#my immune system's a damn joke nowadays
scojinri · 6 years
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so i’m back !! with more on jeju’s resident Mess™ and if only i had everything set up accordingly but i prob won’t until sunday or something, rip. but in the meantime, here’s a better bg thing on jinri and im me if you wanna plot ( side note: lmao this is 1/4 of the size of the opening ramble in hyeran’s intro.. progress !! ) tw: v brief knife mention, drug mention, idk just general hoodlum bullshit, use of the word ‘hoodlum’ by a twenty year old, overuse of exclamation points and not knowing shit, fucking around with old men, apparently no redemptive ( ?? redeeming ? same thing ? maybe not ? ) qualities
i hate this bitch already js
yeri, again honey i’m sorry
a face of innocence, but will cut you up with her swiss army knife if you fuck with her too much
she grew up as the baby in a.. wealthier family we’ll say, good folks, mom’s prob like the more gullible version of hyeran
again, bc early bg is the last and woRST thing for me to figure out, we’re gonna skip ahead a bit
she had a good childhood basically, and eventually just started isolating herself and began rebelling
just wasn’t into following a routine path like everyone else, figured she might as well indulge in some messy shit while she was still young and able to get away with it
i mentioned earlier that she fucked around with an older guy when she was seventeen for some discounted pot.. it only got worse from there !!
hung around with the stoners and petty thieves lurking about in seoul, it’s how jinri began her stint as a pickpocket
she.. kept up her grades all the while, imagine that ! thought it’d be easier to be competent to keep people off her ass over that bc she’s not thAT dense to fuck herself over when it comes to schooling
like, not that she’s gone to uni or anything, or plans to get her shit together anytime soon but she’s a smart dumb bitch !
kinda just took off after graduating and went to a couple of towns with her band of hoodlums ! thought it’d be fun to fuck with people with an easy means of dashing to the next place if she got caught one too many times
idk if i’m making sense anymore, holy fuck man
has been for a minute, came by herself tho bc those other fucks were dragging her down ! her competition even tho she’s a sneakier, unsuspecting bitch compared to them
she’s upped her game to cover pickpocketing, fucking with good samaritans and dealing drugs; she’s getting messier in terms of lifestyle choices and shows no signs of stopping soon, loves it !
prob lives with a fellow sleazeball or someone who pays her no mind in a cramped two bed apartment ( possible plot ?? ) bc she’s always ready to bolt to the next place with a sizeable amount of cash in her pocket
a bitch i’d fight
not even kidding
has prob been to jail overnight a couple of times
y’know that trope where someone fucks a cop to get out of a ticket or some shit ??
she’s done that. i’m sure of it.
still does maybe
possible plot as well ??
speaking of fucking around, she’s a greasy bitch, but let’s leave it at that gjdfsl
actually, let’s nOT for a second bc she’s def had one night stands for the sake of stealing cash, their drugs or their rolex instead of just sex so.. another possible plot ??
she’s rly clever, call it street smarts combined with.. book smarts ig, but she knows her way around quite a few obstacles, dk how to phrase it exactly rn
manipulative ! cunning ! doesn’t give a shit if she gives a dude viagra instead of rits for fucking with her, it’s his own fault if he doesn’t pay on time !!
far from emotional, super selfish and just generally unlikeable if you don’t catch her putting on her trusty façade to fuck you over !
