#murray goldberg
emma-before-dark · 2 years
So I was super excited that Goldbergs was back but then I found about Jeff Garlin. Still happy the show is back but this is making me triple down on my thoughts that the show should have ended with Adam's graduation.
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misswarmnights · 7 months
The Goldbergs: Murray and Beverly (Tickle Headcanons)
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Murray is most ticklish on his neck and knees. He usually hates being tickled because he finds it to be highly irritating. He does tolerate it from Beverly during tender moments, but he will get mad at the kids if they tickle him.
Beverly is not super ticklish, but she does love tickling and being tickled because she knows that it is an adorable way to bond with beloved family. And what could be better than spending time with family? She loves to tickle Barry, Erica, and Adam, and she often wishes that they would get her back – but they rarely do. She tickles Adam the most often since he is the baby of the family.
Murray would playfully tickle his kids when they were little, but he does not tickle them anymore. As for himself, he was never tickled as a child. In fact, Murray didn’t even know that he was ticklish until he began dating.
While Beverly is not the most ticklish woman in the world, she does have her weak spots. She is most sensitive on her sides and thighs. In fact, Barry got his sensitive thighs from his mother.
Sometimes, Beverly even tickles her girlfriends (much to their annoyance) with gooses, pokes, and prods, and then teases them about their reactions. This woman dishes out tickling much more often than she receives it. She is always saying things like, "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" while she is getting someone.
Her favorite way to get Murray is to blow raspberries on his neck which causes him to squeal and possibly spout a curse or two. He is likely to tickle her back and cannot help but smile when he hears that musical giggle of hers.
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semena--mertvykh · 10 months
Où l'on reparle du Canada
Truc de ouf, comme dirait Simon.
Juste au moment où je ne l'attendais plus, j'ai eu un retour de la responsable du Master Musico de l'Université de Louvain. Je l'avais contactée il y a bien... 300 ans, en lui décrivant succinctement mon niveau, pour lui demander si çà lui semblait suffisant pour intégrer son Master recherche.
Et la meuf ne m'avait mais JAMAIS recontactée. J'en ai déduit 1) qu'elle avait suivi le stage "C'est tellement fun de laisser les mails sans réponse" avec Sexy et que 2) je pouvais aller mourir en enfer.
Entre temps, comme vous le savez tous-tes, il y a eu :
-- le responsable du Master Musico de Saint-Etienne, qui a essayé de me vendre le cursus de sa collègue (fail)
-- la Licence Musico à Paris 8 que j'ai essayé d'accrocher au rattrapage, sur Parcoursup (re-fail)
-- et la réponse de l'EHESS, sur laquelle je jetterai un silence contrit (fail, fail, FAIL !!!!).
Subséquemment, après un léger passage à vide temps d'adaptation
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j'ai commencé à accepter la perspective de reprendre un poste dans mon ancienne administration. J'en avais même repéré un, pile dans ma nouvelle spécialité, et je me donnais deux ans pour mettre de l'argent de côté puis finir mes études au Québec (et ne jamais remettre les pieds dans ce vieux pays qui m'a si peu aimée et à qui je l'ai si bien rendu).
C'est, bien sûr, juste à ce moment-là, comme je renonçais à l'option Louvain, que j'ai été recontactée par la Responsable, qui reprenait le fil de l'échange comme si on s'était quittées la veille. Et j'ai compris que Louvain restait LE choix à faire quand j'ai vu l'effet de son mail sur mon moral
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et quelques jours après on se parlait sur zoom, et elle m'a tellement bien vendu le truc que j'ai signé tout de suite.
Le Fun Fact arrive maintenant :
Round 1 : il y a quelques mois, quand j'ai fait mes prévisions de transits planétaires pour 2023, j'ai repéré le passage d'Uranus sur le Milieu du Ciel, en juillet-août. J'en ai déduit : "Ah, il y aura un déménagement à cette date". Comme je prévoyais déjà, à l'époque, de poursuivre en Musicologie, et qu'il y avait très peu de chances que je sois acceptée sur la région parisienne, je n'ai pas été surprise. J'ai songé que le plan poursuite d'études en province se confirmait, la preuve : même les astres le disaient.
Round 2 : quand mes projets sont partis en sucette, les uns après les autres, et qu'il est devenu patent que j'allais rester sur Paris en 2023/2024, j'ai eu un peu de mal à y croire ; Uranus passera bien sur le méridien en juillet-août, c'est un fait, et on est d'accord :
Uranus conjoint à l'axe MC/FC = changement d'orientation professionnelle + de lieu de vie
Mais j'ai fini par l'accepter en mode fataliste, Et comme quoi, il faut pas prendre l'interprétation trop au pied de la lettre, et patati et patata.
Round 3 : quand la bonne nouvelle de Louvain est arrivée et que j'ai réalisé que j'allais passer les deux prochaines années de ma vie en Belgique, j'ai éprouvé un curieux mélange de satisfaction incrédule (DONC, l'interprétation était correcte !!) et d'effroi (mais alors, c'était vraiment écrit ??!!).
