is all.
Then the hermits realize that the problem Tommy has always had was resources, so they fix that by dropping off shulkers full of concrete, bricks, terracotta, anything they could think of that would go well with the blocks he's inclined to use. And it happens nearly overnight.
The builds barely have interiors, but that's nothing to sniff at. Lots of the others barely do interior work either. What's impressive is how Tommy has managed to make a near entire village of houses that look so homely and quaint that they look like they've been lived in for ages.
In truth? Tommy just has that touch. He's not one for big grand statues or giant coliseums, he just is Tommy that needs a place to cook his steak so he might as well. His little starter area becomes a favorite build of a lot of hermits.
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12u3ie · 1 year
Twelve please share the phantom Grian fic you mentioned 👀 - M
Let me go find it real quick,
Here's the raw link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26702875/chapters/65136505
Nowadays, there's a fix-it sequel. But back in my day, this was angst with no fluff, unhappy ending, never-ending misery... which is why it's great and awesome! Highly recommend if you can handle loss of humanity and self.
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slutmegeto · 16 days
meraki [2]
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requested! i loved reading the Meraki fic! it was amazing how good of a writer you are! do you think you could do a pt.2 but this time, they invite *force* y/n to come over to their home for some “personal tutoring”? -> more jjk!! (Gojoo & geto) -> could you do a pt.2 of meraki? -> could you write satoru and suguru overstimming the reader to the point where she’s all swollen and crying? all by anonymous!
tw. yandere, dubcon, noncon, teacher/student relationship, polyamorous, threesome, geto and gojo are your teachers, underage reader, fingering, overstimulation, gagged (with your own panties), forced orgasm, unbalanced power dynamics, use of pretty/baby, use of slut/whore, dumbification, fucking (by both geto and gojo), crying, begging, pedophilia not spellchecked!
part one.
you're not quite sure how you've ended up squished between two of your two teachers on a couch in their apartment they shared just outside of campus grounds.
but you're not surprised. ever since that day in the classroom, nothing either of them did shocked you; even if the disgust and fear never faded away.
you'd learned long ago to stop trusting them—truthfully, you're not sure you ever had. it's why you'd been scared of them, hadn't it? because they'd scared you and unnerved you in a way that was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before.
it hadn't mattered, though, had it? it hadn't mattered that you'd been scared out of your mind of them because you'd still wound up trapped in their grasps, unable to get away.
but it's something new, something unventured and more vulnerable to be trapped, alone with the both of them in their home. this was their element, their space... you were completely in the unknown with no concept of the space or the in and outs of where things were or weren't.
you were there for the taking.
you try to make yourself as small as possible but it's useless because nothing stops their hands from grabbing at you. all you can feel is the two of them; gojo on your right and geto on your left. towering figures that swallow you whole, gojo's hand on your thigh, the other playing with a strand of hair. geto's playing with the hem of your school blouse while the other brushes across the exposed skin of your neck.
their touches are overwhelming. they're overwhelming.
you can feel their eyes on you, watching you. the second they'd pulled you from class they'd been surrounding you, never giving you even a second of opportunity for escape—guiding you out of campus and on a short train ride all with the promise that they'd "help you understand it better" and that "they couldn't leave their precious student confused on her academics".
which, you knew, meant nothing academic whatsoever.
when you'd seen the apartment building, you'd tried to pull away, tried to turn around and run but geto and gojo had been relentless in tugging you up the walkway and to the door. the apartment was big and simply looked expensive from the outside, but the second you'd walked through the door, you'd seen just how lavish their entire apartment was.
they'd wasted no time helping you take off your shoes and jacket, geto bending to slip your feet out of the brown flats while gojo pulled your jacket off your shoulder in one fell swoop. it was fair to comfortable and you'd moved to hug yourself the second you'd been able to, stilling when gojo's hand had fallen on your lower back to guide you forward.
that's how you ended up here. on their couch. squished between them.
"are you comfortable, baby?"
it's gojo who asks the question; his sickly sweet voice pulling you from your thoughts as you blink over at him. your face has remained entirely passive this entire time, but the fear in your gaze was plain as day to both of them.
gojo just laughs. "you look tense."
"want some water?" geto offers, leaning forward and pulling your attention on him as closes in further on your personal space.
