#minion hard hours
xxatinyminionxx · 1 year
EN- Legal Line’s Reaction to You in Lingerie
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Genre: Smut 🔞, Reaction
Requested?: Yes - “enha legal line reacting to you in lingerie?”
A/N: I got this request nearly a year ago, I hope you’re still here anon 🧍‍♀️
You’re just asking for it if you approach him with one of your sultry sets on. At first he’ll behave, entertaining your little surprise for him with a light smirk he can’t hide and compliment you as he normally would whenever you show him a new outfit you got. But then you teasing him is what will set him off if his dirty thoughts don’t get to him first. Once that happens he will scoop you up into his lap, or pull you flush against his chest, and start kissing down the side of your neck. Let’s just say he loves the lingerie so much that he considers it a nice set piece for the floor…
This man buys you lingerie all the time, but this time you bought a set on your own. You thought it would be fun to surprise him after the long day he had ranted about having today over dinner last week. You decorate the bedroom in a way that compliments the lingerie you picked out. Candles and wine are definitely at the top of your decor list. When he sees you, his eyes go WIDE and give you a thorough once over. He immediately puts everything down and walks over to pull you into a heated kiss. In short, he loves your fashion sense. Good luck getting him off you :)
Oh mister Sim Jaeyun loves you in anything, you drive him CRAZY when you’re wearing lingerie and looking all sexy for him. Something really sweet about him is that he would take time to heavily praise you before anything else happens. Sure he says nice things about you all the time, but his compliments paired with him kissing anywhere that your skin is exposed with those pillowy lips is a whole new experience. He has to remind you how much you mean to him. I think you can already guess who’s going down on who first~
He still gets flustered seeing you all dressed up for him though it may or may not be the first time. He loves what he sees and he’ll definitely let you know through his stuttered responses and shy laughter. Please help him, he's so obvious he’s into what you’re wearing. Before no time his face is turning pink, he’s running a countless number of hands through his hair, and licking his lips. You usually have to get the words out of him until he gets a hold of himself. Once he calms down, he gives you a sweet peck on the lips and hooks his finger under one of your straps letting you know what he wants to do. Yep, lingerie to him is an invitation for some fun so long as you consent (aka it turns him on).
He’s amazed by how good you look anytime you approach him with lingerie on. He can’t believe you’re all his. He won’t hold back on the compliments so be ready for them and to feel like the most special person in the world. He’s all smiles on the outside but you know he’s gradually getting turned on inside. His compliments turn into sexy, playful teasing and eventually you two close the tension-filled gap between you, sharing a deeply passionate kiss. Things pick up quickly from there and the lingerie becomes a distant afterthought…
© 2022 xxatinyminionxx. All Rights Reserved.
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grimetoby · 2 years
guys i can’t find the gif of the guy saying banana and i really need it but it’s GONe.
further information: he looked similar to the video game man who wants to kill chaos (white, grey? hair, muscular) and was touching his face/nose with his thumb in a short repeating motion bc the gif length was like 2 seconds tops; he’s got the text under him saying BANANA but it’s obviously not what he’s actually saying
please help me
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diviinedevilry · 2 years
so it’s been a week since recovering and i’m still constantly. exhausted. like, went to bed at 10 last night after already having had a 3 hour nap, didn’t get up until midday and then had to nap again at 3 pm. anyone else had the spicy cough with any wise words on how long it took to not die walking up a flight of stairs or be constantly tired?
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circeyoru · 4 months
Demonic Companion
[Alastor x Human!Reader]
Let's switch it up, this time you're the human and Alastor's back to his demon self
Part 1 (here)
Part 2
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Others have an imaginary friend, and you think you got a demon from Hell
You didn’t even do anything, at least it wasn’t your fault. It was your friends’. They wanted to try summoning a demon after watching it on the internet since it looked fun and scary. It doesn’t actually happen, summoning an actual demon, so everyone was fine with it
Except you, of course. You objected, screamed and shouted ‘no’, even saying that there will be consequences. Though guess since everyone was a kid, no one really thought ahead, even when one did -aka you-, there wasn’t much of an arguable point to give out. You’re a kid, they’re a kid, so no authority, that’s the problem
So when an actual demon was summoned, what’s the next step? The demon, or Alastor, as he introduced himself was also known as the Radio Demon. Now Alastor offered a deal in exchange for whatever you and your friends wanted, he’d have your souls. Your friends were quick to agree, except for you, again
What did your friends want? The newest dollhouse, the toy car his parents wouldn’t buy for him, a giant fluffy soft toy bear, and a makeup set. Children, right?
You had unknowingly become the sole survivor of the weirdest and most nerve-wracking kidnapping in the city. How did 4 kids vanish, yet only one remained in an apartment? Your answer that no one believed was the work of a demon from Hell
You tried convincing your and your friends’ parents that, even the police, none believed. All the while Alastor would watch from the shadows and laugh at your attempt. As you grew up, you learned that there was no use and the suvivor’s guilt changed to numbness and indifference. It was your friends’ idea to summon a demon and accept deals without question, so it was never your fault
Though surprisingly, Alastor had stayed by your side since that summoning. He’d pop up from time to time to offer a deal to you, only later on did he give it a break and the two of you got to know each other
When you were of age, you got curious and asked Alastor about your friends’ souls that were in his care. Alastor causally stated that they weren’t worth your time, though he answered, that they were turned to his many shadow minions that serve him. You had asked him kindly if you could see them for a while moments
The second you did, you scolded them and shouted at them. Not caring they couldn’t even react or say anything back. In the end, you dropped to your knees and cried, because deep down, you still missed them. They weren’t bad friends but that stunt they pulled was not worth losing them
Alastor comforted you in his own way until you got over it. “Smile, my dear! You’re never fully dressed without one!” 
You lost count of how many times he said that to you and you questioned it once, well, more like snapped at him that a smile was just a smile, nothing more. Then the moment after had to be one of those intimidating ones. A smile, in his opinion, is a weapon, lets the people around him and his enemies guessing and thinking that he has the upper hand
Still though, above all else, he was the only person that was constant around you, never changing and always by your side. To that you’re grateful for
The relationship between you two was labelled as beneficial. The first time you heard it, you thought he was waiting for you to mature and do things to you, his radio track scratched so hard glass could break. He immediately denies it and says he has no interest in the romantics or sexual side of things. No, he was interested in entertainment, dark ones that would sate his boredom, and that’s what you were to him
At least, until you find yourself a romantic partner
A dainty soul that you had a crush on from middle school. You’d talk to Alastor about them for hours with the shy blush you had whenever you mentioned encounters or moments between the two of you. Your interest grew when you were of aged, being more confident -thanks to your intimating demon friend- and talented.  You had already caught the eyes of other individuals, both men and women, you were just that good!
The radio glitch moment came again when you told the joyous news to Alastor
He had been patiently waiting your return home so the two of you could have that movie night to start off the weekends, something he loathed but managed because you were there. He thought you were in trouble since you were late, but he waited since if you were in danger, he’d know. While you didn’t sign a contract with him, he still protected and cared for you. You would have questioned if he didn’t always say, “Oh, the entertainment you provide. You’re also my gateway to Earth! The poor souls around you for the taking.”
He opened the door for you that night when he heard you dropping the keys, you thanked him quickly and got in, locking the door behind you. You were surprised he was here since you thought you had time to calm down from excitement! Oh well, now that he’s here, no harm done! He’d be happy for you, maybe even relieved, since you wouldn’t be treating him like your diary to rant
“Ohh!! Alastor! The best thing happened to me just now, well, not just now, just now, it’s more like after school.”
“Did someone die?”
You paused in your smile as you froze, “What? No! Gosh, no!” Your mood returned as you grabbed his clawed hands, cupping them as you got close to him, “I have a partner! Like those ones from the ‘picture show’, you know!? Oh, right, no touchy.” You let go as quickly as you held him, missing his outreached hand that tried to hold your hand again, he loved your warmth on his. You turned your back to him as you ranted on, “My crush, now, lover! It’s like those cheesy movies! This is the best day of my life!”
Didn’t you say the best day of your life was Alastor coming into your life? Alastor’s smile was more forced as he listened to you. He hid his hands behind his back, clenching them hard as voodoo symbols appeared around him, more and more as your attention was away from him
“Isn’t it all great?” You had turned around with the biggest smile, oblivious to the rage your demonic friend was hiding. “Oh, I should ask, how’s your situation with Mimzy? You guys a thing?”
Ah, that lie he told you. He wanted to learn more about your romantic preferences but disguised it as him asking for advice on how to woo a demon girl with modern taste. He honestly never even thought about expressing feelings, not after spending so much time with you
“A work in progress, my dear!” Alastor lied. He’d never love that demoness that only came to him when she was in trouble. Not like you, the good and the bad times, you’d go to him, share with him your thoughts, and he can talk his mind to you. It wasn’t like you could betray him with another demon, you weren’t even in Hell! So he felt more at ease with you
“That’s good to hear, I’d love for you to find your happiness since you’ve been helping me so much.” Your heartfelt words melt his dark heart. Just why did that crush of yours hold your heart instead of him? His thought paused as you let out a sigh of relief, “After all, you must have better things to do than visit me up here, without a contract and all that. I think I can handle things from here.”
Were you cutting him off? 
“I have a date tomorrow and I need to be super super ready! It’s a date with my crush now lover!” You hyped yourself up, “So we don’t need have movie night for tonight, or ever. No need to put you through torture, watching a picture box and all.”
Alastor’s silence was a sign of his rage and disbelief. He didn’t think it was torture, it was just masking his excitement to sitting beside you. How he could hold you close when the time pass, how he could feel your warmth beside him, how he could actually relax from his persona and facade
“Is the news too much for you?” You got in front of him, tilting your head. So cutely
“It’s late but, congratulations, my dear!” Alastor beamed, a clapping soundtrack played from his microphone cane. “I knew you would have any soul you wish with that personality of yours! Why, if you could convince a demon such as I to stay by your side without a contract, no one alive can resist your charm!”
“Flattering as always.” You laughed along. You were entirely oblivious to his growing jealousy and envy, and he wasn’t even from the Envy Ring! “You can go back to H-”
“You know what we should have? A feast in celebration of you, my dear, finding love!” Alastor interrupted when he sensed you trying to push him away. Not on his watch. “Now, while you take a nice long bath, I’ll prepare us a meal fit for the occasion!”
“Really?” You asked while Alastor was pushing you to your bedroom, “But you don’t have to.”
Alastor’s shadow twisted as he fought back the urge to scream at you, to take it back, don’t cut him off from your life. “I insist, what are friends for? It’s only fair that I, your long-time companion, share your joy in this delightful surprise.”
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Note: There's part 2 cause it was way too long. In the making so will be up later on~ Question, do you guys like fluff or angst or both?
Circe Y.
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reverieparacosm · 11 months
hi! could you please write yandere!sauron x fem reader hcs? maybe sauron had a dream of this woman who fulfills a prophecy he read that would make him more powerful so he sends his minions to bring her to him and when he meets her there is a magical bond between them and he is obsessed with her
Prophecy: Yandere!Sauron x F!Reader
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Warnings: Yandere, possessive behaviors, manipulation, gaslighting, kidnapping, slavery, (Sauron is already a red flag -)
Note: Your wish is my command! I am weak for Yandere Sauron.
Remember kids - please do not enslave people just because you saw them in dreams
Sauron's thirst for power is unending
As the Dark Lord of Mordor, he is always on the lookout for ways to increase his influence and rule over Middle-Earth
One night, he is visited by a vision of a woman who would help him fulfill a prophecy that would grant him even more power. This vision ignites a fiery determination within him, and he sets his minions on the task of finding her and bringing her to him
His servants search far and wide, but the woman is elusive and hard to find. Months pass without success, but finally, one of his minions stumbles upon her during a routine scouting mission
He brings Sauron the news, and the Dark Lord is overjoyed. He immediately orders his minions to keep a close eye on her and bring him regular reports
But Sauron's desire for this mysterious woman grows stronger with each passing day. He wants her for himself, and orders his minions to bring her to him
She is everything he has hoped she would be - powerful and capable of fulfilling the prophecy. The moment they meet, Sauron feels a magical bond between them that he has never experienced before. He is immediately obsessed with her, unable to tear his eyes away from her
With a single glimpse, he is captivated by her beauty. So much so that he takes her face in his hand before she has even noticed his presence. His ice-cold mental glove caresses her cheeks and he absorbs every delicate detail, leaving her with an unsettling sensation
When she turns her head to the side, Sauron becomes more aggressive. He grabbs her chin with one hand and held her neck with the other, forcing her to look into his eye
Despite being an evil, dark lord with a reputation for cruelty, he develops a soft spot for her
He tells his minions not to harm her and threatens those who do with severe punishment. He does not want to lose her or drive her away, for he knows that she is the key to fulfilling his ultimate goal - becoming the most powerful being in Middle-Earth
"I would rather burn the world than see it harm you."
Sauron spends every waking hour with her, pouring his heart and soul into their relationship. He is desperate to learn everything he could about her, her abilities, and her place in the grand scheme of things. He is certain that she is the one he has been seeking for so long, the one who would help him achieve true greatness
As the days pass, the bond between them only grows stronger, and Sauron's obsession with her only deepens. He knows that the prophecy is within his grasp, and he would do whatever it takes to fulfill it with her by his side
The woman is initially reluctant to trust Sauron. But as he charms her with his words and gifts, she begins to fall under his spell
Sauron soon begins to see the woman as his property and becomes increasingly possessive and demanding. He expects her to devote all of her time and energy to him, and becomes violent when she tries to resist
"Your heart beats in harmony with mine, the two inextricably linked in a bond so strong that no other force can break it. You are mine, and I am yours, our destinies intertwined forevermore."
Sauron is constantly monitoring the woman, using magic to invade her thoughts and dreams. He knows her every move and thought, and he uses this knowledge to control her
Sauron revels in her obedience, especially when she sits at his feet as he holds court with his many war generals. It is a constant reminder of his power over her, and he loves having her as his symbol. Even when he is deep in conversation, he still takes a moment to stroke her hair, relishing in her submission. He senses the tension in her body, and it only increases his satisfaction
"There is no one like you, my beautiful darling. The way you bend to my will pleases me greatly. You are a constant reminder of the power I have over you, and it thrills me to no end. Even in the midst of battle, I cannot help but take a moment to stroke your hair, relishing in your submission. Your body trembles with tension, and it only increases my satisfaction. Never forget who you belong to. I am your master, and you will forever be my symbol."
The woman is conflicted about Sauron's behavior, but she is unable to resist the powerful bond between them. She tries to convince herself that she can change him, but as time goes on, she realizes that he is too deeply engrained in his dark ways to change
If she tries to escape, Sauron would likely use his powerful magic to track her down and capture her
He would stop at nothing to keep her under his control. If the woman manages to escape his grasp, Sauron would likely become more obsessed than ever, and he would use all of his resources to find her and bring her back to him. He would stop at nothing to keep her by his side, even if it meant using his most dark and nefarious tactics to do so
"You are my most prized treasure, my greatest possession. No one on this earth or beyond it will ever take you away from me. Our love is eternal, a bond that cannot be broken or tarnished by any force in existence."
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servantofthefates · 4 months
Leap Day Spell
The Earth takes 365 days and roughly six hours to orbit the Sun. Leap Day, occurring on February 29th, is a corrective measure to include those extra hours.
Do you work very hard but are not appreciated at your job? Do you give generously in a relationship but are not reciprocated? Have you been eating healthy without noticing any effect on your body?
As above, so below. Leap Day is the time for correcting mismatching things in life.
STEP 1: The Protest
At any time during the 24 hours of a Leap Day, write down on a piece of paper, in just one sentence, what you wish to correct in your life.
If you have more than one grievance, choose that which pains you the most. The one that, if set right, will give you the greatest relief.
Using natural paper uncoated with polymers, as well as pencil instead of processed ink, will help you connect to nearby supernatural earth-dwellers.
