#mike zacharias one shot
lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months
Lostcauses Fic: 2023 Wrap Up
I thought I hadn't written very much this year, but I didn't do too badly and I also posted my 100th Eruri fic! Enormous thanks to everyone who has read, commented, recced and made the Eruri fandom such a creative and joyful space. Happy New Year to you all! ♡
Anon asked: Do you have any headcanons for that one time Levi wished he was taller?
Just Like It Always Is 
"The man sat motionless for a few moments, dark hair falling forward, obscuring his face, slender hands hovering over the keyboard. Erwin held his breath, then he laid his hands on the keys and a soft chord blossomed, warm like a breath of wind on summer’s day."
Erwin is entranced by a strangely familiar man playing the piano in a railway station.
No Regrets
Written in response to the devastating shot of Levi in the Final episode trailer. I thought I was prepared for the emotional damage. I was wrong.
"Levi leafed through the newspaper as he waited in line at the bus stop. The front page was dominated by a large photograph of three men in military uniform, the headline blaring “The Best of the Bravest”. Beneath, in swaggering prose, the story read, “Paradis Space Program has selected its first astronauts from over 100 prospective candidates from all branches of the military, aviation and naval forces. Following a rigorous testing and selection process, Commander Nile Dok, Commander Erwin Smith and Lieutenant Commander Mike Zacharias have achieved the highest honour of being chosen as Scout Project astronauts. One of these brave men will be the first Eldian to orbit the earth in a manned space capsule…”
A space exploration period piece featuring Erwin as a pioneering astronaut and Levi as his CAPCOM.
The Tale of Erwin and Levi  - The Song of Parting
With profuse apologies to Beren Erchamion and J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a shameless rip off of Beren's Song of Parting from The Lay of Leithian.
That And So Much More
"They toil together through all weather; clearing the ground, preparing the soil, digging the pits, planting the precious saplings, nurturing their fragile hope for a better world."
A side story of sorts to The Permanence of the Young Men, inspired by the release of the cover of volume 35.
Buenos Aires Hora Cero 
"Erwin had never considered himself to be a sentimental man but something about the tango stirred a melancholy buried deep in his soul; romantic sorrow tinged with bitter regret, yearning for fleeting intimacy, nostalgia for a love he had never known."
Erwin finds himself alone in Buenos Aires seeking solace from a broken heart. My collaboration with @seitsen-sarvi for the Paradise Zine.
A Good Man 
"Turning to the centre pages of The Eldian Herald, Falco finds a double page spread titled “Heroes of the Eldian Nation: Commander Erwin Smith, 13th Commander of the Survey Corps.” At the head of the page is an imposing picture of a handsome grim-faced man mounted astride a rearing white horse, holding his sword aloft as if poised in mid charge. The caption beneath reads: “Dedicate your Hearts! Erwin Smith, the last great commander of the Survey Corps”. Curiosity piqued, Falco sits down to read."
Intrigued by an article he reads in a newspaper, Falco questions Levi about what the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps was really like.
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yoke9494 · 11 months
Y/n I need to pee...🥺
Rewind, teenage Erwin, Nile, Mike/Miche, and Hange.
Training days .
Crack one shot based on my fic Our Defeat is not Certain (Mike ZachariasXreader) check it out if you ever wondered what it would be like if he survived? Along with a few others?...AO3 Wattpad
(one shot book is only on Wattpad. Will be transferring it soon!)
Mike/Miche is just so underrated!. 😭♥️
You and Miche sat side by side on one of the large branches in the mock Titan forest.
You were on a team with him, Erwin and Nile. You all decided to stay a little after your session to get some extra practice in. Nile had completely bombed it and kept having his hooks pop out of the tree.
He and Erwin were trying to race while you two just watched and made small talk.
"I'm telling you N/n. It was real! The Garrison officer said he saw it himself."
You snorted and shook your head. "Bullshit! Miche there's no such thing as a two headed Titan. The guy was probably just drunk off his ass."
Miche shrugged. "You're just a non believer. When we get to The Scouts I'm going to look for that Beast. Then when I find it, I'll lead it towards you and rub it in your face."
"Yeah, okay. If you do find it, and show me proof. I'll do whatever you want for the rest of my life."
"Really now? Well I know for sure the first thing I'll have you do."
"And what's that?"
"I'll make you marry me."
