mintspidey · 5 months
passenger- ray toro
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summary: either it was the budding chill in the air, or the wet dream you had about him, but you could not get ray toro out of your mind. going so far as to ignore him at every chance you got not only hurt him, but you as well. you couldn’t focus on anything, ray consuming every single facet of your brain. when gerard offers you straightforward advice, you actually consider his ramblings, no matter how useless he was when he came to his own love life. you weren’t sure if it was worth blurring the lines of friendship. but you did know that you couldn’t wait any longer.
author’s note and warnings: ray toro/gn!reader. friends to lovers, some frerard mentions, smut, porn with plot, oral sex (m receiving), dry humping, reader gets off on his leg while sucking him off, car sex, no reproductive parts of the reader mentioned, ray is HUNG. reader doesn’t suck they swallow.
“fuck… i’m so close…” you breathed out.
you rocked your hips, thighs straddling his waist. his large hands covered your back, gently pulling you into him as he threw his head back, exposing his neck. your lips latched onto the awfully bare looking skin under his jawline, planting open-mouthed kisses as his hips bucked into yours.
“fuck, i’m not gonna last if you kiss my neck like- ah- like that…”
you felt his pulse against your lips, nibbling on the skin against his collarbone. “then i better keep going, huh?”
he suddenly stopped moving. confused, you sat back up and looked at him, “what?”
“do you want to take a break?” he asked. you tilt your head, bewildered.
“no, do you?”
“do you want to take a break?” he repeated, his face deadpanning.
“what? what’s- going on, are you okay?” you were concerned. why was he acting like that?
his voice was louder this time, “do you wanna take a break?”
“no, i don’t, why do you keep asking me this?”
“do you want to take a break?” you pulled back into reality as ray’s voice broke the daydream you embarked on, not realizing how you had spaced out mid-rehearsal.
it was two in the afternoon, the chill in the air slowly seeping through the crevices of your bandmate’s basement door. chapped lips and a dry tongue had you croaking into your mic, audible gulps following each line of yours. you sweated through your flimsy shirt, shifting weights with the guitar on your neck pulling you down to the floor. restless fingers grasping stray strands of your hair to move them back into place every few seconds, making sure you looked presentable.
the distorted note on ray’s guitar rang in your ears before he muted it, leaning in your direction. the drums in the back trailed off as you practically heard frank’s eyes roll.
you roughed up your bottom lip from chewing on it like fodder. you needed to rip your hair out one follicle at a time. you wanted to scream. you wanted to slam this stupid guitar that strained your neck against the wall and storm out.
a sudden, strange pressure to be perfect in front of your bandmates took over you. before that week, you didn’t care if they saw you fuck up because you knew that they knew how good you are at what you do. you respected the band and the art just as much as they did.
did it have something to do with the sort-of life-changing information you received a few days ago? definitely not, you thought.
so why was it that when you and gerard grabbed coffee a few days ago, and he made a passing comment on the fact that ray, a good friend and the lead guitarist of your band, had a sex dream about you, you spat out hot coffee on his new jacket?
why was it that you had tuned out gerard whining over his ruined jacket because you were too busy trying to calm your heart rate?
why was it that that exact night, you dreamt about making out with ray in the backseat of his car, fogged up glasses, handprints, and all?
and why, of all that is good, did you tell gerard about this? he had not stopped teasing you about it, and it started to feel like he never would.
you could almost hear that sneaky little shit’s thoughts through his expressions- which ray was happily unaware of. gerard grabbed his mic, held it close to his open lips, and pressed his tongue against his cheek repeatedly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, mocking your dream.
it was bad enough that your brain decided to see ray, your bandmate, in such a new light, now you were daydreaming about dry-humping in the back of his car and being called out by gerard for doing so.
if you could kill anyone at this moment, it would be that fucker.
that was the fourth time you messed up at rehearsal. arriving late, sweaty and out of breath to practice wasn’t enough, apparently. it was as if you had to piss off your bandmates further. gerard and mikey’s house was fifteen minutes away from yours, but when you woke up five minutes before band practice, you barely had time to put on a decent outfit let alone eat something, before grabbing your backpack and bolting.
so, when you ran into the brothers’ basement, you were greeted by a symphony of annoyed groans and “finally!”s, unable to meet their eyes.
you wish you started off with tiny mistakes that didn’t matter too much. you wish. first, you missed your cue to sing. second, you simply forgot the lyrics.
and anyone who said third time’s the charm,was a liar, you soon realized. you spaced out mid-song staring at the boy in front of you, long curly hair framing his eyes, fanning out over his soft lips.
fuck, not now, you scolded yourself.
“guys, i’m so fucking sorry, i just…i don’t know what’s fucking wrong with me today-” you ducked your head, hands reaching for the guitar strapped around your neck to free yourself from the weight that felt unbearable at that point.
“i can think of a reason…” gerard quipped sing-songily, cocking an eyebrow at you.
the glare you threw at him was equally as charged, making him motion at his lips as if he were locking them up and throwing away the key.
“maybe you should take a break…” ray repeated, ignoring gerard and readjusting the strap around his shoulders. frank looked like he couldn’t wait for this conversation to be over so he could start playing again. mikey was quiet as usual; he was one of the more easygoing of the bunch. no drama, nothing.
you looked up at ray, guilt painting your visage as you exhaled slowly. you knew you need a break. you know he’s right of course.
you cannot blame yourself either. the fact that you both had sex dreams about each other makes you want to chew drywall. you promised yourself you would not ever fall for any of your bandmates, not even accidentally: a promise that seemed laughably doable after the first week of knowing them.
now that you actually noticed his every movement: the way his curls bounced, the way his fingers moved like butter across the fretboard, the way he could improvise the best melodies at the drop of a hat, the way he threw his head back while experimenting on the guitar that looked like it weighed nothing to him.
it was like there were permanent rose-colored glasses surgically attached to your face that emphasized every breath and blink of the hunk of a guitarist standing in front of you. thinking about him made you feel high, and you hated the amount of pleasure you derived just from recounting every feature of his.
you couldn’t look ray in the eyes. it was way too risky. what if you start giggling for no reason, or acting weird?
“i think i’ll… go home and take a nap. maybe that’s what i need.” you accepted defeat, rubbing your temples and bending over the couch behind you to grab your backpack.
