#might do a poll beforehand
lilypixels · 9 months
The audacity of some on here never ceases to amaze me, why do I even try giving benefit of doubt anymore 🤠
Anyway, I’ve been working on all my 100% free, no gimmicks involved, simblreen treats and a bonus gift by end of the month for your spooky babies 👀 and that’s part of why this blogs been pretty quiet
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
thinking about the first writing project for next year (yes im still willing to try cause i have too many ideas and i dont learn from my mistakes no matter what, as this is the one thing i have left in this life rn lol) so
the estimate would be around the same length as hanahaki was, maybe a bit longer (hanahaki was just shy of 15k words and three chapters). but yeah would just like to see the general preference, idk if i'll stick to it but i'll definitely consider it
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wizard-email · 1 year
I don't want to add god's longest addition to the would you survive an apocalypse?' poll, but I do actually have an absolutely fallproof plan for the zombie apocalypse. It doesn’t matter what kind of zombies there are & it has exactly (2) steps:
1. Drive to the nearest National Trust proparty
2. win
This is the result of a very lengthy (and completely serious) discussion with my sister so let me break it down for you.
For those of you who don't live in the UK (or don't have parents with exactly 1 idea for a family trip ever), all National Trust proparties are broadly speaking exactly the same.
There's a big rich person's house & the courtyard is always converted into a little picnic area containing a combination gift shop/booking desk; a cafe and a secondhand bookshop. The gift shop has like a 60% chances to contain basic gardening tools and a little section for seeds & bulbs.
I won't list their standardised cafe menu (that I do in fact have memorised), but it's pretty good & more importantly most of it is made or at least finished on site. If they rationed, a small group could live off National Trust cornish pasties, scones & gift shop fudge for a month or two I think <3
Here's a list of things that are might be there but aren't 100% guaranteed:
- Kitchen garden
- Fish pond
- Livestock (usually chickens, sometimes pigs or bees)
- Medieval armour (fuck ya'll with guns but I would take a pike over having to worry about ammunition any day)
- Horses and functioning stable
- Forests cultivated for the purpose of deer hunting
John McRichman's gun/archery collection
- Lake
Benefit 2: FUCKING!! CASTLE!!
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??? Where do I start???
1. These things are so easy to defend it's laughable.
I'm sure we all know about spiral staircases being designed to maximise cover for a right handed person during sieges but it's more than that ??? 18th century rich people loved to make their estates look as big, impressive & isolated as possible & they did this by surrounded their houses on all sides with several hundred metres of flat, open grass with thick trees on the edges to block out the horizon.
- Nothing can see you
- No loud noises will be within earshot of anything close to civilisation
- Any zombies that DO somehow show up can be picked off at a distance whether they know how to run or not
- Litterally there are so many little towers & secret rooms & shit how do you even manage to fuck up enough to die here like I would actually be impressed
- ALSO the edge of the estate is usually also walled off and/or fenced & gated, so there's no chance of anything wandering in by accident
2. All the older infrastructure is designed pre-electricity so you'll still be able to have a shower when the power grid inevitably explodes or something
3. You get to sleep in one of those huge 4-poster beds with all the fun embroidery and silk pillows
4. Idk the massive lawn can be converted into a farm if the apocalypse goes on long enough
Genuinely I think my quality of life would actually improve?? and that's just with what's already there - if there was time to pick up some supplies beforehand me & my buddies would just be hanging out. literally what apocalypse im eating scones xoxo
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cheriecelestial · 2 months
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Angel Pt.II
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pairing*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Red Hood!Jason Todd X fem!reader
disclaimer*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ fluff. suggestive content. swearing. 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ™️. not proofread !
a/n*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ So here’s part 2. I’m aware of the poll results, but I had already planned to go against the consensus beforehand (cuz ain’t nobody tells me what to do). So smut in pt.III I promise. pls don’t be mad. Comment, Reblog and Like(╹◡╹)♡
╰ ┈➤ Part I
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One of Jason's most cherished aspects of his Red Hood helmet was its ability to allow him to doze off undetected. He was curious how Y/N would react if he fell asleep at her place. He knew many people often tried, and foolishly so, to take off his helmet when he was asleep to try to find his identity. Despite his affection for her, he felt the need to ensure her trustworthiness because he knew he wouldn't be able to bear if she betrayed him. If she were to betray him, he reasoned, it would be better sooner rather than later. Feigning sleep, he waited. For a while she just sat and watched him. And not in a vigilant or cautious way, atleast it didn't that way to him. He hoped she would remain that way, but fate seemed to have other plans for him. He heard her retreat to her room, the smallness of her apartment allowing him to observe almost every movement. Maybe I'll buy her a nicer place, he thought to himself.
As she approached him, she checked once more, hiding something behind her back. She wouldn't try to take off his helmet, would she? A profound sense of dread and apprehension gripped him. She was the last person he wanted to betray him. Soon he found himself questioning his own judgment and the authenticity of the relationship. What did you expect? A sinister voice taunted him.
He felt his brain cloud with a whirlwind of emotions such as shock, disbelief, sadness, hurt, and confusion. When her fingertips grazed his helmet, it felt like a deep, agonizing wound piercing to his core. Initially, there was disbelief—a refusal to acknowledge that someone he loved and trusted could do that. He could feel the pit rage resurface, fierce and consuming, directed at her and perhaps even at himself for allowing himself to be vulnerable enough to be wounded in such a way.
He anticipated her lifting his helmet, only she didn't. She withdrew her hands and let out a tiny giggle. He was struck with the realisation that she didn't try to take his helmet off, rather she placed something atop it. It was out of his field of view so he couldn't quite tell what it was. From the corner of his eye, he noticed her take out her phone and snap a picture. Unfortunately for her, she forgot to switch off the flash. Jason took the opportunity and in the blink of an eye, her grabbed her wrist and flipped her over his shoulder, slamming into the couch. He pushed his forearm against her throat with his other hand pinning her under him.
“What do you think you're doing angel ?” He growled as his thumb trailed from her bottom lip to her cheek in a gesture that was equal parts sultry and sinister. Her eyes widened like saucers as cold sweat started to form on the side of her forehead. Her body might froze momentarily before trembling with fear. He didn't realise just how small she felt against him until he was on top of her. Akin to a quivering rabbit ensnared in a hunter's trap. Truth be told, the analogy wasn't far off.
"I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I swear it was a prank —" She tugged at her restraints with tears forming at the corner of her eyes, her breathing becoming shallower and rapid but Jason didn't budge. She felt all too aware of the situation she was in. His proximity so close that she could feel so exposed under his gaze. It was intimidating yet so intoxicating, the feeling of being enclosed by him, the scent that was so intense and virile was enough to make her head spin. She could hear her heartbeat resonating in her ears and it was clear that he could too. Needless to say, Y/N L/N messed up big time.
"What was ? Hmm?" He leaned in closer to her face until his helmet was mere centimeters away, relishing in the sadistic pleasure of watching her teary eyes as she whimpered and muttered incomprehensible apologies. Seeing her struggle to form words, he picked up her phone to view the picture she had taken. It was him with what seemed like — a fuzzy bear ears headband? He plucked it from his helmet, staring at it incredulously. You have got to be kidding me.
"You're so fucking adorable, you know that ?" He let out an airy chuckle that was felt more than heard as he shakes with a silent laugh. "You're not mad at me ?"Y/N's voice sounded so desperate like a broken whimper. Her pretty eyes still wide and a little teary and red at the ends, a visible look of confusion etched onto it.
He wanted to stroke her cheek again, but he feared he wouldn't be able to stop himself from going further. "I don't know. Should I be?" He chuckled, and while he was mostly teasing, he couldn't help but marvel at her.
Despite his experiences with many women, he had never encountered someone so captivating. Just by the virtue of being pinned under him, she looked just so impossibly inviting. Jason found himself rendered breathless as his mind wandered into the realm of the most salacious thoughts.
"But this warrants punishment. Does it not?" He watched her breath catching in her throat, her cheeks and the tips of her ears flushing with heat.
Y/N swallowed hard," Punishment ?" She nervously peered at the man, a a slight shiver running down her spine as she could almost feel his piercing cold gaze from behind the red helmet. She understood her predicament and knew she shouldn't be enjoying it. It could take an unfavourable turn at any given moment and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Suddenly, he released her hands and leaned back. Despite feeling a little disoriented from his sudden absence of his towering self, Y/N sat back up. Jason held up the headband in his hand,"Do you have more of these?"
"A few. Yes" she replied.
"Go get them." he said nonchalantly. Y/N blinked at his request, feeling a hint of disappointment creeping in. As she rose slowly and made her way to the dresser, she scolded herself internally, Jesus get your brain out of the gutter Y/N. Not wanting to keep him waiting, she gathered all the headbands she had and dropped them onto the couch. "You have quite the collection," Jason chuckled, examining a headband. "Mostly from previous Halloweens and costume cafés I used to work at." Y/N explained. Jason's gaze settled on a particularly intriguing headband - white floppy bunny ears with pink bows. He tossed it onto her lap, grinning,“Put this on.”
Y/N complied without question and looked at him expectantly. Jason whipped out his phone and aimed it at her,“ Strike me a cute pose angel." Her eyes widened in a mix of surprise embarrassment," Wait what ?”
"Well you clicked that picture of me so it's pretty fair trade if you ask me." He reasoned, attempting to maintain a neutral tone, though secretly relishing the moment thoroughly. He maintained composure, not wanting to risk scaring her away. He eagerly snapped photos as Y/N reluctantly donned the headband and flashed a small peace sign, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He could feel his own heart racing in his chest and his face growing warm.
"Please don't show it to anyone. It's embarrassing," She pleaded. Jason acknowledged her request with an absentminded nod, slipping his phone into his pocket. He hadn't quite reached the stage of covertly taking pictures and plastering them on his walls like a stalker, but he reasoned that photos she consented to were fair game. Plus that was more Tim's thing, Jason liked shooting his shot up front or atleast that’s what he told himself. He casually grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it on his lap so she wouldn't have to see his raging boner.
"Now how about we fire up the console. Video games you said?" Jason suggested holding the dvd in his hand that Y/N had completely forgotten about. She eagerly grabbed the controllers and settled onto the couch, anticipation sparking in her eyes as the previous tension eased. Jason stared at the game dvd and couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. "Do you play video games often ?" Y/N asked him with a smile. "Only when I'm with the boys at the batcave or with Ro – ahem I meant Arsenal. Starfire is temporarily banned because she's burnt too many controllers out of excitement." She laughed at his words, almost imagining the scene.
"Well I'm sure you dominate in physical fights. Let's see how you hold out in a virtual one. I hope you're ready." Y/N challenged, a competitive gleam in her eyes.
"Bring it on angel." Jason replied, his fingers already poised over the buttons. Before they knew, they were completely immersed in the game, their laughter and exchanging banter and competitive jabs filling the room. Whether they were working together to overcome a tough level or engaging in heated competition, their bond only grew stronger with each passing minute.
"Oh come on ! You've won like the fourth time in a row. This thing has to be rigged !" Jason accusingly jabbed his controller at the screen in frustration, eliciting laughter from Y/N at how worked up he got over something insignificant like a video game.
"'ll let you in on a little secret. I'm a bit of a pro. Back in college, gaming was like my side hustle," she whispered with a mischievous grin, leaning in closer. Jason's interest piqued at her revelation. He couldn't deny his curiosity about how she had been these past few years. Despite his thorough investigations, he knew that no amount of research could uncover the personal intricacies of her college life - the moments of joy that lit up her face, the frustrations that weighed heavy on her shoulders, the solitary hours spent, the struggles she endured, and the victories she celebrated. It was a side of her story that remained untold, a mystery he was eager to unravel.
"In college, I used to dress up real cute and go to frat parties and challenge guys to play with me and if they lost they'd have to pay me." Y/N continued. It sounded like a perfect plan on paper. Deceptive disguise, psychologically analysing targets and exploiting their weaknesses against them, strategic thinking and meticulosity. But her explanation wasn't enough to satiate his curiosity. "And what if they won?" The most important part of any good plan was enticing bait. A part of him knew the answer but still wanted confirmation. "Something no college frat boy would reject. I said I'd blow their dick." Y/N grinned causing Jason to visibly freeze in disbelief. "I know how it sounds, but don’t worry l've never lost. Ever," she assured him quickly. After a pause, Jason's voice wavered at the start of the sentence as he spoke up, "How much did they have to pay you if you won?" Y/ N furrowed her eyebrows slightly, trying to recall the details from the past events. Amidst the long hours of studying in med school and her meager earnings from a part-time job, she had resorted to more crafty ways of earning money and gaming happened to be the most lucrative option to make more in less time.
"Well, most college students couldn't afford to pay much, so it was ten dollars per game," she explained. Jason nodded, retrieving his wallet. "You beat me four times, right ?" With determination, he placed four hundred-dollar bills on the coffee table before her, his next words filled with unwavering resolve,"Play your game with me angel.” Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of the money on the table, and she took in a deep breath, contemplating his offer for a moment. What could she possibly have to lose?
“It's okay Red. You tried.” After two more rounds of competition, Jason suffered a devastating loss before finally realizing why he felt a sense of déjà vu— it was the same video game he, Duke, Dick, and Tim had played a couple of months ago. He vividly remembered losing his temper, nearly throwing hands when Tim used underhanded tactics against him and Dick violated every rule of sportsmanship and sacrificing every last modicum of decency over the game and Damian scoffing at their "immaturity" like he always did while Duke tried his best to pacify the conflict. The reason he didn't recognise this before was because him and Y/N were playing in a different mode than this. "How about we switch up the mode?"
"Sure let's do it."Y/N grinned confidently. The two sat side by side, eyes fixed on the glowing neon screens in front of them. Their fingers danced across the controllers, every move was calculated, every strategy meticulously planned as they vied for dominance. The room was filled with the sound of intense concentration and occasional bursts of laughter or frustration. The tension in the room was palpable, as neither of them were willing to concede an inch in this high-stakes competition. With every round, the stakes rose, and the intensity only grows as they pushed each other to their limits in pursuit of victory.
"You have got to be kidding me." Y/N breathed out as the letters "GAME OVER" As the defeat screen flashed before her eyes, she recoiled in shock, her mouth agape in disbelief. Her eyes widened in astonishment, unable to comprehend how her skill that she believed to be unparalleled had fallen short. Her hands, which had been gripping the controller tightly, now hung limply by her sides, fingers trembling with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. Jason's heart raced with exhilaration, his body shaking with the rush of victory. With a triumphant shout, he leaped from his seat, pumping his fists in the air as a grin stretched across his face. "NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !! LET'S FUCKING GO !!!”
