#my new favourite print and every time someone buys I am blessed
caramelcoda · 1 year
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He’s just my favourite lil blob boi ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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ahockeywrites · 3 years
A Very Merry Christmas
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As the snow began to fall in Vancouver, Elias looked over to see that you had already got out of bed before him. This never surprised him as you were always awake when he had morning skate and usually had him a coffee prepared. But this was Christmas morning, he thought you might have stayed in bed for a bit longer but the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen made him realise why you had ventured out of bed.
He slipped out of bed and found some tracksuit pants to put on and joined you in the kitchen. The sight of you in one of his shirts, cooking breakfast for the two of you was so domestic and he wished that he could spend every morning like this. His arms wrapped around your waist and he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Morning älskling,” he whispered in your ear, voice still full of sleep. You could never grow tired of his morning voice, it strengthened his accent which you loved.
“Morning baby,” you replied softly. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” he said as he turned you around and pulled you in for a brief kiss followed by a hug. “What’s all the food for,” Elias asked, pointing at the spread on the counter.
“I just thought, you’ve done so much for me this year, I wanted to do something for you,” you explained. He had been there through your job struggles and never left your side when you were feeling down. “Plus, we can’t open presents on an empty stomach.” Elias let out a hearty laugh, agreeing with you. He asked if he could do anything to help and you suggested setting the table
The movements the two of you made in the kitchen looked as though they could have been rehearsed. It came from knowing each other so well, no words needed to be spoken. Everyone on the Canucks knew that you and Elias could communicate with so much as a look or eyebrow raise. Nothing else was needed and you would know what the other wanted.
Breakfast was a simple affair, even if you had prepared something fancier than the usual toast or cereal. The two of you shared Christmas memories and the stories became funnier and funnier until you needed to stop the tears from rolling down your faces. You reminded Elias that you would be spending the afternoon at your parents house which was about an hour away from the flat you shared with him and he went to your room to decide what he should wear. “Elias, jeans and a smart shirt will be fine, just don’t show up like you’re trying to walk the catwalk like you did for my mom’s birthday,” you laughed. “Black jeans, that blue shirt you like, and a Santa hat. You’ll fit in perfectly.”
“What are you wearing?” he asked, as you had been trying to hide it from his prying eyes. You pulled out a dress from behind your back and his jaw dropped. It was a black, A-line dress with small candy canes printed on it. It was modest, as it went down past your knees and covered your arms entirely, but the bodice was tight fitting, you didn’t even need to put it on for him to notice that.
Suddenly, you were pulled into Elias’ arms, your back flush against his chest. “You’re not actually going to wear that are you?” he almost growled into your ear. This was the response you wanted to have after seeing your family, not before, but you couldn’t help yourself as you rolled your hips into his. “Älskling, if you keep doing that, we’ll be late to your parent’s place and we don’t want them to see the bruises I can leave on you.”
Letting out a small gasp, you stepped away from him. “Elias Pettersson, you would not,” you replied with pretend shock. This wouldn’t be the first time you had arrived late together, not looking perfectly put together, but it was always arriving at a team event, never a family event.
He pulled you back into his grasp, “you know that’s a lie, and if you don’t stop being a brat, I’m gonna fuck you right here,” he groaned. You pulled out of his arms and skipped away to have a shower, letting Elias know he could go in after you. If this is how today was going to go, he wanted to skip to the good bit.
You adjusted the temperature of the shower and allowed yourself to get lost under the stream of water. As it was Christmas, you had a small collection of Lush shower gels forming and you picked your favourite and applied it to a small wash cloth. You lathered up the gel and enjoyed the music you had put on to relax. This was the first Christmas that Elias was spending with your family and you really wanted it to go well, but it didn’t help that your dad had been sharing the news to all of your family members that you were dating the Canucks’ star forward. They were all shocked but very happy for the two of you, as everyone in your family was a fan of the Canucks. It did make every family gathering slightly awkward for the first half an hour or so before they remembered that Elias was a normal person like everyone else.
Elias knew he shouldn’t join you in the shower, because you would get too caught up in the shower doing things that your parents would not need to know about. Instead, he checked he had hidden the most important present for you behind the tree well enough so you wouldn’t find it first. “Elias!” he heard, “your turn.”
He quickly made his way to the bedroom to collect a pair of boxers and saw you waltzing out of the bathroom in a pair of red lingerie. “Please tell me that you’re not going to be wearing that under the dress to your parents,” he sighed.