tends to dress in all black or basic neutrals/muted colours, constantly wearing her one leather jacket, bomber/parka-ish ?? coat or a fur coat from alexander wang that she got off a sugar daddy when she wants to look like a classy brat dfjgsl
she’s had a sugar daddy before, yes bjvkgfjk
v indulgent in pills rather than hard drugs, alcohol too
a bit memey on occasion, she’s kinda inspired by tannis from letterkenny ( uh.. a *wait for it* CANADIAN show ) 
follow-up for people who’ve seen the show, y’know how tannis has her two dudes to help her intimidate people and fuck shit up ?? which she.. does over fucking cigarettes, so she’s not that scary lbr ? jinri prob has that kinda thing going too fsjglk
count it as a blessing if she doesn’t treat you like a friend, like actually think of you as one; you can prob tell the difference between the two since one is where she treats you well to gain your trust, tho that much was prob easy to understand without me saying that 
dk what else rn
just know that i hate her already
a Lot
kim yerim deserves better than this treachery
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tnystrk-exe · 5 years
Home 9
Tony Stark X Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 End
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“You can’t just do those kinds of things, Tony!” Pepper seethed. Embarrassed and angry beyond compare.
She moved to walk away but Tony caught her by the elbow with a loose grip. “Pep, I’m sorry. We seriously crossed a line, I understand.” He could still taste your drink on his lips as he lied, “The kiss didn’t mean anything.”
His heart was still pumping full speed. Like the last time, you left him wanting so much more than you gave him. All he needed to do was to have you close for a while. To his disappointment that wasn’t in the cards. It all just felt more than one sided at times. You never picked up on his signals and if you did you seemed to just think it was a joke. So he sealed his fate away. “I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
“...Tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.”
Things between you and Tony were more friendly since Christmas. It was weird. After years of your friendship being a certain way, it had been turned on it’s head. You missed him even when he was right in front of you. Still, as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret the kiss. His favorite scotch and the smell of his cologne were enough to make you dizzy at times.
Both of you were just a mess around each other to say the least.
He still went though his new processes. There weren’t anymore of your famous sleepovers, he’d always knock out on the couch or the room that was mostly reserved for Rhodey. The both of you stayed at arms length. He didn’t quite realize how much he’d miss how the smell of your perfume would stick to him after being with you or wiping off your annoyingly resilient lipstick from his cheek after visits. You’d miss your stolen moments when he’d come from no where and keep you close to him, refusing even the idea of letting you budge a millimeter or his gentle singing when a nightmare would keep you up at night.
Though you were grateful nothing really changed for Ro. Everything that changed stayed strictly to the two of you.
“But daddy!” You heard the six year old complain, “You forgot my training wheels!”
“Sometimes you have to hit the ground running, Rugrat. That’s just the way things go.”  He tightened the last bolt on the bike and set it upright.
“No!” She stomped, crossing her arms over her chest. “Can’t make me!”
The two of you shared a look, as nicely behaved as she had been, recently it just took a turn with tantrums. She hadn’t been immune to them before, not by a long shot, but they happened a lot more frequently.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you just get on your bike and try?”
She chucked her helmet on to the ground and dropped to the floor with it, deciding a show would probably get her what she wanted. “Mommy and daddy don’t love me!”
“Hey, get up. You’re too big to be acting like that,” you scolded, over chants of ‘don’t love me.’
Tony grabbed Ro and set her back on her feet. “Listen to your mom. This isn’t something to freak out about anyway.”
She swatted her hand at Tony’s arm. “Leave me alone! I want my training wheels!”
“No. Now you don’t get to learn at all. Go to your room, no toys.”
“No sweets and you’re going to bed early,” Tony added in his punishments.
“I hate you!” She ran into the house slamming the door, another slam following soon after.
Tony dropped onto the picnic blanket beside you, “Whats gotten into her? I thought year two was the hard one.”
You shrugged, “Equally as frustrated, maybe it’s just a phase. Could just be upset you’re going away for a while.”
“Oh?” He raised a brow, popping a couple of blueberries into his mouth, “It’s my fault now?”
“I’m just trying to figure out what changed Tones,” you raised your hands in surrender.
“There’s also you taking more shifts than usual.”
“You’re one to talk about working...Okay, so we both need to pay her more attention,” you settled.
“Family vacation after I come back from New York? Us, Rhodey, and Pepper?”
“When Ro has one of her week breaks. I don’t want her missing too much school.”