Y/N felt a lump form in her throat as she comprehended the implication of her loss. Her cheeks flushed with a faint blush of embarrassment and she averted her gaze while fidgeting nervously in her seat. Her tongue ran over her lips as she avoided meeting Jason's eyes. He noticed this and remembered what the winning condition was. He straightened up and cleared his throat, regaining his composure," You know it was just a silly game, you don't have to do that. I won't force you into doing anything you're not comfortable with." Y/N managed a small relieved smile," Thank you. But you know a bet is a bet. So how about a kiss instead ? Wait you’re over 18, right ?"
"A kiss ? Oh cool. Yeah we could do that and to answer your question I’m legal. I’d show you my ID but that kinda defeats the whole purpose of the secret identity thing." Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Despite how he composed on the outside, he could almost hear his 10 year old self rejoicing at the prospect of finally being able to kiss his first love. Ever since the warehouse incident, he had buried that naive part of himself, believing it to be dead along with other redeeming qualities, at least according to those around him.
He knew he wandered down dark paths, driven by desires of revenge, bitterness and reckless impulses. But when he looked into her eyes, deep within him, he felt that there was a flicker of hope, a belief that redemption is possible. He knew he wasn't deserving of someone so sweet and pure, but perhaps just this once, he would allow himself this one indulgence.
"So should I like bring out the scarf ?" Y/N asked. Her heart, which was felt unstable and claustrophobically confined inside of her, hammering against her ribcage as if it sought to burst out and soar away. "Don't bother." Jason interjected, producing a small black box from his jacket pocket. "I've been meaning to give you this, but never found the right moment." Y/N opened the box and found a silk blindfold which was black on one side and red on the other, the same shade of red as his helmet. As her fingertips glided over its surface, it felt like touching liquid satin. There's a distinct sensation of coolness and silkiness that enveloped her. It was like touching a cloud or being embraced by a gentle breeze. “What's this for ? Don't trust my scarf enough ?” Y/N joked. Jason shrugged his shoulders and answered casually,“Well yes and no. Your scarf is made of scratchy fabric and you have sensitive skin so I thought —”
“How do you know I have sensitive skin ?” She couldn’t recall sharing that detail, finding it peculiar that he knew. Jason bit his tongue, regretting his slip-up. It was one of those things he remembered about her from years ago. When they were younger, she would often complaint how her work uniform was really scratchy and how she hated it against her sensitive skin and he would always say that when he grew up he would buy her the nicest and softest of clothes. But of course given their current circumstance, he couldn’t tell her that.
Jason pointed to the bottle of lotion sitting on the dinner table. “That. It says for dry and sensitive skin.” Y/N turned in the direction he pointed her astonishment rendering her momentarily speechless, her mouth agape, unable to comprehend how he pieced together such intricate details. Her eyes widened with admiration, reflecting a mixture of awe and reverence for his uncanny ability to observe so keenly, she commented,“ You know everything about you is such a suspension of disbelief kinda thing. Like I’m sure you could tell me the craziest things and I’d go ‘yeah sure that makes sense’. ”Jason chuckled awkwardly, relieved that he had quickly found an explanation for his slip-up and diverted her suspicion,“Well you know being around batman, the detective shit rubs off.”
Y/N raised the blindfold to her eye level and with deliberate movements, she tied it securely around her head, feeling the darkness engulfing her vision. The fabric is incredibly fine, almost weightless against her skin. The smoothness of silk glides effortlessly against the skin, created a feeling of luxury and indulgence effectively making the moment much more sensuous than it was supposed be. With the blindfold tied securely around her eyes, a hush fell over her surroundings, amplifying the sound of her own heartbeat.
A sense of anticipation filled her, as if the world had suddenly become a mystery waiting to be explored solely through touch, sound, and intuition. She couldn’t deny the excitement coursing through her veins, feeling herself surrendering to the unknown, willingly relinquishing the sense of sight for a deeper, more visceral experience. As darkness enveloped her, her other senses heightened, attuned to the subtlest of changes in the environment. Y/N let out a soft gasp when she heard his helmet being set down on the table with a quiet thud.
“You know we don’t have to do this. It’s okay if you want to back out. I —” Jason began tentatively, carefully watching her for any signs of discomfort. She reassured him calmly, “It’s okay. I’m okay.” He slowly cupped her face and leaned closer. She could feel his warm breath on her face. Jason’s lips brushed against hers, uncertain and almost fearful. “Y/N I—” he stilled against her, waiting for her reaction. He knew this was one bridge that once burnt would either leave him at the edge of the abyss or paradise and needless to say, he couldn’t blow this. “Just shut up and kiss me Red. You earned it.”
“Yes ma’am,”Jason let out a breath of disbelief. The world around him seemed to melt away and all that existed was her and the euphoric feeling of her warm and pliant mouth on his. The beast inside him thrashed against the iron bars of his cage of self control, its roars echoing within him — wanting nothing but to sink his teeth into Y/N’s supple and inviting flesh and ravage her. His fingers cupping her face twitched with the need to touch more of her. Before he knew, his hands slid up of its own accord and tangled themselves in the soft locks of her hair.
Jason spent a lifetime honing his self control. Batman had drilled its importance into his system but as of now could feel every last ounce of self control he possessed slip through his fingers like sand. But he forced himself to focus. A part of him felt guilty for feeling the way he felt about her, his need for her — it was desperate, perverse, wrong even because Jason knew that if she realised that who he was she might never look at him the same way again but he couldn’t get himself to let go of something so damnably intoxicating. Y/N was the first one to pull away, her breath came in ragged gasps, her chest heaving as if trying to catch up with her sprinting heart. She could feel him grin against her lips.
“Good game Red.”
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“Does anyone else feel like she's finally lost it, or is it just me ?”
"I can hear you, Stephanie," Y/N huffed, rolling her eyes. In retaliation, the blonde high schooler blew a raspberry at her co-worker, causing Y/N to shake her head in resignation. "That's why I said it. Babs back me up," Stephanie retorted.
“Please. We have enough crazies in Gotham as it is, there’s no need for any more.” Barbara Gordon was another one of Y/N best friends along with Cass Cain and was the daughter of the GCPD commissioner and the girlfriend of Dick Grayson. She was a couple years older than Y/N and most of all, the mom friend and pacifist of the group.
"But you know you have been acting strange. You've been touching your lips every five minutes and zoning out like right now —" Cass trailed off, sipping coffee from cup. Not realizing that she was doing that right now, Y/N jerked her hand off as if caught while stealing. The second the words left Cass's mouth, a realization dawned on the trio simultaneously, as if a light bulb had illuminated above their heads.
"What ?" Y/N muttered feeling oddly cornered. Trying her hardest to ignore the elephant in the room, she went back to working. The three friends exchanged glances, silently debating who would broach the subject with Y/N. Eventually, Barbara rolled her eyes and took charge, as neither of the younger girls seemed willing. "Y/N, I'd like to order," Barbara declared, wheeling her wheelchair closer to the counter. Y/N shifted her attention to her, nodding as she grabbed a pen and notepad, ready to take Barbara's order with practiced efficiency.
"I'd like to order tea," Barbara stated.
"Sure. So, would that be Earl Grey?" Y/N asked with a knowing smile.
"Not that either."
"Darjeeling ? Jasmine ? Matcha ?" Y/N proposed, offering a variety of tea options in an attempt to pinpoint Barbara's preference, her brows furrowing in confusion as to why she wasn't ordering her usual. “Then ?” She tilted her head in questioning but Barbara just smiled back and winked playfully,“You know, tea, piping hot if you know what I mean.”
“Uggh fine you win. So there's this guy,” The h/c haired woman started slowly and the three women groaned in unison. This was a common yet much disliked drill. The atmosphere shifted and a heavy silence settles over the group. Cass's eyes widened, a look worry flashing across her face. She exchanged a quick glance with Steph, who mirrored her expression. Barbara, ever the voice of reason, remained composed but her concern was evident in the slight furrow of her brow,“ We’ve talked about this.”
Y/N, the one who had made the revelation, shifted uncomfortably under the scrutinizing gazes of her companions. She could feel the weight of their judgment bearing down on her, and it made her regret ever bringing up the topic. “Okay just hear me out —”
There was a moment of hesitation, as if each of them was struggling with how to respond to this. Finally, it was Steph who broke the silence, her voice edged with frustration.
“No there will be no ‘hear me out’s. Look Y/N Imma be honest with you. You’re legit nicer than 99.99% gothamites and in all honesty the only thing I hate about you is your fucking taste in men. Every seven months you come with hear me out on men who are leather wearing alcoholics and are always gaslighting, lying, cheating, abusive bastards or just straight up criminals !” She whispered in a tone passionately incredulous, drawing attention from other cafe patrons. Cass remained silent, but her expression spoke volumes. It was clear that she shared Steph's apprehension about their friend's poor taste in men.
Barbara chose her words carefully. “She’s right, you do have a bit of a problem. We just don’t want you getting hurt over guys like that or worse them hurting you and I don’t mean just emotionally.” she spoke gently, her tone laced with genuine concern.
“It’s not even that bad —” Y/N started. “Well you did date a two bit drug dealer.” Cass muttered quietly. “How was I supposed to know that ? It’s not like he offered me to do cocaine on the first date plus Orphan did save me in the nick of time so no harm done.” Y/N huffed in defense.
“Why don’t you try dating someone who’s actually nice for a change?”
“Sure, like who?” Y/N chuckled sarcastically.
“Maybe someone who’s like Dick?” Steph suggested. Dick Grayson was the epitome of the popular charismatic jock kid at school. It wasn’t hard to understand why he was so liked — with his sanguine personality, witty puns, kind hearted and generous personality he was pretty much the shining paragon of an upstanding citizen and your boy next door. Unfortunately, such traits rarely aligned with Y/N tastes. “I mean he’s very attractive of course but he’s just not my type you know. He’s too —”
“Nice ?” Barbara guessed.
“Yeah, that. But if he has a brother then well—” Y/N trailed off, half-jokingly.
“No!” The three exclaimed in unison, catching her off guard. Their eyes widened as if she said something really offensive.
“Whoa what was that about ?” Y/N asked. The three exchanged glances, and Barbara cleared her throat before speaking up. “Well, Dick does have brothers. Two of them are minors, so that’s an immediate no, and the third one— he’s not a bad guy per se. He would never hurt a woman, especially someone as sweet as you, but—”
“But?” Y/N raised an eyebrow and shook her head, urging her friend to continue.
“He’s got issues. Like a boatload of them,” she finished, carefully articulating each word.
“What sort of issue ? Daddy issues ? Mommy Issues ? Parental Issues ? Parental Issues - Orphan Edition ? Step parent issues ? I’ve dealt with them all before you know.”
“More like all, in that order.” Cass muttered.
“Wow this guy sounds like a party. You should introduce me to him sometime. Him and I would definitely hit it off.” Y/N joked.
“Please don’t come up with any more of those ‘I can fix him’s. You’re a barista not Handy Manny.”
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, attempting to brush off their concerns. “You know what I usually mean by I can fix him is that I can made him tolerable till I get bored of him and dump him. Sure, I’ve made mistakes but this one is different,”she insisted.
“Different how ?” Barbara raised her brow skeptically.
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she regaled her friends about the events of the video game bet, conveniently leaving out the details of Red being a vigilante and that prank incident — they didn’t need to know that. Her friends leaned in, somewhat captivated by her animated storytelling. Gasps of disbelief and amazement erupted from her friends. Their curiosity evident as they leaned in, eager to soak in every detail of the story.
The tension in the air had eased as the group exchanged glances, each grappling with their own thoughts and feelings about the situation. It was clear that this revelation had thrown them all for a loop, leaving them unsure of how to proceed. But one thing was certain – they would stand by their friend, even if they didn't particularly agree with her choices.
“You know only I was of legal age, I’d wife you up so fast it’d set world records. That ways we wouldn’t have to deal with this.” Steph lamented, earning a smack from Y/N. Despite her sassy quips and teasing, Stephanie Brown was never shy to be vocal about her affections for her favourite barista. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not into kids. Also aren’t you dating Tim ?” Y/N asked.
“Well yeah. But he’s not like my boyfriend boyfriend. He’s like my pet ferret than my boyfriend.”
“I was so sure I got promoted to pet guinea pig last Monday.” A voice piped up from Y/N’s side. She let out a small scream, her body tensing up in pure terror. Her heart raced as she spun around, eyes wide with fear, her hands poised to defend herself, only to find Tim Drake with an expression of mock offence on his face and Dick next to him with his head propped on top of his fist, listening intently with a smile on his face.
“How long have you been standing here ?” She exclaimed, putting her hand on her hip, her voice a mixture of surprise and reproach. Dick’s mischievous grin faltered slightly as she held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. "Oh don’t mind me," he said, trying to suppress a giggle. "I’m just here for the girl talk."
“Dick I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. You aren’t allowed when we’re having the girl talk.” Y/N jabbed her finger in warning at him, her tone tainted with a hint of genuine irritation.
“What ? Why ? Ever since I first watched Mean Girls I’ve always dreamed of being a part of a girl clique. You can’t do this to me.” Wearing a mock expression of sadness and offence, he pouted like a five year old child, crossing his arms.
“Well you can’t sit with us detective.”
“Why not ?”
“Well because this is a girl clique. Duh.” Steph sassed back. Dick raised his eyebrows, feigning disbelief,“Discrimination, plain and simple. I demand equal rights for guy friends in girl cliques !”
Y/N rolled her eyes, fighting back a smile. "Nice try but no. You're always welcome for skin care and movie nights. But girl talk is strictly off-limits. And no don’t look at Babs, she can’t and won’t help you."
Dick’s shoulders slumped dramatically, admitting defeat. "I guess it's just one of life's cruel ironies. But hey, I can still be an honorary member, right ?" He gave her a hopeful grin, knowing fully well that his charm wouldn't be enough to sway her strict rules.
“Just give up man. Winning isn’t in the cards for you. Now, scram. Y/N should please continue.” Tim shooed Dick as if he were a stray dog. “Tim you too.” Cass deadpanned.
“Why ? I’m not like him ! Pretty sure you girls can make exceptions for bi guinea pigs.” He retorted.
“Ferret,” Steph corrected,“ You ate my turkey sandwich last Tuesday so you got demoted to ferret.”
“Only if you’re ready to forfeit your right to a free coffee refills after five paid cups a day.” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. Tim’s expression twisted into sheer horror, as if she had threatened his very existence. Given his caffeine addiction, it might as well have been a threat on his life.
