take-taker-taken · 4 months
could i please have comfort fluff with a quiet, shy reader who cries sometimes from feeling ugly and like no one likes or cares about her with 1997 lord of darkness taker? she doesn't want to bother him with her troubles but he wants to hear her
maybe a bit erotic too..
Ok, so whenever I try to write Ministry!Taker, what comes out is a Lord of the Manor type. I find it hard to write him within a wrestling universe due to the nature of the character, so it always ends being in an AU with an air of magic powers and mysticism - I hope that’s OK! I also didn’t quite get there with the eroticism, so I’m sorry about that - just felt that if I’d tried to add it then it would have seemed shoe-horned in and rushed.
Obsidian & Lilium
You didn’t realise that you could be heard. You thought you’d found a quiet spot when the sadness overtook you and so when the door to the under stairs cupboard opens you squeak in shock.
“Now, what do we have here?” The deep voice rumbles and then his head and shoulders appear in the now open doorway.
Your eyes go wide and your throat freezes up when you realise that it’s the master of the house. Unable to respond in the moment you hurriedly wipe a hand over your face.
“Out you come, girl.” His tone is gentle but firm and then he steps back, allowing you room to slink out of your hiding place. You stand before the giant of a man, the head of the Ministry of Darkness himself - the one known as The Undertaker, and try desperately to stop crying.
He steps away briefly as your tears reduce to sniffles and you notice that he’s at the sink. He turns back and presents you with a cool, damp cloth which you take and wipe over your face. You remain in stunned silence as he takes your hand and leads you to the table, taking a seat and indicating that you should do the same.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell me why you’re crying?”
You lift the cloth to your mouth and try not to get overwhelmed. The very idea that the Lord of Darkness is here with you ‘below stairs’ is enough to send you reeling, never mind that he’s talking to you as well.
You shake your head and mumble behind the cloth, “It doesn’t matter.”
His expression remains neutral but he reaches out and plucks the material from your hand, dropping it to the table. You glance up at him guiltily, realising that you should be showing more respect and add, “It’s nothing, sir.”
He taps his long, pale fingers gently against the table top. “Enough to have a member of my ministry hiding away in a cupboard and crying. I should say that matters.”
You stare at the digits in fascination, seeing for the first time how many of them are bent as though they’ve perhaps been broken. You notice the faint freckles that pepper the back of his hands and his short, neat nails. You’ve never been this close to him and find it surprising that you don’t feel particularly scared.
“Something has upset you,” he continues. “Has anybody spoken unkindly to you?”
You look up at him and a sigh escapes before you can stop it. He doesn’t react beyond a twitch of that pierced eyebrow and so you elaborate. “Nobody speaks to me, sir. Why would they?”
“I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t, little one.”
Your eyes raise to him in surprise at the mild endearment and he nods encouragingly. You pick up the cloth again and dab at your eyes but then shake your head as you say quietly, “It’s not important. Please, I - I shouldn’t be taking up your time like this.”
He reaches across and strokes a lazy circle on your hand with one finger. “I get to decide how I spend my time - no one else.”
Your hand seems to tingle at his touch and it’s clear that you’re to keep talking. You concentrate on the pattern he’s drawing on your skin and let the words fall out, even though the reality of it makes your voice crack a bit. “Nobody really likes me, sir. There’s no one to care about me - it’s not as if I’m pretty or anything.”
“Nonsense.” He waits for you to finish but is quick with his simple rebuttal. “I’ve spent only a few moments in your company and I find you perfectly likeable, so why shouldn’t others?” He continues on as you sit in rather stunned silence. “I myself care about each and every member of my ministry, and as to your last point, well…” He stops tracing his finger over your skin and instead takes your hand in his. “You are most definitely a pretty little thing. I expect even nicer without red eyes from all those tears.”
You stare at your joined hands, his covering yours completely and then glance up at him. His expression is inscrutable and you swallow. “It’s very kind of you - too kind, sir - to say that but,”
“I never say things that I do not mean, little one.” His interruption is quiet but firm and then you’re astonished to see that he’s smiling. Not the cruel or sarcastic smirks that you think you’re used to seeing sometimes on the faces of those around you, but a genuine smile - albeit small, but that somehow makes it even more real. Unbidden, you feel yourself returning it. “There, now - such a pretty smile.”
“Thank you,” you reply as you feel yourself blushing. Doubt still nags at you, however, and you say wistfully, “I wish it were true, sir. It seems that being attractive is valued more highly than anything. And that will never be me.”
He stands up without releasing your hand and so you have little choice but to get up with him. “Valued by those without the brains to value much else,” he says. “I would like you to take a walk with me.”
It’s a question and yet not one, given how he presents it with such finality - of course, he is used to being obeyed. You’re not about to try and resist his will, so you nod and with one hand in his and the other clutching the cloth, he leads you from the room.
He takes you up the stairs and through the main house which makes your head swivel around as you take it all in. The next familiar sight you see is the gardens - you love it when you get the opportunity to walk near here, though you’ve never seen it properly. You wish it wasn’t dark and it seems silly to stroll about when it is.
“A walk in the gardens when it’s dark, sir?” You can’t help voicing your doubt and then you squeak and then giggle as he turns his free hand palm up and you see a gentle glow emanating from it. It’s enough to light the way immediately ahead of you and makes you step more confidently.
“Certainly when it’s dark, little one.” There’s that tiny endearment again and it makes your heart swell a little. “Night blooming lilies are quite beautiful.” He leads you down a few more paths and then when you round the next corner you gasp in wonder because there they are - rows of bright, white lilies glowing in the moonlight. There’s a pond too, with yet more wide open flowers sitting atop the inky black surface as water trickles down a stone feature into the pool.
“I’ve never seen anything so pretty,” you whisper, utterly transfixed by the sight before you.
He lets go of your hand and you stiffen slightly as you feel him stroking his fingertips up your back. “I have,” he says softly. “And I’m standing with her at this very moment.”
You turn and look up at him, no longer feeling shy or like a lesser person. “Thank you.”
The statement seems too small but it’s all you can manage for now and you hope it’s enough. It must be, you think to yourself, because then he’s leaning down and brushing his lips against yours. You know and understand in that moment that everything is going to be alright.
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glitterxdeath · 5 months
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evolution i guess??
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sleepy-achilles · 3 months
It's Takes birthday
Happy birthday deadman
Feel like I shoulda wrote something. Oh well
Enjoy :)
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hartbreak-motel · 17 days
Unholy Alliance era Undertaker is kind of...pathetic.
He still looks like Ministry Taker. He acts all evil and demonic but he's lost his mystique.
He's lost control of the Ministry after Vince was revealed to be the higher power and merging with The Corporation.
He doesn't really use his powers anymore. He's not kidnapping or sacrificing people. He just talks about how evil he is. He rambles on about the learning tree and snakes and stabbing people in their sleep.
Mideon and Viscera are still there, but at this point, they seem to more like stooges than brainwashed cult members.
He's obsessed with Kane. Literally berates him every chance he gets calling him weak and soft. He tells Kane that he'll be nothing without him. How Kane needs him. He then loses his shit when his brother gets tired of his ass and chooses X-Pac over him.
He tries to make Kane jealous by adopting the Big Show as his new Protégé of Darkness. He makes it a point to tell Kane how badass and cool he and his new partner are. How Kane could never measure up to them. How Kane definitely made the wrong choice by rejecting him. How he definitely doesn't feel bad about what happened.
He ditches the cult robes. He doesn't even bother showing up in his gear. He barely wrestles. He just sort of limps around in street clothes. He looks more like an aging biker than a demonic cult leader.
It's like he's becoming human again. His body is breaking down. He's starting to feel things. But he's so desperate to convince everyone around him that he's still the big evil. He desperately tries to keep the facade going.
Until he can't anymore so he leaves. When he returns he's a different man. No more dark and scary music. No more Paul or Ministry stooges. No more demonic eye rolling and speaking in tongues. He's fully and unapologetically human.
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brothersgrim · 5 months
given that taker's blood did THAT to mideon do you think the brood got high off it
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lesp1een · 2 years
"We meet again" (Shawn x Ministry! Taker)
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Content Warning: NSFW, blood
"Finally, we meet again." 
The last time Shawn had seen Undertaker, it was when he was being lit on fire by his brother. 
He was sure he had died. It was impossible for him to survive to that. He saw him being killed in front of his own eyes.
Maybe all that "dead man" bullshit wasn't so fake after all, or else he could not be able to explain why the man before him was so similar to his past rival. 
"So you come back from the dead, and the first thing you do is become a fucking psychopath?" Shawn refused to get closer to that sinister man. He couldn't recall a moment when he was so afraid of him. Even when they were fighting each other off so often, he was never afraid of him as much as he was in that moment. 
"Me, a psychopath?" The Ministry pointed at himself, and laughed, the deep sound of his voice echoing through the whole room. "How rude of you refer to me as that. The man you have been longing for so much time."
Those words made Shawn flinch, his body running warmer at the revelation. How did he know about that? He never told anybody about it, only Hunter. And he was pretty sure his friend would never have snitched on him. Maybe… 
"Bullshit. Now get out of my fucking hotel room, please?" He would have gladly escaped that situation, if he wasn't so pissed off about that psycho cultist breaking in his own room and feasting on the liquor he paid with his own money. 
