#my favorite feral immune survivor
moireia · 3 months
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moodboard — quinn murphy by @lorettastwilight
"I am someone who did not die when I should have died." — Anne Carson
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honey-minded-hivemind · 10 months
I've mentioned in my description I like dark alternate universes. Well, I've had a few ideas for possible platonic yandere Marvel AUs that are a bit darker, or unsettling, to say the least. Some might make sense. Some might be a bit more of a platonic kink. And, well, strange and unique are right up Marvel's alley! My first one is:
• An Infected!AU. This one I have mulled over for a while, wondering how to improve on the idea. I've mainly imagined it with X-Men characters, since they include some of my favorite Marvel characters, as well as provide many options for different Infected!AU ideas to come to light. The Infected!AU has a virus that is similar to if you combined a vampire, a zombie, and a hivemind. Those infected aren't dead, but consume flesh and blood for sustenance; can spread the infection by biting a victim, similar to a zombie; contain a venom in their canines like a vampire, but it won't turn a victim, it works similar to a sedative; the ability to sometimes put someone under their thrall, depending on their mutation; pure black eyes (or at least enlarged pupils); the ability to form a group/horde/pack, which seems to be able to communicate without speaking outloud or using sign language; and those who are feral mutants will have some more animalistic tendencies.
• This doesn't even begin to mention the bby. So, for this, I've imagined a few different mutant bby! variants. But the one I'll use for right now is harpy!Reader. They have wings similar to Angel (a.k.a. Warren Worthington the Third), as well as talons akin to Sabretooth (a.k.a. Victor Creed). Harpy!bby is a feral mutant, to some degree. They survived the beginning of the virus and the fall of civilization partly due to being able to fly away from danger, and migrate to better places. They knew some of the mutants before their world went to heck, probably helped them with things that required a bird eye view or the ability to spy on someone from afar, bird's eye view and all.
• For one reason or another, they aren't with anyone during the initial start of the virus, nor once civilization has collapsed. They have tried to help others, only for those very people to try to eat them or sacrifice them in hopes of the other survivors not being eaten. Thus, Reader gave up on joining any groups.
• Then, somehow, they end up captured. Scientists catch them in a weakened state, and drag them back to a large facility, with many levels and labs. These people inform Reader that they've captured what they could of the Infected, and that all they need is a test subject, so the scientists can find out what they can about the Infected, what their abilities are, if anyone is immune... without risking the scientists, of course... Reader is left with no choice but to comply... it is that, or risk being killed.
• Of course, once Reader is shoved into a darkened room/cell, they quickly discover that some old friends still seem to remember them... but aren't the same as they were...
• The platonic yanderes may be different, but they still love Reader...
• And probably have a few plans to keep their bby with them...
• Whether their bby agrees or not...
And these are the beginner thoughts for this au! I hope this honeycomb thought has given y'all a few ideas!
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femalechibiblogger · 3 years
My 5 Favorite Characters in ‘Fallout 76′
1. Beckett
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Beckett is one of the potential allies that the Vault Dweller can befriend. Beckett is a former member of the Blood Eagles, a Raider Gang that who brainwashed new members by getting them hooked on chems and destroying their sanity. But after hurting many people while in the Blood Eagles, and overcoming his chem addiction, Beckett left the Blood Eagles so he could make amends with the people he wronged and have a fresh start. 
However, the Blood Eagles managed to kidnap Beckett and were about to torture him to death in oder to make an example of him. But thankfully, the Vault Dweller is able to rescue Beckett and helps him right the wrongs of his past. With Beckett’s help, we can eliminate the gang’s stash of chems and kill the three leaders of the Blood Eagles: The Blood, The Eye, and The Claw. 
Despite his dark past, Beckett is a good man who just wants to become a better person and protect those he cares about. He is afraid of repeating his past mistakes and hurting anyone who gets close to him...but that won’t stop us from loving him. 
If we make him our ally, Beckett will run a small bar at our C.A.M.P and will often mention how we saved him. We can even romance him and enter into a romantic relationship with Beckett, which something that I know a lot of us enjoy. 