“what you need is to get lai-”
“are you okay to perform tonight?” mikey asks, interrupting his brother, the only other guy to have his head screwed tight.
oh, right. the show.
amongst the whole sex dream fiasco, you had forgotten about all your responsibilities, including the gig you signed the band up for.
you nodded, “i’ll see you all at the gig tonight. i’ll be better, i promise.” you knew they would understand, but that didn’t stop you from feeling the massive weight of guilt crush your shoulders.
“do you need me to drop you off if you’re not feeling okay? It’s no big deal,” ray offered, about to take his guitar off his shoulders.
“no!” you shrieked. too loudly. gerard snickered in the back.
it was bad enough that you couldn’t even meet ray’s eyes, you didn’t think you could handle him driving you home, sitting so close to you, his legs spread apa-
“i can go by myself. you guys should rest up too. we have practiced enough i think… not you, gee, you could warm-up a bit.” you winked at him, hoping the playfulness in your voice didn’t sugarcoat your absolute hatred for him at the moment.
the speed with which you left the stuffy basement that smelled like beer breath, shocked you (you were far from athletic). you preferred working on your music and overanalyzing movies in your own time.
getting out in the open, fresh air made you feel much better. the growing distance from ray left you feeling empty almost like a dopamine detox would.
a slight sense of relief tagged along. the jersey air nipped at your nose as you squinted your eyes and buried your chin in your coat’s neck.
at least the headphones trailing from your ears to your backpack protected your ears against the sharp chill in the air. the thin, dark-wooded trees barely harbored leaves, forming nerve-like patterns against the dark-gray sky. the crunch beneath your converse soothed your nerves a bit as the effect of the numbing cold made you forget everything for a while. the next track in your mixtape undid all that.
it was the song you heard ray play the first time you met him.
this tall nerd in g’s basement, fooling around with his guitar to play what happened to be your favorite song. quietly humming along, toothy smile as he tried new variations of the underlying riff, shaking his head to the rhythm, huge hands knowing exactly what they were doing. the mild scent of lavender in the air as watched his fingers fly across the fretboard, being painfully obvious that you were watching him closely.
you didn’t think you remembered so much of that day. maybe you already had a thing for him, and you didn’t know it.
but how could you not? being in a band with someone who was as talented as ray made you want to become a better musician. plus, the word “crush” made you wince- it was so middle school. it was more than just physical with him.
he was always there for everyone: the responsible one, the one that made sure that when the two rowdy dumbasses, g and frank, were out of line, he fixed it. the one who made sure everyone’s input was considered.
there was no doubt that you found him the most attractive in the band; the mastery of his instrument had you obsessing over learning as much as you could from him. you would spend the most time with him than any other bandmate. sharing a cig when you could, even though neither of you were addicted to it like gerard or frank were, asking him to show you how to pinch the strings even when the band was on a break from rehearsal, him enthusiastically hearing everything you had to say about the most recent movie you saw. it was comfortable. you felt safe with him.
you just never realized how important he was in your life till that day. and that made you want to throw up.
he was just a guy. he was just some dude. he was just a man. he was just a friend.
by the time you entered your apartment to kick your shoes off and lie down on your bed, the words “just a friend” became jumbled sounds. even gaslighting yourself into believing something did not work.
was he ever just your friend?
you tried recounting every interaction with him: every time you walked to his apartment with a new movie stashed in your bag that he hadn’t seen, gifting him a mixtape you made for the songs you wanted him to listen to.
adjusting his glasses for him when they were slightly knocked to the side, grabbing and shaking his thighs when you were excited about something in a movie you liked.
huh, you weren’t completely blameless.
your dreaded gaze shifted from your ceiling to the clock on the wall at three pm. three hours until your gig.
three hours until you had to see him.
you let out a wail of agony into your pillow before kicking off your clothes and shutting your eyes for what you hoped would be fifteen minutes.
you woke up an hour later, groggy and nauseous from the ill-timed nap. you panicked for a few seconds before realizing you were on time for your show.
it wasn’t like you hadn’t played in front of people before. you had performed maybe fifteen shows with the rest of the boys for even bigger bars than you were about to tonight.
but of course, that night was different, because you would carry the curse of knowing you liked someone you should not be liking.
he was your bandmate. mixing business with pleasure was never a good idea, from the countless movies you had seen with ray himself. you knew this was a bad idea. but something about wanting something you cannot have just made it more enticing.
you did know not to let this interfere with the show. your work was always the bigger priority; not some stupid crush that was probably just a temporary effect of the dream.
after tripping on your way to your bathroom sink, you splashed cold water on your face to snap yourself out of sleep. an all-black ensemble; a tank top and jeans; to go with the slightly expensive shoes you saved up for was enough self-decor. you weren’t a fan of showing skin: usually seen with sweaters or cardigans and sweatpants, but you didn’t mind it for performances. especially that night.
yawning and climbing through your clothes, you dragged the tip of the eyeliner over your eyelids and on your waterline before taking your finger and smudging it. you were glad that this sort of rushed make-up satiated your desire to look good. gerard or frank, on the other hand… they went all out.
but to your pure disappointment, it had only been ten minutes.
well, fuck.
when you met your band after that disaster of a rehearsal, you made your ability to make gold out of pure shit work wonders for you. an annoying smile on your face and a strong avoidance of any eye-contact with ray had you at the perfect headspace for the performance.
even when he said hi to you, you simply nodded at him and turned your attention to your guitar in the green room, practicing and focusing on the technique and the order of the chords.
the turnout was more than you had expected. as much as you hated to admit it, gerard was the best frontman, frankie headbanged his way through the show, mikey and ray played next to and off of each other, engrossed in their performances. your stiff, focused posture received multiple side-eyed glances by your bandmates, especially mikey, but you couldn't care less
you didn’t miss cues, you remembered the lyrics, and you, surprisingly, improvised on your solo. just a little more than the bare minimum. you could work with that. you just wanted that night to end as fast as possible.
but of course, just like everything else, gerard had to make your life harder.
your attempt to drink yourself to normalcy didn’t pan out. as soon as you sprinted to the bar to get a drink (or ten) in you, you heard gerard talk about a “kickback” at his place. an afterparty, he explained. it wasn’t like you could tell him no, you lived fifteen minutes away from him, and more importantly, he could sniff out a lie when he needed to.
when you saw gerard sneak out after the show to the band’s van, you followed him, ready to confront him and get away from the crowd yelling and screaming around ray, frank, and mikey.
gerard leaned against the van, lighting up a cigarette, the flame casting a dim orange hue over his face. you catch up to him and flick the back of that idiot’s head.