Again you snorted. " Well it looks like I'll be jumping straight into that double headed Titans mouth when you find it."
Mike grabbed his heart and fake cried. "You wounded me woman. My heart has been slained! . I- I can't take it... I see the light. I hear the angels... Papa? Is that you papa? Where's grandma?"
Mike pretended to pass out and laid his head on your shoulder.
You held in your laugh and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Go to the light Zacharias. Don't be scared."
Miche snorted. "At least the angel who meets me in the afterlife is pretty. Mean as shit, but beautiful..."
Before you could say anything a loud crash and yelling made you both jump. You both nearly fell off the branch.
"What the fuck?" Miche looked up and tried to see what was going on.
"Y/n! Miche! Help! I think I killed my eyebrows!"
You and Miche quickly deployed your gear and made your way over to Nile and Erwin. They were a few meters away but you both made it there fast.
When you arrived Nile was trying to get Erwin out of his gear. He had blood dripping from him and he hung upside down.
"Nile! What the fuck happened?!"
You rushed over to Erwin to undo his belts while Miche helped him down.
Erwin thanked you both. He had a small gash on his side and deep cuts on both palms.
Nile was freaking out. He had small splatters of blood on his face and uniform from Erwin.
"My shit came undone again! Erwin tried to catch me but my hook caught his wire and caused his hooks to unlatch too! One reeled itself back in so fast it hit his side and jammed. When he tried to catch himself he got tangled in his other wire and cut open his hands! I'm so sorry Erwin!"
Erwin shook his head and let out a pained chuckle. "It's okay Nile. Accidents are bound to happen. I'm alright."
Nile looked at Erwin in disbelief. You were trying to stop the bleeding from his palms with your Cadet jacket. Miche was trying to pat Niles back so he'd calm down.
"Alright? You're alright?! You look like Y/n when it's her time of the month!"
Your neck snapped twords Nile. Erwin and Miche went wide eyed.
Miche's hand slowly went up to his mouth in shock. "Nile! We said we weren't going to--"
He was cut off when you yelled at Nile.
"You horsefaced bitch! You all promised not to bring that up again! It came early one fucking time!" You reached for Niles ear and pulled it!
Mike watched you two with amusement. That was until Erwin spoke. "Miche break them up."
Mike took your hand off Niles ear and kissed your palm. He then flicked Nile on the forehead.
You looked at him with wide eyes. ' Did he really just do that?! '
Erwin cleared his throat and looked at Nile. "Miche take Nile to go get changed. Nile I expect a letter of apology to Y/n for shaming her over a perfectly normal, womanly occurrence?"
He then turned towards you. "Y/n. Can you please accompany me to the infirmary? It'll give you some time away from Nile to cool off."
"Yes mom." All three of you said in unison.
You walked side by side with Erwin. He still had your jecket scrunched up in his hands to slow down the bleeding.
"I'm sorry for ruining your jacket Y/n. I'll find you a new one."
You waved him off. "It's alright Erwin. Are you sure you're okay? Even the small one on your side is still bleeding."
Erwin let out a chuckle. "It all hurts like hell but that's it. I'll be fine. Though I think I might need stitches on both my palms and side."
"Y/n?! Are you alright?!"
Erwin was cut off by another males voice.
Moses ran up to the both of you. He quickly stopped when he saw the states you were both in. You had a good amount of Erwin's blood on your stomach. It looked like you were hurt as well.
You followed Moses' gaze and gasped. "Oh no! Don't worry Moses I'm alright. This is all Erwin's blood. He and Nile had a gear malfunction in the mock forest."
Moses relaxed a bit, but he then went stiff. "The doctor who's usually in the infirmary just left a few minutes ago. He won't be back till morning. With all that blood you'll for sure need stitches."
You groaned and threw your head back. "Fuck! Why is he always leaving?! My coochie could fall off and I'd just have to carry it around till he decides to do his damn job!"
Moses snorted while Erwin raised a brow at you. "Y/n! Don't talk like that!"
You rolled your eyes. "Sorry mom... Moses have you seen Hange around?"
He thought for a second. "I believe she's in the dining hall."
"Can you tell her to meet us in the infirmary? Tell her, Y/n said it was an emergency."
"Sure thing."
Erwin sat on one of the small beds and watched you in amusement. You were focused on cleaning his hands and grumbling about the doctor. The gash on his side stopped bleeding and you patched it up. That was going to leave a cool scar.
