#modern vikings smut
jadelynlace · 2 years
Modern Ivar nr. 17 and 58. Plsssss!!!
I combined them into one because number 58 certainly brings us back to Sensitive Ivar™ 
*We’re going back in time once more to some of the first few times in bed with Ivar.*
content warnings: explicit content, smut
find the list of requests here & find more ink drinker here
Spread out across the duvet, there’s a watchful gaze from Ivar as he concentrates on the sensation of his fingers slipping past your walls, and the way your face moves in pleasure. The pebbling to your breasts, the way your chest heaves with each deep breath as he hums lowly to all but coaches you through finding the most euphoria with what he’s giving you. 
You’ve soaked his hand already; and as you ache to touch him yourself, the way his fingers curl so deeply inside of you makes it a battle you’re willing to lose. Suddenly he climbs over you, abandoning the building sensation as his lips trace the rose coloring to your cheeks. You find that your own arms move quickly, holding his head as your mouth tackles his and you can feel how hard he’s gone when his length pulses against your thigh. No words are exchanged—they don’t need to be yet, as Ivar claims your chin with his free hand.
“Suck on my fingers,” He finally whispers lowly. “Taste yourself,” And out of immediate instinct your lips part, spreading your tongue in his favor, and no sooner is the space filled as your own essence travels across your tastebuds. You swear that’s enough just to make the man weak right before you. 
Using his distraction in your favor, you hook your leg behind him, leveraging your turn and you both clumsily fall back onto the bed as Ivar looks up at you in confusion. The sudden change makes you giggle, the plastered look of disbelief dancing across his irises fades slowly as if he’s going to try to put up a challenge, but you’ve come prepared. 
Before a snarky reply can even slip from his lips, your mouth is there to steal the words while you feel his warm hands slip along your back. They slither down slowly, palming your ass and spreading you and as Ivar tries to rule you in his favor your mouth dips lower once more, tasting the salt on his neck; and when you find his weak spot he moans far louder than you’ve ever heard him. But you know now what makes him squirm; the secret sensations of his sensitivity live in your head and you’ve been aching to make him feel even half of the pleasure he gives you.
Your mouth drops again, pulling at the skin with a nip of your teeth, and Ivar’s hands have gone still as they lay across your backside. Trailing lower, you feel him tense as your mouth slides past his collar bone, and your tongue travels across his chest. Reaching behind you, you take his cock in your hand and squeeze while your tongue travels and there is no waste in time when another moan leaves his mouth. Jerking him slowly you peek up, watching swollen lips part as his eyes flutter, sinking him further into the bed while you flick at him.
“No one’s ever touched me like that,” Ivar mumbles suddenly as his mouth goes dry. “Fuck,” He moans as you squeeze at his length again. You take the liberty to repeat the sensations, taking it to the other side of his chest as your hand jerks quickly. Ivar’s own fingers drop from their locked spot and tangle into the bed sheets while you feel his chest heave under your mouth. 
“You’re gonna make me cum,” Ivar warns suddenly as if it’s not your entire goal in the moment. You only hum in acknowledgment. 
Leaving a final peck on his body, you keep your wrist consistent, pulling at his length before you’re slipping away. Leaving the warmth of your hand behind only to slowly replace it with your cunt. Ivar’s eyes open suddenly as he feels your weight press against his pelvis, the wetness you’ve enveloped him with and he’s almost convinced that alone made him finish. Planting your hands where you last had your mouth, you flick your hips slowly as he wreathes under you; his thighs shaking and you take in the sight of the large man reduced to a whimper from you alone. Finally, Ivar’s hands move, unsure if he wants to keep them against your chest as it bounces, or on your hips to move you, you instead watch his abdomen quiver and know he’s getting closer.
“I want to feel you come,” You say softly and Ivar can’t help but crack a small smirk as his face morphs with pleasure.
“You’re going to,” He warns, eyes fluttering his lids and as you bounce quickly, you watch his chin tip towards the ceiling. 
“Give it to me,” You say, dropping your hands to keep your balance as his cock slips back inside of you.
Ivar’s hands pull at you quickly, latching to your hips and you don’t even hear the usual moan that alludes you know what’s about to happen, instead his lips simply part as his hips bounce you. The squeeze at your sides from his grip is strong enough to leave bruises as you feel the buzz of his thighs below you. Watching the man crumble in pleasure is nearly enough to get you off alone, but instead, you take in the sight as his seed slips into you. 
“Like that,” You hum quietly, taking your hands back up his chest before leaning closer. “I like to watch that,” You whisper against his cheek only to seal those words with a final kiss.
Ink Drinker Tags:
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disasterofastory · 5 months
The good guy (Hvitserk x Reader)
The good guy Hvitserk x Reader Warnings: Reader is a few years older. And let's pretend that the age difference between Bjorn and his brothers is much smaller. Oral.
Summary: mordern!Hvitserk wants to show you he is the one you need.
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The fake leather sticks to the back of your thighs as you push yourself next to the wall in the booth Bjorn chose for the night. A small grimace contorts your face at the uncomfortable feeling. Reaching down, you grab the hem of your skirt to pull on the fabric. Jeans may have been a better choice, but it doesn't matter now.
The pub is loud and smells like cheap beer and spicy snacks. The noises of the others mix with the game playing on the TV in the corner. Your eyes land on the screen for a second, and when the ball doesn't reach the goal, your attention turns back to the pair in front of you.
Bjorn and his girlfriend sit next to each other. The blonde man's arm is around the girl's shoulder. She is busy with her beer while her eyes scan the crowded place. Her makeup softly glints under the lights as she turns her head to the side. "Hvitserk and Ubbe will be there in a few," Bjorn says after a few seconds. His bright eyes are still on the screen of his phone. "Torvi too." "Won't it be awkward?" You ask him, glancing at Gunnhild. "It's fine," the man replies. "It was two years ago."
Their relationship didn't end well between them, and when you heard about the new love blossoming between Torvi and Ubbe, you couldn't imagine the family holidays at the Ragnarsson household.
"If you say so," you hum, holding your glass to your lips and frown when you notice Bjorn's smirking at you with mischief in his eyes. "What?" You ask him. Gunnhild grins too. "I heard something the other day," Bjorn muses. "And?" You ask. "A conversation between Ubbe and Hvitserk," Bjorn adds. "You know what?" You groan at his teasing. "I don't care. Don't tell me!" "Okay," he continues grinning. All of you know you won't keep long from questioning the burly man to spill the tea. There must be a good reason why Bjorn wants to tell you something about his two younger brothers. "Oh, come on!" You groan again. Your palm lands on the wooden table with a smack. "Tell me!" "Hvitserk likes you." Gunnhild is the one who has mercy on you. Excitement glints in her eyes as she waits for your reaction. "I mean... we are friends," you tell her, shrugging. You know all of Bjorn's brothers. Ubbe and Hvitserk are your friends, and Sigurd and Ivar don't hate your presence either. "You don't understand," Bjorn shakes his head. "He likes-likes you." You freeze, staring at them. "No," you reply, and your friends laugh. "Yes," Bjorn argues. "I heard them talking about you a few days ago. He is quite smitten with you." "And they are here," Gunnhild adds, keeping her eyes on the entrance of the pub.
You feel your stomach dropping while you watch the newcomers approaching your table. Half of your mind still tries to process Bjorn's words. Can it be true? You always thought about the brothers as Bjorn's younger siblings. Nothing more. Nothing less.
"Hey, guys!" Hvitserk's cheerful voice breaks the line of your thoughts. Your eyes wander up at the young man who is already watching you. Heat creeps up on your face at his attention on you, and you force your gaze to move onto the couple next to him. And it doesn't get better. Ubbe and Torvi watch you with a strange glint in their eyes. Or maybe you are just imagining it. "I need a drink," you gasp. "Can I get you anything?" "I will go with you," Bjorn says, standing up to follow you to the bar. "Sit down, guys," he adds. "We will be back in a minute."
"You think too hard," Bjorn says, standing next to you while you wait for your orders. "I'm not," you murmur, looking down at the counter. "I'm fine." "What's wrong?" He asks, leaning closer. "I mean, I'm the most handsome brother, but Hvitserk is a good guy too." "How can you tell that?" You ask, frowning. Eyes still on the wooden surface. "He is your little brother." "And I know him," Bjorn reasons. "You always choose the wrong guys," he continues, and you grimace. He is right. "Hvitserk would be good." "He is younger than me." The man scoffs. "So? Look, Hvitserk is like a puppy. And I mean it in a good way. And the younger lads always try to prove themself harder..." "Yeah, I remember," you murmur. "You really proved yourself back then to a lot of women." "Yeah," he nods, not trying to deny his past. "But it was me. Hvitserk is different." A heavy sigh leaves your lips, and you can't help but feel pathetic. You are already deep in a relationship that doesn't even exist. Hvitserk said nothing about his feelings for you. Maybe it isn't even true. Maybe Bjorn heard it wrong, and you stress yourself for nothing.
You are so stupid.
When you get back to the table, Ubbe and Torvi are already sitting at the end of the table on two chairs while Hvitserk stands next to the booth to give you enough space to climb back to your seat. "Thanks," you murmur and trying not to jump when his hand lands on the small of your back as you walk past by him.
You are so deep in your panicked thoughts you don't even notice Hvitserk's eyes on you. And it's really surprising since it seems like the young man can't tear his attention away from you. The skirt highlights the curve of your hips and is short enough to give enough space for his wandering gaze on your bare thighs. His palm tingles with the need to put his hand on you. He is sure you are soft and warm and everything he wants.
Ubbe's snickering shakes him up from his staring. He doesn't even feel bad about it. He feels good and content when he looks at you. Hvitserk doesn't even know when and how his feelings turned about you. You were always the girl who came over to his older brother, and before he knew it, he wanted you to spend time with him too. And wanted much more too.
"And how's the game?" Ubbe asks, glancing up at the TV. None of you care about it. "They run," Gunnhild replies. "A lot." Hvitserk can't help but smile at your laugh. His fingers curl around his beer to keep himself from touching you.
The night goes amazingly. You laugh and drink a lot but can't seem to forget the closeness of Hvitserk next to you. He radiates warmth and happiness. The cologne he uses covers your senses. His thigh brushes against yours from time to time.
"Halfdan?" Bjorn's voice brings you back to reality. When you look at him, he is already watching you with a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah. Y/N could talk about him." "You know him?" Torvi asks, surprised. You shrug. "We dated for a little while." Hvitserk frowns at your words, but you don't notice it. His lips press into a thin line. "How was it?" You shrug again. "We didn't match." You went on a few dates with Halfdan, and while you enjoyed your time together, you found out soon enough that Halfdan was ready for a lot of things but not for a serious relationship. "Maybe you should date his brother," Ubbe suggests, laughing. "He was already married at least three times." "Yeah," you hum. "My dream is to be his fourth wife." "Isn't he old for you a bit?" Hvitserk asks, and your company needs all its strength not to laugh at the blonde man's jealous words. Heat rises up in your veins as you turn your head and look at him. A playful grin pulls on your lips. "Do you have something against older men?" Hvitserk doesn't care about older men or the brothers if they keep their distance from you. "Maybe we should go," Ubbe suddenly says, already standing up from his seat before his brother can say something to embarrass himself. "Ubbe is right," Bjorn nods. "It's late." You and Hvitserk need a few seconds to tear your gazes away from each other. "Hvitserk, maybe you should walk Y/N home," Torvi says, linking her arm over his boyfriend's. "It's dark outside." "Oh, no," you start. "You don't have to." "I do," he replies. "A walk would be nice." "I bet," Bjorn murmurs with a smirk. "I will call you tomorrow," he adds louder, watching you until you nod.
After saying goodbye to the others, you stay alone with Hvitserk. He walks by your side in silence for a few seconds. "So that's why you didn't come over for the few last weeks?" He asks after a while, keeping his gaze on the ground the whole time. His hands are in his coat pockets. "What do you mean?" You ask back. "Halfdan," he explains. "Oh," you hm. "No. I had a lot of things to do, and now that Bjorn moved out, I didn't really have the reason to go over." "Ivar misses you," he says, and you laugh. "I'm sure." "No, seriously," he clears his throat. "You can still hang out with us, right?" "I mean... yeah, I guess." You can feel your pulse in your throat as you wait for where this conversation will lead. "Or you could hang out just with me," he adds. "Ivar is boring anyway." You laugh again just to earn yourself more time to think about your next words. "I'm sure you have better things to do than spending your time with me," you tell him at the end. Your voice is quiet and unsure. You don't know what you should do. "Not really," he says. You can see his arm moving from the corner of your eyes. "I like being with you." Your heart jumps up to your throat next to your pulse when you feel his warm hand on you. His fingers are intertwined with yours. "Hvitserk," breathing out his name, you stop in front of the door of your flat. Your teeth sink into the flesh of your bottom lip as you look down at your hands. "You are really beautiful tonight." You laugh. That damn Ragnarsson charm. "Hvitserk..." He steps closer. His free hand lands under your jaw to push your head up until your eyes meet. His thumb pulls out your lip from between your teeth. "What are you doing?" You ask him. You have to force the words out because of your barely working lungs. "I like you, Y/N," he says. No embarrassment or uncertainty shows on his face. "Hvitserk..." You sigh, trying to say something, but your brain doesn't really want to work either. He smirks. "I like it when you say my name." "You can't... It's not... You are..." He patiently waits for you to finish at least one sentence. The young man really likes the way you fluster in his presence. His thumb still caresses the soft line of your bottom lip, and his other hand slips to your waist to pull you closer. Your front is pressed against his. He can't help but glance down at your cleavage. "Are your roommate home?" "My eyes are up, Hvitserk," you tell him, smirking. "I know," he grins. "They are pretty too." "Be serious," you tell him even though you can't swipe the smile off your face. "I am," he replies, looking up into your eyes. "I like you, Y/N, ever since you came over four years ago, crying because your ex broke your heart." "Really? You needed my broken heart to notice me?" You tease. "Of course not," he says. "You were always pretty in my eyes. But that was the moment I realized I would be much better for you." "Hvitserk..." "What? Don't you like me? Or because of Bjorn? I don't think he would have anything against us... I mean, did you see his love life?" "No," you reply, shaking your head. "He wouldn't mind, I'm sure." "Then what?" He asks, pressing you closer to himself. "My age? It's just a few years, Y/N. It's nothing." "Hvitserk, I know you," you reason. "You are almost as bad as Halfdan. And don't tell me it's not true. I saw the different girls you brought home almost every week." "But they weren't you," he says. "They weren't important. But you are." "Hvitserk, I really want someone for the long run..." you tell him honestly. "I want a good relationship that can grow into more in the future. I don't play games anymore." "And I can be that guy," he says. "Let me prove it, Y/N." His words fan over your lips. "Let me in." When you say nothing, he leans even closer and kisses you for the first time. His lips are soft and taste like cheap beer.
And something snaps inside of you.
Your arms curl around his neck as you let him deepen the kiss. The gentle nibbles become bites on your bottom lip until he coaxes your mouth open for free access to your tongue. His kiss is searing and takes your breath away at once. Your lungs burn when he breaks away.
His words vibrate on your swollen lips when he speaks. His forehead is against yours. "Open the door, Y/N." "Hm?" You hum, still dizzy. A soft smile tugs at the corner of his lips. His hand slips to your ass to grab a handful of your flesh. A grunt echoes in his chest at the feeling. "The door, Y/N. Open it." "Oh," you gasp. "Right."
He watches you fiddling with your keys with amusement. You are flustered and breathless. The taste of your lips still tingles on his own. His heated gaze rakes over your body from behind. The skirt hugs your bottom perfectly. His hand moves on its own accord to touch you again, but he decides against it at the last moment. No, he won't act like a dog in heat.
At least not in front of your neighbors.
Hvitserk barely slides inside your house before pushing the door close with his leg. His hands find your waist again, and when you turn to face him, he kisses you again. Your back falls against the wall, and your fingers curl into his blonde hair at the nape of his neck. His presence covers your every sense. Your nostrils are filled with his smell, your fingertips are warm on his skin, and your lips burn with his taste.
"Go to the couch," he hums against your lips before kissing you again. His tongue ghosts over the line of your bottom lip.
You need every strength in your body to do as he says.
"Sit down." "You are really commanding," you state, still following his words. "I want to taste you before you change your mind," he says. In contrast to his words, his smile is soft and almost innocent. "You... what?" You gasp, shocked. His smile turns into something much more wicked as he falls to his knees before you. Even the view is enough to make your thighs shake and your inside tremble. "Open those legs for me, Y/N," he grins. His long fingers fiddle with the straps of your high heels, moving up to your calves, and when he reaches the curve of your knees, he rises both of your legs after another to kiss them. "Hvitserk!" You gasp, slapping down on the couch under you as you grab the edge when he pulls your legs apart. "You don't have to." "Oh, Y/N," he hums. "But I want to so much." "Oh!"
The breath you keep inside your lungs burns you. The skirt runs up on your thighs as your legs open under Hvitserk's heavy gaze. His fingers dig into your thighs. He plays and gropes the flesh all the way to your bottom. Another gasp escapes your lips when the man grabs you again to tug you to the edge of your seat. The skirt you wear hides nothing anymore. "It's pretty," he grins, playing with the lace of your panties. "Interesting, I always imagined you as a black lingerie woman." "I have black ones, too," you breathe out quietly. He smirks. "Maybe next time." His thumb glides over your pussy through the thin fabric. He can feel your folds and the wetness that coats your most sensitive parts. Your thighs jerk when his touch reaches your clit. He teases the hard bud until your panties are soaked. "You are so wet already," he says with satisfaction dripping from his words. It really makes him happy. It means to him that he is not the only one who feels attraction. You are not here in front of him out of pity or worry that you would hurt his feelings and damage your friendship with his oldest brother. You really feel something. Something that can grow into more if he doesn't fucks it up. "Let me..." he hums, and without waiting for your answer, he pulls down your panties with a swift motion. Soon, the fabric lies on the ground, forgotten. The cold air on your pussy makes your whole body shiver with anticipation. "You have no idea how many times I imagined you just like this," he says, staring at your center intently. "Open and wet for me." His finger glides over your folds, smearing your wetness in the process. "Hvitserk," you breathe out his name, urging him to stop his teasing already. Your whole body is tense with waiting and burning desire. "I'm here," he smirks, leaning closer. His words fan over your aching pussy. Your thighs want to close on their own accord, but the blonde man's shoulders stop them. His fingers dig deeper into your flesh. He can't get enough of the softness of your skin. His cock is painfully hard in his jeans, but he forces himself to focus on something else. And it's not a difficult thing to do when you are in front of him with spread legs and soaked cunt. A sharp gasp escapes your lips when he closes the space between you. His tongue flattens on your pussy, taking a teasing lick of your wetness. Your juices spread across his tastebuds. His eye fall shut at the feeling.
Hvitserk devours you to his heart's content while you squirm and whine under him. His tongue flicks your clit a few times before sinking his finger into your pussy and sucking at you at the same time. Your back arches, and your mouth falls open into an airy moan. You can feel the throbbing of your heart between your legs. It jumps and speeds up at every swirl and push Hvitserk does with his tongue and fingers. He spreads his two fingers inside you, stretching your walls and finding every sweet spot that makes you cry for more. To cry for him. "Hivtserk," you moan. "I-I-" "Cum," he groans into your pussy. His eyes bore into yours. "Cum for me, Y/N. Let me drink from you." Your head falls back at the whirlwind that runs through your body. Your muscles are taut, almost painfully so. You can't even breathe as the climax washes over you with full force. Your fingers find their way into his curls. You tug on the blonde strands, and Hvitserk moans. He wants you to use him for your own pleasure. He wants you to find pleasure in him, not just in the bed but everywhere else too. After years of silently watching you and craving your body with equal need with your laugh and pretty smile, he is ready for everything. He is ready to accept everything you want to give him.
When you win back your consciousness, Hvitserk is still between your legs, resting his head on your thigh with a cheeky grin on his lips. His lips glint with your wetness. "Hey." Heat creeps up on your face. "Hi." "I will pick you up at seven tomorrow," he suddenly says, standing up from his kneeling position. A quick kiss on your lips reminds you of what happened a few minutes ago. "What?" You gasp. "Hvitserk... what?" You watch his receding form as he makes his way to the entrance door of your home. "I thought..." You point at your room with your thumb. The confusion is clear on your face. When he looks back from the door, he can't help but stop for a second. You are so goddamn beautiful. Your hair is a mess, your eyes still shine with the remains of your climax, and your lips are swollen and red from his kisses. He really needs his every self-control not to turn back and take you to your room for more. "Nope," he says, popping the p. "Date first. Tomorrow. At seven." "But..." "It was just a taste, Y/N, because I couldn't help myself." And with that, he closes the door, leaving you alone with shaking legs and a dizzy mind.
Oh, gods!
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underscorewriting · 1 year
Could you do one where the reader is Lagertha younger sister and in a relationship with ivar the boneless
this. this is the one I might be the most excited for to write!
Thank you for your request :)
May the gods forbid.
Ivar Ragnarsson x Reader
Warnings: Language probably?
Words: 2.425
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This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was. He wasn't supposed to happen. The gods were playing tricks on her, this couldn't be real. She wanted to hate him, hate how he despised her sister. He was a smartass, an arrogant little boy with anger issues if something didn't go his way.
One son of Ragnar was her greatest fear for her younger sister. Ivar. He was unpredictable and even though the girl was taught how to fight, Lagertha knew that she would not be good enough to protect herself from him. That was the main reason why Lagrtha forbid her sister to leave her side. Lagertha was always very protective of her, even more when the sons of Aslaug and Ragnar started planning to kill her or hurt her the same way she hurt them by killing their mother.
So one night when the girl was upset and searched for a place to hide away, she walked into the woods. Flokis and Helgas place always brought her the most comfort when her and Lagertha fought, those were the times she thought the girl was quietly in her chamber. Sitting down in a small meadow, she leaned back, watching the stars, inhaling the fresh air.
Rustling behind her made her hand quickly shoot to the dagger she kept on her thigh. "Well don't you look cozy." The cold voice of the prince made her flinch as she sat up completely, her body being on alert if he tried anything. "What do you want, Ivar?" The exhaustion from was as clear in her voice and how she said his name as it was on her face. She didn't want to live like this. To live a life that held nothing for her, since she wasn't allowed to do much. Even her nephew Björn was always watching over her when he was here.
Tilting his head Ivar studied her face for a second before crawling over to her and settling down besides her. "I decided I won't kill you." He pursed his lips looking over at her a playful glint in his eyes. "Not yet at least." A small smile pulled at her lips as she averted her face. "Ubbe told us about how Lagertha screamed at you. She was always quiet..." A stern glare from the girl made the boy hold his hands up in defense, a small smirk on his face as he saw her hand moving away from the dagger, finally starting to relax.
Ivar was a simple man, his plan to kill Lagertha was only left uncompleted due to his attraction to her little sister and now having her here in front of him was something he didn't know he longed for. Looking back up at the sky she sighed in frustration. "How is the world out there? You traveled didn't you?" Sitting up straight she turned to him.
The young princes eyebrows raised in surprise as he smiled slightly. "The world is huge, it has so much to see." pouting slightly the girl cursed her sister as she listened to Ivars stories. He told her all about Wessex and the people there, how different their belief are from theirs, which she as well found hilarious. As the night turned colder they took the path back to their home. Not once did they stop talking about what he saw out there and what she would want to see once she'll get out there.
"Gods, I want to see the world, Ivar." Smiling softly she twirled and inhaled the fresh air. Watching her Ivar felt his heart swell at the sight of her carefreeness. "I want to show it to you." His tone was serious and when she looked at him she saw the sincerity in his eyes. "Ivar..." Her voice was a mere whisper, shaking her head she sat down in the dirt near a haystack.
"We can't. Lagertha would never allow this. She wouldn't allow us, Ivar..." She was desperate for him to understand that this would never happen, but he was not having any of it. He would take what he want and if he wanted to have her, then he was going to have her. "Your sister does not control you, nor does anyone else. You should be able to live your life how you want it to be, the gods forbid that you won't live it to the fullest."
Looking around she kissed his cheek quickly. "I'll meet with you in the meadow tomorrow night, don't be late!" She turned around as she quickly ran to her chambers, smiling brightly at him before entering. The young prince couldn't help but grin at her actions, feeling a little giddy himself.