=> la fille qui s'amuse à faire des prédictions astro depuis des années et qui s'aperçoit que c'est méga flippant quand on prend çà au sérieux
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Du coup, j'ai embarqué mes éphémérides et on a passé toute la soirée d'hier, avec Yéti et Astrolab, à revérifier le pas d'Uranus aux axes, ces trente dernières années, puis à établir les prévisions au natal jusqu'en 2029, pour savoir quelle sera ma meilleure année pour m'expatrier au Québec. Le tout en vidant tranquillement la bouteille de Manzana
=> et çà se confirme, je reprends doucement mais sûrement le chemin de l'alcoolisme tout court mondain. Vous croyez quand même pas qu'il n'y a pas de prix à payer pour cette vie de rêve qui est la mienne ?
Et le nombre de fois où ces deux débiles attachants se sont payés ma tête parce que je continue à utiliser des tables papier imprimées dans un livre
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sauf qu'hier, astrodienst était en rideau pour maintenance et ("AH AH !! Vous êtes bien contents que j'aie ramené mes éphémérides papier !!"), j'ai eu mon petit triomphe mesquin.
(et la pensée, cette nuit, qui m'a traversée comme un éclair de chaleur au ras de l'horizon : c'est à cause de lui que tu veux partir ?
Disons que je voulais partir depuis longtemps, et que les évènements de cette année, c'est le déclencheur. C'est comme le harcèlement au Bureau des travaux, en 2018, qui m'a poussée à quitter mon administration. Il y a un moment où tout/tous semblent conspirer pour te renvoyer le même message, du début à la fin : tu n'es pas à ta place ici. Tu n'es pas des nôtres. On n'a pas de place pour toi.
Cette année, Sexy m'a juste servi une variante un peu plus raffinée : que tu sois là ou pas, çà ne fait aucune différence. T'as pas le bon âge, pas le bon parcours et tu viens pas du bon milieu : t'existes même pas en fait).
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Luck Teaser
Welcome to the Land of Luck, the mythical place that handles luck - good and bad - for humans. Enter Sam Greenfield, the unluckiest person in the world, into this land where humans are not allowed. I’m sure Sam will get along juuuust fine.
Luck stars the voice talents of Eva Noblezada (Sam Greenfield), Jane Fonda, Simon Pegg, Lil Rel Howery, Flula Borg, John Ratzenberger, and Whoopie Goldberg. The film hails from Skydance Animation and Apple Original Films. Luck is directed by Peggy Holmes from a screenplay by Kiel Murray.
Luck hits Apple TV+ on August 5, 2022.
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Hypothetical titles for season 22 of 88.
The magic kingdom. Season premiere. Part one. Sidney and Findlay head off on the Disney cruise for their second honey. But Findlay has a nagging suspicion that they’re being followed.
A fifth avenue family vacation. Season premiere. Part two. The entirety of the Five Families descend upon the happy couple for “family togetherness”. Meanwhile. David coaches Clyde and Tina through their seasickness.
Back to front. Join Captain Birch on a highly confusing case that seems to start with the arrest and seems to end with the crime.
Good, bad and worse. Findlay, Sidney and Drummond’s let rip when they interrogate an unrepentant serial killer who will only tell them that nobody ever misses the boys. Guest starring Jenny Slate as Sad Clown Mona.
The r word. Clyde’s mother attempts to sue Findlay for full custody. Pointedly ignoring the fact that Clyde is in his thirties and Findlay is only his legal next of kin. Guest starring Debra Messing and Liz Gillies as Noreen and Deloris O’Bannon
Never hire a hooker at a government funeral. The team attends the funeral of Eamon Corman in Scotland and meets his son Edmond (Ty Tennant). Meanwhile. Jaspers indiscretion at the funeral could spell ruin for the Downey’s. Also guest starring Miranda Hart, Tom Ellis and Jack Whitehall.
Raise a little hell. Drummond gets an unwelcome surprise when he finds out they he inspired Tina to bankroll a revival of Bonnie and Clyde.
RBS (Responsibility BullShhhh). Barnaby and Jonah fall victim to the trappings of their lives when they end up losing Theo at the mall.
Gold star. Maybelle, Aida and Jacob have to decide whether or not to represent a lesbian woman who killed her girlfriend after the girlfriend came out to her as bisexual.
Spin the wheel. Lysander accompanies Tina back home to England as she supports her family through Jasper’s scandal. Guest starring Dani Harmer as Harriet Downey and Karen Gillan as Ms Leslie Korn.
Class three kill storm. The Five Families help New York batten down in preparation for possibly deadly blizzard.
Averse to tradition. Midseason finale. Part one. Jones and Skipper get into a blazing row when Skipper and Oswald won’t allow Theo take part in the 200 turkeys tradition.