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2. Rose
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Rose is a Miss Nanny robot that was reprogrammed and is now the leader of a Raider gang: The Cutthroats. Rose is rude, loud, has a dark sense of humor, and loves seeing people get into brawls. But she is also very loyal to the late leader of the Cutthroats, David Thorpe, who reprogrammed Rose to sound and act like his late girlfriend: Rosalynn Jeffries.
Rosalynn Jeffries was David Thorpe’s mistress before the war and was even planning to leave his wife for her. But after his family was killed by the bombs, Thorpe regretted neglecting them and only had Rosalynn left to keep him from going insane. Together, Thorpe and Rosalynn became the leaders of the Cutthroats and caused all sorts of mayhem together. But one day, Rosalynn was captured by The Responders, a group of former police officers and firefighters who dedicated the rest of their lives to helping people and teaching them survival skills. They managed to capture Rosalynn after she attempted to raid the settlement in Charleston, and were going to negotiate her release with Thorpe the next day. But Thorpe immediately believed that The Responders had killed Rosalynn and destroyed the dam that was outside of Charleston...which flooded the entire town and killed thousands of people, including Rosalynn. Afterwards, Thorpe found a Miss Nanny robot and reprogrammed the robot to sound and act exactly like Rosalynn. He even modified Rose to have some of Rosalynn’s features. 
Rose knows that she is a robot and a replacement for Rosalynn, but she still remains loyal to Thorpe even long after his demise. While she is not the friendliest person to deal with, and she often threatens to kill us if we even think about betraying her, we do need her to make contact with the Crater Raiders and she does have a device that can detect the Scorched. So whether we like it or not, we have to do what she says in order to complete certain quests. 
But on the plus side, we do obtain some useful weapons while learning the techniques of the previous Raider Gangs and she does reward us in the end. We also learn about Thorpe and Rosalynn, as well as the histories of the fallen Raider Gangs. Plus, she does have a lot of personality for a robot. 
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3. Paige
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Paige is the founder and leader of a settlement known as, Foundation. While originally from Washington DC, Paige and many other survivors from different states came together and traveled to Appalachia to build a safe place for them to live in. 
Paige is a kind and caring man who loves the people of Foundation like they were his family. He wants nothing more than to protect them from the Raiders and ensure them that it is safe for them to have children. While he doesn’t trust the Vault Dwellers at first, it’s understandable since he puts the safety of the Settlers first and wants to make sure that no one will try to hurt them. 
But after we complete the vaccine for the Scorched Plague, Paige will be very grateful for giving them a chance to fight against the Scorched Plague. He’ll even be more grateful if we help Foundation obtain the country’s entire supply of gold from Vault 79. 
Paige is a good leader...which is something that Appalachia desperately needs since most of the good people have either died or given up on trying to live decently. 
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4. Duchess
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Duchess is the owner of one of the few bars in Appalachia, The Wayward, where she sells drinks and even a place to rest. When she encounters the Vault Dweller, we can: Help Duchess keep a bunch of Raiders from threatening her livelihood, help her find her two guards who went missing, and find a new body for her Assaultron, ‘Polly’. 
After we help Duchess, she’ll tell us about a hidden treasure that’s the reason why Raiders keep coming to her bar. In the end, Duchess will be very grateful for our help and give us a huge discount on all of her products. Even her employees will be eternally grateful for everything that we did to help the people of The Wayward. 
There are some clues that Duchess was a drug lord before the bombs fell and had made a name for herself in the criminal world...but she has now cleaned up her act and has stopped selling chems to people. She regrets her past decisions but now strives to be a better person, which we can see since she clearly cares about the safety and well-being of those she cares about. 
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5. Mordecai ‘Mort’ McCoy
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When you enter The Wayward, the very first non-feral ghoul that you see is Mordecai ‘Mort’ McCoy. Mort is an explorer and ‘independent contractor’ who is usually seen in The Wayward. Before the war, he was a normal guy until the radiation from the bombs turned him into a Ghoul...but he has tried to make the best of it and uses his immunity to radiation to go to places that normal people can’t go into, without suffering from radiation poisoning. 