Speaking of liquor, the Ministry took another shot of it, sitting on Shawn's couch like he was in his own home. Then he suddenly got up, and Shawn took a step back. He was still so tall, and if it was possible, he became bigger. He was broader, thicker. He could sense he was maybe even stronger than the last time he saw him. 
And he was still, oh so breathtakingly beautiful. But he was not him. He was not the Undertaker he had secretly loved for many years. That was a demon, a demon getting closer to him by each step he took. 
Shawn froze in place, the Devil so close he had his chest pressed against his own. He refused to look at his face, trying to get his gaze as far as possible from him, even when he felt a hot, breathy laugh linger on his cheek. "I can smell your fear, little one." he whispered near Shawn's ear, making him shiver, bringing two fingers on the blonde's chin. He was forced to look up at him, and as soon as he met those green eyes, he knew it was over for him. 
He had his eyes. 
"How do you know about it?" he managed to get out, unable to look away from that man. 
He had his lips, he had his little freckles, he had his nose. He was so similiar to him, yet he was not. 
"I know everything about my host, little one-"
"Stop calling me that." Undertaker- No, the Ministry, smiled, making Shawn's heart flutter with emotion against his will. 
"You were always bad at hiding your desires. He knew. He knew you wanted him, and you want to know something that is really, really funny?" Long, dark hair brushed against Shawn's face as he got closer and closer, pressing his forehead against his. 
"He wanted you too. He wants you." 
Shawn was sure he was about to faint, his legs trembling, his eyes locked on the others. He was a weak man, a vulnerable man. For fuck's sake, it was the first time he saw the man he loved after his death, and he was looking at him like that, with hunger, with desire. 
If there was a God, Shawn knew he would be disappointed in him. If there was a God, then the Devil was in front of him, caressing his cheek, looking right into his eyes. 
"Surrender  to me." a long tongue caressed his half open lips, and Shawn was so frustrated he cried out, grabbing the other's arms. He felt muscle under his palms, hard muscle and flesh. 
Fuck, he was so touch starved. He craved so much. 
"Make love to him." Big hands grabbed at his waist, and Shawn snapped his eyes open, and made a decision he would have time to regret in the future. He kissed that man. He kissed him hard to shut his evil mouth, pressing his smaller body to his, surrendering to temptation. 
"Take me." He breathed out desperately on the other's lips, and he was kissed again, so brutally it made his lip bleed out, and Undertaker sucked on it with a groan, made it bleed more, filled both their mouths with it. They were both violent, ruthless, and Shawn gripped his dark hair hard in his fist, pulling it, making the Ministry moan on his lips. He pulled his hair again, harder, he wanted it to hurt. The only thing he got was the man's clothed erection rubbing against his, and he broke the kiss to look right at him. 
"You love this." he panted out, and with his free hand, he slapped the other's face hard, leaving a red mark. The Ministry thrust his hips harder against his thigh, getting off on his own pain. 
They were humping each other like animals, fast and rough, hands gripping on each other's bodies like they were trying to rip their skin off. Shawn closed his eyes as he felt a hot tongue tracing down his neck, sucking on his skin, biting his throat so hard he was bleeding again. The pain made Shawn's mind fuzzy with excitement, as he felt the Ministry lick his blood off like a goddamn vampire. 
Before he was able to register the feeling of being lifted up, he was thrown on the couch, the big man towering over him, pale lips painted crimson with blood. He had a crazed expression on his face, like he was high on something. 
Shawn understood soon enough it was bloodlust. 
They quickly removed their clothes, both craving to feel as much skin as they could, and Shawn looked up at him as he took his tank top off, revealing a body sculpted by the gods. Undertaker, or whoever it was possessing his body, was pale, arms black with ink, hips softer than his muscular torso, and he was big, standing proud, towering on Shawn's lither body. 
Shawn's attention was then drawn between his legs, and he blushed hard, quickly looking away. 
The Ministry noticed, and smiled at him tenderly, caressing his face. "Get on your knees for me, my darling."
Shawn didn't hesitate. He was on his knees, between those legs, looking up at his master, and then right in front of him, at what was to be considered a murder weapon, standing hard between his lover's legs. 
He licked along his shaft, sucking at the soft head, before sliding it in his mouth, earning a little shudder from the man above him. He was slow, teasing him with his tongue, trying to get accustomed to the size of it. He was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to take it all in his mouth, so he took as much as he could, hollowing his cheeks on that thick cock, sucking hard, making the man above him groan in pleasure.
But as much as he was loving teasing the other, he soon lost his control over things. A big hand grabbed him by the hair, caressing his scalp, as he stopped Shawn from doing anything. "Stay still." He was ordered. And he did, he stayed still as that hard cock slipped in his mouth. He looked up at Taker's face as his mouth was being fucked, his head held still by a strong hand. 
"This is all he always wanted to do to you, little one." The Ministry grinned, as he thrust his hips hard, making Shawn swallow around his whole length, nose pressed hard against his lower stomach. 
Shawn whined hard, and fuck, all he wanted was to satisfy his Undertaker, so he gagged on that cock, taking it all in his throat, making himself a cute little fucktoy for that demon, letting himself be used and abused until his throat was sore and burning, until he was snorting, struggling to breathe. One last thrust, a deep moan coming from above him, and a spasm, and Shawn felt hot cum being shot deep into his throat he choked a bit, but he was a good boy, so he still managed to swallow all of it, crying out. His mouth was freed, and Shawn massaged his aching jaw, panting. 
"Good boy." His lover caressed his hair, helping him get on the couch. Shawn didn't realize he was rock hard until his cock brushed against the couch. 
He was a good boy. He would be so good his Taker would come back to him, instead of that monster. 
"I fuckin' hate you" He spat out, between gritted teeth. The Ministry chuckled, his hot breath caressing Shawn's neck. "You do not." Shawn was about to cry, because he despised that so much, he despised that man, because he stole everything he loved from him. 
"You are not him." His heart was bursting with emotion, his eyes filling up with tears. 
Shawn was so delusional he thought it wasn't gonna be that hard. He thought he would just have a rough fuck with that motherfucker, and then forget about it for the rest of his life. He was better off as a whore than a lover, after all. 
"Shawn, look at me." The bigger man lifted his chin with two fingers, inviting him to look at his face. "I am him. He is me. Everything he thinks I think. Everything he wants I desire, too. Everyone he adores, I crave." He wiped off Shawn's tears off his face with a tender touch, letting the blonde man lean onto his hand. "He loves you-" 
"Fuck." Shawn stopped him, and pulled him in by the hair in a desperate kiss. The man above him shifted his position, and broke the kiss to lick his own lips, still tasting blood. "Do you still want to do this, little one?" 
"Since when do demons ask for consent?"
"I still got manners." For the first time in that whole night, Shawn smiled, and then he simply pressed his body against the other, feeling his cold skin against his own hot chest. "Go on." 
He stared as that demonic man put two fingers inside his own mouth, sucking them off a bit, looking right at his partner with half lidded eyes, and it was one of the hottest things Shawn had ever seen in his whole life. 
He was ready for those fingers to come at him, so he opened his thighs, waiting for them. His expectations were wrong, because he didn't feel anything at all on him, when those fingers came down. He only saw Undertaker bite down at his own lip, and lowered his gaze to notice that he was the one preparing himself. His lover let out a little grunt as he lowered his own body onto Shawn's. His skin was cold as grave, yet inside he was burning hot. "Oh God…" the younger man swore, grabbing Undertaker's large waist as his lover immediately started riding him, his hands on the sides of Shawn's neck. "Slow down, please- fuck!" He was tight, and hot and he was big on Shawn's body, still towering over him as he was fucking himself on his cock. 
He didn't slow down. It was rough and strong and intense and it made Shawn's head spin as he saw the other's expression, face half covered by long, dark hair. Undertaker's face was flushed, his eyes half open, and he was letting out the sweetest of sounds as he rode him, moaning low and gritting his teeth in pleasure and pain. "You wanna make me scream your name, little one? Let me see what you got." he panted out, looking down at Shawn, his eyes wide with excitement. "Fuck me up, boy toy. And if you do it well enough, I might let you come."
Shawn whined at those words, pleasure running up his spine. "Yes, my master." he saw the Ministry's eyes darken as he heard that word, before he grabbed him by the hair and slammed him on the couch like he wanted to hurt him, pushing himself on top of him, and he thrust his cock deep inside his body, without care. 
They fucked raw, Shawn thrusting his hips fast, slamming inside him with vigor, pushing his much bigger lover onto the couch, making him groan in pleasure. 
But he wanted him to scream, so he gripped his hips hard, nails piercing through skin, opening fresh wounds, and he angled himself better, thrusting again, that time even harder than before. He aimed for the man's prostate, ruthlessly violating it until he felt his legs start to hurt. 
That was it. He heard the other moan loudly, and then scream in pure pleasure, his hips spasming towards him. He never heard Undertaker scream like that, so he kept going. He wanted more of it. It was addictive to see him submit. 
He slipped a hand on the other's neck, squeezing sofly, still abusing his prostate with every thrust, his pace growing faster and deeper and messier. 
"Fuck, you're so hot" he panted out, "You're beautiful." and he thrusted hard again, making the man under him scream, eyes rolling up, hair sticking on his forehead. 
