#my milgram thoughts
iqmmir · 4 months
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also thank you tsumi @74n5n for reading this for me i love talking about you with the milgram sillies forwve
Have you ever spoken to spoken who is clearly in a bad situation but they refuse to accept it?
I'm going to give an example of my mother, because it's easier to explain with an example.
My mother has an elder brother who has polio. My grandmother was very protective of him because of that and also due to the way they (my grandmother and her friends, people of that generation) were raised, there was a certain way she treated her children differently.
My grandmother expected everyone in the world to be against my uncle because of his disability. So she was very protective of him. Simultaneously, there are certain things I remember her saying to me that I'm pretty sure she said to my mother also. 'Once you're older, your brother will take care of his family, so you have to take care of your parents' 'Who is the mother supposed to rely on, if not the daughter?' 'You're the girl, you're more mature than your brother, so understand this'
Things like this are very common here. I personally do not believe this, but I'm talking about my mother here. She (and my grandmother) automatically believed that the '(Elder) Son' is someone who the 'Parent' and, if applicable, '(Younger, usually girl) Sibling' must help and take care of so they can become their 'own person' with their 'own family'. It's a certain concept. I'm just telling this to explain something else trust me guys okay.
My mother was treated horribly. I can see that, my brother can see that, my father can see that. My mother herself however lives in denial. My grandmother, to raise her son, treated her daughter like an adult when she was a child. Expecting her to be the 'mature' one. 'You're the daughter, you'll be stuck taking care of kids, other girls deal with this too, so you should get used to it, this is the norm.'
Being the 'mature' one is a matter of pride for her. Being the one understanding others, devoting herself to others, denying yourself of what makes you happy, that makes her proud.
But, see, this is normal. This is how everyone here lives. I'm not saying it's right.
A wife, a mother, a sister. Wake up before everyone else, clean the house, make breakfast for your children, send them to school, do the housework, make breakfast for your husband, go to your own job, come back, make lunch, clean the house, take care of your children. It's too much work. But it's the regular for most women her age.
It's normal. So whenever I or my brother point out how 'being only for others' is really disturbing and stuff, my mother's reply is usually along the lines of 'Everyone lives like this.' This is normal, see.
Now, I know nothing about japan and its system. But the way Yuno behaves reminds me of my mother, and other girls Yuno's age that I have met. Let me elaborate.
Yuno detests the idea of being a victim. She believes a victim to be someone weak, not someone like her. Someone without any choice, not someone like her. Someone who is hurt, not someone like her. Someone who needs to be helped, not someone like her. She is normal. She is not a victim.
Yuno is the eldest daughter of a house with no father. Whatever she's doing, it's all expected of her. For her, this is normal. Taking care of her younger siblings, it's normal. Minimising her own expenses so much that the most expensive thing she ever bought was a teddy bear, it's normal.
The way she is behaving, it's all expected of her. She's the girl, she must be more mature. She's the sister, she must take care of her siblings. She is mature, she does not need help or anything of the sort. She is independent. She is not a victim.
Do you know why most people deny having depression or anything? It's because of how everyone views them. A victim of abuse, a victim of neglect, treating them with pity, not as a person. They've probably done that themselves. Seeing the 'victims' as someone helpless and not capable of taking care of themselves. Someone that needs someone else.
The system, society, capitalism, whatever you want to call it, encourages this mindset. Treating victims as someone with no autonomy, viewing it as a 'bad' thing will stop people from looking for help. If everyone is similar, it will be normal. Being a 'victim' is a very.. isolating thing. People begin treating them as 'concepts of victims'. Constantly treating them with pity, looking down on them. No one will want that right? Being treated like a 'victim' is equivalent to being treated like an idiot. For a better example, being treated like a toddler.
I'm going to talk about Muu here, to explain my thoughts a little more. The moment 'inmf' dropped, I wasn't here, I wasn't part of the fandom, but from the posts and things I have seen, Muu became someone.. 'manipulative'. Everything she did in Trial 1, she was only doing it for pity. Now she has too much ego. The idea of a victim, she isn't fitting there anymore. She has done something wrong. She is in the wrong too. But a 'victim' can't be in the wrong. It's either a victim or a bitch, you can't be both. A 'victim' can't be held responsible for their actions. She was bullied, it was wrong. It was wrong of her to bully others too (I have more complicated thoughts about this, but this isn't a muu post). But for some reason, the fandom.. can't accept it properly.