STEP 2: The Appeal
On the back of the paper, write with your non-dominant hand these eleven names:
Abbac, Abdac, Istac, Audac, Castrac, Cuac, Cusor, Tristator, Derisor, Detestator, Incantator
They are demons who work for the old gods. They punish the mischievous and the cruel with scorn and ridicule.
The struggle you feel while using your opposite hand is what will make them take notice of you.
STEP 3: The Judgement
Put your paper and a single banana peel in a small unpainted metal pail. Fill it up with water. Place it where the light from the Sun or the Moon can reach it.
A banana peel, though considered trash, is rife with vitamins and minerals. Your protest will be weighed by the demons against it: What has more worth, your complaint or a piece of garbage?
STEP 4: The Waiting
After exactly eleven hours have passed, use the liquid in the pail to water a plant. Respectfully dispose of the paper and the banana peel together.
If the old gods’ minions have found your protest worthy, that aspect of your life will begin correcting itself in the next few days.
If nothing has happened in eleven days, it means they have decided that whatever unfairness you are suffering is well-deserved. That it is payment for how you too have treated others unfairly before.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
Hi could you do an angsty one shot where Eddie cheats on the reader? Or when the reader thinks he’s cheated and they argue? Whatever you feel like, thanks 😊
think this is my fav angst i've written so far, thanks for the request
infidelity / eddie munson
part two
cw: cheating/thoughts of cheating, cursing, overall just a lot of angst and tears
sometimes it's hard to know what you want.
eddie never meant to make meeting with chrissy cunningham a regular thing. but she was a really sweet girl who was struggling and eddie always had to be a savior. so when she kept asking to meet him during lunch out in the woods, he kept going. and eventually, he began asking her to meet him and before he knew it they were hanging out there most days of the week and hiding it from everyone. even you. 
at first you didn’t notice and frankly didn’t care. you weren’t obsessive over eddie because you were confident in his love for you. at least you thought you were. he kept disappearing though and he wouldn’t give you an answer. if he did he lied, which was stupid because he was so easy for you to read. it just didn’t make sense. so, you decided to skip fifth period and see just where he kept disappearing to during his lunch hour. lucas had admitted to you that he wasn’t at lunch much anymore, but was secretive of where he was going. the boys had all assumed he was meeting you. 
so there you were, stood behind the bleachers as you watched eddie stand near the entrance of the woods while looking around for someone expectantly. what you didn’t expect was to see chrissy cunningham running up to meet him. you didn’t freak out, you knew eddie was the only one in school who sold drugs and who were you to judge if people needed them or not? but then he held open his arms, engulfing the giggling blonde in a tight hug. you felt a sharp pain in your heart as you watched him guide her into the woods, arm slung across her shoulder as she wrapped one around his back.
you debated running after them and confronting them, but you were smarter than that. running up at them a screaming and crying mess would get you nowhere. you needed evidence. so, you acted as though nothing was wrong when eddie came up to you after school and gave you a kiss as he did everyday. but you couldn’t help but wonder if those lips had been against someone else’s. 
“so, uh, i think we need a date night. what do you say the movies? friday night? they’re replaying nightmare on elm street since the new one’s coming out in a month or so, i know you love that movie,” you ask with a smile. eddie’s smile falters and he gulps nervously. 
he scratches the back of his neck, hoping he doesn’t seem like he’s lying. “i’d love to, baby, but i’m supposed to hang out with gareth and the guys. saturday though?” he asks with a fake smile. you didn’t want him to know you had caught on.
you pulled away from him and nodded. “yeah, saturday, i’ll call you about times?” you say. he nods and smiles. “alright, i’m gonna head home,” you say, holding the strap of your bag tightly.
“you don’t want to come to hellfire?” he asked confused. you almost always came to watch. 
you shook your head no. “nah, i’m not feeling too good,” you shrugged.
eddie frowned. “oh, well, go rest and get better, okay? maybe i’ll stop by later,” he says stepping back up to you. “i love you, babe,” he says and it hurt so much more than it ever has. you couldn’t shake what you'd seen today, and how did you know he even meant it anymore? he pressed a kiss to your forehead and you nodded, turning and heading to your car as tears stung your eyes. 
it was currently wednesday, so you planned on interrogating one of eddie’s minions that wouldn’t crack if eddie were to question him. so that’s how you ended up at hard-headed mike wheeler’s house at 9 o’clock on a wednesday night. to say he was shocked to see you sitting on his bed in his dirty bedroom would be an understatement. “y/n?” he asks, looking back at nancy who just shrugged and went to her own room. 
“hey, mike,” you said hoarsely, not bothering to try and hide you’ve been crying. 
mike looks at you in confusion before slowly closing his door and dropping his bag. “not trying to be rude, but why are you here? in my bed… and crying?” he asks cautiously approaching you.
“just know if you tell anyone what we talk about in here i will chop your tiny dick off,” you say aggressively pointing at him.
“my dick isn’t- nevermind. yeah, i won’t tell anyone. to be honest, y/n you’re kind of scary,” he says, cautiously sitting on his own bed across from you. “now, can you please tell me what’s going on?” he asks.
you sigh, wiping a tear from your eye. “i think eddie’s cheating on me,” you spoke quietly.
mike’s jaw dropped. “no way,” he says causing you to give him a look. “i-i mean, he’s like obsessed with you, he talks about you like all the time. even refers to you as his princess, it’s kind of weird honestly…” mike continues. 
“but has it been the same recently? have you noticed a change in, i don’t know, the past month i think?” you ask, chewing on your nails.
mike thought back and he hated to say it, but he did. “y/n… do you really think he has the ability to cheat on you?” he asks, struggling to believe it.
“so you have noticed something,” you observe, feeling as though you may throw up. 
mike bit his lip and looked away. “he just, doesn’t talk as much about you. i just thought maybe since you’ve been together so long that he didn’t feel like he needed to? in the beginning he was worried about us hitting on you, on his bullshit about how we couldn’t look at you in the wrong way and so on but obviously we caught on quickly. he also misses lunch like a lot, we figured he was with you but lucas said that wasn’t it. i know he sells, but he doesn’t get that much business,” mike explains. a couple tears fall from your eyes and mike feels awkward but just looks down at his hands. 
“he’s been going to the woods behind the football field, with chrissy cunningham. i saw them today,” you said brokenly.
mike furrows his eyebrows. “chrissy cunningham? you’re sure, like, jason’s girlfriend?” he asks and you nod. “holy shit…” he mutters. 
“i asked him to hangout friday, they’re playing nightmare on elm and it’s like his favorite movie. but he said he’s hanging out with gareth. can you find out if that’s true? maybe ask what everyone’s doing and get back to me?” you ask. mike chewed on his lip as he thought. he didn’t want to betray eddie, but if he was cheating…
if eddie was like a male parental figure for the guys, you were definitely like a mother. you always gave the boys rides home if they needed it, you’d bought them pizza, and even tried helping them get girls. “yeah, i’ll ask tomorrow at lunch. it’s hot dog day, for some reason he thinks they’re amazing,” mike comments causing you to laugh. it was true, eddie for some reason loved those nasty ass hot dogs. 
so the next day at lunch, mike did just that. he was normally shit at being subtle, but luckily dustin first brought up the topic of weekend plans. almost everyone had answered except eddie. “so, eddie. what about you? doing anything tomorrow or the weekend?” he asked nonchalantly. eddie looked up, mike almost wanting to laugh at the fact his mouth was actually full of hot dog. 
after swallowing, he wipes his mouth and looks at him. “yeah, i’m going to see nightmare on elm street tomorrow night. you know they’re showing that shit?” he smiles, taking another bite. a pit forms in mike’s stomach. he wasn’t hanging out with gareth. 
“oh, cool. cool. you going with y/n, you both love that shit?” mike pushes and eddie gives him a nervous look. he looks at mike, his eyes flashing somewhere else in the cafeteria before he pulls himself back together. 
he nods, looking around the table. “uh, yeah. y/n and me are going,” eddie confirms. mike purses his lip, looking down to his tray as he thinks. telling you hurt, because he saw your eyes water before thanking him and leaving. so you made a plan, you were going to go to the movie and see if eddie was there. if he was with chrissy, you’d confront him at his house after. 
so that’s where you stood five minutes before the movie started. there were only doing one showing tonight, and knowing eddie he would’ve arrived here thirty minutes early. he always made you do that. you paid for a ticket and stood outside the door to the theater, trying to psych yourself up to go in there and see something that might break you inside.
you took a final deep breath and walked into the theater. you peaked around the corner of the wall separating the entrance from the seats and scanned up the crowd. you avoided looking at your seats first, scared of what you might find. you and eddie always sat in the same place, and when your eyes finally fell on it, you wanted to throw up. 
in his usual seat sat your boyfriend, and in yours was chrissy cunningham. he had his arm on the back of the chair, like he always did for you and they were laughing, eating popcorn from a bucket on chrissy’s lap. you turned around quickly, running out of the theater and back to your car. the second your door closed you broke down. all you felt was pain.
eddie was your everything. in a world where you had no one, you thought you would always have eddie. you spent months in your relationship finally getting comfortable with the fact that he actually wanted you after no one had. and now? pretty cheerleader, queen of hawkins high, chrissy cunningham had his attention. you cried in your car for about an hour, and when you could finally see straight you drove to his trailer and sat on the steps, waiting for him to come home. you just prayed chrissy wasn’t with him. that would break you more than anything. 
you sat impatiently, bouncing your leg until you heard the tell-tale sign of metallica coming from his van. soon, his headlights were blinding you until his engine cut. “baby?” he asked as his door opened, it quickly slamming shut as he walked quickly up to you. “baby, what are you doing here, it's getting cold?” he asks, standing in front of you. 
“how was your movie?” you asked in an empty voice and eddie felt his blood run cold. 
he looked around nervously before opening his mouth. “what do you mean? i-i was with gareth-”
“i saw you, eddie!” you yelled, looking up at him. “i was there! i knew you were acting weird and i find you with chrissy fucking cunningham?” you scoff, lowering your voice now that you had his attention. 
eddie was in shock. “i-i can explain,” he said and looked at you like he was genuinely in pain.
you raised your eyebrows, “then explain.” 
eddie opened his mouth, searching for words but he didn’t have any. he didn’t know how to explain what he’d been doing or what has been going through his head. “i love you,” he whispered desperately.
you scoffed in disbelief and stood up. “no, you don’t,” you sneer at him. 
eddie mouth goes dry. “i do, y/n, i love you,” he tries reassuring. you shake your head, lip quivering as you feel tears well up in your eyes once more.
“then why are you cheating on me?” you ask with a broken voice.
eddie grabs you by the arms to get you to look at him. “baby, i’m not cheating on you. me and chrissy, we- we’re just friends,” he says desperately. you shake your head, bringing your hands up to your face. 
“no,” you mumble. and eddie opens his mouth to respond. “you meet her three times a week. you hide in the fucking woods with her. you hug her like she’s- like you hug me. you lied to me, you took her to your favorite movie, and-and you put her in my seat!” you tell him, voice rising as you go as you try ripping away from his grip.
eddie shakes his head, eyes filling with tears. “no- babe, it’s not like that,” he cries, trying to grab you again. 
you cry as you shove him away. “then what’s it like? because you know i wouldn’t have cared if you and chrissy were just friends. but you lied and kept it all from me. you chose her over me, you’re treating her exactly how you treated me before you asked me out. you took her to see nightmare on elm street,” you say, emphasizing the title while staring deep into his eyes. 
“i thought she would like it, it’s nothing else!” he says.
you turn from him as you take a deep breath. “was that your first time hanging out with her, outside of school?” you ask.
“yes, baby, i just thought she’d-” he starts.
“you took her on the same first date you took me on. on that date, we had our first kiss. on that date, you asked me out. and now? it’s not even ours anymore,” you say, eddie’s heart dropping with every sentence. he totally forgot that was 'your movie.'
he shook his head and reached for your hands once again. “y/n, it’s still ours, it will always be ours,” he said, tears visibly falling. 
you let out a sob that broke eddie’s heart. “you kiss her?” you ask.
“no, no, baby, i didn't kiss her,” he says immediately and you know he’s honest. that takes the tiniest bit of hurt away from you. 
you take a deep breath before asking the next question. “but you like her?” you whisper. eddie shakes his head no but you notice the unsureness behind his eyes. “don’t lie,” you continue.
eddie runs a hand over his mouth and spins around, running his hands through his hair. “i don’t know,” he finally admits, scaring himself. you choke back a sob, feeling like everything in your life is a lie. “but, i do know that i love you,” eddie says, walking up to you. 
you shake your head once more, feeling your whole body become heavy with helplessness. you felt like you were gonna throw up. “don’t,” you say, feeling your mouth begin to salivate as you hold out your hand. “don’t say you love me if i’m not the only one,” you say and then gag.
“but it’s true, i’m in love with you, y/n, please believe me,” eddie begs trying to get closer to you. your hands fall to your knees as you heave and then suddenly you’re throwing up whatever you had eaten earlier. “woah, baby,” eddie said in a worried tone, immediately reaching forward to hold your hair and rub your back as you continued throwing up. once you are able to stop and stand, you push him off of you.
you wipe your mouth, more tears filling your eyes. “don’t call me that,” you say, stepping back away from him.
“y/n, please. everything can be fine. look i-i’ll stop talking to chrissy. that’s no problem, i’ll do anything,” he begs.
you close your eyes, your head was starting to hurt from all of this. “eddie, i can’t be with you when you have feelings for someone else,” you say.
eddie lets out a huff, trying to hold back a sob. “i don’t have feelings for her, i-i don’t think i do. i know that you’re who i want, i never questioned that,” he explains. 
“you still lied to me,” you say.
the sob leaves his lips. “i know and i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. but please, y/n, you are the only one i want. chrissy is nothing compared to you,” he says.
“i need to go home. i need to think. i need a break,” you say seriously, taking a deep breath. 
eddie starts to shake, his lip trembling. “what? a break? like… from us?” eddie croaks.
you nod and brush past him, walking to your car. “we’re done, eddie. go figure your shit out with chrissy,” you say, feeling completely numb as you do.
eddie runs after you, grabbing your arm and turning you to face him. “baby, please don’t do this. i do not want chrissy, you are it for me,” he emphasizes his words, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. tears streaming down both your faces.
“if that’s true then a break won’t change that. i’m not changing my mind,” you say and eddie’s head falls forward as a sob rocks through his whole body.
he sniffles and hiccups before meeting your eyes again. “so this is it?” he asks in the most heartbroken voice you’d ever heard.
you look away from him, not wanting to cry more. “goodbye, eddie,” you whisper, waiting for him to take his hands from you.
eddie cries, leaning his head down to rest against yours. “i’m sorry i did this to us,” he whimpers, causing you to screw your eyes shut in pain. 
“eddie…” you trail, watching him look at you through his tear-filled brown eyes. “let me go,” you say quietly, watching him shut his eyes.
he shakes his head no, stroking your face with his thumb. “i can’t. i love you, i want to marry you, y/n. i can’t just let you go,” he sobs. everything he was saying was making you want to stay, but you knew it would be a mistake if you did.
“eddie, you have to. i need space, please,” you beg. eddie gave you a final, heart broken look before backing away slowly. “goodnight, eddie,” you say quietly and open your car door. 
“i love you,” he desperately tries once more as your car door closes. you pull out of his driveway and head home, tears clouding your vision as you go. eddie pulls at his hair and falls to his knees, sobbing at the fact that he just lost you. eddie was feeling more pain than he’d ever felt in his life, and he didn’t even know what to do with himself at this point. 
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First Blood
Summary: Danny should have expected that he wouldn't be able to do this ghost fighting thing by himself forever. Though admittedly, he didn't expect things to go quite like this.
Author's Note:
My brain: Hey you should write a Danny Phantom AU
Me: Wtf? Why?
My brain: I wanna
Anyway I do partly blame this fic on AO3 by artistfingers for giving me the inspiration.
He’d meant to tell them, was the thing.  It was entirely a coincidence that they weren’t there when it happened in the first place.
Sam had been the one to first have the idea of checking out the ghost zone, even if Danny had been desperately curious before that too.  But she’d been the one to convince him to try it, and he’d even gotten into the suit his parents had designated for this purpose (thankfully with a thought from Sam to pull his Dad’s face off his chest), but before he could actually go in the portal and turn it on, Sam’s parents showed up and dragged her and Tucker home.
