#muse reference
pixelizedgrace · 2 years
Hi so uh. First things first:
This is my first MC blog, so I'm bound to mess something up, all I'm asking is to not be the target of anyone's hatred/rage. In other words, The Golden Rule is all that applies here.
Secondly, there's a personal reason why I started this. For as long as I could remember, I was an artist. I drew a lot. It was my ultimate passion, and I still love it. But a few years ago, I got clinical depression. It smothered my passion into oblivion, even after I recovered and became normal again. My willingness to draw my heart out was just... gone. I haven't gotten it back since.
However—my love for roleplaying hadn't changed. And Minecraft's always had a special place in my heart. So I thought, well shit, why not? Everything I've done up until now hasn't fixed my ability, so I might as well try something new. Am I gonna be good at it? Not likely. Is this whole thing gonna totally flop in a couple weeks? Maybe. But at least I tried!
So how do other bloggers contribute to this? Well, this is an important note: I'm not forcing this onto anybody. Feel free to interact with my muse/me, or block me right off the bat, no hard feelings. I won't let my personal project burden anyone else. I'll also be answering every ask with a drawing, but the quality will vary a lot. I promise I have a big plot in mind... just still figuring that out XD
A bit about the mod: my online alias is Gala, and pronouns are she/her. I'm in my 20's, autistic, and a casual gamer.
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One odd day, a mousey little lady with red, very long hair stumbled across miles of wilderness, barely scraping by and narrowly avoiding death for about a week, before apparently vanishing... Oh no, wait, she's still here, just hiding in a village and surrounding her whole house with dozens of torches.
Grace is basically an isekai player, with no memory of her past or how she got here. She still retains several modern concepts, but actual memories very rarely resurface in her mind. In the face of danger and ruthlessness of this world... She panics and swears and does everything she can to not die.
But when you treat her with kindness, or at least get to know her, Grace can be an interesting character. She's both over-worried and too tired to give a shit with no in between, semi-intelligent, artistic, kind-hearted, introverted, autistic, and lonely. Very lonely...
Ask to find out more!
(edit: also she's just under 2 blocks tall I forgot there's no such thing as feet in mc JFBAKFKG)
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mazemeadow · 1 month
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abigail // mary magdalene by jan boeckhorst
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tofixtheshadows · 29 days
I should've made this in the first place to go as a reference to my post about Kabru rarely being shown eating (and when he does it, it isn't pleasurable) and linked it somewhere. I didn't feel like I needed to go through every example and based on people's tags I do think everyone gets it ... but I'm compiling this anyway because I find it really interesting from an artistic/writerly standpoint.
Like, Kabru obviously is eating in the abstract sense. But as I said, Kui almost never actually draws him putting food in his mouth. At first I assumed that she was avoiding it to save on space because he needs to be shown talking instead, but as I've looked back, I've noted that she doesn't usually shy away from giving characters speech bubbles even when they're chewing or they have utensils in their mouths. Unless they're Kabru.
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This would realistically be the best time to actually show him eating, since it's a normal meat at a normal restaurant, but no. He doesn't actually put food in his mouth in this entire scene. Again: I'm sure he does eat this meal. My point is that I think it's a deliberate choice to keep that off-page, to contrast all the other characters who get to both visibly eat food and enjoy it.
As mentioned, Kabru is only shown drinking wine while his party eats the snacks in chapter 32. I think it's possible to infer that he doesn't actually eat any food here at all.
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The harpy egg omelette bit barely counts as eating lmao we all saw him struggling to even swallow a bite down. Let's move on.
Quick sidebar:
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Are we all going insane over this panel or is it just me? Okay continue.
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Like with the omelette, it gets a checkmark for actually going into his mouth but no checkmark for enjoyment. He hates this. He's being spoon fed bad cake and patronized.
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Literally the worst meal in Dungeon Meshi lmao.
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He does actually eat this. Rare Kabru mastication panel, not clickbait. But it's kind of a sad moment when you remember that he was looking forward to a cultural dish of his mother's- literal comfort food from his childhood- and instead got the weird godless crab-meat-plant that is the barometz. This may be the only time Kabru goes looking for comfort, and he's pointedly denied it.
