#ministry undertaker
take-taker-taken · 4 months
could i please have comfort fluff with a quiet, shy reader who cries sometimes from feeling ugly and like no one likes or cares about her with 1997 lord of darkness taker? she doesn't want to bother him with her troubles but he wants to hear her
maybe a bit erotic too..
Ok, so whenever I try to write Ministry!Taker, what comes out is a Lord of the Manor type. I find it hard to write him within a wrestling universe due to the nature of the character, so it always ends being in an AU with an air of magic powers and mysticism - I hope that’s OK! I also didn’t quite get there with the eroticism, so I’m sorry about that - just felt that if I’d tried to add it then it would have seemed shoe-horned in and rushed.
Obsidian & Lilium
You didn’t realise that you could be heard. You thought you’d found a quiet spot when the sadness overtook you and so when the door to the under stairs cupboard opens you squeak in shock.
“Now, what do we have here?” The deep voice rumbles and then his head and shoulders appear in the now open doorway.
Your eyes go wide and your throat freezes up when you realise that it’s the master of the house. Unable to respond in the moment you hurriedly wipe a hand over your face.
“Out you come, girl.” His tone is gentle but firm and then he steps back, allowing you room to slink out of your hiding place. You stand before the giant of a man, the head of the Ministry of Darkness himself - the one known as The Undertaker, and try desperately to stop crying.
He steps away briefly as your tears reduce to sniffles and you notice that he’s at the sink. He turns back and presents you with a cool, damp cloth which you take and wipe over your face. You remain in stunned silence as he takes your hand and leads you to the table, taking a seat and indicating that you should do the same.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell me why you’re crying?”
You lift the cloth to your mouth and try not to get overwhelmed. The very idea that the Lord of Darkness is here with you ‘below stairs’ is enough to send you reeling, never mind that he’s talking to you as well.
You shake your head and mumble behind the cloth, “It doesn’t matter.”
His expression remains neutral but he reaches out and plucks the material from your hand, dropping it to the table. You glance up at him guiltily, realising that you should be showing more respect and add, “It’s nothing, sir.”
He taps his long, pale fingers gently against the table top. “Enough to have a member of my ministry hiding away in a cupboard and crying. I should say that matters.”
You stare at the digits in fascination, seeing for the first time how many of them are bent as though they’ve perhaps been broken. You notice the faint freckles that pepper the back of his hands and his short, neat nails. You’ve never been this close to him and find it surprising that you don’t feel particularly scared.
“Something has upset you,” he continues. “Has anybody spoken unkindly to you?”
You look up at him and a sigh escapes before you can stop it. He doesn’t react beyond a twitch of that pierced eyebrow and so you elaborate. “Nobody speaks to me, sir. Why would they?”
“I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t, little one.”
Your eyes raise to him in surprise at the mild endearment and he nods encouragingly. You pick up the cloth again and dab at your eyes but then shake your head as you say quietly, “It’s not important. Please, I - I shouldn’t be taking up your time like this.”
He reaches across and strokes a lazy circle on your hand with one finger. “I get to decide how I spend my time - no one else.”
Your hand seems to tingle at his touch and it’s clear that you’re to keep talking. You concentrate on the pattern he’s drawing on your skin and let the words fall out, even though the reality of it makes your voice crack a bit. “Nobody really likes me, sir. There’s no one to care about me - it’s not as if I’m pretty or anything.”
“Nonsense.” He waits for you to finish but is quick with his simple rebuttal. “I’ve spent only a few moments in your company and I find you perfectly likeable, so why shouldn’t others?” He continues on as you sit in rather stunned silence. “I myself care about each and every member of my ministry, and as to your last point, well…” He stops tracing his finger over your skin and instead takes your hand in his. “You are most definitely a pretty little thing. I expect even nicer without red eyes from all those tears.”
You stare at your joined hands, his covering yours completely and then glance up at him. His expression is inscrutable and you swallow. “It’s very kind of you - too kind, sir - to say that but,”
“I never say things that I do not mean, little one.” His interruption is quiet but firm and then you’re astonished to see that he’s smiling. Not the cruel or sarcastic smirks that you think you’re used to seeing sometimes on the faces of those around you, but a genuine smile - albeit small, but that somehow makes it even more real. Unbidden, you feel yourself returning it. “There, now - such a pretty smile.”
