#most normal lucio fan
varialchemist · 1 year
I love that this entire account is Varian themed (which make sense because i adore him, he is so silly and so so real) but so far I’ve only talked about Lucio arcana (tbf, I’ve only started posting TODAY but still)
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count-lucio · 7 months
lucio headcanons because i can't help myself. just a warning that these are rather canon divergent, so keep that in mind while reading! anyway, with no further ado-
my objectively correct lucio 'headcanons' (i am normal)
- he has chronic nerve pain from the constant pain + stress his body was under while he had the plague - even after he comes back. he walks with a cane most days, and claims it's for 'fashion' (it very clearly isn't)
- the whole "missing an entire arm" business is a MUCH bigger deal than the way the game shows it- it's a genuine disability, not just a fun character trait. i'm begging you all to consider lucio needing (and wanting) to spend time with his prosthetic off. lucio phantom limb syndrome and phantom pains. lucio struggling to do things that require both hands on occasion and having to relearn everything after getting his prosthetic. lucio being too rough/too strong/etc with his left arm because he can't feel what he's doing. as much as he loves the gold he can't help but feel terribly insecure and incapable because of it sometimes.
- lucio is not even a tenth as stupid as the writers make him out to be for funny haha villain points. he's actually incredibly intelligent and a big fan of studying + reading "just because." he's very literate and articulate, just overexcitable (and maybe slightly over-emotional) and doesn't always express his intelligence in the best way (or stop and think before doing things). he's also fairly talented, and rather proficient in writing and playing piano - the grand piano in the foyer belongs to both him and nadia!!
- same thing goes for what an incompetent leader he's portrayed to be in the game... it's absolutely nonsensical that he alone was in charge of vesuvia for multiple years and that entire time knew nothing and learned nothing about being an effective ruler. perhaps he's not the most responsible leader at all moments and maaaybe he can be a bit. harsh. but i can't see military-tactical, hand-selected-to-rule-vesuvia-lucio being an INCOMPETENT leader.
- also, the previous count, count spada, took lucio in and taught him everything he knew - the game hardly touches on this and it's an absolute crime because i think the two of them had such a close (dare i say father-son) relationship and spada effectively took lucio under his wing and gave him the necessary training to be an effective leader before naming him his heir. the two of them were very... my parents hate me and i don't know what parental love feels like x i never married or had children and i regret it immensely, yknow ?
- his relationship with morga is much more strained than what's portrayed in canon - both her and his father were rather abusive throughout his childhood and he hides in the palace every time she visits vesuvia and makes nadia deal with her for him (i use 'makes' loosely - nadia would do it even if lucio didn't ask. she's not very fond of morga either and is sympathetic to lucio's fear of her).
- speaking of nadia, the two of them really don't hate eachother all that much. their relationship is much more complicated than what's shown in the game (everyone's is, really, it's all a lot more blurry and queerplatonic than what was written to make it work as a romance game) and while they most definitely butt heads quite often, she by no means hates him and they do, actually, get along a fair amount of the time. they have quite a bit in common and work well together. most of the time.
- contrary to popular belief, mercedes and melchior are not unruly and untrained- they're both trained impeccably, just in lucio's native language, making him the only person capable of controlling them. however when it is him in charge, the three of them are a force to be reckoned with (especially when out hunting) and mercedes and melchior move flawlessly alongside him, nearly predicting what he wants without him even having to speak it aloud. they're impeccably behaved- just for him and him alone.
- on the topic of languages- lucio was raised speaking something different than what is spoken throughout the game. there is no direct real-world equivalent but it's... scandinavian in nature. he has the faintest hint of an accent (and no, it isn't a jersey accent) but he's been speaking other languages for so long it's not quite as noticeable as it was during his mercenary days - although it is quite a bit more noticeable when he's drunk, and he's very prone to cursing in his native language.
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
I have a quick question if you don't mind me asking. Can you please do one where a gender neutral reader is a secret singer? Like they walk on stage and their partner recognizes them even with a costume and makeup. Can I please request Hanzo, Genji, Moira, Lucio, Ramattra, Zenyatta Junker Queen, Junkrat, and Roadhog to be the ones who are the partner who figures out that they're dating a popular singer.
𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪
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Words: 476
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It’s likely he found one of your costumes while searching for something, so he looks up who wears it.
Lets you confess when you’re ready, not wanting to push you.
When he finds out one of the first things he does is search for your music and start listening to it.
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He was already a big fan before he found out who was under the mask.
Will use his ‘connections’ for some free merch. Repaying you in kisses and cuddles, anything you want really.
Please let him try on one of your costumes. It has been a lifelong dream of his ever since he found out about your songs.
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She has never been one to care about music or singers, so Sombra will be the one to tell her about it.
While she won’t actively confront you about it she’ll drop hints, quoting lyrics, costumes. Letting you tell her at your own pace.
She’s honestly choosy about her music taste, so if she enjoys it that will be that only thing she’ll listen to
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Lúcio is unnaturally quick to notice, finding some quirks and habits that match exactly.
No matter the type of music you sing he will want to collab.
Please let him help you come up with songs and future costumes! He is surprisingly good at fashion sense, he’ll make matching ones.
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He’s never been a fan of music, normally complaining about it as he sees no use of it.
Looks into you when other omnics talk about your music. But that doesn’t last long as he notices quickly.
He will confront you about it, but he won’t stop you. Just makes sure you’re safe by sending omnic guards, filling most roles with them.
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𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕜𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟:
She will brag, there's no way around it. How the queen of junkertown is dating the most famous singer. (Don’t tell her otherwise please.)
But it’s highly likely another junker will have to tell her as she’s busy with running the town.
She’ll want to make you a costume. Just… don't let her make it, she can help but never let her make one.
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When he notices he won’t be able to shut up about it. Everyone will know soon enough.
As much as he wants to help you with show lights please don’t let him, something will happen and go wrong.
He’ll raid many places just to find a radio or something similar, when he does your songs will be played constantly.
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 At first he’ll be quiet about it, unsure if you want people to know. If you do, he'll start mentioning it in conversations.
If you need help he’s one of the few people that can help, although some tasks might be difficult to impossible with his hands.
If you have merch he will want some, especially if it’s on the cuter side.