Tim cleared his throat and began with a disapproving look, "Ahem. Richard, isn't it utterly disgraceful for esteemed gentlemen like us to eavesdrop on ladies like that? Shame on you. What would Alfred and Bruce say ?"
“Who are Alfred and Bruce?” Y/N inquired. Tim immediately regretted his words, closing his eyes briefly. “Oh, just seniors at work,” Dick hastily replied with an awkward laugh. “You two should probably head out,” Barbara interjected with a pointed look. Tim and Dick hurriedly departed without any sign of resistance. As Y/N turned, she noticed Cass had vanished, and Steph had returned to her tasks, leaving her to process the recent events alone. Huh. Weird.
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As Y/N’s weary hand reached for the brass doorknob of her house, she felt the exhaustion of the day to loosen its grip on her, replaced by a sense of relief. The metal of the doorknob offered a stark contrast between its own cold surface and the warmth of home she longed for beyond the threshold. With a familiar click, the door swung open and she hung her bag and scarf on the hat stand. The second she stepped through the threshold, a pleasant aroma of spices and the sound of someone humming to a song floated through the air. The scent was homely and comforting. Wait. I live alone then who’s cooking in the kitchen ? Puzzled and scared, she dropped her keys on the table and cautiously made her way towards the kitchen. With every step, the sound of sizzling and the clinking of utensils grew louder. Tiptoeing to the edge of the kitchen wall, she peered around the corner.
“Red ?” Her eyes widened as she stared at the most unlikely scene she could’ve ever imagined in her life. The vigilante Red Hood — Prince of Gotham, Scourge of the Underworld, the Wraith of Gotham, the Renegade Knight — stood in Y/N’s normal sized apron that looked comically small on him, stirring pasta sauce while listening to Taylor Swift. She stood frozen, unable to process the sheer absurdity of the scene in front of her.
“You’re back !” She could almost see him grinning from behind his signature mask. She blinked several times, thinking all of this was some sort of wishful thinking induced daydream. But the smell of simmering marinara and the faint sound of Taylor Swift's voice confirmed otherwise, effectively shattering any semblance of normalcy in the room leaving her to wonder how could this larger-than-life figure, feared by criminals and revered by the city, be standing in her humble kitchen cooking pasta ?
Yet, there he was, a paradoxical blend of hero and something so curiously domestic. As she watched him, a mix of amusement and curiosity washed over her. “What’s going on here ?” Y/N asked, gesturing to the kitchen in general. “Oh this ? Um it sort of happened,” Jason replied casually, as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world for a vigilante to be whipping up a meal in someone else's kitchen.
“It just happened ?” Y/N repeated dumbfounded. She leaned against the kitchen counter, still trying to process the scene before her. Looking around, she noticed the counter cluttered with groceries she didn’t recall purchasing. Opening the fridge, she saw that her once-empty fridge was stocked with gourmet items she had only seen on upscale cooking shows. “Well I came to see you but you hadn’t returned from work. I got up to get a glass of water from the fridge and saw that there wasn’t anything in it so I —”he began, attempting to explain the situation.
“So you bought me groceries ? And the pasta ? That also just happened ?” she asked, her interest piqued. "Um yeah. It did," he admitted sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. “It was on a whim don’t think too much of it.” Jason glanced at her, hoping she would find his gesture too strange. His eyes flitted to the clock on the wall before landing back at her,"I figured that it’s already dark outside so it’s not safe to go get stuff. Plus, I make a mean pasta," he quipped, flashing a hint of pride in his voice.
She couldn't argue with that. As she watched him continue to cook, a sense of gratitude washed over her. Despite the reputation he amassed, he was here, in her home, bringing solace that no one had in a very long time. Her world felt harmonious, as if every piece fell into place effortlessly. In that moment, Red Hood wasn't just a feared vigilante—he was a friend, albeit an unusual one, who had somehow found his way into her life and her kitchen and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“By the way,” Jason began, wiping his hands on the apron and shifting his tone to seriousness as he turned towards her, “I wanted to ask you something. Where did you get that?” He gestured towards the felt clipboard hanging on the opposite wall. Y/N followed his gaze, seeing the map of Gotham he had given her along with the necklace the week they met. It had really helped her avoid dangerous parts of the town after dark. But why was he asking about it when he was the one who gave it to her? “What do you mean? You’re the one who gave me the map,” she said, tilting her head in confusion.
“Not the map. The batarang. I don’t recall leaving any of those here,” he clarified. Y/N’s eyes fell on the sleek metal batarang pinning the map to the clipboard. Her mouth rounded in an ‘o’ when she pieced it together. “The batarang ? Red Robin gave it to me.” she exclaimed. Her words clearly struck a nerve because Jason felt completely silent following her words. “It’s a funny story actually. You know I work at a café. This one night I was closing up and Red Robin came in asking for a coffee refill. I had almost closed up the shop but the poor thing looked like he had been through hell so I refilled his coffee. He tried to pay but he couldn’t find his wallet so he paid with a batarang.” She quickly added, hoping to diffuse any building tension.
Jason wordlessly walked to the clipboard and effortlessly retrieving the batarang before swapping it with his own from his pocket. “Better.” He muttered with satisfaction, addressing no one in particular. “Hey give that back !” Y/N tried to take it from his hand but he held it above her head where she couldn’t reach it. “What do you even need it for ?” He asked sounding somewhat annoyed. “It was an experience souvenir, you can’t take that !” She tried to reason despite knowing there was no point. “Well I’m sure Red Hood cooking dinner was you is beats refilling coffee for some drenched beaten up rat any day.”
Y/N’s eyes fell on the Red Hood’s batarang that was now pining the Map of Gotham to the clipboard instead of Red Robin’s batarang. It was similar in shape and size, resembling a bat's silhouette with pointed wings extending from a central handle. Except his batarang sported his signature red hue with black-rimmed edges. On closer inspection, Y/N noticed it had the words “Property Of Red Hood” scrawled on it in near illegible handwriting with a permanent marker.
“It’s already in your colours. What’s the point of writing your name on it ?” Y/N asked, her curiosity piqued.
“Because there are little shits that like to take my stuff without asking. So it’s a reminder that if they do, I will find them and after than no one else ever will.” He replied vaguely.
“Thugs ?”
“Worse. Siblings.”
“That sounds… tough,” Y/N remarked. She could only imagine what it would be like dealing with having vigilante siblings and the unique dynamics they have with each other. “You have no idea,” Jason replied in a wry tone. “But y’know ohana and all. Can’t get rid of them even if I wanted to.”
“Then what do you hold against the poor kid ?”
“Look it’s not that. Everyone thinks I hate him but I don’t,” Jason countered, pausing before continuing, “Okay maybe a teeny tiny bit but that’s beside the point. It’s just… it’s just I just hate him with you —”Jason caught himself before ending up saying anything that would just come to bite him in the ass. Y/N’s eyes widened a fraction in realization before smiling. “Are you jealous ?”
“What ? No !” He swiftly shook his head, dismissing the suggestion despite the faint blush creeping up his neck,“ I’m not jealous. He’s just trouble and I don’t want him being near my —”He attempted to maintain his composure, but his defensive tone betrayed a hint of insecurity. Y/N titled her head, studying his body language carefully and asked,“Your what ?”
“My – my person.” Jason finished softly, his gaze dropping to the floor, uncertain about his choice of words. His heart racing as he struggled to find the right words to convey his feelings not wanting giving too much away nor did he want to invite misunderstandings by using the term ‘friend.’
Y/N let out a small chuckle,“ What ? So just because I work for you means I can’t interact with any of your sibling ?”
Jason raised his head in alarm,“ That’s not what I meant !” He clarified hurriedly. Oh ?
“Then what did you mean ? Hmm ?” Y/N inched closer to him, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. It had been exactly five days since he had kissed her, kissed her with insatiable hunger as if he intended to swallow her whole. Glancing down, she noticed his hand clenched around the material of his pants so tightly she feared he might tear a hole into them. Slowly, she trailed her hand up his arm, offering her sweetest smile. She felt his muscles tense under her touch, as though he was fighting - resisting. Y/N knew that teasing him might as well be biting off more than she could chew but Y/N 'life is all about taking risks and new experiences' L/N was willing to bet on her luck.
“The pasta is getting cold. You should —,”Jason's throat tightened as Y/N’s hand reached his shoulder, he couldn’t help but shiver slightly — his resolve wavering under her touch. He swallowed hard, trying to regain his composure, but her closeness was making it increasingly difficult to think straight. He watched as she looked right at him and then lowered her gaze to the part of his mask where his lips would be for a split second and then flit back to his eyes with a teasing mirth dancing in her eyes. Fuck. This woman is driving me crazy.
“— e-eat it before it gets cold,” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As a part of training, Bruce had taught all the Robins the psychology of seduction so that they could identify it and evade it and as of now, every fibre of his being screamed warnings. Her actions were daring, albeit innocent. But they weren't even half as blatant or polished as the seasoned honeytrappers and seductresses he had encountered, but they still stirred something so primal deep within him, tempting him to abandon caution. The part of his arm her fingertips grazed felt like it was on fire. No scratch that he had experienced what it was to have his skin on fire. This was exponentially worse.
Ever since Y/N re-entered his life, Jason Peter Todd was experiencing what one would call selective erectile dysfunction. Consumed by thoughts of Y/N, he found it impossible to concentrate on anything else. So a few weeks back, he sought to blow off some steam and divert his mind from the thoughts of Y/N overwhelming his system. Jason considered himself fairly easy to satisfy since all his encounters had been transactional, outlets for physical release and nothing more.
However much to his bafflement, his dick refused to react to anything for the past few days and embarrassingly so. There were plenty of flavours to choose from at the iceberg lounge but instead Jason jr. decided to give on the silent treatment instead. It was being a dick, literally. After the whole Lazarus pit shebang, whatever toxic shit he got tossed into as a part of some supervillain’s dastardly schemes, prescription meds he got talked into taking for quote unquote “mental health” — He was no stranger to bodily side effects but this was completely different.
This whole thing reached its height when Jason jr. refused to entertain the advances of a perfectly attractive busty blonde despite the fact that it was dying from sexual frustration and Jason was so ready to get over it. Under normal circumstances, it would be up and ready for action however it decided to stay completely and utterly indifferent — bored even. Effectively forcing Jason into non-consensual celibacy.
The only time it did react in his time at the iceberg lounge was when a model who had conspicuously similar hair colour and face shape to Y/N approached him with flirtation in her eyes. Jason jr. almost got hard, key word almost, when it made the important distinction that she was not Y/N and absolutely didn’t want her lips wandering anywhere his frustrating self. And by selective, he meant that Jason jr. developed a will of his own and turned into one of those overly enthusiastic parents cheering for their kids at school plays, not that Jason had experienced it personally, but that’s besides the point. The point being it would tent up and twitch uncontrollably begging for attention the second he sensed Y/N L/N’s presence in a mile’s distance. At the peak of his condition, Jason couldn’t so much as glance at a surface without his brain conjuring obscene images of how she would look pressed down against it, writhing and moaning his name.
As an avid reader, Jason was something of a hopeless romantic man and he knew that a couple’s first time was an important milestone in their relationship and could most definitely not be done on a whim. He had it all planned out, scented candles, silk sheets and all. It had to be special — touching, sweet, loving and most definitely not some lust-fueled spur of the moment thing his dick was pushing for right now. So there wasn’t much he could do, except sit in abject misery and hope to weather through the storm.
Okay, Jason. You survived being blown up by the joker. This is just another challenge. Focus on something else. Jason motivated himself with his voice of reason sounding suspiciously a lot like Nightwing and took a deep breath.
His eyes wandered till they found their way back to Y/N. She was wearing one of her typical sundresses with pastel floral patterns adorning it with a navy blue cardigan draped around her shoulders and the golden necklace resting on her neck. Her hair was fashioned into a high ponytail with loose strands framing her face.
Based on what he had observed she seemed to have a penchant for sundresses, which Jason believed complemented her overall personality quite well. He often found himself mesmerized by the way the sundresses accentuated Y/N's features, the dress hugging her curves perfectly and the fabric flowing gracefully with each movement. She almost looked like she had walked out of a cottage fairy tail. I bet I could shred it like tissue paper. Wait what ? Where did that come from ? Okay let’s try again. He turned his focus back to her. Most of her makeup had worn off from the day’s work, except for the eyeliner and the faintly sparkling light pink lip gloss on her lips, which seemed to have been touched up a few times. I wonder what she would look like on her knees, with her lips wrapped around my cock and that pretty mascara running down her cheeks.
Jason shot a glare at his pants. "Can you please shut up for just two goddamn seconds ? I'm trying to be respectful here," he muttered under his breath, hoping for a moment of peace. At this rate he contemplated the need for an exorcist to exorcise these insistent demons out of his system. He glanced up to find Y/N watching him. "Did you say something?" she asked but he simply shook his head in denial. Though she appeared skeptical, she chose not to press further. Moving to the cabinet, she requested, “Could you please grab the glasses? They’re in the third cabinet on the left,” while she fetched plates for serving and set them on the table. Jason obliged, retrieving the glasses, and as he placed them on the table, his hand inadvertently brushed against hers. Y/N glanced at him and flashed a gentle smile.
He could swear he felt his dick twitch. What are you some sort of pitiful depraved virgin ? Get your shit together. This is downright embarrassing. He scoffed at himself. Amid his current inner turmoil, he had become hyper aware of Y/N’s every micro movement from tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear to adjusting her ponytail or stooping to retrieve a fallen fork. Jason’s breath caught in his throat as he watched her bend down causing hemline of her dress to lift up, revealing a scene that would surely haunt him on his nights alone. No no no dont even- think of the lord Jason. What would Alfred say ?
Our Father who arth in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
“Mmmh this is so good !” Y/N moaned in delight as she took the first bite, her eyes widen in amazement, savoring the flavour dancing on their taste buds. Jason felt his throat dry up. Oh of course, she just had to make that sound. The universe was really against him today, more so than usual. With two dicks talking to him, he just had to figure out which one to listen to.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our — wait how did that go again ?
Despite Jason's best efforts to maintain composure, Y/N's every movement seemed to unravel his resolve further. As she savored each bite, he couldn't help but be captivated by the way her lips formed around the fork, her eyes alight with pleasure. With each passing moment, his internal struggle intensified, torn between the desire to avert his gaze and this magnetic force of a woman. Her presence seemed to envelop him, every sound she made echoing in his mind, her every gesture etched into his memory. How could he resist the temptation when she was right there, so effortlessly bewitching ?
