#merwaine anyone?
whamber · 1 year
Sir Gwaine is a knight of Camelot second and the #1 Merlin fan boy first
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
gwaine: *takes a deep breath*
gwaine: i lo-
anyone who has spent five seconds around him ever: yes, you love Merlin, we know, you love Merlin so much, he’s the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Merlin, we KNOW , you love Merlin you fucking love Merlin ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE MERLIN. WE GET IT.
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lovebotomy · 25 days
gwaine's nobility is so ignored both in canon and fics like plsssss let him use it to save merlin's ass at least ONE time
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
my silly poll ended up on todayontumblr
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an-dromedia · 11 months
i will forever be a merthur girly. but yk. sometimes just a little bit of merwaine never hurt anyone
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
a little snippet of tooth-rottingly smitten merwaine for besties @mayapleiades @eviltoxicmosssauce and @fabledfrog 💕🥰
"Come away with me somewhere," Gwaine says suddenly as they walk alongside each other, shoulders bumping on every other step. He catches Merlin's hand, entwines their fingers in a loose hold.
The crush of people is thick enough in this part of the marketplace that no one ought to pay them any mind, but Merlin still feels his heart do a funny little patter at Gwaine's easy, unabashed affection. It’s been years since anyone made him feel this way, both pleasantly off-kilter and assuredly centered; an age, it seems to Merlin, since he let anyone near enough to try.
"Gwaine…” he starts, halfhearted, his usual token protest. Gwaine’s only answer is to slot their palms together decisively, his skin warm and welcome against Merlin’s, and Merlin doesn't pull away. Amid the noise and bustle of the lower town, it’s terribly tempting to imagine that they are not a knight of the Round Table and the king’s manservant—just two courting lovers who can do as they please. "Where would we go, then?"
"Oh," Gwaine muses, casting his eyes skyward in a show of deep thought, "I don't know. Anywhere you like. There's a spot about half a day's ride into the forest I’d like to show you. Lovely. Properly scenic. We could go for... a picnic."
Merlin laughs knowingly. "You just want to have your way with me in the woods."
“Aye, I might be guilty of that.” Gwaine’s grin is slanted and sunlit, as promising as it is fleeting, enough to make Merlin’s cheeks heat in a way that has nothing at all to do with the unseasonably nice weather. “And what of it? Arthur works us both to the bone. I can’t remember the last time I had you all to myself.”
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poisonedfate · 2 months
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bbc merlin - 03x04 Gwaine
merwaine meet-cute, anyone?
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bellamyblakru · 29 days
what if i combined mercelot week with merwaine week? would anyone be opposed?
i dont technically “own” the mercelot, so this would just make sure im not steppin on any toes unintentionally🥰
i would probably just transform my @merwainefest acct with merlot, yeah?🥺
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thenerdyindividual · 2 months
My second favorite ship in this fandom! I love it so much. Gwaine is utter chaos, and he's so goofy, and it's clear that he brings Merlin some much needed levity. He makes Merlin smile more than anyone else in canon.
That moment in the first episode where he challenges two knights to a duel fro fucking with Merlin? Iconic! "Arthur is luck to have us." "Not Arthur." ICONIC. He's Merlin's number one hype man, and is always ready to throw himself into shenanigans on Merlin's behalf.
Merlin trusts Gwaine as much as he trusts Arthur! Despite being the bad decision friend, he is reliable and loyal for Merlin. Whenever Merlin needs help that he can't go to Arthur for, he knows he can go to Gwaine.
Sleeping half naked in Merlin's bed?!?!! ICONIC!!!
It's the first person in canon who can match Merlin's chaotic energy, and actually make Merlin look chill and normal. Which always makes Merlin laugh! It's another case of dumbass4dumbass.
I rank this ship:
Send me a Merlin Ship and I’ll rank it on a tier list. Note: This is a subjective ranking and a low ranking in no way means that I am shaming you for your taste in ships.
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thegreymoon · 10 months
Do you have any good merlin/gwaine fic recs?
No, unfortunately. I'm mostly a Merthur fan and don't have any Merwaine bookmarked.
My Merlin buddies, is there anyone who can help out? 👀
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quietdormouse · 7 months
I don't know if anyone follows me here for my writing, there's a Merwaine fic I've written for the rare pair fest (completed and to be revealed in December), and I'm writing another Merwaine (& Aithusa) fic for nanowrimo (hopefully to also be posted in December after editing).