He was about to come, but he couldn't. He promised. He promised he would give him everything he got, he wanted Undertaker to come undone under him, to lose himself to him. He choked him, earning a breathless moan, and he licked a trail of spit off of Taker's chin, then he went down to his neck, biting hard, making him bleed. The pain made his lover writhe under him, and all it took was Shawn kissing him hard, making him taste his own blood, to make Undertaker cry out on his mouth. He felt his body tighten around him, and looked down as he came hard on his own stomach, broken moans leaving his lips.  
It took Shawn a lot of control to not come at that sight alone, and he remained still, deep into his lover's body, frustrated sighs leaving his throat. "Please…  please, can I come now?" 
"You did good." His lover panted out, voice hoarse and body still trembling with the aftershock of his own orgasm. "Come in me, my darling. Fill me up."
Shawn's body reacted on his own, and he thrust his hips hard, almost shouting as he stopped deep inside the other, his muscles tensing, every inch of his body screaming as he finally came, deep inside his lover's body. He cried out, his head spinning in raw pleasure, his body unable to move, legs trembling hard. 
"Good boy." He heard, as soon as he collapsed on the other's body, sliding out of him to rest his head on that broad chest.
They made love until sunrise, hard and raw until it was not, soft and slow until they fell asleep on the bed, their bodies becoming one.
Shawn woke up late, feeling sore. The Ministry was still in his bed, sleeping. He looked at him, at how much he resembled his lover, at how he was his Undertaker. 
How easy it was to fall in love with him again and again, everytime he came back. 
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blake-the-shadow · 2 years
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cinematic parallels
(also what if taker had some kind of demonic transformation)
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kayfabebabe · 2 years
For character bingo thingy... Mm what about specifically... Ministry Taker? ~Cryptid
Friendo Chaaaaaaaase! Thank you so much for the Ask <3
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~ Overdramatic Theatre Zombie ~ There’s no doubt about this - I would 100% join the Ministry. Sure, they occasionally sacrificed people and they possibly dealt with Satan. But I have a soft spot for Ministry Taker. He’s my Sassy Goth Girlfriend. All I need to do to make him happy is take him to Hot Topic. 
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
tis the cult man again,, already,, loving the promo gfdkljgdfdl
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cursed-byesexual · 1 year
Marauders fic in which James' family adopts Sirius formally so he goes by Sirius Potter, years later he and Remus get married and Remus also takes the last name Potter solely to confuse people. They would absolutely abuse this and sign stuff just as 'Potter' to mess with each other or with the ministry. Any takers?
(today on 'is this funny, or am I just severely sleep deprived ?')
Look, I just want Harry to have a ridiculously big family instead of none at all, is that too much to ask?
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jinouchibhue · 8 months
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🥴 Ministry of Darkness 'Taker Whipping Brood Christian for.... *checks notes* Being a big mouth. Yeah, that tracks.
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take-taker-taken · 4 months
Hi! I hope you're having a lovely day/night wherever you are in the world. I'm new here and saw you take requests. Please bare with me, I've never done this before lol. I was wondering if I could have a ministry Taker x fem gothic plus size reader fic? As for smut or fluff I'll honestly let you decide, I'm good with either. I just love ministry taker so much. He has me in a chokehold!
Hello, lovely Anon! I do hope you’re still around and didn’t give up hope of me ever answering you! Here is your beloved Ministry!Taker fic… (link to Part Two is at the end).
You carefully apply liner to your eyes, the finishing touch to the smoky look. You know that he’s watching you intently - he always does, to the point where you wonder if he enjoys the ritual of make up as much as you do. You stain your lips a deep, dark red and then sit back and admire the finished product in the mirror.
“You’re beautiful.” The simple statement rumbles from him and you turn to look at where he sits on one of his thrones. This one is slightly smaller than the grand one in the great hall but it’s no less majestic for that. He smiles - an intriguing combination of pleasure, danger and barely-disguised lust - and strokes finger and thumb thoughtfully over his goatee beard. “Come here and sit with me.”
You stand up and turn with a swirl of your black velvet skirt as you smooth down your top, which is cleverly fashioned after his cloak with a deep hood that would hide your face if you used it. The sleeves flare out at the ends, adding to the flowing, floaty quality of the outfit. You slowly walk over to him with a confidence that a few months ago didn’t exist - he used to terrify you and when he plucked you from obscurity to be by his side, you’d barely been able to mutter two words to him. He had chosen, though, and you were to be his. He had seen something in you and so had persevered, not allowing you to be away from him for too long at a time, determined that you would not only grow accustomed to him but that you would learn to find pleasure in his company.
He extends a hand to you as you approach and unafraid, you reach out and take it as you step up on to the platform that the throne sits upon. You know that when he bids you to ‘come and sit with’ him then he wants you close and sure enough, he pulls you in and you hop up on to his lap. As huge as he is, you had been so self conscious the first few times; worried that you were not a waif-like figure. Such things are no longer a concern and you smile and lean against him as one powerful arm encircles you, his fingers stroking up and down your waist.
Your head tucks neatly under his chin if you press yourself fully to him, but you find that you’re feeling playful tonight. His immediate attention has been taken by the book that rests on the arm of the throne and so you slowly slide your hand up the centre of his back. He doesn’t react until you reach his neck, your fingers seeking the bare skin that hides beneath his mane of dark hair. You scratch the nape gently and he rolls his shoulders with a low, rumbling sigh of satisfaction. Encouraged, you turn your face up and deliver a row of small kisses to his jawline before reaching up to give a soft tug on his beard. He turns at that and you look up into stormy green eyes before giving a cheeky giggle, but your hand doesn’t relinquish its grip on the facial hair.
“Something ails you, my princess?” His voice is never particularly animated but you don’t find that scary anymore.
“You called me all the way over here, but seems you’re only interested in that book.”
His arm tightens around your ample waist while his other hand reaches up and covers over the one of yours that holds his beard. “Wanting some attention are you, little one?”
You nod as you give him a playful pout and a mildly pleading look. He guides your hand from his chin and then raises it to his lips, kissing it softly as you look on. He lets go of your hand and then nudges your chin up with one long finger. He kisses along your jaw just as you did to him and you close your eyes, enjoying the feel of the bristly hair against your skin.
“Such a stunning gothic beauty,” He murmurs into your ear, the timbre making you shiver pleasantly. “I knew from the moment I saw you that there was fire inside you.” He caresses the back of your neck with the tips of his fingers while his other hand seeks out the hem of your top so that he can touch bare skin. “It just needed someone to nurture that glow…” As his fingers stroke across your stomach you think back to the beginning of your time with him, when you used to try and move away from touches like this, fearing that there was ‘too much’ flesh there. Now you have no such worries and wriggle around, turning yourself in his lap as his kiss returns, to your mouth this time.
He teases your lips apart and you gladly open your mouth to allow his long tongue entry and place your hand on the side of his face. There’s still a part of you that can’t quite believe that you’re allowed to touch him, to kiss him and to lay with him. He chose you to be at his side; he chose to love you. You open your eyes and whimper slightly with disappointment as he draws back from the kiss and there’s amusement in his gaze.
“You’re wanting more, princess?”
“Always,” you reply, your thumb stroking his cheek.
“I rather fear that I shouldn’t.” He says teasingly. “You only just finished your make up and if I take you to bed then it’ll surely be ruined.”
You smile up at him and tug gently on his beard again. “I don’t mind.”
He growls at your latest assault on his facial hair and snaps his teeth playfully at your hand before standing up with you in his arms. You giggle delightedly as you know that nobody else sees this side to him.
“Very well, girl - you leave me no choice but to teach you some consequences for your teasing.” He dips his head and kisses you again before drawing back to nip at your lips with his teeth. You reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck and let your head fall against his chest as he carries you from the room while muttering dark, lustful promises.
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
NaPoWriMo #18: A Pushkin sonnet
Since I started playing with poetry forms, I've wanted to try to write a Pushkin sonnet about Kiro, @scarvenartist's Onegin-esque shapeshifter. The result's a bit more skewed by the form than I'd like, but I think I managed to maintain the meter.
The Swallow
All Lyssia’s speaking ‘bout the Swallow who wings through all the winding ways to where the Ministry can’t follow although they search a thousand days. The taker of a thousand faces, he stands within a million places and takes on all the well-born’s duels for those forsaking honor’s schools. Who knows if we should fete or fear it, for all they say that no one can say where’s the beast and where’s the man or how his forms hold fast the spirit? Be careful, Swallow, not to bring your Self down with your ‘llusive wings.
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Men I show my therapist to explain my daddy issues-
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The Undertaker- 1/?
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copiass · 1 year
What's In A Name?
Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10,218
Warnings: nsfw, light dom/sub, oral sex, glove kink, dirty talk, office sex
"It was undeniably, inarguably, most definitely fucked up. You had never meant for it to get this far - really. It had just been a mistake, and not even your own at that, just a stupid slip-up that had sparked something sick and wicked right in the pit of your stomach."
AKA: Whilst harbouring a secret crush you use your boss’ last name without him knowing. (I know nothing about tax returns or identity fraud, deal with it.)