Y/N placed her hand on his and he pulled away instinctively, the smile on her face faltered but she didn’t say anything. Jason made a mental note to bash his head into a wall hard later for hurting her feelings but as of now he was in no position of making any sort physical contact with her. “Won’t you be eating ?” she asked, attempting to diffuse the tension. “I don’t eat before patrol,” he replied, his response came out colder than he had intended it to be. “It’s best to patrol on an empty stomach because it’s not exactly pleasant.”
“Oh.” Her brows furrowed slightly at his icy response, but she nodded, accepting his explanation. His words hung in the air, thick with an unspoken tension. Y/N bit her lip, her gaze flickering between him and the plate of pasta. Feeling a pang of guilt, he tried to ease the atmosphere, though his attempt felt feeble. "But maybe I'll grab something later," he added, a touch of forced warmth in his tone.
“This is really good, you know. You should tell me the recipe sometime,” she suggested. "Nah, I can whip it up for you whenever you want," he replied nonchalantly. Y/N blinked in surprise. "No, I couldn't possibly—"
"Yes, you can," he insisted, pointing at her necklace. It had been over two months since she started wearing it, and thankfully, she hadn't needed to use its emergency SOS feature. Her thumb traced the disk-shaped pendant of the necklace. “Whatcha smiling about ?” Jason asked. “No nothing,”she replied, shaking her head. Not believing her, Jason tilted his head and urged her to continue. “Fine. So, in this K-drama I watched a while back, the female lead had a powerful mythical creature protecting her like sort of a guardian angel, and she could summon him whenever she lit a match. It just reminded me of that.”
“What creature ?” He asked with intrigue. Jason had always been more inclined to reading rather than watching in nature so he didn’t really have much experience with k-dramas but seeing how interested she was, he was more than willing to give it a go.
“A goblin.”she answered taking another bite of the pasta. “I’m not sure how I ought to take that —” Y/N’s eyes widened in realisation because she knew that goblins in western media were depicted as short ugly green monsters with horrible attitudes. “Oh no no ! Not like the DND ones. Korean ones ! He was really hot,” she clarified frantically. Jason chuckled,“Well then I guess I’ll humbly accept the compliment.”
"Maybe we could watch the show together next time we hang out you know," she suggested shyly, not wanting to appear too upfront with her invitation. A small smile played onto Jason’s lips, every single romance novel he had ever read had prepared him for this moment. He had often wondered what it would feel like to experience such a situation. Sure, they had watched random shows like ‘The real housewives of Beverly Hills’ and ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ before, but this invitation felt different, more deliberate. She specifically asked for this. This wasn’t just ‘got nothing to do so let’s just turn on the tv’ kinda hangout, this was special. Jason's heart skipped a beat as he considered her invitation. The subtle nervousness in her voice only added to the charm of the moment. It was as if the universe had conspired to create this perfect opportunity for them to connect on a deeper level.
"Yeah, that sounds great," he replied, his voice betraying a touch of eagerness despite his attempt to appear casual. Deep down, he knew that this was a significant step in their relationship. “But it’ll have to wait. I’m leaving Gotham,” he added with a sad sigh, remembering the reason he had come to see her in the first place.
“What? Why?” His sudden announcement caught Y/N off guard. Did something bad happen ? “Sorry angel, it’s confidential,” he replied briskly. It was in her best interest to keep her as uninvolved in his world as possible, knowing the risks involved in pursuing a relationship with a civilian.
As they sat in uneasy silence, Jason couldn't shake the weight of his own discomfort. He knew he had been too harsh with his response, but the walls he had built around himself were hard to break down, even with someone as kind-hearted as Y/N. Despite his efforts to appear unaffected, he couldn't ignore the concern in her eyes.
Y/N’s mind raced with questions, but she could sense Jason’s reluctance to divulge further. She bit her lip, grappling with a mix of concern and frustration.
“Red did something happen ?” she implored, her voice tinged with worry. “Is it something dangerous? Are you in trouble?”
Jason met her gaze, her expression a mixture of worry and sadness. He hesitated, torn between his desire to confide in her and his commitment to keeping her safe. “It’s just a mission. I’m sorry I can’t tell you much,” he admitted, feeling a sense of regret. “But trust me, it’s better this way. I don’t want you getting mixed up in my business.” Of course it made sense. He didn’t owe her an explanation, knowing there were lines she shouldn’t cross was one of them. This was a world of vigilantes and villains and as a civilian she couldn’t possibly fathom the complexities of his profession.
Y/N reached out, gently placing her hand on his arm. “I understand,” she said, her voice soft but resolute.“You’ll be back right ?”
“Wouldn’t have given you that necklace if I wasn’t going around for my angel. It might take a couple months, maybe three or four. I don’t know. But I’ll be back.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly and continued,“ And still if you get into trouble, you can still use that necklace. I called in a favour from nightwing and orphan.”
“So what did you ask them to exactly ? They get an alert and they’re to drop everything they’re doing and come save me ?” Y/N asked jokingly.
“Well yeah. You get hurt while I’m gone and they’ll end up as fish food in the Gotham Harbour. Y’know they're like my insurance policy for you," he added. "But hopefully, you won't need to cash it in. Just stay safe and out of trouble until I get back."
Y/N nodded, a playful glint in her eyes. "I'll do my best. But you know all that aside, cooking a girl dinner and introducing her to your family, and here I thought we were taking it slow.” Jason paused, caught off guard by her comment. Was that how it appeared ? Her playful expression suggested she was merely teasing him, but what if she was genuinely reciprocating flirtation ?
“You’re a really cruel woman you know angel.”Y/N leaned forward on the table and folded her arms infront of her subconsciously pushing her breasts forward, a coy pout forming on her lips ,“Why do you say that ?” She was fully aware of her effect on him, wasn’t she ?
Jason chuckled softly, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of amusement and admiration,“No need to worry your pretty head with that.” With a quick flick of his finger, he lightly tapped her forehead, a playful retaliation for her teasing. She let out a surprised yelp, rubbing her forehead in mock indignation.
“I should get going before Starfire and Arsenal lose their shit thinking I’ve gone MIA. Again.” He said, rising to his feet and straightening his jacket. Y/N too got up and kept the dishes in the sink. Jason turned to leave from the fire exit but he felt Y/N hold his jacket. “Be careful out there Red.” She smiled softly at him and Jason could feel his heart melt into a puddle. “Can’t promise but I will try.” His words came out with softness he didn’t know he possessed, he squeezed her hand gently before reluctantly letting go. With one last lingering look, he turned and disappeared into the fire exit.
Outside, Jason took a deep breath, the cool night air soothing his nerves. He glanced around, making sure the coast was clear before slipping into the shadows. As he moved through the darkness, he couldn't help but replay their interaction in his mind. Her soft smile, the way she held onto his jacket, and the genuine concern in her voice lingered in his thoughts.
Pushing aside his thoughts, Jason focused on the task at hand. He moved swiftly through the alleyways, his senses alert for any signs of trouble. The city whispered its secrets to him, a constant reminder of the darkness that threatened to consume it. The weight of his responsibilities as Red Hood pressed upon him, reminding him of the dangers lurking in the shadows of Gotham City.
Yet, in that fleeting moment with Y/N, he felt a sense of peace that he hadn't known in a very long time.
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A/n: Jason Todd live reaction
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Ngl I was in a very silly goofy mood when I wrote this.
Tags : @thisisafish123 @ceramic-raven @millyhelp @blamedbisexual @trunkswithlonghair-blog @jasontoddthings @deans-spinster-witch @12134z03
407 notes · View notes
headcanonenthusiast · 5 months
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König NSFW headcanons
It was certainly a close call on the last poll, but König won! So, as promised, here are some NSFW headcanons of this absolute behemoth of a man 😎
I also like König, personally, but it will never not be hilarious to me that this dude doesn't have nearly as much screentime, development, and well, almost everything compared to other characters like Price or Ghost yet SKYROCKETED to popularity while the other members of KorTac are ignored 😭 Ppl like what they like ig.
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.)
NSFW under the cut.
-He's quite obviously noticed by now that he's tall as fuck.
-And the cocky bastard 100% uses that to his advantage.
-Will back you up against anything and trap you there. The wall, a countertop, a corner, anywhere and everywhere he can trap you with his body.
-Now, how him trapping you plays out depends on how you act.
-If you're more playful and disobedient? He's a lot more rough, more demanding, more determined to pin you down and take what he wants.
-"Are you going to do what I say? Or are you going to keep acting like a fucking slut?"
-But if you're more inclined to submit to him, he's the exact opposite. He treats you so delicately, as if you were an expensive vase he doesn't want to break.
-"Oh, I'm sorry, meine liebe. Did I startle you? I didn't mean to."
-Then he's gently pulling you into his chest as his giant hands roam your body.
-Major size kink. The shorter you are compared to him = the gentler he is. Just feel like he doesn't have the heart to be too harsh on you if the height difference is more drastic.
-"No, no, no. I'm not doing that to you, meine liebe."
-His hands run all over your body in a gentle manner, practically cooing and begging at you to change your request. He's too anxious about hurting you if you're much shorter.
-"I don't think you could take it, schatz. You're so much smaller than me, there's no way it won't hurt for you."
-Does love hearing you beg, though. So if you ask really nicely, and repeat your chosen safeword like 50 times, and give him more time to prep you, he might give in.
-"Fine, fine. But, you tell me the moment it hurts, ja? Ja, good. Good girl/boy."
-The way he acts is honestly so dependant on how his partner acts, although he almost always insists on being dominate. That's set in stone.
-But as much as he insists on being on top, he won't be too rough unless you have consented beforehand and act like more of a brat.
-So focused on your eyes at all times, not just when he's pounding you.
-"What? Why are you eyeing me like that?"
-And then when you beg for sex, he'll chuckle with his arms crossed, an amused smirk on his face.
-"Oh, that's why. Alright, fine. I'll give you what you want."
-Does make you beg no matter how you act, though.
-"If, and only if, you ask nicely."
-And if you refuse? May God have mercy on you, because König certainly won't.
-"And just who the hell are you to speak to me that way, huh? When did you become such a brat?"
-Narrows his eyes and is absolutely appaled when you swear at him. Like, hand to his chest, overly dramatic ass expression on his face as if you've actually hurt his feelings and this isn't all consensual.
-"Fine, then I'll just find a better use for that filthy little mouth of yours."
-A huge sucker (no pun intended) for blowjobs.
-If you're someone who likes it rougher and prefers being a brat, he's gonna go a bit harsher on your throat. He gives you a long af lecture for no reason, ranting while his giant fingers dig into your hair.
-"Why do you make things so difficult, liebling? Why?"
-Big fan of fucking you dumb. Prays that he's able to basically turn your mind to mush everytime. And when he does, his ego skyrockets.
-"It must be because you're such a little slut for me. Is that right? Habe ich damit recht, liebling? Was für eine Schlampe du für mich bist."
-But, if you give him a blowjob and are listening to him, it'd go something more like this.
-"You don't have to take it all at once, schatz. It's too much for you."
-"Careful, darling. Don't choke on my cock, now. Don't make your throat sore."
-And he's gently rubbing the back of your head, content hums and moans falling from his lips as he admires you sucking his cock.
-5 inches soft, 7 inches hard and you already know it's fat asf (lord have MERCY 😶)
-Carries you around a lot. Will gladly fuck you with you in his arms if you let him.
-Always grabbing onto your hips, thighs, and even your belly if you're chubbier. He just needs a partner he can grab onto while having sex.
-Really likes to tap the tip of his cock against your clit/dick/ass. Smiles if it makes you twitch a little.
-Praises your pussy/ass constantly for how tight it is.
-"Fuck, this pussy/ass is so tight. Feels so good.."
-And it's either he's cumming super deep inside of you, or he's pulling out at the last minute to paint your pussy lips/ass cheeks with his cum.
-Always enjoys seeing the finished product afterwards, whether it's inside or on you.
-And if you're chubbier? He wants to cum on that belly. In fact, he will. There's barely anything to stop him (besides you using your safeword, ofc) from cumming on your belly.
-"There we go, my perfect little liebling. You look so pretty/handsome painted in my cum."
-He also seems to count eating you out/sucking you off as aftercare. He'll gladly, and very gently, use his mouth on you so you can cum again.
-Then for the actual aftercare, it's fairly simple. He doesn't talk much, just wanting to pass out, but he'll put your head on his chest, a hand on your back with light kisses pressed to your scalp. He allows himself to become your bed as you both drift off.
-And don't worry if you'd prefer more talking for doing so well for him, he'll be sure to properly praise you tomorrow. The entire morning after sex, he's doting upon your every whim, ensuring that he didn't hurt you at all.
Translations: mein/meine = my
Liebling = darling
Schatz = treasure/sweetheart
Liebe = love
Habe ich damit recht, liebling? Was für eine Schlampe du für mich bist. = Am I right about that, darling? What a slut you are for me.
Yall I wrote this while half asleep, I'm so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes 😭
I also had fun with this. I love König just as much as the next basic König lover who's only ever heard of him from tiktok, but I cannot take him 100% seriously, as terrifying as he is 😭 its probably bc of his voice ngl.
Anyways, Ghost is up next! Hope you enjoyed.
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which-item-poll · 4 months
Heya! I post daily polls featuring items from various websites and ask "which item would you rather own?" Pretty simple!
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I got inspiration from other gimmick blogs such as @apolladay @haveyoueatenthisfood @haveyouwatchedthiscartoon @haveyoureadthiscomic-poll @haveyoudrankthis @haveyouplayedthisirlgame-poll @haveyoulistenedtothisalbum-poll @haveyouheardthispodcast @haveyouheardthisband @haveyoureadthismanga-poll @myheroacademia-polls @spicypolls @thisthat-ortheother @doyoulikethisfont @doyoulikethissong-poll @haveyouplayedthisirlgame-poll @haveyouplayedthisgame @haveyoueatenthisfood @haveyoueatenthis @haveyouheardthisband @incognitopolls @pokesmashorpokepass @oc-smashorpass
(reblogs are appreciated!!)
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Important information:
- I just post whatever I find on the internet. You might notice a lot of Sanrio/kawaii stuff and that’s just because I’m obsessed. Sorry lmao.
- There won't ever be a "neither" option, if the poll doesn't apply to you, vote randomly or just scroll!
- My queue is set to one post a day at 3pm est (and I post sporadically in-between)
- If an item/design that I've posted is stolen or has been proven to be a scam, PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND I'LL EITHER CREDIT THE ARTIST OR DELETE IT! (I will need proof though)
- Please do not come here to create drama...i literally just want to make polls🤠👍
- Anon hate will not be responded to
- All the items are the EXACT ones you'd be owning, so try to take their color/style/utility and other factors into your decision!