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transpool · 3 days
anyone know if we have merwaine tomorrow
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sneakyboymerlin · 2 months
Hello! Would you happen to have any non-Merthur Merlin fanfic recs? Preferably with Gwen in them?
So sick of most fics just inserting Merthur in even when it’s not tagged that way 🤦🏽‍♀️
I’m pulling straight from my bookmarks for this one (filtered to include Gwen 💜❤️🧡)
Before Excalibur - Madlady2
Gwen comes home to her father, Tom the Blacksmith, working late. He is making Excalibur. This is just a scene between a proud father and an empathetic daughter.
Short little ficlet (330 words) showing one very significant day in the life of Gwen and Tom.
The Once & Future Besties - whitecrossgirl
Arthur and Merlin may be two sides of the same coin however there was one relationship that Merlin had in Camelot that was more important than that. His friendship with Gwen.
5 chapter, 5k word friendship/adventure fic. What more could anyone ask for?
Company - ArienElensar
“There, now you have some company whilst we’re gone,” Elyan said.
Elyan gets Gwen the greatest gift of all. (No, it’s not the friends we made along the way.) Another oneshot, only 565 words, but super sweet.
My All The World - Signy1
Arthur had forgiven the magic. He'd forgiven the lies. He'd forgiven the mistakes. He'd forgiven the unintended consequences of actions taken with the best of intentions and the worst of outcomes. But this... this was beyond forgiveness.
A longer one, at 4 chapters and nearly 10k words. Very grim and dramatic, with a bittersweet conclusion. I remember Gwen being fairly prominent in this, stuck in a difficult position as Merlin’s friend and Arthur’s wife while the two are at odds. TWs in fic tags.
The Ballad of Arthur and Gwaine - rbrgl
A quest for some mysterious object rendered mysterious by its sheer mysteriousness, for example, was enough to justify any lethally foolish adventure.
This one’s just hit 10 years old (and maybe it’s just me, but you can tell, lol). Classic Arthur vs. Gwaine story, told primarily from Gwen’s POV. About 11,700 words.
some have called thee mighty and dreadful - stanzas
En route to the kingdom of Nemeth, Camelot's party is attacked. Gwen and Merlin are separated from the rest of their traveling party. Merlin is gravely wounded, leaving them with the last dredges of hope that they will catch up with Arthur and the others at Nemeth's border.
Some 5.5k words of Gwen getting to show off and be the hero. @stanzas never lets us down.
Aaaaaand if I may be so bold…
I’ve written a couple fics myself that might meet your standards. They’re predominantly merwaine-focused since it is my agenda, but when you wanna write Gwen, you wanna write Gwen. So I wrote Gwen. I’ll rec you Empty Words and A Change For The Better (both comedies) and The Other Side (NOT a comedy—heed the trigger warnings before reading).
Hope you enjoy :D
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
Here we go! We have returned! This time with some BBC Sherlock, BBC Merlin and Stranger Things
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*Complications - EstravenAi
20k, 15/15, Johnlock, Medical Trauma, Permanent Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending
Heat and noise... 
After John is seriously injured during a case, he and Sherlock must deal with the fallout.
*The Imaginary Boyfriend - Oliver_966
2k, 1/1, Johnlock, The Yard finds out, Humor, Angst, Fluff, Married Johnlock
John and Sherlock met after Johns first leave, and have been in a relationship for years. Sherlock hasn't ever mentioned this to anyone at the Yard, and when he does they turn it into a joke. Sherlock doesn't care though of course, because he knows his John is real.
*Illusory Correlation and Confirmation Bias - VanillaBroompolish
10k, 6/6, Johnlock, Greg is a good friend, Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan, Relationship Reveal
Looking back, there were a few things that should’ve tipped Greg off long before that night at the pub. A few things Sherlock left fairly obvious, that on reflection, made Greg question how he’d gotten his job in the first place.
*Limits - WhatLocked
41k, 23/23, Johnlock, Baby Watson, Mentions of Infidelity, Mary Ships Johnlock, Mycroft is a good brother and uncle, Arguments and Confusion, Fluff and Smut
Basically, John leaves, without a trace, after discovering that Mary has left and the baby is not his.