After that night they started sneaking around at night, only sharing small meaningful glances at each other when they passed one another or during a feast. Soon Lagertha grew suspicious, but not because she noticed any of the glances, no, it was because suddenly her sister started training more, stopped questioning her about being able to travel. It was as if she suddenly stopped caring about all that.
Ubbe offered to train with her, Lagertha trusted him so she allowed him to take her sister to the woods during the day as well. Ivar told his brothers about her and how he wanted to see her at any costs as much as he could. In the woods the four of them would train, Ivar didn't trust Sigurd close to her, due to disgusting glances he threw her way when she was merely visiting them over the past years.
She soon found herself growing closer to the brothers and feeling accepted by them. Freedom, was so close she could almost taste it. Walking with Ivar at night was her newly found escape, after he got his greave done for his legs and fixed up his crutches they could even hold hands while walking. Him rubbing her hand soothingly with his thumb, placing ocationally kisses onto her palm , whenever she talked about something that upset her. He enjoyed listening to her almost as much as her gentle kisses he would get to feel whenever his pain was unbearable.
They balanced each other nicely and after a few months the word marriage appeared more and more in their talks about their future. The girl was scared of how her sister would react to her and the youngest Ragnarsson being inseparable and spent every minute they could together.
But she didn't need to tell her, because one day during her and Ubbes training lessons, while she was play fighting with Ivar . Lagertha walked up the path, none of them noticed her sharp eyes watching. Ivar had her pinned down, laughing while she tried to push him of before rolling over and sitting on his stomach, having the prince at her mercy making her grin down at him.
Ubbe and Hvitserk were watching them, drinking ale and laughing at what the other said. Lagertha was disappointed in her, why didn’t she tell her that they were lovers? She continues watching them and filled an old familiar pain in her heart. Ivar was holding her sister now, not strong enough to hurt but strong enough to let her know he had control over the situation but her sister seemed completely fine with it as she leaned into his chest looking up at him with gentle eyes and a loving smile.
Ivars smile matched hers and in this exact moment Lagertha realized that she kept her sister protected from the most beautiful thing out there, a thing she herself shared with Ragnar even after his death. Love. Ivar was similar to Ragnar in many ways, but with her in his arms he resembled his father more than anyone would guess. Of course, she didn’t want her sister to be with someone like Ivar, he was dangerous, but if it is him that makes her as happy as she is right now, then that is all she would ask for.
Returning to her throne back in the great hall Lagertha couldn’t stop thinking about how she should’ve noticed the signs. Ivar was more around than he used to be, it wasn’t his normal behavior. Besides he was being a lot kinder than usual. As Torvi entered the great hall she noticed how lost in thoughts the queen was. „What is the matter?“ She said as she walked next to to sit down by her side. „Did you know about Ivar and my sister?“ Lagertha turned to Torvi catching the younger woman smile apologetic. „Ubbe said I wasn’t supposed to tell you, I apologize.“
As she heard giggles and laughter she could tell the four of them were coming closer, she prepared herself to confront her sister about this. But how was she supposed to? She was spying on her when she found out, not having had one good reason to walk out there in the woods except to check up on her actually being there. Ubbe was the first one to walk into the great hall, he noticed something was up when Torvi didn’t greet him right away. The girl was still outside giggling and whispering. Her whispers could be heard in the whole hall. Quietness settled in as the last three of them walked in, the girl walking a little behind but smiling brightly whenever Ivar would turn around to see if she was still there with him.
„Hello sister!“ The girl greeted and smiles brightly at Lagertha. The queen did not respond, making her feel uneasy as she glanced toward Ubbe, who sighed quietly looking down. Instantly the girl knew what was going on. Panicking she walked closer to her, a nervous laugh escaping her as she looked back to Ivar in reassurance. „It isn’t like you think…“ Lagerthas raised an eyebrow making the girl feel even more uneasy. „Well then how is it? Because it looks like my sister is keeping secrets from me. Keeping secrets because she thinks I don’t want to see her happy or loved.“
The girl gasped softly wondering just how much her sister had seen. „Lagertha, I promise you I do not have any intentions behind my bond with your sister. It’s about her not about you or how you killed my mother.“ Ivar broke the silence looking at Lagertha with pure hatred but his eyes seemed to soften when he looked over at the girl standing close to her. The girl flinched at Ivars harsh words. The woman on the throne couldn’t stop herself from laughing. „I did not even think about that for a second Ivar, because you wouldn’t even be able to.“
„Sister, Ivar would be capable of ruling over Kattegat just as well as you are. His ideas for this village are incredible. If you would just listen to them you’d see how capable he would be to do everything he wanted to.“ With wide eyes the girl just realized what she said, covering her mouth she looked down. „I’m sorry I spoke out of tune.“ Lagertha studied her and saw a lot of how she acted because of Ragnar in her sister, smiling slightly. As her eyes wandered to Ivar, she caught him smirking, his eyes glistening with pride and love as his eyes wandered over her figure.
Getting of her throne Lagertha stopped only in front of her. Her hand went up to cup her cheek, making the girl flinch. The boy tried to crawl over to them making sure the girl stayed unharmed, but Ubbe held him back making the young boy fight against his hold. „He makes you happy, doesn’t he?“ Lagerthas voice was quiet as she smiled down at her sister softly. Nodding her head the girl looked back up at her. „More than anything.“ Her eyes held a sincerity that the woman saw rarely. She was a bit taken aback by her truthfulness. Of course, she was upset about it having to be Ivar. Hvitserk would’ve been easier to accept but sadly that’s not what happened. „How could it be him, he is cruel and no good for you, my sweet sister…“ She could see Ivar lowering his head, knowing that Lagertha was right about him being cruel, not being good enough for the girl.
„He wants to show me the world. He isn’t cruel, he is just easy to upset and in pain, Lagertha…“ Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about how bad Ivars legs had been these past weeks. „The gods are cruel to him sometimes, so I pray. I pray to them to stop it and he starts to feel better. He is not a cruel man, Lagertha. He just isn’t!“ Her hands were trembling as she clenched them into fists. Lagertha could only stare at her in shock. For how long was their relationship kept a secret from her? „How long did you feel like this about him?“ She grew angry for being held in the dark that long. „All of this started a little over six months ago…“ The girls head hung low as she fidgeted with her fingers.
Looking at her hand she noticed a little mark on her ring finger looking over at Ivar she saw the same small mark on the same finger. „You’re thinking about marriage…“ She gasped quietly taking a step back from her sister. „I accept your decision, but I do not support it. Though I will give you my blessing only because I haven’t seen you happy like this in ages. You are my little sister and I love you and I want you to be loved. As much as I don’t like Ivar, I have to say that he truly seems to love you and care for you.“ Smiling widely the girl hugged her sister tightly, throwing her arms around her. „Thank you!“ She repeated those words until she turned to Ivar grinning at him shyly.
Ivar walked over to her cupping her cheek before he kissed her forehead and leaned his against hers. „I told it would work out somehow, my love. May the gods forbid anything would part us until we both are on our way to dine with the gods in Valhalla.“
Lagertha couldn’t fight the smile as she watched the both of them. Even though she disliked Ivar, she was certain he would treat her right. Maybe even better than Ragnar treater her. She could tell in his smile, in his eyes, in every action towards her sister, that he adored her.
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istorkyou · 1 year
The Price Of Love (Modern!Ivar AU)
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A Modern!Ivar x F Reader
Warnings - See individual chapters. STRICTLY 18+
Synopsis - Money isn’t everything.
Word Count - 1584
Note - This is the second fic I ever wrote and I’m not sure why I never posted it. I think I started writing The Arrangement not long after and kind of fell out of love with this one. Still, it’s been festering in my completed docs for well over a year so I figure I might as well post it 😬 It’s fluffy, and maybe a little cheesy (and by a little I mean a lot!) so if that’s your bag I hope you enjoy it!
Moodboard - The beautiful moodboard is made the magical, amazing @serasvictoria. Thank you so much xxxx
This was beta read by my aussie wife who has left Tumblr. All love, all the time Lou x
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree @mymindfuckery
Nine months of dating Ivar. Nine months of happiness. Nine months of amazing sex. Nine month of love.
The interest in your relationship publicly has definitely reduced, mostly because the pair of you don’t go anywhere the photographers would be. Ivar has adapted to your lifestyle easily and fits into your world perfectly. You still struggle sometimes fitting into his world, but you are getting better at the glitzy parties and rubbing shoulders with the extreme wealth in your city. You much prefer it when you guys do normal things together though.
You have become friends with his brothers, they were easily won over, especially Hvitserk. He and Iris have been on a few dates and he seems besotted with her. She likes him a lot but is being very ‘Iris’ about the whole thing and is playing it cool.
Ubbe is dating someone new and, aside from cracking a couple of jokes in the beginning, leading Ivar to threaten to murder him, in a seriously scary tone, your ‘thing’ is long forgotten.
Since the ball you haven’t seen too much of Aslaug, she has been away, staying in her house in Iceland for months.
She calls you the week she gets home and she comes to visit your shop.
You bond over your mutual love of fashion. She spends a long time looking through all the clothes you stock and buys some dresses and some jewellery.
“You have a really good eye, Y/N. A wonderfully eclectic mix of fashion in stock. Have you thought about expanding? Opening more boutiques across the city?” She asks curiously.
“I have, I am hoping to by the end of next summer, I just need to make sure the business plan is foolproof, find a space, blah blah! It will be a lot of work.”
“I can help, I am always looking to invest in small local businesses…” she trails off and raises her eyebrows.
“Aslaug, without wanting to sound ungrateful, because I really am grateful for the offer, I’ve got my heart set on doing it all by myself.” You give a determined look.
“Although, if you know anyone in real estate that can give me a heads up of any suitable spaces becoming available I will gladly take that help,” you give her a cheeky smile.
“It just so happens I do know some people who could help with that. I will get in touch with them,” she gives you a wink.
“Also, the jeweller who made the bracelet and necklace you bought could maybe use some help, she’s amazing but hasn’t managed to get herself a proper workshop. If you were interested? Her name is Sadie.” You hand Aslaug one of Sadies cards which she slips into her purse.
“You are a very determined young woman, Y/N. I can see why Ivar loves you so much. What time do you lock up the shop? We should go and get cocktails.”
“Yes! I bloody love a good cocktail, come back at 4pm?”
You think you might have finally cracked the cool exterior, Ivar will be so pleased and your heart swells.
You wake up early on Christmas morning and throw on an oversized hoody, before Ivar is stirring and you grab the heavy present on the kitchen counter and head to the elevator.
It opens on the ground floor and you head in over to the reception desk.
“Preston, Happy Christmas!” You shout and laugh as he jumps out of his skin. You hand him over the present.
“What’s this?” He looks in disbelief.
“A pressie, open it!” You are so excited.
He opens the present to see a state of the art coffee machine and his face lights up.
“What? Why? You shouldn’t have done this, Y/N.” His face is tinged with annoyance.
“Oh shush, you always look knackered, we thought you could use it,” you retort.
“Wow, thanks so much, I don’t know what to say.“ He holds his hands up.
“Just a gesture for putting up with Ivar’s rude ass for all these years! Are you going home to your family soon?”
“He’s not so rude anymore.” He tells you with a wink “I finish in 30 minutes,” he says happily. “Happy Christmas, Y/N, thank you.”
“Happy Christmas, have a great day. Hope the twins are happy with their bikes.” You give him a quick hug then head towards the elevator.
When it dings and the door opens Ivar is standing, with his arm above his head looking at the floor and his eyes travel up you until reaching your face and creasing with laughter.
“Will that never get old?!” You ask him in fake annoyance, he knows you find it adorable.
“Happy Christmas, baby! Did Preston like his present?” He asks, pulling you in for a big kiss.
“Yep, he was very happy,” you bury your face in his neck.
“Do you want your present?” Ivar asks with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Is it an orgasm?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Later,” he laughs out, “come on, it’s in the bedroom.”
“This is getting more interesting..” he looks back with a withering look.
“Get your mind out of my pants, filthy girl,” he wags a finger at you.
“Can I give you my present first? I’m so excited!” He laughs at you and nods.
You run to your side of the bed and pull out an envelope, skipping to him to hand it over. He opens the envelope and reads the Christmas card inside, smiling. He opens the card and two pieces of paper fall out. He picks them up with a furrowed brow, reading the words on them.
“Wha..what is this? Japan? You bought us tickets to travel to Japan?!” Pure disbelief on his face. He keeps looking back at the tickets and to you, clearly having trouble processing the information in front of him.
“What the fuck? This is too much, Y/N! We said small gifts.” His face is shocked.
“Meh, you are worth it. Are you ok? Do you want to go? I thought we could go and try some authentic sushi? Remember when I first came here?” You are searching his face for any sign of happiness.
“Y/N, this is too much. You can’t afford this.” His face still shows nothing but shock.
“I can baby, I wouldn’t have bought them if I couldn’t afford it, you know that. The shop has been doing amazing. Do you not want to go?” Your voice is small and dejected.
“Are you kidding me? It’s my number one place I want to visit! Oh my god I’m so excited, I'm just in shock, baby. Thank you! Thank you so much. I’ve never had a gift like this before.” He pulls you in for a crushing hug, kissing you all over your face and neck until you are swatting him away.
“Do you want to open your gift?” He asks excitedly.
He walks to his drawers and pulls out a big black box with a giant gold ribbon tied in bow. He hands it to you and sits close to you, watching your face intently as you undo the bow. You lift the lid on the black box and pull out a red box that you recognise. It’s one of Sadies.
You look at him and his face is so earnest you give him a kiss.
“Open it,” he urges you.
You open the box and inside is the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen. It has three platinum chain mail chains twisted round each other all joined together with a diamond on each clasp. It has a round platinum pendant on it, around the edge there is an engraving and in the middle is a beautiful, green stone.
“Ivar……” you look up at him, your eyes misting up.
“I need to explain it!” He is like an excited puppy.
“I designed it, with a little help from Sadie. It’s platinum and diamonds on the clasps..” the look on his face is one of pure amusement, you can’t help but laugh at him despite wanting to act offended, a clear call back to the unwanted bracelet he gave you.
“The circle of the pendant represents my never ending love for you,” his face changes from amusement to seriousness.
“The engraving is the date I first laid eyes on you.” You bring it closer to your face to read it.
“The date of the merger party.” You tell him, with a big soppy smile on your face.
“And the green sapphire in the middle is the exact colour of the blazer you were wearing when we met. I knew from that very moment you were the one for me. Forever and always.”
You don't know what to say, your eyes well up with tears.
“Do you like it, Y/N?” He asks nervously.
“It’s the most beautiful, thoughtful present. I love it.” You wipe your tears of happiness and kiss him. “You can't tell me off for the gift I got you, this must have cost a fortune, Ivar,” he just shrugs and grins.
“I left a space on it for another engraving. I am going to get it engraved with the date I ask you to be my wife.” his voice is smaller than before and his face is red with a blush. You gasp at his words and pull him close for a cuddle.
“Just for future reference, I will say yes.
THE END - thanks for reading :)
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peaceisadirtyword · 2 years
august (modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!! Please don’t hate me, July was a mess for me and I’m in Denmark right now trying to get my life together in some way! I will explain everything in a separate post if you want me to! But anyway, I had this written and as August just started I'd thought I’d post this😅 I think my writing is not what it once was, but I truly hope you like this one♥️ because I really enjoyed writing it. 
I won’t bother you anymore, I’ll let you read and (hopefully) enjoy🥰 thank you!
Warnings: smut, a bit of angst, it’s ivar, he’s in love with Freydis 
Words: +8k (I’m so sorry lol)
based on the song august by Taylor Swift🖤
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Moodboard by me (taking screenshots and pics from pinterest!)
Ivar Lothbrok was the last person you expected to ask you on a date. You had been nervous about his presence for the entire evening, while Ivar and his brothers were sitting in the small bar you worked at, just in front of the beach, and ordering drinks as they watched the football game. It shouldn’t have surprised you to see them there, half of Kattegat went to the bar whenever there was a match, as your boss had decided to put an enormous TV to attract more customers to the big terrace just outside his local. He was happy as hell, but you preferred the quiet evenings of the early summer, when only some tourists and regulars came to grab a quick beer and maybe something to eat. But that day was even more chaotic.
Dealing with drunk guys was a nightmare itself, but when those guys were also mad because Norway was losing against Sweden it became too much to handle. Luckily, your coworker was nice enough to change tables with you so you wouldn’t have to deal with them. He had more experience in that field anyway.
But turning around and seeing the Lothbrok men sitting on one of the largest tables made you wonder whether it was better to deal with drunk men or with your childhood crush and his entire family.
They were polite and nice. Apparently, Ragnar Lothbrok was back in town for the summer, and Björn, his eldest son, was back from southern Europe where he had spent the entire winter working on his own business. So the entire city of Kattegat knew they were there, even if they didn’t make an effort to acknowledge the rumours surrounding their family.
Hvitserk and Ubbe recognized you. It wasn’t until Ragnar asked why you looked so familiar and Ubbe added that you were always in Ivar’s class that he raised his head to look at you with curiosity. Even if Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd knew you -they had hooked up with some of your friends back in high school- you didn’t remember talking to him since primary school, when you broke some kid’s nose because he was messing with Ivar. The both of you were in detention together that day, until Aslaug came to pick him up and he left. Even then, he barely talked to you. But it didn’t stop you from developing a very strange crush on him, a crush that no matter how many people you dated, it wouldn't go away.
Until he got a girlfriend. You remembered the way your heart seemed to stop and your stomach twisted so much you thought you’d be sick when you saw them together on campus. You had cried, feeling stupid because he probably didn’t remember you existed, and had to endure an entire year of them being together, until Freydis left him just before summer. You tried not to feel happy, knowing Ivar was head over heels for her and he would probably be heartbroken but even if you felt the worst person in the world, you were still happy she left.
It was the first time you saw Ivar since the summer started, and he barely curved his lips to smile at you for a second and he went back to looking down at his own lap while his brothers chatted around him.
After taking their orders you went back to the bar to get the drinks, and you spent the rest of your shift so focused on your work that you missed Ivar’s stares. Hvitserk wouldn’t stop pestering him about how nice you looked that summer, and that he should ask you out as you had always had a crush on him. Ivar didn’t fully believe his brother’s words but you did look cute, and the thought of moving on and forgetting Freydis with someone else was very attractive for him, so maybe it was that what made him walk over to the bar while you cleaned some glasses and prepared to close, after his family was already walking down the street after Norway lost the match. Not that they cared so much, as they were half Swedish and half Danish.
You looked completely taken aback when he left the piece of paper with his number on the bar, barely making any eye contact with you in case you burst out laughing.
Instead, you stuttered a bit while asking him what was it, and tried to fix your hair, flustered and knowing you didn’t look your best, after an entire evening of running around carrying drinks.
“I thought we could maybe…” Ivar had cleared his throat, hating Hvitserk and himself at that moment “Go out sometime, if you want to”.
So a week later, after a few days processing that Ivar Lothbrok asked you out and building the courage to text him, you sat on the now cold sand of the beach with an ice cream on your hand and looking at the fjord in front of you, still tense because you sat next to your crush. He invited you to the cinema, and he had been polite but still distant and somewhat cold when you went to grab a late dinner, almost like he was being forced to be there. His blue eyes avoided yours and he barely spoke.
You had a very interesting conversation about politics, when you commented on a very hot topic on international politics and Ivar raised an eyebrow and seemed to listen to you for the first time that day. But the conversation died when you couldn’t find common ground on a specific topic.
And you were about to finish your ice cream and go back home, to inform your friends that it had been a disaster and that Ivar was by no means interested in you. It would hurt to process that, but a night out with your girls and maybe a hookup with a random tourist would help.
Until he spoke, with his eyes still fixed on the sun that disappeared behind the ocean.
“I remember you”
You stopped licking the ice cream, turning to look at him with a confused expression.
“I remember you would defend me in school” he added, finally looking at you “I remember you standing up for me even if I didn’t ask you to”
“Yeah” you shrugged “I know how it feels when everyone decides to hate you just because they feel like hating someone”
“You were the only one in class that stood up for me” he shrugged “I never said thank you”
“It’s nothing” you giggled “Honestly, it was many years ago, you had enough on your plate to stop and think about me” you shook your head. Ivar as a child not only had to deal with a disease, but also with his parent’s separation, his father’s absence and his mother’s addictions. You remembered hearing your family talk about it for years.
“Yes but I kept seeing you in high school and at university” he said “And I never said anything”
You tried to hold back an excited smile.
“You didn’t need to invite me out to thank me”
“I didn’t invite you out because of that” he raised an eyebrow “I did because I thought…” he looked down, his cheeks reddening softly “I thought you were interesting and I would like to get to know you…”
And my brothers pushed me, he thought. Ubbe and Hvitserk wouldn’t stop trying to make him talk to girls since Freydis left. And you were the only one Ivar kind of liked out of all the girls they had proposed.
“Oh” you smiled brightly at him “Well, that’s nice” you giggled “Nice to meet you, then, I’m Y/N” you offered your hand. Ivar looked at it for a moment and you’d swear you saw his lips curved on a small smile. The first time he smiled at you.
“Ivar” he took your hand “Nice to meet you”
Kattegat’s Port was one of the biggest in Scandinavia. Everyone agreed that it was impressive and the entire city was proud of it. But soon, you learnt Ivar preferred the old, small harbour that had only small boats and ships that imitated the viking longships. Most of them were made by Floki, Ivar’s uncle (even if you were very sure that they didn’t share the same bloodline), and he had spent most of his childhood in that place. A bit further away from the city centre, it looked like the perfect place for a late picnic on a summer evening, and somehow you managed to change shifts at work as soon as Ivar called to invite you.
This would be your third… Date? You weren’t sure whether they could be called dates or not, as he hadn’t made any move towards you, maybe he was just lonely and in need of a friend. In any case, and even if your heart broke a bit more whenever you thought about it, you were fine with being his friend, way more than you had ever imagined.
You had to admit the place was beautiful, cosier than the port and even romantic. Ivar was already there when you arrived, with your favourite dress on and a strawberry cake you had managed to make even if you were too nervous. There was some food over a plaid blanket and Ivar admitted his brothers helped him to do it.
“This place is beautiful” you muttered, looking at the closest longship that swayed in the water.
“Floki built all of these” Ivar said, making you look at him with a small smile. After spending some time with him, you learnt that his tone of voice changed whenever he talked of someone or something that meant a lot for him.
You remembered Floki and Helga, as she had been the best doctor in town and probably the sweetest human being you had ever met and Floki was known for being Ragnar’s close friend and the best carpenter in all of Scandinavia.
“Where are they now?” you asked softly, they had left one day, no one truly knew where or why and no one was brave enough to ask.
“Iceland” Ivar shrugged “They left”
You pouted, his sad tone contrasted with the other times he had mentioned Floki.
“Everyone ends up leaving” he added, shaking his head and turning his head to grab a few grapes he had brought “Ubbe is leaving now too, and Sigurd, not that I care about Sigurd” he rolled his eyes “But soon it will just be my mother, Hvitserk and I, until I finish the degree at least”
“Not everyone leaves, then” you smiled, trying to cheer him up a bit “Hvitserk and your mom are still here with you”
“My mother has no choice, she’s my mother” Ivar looked at you almost like he thought you were mocking him “And Hvitserk… He could leave with Ubbe but for some reason he wants to stay… Ubbe is going to England to work on my father’s business” he explained “Which is now run by Björn and his mother… I understand Hvitserk, I would rather drown than work for Björn''
You held back a giggle.
“And he’s also staying with you” you pointed out, taking a sip of the champagne Ivar brought. It was one of the expensive ones, way better than the one you drank during Christmas “So not everyone leaves”
His small smile faded again.
“I suppose he will do it someday too”
You moved to kneel closer to him. Ivar eyed you with curiosity.
“You have very little faith on people, Ivar” you said, shrugging “It’s not fair, you can’t possibly know what people will do”
“I thought Freydis would stay” he cleared his throat “And she left too, like my father, like Floki, like Ubbe”
It was the first time he talked about Freydis in your presence. You licked your lips and drank a bit more.
“You’re still young, handsome, smart… You could work on being a bit nicer, but… You have time to find someone else'' you giggled, even if you didn’t mean it. You really liked Ivar, but you hoped he wouldn’t find someone at least for a while.
“Someone that thinks I am handsome and smart?” he asked, tilting his head with a playful smirk. Your head felt a bit lighter then, and the sudden nerves made you tremble. He was closer now, and you had to take a deep breath and think very carefully about your next words.
