#monty osterfield
jahayla-parker · 2 years
Two Juggling Divs: A Harrison Osterfield x GF!Reader
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GIFs by @thollandsdarling
Harrison tilts his head to the left slightly and y/n can’t help but giggle a little as she always does when he tilts his head like that because it reminds her of Haz’s dog Monty.
“Tom said you had a bad day” Harrison pouts, upset his girlfriend went to his best mate about it and not him, but also worried about his love.
Y/n sighs and nods, “it wasn’t bad, just mentally long. Lots of snooty people”.
“I’m sorry love. Why didn’t you tell me?” Harrison asked gently.
“I didn’t want you to stress over it because I’ll be fine” y/n says.
“You’re always fine love. You don’t have to push through it all on your own or hide it from me” Haz pleads.
“Okay, sorry Harrison. Tom only knew because he asked why I was cranky” y/n laughs, making air quotes for Tom’s description of her.
Harrison smiles and shakes his head, “I doubt it. Usually he’s the cranky Div”.
Y/n smiles and nods playfully in agreement.
“Well, how can I help?” Haz asks, analyzing his girlfriend’s face via the video call. “Want to talk about it?”.
After Y/n spends several moments, nearly a half hour, venting to Harrison about the stuck up celebrities she had to deal with today, she wipes her eyes and sighs.
“Oh love, I’m so sorry” Harrison coos, a frown forming on his face and softening his defined facial features upon seeing her cry.
Y/n shrugs and sniffles softly as she tries to compose herself, knowing Harrison feels bad he cannot be here to help.
Not to mention he was trying to be supportive the whole 30 minutes she rambled on about the same thing.
“Hmmm” Harrison says, standing up from the kitchen table he was seated at.
“Let me grab something” he says, rushing off screen.
“I’ve been working on my juggling and for some reason it always gets you to make that precious laugh when you make fun of me” Harrison says, knowing he’s going to make a fool of himself.
Y/N laughs, “I’m not making fun of you. You’re just so bad at it Haz”.
“See, that right there! That’s what I’m going for” Haz smiles, setting his phone up on the table at the correct angle for him to stand.
“You want me to make fun of you?” Y/n teases.
“I’ll deal with straight bullying if it gets you to smile” Haz blushes, grabbing his props.
“I would never do that Haz” she shakes her head.
“I know, just saying. Okay, here we go” Haz smiles, stepping back so the camera can see him.
A smile is already forming on y/n’s face as she leans back in her seat to watch her boyfriend of 2 years intentionally embarrass himself in hopes of cheering her up.
Haz picks up the three balls and just as he begins, the phone knocks over, the front-facing camera now pointed at the ceiling of their dining room back home
Y/N covers her mouth to keep her voice down so Tom can nap -again- as she begins laughing.
Harrison groans and quickly picks up the phone and fixes the camera, a blush tinting the color of his cheeks.
“Take 2” he smirks, stepping back after securing the camera position.
Y/n purses her lips and nods.
“I think I’m getting better” Haz says, so far making it two cycles through with the 3 balls.
However, right as he says that, the balls start flying away from him and all fall to the ground clumsily.
Y/N immediately laughs to the point her stomach starts hurting.
Haz forces a sad pout to form when she finally looks back at the camera. The whole time she wasn’t looking he was smiling to himself, happy she was back to being herself again.
“Harrison” she laughs, shaking her head, “honey, that was horrible”.
“Hey now!” Haz laughs, arguing with her despite knowing how chaotic and unsuccessful his juggling attempt was.
“Just stick to modeling, acting, photography, singing, and literally anything else you want to do baby” biting her lip as she giggles, “just no more juggling”.
“Hey” Harrison crosses his arms over his chest, “I did what I accomplished to do, so I call it a win “.
“And that was what?” She teases, the same way Haz would if the roles had been reversed.
“Tossing the balls around the flat, likely all the way under the couch?” She smirks.
Harrison smiles as a darker blush stains his cheeks, “it wasn’t that bad. Besides they’re all right here”.
“Well, mostly” he laughs, turning his focus off of the two balls on the ground after making a mental note to find the other.
“God I love you, you big Div” y/n laughs, all worries successfully erased by her clumsy boyfriend.
“I love you too beautiful” Harrison smiles, grabbing the phone so he can see her better.
“Now, tell me of your day” she says, a genuinely reciprocated smile on her face.
“If it was bad, will you juggle for me?” He teases, a smirk on his face.
“If you mean toss things in a circle for a few brief seconds sure” y/n laughs, “was it bad?”
“Hmmm… yeah” he pouts.
Y/n is fairly certain he is lying but she isn’t sure and doesn’t want to push him off without knowing.
“Oh, really? Why is that?” She asks, raising her right eyebrow in gesture.
“Cause I missed you” Haz says, his devious smirk peaking through his pout in betrayal of his emotions.