"n-no," you manage to force out, shaking your head. your arms continue to remain locked around yourself, hugging your arms as you try to sink further back into the cushions of the couch. "i'm okay."
squeezing your thigh, gojo hums; "should we get started then?"
his eyes are on you, but it's clear the question is meant for geto.
"i think," geto agrees with a simply not, the hand that had been playing with the hem of your shirt raises, grabbing your arm.
your heart lurches. "what... what are we doing?" you ask, unable to hide the way your voice shakes as your gaze flickers frantically between the both of them.
"you'll see," is all geto offers.
you're lifted to your feet by geto, tugging you by your arm as you feel gojo's hand slide lower, moving to your ass. the second you're standing, he squeezes, pulling a cry of surprise from your laugh that causes the both of them to laugh.
your cheeks burn.
"let's go to the bedroom, shall we?" geto offers, nodding his head as he gestures for you to follow.
you eye him for a moment, then gojo, and finally past gojo to the hall which you assume leads to the bedroom. it wasn't like you hadn't expected that's why they'd brought you here in the first place, but it suddenly seemed more scary when faced with the reality of it. you didn't want to move and your body froze as a result.
"y/n," gojo calls, voice sharp. "let's go."
you just shake your head.
geto sighs. "still so defiant..."
"i know," gojo huffs.
your gaze lowers but then there are hands on your waist and you're being lifted, your feet leaving the ground as a gasp of surprise leaves your lips. your world is turned upside down as geto throws you over his shoulder, your hands bracing against your back to catch yourself in surprise.
a sharp slap is delivered to your ass before you can finish your words and you yelp.
"no more fighting," geto hisses. "or they'll be punishment."
gripping the back of his shirt, you clench your firsts.
geto starts walking then, gojo in front of him, and the blood rushes to your head as you rock with geto's movements. it's hard to get a good look of where you are upside down, and you're afraid geto will drop you so you're mainly focused on holding onto him, and keep a good distance from letting your head smack against his ass.
you hear a door opening and shutting, seeing gojo's legs in your peripheral for a moment before he's gone.
"give her 'ere."
you're flipped once again, hands on your waist shifting you until you're dropped into another pair of waiting ones. it takes you a moment, blinking, before you realize you're in gojo's lap and he's sitting on a bed, propped up against a headboard. your back is pressed his chest with his arms locked around your middle, holding you in place.
geto crawls in front of you a second later.
crouched in front of you, the dark-haired man stares up at you through his lashes, his hair pulled out of his usual bun and some strands falling in his face.
"we're gonna teach you about endurance today, okay baby?"
stomach fluttering, you shift in gojo's grasp. "e-endurance?"
"that's right," gojo nods, pressing his cheek against yours. "we're going to see how many times we can make you cum."
face still burning, your chest tightens as their words settle over you. instantly, that fear strikes you deep once again and you're shaking your head before you even realize it. "i-i don't think—"
gojo's hands fall on your legs, squeezing tightly; "what did we say about arguing?"
instantly, you're lips clamp shut.
the both of them share a satisfied smile.
"good," geto praises softly, "now." he leans forward, lowering his face as gojo simultaneously uses the grip he has on your legs to raise them, tucking them so they're wrapped around his and then using his legs to spread yours. instantly, you shift as the strain grows, gojo forcing your legs wide.
"we haven't even touched you yet, baby." gojo laughs at your reaction, pressing a kiss to the edge of your jaw.
your eyes zone in on geto, seeing him move. his hands grab your skirt, lifting the hem of it and flipping it back so the both of them can see your underwear. it's a pretty light blue pair of cheeky panties and you look away as you feel the both of them zone in on it.
gojo breathes heavily next to you. "matches my eyes, don't ya think?"
geto just scoffs, shaking his head as he moves to grab them. he tugs them down, gojo lifting you by your hips so geto can pull them down your legs, gojo guiding your legs close briefly while geto pulls the panties off one leg, and then the other, before taking them and shoving them in his pocket.
he smirks at you as gojo forces your legs apart once more.
"for later," he teases.
you swallow thickly.
focusing back on your pussy, geto shifts so he's inbetween both yours and gojo's legs, taking his hand and spreading your lips to fully reveal your clit.
you close your eyes in embarrassment.
"such a pretty pussy, huh, satoru?"
hands raising to squeeze your breast through your close, gojo moans wantonly. "the prettiest," he groans, the voice sinful next to your ears as you try to zone out their words with no success.