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Yeah he isn't drawn eating during this entire scene either. Only drawn holding the food and his utensil.
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As stated: still never shown eating. Deliberately shown getting Mithrun to eat instead. Kabru, the call is coming from inside the goddamn house.
Bavarois is next, and once again it gets a checkmark for actual on-page chewing but as we see, he still hates it and has to concentrate very hard and block out all thoughts of what he's doing in order to swallow it down without making a scene.
Okay. Faligon feast. Kabru does spend days eating for the sake of Laios and Falin! Yay! Caloric fucking intake! Clean plate club!
And yet.
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Literally shown stopping before he can put the food in his mouth.
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Mickbell is so real for this. No one needed to hear a lecture from Senshi more than Kabru.
Anyway. Given how surgically precise Kui is with everything else in this story, I just feel the choice to constantly show Kabru focusing on his worries during mealtimes, instead of drawing him just enjoying food, was purposeful.
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pinkrose05 · 6 months
Sudden realization that we now have a Smol Cloud Quintet of kids on the Luofu.
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Warning: contains minor spoilers for version 1.5 content.
After Huohuo's debut and the recent Trailblaze Continuance + Event, I've noticed that a few recurring faces seem to parallel the good ol' High Cloud Quintet of the Luofu, be it by accident or on purpose. And if you know me, then you may have noticed I really like to connect the dots (or in some cases, make up headcanon dots for funsies), so I had to put these thoughts into words.
Going clockwise from the center, we have:
1) The High Elder of the vidyadhara, well-known for proficiency in healing arts, designated mother hen, and.... significantly shorter than everyone else in the group. Poor Bailu. At least she gets to be a short gremlin, and that's neat! Go cause mischief, queen!
2) A talented swordsman who aspires to be the Sword Champion and has an affinity for ice. And for throwing sharp objects as an attack. Kinda funny how Jing Yuan is the only one of Jingliu's disciples that doesn't do that, and yet his own apprentice picks up the habit anyway.
3) A newbie Cloud Knight of somewhat traditional upbringing, who happens to be really impressed by their superior and gets noticed by them in turn at some point (see Sushang's About Yanqing line, and the latter calling for assembly when he joins a team with her specifically).
4) A foxian who's known to be very good at her job, but gets into a lot of trouble and earns a nickname for exactly that (Cursed One for Huohuo, Starskiff Killer for Baiheng), and still miraculously scrapes by every unfortunate encounter.
5) A crafty, short-lived outlander whose home planet was destroyed in their childhood, with them being taken to the Xianzhou as a result, and then rising to fame thanks to their creativity and fiery spirit. They also befriend the aforementioned newbie Cloud Knight, except there's lots of squabbles and teasing involved.
Personally I think they should all be friends. A silly lil group that circumvents the law and gets up to shenanigans. Half of them are already besties in canon too, so it's not particularly farfetched, and the potential interactions between the rest are fun to think about!
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Oh my god, they know.
