Hi I’m Finch! (i also go by Axel) my pronouns are they/them but i dont mind anything but she/her
My art/writing sideblog is @finch1pinch
I mainly reblog various fandom posts on this blog
no dnis because if you say something shitty i will simply ignore/block you :)
safe space for a-specs, trans people, and neurodivergent folks!
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a dapper dan for your troubles
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coloredcompulsion · 1 year
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
there really are few emotions i find more compelling in a story than "you should be afraid of me. please don't be afraid of me"
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electricsocketman · 10 months
I think one reason Goncharov worked so well is that on tumblr you’re regularly being subjected to fandoms you’re not in and media you’ve never seen. I assumed the people i followed all just got really into some movie that I had no interest in and scrolled right past for a solid week before realizing.
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devongeorgeart · 4 months
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HEY! Go read Murderbot!
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ploppythespaceship · 6 months
I've just finished the first Murderbot book and it's very funny coming from Star Trek to this. In Star Trek you have androids and such actively campaigning for themselves to be considered full people with rights that deserve the same considerations as anyone else. Meanwhile in Murderbot all the humans are telling this guy that it's a person with rights and it's their friend and they like it and its response is basically
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oposssumsaucee · 14 days
Listen All Systems Red is so so funny from Gurathins perspective imagine you grew up with Space Socialism and was hired to go help some pal with science but you weren't allowed to go unless you rented AmaTeslas Torment Nexus Alexa Dot and then when you get there you find out a whole continent of people got annihilated by their Tourment Nexus rentals so you take a moment to check yours quickly and find out it already had disengaged its Don't Kill People box, the only thing you've ever been told prevented them from mass homiciding their clients, something that LITERALLY just happened to people you knew a day ago, and when you say to your fellow socialist doctors HEY I think our Tourment Nexus is fucked up and it's files said it killed dozens of people barely a year ago and we should probably get the hell away from it the same doctors are like look at what you're saying. You're hurting the Tourment Nexus' feelings. The Tourment Nexus is just a little construct who likes Netflix Gurathin stop antagonizing it on the plane ride.
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ghostcashewart · 4 months
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guess who ended up drawing a comic of an entire scene from Artificial Condition
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urdchama · 2 months
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odditycollector · 1 month
the thing about Murderbot's """relationship""" with Gurathin is that the first time it vocally expressed its dislike for Gurathin was the very first time it was ever able to vocally express its dislike for anyone.
And it was not punished! Nothing bad happened to it because of this! The PreservationAux team was just like, fine, your opinion is noted and valid, we still all have to work together to not die though.
for someone who was never allowed to let anyone else know it even had opinions, this is a big fucking deal.
its actions toward Gurathin later on (especially obvious in Fugitive Telemetry) show that it considers Gurathin a trusted and valued teammate. And maybe it will never remove the "I don't like him" tag from Gurathin's internal profile but that is not a sign of their friendship needing repair, it is a sign that Murderbot feels safe and free enough to be a little bitchy hater. and i say, good for it!
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junedrift · 1 month
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Murderbot I love u
Original post by @lavenderlemniscate
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desultorydenouement · 5 months
murderbot is peak queer rep because it’s about living as an inherently transgressive form of being, it’s about the complexity of passing, or the complexity of hiding, or the nuance of never fitting binaries and not wanting to even when fitting those binaries is seen as “better”, and it’s about making people uncomfortable just by existing, it’s about measuring forms of freedom and having to decide which you’ll save and which you’ll sacrifice. but most importantly it’s peak queer rep because murderbot is free for like five minutes and it immediately attracts the nearest supposedly-rare transgressive-illegal-superbot (ART) in a hundred light year radius to be its best friend, and what’s that if not your classic Queer On Queer Magnetism
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commander-diomika · 6 months
LOVE that there's oodles of juicy, nonmonog romcom action going on in the background of The Murderbot Diaries but Murderbot is like "if you even mention sex to me I will throw myself out an airlock."
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one of the reasons i love the murderbot diaries is how it doesnt flinch in trying to grapple with some of the Big Questions, such as "why is it that Humanity™ is the goal to strive towards for artificial intelligence if it wants to be acknowledged as a person?" and "What does it look like when someone is both undeniably a person but also unapologetically nonhuman?" and "what if the magic school bus had a gun"
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One of my favorite Murderbot things is when the enemy is like: "time to be hostile! Security system, take care of that threat!"
And the security system is standing there metaphorically holding hands and making a friendship bracelet with Murderbot like: "Oh shit, there's a threat? Where!?" *turns to murderbot* "Did you see anything?"
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