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leorawright · 1 year
Can you do one where the reader just adopted a maine coon cat and spesificly one of the big ones that is very affectionate and fluffy, and what the other characters reaction would be to coming to visit and seeing that cat lol, or multiple cats, like 3 (romantic: reaper, lucio, junkrat, zenyatta, reinhardt)
Overwatch with reader who adopted a Maine coon cat
He's honestly a big fan of cats
So when he comes to your house and sees that giant cat he's intrigued
He's surprisingly gentle when he's holding your cat
It's also extremely big when Reaper holds it which makes it hilarious to watch
This cat is adorably big whenever Lucio tries to hold it
But that doesn't mean that Lucio isn't going to try to hold it all the time
If your cat is super affectionate it only encourages Lucio to love on it more which most likely means that he's going to either mush his face into the cat's fur or try to hold it and either thing is adorable
He's such a cat person
But unlike Lucio, he's pretty tall so the cat looks almost normal when he holds it
Your cat is almost always perched on his shoulder like he's some super villain
But with his adorable smile its hard to call him a villain
He's really gentle and honestly quite enjoys cats
He is pretty small so whenever your cat sits on his lap it looks comically big
And if your cat is super affectionate then it's so cute whenever it cuddles Zen
Whenever Zen holds your cat it's super sweet to see and honestly, he's one of the best cat sitters because for some reason every cat loves him
He's always had an extra soft spot for cats especially big cats
Honestly even a Maine coon cat looks small whenever Reinhardt holds it
He also absolutely spoils your cat with cuddles and toys that he buys sporadically
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termagax · 6 months
seeing some people's reaction to weird gamer men oversexualizing kiriko is "mauga is right there, half naked, with serveral pin-up sprays" and while i do agree to an extent, i do feel like alot of people are kind of ignoring like. the racial element of mauga's sexualization, like i like mauga, he's hot, but the second i saw him in the short story, i wasn't a big fan of the whole "big savage brown indigenious guy" and it feels like very few people are pointing that out.
RIGHT LIKE. we cannot fix "gamer men fixate on fictional asian girls to a violent degree, usually in a racist way or enabling racist tropes already present in the character" with "gamer girls fixate on fictional brown men to a violent degree in a racist way or enabling racist tropes present in the character" like you guys are part of the same problemmmmmmm youre doing the same thinggg its not better because youre doing it to men like.
i think some people only want to see the kiriko problem as misogyny and while im not going to even pretend that ISNT a massive part of it, theres still like. a reason kiriko and d.va and mei are fascinations for these dudes. there is a pointed difference between the way these three get spoken about compared to their white counterparts (and their dark-skinned counterparts too - look at the responses to illari for a really easy comparison to how kiriko is treated). their ~exoticism~ as asian women is part of the appeal. even if you dont just wanna take the way dudes online treat them (like making a joke that shes "obvious pornbait" for speaking japanese and using JSL) as evidence of that, look at their marketing. kirikos whole thing is atheleisure traditional, shes got her Mystical Japanese Spiritualism Ninja Powers and her magic doggy and they constantly put her in japanese and korean fashion, and dva has been constantly crossing over with korean merch companies. i cant help but notice theres no brazilian IP crossovers or merch launches for lucio, or any attempt to Sell Peru To Gamers for illari. they couldnt even pick a town in Samoa to name maugas map after. these people wouldn't buy that stuff because it's not fetishized in the same way asia is.
but like. a lot of the people trying to Gotcha these racist dudes with an asian fetish just whip out their favourite racist tropes instead and its a really bad look. like you guys dont wanna examine how your examples of The Characters Its Okay To Hypersexualize are all brown? even the people who wanna fuck cassidy dont talk about him like this. or like. fuck if you want a good comparison for mauga lets look at roadhog. big half-naked tank who theyve been playing up a sexual energy/comic relief duology on since day one with racially insensitive cosmetic options. nobody treats it like its completely normal to talk about him that way. the dev team isnt pushing pinups of him out. he isnt flexing his boobs in trailers. hes a white dude*, so he gets the bare minimum dignity of being treated normally. incidentially hot, maybe, but for the most part his character is sold on being cool , funny and scary. mauga is being sold 50% on being a Sexy Rogue Love Interest and 50% on. releasing late. they put in so little effort for him to be anything else despite hyping him up as suuuper significant to the lore and a major gamechanger its almost embarrassing to watch. (this is why that short annoyed me so much for anyone keeping track).
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fox-daddy · 7 months
how would the arcana react to an mc with multiple rows of teeth
I honestly didn't expect this to be my first ask but I don't think I'd want it any other way.
Also, I started to get extra sleepy while doing Lucio's so sorry for any spelling mistakes;
-but seriously would be curios about it having never seen anyone else with more than one set of teeth at a time.
-Is it natural? is it some kind of magic thing? Oh, you had it before your amnesia.
-Either feels slightly stupid for not noticing it sooner or noticed it immediately but decided not to comment on it incase it's a sensitive topic.
-Would be worried if Mc loses teeth as often as sharks do and makes sure Mc is taking care of themselves. Once told it's normal for them to lose a tooth or two like that he'd calm down a tiny bit.
-No, it doesn't hurt. Yes exactly like losing a baby tooth.
-might keep a tooth or two to compare with other human teeth he has. Don't ask where he got them. He's a dr people losing a tooth or two isnt suprising.
-if you're self-conscious will walk around with a pair of those cheap fake vampire fangs to draw the attention away from you. While also letting you know how much he adores everything about you in private. Might act slightly very over dramatically if you bite him while he's mid rant about how amazing you are.
-knew about it before Mc died because of course they did.
-always thought it was super cool and interesting. It only works to make Mc that much more unique in their eyes.
-If Mc doesn't mind might ask them to bite something to help with Halloween decorations.
-could he cut that pattern himself? sure. Does it look cooler and more natural when Mc bites it? 100%
-Might show it off to other people if Mc isn't self-conscious about it.
-If Mc is then he'd make sure they know just how much he adores it and how much they adore them for the way they are.
- Plus the more teeth the better Mc smiles.
-Might maybe collect any teeth they find laying around, won't deny it being tired of keeping secrets. Although you might have to ask him about it since he won't openly admit it without being asked.
-are you part shark? is that insensitive to ask?
- it just looks so cool and it reminds her of this mermaid character. No not half human half fish, half human half shark. What do you mean sharks are just fish with big teeth?
-okay, maybe she knew sharks were fish and just enjoyed watching Mc explain. Sneaky? A little, but who can blame her?
-as much as Mc enjoys watching Portia go on about books and scrolls the feeling is mutual.
- genuinely interested in it. How do they brush all their Teeth? Do they have a special toothbrush? Show her? It probably looks really cool.
-if you dont have a special toothbrush you can bet Portia is making you one. Is it just a slightly longer toothbrush? Maybe. Does it work better? Surprisingly yes.
-if their human like then probably won't keep any teeth. If their shark like then she's making shark teeth necklaces, bracelets, you name it. What is cooler than a weird sharp tooth that pokes your skin when you least expect it?
-2nd biggest fan of your teeth and wants you to love them as much as she does. If you don't she has enough love for the both of you.