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venusinta · 10 days
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“you're beautiful”
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fantasykiri5 · 16 days
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A pair of birds of prey for days 15 and 16 of @hermitadaymay !!! Definitely not a day and a half (?) late
#my art#Hermitaday#hermitadaymay#hermitadaymay2024#hermit-a-day may#Hermit-a-day may 2024#Hermitcraft#hermitcraft fanart#falsesymmetry#falsesymmetry fanart#welsknight#welsknight gaming#welsknight fanart#WHY DID I DECIDE TO DRAW THE STUPIDEST POSE FOR FALSE AND ARMOR FOR WELS AND WINGS FOR THEM BOTH ALL IN ONE DRAWING…#These cunts have six total hours tracked on them… I didn’t even do a background because they took so long…#and thats not even counting looking for armor and feather references like this took two straight days#I’m very proud of it though#anyways they’re NOT related I was in the middle of drawing and realized they looked uncannily alike. So I made the wise decision to give-#-Wels the same mole I give False and the same little lower lash because they’re nose and eye shapes already matched#they’re not siblings (shown by one of them not even being an actual raptor bird) but they do look uncannily similar#and I’ve decided now that my False and Wels like to just lie to people and say they’re twins for fun.#They both have fucked up doppelgängers they would find it funny.#anyways False is a red tailed hawk (specifically a dark morph)#and Wels is a peregrine falcon#armor is so hard to draw guys never draw armor it SUCKS. I did get to have Laois Dunmeshi Touden on my screen for reference the whole time-#-I was drawing Wels though so it’s not all bad#still baffled I draw the human body part of that pose for false so easily though. Fully believe I was possessed by one of the Greek muses-#-or something because I do not know enough about anatomy to have that shit memorized but it looked normal when I looked at it so. Shrugs#anyways YES i will get to Etho tomorrow… I may just draw him WITH Joe because I wanna draw him but I don’t wanna think about posing two-#-difference pieces… though then I’d have to pose them together… but the appeal of putting a Kakashi cosplayer and a muppet next to each-
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shortnotsweet · 7 months
In a Week by Hozier ft. Karen Cowley
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“The raven is death, obviously. When I die, I want a good tombstone—something right spooky. LT’s got something against the underground, though you’d think that would be just his kind of place. That’s alright. He needs to, he can cremate me. It’s not exactly Catholic, and Mam would turn in her grave, but God is a unicorn and no one is pure anymore, so. What’s all that got to do with me?”
Johnny “Soap” McTavish has a journal. Had. It is his no longer.
Simon “Ghost” Riley had dreams—awful ones, the kind that sank claws into his lungs, dragged him into sleep, and then sent him careening out of it. He still has dreams, but they’re different, now. Better. Johnny’s pages have folded themselves under his eyes and gotten into his head, brighter and more infectious than anything else has ever been. It’s more than the past, that rotting carcass behind him, and more than now. Now is nothing. Now is ash. It’s like, it’s like—blinding, is what it is. He’s a blind man.
It is biblical now. Ghost has read it backward and forward and sideways and inside out. When he runs out of things to read, he reads them again, and when that is not enough, he reads between the lines.
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eksvnd · 4 months
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Dialogue from:
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comradekatara · 4 months
hi, fully optional atla meta question: hypothetically, how would the rest of the gaang react if they somehow found out how very damaged and mentally ill sokka is? (also please know that I am asking this because you have the very bestest sokka takes thank you)
im so sorry, but something about the phrasing of this ask is just really funny to me??? idk why but i can’t stop picturing them all in therapy a la that one sunny episode. “the gaang gets analyzed.” aang being like “i was frozen in an iceberg for an entire century.” “that’s not possible.” “well first of all through the avatar spirit all things are possible, so jot that down.” azula constantly spouting that she graduated top of her class at the royal fire academy for girls so there’s no way some two bit shrink will be able to get through to her. toph insisting that she is impenetrable vault while spitting peanut shells at her therapist with utmost hostility, five minutes later she’s sobbing about her mommy. zuko doesn’t even need five minutes, he starts sobbing about his mommy in under five seconds. katara willingly recounts the entire story of her life but it’s the most biased narrative you’ve ever heard. ty lee somehow gets her therapist to open up to her. mai just does a little comedy bit to amuse herself until their time is up, and then afterwards she’s like “hm…. maybe i should’ve actually brought up my pervading existential dissatisfaction and constant unending misery.” suki doesn’t realize what the purpose of a therapy session is and keeps treating it like a first date. sokka keeps insisting that he doesn’t need therapy because he’s too smart for it. his therapist is like “i am perfectly willing to acknowledge that you’re a genius but that’s also totally irrelevant to the project of cognitive behavioral therapy.” sokka basically just treats it like a game to be won and somehow manages to describe every single facet of his life truthfully while passing himself off as perfectly well-adjusted and happy. katara and zuko come out of their sessions like “wow i feel so refreshed, like so many of my emotional burdens have been lifted, and i can finally navigate my feelings in a healthier way. isn’t therapy great?” and sokka’s just like “maybe for you normies. while you’re working on developing healthier coping mechanisms or whatever, i’m playing psychological pai sho with a guy who thinks i’m so mentally stable i don’t even need therapy.” so basically he is a lost cause.