“ow! the fuck was that for?” he exclaimed, trying to hit you back on your arm, but you were already away from his reach.
“you know exactly what that was for!” you yelled, slamming back into the van's door, sulking, turning to the left to stare daggers into your cherry-haired friend’s face.
“tell me the truth. did you tell ray about my dream?”
“that’s what you’ve been worried about? no, you freak!” gerard scowls, “you know i don’t gossip!”
“then why did you tell me ray’s secret?” you counter.
“because it wasn’t a secret! the others know about it too! he told them!”
“but he didn’t tell me, you asshole. that’s what makes it a secret.” you seethed, trying to flick his forehead.
he covered his head with his hands trying to swat yours away, “okay, alright i fucked up! he just didn’t make it seem as big a deal as you did, so i thought it was okay to tell you.”
you went back to stand with your back against the van, the cool metal suddenly sending sharp shivers down your spine. a rude reality check. your lungs flattened, a blunt punch to the gut making you instantly nauseous. why did you not think about that? of course it wasn’t a big deal to him. you guys were friends after all. just friends.
the older man, noticing the obvious change in energy, tried covering up, “maybe he wanted us to tell you because he was too scared to tell you himself..”
you stayed quiet, leaning against the car window, letting the chill in the night envelop your sweaty skin. the adrenaline rush of having performed seemed to have crashed as you felt your feet turn jelly.
gerard blew smoke out, ashing it between the two of you. the smell of tobacco and nicotine enveloped you, almost like a comforting hug amidst the sharp twinges of the wind.
gerard extended his cigarette to you, “i’m sorry.”
you didn’t speak. the cigarette fit perfectly between the gap of your index and middle finger, like it was crafted for your digits, you realized, sipping it slowly.
the slow burn of the smoke in your lungs almost made you want to choke almost instantly, but you fought back, blowing out the cloud of cancer.
“i think i see why you smoke… you probably go through this every day with frank, huh?” you tried pullingyour friend’s leg, earning a swift punch on your arm.
“you’re a dick.” he said, choking out smoke, clearly surprised by the sudden jab at the state of his pathetic love life.
“you love me.” you stated with a smile, sucking the last of the cigarette before crushing it under your feet and dragging open the door of the van. “when are we going to learn?”
“before we die, i hope.” he answered you, climbing into the passenger seat.
before you knew it, mikey, ray, and frank ran back to the car, a chorus of laughter following them. you straightened up at the sound of ray’s voice and hoped to god he doesn’t sit next to you in the car.
god, however, seemed to have a personal vendetta against you because mikey decided to drive, leaving only you and ray in the backseat.
frank, for some reason, decided not to come with. said he was “busy.”
99% chance he was about to hook up with a dude whose name frank wouldn’t remember the next morning. scratch that, he definitely already forgot. you admired frank for his ability to fuck randos in bars and then forget about them the next morning. anonymous orgasms, he called them. as much as you hated it, you wanted to be like him. be carefree. be selfish. not some loser who, through the fault of their idiot, red-haired friend, developed a possibly destructive crush on their band member which would absolutely interfere with their day-to-day activities.
ray scooted into the backseat, telling mikey to turn the radio on as he rolled down the window near him, “i feel fuckin alive right now.”
“i know, those cheers had crack in ‘em. not one heckler either!” gerard added with an overtrying smile, clearly trying to recover from the fact that frankie was about to fuck a complete stranger, a whole year after their (secret) one night stand.
you felt ray look at you from the corner of your eyes but told yourself he was looking at your window.
you liked lying to yourself.
he shifted further in your direction and casually laid a hand out. a move so subtle, it would’ve seemed normal to the naked eye. a guitarist stretching his fingers after a show wasn’t uncommon, certainly not questionable. but you. you knew exactly what he was doing.
and you did not care for it.
“he didn’t make it as big a deal as you did.” why. why. why did you do this to yourself.
if it were acceptable, you would have hit yourself but you didn’t because you had to look like you didn’t care. you had to look like you didn’t care that ray could tell you were bothered without you having to say a word. you didn’t care that he was caring and still wanted to talk to you after the way you treated him.
and you loathed yourself for it.
he was nice to everyone. he was observant with everyone. right?
ray, however, did not remove his hand from near your thigh, almost bumping into your leg multiple times as the car rode over bumpers.
“drive properly, way!” you barked, looking back at the buildings and cars whooshing by in a blur.
you tried your hardest not to be part of any conversation by sulking into your seat so much that you hoped you would turn invisible.
by the time you reached gerard’s place, you were positive you wanted to drink yourself into the next morning because you did not want to remember anything. having a crush never bode well with you, and you were starting to think that it would never.
you were the first one at the cooler in his basement to fish out two beers and camp on the right end of the couch. the soft, sinking cushions had you exhaling in relief as you cracked open the beer.
ray, mikey, and then later, gerard filtered into the room, taking seats on the floor, or the ottoman.
and of course, ray sat on the small couch. right next to you.
his thigh pressed up against yours, his (huge) hands covering his knees as he shifted back and forth to make himself comfortable. g threw him and mikey a can each before perching on the ottoman and turning the tv on.
as you chugged the beer, you ignored the heat radiating off ray’s body; the scent of cologne mixed with sweat from tonight’s performance made you straighten your posture. there was a dull throb between your legs from the sudden contact he made, but of course, you did what you did best.
ignored it.
the more you drank, however, the harder it became to ignore it. so much so, that you crossed your legs and leaned away from him onto the armrest for some well needed friction.
then, ray spilled beer on his pants.
it was an accident. ray was fixated on the tv— some cheap horror flick that g thought would be hilarious to make fun of. ray, no matter how tall and buff, was a pussy. so when that jumpscare hit and instead of laughing like g and mikey, his body jerked, he spilled his whole drink on his pants, muttering a string of “fuck”s that caught g’s attention over the loud volume of the tv.
“oh, toro, don’t tell me you fucked up my couch!” gerard whined, again, getting up from his seat, flailing his arms.
“dude, i’m sorry, i wasn’t expecting to jump..” ray trailed off, rising to his feet to look down at his pants. mikey tugged ray’s arm to the door, “come on, i have some clothes you can wear.”
gerard, noticing that you looked… off, offered you a water bottle from the cooler. you chugged the bottle, cherishing the moisture that your dry throat needed and looked at your friend whose gaze bathed you in such pity that you wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
“it’s that bad, huh?”
you dropped your head in his lap, groaning and getting back up to lay across the couch, “g, i don’t know what to do with myself.”