"our pretty pussy."
the cold air hitting your pussy makes it grow wet, that in combination with the two pair of eyes closely watching it. your head is turned away so you don't notice gojo's free hand sneak lower until the pads of his fingers press against your clit directly.
you jump instantly in reaction, a gasp pulling from your lips at the touch, but gojo's grip keeps you in place. your attention instantly snaps to his hand, pressed against your pussy, watching as he slowly starts to move his hand and swirl his fingers around your clit, stimulating it.
"o-oh... oh!"
you instinctively move to close your legs but are stopped by gojo's, forced to stay spread open as gojo rubs your clit and geto watches closely, eyes never leaving you.
"ah!" you cry, feeling the pleasure build. gojo's movements are sinful and he knows how to get you going, his experience allowing him to build your pleasure quite easily. your pussy grows slick with sweat as you tense, your hands moving to grab his in a futile effort to get him to stop before geto's grabbing both of your wrists in his one.
he towers in front of you, looming. "uh-uh, keep your hands to yourself, pretty girl."
your lips part but you're cut off as a moan pulls from your lips, gojo shifting to take your clit in between his thumb and pointer finger, rolling it with light pressure.
"uh! ah! oh my god!"
"that's it," gojo coos. "let me make you feel good, pretty."
he combines that with squeezing your breast tightly, your body tensing as your body arches, trying to fight his grip to no avail.
the coil is tightening as you let out pathetic moans, head falling back as you try to wiggle away.
"look at that, satoru," geto calls out a moment later. "she's clenching on nothing."
gojo peers over your shoulder, watching as you clench your pussy tightly, your gaping hole empty and ignored as his movements grow quicker.
"poor slut," gojo laughs. "she's desperate for something to fill that pretty, tight, little hole of hers."
"well, good thing i can help with that."
geto's presence grows close once again as he leans forward, you watching him through blurred vision until you feel something prodding at your entrance. it takes you a second to realize it's his finger, pushing in slowly as gojo's movements never slow until it's fully sheathed in you and you cry out.
"oh my god! su-suguru-sensei!"
geto grins as gojo pouts; "hey! whos the one that's been making you feel good?"
squeezing your breast harshly, gojo's movements turn ferverent.
"sa-satoru-sensei! satoru-sensei!"
"that's a good girl."
geto just rolls his eyes, pulling his finger back before shoving it back in faster. his movements repeat, quicker and quicker, before after a minute he's adding a second finger, filling you up more in a way that has you squealing.
the both of them together has you seeing stars. you're barely aware of your movements as you writhe in gojo's arms, moaning and crying as the pleasure builds and the coil tightens, building and building, until after a minute more, it snaps.
you cum with a scream, spasming as you're brought to a sensation you've never felt yet before. gojo and geto have made you cum before but this was different; stronger and more intense. your eyes are rolling to the back of your head as geto continues to finger you and gojo stimulates your clit.
"ah! ah! thank... thank you! thank you, se-senseis!" you cry out, the bliss of your orgasm making you forget yourself for a moment as geto and gojo watch you closely, enjoying the way you scream out for them.
but then, as your orgasm fades and you're brought back to your senses, you realize their movements don't stop.
don't ever slow; even a little.
sensitive from your orgasm and confused, you try to pull away with more desperation, needing a break. but gojo holds you tight and neither of them falter once.
"w-wait! please! i... it's too much! i... i.. i can't."
"endurance," geto calls out, meeting your gaze as you turn to him confused.
gojo presses a kiss to your cheek; "we told you remember?"
"tonight is about learning about endurance."
their words from before come back to mind, gasping out as the pleasure begins to swallow your senses once more. they're never relenting, their movements never slowing—if anything, you feel like they're quickening their pace as you pull against geto's grip on your wrists, crying out in mercy.
"please! it's too much!"
"you can do it," gojo encourages mockingly, pinching your clit. "we know you can."
"you're fucking soaking wet," geto moans, and it's then you finally register the wet sounds of your pussy as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you. "dripping all over our bed like a little slut."
"she moans like one too," gojo laughs. "fucking screaming our names and calling us sensei. what a dirty little slut."
the orgasm comes quicker the second time, already sensitive. your eyes roll to the back of your head as you spasm, sweat coating every inch of your skin, muscles growing tired and strained as the sensitivity becomes too much.
the both of them don't relent, even as you orgasm.
"fuck!" geto hisses, "she squirted!"
"no way!"
