#multiple impas..
parksrway · 1 year
did anyone else just completely forget about age of calamity for a while. like I feel like that game had zero impact but it was so hyped up and now I never see anyone talk about it
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waywardsalt · 1 year
the oracle of seasons manga is also a step up from the oot manga, but not as good as four swords. it’s... average? granted i never played oracle of seasons (or ages) and it’s not bad but it’s not great, either. it doesn’t really do anything wrong but as far as i can tell nothing they do or add to the story is all that great. the only exception is the stuff with link joining the performers; that was actually an interesting section of the manga.
#salty talks#bitching about the loz manga#so uh. new totk trailer. ok.#my feelings these past few months have been friendship ended with botw elden ring is my new best friend#anyways i think in the early loz manga the female characters are uh. not great? unless theyre impa#im gay but din is hot and shes also good#link being in love with her as one of his big motivations is. sure. fine. whatever#why was piyoko vaguely in love with link#probably my stupidest complaint about these books (except fs lmao) is that theyre so. not queer#does that make sense? they lean very heavily into girls liking link and link liking some other girl and its very. heteronormative?#maybe thats just me. maybe thats be being a lil pissy abt the manga sheik thing and some other stupid shit#also this one leaning very heavily into link having to lay down and accept his destiny of being a hero despite not initially wanting it#like they make it a whole thing in the beginning and then he just. accepts it.#sidenote to the totk thing my loss of interest is probably due to the fucking vicegrip chokehold my phantom hourglass special interest#has on me#small life update a few months ago i DID get a copy of the phantom hourglass official guide book and i love it dearly#totk fills me with dread for multiple reasons and i think ill avoid it for a bit after it releases to see what others think#anyways. oracle of seasons. sorry to bog this down with non manga opinions. but its ok. not too interesting. standard#my guess is that oot and mm are going to be the worst of the bunch
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strawberrycircuits · 1 year
Hi sorry im trying to do research and watching loz lore videos, but im getting confused. Is it Impa imortal? Because she's in Skyward sword but also in Botw is this the same impa or a reincarnation impa?
(Please let me know if me asking you about loz gets annoying before i start sending all my lore questions to u)
OKAY so impa is a recurring character, but she's not necessarily a reincarnation or immortal. she just kinda... keeps showing up across multiple games/timelines? shes not the only character like this (see: the great deku tree, beedle, tingle, rhoam, rauru/kapora gabora) but because these chars are not in most games its assumed they arent reincarnated from the same soul like link and zelda. this sort of thing has sort of baffled zelda fans for a while, but its generally understood that its really just nintendo, like... trying to have more recurring characters in their games....
its certainly possible that impa was wrapped up in demise's curse, since she was in skyward sword, but its highly unlikely to be canon. its more likely that its a name associated with Zelda's advisors/nannies and is a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy ("i want my kid to do X, so im going to name them after all the people who did X!") or is simply an odd coincidence.
i will say that part of the confusion likely comes from the fact that sheikah live for-fucking-ever (like... thousands of years sometimes), so a lot of impas get REALLY FUCKING OLD and manage to live waaaaay longer than most characters (see; botw and sksw, where impa ends up being super old by the time the story kicks off) so some of the videos ur watching may be talking about impa living a long time, but that doesnt mean shes immortal. shes just... aging slower than we do.
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science-lings · 2 years
I hate it when I want to commission someone really badly but my brain cannot come up with like an art idea. Like I have plenty for myself, but they include characters that I have yet to draw myself and you usually need some kind of reference to give to artists of the characters you want them to do, which do not exist yet but I wanna give this person money to art up my blorbo(s)
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thebleedingeffect · 9 months
Thinking about how I'm gonna solve the 'there's multiple master swords in one place and only one Fi, how is this gonna work' and I'm considering that Fi can legit just jump from master sword to master sword as they work moreso like "vessels" that she can inhabit
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shearlin · 10 months
Hot take about Sky angst, regarding the curse of Demise, because I haven't seen anyone talking about this possibility in all those years I've been in LU fandom.
Sky has no idea about the curse
Because think about it. Why would he know about it?
My man has been electrocuted multiple times, with magical - basically divine - lightnings in attempt to defeat Demise. All the while fighting for his life with a literal GOD OF EVIL, after spending an entire afternoon fighting an army of monsters and a Demon Lord/creepy ass Sword Spirit. Not even mentioning how worried sick he must have been that entire time, if this time he was also too late too save Zelda.
(always too late too slow not enough and late late late)
I don't know about you, but I don't think he was in any state of body or mind to listen to some dudes last words, when he had to focus on not passing out because he has to make sure Zelda/Sun is alright.
(It got a bit long so rest of the rant under the cut)
Fi gave him clear, that Demise received a mortal blow and that now it's only a matter of time until he dies and that was all Sky needed to stop paying any attention.
Just go through the motions. His vision is blurry, but that's alright just stay awake. Fi chimes to rise his sword. He does. There is some black smoke suddenly surrounding him, but Fi get's rid of it with her light so it's fine. It's probably why she asked him to rise her skyward. The last fifteen minutes he's been following her directions nearly blindly anyway, because his mind is still foggy, he's not sure where he is or what he is doing he just have to get to Zelda.
And then she's there. And everything is fine.
Impa fades, Fi sleeps and he finally rests. Or rather crashes as the exhaustion finally catches up to him.
But he recovers, as best as he can, and live on.
And then eight other heroes, just like him, appear and take him on a quest across the time. They become friends. Then brothers. Soon he feels like they knew each other their entire lives and can't imagine how he can move on after the inevitable goodbyes.
He is so happy that no matter what, there will always be someone among his people, someone from or even outside of Hyrule, to stand up against evil, no matter how many times it will try to show it's ugly face. He's a bit bummed that there even is a need for a hero to show up, but hey! He is not so naive to think people are and always will be only good. Things happen. Some people are just terrible, and some take it out on the entire world.
But somewhere along the line, he starts to notice... something weird.
They all fought that same guy (some of them even multiple times!) called Ganon or Ganondorf. And while he is overjoyed that none of them even heard the name of Demise, he feels kind of singled out. Few of them mentioned an idea of reincarnation. Mentioning Zeldas' connection through blood of the Goddess and their connection through a spirit.
A spirit of a hero.
He always though it was a figure of speech. A way to describe someone courageous who fulfills the quota of being a hero.
But it's not about a spirit of a hero.
It's the Spirit of the Hero.
His Spirit.
An idea begins to form. A distant memory he didn't even knew he had. Maybe nightmares about that fateful fight starting to get clearer by night. Maybe he spends some time talking to Fi and he does not like the feeling he gets from her chimes, even if she can't really talk in her slumber. Maybe he even prays to Hylia in some distant era in an unfamiliar place, so she can deny or confirm his suspicions.
Goddesses, please, may he be wrong.
Because he loves them all like a family. Because they are family. Because he has seen their haunted expressions and blank eyes, he has heard their stories and horrors they went through and nearly all of them were so young, too young, and the thought that he was the direct cause of it-
Sky had no idea that Demise trapped his spirit in a cycle of reincarnation. He had no time to process it or find coping mechanisms before the adventure with the chain happened. He found out during it, slowly putting it together and coming apart at the seems before their eyes.
Sky didn't know about the curse.
And I say, it could be really interesting to watch Sky fall.
(And if anyone knows a fic exploring this idea please let me know! I searched but couldn't find any)
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Zelda constantly rambling is 100% a trait I adore with every ounce of my being but the reason behind it is actually so heartbreaking.