-kinky 2.0
-most concerned but not for the reason you might expect;
-she's wondering if this means you're dietary needs are different, do you need more calcium in your diet to help with the extra teeth? Is their certain foods you avoid? Eating soup might he harder with the extra teeth. Or maybe it's easier to eat soup with them.
-doesn't let any sly comments pass. Mc is still her magician, it's not really up to Valerius or anyone to decide how many teeth is acceptable. For all she cares Mc could have gills and need to be kept semi moisturized. It wouldn't stop Mc from being the person they are.
-but do make sure to tell her if you do require anything like that, the last thing she'd want is to deprive you of something you need or even simply just want.
-probably won't keep any teeth. Why would she need to? If she was curious she isn't above asking you to go 'ahhh' while in private. Private because looking into someone's mouth in the hallway is a good way to have rumors start about you.
-if you're self-conscious about it doesn't bring it up but when it is brought up only praises about how amazing you are. How she thinks it just makes you that much cuter.
-cares the least.
-I don't mean that as he dosent care, the first time he noticed it probably startled him. He's 6'10 and covered in scars and chains. Extra teeth or not he's more scared to hurt you accidentally than he is of you bitting him.
-tries to understand it the best he can so he can make sure you have everything you need.
-might keep a tooth or two to carve since the unique shape makes it fun to work with. Assuming their shark-like. Otherwise probably is mainly concerned about you losing a tooth every week.
-have to remind him that it's the equivalent of losing a baby tooth and even show him theirs no gaps due to the tooth being pushed out by another tooth already ready to take it's spot.
-Morga jokes if you're opponent gets too close worst case you can bite them. Muriel disagrees with that idea but also agrees you should be able to defend yourself.
- self-conscious? Same! You can help eachother through your doubts about yourselves. Sometimes having someone there who loves you for you is enough to allow yourself to slowly learn to love yourself.
-are you part shark 2.0
-is that offensive to ask? Ehhh who cares? Show him those awesome teeth.
-jealous he can't shed his teeth every week. Even after explaining it's only one tooth a week
-tries to convince you to give him a scar so he can lie about fighting a shark. (Don't do this, don't encourage him.)
-asks if this means you can smell blood a mile away. Doesn't understand why you cant even after explaining your not part shark a million times.
- self-conscious? Why? your teeth look so good. Anyone with half a mind would go crazy for a set or three themselves. Babe you're gorgeous.
-if anyone says otherwise bite them, or they might find a dagger in their side for insulting you.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
The rest of the M6 entering a room: enter normally (Julian is at most a dramatic flourish)
Lucio entering a room: a spotlight shines down on him, he's wrapped in furs, dripping with gold and glittering jewels, a proud grin is plastered on his face, there'a a dramatic wind sweeping his hair elegantly back, "Primadonna" by Marina and the Diamonds is on blast in the background, adoring fans hurl roses and panties at him (and by "adoring fans" it's really just an exasperated Valerius hiding in a corner, having been roped into this fanfare under threat of having his wine supply cut off)
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magnuficent76 · 6 months
Quick! I need a comprehensive guide to all of your OCs right now or I'm going to start biting soon <– a guy totally not possessed by a werewolf
OUHHGHOOHOHOHH indulging me ..... OKAY theres a lot of them, BUT here's the basics ! It's written very informally but it should give you an idea for who everyone is !
[Solar Years] {This is the longest story I have written, and it has many other substories going on within it simultaneously. Big ole’ universe with tons of stuff going into it, not always connected to the main thing. High fantasy and Gods and all that jazz happening in the background of a slice of life story.}
★ Baltazar (They/He) is the protagonist of Solar Years and also my favourite little blorbo of all time. He's very big, a farmer (ex professional sports player), and also an immortal being that's been coming back to earth for 3 million years and counting, which are all normal things to say in succession. They have no sense of self preservation and desperately need to give themselves some grace for once <3
♤ Luis (He/Him) is the co-protagonist of the story, adopted from another story as a way to honour someone I greatly care about. In terms of personality, he's very much Baltazar's opposite, but ironically enough they've been coexisting for their entire lives. A long time ago, he accidentally cursed himself (through power of sheer rage and spite alone) into being immortal by falling into the Void, and nowadays he makes that Literally Everyone's problem. 
Some other characters in this story include Lazarus (She/He/They), Marsh (He/They), Andromeda (Any pronouns), Anastasia, Anne (Both she/her),  The Void Gang, and many many others. 
[Caede Tales] {Fan-story for Borderlands focusing on my ocs, which are essentially background characters to the main story, and exploring a little bit of what happens to just the regular people of Pandora. It's mostly meant to be a comedy but there's also The Horrors <3.}
♥︎ Jonah (He/it) and M3PH1ST0 (Mephisto) (They/It/He) are the same guy but a few arcs apart, also one of these eats people. One of Three protags, his side of the story focuses more on personal struggle of wanting to do better in a world that is inherently hostile to kindness, and how it slowly becomes more and more like its environment the more he realises the whole being nice thing isn't going anywhere. He's Normal (lie)
♣︎ Melaine (She/Ze) is a doctor from Promethea who came to Pandora to help the locals, and is also a direct parallel to Jonah in many ways. Her morals slooowly get more and more muddled as the story goes on and she loses a big part of herself in service of her work and the legacy she wants to leave behind, until it all culminates in her mutating herself to be a big bug. She's my everything.
◇ Archer (He/Him) is Jonah's brother and possibly the most repressed man   in all of history. He goes from a bandit to a famous rich businessman in a stroke of sudden luck, and has to grapple with his identity and everything he's leaving behind by going to another planet to do so. Local White Man. 
Some other characters in this story include Mary (She/Her), Lucio/Lucifer (Don't refer to this guy (He/Him)), Salt (He/They), Penelope and Cassandra (both She/her… for now.) Several Coworkers and many others.
[Gaslighting Fires] {Gaslighting Fires is all about Eris, a true businesswoman (stand in for criminal) at heart, and her many antics as she climbs her way to the top of the food chain. Dramedy if it was Cool (can you tell its my favourite genre)
♡ Eris (She/Her) is the protagonist and she Sucks So Fucking Bad. Girl who is gonna doom everyone else in the narrative and not take any responsibility for it. It's okay though she's awesome and gorgeous and I love drawing her so her crimes are forgiven. Lots of focus on her personal struggle in doing what she does and the relationships she accidentally keeps building with people. Whoopsies ! Your stupid ass got attached to the people you were planning on manipulating didn't it !! Cringe
♤ Lilith (She/He) is the Antagonist ! Generally speaking, her morals are still extremely questionable, but she's still a pretty decent person compared to whatever Eris got going on. His whole deal is that he's supposed to stop Eris, but due to Situations the only way to do that is to become worse than her, involving him in tons of other unrelated cases that lead into further spiralling into crime. And then they kiss and it's awesome. Don't worry about the spiralling into crime bit its enriching for her.