“Maybe, someone you like”
“That I like someone doesn’t mean that I can make them happy” he added “I’m not ready for another relationship, I’m not ready to have all of Kattegat talking about it, wondering when they’ll leave me again” his smirk faded, and now he sounded serious. You knew he wasn’t talking hypothetically anymore “For now”
You nodded.
“Until you’re ready, I guess”
“Until I’m ready” he repeated slowly, almost like he was amazed by those words “Until I don’t feel like a replaceable, useless thing?”
“I’m no psychologist, but I’d say so” you smiled softly “You’re not a replaceable, useless thing, Ivar”
“I can’t have another serious relationship right now, Y/N” he sighed “I truly can’t”
“That’s okay” you muttered, biting your lip. Your eyes never left him, even if he was looking at the sea now. You were more than ready for a relationship, but a mere glance, a promise, a smile and a kiss was more than enough, knowing he only needed time and maybe he’d be yours one day.
“Are you sure?” he turned to look at you, and you looked so pretty and innocent, looking at him with doe eyes under the dim light of the twilight that he felt bad for using you in some way. But he hadn’t felt as good as when he was with you since Freydis left.
And it wouldn’t hurt to try and move on, right?
You didn’t answer. Instead, you leaned in and kissed him softly. Ivar closed his eyes, sighing, and kissed you back. You tasted sweet, like the strawberry cake you had brought, and somehow you were softer than Freydis. Ivar had warm and soft lips, better than you had ever imagined, and his hand cupping your face was comforting. It felt like your first kiss all over again, and in some way it was. It was the first kiss you wanted.
When you broke the kiss, Ivar looked much more relaxed. And he smiled at you. Your heart fluttered, and you didn’t remember feeling so happy in your entire life.
The sky lit up with a new flash of lighting, startling you, just as Ivar opened the door to his house. You hesitated before entering, but he practically pulled you in with a roll of his eyes. It was the first time you stepped into the giant Lothbrok house, and it was… Quieter than you thought.
“I don’t want to wet the floor” you muttered, looking down at the beautiful and flawless wooden floor. Probably his mother would kill you if you damaged it.
“It’s okay, you can’t stay out there” Ivar scoffed, part annoyed and part amused. He saw your widened eyes as you glanced around the entrance while taking off your shoes, and he thought you looked sweet, all wet and intimidated. It felt good to bring you to his house, almost like he was exposing a new part of himself. It helped that everyone was out that day too.
“Come” he pointed at the hallway that led to his room. While all of his brothers slept upstairs, he couldn’t walk upstairs sometimes, so Aslaug reformed the old playing room and Ivar moved there when he was too big for Aslaug or Floki to carry him. It had bothered him sometimes, especially when his brothers would stay in Hvitserk’s room playing video games and he found himself all alone downstairs, crying and feeling lonely. Or when during their high school years Ubbe or Hvitserk would bring some friends to spend the night and Ivar would be left apart when they finished eating and went upstairs to listen to music, drink and talk.
“You can have a shower if you want” he pointed at the bathroom as soon as he entered his bedroom. You glanced around, the large shelf full of books grabbed your attention, as well as some vinyls and posters, but you didn’t stare too much, thinking he might not enjoy people staring at his things.
“Thank you” you smiled softly, and Ivar’s face softened when he looked at you, taking a couple of steps towards you, he kissed your wet cheek softly. After a couple of weeks he was way more comfortable in your presence, and he kind of liked how excited you looked whenever he’d take the first step and kiss you.
“You have fresh towels in the bathroom” he continued “I’ll give you some of my clothes while yours dry, okay?” he walked over to his wardrobe and you turned around so he wouldn’t see your excited smile.
When you closed the bathroom door behind you, your eyes travelled around the room. It was enormous, like the rest of the house. Especially the shower, which was obviously adapted for him. The big mirror was spotless, the sink and walls were made of marble, but the floor was still wood, less slippery and warmer.
You took your clothes off, leaving them carefully folded next to the door and entered the shower. It was big enough so Ivar could move inside with no problem, and the water was warm. You let it run down your body and relaxed under it, immediately forgetting the cold rain that had surprised you during your date. The plan had been to go to the beach, nothing too special, but the rain had interrupted you and you had ran into his house, which was close and also empty.
You wondered if he would have invited you in with his family inside.
Even if that shower felt like heaven, you stepped out after rinsing off the soft gel that felt like gold on your skin and quickly took one of the fresh towels you had retrieved from the small cabinet under the sink. After drying off your hair, you secured the towel around your body and took your damp clothes before opening the door.
Ivar sat on the bed, looking down at his phone and only raised his head when you stepped out. For a moment his eyes wandered down your body, only covered by the white towel that reached the middle of your thighs. You trembled under his stare. Not even weeks hanging out with him were enough to calm you down in his presence.
“Give me those” he cleared his throat as he stood up, leaning into his crutch with a small wince of pain. You pouted and looked at his legs “I’ll put them in the dryer”
“I can do it” you mumbled, wondering if the rain and the dampness worsened his pain “Just tell me where it is”
“Are you sure? My brothers could arrive at any moment, maybe receiving them half naked is not a good idea” he bit his lip to hold back a laugh when you widen your eyes “It’s fine, I’ll do it and I’ll give you some dry clothes so you can change” he shrugged and you gave them to him and immediately your hands grabbed the towel to make sure it stayed in its place. Not that you’d mind getting naked in front of Ivar Lothbrok.
When he was back you still stood awkwardly next to his bed. That seemed to amuse Ivar, who opened his wardrobe and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“I’d give you something from my sister’s but she’s not in Kattegat now and keeps her bedroom locked when that happens” he shrugged. Smart choice, you thought, knowing you’d do the same if you had to share a house with five brothers.
“It’s okay” you muttered, grabbing the clothes “Thank you”
“What happened? The cat’s got your tongue?” he looked about to laugh again, and you looked down a bit flustered.
“Don’t laugh at me” you replied, biting your lip and glaring at him playfully.
“I’m not” he widened his eyes and pouted with feigned innocence.
“Being naked in someone else’s room is never comfortable, right?” you raised an eyebrow before you realised what you said, but Ivar was already laughing and shaking his head.
“I’m going to take a shower now” he said “You’re welcome to grab something from the kitchen or anything, but get dressed first” he raised an eyebrow.
You nodded and turned around to face the bed and give him some privacy as he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and faced the wardrobe again, probably to get dry clothes for himself. But when you heard the shirt falling to the floor, you turned your head slowly.
His back was amazing. You already knew it, you had seen him grow into a huge and strong man, and you had touched it during some of your makeout sessions in the past couple of weeks. You had seen him shirtless on the beach other summers, with his brothers and always with his legs covered. Out of all of them, except maybe Björn, he was the strongest one, the muscles of his chest, arms and back toned from all of those years carrying his own weight. His skin had a golden undertone that seemed to glow, especially now that it was slightly wet. And his long hair collected in small braids  and a ponytail brushed his shoulders.
But what made you part your lips in awe were the tattoos. They covered the upper part of his back, shoulders and chest and you had seen a peak of them when he wore short sleeves, but they were even more beautiful from up close, and when his muscles tensed underneath them it almost looked like they were moving. They were nordic designs, like the ones everyone in his family had. You always found them fascinating.
But his head turning to look at you interrupted your thoughts and you quickly turned around, biting your lip when you realised he caught you.
“You were looking” he said, and he sounded partly amusedand partly surprised.
“Just wanted to see your tattoos” you muttered in reply, and it was in part true “Sorry”
“Don’t be” he shrugged even if you couldn’t see him. You heard his steps and his crutch approaching you and your heart started beating faster “Want to see them?”
When you turned around again he stood just behind you, and you had to look up to meet his eyes. When you looked at his chest again, your fingertips tingled with an avid need of running them over the ink lines.
“How did you get them?” you asked. They were a bit less perfect than the ones you had seen, the edges weren’t as clean but they looked beautiful anyway, almost like the ones a viking would have worn.
“The technique is called stick and poke” he shrugged “It’s a more traditional way”
“Sounds painful” you frowned, and Ivar’s lips curved on a smile.
“I’m used to pain”
You pouted again and raised your head to look at him, but didn’t say anything. You had seen him struggling over the years, knowing he spent long periods in the hospital, with long and painful treatments…
“I would like to get a tattoo” you commented, knowing he wasn’t in the mood to talk about his legs and his pain “Maybe this summer”
You finally felt brave enough to run a finger down one of the lines that crossed his chest, still looking down to avoid his gaze.
“I can take you” he said, and you nodded absentmindedly, amazed by how soft his skin felt under your touch. Then his hand touched your jaw, making you raise your head and the next thing you felt were his lips against yours. You whined in surprise but kissed him back, suddenly his chest was closer than ever and his warmth surrounded you. His hand left your face at the same time as yours grabbed his shoulders. It travelled down your body, and it burned your skin over the towel. When he reached your thigh and the edge of the towel, Ivar pulled down, and it fell down faster than you thought. It pooled around your feet, and you sighed against his lips nervously. Was it always this hot inside this room? Ivar’s lips left yours to kiss down your neck and collarbone. You were surprised to hear the sounds that were coming out of your mouth.
Suddenly he stepped back, but his ocean eyes didn’t leave yours as he walked over to the bed and sat down, taking sharp breaths with his chest rising quickly. He let the crutch fall down to the floor and leant back, supporting himself with his arms. You blinked quickly, suddenly feeling a bit conscious as you were completely naked in front of him.
Taking a deep breath, you approached him, scanning his face looking for any sign of discomfort. But when you stood close enough, he grabbed the back of your thighs and pulled you closer. His warm lips reached your belly and you gasped. It was more difficult to focus on being insecure about your body when his lips came so dangerously close to that zone between your legs…
When Ivar finally pushed you so you’d straddle his lap, you felt his already hard member pulsing against your core and your eyes fluttered shut when he kissed your collarbone again. When you opened them he was looking at you with his mouth on your chest, and it didn’t take long before you leant in to kiss him again. You had been with other people before, but you had never been so aroused in your life, feeling almost like you were floating.
Your fingers left his shoulders to caress his hair. Not really caring if you ruined his braids, you ran your fingers through it, finding it the softest thing you had ever touched. He let out a low moan, and you moaned in response. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. But both the kiss and your caresses were interrupted by his hand reaching between your legs. Your entire body tensed and Ivar made a shooting sound with his mouth into your ear as he found your clit. This time the both of you groaned at the same time, you when he started moving his fingers and him when you bit down on his neck a bit rougher than you intended.
You let your head fall down onto his shoulder when one of his fingers entered you, letting out a moan a bit weaker, even if your volume only went up when he pushed in a second one and his thumb pressed on your clit. When Ivar curled his fingers and breathed into your ear, your walls clenched around his fingers. You were going to cum embarrassingly soon.
“Are you going to cum for me?” he whispered, and the sound of his voice so close was what you needed to start trembling and nodding desperately “Yes?”
“Yeah” you moaned “Ivar don’t stop… Fuck” you gasped when you finally felt it travelling down your lower belly. His mouth found your soft spot under your ear, and the force of your orgasm was enough to make you see stars behind your closed eyes, not even aware of the sounds you were making anymore.
When Ivar retrieved his fingers, he made you look at him as he licked them, into  his now darkened eyes before pulling you in to kiss you again, biting your lips forcefully and making you moan again when you tasted yourself on his tongue. He didn’t even let you breathe before he whispered again against your ear.
“Good girl”
You let out a strange sound, and as he crawled back to lean his head onto the pillows of his bed, still looking at you with a smirk of satisfaction on his face, you were more than sure that you’d do anything for him. As long as he looked and talked to you like that.
You didn’t even realise when you started crawling over him and straddled his lap again. With him laying down underneath you it was easier to unbuckle his pants, finally freeing his cock. Ivar let out a relieved sigh, but looked down to grab your wrist as soon as his pants were at the middle of his thighs.
“That’s enough” he muttered, and for a moment he looked shy. You stopped then, looking at him carefully.
“Do you want me to stop?” you asked softly, suddenly remembering his legs and the pain he could have been feeling with you writhing on his lap.
“No” he shook his head and grabbed your neck to bring you down and kiss you again “Just leave my pants on”
You nodded quickly, even if you felt a sting of sadness knowing he didn’t trust you enough to show you his legs. But the thought quickly left your mind when he caressed your body again, grabbing your ass and touching your waist and your thighs, making you let out needy moans again. It was like you couldn’t get enough.
You reached down to grab his member, and he took a sharp breath as his muscles tensed under your body. With a small smile on your lips as he lost control for a moment, you started moving your hand up and down. His eyes fluttered shut and his grip on your waist tightened. Ivar let himself enjoy your touch for a minute, letting out hisses and breathy moans before grabbing your wrist to make you stop. You licked your lips as he reached to open one of the drawers on the small table he had next to his bed, and you trembled in anticipation when he took a condom out. Immediately his eyes were back on yours, and you felt hypnotised again.
“Open it” he ordered, with the same, firm voice from earlier. You had to suppress a moan as you obeyed, ripping the package carefully “Put it on” your hands were almost shaking as you did it, finally realising the size and the thickness of his member, which made you gulp “Come here”.
Back on your original position, you straddled his lap carefully as he laid down on his back. His hands grabbed your hips and his eyes wandered down your body slowly. You felt a bit self-conscious again but he didn’t let you cover yourself. Instead Ivar lined his member with your entrance, teasing you with the tip until you whined in protest and made him smirk.
“Sit down” he said, and you obeyed again. His hand guided your hips as he filled you for the first time. It was overwhelming, slow and a bit painful, but even if you didn’t make the effort to hide your moans, you forced yourself to keep your eyes open, enjoying the way his face contorted in pleasure and he had to fight the need of thrusting up into you while his eyes narrowed. He didn’t stop until he was fully inside you, and he let out a groan as he waited a few seconds to let you adjust. Then he opened his eyes again and licked his lips before saying “Now ride me”.
You didn’t need to be told twice. You started moving your hips slowly, and immediately the pleasure filled every single corner of your body. His breathy moans only encouraged you to move faster, even if the tight grip of his hand on your hip still guided you, setting up the pace. His other hand caressed your waist, your belly, your chest, grabbed your neck and even touched your lips when he pulled you down to kiss you again. Your legs were already shaking around him, you felt light-headed and you nearly begged against his lips.
Ivar stopped then, guiding your hips to move in circles and then back and forth, which made you yelp when his member started pressing on a very specific spot inside you.
You didn’t even realise you had started to beg until Ivar let out a breath against your ear.
“Please what?” he muttered “Do you want to come?”
You only had enough strength to nod, sitting back down to make it go deeper. His hand left your body to touch your clit again, and you gasped when he made you move faster.
“You look so beautiful like this” he said, his voice breathy and deeper than ever “And you feel so good, Y/N…”
You whispered his name, as a warning. It was too much and the intensity of the pressure building in your lower belly told you it was going to be strong. Painful even.
Ivar gritted his teeth together. If your walls were clenching so hard around him then, he couldn’t even imagine how it would feel when you…
“Cum then” he whispered again as he started thrusting again “Cum for me”
You closed your eyes and let out a moan so loud he would’ve thought it was a scream. Your entire body clenched and trembled, you felt like passing away when a giant wave of pleasure washed over you, almost making you drown. Your nails dig into his shoulders and chest, and Ivar let out a hiss in between moans. He had planned to hold on a bit longer, but the feeling of your walls clenching so tightly around him was too much.
The both of you ended up panting and shaking, and you had to move away from him as soon as your orgasm ended, too sensitive to tolerate any kind of contact. Ivar sat down as you licked your lips and laid on the bed next to him, feeling dizzy and almost like you were going to pass out. Your limbs felt heavy and you weren’t sure whether you could walk at that moment. Ivar took the condom off, leaving it on the floor carefully before laying back down to catch his breath. You smiled then, for some reason you felt the need of smiling and giggling like an idiot. God, if that wasn’t the best experience of your entire life…
“Are you okay?” Ivar turned his head to look at you “Sorry if I was too rough…”
“I’m fine” you smiled at him “I just need a moment” you closed your eyes again, taking a deep breath. Ivar chuckled and rubbed his face. It felt good to have a distraction, to finally feel like he had taken Freydis out of his system. And you were so sweet and good to him…
After a few minutes, and completely against your will, you left the bed. You wanted nothing more than to crawl back in and cuddle him. Inhale his scent while leaning onto his chest and kiss him again, this time slowly, caress his hair and fall asleep with his heart beating under your ear. But he hadn’t made a move towards you, and you were already embarrassed remembering the sounds you had made just a few minutes before. Your legs still felt shaky as you grabbed the towel and covered yourself, even though it was maybe a bit too late for that, before going back to the bathroom.
After peeing and cleaning yourself as fast as you could, you stepped out again. This time Ivar was standing, and looked at you with a small smile.
“I’m going to have the shower now” he said, and you nodded, biting your lip “If you’re thirsty you can go to the kitchen and grab some water”
You nodded before the door closed again behind him, and finally got dressed.
A few minutes later, when you reached the kitchen with the intention of drinking at least two litres of ice-cold water, you found Ubbe and Hvitserk sitting next to the kitchen island, both talking quietly and eating something. Hvitserk was the first one that saw you, smirking widely and winking at you.
“Hello” he looked very amused as you stood there, dressed in his little brother’s clothes and wishing the Earth would explode at that moment.
“Hi Y/N” Ubbe smiled politely at you “It’s nice to see you again”
“Hi” you mumbled, knowing you couldn’t turn around and go back to Ivar’s bedroom without losing all of the dignity you had left “I… Can I have some water?”
“Of course” Ubbe stood up before you could add anything else and opened a cabinet to grab a glass.
“Yeah, I think you need it” Hvitserk chuckled “How was your day? Interesting?”
You nearly choked with the water, and Ubbe hit his brother’s head softly, rolling his eyes with an amused smile.
“Ignore him, Y/N” he winked at you “Want to eat something?”
The small tattoo studio to which Ivar took you was located on a busy street, but somehow you had never noticed it before. The owner was a giant man with long, grey hair and a beard, and his serious expression changed completely when Ivar entered the local. They exchanged a big smile and a handshake while you stood next to the door shyly, looking around. You had insisted on getting a tattoo the modern way, and Ivar had laughed at that, reassuring you that Haakon -the giant man you supposed- could do that too.
“Today it’s not for me” Ivar shook his head when Haakon asked him which design he had in mind. Then he turned to look at you, and you smiled “She’s Y/N, she would like to get a tattoo and I told her you’re the best artist in all Scandinavia”
The man shot you a gentle smile and nodded, motioning for you to approach the counter so he could show you some designs. After a while discussing different ones and the changes he could do so it would look better on you and also be unique, you finally laid on the chair as Haakon printed the design and prepared his tools. Ivar sat on a chair next to you, a small smile on his lips. You got to hold his hand during the whole process, and the sting of the tattoo was somewhat forgotten when you realised it was the first time you held his hand and prayed so it wouldn’t be the last.
When you got the idea of that improvised trip to Lapland, you didn’t expect for it to actually happen. But that day when the sun went up you were sitting on a train with Ivar next to you, and you looked out of the window feeling the luckiest person in the entire world, hoping that warmth would last forever. His leg was touching yours, and your hand twitched with the need of grabbing his.
A week ago, during a night in which the rain and thunder didn’t let you sleep, you opened your laptop and organised a trip out of boredom. Lapland was always a good idea, and even better when after Lapland you got to travel around Finland by train and fly back home from Helsinki. Trains were a cheaper option and way more comfortable for Ivar, who had now way more space to stretch his legs and a comfortable seat. You had messaged him at dawn that same night, thinking he’d say no. He took a few minutes but he said yes. And you had squealed like a teenager at the thought of a trip with him. Ubbe had given you a few tips to help with his legs, and Ivar was surprisingly very calm and even looking forward to the trip.
“Feels good to be out of that city for a while” he muttered, his eyes narrowed as he just woke up and the sunlight hit them directly “I needed a distraction”
You turned your head to smile at him. Ivar’s expression relaxed. He liked you, and found it very cute that you always had a smile for him.
“Yeah, I guess” you shrugged “It’s a good way to end the summer too”
Ivar nodded absentmindedly. His phone inside his pocket burned then, and he remembered the text he received a few days ago. A part of him needed that trip to get it out of his mind, to avoid overthinking. But her words were embedded in his head.
I’ll be back on September 1st. Then we can talk. I miss you♡
Ivar wondered how she could miss him when it was her who left him. For someone else. Ivar had had his heart broken for the entire summer, but August had been a bit more tolerable thanks to you. So when you proposed that trip he said yes. He hoped he could get her out of his mind but it seemed impossible. Not even with you next to him to distract him.
“I hope we can see the Northern Lights?” you said looking at the sky with a hopeful sigh “It’s romantic”
“I’m afraid it’s a bit early for the Northern Lights” Ivar chuckled “But who knows… I’m not a very romantic person, though”
You looked at him with an eyebrow raised. You had seen him looking at Freydis, you had heard what he had done for her.
“I don’t believe that” you shrugged “I think everyone is romantic in their own way… Being romantic is not necessarily sending big bouquets of flowers every Friday, or organising a dinner with candles and rose petals on a Saturday, sometimes it’s just a simple gesture, or words”
“But sometimes a simple gesture or words are more difficult than a bouquet” he replied “Especially when you feel like you’re never good enough”
Your smile faded and you pouted, feeling your heart break for him.
“Who made you feel like you’re not good enough, Ivar?” you asked quietly, reaching to caress his hair softly. He didn’t move.
“Many people” he said with a sigh “When they leave me for someone better, or when no matter what I do that is never enough, when they couldn’t care less about me”
You frowned and stayed silent for a couple of minutes.
“I care about you” you said quietly “I wouldn’t leave if you don’t want me to, and no matter what you do it’s always enough” you smiled up at him, who looked taken aback “Don’t waste your time on people that don’t appreciate you”
Ivar gulped. He felt his eyes burning with tears but he refused to cry. He wished it was that easy.
“Don’t be sad” you pouted again “I want you to enjoy the rest of the summer”
Why do you care so much?, he wanted to ask. But then you stood up and closed the door to the compartment, locking it before drawing the curtains. And he knew exactly what you had in mind when you turned around with a shy smile. He thought it would be much easier if he could fall in love with you.
August felt too short. Soon the days started to get shorter, and it rained more often. Suddenly you stopped going to the beach, and the university emails about the starting of the classes filled your inbox.
And Ivar stopped texting.
Finland had been a dream. It made you believe it could last, because for a few days it felt real. You didn’t hide on a harbour, or waited until everyone left the beach to sit on the sand. He kissed you, laughed with you, his fingers traced the lines of your new tattoo during the night, under the bedsheets of the cheap hotels you had booked. Those days were like a dream.
But dreams end too.
And suddenly you went from chasing Northern Lights to stare at your phone in silence, in the middle of the night waiting for a text, a call, anything that would calm your fears. He didn’t reply, didn’t call back. You saw Ubbe and Hvitserk on the bar a couple of times, but didn’t dare to ask them. You even went to the harbour a few times, waiting in case he’d appear from nowhere with a rational explanation. But he never did.
Sometimes you’d be angry, wanting nothing else than to send him a voice note or a huge text, but you always ended up deleting the whole thing before pressing send with the tears running down your face. Because at the end of the day, you could not lose someone who was never yours. And Ivar had never been yours, there was always something between the two of you that was impossible to ignore.
That first day of university you understood why.
Your friends were all back from their holidays, all tanned and with longer hair, new dresses and collars they had bought on those souvenir shops that are usually in front of the beaches. Maybe you should have been a bit jealous of them and their holidays around the world, but you wouldn’t change that summer with Ivar for anything else. In fact, you dreamed of leaving for a proper holiday with him one day. Maybe Italy, Greece or Spain…
They giggled around you, telling you stories about cute lifeguards, southern boys (and girls) with an accent and the best mojitos they had ever tried. You smiled with them, having missed them way more than you thought, until you spotted them in the parking lot.
Freydis was the first one. She jumped out of Hvitserk’s car laughing, and Ivar came out after her. He also had a big smile on his face, and said something before she giggled again, leaning in to kiss him.
Something inside you broke, and you couldn’t stop looking as they walked towards the main building. Hvitserk walked behind them, not looking very enthusiastic about Freydis’ return. But your eyes were glued to Ivar. Wishing he’d turn his head and look at you, acknowledge you at least, something that reassured you that what you lived that summer was real, even if it ended as quickly as it started.