Zelda and her studies were condemned mercilessly by her father. She legitimately ran away from the castle and her father’s orders multiple times because of how stifled she felt inside the castle.
And though she had the support of Impa and Purah, she was forbidden by the King to continue with her research on the Guardians.
And then we have Link who actually listens to her. He’s with her constantly as her knight attendant and he actually listens. She will ramble about anything, because she is so smart and has a wide variety of knowledge that was always looked down upon because it wasn’t her ‘duty’. And he shows genuine interest.
And to fast forward to totk where we learn that they are practically inseparable to the point that people assume Zelda is safe because Link is or know something is immediately wrong bc Zelda isn’t by Link’s side…. *spoilers for totk ending below*
It’s just so precious to me because Zelda grew up with her hobbies and interests put down and now she has Link who she is not at all afraid to ramble on and on to about the zonai and some of her first thoughts upon waking up at the end are the many things she just has to tell Link about. Zelda finally has a home where she can just be her and that home is Link and the Hyrule they are rebuilding together.
Also just adding the fact that Zelda obviously rambled about Link to Sonia prior to memory eight and gave the impression that Zelda’s absolute devotion and faith in Link was 100% reciprocated bc of Sonia’s teasing comments ….
Zelda’s rambling is absolutely precious to me and I’m so happy she has Link who is forever supportive of her and her endeavors regardless of what they might be.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 25 days
Content warning, dark thoughts, suicide attempt
Link had always done his duty.
He'd been raised a Sheikah, immersed in his father's culture. He'd recognized that his loyalty was always to the royal family, to Hyrule, to the goddess and the good people who lived in this land. He'd been a strong warrior, had passed his trials of adulthood at the age of twelve, had proved himself worthy of the honor of being part of such a group of people.
He'd become one of their best fighters. He'd been the pride of his people. Lady Impa had always smiled when she saw him. He missed seeing her smile.
Link had always done his duty.
He'd pushed to fight in the war even when the king had insisted on hoarding his best fighters. He'd snuck out with Princess Zelda on a quest to find the Master Sword and the Hero of Hyrule that the kingdom so desperately needed. When the princess had insisted that it had to be him, having been claimed by the treasure of the Goddess Farore, he drew the blade of evil's bane and wielded it in battle. He'd slain the beast that Ganondorf had turned into, he'd destroyed Hemisi's beloved father and the one man who had slowly started to become a father figure to himself as well.
And when it had all been over, he'd listened as the queen petitioned to him, saying that the only way he could save Hyrule now was by sacrificing himself.
And Link had always done his duty.
He shouldn't be bitter. The choice was his, after all. It was for Hyrule. He was doing this for Hyrule.
Yet while he bled and died for these people, the nobles continued to try and claw for power. While he did what was expected of him, others with power and destiny on their shoulders acted selfishly. While he did his job, everyone else scrambled and pleaded and cried as if they were helpless, whining about circumstances that everyone was enduring as if others weren't suffering.
He didn't have a right to whine about any of it. He'd chosen this fate. He loved Hyrule and wanted it to heal.
So why did he have to feel so damn bitter about all of it?
He wanted to murder someone. Preferably all of the nobles. Maybe even some of the sages.
He hadn't been able to think straight since the baby shower. He'd been alone and hopeless since the wedding, honestly, but sparring had helped. Lately, though, his emptiness had started to fill with resentment, and he couldn't stop it. He didn't want to.
Link paced outside, having beaten multiple knights in sparring duels in an attempt to get his frustration out. It hadn't helped.
"Do you want to see her?"
No. No. Why would he want to see her? Why would he want a reminder of everything he'd gotten himself into, like this wasn't his fault. It was absolutely his fault, his choice, and he hated himself.
Link had always done his duty.
No, he didn't want to see his daughter. He would hate her too. And she didn't deserve that. Also, he frankly wasn't sure he could handle the sight, the confirmation of a permanent imprisonment, a lifetime consequence to his actions that he still regretted.
He couldn't regret it. He wanted to help Hyrule.
His mood darkened further, and he stormed back inside the castle, going to his room.
He wanted to scream, he wanted to be noticed, to be heard. He wanted to disappear into a corner and never be bothered again. He didn't know what he wanted.
He wanted to go back to a time where he didn't feel so empty.
He missed Hemisi. He missed her smile, her laugh, her mischievous nature, the way she brought out the lighter side in him, the way they always had adventures together. He missed her fire, her determination, her grit, her love for life. He missed her touch, the scent of the oils she put in her hair, the way she would smile at him. He missed the warm welcome from her family, the festivals and beauty of the Gerudo culture, the safety he felt when he didn't have to be on guard and on edge all the time.
He missed Lady Impa. He missed being a soldier under her command, just trying to impress her and make her proud. He missed the way she'd smile at him and look out for him, the gentle reminders to eat and sleep. He missed being noticed by her. She'd promised to support him in this marriage but she spent all her time with Zelda instead.
He missed home. He missed Kakariko, the peace of the world it inhabited, the protection offered by its people. He missed the blanket his mother had made for him, woven with intricate detail of the Hylian village she came from, the one reminder and connection he had to anything outside of his Sheikah heritage, aside from his name. He hadn't slept in his village since he was a thirteen.
He missed having friends, having connections. He missed a time where he wasn't the king consort or the Hero, a being with power and prestige who was held at arm's length or watched warily for threats. He missed being a person.
But he wasn't even that anymore, he supposed. He was a slave, and he'd put the damn shackles on himself.
Link had always done his duty.
The walls were closing in. His world spun. He was dizzy and breathless, angry and scared. Tears stung in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. This was his own damn fault. He had no one to blame but himself.
Was this what the reward was for valor and honor? Was this why everyone else was so selfish?
He didn't know. The selfish fools didn't seem much happier, he supposed, or they wouldn't be clawing for power and resources.
If there wasn't happiness in honor and there wasn't happiness in disgrace, then would he ever even feel anything aside from the emptiness that was consuming him?
Link whirled, pacing back and forth until his knees hurt. He stopped in front of a mirror, staring at it. A man he didn't even know anymore looked back. His red eyes used to stand out from the white all around them, bright and energized, but now they blended in to the bloodshot background around them. His skin was paler than it used to be, weariness and stress pulling at his face, drawing lines that shouldn't be there. His hair was dry, split ends apparent, sloppily and tightly pulled into a bun that hardly resembled the tidy Sheikah style he usually wore.
Not a really good look for a king, he supposed.
A king. He was no king. He was nothing.
Link had always done his duty.
He didn't want to anymore.
"You've done your duty, the queen has her victory kid, the kingdom's in love with it. Come back to the desert with me."
He couldn't. He knew he couldn't. The Gerudo's survival was tenuous enough; if the King of Hyrule abandoned his wife and child for the chief of the Gerudo, their destruction would be assured.
He wouldn't do that to Hemisi. And he couldn't do that to Zelda. As much as he hated her, he couldn't hurt her like that.
And why did he hate her? She'd asked him to marry her to help the kingdom. He'd agreed. It had been his choice.
But time and again, she reminded him of the shackles he'd put on himself. Time and again, she'd made him do things he didn't want to because it was for their image. But he always did it. Because it was his duty.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he just felt noticed. Maybe it wouldn't be so soul crushing if someone just recognized he was a person, not just a Hero or a King.