"Stupid old bastard. He probably just took this job to feel up on teenagers. At least Hange knows how to stitch nicely. She's ten times better than that piece of shit."
Erwin let out a low chuckle. "Calm down Y/n. You might burn holes in my palms next"
You took a breath. "I am calm."
Hange ran into the infirmary. She was panting while she had her hands on her knees. She took a few breaths and looked up. She gasped when she saw all the blood on your shirt.
Y/n, my love! Are you okay?!"
You smiled at her. "I'm okay Hange. But Erwin needs your skilled hands to stitch him up."
"Eh?" Hange walked over to you and Erwin and gasped one again. "What the hell happened?!"
"Nile" you both said in unison.
Hange only clicked her tongue and walked over to the supply cabinet. She then sat infront of Erwin and got the needle ready.
"Sorry Smith but your going to be our of commission for a while. I'm sure Commandant will understand."
Erwin winced as Hange pressed the needle in his palms. The cuts looked a lot worse then they actually were. But Erwin still needed a stitch or two the rest would scab up if he took care of them.
When Hange finished she kissed your head and said her goodbyes to Erwin. She had gone a bit overboard and wrapped up both his hands.
You and Erwin found it unnecessary and tried to unwrap them. But you both couldn't figure out how she did it. She used so much fabric that even the scissors had a hard time cutting it.
"Y/n. I need to pee."
You looked up at Erwin and put down the scissors. "Oh? Okay. I'll wait out here."
".... I may need assistance."
"..... Pardon?"
Erwin motioned to his nubs and the belt, button, and zipper on his pants.
"Oh! I got you eyebrows."
You and Erwin made it to the toilet in the infirmary. You were close with Erwin in your friendship but not alot of physical touching close. You could count the hugs you two shared so far in the year of training on one hand.
"Alright. You ready?"
Erwin nodded.
You both kept eye contact as you undid his belt and button. When you looked down and grabbed his zipper Erwin twitched a little bit.
You both locked eyes. You're stupid teenage minds taking over. You and Erwin both started laughing.
"Why did that make me feel dirty?" You both asked at the same time.
You were holding your stomach while Erwin was trying to use every fiber in his body to talk clearly.
"Y-Y/n. St-op laughing! I-ill piss myself! Turn around please!"
You quickly did. Your laughing died down and so did Erwin's. His was replaced with curses he said under his breath.
"Your my friend right?"
"That's right."
"Friends help one another?"
"Of course. Thats why I'm here eyebrows."
"I need you to hold little Erwin."
"Y/n. I'm serious. Please hurry!"
Erwin looked over his shoulder to see you gone. "Y/n?"
"Hang on Erwin! I'm looking for tweezers so I can hold it."
Erwin furrowed his brows. "I find that very offensive! They won't be big enough! You do know the skin is sensitive also?!"
You quickly ran back to Erwin. "How would I know that?! Incase you didn't notice, I have a vagina!"
"I know! Y/n please just grab it! I'm already leaking!"
You rolled your eyes and held the base right under the tip of little Erwin. It was warm and soft, but you didn't make eye contact with it. You looked into the toilet only to make sure you wouldn't make a mess.
Erwin let out a sigh and began to relieve himself. He was calm while you were dying on the inside. Your face stung while you thought about the position you were in. Your hand twitched when you felt his urine pass through.
"I'm done. Shake me, please."
You dropped mini Erwin so quick it made a small sound when it hit Erwin's body. "No. Hurry up and put him away so I can fasten your pants and belt."
Erwin quickly did as he was told. He was able to get his nubs under the elastic in his underwear and tuck himself away. He felt a lot better but what you didn't notice was how red his ears turned.
When you helped him with the rest the both of you walked back to the cabins in silence. You were the one to break it.
"Well eyebrows. I guess it's official."
"What is?"
"We have to stay best friends forever, cause that's something we both need to take to our graves."
Erwin chuckled. "Deal. I'd rather die with it then have to deal with Niles questions... And Mike probably beating me up."
"Ha! Yeah same here."
"There you guy's are!" Nile ran to the both of you with Mike behind him.
"You guys took forever! Are you alright Erwin?"
Erwin nodded. "I'm good now. Hange actually had to stich me up."
Miche sniffed you. "N/n why do you smell like Erwin?"