“you were normal a few days ago, why can’t you just... be normal again?” he questioned, humor coating his voice.
“you’re saying that? miss i-wanna-fuck-frank-so-bad-i’ll-sit-through-him-fucking-the-whole-town-before-me?” you snapped, in no mood to joke around.
“touche. i’ll just go fuck myself, i guess.” he got up to walk back to his seat, genuinely sounding hurt.
“i was kidding, g. please tell me what to do. please?” you begged, hoping he would notice the sincerity of your words.
gerard pretended to think about his options for a moment before sitting back down, “fine, only because you asked nicely.” you sat up, ready to hear genuine advice.
“you need to tell him.”
“you have ten seconds to get the fuck away from me before i kil-”
“think about it!” he prefaced, “the longer you let your crush on ray stew, the more painful it’s going to be. just tell him and get it over with!”
not that gerard didn’t have a point, but it’s that you wanted a simpler, less confrontational way of solving this problem.
“what if it makes things awkward?” you whined, sulking your shoulders.
“you know ray doesn’t care about any of that right? he’s like the calmest person on the planet, and he cares about you.” gerard informed, walking back to his seat at the sound of crescendoing footsteps.
ray entered the basement before mikey, a new pair of pants that looked strange at first.
he was in grey sweats, mikey’s clearly, they hugged his legs and rode up at his ankles but he didn’t seem to mind. the moment he walked under the light, your eyes immediately threw their focus on gerard who was also looking back at you, noticing the obvious elephant in the room.
jesus fuck, was he hung. it was hard not to stare at the obvious dickprint against the cotton fabric of his sweats. gerard let out a “look at that” whistle, knowing exactly what was going through your mind.
“these are kind of tight, huh?” ray addressed, to nobody in particular, stretching his legs and adjusting the fabric around waist. a jolt of energy traveled between your legs as you watched him adjust himself in those pants.
gerard, tired of your pussyfooting, talked to you directly, “you wanna go home already?”
you looked up at him, confused, trying to figure out what was cooking in his head, “what? when did-”
“aww, shucks. i wish you could stay longer. well, i guess ray will have to drive you home since you’ve had a beer already!” he was bad at being subtle, to say the least.
what. the. fuck.
your eyes widened. you wanted to punch that fucker’s face in so bad. you weren’t ready. especially after what you saw.
“yeah, totally, um. are you okay with that?” ray asked you, his lips looking pinker than ever. almost like he was begging you.
no. no. no. nope. you were not-
“sure!” your mouth had a mind of its own.
-you were going with him.
gerard smiled sickly sweetly at you before turning off the tv and walking towards the door, a sign for everyone else to get the fuck out. you flipped him off before turning to ray and walking ahead of him so that you did not see. that.
you couldn’t get the image out of your head. sweet, guitar-nerd ray, had a huge-
“good job performing today.” ray muttered, looking down at you, breaking your horny train of thought.
“oh! uh, thanks. and you were uh-” fuck, quick think of a word, “breathtaking.”
great going, idiot. if he didn’t already know before, he definitely knows now.
“that is the first time anyone has ever used that word for me,” he chuckled, “but thanks…” his voice that was usually husky and light, now levering lower than usual.
at that moment, you wished for any god out there to take you. the embarrassment was too much.
crickets chirped in the starless night as the two of you walked through the stone-laid path between grass. your tank top was purely decorative at that point, doing barely any work to protect you from the cold. ray, a gentleman, noticed you shiver, and of-fucking-course offered you his jacket.
“won’t you be cold?” you asked through chattering teeth, hugging yourself.
“nah, im wearing a thick shirt underneath. you might as well be naked right now,” he commented, eyeing your tank top.
a furious blush rose to your cheeks at his comment. something about the way he said it, made your breath hitch, as if it implied that he had consciously thought about you naked.
ray stopped to give you his zip-up hoodie as he tore it off his torso, the hem of his tight black shirt riding up to reveal the tuft of hair trailing down his underwear. you gulped involuntarily as you watched him adjust his shirt underneath and place the jacket around your shoulders. you never realized just how tall he was before he towered over you; your eyeline was at his chest.
fuck, this wasn’t helping the butterflies in your stomach.
you thanked him, trying not to look into his eyes too much before walking to his car. ray took a beat before starting toward his car again, almost as if he was waiting for something.
his car was new— well, as new as a second-hand car could be—painted in jet black with the plate reading “jet-star” some reference to his favorite comic book series. you chuckled under your breath before climbing in, trying to warm up fast so that you wouldn’t need his stupid jacket anymore, with his stupid scent of soap, cologne, and sweat, and the stupid warmth that you definitely wanted to steal from him.
you tapped your feet nervously against the floor of the car, as if that would get you closer to your apartment somehow.
ray walked over to the driver’s seat, mirroring you and strapping on his seatbelt. he was huge. no, not just like that, but physically. larger than you in every aspect. as his fingers reached for his keys, you noticed his pants shift, igniting every dirty thought in your mind.
fuck. fuckity fuck.
“you comfy?” he asked, looking behind the car. you nodded, noticing that he placed his hand on the back of your headrest and started to back up.
you didn’t know whether it was him leaning so close to you, or the hand he threw over your seat, but your stomach would be a gold medalist gymnast for the sheer amount of times it flipped. you noticed the freckles he had, somehow more prominent under the dim orange light of his car, forming miniature constellations on his face. you were well aware that you were staring but you didn’t care anymore.
it was better you told him. you had been this way for two days already, and your condition was only getting worse. it was like ray had cast a love spell on you, and you couldn’t get rid of it no matter what you tried distracting yourself with.
ray’s eyes flickered to your face, previously brown now hazel under the light. you had never felt safer in your entire life as you did then.
he broke into a smile, “what? is there something on my face?” he asked, his left hand flying to his cheek gauging for something to pluck out.
you shook your head, edge of your lips curving up in fondness, “you know, you’re really pretty.”
instantly, he furrowed his eyebrows, clearly taken aback, “huh-what? where is this coming from? did you drink too much? you know you’ve been acting weird all day, what’s with yo-”
it was time, “g told me, you know.”
he tilted his head, like he was trying to recall what you were talking about, “about wha-”
your heart was in your throat, every beat vibrating your torso. it was then or never.