Link glanced to his right, noticing a dagger on his desk. It was one of the daggers he used to wield during the war. He picked it up, looking over its worn handle, remembering all the callouses he got while using it, remembering the feeling of blood soaking into his skin, the hot breath of his enemies when he'd kill them. Knives were far more personal than swords or arrows or kunai; he almost always watched his enemies die, the light fading from their eyes, when he'd use this blade.
He... missed the war.
What was wrong with him?
He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. The war was over. It was all over.
It was all over.
He should get some sleep. He had to do his duty.
Link had always done his duty.
He gripped the knife tightly. His hand shook.
What was duty anymore? What was he supposed to do anymore? He couldn't keep doing this.
He couldn't. He wouldn't. He was tired. He was so damn lonely. He was so damn lonely.
Link had always done his duty.
"You've done your duty."
He wanted it to be over.
"Do you want to see her?"
He was becoming a monster.
Link closed his eyes. He was a warrior. He would die a warrior. He couldn't live like this anymore.
Cold steel met his neck and ripped it apart.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
“Hey Captain?”
Link flicks an ear in acknowledgment, but doesn’t turn to look at Tune as he walks over to his cot. The younger hero looks down at him, but Link still doesn’t look back at him.
“...are you okay?” he asks.
“Fine,” Link replies quietly.
“You haven’t really been fine since the whole Volga business started,” Tune huffs, and flops next to him on the cot where he’s curled up. He’s quiet for a second, then props himself up on an elbow, and looks at Link. “...Did you ask Impa about your mother?”
Link swallows, the lump he’d been trying to ignore coming back in full-force.
“Yes. She... told me some stuff.”
“Anything useful?” Tune asks, tilting his head. “Like who she is?”
“...Something like that.”
Tune waits, but when Link doesn’t continue, he raises an eyebrow, a flicker of worry in his gaze.
“Soooo..? You gonna tell me, or keep it to yourself and let it eat at you forever?” he asks, green eyes narrowed.
Link can’t help the slightly bitter laugh that escapes him. “It’s been like, an hour, Sailor. There hasn’t been enough time for it to eat at me.”
“Yet it obviously is since you’re avoiding my question,” Tune points out, and gives his arm a light poke. “Come on. Mask is hanging around with Zelda, so it’s just us. What did she say?”
Link stares up at the ceiling for a minute, wishing for a moment he was outside and could see the stars. It was too cold to sit out there tonight though, and Link sighs, closing his eyes.
“She said she’s my mother.”
Tune blinks.
“Yeah that was basically my reaction.”
Tune makes a small, incredulous noise, running a hand through his hair. “Impa. Impa? She’s really..? Wow. She doesn’t even look... Uh. I... don’t think I would’ve guessed that.”
“Me neither,” Link agrees quietly.
Tune goes quiet for a second, and Link opens an eye to see him looking at him in concern again.
“You okay?” Tune asks softly, and Link shrugs.
“I don’t know.”
Tune is silent for another few seconds.
“Well at least you’re honest,” Tune sighs, and slides closer to him. “No wonder it’s eating at you. I’m sorry Captain.”
Link scoffs. “Sorry for what? It’s not your fault.”
“No. But I’m sorry you found out your parents are a dragon who’s tried to kill you multiple times, and a Sheikah who never told you she was your mom until now. That’s sucky.”
Link lets out an somewhat thick laugh. “...It is sucky. I mean... Volga’s evil or whatever, he nearly killed me and the General that one time, and the General knew she was my mother but she said she couldn’t tell me, and she had to give me up for some reason and it turns out I’m not even Hylian. How do I even begin to deal with that?”
Something wet tries to escape from his eyes, but Link stubbornly blinks it back, that same cold pit opening up in his stomach that’s been plaguing him.
Tune doesn’t reply, but he does tug him into a hug, and Link breathes out, closing his eyes as Tune snuggles up to him.
The little sailor is a bundle of heat, and Link hadn’t realized until now that he was actually on the cold side of things. He lets Tune nestle up to him in silence, his arms warm where they’re around him, and Link tries to silence the thoughts still rattling around his head.
“As if this stupid war wasn’t confusing enough already,” Link murmurs after a minute, and Tune gives him a tight squeeze.
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wayfayrr · 21 days
The Menace returns! And you choose Trauma so this is not a Link!Reader but someone who caused a trauma to someone else.
Here we go to the person that SCARRED our Vet to beyond belief. Marin!Reader and now I finally could write it down as I didn't want to make it a second dream section with all of the Chain as they all would be scarred for life and well, Legend would want to die. So and thanks to Gliphy I got the perfect idea with Marin!Reader.
They were the Marin on Koholint, so they are Legend's first love!
They live but just in a different world entirely. (My own theory on that)
They still remember Legend and hope he is doing well.
They still sing to animals and people.
After Legend finds them, he is at first suspicious. It could be a trap from the Shadow.
But his brain couldn't stop him from rushing to their side and holding them in his arms again.
They are a sweetheart and are holding Legends with such care when they sing him a lullaby.
The Vet will not be able to sleep without them in his arms anymore.
Their weapon is the Sea Lily Bell and Awakening Bell like in Hyrule Warriors.
The Chain is stunned and confused how a person with such a soft voice and delicate body fight monsters like a knight and with a bell no less.
I believe that there are two groups in the Yandere Chain.
Group one will be the one's that have practically a suffocating possessiveness and are overprotective. In the group is Legend, Twilight, Wild, Four and surprisingly Sky.
Before you scream, let me explain.
I think, that Sky would be possessive despite the usual Headcanons BECAUSE he lost Zelda during his journey multiple times.
Once she was led away from him by Impa, then she disappeared into a portal into the past, then she sealed herself into a crystal for that seal on Demise and lastly she almost lost her soul because of Ghirahim. Yeah, no way in hell you can tell me, that he wouldn't be overprotective and possessive over his darling after these stunts.
The second group is overbearing and/or cautious of Reader, not because they don't trust them.
No! They are cautious about the people around Reader.
Reader has a bleeding heart and would try to help anyone they found. Nevermind if it's a enemy or an ally.
This group has Wars, Time, Four (again) and Hyrule in it.
I hope everyone of them is self-explanatory.
Legend sees them as his future spouse. He knew them the longest! And has a history with them!
So he even sees the Chain as enemy, especially Wars.
But he would never kidnap them, he knew how they felt about being caged as he met them on Koholint.
But he talks smack about the Chain.
So he is more trustworthy than the others. So he stands in a better light than the others. So they fell rather in love with him than any of the other eight heroes. So they run into his arms if they got scared.
He gave them a ring, of course a magical one. But it's more than that, he wears the second one of them and as long as they both wear this specific ring, Legend is able to find them.
Legend is also clingy, very clingy.
Wars has to adapt plans so the Vet sees Reader. Because if he doesn't, he will go nuts.
He will use every trick he has in his sleeves to find them and if the others die in the process, he doesn't fucking care.
If Reader is tucking Wind into bed like an older sibling would and singing him a lullaby. Legend is so jealous but at the same time, he sees Reader with his and their children. So the jealousy disappears and he just watches them with Wind with fond eyes while daydreaming.
Sky teached them lyrics from his era, so they sing to him as he plays his harp.
Twilight has the time of his life as Wolfie, they sing to him, pet him, forehead kisses.
Bunny!Legend got it even better, he is very smug about it. Reader will carry him, pet him, kiss his nose, take care of his vest, protect him from Wild and if they are in an inn while Legend is a bunny, they will sleep with him in a bed and held him close to their chest.
They even bath together.
He thanked every existing deity, that Reader didn't know he was the bunny or he would die, happy but he dies.