“Thank you,” you reply as you feel yourself blushing. Doubt still nags at you, however, and you say wistfully, “I wish it were true, sir. It seems that being attractive is valued more highly than anything. And that will never be me.”
He stands up without releasing your hand and so you have little choice but to get up with him. “Valued by those without the brains to value much else,” he says. “I would like you to take a walk with me.”
It’s a question and yet not one, given how he presents it with such finality - of course, he is used to being obeyed. You’re not about to try and resist his will, so you nod and with one hand in his and the other clutching the cloth, he leads you from the room.
He takes you up the stairs and through the main house which makes your head swivel around as you take it all in. The next familiar sight you see is the gardens - you love it when you get the opportunity to walk near here, though you’ve never seen it properly. You wish it wasn’t dark and it seems silly to stroll about when it is.
“A walk in the gardens when it’s dark, sir?” You can’t help voicing your doubt and then you squeak and then giggle as he turns his free hand palm up and you see a gentle glow emanating from it. It’s enough to light the way immediately ahead of you and makes you step more confidently.
“Certainly when it’s dark, little one.” There’s that tiny endearment again and it makes your heart swell a little. “Night blooming lilies are quite beautiful.” He leads you down a few more paths and then when you round the next corner you gasp in wonder because there they are - rows of bright, white lilies glowing in the moonlight. There’s a pond too, with yet more wide open flowers sitting atop the inky black surface as water trickles down a stone feature into the pool.
“I’ve never seen anything so pretty,” you whisper, utterly transfixed by the sight before you.
He lets go of your hand and you stiffen slightly as you feel him stroking his fingertips up your back. “I have,” he says softly. “And I’m standing with her at this very moment.”
You turn and look up at him, no longer feeling shy or like a lesser person. “Thank you.”
The statement seems too small but it’s all you can manage for now and you hope it’s enough. It must be, you think to yourself, because then he’s leaning down and brushing his lips against yours. You know and understand in that moment that everything is going to be alright.
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 months
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glitterxdeath · 5 months
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evolution i guess??
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Ministry Undertaker x Fem Reader- "Hand of Doom"
Professional wrestlers used to be notorious and often stereotyped in pop culture for being these literally larger than life behemoths that towered over the fans.
From the steroid induced bodybuilder types like Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior and Brock Lesnar to these burly giants over 6'5 inches tall like Andre the Giant, The Undertaker, Kane and the Big Show to the borderline obese like Dusty Rhodes, Yokozuna and King Kong Bundy.
To prove I'm not some old fogey, there still are some wrestlers today who are very wide and overweight like Otis and Bray Wyatt, as well as burly giants over 6'5 inches tall like Braun Strowman.
Many of these behemoth wrestlers with their towering heights like the Undertaker and Andre the Giant weighed very much as well, weighed enough to be a Heavyweight Champion.
In 1999, the Undertaker looked his best when he became Ministry Undertaker.
He obviously was so much taller than you and weighed much more than you.
You were as tiny as a mouse compared to him.
On a "Monday Night Raw" episode in 1999, you were valeting a match where Ministry Undertaker was your opponent.
During the middle of the match, you interrupted it by walking up the stairs leading to the ring and standing outside of the ropes near the ring.
You were trying to grab Ministry Undertaker's attention, trying to seduce him by making him come to you with a smirk on your face and flirting with him.
He was near the ropes you were standing by, where he slowly approached up to you.
When he stood next to you, instead of you doing your usual distraction, one of his hands gently wrapped around your neck and he carefully lifted your feet up off of the ring, which really surprised the wrestling fans watching this.
The fans' eyes grew wide as they gasped, and Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross were freaking out on commentary.
Your face was in a state of panic as you were raised up from the ring, and when your feet were near the top ropes, he slung your body over the ropes until now you were inside the ring with him.
Now that you were in the ring, he squatted down on the ring and laid you across his knees, where one of his hands grabbed the bottom of your shorts and pulled them down until your ass cheeks were exposed.