“School,” He scoffed, “Just grab that weeks work and we’ll teach it to her.”
“No. You can teach her how to ride her bike.”
“You told her not today.”
You shrugged, “You’re going to be gone for a while. She just needed a punishment for hitting you and that’s the first thing I thought of.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Just give her a minute and let her calm down. But she shouldn’t get to have her toys or sweets after all and she should still go to bed early.”
“Whatever you say.”
You sighed, covering your face with your hands as you moved to lay down. His constant snark was wearing you down. “Tony, can you change it up? Even in the slightest? I’m trying to be civil here and you’re coming at me for no reason it seems like. At least tell me what I did wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything.”
Another clipped answer. You got up and went into the house. He was being annoying and you just needed time away. Checking up on Ro, she seemed to have fallen asleep after crying. Taking off her knee and elbow pads, you covered her up with a blanket. Going to the kitchen, you started to cook, needing something to do that was mindless and simple.
“ I thought we were having PB&Js for dinner?” He said, coming in after 30 or so minutes.
“If you still want to, be my guest. There’s chicken Alfredo if you want some,” You answered, absentmindedly twirling your fork in the noodles.
“Thanks.” He poured out some of his scotch, grabbing another cup, “You want some too?”
You scrunched your nose, “Don’t have the taste for that anymore.”
He made a confused face at you. “Since when? We used to always sneak this from Howard and you drink it every time you steal my drinks.”
“Want me to have a drink with you? Fine.” You went over and grabbed the rum. Pouring out your shot you downed it quickly. “There, we had a drink together.”
“I get it, I should just fucking go. Shouldn’t I?”
“You know where the door is, don’t you?”
“Well, when you’re showing it to me so damn graciously.”
“No. Don’t you even do that. You’re not allowed to make me feel like I’m the dick in this situation. I don’t know what the hell is up with you, but you’re not allowed to drag me through the dirt just cause.”
He looked like he didn’t know how to respond. “Look, I’m so-“
“I don’t wanna hear it Tony. You’re just going to say something and I’m going to forgive you. Let me be angry for a moment because I’m allowed to be. Why don’t you just go with Pepper to New York already and leave me alone for a while.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again.  Taking his time to figure out something to say that wouldn’t make you feel any better or angrier. “Okay. I’m going to work on the power source. It shouldn’t take that long maybe a few days plus some time for press. I...” Tony cleared his throat, “I’ll see you, YN.”
You nodded and turned your back on him. He’d see the angry tears threatening to fall or the crack in your voice when you spoke. The close of your front door broke you down easily. You missed your best friend. Nowadays he was just so snappy, you handled it as long as you could but there was so much a person can take.
“Mommy?” Ro said sleepily, rubbing at her eyes, “Why crying?”
You wiped your tears, composing yourself quickly. “Maybe a little bit.”
She frowned but walked over to hug your leg. “Is because I was bad? I’m sorry mommy.”
Picking her up, you kissed the top of her head. “Thank you for apologizing, sleepyhead. You didn’t make me cry.”
“Promise?” She asked, holding up her hooked pinkie finger.
“Promise.” You hooked your pinkie on hers. She pulled away and stood on top of the counter. After looking through the cabinets she came out with a couple of cookies. “You have a punishment baby. No sweets.”
Ro pouted, “I know. But you give me cookies to make me feel better.”
You laughed softly, “You’re sweet. Give me that cookie. You can eat both of those.”
She munched on her cookies happily. “Daddy’s in the garage? Working?”
“Sorry sweetheart,” you shook your head, “Something important came up and he had to leave the early.”
“Am I important?” She tried out the word.
“Of course you are.”
“Then daddy has to be home?”
“Of course he wants to,” you assured her, “You mean the world to your dad and I, but we still need to work. Maybe when daddy comes back we’ll spend sometime with him.”
“A lot.”