"all over my fucking shirt too. what a horny bitch."
ashamed, their words are muffled as you feel drool slip down your chin, brain turning to mush as your second orgasm fades, body spasming and twitching as their movements continue in a torturing and painful pace.
"pleash!" you cry, words muffled as your lips barely move the way you want them too. "it's too much!"
"deal with it," gojo growls in your ear.
"i wanna make her squirt again," geto whispers as his pace quickens, spurred on like a mad man.
it's painful. too painful. your clit is too senstive, and it hurts and you want it to stop. but you can't get away. you feel your eyes well with tears as the pain starts to blur into that blissful pleasure, building as it wells deep in your core.
"oh god! oh god! pleash! make... make it stop!"
but they don't. and you orgasm again. and again. and again.
five orgasms and you're unable to think, the words that leave your lips are nothing but muffled, pathetic pleas that go to uncaring ears. there's drool pouring down your chin and your body is limp, unable to move anything as you ride through your fifth orgasm.
only, this time, they stop.
as you calm, the relief that floods you is undeniable. you sag with relief as a sob wretches past your lips, eyes falling shut.
"look suguru, poor baby is all fucked out."
as geto pulls his fingers out, you hiss, overly sensitive to even the simplest movements.
"her pussy is so red and puffy," geto explains and you sniffle quietly to yourself.
gojo shifts behind you, moving to stand as you fall back against the bed, not an ounce of fight left in you.
there's a moment of silence and then your legs are grabbed and you're tugged across the bed, pulled to the edge where geto stands. as you slowly blink your eyes open to look at him, your eyes widen with sudden alert at the sight of him with his pants off and his dick out, hard.
you instantly use the little bit of strength you have to try and pull aay.
"please," you beg, desperate, shaking your head as the tears well all over again. "please, don't. it hurts! it's too much! i can't handle it... i don't—please suguru-sensei! please!"
geto just watches you beg and cry, holding you place even as you try to scramble away, never once blinking an eye.
you turn your attention to gojo, sat on the chair to left of the room. "satoru-sensei! please!"
"sorry, baby," gojo shrugs, "this is your lesson. we want to make sure it properly sticks."
you sob, hands raising in front of you to weakly push at geto as he yanks you towards him completely. the tears are relentless down your cheeks, pathetic sobs as geto simply slots himself between your legs. he reaches forward, grabbing the collar of your shirt and tugs, ripping it down the stream of buttons and you wince at the sound of it ripping.
tugging it off of your body, geto teasingly tosses it gojo's way who laughs as he catches it and then geto is pulling the straps of your bra down your shoulders, flipping it until it's against your belly and your breast free.
he focuses back on his pussy then, grabbing his dick and lining it up against your entrance. you instantly scream in response, trying to kick him away.
"no! no! it hurts!"
"ugh," geto huffs. "i'm tired of listening to you whine."
"so mean, suguru."
"she'll sound prettier like this anyways."
gripping you by the jaw, geto pinches harshly, forcing your mouth open before shoving something inside. it takes you a second to realize it's your own underwear. he uses his fingers to shove it fully in, filling your mouth completely before using his fingers to force your mouth shut.
"don't even think about spitting that out."
the look in his eyes is dangerous and you just nod smally.
your fate is inescapable then. using one hand to grab your left leg, geto uses his right to guide his cock to your pussy, pushing into your entrance with ease thanks to your multiple orgasms before. the pressure is outstanding and instantly, a muffled squeal leaves your lips as you're filled to the brim, this time stretching your walls much more than geto's fingers had.
once he's inside, geto's hand falls on your other leg and he doesn't hesitate starting, pounding into you. his pace is relentless, slamming into you in a way that has you blacking out for brief seconds as your fingers clench the bed sheets for some kind of purchase.
it's useless.
you're rocked back and forth, body being used like a ragdoll as geto uses you to his discretion.
"that's it," geto moans, head falling back as he grunts in pleasure. "taking me so well, slut. you're so fucking tight!"
his right hand is falling on your pussy, his fingers rubbing your clit similar to how gojo had before. you flinch instantly, eyes bulging as you scream, your saliva being soaked up by your own panties as your puffy, red and sensitive clit is rubbed relentlessly.
you must black out for longer than a few seconds, the world flickering in and out as geto slowly reaches his high, before finally his movements still and he bottoms out in you, without letting his fingers stop so you reach your orgasm a second after he does.
your pussy squeezes him as you do, pulling at the bed sheets as you let your head loll against the bed, shaking violently.