- I do not accept links if you're on anon!
- I delete asks a lot (like an hour-ish after answering) because I dont like to flood my blog with non-polls, but i still wanna answer as many questions as I can! So if you send an ask, just be aware that it might not be up for too long.
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- The websites will be in the tags & I will always credit Etsy/Redbubble/indie sellers! If you want to promote your store DON'T HESITATE TO ASK, I WILL POST A POLL WITH YOUR DESIRED ITEMS!
(Alternatively if you're an Etsy/redbubble/Indie seller that I've posted and you don't want your items up on here do not hesitate to contact me & I will remove it ASAP!)
Disclaimer: The reason why I don't ask indie stores directly if I can post their items beforehand is simply because I don't have the time. Imo I don't think it's necessary either, no store has asked me to take a poll down so far.
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Tagging for NSFW polls:
- "Tw nsfw", and "nsft" (these will always be on NSFW polls)
- "Sex toys" (this will be tagged when I post sex toy polls. For example: Dildos, fleshlights, buttplugs etc)
- "Tw slight nsfw" (for very light nsfw content such as: chokers and anything with tiny implications of nsfw)
- "Tw nsfw language" (basically anything non-visual that's nsfw. for example, if I answer an ask about something sex related. this tag does NOT mean swearing, only sexual language.)
- "Tw bdsm" and "tw bondage" (these tags will always be on bdsm content such as ropes, handcuffs, gags, etc.)
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Use my ask box on my blog to submit stuff!
Just give me basic ideas like this!
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Suggest me websites here!
Sites that have already been suggested
Main blog: @moonlightaugust
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215 notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 15.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 6,912
warnings/includes (!) prenatal appointments, the appearance of a really cute niece and nephew, minor descriptions of sex, Seokjin’s inner wolf makes an appearance lmfao, Oc officially starts showing, Yoongi appears! Glob’s sex is revealed!!! (the poll results were correct! well done!) 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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note; this is your warning: angst is imminent… 😬 but please enjoy this chapter tyyy! 
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↪︎ series index
SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥
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A couple of days later, you had your 16-week prenatal appointment. After the routine check-up, you got to listen to Glob’s heartbeat and see them on the screen again. You’d requested an ultrasound beforehand, wanting to document Glob’s development every step of the way. You couldn’t wait to go home and compare this sonogram with the 9-week and 12-week ones. It was obvious they had grown a lot (the size of an avocado now! Dr. Choi had informed you), and you could make out their adorable little facial features. Seokjin was convinced they looked like you, but you thought the opposite of course. 
This was actually a pretty big week for Glob. They would begin to hear your voice, their bones and muscles were taking shape, they were growing hair and toenails, their liver and pancreas were starting to work, their legs developing, and their tastebuds were busy forming too! Sooner or later, you would start to experience movement, called ‘quickening,’ which would probably feel more like flutters at first, or tiny pulses. You might even mistake it for gas, but over time you would be able to pinpoint and become familiar with baby’s movements. Plus, as the weeks went by, they would get stronger. It was still a while to go before you would be able to visibly see Glob moving, but the thought excited you greatly – Seokjin, too. 
When Dr. Choi asked how you’d been feeling lately, your reply was ‘pretty great,’ which was an understatement, to be quite honest, all down to recent events. But pregnancy wise? You hadn’t thrown up in weeks and had stopped feeling nauseous altogether. You were feeling more energetic (recent events also proved that…), and your skin was looking pretty fricking good, the best it had since you were a baby yourself, probably. As if Yuna’s words at that restaurant all those weeks ago had been a bad omen, you had recently started to suffer with a tiny bit of constipation, but Dr. Choi advised you to eat high fibre foods and to keep drinking lots of water, especially with the summer weather approaching. You might also start experiencing some mild backache, especially because you sat at a desk for work all day. She gave you a pamphlet on low impact exercises you could start doing and suggested a support pillow for your office chair. You appreciated how helpful and kind she was, and you couldn’t really blame her for admiring Seokjin whatever chance she had, even if she did think she was being discreet about it. He was breathtakingly gorgeous, after all. It didn’t stop you secretly thinking to yourself ‘HAH I had sex with him last night’ though, and you came to the conclusion that it wasn’t your hormones at all, you were just childish… 
Before you left, you scheduled your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, the next big appointment, and the one that would reveal the sex of the baby if you wanted it to. You were both still undecided but had plenty of time to make your minds up.
That evening, Seokjin had plans with Namjoon. It made you really happy to think a potential friendship could be blossoming between the two of them, but the idea of spending the night without Seokjin didn’t fill you with the same feeling. Though, it was probably best to take some space every once in a while, things had definitely ramped up this past week, and you didn’t want to ruin anything. Yes, you were already having a baby together, but you didn’t want to rush your relationship, as ridiculous as that sounded. This was new for both of you, so you needed to be sensible about it. However, it didn’t stop you from wondering how you were ever going to fall asleep tonight without his warm and firm arms around you…
At least you could use the time to phone Yeonja and invite yourself (and a plus one – or two with Glob) around for lunch this weekend. You were still on a high from telling Seokjin and Yuna’s families, their acceptance and excitement giving you some much needed confidence, but that didn’t stop the nerves you felt as you picked up your phone and scrolled through your contacts. In the end though, there was no need, because you couldn’t get a word in edgeways when she picked up the call immediately. 
“Oh ____ darling, I was going to call you tonight! What a coincidence! I hope you’ve been well. Listen, me and your father have some news…” 
You listened in horror and disappointment as she proceeded to tell you about a month-long cruise they’d booked last minute, and would be departing for very early come Saturday morning. All your plans went out the window, and you cupped your stomach as she waffled on, telling you that your siblings were more than trusted enough to be in charge of the house, but if anything happened, she’d told them they could contact you, if that was all right. Of course, you’d replied, feeling a mild pang of guilt when you tried to remember the last time you’d actually spoke to Jueun and Jihoon. You’d been so caught up in your own life you’d totally forgotten about theirs. You hoped Yeonja and your dad a fun and safe trip before saying your goodbyes, but then suddenly, you felt yourself panic. 
“Yeonja—” you blurted, before she had a chance to hang up. 
“Yes, honey?” 
You hesitated, unsure how much you wanted to say on the phone. You couldn’t leave it another month, could you? You’d be showing by then, but telling her the news on the phone seemed so impersonal, not to mention you wanted your father to find out at the same time. Just imagining that loudspeaker phone call made you want to fall through the floor. 
“When you and dad get back, can I come around for lunch?” you settled on. 
“Of course. You know you’re always welcome. We haven’t seen you in weeks.” 
“I know,” you sighed guiltily. “I’m sorry. I’ve been…busy.” It was true to an extent, but you’d also been avoiding them as much as possible too. You took a breath, psyching yourself up. “Can I bring someone?” 
“Mm?” You’d lost her. 
“For lunch,” you explained. “When you get back. I really want to introduce you to someone.” 
You were met with shocked silence. Then, quietly, hopefully, Yeonja asked: “Someone as in… a boyfriend?” 
“____,” she gasped. “A boyfriend?! No wonder you’ve been so busy! Tell me everything immediately!” 
“Not now,” you couldn’t help but laugh. She sounded giddy. “When you get back you can learn all about him. Personally.”
She whined. Actually whined. “Do you think your dad would mind if I cancel the cruise?” 
“Yes! He would!” you laughed again, nodding your head. “I’ll see you in a month, okay?” 
“Yes, okay,” she relented with a sigh. “Bye ____. I can’t wait to let your father know!” 
You didn’t think he’d share the same level of enthusiasm, but you didn’t point that out. “Bye, Yeonja. Enjoy!” 
“We will. Oh, and ____?” 
Her voice was gentle this time, and you could hear her obvious smile in her voice. “I’m so happy for you.” 
“Thank you,” you responded with a smile of your own. 
You’d fooled yourself into thinking her happiness and excitement would be grating, especially because you settling down with someone had been something she’d been going on and on about for years, but in actuality, it was a nice feeling. To have someone be happy for you, excited for you, it felt good, and even though you were disappointed you couldn’t tell her or your father the most important part of the news, this would be enough for now. There wasn’t really much else you could do. 
Just as you were getting ready for bed, you got a call from a ‘merry’ Seokjin. (He was very insistent on the merry part.) If he got into the Uber right now, was he allowed to give them your address? All your internal talk about sensibility went out the window, you wanted to see him and he obviously wanted to see you too… When you opened the door to him twenty minutes later, you were met with a wonky smile, his face flush with alcohol, but he wasn’t drunk he assured you again, just ‘merry.’ He did apologise though, this seemed to be becoming a habit, but he hoped this time you’d let him share your bed – and your shower if that was possible. He wasn’t long, dressed in a set of pyjamas he’d left at your place already and his breath minty fresh courtesy of the extra toothbrush now sat in the holder. You liked having his things in your house, the same as you liked having your things in his… 
He got into bed and sidled up close to you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck and hooking his arms under your waist to hug you to his body. He hummed in satisfaction, one of his legs between yours, and placed a kiss to your shoulder. 
“Did you have fun tonight?” you asked, wrapping your arms around him, liking that his damp hair smelled like your ginger shampoo. He hummed again. “Did you talk about me?” 
“Of course.” 
You smiled, the way his lips moved as he spoke tickling, but you didn’t press him. After a short while, you heard his breathing start to even out, puffing against your shoulder, presuming he was falling asleep, and wondering how awkward that was going to be for you considering he was wrapped around you like a monkey.
“I told myself I should stay away tonight.” The unexpected sound of his voice made you jerk in surprise, and you waited for him to continue. “I don’t want to rush anything, but I can’t help it,” he admitted with a whisper. 
Your fingers played with the ends of his hair.  “I was thinking the same… I’m glad you called. I missed you.” 
“I missed you, too,” he replied, giving you another small squeeze. “I mean, you’re already pregnant,” he reasoned. “We skipped alotta steps.” 
“That’s true,” you laughed. Your situation wasn’t exactly the norm, and anyway, if you wanted to see Seokjin every day, why shouldn’t you? You were happy and secure, and you’d been working up to this for weeks now, months. You’d already taken your time, been sensible, made sure everything felt right. You were certain of your feelings, certain of his. Certain of this…relationship. 
“Listen,” you began, thinking you should tell him now instead of waiting until the morning when he was rushing to leave. “I called Yeonja this evening. Before I could get us an invite to lunch, she told me her and dad are going on a month-long cruise…”
Seokjin lifted his head, his hair flattened to his forehead comically. “When?”
“Saturday. 3am.” They had to leave that early to make the drive down. 
“That messes things up a bit. We can’t tell them the news without them there.”
He successfully managed to make you laugh, the sound wheezing out of you, but you still felt guilty, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, it’s not your fault,” he said, stroking your back. 
“But if we’d told them sooner…” 
He shook his head. “We weren’t ready then.” 
Correction: you weren’t ready. 
“It’s only a month.” 
“I’m going to show up at their door 5 months pregnant,” you snorted. 
“Look on the bright side, you’ll have a bump by then.” His grin made you grin, feeling him happily stroke your stomach. He couldn’t wait for you to start showing properly.
You leaned up to kiss him, sandwiching his bottom lip between yours softly. “I told her I wanted to introduce them to someone when they got back. Yeonja was over the moon to find out I have a boyfriend.” 
He tilted his head, giving you a slow smile. “A boyfriend? Is that what I am?” 
“If you want to be,” you whispered, kissing him again. 
He chuckled quietly, rubbing your nose with his. “I think I’m slightly more than that, don’t you think?” 
You didn’t need to respond. He was right, it was obvious. 
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That one month passed by in a blur. 
You visited Seokjin’s parents twice more. The first you’d been granted the honour of flipping through three full photo albums of little boy Seokjinie, absolutely in your element, snapping pictures on your phone to show Yuna at a later date. You couldn’t get enough of that cute button nose and those round dark eyes and rosebud lips. Mikyung narrated the story behind every photo, much to Seokjin’s disdain and your delight. Seeing pictures of Seokjin’s parents at the hospital holding a new-born Seokjin in their arms made you feel an indescribable eagerness – and longing – for that moment to happen to you. 
The second time, Seokjin’s brother and wife were there too, their two children in tow, who were literally the most adorable children you’d ever met. Jiu was still very young, not yet two, so she was a little unsure upon meeting you, hiding behind her mom on wobbly feet, tugging at her dress, begging to be picked up. Taeoh on the other hand was boisterous and talkative, curious about the stranger in his grandparents’ home. After lunch, he practically dragged you up the stairs to what he called his and Jiu’s ‘Toy Room,’ showing off each car and doll and piece of Lego with pride and enthusiasm. 
Soon boring himself, he stood next to where you sat on the worn leather couch, Seokjin by your side. He hovered, moving from one foot to the other, his small hand resting on your thigh as he glanced up at you inquisitively. “My mommy says this is my cousin inside there.” There was just above your bellybutton, a chubby finger poking you softly. 
“She’s right,” you laughed just as soft, amused and finding him cute as fuck, his other hand pushing his jet-black hair from his eyes. 
“Is it a boy cousin or a girl cousin?” 
“We don’t know yet. Would you like us to find out?” 
Taeoh nodded enthusiastically, resting is hand on your thigh again. “Yes. ’Cos then I can know if to share my-my cars with them.” He was excited, stuttering slightly as he attempted to get his words out quickly, out of breath and bouncing on his feet. 
“Taeoh, I’m sure your baby cousin can play with your cars regardless—I mean, it doesn’t matter,” – Seokjin corrected himself quickly, understanding a five-year old probably wouldn’t know what the word ‘regardless’ meant – “if they’re a boy or girl. You don’t mind what toys you play with, do you? You play with everything.” 
“I do,” he agreed. “But-but Jiu doesn’t like my cars. She always throws them and tries to break them.” 
“I think that’s just Jiu’s way of playing, buddy,” Seokjin chuckled. “She’s still a baby.” 
“No, she’s not!” he argued loudly, jumping. “She’s nearly THIS many!” He started to brandish two fingers around. 
“That many,” you gasped, curling an arm around his waist when he tripped into your leg. “And how many are you?” 
“Five!” He lifted the rest of his fingers proudly, laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world when Seokjin leaned over to high five him. 
Soon enough, he was gazing up at you with the same sparkling eyes Seokjin – and Seokwon, you’d learned today – had. “Can I tell you something, ____?” In the two hours that he’d grown to know you, your name had become his new favourite word. He also said it with that cute kid voice that made everything sound adorable. 
