somos-deseos · 6 months
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Hora del meme.
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rubsjuice · 2 years
In light of brazils first world cup game today I'd like to share with everyone the Germany x Brazil 7-1 semifinals from the 2014 world cup and how morally DEVASTATING it was
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You ever do so poorly your coach immediately resigns and the country makes up a new idiom over it
Even our president at the time was like "guys that was so fucked up :("
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avenida-17 · 1 year
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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so show me I'll show you
for @magicshop 💜
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solovivesenmimente2 · 9 months
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elbiotipo · 10 months
"producing food extremely efficiently" always comes with a huge human and enviromental cost, and is often with the aim of not producing food per se, but rather exports to make local landowners and overseas importers rich. Some places in the world have greater potential for agriculture and mining, so much that they can feed and supply the world over, and yet, the people in those countries do not benefit from their riches; if anything, they suffer for them. Is this an example of an 'efficient' system?
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gerardpilled · 2 years
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avenida-17 · 2 years
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wgm-beautiful-world · 9 months
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jkvjimin · 2 months
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for @magicshop 💗 cr. namuspromised
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 months
AEIWAM: Wait, if there’s only one “moon”, and Hueco Mundo exists in the same plane of existence as soul society, how is it always night in Hueco Mundo, but day and night pass regularly in soul society?
...Who said there was only ONE moon? :)
Hueco Mundo is on the same PLANE of existence as Soul Society but notably Separate- like how Avatar Kiyoshi separated Kiyoshi island from the main continent, Hueco Mundo was separated from the main matter of Soul Society, but in a scenario that was a lot shittier and and involved a lot more murder and other craptastic behavior.
The "Moon" in Hueco Mundo is a Tulpa as well, and behaves according to how the population of Huceo Mundo believes it should- since most of that population is Hollowfied Animals who rely on the regular lunar cycle for biology, the moon in Hueco Mundo is actually still on it's regular cycle, but it runs backwards- as in, it travels from west to east across the sky, and it's always in the opposite phase of the moon in the living world. When it's a Full Moon in the living world, it's a new moon in Hueco Mundo. When it's a half moon in ht living world, it's also a half moon, but the other half in Hueco Mundo.
Nobody in the universe is quite sure WHY the moon in Hueco Mundo seems to be in an opposite tidal lock with the moon in the Living World, but since the Moon in Soul society has been doing whatever the hell it feels like for at least two thousand years, this probably isn't a bad thing.
The actual reason is that Hueco Mundo's atmosphere is SO heavily charged with Spirit energy that the hollowfied animals can more or less live on air alone. this means a Lizard from Hueco Mundo is packing about a hundred times the spiritual punch as a lizard in Soul Society. The More spiritually powerful animals in Hueco Mundo Memetically counterbalance the handful of Adjuchas and higher-class hollows, but the weaker lizards of Soul Society do not balance out the captain-class individuals in Soul Society. It's in tidal lock with The Actual Moon because that's the one the animals of Hueco Mundo remember. It's backwards, because to lizard logic, the afterlife is an inversion of the living world.
Nobody in or out of the narrative understands Lizard Logic.
There is actually daytime in Hueco Mundo! The Sun and The Sky in the afterlife is ALSO Tulpas and do not need to obey any more physics than anyone generally thinks they do, and the Lizards of Hueco Mudo are VERY SURE it's Hot Time now. The Sun in Soul Society is still behaving normally (approximately), and so is the one in Hueco Mundo- it just looks dark all the time because pretty much all the Sapient Residents of Hueco Mundo believe they have Gone Into That Great Night, and the Fauna of Las Noches cares about the heat more than the light, so The Sun in Hueco Mundo is functionally an Invisible ball of Heat, and the Sky is colored Black for the aesthetic.
TL;DR: There are two moons and an invisible daytime in Hueco Mundo because the lizards think there should be.
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locodavi · 1 year
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seddenostalgia · 1 year
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