Sherlock gets frantic, Mycroft gets sassy and limits are reached.
Sherlock somehow acquires a baby that he didn't expect to meet and eventually John comes home.
That is when things get tricky...
*Sharp Angles and Thin Measurements - wistfulpisces
TRIGGER WARNING, 1k, 1/1, Sherlock-centric, OCD, Eating Disorders, Unilock, Stream of consciousness
Sherlock has always been sharply aware of his body.
Perhaps too aware for his own good.
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*For Now and Always - merpancake
996, 1/1, Merwaine, Proposal, Short and lovely
It was a joke, surely just meant to be a joke, but- suddenly Gwaine could see a future unrolling in front of him like a tapestry.
*Mornings - ShipsUncloaking
320, 1/1, Merwaine, Short and Fluffy
Merlin and Gwaine have been married for a year, and at this point their morning routine is pretty much set in stone.
*to spill soup (down someone else's front) - southfarthing
615, 1/1, Gwen & Merlin, Gwen/Arthur, Fluff and Humor
A visiting noble says something rude. Merlin and Gwen try to out-friend each other.
*the things that you hold - EachPeachPearPlum
1k, 1/1, Merwaine, Gwen/Lancelot/Arthur, Magic Reveal, Fluff
“I’m a sorcerer,” Merlin announces, the second Gwaine closes his bedroom door behind himself (our bedroom, Gwaine would insist, but Merlin’s been hesitating on that, holding back until Gwaine knows all of him, because how can anything be theirs when Merlin is keeping so much from him).
Gwaine stares at him, somewhere between a little bit startled and actually alarmed, and Merlin curses internally. Idiot, he tells himself. You idiot, this wasn’t the plan.
*Little Miracles - Lola_Rose_Robins
3k, 1/1, No Slah, Parent Merlin, Parent Arthur, Queer Platonic Relationship, Family Fuff, Adoption
One of Merlin and Gaius' patients dies in childbirth, leaving behind two young children with nowhere to go. Merlin decides to take them in and pretty soon the entire castle is fully on board.
*A Golden Coin (With Two Sides) - Lilmia_Casand
939, 1/1, Merthur, Fluff
Merlin gets hit by a spell that gives him dragonish tendencies, it's really too bad that Arthur's hair is as golden as Merlin's brand new hoard. Because Merlin might try to hoard Arthur and that would just be- soft, fuffly, adorable. I could go on.
*It's The Little Things - KellyDrake6
1k, 1/1, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Language of Flowers, Fluff, Hugging
Arthur notices Merlin hasn't smiled in awhile so gives him flowers to cheer him up
*Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend - VikingSong
4k, 1/1, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Knights of the Round Table, Scar reveal, Magic reveal, Angst and Humor and a Happy Ending
Arthur catches sight of a scar on Merlin’s back which he can’t explain, so he asks each of the members of the Round Table if they’ve seen it, too. They have...but it wasn’t the same scar.
*The resident oddball - Lola_Rose_Robins
4k, 1/1, Aroace Merlin, Aroace Leon, Stimming, Oblivious Arthur, Autistic Merlin, George is a good friend, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic
Merlin's autistic, he's got some sensory issues, his friends help him.
*Cloth Armour Series - a_chilleus
2 works, 6k, No Slash, Autistic Merlin, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Era, Sensory Overload
He brushed his hand over the smooth metal of the freshly polished helmet, smiling at the cold texture, before picking up the breastplate. He carefully wiped the mud off the shoulders, revelling in the soft swish sound of the cloth against the metal, moving slowly simply to draw out the satisfying sound for longer. There was no hurry.
*Scenes From A Summer - vensre
2K, 1/1, Merthur, Autistic Merlin, First Kiss, Gwen, Gaius, Hunith
If Merlin had Asperger Syndrome on top of being magical, his life might be something like this.
*Taking a Chance - cordeliadelayne
2k, 1/1, Lancelot/Merlin, Arthur is a good friend, Light Angst, Getting Together
Merlin doesn't think that having something of his very own is too much to ask, not this once.
*On Shapes and Stories - TyalanganD
2k, 1/1, No Slash, Dyslexia, Light Angst, Humor
The spell book that Gaius gave Merlin upon his arrival in Camelot, is a really precious gift. It would be even more precious if Merlin could fucking read.