He did look at you, his smile faded slowly when he finally spotted you, and you held back your breath until he looked away again.
“I heard she came back from Sweden not so long ago” your best friend spoke next to you, and you knew who she was talking about “She’s so pretty, it’s unfair”
“Yeah” you said softly. For some reason you didn’t feel the sadness you had been feeling since Ivar stopped talking to you. Instead you felt your eyes fill with tears of disappointment, which hurt even more.
“They do look cute together, Ivar is hot” she giggled “Maybe we’ll find something like that too, someday”
“I doubt that” you replied, thinking with your young innocence that you would never be able to love someone as much as you loved him. They entered the building then, and it was like seeing a door closing on your face, knowing it would probably never open again.
“Shall we get to class?” your friend, oblivious to your heartbreak, pointed at the hallway full of students.
“Yeah, I… I need to go to the toilet, save me a seat?” you replied, clearing your throat before taking a couple of steps towards the toilets.
“Sure, but don’t be late! It’s the first day” she winked at you and turned around, walking towards the classroom. You quickly entered the toilets, locking yourself in one of the stalls as the first tears started rolling down your cheeks, knowing you didn’t have much time because the classes were about to start, but relieved because at least you’d have a distraction.
The tears felt like fire on your skin, they burned and ruined the makeup you had put on that morning, hoping you’d see him and he’d give you one of his smiles, maybe cross that door with your hand on his. People would start talking but he couldn’t care less. It was the hope for that moment that kept you going for the entire summer. And you would have waited forever.
Tags:  @mblaqgi​ @alicedopey​ @lol-haha-joke​ @hallowed-heathen​ @naaladareia​ @tephi101​ @captstefanbrandt​ @love-hate-love​ @titty-teetee​ @readsalot73​ @moondustmemories​ @thevikingsheaux​ @therealcalicali​ @chimera4plums​ @blushingskywalker​ @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1​ @justacripple​ @heartbeats-wildly​ @letsrunawaytotomorrow​ @inforapound​ @sallydelys​ @hellogabysblog​ @winchesterwife27​ @hecohansen31​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @eteramfools​ @tgrrose​ @flokidottirsstuff  @lovessce​ @tootie-fruity​ @didiintheblog​ @alexhandersenx​ @belovedcherry​ @fantasydevil2002​​ @xceafh​​ @astrape-the-weatherwitch​​ @destynelseclipsa​ @katarokkar11 @momowhoo​​ @heavenly1927​​ @mcrmarvelloki​​ @nanahachikyuu​​ @valopz​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @heavenly1927​​ @dini73​​ @loveforreading​​ @southernbe​ @smears-and-spots​ @natalielbeauty​ @mrsalwayswrite​ 
my taglists are a mess! I’m sorry if I fucked the Ivar taglist up😭 just let me know if you want to be tagged or if you want me to delete you from the taglist!
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broken-everlark · 1 year
Okay so I'm still trying to think if I want it during how httyd is Viking. But it's just hard for me to write it that way lol. It won't be exactly "viking" don't hate me I'm trying! It's going to be like an alternate universe or something🤷‍♂️
But I wrote 400 words and I made a cover!🤣 both background pictures are ones that I took. The clouds are when I went to Arizona for a week and a half. And the bottom cave is from one of the Iowa caves (can't remember for the life of me what it's called)
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I wish I had better writing skills but I'm trying!
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36 notes · View notes
A Taste of Heaven Part 4
A dessert called vanilla slice is mentioned, this is a crazy yummy Australian sweet. If you've never had it, look for a country women's asocation recipe.
Series Masterlist
Part 3
Contains: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
2,223 Words
Comment if you want to be tagged.
After years of study and effort, you finally secure your dream job, as one of the head curators at the best museum in New York. After inheriting a huge brownstone you're looking for a roommate when your best friend Ubbe comes up with a suggestion, his younger brother Hvitserk. Better yet, you're a food historian and he's a three Michelin star chef.
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When you got to the museum, there were police cars and fire trucks everywhere and an ambulance at the door. You ran up to the back, Bob the security guard was on a gurney, his head bleeding and his hands wrapped.
"Oh my God what happened?" Bob's face fell, "five men broke in. I tried to fight them off but they hit me over the head. I tried to put out the fires but.." He lifted his bandaged hands. "None of that matters, I'll make sure you keep your job. No matter how much the exhibits are worth, you're worth more."
You walked into your department only to be greeted by a mess of burnt paper and twisted metal. Half the exhibits had been burnt to the ground and the others were smashed to pieces.
A police officer came up to you, her voice was soft but she seemed rushed, "do you have any idea who would have done this?" You were lost for words, "there were protesters here today, try them. When can we start cleaning up?"
She was writing in her notepad, "not for a few days, this place is a crime scene and it needs to be processed." You closed your eyes, willing the vision in front of you to go away.
"My friend has been badly hurt, there are millions of dollars of damage here, and thousands of priceless artefacts ruined. You need a special team to help you or you'll do more damage."
She waved over her partner, "we'll get right on that, once I've taken your statement you can go home."
You gave your statement to an uncaring officer, "so the last thing you said to these people before you left was inflammatory?" You clenched your jaw, "yes, but I'm not the only one who firebombed a public building, quit blaming me and do your job."
You walked away, sitting down at your half-broken desk and called Hvitserk.
"Can you come and pick me up please." Hvitserk could hear the distress in your voice, "I'll be there as soon as I can.
Hvitserk must have sped because he was there in record time. When he got there, you were sitting on the curb, the department having been shut down for crime scene techs.
Seeing him running up to you was the last straw, between all the fundraiser and the new menu, the mess with protests, all the projects and then this, it was too much. Hvitserk was kneeling at your feet and pulling you into his arms
"It's horrible, decades long projects destroyed, irreplaceable artifacts gone and millions of dollars in damage. The money for the fundraiser won't even cover half of it. I'll be lucky if any of us have jobs after this. And Bob, poor Bob, he has a family to feed and he can't work."
Hvitserk hugged you tighter, "we'll sort it out, I'll call my father and he'll get our lawyers onto it. No one's going to lose their job and the department will be rebuilt." You went to interput, "my family is worth almost a hundred million dollars combined y/n, any costs here will be a drop in the ocean."
"But…" He pulled away enough to hold your head in his hands, "no buts, you might as well accept the help now because if you go at this alone you will hurt everyone. You will break Ubbe's heart if you don't let him help you and Ivar will never speak to you again."
You nodded, "ok, can we go home now?" He helped you up, "sure, I put on some chiken soup and run you a bath too, how does that sound?"
"I'd like that."
Hvitserk cooked while you had a quick shower and then a soak in the bath, you could smell the roast chicken coming through the house. When you came down to the dining room, he was just putting on the finishing touches.
"You feeling better?" You nodded softly, "sort of, I'm so worried about Bob, they said his burn might be third degree, I've known him since I started working there just after college, he wrote me a letter recommending me for the head position." Hvitserk put the bowl down and brought his hands to your face.
"You're in shock, you had to deal with the protesters today and now this. You need food and sleep. Our lawyer will be here tomorrow to make sure the cops don't screw you and the department over and then you can get to cleaning up. We can even hold another fundraiser."
You went to oppose again but Hvitserk wasn't having it. "That's enough, we've been over this." He put the bowl in front of you and sat down, your legs touching.
You picked up a spoon of chicken soup and blew to cool it down, "this is really good." He smiled, "Helga, Floki's wife started up a business that gets home-cooked food to people in need, this is one of her most popular recipes."
"I hope no one thinks I'm taking advantage of you, I had no idea your family was so wealthy." Hvitserk shook his head aggressively, "are you kidding me? After everything you've done for us. Being Ubbe's friend for all those years, getting Ivar into that clinical trial, letting me live here without being asked. We would never think that."
You nodded, "I could never show how grateful I am for all of you." He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pressed himself into you
"You don't have to, we know."
Hvitserk spent the night in your room, holding you while you slept. But while you got a sleep born from bone-deep exhaustion, he seethed with rage.
He knew how hard you worked, it's all he heard for Ubbe when he talked about you. He knew how much you cared for your colleagues, you were very open about it. There was no way he was going to let it slide.
He managed to get a few hours before you had to wake up and met the lawyers, they were coming to your home along with some of Hvitserk's family. You had just finished your morning coffee when they arrived, "Hello Dr y/n, I'm Harold and this is my brother Halfdan, we're the Lothbroks' lawyer. Can we come in?"
You waved them inside, Ubbe, Bjorn and Aslaug following after, "I'm sorry that this is the first time some of you are seeing our home." Aslaug waved her hand, "there's nothing to fret about, it's happened this way for a reason."
That was cryptic but Hvitserk said his mother had a way of knowing things. "I've already looked over everyone's statements, it looks like an open and shut case of break and enter, arson and felony property damage. Do you know why the protesters were there?"
You nodded, "we just released an exhibit on the foods of early America, needless to say, the honest look at our history offended a lot of people." Harold showed you a photo, "do you know this man?" You nodded, "yeah he's a conservative radio host, he spend a whole week complaining when the museum put on an institute-wide exhibit on the history of prisons in the US."
Harold looked at his brother, "this man may have instigated the incident." You shook your head, "does that mean he has to pay for everything to be fixed?" Harold clapped his hands, "yes and you'll be pleased to know that the museum has also taken us on. We'll be suing him not only on your behalf but on behalf of the security guard who was hurt and the museum."
Ok something was up
"This only happened last night and the museum has its own lawyers, what's going on here? You have more information than typical for the timeline and you already have a suspect. Not even the cops are that far along.
Aslaug smiled, "we never intended to tell you but the large donations you received were from us. Lagertha and I have donated millions the women's history department but that pales in compassion to how much we have given collectively. They have every reason to accept our help."
This was overwhelming, "fucking shit, I applaud you for never telling a soul but I would have liked to have sent you a fruit basket." She laughed, "well you're coming to dinner on Saturday so if you bring one of your cakes that's all the thanks we need."
Saturday morning came and you got up early to start baking, "how's Bob?" Hvitserk came behind you, wrapping his arms around your body, "much much better, he should be back at work in two months." Hvitserk put his chin on your shoulder, "thank the Gods. What are you going to bake?" You were chopping the butter for the puff pastry.
"Vanilla slice, I learned the recipe when I went to Australia to learn about bush tucker which is part of the diet of first nation Australians." Hvitserk reached past you and swiped a bit of custard off the spoon.
"Shit this is good." You giggled, "wait till I add the pasty and the passion fruit icing, it will blow your mind." Hvitserk turned his head, pressing kisses to your neck.
"Really, I've thought we should do an international dessert menu. Is it a grandma's recipe or a supermarket thing?" You could feel how warm his skin was, "grandma, all the way. The woman who taught me got the passion fruit from here backyard, it grows over there like a weed."
Hvitserk was pretty insistent that the only dishes served came from people's homes. One of his hands rubbed your hip, "I swear woman, you are a wellspring of information." The hand on your hip moved to lift your shirt, "can the cooking wait?"
You shook your head, "Vitty, I'm making butter puff, you know it can't." He lips grazed your ear, "put the dough in the fridge and get back to it later, I've done it a million times before."
You giggled, "I need to get this done, if I stop now, I can't guarantee you'll be able to leave the bedroom." His eyebrows went up, "oh really, is there something you had in mind?" You turned, kissing him on the lips, "so so much, but we need to have a conversation about some things before it gets there." Hvitserk nodded, "I'd like that."
You gave him one last kiss, "great, now I need to get back to cooking, I promised your mum."
"Oh hello, it's so good to see you again." Ragnar wrapped you in his embrace, "the pleasure is all mine, I can't thank you enough for all your help." He waved his hand, "nonsense, you have been a faithful friend to my sons, we should be thanking you."
Lagertha appeared behind her husband and took the slice from your arms, "fridge?" You nodded, "please, it's meant to be served cold."
The dinner was lovely. Everyone helped with the cooking and the table was full of food when you were ready to sit down and eat. "I wish parents taught their kids like you guys did, running tours for boys highschool is like pulling teeth."
Lagertha laughed, "I can imagine, what's the most ridiculous question you've been asked?" You could recall so many, "how do you tell the difference between salt and sugar. He didn't even think about tasting it." Ivar shook his head, "the idiocy must get frustrating."
"Not really, kids ask silly questions all the time, and I don't really believe in stupid questions. It's the adults that get to me." Bjorn nodded in agreement, "yeah, adults always say the most stupid thing when I teach the survival classes."
You shook your head, "I'll just bet, what the worst question you've been ask?" Bjorn screwed up his face with an unpleasant memory, "a whole lot of poop and sex questions." You cringed, "oh gross, but I will say there's a lot of sex questions at work too."
Hvitserk's face was just a little pink, "any questions about how to poison someone?" Of course Ivar would ask that, "hell yeah, I passed two people on to the police because I suspected they were planning on killing someone, I was right both times."
Their eyes went wide, "shit, reminded me never to piss you off." You laughed, "don't worry Siggy, I'd never adulterate food, it's your drinks you'd have to watch."
The rest of the night went on much the same, each of you sharing silly stories about work and the people you had met along the way. By the time you had to go home, you were yawning every few minutes.
"Thank you so much for having me." They all gave you warm smiles, "we're glad you could come. We expect you to be here the same time next week."
Hvitserk drove home, when you got in you were ready to sleep. "you want me to spend the night with you again?" You nodded, you had been sharing a bed since the break in. "yes please, no funny business."
He smiled, "never, we have to talk about it before hand anyway." You pressed a kiss to your lips.
"How about in the morning?" He nodded, "great."
Part 5
Tag list:@kelly1buck2ats @sapphicmal @profoundtyrantharmony @malevolentmagnificence @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @istorkyou
This feels like a nothing chapter, I would love your feedback.
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st-eve-barnes · 10 months
You know that I'm no good (chapter 1)
(modern Aegon x Reader, modern Sihtric x Reader)
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Summary: You want Sihtric. Aegon wants Skade. There's only one small problem: Sihtric and Skade are dating each other.
Warning for the entire series: 18+ for explicit language and smut. Angst/comfort/fluff. Fake dating and so much mutual pining. Mentions of depression/drinking/self harm.
This is an Aegon x Reader fic with a bit of Sihtric x Reader on the side. I've wanted to write a modern AU that combines The Last Kingdom and House of the dragon for a while now so here it is!
Word count: +1900
All my fics are also on AO3
It started on a random Friday night in your favorite club in Winchester. The music playing in the background was upbeat and happy, some 90’s song that usually always lifted your mood, but tonight even that wasn’t working. You were in a bad head space and nothing seemed to be able to pull you out of it, not even the Vengaboys blasting through the speakers.
You let yourself slump down into one of the booths next to Helaena. She recognized that look on your face immediately, having been your closest friend for over 5 years, and without asking she handed you her drink. You eagerly grabbed the glass from her hands and gulped down the entire thing, not even caring what was in there, as long as it was alcohol. 
Maybe getting drunk would put you in a better mood, or at least make you forget about the reason you weren’t.
And that reason was pretty damn stupid. A guy. You hated being that girl who let her entire evening be ruined by some guy.
Except that he wasn’t just some guy of course. 
Sihtric was the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on. Tall and lean, muscular but with a softness to him as well. His dark hair was long and curly and braided at the top. He looked like a hot Viking straight out of that Netflix show, way too attractive for this damned modern world. And his eyes, one brown, one blue, as unique as the rest of him. 
Even though you had never exchanged words with him you knew he was special, and good. A good, gorgeous man you would never, ever have and that idea depressed the fuck out of you.
You put your empty glass down on the table in front of you and let out an overly dramatic sigh.
“Okay, you are single handedly sucking all the positive energy out of the room, what’s going on?” Helaena asked.
“Sihtric,” you sighed.
“Babe, still?”
You nodded your head while Helaena shook hers. Being your best friend she of course knew all about your secret crush that had been going on for far too long. She would never say it out loud because she was too nice but you knew she wanted to tell you to get over it already.
”He just…he doesn’t even notice me, Hel. No matter what I do, or don’t do. He just doesn’t see me, what do I have to do, huh? Dance around naked on the bar?”
Helaena turned to you and let her eyes meet yours, her expression calm as always as she put her hand on your shoulder,”Okay, first of all, don’t do that.”
You couldn’t help but smile at her.
“You should never have to try so hard to get a man to notice you,” she continued,”I swear to you, they are not worth it. Jace, back me up here.”
Jace, sitting on the couch opposite yours with his group or friends, looked up from behind his drink and confirmed,”We’re not worth it.”
You gave them both a smile now.
Helaena looked at you again,”Why don’t you just go find some nice random hot guy to spend the night with and forget about Sihtric for a while?”
You sighed,”I don’t wanna fuck some random hottie.”
“I didn’t say fuck,” Helaena pointed out.
“Okay, I don’t want to hang out and/or fuck some random hottie. I want him. Besides, it’s not like random hotties are knocking down my door.”
“They should, because you are gorgeous,” Helaena stated while she placed her hand on your arm and squeezed it softly. You gave her a thankful smile, you knew her words were meant well but she was your best friend, she was supposed to say things like that, it didn’t mean they were actually true. Of course they weren’t.
“Clearly Sihtric doesn’t think so,” you sighed deflated.
“Then he is blind, Jace, please help me out here.”
“I wish you guys would leave me out of your boy drama, but fine, want me to give you some real helpful advice? The quickest way to get a man to notice you is to start dating someone else. Guys are stupid and we always want what we can’t have.”
“Oh, yes, he is right,” Helaena nodded, suddenly very enthusiastic about that idea,”Seeing you with someone else might just spark his interest. You should find a guy to make him jealous.”
“Sure, okay, I’ll just pick one out of the long line of suitors that are just waiting for me to beckon them,” you joked.
She narrowed her eyes at you,”One of our friends can do it, you don’t actually have to date him, just act as if you are.”
“And who do you suggest I ask then?”
“I don’t know, let’s see, who’s a friend and looks pretty?” she looked around the room and your group, looking for possible candidates,”Hmm, maybe Aemond…”
“Aemond?! Seriously? I know he’s your brother but no way, Hel, he’s never spoken a word to me, he’s pretty but he scares me.”
“He’s harmless, and very single,” she pointed out.
“Nu-uh,” you insisted.
“I’ll do it,” Aegon’s voice made you both look up.
He was standing next to the booth, leaning against the wall with a drink in his hand and an amused smirk on his face, having followed your entire conversation.
“Nobody asked you,” Helaena shut him down instantly, turning her back to him and fully planning on ignoring his offer.
You however hadn’t turned away so quickly. 
Aegon was wearing his usual ripped jeans and a shirt from a band you had never heard of, his hair was just long enough to fit into the tiny ponytail he was sporting tonight. He looked a little bit like a rockstar. Or maybe more like a wannabe rockstar.
You didn’t know Aegon very well but he was not as scary to you as his brother Aemond and despite his reputation of being a womanizer he’d always treated you with kindness and respect. Probably because he knew Helaena would kill him if he didn’t.
To be fair you had never paid much attention to him before, he wasn’t your type at all physically and you both hung out in different friend groups. Helaena never talked much about her brother either, all you knew is that he was a bit of a slut and he liked to go out and drink a lot.
But Aegon was popular, like Sihtric, and got invited to all the parties so hanging out with Aegon would no doubt give you more access to Sihtric as well. You hated to admit it but maybe it wasn’t the worst idea in the world. 
Helaena once again read your expression like an open book and she grabbed your shoulder and shook her head before talking to you as if you were a bad dog misbehaving,”No, Y/N, no!”
Aegon took advantage of your obvious interest and moved to sit next to Helaena.
 “Why not?” he asked his sister.
“Because you’re the biggest slut in the entire city and I don’t trust you not to fuck her over.”
“Come on, I wouldn’t do that, she’s your friend.”
“That hasn’t stopped you before! Why do you want to do this so bad, huh? What’s in it for you?”
“I’m helping out your friend.”
“You’re not the helping type, Aegon, be honest with me or there’s no way I’m letting you near her.”
You stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved with Aegon and Helaena’s bickering and then suddenly it didn’t matter anymore, their words faded into the background when you noticed what was happening on the dance floor right in front of you.
Sihtric. Your Sihtric was dancing like he didn’t have a single care in the world while yours was crumbling underneath your feet. His arms rested firmly around the blonde girl as they danced together, his eyes taking her in as if she was the only other person in the entire room, or the entire universe for that matter. 
You would give anything to have him look at you like that just once. Seeing them together felt like someone just punched you in the gut.
When Helaena noticed your sudden silence she followed your gaze to the dance floor,”Oh shit.”
You forced yourself to look away and she placed her hand on your arm again trying to comfort you,”Hey, you okay, babe?”
You nodded but she knew you were faking it.
As you looked away you noticed Aegon’s eyes were glued to the same spot on the dance floor as well, but he wasn’t looking at Sihtric. He was staring at the girl, looking about as sad as you felt.
“Who is she?” you asked, making both him and Helaena look up at you.
Aegon sighed. ”She’s the reason I want to help you,” he confessed.
You and Helaena both waited for him to elaborate.
“Her name is Skade,” he explained,”We dated a few times and it was going really well and then she just ghosted me.”
“Nothing you haven’t done to a bunch of girls before,” Helaena pointed out.
“Yes, I know, okay but I really liked this one and now she started dating Sihtric a few nights ago and I just can’t fucking stand seeing them together."
"So…,” he turned his attention to you now, a look of both interest and mischief sparkling in his blue eyes,”It seems we have a common goal here, Y/N. What do you say? Wanna help me break them up?”
You couldn’t help but smile but you were also quick to shake your head, suddenly not so sure this was a good plan after all. 
It was hard enough to get Sihtric to notice you when he was single but now he was dating? A girl who looked like that? There was no way you could compete with her, you didn’t stand a single chance, not even with Aegon’s help.
“I don’t know,” you breathed, defeated,”I mean, thank you for the offer but…I think I just want to go home now.”
“I’ll go with you,” Helaena suggested but you quickly stopped her.
“No, please, I’d feel really bad if both our nights got ruined. Stay and enjoy the rest of the party, please.”
“You sure, babe?”
You nodded and gave her and Aegon one last look before you left.
“I’ll go after her,” Aegon suggested.
“Don’t you dare move from that couch,” Helaena warned him,”I mean it, Aegon.”
“What?” he feigned innocence.
“Find someone else for your stupid little plan, she’s my friend and I don’t want you to mess her up.”
“I’m not going to mess her up,” he laughed in defense.
“You always mess them up,” Helaena sighed.
“Such little faith, sis.”
“In you? Always.”
He shook his head at her comment but Helaena’s serious gaze made him stop.
“Please?” she added,”Literally anyone but her. I’ve seen this film before, Aegon, I know how this ends and I don’t want my friend to be the lead in your drama.”
Aegon sighed,”You’re so sure how this is going to go, huh? What? You can predict the future now?”
“I don’t need to, not with you. You never stray from the pattern.”
Aegon avoided her eyes and nodded his head with a bitter smile,”You think you know me so well, huh?”
“I do know you so well, Aegon. Please, don’t pursue this,” she was begging him with her eyes but Aegon didn’t budge.
“Sorry, can’t make any promises I don’t intend to keep, sis.”
And with that he stood from his seat and turned his back on her, disappearing into the crowd on the dance floor.
Helaena sighed quietly to herself,"Yeah, that's what I feared."
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rookthorne · 10 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Today was the day — your birthday, but how would the many Bucky’s treat you? With a lil’ bit of nice? Or a lil’ bit of spice?
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ֎ Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ֎ Stucky x F!Reader ֎ Bucky Barnes x F!Reader x Winter Soldier
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ֎ 2.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ֎ Fluff, Possessive!Bucky, aftercare ჻჻჻ SMUT: Unprotected piv, oral (F recieving), face sitting, car sex, bike sex, cockwarming, monsterfucking, multiple orgasms, Dom/Domme/Brat/Sub dynamics ჻჻჻ KINKS: Praise, degradation, daddy, sir, mommy, choking, breeding
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ֎ This is all thanks to an ask from my wife, and I thought... fuck it, balls to the wall, all gas no breaks, I am gonna write 18 smut scenes in like, 2 hours for my birthday because why the fuck not. ֎ This is rushed writing to the extreme.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ֎ Confident by Demi Lovato
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 ֎ @buckets-and-trees — bless you, babe, you took my insanity in your stride!