Mort is a nice guy who often jokes about being a Ghoul and is also loyal to Duchess, whom he is willing to protect. Compared to some Ghouls, he is surprisingly good-looking and has a nice voice that we can listen to with his C.A.M.P instruction holotapes. 
While he does like to make some quick caps, he also won’t let anyone hurt Duchess and will give the Vault Dwellers some useful information. 
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ziracona · 4 years
Lisa's gift to Philip was to block interference and loss. Was that why the entity's abilities in Autohaven were out of wack? Like meg and feng's abilities, and the clown choking on his own drugs? I'd assume interference would include the entity trying to take control of philip too, right?
This chapter as a whole and all the pieces coming together is so gooooood!! And so rewarding to read :0
Lisa’s gift was protection (from evil) in a very broad sense, going by the sigil historically, and specifically protected him from interference and loss from evil, but that wasn’t why the powers went haywire. When a gateway was opened in that part of the realm—forcibly and against the Entity’s will—it was letting reality eek in from the outside, and that started to break the Entity’s in-realm bound alterations to people’s physical selves (such as Legion splitting back into 4 people). For some people this was a nerf (Sally started to get more and more human, less poltergeist. As he became more human, Kennith lost his poison immunity to his own drugs), for some, a buff (Freddy got to not only get back all his usual powers, but at the same time retain his Entity-realm ability to drag/force humans to sleep, so he didn’t have to wait them out for an attack chance.). This only affected physical changes to nature made by the Entity though. Because it was breaking its ability to keep them, for lack of a better way to put it, in the shells it had shoved them into. So, that was going on, but Meg and Legion and Min and Quentin etc powers going haywire was a different thing. So, two things happened, and they looked similar, but had totally seperate causes. 1: Entity losing control over physical alterations and/or limitations. 2: the creative power of the realm being all concentrated in one area for Philip’s spell/to make a door, and that latent energy trapped there going fuckin buck wild.
To create a door, Philip & everyone else harnessed a massive surge of pure old, old like, deep magic, and the power of that was just kind of hanging out in the area until the door shut, extremely strong at first, then weaker and weaker as the portal closed/the spell faded. That extra latent power just kind of seeped into anything that already took energy to make the survivors and killers be able to do anything more than human. Like, it strapped nitrus to their engines on its own. Some of those—physical or automatic skills—activated automatically when they hit the gas (running, feral frenzy, lithe, the aura reads, etc), and the others, like Quentin’s vigil, could do the same, but needed basically to be plugged in first, since they weren’t automatic in-realm. (Vigil is usually automatic, but it’s tied to how Quentin feels about himself/believes in his own ability to help others, so it’s finnicky for him). Since the realm always responds to intent and belief as just how it works as its basic core scientific rule, any skill could be made even better than the automatic nitrus boost by intentionally channeling that energy into it (like normal Vigil to heart-rebuilding Vigil).
Since Philip first had his memories of Vigo and the others taken, he’s had many, many dreams with Vigo. Vigo checks in any time he can. But he can never remember he had them or anything that was said. The Entity has him warped so he will instantly lose any memories of Vigo gained, even dreams. Lisa’s ward blocked its ability to do that the last time, and let Philip remember the conversation he had with Vigo on the hill. The Entity did not act fast enough to try to possess Philip to stop him, bc it’s proud to a point of idiocy, but if it had, Lisa would have protected him from that too. ^u^ 💙 Lisa really mvp there. Both for protecting Philip, and bc her doing that made him think of deep magic and see it could beat the Entity/gave him his idea. My poor girl bless her for it. She would have been so proud she got her desire for peace and to make amends in the end. TuT
I hope that makes sense! Thanks for giving me a chance to elaborate on my lore bc it gives me life. Also ahhh thank you! Vs. was a big favorite of him. I had a whole playlist just for that one chapter lol. (Tho to be fair, several chapters have playlists haha).
