#my hallucinations are like completely gone but whenever I see a shadow under a door I’m scared they’ve resurfaced
drugeater · 6 months
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eupharrya · 4 years
word count : 1342 (kinda short, ik)
warnings : angsty.. no happy ending i guess?
(gif is mine)
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whenever he comes home, he would plant a small kiss on her forehead before sleeping on his side with his back facing her own. she couldn't complain, she knew this was what she signed up for. there was no question to how busy he was, with preparing his new album and those included not being home often. she was glad he even spent his night in their shared house-- she wouldn't even dare to call it a home nowadays, because it didn't smell the same anymore.
but tonight, was no differ.
go to sleep
i'll be home soon
those i love you's or good night's dissapeared long time ago.
she didn't understand why he hadn't said those letters in an eternity, but nevertheless, she hadn't either.
i love you
was she hallucinating?
had he really fallen out?
she waited, she didn't have the courage to fall asleep. he just felt so far away when in reality he was within her grasps. was he?
hours of fighting sleep later, the sound of the opened door jolted her to sit up. she was laying down, burying her tears in the pillow on the couch. he wasn't startled to see her awake, but he didn't return the favor of her sad feelings. casually walking towards the kitchen and exit with a glass of water in his palm. "thought i told ye' to sleep?"
"why didn't you say it back?" her lips were trembling, dried tears were clear on her bare face.
"say what back?" harry questioned cautiously, placing the glass of water on the small drawer before crossing his arms in front of his chest. he was tired, all he wanted was to lay on his bed.
"you- you never said those words anymore." her voice was small, like she was struggling to let them out. it was the first time she had complained in so long. come to think of it, this had been the longest conversation they have had in months.
"are ye' serious?" his eyebrows joined, "this is ridiculous, i'm going to bed." he rolled his eyes, turning to the small hallway before making his way up the stairs.
she followed, stomping. "we are not done here!" she grabbed his arm, "harry!"
he faced her, his green orbs she used to get lost in were filled with anger. "look, i'm tired from working all day, unlike ye' who doesn't really do anything. so get outta my way, i'll sleep in the guest room."
"w-what? no! you're not sleeping in the guest room! we need to talk this out."
"i don't owe ye' shit, (y/n)." he was even angrier by seconds. (y/n) didn't move, her eyes threatened to slid out the tears that had shielded. he exhaled a frustrated sigh, running his fingers into the hair she used to tangled her fingers into. "god, this is why i'm not home often." he breathed out.
she couldn't believe he just let out those words.
"you don't mean that." (y/n) was holding back her sobs in between the words.
"i do." he said, closing his eyes, before opening them and looking into her own. "let's just break up."
(y/n) was too shocked to even spoke. she saw this coming, but she thought she had mustered a great courage when this moment came up and hell, she was so wrong about it.
"ye' start a fight when there was really nothing to be worry about. well, if ye' wanted it, then you're getting it." he said before walking off, brushing his shoulder to hers harshly. her knees were weak, she didn't know the fact that caused her to fall to the floor was that of the fact that her boyfriend of two years just threw her out and blaming the failure to her.
her heart shattered into pieces,
and he went to bed in peace.
the memory of her leaving his house was still fresh.
she flew back to her hometown right away, back in the loving arms of her parents that night.
it has been months, though.
and she looked better than ever. she had finally realized he wasn't worth her tears and had never been. the two years they spent were full of joy and laughters, looking back at it, she couldn't really remember all the bad things he had made her went through. the ones that stayed were the happy ones, and she was glad she made peace with them. she had let him go.
one fine afternoon, (y/n) was helping her mother preparing the food for their dinner. her cousins were visiting, so her parents thought it would be better to cook rather than ordering. it felt more like home.
the doorbell rang. "do you mind answering the door, dear?" her mother shouted while checking the refrigerator.
"sure, mom." (y/n) answered before leaving the half chopped vegetable.
she scurried out of the kitchen and landed herself to the front door before swinging it open. much to her dissatisfaction and surprise, it was him.
his hair was longer and tousled back in a mess. the unshaven hairs sticking on his face clearly showed he hadn't been taking care of his appearance well these days, or months, who knows. his hands were shoved into the pocket to his coat.
"harry." her breath hitched.
"(y/n)." he called her name in the same tone, surprised. unsure of what he was surprised of, maybe by the fact that she seemed to be coping up with everything so much better than he did.
"what are you doing here?" she asked, closing the door behind her so the view of her house were out of his sight.
"i- i um, was just passing by. thought i'd come to say hello."
he was lying. and she almost felt bad at how terrible he was looking at the moment. the shadows under his eyes reflected that he hadn't been sleeping well.
"harry, you live miles away."
"i- i was hoping we could talk. is it okay if i step inside?" he asked, hope building up in his heart for her to say yes.
"i'm not sure it's a good idea." she thought of how her mother would look at him, or would she even spare a glance at him. thankfully her father wasn't home.
"oh," he failed miserably in hiding the disappointment in his tone. "well, i, um, it will be best if i leave, isn't it? i mean after what i did to ye'. i- sorry, i came here to say sorry that i hurt you badly, please know that it wasn't my intention--"
"then what was your intention, harry?" she crossed her arms. she was angry, had he the audacity in flying here and apologized after months in losing contact. "i begged, harry. like there was no tomorrow."
"i- i know. i'm so sorry, in every way, love. i wish i could turn back time and fix--"
"well, you can't." she cut him off.
he was defenseless. tears fell from his eyes, they stung like hell. but he told himself he deserved it, after what he had made her gone through. "you're right. i'm sorry."
few seconds of just him crying and her trying to hold back her tears, she spoke up weakly. "leave, harry."
just how much he regretted the mess he had created. and few months ago, bunches of voicemails he received from her number because he never wanted to accept her calls that asked him for the complete opposite.
"stay, harry.
please don't let me go.
you're not gonna leave me, please harry."
in between sobs did she let them out.
"you didn't mean them, harry.
you've changed, and what hurt the most was that i've been watching you changing.
you own my heart, harry.
the broken ones.
you're so much better than this."
and so he left, looking back after just ten steps away from her porch. but she was already gone, back into her home, where he was supposed to be, but he wasn't and he never will now.
a lil bit based on the song 'wake up - eden' pwease listen to it! it's so good!
and thank you for chérie's notes wow.
sending luvs your ways♥️
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corvid-knight · 6 years
The Definition of Home
Dave and Karkat had a life on Earth C. A family.