Underneath your shorts was a thong that was buried in between your ass crack and the straps (or whale tail as its' called) were slung above your buttocks.
Male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered when your ass was exposed, many of them were whistling at you, whistling like how men whistle at an attractive woman.
Ministry Undertaker let go of your shorts once they were pulled down to your thighs, whereas his hand that previously grabbed your shorts raised high up in the air.
His hand, however, swooped and slung down quickly until one of his hands spanked and smacked one of your buttocks hard.
His hand spanked your ass cheek very hard and quick, making your ass sting when he hit it.
You cried and yelped when he spanked your ass, your eyes shutting tight while your face scrunched up and cringed.
He began to spank you very hard with his hand, his hand spanking both of your ass cheeks at the same time.
He has a huge hand, and that big hand was so powerful when he spanked your rather tiny ass.
Both of your ass cheeks were stinging as he spanked them, the skin on your buttocks was even turning pinkish red.
You, however, were shrieking and screaming as he spanked you.
Meanwhile, male fans in the audience were cheering for Ministry Undertaker spanking you, jealous of him.
"She's so small compared to him!" Jerry Lawler mentioned. "I wish I was the Undertaker right now!".
Many male fans related to Jerry, cheering for him when Lawler said he wished he was the Undertaker.
The Undertaker, however, was looking at you while he spanked and smacked your ass cheeks.
"That naughty girl needs a spanking!" Jerry Lawler exclaimed.
Soon, the Undertaker's opponent furiously stormed up to him after seeing what was happening to you.
You soon managed to roll off of the Undertaker's knees and escape out of the ring by sliding underneath the lower ropes and swerving your legs and then your body off of the ring, where you continued to watch this match.
You pulled your shorts back up until they covered your ass when you rolled off of the Undertaker's knees.
You don't care if a wrestler is as skinny as Jeff Hardy, as tall as the Undertaker or as muscular as the Ultimate Warrior, as long as that wrestler has a handsome face that you enjoy.
You've been spanked by many wrestlers, no matter what size they are, you've even been spanked by a few female wrestlers.
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pepsicat29 · 1 year
Undertaker says “You little sl*t”
It just sounds so sweet on his lips.
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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What is the Undertaker’s demonic vision?
By Bill Banks
As the new millennium nears, some people are convinced that the “end” is imminent. The proof, according to them, is everywhere in today’s culture–the music, television and movies. Nostradamus (1503-66) prophesied that by the year 2000, the decay of humanity would lead to Hell on Earth and the ultimate Apocalypse. Many people today are convinced of what he portended. “Prepare,” they say, “for Judgement Day is upon us.”
One can only imagine what Nostradamus would have thought of the World Wrestling Federation and the Undertaker in particular. The Phenom’s threat that the “Ministry of Darkness” would blanket the Federation in destruction has sent chills through a number of wrestling insiders. Is this the Undertaker and Paul Bearer’s macabre way of welcoming the Apocalypse? If so, have we yet to see the true evil within the demonic superstar?
Since his dawn in the Federation, the Phenom has been a sort of antichrist. Like the music of bands such as Type O Negative and Danzig, he has claimed his inspiration from the Dark Side, but he’s only touched on what that world is actually about. While fans have cheered the Undertaker for much of his career, some have forgotten what he stands for–everything that is pure evil. 
In some instances, his powers were unexplainable. At the 1994 Royal Rumble, Yokozuna and a host of Federation Superstars locked him inside an air-tight coffin. As the seemingly lifeless tomb was hauled out of the arena, millions saw the Undertaker–or his spirit–levitate into the rafters. In October 1996, he was buried six feet under a makeshift grave site. To this day, no one can explain how lightning struck the tombstone inside the enclosed arena. And in one of the most horrific scenes in Federation history, Kane trapped the Phenom inside his casket at the 1998 Royal Rumble and charred it with a raging inferno. After extinguishing the flames, Federation officials opened the casket to find that the superstar had vanished.
Levitation, resurrection, surviving an inferno–each display of his unholy ability grows more hellish and unexplainable than the one before. What is feeding this core of evil inside him? Is it society’s deterioration or has the Undertaker finally succumbed to the ultimate evil–the Devil himself?