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness -- Another Meme
I unfortunately don’t recall where I got this one, though I do remember picking it up in the #fallout 4 tag -- I think a number of people were using it for their Sole Survivors. Which is what I did! With the added twist of “let me do this universe’s Alice as well!” So you get double the information for the same price! :P
Note: This is vaguely set I’d say about halfway through the plot of Fallout 4 -- Victor and Alice have had the run-in with Ug-Qualtoth and gotten Alice sunlight immunity (see this post for more details), and they’ve met at least most of the other companions. Also yes, pets -- Victor does indeed adopt the “wounded dog” encounter in my verse! (And if anyone knows of a mod that lets you send her to a settlement for real. . .) Please remember I haven’t actually played much of the main plot myself, so things may be a little vague/prone to changing once I get further in!
name ➔
V: Victor Fitzwilliam Van Dort – my mother wanted me to have an "aristocratic" middle name, for some reason.
A: Alice Pleasance Liddell – yes, just like the historical Alice. I guess after Lizzie decided I should be "Alice," my parents decided to go whole hog with the reference.
are you single ➔
V: [with a warm look at Alice] No, I'm not.
A: [with a warm look back] Not anymore.
are you happy ➔
V: [still with that warm look at Alice] Very much so.
A: [smiling] A lot happier than I was in the past, that's for sure. Which is kind of sad, given it's post the nuclear apocalypse now. . .
are you angry ➔
V: [thoughtful] I – I was for a while. Not so much anymore – the worst of it has cooled. But – there's some things I think I'll always be angry about.
A: I think my answer's about the same. Given some of the nonsense we've been through, some low-level anger is just to be expected, honestly.
are your parents still married ➔
V: . . .they were when the bombs dropped.
A: Mine were when that bastard Bumby set our house on fire to cover up what he'd done to my sister.
birthplace ➔
V: Burtonsville – it's a tiny village in England. I don't actually remember it, though – my parents moved to Boston when I was only about a year and a half old. I grew up here in Boston and the surrounding area.
A: Oxford, England – my father was the Dean of Christ Church at the college when he was alive. I have fond memories, but I haven't been back since the fire.
hair color ➔
V: Black. Mother occasionally insisted it was dark brown, but – black.
A: Black, though weirdly I actually was almost a redhead as a child. It darkened straight through brown to this as I grew up. I've never been sure why it got so dark, though I suspect all that time lying in Rutledge, getting probably-inadequate nutrition and light for a growing girl, didn't help matters.
eye color ➔
V: Dark brown.
A: Green, though Victor likes being poetic with descriptions like "emerald fire" sometimes.
mood ➔
V: . . .er – generally anxious? Trying to be helpful regardless?
A: Sarcastic? To hide that I'm more worried than I let on?
gender ➔
V: Male, he/him.
A: Female, she/her.
summer or winter ➔
V: Summer – I'm not a fan of the cold. Though spring's my actual favorite season – I love seeing everything come back to life.
A: I feel like I should like winter more, because of the longer nights, but now that we've actually fixed the sunlight issue. . .yes, summer. I'm not really a fan of the cold either.
morning or afternoon ➔
V: Afternoon – I've never been that much of a morning person, and mornings tend to be – stressful in the Commonwealth.
A: To be fair, so are the afternoons, but – yes, generally you're not dealing with threats still wiping the sleep from your eyes in said afternoons. And in my case, they're closer to night, which is still the time when I feel most myself, so. . .
are you in love ➔
V: [exchanging a very warm look with Alice] Yes.
A: [giving it right back] Very much so.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔
V: Maybe not true love, but attraction? A sense of connection, kinship? Certainly – that's how I felt when I first met Victoria, and later Emily.
A: I can get behind that – my mother said she felt a pull toward my father when they first met. . .but I don't think love at first sight exists. You need to get to know someone – form a solid bond first.
who ended your last relationship ➔
V: [darkly cheerful] The American and Chinese governments, throwing nuclear missiles at each other! [sighing] No, that’s not quite fair – yes, they drove us into Vault 111, but the ones who actually murdered my wife and girlfriend were Kellogg and the Institute. The former more obviously than the latter, but. . . [voice cracks] Damn it, what was wrong with putting everyone's life support back on. . .