One fucker with a firebomb changed that.
Now Dave's the only one left. And he can't handle that.
(jesus this is so fucking sadstuck) 
(Read it on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12936201) 
Thirty seconds.
That's all it would have taken.
Thirty seconds sooner, and you'd have been inside with them. Thirty seconds, half a fucking minute, and maybe you couldn't have done anything to stop this but you wouldn't be here, alive, alone, watching the house you and Karkat designed together blaze and collapse and feeling blood drip off your fingers. Yeah, you guess you avenged Karkat and the kids, killed the guy that just tossed some kind of bomb through the window, but that changes nothing. Nothing.
They're gone.
They're fucking gone.
A hand comes down on your shoulder, and you spin around, sword snapping up to defend or attack, but it's just Jade. You still almost drive the blade through her chest before you can stop yourself.
Her mouth is moving, but you can't hear anything over the ringing in your ears.
You lipread your name. You see her trying to ask you some question. You see that she's crying—you aren't crying, not yet, there's blood on your face but no tears—and you can't do this.
You're done. You can't do this. Not without him.
The Time powers are always waiting somewhere in your head, even if you haven't used them for so fucking long. You grab them, don't even think where or when, and before Jade can get a tight enough grip to keep you with her you're somewhere else. Somewhere dark, empty, silent, and full of stars.
You don't think you're ever going to be able to go back home.
You haven't seen Dave for twelve years.
It still fucks you up to think about him. He's not dead, Jade promised you that she saw him, tried to talk to him right after shit went down, but he's been somewhere else this whole time. (Or probably somewhen else, knowing your bro.) Wherever or whenever he is, he won't let himself be found.
(God knows you tried. All the splinters of yourself you know of, you sent out to search for him. Everyone's tried, Roxy spending weeks trying to use her Void powers to call him out of nothing, Jade hunting him through as much of the universe as she can reach, Jake doing his best to warp reality and probability to bring him home. None of it worked.)
He's gone. He's not dead, you still haven't stopped hoping he comes home, but you've admitted to yourself that you might never see him again.
Except you come out of your room one day, and there's a familiar red-clad figure curled up on the floor by the couch.
Your first thought is that you're fucking hallucinating.
Your second thought is that he's going to use his Time powers and be gone as soon as he realizes he's not alone. You really, really wish Jake was here to block that possibility, but no way are you leaving to go find him. Instead, you mentally cross your fingers and move across the room as quietly as you can, kneeling down next to him.
For a second, he doesn't move at all, and the thought that he found some way to kill himself despite being godtier crosses your mind. You don't even know what you're going to do if that's true.
Then he shifts, pushing himself up off the floor and looking up at you. He looks horrible—his shades are gone, you can see the new grief-lines, the shadows under his crimson eyes so deep that they might as well be a permanent part of his face. You wonder if he's slept at all in the twelve years since you've seen him.
"Yo." His voice is even worse than his face—rough, unused, not quite soft enough that you can't tell how broken he is. He clears his throat before saying anything else, but it disant get much better. "I...hey. Hey, Dirk."
"Hey." There is absolutely nothing you can say that would be the right thing. You still have a few hundred things you want to say to him, ask him. What comes out of your mouth isn't the best question, but it isn't the worst one either. "Did you go see Jade yet?"
Dave flinches at that, hands balling up into fists in his lap as he looks away from you. (Is he going to hit you? You'd let him, if he tried.) "No. Not gonna." And, even quieter, "Shouldn't've come back."
He's going to leave again.
You grab his wrist, as tight as you can without worrying about hurting him, and he looks back up at you in confusion. "Don't you fucking dare think that, Dave," you tell him, shoving your own shades up out of the way with your free hand before taking his other hand. "We've all been looking for you, we all wanted you to come home. What happened wasn't your fault."
Dave shudders, hard, closing his eyes for a second before he manages to get control over himself. He doesn't try to get loose from you, though. "F-fuck whose fault it was. He's...they—they're still..."
For maybe a full minute there's no sound in the room but Dave's uneven breathing as he tries to keep from sobbing. Eventually, he just gives up, pulling his hands out of your grip to cover his face. You expect him to fight you when you wrap your arms around him, but he doesn't resist at all, just leaning into your touch.
You want to ask him if he's okay, but you don't think he's capable of reaching that state anymore. Instead, you hold onto him and wait for his shaking and soft, pained sounds to stop.
"Let me go," he says, finally, almost too quietly to hear.
"Not until you see Jade." He needs to know what happened with her. You'd tell him, but you don't have the right to do that.
"I can't."
"You need to. She's got some shit you need to know, you've already made her wait twelve years—"
"God, I thought it would've been longer...I can't fucking measure the time shit anymore, Dirk." He sighs, shaking his head and finally taking his hands away from his face, hesitantly wrapping his arms around you. "It's. It's been—you don't even know how long for me..."
"Shh. It's okay." Dave's words break up into another sob when you reach up to brush his hair back from his face. "Where did you go?" Please let him think about something that isn't what he lost, even for just a minute.
"...end of the universe, I think." He sniffles, curling against you and pulling his cape in like it's a security blanket. You can't help but notice that it's ripped, worn-out in a couple places—you didn't even know that that could happen to godtier outfits. "Some place...some time...with fewer stars to wait between. I didn't want to see anything...wanted to remember, at first...after a couple decades I just wanted to forget..." He shudders, again, one hand clutching at your shirt as he closes his eyes. "Couldn't forget. Don't really want to, I guess...want it to not fu-fucking hurt..."
"I'm sorry," you tell him, as gently as you can. He's crying again. When you move to adjust him so you can stand up, lift him off the floor, he weighs less than he ever did.
"Wanted to come home," he whispers, and now he's more or less limp as you carry him into the other room and sit down on the bed with him. "I'm so fucking tired, bro."
"I know, Dave. You're home now." He won't let you go, so you lie down and pull him closer. "Go to sleep."
"Don't leave me...I'm so fucking sorry, don't leave me..."
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
timaeusTestified (TT) started pestering gardenGnostic (GG) .