Battle of the grandmothers. Midseason premiere. Part two. Oswald’s mother (returning guest star Catherine Zeta Jones) drops by for Christmas to visit Theo for the first time ever and immediately butts heads with Delaney who has made an unwise attempt at a dry Christmas for the first time since Skipper graduated college.
Awards season. The Mages And The Mundane sweep the Daytime Emmy Awards for the 88th year in a row. But Emerson’s acceptance speech threatens to throw Findlay’s entire life schedule into disarray.
What’s best for us. Part one. After Donovan decides to Move On to Heaven, Beaumont and Winnifred decide to Take Their Leave with Celestine electing to join them. Which puts a great deal of stress on Leland, Delaney and Jones. Final appearances of Bill Murray, Donald Sutherland, Whoopi Goldberg and Wendie Malick
It isn’t about us. Part two. Unable to take over his inheritance due to being in charge of the Supreme Court, Leland puts Zoey in charge of the Mulligan Estate. Wholly unprepared for the responsibility, Zoey lets slip a secret to Findlay about Clementines death that she’s been holding on to for nine years.
The easter baby. Andy throws a blowout block party for his umpteenth birthday. Guest starring Kristen Bell as The Easter Bunny.
Exempt. Andy helps Oswald and Skipper out with a problem with Theo without letting them know he’s the cause of the preteens change of attitude.
Canoodling. Tina goes a little unnecessarily off kilter when Skipper and Zoey get trapped inside the Wilkins family’s panic room.
Legal limit. The twins 21st birthday is coming up. And Barnaby persuades Findlay to acquiesce to a dinner with Jonah and Jack.
Better as friends. Now that Clyde and David are officially together. David has to find a way to let an extremely enamoured Macy down as gently as possible
The Oberon haunting. Sidney, Drummond, Jones and Sawyer get trapped in the basement of the Oberon during an unprecedented spectre infestation, forcing them to fight their way out before the fumigators arrive at dawn.
Portraits. Season finale. Part one. The team returns to Meadowlark Retirement Home when they learn of a resident who was just admitted for hospice care due to being in a state of constant, paralysing pain since 1916 which is tied to an incredibly famous painting. Guest starting Michael Sheen as Ewan Harvard and Joseph Quinn as Dorian Gray.
Mommy it’s here anymore. Season finale. Part two. The portrait is sent to the precinct in hopes that Lucia and Andy can negate its hold on Dorian. But a problem arises when Findlay learns that the painting must ALWAYS be occupied. One way or another. First appearance of Navillus Yaldnif
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mommydearestella · 9 months
Gregory Katz from ballen isles and Okeechobee Florida
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Dashing Gregory Katz is my cousin. What kind of a dunce doesn't check on his cousin or call back with everything that has gone on? I wonder if that is what his father told him to do? MMM I wonder why? Maybe they know something that I do not? Do you think if someone tried to kill your cousin or nephew you might give them a call and check on them or return their telephone call?
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dr-lopez-vega · 2 years
Variaciones y conservas
Mi personal reflexión sobre un concierto memorable
Martes, 4 de octubre de 2022 Recala en Santander el afamado pianista Lang Lang, durante su gira mundial con las ‘Variaciones Goldberg’. Aunque su innegable tirón le granjea un exitazo de público al Festival Internacional, sin cuestionar su agilidad técnica ni belleza de sonido -faltaría más-, algún crítico opina que Bach se fue disolviendo en una melaza de histrionismo romántico. Discrepo de esa…
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years
Luck. (Apple TV +) Quick Review.
Someone in Hollywood rehired John Lassiter in an attempt to cynically recreate Pixar’s glory years for an upstart studio. It goes about as well as you’d expect (I.E not well at all.)
Of all the careers and legacies tarnished by the dawn of #metoo the allegations and ousting of John Lassiter were the most difficult to process from a personal perspective. As a viewer who grew up with a lot of classic era Pixar and watched him guide Disney feature animation into the CG era in real-time. At his best, the man was/is a creative genius. Being involved in some of the most iconic…
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benschiff · 7 months
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my favorite tv jews 1. grace adler (will&grace) 2. fran fine (the nanny) 3. winston saint-marie "schmidt" schmidt (new girl) 4. beverly goldberg (the goldbergs) 5. geoffrey "geoff" schwartz (the goldbergs) 6. frankie bergstein (grace and frankie) 7. howard wolowitz (the big bang theory) 8. barry goldberg (the goldbergs) 9. sheila silver (call me kat) 10. albert "pops" solomon (the goldbergs) 11. adam f. goldberg (the goldbergs) 12. murray goldberg (the goldbergs) 13. erica goldberg (the goldbergs) 14. katherine "kat" silver (call me kat) 15. chelsea daniels & levi grayson (that's so raven/raven's home) 16. sol bergstein (grace and frankie)
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rainingongallifrey · 1 year
'Fanon Steve is Canon Jonathan' is TRUE
I could have said this better but I wrote it in a hurry so sorry about that but I'll try to be clear
So to explain the situation if you aren't aware of it: -There have been people saying that 'fanon steve is canon Jonathan' myself included -There are some posts I've seen saying that opinion is bs and Steve and Jonathan are nothing alike even in fanon unless we're seeing some really out of character headcanons/fanfics. [Which we all have indeed seen some wildly out of character Steve and Jonathan headcanons/fanfics.]