To be fair, he was missing y/n. But that’s true of every day she’s not in their shared flat with him.
Y/n blushes and laughs, “Haaazzz, I don’t even have anything to juggle”.
“There are three cups over there” Haz smirks, pointing to the small coffee tray the hotel set up in her room.
“Fine but you get to explain to Tom why I’m tired when I drop the cups and can’t have caffeine tomorrow” y/n laughs, standing up.
“Darling, I’ll transfer you money for Starbucks. Now stop making excuses, you’re supposed to make me feel better” he teases, crossing his arms over his chest.
Y/n rolls her eyes. “I must love you” she says, separating the three cups.
“You do” Haz laughs, his pink cheeks exposing how wonderful he feels about that, “now it’s my turn to laugh”.
“Mmm, i think you mean you’re ready to be shown how it’s done” y/n smirks back at him.
“You think you can do better than me?” Harrison asks intrigued.
“Haz, don’t take this the wrong way” y/n says, with a tone that tells Harrison she’s about to make a playful joke, “a blind bird could juggle better than you”.
Harrison’s face flushed bright red as he laughs loudly and shakes his head, “let’s see it then”.
“Alright,” y/n begins, stepping back and tossing the cups up, “but don’t get mad at me when I break your record”.
However, fortunately for Harrison that’s not something he has to worry about.
As soon as the cups are in the air, two of the fly in completely polar directions and the third manages to fling backwards enough to hit y/n in the nose.
Harrison loses it and starts laughing and hitting the table next to his phone so hard the camera shakes and y/n is certain the hotel guests next door can hear.
“Oh shut it” she groans, a small smile on her bright red face.
“Y-you” Haz begins, out of breath, “you might be insanely intelligent but my god you’re also a Div”.
Y/n jokingly glares at the phone in front of her, causing Harrison to keep laughing.
“You didn’t even make it one circle” he teases, his hand on his chest to steady himself.
“Hey! I just gave myself a concussion for you, be nice” y/n laughs, rubbing where the cup hit her face and then the top of her head.
“I think that’s a bit dramatic love” Haz laughs, “are you okay though?”.
“Yeah just bruised” y/n sighs playfully.
“Bruised? It was a paper cup” Harrison reminds her, “how hard did you throw it?!”
“I meant my ego Haz” she scoffs.
Harrison shakes his head, erupting into laughter once again.
“Did I at least accomplish what I wanted to do?” Y/n asks, paraphrasing him.
“Mmmm” Harrison nods, “yes, you definitely made my day better you klutz. But I do still really miss you”.
“I miss you too baby” she says, lowering her had from her head.
“When you’re back I’ll have to teach you how to juggle better” Harrison smirks.
“Ha-ha” y/n says sarcastically, “You know what they say, ‘those who can’t, teach’”.
Harrison smirks, “hmm, you’re right. I guess that means you’ll have to teach”.
Tag list: @galaxyholland @mcushvft
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Please keep sending asks/requests!
I’m still needing some for Dylan O’Brien & Andrew Garfield as I have some people wanting them but suggestions would help 💕
Lastly, I’m at 94/100 for the sleepover 💝
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bigilante · 3 years
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uglypastels · 4 years
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featuringmyfaves · 3 years
My heart hurts for the Osterfield family today. Saying goodbye to a pet is truly devastating. Monty will be missed.
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montyosterfield · 4 years
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spideyssunshine · 3 years
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harrison via instagram 😔
I feel way more impacted from this than I should.
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cadiacore · 4 years
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Poor babey Monty 🥺💕
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RIP Monty! We never knew you but we're sure you are the goodst boy of them all, and your hooman loved you very very much! 😭😭😢💔
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fanficparker · 4 years
Haz and Monty are looking SO cute on his story Tessa take notes 😭
They are indeed looking ssoo freaking cuteee like literal best-friends. It made me smileeee ssssoooo muchhhh... aajjhhs. 🥺🥺🥺 Everyone should take notes from these two cuties 😩😩😩😩 Also the homecoming tee, reverse cap and curly mullet!!! After that scruff he's now going for a mullet... I am seriously all heart eyes right now 😭😭😭
Also like Monty is desperately calling for his attention but he's plaim away ignoring him makes it extraaaaa cuteeee 😂🙈😍
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lomholland · 4 years
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someone tell this boy that i love him, harrison is cool too
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bigilante · 4 years
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cute boys only ♡
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featuringmyfaves · 3 years
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montyosterfield · 3 years
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spideyssunshine · 3 years
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i got out of school today feeling very happy but. monty 🥺 you will be missed you amazing dog. harrison’s number one mate. i’m so sad for him.
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hotforharrison · 4 years
Monty! 😍😍😍
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Pretty sure that today is Monty Osterfield’s (Harrison Osterfield’s dog) birthday, and if so, then happy birthday to him.
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