“If I am, it is not your problem until we get home from my parents,” you remarked. Elias rolled his eyes, but you couldn’t help but notice the bulge forming in his pants. Shoving him towards the bathroom, you put on a small amount of makeup and the dress that fit you so well.
The living room of the flat which you and Elias lived in was adorned with Christmas decorations. Lights hung along the crown moulding, a bunch of mistletoe hanging above the entrance to the kitchen and a perfectly decorated tree in the corner of the lounge. The two of you wanted to get a real tree, but you knew that cleaning it up regularly would annoy both of you so settled on a large fake one and covered it in many decorations. Lights, tinsel, baubles, beads, if you could buy it, it graced the tree.
You allowed yourself to take in the freshly fallen snow as you made your second coffee of the morning. It wasn’t uncommon for you to have multiple coffees to keep your energy high, and today was no exception. You were pretty sure that you had woken up earlier than usual and would be going to bed later because you would want to catch up with your family.
Elias watched you from a distance, admiring the person he had fallen in love with. Loving someone was never easy. But with you, it was just right. The way you laughed when Brock fell over on the ice at family skate, it made him think about how you could be doing the same thing in five years, but with a baby in your arms. The way you looked at Quinn when he was having troubles with his girlfriend, it made him think about how you could be doing that to your children in the future. The way you took pride in everything you did, it made him see not just a person, like some others might. He saw someone who was perfectly crafted to be the missing puzzle piece in his life.
He wanted to use the word soulmates, that’s what Brock called the two of you, but to him that was to cliche. The only thing that worked, in his mind, was that you were his true love. He never wanted to go another day without calling you his, officially. Yes, the two of you were official in the sense of being with each other exclusively, all your friends and family knew about you being together, even the fans thought he had found a special someone. But that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to be able to post photos of you together on Instagram, he wanted to buy a nice house for the two of you to start a family together, he wanted you to share his last name.
He smiled as he thought about the final present he was going to give you. Asking your parents for their blessing was awkward, but he tried his best to explain his reasons why he wanted to ask you to marry him. It wasn’t that your parents didn’t like Elias, they just saw him as the hockey player and found it difficult to separate the stereotypes that they had attached to them. But they understood he had good intentions and wanted the best for the two of you. He left your parents house, filled with coffee, cake and the knowledge that they were excited to hear if their child was getting married.
As you were fluffing the cushions on the couch to make it more comfortable, you looked around at the place you called home. Cosy, that was the word you always used to describe it to anyone who asked. Yes, the view over the city was beautiful. Yes, the apartment came with amazing facilities. But, so did all the other apartments in this block. What made yours stand out was how you made it feel like a home, the photos from your’s and Elias’ childhood that adorned the mantlepiece, the candles which sat on the coffee table. It was all you could have asked for and with the man you loved, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“I’m gonna make tea,” Elias called from the kitchen. You hadn’t even realised that he had finished in the shower, your daydream must have overtaken all of your senses. “Want a cup?”
“I’m good, E,” you replied, “still got my coffee.” He poked his head around the doorframe and shot you a nod of understanding. Elias saw you covered in blankets keeping warm and smiled to himself. It was how the two of you worked, it was perfect.
Elias wandered into the living room with his tea and sat down next to you. “Present time?” you asked, eyes wide. Your boyfriend nodded and reached to get some of the ones he had bought for you. “If any of these are Pettersson jerseys, I will be giving them to family members later,” you laughed. He reassured you that none of them were and allowed you to open the gifts he had selected.
The first one made you cry with laughter, it was a photo from Halloween where you and Elias had dressed up as each other and he was in a tight dress, heels and you had done his makeup as you would on a night out. It was a photo that would be living in a prominent place in the apartment whether he liked it or not. The second one made you smile, it was the start of a scrapbook of all the memories you and Elias had together, it was beautiful to see how much effort he had put into it and the empty pages were just waiting to be filled. The third made you gasp, it was a beautiful silver, hockey skate pendant with the number 40 engraved on the back.
“Elias, it’s beautiful,” you exclaimed.
“Only the best for you, my love,” he replied lovingly. “I have one more gift for you,” he started as he reached towards the back of the tree for a small, velvet box. As soon as you saw it, you let out a small gasp. It couldn’t be, you thought. “Now, I really hoped that I would get to open mine first, because then this would be the last one. But, I couldn’t help myself.”