They had never been the biggest fans of Danny or his parents, and weren’t super happy when they learned Sam was there.  Tucker had tried to protest against getting dragged along, but Sam’s parents kind of had a presence you couldn’t stand up to for very long, so they’d both left eventually.
But Danny was only more desperately curious after almost going in, and he couldn’t know when his parents would both be out like this again.  So, he’d gone back an hour later and turned the portal on.  And then…
Then he’d started trying to come up with a way to say “hey guys I’m sort of half ghost now” without sounding like a total lunatic.
And then the ghost fights had started, and Danny Phantom became well known before Danny Fenton could come up with a way to explain it to them.  And then he didn’t want them to get hurt.  The fights were hard enough on him, and he had superpowers.
He’s… definitely regretting that decision now.  He should have known eventually he’d come across something he couldn’t defeat on his own, for one reason or another.  But he’d always assumed if that came up it would be a ghost that was just too powerful, and he could ask someone for help.  Hard to do that when the problem is an evil but human ringmaster with a ghost-controlling crystal ball.  Admittedly, he hadn’t thought that far ahead.
He’s not quite sure what’s going on when he comes to, but the crystal ball is shattered in pieces at his feet and the other ghosts he’s become familiar with are blinking in the space across from him.  Freakshow himself is in between them all, staring at the crystal ball like he’s trying to process what’s happening.
Danny’s doing the same thing.  This isn’t Amity Park, that’s clear enough, but he doesn’t know where he is.  He doesn’t know what’s just happened, though he has a vague memory of an overwhelming sense of anger giving him enough force to throw the crystal ball to the ground.
“You know,” Freakshow says, looking up with a terrified grin.  “When I called you, uh, ‘minions,’ it was really a term of endearment, like, ‘Oh, I love my minions!’”
Danny scoffs, meets eyes with the other ghosts, and finds them in agreement.
They drag Freakshow to the haul he’s made them all put together, call the cops, and fly off into the night.
But while the three of them go who-knows-where, Danny changes forms and heads for a grocery store or a gas station, any place where he can find a newspaper and hopefully figure out the date or his location.  Preferably both.
…It’s been weeks.  It’s been weeks and he’s halfway across the country.
Danny sits on the ground outside of the gas station and drops his head in his hands.  The homework alone is going to be a nightmare.
His stomach growls.  He’s been in his ghost form for who knows how long, and it’s probably been just as long since he ate, but he doesn’t have any money on him.
So, in a move he’s not exactly proud of, he steals a couple apples and bags of chips from the gas station and practically inhales them.  He sits on a bench for another hour or so before he realizes he probably can’t put off the inevitable anymore.
He switches forms again and starts flying home.
He’s pretty fast at this point, so it takes him no more than a couple hours to get there, but he has no idea what he’ll find when he arrives.  The past couple weeks get blurrier the closer the time gets to the present, but he has the feeling he’s done some bad stuff.  He doesn’t know what his public image in Amity Park is anymore, but he has an inkling it’s not exactly great.
And that’s just the Phantom side of things.  He’s going to have to deal with the Fenton side first, and that almost sounds worse.
First, however, he’s exhausted, and still hungry, and he can’t deal with this tonight.  So he resigns himself to worrying everyone for one more night, grabs some stuff from the fridge, and flies silently up to his bedroom.  He eats handfuls of whatever food he grabbed with his back to the door, and then leans back against it and breathes, taking in the feeling of at least being home.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem he’s going to get even a night of reprieve, because the next second someone bangs on the door he’s leaning against, and he splays forward on the ground with a surprised yelp.
He turns to see Jazz forcing the door open.  She freezes when she sees Danny, and for a couple seconds, they stare at each other.
“Uh,” Danny says.  “Hi?”
Jazz blinks.  “Hi?”
Danny swallows.  “Yeah?”
Jazz balls her hands into fists and glares at him.  “Where have you been?”
Jazz buries her hands in her hair and pulls on it, giving a frustrated scream.  “Danny!  Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been?”
“Sorry,” Danny mutters, not sure what else to say.  He still has no idea what’s happened the past few weeks.
Jazz runs her hands over her hair, smoothing it down, and takes a deep breath.  Then she kneels down and pulls Danny into a crushing hug.
“Why would you run away like that?” Jazz says, but there’s something else in her voice, like she’s trying to get at something.  “Are you okay?  Are you hurt?  Do you want to—” she pulls back, and looks Danny in the eyes with a very pointed expression.  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asks, her voice suddenly very soft and gentle.
Danny stares at her for a second, not sure where the sudden shifting emotions from her came from.  Either way, he shakes his head.  He doesn’t even know what he’d say.  He’s going to have to come up with some kind of story, but how is he supposed to do that without contradicting something he doesn’t remember happening?
“Are you sure?” Jazz says, still looking at him intentionally, and Danny does not understand what she’s trying to say.  He’ll blame the exhaustion and brain fog.
Jazz sighs, and pulls him back into a hug.  “Okay.  But you’re going to have to explain to Mom and Dad why you’ve been missing for weeks.  Uh… for exactly three weeks and four days, as we both know very well of course.  And you’ll also have to explain why no one knows anything at all about where you’ve been or what you’ve been doing— as far as I know that is.”
Danny pulls back and gives her a baffled look.  “Why are you talking like that?”
“Excuse me!  You’re the one who runs away for, just to reiterate, exactly three weeks and four days to an unknown location, and you’re asking me why I’m being weird?”
Danny stares at her.  “Uh, I mean I kind of am now?”
“I can’t believe you!” Jazz exclaims, waving her arms up without actually looking that exasperated.  Then she leans forward and wraps her arms around Danny again.
“I’m really glad you’re okay,” she whispers, with a suspicious sniff that Danny doesn’t acknowledge.  “Please don’t scare me like that again.”
Danny reaches up and wraps his arms weakly around her.  “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, which is all he can say, because he can’t exactly guarantee that nothing like this will happen again, can he?
For a minute, they both just sit there, and Danny tries to ignore how good it feels to be hugged by his sister, because that’s a totally lame realization to have, and he doesn’t need any more reasons for people to beat him up.
But then another familiar voice comes from behind them.
“Jazz?  What are you doing up—”
Danny jerks around and meets eyes with his mother, who stares wide-eyed back at him.
After a second, she turns and screams, “JACK!” then rushes forward and pulls Danny towards her.
“Are you okay?  Are you hurt?”  She takes his face in her hands, turning it back and forth.  “What were you thinking, you’re grounded for a month!  You look terrible, when did you eat last?  When did you shower?  Do you have any idea how worried sick we were?  I’m never letting you out of my sight again!  Was it ghosts?  What can you tell us about them?”
Danny laughs despite himself.  His mom is being so incredibly normal (well, normal by her standards) that it immediately brushes away quite a few of his worries.
Then he remembers what his best option for a cover story is, and his smile fades.  His dad shows up in the doorway a second later, looking half-asleep.
“It… it wasn’t ghosts, Mom,” he says, and at least that part is true, if misleading.  “I just… I’m sorry.”
His mom presses a hand to her forehead, looking like Danny’s taken about ten years off her life.  “You’re grounded for two months,” she amends.  “What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t,” Danny says, which is also true, if… also misleading.
“You got that right,” his dad said, putting his hands on his hips in what looked like his best impression of a stern father.  “You’re grounded for three months, mister.”
“That’s just going to keep going up, isn’t it,” Danny says with a sigh.
Jazz reaches over and gives him a side hug and a sympathetic smile, and Danny really isn’t sure what’s going on with her right now.
But honestly, for the moment, he’s just glad to be home.
Danny still isn’t quite sure how he manages to get out of giving any details to the police, but he does it.  He’s given back to his parents to decide his punishment, meaning he’s confined to house arrest for the next five months (it did keep going up).  That’s going to make ghost hunting a little bit difficult, but he’ll burn that bridge when he gets to it.
The one exception to grounding, obviously, is school, which Danny is equal parts dreading and looking forward to.  It was a Saturday when he got back, and of course Sam and Tucker know he’s returned, but he hasn’t gotten to see either of them.  He doubts he’ll be able to see them much outside of school or the occasional study party.
Stupid Freakshow.  This is going to ruin his life until Christmas.
Either way, Monday comes.  And Danny walks into the school and over to his locker and tries to ignore everyone staring at him.
A loud bang at his left causes him to jump and turn to see Sam leaning against the lockers, looking none too pleased.
“So,” she says.  “Have you finally decided the rest of us are worthy of your presence again?”
“Come on, Sam,” Tucker says, walking up behind her.  “You said you weren’t gonna be like that.”
“Sorry, he just screws off to nowhere and you expect me to not be upset?” Sam asks with a glare at Tucker before turning back around.  “Honestly Danny, you know I’m all for escaping awful parents, but you didn’t even tell us where you were going!  We didn’t know if you were okay!”
“My parents aren’t awful,” Danny mutters as he looks down at his feet, all he can think to say.
“Then why did you leave?” Sam snaps, leaning into his face.
Danny winces, leaning back.  “Do we have to do this out here in the hallway?”
Sam huffs, standing up straight and glaring away.  “Fine.  Whatever.  I’m going to class.”  She stalks off without another word.
Danny sighs and turns to his locker so he can put the textbooks he needs into his backpack.  It’s not his fault, and he knows that, but he still feels like the worst person on the face of the planet for making them worry.
“So…” Tucker says slowly, leaning back against the locker much less angrily than Sam.  “Why did you leave?”
Danny closes his locker and swings his bag over his shoulder.  “Doesn’t matter.  I’m back, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, except it kind of does, though?  Dude, if you feel like leaving again, I want to help you.”
Danny turns to look at him and sees nothing but honest concern in Tucker’s eyes.
He wishes it was that easy.
“You can’t,” he says.
“Why not?”
“It’s not—” Danny sighs, looking around to make sure no one’s listening.
Everyone is listening.
“Not here,” he says, turning back to Tucker.  “And not now.”
Tucker looks at him for another second.  “Okay,” he says finally.  “But don’t think I’m letting up on this.”
Danny smiles just a little bit.  “I know you’re not,” he says.
The warning bell rings.
“I have to go,” Danny says.  “If I cut first period on my first day back after running away, I think my parents will actually kill me.”
Tucker smirks.  “Sounds like you brought that one on yourself, dude,” he says.  “But sure.  See ya at lunch.”
“See ya,” Danny says, and turns to walk the other way.
The day is about what he expects.  Mocking and socks in the stomach from Dash, dry remarks and glares along with piles of makeup work from teachers.  He’s exhausted, but he deals with all of it and prepares to work through it until things are at least marginally back to normal.
He can’t wait for Sam and Tucker to not be mad at him.  That would help a ton.
There doesn’t seem to be much of a chance of that when lunch arrives, however, because Sam starts glaring at him the second he sits down, and Tucker just gives him that same concerned look that Danny is pretty sure he can’t make go away without spilling his guts.
…Well, not that “hey Tucker I was actually being mind controlled by that ringmaster from Circus Gothica” would make him less concerned.  If he believed him in the first place, that is.
Danny doesn’t know what to say to break the awkward silence, but apparently Sam has that covered.
“So, Tucker,” she says, very loudly.  “Are we still on for Nasty Burger after school?”
Ouch.  Fair enough.
“Uh,” Tucker says, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Maybe that’s not such a great idea anymore?”
“Why?  Are we supposed to drop our plans the second Danny decides to stop being childish?”
“Okay,” Danny says, turning to face her.  He’s positive he doesn’t have the energy to deal with an angry Sam for the weeks it takes her to forgive him.  “What do you want me to say to you, Sam?”
Sam turns her glare on him.  “I want you to tell me why on earth you left with no notice of when you’d be back or whether or not you were okay or why you were leaving,” she snaps.  “Why the fuck would you do that to us?”
“I wasn’t trying to,” Danny says, looking down as guilt stabs him in the chest.  “I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean you weren’t trying to?  What were you trying to do?”
“I don’t know,” Danny says, because it’s true.  He doesn’t really remember the exact specifics of when and where and why he left Amity Park with Freakshow.  He is pretty sure he wasn’t around as Danny Fenton for at least a couple days before that, though, meaning Jazz’s random ‘three weeks and four days’ comment was probably more accurate than the one he’d worked out from the newspaper.
“I really don’t know what I was thinking,” he reiterates, forcing himself to turn and look at Sam.  “I don’t know what else to say.  I’m sorry.”
He watches anger and concern and something else war on Sam’s face for a second before she scoffs and glares away.  “You’re really not going to tell us what happened?” she asks.
“I… don’t know if you’d believe me,” Danny says quietly, looking down at his awful school lunch that is leagues better than the almost nothing he’s probably eaten the past couple weeks.
Sam gives a bitter laugh, shaking her head.  “Oh my god.”
“Sam,” Tucker says, narrowing his eyes at her.
“What?” Sam asks, turning her glare to him again.  “Are you trying to pretend you haven’t spent the last three weeks terrified out of your mind too?”
Danny fights to not hunch over on himself.
“I’m sorry,” he says instead, turning to look at Sam.  “I really am.  I didn’t want to scare you.  I’m sorry.”
Sam looks at him firmly for a long second, and she must see something in his face that makes her believe him, because she stabs at the limp broccoli on her tray without looking at it and says, “You gonna do it again?”
Danny shakes his head and prays to whatever’s out there listening that he’s not lying right now.  If Desiree was around, he might even make a wish on it.
Sam seems to accept that at least a little bit.  She turns and takes a bite of her vegetables.  “If you do I’ll murder you,” she says.
You’re a couple months late for that, Danny doesn’t say.  Instead he just nods.
“So,” Tucker says, drawing both of their attentions with a much more easygoing smile on his face.  “I imagine you’ve got a lot of homework to make up, Danny.  You want to move our hangouts to after school while you’re doing that at least?”
Danny smiles gratefully at him, and Sam sighs and mutters, “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
So that’s where they end up, and Danny immediately appreciates how almost-normal it feels.  One of the last clear memories he has before things start getting fuzzy is studying in the same library with Sam and Tucker, so in a way it feels like picking up where he left off— with some unwelcome tension added to the air.
Danny spends the first half hour or so doing homework while Tucker and Sam talk idly next to him about things they’ve done in the past three weeks that he’s apparently missed out on.  Unlike lunch, there’s no anger involved, just awkwardness and hesitation, which is… better, he supposes.
Finally after an hour, when he’s only finished a tiny bit of homework for one of his classes, he sits back in his chair and massages his temples.  “This is gonna take me a month.”
“Well, you did miss almost a month of work,” Sam says, with a not-very-sympathetic smile.  “You don’t really have anyone to blame but yourself.”
“I’m gonna get so tired of that sentiment,” Danny says, dropping his head into an open textbook.
“It’s true.”
“I know,” Danny mutters without lifting his head.
“Did you at least have fun while you were on your runaway vacation?” Tucker asks.
Danny pulls his head up and finds Tucker now leaning on the table in front of him.
“No,” he says, because he’s sick of lying.
Tucker winces.  “Ouch.”
Sam snorts.  “Serves you right.”
“Sam,” Tucker says, at the same time Danny waves her off with “I know, I know, I get it.”
Sam sighs, and pushes herself up on the table.  “Alright, look.  You should probably lie low for the first month or two.  But when your parents eventually stop watching you closer I can help you sneak out for a little fun from time to time.”
Danny gives her a grateful smile.  “Thanks, Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah.  You owe me one.”
“I already owe you one,” Danny says.
“You got that right,” Sam says, crossing her arms with a smirk.  She probably thinks he means her forgiving him so quickly.  He doesn’t.
They don’t stay much longer, because the hour after school in the library is the only time his parents gave him before he has to go home.
As soon as he gets a free moment, when his parents are busy making dinner, he sneaks downstairs and looks up Danny Phantom on the computer.
Just as he expected, it’s not great.  Most of the things it lists Phantom as doing are robberies and property damage, about what he expects.  But there’s also quite a few mentions of him being cruel to the other ghosts in Freakshow’s circus, and he… cannot figure out how he feels about that.