I don't disagree with some points being made by others that disagree with this, but the points they used to disagree don't go with the topic in question. They're misunderstanding why people say that 'fanon steve is canon jonathan' at least from what I've seen. When people say 'fanon Steve is canon Jonathan' that isn't what they-or rather WE are talking about.
This is what we mean by 'Fanon Steve is Canon Jonathan' or rather what I mean because I can't speak for everyone and this is only points I could think of off the top of my head:
Mainly its about that Steve is presented as a sub/bottom in a relationship babygirl type that is more feminine. Which is Jonathan, not Steve. It's never been Steve.
Jonathan in CANON: Submissive/bottom Steve in CANON: Dom/Top Just look at their relationships with Nancy alone and especially with each other…yes in canon. Who acts like the dom in those situations? Certainly not Jonathan. There is actually a post I can use later to explain who is more of the dom type.
Jonathan in canon: Needy/overly affectionate/worships their partner [people make Steve to be that way in fics]
Steve in fanon: Acts like a housewife Jonathan in canon: Acts like a housewife [We have literally seen multiple times on the show where Jonathan is being a mom/a housewife and taking care of everyone, cooking breakfast and taking care of Joyce and Will like they're his own children
How they act with the kids [The Party ofc] Jonathan: Mommy to his kids and acts like a much much calmer version of Bev Goldberg if you get what I mean? who just showers the kids with affection and praise all the time and is so so proud of them [Its clear throughout the entire show that Will is the person he loves the most and would do anything for and he puts Will's needs and wants ahead of his own] and has heart to hearts with them [S2: I'm a freak speech to Will] [S4: I'll love you no matter what speech to Will] and hugs and cuddles them [S4: I'll love you no matter speech] [S2: Holding and cuddling Will after he was saved from his possession] and makes speeches to make them feel better [S2: I'm a freak speech to Will, S4: Reassuring El after she smacked Angela with a rollerskate] Like Bev, he just always wants to be there for his children and makes them his first priority and when he lives his life like a normal teenager and tries to live his own life, he feels guilty about it for not babying them every second he feels he should have been.
Steve: Funny enough is more like Murray Goldberg [on the Goldbergs] He call them names [Steve calls them like dickheads/shitheads for example], acts annoyed when they interact with him or ask him for stuff [like when they come to scoops ahoy and hes like again or complaining about being their babysitter] gets into power fights with them and loses [S2 when he and Mike are arguing], complains about being the babysitter [S4] but ultimately loves and takes care of the kids. He just doesn't show his adoration and love for them as openly as Jonathan [the mommy in the relationship] does.
-and yes the abuse stuff-Jonathan was canonly abused very badly by Lonnie while Steve wasn't abused by his father that we know of and Steve sure wasn't hardcore abused to the extent that Jonathan was yet in fanon its made to seem that way. there are also times where Steve is presented as a loner in fics, is loathed by the townspeople and his classmates, and has no one and is crying alone in his bedroom which is just canon Jonathan in S1.
Its also about how in general Steve is made out to be the submissive/bottom one who is overly affectionate and adoring to their partner and overly loving and proud of their kids and makes sure to let them know it every chance he gets, which is NOT Steve, its Jonathan. Jonathan is more of a mom on a tv show type of character and Steve is like a dad on a tv show type of character.
And yes a lot of headcanons/fics I've seen are indeed wildly out of character.
There are so many times where I've seen in fanon where Steve is overly affectionate and adoring of the kids like telling them how they're the best nad hes so proud of them and hugging them tightly and wanting to be near them every second to make sure they're ok, and like trying to fix their every life problem that comes along. That describes Jonathan a lot more than it does Steve. Ofc Steve cares about the kids and shows he cares but its not in that way by acting like a mother from a sitcom or acting like Bev Goldberg. Jonathan is the one who makes the kids his children his number one priority and reminds them how loved they are ext that's not Steve its Jonathan.
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brenpthetoonman · 1 year
About me
Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: November 28, 1998
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Atheist
Zodiac sign: ♐
Gender: Male
Height: 5’7
Foot size: 10.5
Favorite animal: Cats, birds, sheep, turtles
Favorite food: Pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food, burgers, fries, mac and cheese, steak, chicken cutlets, swedish meatballs, goulash, pork chops, chicken fettuccine alfredo, waffles, pancakes, cornbread, poached eggs, sushi
Favorite fruit: Strawberries, apples, grapes, cherries, pineapples, kiwis, mangos, melons and bananas
Favorite drink: Coke, chocolate milk, lemonade, apple cider, tea, root beer and hot cocoa.
