#mya's thoughts
tokkias · 1 year
i think a nalu element that doesn't get talked about enough is the fact that pre-series, natsu doesn't really hang out with a lot of people. yes, he loves his friends and family but there are few people he actively likes to or wants to spend time with before lucy. it's just him and happy for the most part but then he meets lucy he's like "yeah, she's cool, we're going to be best friends from now on" and then for the most part they're basically inseparable after that
he wants to team up with her because she's nice, and she is, but there's a lot of people in the guild who are nice. in my silly little brain palace i just think that natsu just vibes with her so much from the very beginning that he just feels so compelled to be with her that after years of going solo he suddenly wants to form a team with this girl that he's know for like what, a week? yeah she's not the strongest and at that point she's a little whiny and hasn't grown into the smart mage she is now, but i think that even though natsu sees the potential in her, he doesn't really care about that in that moment. he just sees her and nice and funny and caring and he thinks that she's cool so he wants to be around her more
i also like to think about the idea that lucy just thinks natsu has always been eager to be around people and has no idea that she's the only one that has this effect on him
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willowycreature · 5 months
i wish there were more fics with jeyne and beth or mya and myranda being sansa's best friends like they were such a cute group ☹️
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long-claw · 6 months
when catelyn meets mya stone in the vale, in the middle of her kidnapping tyrion plot, she likes her for about two seconds before she learns her name and...
"Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned's bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once." - Chapter 34, AGOT
now i like catelyn and i think she's a complex character but i will never get over how funny her continued beef with a teenager that she literally never has to see again is, especially when jon hasn't thought about her once since leaving. like, please let it go darling he's not your problem anymore 😭
on a more serious note i think this is good example of ned stark haunting the thoughts of other pov characters, and he's not even dead yet. it's not jon that mya reminds her of, it's "Ned's bastard", ned's betrayal and ned's dishonour.
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paslenka268 · 2 months
ive just watched the first season of the "welcome to raven brooks" and the teaser of the second season.
i wanna talk about the plot. im a bit diapointed of what happened to the main idea of this franchise. in fact, "hello neighbor" is about overcoming traumatic events and returning to normal life. moreover, the game is good because it works both ways: nick and theodore.
nick was kidnapped as a child and he stayed with creep man for a long time. it hurt him a lot, it haunted his nightmares, he tried to escape from it being adult. as a result, metaphorically, he overcomes this and returns to a normal happy life.
theodore is another case. unlike nick, he hasnt recovered from his trauma. the deaths of his wife and children broke him so much that they simply left no chance for rehabilitation. and also his job sucks.
these are everyday stories. i mean, they could happen anywhere and to anyone. the car accident that killed diane - remember how many accidents happen every day.
an accident with children - children have a lot of power that they dont control. the real case: in one family, a brother in a fit of anger hit his sister with a metal toy and fractured her skull. and this is very similar to the situation with theodores children: aaron hated his sister and bullied her in every possible way, which led to the incident.
and the kidnapping? i think you know how many children have gone missing...
do you understand???? IT'S COMMONPLACE. but there is nothing like this in wtrb. the neighbor is just a creep, that just got crazy and kills city dwellers. moreover, there is some kind of mysticism involved and the whole story immediately loses its charm.
but if consider it separately from the main plot, as if its just a childish slasher about kids who solve the mysteries of a maniac, then its a lot of fun:D
in short, the wtrb is controversial, but not bad. 5/10
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joelsgreys · 9 months
Mya @cavillscurls decided to make me cry (tears of absolute joy) this morning
she surprised me with a little goodie she made for A Safe Haven and it is BEAUTIFUL however I put it under a cut because she did use my face claim for Peach, please keep in mind I do not write her physical description in the story she is my own FC.
but holy shit I am over the moon right now
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grey-joys · 5 months
One kiss from Mya Stone?? Maybe??
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
kindaichi and kunimi act like kageyama's exes. it's the bitterness of seeing him after having broken up with him for things about himself that he could have changed and worked on and would have allowed the relationship to continue and realizing that in the time since you last saw him and now he's done all the work you'd hoped he would have done for you. and you sit there and you ask yourself why couldn't he have changed for me why didn't i get the kageyama that cares about his spikers and listens to the people around him and tries so hard to communicate and what about them is better and what don't i have that they so clearly do
(and then the real tragedy is that it was never a matter of being better or having some unnamed quality it was just a matter of time and circumstance and yet the bitterness and the envy still take so long to fade)
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neasiie · 6 months
I have a headcanon that living in the basement, Aaron has mannequin versions of his friends Nicky, Enzo, Trinity & Maritza that he has in fact made himself but he's sure that it was his Dad who made them in order to make his son feel less lonely (he's so traumatized that he can no longer differentiate his own creations from his Dad's)
ps: this might sound weird but in my head it seems really dramatic
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tokkias · 9 months
not a day goes by where i don't think about natsu having a crush on anna as a kid btw. i'm constantly thinking about natsu being absolutely obsessed with her because she's always so nice and kind to him which results in him being an absolute kiss ass to her. does whatever she says, snitches on gajeel whenever he's doing shit that anna said they're not allowed to do, brings her bugs and rocks and shit that he thinks are cool. then all those years down the line when he's with lucy he feels himself becoming that dumb stupid kid with a crush that he doesn't know what to do about. he loves her for all the same reasons he felt inclined to anna as a kid and more--she's got a kind and loving heart, she's sweet, and she's pretty, and she cares about him. he wants to be around her all the time, and he wants to protect her, and he wants to love her and be loved by her.
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wooldawn · 2 years
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poor baby :( she flirted with savannah and she did NOT reciprocate
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the best damn thing about this au is how it's catchphrase is practically "What have we done"
Both for the characters within the au, and us who keep adding the most fucking glorious plot twists ever.
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raamitsu · 8 months
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eartht0lei · 11 months
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| Mýa did what needed to be done on this song! I’m forever grateful for this masterpiece
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grey-joys · 11 months
@ship-ambrosia : Only Gendry and Renly get rights
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shycloudagere · 1 year
Just sayin hi hiii
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I haven’t heard from you in a while, you doin okay little one?
hihi, m otay, was away fwom home a wot an didn get t wegwess an now m home bu haf schoow tomowwow so jus been habbin wots t do an no be smol mush an dat sad an stwessfuw an schoow scawy so no vewy happy wigh now bu a weast fink dat bein back to mowe nowmaw woutin wiww mean dat can b smol mowe an tawk wif fwiens mowe on hewe
fanks fow checkin in, maks m happy t know dat fwiens hewe notic if m no hewe as mush an dat ou cawe bou me :)
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neasiie · 7 months
"she's talking to me like I'm a grown-up. I'm not, though. I'm just a kid. why can't anyone see that?"
what amazes and scares me at the same time is how responsible and conscious Aaron and Mya are. I mean, how old are they in grave mistakes & puzzle master? like 10 and 8, probably? just imagine what hellish things these kids must have gone through. since early childhood people have been blaming them for things they never did — firstly, for their father's deeds and decisions, then their grandparents'. these innocent children had to deal with so much pressure from outside AND with questions coming from within. they didn't even understand what had they done wrong, did they? these two had to carry such a heavy pain on their still fragile shoulders for so long. people literally took away their childhood.
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