You looked at the giant. "Uh. Well I was with him this whole time. And I do have his blood on my shirt too."
Nile smirked. He could tell Miche was getting jealous. What his eyes caught next gave him joy.
"Hey Commander eyebrows?"
"Yes rectum activity?"
"... Why is your zipper undone?"
Miche snapped his eyes twords Erwin. His ears turned red again and you looked at the ground. Waiting for it to open up and swallow you.
Nile let out the loudest laugh. "ERWIN SMITH! YOU LUCKY DOG!!"
Erwin tried to put his nubs up. "N-No! It's not like that! We didn't-"
Miche punched Niles shoulder to shut him up. "Quiet! You loud ass horse. She wouldn't do that!... Right? N/n?"
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "No. We did not. I just had to help him with his buckle and button when he needed to pee."
Miche relaxed while Nile still snickered. "Y/n you absolute legend! You got to third base way before any of us. Ha!"
"Shut up horse face." You, Miche, and Erwin said in unison. You all began to walk away from Nile.
He quickly ran after you three. "Bitches! You're all just mad I'm hung like one!"
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Until I Fall - Part Fourteen
Levi Ackerman x Fem Reader.
Eventual romance but this is a slow burn, definitely angsty and darker. It will also focus a lot on Hange, Erwin and the original scouts. Eren and the 104th training corps will be around but I’m focusing on the older characters in here. Your self insert name is ‘Azeria Becker’ pronouns She/Her/Hers. Using a name because don’t like using ‘y/n’.  
Cannon universe. I wrote this for myself but I hope that you enjoy it, too lol <3
cw: imagine literally every awful/gory thing that happens in SNK. Death, violence and gore. Drinking, sex. (bolded ones in this chapter)
I will be releasing 2 chapters at a time every few days. You can find all chapters here.
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“Thank you all for joining me here,” Erwin said, standing at the front of the remaining soldiers. The field was sparsely peppered with people after having lost so many. Ilse stood beside you, trying her best to balance on crutches. Erwin’s face remained the same as it always had; calm. It suddenly began to bother you as to how he remained so level headed. There was so much more to learn about him. 
“It has been a difficult few days, and I’m certain all of you are exhausted and wondering what comes next. Today, I will announce the restructuring of our branch and name our squadron leaders,” his voice boomed through the air. Looking at him in front of you now, you knew that this was where he was meant to be. He was a born leader. 
“Hange Zoe and Mike Zacharias will be your new Squad Leaders. When we rebuild our troops I will expand leadership. Until that times comes, you will report to them,” he paused and scanned the crowed. You looked over at Levi, his face seemingly annoyed. “There is much to do now that wall Maria has fallen. Your roles have now become more important than ever. Regain your health and stamina. The time to fight again is near, and we all need to be ready to save humanity from this loss. We will begin training once again in three days. You are all dismissed!” 
The soldiers saluted and everyone scurried away. “Come see me tonight?” Ilse asked, you nodded to her and parted ways. You jogged over to catch up with Levi. “So much for our vacation,” you joked. “Yeah,” he said flatly, looking off into the distance. He seemed off. “Are you okay?” You asked. “Yeah,” he replied in his same distant tone. You both walked over to the stables together. 
Aside from the veterinarians and the operations team, the rest of the soldiers who normally cared for the horses were gone. It was often a role that the rookies and older soldiers had to do. There were hundreds of horses, and since the Survey Corps also bred their own as well, there was no shortage of things to do. 
The two of you were kindly given the worst of the jobs; cleaning out the stables. Levi already looked like he regretted joining you. He hung his jacket on a nail and rolled up his sleeves. You looked at him, bemused at his disgust. “Don’t worry, grump, I’ll take out the shit,” you laughed. He shot you a death glare, “Then why are you still here?” 
The two of your worked until lunch. Levi despised cleaning out the barns but didn’t seem to mind spending time with the horses. The mess didn’t bother you too much so you let him stick to brushing out the animals instead. It was quite amusing to see him here; the infamous Levi Ackerman cleaning shit out of barns. If only people could see him now. You liked these moments; when both of you felt like normal people. The past few days had been so hard, but here in the barn, the sun was shining bright and spring was finally in full bloom. Sometimes you’d flick pieces of hay at him and watch his annoyed face “I’m warning you, one more time and I’m throwing you in the manure pile,” he’d threaten. You’d just roll your eyes, “Uh huh.” You loved that here Levi Ackerman was just your friend, not some hero to swoop in and save everyone. Without his Scout uniform on he was just a man. What would you be if you weren’t here, Levi?