“the fucking sex dream, toro.” you deadpanned, sitting up and facing him.
“oh. that…” he trailed off, taking his hand off your headrest and resting them on his thighs. “listen, i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, which is why i didn’t tell you. i didn’t want to weird you out.” he explained, avoiding eye-contact.
your gaze was fixated on his face, listening to every single word carefully.
“is it true?” you asked, turning toward him and unbuckling your seat belt since the car was no longer moving. confusion washed over his face as he unknowingly fidgeted his fingers.
“do you feel that way about me?” your heart pounded so hard, you wouldn’t be surprised if ray could hear it too. ray looked ahead, his eyes glued to the road ahead. the faint noise of static from the radio dwindled in the air, alleviating your anxiety just a bit.
“do you?” he whispered, like he just gave away a secret.
you stumbled over your words, not expecting to be interrogated in his place, “i asked first,”
“and i’m asking you now. do you feel… that way about me?” a mixture of hesitance and expectation brewed in his tone.
your palms turned white hot, eyes widening at the accusation. you knew that the more time you took to answer him, the more obvious your feelings would be. on one hand, you wanted to tell the truth. on the other hand, you feared the worst of what could happen.
what if he didn’t feel the same way? what if this was just a ploy to get you to confess and then leave you high and dry. what if-
time moved slowly. ray let go of the steering wheel, placing his hand on your cheek, warmth spreading over your face. his fingers caressed your cheekbone, eyes looking into yours and dipping down to your lips, “tell me you don’t feel that way about me… and i’ll pull away and we will go back to being…” he looked up at your eyes, “just friends.”
the hands that were once on your thighs, gripping them out of nervousness, now tangled in his curly locks, guiding his lips to yours.
you could feel your organs jump from excitement, fingers roaming and threading his hair as he kissed you. his soft, plump lips guided yours skillfully, making you moan into his mouth. ray smiled against you and gently pulled back.
he leaned his forehead against yours. you breathed out slowly “you have no idea how long i have wanted to do this for.”
“me too. i can’t believe i’m kissing y-”
“less talking, more making out, toro.” you interrupted, pulling him in, by the collar of his tight shirt, making him gasp in surprise before pressing his mouth to yours again. his hands trailed from your face to your waist, covering half your torso.
he handled your waist like he was scared to break you, fingertips ghosting over your skin, itching to sneak underneath the fabric of your shirt and feel you. an accidental contact of his arms and your thighs made you arch into him, arms automatically hooking behind his neck.
you moaned without a care in the world, leaning back into your seat and pulling him on top of you, ready to be ravaged.
“ray …” you whimpered through the kisses, “please just-”
“not yet, i need to savor this-” his lips latched to your neck, “need to taste you.”
you bucked your hips in desperation, your arousal getting unbearable. you never knew ray was this experienced. he did mention being in relationships here and there, but he was never like frank or mikey, open to anyone.
he nibbled gently on your ear as you pawed at his broad, firm chest, “toro, you didn’t tell me you- fuck- worked out.”
“there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he said through heavy breaths, trailing kisses down your neck to your collarbones. he looked up at you, fingers grabbing the hem of your tank top. you nodded, giving him permission to take it off you.
as you were about to lift your back up to get rid of the flimsy black fabric, ray’s hand snuck under your shirt, supporting and lifting your back as his other hand swiped the tank top off you in one go. his fingers almost spanned your entire back, placing you back down as you lay there shirtless.
the leather seats were uncomfortably cold, making you shiver in response. the everloving, observant man on top of you let you go and moved back into the driver’s seat, pulling the lever under his seat, reclining as low as the seats could go, “get on top.”
the sheer gray fabric of his pants now stretched as his legs spread apart, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination. your lips parted in surprise, your gut twisting deliciously. you grabbed his thigh for support as you climbed into his lap, thighs straddling his waist.
in a moment of deja-vu, you giggled softly, looking away from the man beneath you.
“what? what’s so funny?” ray asked, amused, shifting closer to your hips.
“this is exactly how it went it my dream.” you confessed, shifting your gaze to him, receiving a cocked eyebrow.
“you dreamt about fucking me in a car?” he asked, barely censoring himself like he usually would.
that earned him a playful smack on his torso, his calloused fingers drawing circles on the small of your back. you arched into his touch, trying to explain your dream. ray, however, barely focused on what you said, was distracted by your chest. hardened nipples adorned with piercings met his eyeline, and he wasted no time to kiss one of your pecs and lick them, making your voice go an octave higher.
“ray, fuck, please…” you begged for nothing, grinding down on his hips, feeling him move against your crotch.
“tell me more about your dream, was i any good?” he gave you a toothy smirk, cock stirring in his pants.
“you were so good, oh my god, you went do-” you croaked as he surprised you by pushing your hips down on his clothed dick, “you made me cum on your tongue so many times,” you answered, your digits creeping under his tight shirt, feeling his happy trail against your fingertips. you heard ray gasp softly and throw his head back at your sudden touch.
taking a mental note, you played with the band of his — mikey’s— sweatpants, leaning down to his ear to whisper, “can i? please?”
he groaned, roaming his hand up your back and down to the flesh of your ass, “yes. please, now.”
his voice exuded desperation, bottom lip jutted out in anticipation.
you climbed out of his lap and onto the floor of the car, knees resting against the floor mats. you placed careful kisses on his stomach, ambling them down his v-line. licking your lips, you hooked your fingers under his waistband, slowly pulling them off him. the pace at which the fabric dragged across his shaft made him buck his hips into nothing.
his cock jumped at the first contact with your fingers. you wrapped them around his impressive length, obviously not able to make a fist around his girth.
you weren’t a complete stranger to oral sex, but the sheer size of ray’s dick made you a bit nervous. you didn’t realize how you were already salivating at the sight of his hard, throbbing dick, palms feeling up his inner thighs and trailing up his hips, lips inching closer to his tip.
“you ready?” you asked, one final check before you crossed the friendship line forever.
“yes, definitely yes, but are you? i wanna make sure that yo-”
you cut him off with your tongue circling the tip of his cock, the saliva accumulating slowly dribbling down to his cock. ray threw his head back, cursing under his breath at the sensation of your warm tongue around his dick. he looked down at you through his bottom lashes, licking a stripe up the underside before taking him in your mouth, a visual he had been aching for.
the warmth of your mouth made him fist your hair as you moaned at the feeling of your hair being pulled, sending vibrations up his cock.
hollowing out your mouth, you sunk your mouth down on him, one hand resting on his thigh, massaging it slowly.
tears prickling, you let your drool lubricate him and drip further down before pulling him out with a pop. your drool mixed with his precum connected the edge of your bottom lip to his tip.