Elias shifted his weight so he was resting on one knee, “I could probably say one million things here, but none of them come to mind,” he laughed. “I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, I want you to be the one I come home to after every road trip, I want you to be the mother of my children. So, Y/N, will you make me the happiest man this Christmas, will you marry me?”
It was difficult for you to form words, but you frantically nodded and pulled him into a hug. “Of course I will Elias,” you whispered into his ear. You hadn’t even noticed the ring that he had selected to begin with, as you were just looking into his eyes, but when you looked at it, you saw the most delicately cut diamond on a simple rose gold band. It was elegant and classy, exactly like Elias. He slid the ring onto your finger and placed a series of kisses on your knuckles. “I don’t know how my presents will live up to this, but I guess I can try,” you giggled, high on the joy that being freshly engaged gave.
“I am sure, whatever you have got me, I will love, just as much as I love you,” he explained. The way he looked at you with all the love in his eyes made you believe what he said. The two of you sat back down by the tree and you passed him the ones you had wrapped for him.
You smiled at him as he unwrapped the first one, it was a collection of Swedish inspired coffees because you knew how much he missed the coffee from his home country and anything you could do to make him feel more comfortable in Canada, you would do. The second one was a set of plans for a get away out of Vancouver during a long break they had. As much as you enjoyed living in the city, you both enjoyed getting out into nature and spending some time away from the bustling city with each other. The third, the third was something you knew he had always wanted but he never bought. It was a silver Rolex watch with his initials engraved in the back. “Y/N, you didn’t,” he gave you a shocked look.
“Try it on,” you began, “I got one that will go with the majority of your suits.” You sent him a soft smile, hoping it was the right size. The light reflected off the silver that now adorned his wrist and he lifted that hand to rest on your left hand. The new pieces of jewellery fit so perfectly and you leaned in to press a kiss on Elias’ lips.
“We need to think about heading to your parents,” Elias said, kissing your forehead gently. “As you said earlier, don’t want to be late to our first family event as an engaged couple.” You let out a big laugh and quickly ran around the house collecting the gifts for different members of the family. You also picked up the dessert you had prepared the day before and made sure there were enough Santa hats for you, Elias and anyone who forgot one.
The drive to your parents place was peaceful and you made sure that the Christmas tunes were blasting. When you arrived outside the house, you noticed that you weren’t the first to arrive. “Baby, how are we gonna tell everyone?” you asked, not wanting to have differing ideas on this.
“How about we just wait until someone notices?” he suggested. “That way, we don’t have to tell anyone who doesn’t say something to us first.” You nodded in agreement and went to knock on the front door of your childhood home. It was always strange returning home and not using your own key to open the door, but still, you stood in the cold Vancouver air waiting for one of your parents to answer.
“Y/N! Elias! You’ve made it! Come in out of the cold,” your mother ushered you two in. “Coats in the usual place, and I’ll take that from you,” she spoke as she took the apple pie you had made from your hands. “Everyone is in the living room, so just head through.”
You walked through to the living room and started greeting family members but you didn’t realise that Elias had been pulled into the kitchen to talk with your parents. They started with small talk based on the season and how the apartment was, but the three of them knew what the real reason why he was pulled aside was. “So, did you ask her?” your mum asked excitedly.
All Elias responded with was, “check her left hand, and see for yourself.” He let out a cheeky smile after saying this and your parents were glad you had picked a man with a sense of humour and would be ready to welcome him, officially, to the family when you were ready.
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
The Summer of Disappointment: Lookbook no.11
Hi to anyone reading,
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Welcome to an exploration of one of my favourite combinations of activities: putting outfits together and moaning. Straight off the bat-this summer has been a shitty one. The pandemic has made 2020 a shitty year all round. My feelings are best summed up in this tweet by @25lambs (I love her account but this girl changes her @ every other week so it will probably have changed again by the time I post this):
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The uncertainty of when life will return to some semblance of “normality” is the hardest part. I also feel like I lost a big chunk of my life to, well, being miserable basically, especially during my teen years and my plans to make up for that in my 20s has been potentially snatched away. That being said, in the grand scheme of things, I am very lucky. I still have a job and I haven’t lost anyone close to me, which are both hugely traumatic things that many people have had to go through as a result of the pandemic. I think being sad about how the pandemic has affected your life and also recognising that there are people who are facing a far greater amount of hardship than you are not mutually exclusive which is something people online tend to forget on a daily basis. I also thought we had longer, if that makes sense, like summer came and went in such a short space of time it almost feels like it hasn’t happened yet, and being the extremely anal individual I am, of course I had a load of outfits planned that I never got round to wearing-instead of sulking about what didn’t happen, I instead decided I’d make a bit of a lookbook out of those outfits as well as a kind of diary of what I did get round to wearing.