"we've properly fucked her out, huh, suguru?"
gathering himself, geto pulls out, pulling away as you twitch in response but otherwise don't move, limp and fucked out.
geto laughs at gojo; "too bad she's still got you to fuck her."
"she probably won't be able to speak."
"i'm not sure she can now."
"well, not when you gag her."
"but look how pretty she looks with her own panties shoved in her mouth, tasting herself?"
"can't deny that."
you don't notice or see gojo move in front of you. you don't see him unbuckle his pants and line himself at your entrance. there's not a single thought in your head, brain mush, only twitching as he pushes himself in, a gargled and muffled cry of sorts leaving your lips as he begins to fuck into you.
his movements are softer then gojo but he puts emphasis in dragging it out, hitting your spot deliberately everytime until, eventually, his thumb moves to stroke your clit too.
you spasm, twitching and bending on the bed as you're brought to your seventh and final orgasm of the night, riding it out with gojo as he groans, enjoying the way your breasts bounce with every jerk he pounds into you.
he's feeling particularly cruel so as he calms from his orgasm and you do too, he makes sure to press down on your clit, enjoying the way your tired, sweaty and limp body jerks as the tears stream down your cheeks.
you're thoroughly fucked out. soar and exhausted, both men stand back to eye your body, enjoying the state they've put you in and caused you to endure.
already thinking about what they could do to you next.
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nocoastposts · 2 months
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Thanks for the tags, @onthewaytosomewhere @getmehighonmagic @priincebutt and @kiwiana-writes!
It’s the first WIP Wednesday since I’ve started writing again, so I don’t have any WIPs that I haven’t already posted snippets from.
I posted my new fic Made To Be Mine yesterday, so I’m sharing a domestic/aftercare moment from this very smutty one-shot.
Once he regains his bearings, Henry fetches a damp cloth and a tube of arnica cream from the en suite. He settles down next to Alex and begins dutifully taking care of him. He makes sure Alex’s skin is clean before applying the ointment to the bruises that are forming. Alex slowly comes back into his body under Henry’s reverent, attentive touch.
Henry puts away the items in the bathroom and fetches a bottle of water from the kitchen. By the time he returns, Alex is rolled back onto his side with his head propped up on the pillows, his eyes are sleepy yet bright. Henry smiles softly as he joins Alex in bed, uncapping the bottle and bringing it to Alex’s lips.
“Thanks, baby,” Alex says after taking several sips. Henry hums and leans down to kiss him softly. Alex smiles against his lips, and Henry can’t help but do the same. In moments like these, he feels as if he’s falling in love all over again.
No one else, Henry thinks, no one else.
No pressure tagging lots of mutuals and/or those I've missed seeing snippets from while offline! @wordsofhoneydew @anincompletelist @firenati0n @anchoredarchangel @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @littlemisskittentoes @happiness-of-the-pursuit @saturntheday @itsmaybitheway @read-and-write- @piratefalls @agame-writes @14carrotghoul @ninzied @duchessdepolignaca03 @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @meraki-yao @songliili @bitbybitwrites @jamilas-pen @sunnysideprince @theprinceandagcd @roseharpermaxwell and anyone who’d like an open tag to share. Can’t wait to see what y’all have this week!
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📯We are proud to announce that all of the works in Tier 1: Window 2 have now been posted! Please check out the amazing works posted so far in the Royally Big Bang!!! 📯
The link to our Collection can be found here:
Tagging our wonderful T1W2 authors: @meraki-yao, @accol-fics, @luainthewild, @you-came-back, @benwvatt,
@youcancallmekathyp, @agame-writes
And our talented T1W2 artists: @havanasroses, @littlemisskittentoes, @pimvipart, @inexplicablymine, @cha-melodius,
@schittposting, @thesleepyskipper
👑Kudos and comments and reblogs and kind words are greatly appreciated for our hard-working participants!👑
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dotieeee · 2 years
The Dream That Got Away
Morpheus creates you, a Dream that inspires passion in humanity for their daily tasks and helps them discover what they want in life. He names you Mera, derived from the Greek word ‘meraki,’ meaning ‘to do something with passion, with absolute devotion, with undivided attention.’ Perhaps it’s you, his own creation, who inspires him, for he realizes his true want for companionship, and it’s you he decides to fulfill that need. So, what if, after his capture for more than a century, he finds you in love with a mortal and hears of your plans to run away from the Dreaming, from him, forever?
