#michael knab
dashalbrundezimmer · 1 year
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passauer platz // wien altstadt
gothic meets baroque and mid-century modern in the heart of vienna.  this church, which is now hidden in the middle of the city, used to serve as a landmark for skipper on the danube because it was located on an arm of the river. for me, the perron is the most beautiful in all of vienna, a magnificent backdrop but not at all overrun by the streams of tourists that squeeze through the streets and alleys only a short distance away. here you can still sit on the steps with a book and a coffee.
catholic church “maria am gestade”
built from 1330 by michael knab & peter prachatitz
concordia hof
architects: max feller, eugen wörle und felix hasenörl
completion: 1958 
analog and digital photos
film: ilford hp5 plus  
camera: canon a-1 with canon fd 28m
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little-son-sun · 4 years
i just read a post that @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname made about the next episode, and i just have to appoud you, but i raise you. what if chuck doesnt want dean an cas to get stuck in purgatory, what if he wants to lead them their and then attack them and kidnap them like he did to sam and eileen. 
OR, what if, chuck shows up once their in purgatory, knabs dean and closes the portal? cuz then cas would be effectively written out of the story and trapped. cuz if chuck closed the portal michael opened, then took dean, who creates a portal in purgatory via his humanity, then cas has no way to escape.
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emmy-lou-badoo · 6 years
The Little Angel
Thank God the Angels are Here
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The Castle Storage sign lit the glossed parking lot in blue and pink neon light. Sam and Dean cautiously walked into the dark storage unit, in search for Michael’s sword. Guns raised as they scanned the destroyed room, the culprits on the floor, lying on a red painted demon trap, are two dead demons.
“I see you told the demons where the sword is” none other than the angel Zachariah speaks suddenly appearing in the dark vault.
“Thank God the angels are here” Dean sasses, him and Sam lowering their guns.
“And to think, they could have grabbed it anytime they wanted” Zachariah speaks stepping over one of the demons strewed on the floor. He closes the sliding door of the dark room before speaking again, “it was right in front of them”
Both brother’s faces flash with confusion as the angel speaks.
“What do you mean?” Sam asks.
“We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck’s skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword we truly couldn’t find it” Zachariah pauses them smirks lightly at the brothers, “until now, you just hand delivered it to us”
“We don’t have anything” Dean shakes his head at the angel.  
Zachariah blinks a few times in a condescending way, “it’s you chuckle head” he steps closer to Dean, “you’re the Michael sword”.
Sam looks to his brother and Dean stares at the angel with a stoic face laced with confusion.
“What you thought you could actually kill Lucifer?” Zachariah asks, “you simpering wad of insecurity and self loathing, no” Zachariah shakes his head, “you’re just a human Dean...not much of one” Zachariah says the last line under his breath.
Dean puts up the tough front over his confusion of the situation, “what do you mean I’m the sword?”
“You’re Michael’s weapon, or rather his receptacle”
It takes Dean a moment to wrap his head around what Zachariah is telling him.
“I’m a vessel?”
“You’re thee vessel” Zachariah watches as the oldest Winchester reacts to the news, “you’re Michael’s vessel”.
Dean blinks his head shakes and he stutters on his words, “Hh- how, why me?”.
“Cause you’re chosen! It’s a great honour Dean” Zachariah tells him.
“Oh ya, ya life as an angel condom..that's real fun” Dean speaks sarcastically again, “ I think i’ll pass” he says firmly.
Zachariah shakes his head at the Winchester, “joking, always joking” he says quietly, “well, no more jokes” he gets even more serious, holding up his hand in a finger gun style.
He points it at Sam, “bang” Sam yells and falls to the ground, his leg broken.
“You son of a bitch” Dean seethes in anger.
“Keep mouthing off and I’ll break more than just his leg, I am completely through with screwing around” Zachariah speaks firmly, “war has begun and we don’t have our general, thats bad, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the devil, you understand me?” it is like he is addressing a child, but that is just how Zachariah sees humans, especially the Winchesters.
“How many humans die in the crossfire?” Dean asks, also very done with this angel crap, “a million? 5, 10?”
“Probably more if Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die, all of them” Zachariah answers.
Dean pauses, his brain working piecing it together, “there is a reason you’re telling me this, instead of just knabbing me...you need my consent, Michael needs my say so to ride around in my skin.
The angel’s faces drop.
“Unfortunately yes” Zachariah confirms.
“There’s gotta be another way” Dean says.
“There is no other way, there must be a battle, Michael must defeat Lucifer, it is written-”
Dean cuts off the determined angel, “ya maybe, but on the other hand…. eat me, the answers no”.
Sam watches nervous and helpless on the ground with a broken leg.
“Ok how about this, your friend Bobby, he’s gravely injured, say yes we heal him, say no he never walks again” Zachariah threatens / tries to bargain.
“No” Dean shakes his head, it’s what Bobby would want.
“Then how about we heal you frommm..stage 4 stomach cancer” Zachariah tries again.
Dean than doubles over in pain, coughing up blood,but even on the ground in pain his answer is still, “no”.
“Then let’s get really creative let’s see how Sam does without his lungs”
Dean’s face drops at the angels threat, looking to his brother, who can’t breathe.
“Are we having fun yet?” The asshole angel asks, walking closer to Dean, grabbing his face to make him look up at him, “your going to say yes”
Dean is choking on the blood in his throat as he shoots back, “kill us”.
“Kill you” Zachariah drops Dean’s face, “oh no, I’m just getting started”.