In demonology, the study of Satanism, experts believe that opening oneself to the Dark Side might invite possession by demons, known as incubi or succubi. It’s called demonic oppression or demonic invasion. According to occultists, evil spirits take over the body and mind and there is no guarantee of ever ridding them. Those who claim to have been possessed in this manner speak of “something inside them that takes over,” and often they believe they are Satan’s minions. Serial killers such as “Son of Sam” David Berkowitz and “The Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez claimed when they were apprehended to have been inspired by the devil. Seemingly harmless games and pranks involving chants and Ouija boards can even turn into something far more sinister. Other hardcore demonologists even believe that simply reading about the subject opens the door to the possibility of possession!
Perhaps the Undertaker has been living his lifestyle for so long that an unspoken evil is dwelling inside him. Demonologists also say that our state of mind–hatred in particular–can lead to possession. Who has been more embittered about being cheated out of the Federation Championship than the Phenom? Following years of festering ill will and unexplained occurrences might he have invited demonic incubi to grow inside of him? If so, are these forces about to manifest themselves in the Ministry of Darkness–led by a superstar who believes he’s a follower of the Devil himself? 
Another aspect of Satanism is its variety of followers. Witchcraft, superstition, magic, and occultism are all aspects of it. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of demonic religions are based on these branches, with some of their followers pledging allegiance to the Devil.  What if the Ministry of Darkness is the coming of the Undertaker’s apocalyptic religion? There are more dark forces in the World Wrestling Federation today then ever before. Would they open themselves up to possession by the Phenom? Or have they already? Is the Undertaker assembling an army to help carry out his apocalyptic desires?If he believes he is the ultimate demonic leader, would these superstars follow as his devoted parishioners?
Like Nostradamus, has the Undertaker seen the coming of the “end”? Is he involved in a dark and demonic world that we cannot even begin to comprehend? Although the prophet’s predictions are open to interpretation, the coming of the Ministry of Darkness is undeniable. With such power, perhaps the Man from the Dark Side is determined to make Nostradamus’ vision of Hell on Earth a hideous reality.
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musicktoplayinthedark · 9 months
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My albums selection for the week:
Misfeasance - Harsh Thoughts
Die Tödliche Doris – Live Im So 36 Berlin 19.11.1982
Premature Ejaculation ‎– Necessary Discomforts
DK Dance - La Décroissance
The Undertaker's Tapes - Active Decay
Ministry – ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ
Skinny Puppy – Cleanse Fold And Manipulate
Neptune – Gong Lake
Prurient – Cain And Abel S​​/M
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel – Nail
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dilanmoodboards · 1 month
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ABA/Big Evil!hbtaker
Not really proud of these, but I didn’t want to spiral and not post anything for one of my fave ship
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littlemissplanky · 19 days
Here's christian whimpering out of pain without the whipping sounds
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vampirewrestlinglover · 4 months
Can They Cook: Ministry of Darkness Edition
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lunarwritesthings · 1 year
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Behind The Darkness
Paring: Lord of Darkness!Undertaker x Daughter!Reader
Fandom: Wwe
Request: Yes, by @claymoresofinfamy23
Summary: underneath the darkness and evil is a soft, caring father. A side only the daughter of Undertaker sees.
Note: The reader is referred to as angel. Sorry it's short.
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The Lord of Darkness. A man that is seen as evil. A man that almost everyone avoids. Everyone believes they've seen the true Lord of Darkness aka the Undertaker, even the ministry thought they knew their leader but no one had yet to see the truth Undertaker except for one, very young girl.
That young girl was a secret to everyone with the exception of a few people. The main person that knew of her was Undertaker but to her he was dad. The relation between the two was clear. Angel as she was nicknamed looks just like Undertaker. There was only one difference.
That difference? There was not a single speck of black on her. Her hair? Ginger, just like dad naturally has. Her outfits? Every color that not pastel or black. Overall she was a mini-taker just without all the darkness. She was an angel in many ways. Maybe that's why Undertaker gave her the nickname angel.
Undertaker is surprisingly an amazing father. He always makes sure his little angel is taken care of. She means the world to him. It's why he hides her from the world. The undertaker doesn't want to put his daughter in danger. He knows how this business works. He not going to let his angel get harmed just so a pathetic man can attempt to get something over him.