Can also be read on ao3
Other fics here
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It was undeniably, inarguably, most definitely fucked up. You had never meant for it to get this far - really. It had just been a mistake, and not even your own at that, just a stupid slip up that had sparked something sick and wicked in the pit of your stomach. An urge to fulfil some long-dormant, base need that had somehow started to form in the deepest part of your gut. An urge that had, admittedly, spiralled out of control weeks ago. An urge that currently had you pacing towards Copia’s office, pretty sure you were about to get fired.
You’d been Papa’s Personal Assistant for about six months, and up to now it had been going just swimmingly. The promotion had been a surprise, the latest Sister handing in her notice red-faced and vexed after being summoned to Copia’s office for yet another lecture. She had managed to last 2 months, admittedly his longest up to that point. But his PA’s always ended up the same, pacing and ranting endlessly in Imperators' office, notice in hand, begging to be moved elsewhere to spare his ‘incessant micromanaging’. You had been fairly new to the clergy, eager to make a good impression with a secret soft-spot for the newest Papa. With, unsurprisingly, few takers for the role all it had taken was a short interview with some of the higher members of the clergy and you were in, your own desk, a stripe of Papa’s blue added to your uniform and even an extra half-day off in the week (though, admittedly, you rarely saw it). 
It hadn’t taken you long to realise that Copia was not, in-fact, an insufferable asshole, a particularly cruel employer, or a dictatorial micro-manager. He just appreciated when things were done a certain way. And - oh - you’d made the effort to learn, how he liked his papers filed and tabs colour-coded, how he preferred his stationary ordered at his desk, the exact temperature he liked his afternoon tea. It became easy, placing things on his desk before even he realised he needed them, slipping his old books back to the library without him asking, making sure his reading glasses were sat right where he would reach for them while he absent-mindedly flicked through paperwork. It just worked. The more time you spent with him the more you understood what he wanted, what he needed, just intuitively. Yes, Copia ran a tight ship, with little to no room for slip ups, but you soon realised it’s because it had to be that way. His keen attention to detail sometimes seeming like the only thing keeping the whole ship afloat and fully functional. 
Not that he had made it easy for you. It was like he had already resigned you to failure that first morning you showed up in his office, eyes flicking over you briefly before he looked back down his nose through his glasses, examining spreadsheets with a displeased hum. It had only pushed you, the more unmoved he appeared at your presence the harder you worked to get it right. The more paperwork he pushed through your desk without comment, the quicker you filed it. The more he complained about his tea not being right the longer you kept it brewing. The louder he scoffed under his breath at his ink running dry, the sooner you were there to refill his pen. Not with Ministry issued ink, no, but Copia’s favourite ink. The one imported from Italy in a gilded case, kept in the top right-hand drawer, behind his ‘secret’ chocolate stash. And it was worth it - so - worth it when he would give you that look. Like you had pleased him, that he understood what you had done, that he appreciated it, deeply.  
And it felt perversely intimate. Knowing someone so well when you barely knew them at all. You quickly learned Copia was not a morning person and did not like to chit-chat before at least 9.30am. His favourite lunch was on Fridays when the kitchens brought up a small charcuterie board paired with an expensive red to finish off the work week. He preferred the black olives to the green ones, even though you insisted they were the same just to wind him up and watch the smirk pull at his painted lips. You learned how he bit away at those same lips when he was expecting a phone call from Saltarian, and how he rubbed at his temples when he had been working too long, the both of you sprawled across the desks working into the early hours of the morning. 
Copia learned too. He learned that when you were stressed you’d chew on the end of his, frustratingly, expensive pens as you worked, brow furrowed as you read over his work. He learned that if he voiced his distaste for green olives for long enough you would eventually slink over to the other side of his desk and steal them off of his plate, neglecting to use cutlery, giving him the chance to watch your oil slicked fingers slip them gently into your mouth. He learned that you were eager, so eager, for every challenge he presented to you. Eager to prove him wrong, eager to impress him. He also learned that you liked to poke at him, test the waters, push his buttons just to tease. 
“Ai! This stress will be giving me even more greys, Sister.” He’d complain, whining and smoothing at the silver hair at his temples, checking his reflection in the gilded mirror in his office. 
“Oh, I do hope so, Papa.” You’d sigh back with a wink, savouring the way he would look over to you, eyes burning in the candlelight of his office, eyebrows raised in a mock warning.
And there it was. The fine line that you both danced around in the confines of his office. You initially made a point of not seeing him outside of work, intentionally ignoring the pointed silence that had started to emerge everytime Copia announced he was retiring to his rooms for the evening, avoiding his offices on your days off, only seeing him at Masses with the rest of the clergy. But soon enough it just became easier to spend your lunch breaks together, whispering clergy gossip over a now shared pot of tea. And then it was just easier to eat dinner together over paperwork, the kitchens bringing two dishes instead of the one. And then it was just easier to have a quick shared nap on the couch in his office when trying to meet a particularly challenging deadline, the weight of your head pressed nicely into the warm meat of his thighs as his gloved hand rubbed at your temple lightly. 
It was inevitable really. To be so close to a Papa, to be so close to him and have him seep into every crack, every crevice of your subconscious. It was funny, to see behind the facade, to witness him as just a man at his desk every day, swearing under his breath at his “horseshit” brothers who couldn’t balance out a spreadsheet to save their lives, and yet also see that he was objectively not just a man. The confidence with which he carried himself, the way he unashamedly let his gaze linger, his reluctance to ever speak indirectly or without purpose. And if you had to finish off most evenings alone with your fingers between your thighs and his name falling from between your lips, that was your prerogative. Copia didn’t have to know. You were driven, determined even, to not let it distract you. To prove to him you could work well, help him achieve his vision without getting preoccupied with something else. 
So, naturally, when the postman responsible for delivering your mail made a mistake, just a tiny, minor mistake, it should have been an easy fix, a laughable offence. When the postman dropped off the usual letters and packages with a warm smile, and a casual ‘Mrs Emeritus, I take it?’ you should have laughed politely and corrected him as you took the mail. You should have clarified your position, maybe even offered up your own name instead. You should have taken the mail to Copia and offhandedly mentioned the exchange so you could both laugh at just how ridiculous that concept was. 
Yet, before you could even think, before logic even had the chance to enter the equation you found yourself nodding, smiling as you took the mail with a surprisingly confident;
‘Yeah - that’s me.’ 
Any sense of professionalism, common sense or even decency were outweighed by the sudden, sick satisfaction at the implication not just of being his assistant, but his wife. Copia fucked around, you knew that, gathered as much from the gossip around the ministry. Not that you’d dared to ever ask him personally, though due to embarrassment or jealousy you weren’t really sure. You knew he had a reputation, that was just part of being Papa, it came with the job. When the urge took him he had any number of Siblings to choose from to satisfy him for the night. But being his wife. That was different. 
You’d shut the door, letting your back hit the dark wood as you grinned to yourself, cheeks still flushing at an implication you’d never considered before. You let the fantasy wash over you, picturing what it could be like, how he would hold you, how he would adore you, how he would fuck you. For a moment you weren’t just his assistant, who tidied his desk and sorted his mail and served his tea, but his partner. His equal. Your head had felt dizzy with it, the words of the delivery man still buzzing in your ears, pulse racing, cheeks flushed. You’d thrown the letters down on Copia’s desk a little more hurriedly than usual, rushing back to your own desk pointedly avoiding his gaze. If he noticed anything he did not comment, choosing instead to sort through the post with just a soft glance your way. 
That’s when it started. This problem. This perverse little game you’d been playing only with yourself. You’d tried to forget it, laugh it off as a joke and nothing more, just a mistake that caught you off guard. But that seed had burrowed down, deep into your gut where even you couldn’t remove it. Then it spread, reaching even into your dreams, filling them with images of dishevelled greying hair and slick leather gloves. It had appealed to some base nature deep within you, eager and possessive. Yes, the first time had been a mistake - but offhandedly signing a receipt with that same name certainly had not been. Neither had the second receipt. Nor had the third. Or that new email signature to an outside agency. Or the rooms booked under your name on the last tour. 
Who would know? You’d reasoned to yourself, knowing that the only person checking the paperwork was, by default, you. Copia was none the wiser, more important things to think about than receipts for minor purchases or email signatures. You’d never use that name inside the ministry, it was a dangerous game after all - playing with the Emeritus name. You’d seen what had happened to those who played games the Ministry didn’t approve of and you did not intend to join that list. It wasn’t even about the name, not really - just him. The fantasy that you were someone that was important to him, someone he was attracted to. Theoretically, it was foolproof. It was harmless, no one would ever find out anyway. It just gave you a thrill - the risk of being caught weighed up against the kick of using his name. 
It wasn’t until Copia pulled you aside one evening as you were aimlessly fiddling with his diary for the next day that your heart dropped into what felt like your ass. 
“We may need to be breaking into Terzo’s coffee supply the next few days, eh Sister? Hehe.” He’d chuckled to himself, leaning back in his chair. 
You flicked your eyes over to him, taking in the way the leather waistcoat lifted as he stretched, pulling up his black undershirt with it, revealing the dark, greying hairs on his lower stomach. Satanas - you’re sure he did it intentionally half the time, just enjoying making you look. Realising you had absolutely no idea what he just said you shook your head.
He smiled at that, flicking his eyes away as he tried to repress it . 