TT: Jade. TT: Jade. TT: Jade, check your goddamn phone. TT: Jade, I realize that I've said you could assume messages from me aren't usually urgent but this is the fucking exception.
GG: why? whats going on?
TT: Dave's back.
GG: what?? GG: oh my god, dirk! is he okay?
TT: Physically? I think so. TT: Mentally and emotionally, he's...really fucked up. From what I can tell, he was gone for maybe a couple hundred years. Spent all of it as isolated as he could get. TT: Which is "completely."
GG: and he just came back to you??? GG: i mean no offense but i would've thought he'd come here first...
TT: He doesn't know about her, so I guess he just decided to go to his blood family. Or he wasn't thinking at all. TT: Like I said, he's fucked up right now..
GG: he doesn't KNOW?! GG: you didn't tell him?!. GG: dirk strider. you tell him, right now.
TT: Jade, he's asleep. And I'm not waking him up, he needs the rest. TT: I'm going to try to talk him into coming to talk to you when he wakes up.
GG: you are going to tell him as soon as he wakes up, you mean?
TT: No. TT: I'm worried he'd just. Panic. Leave. TT: He's already ran away from everything once. TT: I don't want to lose him again, Jade.
GG: well i don't either but he deserves to know. GG: he needs to know.
TT: I know he does. But I can't tell him. TT: Like I said, I'm going to try to talk him into coming to see you. If I can't do that, I'll message you and you can both come here and talk to him.
GG: you should just tell him...
TT: Yeah, well. TT: I'm sorry. TT: I need to stop texting you before I accidentally wake him up.
GG: ...fine GG: tell him i missed him, okay?
TT: You can tell him when you see him.
timaeusTestified (TT) is offline.
It takes a week to talk Dave into going to see Jade. When he realizes that she doesn't live where she used to, right next to where his house used to be, it gets a little easier to get him to do it. You try to convince him to start out by calling her, texting her, anything that'd ease him into it, but every time you press too hard you can see him getting overwhelmed, see him start to think about leaving, and you have to let it go.
Eventually, though? He gives up and agrees to see her, mostly because you will not shut the fuck up about it. You text Jade yourself, tell her you're coming, and drag Dave out the door before he can change his mind. The trip over is evenly divided between reassuring Dave that yes, this is going to be okay, she doesn't blame him for what happened, and clandestinely texting Jade on what to definitely not say to him.
Jade probably doesn't need the prompts, but she's kind enough to recognize that you're dealing with stress by micromanaging, and just lets you do it.
Dave stalls at the door, stopping dead and looking over at you. He still hasn't replaced his shades, and you've neither asked him what happened to them or offered to find him another pair. But that means you can see the fear in his eyes. "Dirk, I can't do this—"
"Come on." You reach past him, hit the doorbell, and wrap one arm around his shoulders, just in case he decides to use his Time powers. You're not letting him leave without you. "You can do this, just calm down. It'll be okay."
"...yeah." He takes a deep breath, but does literally the opposite of what you hoped he would, forcing the panic off his face and going tense instead of relaxing. Damn the Strider tendency towards stoicism. He tries to shrug your arm off as Jade opens the door, but no fucking way are you letting him do that. "...uh. Hey, Jade."
Fuck, she's already almost crying.
"Eleven years and all I get is 'hey?'" The words are scolding, but her tone's definitely not, and you let go of Dave when she glances at you so she can pull him through the door and wrap him up in a hug. "We missed you so much, Dave, we were all so worried about you..."
Dave has not relaxed even the slightest bit, but after a second he does, carefully, put his arms around her. "I...sorry. 'M sorry," he mumbles as you step inside as well and shut the door. "I missed you too. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have—shouldn't've worried, I'm..."
You can't quite hear what Jade whispers to him, but it sounds a bit like "shut up" and the fact that Dave goes quiet bears that out. She holds him until a little bit of the tension goes out of him, than steps back, wiping her eyes. "I have something to show you," she tells him, shooting you a less-than-angry glare. "I tried to get Dirk to tell you, but he wouldn't do it and you weren't talking to me."
"Sorry." You and Dave say it at precisely the same time, and Jade just shakes her head.
"Come on." Jade grabs Dave's hand, leading him through into the kitchen, and you follow a few steps behind.
The girl coloring at the table is familiar to you—you've seen her almost every day of her life, after all, taken turns raising her with everyone else. You never realized just how much she really does look like Dave, though—the similarities to Karkat are easier to notice, the same short horns, the smile that's hard to coax out but so, so beautiful, how her short Strider-white hair tousles up into utterly unmanageable spikes. Now that you have Dave in the same room, though, you can see him in her face, especially when she looks up, smiles at you, and blinks at Dave in confusion for a second.
When you look over at him, his face is completely blank, mouth half-opening and closing a few times before a choked, unintelligible noise comes out.
Your niece—Dave and Karkat's second kid, the only one that survived the fire twelve years ago—tilts her head a little, studying him for a minute or two. Then a look of pure joyful surprise lights up her face, and she slides out of the chair and takes a step towards him. "Daddy?"
Dave nods, but he doesn't move. Maybe can't move. You and Jade both push him towards her at the same time, and he staggers a bit before taking another step forward and wordlessly holding out his arms. As soon as he does she shrieks, launching herself forward onto him hard enough to knock him back a step, wrapping herself around him as he scoops her up off her feet.
Jade's really crying now. Dave's holding onto his daughter like she'll disappear if he lets go, sobbing out unintelligible words. You're about to cry yourself, but you pull one of the chairs away from the table, gently guiding Dave to sit down before he can just collapse on the floor.
He lets go of her with one hand when you do that, wrapping his arm around your neck and pulling you down enough to press his lips against your cheek for a second. "Thank you, fu-fucking—oh my god, I'm so s-sorry, I—"
"Shh, Dave. It's okay." You give both your brother and your niece a quick, tight hug, then step back to stand with Jade again. "You glad to be home?"
He looks up at you, looks down at her, and just nods. Even though he doesn't say anything else, the amount of raw joyful gratitude on his face is all the answer you need.