So that’s enough rambling from me! I’ll get on with it!
Looks 1-3
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Depop has been my absolute favourite thing for the last few months. I gave up fast fashion around May and apart from a slip up or two, I’ve pretty much stuck to that since. That being said, I am clearly very into fashion and styling and so it’s been a hard transition to make (yes, first world problems IK, don’t bait me), especially with me being a compulsive shopper. Wanna know how to lose weight? The jig is up guys, switch from emotional eating to emotional shopping. I’m joking, nobody needs to lose any weight, but I am 100% someone who attempts to cure feeling like shit with some good old instant gratification, and Depop has filled my fast fashion void. My favourite purchases from the last few months include this tan faux suede jacket on the left I bought from Tash_Hall’s shop, and aside from that everything here is old. It makes me feel like I’m a background extra in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and I’m into that. The movie was shit but the visuals were top tier.
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(top handmade by sophieeee_1123 on Depop)
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(dress from maisiemainwaring on Depop, jacket from marinamcaleesex)
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(top handmade by maddypageknitwear on Depop)
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(cargo trousers from amber_thomson1 on Depop)
Looks 4-6
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So I doubt anyone actually reads my fashion week reviews-I know everyone’s here for the pictures-but if you did, you’d know how much I wanted last season’s Erdem hats to happen off the runway. You know, the big boater ones that tie under the chin? Well, I got one off Ebay, as you can see on the left, I can confirm that in anything other than still life they look absolutely fucking ridiculous; I never ended up wearing mine outside the house because if I wore it for more than two seconds it would end up teetering to one side and slipping off my head, hence me trying to pass off holding it up as a fashion moment, lol. Maybe they are completely impractical, maybe I just have a big head (which is true), who knows. The beaded butterfly top however (from Depop but I can’t find the seller’s account anymore!), also on the left, was way more flattering on than I expected it to be and I am gutted I didn’t get to wear it out. If they’re right about a vaccine not being ready until July 2021 then it looks like next summer’s festival season will be cancelled too, but festival season 2022, this top is coming for ya. Optimism, you know. Other than that, the shorts are reworked Levis from Studsnstuff vintage on Ebay, which I have ALWAYS wanted and now irritatingly pair with absolutely everything and call it a look, and the two piece is stolen from my sister’s wardrobe, lol. Lastly, we have the sunhat, which reminds me of something my parents would’ve put me in when I was little and is totally adorable, from Happydais’ Depop store.
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(top from tash2 on Depop, skirt from anishacassanova)
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(skirt from mollie_morton on Depop)
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(jeans from izziesanders on Depop)
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Looks 6-10
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Up there with my favourite Depop purchases of the summer is the striped corduroy trousers in the bottom right from Annasctx’s shop. I was desperate for some vintage trousers in this style but most resellers were, typically, charging extortionate prices for them, so it was a blessing to come across these for under £30. It sounds like a lot but they are a popular item on there at the moment so it’s a good price considering! Also from Depop is the red bodysuit from Alzaska’s store, the monogrammed headband from Jadexlaurenx’s store, and the PU flame print beret from House_of_erotique who do the most AMAZING custom pieces. I am waiting on a couple of things from them at the moment for an American Horror Story inspired lookbook I’m doing for halloween and I am buzzing to try them on! The bag I’m using here is my new go to-it’s a second hand Calvin Klein I found for THIRTY FUCKING POUND in a local charity shop! The woman at the tills told me that lots of people had gone to buy it and then put it back because it was too expensive which is insane! I know you go into a charity shop for cheap things but this bag was such a steal I have no idea how nobody just bit the bullet and bought it. Anyways, I’m not complaining because now it’s mine and I'm in love and I’m gonna try not to spill a monster energy drink on this one<3 
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(suit from emmafisher3 on Depop)
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So, that’s it for now! If you got to this point, thank you for reading! I’m sorry it’s not longer but I’m finding it really hard to motivate myself to write at the moment with everything going on-I’m only finishing this now because it’s 3:30AM and my friend’s cat that I’m looking after is keeping me awake and I’m too much of a softy to shut it out the bedroom. London has just gone into tier 2 lockdown which means I can’t visit my sister or my friends up there, and they’re not allowed to travel down here either. I get it needs to be this way and that we have to make sacrifices, but that’s not to say it isn’t tough on a lot of people’s mental wellbeing. I was really beginning to get my shit together this year, lol! Oh well! Sorry 2021, messy bitch me is getting a sequel. I know, I hate her too.