“Tax Returns, Sister. We have a lot of paperwork to get through together.” 
“I thought we got … someone else to do that?” 
You blanched, your stomach flipping as you thought about the stack of paperwork in your locked top draw, signed with a name that is most definitely not your government name. 
“Ai - I am not paying someone to do what we are perfectly capable of doing ourselves.”
 Papa moved to stand behind you, hands coming down to squeeze at your shoulders reassuringly. You absolutely do not think of the size, or weight, of them as they cover most of your frame. 
“And we will do an excellent job as always, Sorella. Nighty night!” 
“Goodnight, Papa.” 
You had sighed in reply, your eyes following him as he moved down the hallway to his private quarters, knowing he’d used your favourite nickname to try and soothe you.
That is how you’ve found yourself pacing to your shared office, praying to any deity that will hear you that Copia does not, for probably the first time in his life, need to see every single detail and scrap of paper that has ever passed through the Ministry. After spending the night tossing and turning and triple checking the receipts just to make sure they definitely didn’t look like he had signed them, you had formulated a game plan. Realistically a few minor receipts would be fine going under the radar. You had made sure to never sign for something important, something there would need to be a paper trail for. You also knew that Papa, being the way that he is, had kept all of his most important paperwork with him, collated in colour coded folders next to his desk, obviously. There is no reason that he would suspect something is amiss, there is no reason for him to suspect you have a hidden stash of, probably illegal, receipts and invoices currently stashed in your bag ready to burn. And there is absolutely no reason for Copia to already be in his office before you get there. 
It seems that no deities have decided to take pity on you. 
You know he’s in a shit mood the second you open the door to the office. The first indicator is that he’s already drinking coffee - which he hates doing. The second is that he’s got an already well-used ashtray on his desk and a cigarette in his mouth, meaning he’s cracked open his also ‘secret’ emergency ‘stress-relief’ smokes. Those usually only make an appearance when he’s got those big annual budget meetings with the upper clergy. Shit. 
Doing your best to look objectively not guilty you sweep over to your desk, flipping your laptop open to check your emails. He’s on the phone, you notice, that stupid ancient phone holder balancing between his shoulder and his ear, cigarette balanced between his full lips. Whoever’s talking is clearly pissing him off, his brow is furrowed and he’s tapping his fingers against the desk. He also hasn’t acknowledged your presence yet which is unlike him, unnervingly unlike him. Unsure of what to do or say you just continue mindlessly tapping keys and clicking on already opened emails, doing anything to look busy and avoid drawing too much attention to yourself. 
Copia spits out, slamming the phone down on the holder in response to whoever was on the other end of the line. You startle and look over to him as he finishes his cigarette with a deep drag. Now that you’re looking at him you can see the extent of his stress. Even under the paint you can see the heaviness under his eyes, the way the waxy pigment has started to crease with the tension in his brow, the way it’s started to rub away a little where he must have been rubbing at his jaw. His hair is just the right side of dishevelled where he’s been running his hands through it, the greys threatening to fall into his face as he talks. His scarf has been pulled loose, hanging somewhere near his chest rather than up near his ruffled collar. His desk is a wreck, different piles of papers stacked and stapled, different mugs strewn in between, an unlidded highlighter cast aside near the phone. He’s been at this all morning. He takes a breath, emptying his lungs of smoke and rolling his neck. 
You startle, jumping in your seat. He is not asking. 
“Regretting not getting someone else to do it yet?” 
You joke, trying to save it, though your delivery and flat half chuckle don’t quite manage to sell it. Copia doesn’t bite. 
“That was my brother on the phone.” 
Papa starts, you try not to think about how rough his voice is after taking a drag, much deeper than it usually is. You don’t have to guess which brother, that would explain his sour mood.
“You see, Sister, I am missing paperwork. Some receipts, some invoices - you know-” He motions with his hand as he talks, eyes scanning the papers at his desk, not looking at you just yet.
“So, I call my idiota brother, these things are usually his fault, si?” 
And shit, he’s definitely stalling, he’s getting at something here and you’re hoping, praying it isn’t what you think it is. You force your bouncing knee to still itself, willing your face to be straight and empty of anything that he can pick up on. 
“And yet he says, it is not him. So I do the checking, and he is right-” He scoffs, “for once.” 
You nod, patiently, obediently. Waiting for him to make his point. He turns to look at you, really look at you, the white of his eye somehow more intense than it usually is, stark against the deep paint on his eyes.
“I do not miss paperwork. Sister.”
And there it is. He’s giving you an out. Copia doesn’t give second chances, and this is going to be his only offer at a first. You don’t speak, a million excuses coming to mind at once, each one as equally pathetic as the last. You know how you must look sitting there in front of him. Lying was never one of your strong suits, especially under pressure, especially when it’s to him. Yet it’s like you can’t speak, can’t even begin to think of how to get your mouth to move and formulate words. 
“Do understand, Sister, that we do not take this sort of thing lightly. If you were hoping to be fiddling or moving extra money in some way-” 
You interject without thinking, room spinning a little as your brain catches up to what he’s actually accusing you of. 
“Of course, I would have hoped that you would have told me if-” 
“It’s not that!” 
You hiss at him, suddenly a little offended that he thinks so lowly of you and your intentions. The room is still tilting as you try to save yourself from whatever the fuck is happening. You suddenly realise you’ve just handed yourself a shovel and started digging, Copia’s eyes narrow suspiciously, and fucking hell why does he look so good when he’s mad. 
“Then what is it.” He asks, patience clearly wearing thin, the coffee and nicotine only working to rile him up more. 
You decide if any deities are still listening they should most certainly just open the ground, swallow you whole and just have done already. At this point you honestly don’t know if it would be less embarrassing to just admit to some sort of fraud and risk being excommunicated permanently on grounds of financial criminality. Lucifer - your habit has started sticking to you and your throat feels like it’s closing up, panic setting in. You’re just about to throw the towel in, admit to being some sort of crook when you decide to look at Copia again. 
And it’s devastating. Under the paint, under the mask, under the guise of cold professionalism is worry. Genuine unease sitting in the all too familiar lines of his face. Your chest pulls as you look at him, his eyes threatening to become wet and glassy. You realise that he’s not pissed, but hurt at the idea of you admitting to this, at the notion that his assistant has been dishonest with him. It’s right about then you decide then you would rather suffer any amount of personal embarrassment over hurting him. Without speaking you reach into your bag and pull out the stack of papers you’d been hoping to get rid of. He looks away, immediately wounded at the implication. 
“Just read them.” You breathe out as you throw them onto the desk, eyes fixed on the floor. 
“Sister, You cannot expect me to believe-” 
Copia starts, then pauses once his eyes have scanned over the first few scraps of paper. He stops. He looks up at you. His eyes flick down again, then over the next piece of paper, and then the next. For the first time in six months you think you may have just rendered him speechless. You swear he must be able to hear your heart beating in your chest as you wait for his reply, only just realising that you’ve handed him a metaphorical loaded gun. Satanas, you really must have been stupid, handing over signed proof of your … feelings for him. Copia still hasn’t reacted, not really, choosing to sit further back in the chair and flick through the papers like some sort of sick flipbook.
He finally sighs out, dropping them onto the desk, one hand coming to comb through his hair.  
Unable to move your mouth you stay silent, waiting for him to continue. Papa doesn’t speak either, reaching for his pack of smokes before lighting one and taking a long, drawn out drag. If you’re being honest his reaction to your confession isn’t exactly inspiring. You hurt a little at that, realising perhaps you had misread the ease between the two of you. Realising that there might have been a reason he’d never propositioned you on those long, late nights alone.
“Which one is it?” 
He finally asks, his voice again deepened by the smoke, his tone one you can’t quite place, sitting somewhere between annoyance and disappointment. 
Granted it comes out a little ruder than you were aiming for, but you’ve been thrown so many curveballs in the last five minutes you’re honestly just grateful to still be sitting upright on the chair. 
“Do not test my patience, Sister. You do not have to hide it now. So - which one is it?” 
Fucking hell Papa could be petulant when he tried. He takes another drag, moving his eyes away from you again, like he can’t bear to look at you. You immediately decide you hate that more than anything else. 
“Copia, I can assure you, I have no fucking idea what you are talking about.” 
You’re not sure if it’s because you used his name or the language, or his clear lack of sleep, but either way he bristles at that, eyes fiery turning to look right into yours. Shit, he really is something to look at when he is like this, the logical part of his brain lagging behind his emotion for once. He’s surprisingly menacing, the pupil in his white eye unable to dilate with the other, unbalancing his features. This is the Copia that secured his own place in the lineage. 
“Do not play stupid with me Sister, I will not tolerate it - not from you. This is the Emeritus name, is it not, Sister?” 
“It is, Papa.” 
“And here it sits with your own name, does it not, Sister?” 
“Yes, Papa.” 
“Then, I can only be assuming, Sister, that you have found yourself a considerably comfortable spot in one of my brothers’ harems.”
Your brain completely taps out. You go to open your mouth, in an attempt to say anything. 
Copia stops you, taking a moment to calm himself, finishing the cigarette and shoving it into the ashtray. You’ve not seen him like this before, so unpredictable, so wiry. You’d almost have considered it exciting had he not just accused you of fucking one of his brothers. 