Everyone jumps as a bright flash of light pours into the room.
Castiel stands there with a girl, with light strawberry blonde hair, in a silk white dress.
One angel that came with Zachariah is dead from Castiel’s blade. The other runs to fight the new people who have arrived, but the girl fights him off easily. Not even getting a speck of blood on her pretty white dress, Dean couldn’t help but watch.
With Zachariah distracted, Sam could catch of breath and Dean’s stomach was void of pain.
The new pair turn to Zachariah who stares at Castiel, who appears to be back from the dead, “how are you?”.
“Alive” Castiel finishes the question, “that’s a good question” he looks to the female then back to Zachariah, “The same person who put the winchester’s on that plane”
“That’s not possible” Zachariah shakes is head lost for the right words.
“It is entirely possible Zach” The girl speaks for the first time, her voice soft like a bell.
Zachariah looks between the two, “you went above my head dear Castiel...it’s so nice to see you Ariel”.
The girl, Ariel’s face flickers in a kind smile, but you can see the sternness in her eyes, “put the boys back together Zachariah and leave…” Ariel tuts him like he is a child.
There is a flutter in the air and Zachariah is gone, the boys healed again.
The brother’s stand up in shock, glad their bodies are fixed.
Ariel smiles at them as they clamber up to them.
Sam and Dean keep glancing over the new angel.
“I should make sure Zach and the others aren't getting into anymore trouble”, she touches Cas’s shoulder then vanishes.
“Who was that?” Dean speaks up pointing to where she was.  
“That was Ariel, she is an archangel...and a friend”
“Well that’s great, did she bring you back?” Dean asks.
“No, God did, Ariel is very close with our Father, she was there when I was awaken”.
After everything with the angels Sam and Dean went back to the hospital to see Bobby.
They told him about the angels and about the newest archangel they met.
“Ariel?” Bobby questions.
“Ya, like the freaking mermaid” Dean says.
“I’ve read some lore about her, she’s pretty much mother nature”
“Huh, why haven’t we seen her before?” Sam asks.
Bobby shakes his head, “not sure, but Castiel said she was close with God and if I remember correctly she was the last archangel God created and she’s almost always depicted as a female, so maybe God has a favourite”.
“What, so she’s daddy’s little girl so that’s why we haven’t seen her at any fights before” Dean says.
Bobby shrugs.
“Well she’s a hell of a fighter” Dean scoffs, thinking back to the angel with the bright blue eyes and the white silk dress.
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lamus-dworski · 7 years
I was wondering if you know of any books in English or documentaries (any language) that go into detail on pre-christian Polish customs and religion?
Hello there, and sorry for a late response!
I do know of some books, however didn’t have any occasion to read anything beside a few things available online on that topic in English so far. Such books aren’t that easily available here in Poland, and my main resources are naturally in Polish - here’s a growing list of them (combining various other topics as well) which I’m updating from time to time, with focus on links to books that are available legally in various Polish online libraries.
To be honest, that is a recurring question and I’d really love to prepare a similar list of resources in English eventually - maybe someone reading this has something valuable to recommend? :)
(a bit of general history/background informations right below, so in case you don’t want to read it, just scroll down for a ‘startup list’ of English books and articles that I frequently see are being recommended)
Another detail is the problematic nature of the topic. You might already know that there are basically no original resources about the old-Slavic faith before the arrival of Christianity on the Polish lands. It’s literally impossible to go really deep into detail about the authentic pre-Christian faith from here. We are just still not sure how it looked like, unnless some forgotten chronicle would be discovered.
In a way, we’re among the most enigmatic Slavic countries in this matter. Way too much of the informations were lost on the course of our complicated history.
Theoretically, the closest relatives/neighbours to the old Polish tribes (thinking about the tribe of Polans in particular) were the extinct Polabians and Pomeranians about whom we know much more than about the early Poles. Informations about those tribes were left in medieval German and Danish chronicles. The main canonical ‘trio’ are “Chronica Slavorum”, “Thietmar’s Chronicle” and “Gesta Danorum”, and I highly recommend to check them out for the little bits of authentic paragraphs about the Western Slavic customs and gods (even if some lines might be biased due to the authors being Christian and looking at the Slavs as pagans). I remember seeing English translations of a few interesting chapters online. Meanwhile, the Polish manuscripts we know of were written many centuries after the official introduction of the then-new religion, and the informations written in them are only small mentions, still analyzed nowadays.
On the other hand, there are quite a lot of resources concerning the remnants of old customs and faith within the Polish folklore (18th and 19th-century ethnographers are golden in that matter). I mentioned it already on my blog: many people doesn’t know that the last less or more authentic ‘pagan’ customs/rites were noted on the Polish countryside as late as the early 20th century! A lot of customs of confirmed pre-Christian origins are widely celebrated in Poland also nowadays. Of course, these spheres of knowledge require lots of reading in a wider perspective and with an open mind, where lots of mentions of Christianity appear because these are the customs that were being gradually syncretized to some bigger or smaller extent.
I know that many people are not fond of reading about the folklore and are looking rather for straight-up informations about the Slavic Faith, but I assure you that it is sometimes a valuable read when you know what you’re looking for. Literally, there are rites and traditions where it’s enough to replace the name of the Christian God, the Holy Mary or a Saint with a name of an old-Slavic Deity.
To summarize it shortly, what we know about comes mainly from the knowledge about old rural customs and tales, from bits of informations from manuscripts which were rather late year-wise, and of course from comparative studies of resources about the other Slavic countries.