Just because he saw them naked, something nobody of the Chain did only him.
Wars first, tries to find out how Legend was back then as they met but after falling in love he write poetry for them and they write with him song lyrics of ballads.
Time knows them from the War of Eras and is embarrassed to see them. Let's just say, Reader treated him like a child and never left his side through the whole war. But now he only sees the perfect parent in them.
They switch with Wild so he could sleep longer every once in a while and they cook breakfast in the meantime.
Hyrule sees how much the Vet loves their singer. But as a Fae he got drawn in and is always near them when they sing.
Four asks about the Bells as they are a strange weapon choice.
Their song is "Celestial" from Ed Sheeran.
How they met.
Legend's PoV:
We walked around my Hyrule, inside a forest to be more specific. We wandered through it and didn't found any monsters but there were little puddles and footprints inside the mud. So we followed the track until we found a person lying on the ground. All except for me run to the Hylian. Their blue clothes were so familiar like their hair and as they turned the person around. So we could see their face. I could see a red island flower in their hair and I saw a face of someone I thought would never see again. My brain cried out, that it could be a trap from the shadow but my feet just started to sprint to them. I ripped them from the hands of one of the others and held them close to my chest. I knew, that my house was near. So I picked them up and carried them to my home. The others just followed me and were calling out to me not to be reckless and even my brain still screamed that this was a trap but my body moved on it's own. I carried Reader into my house and laid them in my bed before tucking them under the covers. I didn't care if my bed got muddy or anything. I grabbed a chair and sat myself beside them. They had some cuts and bruises but nothing serious, thank The Golden Three for that. I held their hand in mine and even kissed their knuckles as I ignored the group who questioned me and my motives to bring "a stranger" into my house. My Love stirred and I felt a little more force as they squeeze my hand ever so slightly. They laid in my bed for few hours before they woke up and I can remember how relieved I was. They opened their eyes, they looked around and as their beautiful eyes laid upon me. They smiled and giggled their melodic laughter.
„Hehehehe... Seems like our roles are know reversed, did you found me on the beach as well?“
I snorted at their silliness. „Yes, our roles are now reversed but you laid inside a forest in mud and not in sand by a beautiful beach... But how are you here, Reader... You should be...“
„The Wind Fish fulfilled my wish! I had to do something for him but that was no big deal! Now I can finally see the world outside of Koholint, Link! Maybe you can show me around?“ I turned red as they said my name and right now I didn't care if it was a trap or not. They were back and real! I smiled at them and nodded.
„Of course, I can! I promised it on the log by the beach remember?“
„I know... But you also said you are a hero so you must be very busy... I don't want to steal your precious time... And I said you should forget about that!“ It was like an arrow was fired through my heart and my face and ear tips turned bright red. They were way too kind for the cruel world of Hyrule.
„Sorry, to interrupt your reunion? But who are you and how do you fight all these monsters inside the forest?“ asked the Captain and I just glared at him for interrupting our conversation.
Reader began to sat up, were I jumped up and helped them.
„Be careful.“ they still held my hand but I was more concerned about the Captain. If he tries to take Reader away from me, then he will have some things coming for him!
„Oh I remember you! You were the soldier in the war I should help out to get my wish fulfilled! I never asked for your name! I'm Reader and just like back then I dealt with them with my Sea Lily Bell and water magic.“ they smiled but I couldn't concentrate as THEY knew the Captain!
My head snapped to the Captain who seemed to recognise my first love.
„Ohhh the Hylian with that strange bell and has the Wind Fish as companion. How did you land inside the forest?“ I squeezed their hand slightly and they looked at me while squeezing back.
„I wished to be free from the island I lived on and wished to be with Link! I didn't see him for so long! But I wished that I had stayed awake then I could've greet him properly!“ They hugged me which I reciprocated to hide my even redder face in their shoulder and my ears which wiggled slightly.
I felt them pet my head as they said something which shocked not only me but all of us.
„Oh there are also the two kids from back then! Hey long time no see! You grown so much! One of you even outgrow me! Hihihihihi... But I still don't know your names as the war kinda kept me busy.“
I looked with my eyes to the others and saw how the old man scratched his neck and Wind rushed towards us.
„You are that Hylian with the cool water magic!? It's really been long, you didn't change one bit!!“
They laughed and combed through my hair that my head became drowsy and I felt sleepy.
„Our name is Link, Reader so that's why we are called by our title. You may call me "Time", the boy is "Wind", then there is Warrior, Twilight, Four, Hyrule, Wild, Sky and the one in your arms is called "Legend".“ they nodded and kissed my head.
„I don't care, if you call him "Legend" for me, he is Link!“ My hold around them grew stronger and I fell asleep with my beloved in my arms. It felt like I was finally being able to fall asleep after years of being kept awake...
This is how they met the "Singer" and Legend's first love! Of course, they all noticed how the Vet was acting around them. He was more open and expressive and less snarky. He will be going more and more possessive that even Yandere Twilight would be nothing against him. Wolves are protective over their mates and pups but Legend put that to shame. Sky always starts to play his harp as soon he sees Reader is near him, so they begin to play the bell and sing with him. They sometimes even do a duet with Wild. Apropos Wild, they cook together and dance with him just to have fun and to be silly. Time sees them as the perfect parent from his previous encounters with them but also loves to listen to them sing him a lullaby. But he knows that Reader would be never allowed to be on watch duty, especially not alone. And even thought they fought for being at least on watch duty. They are allowed to but only with Legend as they sleep in the same bedroll and they don't want to imagine what will happen to them and anything around them, if a sleeping Veteran noticed that Reader isn't beside him anymore. Wars talks to them a lot because of their magic and the different bells. Four learned specifically for them how to maintain their bells. Wind uses his "Little Brother Privileges" he gets lullabies, cuddles, playtime anything he wants until Time or Legend separate them, mostly Legend. Hyrule just loves to hear them sing. He isn't confident enough too even mention his feelings for them to the others. Twilight gets "Wolfie Privileges" but also as Hylian he gets attention from Reader. But none of them get as much attention as Legend as he is the closest to them after all.
The Menace will return next week with new words! INTO THE MENACE CAVE!!
I love the twist of being a different world rather than simply just the windfish's dream, legend deserves that little bit of healing at least after everything else he's gone through
And also I agree with how you've characterised the yans!!! I haven't put out my full headcanons for each of them yet (I really need to but they're pretty low on my things to finish and post of wips ngl) But I do have sky's out! and I do see him as very possessive but simply not showing it as much as the rest - he's a manipulative yan more than anything. <3
Legend has EVERY reason to be more cautious of wars, like you said of course legend has the upper hand since he has history with reader but so does warriors, he knew reader during the war of ages so of course he's going to be more defensive against him (time is only safe because he was a kid and doesn't see em in a romantic light)
the way they met is also really sweet, being the opposite of how legend and them met for the first time. I bet he simply wishes that it was after he was finished with this quest so that he could have them to himself instead.
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wild-dagon · 9 months
Sometime I think about totk taking place after the Linked Universe adventure finishes.
Wild is 17 in LU. I don’t know if it’s official cannon but most works I’ve read have Wild join the chain around two weeks after his official quest ends.
So with that in mind Wild is with the chain at 17.
Totk takes place about 6 years after Botw. Making Wild and Flora around 23.
So let’s say Wild went on his adventure with the chain. Who knows how long it takes 1 year? Three years? Who knows but they all have to part ways when it’s over. Maybe the mailman can run in between timelines still but they can’t.