“That is … fine, Sister. I just feel I would like to know which brother that is all? It is selfish I know, I just … need to know.” 
Taking a second to process what he just said you lean back in your chair, counting on the ornate backing to catch your fall. You close your mouth, noting you don’t actually know how long it’s been open. It baffles you, faced with the realisation that the man that you have seen write speeches; balance spreadsheets, translate texts, compose music, and recite spells and incantations with ease, is a fucking idiot. Copia notices your lack of a response and shakes his head. 
“Ai - forgive an old man, Sorella. I pry too deeply. I just did not expect that you had-” 
“There is no one else.” You interrupt quietly, for his sake. “Just you.” 
It’s like you can see his brain working, cogs turning behind his eyes as it’s his turn to play catch up. He looks down to examine the papers again, jaw working in that way it always does when he’s thinking. He’s rubbing his fingers together, the room so quiet now you can hear the leather working against itself. Suddenly, you feel even further out of your depth, gooseflesh rising as he finally brings his gaze back up to you. It’s been a long six months, you’d dealt with worried Copia, pissed Copia, unbearably, sickeningly sweet Copia - but never this Copia. The one that’s looking at you like you’re a rabbit in his headlights. Like he can smell you already. 
“Up. Come. Now” 
He snaps his fingers suddenly moving his chair back a little as he taps the top of his desk. Copia does not ask twice. Surprised that your legs are even able to move, you stand slowly, hoping you’ll make it to the desk without embarrassing yourself even further. His eyes don’t leave you as you walk around to his side of the desk,so close you can practically feel the warmth radiating off of him. He opens his legs for you to stand between them, making a point of shifting his hips up as he does so. It’s at that minute you decide you absolutely cannot look at anything else but the knot in his loose tie, for the sake of your own self-preservation. 
“Do you know how we got this name, Sorella?” 
Hells his voice is so deep now you’re close it’s almost like a purr, the thrill of it settling right between your thighs. There’s a softness to it but it’s far from kind, far from being anything but mocking. He starts to adjust the sleeves to his black poet shirt and you mentally curse him, it’s like he knows down to the minute how many sleepless nights you’ve spent thinking about those godforsaken sleeves. 
“Now, now Sister. You are usually so talkative, no?” He teases, though again it’s not entirely kind.  
“It was a gift, Papa. From Him” and fuck it’s embarrassing how breathless you are already, thighs clenching just at being this near to him like this. 
He moves quicker than you can react. Before you can process it, he kicks one of your legs from under you, knocking it so you stand wider, legs open in between his own. 
And just like that he’s standing in front of you, much taller than you remembered, much broader than he seems from where you sit at your desk across the room. You can’t help but shrink back, lean further back into the wood only to be devastated when he follows there too, eyes examining your face like it’s the first time he’s seeing you. He breathes you in and you can’t help but follow, eyes closing as you take in the smell of him, all incense and smoke and something that must just be him. 
And oh, perhaps those deities had been listening after all. His hands come to cradle your head, holding it as he fiddles with something at the back of neck. With a gentle pull your veil falls away somewhere onto the cluttered desk, exposing you to him. Papa’s eyes flick up to examine you fully now you’re without your veil, like he’s got to squeeze one more look at you in before he’s moving again. His hands wander to find your own, pinning them down the desk under his as he carries on his, frankly lewd, inspection of you. You can’t help but gasp out, surprised that the gloves are warm, and that he’s strong, and that he’s actually touching you. He lowers himself until his face is right next to yours and you can’t bear to look, it's too much, being this close to him. He doesn’t seem to mind, taking the chance to breathe you in again, nuzzling as close to your neck as he can get without actually touching you. 
“Gifts are given freely, Sorella. Without reason, without obligation.” 
He lets his lips brush against the shell of your ear. 
“Try again. How did we get this name?” 
Fuck, it was one thing hearing whispers in the hallways about his talent, all hushed giggles and filthy conspiracy. It’s an entirely different thing to see it in practice, to be the object of his attention when it’s so all-consuming. Your thighs are already wet, you can feel it as they rub against each other. You can feel where the front of his waistcoat is pressed up against your chest as he crowds you into the desk, sure now that he can feel where your nipples are hard against him. His hands snake their way up your arms, before one comes to settle in the back of your hair. Your eyes open as he pulls on it, seeming to relish in the gasp you let out. 
“Say it.” 
He speaks again, nodding mockingly, eyes flicking over your face lingering on your lips as you part them to speak. 
“You earned it, Papa.” 
“Brava Ragazza, Sister. Well done.” 
And Oh - he’s giving you that look, the one that got you into this fucking mess in the first place. Like he’s proud of you, like he sees you. He disappears from view as his lips press against your hairline. 
“You’re always so smart, hm?” 
And you really can’t tell if he’s being genuine or mocking you but you couldn’t care less as his warm, wet lips traced across your forehead, the fingers of his other hand coming to cup your chin and keep you still. It’s barely a kiss, just the press of his lips against your skin but it is singularly the least chaste thing you have ever experienced.
“It is a Sacred name, Sister.” His lips are trailing down the sides of your face as he speaks, lips catching against your skin as he talks. 
“Given to my bloodline by Satan himself.”
Copia finds that spot that sits just behind your ear and chuckles as you shudder against him. You’d put good money on the probability of him mentally logging that away for later. 
“I have worked for this name, I have bled for this name-” 
He pulls away and you’re almost embarrassed that you whine and try to follow, so caught up in the heady way he’s been touching you, you think it might actually kill you if he stops. 
Cruelly, he pulls away completely then, leaving you giddy and off-balance as you look up at him helplessly. 
“I would kill for this name.” 
Papa finishes, his gloved thumb coming to pull at the full flesh of your bottom lip. His face hardens and you understand that he isn’t lying. It’s not a warning, not really, more a confession. Not that you would have ever doubted it anyway. Abruptly, he chooses to sit down again, legs spread open on the seat as he lays his arms down on the rests. You fight back a mewl at the loss of him, thighs twisted together to try and keep some semblance of self-control. His hands come together under his nose as he thinks, calculating his next move, thoughtfully, carefully. 
“This - is where you have overstepped, Sister. You are using a name you have not earned. We must all earn our place, earn our name, dolce.” 
Ah. It all clicks into place then. Here he is again, giving you another out. Giving you a chance. Here it was, that instant knowing, what was wanted, what was needed - just intuitively. You started to lower yourself down, neatly folding up the habit at your thighs as you did, knowing Copia was nothing if not a sucker for reverence. The greying hair at his temples fell forward a little as he bent his head, gaze following you down to his floor. You made sure to grab at his thighs for leverage as you did so, half for your own satisfaction and half acting on intuition. It paid off you realised, as he chokes out a moan and pushes his hips upwards. You log that away for later. 
“Let me earn it, Papa.” 
It’s merely a whisper, bowing your head as you speak, another show of reverence for him. You let your head rest in his lap, cheek pressed against his thigh, a sick imitation of the last time your head was resting there. His hands come to stroke at your hair, just as he had done before, and you take the chance to capture his hands in your own. Eager to please him, to elucidate. You start to kiss his palms, mouthing along his fingers with delicate presses of your lips, the action itself chaste and devout.
“Let me never stop earning it”
Oh, he likes that. The rumble in his chest gives him away, the way his fingers follow your lips revealing him. You run with it, eager as always to impress him. Flicking your eyes up towards him, looking through your lashes you wrap your lips around a single finger, welcoming it along the length of your tongue to rest near the back of your mouth before sucking it gently. It’s odd, the sensation of leather in your mouth, but it’s warm, rough and him, and you can’t help but moan through it. If the stress of tax returns hadn’t already ruined him enough you’re more than making up for it now, his chest is heaving, pulling at the fabric of his waistcoat as his eyes lock onto where your mouth is around him. His hips have pushed out and thighs opened around you, letting you shift closer to him. He nods his head, showing his consent, his approval of your actions. 
“Fammi vedere, Sorella.” He nods, voice even deeper than when it was laced with smoke. 
Your Italian is patchy at best, Copia likes to remind you of that daily, but you find yourself positively unable to care, the gist of what he’s saying suddenly very clear. You gently place his hands back up onto the rests for him, kissing the knuckles on each hand as you do so. Savouring the feel of him you move your own hands to his thighs again, digging in to feel the strong muscle underneath. So much wasted time spent staring, as he moved around his office gesticulating or bounced his legs around on stage in those obscenely tight trousers. 
You carry on massaging him, each time your hands getting closer and closer to the now, completely strained fastenings of his jeans. Completely beyond sense now you move on impulse, muscle memory, letting your legs slip open, pressing yourself against the cold tile floor as your face falls forward to lick at his seam. He’s hard, and hot, and it’s twisted that it’s taken you this long to be in this position. It’s degenerate really, finding some relief working yourself against the cool floor, the heat of him on your tongue. You can see his hands move to grip the arms out of the corner of your eye, a smirk pulling at your lips. 
You find the end of the ties with your tongue and manoeuvre it between your teeth, pulling it back as you flick your eyes up to his face again. Copia chuckles at your trick, looking at you like that again as you undo the strings to work him free. You burn with the need to impress him again, and bring your hands to pull him from his jeans. The first thing you notice is that he’s not wearing underwear, the warm pink of his flesh very apparent once you’ve worked the fastening open. The second is that Copia is fucking hung, thick and throbbing in your hand as his cock springs back against the greying hairs on his stomach. 
