#my echo chamber
deltafruit · 2 months
having delta as my profile picture makes me feel like I'm misleading anyone who clicks on my blog. Surprise, I'm actually just very invested in RvB Zero and I am incapable of telling anyone how or why
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moonchopsticks · 4 months
went to chicago for my cousin's wedding during winter break. im happy for her, but seeing my beautiful confident energetic hyperchristian-but-still-reasonably-normal-about-it premed gets-along-with-her-parents cousin getting happily married to a decent man at 23 looks like getting a glimpse into what my parents wanted out of a daughter
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birdswithlegs · 1 year
As enjoyable as fictional himbos can be, this way of classifying men has been detrimental to creating male characters. When people actively create men with the intent of making him a "himbo" first and foremost, and reduce them to some variation of "attractive dumbass," they limit any potential dimension and true appeal to the character. In this essay I will
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lobotomyladylives · 4 months
"you do realize that you're in a misandrist echo chamber, right?" you do realize that the entire fucking world is a misogynistic echo chamber, right?
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3cosmicfrogs · 4 months
the most important thing about a ship is that one of them is dead.
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skygenders · 3 months
I hate stepping out of Jewish pro-Palestine circles cause the second i do its fucking useless mfs arguing that the star of david is a hate symbol
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oifaaa · 8 months
I'm actually curious now to find out what the common consensus is so
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edgylesbiangurl · 8 months
They're the IT girls of Nu metal to me
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cosmossystem · 7 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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mournfulroses · 6 months
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Chelsea Wolfe, from She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She; "Whispers in the Echo Chamber,"
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thebirthofvenusfly · 2 months
all im saying is with how siffrin was canonically off-island when his home was blooped and bambouche is smack on the northern coast of vaugarde it is entirely plausible siffrin landed there given how close it is to The Island and could have met bonnie's sister before--perhaps even a baby bonnie--and just genuinely not remember by the time they meet again
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hypermusiced · 16 days
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@mudandsludg3 made me do it
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anxiouspotatorants · 5 months
This whole «Lorelai is evil and so is Rory and Emily is the real MVP of the show» shtick is getting on my nerves.
Like don’t misunderstand me, I love Emily and Richard. They are interesting and complex characters with strengths and weaknesses and a whole lot of baggage (like almost everyone in Gilmore Girls, except maybe the Town Troubador). But they aren’t this perfect well meaning couple with an ungrateful daughter who refuses to accept help and grow up.
Lorelai is not perfect either by any stretch of the imagination. She’s presumptuous, stubborn, used to getting her way and struggles to see things from more than one angle, but she’s also kind, hard working, supportive and able to strike a balance between being open and setting boundaries. She’s a complicated, flawed person, like all good protagonists should be (as opposed to heroes). And she doesn’t fight with Emily or cut her parents out because she’s being immature, she’s doing it because they genuinely hurt her several times.
Imagine if things had gone exactly like Emily and Richard wanted things to go. A 16 year old Lorelai would be married against her will to a guy who would likely then spend the rest of his life under the thumb of his parents for the «mistake» of having Rory. Her social life, her work, her education, all of it would be heavily monitored by Emily and Richard, as they would insist she only engage with what they deem respectable work and social circles. Lorelai in the DAR, Lorelai running charity functions, Lorelai staying married to a Hayden. So much of what makes Lorelai herself would be gone: the inn, her friendships with Sookie and Michel, cooky hobbies and a band of semi-adopted misfits and Luke.
Certain people (not many but still some) seem to forget exactly what it is Emily and Richard ultimately criticize Lorelai for, because it’s not her childish remarks at Friday Night Dinner. They criticize her for her lack of university education. For her lack of a high status job even though she runs a successful inn that she co-owns herself. For her terrible pick of men - not because of how they might be as lovers but because they’re not high society and not the kind of wealthy guys who could let Lorelai retire to the life of an affluent housewife (like did we forget that one of the times Lorelai cut them out was because they refused to accept LUKE?). Hell, they usually don’t criticize Lorelai for reasonable issues with how she raised Rory, they criticize her for not controlling Rory’s love life more.
I do think Emily and Richard love Lorelai and Rory, and that at the end of the day they want them to be happy (otherwise none of these characters would fight so hard to stay in each other’s lives). But time and time again they let their love of status and fear of a bad reputation stand in the way of recognizing their daughter and granddaughter for what they love and for what make them happy. Dislike Lorelai all you want, Rory too, but don’t come here and tell me that Emily is the one in the right.
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cruelyear · 11 months
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yellowjackets "saints" (S1E6) x buffy the vampire slayer "the prophecy girl" (S1E12)
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mal3vol3nt · 6 months
it is crazyyyy seeing ppl go all the way back to ITSV and trying to find things to hate about gwen even then.
like in atsv, she is a realistic portrayal of a traumatized teenage girl who doesn’t know what to do with everything that’s happened to her and therefore ends up leaning on and trusting the wrong people. she made mistakes and was more human, but y’all didn’t like that. people HATED her for her mistakes and went out of their way to portray her as some sinister person while simultaneously simping for and loving up on male characters who’ve made similar if not worse mistakes.
in itsv, she comes off as a badass who rarely slips up. this is mainly because we’re seeing her from miles’ point of view and he very obviously has a crush on her so…. like duh. point is, in that movie gwen is an extremely capable superhero who is pretty and a lil traumatized but it doesn’t interfere with what she’s able to accomplish in itsv. she doesn’t make many mistakes in terms of her abilities or her relationship with miles because throughout the movie she’s slowly opening up to the idea of allowing herself to get close to people. therefore, she doesn’t yet have a friendship with him since her arc consists of her cold exterior melting away so she can let him in as a friend.
by atsv logic, itsv-gwen is the far superior and should- be-likeable version for some people since she’s a female character who is badass and doesn’t seriously fuck up or have any perceivable flaws (beyond the flatness that inherently comes with). but nooooo. y’all still hate her from that movie too so like… she just can’t win. you don’t like her when she’s an idealized version of herself and you don’t like her when she’s a realistic version of herself. it’s crazy seeing people pick her apart in itsv when most of the time her actions, like every other character’s, were based entirely on the very intense situation of the damn collider. to pick her apart specifically for her treatment of miles (which i don’t even think was cruel or coming from a place of illogical underestimation considering lives were on the line and miles was a very, very fresh-off-the-bite spider) and not the other characters is insaneeeee.
like to use her actions in itsv, which i would argue were logical in the context of the movie’s plot and situation, against her to further prove that she as a person is undeserving of miles in either a platonic or romantic way reeks with a lil something…. something that starts with an m and ends with a y. idk tho it’s on the tip of my tongue…
anywhore i just wanted to rant. not arguing or debating with anyone cus i don’t got the energy.
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tinylilvalery · 2 months
always gonna be upsetting to me that Tumblr doesn't go Tomgreg level batshit over Peep Show
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