Fighting ghosts is nothing new, obviously.  But the ghosts in Freakshow’s circus didn’t choose to be there.  He didn’t choose to hurt them either, but he still feels kind of uncomfortable with it, with the idea that it happened and he doesn’t even remember it.
Danny yelps and closes the window on the computer, spinning around to see Jazz standing there.
“Jazz,” he says weakly.  “I uh, I didn’t hear you come down here.”
“Dinner’s ready,” Jazz says, giving him a look he can’t read.
She looks at the computer, and it’s way too obvious she saw what he was looking at.
“You know,” she says, turning back to him.  “Unless you’re just catching up on the ghost fighting from the past couple weeks, I wouldn’t put too much thought into Phantom.”
Danny blinks.  “Uh, why?”
Jazz rolls her eyes.  “He was so obviously under the control of that Freakshow guy,” she says.  “Don’t you think?”
“What?” Danny stares at her.  “How would you know that?”
Jazz gives him a soft smile and leans forward to kiss the top of his head.  “Just a hunch I have,” she says.
“Gross, get off me,” Danny says, though he can’t put any real bite into it and he’s pretty sure Jazz can tell.
“I pay attention, you know,” Jazz says, stepping back.
Danny swallows.  “Yeah?  How much?”
“Enough to know that robbery and property damage isn’t Phantom’s MO,” Jazz says with a roll of her eyes.  “And that those reports aren’t gonna say anything about what he’s actually like.”  She pauses and looks at Danny for a minute, then clears her throat and looks away.  “You know, just in case you’re curious about that kind of thing.  You should find better sources.”
“And what are you, a journalist?” Danny asks.
“I’m just… concerned,” Jazz says hesitantly.  “I hope that… wherever Phantom is, he’s doing okay.  I hope he knows it’s not his fault.”
Danny doesn’t say anything, and he and Jazz stare at each other for a minute.
They’re interrupted by their mom calling from upstairs, “Kids, are you coming or not?”
“We’re coming Mom!” Jazz calls back.  She looks back at Danny and nods her head up the steps, and Danny shuts off the computer and follows her up.
He’s not that shocked when he gets nightmares about Freakshow, but it’s definitely inconvenient.  If he can think of one thing that won’t help with getting things back to normal, it’s being consistently sleep deprived.
The worst part is that he can’t really be sure which of the nightmares are his brain throwing his worries back in his face, and which parts are actually his brain putting together things that have happened that he can’t remember right.
Honestly, maybe it doesn’t matter that much.  Either way, he doesn’t get a full night of sleep once for the first week he’s back.  He can tell Jazz notices, though he’s pretty sure his parents aren’t picking up on anything, and none of them say anything.  He tries his hardest to pay attention at school, because he really can’t afford to fall behind due to falling asleep in class.
Unfortunately, between trying to act normal around his family and pay attention during school, that means he usually spends the first half hour with Sam and Tucker passed out asleep on top of his textbooks.
“Dude,” Tucker says, after the fifth school day in a row of waking him up so he can do at least some of the homework he’s missed.  “What time are you going to bed?”
“Yeah Danny, I never thought I’d be the one to say this, but maybe you need to go to sleep a little bit earlier,” Sam says, raising an eyebrow.
“You act like I’m not trying that,” Danny mutters, rubbing at his eyes.
“What’s stopping you?” Sam asks.
“Uh,” Danny says, not having thought that far ahead.
“Danny, seriously, on top of being the only time you can get your homework done, this is also the only time we get to hang out with you for a while,” Sam says.  “I’d appreciate it if you could stay awake for all of it.”
“I’m trying, honestly,” Danny says, leaning back in his chair.  “It’s not like I don’t care.  I do.”
“Then what’s going on, Danny?” Tucker asks.  “You know you can still talk to us, right?  You can always talk to us.”
Danny winces.
Well, maybe he can start small.
“I… I’ve had a couple nightmares,” he admits, running a hand through his hair as he sits up.  He pulls his homework closer so he doesn’t have to look either of them in the eyes.  “It’s not a big deal.”
“Nightmares about what?” Sam asks, giving him a look he can feel without looking back.  “Did something happen?”
“I really don’t want to talk about it,” Danny says.  “Can we just acknowledge it and move on?”
“Uh, no?” Sam says, reaching forward and pulling the homework away from him.
“Hey!” Danny says, turning to her.
“You can’t just say something like that and not expect followup questions,” Sam says, crossing her arms.  “Nightmares about what happened while you were gone?”
Danny sighs.  “Maybe.”
“What happened?” Tucker asks, obvious concern in his voice and on his face.
Danny looks up at him, not having a clue what to say.  Should he explain the one about blasting all of the other ghosts into the concrete hard enough to cause a dent, or the one about terrorizing a small child and her mother to get them away from the paintings they were trying to steal?
Neither of those sound like they’ll come without follow up questions.
Danny reaches over and pulls his homework back over in front of him.  “There just wasn’t a lot of food going around,” he says, settling on the one human experience he can reliably count on.
There’s a couple seconds of silence, and then Tucker gives a long sigh.  “Dude,” he says.  “Why did it take you so long to come back?”
“I need to get this science homework done,” Danny says in lieu of a reply.
Neither of them say anything back to him.
Strangely enough, the first one who comes up with something that’s actually helpful in regards to the nightmares is Jazz.  And she seems to do it unintentionally, like she’s been doing a lot lately.  She very casually at dinner one night brings up an article she’s read about how rewriting the endings of nightmares can sometimes be a good way for someone to calm down after having them, then starts discussing the science of dreams and sleep and how both of them are important and how to make sure both of them are going as smoothly as they can.
…Okay, maybe this time it’s a little more intentional than she wants to let on.
That doesn’t mean her ideas aren’t worth trying, though, so Danny gets a notebook to keep on the nightstand for alternate endings to write down.  (He’ll destroy the pages every morning for privacy purposes, but he draws the line at getting a night light.)
It ends up being helpful enough that he can at least fall back asleep, which is a big improvement, if the ideas he writes down seem a little unrealistic, with how hard it actually was to break out of Freakshow’s control.  Either way, he’s not so tired, and despite how loathe he is to admit it, he has Jazz to thank for that.
Not that he’ll ever tell her that, of course.
It’s a week and a half after he returns that things change in a meaningful way.  He hasn’t had any ghost fighting to do since getting back, but that changes during lunch on Monday.  Not anything he can’t handle, just a quick eye roll with the Box Ghost, but it apparently means something very different to the rest of Amity Park, and, more important to him personally, to Sam and Tucker.
“I mean honestly,” Sam is saying when Danny shows up at the library after school.  She’s pacing back and forth across the library, and though Tucker waves at him when he notices him, Sam continues marching angrily in front of the table.
“Who does he think he is, showing up like nothing’s different?  First of all, he ruined Circus Gothica, and then he just shows up expecting everyone to still see him as the hero?  That’s not how that works!”
“Hey Danny,” Tucker says as he approaches.  “Don’t mind Sam, she’s pissed off about the ghost fight today.”
“Why?” Danny asks, setting his bag down on the table.  “I didn’t think that was really your scene.”
“Not until that Invis-o-Bill idiot made it personal by messing with my circus,” Sam says, rolling her eyes with obvious anger.  “And then expects everything he’s done in the past couple weeks to just be brushed off.”
Danny sighs, reaching inside his backpack for his homework.  “Yeah, that figures.”
“What figures?” Tucker asks in confusion.
“Math figures,” Danny says, dropping his notebook on the table.  “Gonna try and knock out a lot of the math homework today.”
“Uh, fair enough?” Tucker says, still sounding confused.  “But honestly Sam, at least he seems to have gotten over whatever’s been going on and isn't actively being malicious anymore.”
“Great, so we’re supposed to reward him for the bare minimum?”
“Do we have to talk about this right now?” Danny asks, looking up with what he hopes comes off as annoyance.  “I get enough of ghosts from my parents, I was kind of appreciating you guys actually being a break from all of that.”
“Look, you don’t get it,” Sam says.  “I don’t imagine you’ve been following ghost news for the past couple weeks, but he’s—”
“I don’t want to talk about him,” Danny snaps, giving Sam as firm a glare as he dares to right now.
Sam raises her eyebrows.  “Excuse me?”
“Sam, honestly, I’ll let you be as mad at me as you need for as long as you want,” Danny says.  “But please, can you back off with the ghosts?  My parents already think I was kidnapped by them or something, I don’t want to talk about them during the only time of the day I can actually relax for a little bit.  Okay?”
Thankfully, Sam and Tucker both go quiet.  Now he’ll just have to hope that neither of them actually ask his parents about that excuse and realize he already told them that’s not what happened.
But apparently he’s misjudged their silence, because after a minute Tucker taps his textbook with a pencil, drawing his attention.
He looks up and finds Tucker and Sam both looking at him like they’re trying to come up with the right way to say something.
He blinks.  “What?”
“Danny,” Tucker says slowly.  “If I ask you something, can you promise not to freak out?”
“No,” Danny says honestly.
Tucker considers this for a second.  “Fair.  I’m gonna ask anyway.  Did you actually run away of your own free will?”
Danny goes stiller than, well, a dead person.  “What?”
“Did you actually run away?”
Danny looks back and forth between him, and then Sam, and then back.  “Why are you asking me that?”
“Dude,” Tucker says, leaning closer.  “You’re not acting like yourself.  Even ‘just made a huge mistake and now everyone’s mad at you’ yourself.  You’re having nightmares, and you don’t want to talk about what’s causing them.  Did you actually run away?”
Danny opens his mouth, shuts it, and looks down at his math textbook.
“…Danny,” Sam says, sounding baffled and angry but also more concerned than he’s heard from her since he got back.  “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because that’s something you just say in the middle of the hallway,” Danny snaps despite himself.
“Danny, come on,” Sam says.  “Why are you just letting everyone be mad at you then?  You need to tell someone—”
“No,” Danny says.
“What?  Dude,” Tucker says, leaning forward with obvious worry.  “They could go after someone else, or come after you again—”
“He won’t.”
“You can’t know that!”
“Yeah, well, I do,” Danny says, keeping his gaze very firmly on his math homework.  “And I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You know what?  Fine,” Sam snaps, pushing her chair back and grabbing her bag.  “Because you’re being ridiculous.”
With that, she turns and marches out of the library.
Danny doesn’t say anything in protest and starts working on the first math problem on the sheet.
“You know,” Tucker says quietly.  “She was really really scared when you weren’t here.”
Danny keeps writing.
“She was worried something was gonna happen to you and she’d never see you again,” Tucker continues.  “I…” there’s a pause, and then he sighs.
“I’m not gonna make you talk about anything you don’t want to, dude,” he says.  “Just… know that she’s not actually mad at you.  She’s just still scared.”
Danny sighs and puts his pencil down.  “Yeah,” he says.  “I know.”
Tucker reaches out and puts a hand on Danny’s shoulder, in a way that should feel really awkward but somehow doesn’t.  “You know you can tell me anything,” he says.  “Right?”
Danny looks away.
“Okay,” Tucker sighs.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He picks up his stuff and leaves.
Danny spends the night laying on his bed tossing a ball up in the air and trying to catch it.  He has to get up and chase it down more often than he’d like, he’s not exactly the most athletic person out there.
He ignores his growing stomach and skips dinner, telling his mom he’s not feeling well.  He can always go down and grab something after everyone else falls asleep.
After dinner, however, he hears a knock on his  door.
“Can I come in?” Jazz asks.
Danny pauses in tossing the ball in the air and considers for a moment.  “Yeah.”
The door opens as Danny resumes tossing the ball.  Jazz walks in, then closes the door behind her and heads over towards the bed, already looking concerned. 
“Are you doing okay?” she asks.  “You were upset about something when I came to pick you up, and now you’ve been up here for hours.”
Danny manages to actually catch the ball and sits up, setting it down next to him.  “Okay, what is with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been acting like, aggressively supportive since I got back,” Danny says.  “Sam is angrier at me than you.  Mom and Dad are angrier at me than you.”
“I’m your sister,” Jazz says.  “It’s not my job to get angry at you.  It’s my job to support you.”
“No, you’re my sister,” Danny says.  “It’s your job to tease me relentlessly and make my life way harder.”
Jazz gives him a look.  “You really don’t need that right now.”
“And why should you care?” Danny snaps.  “I brought this on myself, remember?”
Jazz doesn’t say anything.
“I just, I’m trying to understand what your deal is,” Danny says.  “Do you want something?  Are you trying to butter me up for some reason?  What are you getting out of this?”
Jazz gives him what almost seems like a sad look, then reaches forward and squeezes Danny’s hand.  “I’m worried about you,” she says quietly.
“Why?” Danny says, pulling his hand away.
Jazz sighs, looking down at the bed.  “Because we both know you didn’t run away, Danny.”
Danny throws his hands up.  “This again?  I’m fine.  No one died, no one hurt me, I didn’t have to hurt— people, so I’m fine!”
Jazz gives him a look.  “That is in no way how that works.”
Danny shakes his head, glaring down at the covers.
Jazz nudges him gently in the side.  “I’m not going to make you say something you’re not ready to,” she says.  “Just know that you can tell me anything, Danny.”
With that, she stands and starts to walk out, and Danny feels a weight press down on his chest, one he’s barely sure he can take anymore.
“Jazz, wait,” he says, reaching out and catching her arm.
Jazz pauses and turns back around.  “Yeah?”
“I—” Danny says, and stops.  Nerves start to crawl up his throat.  He half expects his ghost sense to go off, but it’s not that kind of anxiety.
He takes a deep breath.  “If I tell you something,” he says.  “Can you promise to let me explain everything before you make any kind of judgment?”
Jazz smiles at him.  “I promise,” she says with a nod.
Danny takes a shaky breath.  “I, um.”  He stops.
“Yeah?” Jazz probes gently.
“Sorry,” he mutters, looking down and clenching his hands around his blankets.  “I don’t think I’ve ever actually said it out loud before.”
Jazz reaches out and puts her hand over his.  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she says.  “I… already know.”
Danny jerks his head up.  “What?”
By the look on her face, he can tell they both mean exactly the same thing.
“You…” Danny says weakly.  “How long?”
“Uh, since the Spectra thing,” Jazz says, rubbing the back of her neck with a sheepish smile.  “I wanted to give you a chance to tell me yourself.”
Danny gapes at her for a second, Jazz gives him a soft smile.
“And you…” he says finally.  “You don’t care?”
“Of course I care,” Jazz says, crossing her arms.  “I care that you’re safe.  I care that if you don’t want someone to know, they don’t find out.  I care that you’re my brother and you’ve been trying to do this all alone.  I care that some jerk ran off with you and has been forcing you to do things you clearly don’t want to do for the past month.”
Danny winces and looks down.
“Are you okay?” Jazz says, sitting down on the bed next to him.
“Not… really,” Danny says.
Jazz wraps her arms around him and pulls him over towards her, and this time he doesn’t pull away.
“I don’t like watching you do this all by yourself,” Jazz says.  “Can I help you?”
Now Danny does pull away, if just to stare at her in bafflement.  “You want to help?”
“Of course I want to help,” Jazz says, like that’s obvious.  “If anything, the past month is a clear sign that you shouldn’t be doing this by yourself.”
Well, he can’t exactly argue with her there.  Still…
“It’s dangerous, Jazz,” he says.
Jazz raises her eyebrows.  “All the more reason I don’t want you rushing into danger without backup.”
“I can handle it,” he says.  “That’s what the ghost powers are for.”
“Danny.”  Jazz leans forward, giving him a pointed look.  “I want to help you.  Okay?”
Danny looks at her for a minute.  He takes a breath.  “Okay.”
Jazz leans forward and pulls him into another hug, and for once, Danny can know she means it.  His brain can’t make any arguments about how she wouldn’t be doing this if she knew, because she does know.
And, well.
He could get used to that.
203 notes · View notes
papercorgiworld · 3 months
As the world caves in
To keep you safe Mattheo has to make a hard breaking decision. Everyone is suffering in this story and at the end you can chose for maximum pain or a happy ending, where love conquers all.