“you keep going like that, and i’ll be useless to you,” he gasped out, breathing heavily like he did not expect you to treat him so well.
the corner of your mouth twitched up before coiling the string of saliva around your thumb and smearing it against the slit of his tip, etching an embarrassingly loud moan from him.
“what the actual fuck…” he was enamored by you.
“how many times have you thought about me like this, toro? gagging over your cock on my knees?” you kissed his thighs, fist pumping him slowly. he felt better in your mouth than anybody else had. like his dick was made for you.
“too many fucking times to remember if i’m being honest…” he answered you immediately, twitching at your mercy.
before you could ask him another question that would make him blush furiously, turning his cheeks pink, he continued, “ever since i saw you in that choker g gifted you on your birthday... i haven’t been able to stop thinking about how easy it would be to break that fucking thing with me deep in your throat.” he mewled, the inside of his eyebrows twisting up in pleasure.
one your hands flew to ray’s leg for support, your hips involuntarily bucking against his ankle at his comment.
“fuck, why didn’t you tell me sooner, toro?” you asked, finally seeking friction against his leg, “you’re a pussy…” you wanted to provoke him.
“you are what you eat,” he countered, tossing the ball in your court.
this is what attracted you to ray in the first place. his ability to go along with whatever you said because he knew you would never say anything in bad faith. he liked you. he wanted you.
your cheeks grew hotter with every second, relishing the fact that you were exactly where you have wanted to be for a while.
he saw you blush furiously at his confession before you twisted your grip and pumped him faster, gathering spit at the tip of your tongue. ray’s fingers grabbed a fistful of your hair before lowering you onto his cock.
you spat on the tip, earning a guttural groan from him. you wasted no time to wrap your lips around him once again, closing your eyes and letting him reach deeper down your throat with every stroke.
“you feel- so fucking- oh my god-” he spewed out nonsense as you went further every time you came back up for air. ray’s thighs twitched, knees leaning toward each other, trapping you between his legs.
his grip on your hair tightened, pulling at and scratching your scalp more than before. now that you were between his legs, his cock bottomed out in your mouth, you felt your throat contract around his tip, his thighs pressing your mouth further on his dick.
ray swore that he would have simply cum from the sounds you made choking and crying over his dick. your eyeliner had bled down from your waterline to your chin, the tears and drool painting your face pathetic.
your jaw hurt from cockwarming the man above you, but he clearly seemed to enjoy the show you put on. gasping and smiling down at you like he does at his shows when he shreds on his guitar. the adrenaline all too familiar to him, yet enthralling as ever.
“you make me crazy… fuck i’m so close,” he announced, biting his bottom lip.
your left hand, with a mind of its own, walked up his thighs to cup his balls. his cock jerked in your mouth before you took him in fully, your nose pressed up against his happy trail.
“fuck, i’m coming, oh fuck oh fuck-” he wailed, pressing you further down on him before spilling his cum down your throat, twitching with each wave of orgasm taking over his body. you pulled your mouth off his dick, rubbing against his ankle, chasing the high you had built up so far.
with each swallow you rocked against his leg faster, falling apart quickly. as you tripped over the edge of orgasm, ray bumped his leg up, meeting you halfway. white light engulfed you as you shut your eyes, riding your orgasm out for as long as possible.
“fuck, you came just from humping my leg?” ray asked, astonished. your head fell into his lap, drawing small circles on the side of his thighs before kissing up. rising from your knees, you climbed back into his lap, giving him enough room to put his sweatpants back on.
“was that good?” you asked, looking down at him, hands at his waist.
his hands stroked your cheeks, fingers nudging your chin toward him. the aftershocks of your orgasm made it hard for you to rise to the seat, your grip on his thighs tightening for support. he grabbed your hips, pulling you up easily.
heavy-lidded gazes entwining, the warmth of his arms around your torso pulled the corners of your lips up.
ray didn’t even have to answer you. he craned his neck to kiss you, tasting himself on your lips. you nibbled on his bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from him.
“why didn’t we do this earlier?” you ask softly, pulling back and looking into his eyes.
“better late than never,” he sighed, slowly closing his eyes shut, “i’ve wanted you…”
your heartbeat quickened.
“...for so damn long.”
butterflies. those damn butterflies made your heart feel like it was budding something new. something exciting.
“well you can’t get rid of me now,” you smiled, admiring the freckles on his skin; sweat glistening on his neck. the bite marks you left bloomed in reddish-violet hues under the dim light of the car. fogged car windows giving you the illusion of privacy as you kissed the corner of his mouth before climbing off of him and back to your seat.
“you’re coming over right?” you asked, looking ahead. you were not going to fuck this up.
“thought you’d never ask,” he stated simply, turning the car on and stepping on the gas.
an: heyyy!! thank u for reading!! mcr brainrot has me by the throat... lmk if u liked it :)
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mintspidey · 5 months
just text me- ray toro
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summary- you don't expect your tutor to be remotely attractive. you certainly don't expect him to care about anything other than his transcript. but seeing the recipient of the president's scholarship and the name on top of the dean's list shredding electric guitar on stage with his tattooed and pierced band members has you reevaluating your life; did you want to fuck your tutor? author's note and warnings- ray/ftm!reader, cunnilingus, sexual tension, nerd ray, suspicious gerard, pete wentz mention if you squint (comment if you find him), trans allegory, smut. enjoy :)
you stare blankly at the loading webpage, gut coiling at the speed of the buffering dots in the middle of the screen. rubbed, red eyes and undone hair bathing in the fluorescent light of the screen, instant noodles steaming near your keyboard in a cheap plastic cup, you lean back in your chair, the plasticky armrests pricking your skin. the only light source in your room is the laptop you were given last year, especially because the main white tubelight in your ceiling makes you depressed, something about the emptiness it casts over your room, reminding you of hospital lights; the feeling of being on display bothers you deeply. 
the digital clock on your nightstand reads 3:03 am; near the giant text is a small symbol reading the time you set for your alarm, 8:00 am. most days you would get less than four hours of sleep, so this was not surprising for you at all. you toggle your index finger on the mouse, scrolling down to the end of the page, clicking on “see available tutors.” incisors sinking into the plush flesh of your bottom lip, you skim through the math tutors listed on the pdf. 