With regards to what’s coming up on my page, I’m working on the American Horror Story lookbook I mentioned this week and then a (probably non-existent this year) party season lookbook following that. I do intend to do more mood boards and a summary of the S/S 2021 shows soon. I don’t know if I’ve got it in me to do a whole ass review at the moment so I might spice it up and do a tier ranking or rating out of 10 or something fun like that, but there will definitely be something within the next couple of months! I also thought it’d be cool to do a post on the style of some incredible black influencers who are sorely underappreciated on Instagram for Black History Month, but even if I don’t get it out in October, expect that at some point.
Thank you to anyone who read this and thank you in general for bearing with me! I really hope things look up from here but regardless, if we all work together and be considerate of others, we can get through this. I hope everyone is doing okay and as always, if you are struggling, my inbox is always open. Post suggestions are welcome too, as well as feedback as long as it’s not *too* mean. A bitch is sensitive atm. 
Stay safe!
Lauren x
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Golden Slumbers
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Tony Stark & Son!Reader Summary: Sleep pretty darling, do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby. Word Count: 2044 A/n: tbh this is to cure my heart for TONY (i just want him happy okay, married to pepper and have a child - look how happy he is) It’s 3:49 am I’m off to bed. Also, I’m very happy about your nice responses with my last update about my worries, y’all great. 
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Christmas was arriving, yet Tony Stark rather stay in bed and not celebrate. He didn’t care for the snow that was covering New York City, he didn’t care for the beautiful grand Christmas tree that the Avengers and he had put up together as a team for the first time since Thanos.
Tony Stark did not care for the presents that sat under the Christmas tree, he had almost everything he wanted at his fingertips but there was no desire for it. He didn’t care for the movies nor the hot chocolate, he didn’t care for the family dinner in the evening after unwrapping presents.
Nothing seemed right, not since you had last been seen.
The team was repairing their broken cracks, it was hard to do so but they have never felt closer than before. They had pitied Tony, however, because it had been months since they fought their biggest threat, it’s been months since they had last seen you.
(Y/n) Stark had never returned from the snap, some say you did and was on the run, hiding or some cowardly act. Other said that you were the sacrifice that needed to happen, you weren’t able to come back to life - you had died that night.
You see, when a child loses a parent then they’re an orphan. But, Tony often wondered, what do they call a parent who loses their child?
They don’t stop being parents, to get that name, that title ripped away from them was hurtful. They’re still parents, rightly so, but who do you call a parent without a child?
Tony felt nothing, numb to everything, he wanted to believe you’re still there.
Still, almost six months without a sight of you and Tony just didn’t feel complete, the first three months he had refused to believe that you didn’t return, he spent days looking for you, the team came out looking for you too. By the fourth month, Tony stopped, sometimes he went out to hang some missing posters.
By the fifth month, the team stopped looking and most nights Tony was either drunk or in the lab.
Tony had never felt so empty, you were the light of his life - a little terror that blessed him. He couldn’t remember what was Christmas was without you. 
You were only eleven when you fully entered in dad’s life, it wasn’t just spending summer with him anymore - your dad had full custody of you and now you weren’t tucked away with your mother. Tony adored his son, you looked just like him. He often hates that he didn’t get to spend the first eleven years of your life properly, how you went sent gifts for Christmases and Birthdays instead of hanging around.
Last ten and more years, spending quality time with you was normal. Christmas felt complete and he made sure you did something for your birthday. 
Yet, Tony still tried to be positive for his teammates, he went out to get some gifts - it took his mind off you. But, most things had reminded him of you. Even so, there were presents under the tree labelled with your name - he checked.
At first, there was one, signed by Pepper. Tony loved that woman so much, he watched how Pepper became your new mother when you moved in, she was hurting that her little boy wasn’t home for Christmas like usual.
The next day, another two presents for you turned up under the tree, signed by your Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Happy. Tony smiles to himself when he checked, he may not have blood brothers, but his friends - these people he had cared so much was a good fill for Uncles for you, the family seemed better with them.
After three days after the show of present for you. Bruce, Peter, Steve and Thor had added to the collection of presents for you. Soon, Natasha and Clint added theirs into your pile under the tree, Tony sobbed that night in his room.