“Of course, Taeoh.” You smiled when he started to curl a strand of your hair around his finger. Everything he did, he did carefully. 
“My daddy said that babies are made when two people love each other very much.” 
Despite your eyes widening a fraction, not expecting the turn in conversation, you managed to nod your head in agreement. “That’s true.” 
He could learn when he was much, much older, that making babies was often one of the easiest things to do in the world. Just like you had learned the same not even five months ago. 
“But if Jin loves you so much, why-why has it taken this long to meet you?” 
You tried not to snort with laughter, instead turning to your more-than-a-boyfriend boyfriend with a smirk. “Jin?” You’d leave the hard questions for him. You were still in training. 
“Well,” he began, followed by a comically long pause, obviously racking his brains. “That’s because I didn’t want to share ____ with anyone.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I wanted to keep her all to myself.” 
“Because I just wanted to.” 
“But why?” 
You couldn’t help it then, bursting out with laughter. This child would make a great interrogator one day, that was for sure. Taeoh blinked up at you, his lips curling up at the edges, making his cheeks puff out, before he started to laugh too. “Do you find me funny, ____?” he asked happily, beaming when you nodded in agreement.
Much later, after you’d driven back to Seokjin’s apartment and had a late but light dinner, you brought up something that had been niggling in the back of your mind. You’d spend most of the ride home thinking about how you practically had zero experience with children and babies, having spent the ride there, worrying about how you were going to even interact with Seokjin’s niece and nephew. Thankfully, it had all gone well, but you still couldn’t entirely quell your silly doubts. 
Both your parents had been only children, so growing up you’d had no aunts or uncles, no cousins. When your siblings had been born you’d been a teenager, and you hadn’t been around all that much. It felt like an eternity ago now. The last baby you’d held was three years ago when you’d met up with a childhood best friend who’d recently given birth. Come November you’d surely be out of your depth, no? You didn’t know anything about feeding babies and changing their diapers, didn’t know what their cries meant, if they sounded different at all. 
Or maybe all this worrying was redundant. Maybe an immediate maternal instinct would kick in and you’d magically know everything once your baby was in your arms… 
“And you think I’m any better?” Seokjin chuckled once he’d listened to your word-vomit, wrapping his arm around you on the sofa, squeezing your shoulders reassuringly. 
“At least you have some experience,” you grumbled. 
He paused, thinking. “I still think it’s difficult. Like, relating to kids, having conversations with them…” 
“Pfft.” That was hard to believe, he always acted like a big kid when he was with Hoseok and Jungkook. You’d seen it in action multiple times by now.  
“Come on, if Taeoh had asked me how babies were made? God knows what I would have said.” 
You laughed, remembering back to Taeoh’s incessant questioning. “You handled his grilling very well.” Seokjin’s hum was neither agreeing nor disagreeing, making you smile. “It was nice seeing Uncle Jin in action today. They both love you.” 
The quirk of his mouth made a singular dimple appear. “Well, of course, it’s hard not to.” 
“I think someone’s very full of themselves,” you snorted, resting your temple on his shoulder. 
His returning laughter vibrated through you, but then he kissed the top of your head. “Don’t be nervous, angel. Glob will be different. When they’re born, it’ll just be easy. You’re going to be a great mother.” 
His sudden words made you feel choked up, your throat slightly painful, so you said nothing in reply, not trusting yourself to. After a moment, sensing the mood, so attune to your emotions, he joked: “Taeoh absolutely loved you. Did you see him? Couldn’t stop touching you. I’m gonna have to keep my eye on him. A little Mr. Steal Your Girl in the making.” 
The moment lightened; a laugh bubbled out of you. “Has he been taking lessons off Jungkook?” 
“Hey! Is there something you want to tell me?” 
Laughing harder, you lifted your head. When Seokjin kissed you, you closed your eyes and really let yourself feel it, feel him. Three days ago, you’d given him a key to your house for no other reason that it just felt like the next thing to do, the right thing to do. He’d used it for the first time yesterday, exclaiming loudly as he came through the door ‘Honey, I’m home,’ making you laugh like a hyena. You did that a lot around him. Laugh. You teased that he wasn’t even that funny, and you were probably laughing at him most of the time, but he didn’t care about the reason, he told you, he just liked hearing the sound of your happiness. 
“You too,” you smiled when he broke away, your words only confusing him. “You too,” you repeated gently, “you’re going to be a great father.” 
That took him by surprise, his face flushing briefly before he shook his head and groaned. “Don’t jinx it.” 
“Seriously,” you maintained. “If I wasn’t doing this with you, I’d have lost my mind months ago” 
You’d lucked out. Majorly. Any other man would have probably left you at that hospital and never looked back. 
When Seokjin smiled, you kissed the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.” 
“You don’t have to thank me, ____. I’m not doing this out of duty or pity.” 
“No, I mean, thank you for breaking that condom and coming inside of me.” 
Seokjin’s laughter was loud and unrestrained, delighting you. Just as he liked hearing the sound of your happiness, you liked to hear his too. “It was my pleasure,” he replied. “No seriously, lots and lots of my pleasure…”  
It was your turn to laugh loudly then. 
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At around 18 weeks pregnant, your bump seemed to pop overnight. You’d read about it numerous times but hadn’t quite believed it to be true until it happened to you. One minute there was barely a swell, the next people were giving up their seat to you on the subway, confirming that yes, you were now quite noticeably pregnant. It was around that time you first started to feel belly flutters too. At first, you had mistaken it for gas, just like Dr. Choi had said, a feeling like bubbles popping making you think you needed to give chewing on chillies a rest. Although recently, you’d been craving toast, at all hours of the day. (Just two nights ago, Seokjin had found you making it in his kitchen at 4am.) But back to the flutters, the popping soon morphed into what felt like muscle spasms, and after a brief call with Dr. Choi, she confirmed that what you were experiencing was indeed quickening. It was all very exciting, even for Seokjin who couldn’t feel a thing. However, that didn’t stop him from laying his head against your lower stomach whatever chance he got. All he got though, was to hear your stomach digesting your food… 
With the appearance of your bump, Yuna thought it was a good idea to start sending you images and video clips of pregnant people with absolutely mahoosive bumps. The fact skin could stretch that much baffled you, and you felt weak at the knees every time you imagined growing even remotely that big. It didn’t help that Seohyun, Seokjin’s sister-in-law, had let slip about how big Kim babies could get in the womb. You were terrified, and a little irked that Seokjin hadn’t warned you earlier. Seokjin’s brother had been nearly ten pounds being born, while Seokjin had been ‘smaller.’ 8lb 5oz didn’t sound very small to you! 
So, because of Yuna and the Kim family, you’d started moisturising your bump like holy hell. You needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity as much as possible. Stretch marks didn’t upset you, you were no stranger to them already, but actually splitting open did. Scrap that, upsetting you wasn’t the correct word, it was downright haunting you, nightmares in the middle of the night style. Seokjin was a big fan of ‘moisturising time’ as he liked to call it. At first, you’d roped him into helping you rub the cream into your lower back, but now he pretty much did everywhere. 9 out of ten times it ended in sex. Seokjin blamed it on all the touching. Every time he touched your bare skin in practically any capacity at all, he “popped a boner like some horny teenager.” (His eloquent words, not yours.) 
Tonight had been much the same. You’d shared a Ghost moment, but instead of helping you make pottery, Seokjin had rubbed moisturiser into your stomach from behind, all while his very erect penis had pressed against your lower back… In general, Seokjin loved to touch and hold your belly during sex, even more so now that you were showing. His favourite way to have you was either from behind or spooning, he had the best grip that way. Tonight it was the latter. Pumping into you steadily, his ragged breath in your ear, his palm on your stomach, firm and warm, stroking up, then down, repeating. You couldn’t lie, when he touched you like this it felt so intimate. 
You moaned, twisting so you could kiss him, your mouth knocking against his chin before he righted it, matching your moan when your fingers twisted through his thick hair. “I’m close,” he admitted, voice tight. Slowly, his hand travelled down between your legs and he caught your clit between his knuckles, rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. You jerked, the pleasure acute and intense, your walls clenching around him. His grunt as he started to spill inside you encouraged your own orgasm, clit pulsing along with his motions, before his hand found its way against your stomach again, holding you against his chest as you both came to and caught your breath. 
When you came back after peeing, Seokjin was still in the same position, lifting his arm so you could snuggle back against him, kissing the back of your neck with a happy noise, spooning once again. This was your favourite place to be, in his humungous bed, sharing his body warmth, the smell of his skin, the feel of his hair tickling your face. 
“Does the fact you got me pregnant turn you on?” Your question was random and loud, taking him by surprise. 
“What?” It amused you greatly to know his first reaction was to deny it. You said nothing in response, waiting for him. Finally, he relented, mumbling into your shoulder. “I-I don’t know…Yes…?” 
“Why are you embarrassed?” you laughed. “Tell me what’s hot about it.” You grabbed his hand, placed it over your stomach again, relishing in the warmth. “Come on, I’m curious.” 
Seokjin lifted up on his elbow, looking down at you in mild confusion, but he knew you well enough now to know that you wouldn’t be letting this go. “Well…” he began, running his palm up a little, resting it just under your breasts. He rubbed his jaw against your cheek, his weekend stubble feeling good. (But it would feel even better against your thighs…) “Other than the fact I find you absolutely gorgeous like this…” 
You grinned, distracted enough to not notice at first that he’d trailed off and gotten embarrassed again. “And…?” you prompted, eager for more.  
He settled back down, groaning against your neck. “I don’t know, it’s just—I did that. I got you pregnant.” You waited for more patiently. “I never thought it was something I’d be into. Well, I didn’t give it much thought before, didn’t need to…but…” His hand moved to your stomach again, fingertips pressing in slightly. “You’re carrying my baby inside of you.” 
The way he said it sent a shiver up your spine, your nipples hardening. You opened your mouth, which was now dry, to say something, anything, but he wasn’t done. 
“I think about it every time I come.” 
His voice was deep, husky, and you felt your stomach swoop, suddenly hot all over. 
“I sound creepy as fuck,” he groaned again, hiding his face against your shoulder, 
“Not creepy,” you insisted with a small laugh. You were turned on all over again. 
“Really?” He sounded doubtful. 
“No. Just…alpha?” 
You couldn’t think of a better word, suddenly reminded of all those cringy alpha male books you’d come across over the years. However, call you biased, you didn’t care, hearing Seokjin say those kind of things was hot. If it was someone called Landon from Her Alpha King, or something equally as cliché, you would have been gagging. 
“Alpha?” He asked all confused. “Like…wolves?” 
“I guess,” you laughed. “You sound like some alpha male.”
“That doesn’t sound like me at all.” 
“No,” you agreed. “You’re too soft and sweet.” 
“I’m not soft!” 
“You are right now,” you teased, reaching behind you to cup his flaccid dick, squeezing gently. 
He nudged his hips, voice low in your ear. “Give it a minute.” 
“Yes. This wolf can go all night, baby!” 
He had you on your back and was on top of you in an instant, growling and snapping at your neck, and you shrieked loudly, absolutely mortified, but finding it hilarious all the same.  
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“Oh shit, sorry!” 
At the sound of Yoongi’s voice, you and Seokjin broke apart, both feeling a little awkward at having been caught. Although, what did you expect, kissing outside your work building for all to see? 
“It’s all right,” you managed to say, smiling at Yoongi over Seokjin’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Seokjin chuckled, turning slightly to address him too. “I have to go, I’m late already.” 
Seokjin had treated you to lunch, an early celebration because come this time tomorrow, you’d know if you were having a son or daughter! 
 “Surely the boss doesn’t need to worry about his timekeeping,” Yoongi joked, earning him a laugh. 
Seokjin turned back to you as Yoongi walked towards the door, hanging back so you could walk to the office together. “I’ll see you later,” you smiled. 
“Sure. Bye. Bye, Globby.” He bent, lightly brushing his lips against your bump, making you giggle. When he straightened up, his hand running down your side as he did so, he nodded to Yoongi. “Nice seeing you, Yoongi.” 
“You too. See you.” 
You waved Seokjin goodbye before he turned around and started to walk down the street, then turned to walk inside, you and Yoongi both greeting the security guard. You were still feeling a little awkward, but it was probably all in your head. Yoongi seemed unbothered by the interaction, letting you enter the elevator first before he pressed the button for Artkive’s floor. You were all adults after all, and it had been over two months since what happened had happened. Yoongi was doing great now, that much was obvious. (But you’d also gotten some details out of Namjoon discreetly, just to make sure.) There was no need to feel uncomfortable every time you, he and Seokjin were in the same vicinity together. Yoongi obviously didn’t. 
“You seem really happy,” he said unexpectedly, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I’m glad.” 
You looked over, smiling to mask your surprise. “We’re finding out whether Globby is a boy or a girl tomorrow,” you explained. Unsure if he’d meant you looked happy today, or you looked happy in general. You assumed it was the latter, but if you were being honest, you didn’t know if you wanted to have that kind of conversation. 
“That’s tomorrow?” he asked, rolling with it. “Excited?”
You nodded. “I didn’t think I would be actually. Seokjin and I weren’t too fussed, but we’re starting to get curious now. We don’t think we can hold out another twenty weeks.” You were babbling, any chance to talk about your pregnancy, and stopped yourself as soon as you realised. 
Over the past four weeks, you’d gone back and forth with the decision. Taeoh was obviously very eager to know what cousin he would be getting, Seokjin’s mom too, beyond excited to find out if she’d be having a second grandson or second granddaughter. Yuna was also pretty enthusiastic, needing to know for “wedding purposes.” For you and Seokjin, it hadn’t mattered so much. You would be happy either way, loving your child all the same regardless, now and in the future. But, as time went on, you’d started to change your minds on the surprise element. You had halfway to go, and the curiosity might start getting to you both as time went on. There was no harm in finding out whether you’d be having a son or daughter, you’d ultimately decided. In fact, it would make you feel even more excited. You could agree on a name for one, even if the thought of ceasing the nickname Glob made you sad. 
In the past, when Seokjin had imagined his family, he’d told you he’d pictured a daughter first, so his son could have an older sister. When you were a teenager, envisioning your future life, it had been your dream to have one of each too. But then again, wasn’t it everyone’s? Regardless, it was a nice feeling anyway, to imagine having a second child later on down the line, creating a family unit with Seokjin. Sometimes you daydreamed about it during workhours… 
“Neither can the office,” Yoongi laughed, once again tugging you out of your reverie. You stepped out of the elevator together. “I’ve put down twenty on Glob being a girl.” 