Favorite brand of cig: I despise cigarettes.
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite band: Queen, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Fleetwood Mac, Oasis, The Beatles, AC/DC, Green Day, Yes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Cheap Trick, The Who, Mother Love Bone, The Animals, Rage Against the Machine, Anthrax, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, DMX, A Tribe Called Quest, The Beach Boys, The Velvet Underground, blink-182, The Doors, The Allman Brothers Band, Motley Crue.
Favorite cartoon: Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Owl House, Gravity Falls, The Simpsons, Looney Tunes, Tex Avery cartoons, Hilda, Classic Disney shorts, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Popeye, Walter Lantz cartoons, The Amazing World of Gumball, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Batman: TAS, Ed Edd n Eddy, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, OK KO, Powerpuff Girls '98, Samurai Jack, Megas XLR, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Futurama, Wander Over Yonder, King of the Hill, Amphibia, Beavis and Butt-Head, Dan vs, Gargoyles, Freakazoid, The Critic, Invader Zim, Teen Titans, Phineas and Ferb, Mission Hill, Time Squad, DuckTales/Darkwing Duck, Batman Beyond, Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, Kablam, Tiny Toon Adventures, Home Movies, ATHF, Animaniacs/Pinky and the Brain, Regular Show, Hey Arnold, Bojack Horseman, The Boondocks, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Clerks: TAS, Courage the Cowardly Dog, SWAT Kats, Top Cat, Superman: TAS, Celebrity Deathmatch, Kim Possible, Dave the Barbarian, South Park, Harvey Birdman, The Pink Panther, The Venture Bros.
Favorite movie: Gojira, Into the Spider-verse, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Aladdin '92, Hayao Miyazaki movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman '89, Ed Wood, Mel Brooks movies, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Big Lebowski, Akira, Quentin Tarantino movies, the classic Universal monster movies, Yellow Submarine, Dead Poet's Society, A Hard Day's Night, Monty Python movies, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Laurel and Hardy movies, Marx Brothers movies, The Book of Life, The LEGO Movie, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, Die Hard 1-3, Guardians of the Galaxy, Robocop, Kevin Smith movies, Corpse Bride, Halloween '78, Alfred Hitchcock movies, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, An American Tail, The Simpsons Movie, Willy Wonka, The Crow, The Mask, Suspiria '77, The Monster Squad, Kung Fu Panda 1-3, The Room, David Lynch movies, Wes Craven movies, Coraline, Babe, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Beetlejuice, Dazed and Confused, Inherit the Wind, Office Space, How to Train Your Dragon, Ernest and Celestine, Napoleon Dynamite, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Kubo and the Two-Strings, ParaNorman, Coco, Frankenweenie, School of Rock, The Incredibles, Inside Out.
Favorite game: Banjo-Kazooie, Any Mario game, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, Sonic 1-3, Any Kirby game, Pokemon Stadium 1&2, Spyro, Yooka-Laylee, Crash Bandicoot, Cuphead, the Kingdom Hearts series, The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Influence: Hayao Miyazaki, Wes Anderson, Matt Groening, Mike Judge, Dana Terrace, Tex Avery, Glen Keane, Eric Goldberg, Chuck Jones, Alfred Hitchcock, Edgar Wright, Wes Craven, Stephen Silver, Bruce W. Smith, Alex Hirsch, JG Quintel, Dan Povenmire, Jeff "Swampy" Marsh, Joe Murray, Craig Bartlett, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Craig McCracken, Lauren Faust, Matt Braly, John R. Dilworth, Mo Willems, Bob Clamlett, Max Fleischer, Walter Lantz, Don Bluth, Henry Selick, Genndy Tartokovsky, Rob Renzetti, Loren Bouchard, Bill Oakley, Josh Weinstein
Motto: “If you can dream it, do it!”
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mstrickster · 5 months
I don’t know if you answered this one or not, but what would each of the ducks favorite Christmas/Holiday movie be?
I have not! I am excited to answer! There was one I knew right away, however, there were a few others that were more difficult. I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Averman: Averman is the only one I had a clear idea for. I fully believe his favorite holiday movie is Christmas Vacation. I headcanoned in another ask that he watches it every year with his dad. He thinks it is hilarious.
Russ: Russ' favorite movie is Scrooged. Not only is it hilarious in his opinion but he really loves Bill Murray as the lead. Side note this is the only version of the Christmas Carol he has ever watched.
Adam: I can see Adam's favorite being Rudolph. He kinda relates to the outcast reindeer even if he will never admit it. He also loves the music. Another favorite of his is It's a Wonderful Life. The first time he watched it he cried.
Charlie: Charlie is another one who likes the classic Christmas stories. His favorite is Miracle on 34th Street. He likes the story but he loves the visuals.