If you look for informations about the Old Polish Faith, it’s no mistake to turn into resources from other countries as well and to general informations about Rodnovery - everything shares similarities and could be traced to an old common Slavic core (be of course vary of details that are clearly described as coming from other specific countries).
Also, don’t forget about archaeology where some descriptions of old-Polish/Slavic places of worship, symbolical decorations, can be found. These are spread around, and once I started collecting valuable bits on a side blog @west-slavs
Polish folk legends and fairy tales are nice for side-reading too :)
For a start I might put below some titles (books and articles) that I saw being recommended, or stumbled across online. Various approaches, from archaeology to folklore:
Andrzej Buko: The Archaeology of Early Medieval Poland. Discoveries - Hypotheses - Interpretations
Leszek Pawel Słupecki: Slavonic Pagan Sanctuaries
Marija Gimbutas: The Slavs
Kamil Kajkowski: Islands as symbolic centres of the Early Medieval settlement patterns in Middle Pomerania (Northern Poland) [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format]
Kamil Kajkowski: The Boar in the symbolic and religious system of Baltic Slavs in the Early Middle Ages [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format]
Kamil Kajkowski: Slavic Journeys to the Otherworld. Remarks on the Eschatology of Early Medieval Pomeranians [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format]
Kamil Kajkowski, Paweł Szczepanik: The multi-faced so-called miniature idols from the Baltic Sea area [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format] 
Leszek Paweł Słupecki: The Krakus’ and Wanda’s Burial Mounds of Cracow [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format]
Dominika Czop: Structure of the universein the Norse and Slavic beliefs [online on academia.eu]
Roman Zaroff: The Origins of Sventovit of Rügen [online on sms.zrc-sazu.si - pdf format] 
Urszula Lehr: The transcendental side of life. Aquatic demons in Polish folklore [online on folklore.ee - pdf format]
Michael Ostling: Between the Devil and the Host. Imagining Witchcraft in Early Modern Poland
Anna Brzozowska-Krajka: Coexistence or Conflict? The Problem of Dual Belief in Polish Folklore [online on journals.ku.edu]
Elwira Grossman: Studies in Language, Literature, and Cultural Mythology in Poland: Investigating the Other (Slavic Studies, V. 7)
Anna Chrypinski: Polish Customs
Anna Czekanowska: Polish Folk Music: Slavonic Heritage - Polish Tradition - Contemporary Trends
Joanne Asala: Polish Folklore and Myth
Sophie Hodorowicz Knab: Polish Traditions, Customs, and Folklore 
Sophie Hodorowicz Knab: Polish Herbs, Flowers & Folk Medicine
Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Anita Majchrowska: Health, illness and dying in Polish folk medicine [online on progress.umb.edu.pl - pdf format]
Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Anita Majchrowska: Unconventional therapists and their patients in Polish traditional folk medicine [online on degruyter.com]
Anna Lubecka: Polish ritual year – a reflection of Polish cultural policy [online on folklore.ee - pdf format]
Traditional design of the Lublin region - popular motifs (article prepared by organization Warsztaty Kultury for a project Patterns of Europe, available on the project’s website)
I need to check out my bookmarks and look for more, and will try to prepare a separate list similar to the one with resources in Polish!
If anyone reading this would like to share good books and articles in English or some documentaries focusing specifically on Poland (and also as analysis on the Polabians or Pomeranians) I’d be more than happy to see and collect as many good recommendations as possible :)
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3kyrauniverse-blog · 6 years
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VOM MERKURIO Michael Sendivogius Natur: du sollst wissen, dass ich nur einen dergleichen Sohn habe, der einer aus sieben, und der erste ist, derselbe ist alles im allen, welcher nur einer war: nichts ist, und dessen Zahl ganz ist; in ihm sind die vier Elementen, welcher doch kein Element ist; er ist ein Geist, welcher doch einen Leib hat; er ist ein Mann, und vertritt doch Weibes statt; er ist ein Knab, und führt männliche Waffen; er ist ein Tier und hat Flügel wie ein Vogel: er ist ein Gift, und heilet doch den Aussatz; er ist das Leben, und tötet doch alles; er ist ein König, aber ein anderer besitzet sein Königreich, er flieht mit dem Feuer hinweg, und doch wird aus ihm Feuer bereitet; er ist ein Wasser, und netzet nicht; er ist Erde, und wird doch gesät; er ist Luft, und lebt im Wasser: Alchemist: Jetzt sehe ich, dass ich nichts weiß, aber ich darf es nicht sagen, dann ich verlierte mein gutes Ansehen, und mein Nachbar half mir nicht mehr, wenn er wüsste, dass ich nichts weiß; doch will ich sagen, dass ich es gewiss weiß, sonsten wird mir niemand Brot geben: dann viele von ihnen hoffen von mir viele Güter..... https://www.hermetik-international.com/de/mediathek/historische-schriften-zur-alchemie/michael-sendivogius-vom-merkurio/ #merkur #mercurius #hermeti̇k #hermetikbibliothek #hermetikinternational #hermetikbibliothek #alchemie #alchemist #michaelsendivogius #merkurio (hier: Vienna, Austria)
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jbpiggin · 7 years
Science Manuscripts at Vatican
Medieval (and earlier) science dominates the recent releases by the Bibliotheca Palatina project in Heidelberg, Germany. The old ducal and university library at Heidelberg was confiscated and given to the pope. The whole stock of books is now being reconstituted both for the DigiVatiLib project and as a standalone online digital resource in Heidelberg that is especially interesting for those studying the history of medicine and alchemy. What caught my eye in this lot was an elaborate book-length horoscope prepared by astrologers and geomancers for one Erasmus von Minckwitz, chancellor of the kingdom of Saxony in the mid 16th century.