most tutors were listed under first-year math courses, resulting in an immediate elimination from your shortlist. you word-search “fourth-year data statistics,” meeting with only one result. you pout at the lack of options but click on his profile anyway; not like you have a choice. 
there is no profile picture on his listing, just the words “raymond toro: fourth year, dean’s list.” your eyes flicker to his tutoring times and contact information, fingers reaching for the nearest pen and pad to jot down the information. you have definitely heard his name before in classwide emails about how he received the president’s scholarship. but, fucking hell, you never expected him to tutor people; you figured he was just too busy studying to do anything for others. 
shutting your laptop, you kick away from your study desk, looking over your roommate’s bed behind you to make sure she doesn’t wake up. she stirs slightly and goes back to softly snoring, making you sigh in relief. tiptoeing to your bed, you lift the covers as quietly as possible and climb in, switching your phone on and going over to instagram.
you ignore your inbox and any notifications that pop down from the top of your screen and focus on typing the tutor’s name into the search bar. you click the top result, the one with the most mutual friends. that has to be him you think, hoping his profile was public.
it was, but it didn’t help; his profile picture was an electric guitar, and he had not posted. furrowing your brows, you bite the inside of your lip, pressing on the tagged pictures. 
the only picture he was tagged in was posted by the username “gwayyy.” your thumb is quick to scroll through the post,  barely paying attention to the owner of the account, tapping on each slide to see if any of the tagged people in the pictures is this “raymond toro.”
you end up in the last slide, meeting the back profile of a man with shoulder-length curly hair, a broad back, and a slimmer waist than you would expect. 
you pictured a gallon of hair gel slicking his hair to the side and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses; you know, someone who would get a hard-on from every a-plus they get in their classes. 
you switch your phone off, place it on the nightstand and shut your eyes, trying to fall asleep, even though you know you stay up past four in the morning every day. 
your eyes shoot open to stare at your wall, the queen poster staring back at you. the aircon sends a chill down your spine, triggering a pang of anxiety and turning your legs into jelly. you cannot afford to lose your scholarship, and your declining grades only add pressure to every fiber in your body.
you miss the first-year of your undergraduate degree, when you could pass exams without studying too much, get high every few days, and waste time with your friends. it definitely does not help that your family wants you to get a well-paying job right out of college, and you are already in your fourth-year, no clue what you want to do with your life. you barely meet with your friends now, forget about getting high for no reason and spending time at some rando’s dorm party getting tipsy, trying to flirt with the nearest warm body you find. 
the focused, determined student you once aspired to be had died, leaving but a husk of weak motivation. one part of you wants to graduate and leave this place, the other part does not want to enter the workforce that would put you in a cubicle with other mindless drones feeding capitalism’s drooling gluttonous gut. 
or something like that.
plugging in your headphones, you lie on your back, eyelids drooping down. the lulling melody submerging you under a thin layer of unconsciousness. 
you dream about a budding flower that night, a dahlia, it seems. it looks fake, though, almost like it is made of plastic. it grows thorns, roots growing deeper and stronger into the soil. dew drops slide into the center of the flower, swirling into a hurricane-like pattern, revealing a red rose. 
the enticing nature of the flower, the way it swings against the wind like its first breath of fresh air. the flower stands tall, taller than it did when it was a fake, plastic dahlia. rose petals glow against the moonlight, almost smiling. your chest feels warm, you feel your body rise to the air, disintegrate into rose petals. you are happy.
the deafening ringing of your alarm wakes you up, fluorescent rings of pink and yellow emerging from the darkness under your squinted eyes. 
“turn it off, bitch!” you hear your roommate muffle through her pillow, your fingers reaching for the top of the alarm to slam it off. your roommate was never a morning person, exactly like you, so you don’t mind her cussing you out even though she was basically a twenty something year old mother teresa if she were a stoner reincarnated any other time of day.
your phone in one hand and toothbrush in the other, you email the tutor, not putting too much thought into the message before sending it and shoving your phone into your hoodie’s pocket. dark circles curve under your eyes- remnants of last night’s anxiety keeping you up. splashing ice-cold water helps them depuff, you heard.
the library is colder than usual, making you bring the cup of coffee to your eyes and warming them one at a time as you walk toward one of the study rooms. the email he almost immediately replied back with, said he would be in room 102, followed by five exclamations. 
way too enthusiastic for a tutoring session. and nine in the morning. and data statistics.
the gray carpet in the building makes you sleepier for some reason, sipping on your drink and knocking on the door labeled ‘102.’ the liquid warms you, soothing your organs as the door creaks open and your head cranes up. 
“hey! nice to see you! i’m ray,” the boy flashes you a toothy smile, curly brown hair like you saw in “gwayyy’s” instagram post. you marvel at how tall he is, almost reaching the doorframe. you don’t know whether to feel inferior or attracted to his height, but you nod, reaching your hand out. 
his hand engulfs yours easily, fingertips clearly calloused by the way they feel against the back of your palm. your cold hands that were once rigid, are now warm and protected, almost making you gasp at the reintroduction of the aircon to your skin when he pulls back. 
he walks in, making way for you as you assess the room. pale eggshell-white walls, destroyed on the edges with water stains, envelop the two of you. it smells like old books and mothballs at first as you drop your back near the foot of the chair nearest to you, and take a seat, adjusting your clothes. 
“thanks for replying so fast, by the way. i kind of needed help with this class.” you state, bending down to fish your notebook out as you feel his footsteps near your chair. 
his backpack was perched on top of the other side of the table, near the whiteboard, so you knew he was coming near you. 
“of course! yeah," raymond speaks. his voice is higher than you expect, masked by a husky filter and you look up at the direction of his voice, surprised by how close he was. 
it isn’t weird, he is there to tutor you after all. all he does is pull out a chair near yours, and place his hand on the table, fingers sprawled across the wooden top. you take a millisecond to see how his hand was basically the size of your notebook before meeting his face, closer to getting a better view.
“you know, i don’t get many students hitting me up to tutor them, so this is refreshing. i was totally just going to rot in my bed all day.” he comments, rolling his eyes playfully, trying to make you warm up to him. you smile, looking down at your notebook and grabbing your pen. your go-to move with anyone, platonic or romantic, is avoiding direct eye-contact for as long as possible. you straighten your back, swearing you watched his eyes flicked to your chest before switching to the whiteboard across the room. 