Now he can't have her by his side all the time otherwise her existence would be exposed. Undertaker shockingly has told and trusted his half-brother with the knowledge of his little girl.
Angel would get worried when her dad disappears for a while. One of those moments was happening right now. Undertaker was having a match so she was unable to be around him but she was getting close to crying.
After the match undertaker rushed to his locker room. He felt as if something had happened to his angel. Once he got to the locker room he immediately felt small arms wrap around one of his legs. He looked down to see a teary-eyed angel and quickly picked her up.
"What's wrong angel?" The concern could be heard in his voice, but he didn't care. His focus was on the little girl in his arms. "you weren't here and I couldn't find you or uncle." Taker sighed, he would deal with Kane later. He had to worry about his daughter first.
Taker looked at her. "Dad had to do his job, but I'm here now, and I'm not leaving anytime soon. I'll also talk to your uncle later and see why he wasn't here, but I think it's nap time." As he said this, a small yawn could be heard.
"Okay, dad." No fight came from the small one as she was rubbing her eye. It was clear she was tired. Taker knew she'd want cuddles so he sat on the couch that was in the room and laid her on his chest.
After some time passed Undertaker looked down only to see the angel was asleep. He smiled a the sight. Then without realizing Taker had fallen asleep. Both members of the taker family were smiling in their sleep. They were happy to have the other.
Kane was trying to figure out why Undertaker had disappeared so quickly after his match, so he want to check Undertaker's locker room. Sure enough, he was there but Kane was surprised to see him smile so clearly, but then he saw that taker had angel in his arm and it made sense. Kane's face held a small, barely noticeable smile.
Undertaker can act all evil and tough as he wants, but the second he sees his daughter the wall fall, and the true Undertaker is shown to the world, but only she will ever see.
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take-taker-taken · 4 months
Hi! I hope you're having a lovely day/night wherever you are in the world. I'm new here and saw you take requests. Please bare with me, I've never done this before lol. I was wondering if I could have a ministry Taker x fem gothic plus size reader fic? As for smut or fluff I'll honestly let you decide, I'm good with either. I just love ministry taker so much. He has me in a chokehold!
Hello, lovely Anon! I do hope you’re still around and didn’t give up hope of me ever answering you! Here is your beloved Ministry!Taker fic… (link to Part Two is at the end).
You carefully apply liner to your eyes, the finishing touch to the smoky look. You know that he’s watching you intently - he always does, to the point where you wonder if he enjoys the ritual of make up as much as you do. You stain your lips a deep, dark red and then sit back and admire the finished product in the mirror.
“You’re beautiful.” The simple statement rumbles from him and you turn to look at where he sits on one of his thrones. This one is slightly smaller than the grand one in the great hall but it’s no less majestic for that. He smiles - an intriguing combination of pleasure, danger and barely-disguised lust - and strokes finger and thumb thoughtfully over his goatee beard. “Come here and sit with me.”
You stand up and turn with a swirl of your black velvet skirt as you smooth down your top, which is cleverly fashioned after his cloak with a deep hood that would hide your face if you used it. The sleeves flare out at the ends, adding to the flowing, floaty quality of the outfit. You slowly walk over to him with a confidence that a few months ago didn’t exist - he used to terrify you and when he plucked you from obscurity to be by his side, you’d barely been able to mutter two words to him. He had chosen, though, and you were to be his. He had seen something in you and so had persevered, not allowing you to be away from him for too long at a time, determined that you would not only grow accustomed to him but that you would learn to find pleasure in his company.
He extends a hand to you as you approach and unafraid, you reach out and take it as you step up on to the platform that the throne sits upon. You know that when he bids you to ‘come and sit with’ him then he wants you close and sure enough, he pulls you in and you hop up on to his lap. As huge as he is, you had been so self conscious the first few times; worried that you were not a waif-like figure. Such things are no longer a concern and you smile and lean against him as one powerful arm encircles you, his fingers stroking up and down your waist.