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pixelizedgrace · 2 years
Finally, a proper intro post
(below the cut)
First and foremost, some ground rules:
Remember the Golden Rule u were taught as a little kid? "Treat others the way you'd wanna be treated?" Yep that applies here
Mod goes by the alias GalacticToast, Gala, Toast, whatever. I use she/her pronouns and I'm currently 23, so blog content will sometimes dance on the 18+ rating. Follow at ur own risk; especially u, minors.
Speaking of content—I won't ever post anything explicitly sexual, but anything considered graphic will be hidden under a Keep Reading
This doubles as a rp AND ask blog. If you'd rather not have long reblogs clogging up ur dashboard, be sure to put "#grace rp" in ur filter
Please, please no crossovers. That means if ur character is in a fandom/au that isn't connected to Minecraft, or has no presence in MC in general, my character(s) won't be interacting with urs. No hard feelings.
Me and Grace are both autistic with ADHD, so I'm saying this now: if u have a personal problem with me or what my muse has done, PLEASE talk to me directly. More often than not, I don't even realize I've crossed a line and won't ever figure it out unless u tell me. I don't want beef with anyone. The last thing I want is to cause dumb drama.
I usually talk ooc with text acronyms and whatever, but when I write blog content, I write freakin novels with excessively correct grammar/punctuation lmao
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One odd day, a mousey little lady with red, very long hair stumbled across miles of wilderness, barely scraping by and narrowly avoiding death for about a week, before apparently vanishing... Oh no, wait, she's still here, just hiding in a village and surrounding her whole house with dozens of torches.
Grace is basically an isekai player, with no memory of her past or how she got here. She still retains several modern concepts, but actual memories very rarely resurface in her mind. In the face of danger and ruthlessness of this world... She panics and swears and does everything she can to not die.
But when you treat her with kindness, or at least get to know her, Grace can be an interesting character. She's both over-worried and too tired to give a shit with no in between, semi-intelligent, artistic, kind-hearted, introverted, autistic, and lonely. Very lonely...
Ask to find out more!
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thatsrightice · 15 days
I know organization of the bomb groups can get kinda confusing so here's some diagrams I found to help. l've also included a diagram of what a "Combat Box" looks like on left, note that "Coffin Corner" aka "Purple Heart Corner" with the red box in the low element is who usually takes the most losses. For a given mission, typically only three of the four squadrons will fly and even then not all crews will be flying.
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Heres a diagram of the colors and markings specifically for 100th. This also highlights the four different squadrons within the 100th bombardment group and highlights their specific colors.
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Here is a couple more diagrams that show the meaning of the different symbols and particular colors/markings for specific B-17 bombardment groups.
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The reason we see silver B-17s near the end war, as seen in Part 9 of MOTA, is because those aircraft hadn’t been painted. When they came off the production line during the war, the shiny metal was painted drab green to camouflage them while parked on the ground. After securing air superiority, there was no real need to start painting them and so they started to leave them silver.
Check out the source document for these diagrams for tons more information regarding the colors of bombardment groups in the 8th AF.
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sbrn10 · 7 months
On a scale of pure comedy to heartbreak, Imogen realizing that she and her girlfriend were not alone despite all appearances to the contrary:
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neverbesokind · 18 days
Oh my god it's The Alchemy day I have SO many thoughts about this song so I'm gonna try and condense them.
First of all, the song starts and ends with "This happens once every few lifetimes," which is a statement filled to the BRIM with irony, in my view. The entire album up to this point has been concerned with two romances, both of which Taylor states she felt were destined and fated and "storybook" in their own ways. The entirety of TTPD is exploring how these fated, destined, storybook romances could actually crumble, and with it, her faith and belief in the existence of fate and destiny and storybook love.
But THEN... almost at the end of the standard run of the album, Taylor states that she's getting back from recovering from this tragedy - "I'm back / The hospital was a drag / Worst sleep that I ever had". She gets back from the messy process of healing from the events described on the album, and despite everything finds herself falling in love again.