Wild’s back in his ear helping Flora rebuild. It’s going well and he’s as happy as he can be with out his family.
But then TOTK happens. The story goes as it does and it ends with Flora returned to her Hylian form.
Flora who has traveled to the distance past once. Flora who had 10,000 years + as a dragon to have her powers grow. Flora with a sacred stone of time.
Maybe Flora as she watched over all the prior ears saw some of the Chain and their adventures. Maybe she saw Lullaby and Time’s adventures with the Ocarina. Or maybe once she’s back she works really hard to master her time powers.
Either way she decides to surprise her knight with a trip. A trip through time.
Flora was always a little jealous that Wild got to meet and learn from other hero’s it’s her turn to meet other Zelda’s. She rationalizes trip to Impa this as an opportunity to learn how best to help her kingdom from the Zelda’s who came before. And if Wild gets to reunite with his family well that’s a bonus. (In reality this is the only reason they are going)
What have the others been up to during their time apart?
Has Sky and Sun gotten married?
To Time and Malon have kids yet?
Has Twilight found pieces of the mirror or has he moved on with his life?
What is a grown up Wind like? Has he established New hyrule yet with Tetra?
Does Four still travel or has he settled down and running his own blacksmith shop? What of Shadow?
Has Hyrule found peace or is he still being hunted?
Has Legend finally moved on from Marin (maybe with a certain merchant?) is he still adventuring or has he been able to let go and relax?
What is Warriors life like with no war? How will Cia handle multiple Links and Zelda? Traveling through time?
It’s so fun to think about. You can make it super slice of life where Flora is hang out with the other Zelda’s while the Links reunite. Or you can add a driving problem and plot.
You can make it so only Wild and Flora can move through time. But where’s the fun in that. Obviously not all the Zelda’s can travel but you can bet Sun and Tetra are all over this adventure.
I personally think Flora and Wild’s first stop is the period of Twilight to pick up their wolf.
What do you guys think.
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kagoutiss · 2 months
So I am having SO MANY thoughts about the twinrova and how they’re a couple centuries old and so would’ve lived through multiple rulers before “serving” ganondorf.
Like they raised him, what was their agenda? Did they have plans spanning multiple sovereigns to secure their power over the gerudo? Did they have the Omni man “what’s another century we’ll just raise the next one” kind of feelings towards him if he didn’t become their puppet or weapon?
So much thot not enough brain space this rot is taking over me
ooooooogh twinrova brainrot is strong in me too…..yeah because if they’re ~400 years old and OoT ganondorf was still just in his twenties at the time, and a male gerudo child is born every century, then presumably they could’ve been in the position of raising said children multiple times? i think i remember seeing a take somewhere that considered the idea of twinrova’s role in the gerudo being similar to that of impa serving as an attendant/mentor to zelda, and i think that’s a really cool idea. there’s probably also a lot of potential angst to be found in these little old witches who may have cared for previous gerudo princes, and would have had the incredible responsibility of keeping them safe in childhood, while also training them in witchcraft and war strategy, and advising them in their kingship as adults. because if that’s the case, they would’ve seen those princes live and die multiple times too
it kinda makes you wonder if their love for ganondorf is so obsessive in part because they know firsthand how painful it is to lose a child, to live long enough to outlive to your children multiple times. tbh, i feel like them using ganondorf as their proxy for everything, and trying to make him an all-powerful being at any cost, is more a product of their love for him, than it is a litmus test of whether they‘ll love him or not? and by this i don’t mean they’re like,,, a healthy family by any means, like you can still easily apply terms like abuse and trauma-bonding to parts of their dynamic, imo. i think kotake & koume love ganondorf genuinely, and always have, and that the sentiment is mutual. it’s just that they’re willing to go to very extreme lengths to protect/empower ganon in the ways they believe are necessary, because they are very aware of how important he is, to them and the gerudo as a whole. and ironically, a lot of the time, this desperation ends up being not at all conducive to his safety, or sanity, or happiness
like…raising him with expectations and standards that are completely unreasonable for any human being, that turn him into an ambition-driven nutjob who invents lightning magic & masters all types of weaponry & plays a pipe organ, while also having virtually no ability to form genuine relationships with people other than his mothers. or them trying to make him into an impervious, all-powerful being by trying to take divine power, which sometimes inadvertently turns the rational parts of his brain into soup and sets them on fire. or them trying to revive him after death in the downfall timeline by sacrificing themselves, inadvertently bringing him back wrong, and sentencing him to an existence he never would’ve originally wanted
idk. they’re really fun and also heartbreaking to think about. he engraves their names into his weapons, they willfully die just for the possibility of allowing him to live again. their familial relationship seems to be the most important bond in the lives of everyone involved in it, at the expense of any other kind of connections in their lives. he’s their figurative puppet in a few ways, and will break himself over and over if it means meeting their expectations, but i doubt any of them see it that way. everyone involved gets extremely hurt in one way or another, no matter what, often in an attempt to do the opposite, out of love and fear. little fucked up witch fambly……it’s so much
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cursedcola · 2 years
I loved the "sleeping with a plushie" fic!!!! Could I request a part 2 with Vil, Trey, Lilia, Azul, and Kalim?
A/N: Awwww yea we gotta part 2 here. I have a few other requests in the box asking for more of this prompt, and so we'll be seeing more in the future (some characters overlap and i'll just put links). Not gonna lie, did not expect the first part to blow up like it did. Hopefully I can recreate that heart-throbbin' magic y'all loved once again! I'm putting Vil in part 3 since he's an overlapping request, and I like to keep things at a 4 character limit!
Prompt: They see you sleeping with a plushie! Characters: Lilia Vanrouge, Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto, and Kalim Al-Asim Warnings: None! Very long. I need to stop going on tangents Part (2/?): Previous ; Next
Trey Clover
Not to boast, but it's Trey's "thing," to be the level headed one of his dorm. The Queen's right hand.
The saint sent from above to protect all under the dictatorship
The one who carries blessings of goodwill in the form of sweet delights and cares for all his underclassmen
Heartslabyul's beloved "big brother" that all students look up to and see as a beacon of peace
....pfffft. Quite the "reputation" he has, if one could even call it that. You don't, that's for sure. Not after watching him get kicks from his little pranks, or strategically avoiding any conflict unless (1) it's absolutely necessary, or (2) he can benefit from it
Sure, the man has a good heart and takes no joy from other people's sadness. He is the definition of 'neutral good,' but by the seven do the students of NRC put him on a pedestal.
Maybe it's because he's spent so long next to Riddle? Perhaps when compared to him, Trey's way of neutralizing the atmosphere has amplified his 'saintly-ness'? Whatever it is, you never bought into it. He was just a man who couldn't say 'no,' because he dislikes confrontation.
In fact, you often found his life a comedy show. Trey was like a dog-walker being dragged in different directions by multiple leashes. He just wanted to be left alone to his own devices, yet there was always someone looking for him. Requests upon requests, tasks after tasks; all looking to this supposed angel that has no desire to fly. You would watch from the sidelines, and eventually Trey caught on to this onlooker of his misery
In the beginning Trey thought your involvement was coincidental. Being friends with the majority of his dorm is likely why you are always around, right?
Wrongoooo. All assumptions of you being his 'innocent bystander,' crumbled when heinous cackling seemed to follow in his wake. He made the mistake of acknowledging you when the Ace/Deuce duo had somehow blown up the kitchen and were begging for his help. Silent signals screamed "please get me out of this," as he stared you down in the distance. And what did you do??