A: [puts a comforting hand on his arm] In my case, I never really had a romantic relationship before – even friendships were kind of fleeting, or long-distance. I've gone along with flirtations in the past to get meals, sure, but none of those ever turned into relationships. The closest I had was – well, Heather getting blood-bonded to me, which I didn't even mean to do. I was just trying to help her, and I didn't realize at the time. . . [bites her lip] I ended that – sent her away before she could get hurt by my enemies, explaining that what would make me happiest would be for her to be with her grandmother and stay in college. I wanted to go back and maybe try to help her some more once I was done with LaCroix's bullshit, but then. . .I hope she had a good life, in the end.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔
V: Not knowingly – goodness, what started off my, Victoria, and Emily's threesome relationship was an attempt not to break anyone's heart! It worked out very well, until. . . [shakes his head]
A: [squeezes his arm gently] I probably broke Heather's heart by sending her away – she looked so sad as she walked out the door. But it was for the best – I dread to think what would have happened to her if the Sabbat had realized I had a ghoul! Other than that – depends on if anyone I've drunk from was hoping for more than just a "quickie." I doubt that, though.
are you afraid of commitments ➔
V: I'm afraid of them being forced on me because of people randomly promoting me every time I even get close to an organization. [sighing, reaching up to fiddle with a chain around his neck] But – maybe a little. Seeing – seeing your wife get shot in front of you. . .then your girlfriend's half-rotted corpse beside her. . .it sticks with you.
A: [nods] Being the only survivor of the house fire that killed your family sticks with you too. As does two of the most prominent men in your life being the bastard who killed them and was trying to wipe your mind, and the bastard who killed you and turned you into a bloodsucker. Add in my own rather unromantic nature, and – yes, I did pretty much avoid commitments for a while. [smiles at Victor] I think I'm a little better about it now, though.
have you hugged someone in the last week ➔
V: Oh, yes – Preston and Piper just the other day, in fact!
A: I'm not usually much of one for being touched, so I don't hug much. . . [thinks for a moment, then hugs Victor] But I'll happily make the answer a "yes" in this case.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔
V: Does the brief period of time where Emily was crushing on me before Victoria noticed and decided to let her and me know it was okay if we wanted to date too count? Otherwise, I really don't think so. I wasn't popular with girls before meeting Victoria.
A: Bumby never made it clear whether he wanted to just turn me into a prostitute or fuck me himself as well, but I wouldn't count him anyway, because he was a horrible waste of flesh. So I have no idea – don't think so. Heather was – very open about her admiration.
have you ever broken your own heart ➔
V: Again, what happened between me, Victoria, and Emily was an attempt to avoid that. . .I can't say I have. It seems like others always break it for me.
A: Sending Heather away did hurt me a bit – not in the same way it hurt her, but it was nice to have someone else around the haven. . . [looks up at Victor] And I did resist romance initially here. Fortunately tall, dark, and handsome here didn't let me break my own heart.
love or lust ➔
V: Love, definitely. [going pink] I mean, lust can be nice, but. . .
A: Love – even alive, I wasn't particularly interested in sex. And as a vampire, any urges that way now go toward sucking on people's necks. Which I guess is sex-adjacent, but still. . . Maybe "love" for serious relationships, "lust" for getting a meal.
lemonade or iced tea ➔
V: Oh, I haven't had either in ages. . .and I recall needing a lot of sugar for both to enjoy them. . .I guess lemonade. I think I had that more often.
A: Literally can't drink either these days, for multiple reasons. . .but I'm going with lemonade because I have fonder memories of that. And – hmmm. I wonder if it’s possible to make a variation with that “plasma fruit” Ted came up with at Wildwood Cemetery. . .
cats or dogs ➔
V: Dogs! I had a dog growing up, Scraps, who was my best friend! And Victoria, Emily, and I were going to get a dog shortly after. . . [pause, shakes head] And now I have Dogmeat and Mutt! They’re a good pair.
A: Cats! My best friends growing up were the family cat, Dinah, and her two kittens, Snowdrop and Kitty. Being a vampire does tend to make animals rather mistrustful of me, sadly, but I had some luck feeding ferals pre-War. And we managed to trap a cat recently who didn’t immediately try to claw me and run away – I’ve named her Kit-Kat.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔
V: A few best friends – I'm n-not good with lots of people, and I just. . .I'm always so awkward, s-socially. I'd rather have a couple of people I know I can trust.