'She regrets killing Rei' she views herself as a monster because she doesn't regret killing Rei. 'Shes manipulative' She was behaving like any other teenage girl who has been kidnapped from her house and being told that she's a murderer. For some reason, Muu simultaneously being a victim and being a bitch is very difficult for people to comprehend.
Being a victim of domestic abuse does not give you the right to abuse your children, right? But when the idea that Amane's mother is also a victim was brought up, everyone was so uncomfortable with it. BEING A VICTIM DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY FUCKING FORGIVEN, IT'S NOT A FREE PASS, YOU SEE? A 'victim' is a person with a whole personality, you can't see them as black and white because it's not who the person is.
This is something many people, including Yuno don't understand. Once you're labelled a 'victim' everyone begins to make excuses for you, those who you have hurt need to 'understand that you were hurt too'. So for Yuno, who strongly believes in society and its ideals, 'if im a victim it means i had no choice it means the people i have hurt [im shooting an arrow in the dark here, trust me bro please] need to understand, if im a victim i owe nothing to anyone'. The concept of victim is something like this to her.
This is how many, many girls I know think. In their mind, because of how they were raised and how everyone else thinks, they are being normal. They aren't victims. Yuno is literally just some girl.
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linabirb · 5 months
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milgram season 1 and season 2 mv art style comparison!
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clownsalot · 8 months
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kirisaki shidou is the normalest doctor ever who has committed zero crimes. i would trust him with my life i would put my life in his only mildly suspicious gloved hands
oh yea and his delusion tax cover is a banger
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asherasgayagenda · 2 months
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shes connected the dots guys
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thechibilitwick · 3 months
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there needs to be more slightly fucked up shidou tbh
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laniemae · 2 months
Assigning Miku figures to Milgram characters!
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Haruka - Good Smile Company Deep Sea Girl ver. 1/8
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Yuno - Good Smile Company 15th Anniversary Ver. 1/7
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Fuuta - Design Coco Magical Mirai 2023 ver. 1/7
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Muu - Naruyo Tame Yon "Class de Ichiban Ninki no Ano Ko wa Kousha no Ura de Hito o Koroshita" Garage Kit ver. 1/7
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Shidou - PitPePe de Gongfang Wei Lai Zhi Lei ver. 24 cm.
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Mahiru - FuRyu Autumn Date noodle stopper ver.
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Kazui - FuRyu "MIKU WITH YOU 2019" Ver. 1/7
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Amane - Miyaya's garage kit ver.
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Mikoto - Taito Latidos 2022 ver. 18cm
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Kotoko - Tokyo Otaku Mode LAM Rock Singer Ver. 1/7
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Es - FuRyu GALAXY LIVE 2020 Ver. 1/7
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John - Hobby Stock 1/7 Digital Stars 2022 ver.
Thanks to @/mikufigureoftheday for cataloging these figures!
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milk-ly · 1 month
Kotoko and her connection to Dante’s Inferno’s Satan
Disclaimer: This is just about symbolism and I know how it sounds but I promise I’m not trying to imply anything or demonize her! I love Kotoko! Ive just been repeatedly noticing details about the parallel for several months now and I just really want to bring it up! This is just an analysis of the details MILGRAM has provided for it. I’m incredibly sorry if I make a mistake!
Kotoko has a lot of parallels to Dante’s Inferno Satan, especially in relation to Es.
To make sure we’re all on the same page, Dante’s Inferno is a Christian poem that outlines the 9 circles of hell. MILGRAM directly references Dante’s Inferno by quoting it in all the t2 door arts.
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“Abandon all hope, ye who enter.” A quote derived from a sign at the gate of hell in the poem.
Each ring of Hell contains sinners with different levels of sins, and each ring’s sin was meant to be worse the further inside you go. Ive seen a couple theories that each prisoner correlates with a specific ring of hell. (Ex: Haruka is ring 1, Limbo; Yuno is ring 2, lust; etc)
But Dante’s Inferno only outlines 9 rings, what about our 10th prisoner, Kotoko?
While it could be that she’s again the “outsider” to the other prisoners, the last section of the 9th ring of Hell is significant because it is the center of Hell, containing Satan. So it could be reasonably argued that Kotoko correlates with it.
MILGRAM already has a TON of religious references. One that I’ve seen pointed out is how it seems the cover art of each novel is a reference to a famous Christian art piece.
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The Es in each novel seems to be where Jesus relatively is. Remember that Jesus is both the son of God AND God. God gives sinners their judgements which sounds very similar to Es and how they're giving the prisoners (the human sinners) their verdicts.