*Breathe - kriadydragon
9k, 1/1, Gen, PTSD, Friendship, Torture, Hurt/Comfort
Merlin saves the day - yet again - when he manages to get an injured Arthur and knights to safety. But Merlin's troubles are far from over when an investigation into what had happened to the king and knights leaves him in a bad way, and now it's Arthur and Gwaine's turn to be there for him.
*In Deep and Out of Control - LFB72
5k, 2/2, Gen, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury
Arthur and Merlin are trapped with no means of escape. Merlin is injured and struggles to control himself as a past trauma comes back to haunt him
*The Time Tried our Souls, and Through the Darkness we Overcame - mollrach13
8k, 1/1, Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Healing, Torture, Magic Reveal
A fill for this prompt at kinkme_merlin: Merlin goes through a lot of trauma and has gotten very used to hiding it, moving on (or at least appearing to), and coping silently and without anyone noticing, because most of the time no one can know something happened. One day something traumatic happens to him, which everyone knows about, and everyone is waiting for Merlin to snap, only for him to...not. Arthur is caught between worried and suspicious, and sets about to get to the bottom of this.
*The Burning Truth - FoiblePNoteworthy
2k, 1/1, Gen, Magic Reveal, Drama, Merlin's Backstory
“My Father was a sorcerer,” Merlin said into the silence.
*Darker State of Grace - Nabula5030
6k, 1/1, Merwaine, Gaius & Merlin, Trauma, Serket Stings, PTSD, Scar Reveal, Chronic Pain, Physician Merlin
While on a patrol gone wrong, Gwaine leaps between Merlin and a serket, taking the sting himself.
*Over, Under, Around, and Through to the Heart - anarchycox
4k, 1/1, Merwaine, Arthur Pendragon, Elyan, Gwen, Fluff, Minor Angst, Secret Courtship, Happy Feels
In Ealdor, you court someone by braiding their hair. Gwaine does not know this. Merlin knows Gwaine does not know this. Which means that braiding Gwaine's hair can be just because Merlin wants to, not because he is really courting the man.
He is really courting the man.
*No Badges to Wear - mollrach13
12k, 7/7, Merwaine, Getting Together, Angst and Romance, Scars
“You could do with a good mark. How a man trails around after King Trouble-Magnet for years without a mark on him is an impressive feat.”
Merlin stills under his touch. It’s only for a short moment but Gwaine feels it none the less before Merlin’s body melts back down into the sheets.
“Oh, you know me,” Merlin says with a small shrug. “Just lucky I guess.”
Or; You've all read scar reveal fics. Well, this is an anti-scar reveal. With Merlin/Gwaine because there isn't enough imo.
*A Study in Natural Philosophy - Mad_Mauldin
13k, 1/1, Series 01, Daemons -His Dark Materials, Magic Reveal
It wasn't all that unusual for people to hide their daemons; Merlin, however, seems to be taking it a little far.
*take me up, cast me away - redkay
12k, 1/1, Merthur, Canon Era, Pre-slash, Gwen, Gwaine, SO GOOD
In which Merlin has a selective understanding of the term banishment, Arthur needs to lock his doors, and neither of them are half as good at mending themselves as they were at breaking in the first place.
*hide and seek - southfarthing
11k 2/3, Gen, Aithusa, ANGST, Recovery, Happy Ending, Post Magic Reveal, Good Morgana
In Arthur’s more selfish moments, he catches himself wondering whether it would be better if Merlin were dead. Better being at peace than fearing Arthur in a self-imposed exile.
On the run from Camelot, Merlin is captured and locked away with a dragon. It is years before Arthur can find him and bring him back.
*Dying to Return - StormDancer
19k, 1/1, Merthur, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Future Fic, Angsty but so good
When they try to hang him, he floats.
They put him on the pyre at dawn.
He doesn’t burn.
*All the Colours in Disguise - inktomi
3k, 1/1, Gwen/Arthur, BAMF Merlin, Magic Revealed, Humor, Angst
Arthur knows. Arthur knows that Merlin knows that Arthur knows. They don't talk about it. (They don't need to.)
*hide your dragons - southfarthing
6k, 2/2, Gen, Aithusa, Gwen is a good friend, Adorable and fluffy and so good, Humor
'It is clear in the law,' Arthur says. 'No magical creatures allowed in Camelot. Sorry.'