A: The same – I don't trust easily, after all the bullshit I've been through. Give me a small circle of people I know have my back over a larger group of more casual friends any day.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔
V: Romantic night in. I'm not much for parties. I like staying home with the people I love and just – being together.
A: Sort of like "love or lust" above, this kind of depends. I like a romantic night in for any actual relationships, but I did my fair share of clubbing to find someone to drink from back in the day.
day or night ➔
V: Well, I do like a good sunny day, but. . . [looking at Alice] I've really come to appreciate the nights in the Commonwealth. And not just because of the stars.
A: [smirking at him] Flatterer. . .but yes, night. For the longest time, it was the only time of day I could be out in. . .and even though it's wonderful now to be able to go out during the day and enjoy that, night is still when I feel most myself.
been caught sneaking out ➔
Victor: No, but that's because I never did. I grew up in the middle of a plague – I didn't have much incentive to sneak out! It took until I was fourteen for cases to drop enough in our part of Boston for my parents to be comfortable sending me to a school with other children, and by then I was so used to staying at home, sneaking out never occurred to me.
Alice: Oh god, yes, the New Plague, that was horrific. . .on my end, yes, I was. I tried to sneak out a couple of times as a small child to have adventures in the garden late at night or in the middle of storms. . .if my parents didn't catch me, though, my older sister did. I think I only actually got outside once, and even then it was only for a couple of minutes before Lizzie caught up with me. Mostly because she was trying to sneak out too, and didn't want her little sister tagging along.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔
Victor: . . .yes. To both. I – I can be pretty clumsy if I'm n-not paying attention to where I'm going.
Alice: [giving him an odd look] I've fallen down stairs – rushing around as a child on imaginary adventures – but never up. I'm – not entirely sure how you manage that.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔
V: [tugging at the chain around his neck again, which is revealed to have a blue butterfly pendant and a gold wedding ring strung on it] Yes. Something I can't have, I'm sad to say.
A: [playing with her own necklace, which is an old iron key shaped like the symbol for Venus] Same here. I'd like to think your Victoria and Emily and my parents and Lizzie are in the same place, at least.
wanted to disappear ➔
V: Oh, plenty of times. I have an unfortunate knack for saying the wrong thing and then wishing I could melt into the floor. And – well, I suppose every time I've been hiding from enemies and wanted to just turn invisible counts. . .
A: I wanted to disappear in the asylum a couple of times, in the sense of 'just stop existing.' Survivor's guilt does a number on your brain, let me tell you. . .though I can actually disappear these days, thanks to Obfuscate! Though, annoyingly, I genuinely can't do it if someone's looking.
smile or eyes ➔
V: Oh, back to these? [thoughtful] I – honestly, I think eyes. Victoria and Emily's eyes are one of the things I remember best about them. . . [smiles at Alice] And my current paramour has some of the most beautiful eyes in the Commonwealth.
A: You're going to make me blush despite being dead if you keep on like that. Though, what's good for the goose is good for the gander – while I like your eyes, it's your smile that really warms my undead heart.
shorter or taller ➔
V: Um – shorter out of necessity. I haven't met many women who are six-foot-three.
A: Similarly, I'm five-foot-five, so I kind of have to go taller.
intelligence or attraction ➔
V: . . .I assume this means intelligence or looks, and – I can't deny I like a pretty face, but the main reason I got together with the women I did is because I could hold a good conversation with them. Intelligence.
A: My attraction seems to be based on actually getting to know a person, and I don't suffer fools gladly. Intelligence all the way.
hook-up or relationship ➔
V: Oh, relationship. I never had a hook-up. I can't – I can't just do the "one night stand" thing. I need something a little more.