You’re pretty sure your eyes must bug out of your head at the sight of him, mouth watering in anticipation. You’d certainly heard things about Copia and his endowments, but well, Siblings were prone to exaggeration, especially when it came to the Papas. In this case they frankly hadn’t done enough. In the back of your mind you question how he’s still conscious with the lack of blood that now can’t currently be flowing to his head. You laugh lightly in spite of yourself, at your stupid internal monologue, at the situation, giddy with the size and smell of him. 
“Mi fai aspettare?” Copia asks, his voice thick and rough as it comes out. 
“My deepest apologies, Papa.” 
You immediately lick from the base, right above where his balls are still covered, to the tip - uncut and almost purple. His reaction is instant, making a noise like the air has been punched out of him, fingers gripping the arms even tighter. It’s maddening, having him throb beneath your tongue, and you carry on, just single licks against him, marvelling at the size of him as you go. Unable to help yourself, you take the tip of him into your mouth, positioning your head to take him down. 
Copia loses what little control he has, snapping his hands away from the rests and bringing them to wind in your hair, directing you down onto his cock. You moan in thanks, grateful for his guidance once again. He’s not being rough, you’re guessing he could do far worse, but he is being thorough, making sure your lips hit the bottom of him before pulling you back up. You find a rhythm in it, following his lead, not having to think about anything but keeping your lips sealed around him and your throat open. There it is again, that balance of what you both wanted, what you both needed, the unspoken instinct you seemed to share. 
Your scalp burns with it but it’s just so good, the way he’s started to fuck his hips up to meet you, using your mouth like you’d wanted him to for six fucking months. He manages to slip out a few times in his thoroughness, the wet of him slicking up your face and lips, and you wonder what you must look like. Your eyes are watering, your mouth flushed and wet and open for him, hair still tangled up between his gloved fingers. Not that he’s faring much better, head thrown back as he fucks your mouth, broken Italian and Latin and nonsense spilling from his mouth, undershirt shoved up around his waist, exposing his stomach. Copia notices you looking and his gaze hardens, teeth gritted as you take him particularly roughly.
“Puttana.” He grunts, and you have no problem translating that one. 
But there’s no malice in it, no spite, just that tone you recognise from when he’s impressed with you, his own warped reverence in return for yours. It only pushes you further, even more eager to please. As you take him down the next time you stay there, even as his own hand tries to pull you back up. You warm him with your mouth, keeping him as deep as you can while your lips meet the bottom of him and your nose is pressed up against the greying hairs at his base. You feel him push up against you, his legs lifting off the seat, getting as deep as he can while he cradles your head. He keeps you there for as long as you’re able, fucking your throat gently, before bringing you back up with a groan when you start to push at his thighs. He doesn’t let you sink back down, not immediately, just keeps your hair firm in his hand as he holds your head up - so he can look at you. Savour how your mouth is pink and slick and swollen with use. 
You whine at him, pathetically, asking him to let you go, mouth still open for him. He guides you down again, only this time he’s shoving his fastenings out of the way, guiding you down to suck at his balls. That rips a noise out of him, loud and unashamed as he presses your face harder into him, grinding against your tongue. You are nothing if not eager to please, laving your tongue over his balls, his thighs, even venturing further down toward his ass. Copia makes a frenzied noise at that, involuntarily lifting up in the seat to grant you better access to him. And it’s obscene, the way he tries to grind against your tongue, fucking himself on your face. He grabs your head again, only this time to stop you. 
“N-no-no …non posso. I won’t- I won’t last, Sister.” 
He breathes out between gasps, body sagging as he relaxes into the chair. Smirking, you raise an eyebrow, noting that one for later. Copia catches you smiling, managing to look over at just the right time, like he always does. The look in his eyes makes it apparent you’re going to regret that. 
“You have earned nothing yet, dolce. Up.” 
He’s demanding, shucking down his trousers a little more so he can widen his legs. You stand, hands pulling at your skirts, eager to pull your habit over your head before he stops you. 
“If you could keep it on, Sister, the habit, I mean. I- I quite like you in it.” 
You must beam at him, you can feel it, the warmth in your face and the swell of your smile, so big it almost hurts your cheeks. It’s the fact it’s your uniform, the uniform that identifies you as his, that special blue stripe singling you out as his own. He’s watched you everyday in this habit, liked you everyday in this habit. Nodding, you start to stand, hiking it up as you go but slow enough to tease. Papa’s eyes flick down to your legs, his normal pupil blown so wide it’s almost black as his licks at his lips, splotches of pink peeking through the paint. He’s fucking his hand as he watches, balls bouncing a little, glove tightening as he nears his tip. You flush as you think about how many times he’s touched you with those gloves, you wonder briefly how often he washes them. 
Suddenly, now you’re standing, underwear kicked down and flicked off your ankles, you feel a little shy. It’s odd, considering moments before you’d had his cock in the back of your throat, but somehow sitting into his lap without his request, without his permission would be just the wrong side of intimate. You’ve napped in his lap, just once, but sitting in it, taking him like this almost feels like too much. He notices, like he always does, his eyes and mind too fast for his own good. He softens a little.
“Please, Sorella.” 
And it’s deep, and demanding and yet his voice breaks a little along the way, and it’s just too Copia for your own good. Now unable to stop yourself you lurch forward, bracing your legs on either side of his own, relishing in the strong muscle of his thighs underneath you, holding you up. One of his arms comes around the back of your waist, balancing you out as he lines himself up against you. It was intoxicating being so close to him, where he was warm and soft and smelled of smoke and whatever expensive shampoo he used. Your arms find the rest on the chair and the back of his neck, fingers toying with the few strands of hair that curl into his nape. It’s nice being close to him like this, seeing the fine lines in his face, the mix of greens in his eye, the slight shadow on his face where he’s neglected to shave. It’s almost too much, the smell of him, the feel of him, the idea of him and you doing this. It’s then that he breeches you, just the first part of him and your stomach drops at the realisation that everything up to this point had been nothing. 
“You think you have earned this yet, Sister?”
Copia is talking, you’re sure of it, somewhere outside of the bubble of just feeling him. Somewhere where he sounds drowned out and far away. Satanas, he won’t stop pushing into you, splitting you like he was made to do it, each ridge and vein dragging you open with a slick sound, the heat oh him almost unbearable. 
“Think you can take my cock?” 
And fucking hell he’s a talker. As if it couldn’t get any more ruinous he was going to talk you through it as he ravaged what was left of you. All you can do is mewl back, legs open and hips pushed forward to take him. 
“Others have tried, Sister.” 
He slides home, his hips coming to sit neat against your ass as he bottoms out. If you thought that had been devastating enough, it was nothing compared to the drag of him as he pulled out again, lighting up your insides as he moved, nerve endings singing with it as he warms you up. He lets out his own sigh then, rumbling deep in his chest and oh - you realise you’d spend your life trying to earn him, if it meant hearing him do that everytime you sank down onto his cock. Copia seems to remember himself then, sucking air through his teeth before he starts talking again.
“Yes - they try their best. Wailing with their legs open for me.” 
It’s simply deviant how that makes you throb, the image of him fucking some Sibling in his quarters after spending the day cooped up in his office with you. He starts to build a rhythm, balls starting to slap up against you as he fucks up into you, his feet planted on the floor for leverage. You brave a look at him and whine when you see how he looks, his eyes fixed on where he’s fucking you, his mouth hanging open, slack as he watches. His hair is fucked, paint starting to bleed just a little with the exertion of it, sweat threatening to leak through. 
“Yes - I fucked them. I made them come-”
It’s like it’s intentional at this point, that he says that as he finds that spot inside you, the one that has your mewl turning into something far more embarrassing, something more guttural, more animalistic in nature. He chuckles, and it’s sinister as he re-adjusts himself to fuck up against that spot again. You suddenly don’t doubt him, or the matter of fact way he says it. You’re fairly confident that you’re not far off already, your cunt clenching around him as he speaks. He comes to grab at your ass, hands squeezing into the meat of it as he bounces you on his cock. 
“I send them back with their legs shaking and their holes full, Sister.” 
He growls right into your ear, back to his monologue, like it’s a threat, like it’s a promise. You start to clench around him, hips working without even thinking about it, letting his strong hands pull you down onto cock. Half for leverage and half for comfort, your hand at his nape starts to twist into his hair, savouring the feel of it between your fingers. 
“And did they presume to have some ownership of me? Did they feel so brazen as to take my name - the name I fucking earned?” 
You can barely even think straight with how he’s fucking you. But you realise, somewhere in the haze, that you’d been so caught up in the idea of being his, the daydream of being so owned by him, that you’d neglected to realise your own claim over him. Taking his name, making it and himself your own by definition. 
“But you - you have the nerve, to sit every day in my fucking office, to flash me that sweet fucking smile, acting so eager, so useful, so innocent, like you aren’t making a perversion of my own name, hm?” 
And he is still hitting that spot, sparks flying to every nerve ending you have every time he hits it, his hips snapping up faster as he riles himself up. 
“You see fit to play and tease, like you don’t rush back to your room at night to play with this tight pussy at the idea of me using you like this.”