You shook your head, laughing. You’d chosen not to partake in the office betting pool when the sheet had been passed around from desk to desk. What’s more, the idea had been Namjoon’s… (He was convinced Glob would be a boy.) 
“Care to share in advance?” Yoongi suggested hopefully, head tilted. “Just so I know if I’ll have to part with my cash come Monday.” 
“I’ll text you,” you agreed, laughing once more as you entered the office. 
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“Woah, look at you!” Dr. Choi exclaimed as Seokjin held the door open for you to step inside her office first. 
“Definitely looks pregnant now,” Seokjin laughed happily, an attentive hand on your lower back as you made your way over to sit. 
You thought the white dress you were wearing seemed to emphasise your bump more, and you liked it that way. You’d spent five minutes before you left admiring yourself in the full-length mirror, grinning at your reflection, before snapping a picture and sending it to Yuna with the following emojis: 🤰🤩😍. Her response? Looking like a motherfucking MILF 🔥 Globby’s mom is hot AF 🥵
“How are you finding it?” Dr. Choi asked with a kind smile, placing your maternity records on the desk. 
“Honestly? Really good for the most part. I’ve got some backache, but it’s not terrible at the moment. I’ve started getting heartburn” – you pulled a face – “which isn’t fun, but it’s not too often. Um…” You trailed off, trying to think. Your sex drive was as high as ever right now, but you weren’t exactly going to tell Dr. Choi that, TMI, but also, it was hardly a bad thing. You couldn’t remember a time when you’d had this much sex. You couldn’t keep your hands off one another. 
“Sleeping well?” she prompted. 
“I can’t sleep on my stomach anymore, which isn’t a big deal because I don’t do it very often, but sometimes I wake myself up because I’m shifting into that position in my sleep.”  
“What about fidgeting?” Seokjin asked, surprising you. “____ likes to move around a lot in her sleep.” 
Dr. Choi blinked, her eyebrows lifting, and then laughed. “I don’t know if that’s a symptom of pregnancy, Jin. Maybe just an existing habit.” 
“Definitely,” you agreed with a laugh, feeling oddly happy by Seokjin’s indication. You were a fidgeter, tossing and turning around in your sleep, hogging blankets, kicking shins, while Seokjin seemed to stay in exactly the same position all throughout the night. It had taken you both a little while to adjust to sharing a bed, but you did it so often these days, it was barely an issue. (Especially if you were sleeping in Seokjin’s bed.)
“Sleeping on your side is best from here on in – left, if possible,” Dr. Choi continued. “It’s good for circulation, helps get optimum blood flow to baby. Any vivid or strange dreams lately? That can be quite common now. You’ll notice you remember more.” 
“A few, I guess,” you replied, mentally laughing when you remembered the one you’d had a few nights ago, where you’d given birth to RJ the mascot, whatever that meant. 
Before you got started with the ultrasound, Dr. Choi informed you of a few more things, giving you tips on stretches to prevent leg cramp, and informing that from here on in, your feet might soon start to swell. You should rest them up whenever possible, and Seokjin even joked that he was on hand for foot massages whenever you demanded them. She also gave you a brief rundown of things that Glob had been up to these past couple of weeks. Right now, they were around the size of a banana, probably weighing around 10 ounces, and had learned the sucking reflex. If you were lucky, you might be able to get an image of them sucking their thumb! They had also developed regular sleep/wake cycles and quickening should be becoming more noticeable now. It was! 
When you found yourself on the examination table once again, the light in the room virtually gone so the ultrasound could be seen properly, the nerves started to kick in. This ultrasound was a very big deal, not just because it was the one that would allow you to find out the sex of your baby, but because it would allow you to see every single part of Glob – inside and out. With the anatomy scan, Dr. Choi would be making sure that everything was okay and developing and growing properly. Like this, it was easy to remember how fearful you were of medical settings, but with Seokjin by your side, holding your clammy hand, you told yourself it was all right. 
Dr. Choi started taking measurements and pointing out all the different parts that made up your baby. Because Glob wasn’t fully formed yet, you were able to see all their organs, which made this appointment so vital, and it amazed the two of you so much. You watched the screen in awe. You were able to see their brain hemispheres, their spine, the lenses of their eyes, the chambers of their heart, the kidneys… and their sex organs. Glob was awake and very active, wriggling about, waving their hands, kicking their feet, rolling over, but thankfully, they managed to stay still long enough to determine whether they were a boy or a girl. 
“Ok. Ready?” Dr. Choi asked, smiling over at you both. You took a deep breath, sharing a look with Seokjin before you nodded. Dr. Choi kept smiling and then said: “You’re having a daughter, congratulations.” 
Your head shot back over to Seokjin, the both of you wide-eyed as you stared at one another and made practically soundless gasping noises. “A girl!” he said happily, leaning in to kiss you. You squeezed his hand with both of yours, feeling too overwhelmed to respond. But you could tell you were grinning hard with how your cheeks had started to ache. You looked back at the screen, listening eagerly when Dr. Choi started to explain and point out why she was certain Glob was a girl. 
You were still astonished though, even as she finished up, not quite taking everything she was saying in as she spoke about the biometry and listened to the heartbeat. 
“Everything is well. Baby girl, is doing wonderful. She’s developing perfectly. Everything is okay with you,” Dr. Choi explained reassuringly, and it was at that point, you realised you were crying a little. Your cheeks damp. 
You didn’t really understand why; you would have still been this happy if you’d learned you were having a boy, but it was more so to do with the fact that you now knew your baby – your daughter – was very healthy and developing as she should.
Everything felt so much more real, which was ludicrous, because it had felt real before now, but it was just the way you felt. You were one step closer to meeting…her. One step closer to becoming a mother. 
Seokjin was just as happy, wrapping his arm around you once you sat up, and as you looked at him, you noticed his tearful eyes. You tilted your chin to place a kiss on his mouth. 
You left the doctor’s office that day with enough images to fill a photo album.  
*Bonus texts with Yoongi*
You can keep your twenty  
Yoongi 6:23pm Really?! Phew, that was my last until payday  Congrats ____ 😁
Thank you :)
Yoongi 6:26pm So which was it? Glob for a boy? Globby for a girl?
Actually it’s the opposite 😅
Yoongi 6:27pm I think Globbina is the better choice 
That’s so pretty… Let’s see if it gets Seokjin’s seal of approval 
Yoongi 6:30pm Fingers crossed 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
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illuminatedferret · 5 months
Poll idea for you if you want? Or you can just take it as a normal thoughts ask. I've been pondering it myself and seeing what others think might be nice.
Does Jun Wu know Hua Cheng is Wu Ming?
1. Yes, the whole time.
2. No, he doesn't.
3. He figures it out over the course of the present day plot.
I wonder because he told XL that WM was gone and used how 'alone' and 'abandoned' XL is alot in his arguments. But also isn't the kiln and mount tonglu like his space. He never saw any of the statues and wondered? Also what did he think HC wanted from XL? Friendship? Relationship? Revenge? Control? What did he even think of Crimson Rain during the 800 years? I can see him having Black Water figured out and just enjoying that whole mess, but I'm not sure I can imagine what he thought of HC. For a character that really seems to know a lot, I can't help seeing HC as a bit of a blind spot for him? Maybe wilfully dismissed as unimportant?? Jun Wu be hard to understand 😅
Lot your fics and posts ❤
Hey! Thanks for the ask! I made a poll out of it(as u know) and now as promised I'm also gonna share my thoughts!
Short answer: no! I do not believe so. And I don't for one very specific reason- Jun Wu mentions Wuming during the fight on the Heavens-Crossing Bridge. Specifically, he mentions whether or not Hua Cheng knows about Wuming, and all the things Xie Lian did back in his first banishment. He says it to undermine Xie Lian's confidence, both in the fight and in Hua Cheng's feelings for him. If he knew that Wuming was right there, ready to go "actually that's me, I already know all about that stuff, and I'm totally cool with it." he never would have brought him up.
Longer answer: we don't actually know how much attention Jun Wu paid to Mount Tonglu. I mean, it's never confirmed one way or another that he knows/doesn't know everything that goes on down there. I think it's sort of a mixed bag. On one hand, he didn't know about the statue of Xie Lian in the Kiln. On the other, he was in the Cave of Ten Thousand Gods, and the way I see it, he could have either found it beforehand, or he could have followed Xie Lian into it(because he was following Xie Lian by that point- right before he wakes up in the cave he has a nightmare about White No-Face, actually). I think the latter, just because he doesn't act during canon like he knows Hua Cheng is, like, mega-into Xie Lian. Because I do think that it's not hard to put together who made the Cave of Ten Thousand Gods if you saw it uncovered and thought about it a little.
In regards to what he thought Hua Cheng wanted out of Xie Lian... I think it's safe to say that at least initially he didn't think Hua Cheng loved him or anything. He tries to break apart Xie Lian and Hua Cheng very early, by sending Xie Lian to Ghost City on a mission that runs directly against Hua Cheng. Nevermind Xie Lian seeing the Gamblers' Den(which many people would find distasteful and think less of Hua Cheng for), if Hua Cheng wasn't so gung-ho about helping Xie Lian, recovering Ming Yi(and Lang Qianqiu) would've been really ugly. If Jun Wu actually knew Hua Cheng loved Xie Lian(or desired him sexually), I can't see him NOT trying to use that, either to harm Xie Lian or poison his opinion of Hua Cheng(like FXMQ).
I think it's also important to recognize that Mount Tonglu opened while Xie Lian was with Hua Cheng. Jun Wu did that. By this point in time, he's(I believe) already consumed Lang Ying, so he knew that Hua Cheng had invited Xie Lian to Ghost City for the day. If Hua Cheng's reaction hadn't been #KissingTime but violence instead, Xie Lian would have been greatly hurt, and that would have had its own repercussions on their relationship. (if it had been sexual violence...? i think he would have been mad about that, actually) The more I think about it, the more it seems like Jun Wu just didn't want Xie Lian around Hua Cheng at all, like "a supreme's already called dibs on him, back off" kind of deal.
What Jun Wu thinks of Hua Cheng... Overall I think he just hated him. Didn't like him at best. Hua Cheng really did turn out to be a blind spot of Jun Wu's, because there was so much about him that he didn't know. He didn't know he was Wuming or that he loved Xie Lian, and so he didn't think to incorporate those facts into his plans. But beyond that? Not sure. He definitely didn't like him- I would say there was value in Hua Cheng being feared and thus inspiring worship of Jun Wu and the heavens, but he has plenty of worshipers himself. Maybe some stuff about encouraging Heavenly Official solidarity. But I think the existence of Ghost City had a significant(positive) impact on the Mortal Realm, removing 'evil' stuff from the streets of mortal cities and giving ghosts a safe place to live, rather than remain in the open world where they can cause problems. So I don't think he liked that either. I also think he hated having such a powerful figure that he didn't have something over, be it authority or blackmail. Even if he was confident he could beat Hua Cheng, he's very much about control, and he has nothing on Hua Cheng.
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empiropediazine · 6 months
Hello Empiresblr! :D
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After checking the results of the poll we can confirm that Empiropedia Zine will consist of one 120+ pages pdf, and with that knowledge we can now open mod applications!
Now, we will only be accepting people 18 or older in the moderation team, so if you're younger you might want to wait to apply as a contributor instead :)
If helping out with an Empires SMP zine focused on worldbuilding sounds like something you would be interested and able to do, you can fill out the following form:
We will put some extra info on the application process and the zine itself under "Read more"
Firstly, here's some general info regarding applications:
- They will stay open for 2 weeks max, but if we happen to find everyone we need beforehand we might close em early to be able to roll out contributor applications too.
- Again, you must be 18 or older to apply as a moderator.
- Since we ended up going with the 120+ pages option we ask that you are prepared to spend a few months helping out with the zine. We won't ask you to put it above your real life or your health, and we understand that things may come up and make your availability suddently shift, but if you know you're gonna have a very tight schedule for the next few months we suggest sitting this edition out!
- Previous experience with organising/moderating a zine isn't necessary, but it's greatly appreciated
Now, a bit more about the zine itself:
As we've mentioned before it will be focused on worldbuilding, this means that rather than having one illustration per page it will instead have multiple illustrations and doodles with footnotes providing explanations and context. There will also be pages that feature writing much more prevalently or exclusively.
Basically, as the name suggests, it's somewhat similar to an encyclopedia in structure and contents!
As of right now we don't have everything completely set in stone as we are trying to leave some leeway to contributors to bring their own ideas to the table, so any mods who end up joining will get to help with decisions on that, too!
Best of luck to everyone sending in a form, and we will be back with more news soon :D
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blocksruinedme · 6 months
(hi there! sorry if this is disrespectful or anything, feel free to delete this ask! i was just concerned because in the comments of jimmy's recent videos, it seems that he might make a video reacting to fanfictions...
very concerning! especially because it seems like he didn't contact the creators of the edits in newest video beforehand. no offense to him, but i genuinely do not trust him to handle fanfiction in a respectful way. he's very hard-working, but he's getting dangerously content-brained!
anyways, the reason i'm sending this ask to you is because you seem to frequent his streams a lot. VERY sorry if this is disrespectful to ask, but if you do attend his next stream, is it ok to ask that you try and send a message in his chat? i would myself, but he streams after midnight where i live T^T i really hope that someone well-versed in the rules of fandom spaces (maybe scott (ー ー;) ) can talk him out of it, but i would be very grateful if any chatters could discourage him during his next live.
thank you very much for reading!!)
-a shy chinese anon who experienced the banning of ao3 in china because fans of a celebrity mass-reported an rpf fic to the government :<
(Hey shy anon, I didn't show up until a little after the ban, but I was on the english side of that fandom so i know a lot. my eternal condolences, I'll never stop being upset about what happened!)
It is not at all disrespectful to ask politely, which you have! I am not going to send a message in his chat because it is an absolute hellhole, but people I know have left thoughtful comments on his youtube, which I think is 20x more useful. He sees those in his own time and can think about it. Chat is running nonstop, super fast, you get instant reaction in the chat from all kinds of sorts - seriously i love jimmy and i have nothing against younger people, but holy hell that chat is mostly intolerable to read. Most streams I don't even have it visible. Jimmy has very little time to think in response to chat messages, it can't be nuanced, and the first thing he says is now public record.