He tried to focus on work. Really these last bits to make the new building light up like a Christmas tree didn’t need as much mental power. He had been taking out his anger on you, not on purpose, it just happened that way. It didn’t sit well with him that everything between the two of you had seemed to change. There were years of set behavior he was having to change about himself. He wasn’t happy with the situation at all.
At least he could get some things out of his system before. Having you as close as he used to made him feel content enough to do what he needed. Now he realized it was completely unfair to Pepper. She made him feel as close to happy as he thought he could get. He hadn’t realized how dependent he had also been on you to feel that way.
He needed to make up his mind. Figure out his plan. This wasn’t healthy to keep pulling Pepper along and ignore the flashing red lights. Things wouldn’t change anytime soon, but at least he was thinking about it at all.
“You’re all good on this end. The rest is up to you.”
Pepper and Coluson has left hours ago, leaving him with a bunch of homework to finish. J.A.R.V.I.S. switched through reports about the Avengers while Tony read essays and theories about the field.
“Pause.” He day back in his chair, looking at everything on the screen. Getting up, he went to make himself a coffee. “J, be a dear and call YN won’t you. I have things I should say. ‘Sorry’ being one of them.”
“That’s ill advised, sir.”
“I know she said to leave her alone, but come on, I need a break.”
“Dr. LN is going to attempt to break a surgical record at the hospital. She needs to be well rested for her day.”
Tony stirred some sugar into his coffee before taking a drink. “What record is she beating?”
“Longest surgery. The current record is held by Dr. Conner. She needs to go over 23 hours 57 minutes.”
“Hmm,” he nodded considering the time, “She’ll knock that out of the park, easy. She handles Ro and I all the time. Where’s Ro going to be?”
“Ro asked Colonel Rhodes to pick her up after school to treat her for ice cream and a movie.”
Tony laughed, “R&R day? Sounds good. I guess no break then, let’s get back to work.”
“Mama don’t wanna go to school,” Ro whined, pulling the covers over herself. “Stay home today.”
“You know we can’t. I have a surgery today and you have a lot of things to learn too. Besides you promised Rhodey you’d go out with him after school. Can’t do that if you stay home.”
She peaked out of her blankets, “I can’t?”
“Uh huh. You know uncle Rhodey doesn’t like it when you stay home, unless you’re sick.”
“Daddy would let me stay home.”
“Then you can stay home when he’s around, for now let’s get you dressed. I need to be at the hospital as soon as I drop you off at school.”
“Can I wear my Captain America shirt and pancakes?”
“You got it.”
Getting Ro ready seemed like a mission and a half. She was fussy and still tired. “You and daddy don’t like me,” she decided as you brushed her hair.
“We love you,” you corrected, “What had dad and I told you about nonsense talk?”
“Uh huh! Not nonsense! You are always working. Aaron says that’s why you’re always at work, because you don’t like me,” she said, defiantly crossing her arms over her chest.
You finished up with her hair and kneeled down to her level. “That Aaron kid is a jerk. He’s the type of kid that likes making you feel bad about yourself. You’re right though, your dad and I could stand to cut back on work a bit. I’m sorry if you really do feel that way, but you do know how much you mean to us, right?”
She nodded, not looking completely convinced, “Can I talk with daddy?”
“Sure. We can try to call him. Go grab your backpack and lunchbox. You can call him on the way to school.”
Once you were in the car you dialed Tony and handed the phone off to Ro while it rang. She waited impatiently a couple of minutes before chucking the phone onto the car floor. “Say leave messages.”
“I’ll ask Rhodey to try again when he picks you up okay? He’s probably jus-“
“Busy, busy, busy.”
Between the Shakespear’s wet dream brothers, S.H.E.I.L.D., and the Capsicle’s constant jabs. Tony hadn’t had much time to check his phone. Still, when he had picked it up for a second he got to hear the message Ro left when she forgot to hang up. Adding to an already bad day. But he could make that up easily. Less time with the suits more time with the kid starting as soon as he got away from this other mess.