Peter: Peter is one of the few outliers for favorite Christmas movies. His favorite will always be Gremlins. The other Ducks argue it is not a Christmas movie. However, since it is set during Christmas he swears it counts.
Dwayne: Dwayne's favorite Christmas movie is Prancer. He likes the message of family that the movie has. However, he first saw it because of the deer on the cover.
Karp: Karp loves Home Alone. He is a trickster at heart, so that movie is inspirational for him. He did try some of the traps. They either failed or he was tripped up by his own traps.
Goldberg: Despite not being Christian, Goldberg does enjoy one Christmas special. His favorite is Home Alone 2: Lost in New York because it's funny. He also watches the Rugrats Chanukah episode and Lamb Chop's Special Chanukah every year.
Julie: Julie's favorite Christmas movie is actually Annie. She loves the main character Annie because she's spunky. She also finds it very heartwarming.
Guy: I could see Guy enjoying It's a Wonderful Life. However, I think his favorite would be White Christmas. He thinks it's a classic and romantic in its own way.
Kenny: Kenny's is a little stereotypical, but he won't apologize for it. His favorite is The Nutcracker. He always loved the ballet so he was super excited to see it on the big screen.
Jesse and Terry: I am putting these to together because I truly believe they have the same movie. I think their favorite Christmas movie is Trading Places. Terry likes it for the comedy and Jesse enjoys the story.
Fulton: Fulton and Portman actually also share a favorite movie. Fulton likes it for its characters and Portman for the humor. That movie is A Christmas Story. Fulton finds it heartwarming how real it is. However, it never gets too preachy for a Christmas movie.
Portman: As stated above Portman's favorite holiday movie is A Christmas Story. However, he likes it for one scene in particular. The scene where Ralphie is knocked down the slide is his favorite. He will watch that on a loop and laugh.
Tommy: Tommy is a simple kid so he likes any Disney special. However, his favorite is The Santa Clause. He will watch it multiple times every year.
Tammy: Tammy is a romantic sort. So, I can see her movie being The Christmas List. It is cheesy, being a TV movie. however, she finds it sweet and heartwarming.
Connie: Connie's favorite Christmas movie is also a TV original. It is called Three Days. She finds the romance believable and she cries when it ends happily.
Luis: Luis probably is a fan of romantic Christmas movies too. However, I feel like he is also not picky. He just enjoys spending time with the people he loves. If he had to pick a favorite I think he'd choose Santa Claus is Coming to Town because it's a classic and has some romance.
Side note I found a lot of these on this website.
Thank you for the ask!
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escritorahelena · 1 year
The Goldbergs - Década de 80 em 10 temporadas
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Na última semana foi ao ar o último episódio da série The Goldbergs. Série da ABC e que durou incríveis 10 anos - fala sério, hoje em dia poucas séries duram tanto assim com a mesma qualidade do começo.
Inicialmente, ela contava histórias da adolescência de produtor e criador, Adam Goldberg (Imaginary Mary, Acampamento do Papai) , e todo final de episódio um vídeo (real do verdadeiro Adam) relacionado com a história era mostrado.
Apesar do protagonista ser o jovem entusiasta pelo cinema, na minha opinião, Beverly, mãe de Adam é que era a verdadeira dona das cenas.
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Beverly é uma personagem extremamente protetora com quem ama, principalmente com seus filhos. Em quase todos os episódios os colocavam em uma situação embaraçosa, tudo porque queria aproveitar mais o tempo com eles antes que crescessem, para evitar que o mundo os machucasse ou simplesmente para demonstrar todo o amor que sentia por eles.
Na série, Adam tem dois irmãos: Barry e Erica. Barry é o filho do meio, tem uma autoestima estratosférica e deseja ser rapper. Já Erica, a filha mais velha, é "a mais legal" entre os três e a que consegue ser diferente da família, ou seja: percebe de primeira as maluquices da mãe e tenta não ir na onda da família, além de sonhar em ser cantora.
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O pai de Adam, Murray, é ranzinza e no tempo que está em casa, não sai de sua poltrona por nada! Chama por moron (idiota, em português) seus filhos e, apesar de sempre querer cortar a animação deles pela raiz, se preocupa e ama profundamente todos eles.
Não poderia deixar de citar pops e pop-pop, avôs de Adam. Pops é pai de Beverly e o avô que apoia o neto em tudo, qualquer ideia que o Adam tinha, era Pops quem estava ao lado dele para tornar real. Pop-pop é pai de Murray e o oposto de pops, pois é um senhor antipático e hostil, mas é aquela história: família. Assim como seu filho, por baixo da casca negativa, existe um homem que ama a família.
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Temos no elenco diversos outros personagens: Dave Kim, JTP (grupo de amigos do Barry). Lainey, Brea, Dana e diversos outros que compuseram a série durante essa década em que esteve no ar.