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ֎  Biker!Bucky Barnes  —  Brotherhood & Bullets ֎  Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes + Bodyguard!Winter Soldier  —  Staya Volkov ֎  Drifter!Bucky x Drifter!F!Reader  —  The Queen & The King ֎  Farmer!Bucky Barnes  —  Peaches ‘n Cream Ranch ֎  Firemen!Stucky  —  Built Differently ֎  Incubus!Bucky Barnes  —  Depths of Pleasure ֎  Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes  —  Sturdy Roots, Strong Hearts ֎ Mafia!Bucky Barnes  —  His Empire, Her Rules ֎  Artist!Bucky Barnes  —  The Queen’s Masterpiece ֎  Mechanic!Bucky Barnes  —  His Girls ֎  Modern!Bucky Barnes  —  Written in the Stars ֎  Nurse!Bucky Barnes  —  A Hero ֎  Personal Trainer!Bucky Barnes  —  Progress, Not Perfection ֎  Pirate!Bucky Barnes  —  Sins of the Seven Seas ֎  Pornstar!Bucky Barnes  —  Purity ֎  Street Racer!Bucky Barnes  —  Brooklyn Pride ֎  Tattoo!Bucky Barnes  —  Inked Sun ֎  Viking!Bucky Barnes  —  The Skógr
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֎ 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬
Biker!Bucky had been a menace the whole day – constantly hanging off you and smiling the whole time. His little coos of, “My birthday girl,” or his, “Can’t wait to spoil you when we get home,” were the least of your worries, not when his hands wandered. You slapped them away and tried your best to get on with your day and the celebrations, but…
The moment you walked through the door of your shared home, Bucky manhandled you and trapped you between the door and his body, then the wall, and finally, the kitchen counter where he bent you over and forced your thighs apart with his warm, callused, tattooed hands. “Been waitin’ all fuckin’ day to get a shot at your perfect pussy, sweetheart–daddy’s been hungry, and you’re gonna let me treat my girl right on her special day.”
If you couldn’t walk straight the next day, well, it was a good thing you opted to work from home. 
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֎ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐤𝐨𝐯
James and Bucky, at their core, were doms – men that were not easily on their knees for anyone, except for you. What you had wanted, or craved, certainly determined how they treated their Kitten and Kisa on her special day.
A dominant mindset lead to them falling to their knees and worshiping the ground you walked on, taking turns to fuck you with their tongues and cocks until you couldn’t think of anything but their names. “So fuckin’ pretty like this, isn’t she, babe?” Bucky growled, his teeth grazing your shoulder as he fucked you into the mattress. James hummed and increased the pressure around your throat. “She takes you so perfectly–such a good kotenok,” he purred before he kissed your temple. 
A submissive headset led them down a path of treating you with such softness and love it kept you on cloud nine for the entire day. Your every whim was catered to, and you were never empty. “So soft, Kisa,” James whispered before he kissed your forehead. You giggled and curled closer to him, your shoulder against his chest while his cock throbbed in your cunt. Bucky ran a hand up and down your back, his touch ticklish against the skin of your sides when his fingers strayed too far. 
Bratting was something you did not do often, but if you felt particularly rebellious that day, Bucky and James did not begrudge you a little bit of chase, a little bit of punishment. It was not possible to outrun the two of them, but you still gave it your all. 
And, If you ended up tied up and spread out on the bed, at their mercy, well… That was your endgame. 
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֎ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠
The day was full of a tousle for control – Bucky bargained and growled, while you gnashed your teeth and fought back, but no matter what, it ended up with you both sprawled on the hood of your Skyline, or in the back seat of his Hellcat. “Your pussy is beautiful, fuck, baby,” Bucky moaned, pistoning his hips harder and harder while you screamed his name. 
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֎ 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 ‘𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡
Farmer!Bucky had put extra workers on for the day so he could stay home to fuck you senseless in every room of your farmhouse. He also made sure you never lifted a single finger – not even to cook, or clean. 
“Such a pretty Peach for daddy, huh?” Bucky drawled, his pants for breath heavy in your ear as he fucked you up against the wall of your bedroom. Clothes were strewn everywhere through the house and you had lost your mind four orgasms ago. “Takin’ me so well–like a dream, angel.”
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֎ 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲
Both Steve and Bucky were absolutely incorrigible on the big day. You found yourself tied up and filled with a toy if they had to pause from fucking you to eat or answer a call, or god-knows-what-else. Steve was the gentler of the two – his praise in abundant supply, while Bucky doubled down on his dominant persona and railed you within an inch of your life. 
“She’s such a good fuckin’ slut, isn’t she, honey?” Bucky asked, his hand around your throat while he thrusted his hips hard enough to make you hiccup on each harsh pump of his cock. 
Steve caressed your cheek from his vantage point beside you, then kissed his husband for all his worth, throwing off his rhythm. “That she is,” Steve whispered in reply, his breath heavy.
Of course, the day and night had been broken up by unmatched softness – both of them kept you fed and hydrated, comfortable and sated; never wanting for anything.
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֎ 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞
Incubus!Bucky was insatiable. Excuses were constantly thrown around to make you compliant: “Your pussy is sweeter on a day like this, honey,” he cooed, or he trapped you against the bathroom counter as you cleaned your face, “Why clean up that pretty face a’yours now, sugar? You’re jus’ gonna be covered in me soon enough–daddy knows this ‘cos you’re his good girl, aren’t you?”
The night started with you on top, riding him until you began to drool and whine that you needed more. Bucky took control then, flipping you under him and forcing his cock back where it belonged while he growled, “Your tight, wet cunt is jus’ beggin’ for this, isn’t she? I bet she’s achin’ for more–beggin’ to be filled with daddy’s cum.”
His wings rustled and shuddered as his hips sped up, and saw before the umpteenth wave of pleasure crashed over you the wide of leather and bone, curving inwards and cocooning you between Bucky’s scathingly feverish body and the mattress. Not to mention, his tail – the way it thrashed and curled against your calves as he pumped his cock deep, before he moved the limb so the pointed tip thrummed against your clit in time with his thrusts. 
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֎ 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐬, 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
Lumberjack!Bucky was an artisan of slow, but hard sex. He took his time taking you apart, utilising the whole day in his cabin – not a singular surface free from his insatiable lust. The floor was strewn with wrapping paper from you opening your presents earlier that morning, and it was a maze to navigate without tripping. 
When he finally managed to get you into the bedroom, Bucky finally shattered you. “Such a good girl for me, bunny–fuck, your cunt is so tight,” he gasped, forcing his cock back in as you throbbed and pulsed through another climax. “Tha’s it, sweetheart–let daddy in.”
You moaned and thrashed under his bulk to no avail, and he only forced his cock deeper with a, “Don’ you fight daddy, little bunny, your pussy was made f’this. Now, fuckin’ take it, slut.”
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֎ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
Your birthday was an extravagant affair – though, if Bucky had his way, galas and parties would be thrown for the entire month, and it wasn’t that you minded the idea, but, you wanted Bucky all to yourself. Especially for the day in question. 
The morning was filled with slow, sensual sex. “Somethin’ for my Princess to smile about through breakfast,” Bucky whispered as his face disappeared between your thighs, his tongue drawing intricate patterns over your clit with as much lethal precision as he lined a shot with a rifle. You fisted his long hair in your hands, the new diamond bracelet he gave you the night before sparkling in the morning light.
For the rest of the day, Bucky kept you on his lap, and he left it to you to decide whether you wanted him to fill you up, or for him to just hold you as you watched silly, cheesy movies while you nibbled on your favourite snacks. 
That night, Bucky took you apart using many of his techniques and tools, all while ignoring your pleas for him to let up, to stop. “No, you can take it, kotenok. Make daddy proud.”
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֎ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞
Bucky knew for certain that you liked taking control and handling the reins both in life and behind closed doors. He presented himself at the foot of your bed – knelt on the carpeted floor with his head bowed in submission. You cooed and purred over his obedience, and you grinned wickedly when he blushed or shied away from your appraising gaze. 
“Such a pretty boy,” you praised as you ran your hand over his broad shoulders. “Mommy could ride you all night, Puppy, and you couldn’t do a damn thing about it.”
“No,” Bucky whispered, gazing up at you with widened, blown eyes. “Wan’ that, please, mommy. Wan’ you to use me–it’s your day, wanna make mommy feel good.” The more he spoke, the further he slipped into sub space. 
“Oh, pet,” you whispered, bending at the hip so your lips brushed the shell of his ear. “It is mommy’s day, and all of what I’m going to do to you…”
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֎ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
There was no chance in hell that Mechanic!Bucky had let you leave the bed – not even for replenishment. “You’re gonna lay there for me and look pretty, don’t need that gorgeous head a’yours worryin’ ‘bout a damned thing, sweetheart.”
Bucky had been rough in his actions, fucking you with abandon and only once he had made you cum several times on his cock, did he cum himself with a dull roar and pumped you full of him. 
Since he had an agreement with your assortment of toys, he took one and worked you up to the point of hysteria while his softened cock hardened once again in your cunt. “Tha’s it, baby. You take your cock like the good slut you are–only good for breeding, aren’t you? Only good as a fuckin’ fucktoy for your sir to keep his cock warm.”
And only when you had become a quivering mess beneath him did he let up. You watched through half lidded eyes as he lowered his heaving, sweaty chest to yours, and he kissed your nose. “Happy birthday, doll.”
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֎ 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
Given that Bucky was a well adept man at noticing cues and tells, you couldn’t help but feel nervous as the day drew to a close. It had been pretty ordinary – Bucky had taken you for lunch, a movie, and then to a bookstore with the order to, “Run wild, sweetheart,” (truly a man after your own heart). 
Once home, Bucky had walked you down the hall of your apartment with a small, suspicious smile, and then opened the door of your bedroom to reveal the entirety of the space covered in rose petals and blazing candles. 
“Baby, I’ve got some scenes I wanna play out with you,” he purred into your ear, hands moving to cup your hips. It was then that you saw spools of rope piled neatly at the head of the bed and cuffs on the bedside cupboard. “And, I thought, why not use this for research?”
For hours, Bucky had pulled orgasm over orgasm out of you, and suffice to say, you had plenty of material for the next scene you decided to write.
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֎ 𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨
Nurse!Bucky was a soft, pleasure dom to the very core of his being. For the whole day, you had been tended to, held, and loved on – it wasn’t much different to a normal day, per se, bar the addition of ballads he hummed while he held and swayed you against him in the kitchen, or the living room. 
Bucky kissed your neck and whispered against your skin, “Daddy wants to treat you, baby–c’mon, let’s go to bed.”
You giggled and followed him to the bedroom where he stripped you slowly, kissing every inch of bare skin he could get to before he directed you with a simple, “Lay down on your back. Spread those thighs for me, honey.”
For the rest of the night, you had come undone on his tongue and his cock respectively. Each orgasm he pulled from you made you cry and whine to the ceiling, but he never let up. “Just take it, baby girl–that’s it, good fuckin’ girl, honey.”
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֎ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Soft and sweet was an understatement for Personal Trainer!Bucky. His plan had consisted of forcing you to sit on his face for the entirety of it, and then when you refused with the excuse of you felt too heavy, or you didn’t want to hurt him, the kicked-puppy, offended expression was far too hard to ignore. 
“Excuse me?” Bucky scoffed. His hands were rough as he tugged you up his chest, and you let out a yelp of surprise. “You think that you can deprive me of what I want–what I fuckin’ deserve?” 
“No, Buck- I, it’s just I-” You stammered, gripping the headboard to steady yourself. “I’m too-”
“If you fuckin’ tell me that you’re too heavy, or that you’re goin’ to take away my pussy,” he growled, face set in a frown. “I’m gonna get pissed, Bubba. Now, sit the fuck down. Do not hover.”
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֎ 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬
The Captain had made it expressly clear to the crew that any disturbance to his peaceful relaxation in his cabin that evening would end up with a third eye. You watched with a smirk from your perch off the port bow as they scuttled to their stations, the sun set over the horizon painting the deck of the ship yellow and orange. Anticipation was thrumming through your veins like a cyclone on the open sea, like a flaming torch in a tavern. 
When you retired for the night to Bucky’s cabin to wait for him, you found him there already waiting for you. “Arms,” he ordered briskly. You offered them and Bucky tied your wrists together with a length of soft rope. 
“You going to fuck me, sir?”
“You have no fuckin’ idea, Treasure,” Bucky purred, pointing towards the bed. “Get that cunt up in the air for me–wanna see how many times your Sir can get you to cum before you pass out.”
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֎ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲
Every trick of the trade had been pulled from the depths of Bucky’s mind when it came to your birthday – especially considering he had learned you were weak for his voice and the way he praised you to the high heavens for making a mess on his cock. “Tha’s it, kitten, soak daddy, c’mon,” he encouraged. “Give it to me–give it all to me.”
That night was no different. You were admittedly nervous in the beginning for what was to come, but Bucky had continuously assured you that it was going to blow your mind – something you were inclined to believe. “But what if you-”
“Nope,” Bucky interrupted. His frame hovered over you while his cock slid through the wet lips of your pussy, the slick, lewd sounds made your heart race. “This is all about my girl, and my girl is gonna lay there while her daddy fucks her so good she won’t be able to speak. Now hold on.”
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֎ 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞
The look out Bucky had taken you to for a date had become a favourite spot, and for your birthday he had gone all out – this time letting a room in the expensive hotel just down the road. 
But, the real fun had happened in the back seat of his Skyline – the sex fast and hard, just how you both loved it, a desperate clash of tongue and teeth as he fucked you up against the leather upholstery. “Such a good girl for me, baby,” Bucky praised, panting against your bitten lips. “Takin’ me so well, c’mon, let go for me–let go so I can feel it, sweetheart.”
You screamed to the roof of his pride and joy while Bucky shouted hoarsely into your neck as he fell over the edge with you. “That’s it, that’s it, baby girl,” he soothed as you came down, kissing your forehead. “And this is just the start–went all out for your big day.”
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֎ 𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐧
The Harley between your legs rumbled with familiarity as Bucky rode towards his home, the place the two of you had frequented more often than not. “Almost home, Sunshine, baby,” Bucky called over the growl of the bike, and you squeeze his middle in reply. 
Just as Bucky pulled into his garage and pushed the kickstand out so the bike didn’t topple, you paused. He wasn’t rising to stand nor dismount his beloved Harley. “You okay?”
“No,” Bucky answered, taking off his helmet and placing it on the handlebar. “Be better if I had you sittin’ right in front of me so I could fuck you on my Harley.” His tattooed, ringed hands reached for you and pulled you back towards him, and you whimpered. “Now, c’mere so I can make a mess of my pussy–it’s her day after all, too.”
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֎ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐨𝐠𝐫
Bear wasn’t a man of celebration – that had been evident when you learned that it was the day of his own birth and he made no effort to bring attention to the fact it had even passed. It was a different story when it came for your own birthday, though. 
You were in his lap when his hand wandered closer to the apex of your thighs, the light of Mani above the only thing illuminating your place in the grassy clearing. “Bear?”
“A little bird told me that today was your day, Mouse,” he reflected, his hand moving to squeeze your hip. “And, I must admit, I had hoped I could open that sweet pussy of yours with my fingers on this fine evening.”
You squealed in shock as Bucky lifted you and forced your thighs either side of his. “What better way to celebrate the day of your birth than to take you for my own? Have you howling for me to the moon for all to hear?” 
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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meraxesmoon · 3 months
Masterlist ☆
the pink heart signifies smut!
┍━━━━━━━ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗━━━━━━━┑
▪︎ rhaenyra hcs
▪︎ alicent hcs
▪︎platonic! rhaenyra with her cole! daughter
▪︎ platonic! daemon with his royce! daughter
▪︎ platonic! daenerys with her daughter
▪︎ platonic! team black when their darling is loyal to aemond
▪︎ darling is pregnant with aemond's baby while married to jacaerys
▪︎ daemon and rhaenyra stealing away aemond's wife
▪︎ daemyra with a fem! darling
▪︎ daemyra with an innocent and rebellious darling
▪︎ team green husbands
▪︎ aemond being obsessed with his maid
▪︎ daemyra with a very flirty darling
▪︎ aemond's wife believes he is being unfaithful
▪︎ bad cop, good cop with daemyra
▪︎ helagon simping over the same darling
▪︎ daemyra babytrapping their darling
▪︎ daemyra with a poor! darling
▪︎ daemyra being obsessed with alicent's maid
▪︎ aemond's darling thinks that he's using her for sex
▪︎ daemyra with a very emotionally sensitive darling
▪︎ aemond with a commoner! darling
▪︎ rhaenyra and helaena with the same obsession
▪︎ platonic! daemyra with daemon's bastard daughter
▪︎ daemyra with their witch! darling
▪︎ daemyra and alicole pining after the same darling
▪︎ mom! rhaenyra not wanting to marry her baby off to aegon
▪︎ daemon's bastard daughter claiming balerion
▪︎ aegon being whipped for his wife ♡
▪︎ simp aegon!!!
▪︎ more simp aegon details
▪︎ cuddling bottom! aegon ♡
▪︎ subby aegon smut ♡
▪︎ daemyra with their crybaby! darling
▪︎ simp! aegon dealing with his wife's depressive episodes
▪︎ mysaria and rhea with their targaryen! daughter
▪︎ platonic team black and green with a hypersexual darling
▪︎ alicent with her witch! darling
▪︎ poly daemyra hcs
▪︎ aegon ii naming his eldest daughter as heir
▪︎ ramsay bolten hcs
▪︎ platonic! aemond with his bestie
▪︎ bastard! darling not warming up to daemyra
▪︎ daemon the homewrecker
▪︎ romantic! aemond and platonic! alicent being creeps (drabble)
▪︎ thinking about first-time mom nyra <3
▪︎ daemyra being rejected by their darling
▪︎ poly! rhaegon
▪︎ that one time balerion almost burnt dragonstone to a crisp (drabble)
▪︎ bastard! darling claiming balerion (drabble)
▪︎ platonic! father aemond drabble
▪︎ daemon's bastard claiming the cannibal
▪︎ more of daemon's bastard and balerion
▪︎ daenerys adopting viserys' bastard child
▪︎ grumpy grandpa balerion hcs
▪︎ rhaenyra falling in love with daemon's royce! daughter
▪︎ platonic! rhaenyra doting on bastard! darling
▪︎ rhaena and her targtower darling
▪︎ modern! aemond, aegon, and helaena
▪︎ platonic! jace and luke with a sister-like! darling
▪︎ laenor's biological daughter fighting in the war on meraxes
▪︎ sumeru hcs
▪︎ gepard!!!
▪︎ domestic lyney
▪︎ toji drabble
▪︎ yuta drabble (ft. gojo)
▪︎ naoya pining after gojo's bestie
▪︎ subby naoya smut ♡
▪︎ mimiko having a crush
▪︎ touya hcs
▪︎ platonic! sanzu with his daughter
▪︎ sanzu's daughter dealing with his addiction issues
▪︎ platonic! sanzu taking a teen with mommy issues under his wing
▪︎ thinking about kisaki...
▪︎ ivar brainrot
▪︎ platonic! ivar and his daughter
▪︎ platonic! ragnar with a daughter who is popular among kings
▪︎ how daughter of ragnar! darling is treated by her brothers
▪︎ thinking about aslaug and her only daughter!!!
▪︎ yandere android oc
▪︎ some supernatural ideas
▪︎ the last kingdom ideas
▪︎ athelstan hcs (tlk)
▪︎ edward seducing his wife's favorite servant (tlk)
▪︎ draco hcs (hp)
▪︎ michael gavey smut ♡ (saltburn)
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jadelynlace · 2 years
76. “You know I’m holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don’t push your luck.” (this screams ink ivar)
Girl, it screams him in a multitude of languages.
content warnings: explicit content,smut
find the list of requests here & find more ink drinker here
Your outfit is the least likely thing to currently fuel the storm brewing inside of Ivar. There’s a glisten to his irises and you’re not sure if it’s out of anger or challenge. Between the choice of wording constantly sewn between Sigurd’s sentences and the passive aggressive remarks made by his father, you watch the metaphorical meter along his spine slowly raise. His reserve of sarcasm, petty remarks and down right ignoring have run completely dry and at the current state of affairs, he’s borrowing just to keep up.
When Ragnar excuses himself briefly and Sigurd finally sags in his chair (even he is at his limit with this man), your hand on Ivar’s arm causes him to flinch coldly. There’s an apology muttered and his weak words slide across the tabletop before Sigurd stands to step outside to start his own chain smoking.
Your hand moves from where it’s stationed in the air to planting on his thigh, a quick squeeze to the meat you’re able to wrap in your fist as the small pulsation momentarily calms the man next to you. And as you repeat your motions, you swear there’s a moan under his breath that he so very carefully tries, and fails, to cover. 
“Just let me know when you want me to take over,” You say softly. Even when your main attempt is to refer to the conversation at the forefront, you know Ivar takes the slight detour on his travels to interoperate it. “I’ve already chosen a very careful, and specific speech that may or may not make him cry. Hopefully, may,”
“I have a better way to use your mouth,” Ivar mutters and you snap your head to look directly at him. His gaze is still stuck on the table but you see the tell-tale sign of his lips growing into a smirk before ever so slowly, he turns his head to look directly at you.
“What was that?” You challenge, only closing the space between you two a tad.
“Save your breath,” Ivar starts. “You’ll need it later, I promise,”
“Make sure you can keep your promise,” You remark back as your hand takes a slow trace further up his thigh. 
“Don’t push your luck,” Ivar mumbles. His arm moves then, scooping behind the chair you're in and pulling your body closer in one smooth maneuver. You can feel his breath against your ear before he speaks again: “You know I’m holding back from fucking you over the kitchen counter, don’t push your luck,”
Before you’re able to open your mouth, the door moves and Sigurd plops himself back down in the chair. Ragnar’s back not two seconds after, a refill of his own drink and you watch Ivar straighten. Your fingertips brush delicately closer to his middle before they dance away, and you’re the only one who sees the twitch his jaw makes under the skin. 
Fumbling with your phone, you open the application your agency has assigned to you for all things work; between the dispatch calls and your response time and you let out a telltale loud groan of annoyance. One you have perfected over the course of working alongside Ivar’s brother.
“I need you to drive me to the station,” You say suddenly. “Whomever they gave overtime to, just called in,” You lie.
“What?” Ivar asks and his confusion almost amuses you.
“Chief asked me to fill in until the replacement is there,” You say calmly. “Sorry we have to cut this short, Ragnar,” You say as you look across the table.
“Not a problem, dear,” He replies with an uncanny warmth to his voice. The tone and the endearment makes you want to flip the table onto him. “Another time soon, perhaps?”
“Of course,” You say back, negating to leave out the other, more crude part of your sentence. 
You practically drag Ivar back to the car in all attempts to make this lie seem like a true emergency, and as the engine fires up he still looks confused. 
“I thought you had this whole week off?” Ivar mumbles and his lip curls as he fastens his seatbelt.
“I do,” You reply.
“Then…then why am I driving you to the station?” Ivar quips.
“You’re not,” You start. “You’re going to undo your belt so I can help you relieve some of your built-up tension on the way home,” You say back firmly, looking directly into Ivar’s eyes.  “That way, we don’t break any of the glasses in the kitchen cabinets when you fuck me against the counter,” 
“Oh my fucking god,” Ivar mutters under his breath and there’s a short laugh of pure disbelief as one hand reached for the clasp around his waist, and the other pulls the car into gear. “You could have just said—” And Ivar stops when your hand replaces his. “You could have just said—” And that sentence doesn’t even get to finish as he presses his head against the back of the seat when your lips wrap his tip.
“What was that thing about saving oxygen?” You hum before looking up him. You feel his hand tangle into your hair suddenly, finding a firm grasp amongst the strands and your moan vibrates against his cock. The car rolls slowly as your tongue traces the underside of his length, traveling along the vein with the dribble of salty pre-cum already starting in your throat. 
“I know I said over this kitchen counter, but the hood of the car might be just as well,” Ivar whispers and you can’t help the small giggle that moves your lips against him. “It’s really the same—the same height,” He tries.
“Stop talking,” You reply.
“It’s keeping me from crashing,” He answers. 
Your hand picks up when your mouth pulls away, strands of saliva still connecting you to him, and Ivar’s knuckles whitewash against the steering wheel as if they’re about to burst into bloody confetti. There’s a low grumble from his chest as you work him, even as his eyes constantly battle between watching you and watching the road before him. 