Although he had obtained a doctorate in law at Padua, Erasmus was clearly more susceptible to his stars than to science. Below is the full list, compiled from the library's RSS feed. Most of these manuscripts are late medieval, but note the 11th century Epistulae of Symmachus, Pal.lat.1576. Where codices are mentioned in the catalog of incipits by Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre, I have added the incipit and a link to the electronic Thorndike-Kibre (eTK).
Pal. lat. 56 Questo e il santo vangelio (14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1124 Arcolani, Giovanni; Johannes Michael : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Ferrara, 1460/61) :
Pal. lat. 1194 Bartholomaeus/ Galeatus de Sancta Sophia; Antonius Guainerius; Guilhelmus de Brescia; Bartholomaeus de Montagnana: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Italien (Padua?), Mitte 15. Jh.) : eTK, Tibi amoris gratia mi Antoni Maglane.
Pal. lat. 1224 Hermannus; Johannes de Toleto; Constantinus ; Andromachus: Medizinischer Sammelband (Ostmitteldeutschland, 15. Jh. ; Ende 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1225 Knab, Erhardus; Walter Agilon; Concellarius Montespessulani; Johannes ; Petrus ; Johannes de Burgundia; Mundinus; Gentilis ; Petrus Bononiensis: Medizinischer Sammelband (Heidelberg (I) , Italien (II), 1456-1462 ; um 1408) : eTK, Actus curativus pestis est in tribus (15c), by Petrus de Tussignano
Pal. lat. 1228 Bartholomaeus de Montagnana; Bernardus : Ambrosius Prechtl Collectanea (Regensburg, ca. 1560) : eTK, Cautele medicorum in iudicando urinas, by Bartholomaeus de Montagnana ?
Pal. lat. 1230 Gentilis ; Galenus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Italien, 2. Hälfte 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1249 Bd. 1 Leopoldus de Austria; Johannes ; Alexander ; Hermannus Stilus de Norchem; Johannes ; Almansor astrologus; Thetel; Lullus, Raimundus; u.a.: Sammelhandschrift zum Quadrivium (Paris, 14. Jh. (um 1368)) :
Pal. lat. 1249 Bd. 2 Leopoldus de Austria; Johannes ; Alexander ; Hermannus Stilus de Norchem; Johannes ; Almansor astrologus; Thetel; Lullus, Raimundus; u.a.: Sammelhandschrift zum Quadrivium (Paris, 14. Jh. (um 1368)) :
Pal. lat. 1252 Galenus; Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Avicenna; Conradus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 1. Hälfte 15. Jh.) : eTK, Si dormitatis inter medios cleros penne columbe; De commendatione cler.
Pal. lat. 1254 Hippocrates; Benevenutus : Collectanea practicae medicinalis, Vol. III (Süddeutschland, um 1400) :
Pal. lat. 1255 Godefridus; Gerardus de Monte Pessulano; Johannes de Sancto Amando; Petrus Musandinus: Collectanea practicae medicinalis, Vol. I (Süddeutschland, um 1400) :
Pal. lat. 1256 Matthaeus ; Bartholomaeus Pictaviensis; Richardus ; Johannes de Sancto Amando; Gualterus Agilon; Gerardus de Monte Pessulano; Petrus Hispanus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Ostmitteldeutschland, 1. Hälfte 15. Jh.) : eTK, Abesa (Abela?) id est agrimonia latinus arabicus acacia
Pal. lat. 1260 Gentilis ; Thomas de Garbo; Marsilius de Sancta Sophia; Petrus ; Mesue Minor; Aegidius Corbolensis; Isrāʾīlī, Isḥāq Ibn-Sulaimān /al-; Lanfrancus ; u.a.: Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Italien (I) , Süddeutschland (II) , Montpellier (III), Anfang 15. Jh. ; 1363 (III)) : eTK, Alphita farina ordei idem (15c); .sp Presentis negotii propositum est tractare
Pal. lat. 1261 Ferrarius de Gradibus, Johannes Matthaeus; Isrāʾīlī, Isḥāq Ibn-Sulaimān /al-; Avicenna; Gerardus de Solo; u.a.: Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Hedelberg (I) , Montpellier (II), 15. Jh. (1476) ; 2. Hälfte 14. Jh. (II)) : eTK, Ad capitulum octavum huius libri primo veniamus (15c), by Petrus Blancus
Pal. lat. 1264 Knab, Erhardus; Gerhard Brant; Nicolaus Salernitanus; Ps.-Albertus Magnus; Gentilis ; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 1450-1455) : eTK,
Pal. lat. 1265 Bernardus Alberti; Antonius de Scarpariis; Maimonides, Moses; Bernardus ; Arnoldus ; Guido de Chauliaco; Petrus ; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Padua und Süddeutschland, 1. Viertel 15. Jh.) : eTK , Anno domini 1345 ? magna erat pestilentia et duravit (15c)
Pal. lat. 1266 Marsilius de Sancta Sophia; Bernardus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Norditalien, Anfang 15. Jh. (1402)) :
Pal. lat. 1267 Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Elias de Assissi: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Frankreich, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1269 Magenbuch, Johannes: Ärztliche Verordnungen (Nürnberg, 1525-1528) :
Pal. lat. 1270 Receptarium (Heidelberg, 2. Hälfte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1277 Thessalus ; Ps.-Alexander Magnus: Herbarium pictum (Süddeutschland, 2. Hälfte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1278 Algafiqui; Algizar; Kiranides; Alexius Africanus; Johannes Paulinus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (2. Drittel 15. Jh.) : eTK; Non inveni aliquem de antiquis aut modernis (15c); .ix1 In dei nomine verba Abicrasar
Pal. lat. 1279 Galeatius de Sancta Sophia; Kiranides; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Speyer, 3. Viertel 15. Jh. (1462,1468)) : eTK, Abrotanum est planta plures habens ramusculos (1468), by Sancta Sophia, Galeatius de