Plus, the quote Milgram quotes is on the doors the prisoners are entering, and in Dante’s inferno, it’s on the gate of hell so you can compare or theorize that MILGRAM is a parallel to (or straight up is) purgatory. And Es, being the one who decides the verdict, parallels God.
Also, her t2 VD is named “YONAH,” which is the masculine version of the name Jonah. Not only does this relate to her themes of masculinity again, Jonah is a name that originates from Hebrew origins which means “dove.”
It is also a reference to the book of Jonah. A main theme of this book is “Jonah wants God to operate on his timeline [...] He wanted God to dole out punishment on his clock instead of according to God's plan. Yet God showed Jonah that in his infinite wisdom, he can't and will not be rushed.” Which is pretty much exactly what happens in YONAH, and also once again compares Es to God.
Dante’s Inferno’s Satan was an angel, a splendid being, apparently the most perfect of God's creatures… an “Angel of light.” We/Es deemed Kotoko innocent in t1. She had the highest innocent percentage in t1 too because a lot of people thought her murder was justified. You know, the most perfect of God’s creatures. The most perfect out of the prisoners.
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“We really can work together.”
But then Satan tried to usurp God.
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“If you don’t have the strength on your own, let me take care of it. Es! I can do it in MILGRAM!”
Kotoko wants to be the prison guard because Es isn’t capable in her eyes.
Satan was ultimately sent to Hell and punished as "the ultimate sinner" for his betrayal of trying to usurp God.
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We are now punishing Kotoko for her attempts to judge the prisoners herself and “usurp” Es. It works even better now that she has the highest guilty percentage in all of MILGRAM so far as the “ultimate sinner.”
As a lot know, Fuuta also has tons of religious references too. (Ex. His VD is titled Baptism by Fire) By him also passing judgements onto people, you could say that he was trying to play God.
What is that saying about us, the audience, then? And our parallel/foil to Fuuta/Kotoko?
Dante’s Inferno as a whole is very much based around the idea of “evil will be punished,” which not only encapsulates Kotoko’s ideals but MILGRAM’s as well. It makes sense that MILGRAM says that Kotoko is a perfect parallel to the facility.
(I also wanna mention that there's something that could be said about the holy trinity in relation to Es + the audience + jackalope. For example, how Jesus is God in the flesh and Es is the audience "in the flesh," by acting as a personified version of us to interact with the "human sinnners" but I feel like I might be going into tinfoil hat territory.)
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thetempestechoes · 1 month
Actually, Es is their own person.
I see a lot of people treat Es like an audience self-insert, a complete blank slate for the audience to project their thoughts onto. But I think there's more to Es and their character than that, and I think that if you treat them as characterless, you're doing their character a massive disservice. Here's a (relatively) short post about why.
From the very beginning, Jackalope encourages Es to accept Milgram as their identity, wholly, and encourages the audience to look at Es like a blank slate. Jackalope even says in one of the Milgram timelines that the only way the audience can affect events in Milgram is through Es (how this interacts with the voices heard by the prisoners is for a different post). From the very beginning, Es is presented to the audience as a vessel for them to look at Milgram through.
But Es isn't a blank slate. Es did accept Milgram as their whole identity very early on, but it's important to remember that they are a teenager who remembers almost no personal information except for their age, who wakes up in a completely unfamiliar environment with no frame of reference for the sort of situation they've ended up in. That makes it much easier for Milgram to become Es's identity, because they have almost nothing else to latch onto. Any questioning of this causes them to be mentally barred from thinking about it further, even progressing to breakdowns when pushed (such as in Muu's first VD).
Es and Amane are remarkably similar in their perspectives in that sense. Amane justifies her actions by using the rules of the cult she's grown up in; Es is doing their utmost best to follow the rules laid out to them by Milgram. Even when Fuuta points out just how similar Es's situation is to the rest of the prisoners, Es rejects this - simply because they are the warden, and by Milgram's rules, that means they're in charge. Es and Amane's agencies are both downplayed or even outright denied by people within Milgram or the audience, mostly because of their ages, and they both resent this.
Es physically isn't allowed to doubt Milgram, and not only that, but doubting Milgram means doubting themself, because it's become their entire identity. They are the warden, that is what they do, that is their job, this is irrefutable and doubting this means doubting their very being. Even if doubting Milgram didn't push them into breakdown territory, I think it's understandable that doubting the thing that has become the core of their identity would give them an existential crisis. Whoever Es used to be is suppressed as much as possible. Milgram wants Es to be that blank slate, that audience vessel, but Es is also a person. And no-one is a complete blank slate.