Just gave him a thumbs up, mouthing the words 'give me a good show' with a cheeky grin
That day, Trey discovered why you truly stuck around. Not for his dorm-mates, not for your friends, or in search of a favor. You came for him, because your sick kicks came from watching someone other than yourself get tossed around like a rag doll
In a way, Trey's role in Heartslabyul is the closest any student will experience to the life you lead at NRC.
Trey doesn't kick you out or tell you off. That's unnecessary since you're not hurting anyone (except his pride, just a tad). He leaves you be, but don't expect to always get off easy. Oh no, he can play the game too. He'll subtly volunteer you to lend a hand when he is 'unavailable,' and slip teasing notes into your hands when passing. Playful glares sent across the room, harmless pranks in your tea-time snacks, levitating the chair you're in to kick you off, selling you out when the troublemaker freshmen want to have fun...Trey plays the game well, letting you get the blunt end of his more mischievous side. The one only his close friends have picked up on
Although now he's reached an impasse, where one side wants to perform the ultimate prank and another wants something more akin to a hidden desire. The day had been odd, with you not appearing once around his dorm after classes. By this time there would normally be some trouble brewing or you'd surprise him with a prank of your own. Keeping him 'on his toes,' as you'd often say
Yet there had been no sight of you. Not a trace of your presence anywhere in sight. A very rare scenario, one even more oblivious Heartslabyul students noted. Instead of favors Trey had to deal with questions of your whereabouts, each making his heart squeeze a bit tighter than before. Something wasn't sitting right.
It's near curfew when he gives in, slipping on a light jacket over his pajamas and beginning to make rounds around his dorm. "Seven's forbid if this is another one of your jokes...just you wait," he grumbled and flicked on a flashlight. If you were not here then he would turn in and use a pastry delivery as an excuse to stop by your dorm. A tampered pastry as penance for worrying him, of course.
Trey walks the length of his dorm halls twice, checking corners and spaces you could hide in. Only when the clock chimes again does he exhale in defeat and begin the walk back to his room. He enters, turns off his light, and right before he climbs into bed is when he sees it.
A small opening of his closet door, and poking out is a familiar shoe.
"Are you serious? Please don't tell me..."
Trey eases himself towards the door to peer inside, and when his assumptions are confirmed he pushes the door open in full. There you were, on the floor of his closet and dead asleep. Trey can't even begin to wonder how you got in or how long you had been sitting in there. The box of markers and stickers on the floor give him an uneasy feeling, as if he was very close to getting an overnight makeover if you hadn't fallen asleep
He crouches down with a sigh, moving to shake you awake when he sees something that makes his breath halt. Disregarding the nest you've made in his clothes, your hands had his little sibling's stuffed dinosaur in a death grip. They had given it to Trey as a parting gift. He treasures it of course, but plushies aren't really his thing so it was stored away for safe keeping
You appeared so calm. A complete contrast to the menace he's grown fond of. He reaches a hand out to adjust your head to a more comfortable position, and lingers for a moment when your breath fans his skin. Trey pulls back slowly, smiling softly and admiring his work.
He eyes the markers on the floor once again and gets an idea. There's no way he can sleep soundly with you here, so as recompence you will soon be walking around with his trademark clover drawn onto your face
In permanent ink
Lilia Vanrouge
"Is not there a saying humans have about my kind? Fufufu, to 'have ears like a bat,' yes?"
Lilia knew about you long before you even thought of approaching him. Do you remember that fateful day in the cafeteria, in which he picked up on your table's idle gossip about his dorm? He had indirectly chided you all for nosiness and not being forthright.
What a hypocrite, considering he has been snooping in your personal buisness since the day you arrived. He hears everything, sees everything, and most definetly knows everything. His wisdom is well beyond the years of the children at NRC, and he knows an omen of chaos when he sees it
You. You are the omen of chaos. A being from another world with ideas unlike the people surrounding him. He's seen many things, but interdimensional travel is new. To say you had piqued his curiosity is an understatement
and chaos did you bring. Everywhere the Ramshackle's prefect went, drama followed. You have this pull that makes others gravitate towards you. They resist at first, treat you poorly, and eventually something cuts the hanging thread and you've solved problems that have brooded for years. You unknowingly create disarray, which unfolds into peace. Lilia has never seen such quick handywork.
"The mirror makes no mistakes. Rid your eyes of rose and see for yourself," he had said to Sebeck one evening. The child disliked how often his master disappeared to visit you in the night. You were a bad influence in the eyes of many. A non-mag with the headmaster's favor, who sends unsuspecting students into over blot. You were the scapegoat to blame for all the destruction, and needed to be sent home.
Sebeck could not understand why Lilia trusted you so much. Lilia trusts few despite his relaxed demeanor, yet you've earned it so quickly. How can the vampire feel secure in letting Malleus visit you day after day, or letting his son laze around your dorm during downtime. There were times when Sebeck himself faltering and buying into your charms, before snapping back to reality. Time and time again he's attempted to convince his masters of your dangerousness, only to be brushed off and told to look at you more closely
"It seems you need a little push. How about a story?" Lilia relents, albeit amused at his pupil's desperate attempts to both resist your pull and protect others from what isn't a threat.
When you had first been brought to Twisted Wonderland, Lilia noticed your shine instantly. Your aura was unlike any other in the room. He watched you appear in the ceremonial robes, utterly confused and clutching your arms protectively around your chest. A mouse in a room full of snakes.
For a time, he left you alone under the assumption that Crowley would send you back to your world. When that failed? He bided his time, watching you and learning. An enigma with no records to go off of, so all he could do was observe and make mental notes
During this time he felt a one-sided fondness begin to grow. He never had roses to blind him from the start, but your pull was infectious and disarming. He allowed himself to settle and let you act freely
At least until Malleus took an interest. Like Sebeck, Lilia was wary of the bond you both were forming, despite how you are seemingly unaware of who Malleus is. No one else would dare call him something like 'hornton'. With no other options and Diasomnia's recent involvement with the Savanaclaw over blot incident, Lilia resorted to some underhanded work.
He snuck into your dormitory during the night in hopes to find information. An identification card, diary, passbook, cell phone- basically anything he could use to learn more about your predicament. He started in the living area, bypassing the ghost trio and moving across all surfaces without a sound. Finding nothing, he made his way to the study area. Again. Nothing. Ramshackle was by no means large, and eventually his search lead to the only room with dim light coming from inside. Your bedroom.
He went in, sticking to the shadows and avoiding the illumination of the fireplace. He notes how most of the room looks inhabited, with nothing sticking out aside from a small book on the end table next to the bed.
Lilia picks it up gently, and opens to skim the contents. In doing so he catches a peek of your sleeping form under the covers. Grimm lays on the other side of the bed, snoring away in the light of the fire. You face away towards the darkness, curled into a ball around a small plush he has never seen before.
No, that's not quite right. You carried that with you on the day of the ceremony. The only thing that seemed to cross dimensions at your side...
He'll have to ask more about it, and you. Though perhaps it may be the key to getting on your side.
Lilia looks down at the book in his hands, before putting it back unopened and in its origional place. He crouches down with a furrow in his brow, and pushes down the plush in your arms to uncover some of your face. Upon closer inspection, he sees dried trails of tears on your cheeks and dark circles underneath your eyes. His fingers trace them gently, and he wipes the water stains clean.
"Ah. I had nothing to worry about it seems," he whispers, removing one of his gloves to pat your head soothingly
Lilia ends his story, with a soft look in his eye as if he's looking through Sebeck and not at him. The man in question appears more confused than before, with his master's story only being another riddle to sort through. He fails to recognize the true meaning behind it, but understanding Lilia has never been easy.