Pal. lat. 1280 Isrāʾīlī, Isḥāq Ibn-Sulaimān /al-; Ibn Gazla; Bartholomaeus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1281 Aegidius Corbolensis; Gualterus Agilon; Bartholomaeus ; u.a.: Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Deutschland (II) , Frankreich (III), 14. Jh. ; 13./14. Jh. ; 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1282 Baverius de Baveriis: Practica medicinae (Bologna, 1469) : eTK, Antequam accedamus ad curam doloris capitis (1469), by Baverius de Baveriis
Pal. lat. 1283 Ambrosius Prechtl: Sammlung lateinischer und deutscher Rezepte, Experimente und Kuren (Amberg, letztes Drittel 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1284 Guilhelmus Placentinus; Arnoldus ; Jacobus de Sanatis; Nicolaus de Sancta Sophia; Innocentius ; Thaddaeus; Bernardus : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Mitte 15. Jh.) : eTK, Medicina est scientia cognoscendi dispositiones (14c-15c); .sp Introductiones appellantur indebite que prima
Pal. lat. 1285 Guilhelmus de Varignana: Practica Sybona (Vol. I) (Augsburg, 1471) : eTK, Exsurge domine deus meus in dextra tua forti et infinita (15c)
Pal. lat. 1286 Guilhelmus de Varignana: Practica Sybona (Vol. II) (Augsburg, nach 1471) : eTK, Exsurge domine deus meus in dextra tua forti et infinita
Pal. lat. 1287 Guilhelmus de Saliceto Placentinus: Practica (15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1288 Johannes Stocker: Liber medicinalis (Süddeutschland, 1. Hälfte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1289 Johannes des Gaddesden: Rosa anglica medicinae (Süddeutschland, 1368) : eTK In viridario voluptatis et iocunditatis in mense (1368), by John of Gaddesden
Pal. lat. 1290 Johannes des Gaddesden: Rosa anglica medicinae (Wien (?), 1. Hälfte 15. Jh.) : eTK, In viridario voluptatis et iocunditatis in mense (1365), by John of Gaddesden
Pal. lat. 1291 Mesue Minor; Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Avicenna: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (15. Jh. (1425)) :
Pal. lat. 1292 Matthaeus Silvaticus: Opus pandectarum medicinae II (15. Jh. (1472)) : eTK, A autem est mentastrum autem est species camphore (1472); Practica medicinalis
Pal. lat. 1293 Collectanea practicae medicinalis, Vol. II (Süddeutschland, um 1400) :
Pal. lat. 1294 Bernardus ; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Süddeutschland, 15. Jh. (1452)) :
Pal. lat. 1295 Antonius de Gradi; Saladinus de Esculo; Petrus ; Thomas de Garbo; Bartholomaeus de Montagnana; Thaddaeus Alderotti; Mathaeus de Verona; Antonius Cermisonus; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Padua, ca. 1464) :
Pal. lat. 1296 Bartholomaeus de Sancta Sophia: Commentum in nonum Almansoris Rasis (Heidelberg, 1483) :
Pal. lat. 1297 Johannes Stocker: Liber medicinalis (Süddeutschland, 16. Jh. (1535)) :
Pal. lat. 1298 Mundinus ; Avicenna; Maimonides, Moses; Mesue Senior; Arnoldus ; Galenus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Padua, 15. Jh. (1464)) : eTK, Congregavi in divisionibus egritudinum et ostendi curas (15c); .st Inquit Rasis cum in civitate
Pal. lat. 1299 Mundinus ; Dinus de Florentia; Guilhelmus de Saliceto; Guido de Chauliaco: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Wien, Anfang 15. Jh. (1413-1414)) :
Pal. lat. 1300 Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-: Libri XIII-XVII (Deutschland, 1. Hälfte 15. Jh.) : eTK, De libro signorum dixit squivros ? est apostema inflatum et durum (15c); .ix1 Dixit apostema appellatum squivros
Pal. lat. 1301 Nicolaus Falcutius: Sermones medicinales (Deutschland, 2. Hälfte 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1302 Avicenna; Knab, Erhardus; u.a.: Canon III, fen 10. 11. 13: Excerpta de morbis pectoris, cordis stomachique cum receptis et curis quorundam auctorum collecta ab Erhardo Knab (Heidelberg, 2. Drittel 15. Jh.) : eTK, Collum est membrum intraiacens inter faciem; Anatomia stomachi
Pal. lat. 1303 Antonius de Gradi; Zacharias de Feltris; Platina, Bartholomaeus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 15. Jh. (1476)) :
Pal. lat. 1305 Lanfrancus ; Rolandus de Parma; Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Mundinus ; Johannitius; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Süddeutschland, 15. Jh. (1422)) :
Pal. lat. 1306 Guilhelmus de Saliceto; Theodericus de Cervia: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, Mitte 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1307 Guilhelmus de Saliceto; Gentilis ; Johannes : Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Padua, 15. Jh. (1403)) :
Pal. lat. 1308 Guilhelmus de Saliceto; Dinus del Garbo: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1309 Guilhelmus de Saliceto: Chirurgia I-V (15. Jh. (1407)) :
Pal. lat. 1311 Lanfrancus ; Ps.-Galenus: Sammelhandschrift (Padua, 1. Hälfte 15. Jh. (1431)) :
Pal. lat. 1312 Theodericus de Cervia: Practica chirurgiae I-III (Deutschland, Mitte 15. Jh. (1453)) :
Pal. lat. 1313 Theodericus de Cervia; Richard : Medizinisch-alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 1480-1490) :
Pal. lat. 1314 Bruno : Chirurgia magna I-II (Italien, 1. Hälfte 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1315 Bruno ; Galenus; Nicolaus Salernitanus; Odo : Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Italien (I) , Frankreich (II) , Deutschland (III), 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1316 Guido de Chauliaco; Albertus ; Bartholomaeus de Montagnana; Hippokrates; Johannes ; Petrus Hispanus; Jacoby, Johann; Marsilius de Sancta Sophia: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 15. Jh. (1451)) : eTK Ad faciendum ardens vinum in vase et ad faciendum flammam magnam (15c); Experimenta Alberti
Pal. lat. 1317 Guido de Chauliaco; Gualterus Agilon: Medizinischer Sammelband (Montpellier, 14. Jh. (1373)) :