The Goldbergs tem diversas referências a clássicos lançados nos anos 80. Como Adam é amante do cinema e nerd assumido, ao longo das temporadas existiram diversas brechas para referências e recriações de cenas icônicas. Assistimos os irmãos Goldbergs crescerem, tomarem suas decisões, encararem seus erros, acertos e se tornarem adultos. Foi muito bom acompanhar.
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Assim como Wonder Years, assistir The Goldbergs é imergir em uma família com suas peculiaridades, qualidades e defeitos. Percebemos que não importa qual década seja, uma família que tem o amor como união, sempre irá permanecer unida e única.
The Goldbergs vai fazer muita falta na minha grade de séries e me pergunto quando será que alguma outra irá aparecer com a mesma essência. Mesmo que nem toda família seja perfeita, dentro de sua própria imperfeição, dá um quentinho no coração ver algo do tipo.
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
wait bestie what're your top five horror movies atm <33
ohh this is such a good question thank u for asking <3 obviously there are some unfailing favourites no matter the time (the final girls, saw, child's play 2, bride, etc) but here are the top five I've seen (well. somewhat) recently 🫶🫶 longish post incoming lol
1. final destination - this film is such a SLAY when I first watched it I barely paid attention and then I rewatched it the next day and had so much fucking fun. alex browning is one my fav horror protagonists ever tbh. and what's not to love about creepy coroner tony todd and death as a series of rube goldberg-esque fatal contrivances...
2. house of wax - they didn't fucking lie. that house can of wax. you've got paris hilton. you've got gayass chad michael murray. you've got sibling dynamics. you've got texas chainsaw inspirations that aren't just derivative or shallow references. you've got a creepy fucking town. you've got a house. of wax. 10/10 didn't deserve one iota of the shit it got from critics when it came out I love that movie sm
3. the black phone - I know you've definitely seen this and idk your thoughts but I had so much fun!! like no I don't think it's a masterpiece but it's its own story and it tells it well it's not trying to be anything else if that makes sense?? the setting the atmosphere the characters the pacing was so good and it's the first good horror movie I've seen at the cinemas since probably candyman. I've never felt so attached to a group of side characters who are dead and gone from the outset of the narrative. slay
4. jeepers creepers - one of those films that's just pure brilliance from start to finish. fucked up and so much fun. I think the lore is unique without being convoluted, and the character writing is on point. one of the few films I've seen that gets sibling dynamics perfectly. and I love that the whole film is centred around the song jeepers creepers like. that's so fucking real...
5. 1408 - mike enslin's horrible! terrible! no good! very bad! day! there's something so compelling about a shitty smug true crime writer getting stuck in a room that actively fucking hates him. I thought the ending was bad but outside of that it's massively underrated. as someone on letterboxd put it it's my favourite nic cage movie that doesn't have nic cage in it <3
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wordsmithcreations · 1 year
What canon muses do you have?
Agents Of Shield
• Grant Ward
• Deke Shaw
• Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Being Human UK
• John Mitchell
• Vincent Nigel-Murray
• Lance Sweets
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
• Greg Sanders
Cyberpunk 2077
• Johnny Silverhand
Death Stranding
• Higgs Monaghan
• Sam Bridges
Detroit Become Human
• Connor
Doctor Who
• Tenth Doctor
• Topher Brink
Dragon Age
• Alistair Theirin
Dragon Age 2
• Anders
Fallout 4
• Danse
• Jayne Cobb
Game Of Thrones
• Jon Snow
• Loki Laufeyson
• Lucifer Morningstar
• Chloe Decker
Mass Effect
• Kaidan Alenko
• Garrus Vakarian
Mob Psycho 100
• Reigen Arataka
• Serizawa Katsuya
• Proinsias Cassidy
Quantum Break
• Jack Joyce
Red Dead 2
• Arthur Morgan
Shadow And Bone
• Aleksander Morozova
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
• Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Picard
• Cristobal Rios
Star Trek: The Next Generation
• Data
Stardew Valley
• Shane
• Castiel
• Mick Davies
Sword Art Online
• Ryotaro Tsuboi “Klein”
The Boys
• Jack Wilson “Lamplighter”
• Billy Butcher
The Elder Scrolls: Online
• Fennorian
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
• Bishop
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
• James Buchanan Barnes
The Following
• Mike Weston
The Originals
• Elijah Mikaelson
• Niklaus Mikaelson
The Orville
• Gordon Malloy
The Walking Dead
• Shane Walsh
• Daryl Dixon
• Owen Harper
• Ianto Jones
• Vash The Stampede
• Samuel Drake
• Logan Delos
• Hector Escaton
• Lee Sizemore
• Caleb Nichols
What We Do In The Shadows
• Nandor
X-Men Movies
• Logan
• Bobby Drake
• Joe Goldberg
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animationresources · 2 years
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Animation Resources Needs Your Help- PLEASE SHARE
Many people, even our own members don't realize that Animation Resources and The Animation Archive are not funded by grants or large corporate sponsors. All of our operating funds come from the annual dues of our members. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the money we raise is used exclusively for our projects, and the amount of income from dues dictates what we can and can't do as an organization.