This is why the title is significant, too. Alchemy is the pseudoscience of making a material into something more valuable. And this reflects the emotional process of Taylor falling in love again - she felt like the past two tragedies took the shine off of everything, killed her belief that love could ever work. But then, despite everything, she falls in love again and the normal, even tragic world she lived in before is transformed into something golden.
And then the first line repeats again, to reflect the cyclical nature of what she has experienced. Obviously, "this" doesn't happen once every few lifetimes, it's happened twice before on the album and is happening again in this song. She's falling in love, she's finding something beautiful and fated, and she can't help but find it gorgeous and meaningful, even if she's been shown again and again that she might be proven wrong in the end. And it feels so special that even if it's obvious that it isn't a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it feels that rare and that precious.
In this song, love is the alchemy, the process of turning normalcy into meaning and beauty, and she can't help it.
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savingthrcw · 1 month
@bucketofdrugs is ruining Hank's day
Lucy had been nervously clutching at her little bouquet while Overseer Jackson stepped in to discuss the exchange with her dad, happy to reunite with a friend. "So... who am I marrying?" she asked playfully, but with a hint of nervousness, and the Overseer moved aside to let her future husband come in. Oh. He was a charming looking man, now that was sure. Older than her, which raised a few questions - had he chosen to not marry? had he not been given the chance before because there was something wrong with him? He was married and divorced or widowed? - but she noted with relief that there was nothing scary or immediately displeasing about him. He was not a cannibal or full of tumors either, no matter what Norm said. She hadn't seen his butt yet, to finish refuting everything her brother had suggested. Plus, since he was handsome, it would not be difficult to do her part in repopulating America, and that was great.
So Lucy smiled, her wide, happy, friendly smile, "Hi, I'm Lucy. Do you have a name?"
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sokkalore · 10 months
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thinking about this thread …
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pinkrose05 · 30 days
Ok so @b1adie's post from earlier got me thinking about element Types and Paths again.... and predictably enough, I am also here to talk about my fave old man Yingxing and how his kit would look like if he were playable.
We can probably agree that Fire type makes the most sense for many, many reasons, but in terms of Path I'd like to humbly propose....
Ok, hear me out: Preservation in this game is frequently associated with building and construction. You've got Qlipoth's walls, the Cornerstone effects, and the very act of creating a shield! Naturally, a master artisan would be right at home constructing stuff; I mean, remember that one scrap lion?
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Yeah, Yingxing is very good at building things up from the ground. Just imagine the amount of detail this bitch would put in his shields! Knowing him, they'd be the most elaborate magic walls to ever wall in history.
Another thing is how Preservation pathstriders admire stubbornness and are prone to protective actions. As for the former trait, stubbornness is a part of persistence, and persistence through adversity is a key aspect of Yingxing's character: his home is destroyed, he's always struggling with the sabotage and prejudice of his seniors and peers... and still he keeps pushing on and ahead, all the way to hard-earned success.
As for the latter, Yingxing's attachment to the makeshift family he's found in the Quintet can definitely lend itself to a protective streak- doubly so considering the weapon gifts he'd given to them all. It's like he's always watching their back! It's his way of keeping them safe so he doesn't lose his loved ones again!
(It's the only part of him that will stay with them when he meets his timely demise. It's proof that, even in death, he will forever stand by their side.)
A third thing is that, if you consider the construction aspect again, Preservation is actually the most direct antithesis to the Path of Destruction. The symbolism in there really hammers in (heh) the 180° turn between Yingxing and Ren- and wouldn't it be the perfect sort of ironic for them to mirror each other in the very core of their beliefs?
(I actually think they should have the worst anti-synergy in history if/when Yingxing becomes playable. There's a kit concept somewhere in my files that has 1) several ways of pulling aggro, 2) Max HP buffs that depend on using skill points, and 3) a one-turn block on allies' HP changing whenever any of Yingxing's shields break. It's basically a dedicated sustain kit that just so happens to be a massive Fuck You to Ren in specific, because come on, the idea's just too good to pass up!)
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