The morning had put you in high spirits again. Spending time with the horses was always nice and having Levi accompany you, but he still didn’t seem like his normal self. Afternoon rolled around and Erwin had called his former team into a meeting. This was it; you and Hange would ask him about your side project. 
The room was small but it held your squad, which was nice and made everything seem a little more normal. You sat next to Hange, their disposition always made you feel calm. Erwin stood at the front of the room. His face had changed a little now, in the most subtle way his features had disarmed themselves, and underneath his face was angry and agitated. Maybe you were beginning to read him.
“It’s good to see you all,” Erwin started. “We have a lot to cover. Wall Maria’s breach is a worst case scenario for us. The Garrison are evacuating all residents into Wall Rose and Sina. We may be asked to partake on these journeys as needed, but I have gotten clearance for the Survey Corps to hold back for emergency operations only. Our troops are too weak and we need to save our strength for crucial work.” He paused and looked around. The whole room was listening intently to him; he had that kind of power over people.
“First; the wall breach,” He pulled down a map, “It occurred in the early afternoon. Two titans- the likes of which we’ve never seen before- appeared on the south wall; a titan whose body eclipsed the size of the wall; standing at 60 meters tall. The other was a 15 meter titan with armoured skin. Both were abnormal. They did not attack anyone, however the damage that they did to the wall was significant enough to let in a large group of titans into the city. After they compromised the wall, both titans disappeared. We have no reports as to where they went, and no members of the Garrison could see the titans escaping out into the remaining lands.”
Levi looked skeptically at Erwin, “What do you mean they vanished? How could something 60 meters high just disappear?”
Erwin faced him, “Exactly. We don’t know how they managed to vanish. Most titans give off steam and disappear, but not in the way that the Colossus did. No one had hit it, it seemed to willingly disappear.” 
“How can they do that…” Hange trailed off.
“We don’t know,” Erwin replied.
“Are there any reports from the Garrison around Wall Maria?” Mike asked. “So far,” Erwin replied, “Nothing. It seems the enemy has not returned, all that’s has swarmed Maria is regular titans.”
“So, what’s the plan from here?” Levi asked. 
“The evacuation process is underway. Once the land is cleared of civilians we’ll be able to come up with plans for the next expedition. My hope for the next few months is to focus on rebuilding our troops and training them on the flare signal system. Additionally, I’m proposing that we set up a new base of operations closer to Trost. After yesterdays latest casualty; our current headquarters is too far to respond in a timely fashion. If we don’t improve this situation I fear that the MP’s and the King will use this ammunition against the Corps,” Erwins eyes were far away; he was already looking out towards the next expedition. If he had ever grieved then you’d never know it. “I will keep you all informed as things progress. In the meantime do your best to keep morale high around here.”
“That’ll be easier for some than others,” Hange nudged Levi.
“You stink of shit, four eyes,” He groaned. 
“You’re all dismissed,” Erwin finished. Hange jumped out of their seat and tapped him on the shoulder, you followed behind as fast as you could. “Commander, do you mind if I have a minute of your time,” Hange asked. “Certainly. Let’s wait until everyone has left.” 
The room cleared and the three of you stood alone. “Commander, after our last expedition, and based on the facts presented to us today, I think that we need to make a greater effort to study the titans. I would like to propose a research operation; lets capture a titan alive, and use it to better understand our enemy. With so many unknowns we should be better prepared to fight these creatures,” Hange’s face was confident and determined; you wondered how they could talk to Erwin like that. His eyes shifted towards you, “And how does Azeria fit in with this?” He asked.
Hange’s face lightened up, “Well that’s the best part! Azeria was a mechanic before she joined the corps! Her father trained her on how to build ODM gear and shotguns for the Interior Police. She wants to help me build something that would be able to capture titans!”
Erwin was paused in thought.
“We could work on it alone until the time is right. That way no one else would know of our operation,” Hange added. Erwin continued to think, and your heart pounded waiting in anticipation for his answer.
“I’m sorry Hange but no,” He replied flatly.
