itusebastian · 1 year
Flight of the Sky Titan
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In the heart of the jagged mountains, the roc perched atop its lair, its massive wings folded tightly against its body. The creature's eyes, a fierce amber, scanned the skies for prey as its powerful talons gripped the rocky crag. At rest, the bird dwarfed even the tallest trees, and its feathers, black as a starless night, rustled in the wind.
The roc had lived for centuries, hunting for food and protecting its territory. Its nest was a haphazard collection of debris, a tangle of trees, tents, and the remains of ships and caravans it had carried off. The creature had long ago stopped caring for the treasures that sometimes found their way into its lair, and instead focused solely on finding its next meal.
As the roc took flight, its wingspan spread more than two hundred feet, dwarfing everything below. It soared high above the clouds, searching for a slow-moving target, something large enough to satiate its hunger. It ignored towns and forests, where prey could easily take cover, and instead focused on open spaces where it could hunt freely.
Days turned into weeks, and the roc searched relentlessly, covering great distances as it hunted for its next meal. But as time passed, the creature grew weary, and its amber eyes began to lose their sharpness.
One day, as the roc flew over the ocean, it caught sight of a lone ship, its sails billowing in the wind. The creature's hunger surged, and it dove down, its massive talons outstretched. The ship's crew scrambled to defend themselves, but it was no use. The roc snatched the vessel in its talons, lifting it high into the air before dropping it into its lair.
As the roc settled in to feast on the ship's crew, it sensed a presence nearby. It turned to face a group of adventurers, armed with swords and shields, who had come to rid the land of the monster that had terrorized the region for far too long.
But the roc was not easily defeated. It spread its wings and took flight, circling above the adventurers as it prepared to strike. The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining the upper hand.
In the end, the adventurers emerged victorious, but the roc's memory lived on. It remained a legend, a creature of myth and legend that roamed the mountains, hunting for its next meal. And though it was gone, its legacy would live on, inspiring tales of bravery and daring for generations to come.
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poker-face-william · 5 years
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In the world of humans, lions and humans are apex predators, not needing many defenses besides making sure that they have few occasions to meet. As if to make the ultimate predator, there are many fantastical and monstrous beasts that have the body of a lion, but the head of a man. But, as if being ruler over the land was not enough for the freight-fully powerful beasts, they more often than not have wings, also granting them dominion over the sky. Or, at least it should be that way. In a world where humans, lions, and a creature of the sky can exist, one would expect them to be at the top of the food chain, but there are other creatures ruling over every domain that a creature can live in. Dragons rule the land, the sea, the sky, and even beneath the earth. This pushes these supposed apex predators down to the level of wolves and bears, where they hide in forests and jungles so they may avoid the largest most ferocious dragons. One of these creatures however, dared to live in the open plains of the deserts. These hybrids sacrificed the cunning and wisdom of their cousins for a defensive layer of quills, the hairs of their mane and tails hardening and fusing together like those of a porcupine. This quickly discouraged dragons from wanting to bite down on such a sharp meal, and the Manticore was allowed to thrive. Slowly, they began to use their quills not just as defense, but as weapons with which to hunt, becoming the most ferocious predators that was not the mighty dragon.
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