Overall, I don't think Jimmy will react to fanfic. If he does (and I've been wrong predicting Jimmy before!), it's going to be something like Wholesome Seablings Adventures. I can not imagine Jimmy reading ship fic - unless I guess it's incredibly pg canon-ship? There's all kinds of "pg youtubers", and Jimmy's more on the Katherine side of thing, appealing to families and genuinely little kids. If you look at the saucy things he lets in, you generally need some real non-pg context for it to feel non-pg. (there's always exceptions)
When people demand he address shipping he tries to say as little as possible. He's been shown nsfw fanart while he was streaming. He knows what is going on and he's not going to touch that. He's thoughtful when it counts, and since these aren't stream reacts, he has time to think hard about what he's actually going to use. So if he did do fanfic, there would be plenty of never seen footage of Jimmy of going "holy moly!" and moving on. When it matters, he is generally thoughtful and respectful.
Like the time he realized he was confused about asexuality (he didn't know about aromanticism) and slowed down to be really careful he didn't say anything accidentally hurtful. (for context shelby is ace but dates and he knows that. look at his poor little face trying to understand.)
Maybe he'll mess up this time, I sure hope not, but I'm not personally freaking out.
Also, exactly one time he opened tumblr on stream, it was the sexyman poll, and he read my reply to the post (i'm the one who called him a wet paper bag of a man, my claim to fame.) I showed up to apologize, he was a sweetheart, and he said this about tumblr, that he knows we want our own private space. He's respectful at heart.
I am not on tiktok, but until your ask, I'll admit it never occurred to me he might contact the creators before reacting. Thinking on it, I guess I think of TikTok like youtube, where it is loudly tossed out at the whole world for attention, but I'm not on TikTok.
And why do I think ao3 is different? Well, I have no coherent answer besides "vibes" and "more contained audience" and "everyone knows everyone is on youtube and tiktok".
Here are some more Jimmy clips I've wanted to share on tumblr for one reason or another.
In the end, I have been hyperfixating on this man for sixteen months and I believe it'll be okay. If I'm wrong, well. We'll make it through this, gang. We'll take care of each other and keep going. Nothing's stopped us yet!
If you want to say something to Jimmy, leave a yt comment, don't go into his stream, please, not there, you'll just provoke people and he might have to respond to that, please
Everyone out there who read ao3 not logged in - go log in, people are locking things.
People on ao3, lock or don't lock, as you see fit!
(also joel lizzie and oli did fanfic readings/reenactments/whatever years ago, including writing their own snippets, i got through like 90 seconds of one, youtube at your own risk.)
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earl-grey-teacake · 4 months
I am in a predicament involving the Baby!Loscar. I am between having them be turned into babies and being adopted as babies. So I am taking input and putting in a poll. The poll is not the final decision maker but rather a way for me to see what’s popular. If you have input or suggestions please send them my way!!!
I probably should’ve figured this out beforehand but I did not. 😅
Turned into a baby
Already established relationships between all parties. Alex and George already know Logan. Lando and Carlos already have established habits with Oscar. Oscar and Logan already have an established friendship and a budding crush.
Everyone from the drivers to the team get a surprise and are scrambling on how to address this to the media.
Lot of first-time parent anxiety. Alex, George, Lando, and Carlos are not ready for to take care of children but right now, they don’t really have a choice.
Time frame I can write for is quite limited because at some point they have to turn back. They are still driving for F1 and will have to turn back at some point. Also, Logan and Oscar are 4 months apart and in terms of child development, 4 months is a lot.
There is less focus on taking care of them as babies compared to waiting for them to turn back. People will find the babies cute but they are also waiting for them to turn back so things can go back to normal so there isn’t a lot of time for fluff.
Have to address how media and their actual families would take it. The media will absolutely notice if 2 rookie drivers suddenly disappear. Oscar and Logan also already have parents which might make the whole situation difficult.
Adopted as babies
Established couples with a baby thrown in. Galex and Carlando’s relationships are established and they willingly/ semi-willingly chose to adopt a baby.
Cute watching parents trying to balance their job with their babies who will eventually walk in their footsteps. They travel and have full-time jobs as drivers and are struggling how to fit a baby into the mix. Also allows for Teams and Drivers to step in and help. Logan and Oscar get a lot of uncles.
Also first-time parent anxiety. Sure they chose to adopt a baby but they are also first-time parents trying their best. Their anxiety is just different then if they were suddenly told to adopt a baby.
Lots of deviation from current day since the timeline will be a bit off
Since they are babies, some of their behaviors may deviate from present day. Logan gets a lot of parental support and he isn’t as much of an outsider in F1 because of his family.
The relationship between Logan and Oscar are not pre-established but rather something that is built through proximity and early childhood friendship and possibly, fate. (Maybe a con for some, may not be a con for others.)
If you have suggestions, input, or comments, please sent them my way. I would love to hear what you think.❤️ If you have any questions, just send an ask or a comment and I will happily answer them.
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fancyfade · 11 months
Do you know if you’ve ever done a post that dismantles the misconception that Dick “stole” Robin away from Tim to give it to Damian? I’ve seen posts debunking a lot of stuff on your poll but i have a hard time trying to find ones that succinctly tear that one apart lol
I've got you
Damian's intro to being Robin is told 2 ways, one in pre new 52 continuity, in battle for the cowl, and the other in post new 52 continuity, in secret origins 4.
in battle for the cowl, Damian starts in his black and white league of shadows uniform. Then, he's shot by Batman!Jason and Dick has some "i'm responsible for this child" moment, but does not make him Robin. We see Damian pretty much right after he regains consciousness:
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Alfred tells him to earn his keep and gives him the Robin outfit, and next thing we see he's Robin
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That's Battle for the Cowl, the pre-new 52 story (and also aside: first thing Damian does as Robin, what Alfred is setting him up to do, is to save Tim's life with squire (link))
Secret Origins 4 is for the broader part my favorite (I do like Damian saving Tim's life in Battle for the cowl tho), and I think it's way mroe focused on Damian's character.
We start, we see he's trying to establish a connection to his father
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and he's clearly resentful about not having a connection to his dad
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Alfred's worried Damian's going too far
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So Alfred has Dick bring Damian back to the Batcave and says he found something
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Dick is clearly in on it in that he knows it is going on, but it is framed as Alfred's idea, with him forging the letter, him being the one reaching out to Damian and worried he's going too far and contacting Dick (and dick saying he doesn't know much about Damian beforehand in this comic and Alfred explains), and Alfred being the one who seemed to have made the suit, since Dick said he liked it and alfred says dialogue implying it was his design decision (never wise to stray too far from perfection")
anyway the implication is that Alfred made Damian Robin to try to give him a connection to his father, because Damian was inconsolable (but... in the assassin way not the crying way :P)
even in Red Robin #1, which I assume most people (who read comics :P) are referencing for Dick 'giving' Damian Robin, all Tim says is how can you let Dick w
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So it might be reasonable for the reader to assume here that Dick made Damian Robin.. but since he didn't, Tim is just asking how he can let him wear it. I have a post fully breaking down this scene here (link)
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orange-cheetah · 1 month
[N1A17] Chapter 1: Mash Burnedead and the Forest of Forewarning
(from Mash Burnedead and the Book of Adventures) Choose what Mash does next! Poll under Read More.
[Previously: [A-7] Mash accepts the sumo match with the troll. He opens with an attack...!]
“Hakkeyoi, nokott―!”
The troll is saying something that sounded like some kind of spell.
Before he could finish speaking, Mash pulled his right foot back in a wide arc. It was fast. Then, with the troll still crouched, Mash kicked him on the left side with all his might.
An assault.
The troll’s surprised face was reflected in Mash’s eyes, then disappeared.
No, it didn’t disappear―it was sent flying.
Sent flying high into the air by Mash’s kick, the troll yells.
“Kicking is against the rules―! This is sumo you know―!”
As the troll flies off into the distance, the troll and his yells become smaller and smaller. Eventually, he disappeared from view with a sparkle, and Mash’s gaze dropped to his feet.
“So it was against the rules……”
Shoulders drooping, Mash stepped off the ring, and retrieved the uniform and robe he had placed to the side beforehand. Then, when he had finished putting them on, he looked up with an expression as though he had already moved on.
“I mean, I didn't know that.”
After getting dressed, Mash regained his bearings and looked around.
However, the paper bag containing the essential cream puffs is nowhere to be found.
● He’s so shocked, he collapses on the ring!! 》》 To A―31
● Maybe there’s a clue around? Don’t give up, let’s search a little more 》》 To A―34
[Notes: Pretty straightforward and short section this time, though I did have some trouble with what 「ふっきれたような顔」 means... There's no direct translation for the phrase but I think it means to leave some kind of worry behind?
The sumo phrases have been covered in the previous section.
Sorry for the delay, work has been hectic for the past few days ><
Mash defending himself by saying he didn't know kicking was against the rules; he's so cute haha]
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So I doubt amnesia!Dabi is ever gonna go back to being a hero in the traditional sense.
But I'm imagining a small subset of Phoenix fans who think he's way more sexy as a villain. Cue the Twitter poll "Who is more sexy? Phoenix or Dabi?" To everyone's surprise this becomes a talking point on the news. Because Enji is Enji, the first time he hears about it is due to an after villain interview. He just stands there for like a solid minute wondering if he's hallucinating.
Okay but honestly talking on Toya going back to being a Hero in this AU:
I think he would want to, it's in his nature and that can't be shaken out too well, but it'd take a LOT of time. He probably does what he has to in the moment re: everything going to shit because of the series' main plot and they need all the help they can get.
But he needs a lot of work before he goes back to working regularly.
Like he.
A lot of what he's been doing has been on instinct and muscle memory. Genuine memory of how he's supposed to do things is shaky at best. He can often remember in the moment, but trying to formulate a plan beforehand is a bit harder. Not to mention all the intricacies of being a Hero that don't just involve throwing hands with whoever's causing problems.
And there's also the fact that he's not quite stable yet. It's.... he doesn't have any idea what will trigger a memory or when. And at best the memory trigger will make him pause, will confuse him and he'll need a moment to shake it off. Even if it's just a few seconds, that can mean everything in a fight.
But there's also worse triggers. Ones that bring up bad memories and cause panic attacks. And while all Heroes have some ptsd, part of the job is going into a situation /knowing/ what their problems are and being prepared to hold it together until they're safe. Toya doesn't have that ability because he has no idea what will trigger him. And again, that's incredibly dangerous because while some villains might go 'oh you're having a Bad Time™ let's continue later', plenty would take advantage of the situation.
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museenkuss · 3 months
Substack princesses…. Which format would you find more interesting?
(1) A “what I’m looking forward to this month” column at the beginning of the month, including book recs tailored to the month, notes on what I’m excited about, etc — think my monthly thoughts but more elaborated. A magazine of sorts that you can read beforehand.
PRO: we can enjoy trying things together! Also, it’ll be month-focused as the month is happening CONTRA: I’d be including things I haven’t actually tried
(2) a “favourites” column at the end of the month, including books I read, outfits, films and recipes I loved, etc. A summary in the “[month] favourites” format of the golden days gone by and an answer to my monthly thoughts at the beginning of the month.
PRO: it’ll be a fun recap of the month! Maybe it’ll be inspiring, too. Plus, I’d have a few stories to tell (ideally). CONTRA: “this book was the perfect read for this month” might be a little disappointing if the month is over? Maybe I’d have to do it in the last week of the month.
*length-wise I’m thinking a 3-5 minute read for either, probably. Something fun and playful.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Also i am slightly afraid people will take Dream not saying much as some sort of guilt and not as his lawyer or pr person (if he has ether, sounds like he does) telling him he should not say stuff that hasn't been reviewed beforehand/to shut up while they handle it.
Now, admittedly, I literally refuse to enter the twitter landscape outside of investigating reported information, but honestly from what I've seen at least on reddit and elsewhere, they've actually taken it to mean the opposite. Amanda kinda did a lot of harm to her case/the public perception of her credibility (even if it could be an understandable response to stress, it is unhelpful and new claims/stating she had evidence and then admitting she didn't brought a lot of public doubt. Some people have begun no longer trusting her claims at all. I personally don't think that's fair, and that she still absolutely deserves to be heard, treated with respect, and be allowed the same chance to provide evidence as anyone else. However, I do understand why people may have begun to mistrust her or given her claims less weight).
Dream, by remaining quiet outside of his one statement, effectively didn't give people any bait or anything to work with outside of his one response. This gave people a chance to calm down, look at what's been presented, and come to terms with the fact we don't currently have answers and we might not for awhile yet. If he is really taking legal action, then the wait is understandable, and from what I've seen, most people have seen remaining quiet at the smart choice.
Kersplusion on r/dreamwastaken 2 has actually been running polls every so often, which, while absolutely not perfect (they changed question wording, utterly belothed) and certainly going to have biases, do reveal an interesting trend, given that roughly the same number of users have been polled and we can assume that it's going to at least roughly the same population of users over time.
The first poll they posted was right after Dream posted his response (late friday), it got 860 responses and the numbers worked out like this;
Yes, some of it is fake and he’s taking legal action 30.70%
No, it’s real. And they will silence victims 8.72%
I don’t think he’s committed a crime anyways 16.40%
I’m still processing 44.19%
The second poll they ran was on Saturday, in the midst of a lot of the twitter storm, and had 958 responses that broke down like this;
The sexting is fake 15.34%
The sexting is real 5.64%
No crime was committed 22.03%
I’m still processing/waiting 56.99%
In that roughly one day period, nearly 3% of people who thought the incident was real dropped off. 15% of people switched (likely because "some of it is fake" was changed into "the sexting is fake") into either "No crime was committed" or "Still waiting". Which leads to our final (still ongoing atm but at 854 responses at the time of posting) poll, done today (monday).
The alleged sexting was real, Dream is guilty 3.75%
The alleged sexting was fake, Dream is innocent 21.66%
No crime was committed 21.90%
I’m still waiting 52.69%
Since Saturday, the number of people who believe the sexting was real has sharply dipped to just 3.75%. The number of people waiting has dipped by about 4%, and the number of people who think the sexting is fake is up by a little over 6%.
Now, again, these numbers aren't perfect by any means. The wording of questions changed, and plenty of biases in the way the questions were written. But I do think that it reveals a very interesting trend. Despite Dream having only made one statement on the matter, the number of people who think he's guilty has been steadily dropping. Whether this is because of external factors or not, it is still revealing that apparently, "shut up and go talk to a lawyer" has (within the limitations of these polls), been an effective public opinion management strategy compared to the alternative.
Now, again, I will restate my own personal belief that I am firmly in the waiting category. I don't think we have enough evidence to make a call one way or another. I want all parties treated with respect, and to be given a chance to make their case in a more rational setting. I just wanted to offer this data up because I did find the trends interesting. I also think that it will help offer assurance, that no, at least within this polled population, people do not appear to be assuming that silence is guilt.
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