Azul Ashengrotto
Okay, Azul prides himself in his quick thinking but this may have been overkill. Blessings come in dangerous packages.
Let's rewind a bit so the above line makes sense.
You see, Azul is an ocean dweller. He only recently got used to his land-legs, and do not even mention how flight lessons are going. He will not answer and your existence will be ignored for the rest of the day.
No, he is not being immature. He simply chooses where to place his efforts wisely and that conversation is not on his list.
With that said, you can discuss with him the plans you have set for the long weekend. He would be absolutely delighted to hear what you'll be doing and he can thwart
You see, he has been looking for the chance to take you to his mother's restaurant and show you around the ocean. Just some friendly bonding, y'know? He's not quite comfortable going in his oct-form with you just yet, but mayhap you'd like to peruse may of the shops in his hometown. You could go to dinner, admire the scenery, he could confess his love for you, you can study for next week's exam, and the trip could just be perfect if you'll only cancel your current plans!
Yet, you seem to be dodging the topic.
"You know prefect, it almost seems like you don't want me to know how you'll be spending the weekend. Should I be concerned?" he pretends to appear suspicious, but actually feels hurt by your secrecy.
Azul will admit to removing some disruptions from your time together in the past. He may have been planning to do the same in this case; but still, outch. You don't have to put it so bluntly.
In any case, the last thing Azul expected you to say is that you'll be camping. He remembers how you proposed the "team-building," excursion to Crowley last week. An attempt to get students from different dorms to develop better relationships
The idea was vetoed by the council instantly. None of the dorm leaders wanted to go the extra mile aside from yourself. The only one not to vote was Malleus, who wasn't present like usual.
Azul personally could see the social benefit of a camping trip since it could double as recruiting for his dorm; however, he was already plotting this spontaneous weekend with you.
He berates himself for taking too long and for discounting Malleus' vote. It seems that after the initial denial, you had gone to the fae with your idea in hopes of getting Crowley to still allow the trip. It would simply be more informal, with you leading the event.
Needless to say, with Diasomnia seconding your idea it was a hit. In just a week you had advertised, planned, and gathered students from multiple dorms to go camping for two nights.
Azul is stumped and slightly proud. You look so pleased with your efforts and genuinely excited to see the event through. He has no idea how all this went on under his nose this entire week (*cough*lovesickfool*cough*), but he feels his heart shrivel along with his plan to spend the weekend with you
Well, when in Rome do as the romans do
"Do you have room for three more?"
Alrighty. Azul has never been camping, let alone spent the night outside while on the surface. But there is a first for everything and he is determined to get your attention this weekend.
Naturally he drags the tweels along, no questions asked. Jade is pleased since this is a chance for mushroom foraging, and Floyd is looking forward to messing with the other students during the night. Azul packs all his "necessities," literally dragging multiple suitcases of junk because he spent the entire night reading about camping and the possible dangers
He is not getting ripped to shreds by a bear, or hypothermia from not having enough blankets, or mosquito bites. He brings multiple cans of bug repellant and sunscreen. Fuck mosquitos, the remind him too much of the fanged fae but tinier
Needless to say, Azul brings many things. Enough to make you wheeze and truly see the paranoia hidden beneath those gills of his
He brings so much, that he forgets to bring a tent. Ironic, isn't it?
This makes you laugh even harder. He tries to hide it and send one of the tweels back to fetch it, but forgets that they're mischievous twats
"Oi Shrimpyyy~ Azul forgot his tent, can he share with you?"
He was going to kill Floyd and eat him for supper. If he was in his true form there would be ink everywhere, but Floyd can choke on it. He can choke and then he can-
"Oh? Sure! Go ahead and put your stuff in my tent Azu" - can go enjoy as many of Azul's snacks as he wants. Oh Floyd, he has always been Azul's favorite of the twins. Always so unpredictable and lively.
Azul practically floats over to your tent and sets his stuff inside. He tries to appear indifferent, maybe a bit reluctant out of respect for you. He isn't fooling no one with that doe-struck expression. He is a 'happy camper'
Night rolls around, and as everyone settles in for the night so do the two of you. Only when he's in his pajamas, inside the tent and in his sleeping bag does it hit him
He's about to spend the night outside, with you less than five feet away, and oh seven why did he pack the cheap pajamas? You're going to see his bedhead in the morning and-
oh crap
He was so lost in his thoughts that Azul missed you say goodnight. He's already mentally slapping himself for that, but what's worse is the way you're sleeping
You...you have an octopus. A fluffy, soft, cuddly octopus that you're using as a pillow.
"A-ah...ah..aHH," the man is shaking and biting on his fist to not scream and wake you up.
No way in hell this was pre-planned. Yes he would be flattered if you got that knowing he would be here but the thing is that you expected to sleep alone. That is yours and who knows how long you've been sleeping with it
He can't do this. These emotions. You have to be screwing with him he just-
Don't you want to hold a real octopus instead?
Kalim Al-Asim
The gods were punishing him. He did something bad and they were coming. Kalim doesn't know when, where, what, why, how- but he's got the bad tingles and that means karma is going to knock right up at his door
Oasis? C-can an oasis change the tide? hehe (click link. skip to 4:00)
Everyone calls him silly, but when the literal embodiment of sunshine tells you that something bad is about to happen then SOMETHING BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN PEOPLE
Ahem. In short. Kalim is on edge, and by default so are you. He's not spewing prophecies or anything and he definetly does not want to cause you any distress. However, he has been unnaturally clingy.
Which is saying something, because as one of your closest friends Kalim already spent nearly every hour of his free time at your side. Now he wants more, making sure that you have an escort everywhere
"Not to worry! It's just a few more hours of fun time, right?" he says when you note his anxious fretting. If he has such a bad feeling then why not go somewhere safer than following you?
You don't say this to push off his worries, but because you believe them and want him to feel safe
No what you don't know, is that Kalim's bad feelings never involve himself. They're normally about things like the weather, finances, or people. Gut feelings, the ones where you just know
and his gut feeling is like a compass, pointing straight at you
You can argue that trouble seems to follow you everywhere. You're the notorious prefect that everyone seems to hate and love at the same time, y'know? Battling over blots and slaying bad cafeteria food on the daily
This is different for Kalim. You are different for Kalim.
He's a klutz who relies on Jamil for nearly everything, but he's reliable. He never wants to see you upset or fearful if he can help it. He wants you happy! So if he can stop something, even if it's just this once, he's going to y'know?
"Are you sure? I can come watch! We can have dinner together too and go swimming- or anything really" he said in a rush. You had an important exam for flight lessons that was during his alchemy lesson. He can always may up his coursework but you-
want him to go to class. Okay, but be safe alright? Wear your gear and come find him after class
He should not have left you, or at least asked someone else to watch out on your behalf. Kalim's classroom was situated to overlook the practice fields, and from the window he was able to see your class go out for exams. You appeared confident at your turn, making him giggle at your 'I'm so serious hohoho look at me' façade. He put his beakers down despite his partner's whining, and watched as you soared up into the air on your broom and fly the exam course
only for his heart to drop when a spelldrive disk hits your back and sends you falling into the trees
At some point his lab partner joined to watch, and cringed when the disk made impact. Next thing Kalim knew, he was running out of the room with his professor yelling after him
and now? He's sitting in the nurse's office and holding your hand. The fall knocked you unconscious, but you managed to get away with only a couple bruises and a sprained wrist. The largest bandage being around your torso where the disk hit.