He knew, of course he knew he always fucking does, two steps ahead of everyone else. 
“It is my turn to take now, Sister.” 
Before you can help yourself you’re seizing up, muscles locking around him with nowhere to go as you bounce on him, the noise of it becoming downright indecent. The wet suck of you as you take him filling your ears. Copia senses that you’re straining, just missing that extra something you needed to tip over the edge. Your eyes actually start to tear up you’re so desperate to come around his cock, to let him take what he wants. He moves his hand to grab at your face, cheeks pushed together in his firm grip as he looks at you. It’s humiliating, his eyes flicking to your mouth once more as his face twists into a smile that’s almost threatening. He brings his other hand up to his own face, spitting and sucking on his own fingers, moaning at the feeling of it. Fuck his lips looked sinful stretched around his own fingers, swiping at the paint as the coated them. 
Papa nods at you, almost mockingly, letting you know he’s going to help you, he’s going to make it all okay. His fingers leave his mouth and he swipes them directly over your swollen clit, making you cry out and work his cock deeper into you. 
“And I will take it.” 
And his voice is fucked, broken and gravelly like he’d been awake for 3 days straight. You couldn’t have stopped it if you had tried, the way he was fucking you right where you needed it, the rough, wet leather against your clit, the idea of him taking rather than you giving it freely. You shut your eyes as you worked through it, wave after wave as you clench around him, throat raw as you groaned into the hand that was still holding your face. Fuck, you would work to earn it, work for it every day if he could make you come like this. It’s far too slick between you now, the way you’ve leaked onto him, coating the both of you in it. Copia is glowing with satisfaction, lips pulled into a smirk as he just watches.
“Acqua santa, hm?” 
He snickers, more to himself than to you. You can’t help but whimper at his pun, grinding down on him as if to coat him further, like it’s a gift for him. He grunts at the feel of it, head thrown back for a second as he revels in the feel of you, the tight, wet grip of you around him. He moves the hand that’s been holding your face to rest at your waist, his other still lazily rubbing at your cunt, helping you ride it out. He brings his now sticky fingers to his mouth, sucking them onto his tongue with a groan. You should be embarrassed, the way he’s looking at you, the way he’s taking you, but it feels right. Like you’re earning something. 
Copia is clearly giving you time to rest, reclining back in the seat, letting you balance your hands on his chest as you grind out the last of your orgasm for him. Rest isn’t exactly something you had in your plans for the foreseeable future, content to pay back the favour tenfold. He’s quiet now, a little out of breath with his effort, looking up at you as he savours the way your face looks, flushed and bright. You sit yourself up, ready to start bouncing for him again and he kicks his knees up, ready to angle himself to start fucking you again. 
“No no, Papa.” 
You smirk, choosing instead to push him further into the chair with your hands, stilling his movements as you start to fuck him. Speaking seems to be beyond him at this point, he just nods as you ride him, letting you fuck him into the seat of his pretentious office chair. You mentally curse yourself for not choosing to go to the gym more often, the burning in your legs threatening to become a problem. Just looking at Copia underneath you immediately throws that idea under the bus, his head thrown back as you work him. His mouth open with broken gasps leaving his lips with each bounce, eyes heavy-lidded now. The chair starts to scrape across the tiles with the force of it, the low squeak mixing with your own moans. 
It sends a dangerous thrill through you, knowing this was Papa, head of the fucking Ministry, signature powerhouse on the stage, knowing he could snap his fingers and have done with you whenever he felt like it. This is who they all wanted, the fans, the followers, the clergy, the Siblings. But it’s also Copia, your Copia, your boss who lets you steal his green olives and nice wine, and likes you in your uniform, and your chest just swells. Moving your hands to cover his own you move them to cup your neglected tits as you ride him, guiding him to your covered nipples. The kick his cock gives inside you is some indication that he likes that, though his frequent ‘subtle’ glances when you neglect to wear a bra to work had already proven that theory. 
“I mean it, Papa.” 
You move your own hands to cup his face, brushing his hair from where it’s falling into your eyes. The capacity to form words is still out of his reach he just watches, eyes flicking between your face, your nipples pinched between his fingers, and where you’re fucking him. 
“Let me never stop earning it”
You repeat your promise from before, almost hiccuping at the end of it as you manage to angle his cock at that one spot again, savouring the sticky, slick drag of your skin against his. 
“I would spend my life earning it, earning you.” 
Copia is objectively a wreck. All he can do is sit and take you on him, tweaking and twisting your nipples, tilting his own hips to make sure you can work his cock how he’s already learned you like. It’s laughably unrealistic really, his good he feels, like something out of one of those shitty vintage VHS pornos Copia keeps in his ‘locked’ drawer. You feel him throb inside you as he lets out a strained groan and you’re convinced that the only thing you’ve ever wanted was to make him feel good, however he would let you. You didn’t know it could be like this, just an endless feedback loop of pleasure, giving and taking and fucking like you can hear what he’s thinking, and he can hear you. Somewhere in the back of your mind you can hear Copia grunting, choking out a mindless, “You’re s’fuckin’ tight, fuck” as he tilts his hips up for you.
Sitting up tp to lean back, you open your legs to him, so he can see where he’s fucking you. You know how it must look, your cunt wet and swollen, taking his cock so deep you’re sure you can feel it in your throat. He grunts in approval, bringing his gloves to smack lightly at your clit as you bounce, biting at his lips when you stutter around him, shocked at the feel of it. Keen to stay even, to impress him with your efficiency, your efficacy, you bring your fingers to your mouth, spitting onto them as you keep your eyes locked on his. Copia knows what you’re going to do before you even move to do it, already whining so loud it’s almost pathetic. You can’t help but smile sweetly as you reach your slicked up fingers behind you, massaging and squeezing his balls as he buries himself into your cunt. 
“Sister, I need- Can I-”
You’re almost surprised he has the wherewithal to ask, his thrusts turned shallow and stuttered as he tries to keep himself from filling you too soon. It’s all you can do to gasp out a raspy ‘please’ before he’s grabbing your hips once more. It’s a done deal after that, a few broken, sloppy thrusts into you before he’s spilling himself inside, pulling you down onto him with a string of broken curses, using you to come. You’re not far behind, the throbbing of his cock, the feeling of him filling you up kicking off your own orgasm, softer and sweeter than the first. Copia fucks you through it, his capacity for thoroughness making sure you’ve milked him completely, making sure you’ve used him more than well enough. 
It takes you a second to come back to yourself, lost somewhere in that bubble of pleasure and Copia, not knowing where slick, sweat and spend started or began. Bordering on something tantric, something spiritual, you slowly move together as you each catch your breath, his hands coming to soothe at your thighs, strong fingers working the muscles there. It’s quiet, that familiar, comfortable silence you so often shared filling the office. He pulls himself out from you with a wince, tucking himself back into his pants, and lazily tugging the ties shut.
Copia pushes your legs open, gently admiring the way he leaks out of you. He takes his hand and moves to swipe at his come as it drips, his eyes filled with something that looks suspiciously like devotion. Licking his lips, he pushes it back into you with his fingers, his pupil dilating as he watches for your reaction, ever the eager learner. You smirk before reaching down to save your underwear. You go to stand, unsure of where this really leaves you, unsure of what to say - of how to say it.
“There was never anything to earn, tesoro.” 
Copia speaks before you have the chance to overthink, his clever eyes watching your mind tick over. He is giving you that look again, the one he seemingly saves up just for you. 
“Whatever you want - it has been yours for a while.” 
It’s simple, it’s direct, it’s all encompassing, it’s Copia. You feel like maybe you should kiss him but flush with the idea of it, cheeks heating up as he watches the thought pass through your mind. He smiles despite himself, averting his eyes for just a second. Although his paint is still mostly intact you’re sure he blushes underneath it, you can tell, intuitively.
Plenty of time for that later, you reason, remembering there was a desk full of receipts to file and sort before Saltarian decides to come chew Copia’s ear off about his tax returns. 
“Though Sister-” Papa starts as he neatens himself up, slicking his hair back into place, “maybe, for now, we will hide those, hm?” 
He nods towards the stack of crinkled papers. You understand what he’s doing, putting his own ass on the line to cover you. Risking his reputation for complete competence just for you. 
“Yes, Papa.” You nod earnestly in thanks, wanting him to understand that you appreciate the gravity of what he’s doing for you. 
“And maybe for now, though mine certainly suits you, use your own name, hm? At least let me take you to dinner first.”
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brothersgrim · 9 months
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Anonymous asked: Hey ministry of darkness undertaker why you pick Stephanie was it just cause of fued with Vince or what #ministryofdarknessundertaker
"What are you, stupid?" He scoffs, wrinkling his nose. There’s a sneer in his voice that has made itself at home there. Dark and uncaring and coarse. 
“She’s an easy route to money, and a different kind of power. My Ministry can take over anything we want, whenever we want to. But seizing power and maintaining power are two different beasts. Having someone like her under my thumb makes my plans much easier.” The reaper tosses his hair over his shoulder, glances off at nothing in particular as he works his jaw. 
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“None of the others can handle that. I didn’t recruit them for their intelligence.” That’s said with a smirk. It’s an unfeeling expression, a fox grinning at a wounded hen. “She would’ve been useful. Hurting Vince was just an extra prize. He makes it too easy.”
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