“No. We just took an incredible loss. How am I supposed to justify putting more soldiers at risk of death for an operation to capture one alive?” Hange’s face dropped into disappointment. “I understand why you’d like to do this, and I don’t think its a bad idea, but right now is not the time.”
“I understand, Commander,” Hange replied, trying to put on a happier voice. “You’ve both done tremendous work over the past few days. Hange, I know you will be an excellent Squad Commander. Azeria, your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good work,” Erwin said. His face regained his usual gaze. He was done letting his guard down; now, he was back to being a leader. 
“Thank you, Commander,” You both said. 
The two of you walked out of the room and Hange patted you on the back, “It’s alright, Azeria. Let’s trust Erwin. We can always propose it again when things are better.”
Despite the fact that you felt a little embarrassed for asking you smiled back, “Thank’s for letting me join you anyways.”
In a way, you felt relief; the past few days had shown you how hard it really was to be in the Survey Corps. You were looking forward to being a normal soldier again for the next few months.
chapter fifteen
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midnight-crack-kw · 1 year
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
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Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-94 · 1 year
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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Tumblr media
Cadetes de la promoción 104
Armin Arlert (pronto)
Eren yeager (pronto)
Mikasa Ackerman (pronto)
Jean Kirschtein (pronto)
Marco Bodt (pronto)
Sasha Braus (pronto)
Connie Springer (pronto)
Historia Reiss( pronto)
Ymir (pronto)
Annie leonhart (pronto)
Bertholdt Hoover ( pronto)
Reiner Braun (pronto)
Hange Zoe (pronto)
Levi Ackerman (pronto)
Erwin Smith (pronto)
Mike Zacharias (pronto)
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kobutareads1 · 5 months
Very Merry by ladymacbethsspot
Modern AU - Holiday. One shot. Mikenana. Other pairings. Firefighter Mike. Nanaba is left to solo host a hectic holiday gathering when Mike is called away on duty.
Funny and warm holiday fluff set in the Zacharias' home. Could be read as a Thanksgiving or Christmas story.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
🎉 + 💥 + 🪄!!!! <3
hi v! thank you so much for playing 🩵
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
I try to do this with all my fics! I give myself a little pat on my back for finishing/posting it, and a few more pats if it reaches any personal milestones! It helps me feel better about myself as a writer.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
It's my little Mike Zacharias x f!reader one-shot called Trying! I love it because it features a character that isn't as popular (though he should be) and it's very smutty (daddy kink, need I say more?).
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
I take a few hours to breathe, then I move on to another WIP. LOL. If I'm feeling especially burnt out, I take a couple days, maybe a week, to "celebrate".
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midnight-crack-d7 · 1 year
Availability - Spotify
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-8c · 1 year
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-6p · 1 year
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-2g · 1 year
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-sw · 1 year
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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thero0ks · 3 years
Designated Dinker
Day 2 of Miche Zacharias Week hosted by @michezachariasweek is Talent. I think I may have failed at the prompt 😂. Anyways, this is between a drabble and a one shot, so enjoy!
Miche wouldn’t label himself as a professional drinker, but word around the frat traveled fast. The amount of alcohol he could put away in one night was impressive, but he liked to blame that on the fact that he was the size of a tree, or at least that’s what Erwin told him. A lot of the times he drank to simply drown out the shit music that blared through the speakers at the frat parties he attended. He just wanted to walk through one frat house that played something on his playlist. 
Much to his disappointment the next frat they walked through played worse music then the last. Erwin drug him over to the beer pong tables. Miche wasn’t drunk enough to choke down a beer, so he quickly replaced the cups of beer with cups of rum. Erwin looked at him like he was mad, and quite horrified at the fact that he would be shooting a shit ton of rum if their team lost. Miche patted his back encouragingly, which solicited a look of annoyance from the shorter man. 
“Youre the star QB, you can carry us.” Miche reasoned, missing his first shot.
“And you play soccer because your hand eye coordination sucks ass.” Erwin said pointedly making the shot. 
After taking a couple shots, Miche found himself sinking more shots then he missed. Erwin told him it was his magic number. That moment when he was just drunk enough to be extremely talented at party games. They were an unstoppable force at cornhole, and Miche was rather talented at darts when he was just drunk enough. 
After winning beer pong, Erwin drug Miche further into the frat house to mingle with some of the other frat members. Most of them were on the football team, and Miche never had anything in common with them, but he was able to converse with most people. 