He just had to figure out what Fury was hiding and what Loki wanted. Couldn’t be that hard to solve with Loki locked up.
Okay, so now that he was carrying a nuke on his back, heading for a giant hole in the sky. He wasn’t sure he’d be around long enough to make it up to Ro. Good thing to know the last thing he did to her was disappoint.
“Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?”
Tony’s eyes flicked over to see the picture of Pepper on the side of the screen. “Call YN.”
Your phone vibrated in your assistant’s pocket.  Checking to see if the name was one of the ones you allowed to interrupt, he put the ear piece in for you and answered the call.
“Hello? Is everything okay?” You asked, expecting Rhodey’s voice.
“Always better when you’re around,” Tony greeted. “How’s the record going? Tired yet?
“Nah, I took some notes from you,” you joked, he didn’t sound urgent. A snip and clip there. “You’re going to have your hands full when you come home.”
“Can you tell her I’m sorry for disappointing her and that I love her.”
That was weird. “Tell her yourself. Rhodey’s calling you after she gets out of school.”
“I love you, too, YN. It’s been too long since I said that and you should know.”
“I love you,” you replied back instinctively, “Are you okay, Tony?”
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barbecuedphoenix · 7 years
Hi! Another fan of your amazing work here :D Hades, Kronos and Hypnos \o/
You’ve chosen some pretty interesting questions there, mystery fan. Here come the anecdotes… ;) 
Hades: Have you ever had a near-death experience?
I’ve been in a few closeshaves over the years that, under slightly differences circumstances andchoices from its participants, would have brought the Grim Reaper around: acar-crash while on a road-trip with some friends, sitting in a plane thatalmost tipped onto its wing when landing on a wintry runway, almost getting buckedoff a white-water raft when it plunged down its first rapid because I wassitting in the back and was by far the smallest and lightest passenger, savedonly by the lightning-flash grip of our river guide on the back of my life-vest…
But really, the closest callI’ve ever had was when I was very young, maybe seven or less: a full-sized metalswing almost fell on top of me. For some reason, someone had hoisted it uprightand left it standing in the playground of the new school my family was touring,without planting its base struts firmly into the ground; it was basically anun-anchored swing set. My older sister, on seeing the bright green swing,immediately ran for it and tried to give it a go, despite the sign on the seatthat said “do not sit!” which I had noticed and was effectively discouraged by. I don’t remember if I told her to stay off, or I didn’t have time to. Eitherway, my sister sat down on the sign and immediately propelled herself to thehighest arc she could.
Before she even reached theapex of her swing, the entire set wobbled—without a sound, I remember that much—andslowly keeled forward, the heavy metal cross-beam at the top of the set plummetingin slow motion to right where I was standing. And picking up speed as I watched.Our mother, still standing with the principal on the edge of the playground,screamed at the top of her lungs for me to run. And her scream more thananything—more than the idea of being hit by that incoming metal beam thatlikely weighed more than I did—was what galvanized me to turn tail and dash backto where she was standing. I was still running when the crash came behind me andrattled the air around us. Frankly, I didn’t even reach my mother, because Iturned around right at that moment just to stare: the whole swing set hadcrashed to the grass, the cross-beam resting not much further than a few feetfrom me. My sister was already next tome, having hopped off the seat to make a break for it the moment she felt thewhole structure give way; I hadn’t noticed her at all in the mayhem.
Suffice it to say, the restof the afternoon was a testament to my mother’s rage: at my sister for temptingthe swing set despite the warning sign, at the groundskeepers for erecting theswing set without planting its feet firmly into the ground that same hour,at the principle for his sloppiness. And even at me—after I got a crushing hug—forrunning in the wrong direction; because from her perspective at the edge of theplayground, that heavy cross-bar only just missed my head when it plummeteddown. If I had run in the oppositedirection of where it was falling, I would have been completely in the clear. Fortunately,the speed of my six-to-seven year old legs—and my fear of my mother– made upfor my limited grasp of physics then. Iwas unfazed enough to nag at my sister too, following my mother’s example,before the hour was out: “I told you not to sit on that seat! Look: I almost got killed! You almost killed me!”