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Super Sides Chapter 1: Suspicions
Uh so I wrote more of this
Prologue Next
Warnings: Fire, car crash, mentions of blood and injury, mentions of violence, anxiety attacks (let me know if I need to add anything)
         When people thought of the word strange, Virgil definitely came to mind. He only left the safety of his room during the day to go to work, he seemed to blend into the shadows and appear without warning, he constantly had bags under his eyes, and nobody really knew anything about him. He worked at Feline Good, a pet store that was known for being the friendliest place in town, which was not the sort of place you’d expect to find someone who made bitter comments about everything he could. Nobody really knew what to make of him, and everyone felt nervous around him.
         The nervous part made sense, at least. Virgil was what society would call “gifted”, and not the intellectual way. In recent years, several people had started showing up with enhanced abilities, ones that science couldn’t explain. Gifted people were able to defy the laws of physics and do things that shouldn’t have been humanly possible. Virgil, for example, “controlled” fears. Controlled in quotation marks because he wasn’t really in control of his powers.
         Virgil was constantly aware of every fear felt around him, from the smallest fear of spiders to the largest case of PTSD. It was enough to give anyone an anxiety disorder, which Virgil had been diagnosed with when he was only nine. Whenever Virgil became too panicked, he could accidentally cause people around him to hallucinate, or to be unable to focus on anything but their fears, similar to a panic attack. He wasn’t a fun person to be around, Virgil knew.
         Spending his time listening to music, writing angsty poetry, scrolling through Tumblr, or complaining about his job, Virgil never expected anything interesting to happen to him. Sure, he was gifted, but things never happen to people like Virgil.
         He leaned against a shelf of dog food at Feline Good. He groaned internally; someone had made a complete mess of the aisle looking for a specific brand and bag size. They ignored the fact that by moving things around, the underpaid employees would have to put it back. He started sorting out the bags when footsteps approached him from behind.
         “Hey, kiddo, want some help?” Patton bent down and started sorting the bags, not waiting for a reply. Virgil sighed, but secretly, he was thankful for the help. He would have been there all night without his coworker’s aid.
         “I’m not a kiddo, Patton, we’re the same age.”
         “Nonsense, you can still be my kiddo no matter how old you are.” Patton grinned. “So, how’s it going?”
         “I mean, I’m here, so...” Patton laughed at that.
         “Yeah, I know working isn’t fun, but I’ll help you with this and you can go home, okay?”
         Patton was the only person on the planet who ever talked to Virgil, or who helped him with anything. They had become friends a few months earlier, when Virgil had an anxiety attack. He had made a pretty big mistake and another coworker had yelled at him, but Patton helped calm him down. He had stayed with Virgil until he knew that Virgil was okay.
         The two finished picking up and they walked out to their cars together. “See you tomorrow, Virgil!” Patton called as he left.
         Once Patton was out of sight, Virgil let himself smile. He didn’t think that Patton quite thought that they were friends, but it was nice to have someone to talk to.
         His life was pretty boring and average, but Virgil didn’t mind. In fact, he was okay with just existing.
         Of course the stupid fire changed everything.
         Virgil pulled up to his apartment to find it in flames. Cursing the whole world internally, he watched as three figures dressed in masks and capes ran around, saving people from the fires and shouting things at each other.
         The heroes had appeared a few months ago. They were three gifted people who just decided one day that they were going to help out anyone they could. They were like real life Avengers, and they were treated like celebrities around the globe. Since their appearance, there had also been a rise in the number of gifted people, some using their powers to help others, but others becoming criminals who the police had a hard time stopping without help. It was something straight out of a movie, but the world had just learned to accept it.
         The fire lit up the entire neighborhood. So much fear was present, and Virgil could hear the internal screams echoing around him. Did my son make it out? Where will we go? Virgil could feel himself struggling to breathe and felt his body shaking. He was having an anxiety attack. He crouched on the ground, shoving his hands against his ears and closing his eyes, trying to block everything out.
         He was faintly aware of someone crouching beside him. He heard a voice, and he forced himself to focus on it.
         “Can you breathe? Are you hurt?”
         Virgil shook his head slightly.
         “Are you having a panic attack?”
         Well, technically it was an anxiety attack, but close enough. He nodded.
         “Okay, is it alright if I touch you?”
         Virgil thought for a moment and then nodded. He felt gentle hands lift him up. Then, one of his arms was pulled around someone’s neck while that person supported him with their other arm wrapped around him. “I’m going to bring you somewhere a little safer, okay?”
         Away from the noise. Virgil nodded.
         He didn’t remember walking, but they were suddenly much farther away from the fire. The person set him down on a bench and sat next to him.
         “Okay, try to breathe. Can you do that? Can you breathe in for four seconds?”
         Virgil nodded. He was familiar with the technique that the stranger was using. It was the same one Patton had used to help him more than once.
         The stranger counted out loud as Virgil inhaled and exhaled. Virgil’s vision was returning, and he realized that the stranger who was helping him was Morality. That explained why he didn’t remember walking to the park, Morality had super speed.
         “Any better?” Morality asked a few minutes later. Virgil nodded.
         “Th-thank you...”
         Morality smiled, his eyes lighting up. “You’re welcome! Uh, what’s your name?”
         “Okay, Virgil. Was that your apartment building that was on fire?” Morality shifted to give Virgil a little more space, which he appreciated.
         Virgil nodded.
         “Well, I have some good news, the fire wasn’t that bad. It was mostly contained to one room, and it didn’t cause much destruction before me and my friends got there. I don’t think that it’s going to leave anyone homeless.”
         Virgil sighed out of relief. He hadn’t let himself think about where he’d go if he had to.
         “Are you ready to go back? I need to make sure that everyone is safe, and I don’t think you want to be left out here.” Morality stood up.
         “Yeah, I’m ready. Thanks.”
         Morality put his arm under Virgil’s, and a moment later they were standing in front of the building again. There were fire trucks and sirens and everything was loud, but Virgil was in control. People were still panicking, but it was substantially weaker than it had been ten minutes ago.
         He turned around to thank Morality, but he was gone.
         The next time something interesting happened to Virgil, he had been at work. Patton was standing at the register, checking people out, while Virgil was helping a lady find the type of cat food she was looking for. The shelf started tipping forward, about to crush both Virgil and the lady, when they were suddenly knocked out of the way. When Virgil opened his eyes, he saw Morality standing in front of him.
         “Are you two okay?” He asked after the shelf landed with a loud crash. Virgil groaned internally, but was grateful that Morality had saved their lives.