A: Another one where my actual feelings versus how I'd act to get a meal clash – though admittedly, I never had a "proper" hook-up. I'd just get someone in a quiet spot, suck a bit of blood, and let them get on with their lives. But now that things are better, I'm only too happy to commit myself to a real relationship.
do you and your family get along ➔
V: Well, it’s something of a moot point now, but. . . [he waggles a hand, making a face] I have to admit, I never liked my parents much. They weren’t very “hands-on” in raising me, and I often felt like they considered me a burden. Or a bargaining chip for social status. I did my best not to rock the boat just because upsetting my mother never ended well, but. . . [sigh] It wasn’t good.
A: By contrast, I had a perfectly lovely family life – my parents were kind and encouraged my sister and I in our various pursuits, and Lizzie. . .she was the best older sister a girl could have. I felt like I could tell her anything, and even if the age difference made playing together difficult, she did try whenever she had a spare moment. The reason I have such an “enthusiastic” imagination is because Mama, Papa, and Lizzie never tried to stifle it. I was – I felt so loved and happy the first eight years of my life. . .and then Bumby took it all away. [she looks away] I – it’s not fair.
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔
V: [completely deadpan] I was frozen at the age of 27 in a vault designed to store people long-term for unknown reasons, and was finally thawed 210 years later, to find my wife and girlfriend dead, my son kidnapped, and the world above having been turned into a wasteland of vicious wildlife, super mutants, and raiders. With parts of it still irradiated because people are STILL launching small nuclear missiles at each other. Also the people who kidnapped my son can apparently make synthetic humans and use them as spies. And in the middle of all this, I’ve somehow ended up the leader of a bunch of little farms and such that composes a ragtag peacekeeping force that is still better than the actual assholes in power armor who have moved in. You tell me.
A: I can top that – turned into a vampire at age 20 after moving to Los Angeles to make sure I was far away from a murder I’d committed, then ended up roaming the world after a literally-explosive end to my time there as everyone’s errand boy. Was in Boston when the bombs dropped and got staked when my hidey-hole collapsed in on me, meaning I too got essentially “frozen” for 210 years, until a raider attacking this fellow here yanked the stake out and I responded by sucking him dry. Leaving me in a post-nuclear apocalypse trying to survive in a world where anyone’s blood might be at least slightly radioactive. Also we discovered that vampires are in fact the result of a little bit of some Lovecraftian horror worshiped by the people over at Dunwich Borers leaking into our world and infecting our souls. So that’s fun.
have you ever run away from home ➔
V: No – again, grew up in a plague, never really wanted to leave the house because of it.
A: I threatened to, once or twice, when upset, but I never followed through. Though I guess my moving to California could be construed as a kind of running away after I killed Bumby. . .but I never thought of Houndsditch as home. Same with Los Angeles, after I left there in the wake of that mess with LaCroix.
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔
V: No, though – sometimes I thought my mother was thinking about it. Whenever my social awkwardness reared its ugly head at one of her parties.
A: My parents were never the sort to do that, and Bumby of course wanted me close at Houndsditch. And I left polite vampire society on my own terms after LaCroix.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔
V: . . .I’m not entirely sure how to classify my relationship with Strong. But I know he thinks more highly of me than I do of him. I – I try to be understanding, but it gets very tiring to listen to him go on about how one day Super Mutants will kill everything.
A: I had to be a lot friendlier to a lot people back in Los Angeles than I would have liked. . .but I don’t think any of them were laboring under the delusion we were actual friends. So no – if I don’t like you, I don’t hide it.
who is your best friend ➔
V: Alice, Preston, and Piper, definitely – they’re the ones I’ve traveled the most with, shared the most with, and just – feel the most comfortable around. [smiles] Oh, and Dogmeat of course.
A: Victor’s definitely my best friend – and frankly, I feel pretty close to Piper and Preston myself. They’re good people. [she smirks] Though Hancock and Nick are definitely the best people to snark with.
who knows everything about you ➔
V: Probably most of the people in the Commonwealth, I’ve had to explain about being frozen and what happened to my son a lot. . .more seriously, I’d say the above three. They’re the people I’m closest to, and the ones I’m most comfortable sharing information with.
A: I don’t know about everything, but – yes, Victor. And probably Piper knows the most after him, given she wanted to interview me for her paper.
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