Mattheo x reader – Enzo x Ella (cameo) – Tom x Lyn (cameo)
Credit to this request about the song “As the world caves in” and this anon who sent in “Less and less”. I managed to squeeze in Mattheo, Tom and Enzo, but no Theo.
For maximum angst listen to Matt Maltese songs. Look, I blame these songs for what I wrote, I'm normally not that much of an angst person. I seriously had a tear roll down my cheek at some point. I added a lot of picture to make sure you know exactly how broken everyone is in this story. I would like to say happy readings, but it's more like sad readings this time, but there's also some fluff, so yeah, I hope you like it.
Important note: in this story only the caster of the memory charm, obliviate, can undo it. Also the lore concerning this charm and the one to implant false memories is confusing so don’t break your brain over it. 
I. We’ll be fine
You carefully close the door behind you and the painting winks at you, reassuring you that your secret is safe. Quietly you check around the corner to make sure none of the disciplinary guards are around. Your heart pounds as you watch every shadow move afraid of getting caught. You see madam Pomfrey secretly signal you to stay put and you press your back against the stone cold walls of Hogwarts as Snape and his minions leave. You listen to the steps fading away and then look around to see if they’re really gone, before crossing the hall. Madam Pomfrey quickly closes the door behind you. “Did you manage to get the ingredients?” She asks with an urgent but hushed voice and you nod, handing her a bag filled with all things necessary for potions that ease pain. You’re scanning the hospital beds. There are  innocent first years that suffered the Cruciatus curse as part of education. There are rebellious students with painful injuries. There are crying students covered in blood, simply because they were punished for being late to dinner. You’re shocked when suddenly Pomfrey wraps her arms around you and embraces you. “Thank you.” It takes a moment for you to adjust to the hug, but quickly enough you enjoy her warmth. It’s only then that you realise that you probably both needed it more than you knew. When she pulls away she looks at you with a brave face. “Thank you so much.” You smile, happy you helped. “Now hurry, go to your dorm and be careful.” You nod. “Be safe.” She whispers again and you smile before quietly closing the door.
Hogwarts looked so miserable now that the death eaters were in charge. You couldn’t help but feel haunted by the suffocating fear that spread through the castle. Even though you had done this many times before, you were still terrified of getting caught. Quietly and crouched down you move from statue to wall to staircase. Unfortunately, a foul smirking death eater caught your sneaking figure. “What have we here?” Instantly you feel your body being levitated as he comes into view. “Two hours late. You know what that means right.” Your heart races and your body tenses. “Cruciatus curse. Four times.” You struggle to escape the spell keeping you in the air, but to no avail and you watch him raise his wand. “Leave her.” You feel tears well up as you recognise Mattheo’s voice. “I asked her to meet me.” Mattheo says with a cold stern voice, not looking at you. You fall down hard, but Mattheo still keeps his gaze away from you. You look down at the cold tiles and again listen to the footsteps move away. Only when Mattheo is sure no one is watching he looks at you and you look at him. Slowly he walks over to you, kneeling by your side and wrapping his arm around you to help you get up. “I’m okay, Matt.” You whisper, but he’s far from convinced. 
In silence he brings you to his room, near the slytherin common room. You still needed to get used to it, Mattheo having his own private room, separate from all other students. The room was cold and dimly lit. Mattheo struggled to make the new place his own and for some reason the room ended up reflecting his emotional suffering. Once you’re seated on one of the couches he kneels in front of you studying your face as he tucks a few strands of hair away. “Really Matt, I’m fine. You were just in time to save me.” You try to reassure him with a sweet smile, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He can see you’re exhausted from the stress, worries and secrecy. “I want you to stop helping them.” Mattheo whispers, eyes focused on yours. A slow breath leaves you as you empathise with him. You were worried about him all the time and you understood that every time you took a risk he probably suffered until he was sure you were safe. “Matt…” You start, but the tone of your voice already hints at a negative answer making Mattheo turn away from you. “I can’t take it anymore. It’s too dangerous. There are death eaters that are suspecting things and- I can’t- you can’t get hurt.” Your boyfriend looks back to you, but instead of meeting his eyes your frowning gaze is focused on a bruise near his jaw and neck. Your hands reach, but Mattheo immediately grabs your hand softly squeezing it and he looks so vulnerable in that moment.
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Your heart ached as you realised that Mattheo probably suffered another ridiculous punishment from his father. “Let me heal you.” You whisper, when Mattheo allows your fingers to brush his injury. He rests his hand on yours. “No, it needs to stay for a few days. He wants it to be a reminder.” Your heart breaks at the pain in his voice. The abuse he suffered seemed to be worse than a simple Cruciatus curse and Mattheo knew you were feeling his pain by the way lips parted and your eyes shone with horror. He pushed himself up, joining you on the couch and leaning in to rest his head against yours. “We’ll be fine.” He whispers and you smile. “I know. No one can break us.” His parted lips search for yours and you meet in a tender kiss. His hand finds your cheek as the kiss becomes more passionate. 
II. Tonight we are brave
Enzo unfolded a little snake folded paper that had made its way to his dorm. Ella watches him and feels her heartbeat quicken, but when Enzo’s eyes meet hers, her heart skips a beat. Tonight? “Mattheo wants us to leave tonight.” Enzo affirms her suspicion and Ella nods with a clenched jaw and brave eyes. When Enzo gets up to start gathering their stuff, so does she, but when he notices her unsteady figure he walks over to her. Ella’s eyes stare deep into her boyfriend’s eyes and he smiles at her, recognizing her fear and bravery despite it, kissing her forehead as a silent way of telling her that all will be alright. “Enzo, I’m terrified of what Voldomort will do if he finds us.” He stares at her, seeing the fear not just in her eyes, but in her whole body. 
It was heartbreaking, but they had no choice. Sooner or later Voldemort would find out about what the lot of them had done. How they had helped students escape. How they had informed Harry Potter and his friends about everything going on at the death eater table. How they had countless muggle borns in hiding all over the country. All they had been waiting for these past few days was Mattheo’s call so they could take you with them. You were too involved, you had to go into hiding.
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“We have to be brave, sweetie. So we can stay together. So everyone has a fighting chance.” Enzo says with a determined voice. Ella wraps her arms around Enzo’s neck and slowly his hands move to her back, holding her close and squeezing her tight as a reminder that he wouldn’t let her go.
III. goodbye my love
Was it horrible or wonderful that the last moments you spent together were unknowing and in intimate love? Mattheo lay next to your sleeping figure, his fingers featherlight as they brush your soft skin. You are so beautiful. So perfect and pure. I hope you can forgive me, because if I live I need you to forgive me. I need you to understand that what I do, everything I do, is because I love you and I want to be loved by you. Mattheo closes his eyes as he breaks his own heart and goes through with his own plan, reaching for his wand. He casts a spell to make sure you continue sleeping for a few more hours. With a clenched jaw he watches you and swallows, not allowing tears to well up and gritting his teeth as he casts another spell. Obliviate.
Sitting at the edge of the bed Mattheo tries to take a mental picture of you, not knowing how long you will be away, not knowing if you’ll ever see one another again. A knock at the door makes his dead eyes look up, before unlocking the door with one flick of his wrist. Ella gives Mattheo a sympathetic smile as she enters the room. “Enzo’s preparing the carriage.” There’s a silence and Ella can’t help but feel like there’s no air in the room. Without saying anything Mattheo lifts you from the bed to bring his sleeping loved one to a carriage that will take her away, somewhere she can’t be found.
Ella crawls next to you in the carriage, wrapping a blanket around the both of you. Enzo sighs and walks over to Mattheo who forces his eyes away from you for the first time since this evening. “I know it’s risky, but you can still come. It’s worth the fight.” Mattheo's dead eyes meet Enzo’s and there’s a silence. “I’m not risking her life just to spend a few more days with her while being hunted down.” Enzo opens his mouth, but Mattheo shakes his head and stops him. “No, don’t. I can’t be selfish with her. Go.” Enzo swallows and gives his friend a curt nod. “She’ll be safe.” 
It strikes midnight and Mattheo watches the carriage in the distance until it turns invisible. He doesn’t want to feel the pain and holds his breath as he dissociates from the moment, hiding somewhere in his own mind. 
You’re safe and you’ll live and that’s all that matters. 
You’re strong and you’ll find happiness and that is all that matters.
IV. No light in this life
Like an empty vessel Mattheo moves through the hallways in the direction of his room. That last spark of magic in the castle had disappeared with you. When Mattheo nears the last staircase he spots the frame of his brother at the top of the stairs. “You send her away.” Tom’s voice is monotone as he watches his younger sibling look up at him. In silence and with his head down Mattheo moves up the staircase, his brother’s gaze locked on him. When he arrives at the top, he still doesn’t look at Tom, but he does nod. “Father will notice.” Tom warns, voice cold. Mattheo’s jaw twitches in anger with his brother. “He won't, she's just another student that escaped his tyranny.” Tom raises his eyebrows at the slightly harsh tone. Mattheo takes two steps in the direction of his room, before turning around to his brother. “If our father ever finds out about her I promise you, I’ll make you live for an eternity, knowing that you are the reason I killed the love of your life, because I swear I’ll destroy that little happiness you possess in your miserable life if-” Tom bites back hard. “Don’t worry little brother as far as I’m concerned you never loved anyone and no one ever loved you.” As horrible as it sounded Mattheo knew it was his brother's way of reassuring him in his own twisted way that their father would never know about you. Mattheo nods and turns around with haste. Tom watches him leave and even when he’s gone he continues staring. With you gone Tom had lost his brother.
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That night Tom is more quiet than usual, but that isn’t odd these days. It’s his gentle eyes watching her that make Lyn get up and walk over to him, kneeling down and cupping his cheeks, forcing his eyes to meet her. A single tear runs down Tom’s cheek. “I regret bringing him back.” Tom whispers with a hoarse voice. “I never meant for any of this to happen.” His voice finally cracks and he turns his face away from Lyn, but she won’t have it, forcing him to meet her eyes once more as tears roll down his cheeks. “I know.” Is all she whispers before embarrassing him. When it’s all over, we’ll leave… leave it all behind.
Wind gushes against the window and Tom rests his head on Lyn’s shoulder as he watches the miserable weather outside. Mattheo feels that same wind through his hair as he stands at the astronomy tower holding a cigarette and staring into nothing, wishing he could turn it off, all those feelings. Only having the thought of ever seeing you again, one day, maybe, as a beacon of light to keep on surviving whatever is coming.
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V. All that matters
There are two endings. For maximum angst: choose the second one (I’m not responsible for the sadness you will feel afterwards). For more fluff and happiness: pick the first one. 
The 🥹🥰 version
Every night you dream of Hogwarts. There’s music in the great hall and a man, who asks you to dance with him. You gracefully take his hand and as sad as the music is you feel happy in his arms. When a harsh gust of wind startles you both, you look at him and say “We’ll be fine. No one can break us.”. Then you always wake up and you feel empty as you stare around your room, looking for him. Who are you? This night had been no different, but the morning was as you heard your friends argue in the kitchen. 
“No, I promised Mattheo to keep her safe.” Enzo whispers, but it’s a loud and tense whisper. Mattheo? Your heart swells at the name and you don’t understand why. “Luna’s letter says the battle is happening. They need help.” Ella whispers with pleading eyes as she moves closer to her boyfriend. “Why don’t you both stay here and I’ll go.” Enzo says embracing Ella and resting his head against hers. “You promised you wouldn’t do what Matt did, we would stay together through it all.” Ella whispers as she pulls away, her eyes meeting Enzo’s fearful ones. “I wanna fight and I want to meet him, this Mattheo person.” Your voice is hesitant and your friends stare at you standing in the door opening of your room. Enzo squeezes Ella a little closer and sighs, but Ella just smiles at you. No arguing with a girl in love.
The battle at Hogwarts was won and Lyn runs to you, hugging you tightly. “I’m so glad you're safe.” You hug back and see a familiar figure come into view, but there’s something about him you can’t remember and you can’t help but frown. “He’s at Malfoy manor.” Tom says and you instantly know he’s talking about this Mattheo person, the one you’re looking for, the one you need to find without knowing why. “He’s locked up, but he’s alright. Well, he’s alive. Wasn’t easy convincing my father to let him live.” You feel your heart race and Lyn lets go of you. “Tell my brother… tell him I’m sorry.” Tom whispers and Lyn reaches for his hand and smiles at you. You remember enough to know that they have to leave and nod. “I’ll find him.” You say and an amused half smile tugs on Tom’s lip. “No doubt.” Gently squeezing hands, the couple apparates, leaving you determined to find Mattheo, still not sure who he is to you.
Though the battle at Hogwarts had ended, there was still resistance at Malfoy manor. When you arrive with Ella and Enzo you immediately need to cast a protection spell. When one of the spells hits Ella, making her stumble and fall, Enzo answers with a devastating spell blasting down the death eater and the wall behind him. The other enemy is left staring at the three of you in shock and Enzo raises his wand with determination. “I’m marrying that one so don’t think about casting another spell.” After a second of consideration the last death eater apparates and Ella turns to Enzo looking impressed. “What? You thought I was all looks and no fight?” Enzo quips with a cheeky smile and Ella chuckles. “Marrying me?” She asks, not being able to contain her bright smile. Enzo nods, realising he spilled his secret plans.
You interrupt their kiss before it turns into a make out session. “Hello! I would still like to find the moron who made me forget who he is, but I still keep on dreaming about.” It still surprises both Enzo and Ella that your love for Mattheo had not only found a loophole to the obliviate charm, but also continued to feed your determination to find a man you could not remember. 
Mattheo had heard a lot of commotion outside and his bruised and tortured body couldn’t help but flinch in pain at the thought of what was going on. He stares at the locked door of his room, focussed and mentally preparing for whatever is coming his way now. When the door forcefully swings open he clenches his jaw and for several seconds his worn out eyes stare at you emotionless. Your eyes scan Mattheo and you so desperately try to remember anything about him as you know for sure you know him. “(y/n).” He whispers, still tense but eyes softening. For a second you search for words, but then you decide that it’s pointless and run towards him. Your arms wrap around his neck and you close your eyes. Your soul was finally at peace. You had found what you were missing all these months. Mattheo struggles to breath as his lungs seem to fill with air for the first time since he sent you away. He feels warmth again. His vision seems to change as his mind finally clears. When he hears soft sobs coming from you his hands finally move and he holds you, stroking your back before wrapping his arms around you and pressing your body against his, needing all of you to even believe that it is really you.
“I want to remember.” You whisper in between sobs and Mattheo’s body relaxes at the sound of your voice. You pull away a little so you can study his face, adoring his eyes and brushing over the fresh scars on his face. Mattheo hesitates to undo it because he’s scared of having that happiness back. You see the fear in his eyes grow as he takes in every piece of you. “What are you afraid of?” You whisper. Mattheo stares deep into your eyes and he can’t help but be honest. “Love.” You chuckle and give him a warm smile. “I love you already and I know I’ll continue to do so, whether I remember or not, I know I’ll love you forever.” You reach for the wand you had found earlier, knowing it belonged to him. “It’s over. We won. It’s okay. They didn’t break us.” Mattheo’s hand wraps around yours, holding his wand. His lips crash onto your soft ones and you can feel his tears against your cheeks. His other hand holds the back of your head as his forehead rests on yours, eyes drowning in one another. 
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You hear a soft whisper and then all memories start flooding back. The quidditch games. The late nights at the astronomy tower. The yule ball. Laughing in the hallway. Winks and smirks during class. Intense study sessions. Sweet, messy nights together that had you wishing they would never end. And that last evening together.