         “Yeah,” Virgil said. The fear of being crushed to death echoed throughout the room, but Virgil didn’t let himself focus on it. He forced himself to breathe.
         “Okay, I gotta run,” Morality stated with a laugh, and he ran off.
         Patton had disappeared.
         Virgil only knew one person on the planet who enjoyed puns like the one Morality just made, and he was currently missing. Virgil was probably overthinking, but he couldn’t shake the idea from his head.
         The third incident happened a few months later. It had actually snowed in Florida, and the ground was icy. Virgil was going to be late for work, and he went too fast. He started to slide off of the road just before he reached the pet store, but his car door was thrown open and someone pulled him out of his car and away from the wreck. It was, of course, Morality, the only person on the earth who could move that fast and who had such an obsession with saving Virgil.
         “Are you okay, Virgil?” Morality asked.
         “Yeah, thanks.” Virgil stared at Morality for a while, noting that he had brown eyes and a smile that was almost always present. If he looked hard enough, he could see some freckles that had been exposed by Morality’s mask not being positioned exactly right. Under his hood, a few strands of light brown hair had escaped, and they were blowing in the wind. Yeah, Virgil was almost certain that Morality was Patton. “Why are you always the one to save me? I thought there were three of you?”
         Morality shrugged. “Right place at the right time, I guess!”
         Virgil wasn’t convinced.
         “Hey, Patton, do you like running?” Virgil asked Patton the next day. He was determined to figure out if Patton was Morality or not.
         “Well, Logan makes me do it sometimes. He says that running will help me burn off some calories and make my hyperactivity easier to deal with. I’m not sure I believe him, but he’s pretty smart, so I listen to him anyways.” Patton shrugged. Logan must be a friend or relative of Patton’s, Virgil assumed. “Why do you want to know?”
         “Just curious,” Virgil mumbled. He didn’t mention Patton’s jolt of fear that someone had figured it out.
         That was it, Virgil decided. Patton was a superhero.
         Virgil watched the news that night. He never watched the news because it made him too anxious, but he wanted to pay attention to anything about anything about Logic, Creativity, or Morality.
         As he watched, he saw Patton (he was completely convinced that it was Patton now) getting attacked by other people, burned and cut by saving people from fires and other situations, and overall putting himself in dangerous situations. It made Virgil anxious. He didn’t want anything to hurt Patton, for some reason.
         When Virgil cared about someone, he cared about them to the point where he would rather put himself in a bad situation to save them than watch as they got hurt. Virgil turned off the TV and walked into his bedroom, an idea forming in his mind.
         He pulled out some makeup and he sat in front of the mirror. He tried to get rid of his bags, but when that didn’t work, he grabbed his black eyeshadow and made the marks on his eyes even darker. It looked... stupid. It suited him, though. By just applying the eyeshadow, he seemed to transform into someone else.
         He looked through his dresser, trying to find something to wear. He pulled out a black hoodie that would definitely make it harder for people to see his face. He found a black cape from a Halloween costume from several years ago, and he tied it around his shoulders. He wasn’t completely different, but nobody would be able to tell it was him unless they looked closely.
         He stood up and started heading for the door, then he stopped.
         What am I doing? Am I really going to try to go help Patton? He’s a superhero, he knows what he’s doing! I just have anxiety...
         That’s it. Anxiety. It fit with the whole brand that the other three had going on, and it described his powers, unlike the others’ names. He thought about how dangerous what he was doing would be, but he also thought about how Patton was putting himself in danger, and how Virgil would hate himself if Patton got hurt.
         I’ll just stick to the shadows. I can make people hallucinate without directly confronting them. I can make this work.
         Before he had a chance to save his mind, Virgil left the building to find the heroes.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Don’t Let Me Go
(requested by anon) Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 856 warning : angst (you may want to grab a chocolate bar before reading this) summary : Kai and Reader break up and Reader tried to go on with her life even tho she is hurting. Months later she goes out on a date with someone who she thinks is the ideal guy , but things do not work out quite as she had hoped … *gif by lightwoodxalec ____________________________
Y/N ran upstairs to their bedroom hearing Kai’s angry footsteps following her. “What are you doing?” Kai asked , grabbing her wrists forcing her to look at him. They had had their worst fight yet. At first everything got started because Kai was jealous of a random guy at the bar who had had the nerve to talk to Y/N and now somehow the fight had turned into how she wants him to be something he is not. It was completely ridiculous because that was not the case. Ever since Kai turned into a vampire all his emotions were heightened and he was on edge constantly. It wasn’t just this time … whenever someone looked at her in a way Kai didn’t like , things got ugly. He had broken a guy’s nose , nearly broken another’s jaw… “I am moving out. What do you think I’m doing?” she yelled , pulling away from him. “You said you don’t want me here , remember ?” Y/N tossed a few pairs of jeans  and a couple of shirts in her bag not even bothering to fold them , looking around the room picking up a pair of high heels from under the bed , going back into the walk in closet taking out the last of her clothes. Kai rested against the wall , watching her throw things in her bag. He didn’t want her to leave , he loved her and regretted the fight already. When they had first started dating she had promised him that she will love him forever , that he will never be alone again… Now she was packing… and his pride was standing in the way of him admitting his mistake. “Fine , leave. What do I care… ” he said. “You probably have been waiting for me to screw up , haven’t you , so you can leave me ? What a fool I’ve been to care and love you and to think that you cared and loved me too. You are just like everyone else. All you see when you look at me is a murderous sociopath who killed his own family , maimed your friends and put your best friend into a sleeping curse ! I can’t believe I waisted a second being in love with you !” Y/N stared at him , her heart breaking to pieces at his words. She couldn’t believe what he was saying , it was as if he was a completely different person… There was no trace of the Kai she had fallen in love with. They had been so in sync ever since they had met , and now … “It goes both ways.” she said angrily , closing the zipper on her bag , taking it in her hand heading for the bedroom door. She walked past him , stopping a step behind him , fighting back the tears. The last thing she wanted to do was leave , she loved him and cared about him more than she could ever put into words… but it was starting to get clear to her their relationship was doomed. “I don’t ever want to see or hear from you again. ” she said going through the door , running down the stairs and out the door slamming it with a loud bang. Y/N walked to her car blinking back tears , tossed her bag in the back seat and got in. She wanted to leave as soon as possible before the tears started , but it was too late … she broke into sobs , tears streaming down her face , her hands balled into fists hitting the steering wheel. It was as if her entire world had come crashing down , the pain in her chest growing with every passing second remembering Kai’s face , his last words to her echoing in her mind breaking her heart all over again until there was nothing left.