Over the past decade, we have been serving the worldwide community of animators, cartoonists and illustrators, and our membership numbers have steadily increased; but not at a rate that allows us to do everything we want to do. We've been forced to cut corners. The last time we bought a new computer was in 2004. Since then, we have been making do with equipment donated to us by members. We recently retired two Mac G5 towers from 2004 and 2005, and we currently have two iMacs and a MacMini, all of which are over seven years old. They have served us well, but the time has come to buy a current computer that is capable of taking our organization to the next level.
Board Members Davey Jarrell and David Eisman have been working on a new project to benefit our members and the general public, a live streaming initiative, but our current equipment isn't capable of filling the needs of the project. We need your help to raise the funds to purchase the necessary equipment.
Here is what we would like to do...
Before COVID, we hosted seminars and screenings in the Los Angeles area. Along with Advisory Board member, Steve Stanchfield we produced a screening at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood that was very successful. Our Animation Creative League hosted programs with guests like animator Eric Goldberg and Twilight Zone writer George Clayton Johnson. The members who attended got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from people who are at the top of their fields.
Due to the pandemic, we have been unable to host in-person gatherings; so Program Director Davey Jarrell has been conducting monthly get-togethers in Discord. These have been recorded and edited to serve as downloadable podcasts in our bi-monthly Reference Packs. Davey has produced some amazing programs... an analysis of Chuck Jones's timing techniques on the Grinch special, a panel discussion on the proper use of reference, and interviews with professionals like Joe Murray, Lenord Robinson and Craig Bartlett.
Our Discord Discussions are very popular, but they are limited to audio only. We don't have the facilities to live stream video. Davey has teamed up with David Eisman to spec out what is needed to be able to live stream video from multiple locations to audiences on YouTube and Facebook. They are also looking into recording the live streams and editing them to produce programs that can be shared in our Reference Packs and syndicated to schools and other animation organizations. This would take the wonderful programs we produce beyond just Los Angeles to the whole world. Davey and David have plans to do virtual screenings of rare films from our collection, seminars on storyboarding and acting, profiles of great artists along with original artwork, and informal virtual get togethers where artists could come together and socialize and share information.
As I said before, our most recent computer is over seven years old. It just isn't capable of doing what we need to do. In addition, we need sound equipment, cameras and lighting. We've gone as far as we can with the money we have, but it isn't enough to get this project started. We've allocated all of our current funds to the project and we have come up short of the figure we need to get the live streams rolling. We will need more money down the road for this live streaming initiative to reach its full potential, but right now we need at least $2,500 to get it started. In the past, as the President of the organization, I've reached into my own pocket to help fill Animation Resources' funding shortfalls, but right now, I'm afraid I'm not able to do that.
We could do a Kickstarter or GoFundMe campaign, but those are a lot of work, and with our small group of volunteers, a project like that would inevitably take resources away from our important job of curating and producing content of interest to artists. We have decided to turn to our members and social media followers for help.
Here is what we are asking...
We would like 25 of our supporters to donate $100 apiece. That wouldn't be a burden on anyone, and it would get us started. In return, for every $100 donation, we will give you a discount code for a free one year membership in Animation Resources that you can give to a friend or colleague. More members mean a more solid financial footing for our organization. We're confident that once people see what we are doing, they will want to sign up to be ongoing annual members. If you don't have anyone you would like to gift a membership to, let us know and we will use the credit to sponsor two students in our Adopt A Student program.
If we reach our goal, we will do two things... We will increase the number of rerun Reference Packs from one every four months to one every two months. This means that members will be able to download a Reference Pack every month. We will record many of our programs live, and the live stream will be open to the public. After the stream is over, we will format it and edit it and put it in the Reference Pack, so members can download them and save them forever.
If you can't afford $100, please donate what you can. If you've been thinking about signing up for a membership and haven't gotten around to it yet, this is the time to join. If you have no money at all right now, share Animation Resources with your friends and encourage them to join. Print out our brochure (see below) and give it to people you think would benefit from what we have to offer.) We don't just want donations... we want new members to share our treasures with. Members are even more important than money.
You can donate right now using this PayPal link... https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=27R8BBRKT66VA
Or you can pay on Facebook, here... https://www.facebook.com/donate/4678643948901838/
After you have donated, drop us an email at [email protected] and let us know where to send the discount code for a free membership.
Raising the bar with our live streaming initiative will make things better for the whole art form. Don't stay on the sidelines. Be a part of Animation Resources and join our team to build the foundation for the future of animation.
Here is a link to our membership brochure. If Animation Resources is important to you, please print this out and share it with your friends. https://animationresources.org/arbrochure2022.pdf
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