Merlin lifts Aithusa up so Arthur can get a better look.
Arthur blinks. 'I will make an exception because she looks very polite.'
In which Merlin tries to raise a very illegal dragon in a very dragons-aren't-allowed sort of place.
*Do You Have Need of Me? - TheActualAuthor
33k, 5/5, Gen, Assasins, Druids, Spy Merlin, Emrys Reveal, Grief, Angst, Identity Crisis
Merlin is Camelot’s spymaster and must reveal himself as such to Arthur when he becomes king.
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*chosen family - safi
3k, 1/1, Hurt Steve Harrington, Sickfic, Joyce Byers
Sometimes the best family is the one that we choose, not the one we're born into.
Steve's parents never make him their priority, so when he's sick, he is left to his own devices. When Joyce finds this out, she treats him like one of her own sons and makes sure he gets the care he deserves.
*hungry heart - babadak
1k, 1/1, Steddie, Fluff and Crack, Eddie Munson Lives
The realization should be scary, but his perception of scary went down the drain after beating a demon with a baseball bat in Jonathan Byers' house in '83. And then being tortured by Russians in '85. So, being gay should be... it should be something bigger, he's well aware. But it isn't.
Or: Steve Harrington likes boys and isn't freaking out about it.
*The Steve Harrington Triptych - ouijaboy
6k, 2 works, Steddie, Disabled Character, Angst with a Happy Ending
Sometimes, he wishes it had been Vecna. At least they could’ve done something about that.
*Ignore my hurts (Silence my cries) - MossTheMarauder
3k, 1/1, No Slah, Head Trauma, Chronic Pain, Vision Impairement, Steve-centric, Child Abuse
It turns out there’s only so much damage a brain can take before something has to give, and when that brain frequently gets treated like a pinball perhaps side effects should have been expected sooner. Having said that, Steve didn’t realise the permanent harm being done until it was too late to stop it; not that he would have if it meant the people he cared about getting hurt.
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clotpolemerlin · 2 years
Merwaine fanfic
Here is a merwaine fanfic that I have no explanation for. You can blame @sneakyboymerlin. They told me to unabandon my fic and then this happened. I'll probably post it on ao3 too but here it is in full for yall Hope yall like it?
It was eerily quiet in the physician’s chambers. There was no rustling of jars as Gaius or Merlin prepared potions. There was no prat yelling orders around, acting as if he was late even though Merlin always tells him when he is helping Gaius. There were no hushed talks of magic. No laughter. Not a single sound.
It was quiet. 
Merlin just sat, staring at the man in the patient's cot as if the mere force of his gaze could change something. It wasn’t right for things to be quiet when Gwaine was in the room. Gwaine is always so loud and full of life. He shouldn’t be lying there quiet and motionless except for the barely visible rise and fall of his chest. Gwaine was hardly ever motionless either. His movements were always as loud as the rest of him. 
Merlin missed the sound of Gwaine so much that it was a physical ache. It wasn’t fair. Why did it have to be Gwaine?
There had been a patrol. This was Camelot so, of course, the patrol went badly. Merlin had been an idiot. He was stupid enough to think that somehow he managed to protect them all this time. Of course, that was when Leon yelled for him. No one ever yelled for him like that unless someone was seriously hurt. Whatever Merlin imagined hadn’t been enough to prepare him for the sight of Gwaine. Some bandit had managed to swipe Gwaine across the stomach. There had been so much blood. Gwaine was so lucky nothing internal had been knicked otherwise… Merlin felt sick just thinking about it. 
It had been so close. Gwaine almost didn’t make it back to Camelot. By some miracle, Merlin’s healing spells actually worked. It was probably the hardest thing he had ever done. It was another miracle no one saw. Luckily or unluckily, Merlin had plenty of things to send the knights away to go get for him. Merlin had been desperate enough to heal the man entirely, but he had only managed to keep him from bleeding out. Perhaps that was for the best. If anyone knew magic was involved, it could get Gwaine in trouble. It certainly would’ve ended with Merlin’s head on a stick, but that would’ve been worth it if it meant Gwaine was never this quiet again. 