The 😭😢 version
It’s chilly, but the sun is shining and radiates a gentle warmth. Tom stops, taking in a deep breath and Lyn squeezes his hand, encouraging him. While Lyn watches him Tom approaches you sitting on a bench, enjoying the sun while reading. He smiles and there’s so much going on in his eyes, too much for one soul to bare. “Good book.” Tom starts and you look up, giving the stranger a polite smile. “Mind if I tell you an even better story?” You look confused at the man in front of you and the reason you say yes is mostly out of politeness. “It’s about selfless and unconditional love.” Tom explains as he sits down next to you. “Oh, I would love to hear about that.” A genuine relief fills Tom’s eyes as he can sit down next to you. “It’s about some extraordinary people, Enzo and Ella, and… my brother, Mattheo, who loved a girl named (y/n).” A chuckle leaves your lips. “That’s my name as well.” Tom's eyes get glassy as he watches you. I know, but how I wish you knew his name.
Suddenly your chuckle falls and you look away. “Matt! Be careful!” Tom’s eyes snap in the direction you were looking. Tom’s eyes meet brown ones, unmistakably his brother’s… and the kid smiles at Tom. “Matt?” Tom whispers as his nephew approaches him.
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Word count: 3497
Feedback is always welcome.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 10 months
Attention NSFW
Lucifer x fem reader
Summary: It’s been a long lifetime in Hell and all you wanted was Lucifer’s attention which they were not giving you until they had finally had enough and put you in your place.
Warnings: strap on, attention denial, masturbation, overstimulation, use of safe word, punishment, humiliation kink, dom/sub kink, aftercare
Requests open
Being in a relationship with Lucifer definitely had its perks but when they were busy and you wanted their attention it was hard. You and Lucifer have been together for almost two years now and everyone knows not to mess with you. If they messed with you then they were messing with Lucifer, so unless they had a death wish most people left you alone.
Recently after their encounter with Morpheus they have been planning something big which meant they were always busy with their minions planning for this big event. It was so top secret not even you really knew what was going on. It didn’t bother you to begin with. You were never really that interested in getting revenge on the living world. As long as you were with Lucifer that was all that mattered.
Unfortunately Lucifer spent more and more and more time focusing on their project and barely any time with you. Before you quite easily found things to do. You would hang out with your friends, have movie days with yourself, go for walks and torment the occupants of Hell knowing they couldn’t do shit to you.
But after a while it all became very repetitive. Unlike you, your friends had important things to do with their partners which meant you couldn’t hang out as often as you had been. Movie days ended up turning into watching a couple of movies before either getting bored or falling asleep. On the days you did actually want to have a good movie day you could never seem to find any good films to watch anymore.
You still try to go on walks but you have walked most of the trails now. Before you could go on walks that meant you were gone for at least a couple of hours. Now you would be lucky if you managed to walk half an hour away. It was like you had lost the motivation to do anything now. All you really wanted was Lucifer’s attention and you would be lucky if they gave you 5 minutes of their time now considering they were so busy.
It was currently 8:00 in the morning and the red glow of Hell finally hit your face, stirring you from your slumber. You rolled over placing your arm out to cuddle up to Lucifer however you were met by a cold empty space. Having your arm not wrapping around Lucifer’s body caused you to immediately wake up properly.
You sat up looking around the room hoping Lucifer was just getting ready and that they hadn’t left already without saying goodbye. They always said goodbye to you even when you were asleep. Sometimes they left a note but you looked at the nightstand and there was no note today. You looked around on the floor as well and there was nothing.
Then it hit you. Maybe they were still here. You quickly got out of bed and headed to the living room. Nope they weren't there. You then went to the kitchen. Maybe they were making themselves breakfast. As you walked into the kitchen you could smell cooked food which meant they had not long been in here. Your heart sank a little though when you saw the dirty plate though.
Ok don’t worry they could still be here. Two more places to check. You then went to their home office. Maybe they were doing some last minute prep work. You knocked on the door and waited for a response. You were greeted by silence. You turned the door handle and slowly pushed the door open. “Luci are you in here?” you called out. Silence. You pushed the door open and were greeted by the empty office.
You quickly shut the door and headed to the bathroom. You opened the door half expecting them to be there but once again nothing. You sunk down on the bathroom floor curling up into a tight ball. How could they do this to you? They always said goodbye. Why are they suddenly losing interest in you?
You sobbed as reality hit you like a ton of bricks. It was because of this stupid project they have been working on. They have spent these last months spending all their time on that stupid project that they forgot who else needed their attention. Then a devilish idea came to your head. You were in Hell for this kind of behaviour anyway.
If Lucifer wasn’t going to give you the attention you deserve then you were going to make sure that you got their attention. Before you would know you would have Lucifer right where you wanted them. In order for this to work you needed a little plan. First you needed to find where Lucifer was. There would be a number of places they could be so to save you searching later you thought to get it done first.
You quickly threw some clothes on before leaving the penthouse to go and find Lucifer. You first checked the Throne Room. You had a good look around and there was no sign of Lucifer. You then went to check the room that was best known as the Council of War. Lucifer was normally always in here especially since they have been working on this project of theirs.
Only people with their unique fingerprints can enter so you had to knock on the door and hope that someone answered. After a couple of knocks and waiting for a few extra minutes you took it as a sign that no one was in there because normally someone would have answered by now. Therefore you continued on your journey to find your partner. You then made your way to their main office praying that they would be in there.
If they weren’t in there then you really didn’t know where they would be considering they are normally in one of these three places. You knocked on the door not wanting to just barge in. You waited a couple of seconds before you heard their voice. “Come in” they called out. You got excited because you had finally found them.
You opened the door and made your way into their office. “Hey baby! How come you didn’t say goodbye to me this morning” you asked with sweet intentions. “Seriously y/n! I’ve got more important things to be doing today. I really don't have time for this!” they snapped back at you. It took you by surprise slightly as you weren't expecting it.
“I’m sorry Luci, I was just wondering when you and I could spend some time together. I haven’t really got to spend time with you since the project started” you sighed feeling slightly defeated. “I’m sorry y/n but this is really important and needs my full attention. You will have to wait until I’m finished with this” they said, not looking up from their desk.
“That could be months Luci, I need attention too you know” you screamed before turning around and storming out. With the plan now set out you headed back to your room to get ready. You changed from what you were wearing into the black leather lingerie that you knew Lucifer loved. There was no way they could turn you away this time. You grabbed a silk robe to cover at least some of your body before heading back down to Lucifer’s office. You once again knocked on the door to which Lucifer responded by telling you to come in.
You slowly walked into the office losing the robe as you stepped in. “Are you sure you don’t want to spend some time with me baby” you practically moaned as you strided over to their desk. “Seriously y/n you’re just making yourself look like a fool. I told you I don’t have time for this today!” they shouted at you.
You wanted to just curl up into a ball and cry but you weren’t going to give them this satisfaction. “Seriously Luci? Why won’t you touch me? Why won’t you give me the slightest piece of attention” you screamed before once again storming. That was it if this wasn’t going to work then you really needed to up your game.
You stormed back to your room once again this time stripping from all of your clothing. You then grabbed one of the dildo’s with the harness that Lucifer liked to use on you. If they weren’t going to touch you then you were just going to have to do it yourself. You once again made your way back to their office not caring that anyone walking the hallways would see you butt naked.
This time you didn’t knock, you just barged right into the office but you were greeted by an empty office. You couldn’t be bothered to go and find them again. You would just wait until they returned as they would have to come back at some point. You sat down on one of the sofas that were in their office and made yourself comfortable.
You slowly let your hand wander your body pretending it was their hands on you. This felt kind of sad. You really wanted their touch and instead you were pretending that your hands were theirs. You let your hands travel down to your breasts where you switched between playing with your nipples and massaging your breasts.
As you let one hand stay on your breasts you let the other start making its way to your aching cunt. You let your fingers start to play with your throbbing clit. You let out a small whimper as you felt your fingers connect with your clit. You started to rub circles over and over slowly bringing yourself closer to the edge.
You closed your eyes pretending that it was Lucifer’s fingers working their magic on your body. As your mind pictured these images you felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm quicker and quicker. You let out a deep moan as your orgasm took over your body, feeling yourself shake slightly from the intensity.
You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. Still no Lucifer but you could hear them coming closer and closer to their office. Believe it or not their voice travels and you could always hear them from a mile away. Another idea sparked in your mind. You quickly grabbed the dildo and made your way to their desk.
You perched yourself on the edge of the desk with your legs spread facing the door. Lucifer sure was going to have a surprise coming for them when they opened that door. You quickly placed the dildo in your mouth covering it in your saliva. You then lined it up with your pussy slowly pushing the length deep inside. You let yourself quickly adjust to the size before starting to slowly fuck yourself.
You could practically hear Lucifer standing outside of their office door. You just hoped that whoever they were talking to also wasn’t coming in otherwise they would be getting a bit of a surprise. Not that you really cared though. At this point you were just trying anything to rile Lucifer up.
You continued to look at the door as you continued to push the toy in and out of yourself. You then saw the handle start to move. You slowly close your eyes letting the pleasure start to overtake your body at the thought of being caught by them.
“Y/n! What are you doing?” you heard them scream as they slammed the door and locked it behind them. You opened your eyes and you could see the anger take over their body. You didn’t stop though! You continued to fuck yourself as you felt your orgasm start to take over. “Fuck! I’m cumming!” you screamed as your body shook once again.
“You better not be” Lucifer growled as they stormed over to you but it was too late you pulled the toy from out of yourself before placing it in your mouth to suck off all the cum. “I told you I needed your attention” you smirked knowing that you were in for it.
Lucifer snatched the toy from out of your hand before attaching the harness on themselves over their clothes. “You want to be fucked? I will make sure I fuck you so hard that you will be begging me to stop and trust me you won’t be able to walk once I’m done with you” they moaned in your ear before flipping you around so you were now facing the opposite way and on your hands and knees.
They lined the cock up with your pussy before thrusting deep inside you. They didn’t let you adjust to the size and as they pounded into you. “You like it when daddy doesn’t give you attention because you love being a slut for daddy don’t you!” they moaned out before giving your bare arse a slap.
“Fuck! Yes daddy! I love being a slut for you” you whimpered. Your hands gripped the edge of the desk as they continued to destroy your pussy. You came once, then twice and before you knew it you were on your third orgasm since Lucifer started fucking you and they showed no sign of stopping.
Your pussy was drenched and you could feel your cum dripping down your legs and onto the desk. They continued to fuck you before slowly bringing their hand around you waist and started to play with your clit. You came instantly as soon as their fingers came in contact with your throbbing clit.
They continued to torture you before you were begging them to stop. “Please Lucifer, I can't take it anymore!” you screamed but they continued to fuck you senselessly. “RED!” you screamed to which they quickly came to a stop. It wasn’t very often you used the safe word but it was becoming very overwhelming for your body and you didn’t know if your body could handle another orgasm.
“It’s ok darling! Daddy has you. Let’s go back to our room and get you cleaned up” they whispered before picking you up bridal style and taking you to the shared bedroom. They instantly cleaned you up before placing you in bed. “Have a little sleep darling, I need to finish some paperwork and I will be back to spend the rest of the day with you” they said smiling as they tucked you into bed.
And that is just what they did. When you awoke a couple hours later Lucifer was laying next to you with your favourite film about to start and a range of snacks for the two of you to munch on.
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bonefall · 8 months
Upon rereading Into The Wild, I saw the "paw in each world" line from Lionheart to Rusty, and it made me think...
Firestar has to be laughing his ass off in Starclan looking at Skyclan's Daylight Warriors, but in a sad way.
I'm not normal about Firepaw's indoctrination don't do this to me. I'm trying so hard to not write a thesis paper on that one specific scene in Into The Wild where Firepaw asks an incredibly benign question about interclan cooperation and it is IMMEDIATELY shamed out of him by the two older warriors that he respects more than anything
I hate you Darkest Hour I hate you killing Scourge in the end and all his evil atheist genetically inferior minions run along I hate you defense of the status quo I hate you retcons that attempt to make Blackstar and Leopardstar less bad I hate you I hate you I hate you
Firestar's Quest ALSO has a ton of like... weird fucking problems in this vein. And ultimately in AVoS, they paint the Daylight Warriors like they WERE a problem because of how they couldn't come defend SkyClan.
"Can't have a paw in each world" is a line in-canon worth a lot of critique, but no. Sadly they build up to that being right, because they don't want to address the Clans as flawed entities.
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xxatinyminionxx · 2 years
EN- Legal Line MTL Likely to Lose No Nut November (NNN)
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Genre: Smut 🔞, MTL
Requested?: No
A/N: ETHAN LEE EVERYONE 😩 Anyway I haven’t written in awhile but hopefully you enjoy! Happy November ;)
Sunghoon will fail as a joke (a joke he may never tell) but feel good about it. He’s a ‘quiet horny’ kind of guy who keeps any and all sexual anecdotes to himself. He gets shy at the idea of sharing how often he masturbates in bed and in the shower. Not even his confidence can hide the shade of red that would flush his face if he were to say anything lewd about himself. Speaking of nnn, he would lose in under a week 🧍‍♀️
For Jake, the porn is just too good to resist! Kidding kind of. The man can’t resist a good orgasm and it’s a subconscious routine for him to get off at least every other night. His social media feeds don’t help either when no nut november comes rolling around. He’d attempt the challenge at first but would willingly give up just shy of a week. Of course he wouldn’t go out of his way to tell anyone he failed, but he’d definitely jokingly call the trend unfair.
I feel like Jake has an influence on Heeseung’s sexual habits if that makes sense. Like Jake gives Hee the push (or pat on the back) needed to embrace what turns him on. This is what causes Heeseung to let loose frequently behind closed doors and jack off when he really wants to. That being said, he isn’t surviving nnn. Sure he doesn’t get off as much as Jake and has patience but it’s the pent up sexual frustration that will get to him after a week and a half of holding it in.
I don’t think Sunoo gets off as much as the previous three. He has better things to do like talk shit and watch his favorite tv shows. If he does jerk off it’s because he found something sexy in something he watched, read, or heard and he can’t peel his attention away from it easily. I wouldn’t be surprised if two or three weeks in, he fails. I mean I’d still praise him for lasting that long. But this boy has no self control when he’s aroused. He needs his action. So in conclusion he has a chance at passing the challenge but no promises.
Jay is somewhere in the middle at the start of the month. He’d be determined to beat the challenge at first but then think to himself a couple days in ‘is it really worth it?’ That’s when he would look up if it was unhealthy for adult men to not have an orgasm over a long period of time. It turns out there are no evident health risks for not having orgasms so Jay holds out for a good three weeks SOMEHOW. The last week is when he starts struggling. He’s likely to succeed to receive boasting privileges but then it’s back to pumping his hardened cock on December 1st.
© xxatinyminionxx 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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urfavlarry · 2 months
I really wanna see a Ashlyn x Reader where the Reader gets bullied and Ashlyn hears this and comforts reader while the other group members deal with the bullys?
Ashlyn Banner x bullied!reader
warnings: mentions of bullying, swearing, bad grammar
A/N: really hope I wrote this well, I tried my best and sorry if it seems rushed :,) <3
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Ashlyn knew something was wrong the moment you came to class with a bruise under your eye. You weren’t acting that different, you flinched more often but you were still pretty cheerful. She only decided to confront you when you came to her house after school had ended all bruised up with your nose bleeding. You explained to her how things have been getting hard at school, that there were rumours spread about you and people bullied you. She of course was there for you, letting you cry and talk your heart out for hours. You both didn’t go to school for a day so you could relax and have some time for yourself, talking about it and what you want to do about it and here you were, in the present day, about to go to school with the rest of the group.
You sighed and walked aside Ashlyn as the rest of the group chatted about something you didn’t really took interest in. Today you were going to confront your bullies, well at least try to. The ‘plan’ was for you to confront them if they tried anything and Ashlyn would help you out while the rest of the group kept watch in case anything went wrong. You slipped a note into one of your bullies locker and headed to class.
