#my niece just left and
hood-ex · 2 years
In fics we always talk about the fam going to Dick's house when they have problems or if they're worried about Dick, but what if they went to his house for the most nonsensical things, y'know? Like what if Tim accidentally left his cheese in Dick's fridge and he popped on over like, "Give me my cheese," and then he ended up stealing a piece of Dick's pizza on the way out the door.
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tj-crochets · 10 months
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So it turns out a 4” tall stack of triangles is enough for a quilt top that will end up being about 50” by about 70”
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twilight-deviant · 1 year
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ellies-enrichment · 11 months
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sorry memes have been lacking the last like two days i was trying to get plat in part 1 before i reached 200 hours 💀
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joyflameball · 5 months
Anyway I think once Wendy found out who Maxwell is she'd like. Latch onto him hard. Like she's clearly got attachment issues (refusing to move on from abby or let her fade away), she's already lost most of her family (abby dead, her parents in the real world), so discovering someone related to her was right there this whole time would def cause her to attach herself bad. This could also give her conflicted emotions, considering that Maxwell still dragged her here, most likely dragged her there with the promise of getting Abby back. Her fucking uncle dragged her into the Constant when she was in a desperate position. Many such cases
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#dst#cassie rambles#wendy and maxwell could also be like. anxious attachment style vs avoidant attachment style#maxwell not wanting people to get close because of what happened with charlie + just not liking being around people#vs wendy clinging on desperately to the last living member of her family she has left#you get it. you get me#don't starve#i think that. wendy found out who maxwell was first#like i don't think maxwell. like. in his final speech he mentions that time moves different#i interpret it as ''time moves slower in hte constant''#so it's been way longer for him#so he barely would remember wendy and there's no indication he knew her dad was jack#i mean. i feel like if he realized his fucking brother was there. he would have a bit of a Moment#so. wendy found out they were related before maxwell did#i don't think she'd tell him at first. how the fuck are you supposed to break that to someone?#''hey. i'm your niece. i'm the kid of your brother who you haven't seen in eons. he's my dad. you're my uncle. btw.''#they're tryna SURVIVE here they don't have time for intense emotional moments over discovering their relation#(plus in the fanfic in my head she found out like. at the same time as a betrayal + losing the codex + wilson fucking died kinda)#(so like. there was a lot going on let's not spring that on everyone as well)#however thsi would probably eat her alive.#i imagine in my brain at some point she finally breaks down begging maxwell to explain why he dragged her into the constant#when he KNEW her because he KNEW they were related and he KNEW who her dad was and HE'S her uncle william SHE'S wendy carter you KNOW me yo#DO YOU SEE MY VISION#I'M NORMAL#PLEASE BELIEVE ME#wendy getse to have an emotional breakdown over her family. maxwell gets to freak the fuck out at wendy being his niece#fun for everyone!#anyway. KLEI PLEASE GIVE US MORE ON THE INTERESTING FAMILY STUFF#GIVE ME MORE WINONA AND CHARLIE GIVE ME MORE MAXWELL AND WENDY#PLEASE I'M STARVED
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mycenaae · 8 days
when my house burned down, my mom and stepdad showed up with clothes for my dad and stepmom and toys for my siblings. my friends threw me a surprise party and put together photo albums for me to replace the ones i'd lost in the fire. our neighbours shielded us from prying media. we rebuilt the house on the same piece of land. anyway all to say that i can't wait to see the 118 extended family do all of that for the grant-nash family.
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rahabs · 9 days
Well. Today's a bit rough.
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graysongraysoff · 2 months
the angel on my shoulder telling me to use the credit reward i just got from my travel credit card to go home for mother's day vs the devil on my shoulder telling me to squirrel it away and put it toward something for myself
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greppelheks · 5 months
Identifying which things are incredibly difficult for me because of adhd, and deciding to no longer do them, instead of forcing myself to do them because I should be able to do them, is honestly so freeing.