That event became the nextjewel in my arsenal of guilt-trips against my older sister for some weeksafterwards, never to any real effect besides making her scowl at me: neither ofus really grasped, back then, the effect of a reinforced metal beam landing on asix-to-seven year old girl’s skull at full speed.  At that time, a near-death experience to us wasjust ammunition in the never-ending war between siblings. Nowadays, we stillhold onto that system of belief to avoid acknowledging the more uncomfortablefacts.  
Hypnos: What was your most recent dream about?
Oh gosh; it was just lastnight, but I barely remember any of it… >_> I was back in my hometown forsome protracted family reunion, somehow going back forth between my father’sfamily and my mother’s family seamlesslywithout having to cross intervening distance via plane or stressful road-trip.No questions were raised on how long it had been since my last visit, what mycurrent pace was with my studies, any ‘significant others’ I should be bringinghome, etc. Really, it was as if I was still living there. The most I rememberis getting bored, even in my dream.   
Kronos: What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Rancid sashimi. I wasfourteen or fifteen, sitting in a Japanese restaurant with my family one Sunday—thisplace close to my father’s office where he almost always spent lunch—and making my grab at the sashimi platter. Normally, anyone can tell thata slice of fish is rancid within a few inches of bringing the offensive pieceto their nose, but in my family, I actually have the poorest sense of smell.And at times like this, the most bravado: I love sashimi, and damned if I was going to waste my chance to get as many rawtuna rolls as I could. Competition for sushi is fierce in the family.
So it wasn’t until I poppedthe whole piece in my mouth and started chewing that I noticed the greasy reekfilling my palate. But for the life of me—I still don’t really know why–, Ikept chewing and forced myself to swallow. It slithered down my esophagus withintwo seconds. Maybe I just didn’t want to gag it out in front of everyone on thedining table. Or maybe I was just the type who preferred to see a course ofaction through to the end. Or maybe I simply refused to waste a single cut of sashimi,no matter how bad. 
Regardless, I didn’t say a word about what I just swalloweduntil my father—the sharpest nose in the family– reached for the next piecewith his chopsticks, sniffed at it, and then dropped it back onto the platterwith a disgusted wince. He hailed overthe waiter to return the platter to the kitchen, and then started the longnegotiation with kitchen staff for compensation for the rancid sashimi. I keptmy silence until after the waiter had gone, before admitting, veryconversationally, with no expression on my face, that I already swallowed onepiece. That I hadn’t noticed the tuna had spoiled.
The whole table gaped at me,before, incredibly, they burst into laughter. And then the jokes startedrolling on how I was the garbage dispenser of the family: the kid with irongullet and the leather tongue, able to stomach anything and taste nothing, and whatelse I was ready to eat without flinching. None of us were biologists, at leastback then. So the incident remained a funny family story, a strange achievementI would casually trot out at the dinner table with the straightest expression wheneversomeone complained about a dish that Ihad no problem with, until I started studying biology. And learnt, in gruesomedetail, about the dangers of eating raw, unrefrigerated fish. About charminghospital-bill sinks like salmonella, and painful intestinal parasites that canlinger in your gut for weeks and weeks after starting life on festering fishflesh.  
So far, my ability tostomach strong foods remains intact, and my stomach only ever complains wheneverI sit 10,000 feet above the ground. Whatever was lingering on that piece ofsashimi years ago lost its fight against my guts and my immune system. But to be on the safe side, I’ve taken tocooking my own meals with a vengeance. And smelling everything that ends up onmy counter-top to force my nose to shape up.  
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