It's weird. This is clearly what the ominous feeling ws warning him about, yet Kalim feels worse now than he did before. It's an empty feeling, where all he can do is keep changing the wet rag on your head and waiting for you to get up.
Someone knocks on the door, and when Kalim tears his eyes from you there's Jamil standing in the doorway with soured eyes and a backpack. If anyone believed Kalim's 'fortune stomach,' it was Jamil.
"Did you bring it?" Kalim take the bag, and opens it to see a plush elephant. He had given it to you as a present when you first became friends, and he always sees it on your bed.
You once said that it reminds you of him. That elephants are smart, goofy, caring, and adorable. The last compliment rang in his hears longer than the others, but he was happy a gift he picked with love had reached you.
For the first time since you fell, he grins and places it under your non-injured arm. as if knowing it's there, you pull it closer to your chest.
"No matter the situation, you're the cutest in the world," he says, adjusting the elephant so that he can hold your hand again, "don't tell any of my siblings I said that, okay?"
He gives your hand a squeeze, staring at your interlocked fingers and smiling to himself.
"I won't leave. Not ever again. Just you wait, we're going to have so much fun when you wake up, and forever beyond"
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mishwanders · 5 months
Hello again! I liked your Dark Reader and am back with another request. :3 Since it is October and I'm feeling the autumn associations, I thought it would be neat to read your interpretation of a fox reader (like a kitsune) with the Chain. Of course with the bonus of Dark Link if able, I feel as though not many people write him. ~🎃
I know this is late, the creative brain juice has been stagnant, but WE’RE KIND OF SORT OF BACK! I also got to preface that I am not the most knowledgeable on kitsune history/lore, but I tried my best with what little knowledge I and wikipedia had lmao.
Characters: The Chain (and Fierce Deity and Dink) x GN!Kitsune Reader
A/N+Warnings: N/A, safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost. Reblogs, nice comments, and likes are appreciated!
The place where the Chain first meets you would be in Wild’s Hyrule, shifted into a fox, somewhere close to the shrine of resurrection and a few of them have different reactions based off of what they can sense from being near/looking at you.
Wild isn’t deterred, he’s used to seeing foxes. However, the variety of tails is very different from the others. Maybe a mutation? Who knows, but he gets the sense that you won’t harm them.
Time is the first to really pick up that you’re a shapeshifter and that’s only because Fierce Deity allows him to know the truth of it. He’s wary, on his guard, but you haven’t made any move that would suggest you would bring them harm. Maybe this is normal in Wild’s Hyrule, he hasn’t quite decided if it’s best to speak up yet or not. He’ll wait for you to shed your disguise first before acting.
Twilight, Legend, and Four senses there’s magic about you, but it’s not dark magic, so they’re all unsure how to approach you as well. Twilight will however be keeping watch as Wolfie to track your scent and follow you around from afar to figure out what your deal is.
Sky and Hyrule are the first ones to realize that you’re actually trying to guide them all somewhere specific. Helping them avoid certain monsters, leading Wild and Wind to find more Koroks, food, etc. That knowledge helps ease everyone else’s minds a bit.
Warriors would complain as to why they’ve gone off road versus staying on track with the map, but he’s heard enough stories about Wild’s Hyrule to know that weirder things have happened.
Once they’ve all realized you’re no threat, you are free to roam their camp at night.
This will lead to some mischievous acts on your part - i.e. stealing food from Wild’s pack (or food from a bowl if someone isn’t watching), following Wolfie to get him to play with you, pawing/gnawing onto Warriors scarf and getting chewed out over it like a child, etc.
Other times though, you can be found snuggled up with Sky, Time, or Hyrule, fast asleep next to them or in their lap getting some much needed shut eye.
When you finally guide them to your desired destination of Kakariko Village, it’s only in the presence of Impa where you finally reveal your true nature.
The ones who called it are not the least bit surprised at your reveal, but they are surprised at how fox-like you still are in your Hylian form with sharper teeth, ears, and multiple tails.
Your first true introduction to each other goes rather well with the help of Impa and once they all know you’re a Sheikah who works for Impa as her eyes out in the world, their admiration grows for you.
It's a much different experience. He’s actually the one to get the drop on you first, surprise surprise.
His armor is not nearly as heavy or noisy as his counterpart, giving him an element of surprise in the dark across the land of Hyrule.
At first he takes a shot at you, thinking you’re nothing but a regular fox for him to eat. It’s only when you avoid the shot just by chance and raise your tails to make yourself look bigger does he realize you’re not just some ordinary fox.
Curiosity gets the better of him (as it does any Link) and he tries to make amends for his little accident of almost hitting you by tossing you some meat once he’s gotten his hands on it.
You accept it, but you do recognize something is off with him versus the hero’s you guided to Kakariko. You keep your eye on him in the woods, only growing closer when necessary.
The one time you do grow incredibly close is when a pack of Moblins and Lizalfos chase you. He finds you hiding behind him for protection and he shoos away the creatures with ease, turning around to pick you up. Once you realize he can protect you out there from the other beasts that you find yourself staying close at hand next to him, which he doesn’t mind, so long as you don’t try to steal his next dinner.
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cloudninetonine · 5 months
I've always wondered if marin might actually be alive in the other links worlds, cuz she does appear in hyrule warriors, so maybe that marin came from a universe where she's alive, maybe after legend talks about her, player tells this to legend like,
Player: there might be a chance that marin might exist in another universe
Legend glaring: she was a DREAM!
Player: no , seriously think about it. You and the guys are all link, just different versions right?
Legend: yeah?
Player: and there are also different zeldas and ganondorfs too yeah?
Legend: what are you getting at?
Player: what I'm getting at is that there are multiple versions everyone and everything, like impa, the deku tree,kakoriko village, zoras domain, epona, monsters! So who to say there aren't multiple versions of marin living in the other links worlds? Like maybe there's a koholint island in winds world? Or maybe ther was a marin in wilds world who lived in lurelin village 100 years ago? It IS a possibility!
I 1000% agree with this! Especially when you think about other characters outside the cycle that exist like Beedle, Malon and Impa! (Even though I'm actually pretty sure she's also part of the cycle? I'm not sure)
There's got to be at least ONE other Marin, I feel it would make sense for her to exist. I don't think Legend would appreciate Player trying to give him (in his mind) a false sense of hope tho.
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hubristicassholefight · 8 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 2
Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire) vs Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
She has a scimitar known as Scimitar of the Seven
Her signature weapon is the Scimitar of the Seven, a sword wielded by Gerudo heroes.She uses both it and lighting powers which fucks pretty hard
She’s pretty cool
#oooooh this one's hard#just tp zelda? we never get to see her fight with her sword (unpossessed)#however. in skyward sword. she's a student at the knight academy (almost certainly uses a sword)#and the reincarnation of a goddess who DEFINITELY used one (literally shown with it in the opening)#and her main weapon in hyrule warriors (non canon game like aoc) is a sword#impa is more of.... idk. knifeswoman? she never uses an actual sword i dont think#id say that urbosa is the best.#we actually see her use her sword and she's significantly older than any zelda and this specific version of impa#so yeah going STRICTLY off of 'who is the best' then that would be urbosa#im still voting for zelda though
#my psionic warriors!#vote urobosa#zelda might use a sword sometimes but face it when u imagine her she's either using light arrows...#...or magic in general#these are cool as hell but zelda isn't known for her sword#not like urobosa#and like others say impa is more of a knife lady
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