A week later, a few more present were added. Vision added his whilst Wanda’s gist presented itself next to it, wrapped neatly with her cursive writing addressed to you. 
Tony wanted to shout and scream that you weren’t coming home, but he just couldn’t.
The tree collection had started to grow, more people were living in the tower meaning more present under the tree, more to buy for. Gifts that were stacked on each other and some pushed to the very back, but there was a clear distinct pile just for you and no one dared to move it.
The next time Tony checked under the tree it was two days before Christmas, he had finally added his last present to the pile for Pepper (He had bought her a stack since he just couldn’t pick what to get her) he was surprised to find more addition under the tree.
He found Dr Stephen, Sam, Scott, Bucky and Hope had gifted you with something despite barely knowing you at all. Sam hadn’t had a clue who you were despite included into the team at the same time was Wanda - perhaps it was the fact that you were often in the tower which he stayed well away from.
Yet, Strange, Scott, Bucky and Hope were to go off with stories about you in the past six months - reliving your moments, your greatest achievements, stories from the team that knew you. Yes, you weren’t an Avengers but somehow you became the heart and soul of the team, someone who kept them close together.
You updated their technology on their uniforms when your dad was busy, often helping them in battle from the camera you placed in the uniform - imagining it was a video game. You did the research, the contracting of the Avengers at such a young age. You did the business side, filing every file there was, reading caseloads to know who to send out on the mission. 
The tower was full of people, but it was missing your Christmas playlist blasting on full, your cheery laughter that travelled down to every room. It was upsetting to be reminded that you weren’t home to dress the tree, to put the star at the top and flip the switch on.
The atmosphere seemed different.
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Christmas day had arrived, everyone had unwrapped or ripped their gifts and enjoyed their morning - yet every time they looked under the tree their heart sinks when they see your untouched present.
“Is that everything?” Steve asked.
Tony sat on the floor in between Pepper’s legs, her hand running through his hair, his back against the sofa. He sees the mess created, the ripped wrapping paper littering the floor.
“There’s one more for Tony,” Bruce pulls a medium size box, “There’s a card for you too.”
Tony holds the box, he looked confused as he noticed the perplexed and curious looks of each person - realising none of them had bought him an extra gift. Pepper and Rhodey looked at each other, Tony looked at them suspiciously before they urge him to read the card with it.
When he flipped the card open, he almost choked on his own breathing. He recognises that writing anywhere - the small capitalising of your printed handwriting was almost a foreign familiarity.
“Dear dad,” Tony read out loud as the team’s eyes widen, Tony already had tears brimming in his eyes, “Since last Christmas, I’ve been struggling to buy you a gift, it’s hard when you’re rich and need nothing. But, I think I found the thing I can best offer. Over the months I’ve collected and found items that will mean so much to you as it does to me.”
The team listened, they watched how Tony was trying to compose himself as he continues.
“I know we have an imminent threat coming, I wanted to get this present completed but I know it wouldn't - I have things to gather but not enough time. This is probably the fifth card I’ve written, updating it each time, it was to say if I don’t make it, here’s what’s to remember me by.
Love, your son - (Y/n).”
Placing the card on the coffee table, Tony softly sets the gift on the floor in front of him as he sat cross-legged. He gently lifts the lid of the present and sees photographs, books and videotapes, something he hadn’t seen in a while since the world was evolving.
He picks up a picture, a small little boy smiling so brightly with a toy guitar around his shoulders. He flips the picture to the back to see any writing.
“(Y/n), 3 years old, future guitarist.”
Tony finally lets out a sob as you gifted him the thing he yearns the most, the first eleven years of your life. He found videotapes labelled such as your first word and the first time you walked, even you doing sports, small little moments in your childhood. Pictures of you as you were growing up, every Halloween costume and bad haircut documented, pictures with stories Tony would love to hear. Your record book in the box as well, tatted but well loved by your late mother, it recorded your weight, your footprints and your handprints. Your mother’s handwriting documenting small details such as your favourite show, your favourite food and colour at the time.
“Rhodey and I found the gift under his bed,” Pepper spoke, it was calm and soothing yet Tony pulled away from his small moment and realise he was crying, “You have a lot to go through, there are some cassette tapes in there too.”
Tony smiles to himself, “Always thinking ahead doesn’t he?”
The team, who knew you, mumbles an agreement. Tony sobs out a chuckle, a hint of short happiness in his eyes as he wanted to rifle through the box and examine, listen and watch everything that you gifted him.