Status: COMPLETE, will revisit for edits
Pairing: Dark!Morpheus x You (no Y/N!)
Multi-chapter fic
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43126099
Overall Warnings!! Take heed:
Morpheus is DARK – in canon, he changes for the better (or at least, tries to – but we don’t do canon lol, so he goes even more batshit crazy) cue obsession, manipulation, possessiveness, powerplay
18+ ONLY – explicit scenes will be present, some explicit language
DUB-CON and NON-CON scenes
Character death (sort of)
Creator vs Creation drama
And other dark stuff that may be added in the future
Chapter 1: The Firsts of Many
Chapter 2: Some Words Are Better Left Unsaid
Chapter 3: True Intentions
Chapter 4: Scarlet Sage
Chapter 5: Your King
Chapter 6: The Sleep Doctor
Chapter 7: Nightmarish Visits
Chapter 8: The Dream Plan
Chapter 9: Courtships with Deadlines
Chapter 10: This Dream is Over
Chapter 11: Your Nightmare, Tenfold
Chapter 12: The Princess in the Tall Tower
Chapter 13: Under the Starry Night Sky
Chapter 14: A Festivity and A Fight
Chapter 15: Your King’s Wish
Chapter 16: Vanilla Ice Cream and Cheese
Chapter 17: Lost and Found, and Lost Again
Chapter 18: A Confession...of Love?
Chapter 19: The Dream That Started It All
Chapter 20: The Abyss Gazes Back
Chatpter 21/Epilogue: A Sibling’s Offer
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meraki-yao · 4 months
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The first chapter of my Paris scene song fic is finally done!!! Did I speed-run the 1300 words within one evening? Absolutely!!!
Baby's first smut (that isn't even that graphic) so please be kind tysm ily 🥹
But seriously I am proud of this one even if I wrote it in fits of depression and delirium
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
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merakiui · 6 months
thinking about writing a fanfic with self-aware twst, but the characters are aware they're in a fanfic. orz it may sound silly, but i think it would be fun to write something where [insert yan!twst character here] just interrupts the plot and addresses the reader specifically with something like: "you're probably not even inserting your real name, right, (name)?"
perhaps it's too meta, but it's so interesting to me?? i haven't the faintest clue how i'd go about writing a fic like that with an intriguing plot that progressively gets more horrifying as it goes on, and it'd likely be more of an experimental fic than anything. but omg it would be so fun to write.
hmmm,,, maybe i could use epistolary format, whether in the form of letters (to the reader) or diary entries. something where the character realizes they're in a fanfic and can only do so much, so they write their own little notes to the reader. or it's placed between the words or certain words are in another color (like red or blue) and it spells a message if you take all of the words and put them together. :O
so essentially you'd be reading a completely normal yan!twst fanfic, but when you put the words together it's the twst character addressing you and not the (name) you're meant to project onto.
AAAAA T_T i'm sorry for senseless ramblings. this is what happens when i think too much about the meta nature of a yan!rook fic i have planned.
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arts-and-drafts · 1 year
Call Them Brothers (Hermit!Tommy AU)
(A little look into the early months of Mumbo and Tommy's friendship in this AU! This one is pretty angsty, mind the CWs :)c )
CW: Abandonment, violence mentions
Mumbo had no earthly idea why Tommy chose to hang around him.
As far as looks were to be considered, Mumbo was a human in a world of otherworldly creatures. He was well dressed and eloquent, and as entertaining as a white slice of bread. But still, this feral little kid that couldn't be more of his opposite decided to trail behind him like an imprinted chick, already talking as if he and Mumbo were thick as thieves despite the fact that they just met.
He was used to foul language, and that special kind of unhinged that Tommy exuberated with everyone he talked to was just another day with Bdubs, or Skizzleman, if Mumbo was off server. But for some reason, the kid took one look at him and decided that they were friends, even when the vibe couldn't be more different between the two of them.
It baffled Mumbo, but he wasn't one to object to very many things. Besides, the kid wasn't too bad to be around once you got used to him.
Tommy made him laugh, even if most of the time it was of incredulousness at whatever in the realms just came from the kid's mouth. He would constantly beg for Mumbo to teach him redstone, only to get bored and complain within the first minute of the man explaining the rudimentary knowledge of what a redstone signal was.