Y/N woke up suddenly , shooting up straight in her bed , sweat covering her forehead and tears streaming down her face. It had been the 3rd time the past few days she had had that dream …the moment she and Kai broke up. Whatever people said about pain getting easier with time , it was a lie. She had tried for months to move on and was still trying , but it was harder than ever. Back when they had been together she hadn’t realised how many things actually remind her of him … until their relationship had ended. All the little things - someone would walk by wearing the same cologne as him or would order the same drink as him. Literally everything reminded her of Kai… She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand , her gaze falling on a shadow in the hallway. There was someone inside the house , she got up fast trying to catch whoever it was but the person was long gone by the time she got up. “Great. Now I am hallucinating.” she muttered , walking downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. Y/N looked around trying to figure out if someone had actually been inside the house or not , but everything was just as she had left it before going to bed. In the end she didn’t want to go back upstairs and just crashed on the couch for the rest of the night.
Kai couldn’t stay away from Y/N , no matter how much he tried. He still loved her… and knew he’d never stop loving her. The only thing that kept him semi sane was that he got to see her … He’d sneak into her house at night , watch her sleep. Sometimes he’d take a peek into her head to see what she was dreaming about. Usually it was school stuff , but that night when he had peeked into her subconscience it had broken  his heart all over again. Tears were streaming down her face and he gently wiped a few of them away. Y/N was dreaming about their break up ,tossing and turning in her sleep. He wanted to wake her up , wrap his arms around her and comfort her like he’d usually do when she had bad dreams … but it wasn’t possible. She started to wake up and he ran out of the house before she had had the chance to see him and kick him out.  What he had seen and felt while peeking inside her dream that night had brought back the memory of that night for him too…
It took him less than an hour to realise what a huge mistake he had made letting her leave. He used his vampire hearing , listening to her sobs in her car , wishing things hadn’t gone the way they had. Y/N had said she didn’t want anything to do with him … and it had all been his fault. “AARHHHH .!!!!” he screamed , grabbing the lamp from the night stand tossing it across the room at the wall  smashing it to bits, turning around and picking up the next thing he could find which turned out to be a picture of them together. Kai looked at it for a few moments , touching her face on the photo. “I’m so sorry…” he whispered , crumbling on the ground still holding the picture in his hand as tears started streaming down his cheeks. He wiped them away as quickly as they were falling , giving up a few minutes later. Kai hated the tears , they always made him feel like some sort of an alien creature. He had felt pain before , but none of it compared to what he felt in that moment  when she had left their home , slamming the door shut behind her - like the air was being pulled out of his lungs , his heart being torn away from his chest.
*  *  *
The next day Y/N woke up from her phone ringing - ZACK said the called ID. She couldn’t help but smile for a moment. Zack was a british guy she had met a few weeks ago at Whitmore. He was sweet , kind and as far as she gotten to know him , he was absolutely perfect. When she was with him the pain vanished for a few hours and she had started liking him so when he had asked her out on a date a week ago she had said yes. Zack had taken her out for a dinner and a movie and tonight was their second date. “Hey.” she picked up the phone. “What’s up ?” “Morning gorgeous.” he said in his perfect accent. “Just checking in to see if we are still on for tonight ? I can’t wait to see you.” Y/N giggled. “Yes , we are and … I can’t wait to see you too.” she said smiling. “What do you have planned ?” “It’s a surprise.” Zack said , Y/N heard voices around Zack calling for him. He was at work. “Hey , I gotta go love .. see you tonight.” Y/N hang up the phone starring at her screen saver for a moment - a picture of her and Zack making funny faces behind the teacher’s back. Maybe this is it. she thought. My chance to be happy again… She walked upstairs , opening her closet looking for the perfect outfit for the evening , rummaging through her dresses pulling one after another. “And as usual .. I have nothing to wear.” she laughed nervously after trying a few outfits. Somehow none of them seemed to work to her liking. Y/N sighed and walked back to the closet , looking through her things and that’s when she saw it…. one of Kai’s t-shirts. She froze on the spot , unsure what to do at first. When they had broken up , she had packed all Kai’s things in a box and left them in his house along with the key to their house … his house. Somehow his shirt had stayed in her closet this whole time. Carefully she picked it up , holding it in her hands as if it’s the biggest treasure , a small smile spread across her face. Y/N brought it up  to her face , feeling the soft material and taking in the scent. It still smells like him. she thought. She sat on the bed , holding Kai’s shirt close to her chest , closing her eyes. Y/N remembered when he had left it here … it was one of the first times he had stayed the night. In the morning she hadn’t been able to find where her clothes had fallen the night before , she hadn’t even been sure they were still in one piece …and then her gaze had stopped on his shirt , she had put it on walking downstairs where Kai had already started making breakfast. He always made breakfast. Y/N remembered clearly the look on his face when he saw her in his shirt , how he had pulled her close softly whispering in her ear how sexy she looked in it before leaning in to kiss her and tossing her over his shoulders… A few tears rolled down her cheeks at the memory. She wiped them away quickly , holding onto the shirt tighly as if it might disappear. They had been so happy together , every moment felt like magic. How did it all fall apart in the end?   Y/N took off the dress she had been wearing tossing it onto the floor and put on Kai’s shirt , looking at her reflection in the mirror , wrapping her hands around her drowning in the memory of that day. Whatever happened in the future , whoever she got to spend her life with … she knew one thing for sure - she’ll never stop loving him. “I miss you …” she whispered.