You feel the car halt suddenly and it only causes you to giggle as the movement rocks you. You’re not even totally certain that the entire vehicle is parked fully in the garage but you lack the ability to truly care. Pulling your head up slowly, you move away from Ivar, leaving a lingering kiss on his lips as he stuffs himself back into his pants. Your turn around the car is met with his grasp, pushing you against the hood and you know this insatiable man can’t wait to have you, so he’ll take you here. 
The hood of the car is still warm against your cheek, and the first push of Ivar’s cock into you makes you moan; it makes you shake against the metal as the car rattles. The surface offers nothing for you to grasp, and as Ivar sinks further you feel the tension dissipate from his body. However, this isn’t the time Ivar is going to be slow, tease you to the point of begging, and give in to your every need, just to hear your noises. This time, there’s fuel to how he moves and you pick up on it when the first snap of his hips is harsh, quick, rocking the car on its wheels and you nearly scream in the sudden pleasure. 
A dark chuckle comes from Ivar, as his head tips back slowly while he watches the way his cock pierces you. Pulling out, glistening from your juices before he traces his eyes back up your back. His hand is there next, slithering through your hair, and in one sudden motion, his thrust matches how his fingers pull at your locks. Heaving a sigh as the pleasure replaces the resentment, Ivar’s lips part as he sees your hands in a desperate display to grip something that’s not there. He plants his free hand next to yours suddenly, a loud thump of the quick motion against the metal and you waste no time latching on. 
“Fuck,” Ivar rasps, pressing his lips back together before snapping into your cunt another time. Your hair is dropped as your head hangs like a forgotten thought before you feel the brisk snap of that same palm against your backside. 
The metal from his belt scrapes the concrete floor and you lose all ability to try and put up a fight. Let him get out in frustrations in the way he fucks you and he grows more vocal with each deep press inside of you.
Suddenly, his body is over yours, sandwiching you against the car as his hips do not cease in their mission. 
“Who made you this wet?” Ivar asks lowly, his mouth by the shell of your ear and your first response is to whine. “Use your words,”
“You did,” You peep and you finally open your eyes. But they roll back suddenly as Ivar picks up his motions, pulling away only a whisper and giving you the room to crane your neck. Looking back you see the focus in his gaze, scanning your covered body like a predator and when your eyes lock with his, he feels your walls squeeze him.
One hand moves your head in his favor before he leans closer, covering your mouth with his but your lips cannot put up the same fight as you come around him. He only drinks in the noises you make with each thrust, the sounds coming from the movement in his hips, the slight rock of the car, and the wetness of your cunt. There’s no warning from him to how close he is, only the slight pressure that covers your back when his chest moves closer; his hips snapping erratically to pull out his own release and anger. 
When his lips stop, your head drops again, the ache in your muscles grows too needy and you feel his cheek against your temple. 
“Harder,” You whisper, knowing exactly what you’re doing. “Harder, Ivar, I need to feel you come inside of me,” And your words prove to be the single downfall as his hips push at you forcefully. Emptying his mind as his cock sputters, spilling his seed into you as he hears you hum, feel you shake below before resting his weight over your body, and you both pant. 
The only noise that takes up the garage becomes his breathing, as his limbs move slowly to try and find yours but it becomes a losing battle as the sudden onset of exhaustion nags at you both. 
“We should go to dinner at your Dad’s more often,” You peep from under him but you feel Ivar shake his head as it lays over yours.
“Mmm, nope. Don’t need to see him in order to do this, thank you very much,”
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579  @dreamtherapy @angelofthenightposts @unbetaedimagines  @readsalot73 @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee  @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @prettyinpayne @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @a5hl3y5ibley  @hashimily @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing  @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint @kataphine @prepare4trouble @abbiii72 @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @93xdiagonxalley @ivarisms @nordicshieldmadien @ironynoticony  @ivarsgard @cosmicmerbabe
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Levi masterlists
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Started: 13/12/21 Last updated: 21/2/2023
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Canon Requests masterlist
Canon Requests masterlist Part 2
Post War Levi
Modern AU requests masterlist - complete
Modern AU requests masterlist part 2
Dad Levi Requests masterlist
AU requests
Masterlist 18+ requests (smut)
Country living, Gangster, Viking and Road trip series masterlist
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underscorewriting · 2 years
Mutual Hatred | Part One
Modern!Ivar Ragnarsson x Reader
Warnings: Smut implied
Part Two
951 Words
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Hatred. That's all she felt for her boss. Nothing ever satisfied him, nothing ever fit the way he imagined it. No 'thank you' or 'please' ever left his lips. She was a very patient person, held herself back most of the time, but even her shyness seemed to be pushed away by the anger she felt.
He yelled at her, that's all he ever did and she couldn't deal with it. Her history with being yelled at went way back, him screaming and bashing things in his office, because she did a little unnecessary thing wrong, didn't make it any better.
Closing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath. "How can you be such a fucking idiot all the time? Gods I should just fire you, instead I keep up with your bullshit!" She flinched as he ripped her whole work apart. Anger boiling in her stomach, her jaw clenched as she tried to stay calm. "Sir, I promise you, this was exactly the way, you explained that you wanted it." Her voice was shaking with self control.
"Don't you start being smart, okay? I told you exactly how I wanted it and this-" He walked up to her pointing at her with his finger, but she interrupted him. "And this is exactly how you asked it to be! I did everything you ever asked not even getting a thank you! Let me tell you, I work my ass off for you and your brothers, but at least they appreciate my work! I should've stayed with being Sigurds assistant, at least he told me what I did good..." Turning away from him to grab her things.
She could feel his burning glare on her back. She wouldn't admit it, but Ivar was attractive. He made her feel things she normally wouldn't feel towards her boss, but he was a jerk and she hated him. "I remember, you only got the job because you fucked Sigurd." A smirk was on his face as he leaned against his desk. "He told everyone, that was probably all you've been good for, a quick fuck."
Her head whipped around as she quickly walked up to him. "I never slept with your brother! Not even once, okay?! I worked hard for this job here and that's what I got from it?" She walked up to him and could just barely keep herself from shoving him. They stood close, very close, he could feel her fast breath on his chest through his button up and felt the need to take her right here like he once had dreamed of. He wouldn't though, he hated her.
Her cheeks were heated in anger as she looked up to him, giving him her most innocent smile. "Besides, if I fucked your brother, it wouldn't have been any of your business. It's not like I'd ever fuck you." Her eyes held a playfulness in them, he accepted the challenge mentally, knowing he'd win. With ease he spun them around and smirked down at her, his hand on her hip, pushing her against his desk, and the other wandering down her body slowly, almost torturing her thoughts and emotions.
"You don't think I notice you clenching your thighs together each time I yell at you? Or the way you bite your pencil during a meeting while you watch me? Gods you want to be fucked by me so hard, it's almost pathetic." He chuckled darkly, watching her reaction. Her cheeks redend, her lips parted slightly. His hand wandered back up to her face, caressing her cheek as his thumb pulled down her bottom lip, making a quiet gasp escape her.
Each quick breath she takes, quiet noise she makes, pushes his ego more and more. "Gods, how often I imagined those lips wrapped around my-" A sudden knock on the door made him sigh in frustration as she tried to gain control over herself again. This went to far, her cheeks were burning and in her stomach was a fire lit. Closing her eyes tightly before reopening them and grabbing her stuff.
She could see Ivar smirk as he was leaning against his desk, not even bothering to say anything to the person outside of the door. Taking another deep breath she opened the door, outside stood his secretary with some coffee in one hand and something else in the other. „Freydis..." The girl mumbled before quickly racing back to her own office. As soon as her door was shut close behind her she felt like she could breath again. She didn't understand how Ivar had such an impact on her. She felt intoxicated, not in a bad way, but she couldn't tell if it was any good either.
Her mind was running a marathon as she touched her bottom lip softly, still feeling the roughness of his finger linger on. Her back met her door as a small smile appeared on her face. Maybe working for Ivar wasn't fun, but she knew whatever this was going to be, would be a lot more fun than anything else.
As she sat down on her desk and opened her mails, her breath caught in her throat. „You clenched your thighs at least five times in the short while our talk lasted. I assume you bit your lip the way you'd bite your pencil, so if I count that it would be seven times. I've proven my point enough, come to my office by the end of the day and I'll prove some more points. - I.R."
Leaning back in her chair, she stared at the mail in disbelief. This man was going to be the death of her, she was sure about it.
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istorkyou · 8 months
A Thousand Battles (A Modern Ivar AU)
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A modern!Ivar x F OC (Julietta Lothbrok)
Warnings- Angst, violence, death, smut.
Synopsis - Julietta wakes up with no memory of her life or her husband, Ivar. Will it ever return? Does she want it to?
Word Count - 3113
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree
Chapter 14 - Final Chapter
He is in a meeting when his phone vibrates in his pocket. Well, it’s not really a meeting, more of an information gathering session in a warehouse involving sharp instruments and spilled blood. He’s been taking on more and more of these ‘meetings’ since she disappeared, a good way to expel some of his rage and sadness productively.
He walks away from the man he is dealing with, wipes his hands on a cloth and gets his phone out to an interesting message on his screen.
One of her passports was used to get into the country three hours ago.
A smile quirks onto his lips very briefly followed by a deep inhalation of breath.
“You, take over from here. Just kill him. I’ve got the information I need now.”
He hears a gunshot behind him as he heads out to his armoured SUV to take him back to the estate.
When he arrives back he doesn’t go to the main house but straight to their house. He knows Ragnar would have got the same message and he needs to check something out first before he sees his father. He hurries to their shared closet, still full of her clothes and he pulls out the black shoes with the red soles, her stash spot, pulling out an untraceable phone. He turns it on and waits. The phone beeps twice. Two messages. Both from anonymous numbers, both from her.
Coming home. Too dangerous now.
See me before they get to me? I will come alone. I miss you so much.
He texts back quickly.
Yes. Will message soon. I love you. Thank you for all the photos last week, baby.
As he stashes the phone back he lets his finger run over the notebook that took him less than three days to decipher. One of the reasons he searched so hard for her and established secret communication. He cried for days when he broke the code and read her words. An anthology of love, dating from the night they met, describing every feeling she ever had for him, her deep love, the light he had reignited inside her after years of living in the black. Much as he had before he met her. The reasons why she acted as she did after Sardinia, the threats made against his life, the coldness she showed him when underneath she felt nothing but adoration. She explained it all in a diary she never intended for anyone to read. Her soul lives in these pages, and so does his.
Always and forever, no matter how far apart.
He heads to the main house and into his fathers study.
”I am sure you’ve seen the message. She has returned.” Ragnar says without looking up from his papers.
Ivar nods. “I’ll take care of it. She will contact me soon, I’m sure of it.”
Ragnar looks up and stares into his son's eyes, carbon copies of his own. “Will you be able to finish the job this time? She cannot live, Ivar. She simply must die. If you feel like you can’t do it, or she will get the drop on you again I’ll send a whole team to hunt her down.”
“I’ll do it father. She is my responsibility. I will not fuck it up again. I’ll let you know when she contacts me and what the plan is from there.”
Ragnar nods in agreement and rounds his desk to embrace his son. “I am sorry for this, sorry it has to be done. You understand though?”
“I do. It’s been a long time coming,” Ivar says tersely, “I’ll speak to you soon.”
He leaves the estate in his own vehicle, he drives for an hour and no one is following him. He pulls into a multi-storey car park and switches cars and drives for an hour to another car park and does the same.
It’s dark by the time he reaches the hotel. A shitty, off the track hotel he’d never be seen dead in usually. He walks as quickly as he can to a door and knocks three times.
The door opens a fraction and he pushes it the rest of the way, slowly revealing his wife to him. She has her gun pointed at him.
“Alone, baby.” He steps in and shuts the door behind him before they walk quickly towards each other, arms pulling the other into a tight embrace, clinging to the other, tears falling.
“I missed you so much, Liet.”
“Fuck I missed you so much too.”
They pull at each other’s clothing, frantic to get the other naked as quickly as possible. When their goal is managed they fall onto the crappy, lumpy hotel bed together on their sides, her leg over his waist before he pushes her onto her back and he crawls over her, their mouths attached the whole time. She grabs his hard cock and lines him up a half a second before he pushes deep into her.
Their mirrored groans into each other’s mouths make them giggle.
“Fuck, love, you feel so good,” he says into her mouth before moving her inside of her, drawing deep, low moans from her. “I missed you every second of every day.”
“Me too, Ivar. Harder, please, harder!”
Their fingers dig into each other's skin, pulling into the other, trying to close the millimetres left between their bodies, a desperate need to feel every part of the other, a desperate need to fill the two year gap since they last were with each other physically.
It takes no time for their knowledge of each other’s bodies to kick in and they make each other orgasm. Shuddering against each other, the air blue with obscenities.
When they finally loosen their grip on the other they stay as close as possible, noses touching, laying on their sides, hands running up each other’s backs.
“Hi, baby,” he laughs out.
“Hi, love,” she giggles in reply.
They just stare at each other, who knows for how long. Long enough for him to run his hand through her longer hair. To run his fingers over some new scarring on her body. Long enough for her to touch his thigh where she inflicted a break. Long enough to revel in his eyes and compare them to his.
“Anyone since us, Ivar? Are you happy?”
“No one. No one ever again. Always and forever, baby. You?”
“Never for me, Ivar. You and only you. I need you to be happy again though. After all this.”
Ivar waves his hand as if dismissing her words. There is no point in lying to her, pretending he will ever let anyone in again so he just changes the subject.
“I did what you asked, love, I killed Lev.”
Her eyes fill with tears and she lets out a giggle of relief. “Thank you, Ivar. How?”
“I peeled his skin off slowly and I made him watch videos of us when we were happy, after the accident. He begged for your forgiveness and his life in the end, love.”
A nasty sneer flashes across her face. “Good, he deserves every second of pain you inflicted on him.”
A comfortable silence settles between them again before Ivar breaks it. “Where is he, Liet?”
“He’s safe I promise. I will need to get back to him in the early morning. That’s why I’m back, it’s too dangerous now. I’ve had too many close calls and I’m frightened for him. He needs stability, Ivar. I’m done running. I’m here to face what I need to, and to give you your son. You need to keep him safe from now on. I can’t offer him that any longer.”
Ivar knew this is why she had come back. Knew his men had almost caught her in Belize. Had heard rumours of her father almost tracking her down in Peru. Ivar almost gave himself away numerous times trying to throw them off her and their sons scent, Ragnar was suspicious at one point and that was when the Belize incident happened. He had warned her but a little too late. He begged her to bring his son back to him but she wasn’t ready.
She is ready now.
Ivar clears his throat, trying to dislodge the ball in it. “I am going to talk to my father. Things are different now, with the baby. I… I’ll talk sense into him. We can be toget…” the rest of his sentence is cut off by her lips crashing his. When she pulls away she gives him a little smile.
“Ivar. We’ve talked about this. Your father will not allow me to live, for his reputation and his own peace of mind. I knew coming back here it would be the end for me, I’m under no illusion I will not die tomorrow. I thought you had come to terms with it, baby?” She runs her hand over his furrowed brow and her thumb wipes a tear away. “Even if Ragnar allowed it, which he absolutely will not, I wouldn’t allow it. If my father knew I was back, knew about our son, he would never stop coming for me, for him. He wouldn't stop until we were all cold in the ground, everyone, your mother, father and brothers. There would be no peace until he had our son in his care. I can not allow that. I’m here so our baby can have a life without being hunted for the mistakes I made.” She is aware her voice isn’t as soft as she would like it to be, but she also knows that Ivar responds to this cold, detached hard truth. “I have loved you enough for a whole lifetime, this is how it has to be, love. You know this.”
He doesn’t reply, he nods stiffly and a silence settles between them.
“Liet. He will always know about you, I’ll never let him forget how much you love him, how much we love each other. No one will poison his mind against you.”
His heart breaks entirely to pieces as she crumbles down in front of him. She knows this is her last night on this Earth. Her actual last night this time. She is giving herself up for the sake of their baby. Their 14 month old baby who has his fathers eyes nestled in the features of his mother.
The greatest sacrifice a mother can make.
“Ivar, try to raise him out of this life. I know that won’t be easy, but send him to college, make him useful away from the violence. Make sure my father doesn’t get to him. Make sure Ragnar doesn’t ruin him. I’m trusting you with our baby, Ivar. You need to do for him what my past had robbed from me, a chance at a happy future. Be soft with him, like you are with me. Be loving and supportive no matter who he turns out to be or the choices he makes. Show him my Ivar, not the Ivar everyone else sees. Promise me?”
“I promise. I will be the best father,” Ivar says resolutely.
She gives him a genuine smile. “I have absolutely no doubt that you will.”
“Tell me more about him, baby.”
They spend the next few hours talking about him, his likes, his dislikes, how he sleeps curled up next to her every night with his favourite Elephant cuddly. She explains how rough the next few months will be for Ivar, he is his daddy but FaceTime can’t replicate a real connection. She explains how to best comfort him, what songs to sing him and how to make him laugh, what she wants for him in the future. She tells Ivar she has written letters for when he is older so he can understand what happened, but that it will be up to Ivar to judge when and if he feels their son can handle the information. Ivar says nothing, he just soaks up every word.
“I think that’s it.” She glances at her watch.”I will send you a text at 11am to tell me to meet me at 4pm. Your father will intercept it, we both know he will send someone. Just…. Just cover his eyes before, promise me you won’t both watch me die.”
“I promise. I promise you. We have 8 hours until I need to be home to get the message.”
“8 hours.”
“Those hours are for us and us only.” He reaches for his phone, and taps until the room is filled with music.
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac.
He stands up and holds his hand out to her. “Come dance with me one last time, baby.”
Her eyes mist over again as she goes to him, clinging to him tightly. She closes her eyes, compartmentalises the coming day and enjoys every second they have remaining.
9am rolls around and it’s time for him to go.
They cling to each other before she loosens her grip and grabs his face, pulling it closer to hers.
“In the next life, Ivar. I will find you in the next and every life we have after. Look after our baby.”
He holds her face, forehead touching hers. “This life and the next. I love you. I will keep him safe. I promise on everything I am, my beautiful Liet. The bravest person I’ve ever met, my fighter, my Valkyrie.”
They share a kiss, a kiss so full of love, pain, admiration and promise that they both smile and cry as they pull away and he leaves.
His phone beeps dead on 11am.
Meet me at warehouse 2c at 4pm. Just you. I have something for you.
He enters the main house to his father waiting in his study.
“You saw the message?” he asks his Father.
“I did. I wonder what she has for you?”
“A bullet in my brain I would imagine?”
Ragnar regards him, hard eyes travelling over his face. “Take your gun. You shoot her on sight. There is nothing she has that we need, nothing she can give you worth anything. Kill her and we can all move on.”
Ivar nods quickly. “That is my plan.” He turns to walk out of his fathers office.
Ragnar waits until the heavy slam of the front door hits his ears before picking up his phone. “4pm. The docks. Set up a sniper. Kill her if he hesitates.”
Ivar pulls up to the warehouse and sits for a second. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply, trying to stop the flow of tears that have been cascading down his face the whole 45 minute ride over. His heart is ripping to shreds inside his chest, despite having years to come to terms with it, a tiny sliver of bright hope lit his black soul thinking they could be a family one day. His rational brain knew it would never happen, she told him weekly it would never be the case, but the fact that the end is now is too much for him to bear.
But bear it he must. Not for her, or himself, but for their beautiful son.
He walks into the warehouse and his trained eyes see the minuscule glint from the sniper rifle up high in the corner. He will be sure to tell his father about the snipers fuck up.
His eyes find her, standing in the centre of the massive room, her back to him. His heart stops. She hasn’t brought the baby, he can’t see his son. When he is close enough he gets his gun out and points it at her.
She turns slowly, their baby asleep in her arms, she doesn’t look at Ivar, she doesn’t take her eyes off their baby, soaking in every last second she has with him. He lowers his weapon as soon as he sees his son.
“The sniper is shit, love. I spotted him the second I walked in,” she chuckles lightly, “tell Ragnar I said he needs better men.
The sniper can’t hear what they are saying, and neither can Ragnar watching from his office from a camera feed attached to the rifle.
“Sir, she has a baby in her arms.”
“I can see that.”
“Shall I take the shot?”
“No. Do not dare. I’m pretty sure I am looking at my grandchild.” Ragnars eyes are full of tears. It’s been years since anything elicited such emotion from him. He understands now why Ivar has tried to keep her safe these past two years, not just out of love for her, but a fathers love for his child.
Ragnar wipes his eyes and rolls his shoulder. “Be ready. This is an exchange. When it’s done I will give the word.”
Julietta gives Ivar a look of pure love. “Ready, baby? When I hand him to you I need you to turn away and walk out. Don’t watch me die, love. Okay?”
Ivar’s nods twice. They step towards each other, he drops his gun on the floor so he can embrace her one last time. With their foreheads touching, and tears on their faces she hands the baby to Ivar, bends down, sniffs the baby's head and kisses him before turning her attention back to his father, placing a slow kiss on his lips.
“In the next life, love,” she says
“Always and forever,” he replies.
She takes two steps back and Ivar swivels on his heels, clinging to his son, lurching away on his crutch.
“Sir, shall I take the shot now?”
Ragnar is silent. His heart is breaking for his son but he knows what must be done. Even if he saw fit to let her live Ragnar knows her own father would never stop coming for her and if he were ever to catch up with her he would torture her to death. Ragnar rolls his shoulders and clenches his teeth.
Ivar hears the pop and the whizz of the bullet from the sniper fly past him. He hears the grunt from her chest on impact and he hears as she falls to the floor with a thud.
The tears in his eyes blind him, he squeezes his eyes shut to clear them. He wants to scream up into the universe, make the whole world hear his pain. But he looks into the face of his sleeping son in his arms and knows he won’t, he won’t scare him. So he holds it in, to be let out at a later time when his son is not with him.
He will be the best father to their son
For her.
His beautiful Liet.
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nikethestatue · 11 months
The Agreement
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Chapter 9
Warning: Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language
This is NiketheStatue smut. You've been warned.
Elain Archeron
It was Sunday, and Elain was still a virgin.
Azriel hadn’t made any drastic moves to deflower her either, so she existed in her present state, though in the past couple of days, her virginity became more of a nuisance rather than the desired state of being that she wanted to preserve.
Azriel had upped the ante slowly, but deliberately ever since they first kissed and he kept Elain in the state of perpetual arousal as well as expectation. She didn’t know when it would come. When he would pounce. Never mind that the idea of Azriel ‘pouncing’ was absurd, but she already knew him well enough, and was aware that he could be unpredictable, demanding and at times, rough. She’d be willing, but she didn’t put it past him to wrestle her on the floor, tear her dress and take her. Fuck her, as he liked to say. She didn’t dare utter that word yet. Azriel, in turn, was quite comfortable with it, throwing ‘fuck’ abundantly in their conversation. He really had terrible manners, at least when he was at home.
And home this was. 
Elain’s too. 
She’d learned to think of it as one, and she adored it. Not terribly surprising, as it was a veritable palace, but it was also compact enough that it didn’t feel impersonal. This wasn’t a grand estate out in the country, where she’d have to trudge through eighty-two rooms and cover miles of acreage before she even reached the kitchen. 
Their home was palatial, but also comfortable and designed for living, and not showing off. She loved all the modern touches that Azriel outfitted the house with–they were rare and she’d bet that no one else had most of these in their possession. Beyond electricity, running water, flushing toilets, the showers, he also had the kitchen modernised with a unique stove, and a variety of gadgets that made her crazy with excitement. There were handheld machines for whipping cream and egg whites, pans that were ideal for making sauces, all sorts of fancy rolling pins and baking forms that would make any bakery proud. There were presses and grinders, which made life infinitely easier for her and for Cerridwen. There was hot and cold water, and a stove that she didn’t need to crouch over–the way she needed to do it at home. 
In the past week she also learned a lot about the Duke of Velaris and many of his ideosynchronies. Some were charming and endearing, others were puzzling.
Even though per their agreement she wasn’t supposed to ‘fraternise’ with the help, she very much fraternised with both Nuala and Cerridwen. The ‘help’ that Azriel had referred to was apparently the many servants that lived and cared for his country pile–Rosehall. It had a staff of dozens, and the twins weren’t considered part of that staff. That led to resentment. The sisters didn’t care much, but Azriel kept them here, in London, and they never went to Rosehall without him.
Azriel collected daggers–ancient, rare daggest, which were kept in the attic, in a special room, behind glass. They ranged from Persian to ancient Greek ones, African, Japanese, Italian, Roman, Viking, Chinese, Indian and everything in between. His prized possession was a dagger from Arabia, which was called Truth-Teller. Legend had it that it always struck true. Nuala said that the dagger came from his mother’s side of the family, a gift to him when he came into adulthood. 