Other characters in this include Pandora (It/She), Jinx (They/It), Raque (She/Her)l, Gabe (He/him), Snappy (the turtle), Mallory (He/Her), Ophelia (She/Her) and some others !
[Computing Legacy] {Story set in a (dangerously close) future where Things are going to Shit so we're gonna create the matrix. Except creating the matrix actually helped a lot of people and it delayed the apocalypse a lot because of all the scientific breakthroughs it caused. Awesome ! Sure hope we don't have Repercussions Of Creating The Matrix in here or something !} 
♧ William (He/Him* for now.) is the protagonist and he sucks. Hate this guy <- loving. My horrible no good son who NEEDS to shut the fuck up more often but whom I adore nonetheless. His deal is that he's a hacker and programmer who's WAY over his head, and needs someone to get him out of there because it's making him lonely and depressed as shit. Guy who's probably nonbinary but is also in university so he Really Can't Worry About It Right Now.
♥︎ Althea (She/They) is the Co-protagonist and Queer-Platonic interest, love this girl <3 She's Will's opposite in every way, and for a while she's antagonised for it, but it's okay they get over it. They're also a very talented programmer, even though it wasn't their original career path (more of an artist), and they're trying Really Hard to make it through this world normally without exploding or disappointing their family. She's very nice to her own detriment and this gets a lot of focus in the story and how she slowly but surely becomes more ruthless thanks to their Horrible No Good Situation so people stop trying to take advantage of her <3
Some of the other characters in this include Ubel (He/It), Fox (She/It), Ferdinand (He/him), Autumn (She/Her), Randy (He/They), Mariana (She/Her), Stanford (He/Him), Ezra (She/Her) and many more.
[HELLBREAKER] {Very much still a work in progress. This one is more of an ambition project so I don't wanna share too much, but basically: It's set in hell and the protagonist Really Has To Escape. Kinda like OFF if it was made by a guy who's fascinated with religion purely aesthetically.}
☆ Maria (She/Her) is the protagonist, and she just went to hell babyyy. Well, not technically: She lands in purgatory, and is given the choice to either do her time in there or to traverse through all the layers of the underworld in order to ascend to Heaven. And based on the name of this project you can guess which she chose.
And the other characters, The Sins, Lucifer, and the many characters you find along your journey to help you !
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Actor AU: Season 5 [Portia Devorak]
Credit for the basis of the AU goes to both @lightvsdark18 and @lynmay-arcana.
[Original Link] | [Additional Link]
[Season 1: Nadia Satrinava] | [Season 2: Asra Alnazar] | [Season 3: Julian Devorak] | [Season 4: Muriel] | [Season 5: Portia Devorak]
Portia Devorak—Behind the Scenes & On Set Happenings/Shenanigans
[Six months after Season 4′s wrap-up, it was Portia’s time to shine. This would be the first time she’d be co-stars with her brother on a project like this. She knew of Lyra prior to The Arcana, thanks to Julian working with her in the past. Still, she didn’t expect the unforeseen challenges that would come to this season of the show].
[More under the cut!]
Portia tended to be cast as either the tank of an action/sci-fi flick—she’s got the sturdiness and the strength, C’MON—or the hacker in that genre/heist films, and the bubbly friend/girlfriend/ex of the main protagonist.
She’s done several Historical/Period Dramas and everyone’s always moved by her acting.
Her crying scenes are legendary.
One of Portia’s most famous roles is as a Pirate Queen that was, according to many, their Bisexual Awakening.
Think something like Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Portia actually can carry Nadia with no sweat.
Though in Julian’s route it was Nadia that swung with Portia in her arms in the Arcana realms, there was an alternate version where Portia swung with Nadia in her arms.
In order to make it mirror what MC and Julian were doing though, Portia was to be carried by Nadia.
Portia did a majority of her stunts in the show.
Climbing the vines into MC’s room.
Using the ‘magical’ rope to swing with MC when they were going through the catacombs.
The wirework when MC and Portia were floating through the ballroom was an absolute joy to them both.
The giant Magically-Induced Anxiety Crow Monster from Julian was part puppetry and part CGI effects.
There were many false-starts, especially with the popping packet of fake blood in Portia’s dress.
It took about five takes to get that scene right.
Pepi was Portia’s favorite costar.
Pepi adored her the most in turn, which was just fine with Portia.
Pepi got along with most of the cast and crew, the exceptions being Lucio and at times, Julian.
The actors for Tasya and Lishka are actually aunt and niece in real life.
The resemblance between Lishka and Portia was so startling that it was written into the plot of Portia’s route.
In promos for Portia’s season, she wore both the mask and her masquerade dress together. When it didn’t happen in the aired episodes, there were questions as to why it didn’t happen.
No one could give any clear or consistent answer.
Mazelinka reprised her role.
She talks in interviews that it was fun to tease Portia and MC about their relationship because, “What old coots wouldn’t want to relive the days of young love, you know?”
On days off, Portia and Lyra spent time together playing games and driving a few towns over to just be ‘normal’ people.
In interviews, it’s brought up time and time again that Lyra is not exactly used to being the center of attention with anything she’s in.
Lyra: “At times I feel like I have a secondary role in my own life. I know it’s not true, but . . . imposter syndrome sucks.”
Portia, by her own estimate, has signed over one thousand things that relate to her character on The Arcana.
Interviewer: What was the most memorable thing you have ever signed?
Portia: A fan’s fan art.
Interviewer: What was on it.
Portia: [smiles enigmatically].
The actress who plays Tasya Devorak is a former opera star. One of her favorite fancy hats made it into the final costume of the character.
Portia had the honor of trying it on for a few moments before returning it to the woman.
Portia has posted some on-set and off-set prank shenanigans committed between the Devoraks and other cast members of the Arcana crew.
The scene where Portia, disguised as Lishka, stabs a transformed Tasya toward the conclusion of the Reversed ending.
This made poor Lishka cry a number of times.
While getting interviewed about how Portia and Lyra felt about the season, they had slightly differing views about how it went.
Both agreed that it felt like Tasya had a lot of the spotlight on her rather than Portia’s arc.
Portia herself felt that MC could possibly perish within a few years after the end of the season. Lyra herself thought MC might’ve lasted a decade or so before fully expiring.
Lyra seeing the Diplomatic vs Warring endings of the season was something new for her.
Lyra: I don’t usually like shows that dabble in a lot of politicking, but I like seeing it in this season because in Nadia’s, it’s more localized—
Portia: And then this is a greater expansion of that! It’s, it’s certainly exciting!
A number of the Palace Staff were actually members of the behind the scenes crew.
Portia made sure they were compensated fairly.