Your head tucks neatly under his chin if you press yourself fully to him, but you find that you’re feeling playful tonight. His immediate attention has been taken by the book that rests on the arm of the throne and so you slowly slide your hand up the centre of his back. He doesn’t react until you reach his neck, your fingers seeking the bare skin that hides beneath his mane of dark hair. You scratch the nape gently and he rolls his shoulders with a low, rumbling sigh of satisfaction. Encouraged, you turn your face up and deliver a row of small kisses to his jawline before reaching up to give a soft tug on his beard. He turns at that and you look up into stormy green eyes before giving a cheeky giggle, but your hand doesn’t relinquish its grip on the facial hair.
“Something ails you, my princess?” His voice is never particularly animated but you don’t find that scary anymore.
“You called me all the way over here, but seems you’re only interested in that book.”
His arm tightens around your ample waist while his other hand reaches up and covers over the one of yours that holds his beard. “Wanting some attention are you, little one?”
You nod as you give him a playful pout and a mildly pleading look. He guides your hand from his chin and then raises it to his lips, kissing it softly as you look on. He lets go of your hand and then nudges your chin up with one long finger. He kisses along your jaw just as you did to him and you close your eyes, enjoying the feel of the bristly hair against your skin.
“Such a stunning gothic beauty,” He murmurs into your ear, the timbre making you shiver pleasantly. “I knew from the moment I saw you that there was fire inside you.” He caresses the back of your neck with the tips of his fingers while his other hand seeks out the hem of your top so that he can touch bare skin. “It just needed someone to nurture that glow…” As his fingers stroke across your stomach you think back to the beginning of your time with him, when you used to try and move away from touches like this, fearing that there was ‘too much’ flesh there. Now you have no such worries and wriggle around, turning yourself in his lap as his kiss returns, to your mouth this time.
He teases your lips apart and you gladly open your mouth to allow his long tongue entry and place your hand on the side of his face. There’s still a part of you that can’t quite believe that you’re allowed to touch him, to kiss him and to lay with him. He chose you to be at his side; he chose to love you. You open your eyes and whimper slightly with disappointment as he draws back from the kiss and there’s amusement in his gaze.
“You’re wanting more, princess?”
“Always,” you reply, your thumb stroking his cheek.
“I rather fear that I shouldn’t.” He says teasingly. “You only just finished your make up and if I take you to bed then it’ll surely be ruined.”
You smile up at him and tug gently on his beard again. “I don’t mind.”
He growls at your latest assault on his facial hair and snaps his teeth playfully at your hand before standing up with you in his arms. You giggle delightedly as you know that nobody else sees this side to him.
“Very well, girl - you leave me no choice but to teach you some consequences for your teasing.” He dips his head and kisses you again before drawing back to nip at your lips with his teeth. You reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck and let your head fall against his chest as he carries you from the room while muttering dark, lustful promises.
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 months
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Ministry Undertaker, Kane, Christian x Fem Reader- "Let it Whip"
In 1999, the Undertaker formed a wrestling faction known as the Ministry of Darkness, which were comprised of many of the scariest, horror-themed members of the World Wrestling Federation, like Kane and the Brood.
On a "Monday Night Raw" episode near the beginning of 1999, there was a moment where members of the Ministry of Darkness tied your wrists and ankles to the Undertaker's symbol: the same symbol that he crucified Stone Cold Steve Austin on.
You were tied underneath the titantron in the arena during this process for everyone to see, although the titantron was several inches away from your head.
As your hands and wrists were tied to the Undertaker's symbol by rope, you were screaming and shrieking in terror while your facial expression was absolutely horrified.
When your hands and wrists were tied to the symbol, your torso was touching the symbol and your back was facing everyone.
During this moment of you getting tied to the Undertaker's symbol, you were dressed in black pleather shorts so short they looked like underwear and a matching bikini top, and there's a reason why you wore that outfit.
Many people in the audience saw you getting tied to that symbol, unaware of what might happen, but their eyes were glued to you and the Ministry of Darkness.
Jerry Lawler on commentary was worried and concerned, despite that this up and coming moment was completely rehearsed and fake, so Jerry knew what was going on.
Your wrists and ankles were tied tightly with that rope to keep you from escaping.
After you were tied to the Undertaker's symbol, with your legs spread out slightly wide, the Undertaker had a whip in one of his hands.