Pal. lat. 1318 Rolandus de Parma; Nicolaus Salernitanus; Bartholomaeus; Matthaeus : Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Italien (I) , Deutschland (III), 13./14. Jh. (I) ; 12./13. Jh. (II) ; 2. Hälfte 13. Jh. (III)) :
Pal. lat. 1319 Leonardus de Bertipaglia; Johannes de Tracia; Johannitius; Arnoldus ; Aegidius Corbolensis; Ibn-Māsawaih, Abū-Zakarīyā Yūḥannā; Widmann, Johannes; Johannes May: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Heidelberg, 1473-1498) : eTK, Causa egritudinis huius ut placuit Avicenne; De catarro
Pal. lat. 1320 Arnoldus ; Petrus de Nadilis; Bernardus Alberti; Gerardus de Solo; Jacoby, Johann; Raymundus de Moleriis; Benevenutus ; Galenus; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Montpellier (?), Ende 14. Jh. (1384)) :
Pal. lat. 1321 Bruno ; Ortolf ; Bartholomaeus; Arnoldus ; Petrus Hispanus; u.a.: Zusammengesetzte Handschrift (Italien (I) , Südwestdeutschland (II) , Süddeutschland (III), 15. Jh. (I) ; 1425 (II) ; 14. Jh. (III)) : eTK Ad inveniendum signum nativitatis tue et quorumlibet hominum
Pal. lat. 1322 Guilhelmus de Saliceto; Nicolaus Salernitanus; Arnoldus ; Valascus de Taranta; Petrus : Medizinischer Sammelband, Handschrift und Inkunabel (Heidelberg, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1323 Galenus; Bruno ; Theodericus de Cervia; Avicenna; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Süddeutschland, 15. Jh. (1407)) :
Pal. lat. 1325 Medizinischer Sammelband: Collectanea Ambrosii Prechtl (Regensburg (I), 1556-1560 (I) um 1500 (II)) :
Pal. lat. 1326 Albertus : De animalibus, libri IX-XXVI (Vol. II) (Paris (?), Mitte 14. Jh. (1346)) : eTK, Canis animal notum est de cuius diversitate multum (1346); Capituluum de cane et de equo multum et de aquila et falconibus...
Pal. lat. 1328 Hermes; Johannes ; Avicenna; Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Gaelnus; Kindī, ʿAbd-al-Masīḥ Ibn-Isḥāq /al-; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (2. Hälfte 14. Jh.) : eTK, Accipe aceti acerrimi de vino distillato; Perfectum magisterium
Pal. lat. 1329 Khālid ibn Yazīd al-Umawī; Winandus ; Arisleus; Arnoldus ; Thomas Capellanus; Johannes Tetzenensis; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Schlesien, 1. Drittel 15. Jh. (1430)) : eTK Accipe in nomine domini de lapide minerali lb. i. et tere (15c)
Pal. lat. 1330 Archilaus; Albertus ; Hermes; Arnoldus ; Johannes ; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Italien, 15. Jh. (1463/64)) : eTK Accipe aluminis iameni et zucarini et lactis pecorini ana lib. iii (15c)
Pal. lat. 1331 Johannes de Tornamira; Arnoldus ; Bernardus Alberti; Gerardus de Solo; Stephanus Arlandi; Bernardus ; Magninus ; Zahrāwī, Ḫalaf Ibn-Abbās /az-; u.a.: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Südwestdeutschland, Anfang 15. Jh.) : eTK Cognoscuntur leprosi a quinque signis (15c); .ix1 Cognoscuntur leprosi a quinque modis
Pal. lat. 1332 Ps.-Thomas de Aquino; Arnoldus ; Hortulanus; Johannes Tetzenensis; Philo ; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Südwestdeutschland, 1. Hälfte 15. Jh.) : eTK A divina magnificentia emanavit donum (15c); .ix1 Non legitur a divina munificentia
Pal. lat. 1333 Johannes : De consideratione quintae essentiae seu de famulatu philosophiae (15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1335 Albertus ; Arnoldus ; Thaddaeus ; Magister Jacobus; Johannes ; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (um 1400) : eTK, Aqua permanens coagulat argentum vivum (15c); .sp Distinctio secretorum sapientum in
Pal. lat. 1336 A. Candidus: De alchymia epistolae (Neuhausen bei Worms, 1570-1571) :
Pal. lat. 1338 Hieronymus Carazolus; Poll, Nicolaus: Medizinische Sammelhandschrift (Süddeutschland, 1. Drittel 16. Jh.) : eTK Dixit Morienus id translator legimus in historiis (14c); .ix1 Legimus in historiis veterum
Pal. lat. 1339 Geber; Hermes; Morienus; Rāzī, Muḥammad Ibn-Zakarīyā /ar-; Archelaus; Ps.-Avicenna; u.a.: Alchemistische Sammelhandschrift (Anfang 14. Jh.) : eTK, Accipe argenti vivi libras decem (15c); Liber congelationis argenti vivi
Pal. lat. 1374 Johannes de Lineriis; Nicolaus Mülhus: Tabulae astronomicae (Prag, 1407) :
Pal. lat. 1377 Petrus ; Philo ; Tideus; Alhazen; Jordanus ; Ibn ʿEzra, Avraham ben Mei̇r; Johannes ; Johannes ; Philippus de Caserta: Sammelband, Miscellanea (Italien , Niederlande , Frankreich , Deutschland, 15. ; 11./12. ; 14. Jh.) : eTK De tempestatum presagiis tractaturi a sole; .ix1 Purus oriens atque non fervens
Pal. lat. 1421 Nativität des Markgrafen Georg Friedrich von Brandenburg-Ansbach (Franken, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1422 Nativität des kurfürstlichen Kanzlers Erasmus von Minckwitz (Süddeutschland, Mitte 16. Jh. (um 1547)) :
Pal. lat. 1426 Leowitz, Cyprian: Tabulae ad figuras caeli erigendas (Augsburg, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1427 Leowitz, Cyprian: Tabulae motus lunae (Lauingen a.d. Donau, vor 1560) :
Pal. lat. 1428 Leowitz, Cyprian: Introductio tabularum novarum (Lauingen a.d. Donau, 1560) :
Pal. lat. 1429 Leowitz, Cyprian: Tabulae ascensionum Vol. III (Lauingen a.d. Donau, 1560) :
Pal. lat. 1431 Leowitz, Cyprian: Tabulae ascensionum Vol. I (Lauingen a.d. Donau, 1560) :
Pal. lat. 1432A Leowitz, Cyprian: Tabulae ascensionum Vol. II (Lauingen a.d. Donau, 1560) :
Pal. lat. 1432B Astrologische Kalender 1559 und 1560 (Augsburg/ Lauingen a.d. Donau, 1558/59) :