In a promotion of the season, Portia was wearing her Masquerade mask along with a sneak peek of her dress. Fans were outraged that they didn’t get to see this happen within the show.
There is a deleted scene, however, where Portia and MC had their own little private dance before it all went to hell thanks to Tasya.
The Devil’s tiny form is a mix of practical effects and CGI.
Portia got to keep the little puppet, and he sits on the mantle in her home in a glass case.
Lyra complimenting Portia’s Ambassador outfit in the Upright Ending was unscripted, and Portia actually gotten flustered in turn.
Julian: It was a d o r a b l e!!!
Muriel and Portia didn’t really get to interact outside of his featured season and her own.
Online, they have been seen hanging out together with Muriel’s real-life partner. Portia and said partner are often being mischievous and Muriel seems to be long-suffering, but he admits he enjoys these hangouts.
Mercedes and Melchior actually are rather well-behaved on set. Around Lucio and Portia, however, the dogs acted so goofy that shooting scenes with them together are difficult to do with straight faces.
After The Arcana, Portia had gone on to dabble in various other careers, including a short while of producing her own music.
A number of tracks were inspired by the events of various timelines of The Arcana, though Portia leaves it open for interpretation on what those could be influenced by.
A few scenes that hit the cutting room floor are as follows:
An extended cut of Portia and MC torturing Tiny!Devil to a hilarious extent. It’s made it into various the Top 10s list of funniest not-exactly-bloopers of both The Arcana and other shows.
A more graphic version of Portia and MC breaking through Tasya’s force-field in the Reversed Ending was filmed and edited, though removed ultimately to maintain the PG-13 rating.
Portia reading longer passages of The Firent Affair.
A/N: This took MUCH longer than I had anticipated. Still, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this as I had with writing it!
Next: Count Lucio [TBA].
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bozo-boy · 1 year
a retrospective of my art of 2022
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i love that you can tell what i’m hyperfixating on judging by the art. more detailed explanations below the cut!
i started off 2022 with a redraw of a piece from april of 2021. for christmas of last year, i got an ipad and apple pencil, so this was largely me exploring procreate and the feel of a new way of drawing. there’s a lot about this one that i still like, particular chat noirs cute lil face, but there’s so much i would do differently now that i’m more comfortable with the medium.
i was still finding my footing with this one. i was really into fnaf, and naturally, monty. the shine on the ass was using one of the in-app stamp brushes, which was quite fun to play with. honestly, going back, i would just add more depth and complexity to this one. i stand by the bones of this one.
this one was done so i could have a fancy new pfp. to be completely honest, i’m not a fan of this one. it’s a redraw of a screenshot from the show itself, and even at the time i was unsatisfied with how this turned out. in retrospect, i would’ve started the sketch small and then scaled it up so it would look a bit more,, normal. i find my art comes out much better when i start small.
this drawing is for a worldbuilding project i like to work on when i’m not obsessed with anything else at the time. in this world, there’s a city with a whole festival for phoenixes, and a legend involving a raven falling in love with the sun, but i won’t get into that right now. if i’m remembering correctly, one of my references for this one was a swallow. i still like the way the sun shines through the feathers and the more painterly style. i still stand by this one 100%.
oh boy may. this was when my apple pencil broke, and lined up with me getting into sonic, after watching the movie. one of my friends sent me a picrew, birthing this little nameless character. i’m still quite happy with this one, i think i got the style really good while still making it a little bit my own. my short lived sonic hyperfixation is still visible in the way i draw eyes while sketching, which i think it pretty neat. i wonder if, had my apple pencil not broken, i would’ve gotten more into the franchise.
AHHHHHH. sorry, this is from when i got back into a set of my ocs, affectionately dubbed “the sin boyz”. they’re all based on the seven deadly sins, and this is asmodeus, embodiment of lust. he’s definitely the most fun to draw because of him being quite high energy, and i’d love to come back to these characters once again. i don’t have much to say about the drawing itself, other than still liking how cartoony it is.
i’m not entirely sure what sparked this, but i got really back into the arcana, a game which i’ve been into for years now. this little fella is my character for the game, named zephyr! this piece is actually based on a sketch from i think a few months earlier. i still like this one, with his cute little face. i adore how his eyes turned out, and i’d love to try returning to that style, even just to experiment.
this is actually a reference photo for zephyr, but i wanted to fully render it to try to demonstrate some of the fabric textures. i still adore just about everything about this, aside from how his face turned out. i’ve always struggled a little with placing eyebrows too close to the hairline, dating back to my art from when i was like,, 12, where the eyebrows would actually float above the head. aside from that, i still love this.
when i made this, i was actually rereading lucio’s route (i’m obsessed with it in a train-wreck way) and found the imagery of the player investigating his abandoned room super compelling. the background from this is actually from the game itself, which is something i had never done before. i even slightly edited the background the reflect some of his magical light! this one is much less colourful and saturated than my other stuff, and i have mixed feelings about it. still though, i’m proud of it, and i think this style of lighting is reflected in what i make today, even if the colours are out of my comfort zone.
this is probably one of my favourite pieces of ghost fanart i’ve made. the lighting is a little unpolished in relation to the smoke, but i couldn’t care less cause i just think it looks so freaking cool. i was directly inspired by mummy dust, both in the vision in my head when he growls “duuuuustl, but also in the green stage lighting when it’s performed on stage. i love how swirly the smoke looks, and even now, i’m obsessed with drawing characters lit from below. it’s one of my favourite things i’ve ever made.
so uh,, i was a very passionate voter in the american music awards, and the news of ghosts win was so wonderful. i, like many others, was and still am obsessed with the outfit tobias forge wore, and found it super inspiring. i was really worried about this one, cause i basically never draw real people and really wanted it to actually look like him while still being my art style, and i think i did pretty good. this was also new for me because it has two light sources! this presented a really fun challenge and i’m still so proud of this, aside from the lighting on the glass part of the award itself. also, three.
i got a new apple pencil for christmas! i immediately had to make something with it and the wonderful pressure sensitivity. i was mostly just playing around with this one, and doing back i’d change a few things, even if it’s only from a few days ago. nonetheless, i had a lot of fun here and really like the colours.
oh boy i sure did draw this year! i think i’ve improved a lot, specifically in shading and rendering. i went outside of my comfort zone a lot with lighting, like things with multiple light sources and coloured light. next year, i wanna go outside of my comfort zone in different ways, particularly with things like backgrounds and character interactions. if you’ve read this far, i hope you enjoyed my self-analysis, and i hope 2023 brings you joy!