The first few weeks after the break up Y/N spent mostly crying. There was no way to stop the pain or the tears. She went to sleep at night haunted by nightmares reliving their breakup, except when she woke up in the morning the nightmares never ended. Each day was worse than the previous. Her life had turned into an endless ocean of pain and she was drowning in it. She didn’t want to eat , to sleep or to go on in general.. Life without Kai didn’t exist for her. A few times she had found herself wandering the streets in the middle of the night , her heart pulling her towards Kai until she ended up in front of his house. She’d get there around 3-4am , sit on the porch for a while glancing at the windows which were always dark , as if no one was inside. For all she knew Kai had left town and gone back to Portland and it was breaking her on the inside knowing she had lost him. One time she fell asleep on the porch and woken up back in her house unsure how she had gotten there. About a month and a half later after the break up, Y/N decided it is time she pulled herself together and start moving on.. so she went out with her friends , ending up making out with some guy who had been an absolute stranger to her. Instead of moving on , she felt worse than before … like she had cheated on Kai , which was ridiculous considering they had broken up. Later on her friends had set her up on a date with one of Tyler’s old high school friends from the football team who had rolled back into town. Things had been going well up until the point Kai had walked into the Grill. It had been the first time she had seen him since their break up and he looked wrecked. Kai looked paler than usual with dark spots under his eyes , his hair was messy , his shirt untucked and he even had grown some facial hair. The moment his eyes had fallen on Y/N and her date he visibly crumbled on the inside. He sat at the far end of the Grill not looking at them , Y/N glancing a few times in his direction trying to catch his eye … All her feelings had come rushing back and her only wish was to run into his arms. She hadn’t even realised her date had been talking for a few minutes but she hadn’t heard a word , all her thoughts consumed by Kai. “Hey , are you OK?” the guy said , reaching across the table to touch her hand. “Yeah … yeah , I’m … I’ll be right back.” she said getting up , heading towards the restrooms. Y/N looked at her reflection in the mirror , the hole in her chest opening again causing her pain so strong she nearly fell on the ground. It took her more than 10 minutes to recover enough to walk back outside only to find her date gone. She looked around for a few moments , searching for him but there was no trace of him so she grabbed her bag and jacket , heading outside and that’s when she heard the screams. Y/N ran to the small alley behind the Grill , finding Kai punching and kicking the guy she had been on a date with , before pulling him up and feeding on him until the guy stopped fighting.  Kai turned towards her , his eyes filled with anger and pain , before disappearing.
Y/N had no idea how much time had passed until the doorbell returned her back to reality. She pulled over her head Kai’s shirt and quickly got dressed in her PJ’s , carefully tucking in under her pillow before rushing downstairs to open the door. “Zack ! Hi ! W-what are you doing here ?” she asked surprised , noticing the flowers in his hand. “Oh God … ” she muttered. Zack laughed nervously. “You are not ready yet ? I can go wait in the car if you need some extra time…” he said looking at her wearing her PJ’s , licking his lower lip. Y/N smiled awkwardly. Somehow she had completely forgotten about Zack’s existance , not to mention their date. “Yeah sorry. Um … something came up. Come on in , you can wait inside…” she said , as Zack gave her the flowers. “Thank you , those are beautiful.” “Not as beautiful as you.” he said leaning in to kiss her , wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her close. Suddenly his kiss felt wrong to her , his lips on hers felt wrong. Y/N pulled away giving him a small smile. “I better find them a vase.” she said tiptoeing into the kitchen , Zach following her closely behind. She looked through the kitchen cabinets for a vase and in a few minutes she found one and filled it with water , placing the flowers in leaving them on the table. “How did you know I like white roses ?” Zack took a few steps towards her , backing her against the kitchen counter. “I know a lot of things.” he said , his lips smashing against hers as his hands found their way down her waist , squeezing her ass pulling her closer to him. Y/N had wrapped her hands around his neck tugging on his hair. He didn’t seem to want to pull away or let go off her. Her phone rang and she tried to wiggle her way out but Zack grabbed her wrists holding them tight together behind her back. She looked up and his expression scared the hell out of her. His eyes were black and he had this crazy look on his face - the same look a predator has looking at his pray. Zach’s other hand pushed down her PJ’ bottoms along with her underwear. “What are you doing?” she asked trying to get herself free. In all the time she had known him , he had never done anything like it. “Sto-” He smashed his lips against hers again , shutting her up. Y/N managed to kick him between the legs with her knee , giving her a few seconds to pull away from him. “What is wrong with you?!” she asked raising her voice. “Whatever has crawled up your pants - watch it. THIS is not going to happen. Not tonight and definitely NOT like this.” Zach took a step towards her. “Why not , Y/N? I want this , you want this … I see the way you look at me , you want it…” he said , his voice completely different than the sweet sound she was used to. “I-I think you should go.” she said stepping aside , pointing towards the door. “Go before I call the cops or worse - one of my friends.” Zach laughed and took another step towards her. “Your friends? What are they going to do to me ? Report me to the dean ?” “Trust me , you do not want to find out.” she said , her voice trembling , taking a step back from him trying to get to her phone. He pushed her onto the couch pinning her wrists over her head , kissing her neck while his other hand pushed down inside her underwear. “Stop ! I don’t want to do this … Zack , get off me!” she cried out trying to push him off , tears started streaming down her face. “Get off me , please…” It didn’t matter what she said , he kept going .. pulling down her PJ’s and undoing the buttons on his jeans. Y/N felt so helpless in that moment , unable to do anything but wait for it to be over. Every attempt to fight him off failed , all her words went poof in the air… She had thought Zack was this nice guy and it had turned out that he was anything but. “Stop please ..” she begged him again in between sobs , trying to pull herself away from him. There was a loud bang coming from the front door and suddenly Zack started choking , his body lifting up in the air a few steps off the ground , his legs kicking at nothing while his hands tried to free the invisible grip on his neck. Y/N looked around , her eyes falling on Kai who looked ready to tear Zack apart, his eyes burning with anger. “I believe she said she wants you to stop. You should’ve listened.” Kai said , fury in his voice. “How should I end you ? Should I break your neck or rip out your heart?” he paused for a moment thinking. “Maybe first I will break every bone in your body as a punishment for laying a finger on her.” Y/N stood frozen for a moment before pulling back up her PJ’s and running into Kai’s arms. Kai pulled her close , tearing his eyes away from Zack , who’s face was already purple / blueish , looking at her with tears in his eyes. The girl he loved , who had nearly been raped by someone she had trusted. Kai didn’t even dare thinking what would’ve happened to her if he hadn’t decided to come to her house that evening and try to talk to her. His heart broke all over again looking at Y/N. She looked so scared and shaken to the core.