Merlin looked away from Gwaine’s pale face in shame. His fingernails dug into his legs painfully, but he didn’t stop. Because that was just the problem wasn’t it? He loved Gwaine. He hadn’t ever built up the courage to say those three little words yet, but it was true. He loved Gwaine so much. Too much. Destiny had never been kind to him. It had taken Will, Balinor, Freya, Lancelot… he could go on. There was no way destiny would let him have someone as good as Gwaine. Loving Gwaine was basically no better than killing him himself.
The trembling got worse the more he spiraled. He wasn’t sure when he started crying, but now sobs racked his whole frame. 
“Please,” Merlin begged, leaning over Gwaine’s body, getting closer but not daring to touch, “I promise I won’t get distracted. I will do whatever needs to be done and pay any price. I know Arthur has to be the priority. I know that. I promise I will always protect Arthur. Just please don’t take him from me. I need him. I love him. Please.”
A slight touch against his arm caused Merlin to flinch back, looking up in shock. 
“Should I be offended you’re promising your life to another man at my bedside?” Gwaine asked teasingly. 
It was probably the best sound Merlin had ever heard. His voice sounded rough and pained underneath his humor, and the man was pale and obviously exhausted. But he was alive and talking to him for the first time in days. 
Merlin let out another sob, a happy one this time as he rushed forward. He barely restrained himself from throwing himself on the injured man. Instead, he leaned his head against Gwaine’s shoulder, pressing his face into the crick in his neck while putting his arm lightly around him. 
Gwaine chuckled weakly. Merlin clung slightly tighter, trying to memorize how Gwaine’s laughter felt when he was wrapped around him like this. As if understanding what the other man needed, Gwaine put an arm around Merlin, pulling him even closer. Merlin was worried it would aggravate his injuries but couldn’t bring himself to pull away just yet.
“You know it will take more than destiny to keep me away from you,” Gwaine said. 
His tone was still slightly teasing, but Merlin could tell he meant it. Merlin shook his head against Gwaine’s shoulder. The knight didn’t understand. Destiny would take everything from him if it got in the way of protecting Arthur. He shouldn’t love Gwaine. It was only putting the man in harm’s way. 
“Hey talk to me,” Gwaine said lowly, “Let’s talk about it. I know you are worried, but I promise I can take care of myself.”
Merlin pulled away just to give Gwaine a look. They were currently lying in a patient's cot with a huge cut through his stomach that said otherwise. 
Gwaine smiled smugly at him in return. “There you are,” He said softly. 
Merlin couldn’t meet his gaze for long. How could Gwaine still look at him with so much affection? Merlin almost got him killed. 
“Hey,” Gwaine said again, his hand coaxing Merlin to look up at him again, “It’ll be okay Merlin. I’m alive.”
Merlin finally looked to meet his gaze, tears of frustration welling up again, “This time but Gwaine what if next time I can’t save you in time? I can’t lose you Gwaine. Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.”
Gwaine’s eyes filled with hurt. It hurt Merlin just as much to see, but the hurt was soon replaced with the stubborn determination that Merlin loved about Gwaine. 
“It won’t. Even if it does, it isn’t your fault, and I won’t regret loving you. Not even for a second. You made life worth living. It would be just as easy to die for you,” Gwaine said as if it was a vow as if it was that easy.
Merlin shook his head, “I don’t want you to die for me. I want you to live even if that means not being with me.”
Gwaine looked conflicted, “Do you honestly not want to be with me?”
“Of course, I want to be with you! Just not if that means you’ll die because of me!” Merlin replied frustrated. 
He shouldn’t be doing this now. He knew better. He had been training with Gaius for years. Merlin should be getting Gwaine water and a pain draft and letting him get some rest. He shouldn’t be having this conversation while Gwaine was sitting there exhausted and in pain. 
Gwaine wrapped his hand around Merlin’s wrist. He used just enough pressure to ground Merlin for a moment, to take him out of his head. Merlin looked at him desperately. God, he really did look so exhausted. 
“What can I do so I don’t lose you,” Gwaine asked, soft and earnest. 
“You aren’t going to lose me,” Merlin replied just as softly, slightly confused.
“Really?” Gwaine asked, looking so so pained, “Because it sounds like you are about to leave me.”
Merlin gave a defeated sigh, “You scared me Gwaine.”
Gwaine gave him a sad smile and tugged on his wrist slightly, “Come back here.”