"I can't just beam the information into your brain!" Mumbo had said, to which Tommy looked up at him with such an outlandish face that the man couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
"Why not? You're a genius," Tommy had replied, so matter of fact that it seemed more like he was stating the obvious instead of offering a compliment.
Okay, maybe Mumbo had an inkling as to why he let the kid hang around him so much. (An ego boost was never a bad thing--could he really be blamed?)
However, even when Mumbo started to get used to Tommy's presence, it was the protectiveness that quickly followed from the boy that he couldn't wrap his head around.
When anyone from the Hobbit Society came for a visit, the hostility from Tommy escalated so much that neither Mumbo or the hermit visiting could tell if it was a bit or not. Even spending the day with Grian was overseen by jealous blue eyes glaring holes into the back of the hermit's head from behind a tree, the request from Mumbo that they be left alone barely taken into account.
It was when Tommy started the insults that Mumbo decided it was enough.
"Tom, listen." Mumbo said, pulling the kid aside after he scared off xB. Tommy looked up at him with wide eyes of rapture, something Mumbo had to try very hard to push past to get his point across.
"You've gotta chill out, mate." Mumbo said, allowing a small bit of his growing exasperation slip into his words. Tommy's eyebrows furrowed exaggeratedly.
"What d'you mean?" the boy asked, already adapting the defensive tone he took on whenever he was caught out. Mumbo sighed.
"I'm allowed to have friends, alright? I'm flattered you want to hang out so much, but--I still have a life, you know?" Mumbo said, nervously deciding to just get to the point after seeing Tommy's expression darken.
"You've been really mean, dude." Mumbo's voice softened to genuine truth. Tommy blinked.
"I get that that's just who you are sometimes, but you won't even let me have a day with my husband without him feeling like he's gonna get kicked out by security." Mumbo continued, taking advantage of the kid's silence.
"This server is about community. It's okay if you don't feel up to that yet, but please let me continue to." Mumbo said.
Tommy was quiet, something that always made Mumbo nervous just because of how little it happened. The man was prepared to soften his words with hurried fluff that made him seem less abrupt, but the kid spoke up before he even got a chance.
"...Okay. Sorry." Tommy mumbled, suddenly void of any energy that usually fueled his words. Mumbo stared.
Tommy never apologized, especially not that quickly.
"...You okay?" Mumbo asked lamely, honestly not knowing what else to say. He sensed something was very off with the kid, but he'd never been good at deciphering that sort of thing.
Tommy hunched his shoulders and scuffed the smoothstone floor with his sneaker, not looking at Mumbo anymore. Dread started to pool in the man's gut.
"Tommy, you didn't do anything wrong-" Mumbo tried to say, but the kid violently shook his head. "No, I didn't--"
He took a shuddering breath, like he did when he saw the various buttons around Mumbo's base for his contraptions, or he was caught off guard by a firework propelling a hermit to the sky.
Oh no.
"I'm not annoying, not really," Tommy pleaded, looking up at Mumbo with eyes that broke his heart.
"No, Tommy, that's nothing like what I was saying." Mumbo scrambled, reaching out, only to awkwardly close his fist and bring it back when Tommy tensed.
"You're not annoying. Who told you that?"
"You're such an annoying little shit!" Wilbur yelled, his voice so harsh and biting that Tommy couldn't tell if he was joking. The way he mercilessly noogied the boy's yellow curls made it even harder to tell.
"Get the fuck offa me!!" Tommy yelled right back, trying his best to struggle out of the headlock his pseudo-brother had him in. "PHIIIIIIL! WILBUR'S BEING A DICKHEAD!!"
"Stop being a dickhead, Wil." Came Phil's apathetic response from his rocking chair, the angel not even looking up from his book of runes to see Tommy's peril.
"He was being a dickhead first!" Wilbur objected hotly, unbothered by Tommy's flailing attempts to escape his restraining hold. "Tommy threw my music book in the pond!!"
"I threw it because you were being a prick!!" Tommy replied, indignation behind his words.
"Boys!" Phil was looking up now, his eyebrows knotted in annoyance. "Wilbur, let the kid go! You're better than that! Tommy, get his book back and both of you apologize!"
A moment of hesitant silence.
"...Yes, Dad." Wilbur relented bitterly, releasing Tommy. Tommy immediately jumped away and made a show of rubbing his neck and head, just to earn the glare from Wilbur at his antics. Tommy abandoned the act and raised his eyebrows smugly.