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mukuberry · 8 months
"Ah, ahhh!! Because, I did it for your sake...! Because you would break apart!!"
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mannequins already broken apart... different mannequins representing mikoto and potentially other alters. thumbnail mikoto and his weapon have no blood on them.
alters cannot die, but they can split up or go dormant when faced with stress they can't handle.
orekoto has said time and time again that his main and only motive is protecting our host mikoto. if he's been around for a long time, i wonder if he's failed before to protect other alters, and is terrified of it happening again? maybe those mannequins next to him aren't victims, but past headmates who broke apart.
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viewingthevoid · 6 months
You know, if I don't think about how much the fandom is already mischaracterizing and vilifying her because of Deep Cover, I actually love how Kotoko is portrayed. She is the ultimate example of what Milgram as a prison represents. She unintentionally shows a lot of the hypocrisy in some of the voting. I mean, if beating up criminals was okay in Harrow, why would it be bad now? If Amane is one of the unforgivable murderers and is mature enough to understand what this verdict means, why should Kotoko treat her differently from the others? If we can choose the fate of the prisoners based on the little, vague information Milgram gives us, why can't she do the same? If we trust Milgram, why can't she?
And for Deep Cover specifically, if it's wrong for her to dehumanise, insult, and disregard the other prisoners, why is it okay that we do it to her?
I hope this doesn't come off as me excusing all she did, because it's not and she did a lot of fucked up things. I just really like how she's written as a foil to the prison itself and how that ties into the themes of Milgram. This idea that if we do something that was encouraged/told to us by this institution or authority, it's okay and excusable. But if an individual chooses to do something similar, they're evil and unredeemable.
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purgemarchlockdown · 3 months
Muu's such a great character. She's so trapped in this horrific cycle of idolization and victimhood and especially the idea of "ideal victimhood" and power gained from pity that she dooms herself to this constant cycle of being hurt over
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and over
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and over again.
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She's drowning in it, this idea of being everyone's perfect victim. This perfect role model of what a true victim should be like. The most acceptable person in the room because if you were upset at her you'd be a monster who likes hurting people.
Muu: So, in other words, I should just become someone you’re fond of. And, if I do that, you’ll forgive me, right?
Muu: No matter the circumstances, it’s always the bullies who are in the wrong! Isn’t that obvious? Warden-san, you’re so smart, but you don’t even know things like that? Maybe you should take some lessons on morals or something.
Why should She take responsibility if She's the one getting hurt?
T1Q9: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed? A: The person who did the wrong thing first should apologize.
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Sure she might hurt others but it's right if She does it because she's the victim in this situation and everyone else are the bullies.
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Muu: So if I paid back what my bullies did to me, that would be revenge, right? And if you feel like I had no other choice than that, then don’t you have to forgive me?
But is it really?
Hold on. It’s not my fault You knew it, right?
It's easy to squash bugs, their just vermin, any power they Could have comes in sheer numbers really. (I can confirm I have too many ants living in my home.)
She's powerful as long as she's pitiful, but she can't be pitiful if she's powerful. She's just eternally trapped moving in circles. Great Character I love her dearly.
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iqmmir · 5 months
I want kotoko and amane parallels
amane in her mind is so strong and powerful (and shes beating herself up) and irl shes a child getting abused its only when she wears the uniform irl that shes able to um “return the judgement given to her”
i want kotoko wearing the warden's uniform to punish a weaker (maybe younger) kotoko okay? i want the warden to take the place of the weaker one
Do you see my vision please say yes
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blueepink07 · 7 months
The battery percentage of Mikoto's phone is 29!
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2 as in Double -> 9 (Mikoto and John - the only ones shown directly in the MV)
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Combining these two numbers together -> 2 (double) 9 (suffering) = double suffering
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Also, an another interesting thing!
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Mikoto's favourite food is Horse meat sashimi!
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ranmaru-kageyama · 21 days
let's escape the rain together ☔
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(artwork is NOT mine and belongs to eeo store's new collection)
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noscomnias · 9 months
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madoka magica x milgram
i'm always repeating yesterday, though it's important to know when to give up
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coficarameru · 3 months
"The words I just learned become a knife that pierces through you. Tearing your life to pieces"
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