Merlin let himself be dragged back down easily. He didn’t want to fight anymore. They could fight more later. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy Gwaine being alive. For a moment, everything felt right again. Like Gwaine hadn’t been injured, like Merlin didn’t have a huge destiny. It was just the two of them. 
Sadly reality was quick to return. Gwaine coughed quietly, meaning he was trying not to cough at all. Merlin sat back up carefully, so as not to disturb Gwaine’s injury. Gwaine tried to grab him to drag him back down again. 
Merlin tried to ignore how terrified Gwaine looked and instead put on a smile, “Don’t worry I’m not running away. Let me just get you some water and a pain potion and then we can waste the whole day lying together.”
Gwaine looked slightly surprised but relieved, “Well… hard to say no to that.”
The knight resettled without a fight, but Merlin didn’t miss the fact that Gwaine watched him like a hawk while he gathered the water and potions. He didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he let Gwaine watch, never moving out of sight. Perhaps he wasn’t the only one scared.
It only took a few minutes before Merlin was back at Gwaine’s side. It showed how much pain Gwaine was in when he didn’t argue against the potion. He downed it in one quick motion. Merlin bit his lips, trying to stop himself from spiraling again into his darker thoughts. Gwaine pulled him back into his side as soon as he was done.
“Can I tell you something?” Gwaine asked quietly.
Merlin nodded into Gwaine’s side.
“You got to promise not to interrupt me till I’m done,” Gwaine said in an oddly serious tone.
Merlin looked up at Gwaine curiously. He seemed serious, so Merlin nodded again, “Promise.”
Gwaine quirked a small smile, “Good. Cause it seems like I need to make some things clear to you.”
Merlin raised an eyebrow.
“No interrupting! You promised,” Gwaine reminded, “Now I need to believe this, or at least that I believe this okay?”
Merlin nodded again, not sure where this was going. 
“Okay good. You are not responsible for my life, at least not any more than any other fellow knight is. You may have magic but that doesn’t mean you are capable of protecting and saving everyone. I know you will always protect me when you can, just like I will always protect you when I can. We will always try, but if you can’t that isn’t your fault. I will never blame you, and I promise I will always try to come back to you no matter what. I know the world hasn’t been kind to you and I know you’ve lost a lot. So I promise I will try to live for you.”
Merlin stared at Gwaine, tears welling in his eyes. He just loved this man so much. After so many people had died for him, Merlin was terrified of losing anyone else. Yet here was this ridiculous man promising to live for him. Despite his dangerous job, despite Merlin’s magic, just despite everything. 
Gwaine smiled a bit hopefully, “So don’t leave me either okay? I’m done now so you can talk now. Please don’t cry anymore.”
Merlin simply wrapped himself around Gwaine, carefully but purposefully, “How can you promise all that?”
He could feel Gwaine’s sigh, “Because I love you. I know it’s not safe for either of us, but I want to try.”
Merlin pulled away just enough to look Gwaine in the eyes. He just looked for a moment. He knew Gwaine was serious, “Okay. I promise too then. No running away.”
Gwaine broke out into a huge grin, “I will hold you to that.”
Merlin rolled his eyes fondly, “That’s sort of the point.”
Gwaine just shrugged, immediately wincing regretfully, “Ah I think I pulled something there”.
Merlin’s eyes widened as he checked the bandages around Gwaine’s stomach in a panic. He breathed a sigh of relief when there was no blood, meaning the idiot likely didn’t tear any stitches. 
“Not dying then?” Gwaine asked jokingly.
Merlin glared up at him with no real heat behind it, “If you tear any stitches I swear I am not redoing them.”
Gwaine’s reply was cut off by a yawn. Likely the pain tonic was kicking in now. Merlin let out an exaggerated sigh and laid back down against Gwaine, “Guess it’s time for bed then.”
“Much better with you here,” Gwaine admitted sleepily.
Merlin merely smiled as he heard Gwaine fall asleep. His breathing was still too forced, and he was still in a lot of pain, and they still would have to deal with weeks of Gwaine’s complaining as he dealt with bed rest, but he was alive. Merlin closed his eyes and just let him bask in it. He decided to hell with destiny. He would protect Arthur, and he would do it with Gwaine at his side because Gwaine was who he needed next to him. Destiny could just try and take him. Merlin was never letting this man go as long as he lived.
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If anyone wants to reccomend like 30k Merwaine fics go ahead I'm Super bored
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