"Well? Apologize, Wilbur." Tommy ordered, crossing his arms with a smirk. Wilbur glowered. "Get my book first."
"I won't until you apologize."
"Dadza SAID you had to get my book before I have to apologize."
"I don't remember hearing that."
"Yes you godsdamn do!!"
"You can't tell me when l what I do and don't remember!"
"You little-"
Philza stood from his chair, and both boys blanched.
"Tommy, stop it." Phil said, his frustrated tone enough to make Tommy shrink into himself. "Get Wilbur's book, and then go home. I think you two are done for the day."
The note of finality to Phil's voice cut off any attempt to argue that Tommy would've tried. A bit of himself ached as soon as the mention of home was brought to attention. As much as Wilbur was being a bitch, Tommy still liked him and his family.
It masked the fact that Tommy had none of that, at least for a little while.
Tommy silently waded into the pond and fished around for Wilbur's book, getting thoroughly soaked up to his shoulders before he felt the leather brush against his fingers. Tommy pulled the book to the surface, and quickly realized the extent of his actions as soon as he looked at the precious object.
It was ruined.
The ink on the now soaked pages was so streaked that anything inside was incomprehensible, and the soggy paper was barely clinging to the spine. The carefully tended leather that Wilbur tried so hard to maintain was now soaked through, and Tommy knew it'd be completely fucked up when it dried.
Tommy slogged back up to the shore, pointedly not looking Wilbur in the eyes as the older of the two glared hot malice over crossed arms. He slowly held out the book, sagging and dripping, and flinched when Wilbur snatched it out of his hand.
Without another word, Wilbur stalked back to his cottage, startling Tommy into following. He expected Wilbur to yell at him, which would've absolutely called Phil back out, and then the both of them would be in so much trouble that only siblings could get into, and Tommy wouldn't have had to leave just yet.
But this silent treatment solidified the fact that Tommy would have to go back to his hole in the ground when Wilbur closed that door behind him, shutting Tommy out from a warm family that he so desperately wanted to be part of.
Tommy moved before he realized it, and caught the door with his shoe before it was slammed close. "Wil--I'm--I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to--"
"Didn't mean to WHAT?" Wilbur snapped, the venom in his words making Tommy's throat dry. "You're just a fucking pest, Tommy, an annoying little roach that should've died a long time ago but won't leave me alone! You fuck up everything!"
Tommy's foot was kicked out of the doorframe. He didn't hear the spruce door splinter under the force of Wilbur slamming it, or Phil's shout at the noise. He just heard Wilbur's words echoing in his head.
Mumbo saw the boy startle, and numbly touch his face where tears had started to fall. His eyes cleared, and he looked back up at Mumbo, now with a weariness that the hermit had never seen in his life.
"I'm--I'm sorry, Mumbo. It won't happen again."
Tommy turned on his heel and ran off before Mumbo could say anything else, leaving the hermit alone and concerned. For a brief moment he considered following the kid, but what would he do when he caught up? Just stand there and stutter again?
Gods, why did Tommy pick Mumbo out of everyone else? Why him? He barely knew how to read his own emotions, much less the emotions of a prickly teenager.
Mumbo pulled up his communicator and messaged Joe, hoping his ramblings were coherent enough to get the poet to his base. Joe would know what to do.
Maybe he could teach Mumbo too.
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welcometololaland · 4 months
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still on my break but haven't written anything (almost) in 2 weeks and god knows I need some inspiration, so thanks to @hippolotamus for tagging me ❤️
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this is for eurotrip so will tag some people i know are writing rwrb: @rmd-writes @celeritas2997 @nelsonnicholas @inexplicablymine @sunshinestrand @cha-melodius @14carrotghoul @everwitch-magiks @indomitable-love @three-drink-amy @happiness-of-the-pursuit @iboatedhere @kiwiana-writes @suseagull04 @orchidscript @ships-to-sail @indestructibleheart @meraki-yao @dumbpeachjuice @sherryvalli @tintagel-or-cockleshells
and some lone star mutuals who have tagged me in stuff recently and i'm so sorry i promise i have not abandoned you and i love your creations!!! @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @whatsintheboxmh @birdclowns @freneticfloetry @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @carlos-tk @lemonlyman-dotcom @redshirt2 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @alrightbuckaroo
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petrichormeraki · 2 years
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