“Favourite song: Golden Slumbers by The Beatles,” Tony read out from the book he had opened, “Rogers, Barnes, you have that on your list to catch up? Listen to the Beatles - timeless musical geniuses, my son has good taste.”
Steve and Bucky simultaneously pulled out their notebook to write down the band, as Tony’s thumb rubbed over the song title.
Once there was a way to get back homewards.
Tony was sure that he heard you say that it was still your favourite song, a song that your mother used to sing to you if you had trouble sleeping. It was soothing and kept the troubles away. Tony had heard the song a few times, he found comfort in the words, maybe you will come home.
The elevator door dinged open, no one was expecting anyone. Friday usually told the team who was coming up to greet them, they were never a fan of surprises anymore. The team looked at the incomer, and shock had frozen them. 
They expected Nick or even Maria, but not you.
However, without a doubt, you were still the handsome young dashing chap who could get a run for his money. Yes, you looked like hell, a few scrapes and bruises and looking exhausted. But, you didn’t care, your eyes landed on the person you craved for - the touch and loving reassurance for the past months.
You can barely remember what had happened, you just remembered you needed to be home. You could feel the blood pumping to your ears, the loud vibrating noise goes unnoticed as you step closer into the warm atmosphere, your eyes flickering at the impressive tree and the untouched gifts that you knew was for you.
You turn your attention to your dad, his hands pushing your gift away as he slowly stands up.
“Please say this isn’t a nightmare.”
You could see in the lighting that your dad was on the verge of tears as were you. You softly lifted the corners of your lips forming a small smile, already taking a step closer to engulf your dad. 
Six months of alone and despair and Tony wallowing in self-hatred, everything was complete, luckily just in time for Christmas.
“I’m home, dad, I found my way back homewards.”
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gamerzcourt · 5 years
Exploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game HistoryExploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game Historyvideo games
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Exploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game HistoryExploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game Historyvideo games
The James Bond franchise is one of the most famous, most lucrative, and longest-running film series in the world. The franchise has been hugely influential, affecting almost every form of spy fiction written, filmed, or developed since the 1960s in some way. Moreover, the brand has stayed relevant for far longer than most comparable mega-franchises: Marvel’s 80-year existence and Disney’s seemingly perpetual presence on Earth pre-date Bond’s 1953 print debut, and they stand as some of the only similar properties to prevail. Conversely, attempts to reinvigorate big IP such as Back to the Future or The Mummy have not been successful enough for studios to continue making them.
To remain part of the zeitgeist for so long is no easy task, and despite some missteps, James Bond has defied the odds time and again, reinventing itself repeatedly to avoid being left behind. Some of those reinventions are obvious, such as the changing of actors, writers, and directors, or even come in the form of distinct reboots–the hardest of which came in 2006 with the 21st Eon-produced film, Casino Royale. Others, however, are a little more tricky: Bond has had to change even more drastically to fit new media, such as for the first 007 video game, a 1982 text adventure title for the ZX Spectrum named Shaken but Not Stirred. Unfortunately, the Bond games have endured an uneven run over the years, with some great games, some poor ones, and none at all since 2012’s poorly received 007 Legends.
To dive deeper into the continued evolution of the British spy, I spoke to Bruce Feirstein, screenwriter of three Bond films–GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World is Not Enough–and writer of the video games From Russia With Love, Everything or Nothing, Blood Stone, and 007 Legends.
GameSpot: How does writing a Bond game differ to writing a Bond film?
Bruce Feirstein: It’s not all that different. You’re still trying to tell an interesting story, with unique settings and compelling characters. So the actual process isn’t that different. It’s just as collaborative, and in some aspects easier. For example, in Everything or Nothing, the original sequence was written in Hong Kong. There was some problem having to do with visual rights–I think some of the buildings were trademarked, and we’d need permission–so I suggested putting the opening sequence in Athens. Everyone agreed, and in ten minutes we moved forward. A change like that in a film could take a month to get through all the decision makers and the clearances.
How did writing for Sean Connery differ to writing to Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig?
Each is a little bit different. I was writing the Brosnan Bond that I wrote in the films, so it wasn’t much of an adjustment. Daniel Craig’s is terser, so his dialogue was cut back to reflect the Bond he created on the screen. And Connery was the Bond I always had in my head, having been the first Bond I saw. He and I actually talked about this.
Can you talk a little more about the creation of Judi Dench’s M? What was your reaction when you saw her death in Skyfall, and how do you think Ralph Fiennes is handling the role now?