After long and painful 6 hours of school, you walk to the bleachers behind the school where you told them to meet you, and to your surprise they were already there. Ashlyn wasn’t with you since you just wanted this to be over with so you went without waiting for her. “Look who came guys! The weird stalker.” Yeah, the rumours were about you stalking some girl from their group. They thought you were stalking her after “copying her” and just showing up at the same place she was for a week straight. And the copying was literally just wearing something similar or the same colour as her. “For the last time, I’m not a stalker.” You say and clench your fists. They all laugh, making your face heat up slightly. The girl you ‘stalked’ came up to you and smirked. “Well, if you didn’t stalk me, then tell me your sorry of an excuse of what actually happened.” She says and looks at you with a scowl. Your legs start to tremble a bit but you keep up your stern expression. “I did not stalk you, everything was just a coincidence and I also didn’t even wear the same things as you! And just because I wore the same socks or had the same necklace, that let me inform you, half of the school has, doesn’t mean I’m fucking stalking you—!” You get pushed to the ground and the girl gets on top of you, punching you right in the nose. You fight back, holding her fists so she can’t hit you but her little minions help her out, making you defenceless.
Meanwhile Ashlyn was frantically searching for you, trying to hear at least some sound of you anywhere. The group was right behind her when Logan yells for everyone. Everyone rushes to the back of the school and Ashlyn doesn’t waste a second and throws the girl off of you, grabbing you by the hand and drags you away. She whispers something to Tyler and he nods, waving the others over. You don’t know what happened after that since Ash dragged you to sit at a bench in front of the school. She takes out bandages and starts to clean your wound. “Ash it’s just a scraped knee..” You say and she scoffs; “So? It can get infected.” She says and gives you a tissue for your bleeding nose. You shrug and look away, too embarrassed to even speak.
Ashlyn decides to break the silence and says in a stern voice; “Why didn’t you wait for me? I told you we would go together so nothing could go wrong!” She says and raises her voice slightly. You frown and stutter out a response; “I.. I thought I could.. you know, do it by myself? It’s my ‘battle’ not yours.” She grabs you by the shoulders and makes you stand up. She pulls you into a hug and you sigh, wrapping your arms around her.
“Hey, I’m fine..” You say and pat her back. She lets go of you and cups your cheek. “Y/N?” “Hm?” You look her in the eyes, falling in love over again, getting lost in her beautiful emerald green eyes. “Promise me, that if anyone bothers you ever again that you will tell me. Please don’t keep these things to yourself, I, I mean we care about you and don’t want you to be alone during these times.” She says and you nod, smiling at her. “I promise.” She nods and you see the rest of the group approaching you. You wave and notice some of them are bruised up. Your eyes widen and run over; “Hey, what the hell? What happened?” You say frantically and Taylor pats your head. “We took care of them.” She says and Tyler interrupts; “They won’t ever lay another finger on you.” He says and squeezes your shoulder. “Yeah! We got their asses good!” Aiden yells and jumps on your back, making all off you laugh, Ashlyn slightly jealous. You smile at the situation, you had the best group of friends you could ever wish for along with your wonderful girlfriend. Maybe everything went well after all.
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kasagia · 3 months
Can't catch me now... pt. 2
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling xgrisha! reader Summary: The Hunger Games in Ravka. 12 districts. 12 tributes. 12 mentors. 11 young people die every year. 1 winner. Aleksander was a mentor to many. But only your face will haunt him for centuries. Inspired by: The Hunger Games. I changed the world of both of them a bit. Word Count: 4,4 k Taglist: @flostvs1508 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @aoi-targaryen @summersummoner-pat @il0vebeingdelulu @chelseyyouraverageluigi @msblacklupin Aleksander Morozova's Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ Main Masterlist PART 1 ~•♤♤♤•~
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"You look like death. Have you even slept an hour?" You shrug at Genya's question. The woman sighs and works on your face to make you presentable. "The general was furious. He's a good man, despite everything they say about him. You have to understand that... he didn't expect this turn of events, and his stoic attitude was violated. I swear, this is the second time I've seen him lose his cool. And I've been here since I was a child."
"When was the first time?" You ask curiously, not believing her for a moment. You couldn't trust anyone here. You could only count on yourself and no one else. You missed Alina a lot.
"I will tell you this with a complete twist. Anyway, if someone asks, you didn't know it from me. 40 years ago, in the Hunger Games, the General was... asked to be a mentor. Her name was Luda. She was brave and beautiful, with a good heart and a pure soul. She was a healer in her village. She volunteered. In exchange for her younger sister."
"And what happened? He scared her with his shadows because she was a vegetarian and didn't want to eat meat to get stronger?" You mock, as she is making final amendments to your look.
"She died." An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Genya was blindly combing your hair, obviously thinking about her. You could see from the look in her eyes that she must have been especially close to this tribute. "She was... close to the general. He had been mourning her death for a very long time. And I don't want to spread rumours, but the tribute who killed her and won the Hunger Games was found hanging in the forest near his home village. His family was soon convicted of conspiring against the crown and hanged in a more… spectacular way."
"I feel like you're not telling me this just to satisfy my curiosity." You guess as she finally pulls away from you.
You don't know what's worse, when she fixes your face with her strange power or when she looks at you intently, looking for something else to improve your appearance. You weren't used to caring THAT much about yourself. Because who would want to look at an orphan?
"I just want to warn you that… our choices don't necessarily affect only us." You roll your eyes at her attempt at intimidation. Of course. He couldn't make you do anything himself, so he sent his minions to convince you. Quite pathetic, like for the terrible Darkling, who everyone feared.
"I am an orphan. There's nothing he can take from me. I... I have nothing left to lose or to care about..." You say it quietly, rubbing your wrist with your hand. You try hard not to think about Alina and Mal. Your only family... all you have left after those you lost.
"And your life?"
"We're all going to die someday, Genya." Your soft whisper seals the uncomfortable silence.
You think about your parents and siblings—everyone you lost—and the life you could have had that fate ripped from you before you learned how to fight for yourself. You lost everything as a child. There's nothing left for you. At least nothing good.
"Here. You look amazing. There is only one thing missing." She says this with a smile and takes out a long, black coat with black and white embroidery from the closet. It's a kefta. A fucking kefta.
"What the hell is that?" You ask angrily, standing up from your chair and looking at the piece of clothing in utter disgust.
"The general ordered it especially for you. You are a Grisha. You are one of us, and you should present yourself as such." She says this and puts the kefta on the chair.
You walk up to it and run your hand over the material. You expected something rough—just like the general's character—and uncomfortable to wear, since the keftas protected Grisha from every blade and bullet, but this... was nothing like armor. It was soft and cozy. Like velvet. Nothing you may have experienced in your district.
"Black? Isn't that his colour?" You ask, trying to reassure yourself of how terrible this damn thing is.
"Merzost is closely associated with the Darkling bloodline in our culture, since he used it to create the fold. Consider it a… coincidental coincidence." You snort when you hear her explanation. If anything, it was a sign of belonging. The general's new toy. Freak of nature. What a pity he'll lose you before he can use you for the good of his fucking Grisha.
"Other people won't see it like that. You know this, so stop lying to me." The redhead sighs, running a hand through her hair.
"Just put it on. People need to know that the king broke his word to Grisha to force you to participate in the Hunger Games, breaking part of the covenant between us."
"This isn't my war to fight, Genya. Besides, I'm going to die in games anyway, so what's the difference?" Your response only enraged her more.
She didn't raise her voice, and you wouldn't have recognized her emotions unless you saw her hands tremble slightly before she placed them behind her back. You wonder how many times she has had to hide her true feelings.
"You have Merzost in your veins, the most powerful force you can draw from. Do you really want to give it all up? Lose the opportunity you have in front of you? Do you know how many of us have been waiting for you?" She asks with resentment in her voice, but you really don't want to argue with her.
You know it doesn't make sense because they are all here believing in some stupid children's story, a fairy tale that made you a savior in their eyes, and now, since you have finally arrived, you are supposed to fly around and pretend to be a hero you know you are not. As if you could do anything you wanted.
"I was dead long before I was chosen for The Hunger Games. Year after year I was only prolongs the inevitable. I am sorry, but that's the truth. Don't get your hopes up."
"I see that my favourite suicide is in good shape today." Your discussion is interrupted by the appearance of the Darkling. You sigh, rolling your eyes at him. You seriously considered throwing yourself at the spear of one of those ancient armored knights that decorated the halls of the palace. At least you wouldn't have to endure his presence any longer. "Are you rested? Fed?"
"Don't you have something else to do instead of keeping an eye on me? Or send your minions to do it for you? This is getting tiring and irritating." Genya gives you an offended look. She huffs, leaving the chambers as she gets a nod from the Darkling.
"I am your mentor. It's my duty to take care of you." He says, clasping his hands behind him once you're left alone. He looks at you carefully and takes a step towards you. This time, you don't step back but stare at him defiantly.
"Then it is with great pleasure that I would like to relieve you of this obligation." Your words only make him chuckle. He straightens a piece of your hair, tucking it behind your ear. His fingertips brush against your cheek, making you shiver. However, you do nothing to let him know how much his proximity bothers you.
"Oh, you won't make it. Only a king can do this. Do you like your kefta?" He asks, changing the subject. You turn your head towards the offending fabric still hanging on the chair.
"It looks like a floor rag." You say, not hiding your disgust. He chuckles darkly again. He takes the kefta in his hands and unfolds it, pretending to look at it carefully as he walks over to you again.
"Then Karamzin must be richer than I thought, if this is what your floor rags look like. Especially the orphanage."
"Have you been rummaging through my files? What for?" You ask in shock, trying to mask your fear. If he finds out about Alina and Mal… you don't want to have any more deaths on your conscience.
"Better put it on if you don't want to find out very soon." You decide to follow your better judgement instead of your pride and turn your back on him, letting him put on the hideous kefta. Surprisingly, the material hugs you perfectly. You feel warm and soft—the complete opposite of what you know. You gasp in shock as he reaches for his belt and pulls you towards him. You bump into his chest as he tightens the belt around your waist. "Good girl. Now, put your hand in the crook of my arm and smile nicely, and everything will turn out great today. And if you keep behaving as a good girl, you'll get dessert tonight."
"I'd rather gouge out my eyes and sew my mouth shut than be an obedient little doll that you can dress however you want and show everyone."
"I'd reconsider it if I were you. The chefs baked a chocolate cake today. With chocolate-covered cherries on top. Have you ever had a chance to eat something like it?" He smiles, almost mischievously, as he stands next to you, still waiting for you to follow his instructions.
"Son of a bitch." You mutter under your breath and he laughs. He must have been drunk. He couldn't be in such a good mood. Not him.
"That's actually very ture, my little wellspring." He says and leads you to a slaughter worse than the Hunger Games... he leads you to a party for the Games. Among the nobility. You shudder just thinking about this nightmare (not because he puts his bigger hand on yours).
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"You have a very beautiful dress!" You force a fake smile on your lips when a noblewoman compliments you.
"Thank you." You say, sipping your glass of wine. The only good thing that happened to you at the party was alcohol. And even then, the Darkling tried to limit you to this one pleasure, making sure that you didn't drink too much.
Your head hurt from all the nonsense conversations with all these people who were only famous for being born into rich families. Terrible. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice several tributes also struggling to maintain their composure. At least you weren't the only one.
However, after you turned out to be Grisha, the rest of the tributes tended to avoid you. You knew from the beginning that you wouldn't have any friends among them, but it would be nice to have one friendly soul in this terrible place.
"I didn't think the people of District 12 would fit into our community so well, but you, darling, look absolutely perfect." You barely stop yourself from throwing the glass you're holding at her. Instead, you tighten your grip on him and smile politely at her, gritting your teeth in anger.
"I'm glad I can surprise you."
Fortunately, you don't have to talk to her anymore. The general approaches you quickly, noticing your tenseness, and with his natural grace, he places his hand on your waist, starting a conversation with a woman who turns out to be a close friend of the queen. Oops. It's better that he came to you, because you wouldn't apologise if you accidentally allowed Merzost to break free and turn her into a volcra.
As you stand next to them, as larger crowds of women begin to gather around you, you realize a terrible truth. The Darkling was your only support here. Him and Genya.
You flinch as he suddenly tightens his grip on your waist and guides you away from the group of noblewomen, who giggle as you both walk away. You allow yourself to roll your eyes at them.
"What the hell was that?" He asks you angrily, setting your glass down on the table. You automatically reach for it again, but he grabs your hand before you can take it and keeps it away from the alcohol.
"I was just about to ask you the same fucking thing." You respond in a defiant tone, glaring daggers at him. Your stomach was starting to growl, and the bastard wouldn't let you touch anything to eat until you fulfilled your end of the bargain and behaved yourself. As you and he can see, you didn't do very well.
"Don't grimace around them as if they were pouring salt into your open wounds." He says it angrily and lets go of your hand. He reaches for something from the buffet. You freeze when he hands you a tiny plate with some fruit. You lick your lips, staring at your food for a moment before looking back at him. "It's for avoiding causing a drama. Partly. Try harder, and I'll let you eat whatever you want."
"But that's what they do! Do you have any idea what it's like to have to stand there smiling and nodding your head while these snobs from the capital talk about how your people and the city are octopus and beneath them?!" You hiss so only he can hear it, but you take the plate of food from him anyway. God knows when you'll get something again.
"I'm Grisha. I know exactly what you are going through." You would laugh at him mockingly if you didn't have a mouth full of food. He looks at you disgusted, and you quickly get the hint and eat smaller portions.
"Please. You've been doing fine since the Hunger Games. At least your people don't have to die every year to the delight of a bunch of sadistic idiots with stuffed bras and fake hair." Your comment makes him bite his lip, but he still can't help but smile a little. Few people could make him laugh and laugh at the same time. As you can see, Merzost wasn't the only special thing about you.
However, your hostile look reminds him that you are in the middle of an argument, and it is his turn to present his argument. God, how much work he had to do with you. You will kill him before he can get you safely through the Hunger Games.
"But years ago we were hunted by all of you, and somehow I don't spit on every Ravkan and kill them for it."
"Because you didn't experience it. If you were there, you would act differently." You sound confident. He shakes his head, wondering how you would react to the truth. Although now he seems to be more interested in food than in anything he has to say. He had to finally feed you. His Merzost Holder couldn't go hungry. It's enough that you experienced hunger and poverty in District 12.
"You think?" He asks, setting your empty plate on the table and offering his hand to you. You look at him for a moment, confused by the sudden… change in his attitude.
"You can dance, can't you?" He asks, taking your hand, and without waiting for your response, he leads you to the dance floor. The rest of the mentors have no such idea, so you both are closely watched by all the participants in the ball.
"A little." You say shyly, something he's experiencing from you for the first time. He smiles fondly at you, which, of course, you don't see, too embarrassed to look at anything other than your shoes. But others see. The general's small smile does not go unnoticed by his closest soldiers.
"I guess I have to work with that." He says this and gently lifts your chin to look at him. He places a hand on your waist, and the other holds yours in an iron, steady grip. "Eyes on me. Put your hand on my shoulder and try not to fall. Keep up with me, and everything will be fine."
All you can do is trust him, which you do with surprising ease for him. Somehow, he can't take his eyes off you. You looked gorgeous in the black kefta, especially with his symbol embroidered on the back—a little thing you didn't need to know yet. And so, looking at you, Aleksander can't help but wonder what it would be like if he met you under different circumstances. Maybe if he were younger, less experienced... if his mother's words didn't ring so loudly in his head every time he started to feel something akin to tenderness towards you. Maybe if he hadn't lost so many...
Meanwhile, you try to fight the strange feeling he gives you every time his skin touches yours. You feel a strange pull, a calling, and you realise how your power, the same one you tried to ignore and forget for so many years, comes to life under his touch. You hated it. And him. For trying to break down the walls that you put up for so long and so hard. For trying to make you the Grisha you hated. For making it so easy for you to sink into the arms of the Black Heretic ancestor.
And at the same time… it was nice to feel important for a change… even if just for a moment.
So you dance with him, agreeing to this little moment of truce between you two. Deciding that you would look for answers later as to why you felt so attached to him. And why every time he touched you you felt so… powerful.
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"That was awful." You groan as you finally return to your chambers, with the Darkling by your side, of course.
He hasn't left you since that dance. He was always somewhere next to you as you talked with the nobility. You have gained several sponsors and the favour of important people in Os Alta. The Darkling was pleased. And you're exhausted.
"And wonderful. You did great, much better than I expected. The servants should bring our dinner soon." He says, sitting next to you on the couch, watching as you take off your kefta and throw it in the corner of the room. He bites his lip, deciding not to comment. He already expected a lot from you today. The manners lesson could have been taught another time.