Pal. lat. 1433 Planetentafeln 1482-1606 (Augsburg, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1434 Leowitz, Cyprian: Canon extrahendi arcum ecliptice verum ; Ratio partis proportionalis colligendae (Augsburg, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1435 Omar; Albumasar; Hali Abenragel; Messahalla; Abraham Judaeus; Johannes Dank de Saxonia: Sammelhandschrift mit Inkunabeldruck (Süddeutschland, 15. Jh. (1473-1478)) : eTK Astrolabium ita construitur accipe rotulas; .ix1 Astrolabium sic construitur accipe rotulas
Pal. lat. 1437 Johannes de Erfordia; Alexander de Villae Dei; Johannes de Sacrobosco; Johannes de Polonia: Sammelband zum Komputus (Süddeutschland (I) , Ungarn (II), Drittes Drittel 15. Jh. (I) ; Ende 14. Jh. (II)) :
Pal. lat. 1440 Practica geomantiae (Deutschland, 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1441 Leovitius, Cyprianus: Horoskope (Franken, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1442 Leovitius, Cyprianus: Horoscopus cum prognosticis (Böhmen, Mitte 16. Jh. (nach 1547)) :
Pal. lat. 1443 Johannes ; Ibn-Abī-'r-Riǧāl, Abu-'l-Ḥasan ʿAlī: Astrologisch-geomantische Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 2. Hälfte 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1444 Ibn-Abī-'r-Riǧāl, Abu-'l-Ḥasan ʿAlī; Leopoldus ; Hermes; Battānī, Muḥammad Ibn-Ǧābir /al-: Astrologische Sammelhandschrift: Miscellanea (Süddeutschland, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1450 Sammelband: Komputus ; Medizinisches Handbuch (Heidelberg, Ende 15. Jh. (I) ; um 1540 (II)) :
Pal. lat. 1451 Johannes ; Qabīṣī, Abu-'ṣ-Ṣaqr ʿAbd-al-ʿAzīz Ibn-ʿUṯmān /al-; Johannes ; Ps.-Aristoteles: Miscellaneenband: Komputus ; Arithmetik ; Medizin (Bayern (I , II) , Heidelberg (III , IV), Letztes Viertel 14. Jh. (I) ; Ende 15. Jh. (II) ; Anfang 16. Jh. (III) ; Mitte 15. Jh. (IV)):
Pal. lat. 1452 Johannes ; Johannes ; Gerardus ; Raimundus Lulus; Omar: Sammelhandschrift mit Quadriviumstexten (Bayern, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1453 Geomantischer Sammelband (Schwaben (I) , Italien (II), 2. Hälfte 15. Jh. (I) ; 15. Jh. (II)) :
Pal. lat. 1454 Geomantischer Sammelband (Bayern, 2. Hälfte 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1455 Gerardus : Geomantia (Italien, Mitte 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1456 Gerardus : Sammelhandschrift: Mantische Texte (Südwestdeutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1457 Hugo : Geomantia (Deutschland, Mitte 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1458 Johannes : Kalendarium (Würzburg, Mitte 15. Jh. (1446)) :
Pal. lat. 1543 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus : Epistulae (Frankreich, 12. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1563 Vitruvius; Frontinus, Sextus Iulius: De architectura ; Strategemata (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1567 Mela, Pomponius: Sammelhandschrift (Italien, 15. Jh. ; 16. Jh. ; 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1569 Solinus, Gaius Iulius; Einhard: Sammelhandschrift (Italien (Venedig), 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1570 Solinus, Gaius Iulius: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1576 Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius: Epistulae (Deutschland, 11. Jh.) : a notably old item from this collection:
Pal. lat. 1612 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Italien?, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1614 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1616 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1617 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1618 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Deutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1619 Plautus, Titus Maccius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1621 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1622 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1623 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1624 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1625 Terentius Afer, Publius; Adolphus Vindobonensis; Alanus ; Sallustius Crispus, Gaius; Pius / Enea Silvio Piccolomini ; Augustinus ; Petrarca, Francesco; Antonius Haneron: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1626 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1627 Terentius Afer, Publius: Comoediae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1629 Donatus, Aelius: Commentum in Terentii (Italien, Deutschland, 15. Jh. (1474?)) :
Pal. lat. 1630 Donatus, Aelius: Commentum in Terentii (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1633 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Deutschland, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1634 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Aeneis (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1636 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Aeneis (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1637 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1638 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Pays-Bas (?), 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1639 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1640 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1641 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Aeneis (Italien (Padua), Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1642 Vergilius Maro, Publius: Opera (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1644 Vergilius Maro, Publius; Ovidius Naso, Publius: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland , Italien, 15. Jh. ; 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1650 Tibullus, Albius: Elegiae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1651 Tibullus, Albius: Elegiae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1653 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Carmina seu Odae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1654 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Opera (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1656 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Opera (Italien, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1658 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Epistulae (Frankreich, 13.