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varialchemist · 1 year
Julian fans please do not skin me alive thank you
Also this post is mostly a joke. Minus the part about me hating Julian x Lucio sawrry
“Wwwwell I dislike Lucio and Julian (as a romantic relationship) because of [insert incredibly valid explanation that was well thought out and goes into thorough detail about the problems and implications of their relationship and overall sufficiently describing why this individual personally just doesn’t care for this ship]” = boring and uncool, no maidens whatsoever
“I hate Lucio and Julian because i hate Julian” = chad, gets bitches, earns maidens even, if you will, win opinion, coolest kid in existence
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beanswrites · 2 years
Headcanons for characters Part 10: The Main 6 from The Arcana as Pro heroes
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Hey guys!!!
This actually might be one of my favorite cross-over ideas ever! It's two of my favorite fandoms, how can I resist??
So thank you @kolimachris for requesting this!!
Requests are open! Check out my rules for requesting before placing your request, or just pick something from my prompts list!!
Todays headcanons part will be The Main 6 (Asra, Julian, Nadia, Portia, Muriel, and Lucio) as MHA/BNHA pro-heroes.
Hope you enjoy!!
PS. The nickname in this used for Nadia/her pro-hero name was made up by @blackcattrash. Thank you for letting me use it!
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompts list
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Asra Alnazar ☾︎
Asra is a powerful pro hero, named the Magician. He trained for many years before becoming a pro hero, and was the best in UA.
Their quirck is similar to Momo's - they can make things appear out of thin air, however, not material things. Gusts of wind, fire, magic little sparks and things like that are their specialty.
Back in the UA days, he wasn't very popular. As an exchange student with a weird quirck, kids didn't want to hang out much. However, Asra has many friends (and fans) today! He works in Hawks' agency, working as Keigo's partner.
Crazy fans come with the fame. But they love it! They easily deal with people, however would much rather just chill in their own home.
Julian Devorak ♥︎
Julian's pro hero name is The Raven. At first, people didn't like him and even feared him, thinking that he was either a copycat version of their 2# favorite hero Hawks, or an evil version of him. Once they realized he wasn't neither of these things, the crowds started loving him!
His quirck quite literately transforms him into a raven: wings, claws, feathers, even a beak. However, he can control it - during his everyday lifestyle, when he's just lounging at home, he's his normal, red-head self. However, The Raven does come in useful in battles.
He didn't go the UA, as his sister and him are from Russia. Originally, he didn't even want to be a pro hero, he wanted to be a doctor! However, Asra (his ex-partner friend) convinced him to try out for a pro-hero training program. He got in - and now he's here!
Julian just recently got used to having fans. It's still weird for him! Getting recognized on the streets by his fans is crazy, since he doesn't expect it at all. And if he finds a more enthusiastic admirer, who perhaps has a crush on him? He's a blushing, stuttering mess, very flattered and flustered.
Nadia Satrinava ♔︎
Nadia, just like her dear friend Midnight, is a very popular pro hero named Lady Dias, which is a play-on-words which was given to her by her fans! It is a short-cut of her name (naDIA Satrinava). She's currently one of the most famous pro-heroes in the world, and the third favorite female superhero!
Her quirck is ordering stuff around, but not in that mean way. If she orders somebody (like a villain) anything while using her quirck, it makes them listen to her immediately, no matter how much they resist it. People (especially co-workers) at first feared that she'll use this great quirck on them, but quickly learned that Lady Dias is a fair pro-hero.
Did go to UA, in fact, she was in Asra's class! That's how she met him. Even though he is now working in Hawks' agency, they still do collabs (for fan-meetups and sometimes merch) from a time to time. Now, she owns her own agency!
Nadia got popular with her fans not only because she is a great hero, but also because of her amazing people-skills! She's always so nice and respective to them, even when they all consist of love-struck simps. Somebody recognizing her on the streets isn't anything new, and she will gladly take a photo with them every time.
Muriel ❁
Muriel is one of the biggest superheroes there ever was. Physically. When he first showed up in the pro-hero business, some people were amazed and some scared. His pro-hero name is Strongman, directly connected to his quirck.
His quirck is basically just super strength. He can easily lift cars, animals, and blocks of concrete and other heavy things, which helps him a lot in fights. As a kid, he had to get used to it, since he would randomly rip doors from their hinges. Now, he is in complete control of his abilities and can use them whenever he wants!
Unfortunately, Muriel didn't go to UA - he didn't have the chance. Just like Julian, he became a pro-hero much later, in that same training program. Asra was the one to help him - as his childhood best friend, he got him into the whole business. Thanks to them, Muriel is now a respected hero with a big fanbase.
Even though he is super respective to all of his fans and appreciates them very much, he doesn't really like the attention. He didn't become a hero for the fame and the attention, rather than to help all people. When people recognize him on the streets, he is pretty shy and uncomfortable, even though he tries to stay nice. He would rather stay in the comfort of his own home when he's not fighting any villains.
Portia Devorak☼︎
Portia isn't a pro-hero, she's a sidekick! Yet, a really popular one. For over ten years she has worked for Nadia, under the name Fi-line. The public imediatelly loved her, as soon as Nadia entroduced her!
Her quirck is having cat-like abilities (without looking like a cat) - allowing her to see better in the dark, helping her look in two different directions while fighting, making her very good at sneaking up to people... Nadia loves all of her quircks, playfully teasing her that "the only thing she needs to be a real cat is to purr like one".
Didn't go to UA, just like her brother, because they are both from Russia. However, she always wanted to be in the pro-hero business, it was her childhood dream! She begged Ilya to help her get Asra's recruiting team's attention, but instead got somebody else's.. But, she gained an amazing boss, an awesome partner-in-fighting-crime and a best friend!
Even though not many sidekicks get much attention from fans, Portia is still very popular! Not as much as Nadia, but people still do ask her for autographs on the street. When asked if she minds that Nadia is the centre of attention, she always answers: "What?! No! I'm the number one fan of Lady Dias, why would I mind that she has fans when I'm one of them? I love her, she's amazing!"
Count Lucio AKA Montag Morgasson ♕︎
When Lucio first arrived as a Pro-hero, people thought that he was a villain. It wasn't so much about his quirck or his name "The Count" that scared them, it's his god-complex and cynical behavior.
His quirck is kind of unusual - he can make anything into any type of metal he wants. Gold, silver, rusty iron - anything like that. Surprisingly, it does go quite in handy when he's battling villains.
He did, in fact, go to UA, bragging about how he's "the best there", basically bullying everyone in it. Yes, he did bully Asra. Yes, that is also where he first started dating Nadia. Also, after he graduated, he made fun of everyone who did other hero-trainings, constantly shaming his fellow pro-heroes The Raven and Strongman.