"Our?" You ask surprised, not expecting him to stay longer than necessary.
"Do you mind?"
"Yes." You answer honestly and straight away, to which he just laughs.
"I wish I cared." He replies with a mischievous smile. You roll your eyes as you take off your shoes and try to pick any pins out of your hair. Genya seemed to enjoy tormenting you. There were definitely too many of them. "So a healer? Really?" He asks, referring to your last conversation. Someone asked you what you wanted to do before you got into The Hunger Games. You decided to answer truthfully once. Of course, you were laughed off and called a sweet, naive soul willing to help. You wanted to vomit on their polished, gold-plated shoes.
"Why not?" You ask angrily. He raises his hands defensively with a smirk, seeing how fed up you are with everything that happened today.
"It's rather… a thankless profession among the common people. Healers usually come to them when they are dying. Relieve suffering. They are the harbinger of death, almost like a reaper. Usually, they are not coming to actually extend their lives."
"So you must have had similar experiences." You scoff, making him think about it. This wasn't what you expected. You were expecting a rather harsh answer. Not a pensive, almost sad look. For a moment, you think that maybe he, too, could just be human. You shake your head. No. He was just one of them. He couldn't have any... human feelings or know the real pain.
"Painful but true. They don't get excited when they see me either." His whisper should make you change the subject, but after the terrible day he put you through, all you want to do is stick a pin in him where it hurts the most.
"I wonder why..." You start, but he cuts you off before you can finish.
"Don't mock. You were behaving so nicely. I prefer you to smile than spit acid."
"I wish I cared." You repeat his words from a while ago, trying to imitate his tone of voice. He rolls his eyes at you, but somehow you both do nothing more than make snide comments to each other. Taking advantage of the relatively quiet moment between you, you decide to ask him honestly. "What do you want from me?"
"To win." He replies simply, playing with the ring on his finger. He rolls it over on his finger, resting his chin on his hand as he looks at you intently. A shiver runs through you as the dark depths of his eyes meet yours. Undeterred by his short, evasive answer, you continue, knowing that this is your only chance to get something from him.
"And then what? You won't let me go back to my district." You say, knowing perfectly well that this is not an option for you. IF you win.
"You are right. You will live here. With Grisha. The people you belong to." You frown, dissatisfied with his answer. You weren't Grisha. You will never be. No matter how much he pushes and forces you to become one of them.
"Unless I die, which is very probably since I am not going to kill anyone on the arena." You remind him. He doesn't seem to take your promise seriously. You don't convince him. He will see for himself in the arena how serious you are about your decision.
"You won't die." He says it firmly, as if it were an obvious fact.
"How can you..."
"YOU WON'T!" He yells at you, standing up. You sit stoically in the same position as before, watching as the shadows in the corner of the room gather around him. He sighs and waves them away. "I've been waiting a long time for you, Y/N. You are the one of your kind and even more precious than a Sun Summoner. I won't see your dead body. No matter how much you want it."
"Leave." You say, too tired to argue with him, to tell him that you have no intention of being an obedient tool in his hands, that you won't be a weapon that he can use.
"That's my palace." Furious at his words, you get up to face him. You look at each other with pure hatred.
You are too tired to notice that a dark mass is beginning to form around your arms. But Aleksander sees it. And he watches with fascination as you let your powers slip through. Out of curiosity, he summons his shadows behind you. Just a small black cloud. However, for some reason, under the influence of your powers, the room is plunged into complete darkness. He looks at you in shock, realising that you had unknowingly empowered him by providing him with energy from Merzost. Unbelievable.
"And my room for a while, so prove to me you can sometimes be the nobel man everyone told me you are and leave me alone." You whisper; all you can see in the dark surrounding you are its irises, analysing you with undisguised fascination and admiration.
If only you trained, if you learned to control what was inside you... Aleksander wouldn't have to take anyone into account; he could just declare himself tsar, threatening the Ravkans to expand the fold if they didn't recognise Grisha's greatness. All he needed was you.
"As you wish." He says, deciding to let you win this fight. He takes your hand and holds it tight as he calls his shadows back to him. They come back in a second. One blink, and the darkness in the room disappears. Impossible. Even his mother didn't have that much control in her glory days. He wondered if you would have this effect only on him or on other Grisha as well. But no. He won't share this secret with anyone. Not yet. For now, you were only his little wellspring of power. "Tomorrow is the first day of your training. 7 A.M. Don't be late, or I will drag you out of your bed by myself." He says, letting go of your hand and walking towards the exit, trying hard not to steal glances at you. He would have to look into his grandfather's journals and old books. You were a real mystery. And he was just waiting to see what more you could do besides complete him perfectly.
"Go to hell." You mutter under your breath, rubbing the hand that was in his iron grip a few moments ago. You felt that stupid electric thrill again. It definitely had to have something to do with your strange connection. Darkling and Merzost Holder. You had to find out more about it. Maybe you need to start being nice to Genya after all...
"Excuse me?" He asks, turning around in the doorway when he hears the insult from you.
"Sleep well." You reply with a sweet, cynical smile. He shakes his head in amusement and decides to ignore your behavior. He'll give you a hard time at training tomorrow. See how far your skills range. With a little training, who knows... maybe you'll be able to bring people back from the dead.
Involuntarily, his thoughts turn to Luda. If he had you by his side earlier… no. He couldn't think about her. He knows that history would have turned out the same way. Because even if you had revealed yourself to him earlier, he would have been too busy with you to see anyone else.
Aleksander promises himself that he will do everything to prevent you from becoming his second Luda. He had enough ghosts of his past tormenting him at night. And you can't become another one of them. If necessary, I will kill these tributes myself. He will find a way. He always did.
Unless someone dares to interfere with his plans... just like last time. That's why, immediately after leaving your chambers, he goes to the only person he knows who will be able to protect you from his greatest enemy.
"Ulla?! Sister?! I have an offer you can't refuse!" He calls from the shore of the lake in the gardens of Little Palace.
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 11 thoughts (pre-interludes):
Taylor's dad sees his daughter for the first time since she ran away. Since the fucking Endbringer attack! And literally says the line "“I need to go handle this" about a fucking work thing. No Danny. You do not NEED TO HANDLE THIS. God damn. It is fucking hard to be a co-parent for Taylor when I'm the only one doing any parenting!
Speaking of parenting - Taylor, you really should get some therapy. That was a pretty detailed level of fucked up nightmare you had. I love you and just want you to take care of yourself.
Skitter just like "all right, for day 1 I'm going to gain complete fucking control over my territory and establish myself as an unkillable bug goddess". And then she worries if she is doing enough!
Seriously though, letting that guy stab her and counting on her costume to block the knife? Fucking baller move. Also stupidly risky. So pretty much on point for my wonderful but stress inducing bug daughter.
And then she just sits in her chair drinking tea while she destroys two groups of Merchants? Doesn't just beat them, but absolutely terrorizes them. Lights one of them on fire with their own matches! WITH BUGS! I love her so much.
She also gained two minions as a side bonus to controlling her territory. And ensured their loyalty and dedication to her.
For real. Sierra would take a bullet. She'd die for Taylor. But Charlotte? Charlotte would kill for Taylor.
The speech Taylor gave Charlotte when giving her the options "leave town" or "work for me" was so well done! Came across as incredibly fair so Charlotte couldn't complain, but also just tied her in a little bundle all nice and neat. Set her up to want to work for you. Very nicely done. Taylor clearly has been learning from Lisa.
We're just pretty much giving up on that whole secret identity thing huh? It just started cascading out of control quite quickly. I don't expect Taylor and Skitter to be different people for much longer.
Lisa and Taylor went to a party together! A shitty villain party that was dangerous and almost killed them. But villain prom is villain prom. GAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Just a number of good Chatterbug (Smugbug) moments here.
Lisa has a MURDER WALL! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so fucking much and I will just sit in there with her working on the murder wall for hours. (She isn't trying to solve a murder so I know it isn't technically a murder wall, but it's a murder wall cause that's the best name.)
Fucking Bryce. Sure went through a lot of trouble for that asshole.
Skidmark just doing a thunderdome up in here. Some people use their powers for cool things and others build a fence.
Also really not seeming to do great for loyalty. Like ya you get a cape or two out of it but it left everyone in your gang not trusting anyone else.
I love everyone in Faultline's crew. Newter was my favorite but Shamrock may have beaten him out. I always loved Domino and Shamrock gives the same vibe.
Newter got a few good Nightcrawler like moments here too which was fun (grabbing things with his tail, talking to people from weird perches).
God DAMN Labyrinth is powerful. Like I knew she was but getting to see it. Holy shit. That was so fucking cool. Literal goddess of reality right here.
I'm really excited to learn more about Cauldron and the superhero in a can stuff. Very Weapon X with the memory wiping and such. (I'm just really on an X-men comparison thought process right now I guess)
Taylor "I'm not a skilled combatant" Hebert over here as she dual wields knives and successfully fights off multiple people, most bigger than her, while specifically using non-lethal attacks on them. Taylor that isn't what "not skilled" means!
Seeing the trigger event thing was really cool. I don't think the fact that any cape near a trigger event appears to almost pass out has been mentioned before. Obviously in universe know one would know anything beyond them appearing to stumble, but still. And we got to see more of the higher dimension beings. We in Flatland now.
Oh god there is so much more I think I'm missing huge amounts. AHHH!!!
Oh, this is important. While describing Mush Taylor says "He bore a resemblance to a particular pink skinned, scrawny goblin of a creature from those fantasy movies." That open endedness of that context made me decide she must be talking about The Goblin King in Labyrinth. David Bowie. But to keep things simple, since it might seem like she is talking about Gollum, I decided that on Earth Bet David Bowie played Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. This is canon as far as I am concerned.
That does also mean Mush looks at least a little bit like David Bowie.
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:33 jealous pavitr x reader bc the reader just bought merch of him in his spider form and its an adorable little plushy and he gets mad bc they keep kissing and cuddling it instead of him the entire day/night
I'm (Not) A Jealous Guy
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Pairing: Pavitr prabhakar x Gender neutral!reader Tags: Jealousy Summary: Pavitr is totally NOT jealous of a Spider-Man plushie. Not at all. Never. (..or is he?👀) Jealousy prompts credit :  @creativepromptsforwriting
Also Read on AO3
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“Pavitr!”, you yell, hugging your wall of muscle from behind. He smiles, pecking your cheek.
You were out shopping with Pavitr Prabhakar, your boyfriend and your superhero. He evidently hates shopping, with what having to stand for hours at a clothing store, but savours evey moment with you. The increasing crime rate in Mumbattan has him on his heels all night, and with having to study for finals it’s a tad too much of a stressor- which is why he never turns down an opportunity to let you pamper him.
Plus, it’s a great excuse to be cozy. To constantly hold your hand, kissing it intermittently, throw an arm around your waist and hug you close to feel your comforting warmth and, of course, admire you in your little moments -the kink in your brow when you think too hard, the amazed eyes when you find the exact thing you were searching for…
Is it even possible to fall for the same person so many times? Again and again and again?
“Look what I found!”
Your cheerful voice snaps him out of his reverie and he looks down at the toy in your hand. Oh, wait- it’s a merch: a plushie. Not just any plushie, it’s a plushie of him.. as Spider-Man.
Pushing his coveted raven curls aside for closer judgement, his eyes narrow in scrutiny. Huh. No one told him they made these. (Aren’t they supposed to get, like, a copyright or something from him..? )
“You don’t like it, Pav?”, You ask, seeing his slightly frowned lips and narrowed brows.
The plushie had a big head and comically smaller body, stuffed to make him look more like a teddy than a crime-fighter. The mask was a lot less detailed -admissible, but –good God, are those webs under his armpits?!  Well, at least they got his hair right. Just the perfect amount of curls, nothing less or more. 
“No, I’m just.. surprised”, he said, finally. “He’s okay.. But, Y/n, do I really have a big head?”
You giggle, giving his shoulder a playful punch as you hug the toy close to your chest. “Of course not, babe. It’s just a plushie, it’s made to look comfy. And sooooo cute!”
“Hey!”, he pouts, “You said I was the cutest! And he doesn’t even have dimples like me”
Pavitr aggressively points to his dimples to make a point but you take the opportunity to poke and pinch his cheeks. He tries to slap your hand away, giggling.
“Gods, I have made a terrible mistake”, you say dramatically, failing to hide your laughter. “You’re right! Nothing matches your cuteness, Oh, Prince of Dimples!”
“Y-Y/n..”, Pavitr stutters, going instantly pink in the cheeks, bashful. He’s always been shy about his dimples. You’re the only person allowed to touch them, apart from Maya aunty, which you take full advantage of.
You giggle clutching the plushie closer and pull him towards the next aisle, not noticing his eyes comically narrow at his cotton counterpart. As if he vows rivalry with it.
‘This isn’t over, fiend.’
The plushie is evil. That’s the only reasonable explanation Pavitr could think of. A minion sent by some evil overlord to take your love away from him. Yes, that must be it!
What else makes sense? You’ve been spending more time with the cotton-head than with the real him, cuddling it all the damn time and taking it with you everywhere. You no longer hug him, preferring the stuffed imposter instead.
His nostrils flare comically as you snuggle the plushie closer to your chest, kissing it. Oh, the audacity! It has even commandeered Maya aunty’s attention, making her call it cute and adorable!
Pavitr must put an end to this before the evil plushie minion harms either of you.
“Why do you insist on flaunting him in my face?”
Maya auntie had invited you both over for tea and you were watching TV when Pavitr asks this out of the blue.
In his defense, he’s had enough of his stupid fabric-faced doppelganger taking you away from him. 
The cookie is stopped halfway to your mouth as you turn to him, brows raised in confusion. “Who?”
Pavitr makes a stressed noise, jerking his hand towards the plushie seated cozily in your lap. As if it owns you.
“I just don’t understand what you see in him.”
Amusement colours your features as realization dawns. “Pav, babe”, You begin as normally toned as possible, trying so hard not to giggle in his face. “He’s a plushie.”
“Exactly! Why would you need him when I’m right here?”
With a smirk he stands up on the coffee table and stretches his arms out in the classic Shah Rukh Khan pose.
You can no longer control and burst out laughing, clutching your tummy as you fall sideways onto the couch, much to Pavitr’s confusion.
“Oh my God, you’re so jealous! This is great to watch! Maya aunty, come, you have GOT to see this!”
He jumps down, mouth fallen open and cheeks gone pink as he stutters out a denial. “W-what? You’re crazy! Jealous? Me? Pff. Never.”
The face he makes as he tries to save face is even more funny. Maya aunty passes by, tapping her nephew’s shoulder. “Oh beta, jealousy can wreck a relationship.”
Pavitr scoffs, putting his hands on his hips for emphasis. Oh yes, he definitely isn’t jealous of a toy.
“M-maya aunty, I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable. What would I even be jealous about? Pfft! Why would I ever be jealous of a.. a plushie? That's ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous. I am sooo not jealous, Y/n”
But even Maya aunty can control for only so long. She cups her mouth to hide her giggles, holding onto the arm of the couch for support as she sits down.
Pavitr huffs, watching the two important people in his life laugh like crazy at him. He just squints his eyes at you both and turns away, pouting.
“Oh, Pavu…”, You go up to him and hug him from behind, finally managing to get your reigns. Turning him around, you cup his face and press your foreheads together. A shy smiles blooms in his face as your noses touch.
“The plushie is no match for you, meri jaan, you’ll always be my hero; my Spider-Man. Nothing can replace you.”
He laughs, pulling you Into an embrace, blushing and giggling as you kiss his dimples.
“Plus”, you say, pinching his dimples as you feel them go hot under your touch, “You’re so adorable when you’re jealous.”
“I…- I’m not- oh, C’mon guys!”
Maya aunty joins your laughter when Pavitr pushes you away, playfully rolling his eyes as he escapes your pinching fingers.
A/N: look who's alive !1!!! Sorry for going mia all of a sudden! Hope you enjoyed the fic tho <3333333 lots of love - plhh
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