In the Undertaker's other hand, he grabbed the top of your shorts and pulled your shorts up so high until your bare buttocks were being exposed.
The middle of your shorts were riding and buried into your ass crack while he pulled your shorts up, basically giving you a wedgie.
As your shorts were pulled up and your bare ass cheeks were being exposed more, many male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered, a few of them whistling like how men whistle at a sexy woman.
Jerry Lawler was perking up and getting excited on commentary, and the camera zoomed in on your ass cheeks being filmed as well as your shorts being pulled up.
When enough of your bare buttocks were exposed and as high as your shorts could be pulled up, with that whip held in his other hand, he began to mercilessly beat and spank the hell out of your bare ass cheeks with that whip, flogging and whipping your ass like a horse.
Your head was turned sideways and tears were welling in your eyes as you shrieked and screamed in pain and agony over the Undertaker spanking your ass.
While he lashed out on your buttocks with that whip, the skin on your ass cheeks stung with every smack of that whip.
He wasn't the only one who was beating your ass cheeks with a whip, so was Kane and Christian Cage, who were both holding separate whips in one of their hands.
Kane and Christian stood behind you as well, and they as well as Ministry Undertaker were all flogging your bare buttocks one by one.
If Ministry Undertaker's whip wasn't colliding into one of your buttocks, then Kane or Christian's whip were.
The audience was astounded, their eyes wide and staring at you getting beaten by those whips.
The skin on your ass cheeks was turning pinkish red with each beat of that whip sharply hitting your buttocks.
Despite that you were tied up and shrieking in pain, your body wasn't flailing about and fidgeting wanting to get out.
You couldn't escape.
You've been a naughty girl and you're getting epically punished.
The Undertaker continued holding up your shorts as he, Kane and Christian whipped the fuck out of your ass cheeks.
There's a reason why the Undertaker, Kane and Christian are the ones spanking your rear end with whips and not Viscera, take a guess why.
The audience was a mixture of cheers and boos.
The Undertaker, Kane and Christian were flogging your buttocks with whips the same way the Undertaker whipped Christian.
Soon, Triple H entered the arena to come to your rescue, which really made the audience get out of their seats and cheer for Triple H, Jim Ross exclaiming Trips' name on commentary.
The Undertaker as well as the rest of his Ministry turned their heads when Triple H approached him and Trips attempted to throw punches at the Undertaker and Christian.
Christian did get punched to the floor, whereas Ministry Undertaker and Kane tried attacking Triple H.
Soon, Ministry Undertaker and Kane no longer were spanking you with those whips, instead, they were busy trying to beat up Triple H.
Triple H, on the other hand, tried to untie the rope around your wrists and ankles as well as try to fight off the Ministry.
Couldn't you just slide your hands out of the ropes?
You tried doing that, but Triple H's hands were fumbling as he tried to untie your wrists.
He did manage to pull your wrists out of the ropes, but what about your ankles?
He squatted down and tried untying your ankles as fast as he could, his hands trying to loosen the rope around your ankles.
The camera zoomed in on Triple H squatting down and untying your ankles, and fans in the audience were watching Triple H on the titantron screen as well as squatting next to your ankles trying to untie them.
Many fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered for Triple H freeing you from the Undertaker's symbol.
Won't the police come out and arrest Ministry Undertaker for doing this to you?
Ministry Undertaker has been arrested a few times before on television, y'know.
Thankfully, your wrists and ankles were freed, and you quickly tried running away from the Undertaker's symbol as well as the Ministry themselves.
Triple H, too, tried running away from the Ministry, where Trips scooped you up in his arms and carried you to safety away from the Ministry, the camera following you and Trips as he lifted you up and ran away.
Fans cheered Triple H for rescuing you and carrying you in his arms, while you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding on to him for dear life.
This moment of you getting spanked by 3 members of the Ministry is tame compared to some other moments Ministry Undertaker and Kane tried doing to you.
The Undertaker deserves revenge on what he did to you.
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baddawg94 · 5 months
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sleepy-achilles · 2 months
It's Takes birthday
Happy birthday deadman
Feel like I shoulda wrote something. Oh well
Enjoy :)
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