He owned exactly 30 suits. They were also all exactly the same–black. He always wore a white shirt, and possessed only two colours of ties–black and cobalt. 
He liked Irish whiskey and drank a measure every evening. 
He smoked six cigarettes a day. Two in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two at night. 
He liked white china, monogrammed with his initials–in black and cobalt, of course.
Otherwise, the house was void of personal artefacts. No portraits of ancestors, no wedding photographs, not one depiction of his lady Morrigan to be found anywhere. Nothing from his boyhood. Barely anything from Eton. One photograph depicted Azriel, and Cassian, and another man who resembled them. They were dressed warmly and the photo was taken somewhere in the snow, with them holding snowballs in their hands. How they got the photographer and his photographic camera over the snow piles, Elain had no idea. The photo was intimate and endearing–the men were smiling. 
Elain wanted to ask the twins about the state of Azriel’s marriage, before Morrigan’s accident, but she didn’t think that it was her place. Also, she didn’t think that the twins would betray his confidence if it was something personal. 
The house was unusually open–the twins explained that Azriel hated closed or narrow spaces. He liked sunshine. 
Nuala was braiding Elain’s hair when she told her ‘his lordship called you his sunshine’. It made Elain blush. And smile. Especially when Nuala said that that was his highest compliment. 
In the mornings, Elain was ordered to wear house dresses, no brassiere, and preferably be barefoot, though that was at ‘her own discretion’. And then, once she was ready, Azriel kissed her. He waited for her in the morning, in the hallway between their bedrooms, and she always emerged at exactly seven AM. There, he greeted her, taking note of the dress that she was wearing and how she had her hair done that morning. It was always the same–she approached him, allowing him the time to study her for a few moments, and then he immediately cupped her unbound breasts in his large palms, while she kissed his lips. He expected her to kiss him, and she…liked it. He began fondling her immediately–those warm, dry hands squeezing her breasts, as if telling them ‘good morning’ before one hand inevitably dropped to her waist, where he caressed her hips, then slid over her belly, before resting on her bottom and grabbing a handful. Elain kissed him. While his hands roamed over her body, she held his face between her hands and kissed him. But he always gave her his tongue and she sucked and licked on it. She loved it. 
“Good morning, sir,” she’d say at last, when he finally allowed her to come up for breath.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he usually winked at her and bit her lips. 
And then, he led her downstairs. By her nipple. 
He took a liking to pinching one of her nipples and then led her by it, which was both odd and incredibly arousing. It hurt her, because he squeezed tightly, but she followed him without protest as he tugged on her tit and guided her. 
Submission. That’s what he wanted. Complete willing sexual submission.
He hadn’t voiced it, but Elain quickly understood where his needs and desires lie. He was going to order her and dominate her, and she was to acquiesce and happily submit. And that was fine with her. Outside of their sexual experimentation, Azriel didn’t require anything of her. If she wanted to sit on her butt all day long, he wouldn’t have objected. What he cared about was when he told her to bend, she bent and when he told her to spread, she spread. And if she thanked him–even better. He liked that a lot.
She was to serve him at meals–not as a servant–but they took their meals together, and Azriel requested privacy. Therefore, Devlon was no longer attending at dinner. It was mostly because Elain was expected to climb into Azriel’s lap once they had their plates filled with food, and he fed her and himself. 
Yes, she was a grown woman, but she adored this strange ritual of theirs. Azriel loved it too, because he was free to kiss her and fondle her aggressively. After every dinner, she sported new marks on her neck and her shoulders, there to replace the fading ones. Her lips were swollen from his incessant kissing. Her nipples were puffy and aching having been pinched and rolled and squeezed all throughout the meal. 
When they were finally done eating, she’d kiss him sweetly and whisper ‘thank you for dinner, sir’. 
Nevertheless, it was Sunday and Elain was still a virgin.
She was still asleep when she sensed that the door opened and Azriel entered her bedroom. Once she granted him permission, he sometimes stopped by unannounced, but he didn’t make a habit out of it, and respected her privacy. After the first night that they had spent together, he didn’t encroach on her again. Even if Elain didn’t mind at all. Even if she wanted to be encroached upon.
She knew that he was barefoot when he padded across the wooden planks of the parquet floor, before his steps were muffled by the carpet. The bed dipped and Elain buried her face in her pillows, giggling. 
“Ahhh, you are laughing, you naughty girl. You are awake and you didn’t even come out to greet me!” he chided her gently, as he climbed over her and straddled her belly, before draping his heavy big body over her and squeezing her in his massive embrace.
She wiggled next to his chest, protesting feebly, “I was asleep! You just woke me up.”
“Uh-uh,” he grunted, dipping his face into her neck and inhaling deeply. 
“You smell good in your sleep,” he murmured with a deep satisfied growl. 
Elain hasn’t even opened her eyes yet, simply luxuriating in the feel of his weight, in his woodsy, cool scent, which she’d recognise anywhere, in the brush of his stubble against her cheek and her neck.
This was crazy. It had to be.
He couldn’t be cuddling her like this? He couldn’t be waiting for her to awake, so he could kiss and stroke her? He couldn’t be wanting her the way he seemed to hunger for her?
“Good morning, sir,” she breathed, her chest tight.
Happiness. That’s what she was feeling. Happiness, which she was experiencing for perhaps the first time in her life. 
Azriel made her happy.
“Good morning, beautiful girl.”
“You couldn’t even let me sleep in on Sunday?” she pouted.
“No,” he said firmly. “I needed your tongue in my mouth…It’s the strangest urge.”
“Can I at least relieve myself? Before I take your tongue in my mouth?”
He frowned, as if he was considering the request, then sighed dramatically and rolled off her.
“Two minutes!” he warned.
“Despot!” she threw at him, as she scrambled from under the blanket. That was met with a hearty laugh and earned her a slap on her bottom. 
She did everything in the allotted two minutes–relieved herself, splashed cold water on her face, cleaned her teeth and gave the thick mane of her hair an artful tousle, before pinning it at the nape of her neck. 
From her bedroom, she heard a countdown ‘three, two, one…’
She jumped out of the bathing room and rushed back to the bed, and into Azriel’s outstretched arms. He pushed her on her back and pressed his lips to hers.
The man could kiss. 
Anything from gentle, fluttering, soft kisses, to passionate, hungry, forceful ones and everything in between, Azriel always kissed like he was ready to devour her. It wasn’t just kisses, it was possession all the way to her soul.
But he also loved when she kissed him as well–in the past 3 days, she’d gained confidence and because he always encouraged her, she often came to him first and just kissed him. It was surreal–to have the opportunity to come to Duke of Velaris whenever she wanted to and pull him into a kiss, and feel him give in eagerly and readily. It was a strange sort of luxury, to feel so wanted and so accepted, and Elain took to it well. 
He pulled away for a moment, while he placed slow kisses on her face and neck, and she heard him whisper, “God, I want to fuck you.”
Swallowing, she answered, “then do it. I…I want it,” she admitted breathlessly.
She was panting, her breasts falling up and down heavily beneath his chest.
He looked at her, studying her expression, her face, her words with that penetrating gaze of his, as if he could see inside her head and determine whether she was being truthful.
“Is that so?” he asked at last.
She nodded.
It was true. She wasn’t trying to mollify him, or simply say what he wanted to hear. That wasn’t their relationship. Azriel demanded honesty and gave her voice complete consideration. If she said ‘no’ it meant ‘no’ and he didn’t push–whether it was a sexual matter, or something from their everyday life. Though curiously, they were usually in agreement about most things. There was harmony in their relationship which Elain simply cherished and found so very peaceful and pleasant.
“It is,” she repeated again. “I want it. I want you.”
Azriel smiled and lightly brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek.
“My sweet darling girl. You’ll get me.”
“Maybe more than you expected or wanted.”
“I don't think so,” she argued. “Nothing is going to be ‘too much’. Not with you.”
“My pretty innocent girl,” he kissed her lightly on the lips. “I can absolutely assure you that it will be. Now, what are your plans for today?”
“I’ll be busy!” she said immediately.
‘Busy? On Sunday? Are you planning on going to church?”
“Are you?”
“Not much of a church goer I am not,” he chuckled.
“Neither am I. But I have a surprise, and I will be busy,”
“A surprise? For who? Me?”
“Who else?” she asked mysteriously.
“Ugh,” he grunted, “I was hoping to spend the day with you…It’s our anniversary, you know,” he laughed.
“I remember. One week. We’ll celebrate tonight.”
He rolled off her and asked, “dare I ask, will this surprise unavail you to me for the entire day?”
Elain kissed him, because she couldn't help herself and queried,
“Did you have something in mind, my lord?”
“I thought we could take a walk down to the palace,” he offered.
Elain’s eyes lit up with excitement and she immediately perked straight up.
He smiled at her and her enthusiasm. 
“Of course, sweetheart. I promised you that I’d show it to you.”
She wrung her hands happily and he added, 
“It is wonderful to experience the world through your eyes. What I take for granted is so novel to you and it is so joyful,”
“But it’s the Queen’s palace, sir! It is exciting! And you’ve met her,”
“I have,” he confirmed. “Only briefly, a few times. Her Majesty keeps away from politics and from London.”
“Ahhh yes,” Elain said sadly. “She is still mourning her dear husband, sweet Prince Albert,”
“My father,” Azriel said, being uncharacteristically frank with her suddenly, “was good friends with Prince Edward,”
“Oh my,” Elain whispered, shocked. It sounded fantastical to her, for Azriel’s father to be friends with the Heir apparent and the Prince of Wales.
“Yes, indeed. My father was among the Prince’s retinue when he took a tour of the Orient. That is how my parents met.”
So Elain was correct–Azriel was only half English. She didn’t pry about the origins of his mother and why his father the Duke would marry a woman from a different culture and bring her here. Azriel did not offer any further information, other than that he was friends with the Queen’s grandsons, which again, made Elain’s head spin.
Azriel sat up abruptly and clapped his hands once.
“Now Miss Archeron, get your fine behind going. Hurry, so I can feed you breakfast and then we’ll be on our way.”
Something inside Elain expanded with happiness, heavy and leaking, like overripe fruit. Her heart beat wildly. She grabbed his hand suddenly and pressed it to her lips.
He looked at him with amusement, but didn’t comment. Elain had an insane urge to tell him that she loved him, but she didn’t want to come off as desperate and wild. Azriel liked order and control, and if she came at him with her heartfelt confessions, she wasn’t sure that he’d appreciate it. Perhaps later on. But not yet. 
Nuala was lacing Elain into the corset, when there was a brief knock on the door and Azriel stepped in. He always knocked, but rarely actually waited for a response, and it was the case now. Elain was being tucked into her old corset, which had her standing only in a pair of knickers, her stockings and the corset.
Azriel was all but dressed, his jacket swinging behind his back on his finger, and his waistcoat already buttoned, his tie making his look elegant and formal. 
“What the hell is that?” he muttered immediately, his brows knitted at the sight of the corset.
“Miss Elain can’t be parading around on the streets, near the Queen’s palace in a brassiere,” Nuala told him firmly.
“Well, I think that she can and should,” he argued. “I can’t bear to look at this abomination,”
“Sir, I must wear it,” Elain insisted, though she hated every second of wearing the restrictive garment, which made it hard to breathe, and dug into every bone and crevice of her body. Comparatively, her brassiere was a godsend.
Azriel considered it for a moment, and then said,
“Nuala, leave up, please. I would like to speak with Elain.”
Nuala curtsied and wordlessly left the room.
Azriel crossed the room and came to stand behind Elain, his hands laying on her bare shoulders. She sighed and instinctively bared her neck for him, so he could sink his teeth into her skin. Which he did. At once. He smoothed his hands over her sides, running them over the corset, and then rested them on her breasts, though she could hardly feel his touch.
“See why I hate it?” he asked, kissing her neck.
“I hate it too,” she agreed. The lack of sensation from his touch was…disturbing. She came to rely on it for the past few days like it was food.
He stepped back a bit and gathered the laces, as he began tugging on them and tying them. 
Sighing, he said, “We both know that you are mine. But I want to ask you about us being in public together,”
Elain didn’t know what to say. The question made her uncomfortable. A little angry. But mostly sad. It wasn’t surprising that he didn’t view her as someone to be in public with. Especially out there–near the palace, where they could encounter those who knew him. She was hired help. A nobody. And he was simply being courteous to her.
“We don’t have to,” she whispered at last. “I don’t want to make trouble for you, my lord,”
Perplexed, he turned her around and asked, “Pardon?”
She looked at her feet and murmured, “I understand, my lord. We don’t need to go. It’s alright. I am sure I can find my way there one day. You are a great lord of the land, and I am,”
“And you are my companion,” he said sternly and then lifted her face to his, holding her chin. “The only reason I asked you is because I want to protect your name and your reputation. I don’t want to besmirch your surname or your identity. If you are not ready, or don’t want to answer questions, it is your choice.”
“So you don’t want privacy?” she confirmed, her voice soft and hopeful.
“No,” he shook his head. “I am happy to be seen with you, Elain. But you are a maid of gentle breeding and I want to be mindful of that. Despite our arrangement, nothing’s changed about your background and your place in society.”
“Then I do not want privacy either!” she said immediately, relief flooding her.
He wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with her. 
She wasn’t just a whore for his tumbling. Maybe she meant something to him. And he did say that she was his. That she belonged to him.
“I want you to be sure,” Azriel implored seriously, holding her face in his hands. 
“I am sure, my lord,” she assured him. “I am. If you’d take a walk with me, I would only be so very happy.”
“Then so be it.”
Azriel was sitting back on the sofa, his long legs spread wide, his hands resting on his firm flat stomach and he had the look of any man who just had a nice meal, and who was generally satisfied with life.
Elain was attempting to hide her smirk as she observed his relaxed posture and his pleased expression. 
They had a fantastic day together.
They’d walked to the palace, which was just as impressive as Elain had thought, despite the fact that Azriel told her that the palace was seldom used for official functions and that the Queen preferred Windsor Castle. Elain didn’t care because Azriel took her beyond the wrought iron gates and she saw the changing of the royal guards, which was an incredible ceremony. 
“When Her Majesty passes,” Azriel told her, pointing to the vast square in front of the palace, “I believe the plan is to erect a great monument in her honour in that spot.”
“Do you know what it will look like?” Elain inquired.
“Oh, I am sure it will be–massive,” he chuckled softly. “A grand monstrosity of marble and gold.”
“My lord, you shan’t talk so freely,” she warned him under her breath.
The crowds were sparse on a Sunday morning, with most people attending church. Azriel and Elain wandered around like two heathens, without a care in the world. Who was going to question the Duke of Velaris anyway?
Walking like this with the Duke of Velaris, her arm tucked into the crook of his elbow, Elain felt a proper lady. The corset, albeit bothersome, was the right decision. She wore a dark navy skirt and a cream shirtwaist with a large bow at her neck, and a light linen jacket of pale blue. Her hat was wide brimmed, decorated abundantly with flowers and a thick bow. She carried a small purse and felt elegant, and properly attired–at last. 
Ignoring her warning, Azriel told her, “you look lovely today, Elain.”
“I appreciate the compliment, sir,” she murmured with a smile.
“I am not even confident that it is a compliment,” he mused. “You are just lovely like the sun at dawn. I am simply stating a fact. Now,” he looked around, “i should be annoyed at the sight of all these young brawny bucks paying you entirely too much attention,”
And he wasn’t incorrect–Elain had noticed the interest of the young guards who were exchanging glances and looks with her, making her blush.
“But I can't find it in myself to care,” he continued calmly. “Because I know that you are mine.”
“I am, sir,” he smiled at him. “I am yours.”
“You enjoyed the surprise then, sir?” Elain laughed softly, watching Azriel relax on the sofa. He had forgone his jacket, removed his tie, and his shirt was unbuttoned on his chest, allowing Elain a view of his bronze skin and his muscular, inked flesh. 
“This was a mighty fine meal, Elain,” he nodded with pleasure. “Your Sunday roast is outstanding indeed.”
She tapped her fingers on her elbow, waiting for more. He knew that she was. She was expecting for him to say what she wanted him to admit.
She’d made a succulent roast beef for the two of them, baked Yorkshire puddings in the beef drippings, roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic, as well as glazed carrots and turnips. And then…and then she served the most contentious offering of the day: mashed potatoes. Oh they were fine! Creamy and rich, velvety and thick. There was gravy too, thick lashings of it to pour over the potatoes.
“Do you wish me to admit that I was wrong?” he cocked his brow at her.
She shrugged innocently and said, “of course not, my lord. Though you did look like you enjoyed the mash very enthusiastically.”
“It’s good mash,” he allowed. 
Grinning, he added brazenly, “still doesn’t belong with Sunday lunch.”
She stomped her foot with indignation and he laughed out loud. 
“I shall never make it again!” she threatened.
“Come on now, beautiful. Be reasonable. Why would you punish me with not cooking your lovely mash?”
“Because I want you to love it!”
“I do love it. The dinner was fantastic. And the marmalade sponge was to die for. Not to mention the whiskey custard. It was everything I didn’t even know I wanted.”
“Is it true?” she eyed him suspiciously. 
“Honest to god.”
He extended his arm to her and beckoned her to him, his spread legs taunting and welcoming her because it was a known fact that she loved sitting in his lap. 
“Come give me a kiss,” he ordered her gently.
She was still pouting, and he smiled at her.
“My pretty girl, who makes the best mashed potatoes, needs to come to me and kiss me.”
Elain walked over to him, pretending reluctance, which clearly amused him.
“I want to squeeze those puffy tits of yours,” he muttered, eyeing her ravenously. For dinner, she wore a much more revealing gown of the same colours as her day outfit–cream, navy and light blue. But there were roses around the bust, her arms were bare, and the dress was loosely constructed, skimming her curves without hugging them tightly. 
The moment Elain approached, he cupped her bottom in his hands and squeezed, pulling her to stand between his legs. He pressed his face into her belly and Elain’s breath hitched, when he inhaled deeply. She knew that he loved the smell of her…well, sex. Sometimes, his eyes actually rolled back at the scent of her and she couldn’t deny him. She stroked his head, caressed the back of his neck, and threaded her fingers through his hair. 
‘Do you want to play cards?” he proposed, without removing his face from her stomach, and she could barely understand him.
“Yes! I think that I will beat you!” she boasted. 
“Oh, indeed? And what will the winner get?” he questioned, nestling his chin in her mound and looking up at her. She attempted to squirm away, but he held onto her bottom firmly and resolutely.
“Well what do you want?”
He tapped his chin on her pubic bone and said, ‘this’.
She ran her fingers over his cheek and murmured, “you could just take this.”
“I could,” he confirmed.
“I am going to go bathe and change, and then we can play cards. And I will definitely win.”
He laughed.
“Of course you will.”
She was finally able to disengage from his embrace, and he kissed the inside of her palm, before Elain left the dining room. 
In her bedroom, she removed her lovely dress, which was uncomplicated enough for her to complete the task herself, without anyone’s help. She dressed scandalously–and according to Azriel’s preferences. He didn’t even like her to wear a chemise atop her brassiere, and she wasn’t, right now. He forbade petticoats, garters, long drawers, or any other piece of clothing which he considered ‘unnecessary’ or ‘superfluous’. Elain’s wardrobe was full of lacy and satin brassieres, alarmingly tiny underwear, see-through negligee that was just feather-light things of gossamer, silk stockings from Paris, short silky chemises which were more appropriate for seduction, rather than daily wear. Everything that she possessed was delicate and expensive and unfailingly erotically charged. 
Pinning her hair up, so she wouldn't get it wet, she stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Even her soaps and shampoos were based on Azriel’s preference, and somehow he gauged that her preferred scent was always jasmine, and he had jasmine oils and soaps and honey-scented lotions mixed, prepared and shipped for her from Paris. 
Elain soaped her body up, her hands feeling the slightly rounder shape of her hips, her softer belly, her slightly larger breasts. Only a week, and she already gained weight, which pleased her. At least she no longer looked like a 12 year old boy. The weight gain was only barely bringing her shape into the proper womanly form, but she still enjoyed the feel of it. She ran her loofa over her arms and her stomach, thinking and hoping that her sisters were doing well, and that Nesta had received the ten pounds and obtained new lodgings for the three of them, and was feeding Feyre nutritious foods. Elain knew that next week, she’d need to send more money, so that Feyre could go to a physician and hopefully get the medicine that she needed. 
She closed her eyes and threw her head back, allowing the water to beat down her body. It was blissful.
Therefore, when the bathroom door suddenly flew open she let out a scream. She didn’t even have time to shield her body before Azriel strode into the bathroom, wearing only his shirt and trousers, and without pause, walked into the enclosure. Elain shrieked, but he was already on her, his eyes wild and hungry, his jaw tight. He didn’t even seem to notice the water that was pouring over him, saturating his shirt and trousers at once. The material stuck to his toned muscular form, emphasising all the contours of every brawny slab of sinew on his body. His arms bulged, his stomach was full of sculpted slabs. 
He was everything, everything that Elain ever wanted. The sight of him next to her, unhinged, uncontrolled was both terrifying and beautiful. 
“Let me see you,” he growled low.
Shivering despite the hot water, she stepped back, plastering her back to the tiled wall. 
“My beautiful girl,” he whispered, his eyes dark and needy, as he surveyed her naked body. Tiny droplets of water fell from her puckering nipples and he cupped her breast in his hand, drawing his thumb over the nipple. 
“Your pussy is smooth,” he noted, looking down, his gaze devouring the sight of her proudly pink, hairless sex. 
She’d heard this word before, but never ever would’ve uttered it. It was…Elain wasn’t sure. But it was strangely sensual to hear him call it that. For some odd reason, she liked it. 
“Spread,” he barely managed to order and her thighs parted for him, even though Elain thought that she might just die. Of embarrassment? Need? Want? Who knows. Her brains were like scrambled eggs in her head. She was standing naked in the shower with a fully dressed Azriel, spreading her legs for him. She guessed that they wouldn’t be playing cards tonight.
“You are gorgeous, lass,” Azriel breathed, as he drew the backs of his fingers over her belly, down to her bare mound, and then whispered, “wider…”
She took an awkward side step, opening her legs for him, exposing her plump, delicate folds, while he rested his hand on her waist, squeezing it firmly. Then his index finger slipped to her slit and he dipped inside. Elain shuddered so violently, that his hold on her strengthened, as if he was afraid that she’d faint right then and there. But she wasn’t in a fainting mood. No one’s (obviously) had touched her like that before, and this was heavenly. His finger only just glided between her lips, barely inside, but it kept touching and pushing on some incredibly sensitive part of her that made her jolt and whimper with pleasure every time his finger came in contact with it.
“What…oh…god…” she moaned, “what is this? What is this…”
He smiled at her and let go of her waist, as he began to unbutton his shirt one handed, his finger still inside of her, but this time, he pushed at that spot more intentionally.
“That, sweetheart, is the source of your pleasure,” he murmured with a smile. “You didn’t think that it would feel good…how’s that?”
“It’s incredible,” she panted, wanting more pressure, firmer, harder. She wanted him to rub it. Instinctively, she somehow knew that if he rubbed her, it would feel even better. 
She felt exposed and needy, and the only word that she could think of was ‘more’. 
He rid himself of his shirt, tossing it down on the wet floor, while barely taking his finger off of her, and then started on his trousers, unbuttoning them quickly and ably with one hand. Elain wanted to touch him, wanted to slide her hands over his muscles, his chest, wanted to trace her fingers over his black tattoos, but she seemed to have lost all function of her limbs. All she could feel was his finger, circling around and over the nub inside of her, making her dizzy.
“I want to watch you climax,” he murmured, stepping out of his sopping wet trousers, “want to hear how you sound when you come.”
“What?” she asked dumbly, not knowing what he was saying and not caring. Because…oh lord, there it was–his thick, enormous member. As his trousers came off, so did his undershorts, and there he was, in all his naked glory. His cock was thick, long, jutting out, standing at attention for her. It made her oddly proud, that she was the cause of his arousal. That he wanted her. He would–she was a naked woman in front of him, but there was something else beyond just simple biology. Azriel wanted her. Of that she was sure. But she had no idea how that massive cock of his would ever, ever fit inside of her. It was an impossibility. 
His arm snaked around her waist and he lifted her off the floor, the thumb of his other hand firmly rubbing her now. 