Miche’s eyes flickered over to the front door when a linebacker cracked another lame ass joke. His breath practically caught in his throat at the sight of her. The Converse, the black jeans, leather jacket and the Rise Against shirt. Jackpot, he’d found just his type. Emerald eyes shined as he watched her follow a friend further into the frat. 
“You look like a cat ready to pounce,” Erwin said, watching Miche, as his eyes followed Miche’s gaze.
“Did you see her?” Miche asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, she also drives a Mustang, do what you will with that information.” Erwin said, patting his shoulder.
“Wingman.” Miche said, grabbing Erwin by the back of his polo.
“Oh come on!” Erwin huffed, as Miche pulled him to the drinks.
“Rum and coke?” Miche asked, as he casually stepped beside her at the counter.
Bright eyes looked over at him, and widened slightly as she had to crane her neck to look at him. She slowly shook her head. “Not unless I want to get fucked up.”
“Don’t be a pussy, get fucked up!” Her friend said laughing as she poured an unhealthy amount of vodka In Her orange juice.
“Fuck it…pour me one.”
Miche grinned and poured a generous amount of rum in the cup, before adding some Coke. He didn’t bother stirring the concoction, he simply grabbed the drink by the rim of the cup and with the flick of his wrist he swirled the cup poorly mixing the ingredients together. Handing the cup to her, she grabbed it and took a sip. She didn’t bother commenting that the rum had all settled to the button of the cup since he’d hardly mixed it. 
“I’m Miche by the way,” he said, sticking out his hand, and she took it. His palm engulfed hers as he shook it, and her hands felt like ice against his skin. She gave him his name, and he stored it away in his memory for safe keeping. “Your hands are cold.* He commented, as he still held her hand. 
Curious eyes flickered from their hands to his eyes as she tried to process what was happening, eyes widened with realization as a small blush dusted her cheeks. 
“So, frat boy?” She asked moving to retract her hand.
Miche let her hand go as soon as he felt her tugging away. His heart sank at the loss of contact, but quickly recovered. Determination set in as he watched her sip on her drink.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen you on campus before. What are you studying?” Miche asked, following her out of the kitchen to a wall she decided to lean against. The furniture was less than appealing. 
“Psychology, what about you?” She asked, looking up at him. 
“I’m studying law.”
A small hum escaped her lips, “brains and brawn. That’s a rare combo.”
“I’m full of surprises,” Miche said, turning to face her as he sipped on his drink. “I’d be happy to show you sometime…”
“How about we start with dinner?” She said, smiling up at him.
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
how would Mike react if Reader started to cry / get tears in her eyes the first time she had sex after an orgasm because the orgasm was very intense and felt very good
☾ Hey, thanks for your ask! I was debating how to answer this, whether to do a series of little head canons and thoughts but it ended up as a short one shot. Also the tense changes, it goes from past to present tense (I’ve been so tired recently) but I still think it works, hope you like it! (edit: As a TMI note - this has happened to me haha, so writing this was partly based on experience, and the knowledge that the crying isn’t necessarily a bad thing and can actually be quite a cathartic release) 
Mike’s weight pinned you down, it wasn’t uncomfortable rather it felt like a weighted blanket, something that kept you safe. 
When Mike makes you cum it always makes you a little dizzy, the orgasms vary in their intensity but Mike is good at reading you. Whether it’s something in the look in your eyes or the scent you emit, Mike knows what kind of mood you’re in. Sometimes it’s lazy and slow, other times it’s quick and rough. 
But tonight was different, you’d been together for some time and Mike was always thinking of new ways to pleasure you. He’d purchased a glass dildo and fucked you with it while his tongue worked magic on and around your clit.
The build up had been so intense that your whole body shook from the bed, your legs jerked, arm flew to your face to cover your blushing cheeks and the trembling of your lips. 
You’d cried Mike’s name so loudly that you were pretty sure everyone in the surrounding rooms heard. Your body had arched from the bed and as you rode your orgasm Mike continued to eat you out and move the slick object in and out of you angling it just right, body buckling and portraying how you felt in your core.
It was so intense that in the end you had to beg Mike to stop, when he looked up at you a wicked smirk flashed on his face but after another second he stopped, allowing your body to slowly sink onto the bed.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, breathing erratic as your heart pounded in your chest. 