No, he does not have great people skills. He does have his own fan base, however, he lost quite a bit of them when Nadia and him broke up. Once it came into the public that he had been toxic to Nadia (with his affairs and stuff), a large portion of his fans that were also her fans started disliking him for hurting her. He is flattered when someone notices him on the street, making him all proud and big-headed.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Hello there, hope you're having a great day! What about mc×main 6 from the arcana in a bitter argument? (Angsty as possible pls) thank-you and have a great day❤️
I AM SO SORRY THESE TOOK SO LONG LOL. I had most of them written out and then the muse decided to LEAVE. *shakes fist at the sky* 
I hope you don’t mind me going buck wild with Lucio lol. He is PRIME for this kinda angst. And as a reminder, COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR PARTNER. 
Requests are open! I move at the pace of a sedated turtle but I WILL GET TO THEM LOL. 
Main six x MC argument
Fights with Julian get a little...intense
He’s not really good with the whole, fighting with the person he loves things
Will probably cry from frustration
It also gets LOUD. You both will start at a normal voice and slowly it will rise to yelling 
Never hurles insults, but hearing the hurt in his voice? Almost worse. And hearing how hurt you are? Man that’s a gut punch
He’s most likely gonna storm off (dramatically but I digress)
Sorry it’ll take him quite a long time to cool down
Feels SUPER awful about what he said in the head of the moment
Like just plain: “I’m a terrible person” awful
Brings you flowers to apologize. His voice is always super soft and nervous
You guys don’t fight super often but they can blow up when you do
Bring him flowers after you fight please. He’ll keep them on either his desk at work or on his bedside.
When he sees you’ve cooled off as well he’s going to hug you. Scoop you up if he can in a nice strong hug.
Asra fights get um...super nasty. You two know one another super well and things get blown up super quickly
They don’t happen often at all. Only when something boils over
But it’s always crying and almost incoherent worry and yelling. They’re a mess over you, running their hands through their hair so much you fear they might tear it out
Will leave to let you calm down and give you space. Usually goes to the dock to cry by himself and think things over. Faust is always conflicted when you guys fight
She doesn’t want to leave you to die again. 
Asra never stays mad at you long, just needs time to cool down
Says tons of things he doesn’t mean but in the moment it’s all he has. Of course you throw things back and loads of feelings get hurt
Always feels terrible after. Always. Sometimes he even cries quietly to himself if it was really nasty
After arguments might take him hours or days to cool off enough to apologize
Likes talking things out with you over pumpkin bread and tea over big extravagant gifts
After an argument they’re good at talking things out with you. Always ends with a hug and him rocking you back and forth while trying to memorize your feel and smell
Her words are SO sharp and they cut SUPER DEEP
Doesn’t hold back sometimes it feels like her words are tiny knives being thrown at you
If she says something truly uncalled for, her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth with her hands
She’s always a poised kind of angry. When she’s super upset she’ll be in tears. 
She has siblings, she knows where to get you where it hurts. She aims to hurt in arguments 
Never means it and always realizes in HORROR what she just said to you
Stays in another room for a bit after the fight. Depending on how bad the argument was she cries herself to sleep
You don’t fight with any of the Main Six often but sometimes things happen and people snap
Fighting with Nadia usually happens when she’s exhausted and you want her to sleep and things just explode
She’s usually the one coming back to you to apologize. Even if you were wrong, she hates upsetting you. When you apologize back her feelings come to a head and she just moves in to hug you so hard your back pops
He kind of spaces out 
Like he’s super upset but his replies to you are usually little grunts and he doesn’t quite meet your eyes
Unless you did something. Then he’s all up in arms, upset and sometimes he’ll tear up (especially if you put yourself in a ton of danger and he almost lost you)
He tries to keep his voice level. The first time he raised his voice at you you flinched and he ran away after seeing the reaction
He tries not to raise his voice at you, but sometimes it’s hard and usually you two will be loud at one another. Inanna is no fan
Fights with him are once in a blue moon. Usually they’re little lectures and you two understanding one another. But sometimes they do happen and they are just awful for the both of you
Feelings are up in the air, anger and worry is palpable. If you don’t take care of yourself, who will? kind of stuff
Wants to hug you after you’re done so bad, but stays stiff as a board to watch your reaction. It hurts sometimes
Makes you a little gift as a peace offering, (bring him back forget-me-nots)
Will hold you for a long time after you make up after a fight. (cuddle him PLEASE I BEG OF YOU)
Lots of yelling. Not intentional she’s just loud and you have to yell to be heard as well
Pepi usually runs to hide when you guys fight
Portia is the type to pace and throw her arms in the air. 
And she’ll cry. She hates it, but she cries when she’s furious. Who knows what you two are mad and fighting by this point everything comes bubbling to the surface 
She’ll storm out of the house to cry alone somewhere and get herself together 
It can um...get fairly nasty at times. Hurling insults doesn’t really happen but her breaking down sobbing with every word does
Not a pretty sight 
It’s hard arguing with someone you love so much, so she’ll come crying back as well. She just wants a hug ;-;
It’ll be awkward for a while after, but after you failed to bake something as a peace offering it’s broken. She’ll help you bake something new (cottagecore WIFE)
So the question is what do you guys NOT fight about
Lucio is a tricky guy to be with I’m not gonna lie. He’s done some shitty things and doesn’t understand a lot of those
Will take time for him to get there and fully understand why people don’t like him 
But man is it a sore spot and he will fight with you about it. A lot. And it just...lord it gets really bad 
He’s not the type to cry during an argument. After though? Fair game. 
And he always wants to be by you after. Talk to me I’m lonely type beat. If you don’t want to talk that’s further salt in the wound
But things just blow UP. He’s dramatic, childish, and ANGRY. His voice is so thick with fury it hurts to have it directed at you 
Like chest heaving, near tears, regretting everything you just said kind of spats. When Lucio is mad he is MAD. Like Nadia, his words are like ice 
Without meaning to, he aims to hurt you. And hurt he DOES
When he comes to his senses he’s running away 
Will come to you first, with gifts anywhere from super extravagant to something only he would get you. And apologizes. Even if you caused the argument he blew it all up
He’s lonely and touch starved, he’s not gonna let you go (and he’s gonna be crying)
Cookies are a good thing to give to him back. It’ll prolly make you two end up on the bed snacking on them while just talking and cuddling. 
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arsenicxarcana · 2 years
Do give me ur lucio onion tho tell me about your specialist boy
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i like him a normal amount what are you talking about
the lucio that lives in my brain is better than nix hydra could ever hope to achieve and yet his face looks weird im sorry buddy i didn't realize as much until i started sculpting you
(done dirty = the fans that would pick "they've never done anything wrong in their life" unironically, but also kind of the ones that treat him as a joke like nh)
(honestly just let me have him)
he's most fun playing off other characters, not only bc he molds himself to fit their expectations but also how do THEY feel about him (usually bad, but)
wasted angst potential mostly but also his entire route
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lemon-trap · 4 years
Trinkets/The Shop - Lucio and Hayley
I’m a full on Lucio stan but I also like to make fun of him so keep that in mind. Hayley isn’t much of a fan but she tolerates him. Also is anyone proud that I actually got this up on the day that it was assigned? Wow! Enjoy day 12 of @thearcanagame challenge!