“Need you to come to loosen you up,” he whispered in her ear, and Elain didn’t know what he meant again, but that didn’t matter. He grabbed a towel from the hook, and threw it over them, while she clumsily attempted to dry them with trembling hands. 
Azriel tossed her on the bed, and climbed onto it next to her. 
At last, Elain reached out to touch him–his warm, damp skin, the firmness of his body next to her. He seemed so huge compared to her–everything about him was big and hard, and she felt like a slip of a girl, awkward and clueless. It was embarrassing. That she was so stupid when it came to these matters, but when and where would she have learned about sexuality? But she lost her train of thought because…
IT came.
A wave inside of her.
Cresting. Rising. Reaching.
What was this incredible, indescribable feeling inside of her? This intense tension? Everything in her womb was squeezing and pulsating and growing and she was hot and breathless and then…oh…then she creamed, because she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t. She screamed with pleasure the likes of which she never even imagined. Nothing in her life compared to this feeling. She was stunned. Weightness. Boneless. Pulsing and throbbing and panting. 
Azriel’s thumb pressed on that magical spot with brutal strength, teasing her continuously, while she convulsed and cried out, sobbing pathetically into his shoulder. It didn’t stop for a few long moments, until it finally did. 
All her spasming muscles began to relax and she fell back on the pillow, breathless and with dark spots floating in her eyes.
Above her, Azriel’s beautiful face was looming over her, a smile on his lips.
“Well, lass. Now I know what you look and sound like when you come.”
“Come where?” she questioned.
“Come into yourself. Your body. This is always for you, lassie. Your pleasure.”
His lips descended on hers and the kiss was rough. Elain wanted to thank him, but he wouldn’t let go of her, kissing her with wide, generous swipes of his tongue, his hand firmly squeezing her tit. He was hot next to her, his long member pressing into her thigh, burning into her. For some reason, she didn’t think that he’d be so hot. 
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Elain kissed him back, not knowing what to do with her hands, which seemed to be everywhere at once–his hair, his neck, his arms, his back, his chest. She couldn’t stop touching him, while she sucked on his lips and his tongue with strange desperation, illogically afraid that somehow, for some reason, he’d pull away.
Sensing that, he whispered into her mouth, “I am here, beautiful. I am not going anywhere. I am going to take you over and over and over tonight.”
And she nodded eagerly, not ever knowing what she was agreeing to. Over and over. Yes. Yes, please.
He brushed her damp hair back and then flipped her over and heaved her on top of his body. Elain’s heart fluttered madly in her chest, because she wasn’t expecting to be on top, but she straddled his stomach clumsily, pressing her hands into the pillows by either side of his head. His hand cupped her bottom, and he grabbed it roughly, kneading her cheek, the tips of his fingers sliding into the crevice, making her feel strange…it was deliciously dirty, that he was touching her like his. 
His tongue swept over her nipple and it felt amazing. Elain loved it when he played with her breasts, but his mouth on her breast was something unexpected, wonderful. He held her tit to his mouth and then he sucked. He pulled the whole thing inside and he sucked. She buckled atop of him, shocked, but he only slapped her ass, ordering her to settle down without uttering one word. He sucked hard and sloppily, rubbing his tongue over her nipple, pulling more and more of her breast into his mouth, his teeth pressing lightly and keeping her in place. And those wicked fingers of his–slipping deeper into the crack of her butt, exploring, sliding, gliding. 
“My lord,” he moaned, her arms trembling as she supported her body on top of him. He slapped her bottom again, and it stung, but so good. She’d be happy forever if he could just suck her nipples, bite and milk her breasts with his mouth, and finger her between her butt cheeks. 
Who was she? 
“Please, my lord, please,” she grunted mindlessly, her hips gyrating over his stomach, as she felt her dripping onto him from her slit. 
“You like this, pretty girl?” he pulled away from her breast, and she moaned at the loss. 
“Yes, yes…please! Please, more,” she begged him. She was begging and she didn’t even care.
“Do you like my fingers in your pretty little bum?” he teased.
She nodded frantically. She did.
“Say it,” he urged. “Tell me what you want.”
“I can’t,” she cried out, all flushed and flustered. 
He shrugged and said,
“Suppose we’d have to stop then…”
“No! No,” she pleaded, “don’t stop. I want more.”
“More what?” he insisted.
“Suck me…suck my breasts. Touch my bottom.”
He pretended to think about it, and then said,
“Are you going to be my good lass?”
“Yes, of course,” she nodded, her eyes wide and pleading. She was shaking all over, tension and need sweeping over her body in waves.
“Take your lovely tit,” he instructed, “and feed me with it. And that will free my hands to play with your bum.”
Elain frantically squeezed her breast in her hand and offered it to him, though he made her actually feed it to him and put it in his mouth. She felt the slick, smooth head of his member between her parted thighs, and she lifted her bottom to him in silent invitation. 
“Good,” he approved. “Give me the other one too.”
She pushed her other breast into his mouth, and he began to suck both of her nipples at once. And below, his warm, heavy hands pulled her cheeks wide apart, exposing her to the cool air. 
How she yearned to be his good girl and please him. She wanted him to be happy with her, with what she offered and how she obeyed him. 
She held her breasts between his lips, her nipples raw and swollen from his insistent sucking and nipping. He bit her, not altogether gently, making her gasp and moan, as he pressed his fingertips around the tight, tiny hole of her bottom, exploring it roughly. 
Elain wasn’t sure how she knew, but she knew, so she asked softly, “Sir, will you take me in my bottom too?”
Azriel didn’t answer, busy with his sucking, before he finally pulled away. Elain’s nipples were aching like crazy, never having been handled so hard before, and they were swollen and wet from his saliva, resembling small cherries. He was pulling her cheeks so wide apart, it was a little painful, but she loved it. She loved all the aches, the unexpected mix of pleasure and pain.
“On your back, sweet lass,” he nodded curtly and she scrambled off of him, eager to do his bidding.
He looked her over, kneeling near her legs and smirked, smoothing his hands over her belly and her waist. 
“Beautiful,” he approved.
Elain didn’t think she was anything resembling beautiful. She was a mess of panting flesh, her breasts big and swollen, her slit wet and leaking, her hair wild, her breath irregular.
“Show me that virgin pussy,” he murmured softly, kissing her lips alongside his request. “Knees up, hold them, and spread wide.”
Elain swallowed a panicked breath, but he added, “I want to see everything.”
After a brief moment of indecision on her part, he pressed, “now, sunshine. Show me that pretty hole where we’ll put our baby.”
She licked her lips and then raised her legs and hooked her arms under her knees.
He pushed her knees even further apart, as far as she could hold them, and then he yanked her hips up and onto his lap.
He cupped and juggled her tits in his hands, pinching her nipples and then rolling them between his fingers, while she just lay there, spread out in front of him.
“Look at your delightful virgin pussy, sweetheart,” he smiled. “I am going to ride it until you forget how to walk.”
“Sir, please…” she murmured.
“Please, what, sweet pea?”
“Do you like me?” she asked shyly.
“I adore you, pretty girl,” he assured her. He twisted her nipples until she winced and then let go. 
“Your member is so large,” she said, biting her lower lip. “Will it…I mean, will it go inside? Will it fit?”
What Elain didn’t expect to happen, was for him to grab his thick shaft and slap it over her wet slit. 
She gasped in shock, because he did it again, whacking that girthy appendage of his over her open sex, jerking her upright. He slapped it again and again, landing between her lips with precision, the head of his cock hitting her sensitive nub every time, as she panted with pleasure. The sounds of him slapping her with his dick were squelchy and wet and obscene. 
“Take it,” he murmured warmly, but sternly.
Elain took it.
He rubbed it in her slit, gliding in her wetness, before smacking it over and over again.
“Do you like it, my sweetness? Do you like the thick cock?”
She nodded, almost in tears. Because she liked it. God help her, but she loved it.
“Show me how much you like it,” he encouraged her. ‘Show me how you like what your lord does to you?”
Elain didn’t know what he wanted exactly, but she was overwhelmed and wanted to express her gratitude somehow. So she rolled clumsily and pressed her lips to the tip of the member, kissing it gratefully.
“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, and then dipped lower and kissed the heavy sack of his balls. He stroked her head and said, “very good, my darling.”
His flesh, even the most intimate parts of him, tasted just fine. There was a salty sheen to it, a very pleasant musk that was all him, and he smelled delicious. Elain wasn’t put off by the act of putting her mouth on his most private of parts. It felt absolutely natural. He wouldn’t have needed to ask her, because she would’ve done it gladly on her own. 
“Everything feels amazing, sir,” she admitted. 
Azriel lifted her face to his and kissed her lips, stroking her jaw and her neck with his thumbs. 
“Take me, sir,” Elain begged, as she rained kisses upon his face and his mouth.
Azriel maintained an envious level of self-control, though his cock was huge and bobbing right at his navel. 
“Let me see you, sweetheart,” he urged her. “Let me see inside of you,” and he pushed her lightly back on the bed, where she frantically resumed her spread out position, clutching her legs under her knees. 
“It might hurt,” he warned, as he splayed his palm over her slit, and she muttered, ‘it’s alright…it doesn’t hurt…it doesn’t matter.”
He settled between her legs and leaned over her to kiss her again, before swiping his tongue over her swollen nipples and tweaking them with his fingers until she whimpered. 
“Why does it feel so good?” she cried out, shuddering and arching her back.
“Carnal fornication is feeling nice?” he teased, and she watched him in awe, as he gripped his long cock and gave it a couple of thorough swipes. It was incredibly erotic, watching him like this, naked, somewhat vulnerable, yet still completely in control. She watched him do the most natural, and masculine thing that she could imagine, and it looked so enticing to her. 
Azriel meanwhile dipped his fingers into her opening and pulled. He pulled hard. Elain choked back a loud moan, because he stretched her widely and ruthlessly, opening her up for his lewdly personal inspection, peering straight inside.
“You can do it, sweet girl,” he encouraged her gently. “Show me everything…”
She was trembling, feeling her hole pulled apart, the air around them cooling her insides. This was the most grotesquely inappropriate act that she could’ve imagined him doing, and yet, here she was, four of his fingertips inside of her, turning her inside out, and she allowed him to watch her, admire her, strip her of all her inhibitions. 
This wasn’t them just making a baby. 
This was Azriel Night possessing every part of her and her giving it to him. This was him moulding her into what he desired and giving it back to her tenfold.
He looked inside of her, gushing, “you are so pretty, sweetness. My pretty, lovely girl.”
“Do you like it, my lord?” she breathed.
“You have the most delicate, gorgeous virgin pussy,” he vowed, and then leaned over her opening and kissed it. Elain gasped and buckled against his mouth, but he pulled back and whispered,
“I can see your innocence, pretty girl.”
“You can?” she exclaimed.
He nodded.
“It’s lovely, like the rest of you. Perfectly intact for me. I am sorry in advance that I am going to destroy it with my dick.”
Elain gently stroked his hand, his fingers, which still tugged her hole apart, and said, “I want you to, sir. Please take it…It’s yours.”
“I know, Elain. All of you is mine,” he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her opening, lightly swiping his finger inside, but not penetrating her deeply. “I can see so deep inside of you, sweetheart. You are doing so well for me. But I am not going to put my fingers in you,”
“That's alright, sir,” she agreed.
“I want my cock to be the first thing you feel inside this pretty tight pussy.”
She nodded. 
Whatever he wanted, she would give. Whatever he needed, was on offer.
“Come on, on your hands and knees, gorgeous,” he ordered, finally letting go of her hole. “You need cock inside of you. Cock and my seed.”
Elain turned for him the way he wanted, arching her back for him and spreading her thighs in a most natural way. It was as if she was meant to be here, offering herself to him. It was shocking to her to see her reflection in the mirror on the wardrobe’s door. She caught a glimpse of herself and hardly recognised her own image staring back. She looked wanton. Willing. Needy. She couldn’t have thought that she’d ever look like this–so destroyed, so hungry, so subdued. But here she was, with her ass up in the air, her arms extended in front of her, presenting her sex to him, so he could destroy it. 
His knees parted hers easily and he slotted behind her, his hot, long shaft throbbing against her slit. 
“I’ll take you like this,” he said simply and she nodded. Perhaps it wasn’t what she was expected or imagined about her first time, but with Azriel towering behind her, her thighs dripping, everything tensing and clenching in her, she was perfectly happy with this position. 
“I will hurt you,” he explained simply. “It’s not what I want, but I will. You are tight and small, and your virginity is well-intact.”
“I know, my lord,” she murmured. “Please take me. I need you inside of me,” she pleaded. 
“Watch us,” he pointed to the mirror. “I want you to see you losing your virginity to me. It’s not something every girl gets to watch.”
He rubbed his cock in his hand a few times, and then rubbed the head in her wet slit. And then, Elain gasped, as she felt the thick, smooth head pop into her opening, stretching it immediately. Lord have mercy, it was only the head. He was so big. Heavy. Nine inches? Something like that by the looks of it. 
It hurt.
Elain screamed loudly, because he pushed in. Slowly, but he pushed. And pushed. And pushed. She felt herself tearing. Her position allowed him to slide in so deep that she lost her ability to breathe. It burned and stretched her, his shaft scorching hot inside of her. 
“That’s it,” he encouraged softly, gently. “That’s it.”
Her eyes welled up with tears, but she panted loudly, while he pressed her lower, making her arc her back even further, so she could take more of it. 
“My beautiful Elain. You are all mine,” he caressed her bottom, her waist, while his cock battered through her bluntly. “Your virginity is mine. Your pretty pussy is all mine too,”
“All yours,” she sobbed tenderly. “You are mine, Azriel. Mine.”
She’d never called him by his name. Not until now.
Not until she felt so full of him and he claimed her as his.
Azriel ran his hand from her neck down to her bottom and she watched the two of them in the mirror. He was so dark and powerful behind her, and she was pale and small, with her ass cheeks squeezed in his massive hands. He was smiling down at her, looking between their bodies, where they were joined. 
“Take it all, pretty girl,” he told her. “You are perfect. Everything I ever wanted.”
She adjusted her hips against him, and that allowed his cock to plunge all the way.
“There you go. That’s all the way in.”
It was incredibly painful, but Elain wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. The pain was perfect. The stretch was brutally perfect. The weight of him, the girth, the sensation of the pain that he was offering her, was mixed with perfect pleasure. 
“You are a dream,” he grunted hoarsely. “My perfect girl.”
Elain managed to find his hand on her butt cheek and threaded her fingers with his. 
“Ride me, my lord,” she urged him. “Take what belongs to you.”
Her face was a mask of pained joy, eyes hooded and dark, her lips open in a silent plea.
“I will go hard on you, sweetheart,” he promised darkly. “Hard, but slow. You will feel every inch of me. Will remember every move of my dick inside you.”
“Az,” her name came out garbled and personal. She shortened it. No one else in his life called him Az, but Cassian. “Use me…”
Azriel smiled and then pulled out of her completely, before sliding back in fully. And again. And again. Deep, long, slow thrusts. Elain was moaning loudly, unconcerned about anything. She didn’t care if anyone heard her. Azriel pushed her head down, all the way to the mattress and she pressed her cheek into the pillow. He lowered his head to kiss her parted lips, as she panted, with his cock fully enclosed inside of her. 
“It hurts,” she moaned into his lips.
“I know,” he nodded, and kissed her again. “Is your little pussy so sore?”
“So sore,” she nodded and pouted. He laughed and kissed her again, his hips pounding steadily against her soft, tender ass. “But it feels good,” she added. 
“I’ve never deflowered anyone before,” he confessed, “but your pussy is perfect. Every day, beautiful, I will ride it every day,”
She bounced compliantly between him and the bed, their flesh slapping wetly against each other, while he kept kissing her cheek, her hair, her eye, her mouth, meeting her tongue with his in a heady dance. She caressed his hands with hers, while he squeezed her hips, her buttocks, her thighs, probably leaving marks on her skin. 
“Please, Az,” she whispered, “ride me every day.”
“I will. I will never get enough.”
He was thrusting deep and heavy into her, but her passage was now well-stretched for him, and she took it eagerly. She was sore–she wasn’t lying–but it also felt indescribable. 
“Open your mouth, sweetheart,” he coaxed her. She did, looking up at him from the awkward angle where her head was pressed. “I am going to give you my fingers,” he explained. “And you will suck them. You will be sucking nice and deep, because once I fill you with seed, you will take me in your mouth,”
She nodded impatiently and muttered, “yes, yes, give them to me.”
He grinned down at her and pushed two fingers in her mouth, which she swallowed immediately. Behind her, he bent his knee to find better purchase, as he filled her pussy over and over with his thick cock, this thrust mercilessly deep and hard. She snaked her hand up his calf, squeezing his knee, and then up his thigh, holding him tightly to her.
“Good?” he asked.
Her mouth was filled with his fingers, but she nodded quickly. He was making her lose her mind, as she sputtered over his fingers, the steady pounding making her clench all around the shaft, it felt better than good. It felt better than she had words in her vocabulary to describe it. Azriel kissed her wet, slobbering mouth, without removing his penetrating fingers from it, and she loved it. Loved how he enjoyed every part of her. Loved how free he was. How accepting. 
He pulled out of her, looking into her hole and murmured proudly, 
“Oh, we stretched you good, pretty girl! It will be a while before you can take me easily and without pain, but you are doing so well.” He kneaded her ass cheeks roughly, as he pushed back in, his thrusts becoming harder and harder, as he drilled into her without pause. Elain was choking on his fingers, lapping at the scars, crying and crying out, tears pouring from her eyes. Her nails dug into his thigh, as she hooked her arm under his knee, holding on to him desperately.
The first climax that she’d experienced earlier was nothing compared to the avalanche of pleasure that was crushing through her right now. It was sweeping over her body, making her toes curl, making her wail and shake beneath him, as he fucked her through it. He fucked her. This gorgeous man of her dreams was everything she ever wanted, and he was here, inside of her, making her into a puddle of panting, slobbering goo. She was his. Wholly. Her passage milked him greedily, clutching at him, clenching, wanting more, taking whatever she needed from him. The pleasure was borderline torturous. 
“That’s my good girl,” he encouraged her. “My good Lainey. Give up your sweet pussy to me. Let me fill you up, sweetheart.”
She was nodding frantically and he finally withdrew his fingers from her mouth and slapped his lips to hers, kissing her savagely, while she felt him hot and throbbing inside of her. He tensed, his movements coming in erratically, until finally Elain felt him flood her with his seed. It was warm and wet and she buried her face in the pillow, smiling to herself. She made him spill his seed. She. Little Elain that no one ever paid attention to. She made the Duke of Velaris climax inside of her and fill her with his seed.
Everything was wet and aching and hurting when he fell on the bed behind her and brought her with him. He was still inside, his cock pulsing in her, as he wrapped her in his arms.
“Az,” she whispered, kissing his scarred forearm.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I am a woman now…”
He chuckled and kissed the back of her head.
“You are not a virgin anymore,” he stated. “But maybe not a woman yet.”
“Will you make me one?”
“Of course,” he pumped her a few times, making her moan. “I’ll make you my woman.”
“You feel so wonderful in me,” she admitted, while he kissed her neck, and bit her ear.
“What else did you like?” Azirel inquired, filling his palms with her breasts and fingering her nipples.
“I liked everything. Absolutely everything.”
“Even when I slapped your pussy with my cock?”
“Yes,” she turned to face him. “It was good. Everything was wonderful. Do you want to slap it again?” 
He chuckled.
“You are my eager little thing. Don’t worry, Ellie. I will. Your little slit will be slapped regularly, so you never forget who you belong to.”
“To you,” she breathed, kissing him rapturously. “Only to you.”
He nodded and cupped her between her legs possessively.
“Now, pretty girl,” he eyed her and the state of her. “Are you ready for more?”
“Please, Azriel. I am ready for more.”
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Can I get some Lucemond fic recs? I’m new to the fandom ☺️
First of all, welcome to the fandom! I hope you enjoy your time in our little corner of tumblr. There are countless great fics out there I could recommend you to read but I’ll try to keep the list short and simple for now. I don’t wanna overwhelm you!
Here’s my favorites:
Remember the lives we once lived — Unohanabbygirl
This is a series and it focuses on the Targs reincarnated in modern times. The first fic in the series I read was Forget me not, which focuses around a troubled and amnesiac Luke. The author creates such vivid world building in the fic, and the characterization of not only Luke but everyone else in the family is truly incredible. It’s so immersive and complex and I feel like a kid on Christmas whenever it updates. I also highly recommend you check out the other fics in the series — A whole new world in which I don’t belong (which focuses on Alicent’s backstory and is just so so so good) and Take me with you before you fall (Aemond’s life after he accidentally killed Luke!!) There’s nothing else like it in the world!
new contact: luke — Everild
This is also a modern au. It focuses on Aemond, who has joined the priesthood. It incorporates modern notions about incest, adding a delicious sheen of guilt and self-loathing around the entire fic. This, paired with a healthy dose of religious guilt, makes for an intriguing read that leaves you craving more.
Glass cases — lockandkey
Another modern au that centers around reincarnated Lucemond. It’s a bit of a slow burn (which I’m addicted to) and there’s a lot of tip-toeing around feelings in this fic! Overall very soft and a little bit angsty at times. I adore it!!
Ægishjálmur - theartificialintellect
I read each update as soon as it comes out, that’s how much I love this fic. It’s a viking au, featuring seer! Lucerys!! If you’re a fan of history or Norse mythology you’ll love this one. It’ll keep you on your toes and leave you wondering about all the mystery surrounding Luke’s visions and Aemond’s family.
Athamé - theartificialintellect
This is one of my favorite Lucemond fics. If you like old manor houses, strange occurrences in the night, and dark family secrets, this will be the perfect read for you. It has a very gothic romance/horror vibe that I always crave, and wraps up so well in the end.
Empyrean Blaze — theartificialintellect
Alright, I’m just a really big fan of theartificialintellect lol 💀 anyway, this fic is not for the faint of heart, but I still highly recommend it. It’s a dark fic, focusing around a demon Aemond and a vengeful Luke, so if that’s your style, go for it.
Time Has Gone — Minos_TT
An A/B/O fic set during Rhaenyra’s time on the iron throne. Luke has had Aemond’s bastard while in the Vale, and returns to King’s Landing with his son in tow. Secret kid plot lines are always a treat to me, and little Laenor in this fic is one of my favorite Lucemond kids!
The Holiday — archimedesprinciple
Another modern au!! I’m a sucker for fics framed around holidays, so this one was very comforting to read. It’s probably the Lucemond fic I go back to read most often, just so I can feel like it’s Christmas again.
In Darkness there is Love — springofmylove
Modern au again (I’m starting to see a pattern) Luke gets injured in this and loses his sight. Aemond takes his nephew under his wing and pining and tenderness follows. I adore the hell out of this fic and the way the author has written Lucemond’s dynamic.
Luke Rivers AU — Unusual-Raccoon
It takes quite a bit for me to fully enjoy smut (I’m asexual) but my friend here writes so well that I couldn’t help but to eat this series up. Aemond’s characterization is spot-on, as well — something I really appreciate seeing in fics!!
For the Wildest Mystery I Know — NinthRiver
This only has one chapter up but I adore it already. It features Luke (Lucerys Flowers in this) living a quiet life on his farm when Aemond shows up to turn his life upside down (again) I’m really looking forward to seeing where it goes!
a losing game — monkkeyslut
I recently started this one (late to the game) and it has me hooked. Set in modern times with the Targs as royalty, it incorporates the characters so well. It features a secret relationship between Lucemond, and brings a lot of miscommunication and oblivious idiots in love to the table.
Star-Crossed — DominaReginald
Another one I binged just recently! Luke gets taken hostage by the Greens and Aemond is absolutely down bad whipped for him. *chefs kiss* the best flavor!
you whom i should love above all things — ser_pounce
A modern au featuring a religious Aemond (yes I have a type) Things get steamy between Lucemond during a family holiday get-together and religious guilt and sneaking around pursues. Delicious stuff :)
no morning glory (it was war) — dandelion_weed
Another A/B/O (my beloved) in which Luke presents while in Winterfell. Aemond is very much not down with letting his nephew mate with someone else, so he takes matters into his own hands and heads out to claim Luke for himself. There’s only two chapters for now, but I still highly recommend it.
I said I’d keep this short… that was a lie, wasn’t it? Anyway, I hope you enjoy these fics! I know I did 🫶🏻
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