A moment later he’s on top of you, inside you and it’s too much. You haven’t had a chance to come down from the orgasm and you know why Mike is doing it, it’s not the first time he’s fucked you so soon after your climax. He likes to make sure you get off first, then enjoys helping you to ride the waves and relax into sex but this time it’s too much.
The orgasm has wrecked you physically and mentally, your nerve-endings cry out for release and cool air. To have a chance to recover, your body still trembling, knees jerking from over-stimulation. 
The tears in your eyes are something you’re unable to hold back any longer, he must have noticed your lip trembling, the quiver in your voice. But you don’t want him to notice because then he’ll stop and you worry that he’ll think you’ve gone off him or don’t enjoy sex. Later you’ll look back at this fear and know it’s silly, Mike knows you far better than that.
Your arm goes to your face once again and rests across your eyes, eye lashes tickling the soft skin. You blink and feel the hot tears pooling in creases under your eyes and threatening to roll down your cheeks.
Mike kisses your neck, one hand fondling your breast, he hasn’t noticed you’ve covered your face, at least not in that second as he continues to fuck you tortuously fast. 
A moment later however he freezes sensing something is wrong. Usually when he fucks you, you’ll roll your hips up to meet his, your hands will be in his hair or clawing at your back. Your stillness makes him uneasy. In the silence you let out a whimper. 
A gentle hand strokes your arm and lifts it from your face. You’ve seen that look on his face many times before when out beyond the wall. It’s the look of concern.
“Y/N Are you okay?” Mike sounds panicked as he speaks. A thumb rubs circles round your cheek, lips press a gentle kiss to your own. His thumb now moves to wipe the tears from under your eyes. 
You give a slight nod, still panting it’s hard to put words into sentences. 
As Mike pulled out of you, you shuddered once again, any touch below the waist sent pleasure and pain crossing through your veins. You gave a small cry, more tears spilling out, your face contorting as he moved. 
You knew you had to reassure him that he’d done nothing wrong, but the truth of what happened you found almost embarrassing. 
Your eyes opened, “I feel like I’m diving, or drowning or….” You managed to get out as your heart begun to slow. 
Mike cocked his head to the side, “Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head, “No, not exactly, just….too much,” you felt your cheeks turn red as you confessed this and gave a small sob.
“Oh darling,” Mike responded as he continued to wipe the tears, pressing a soft kiss underneath each eye, “It’s okay sweetheart, nothing to be ashamed of huh?”
When you look up at him you see the relief that’s washed over Mike’s face, he gave a contended hum and smiled at you. Soft and kind, though slowly turning mischievous.
“Huh….so I really am that good?”
You swipe at him playfully and then sniff deeply, unsure of whether you’re trying to copy him and pick up his scent or sniffing in the way someone does when they’ve been crying. 
In response to this Mike mutters, “Cute,” before capturing your lips in his own. 
He takes a moment to ensure you’re ready before continuing, there’s never any pressure with Mike it’s always relaxed and happens when it’s supposed to. He lays on the bed beside you and pulls you into his chest, you stroke him slowly keeping his interest peaked for when you’re ready. 
And when you are…. When he thrusts back into you your head rolls backwards and your back arches. Maybe you weren’t 100% ready but you could work through this, the pleasure so close to pain it threatened to tear you apart. Determined you grip the bedsheets and know your knuckles will have turned white. 
“Damnit,” you hear Mike curse in half a grunt. “I’m sorry y/n it’s just, you look so fucking good like that.”
You gulp hearing him say those words threatening to send you over the edge again. It’s rare that he swears during sex, it’s rare he sounds like that but god if it doesn’t suite him. But perhaps that’s because you know how much he cares and how tender the man making you beg for mercy is. There’s a few tears still trickling down your face which is contorted in ecstasy, the taste of your salt on your lips, Mike licking your neck. A hand reaches between your legs and sets you on fire. 
Afterwards there’s cuddles and kisses, there’s praise and dreaming of a brighter more hopeful tomorrow. Mike returns to the bed with a warm damp cloth and cleans between your legs, another cloth for you to wipe your brow. You press your foreheads together as he wraps an arm around you, “You are such a wondrous beauty you know that? You take my breath away.”
You thought about joking in response, alluding to how he’d literally taken your breath away that evening but you decided against it, sometimes Mike really could be too sweet for his own good. 
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