#personal#The constant information that'd be put in my brain by texts and all the little emotional responses that come with it#Was so fucking overwhelming and infuriating so I've decided to just check my texts twice a week#And the constant information and stimuli that'd come with using certain apps is kinda exhausting so I've deleted most apps#And am gonna work on spending less time on the ones left#I'm now more aware of others situations I keep finding myself in that make me overdtimulated and exhausted#And I'm gonna hopefully just not do those anymore and find replacement activities#I was shopping with my sister and I was so overstimulated from all the people and sounds and smells#And having to have a conversation with my sister with music blasting#And it's like this everytime so maybe I should just not do that anymore#And I just went out for dinner with my mother and my niece and she had a breakdown and she always does in the evening 'cause she's Done#And I don't wanna do that either#I'm fully zoned out now because I got more stimuli in one hour than I normally do in four days#Painting with her this afternoon was perfect and quiet but God all those people and kids......#Don't wanna do that anymore either am more happy to spend a few hours during the day with her#If only my sister didn't live two hours away I could#I'll figure something out#Personal#Everybody's always like God you're so autistic and like... maybe you're all just incredibly fucking loud All the time#Just ordered those loop earplugs and I'm gonna take some steps to start working from home more#'Cause my administration days are a huge struggle. I'm constantly being interrupted and bothered by people#I'm sick of trying to force myself to do the 'normal' thing. It's obviously not working.
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dickggansey · 6 months
my mom's cousin invited her over to her place after FOURTEEN YEARS of not seeing each other i am getting GOSSIP tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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musashi · 1 year
Not sure if this has been touched on before, but do you have any h/cs on like. The rest of the von Karmas we don't see in canon? Franziska's other parent, her older sibling, MvK's past partners, etc? (Sorry if that's too broad skdjfhd I'm just genuinely wondering if you have any headcanons locked and loaded)
unfortunatellllyyyyy because we get nothing of them in canon that means they are venturing into OC territory and i have never had an original thought in my life, like i cannot flesh out or make characters for the life of me fghfsgg
all i have to go on are my vague kin memories which are terribly sad and i don't think anyone wants to hear them xD
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not-another-robin · 2 years
I am. So glad I took the plunge to watch Batman and Robin '97 because this is quickly becoming my favorite movie like. Ever
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rapha-reads · 10 months
We have a grapevine growing on a wall of the garden. Sadly, it's the wall that gives on to the street, and because the grapes can be accessed through the grating, asshole kids and sometimes adults too think it's free for all and reach inside our house to steal the grape. The problem is that in doing so, they destroy the vine, tearing off leaves and branches and crushing the fruits.
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Now, my dad is a farmer and a gardener. Plants, his garden, his fields, they're all his life, especially lately, with what my mother has done. So, he's very protective of the vine, keeps an ear and an eye out for it when he's home and asked my sister and I to watch for it too.
Whenever he catches someone stealing the grapes, he yells at them, and on a couple of occasions, even tore out of the house running after them... barefooted. Yeah.
Kids in the village have also started calling him "[Name] the Madman" to his face, insulted him by saying "that's the man who's been left by the French woman" (again, very much hating my mother this summer).
I've seen my father cry more times in the past two months than in whole my life. Do you have any idea how hard it is to see your father so emotionally, mentally and physically destroyed by the selfish cruelty of someone you thought you could trust with your entire being?
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It’s after 9pm. I don’t trust how I feel. But how I feel is sad.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
The appearance of imminent evangelical victory was deceptive. Although the twin crises of 1536-7 had been the springboard for evangelical ascendancy in the short term, in the long term they had damaged the cause of reform. As a result of the Boleyn affair Cromwell's grip on the council had been weakened. The execution of Anne's brother Rochford had removed his principal noble supporter there, the man best placed to offset the anti-Cromwellian feelings of conservative noblemen like the Duke of Norfolk. Certainly, he still had Foxe, Cranmer, and Audley, but Foxe had died a couple of weeks before the arrival of the German ambassadors in May 1538, Cranmer was of limited value as a political operator [sans Anne Boleyn] and Audley was too politically weak. At court, Cromwell's faction was rather more secure, but even there the lack of a close alliance with the Queen, the kind he had enjoyed with Anne, most probably weakened him, too. Finally, the long-term situation of the evangelicals in the Church had been shaken by the Pilgrimage of Grace. Although Cromwell had worked to pack it with fellow evangelicals, the Pilgrimage of Grace had sown the first seeds of doubt as to the wisdom of continued reform. The Bishops' Book of 1537, diluting as it did the crypto-Protestantism of the Ten Articles of the previous year, was the first sign that the Pilgrims had achieved some success in slowing the pace of reform.
Henry VIII & the League of Schmalkalden, Rory McEntegart
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johnnyhasanigloo · 1 year
I had said I'm slow at amigurumi having done it once with embroidery floss and a 1.5 crochet hook so data was not good I am actually pretty decent and made this man after dinner tonight
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