A few days after their break up , Kai came home finding a box with all things he had left in Y/N’s house - t-shirts , pictures …and the key he had given her so she could walk in at any time , even if he wasn’t home. He sat on the floor unable to bring himself to look through the things in the box. He had expected to find a ‘surprise’ like this one at some point but not this soon. Part of him had hoped they’d be able to repair their relationship , that this wasn’t the end … Kai sat alone in the darkness , unable to fall asleep or even close his eyes because every time he did , Y/N’s face showed up behind his eyelids … The moment he had told her he regretted every second spent loving her ,the cracks in her heart visible through her eyes… He couldn’t believe how stupid he had been in that moment , talking without thinking not realising the consequences of his actions. His days were mostly spent trying not to go looking for her ,except he failed miserably at it. A few times he had used a cloaking spell , sneaking up into her house or following her around town. It hurt him seeing her like this - she looked like a ghost , walking down the street or sitting on the couch curled up into a ball crying. She’d look in his direction or walk past him , he’d reach out to touch her before stopping himself. A few times he had seen her come to his house in the middle of the night , just sitting on the porch… Kai would sit by the window in the dark , looking at her trying to work up the nerve to open the door and talk to her. To apologise for all the pain he had caused. One time she fell asleep and he carried her home. He didn’t think Y/N would be happy if when she wakes up finds herself in their old bedroom with him leaning over her. None of those moments compared to the ones when he saw her with other guys. He liked seeing her smile , but hated that it was someone else making her smile and not him. His jealousy always won in the end. Y/N had been the light in his life … and now he was living in literal and metaphorical darkness. He barely fed , not unless it was on one of the guys trying to take her away from him forever.
Kai flicked his wrist , breaking one of Zack’s legs , then the other not once but twice. He loosened the grip enough for Zack  to take a breath before breaking one of his ribs. Y/N reached for his hand , lowering it down. “No … don’t.” she said , her voice trembling. “He will get what’s coming …Let him go.” Kai looked at her as if she were insane. “That guy just tried to … ” he swallowed hard, unable to even say the word. “.. he deserves to suffer and bleed out for what he did.” “No , he will stain the carpet.” she said , a small smile on her face. “It will be hell to clean up afterwards.” Kai laughed , a genuine laugh for the first time in months. Y/N brushed away a tear rolling down his cheek , her fingers tracing every inch of his face as if seeing him for the first time. Kai let Zack down on the ground watching him squirming in pain. Y/N walked over to him , kneeling down. “You wanted to know what’s so scary about my friends…? Compared to my boyfriend ,” she motioned to Kai ,“ my friends are harmless fluffy kittens.” Kai’s eyes lit up when she said 'my boyfriend’ and he smiled for a moment. He loved hearing her say those words. “What are we going to do with you now , Zack? … ” she muttered more to herself than to anyone else. “What kind of a freak is that guy ?” Zack spit out , pointing at Kai. “I’ll report you to -” “To who ?” Kai interrupted. “The cops ? I think they’d be more interested in what you tried to do to her. Be grateful she stopped me or you would’ve been 2 meters under ground right now…” he knelt down next to Y/N , grabbing Zack’s shoulders. “Listen to me very carefully you little piece of … … You were in a car accident on your way to Y/N’s house to tell her you are not interested in her. You will forget all about me and what I did to you .. and you will move so far away from here , you’ll fall off the edge of the map. Got it?”
*   *   *
“I’m going to burn that couch.” Y/N muttered after they had dealt with Zack and he was sent on his 'marry way’ in an ambulance with compelled doctors. “Are you going to help me or what?” she said glancing at Kai who laughed at her comment. “It’s not the couch’s fault this happened …. It’s mine.” he said taking a step towards her. “I … I never should’ve let you leave that night. If my pride hadn’t gotten the worst out of me , none of this would’ve happened.” His gaze fell on the ground. Y/N took his hand in hers. “You can’t blame yourself for this… it was my fault too.” she said , Kai lifting his gaze to meet hers. “No! No , it wasn’t. It was all me.” he raised his voice. “I said so many things I didn’t mean that night , pushed you away and didn’t follow you after. I should have followed you , I … I should’ve done everything I could to get you back and I didn’t… and then when I saw you with all those guys , it felt like I was losing you all over again… and then you met this idiot. I saw you happy with him and I knew I had lost you forever.” Y/N looked into his eyes , seeing her pain reflected in them. Now that she saw him up close , there were dark circles under his eyes , his skin was grayish. She ran her fingers through his hair , watching him close his eyes for a moment enjoying her touch. Her hand resting on his cheek , Kai’s hand reaching for it to hold it. He opened his eyes , blinking back tears. It broke her heart seeing him like this. Kai never liked tears , not in her eyes and definitely not in his eyes. “I am so so sorry for everything , Y/N. I’m sorry for causing you all this pain , putting you through hell … I …” “Stop talking.” she said suddenly. “No , you need to know. … and then you’ll never see or hear from me again , just like you wanted. Y/N , I -” Y/N shut him up with a kiss , wrapping her hands around his neck , running her fingers through his hair tugging on it , pulling him closer.. Kai looked surprised for a second and then pulled her closer to him too , his lips hungrily wanting more. In that moment all the pain from the past few months disappeared as if it had never happened. It felt like two pieces of the same heart had finally connected and everything in the world seemed right again. Their lips perfect match for each other , their bodies perfectly fitting together. “I never stopped loving you… ” he said softly , pulling away from the kiss with a wide smile on his face. “I love you … I .. I always will.” Y/N smiled widely back at him pressing her lips to his again before speaking. “I never stopped loving you either , Malachai.” she said. He didn’t even wince hearing his full name like he usually did… She pressed her lips against his again. “I love you! Always and forever.” she said smiling. He let out a small laugh. “I missed hearing you say my name.” he said cupping her face , his thumbs gently rubbing her cheeks and resting his forehead on hers. “I missed seeing the spark in your eyes , your lips .. everything. I missed you.” Kai kissed her deeply , wrapping his arms around her tighter than ever. “I am never letting you go again.” “I wouldn’t let you even if you wanted me to.” she said smiling.
____________________ MASTERLIST March / April 2017 MASTERLIST MAY 2017 _____________________
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