-14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1660 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Opera (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1662 Ovidius Naso, Publius; Cicero, Marcus Tullius; Donatus, Aelius: Sammelhandschrift (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1665 Ovidius Naso, Publius: Heroides (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1670 Ovidius Naso, Publius: Metamorphoses (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1673 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus : Tragoediae (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1674 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus : Tragoediae (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1676 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus : Tragoediae (Italien, Ende 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1678 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: De bello ciuili (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1679 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: De bello ciuili (Italien, Ende 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1680 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: De bello ciuili (Deutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1681 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: De bello ciuili (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1688 Statius, Publius Papinius: Thebais (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1690 Statius, Publius Papinius: Thebais (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1692 Statius, Publius Papinius: Thebais ; Achilleis (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1693 Statius, Publius Papinius: Thebais ; Achilleis (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1696 Martialis, Marcus Valerius: Epigrammata I-XIV (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1697 Martialis, Marcus Valerius: Epigrammata I-XII (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1698 Martialis, Marcus Valerius: Epigrammata I-XIV (Deutschland, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1699 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius; Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Saturae (Italien (Verona?), 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1700 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius: Saturae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1702 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius: Saturae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1704 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius: Saturae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1705 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius: Saturae (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1707 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius; Horatius Flaccus, Quintus; Persius Flaccus, Aulus; Ovidius Naso, Publius; Tibullus, Albius; Sallustius Crispus, Gaius; Vergilius Maro, Publius; Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1708 Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius; Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Saturae (Italien, 14.-15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1709 Persius Flaccus, Aulus; Soloneus; Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus; Celtis, Konrad; Sallustius Crispus, Gaius; Ovidius Naso, Publius; Fridancius; Vergilius Maro, Publius: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 15.-16. Jh.) : eTK An de impressionibus metheorologicis habeatur scientia (15c); .ix1 Circa initium quatuor metheororum
Pal. lat. 1711 Manilius, Marcus: Astronomica (Italien, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1727 Alanus ; Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1776 Johannes : Catholicon (Erfurt, um 1450-1460) :
Pal. lat. 1815 Frontinus, Sextus Iulius: Strategemata ; De uiris illustribus Urbis Romae (Italien, Ende 15. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1820 Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Opera ; Orationes (Italien, 14. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1850 Erhard Bacher: Loci communes (Wittenberg, 1562-1568) :
Pal. lat. 1851 Hartmann, David: Oratiuncula de nomine Jesu (Heidelberg, 1585) :
Pal. lat. 1852 Notae historicae (Heidelberg, 1560-1592) :
Pal. lat. 1857 Sammelhandschrift (Deutschland, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1861 Notae in evangelia (Deutschland, Mitte 16. Jh.) :
Pal. lat. 1862 Orationes scholasticae (Heidelberg, 1580-1582) :
Pal. lat. 1883 Sententiae latinae (Heidelberg (?), Anfang 17. Jh.) :
This is Piggin's Unofficial List number 130. If you have corrections or additions, please use the comments box below. Follow me on Twitter (@JBPiggin) for news of more additions to DigiVatLib. via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ylX4XK
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