Clarification: Hayley is my apprentice oc and she’s mute and always wears a face mask.
WARNING: I do not know sign language so if I get something wrong then please privately correct me!
Today I had the whole shop to myself, well I wouldn’t say myself but instead a few customers and a very loud Ex-Count.
“What this do?” Lucio asked for the thirty-second time.
“It’s sage.” I sign, not entertained by his endless questions.
“Yeah but what does it do?” He asks. I swear I could hear something in my head break but before I could answer him, he was off again.
“Why does this turn purple in the dark but blue in the light?” He turned back to me. I won’t lie, Lucio looks like a child in a candy shop but instead of buying candy he just asks what’s in them over and over.
I drop my head, I couldn’t handle this much longer.
“What did you come here for?” I ask, clearly confused on his motives.
Lucio almost looks embarrassed when he answers, “Well to be honest, I heard that a lot of people talk about you and tell their stories about their adventures with you and I wanted to know what that would be like.”
That I did not expect. Lucio actually wants to hang out with me? Unheard of.
“Are you serious?” I ask.
“Yeah! I mean, I’ve heard a lot of good things and everyone has a story about you and I don’t,” Lucio sheepishly looks at the ground.
I think for a moment, trying to figure out if this was true. Lucio fidgets under my gaze and then I decide that yeah, he’s telling the truth.
“What do you want to do?” I ask.
He’s shocked for just a moment before finally naming a whole list of things to do.
“There’s hiking, tricking, hunting, shopping but most of those things are outside and-“ Just as he says it, thunder rocks the whole shop. “It’s raining pretty hard.”
I nod and we both think for a moment.
“I got it!” He shouts in excitement, “Let’s bake a cake!”
“I haven’t done that in a while.” I sign but I do miss making them.
“Come on,” Lucio runs up the stairs leading to the kitchen faster than I can see.
I shake my head, what have I gotten into?
“So, we need this and this and this,” Lucio throws random ingredients on the kitchen table, most of them I hope never to see in an actual cake.
“Do you know how to bake a cake?” I ask.
“How hard can it be?” He says, throwing way too much sugar into the mixing bowl.
The strength I need to keep my hand away from slapping my forehead is stronger than any weight lifter will ever be.
I try my best to keep up with his movements but he’s as quick as a startled cat.
Lucio let’s me crack the eggs after he got basically half the eggshell into the bowl when he did it the first time.
“Do you bake often?” He seems to be bored already, letting me take care of the baking for now.
I nod, my hands too full to say anything.
“Did you....bake when you were little?” He tries to come up with questions to fill in the time.
I stop what I’m doing for a moment to think about how I used to make breakfast for my mother anytime I woke up before her. I nod at Lucio and continue mixing.
“We didn’t really make sweet things when I was growing up,” Lucio says, picking at his nails, “They were more of a ‘eat for nourishment, not enjoyment’.” He says the last part quietly.
I nod as I listen to him.
“They weren’t a lot of fun,” he pouts then suddenly changes his whole attitude, “So, any closer to putting it in the oven?”
I nod, pouring the batter into a cake pan.
“Oh, oh! Can I lick the spoon?” He asks and he reminds me of a child.
I shrug my shoulders and hand him the bowl and spoon when I’m done. He takes it gladly and licks away as I put the cake pan in the oven.
“Do you think it will take long?” He asks, some of the batter on his upper lip. I nod sadly.
After a very long minute of silence, Lucio speaks up again. I’m beginning to think that he doesn’t like silence.
“So, what is your favorite dessert?” He asks, it’s very clear that we don’t talk often.
I shrug my shoulders, “I’m not much of a dessert person.”
Suddenly Lucio looks at me like I’d just killed his dogs, “What... what kind of person doesn’t like desserts?”
I almost think that he’s just joking but not after the way he looks at me.
“I never really liked them.” I sign, trying to keep in my amusement.
“What happened to you that now you don’t like desserts?” Lucio asks but I’m sure he’s joking this time.
“Well, my mother loved them and she sent me away so that I didn’t have a normal life.” I sign and then I realize what I said. I look up at Lucio, hopeful that he didn’t read that but by the look on his face it was clear that he did.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” He says it so quietly that it’s hard to hear but I do. Lucio actually said sorry. That was going in the history books.
We sit in silence again.
“If it makes you feel any better...” Lucio says, absently spinning the wooden spoon, “but my mom wasn’t perfect either.”
I haven’t heard much of anything about Lucio’s mother. He never liked to talk about her.
Then the timer dings and it’s time to remove the cake from the oven.
It may have been slanted in the middle and parts of it were crunchy but it was still good nonetheless though I didn’t eat it until Lucio was long gone. I never eat in front of anyone.
Lucio isn’t all bad like some people say, he can be kind and caring on a good day with the right people.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Bakuli Headcanons
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Here's a random assortment of fan apprentice headcanons! These have just been floating around in my head for a while and I needed somewhere to put them, so here they are.
Bakuli and Julian are both fluent in Prakran and love having opportunities to speak with one another. They particularly enjoy reading Prakran love poems to one another (and will translate for Lucio, of course).
Bakuli isn't fluent in the language of her father's people, but it is a similar language to Lucio's native tongue. She can speak in broken speech to Lucio and he enjoys getting the opportunity to be knowledgeable about his language.
Bakuli has mehndi like tattoos on both hands and wrists, and on her feet and ankles. Normally they are a dark brown, but glow a pale lavender when she uses her magic. When she, Julian, and Lucio officially commit to one another, she has their names hidden in her tattoos (Julian's is on her right hand, Lucio's on her left)
Bakuli also has a couple other tattoos of (mostly on her back) of creatures in the major arcana and her familiar, but they are usually hidden under her clothes. Her sister, Bindi, is the one that designed and did all her tattoos for her.
Bakuli learned her potion-crafting skills from her grandmother, Priya (Priya Aji, as all the grandkids called her).
She met her familiar, Sagara (a mimic octopus), when she was looking for shells on the beach in Prakra when she was young. Sagara was curled up in one of them and seemed to take a liking to Bakuli. She sensed that this was her familiar and they have been inseparable ever since
Given that Sagara is an ocean-dwelling, water-breathing creature, she spends most of her time in the Vesuvian harbors. Though Bakuli can utilize just enough water magic to create a little bubble of water that Sagara can exist in for short periods of time when they have to travel.
More headcanons to come!
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