While I was working on GoldenEye, [director] Martin Campbell and I met at the studio one morning to discuss what we should do about updating M. I said it was just a bunch of guys talking in a room, and Martin replied, “Why don’t you try it as a woman?” So the idea came from him. I wrote the “sexist misogynist dinosaur” scene in three hours, and pretty much what you see on the screen is what I wrote that first morning. As far as her death, Judi Dench brought great grace and originality to her role as M. She was amazing, and always took what we wrote and made it better. So I was sad to see that she wouldn’t be playing M anymore, but that’s the inevitable process in these films. And just as Judi defined the role in her way, Ralph Fiennes is bringing his own touch to the role now. He’s a terrific actor.
Is there anything you would have changed if you’d been involved in the films and games since you stopped working on the franchise?
No. If the franchise hadn’t evolved over the past 55 years, it wouldn’t exist anymore. Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have created–in my opinion–the perfect Bond for the post 9/11 era. Along with Daniel Craig, of course, and the writers, Neal Purvis and Robert Wade. I wouldn’t change a thing. They’ve done an extraordinary job, and all deserve huge credit.
Which game do you think, looking back, offers the truest representation of Bond?
I think they all represented Bond well. But the most influential game was the original GoldenEye. I didn’t work on that game–but it had a huge impact on gaming. Funny enough, these days, I keep meeting people who are let down when they find out I only co-wrote the GoldenEye movie, and not the game.
I remember Everything or Nothing really resonating with players, too. Why do you think that is?
I suspect that this is because it was an entirely original story, with a new villain and all new supporting characters. So the whole experience was new. And we got very lucky in having Willem Dafoe as the bad guy. He gave a great performance.
How does working on an original story for a game compare to converting a film into a game? Which do you think works best for a game: creating a bespoke story or converting the iconic films?
An original story is more fun because you’re working from a clean slate. Anything is possible. With an adaptation, you’ve got to adhere as much as possible to the source material. Both are enjoyable experiences, but creating something new is more interesting.
From a writing perspective, what defines Bond as a character?
Bond is a lone warrior with a license to kill who hides his inner conflicts about what he does by striking a cool, dispassionate demeanor, and never allowing anyone to get too close to him.
We’ve seen the series tackle text adventures, first-person shooters, third-person action games, strategy, and more. In your eyes, what’s does a hypothetically perfect Bond game look like?
In any format, the perfect Bond game allows the player to enter an alternate reality of James Bond’s world, and experience a James Bond adventure. The platform is less important than the execution.
Were you involved with the canceled Casino Royale game?
There’s a lot of misinformation and speculation on the internet about Bond games that were cancelled or didn’t exist in the first place. As I recall, what some think of as a canceled Casino Royale game was actually an earlier version of either Bloodstone or Everything or Nothing that was stopped at one developer and moved to another. But I could be wrong.
Why do you think there hasn’t been a Bond game for a while?
I can only speculate here, as I haven’t discussed this with Eon. I don’t know why there hasn’t been a recent Bond game. But I do know that in general, there are fewer games based on movies these days. I’ve heard lots of reasons for this: 1) Huge game makers like Activision or Electronic arts would rather develop their own franchises. 2) As it now takes 18 months to make a first class game, day/date releases (meaning the game is released on the same day as the movie) aren’t practical. 3) The market for original games–Halo or Call of Duty–is much larger than the market for game tie-ins. Again, I don’t know how much of this impacts Bond, or has anything to do with Eon’s plans for future games. I’m just talking about movie games in general.
Would you like to be involved in another Bond game or film if the opportunity presented itself?
Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have been incredibly loyal to me over the years. Being asked to write the games was flattering, and a great gift, for which I am very grateful. If they asked me to write another one, I’d be there in a minute. And if they didn’t, I’d be the first in line to buy it, and cheer them on, and hope for it’s great success. I am blessed to have been a small part of the franchise in any way at all.
Finally, as a bit of fun: who’s your favourite Bond actor from the film series? And who would you like to see take on the role after Craig steps down?
They say the first Bond you saw is always your favorite Bond. Connery was my first Bond, but the truth is that I like, respect, and admire everyone who has played the role. They were all perfect a reflection of their time: Connery in the cold war, Roger during the Reagan years, Tim Dalton during the end of the USSR, Pierce in post-cold war era, and Daniel Craig in the post 9/11 era. And, more importantly, from someone who worked inside the franchise: Every one of them made the next one possible.
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