“so, what do you need help with?” he asks, pushing his chair back against the rough carpet and walking to the other side, watching his tight black shirt bundle up near his waist. your gaze scans his figure, noticing how the flimsy black fabric hugs his back and trails down to the waistband of his jeans that hug his hips tight. you make a mental note to stop staring but where else are you going to look? you’re there to watch him teach. 
nope, you are there to learn, so you don’t fail your classes and lose your scholarship. 
that reminder makes you snap out of the staring contest you had with the small of his back and look back up at him, ready with an answer, “uhh. confidence intervals.” 
it comes out more like a question, spoiling how clueless you are with the subject and you see him smile and nod at your tone before grabbing a dry-erase marker. five pens lie on the thin metal tray across the underside of the white board, and of course, ray doesn’t grab the one that works well the first time. or the fourth time. 
you watch him struggle and cuss through the process, biting back a smile at the way his curls shake at every sigh of disappointment. 
“there we go!” he exclaims, writing down the concept name on the white board, involuntarily flexing the muscles bulging near the ends of his short-sleeves. you see the hint of a tiny tattoo under the sleeve but you decide to save that for later amusement and focus on his words. 
“so, it’s super simple,” he begins, rambling about the definition, something about how it is the range in which you expect your test value to follow, and you soon realize that it, in fact, was not super simple. 
you nod, wanting to let him know that you were listening and alert. your eyes widen, and an unknowing smile spreads on your lips. he talked with his hands. a lot. the more animated he was, the more his hair moved around his face, and the more distracted you were. 
“so basically that is how you end up with the test value, do you know how to figure out if it is a right or left-tailed test?”
fuck, what the hell was that? you look away from him, pretending to think, knowing full well you have no fucking clue what it is. you press your lips together and squint your eyes, “...no.”
“no worries, that’s what i’m here for,” he smiles this time, a toothy grin, almost unexpected from someone of his stature, flashing before he turns around to draw yet another bell-curve on the white board. you watch his shoulder blades move with every letter he writes, how the small of his back stands prominent with the tightness of his shirt. 
he looks back a few times to confirm your attention, his lips pursing before turning back to the board and continuing teaching. he likes to ramble a lot, you notice, but it isn’t unnecessary by any means. if anything, it helps you retain information. 
you ask him questions, pen gliding against the thin notebook paper as you write down what is on the board. he folds his hands, one arm propping up on the other and reaching for his chin like he’s thinking of the answers. 
as more time passes, his shoulders relax, the back and forth between the two of you reaching a comfortable rhythm. you ask a question, he goes on a tangent and you fill out another page with ease, all the pieces of puzzle from different lectures falling into place. 
you let out a couple astonished “ohhhhh”s, like you finally understood the meaning of life and your tutor just smiles at your surprise each time. you bite down on your lip and knit your brows as he asks you if you understand him or not. 
“holy shit, this makes so much sense now.” you drop your head in relief and look back at him screwing the lid of the marker back on. he walks to the chair near you as you pen down the last of the diagram he drew before shutting your notebook close. 
“i wish you taught this class instead of higgins,” you comment, stuffing your belongings in your back, “i swear he hates his students.”
“higgins can be a toughie, but he’s just old, you know? and maybe slightly senile.” 
you chuckle, “thank you, raymond, seriously,” you rise to your feet strapping your bag on and looking down at where he sits. 
“oh, you can just call me ray, raymond is more for the official student records.”
oh, ray toro. has a nice ring to it. 
“okay, cool. do you teach anything else, ray?” you don’t expect your words to come out as flirtatiously as they do, but you can’t swallow them so you go with it, flashing a smile to coat them as platonically as possible. 
“uh… not officially. but if you ever need me to look over essays, or whatever, i’ll do it, i don’t get much traffic nowadays anyway so i’ll probably be free unless i’m at a gig.” 
so that electric guitar in his profile picture wasn’t for show. 
“oh, you perform?” you ask, feeling like a stalker. 
“yeah, i play guitar in this band, you probably haven’t heard of us.” he waves it off, clearly not one to boast about his personal life. 
“i’d love to catch a show,” you blurt out, not expecting your statement to sound as intense as it does. 
he cocks an eyebrow, “oh, for real? let me give you my number then, we have this show tomorrow night.”
already exchanging numbers? you giggle internally, watching his fingers tap the screen before giving you his phone. 
“i’ll just text you the time and address, gerard's still working out the logistics.” ray explains, erasing the whiteboard and pushing all the chairs into place.
you tilt your head in confusion, “gerard…?”
“oh, he’s our lead singer. you’ll see him tomorrow. hard to miss him.”
ray is right, of course. the next night, after hours of stewing in excitement to see ray perform, you watch this “gerard” dance and sing around the stage, flicking his tongue at the crowd, glistening in sweat from the stage lights beating down on the band. they are good. 
you aren’t at the very front though, that space was occupied by people who look like they have been waiting all their lives to see ray’s band perform so you sit right off the pit, pulling your jacket taut into yourself. you squint, trying to gauge a feel for each member. there is one on the left, banging his head, his lips spread apart like he’s mid orgasm at any given moment, tattoos spreading up his arms all the way to his neck. there’s one on the bass, seemingly timid, a beanie pulled over his straightened hair swooped to the side, the only one with glasses on and the tightest shirt on the planet. 
then there’s ray whose gaze is fixated down at his guitar, his tongue sticking out like there is nothing more important in the world. his guitar is crystal clear even when the expressive, red-haired frontman screams into the microphone. you feel your heart race at the sight of him shredding on the instrument, bouncing curls and flexing forearms prominent under the yellow lights. 
the overpriced drink in your hand that is seventy percent tequila and ten percent juice has you nodding along to the song, even though rock was never in your top genres on spotify. it may be the alcohol or their talent in general, because they sound good. like, scream your heart out to their songs and want to be their groupie good.
okay, maybe the latter is the alcohol talking. 
mostly girls around you fawn over the band’s frontman, or the one playing the bass, mikey, you gather from their screams. as their set comes to an end, he girls beeline from the pit to the backstage, excited giggles erupting one after the other. you feel like shit. 
ray is probably straight. he probably fucks girls left and right, he’s in a rock band after all. 
the defeatist in you, however, soon fails as you find your fingers fighting the cold and typing out a message to ray. 
-hey, i watched your set. you were great!
a sense of superiority dawns over you. do the others have his number? fuck no, they don’t.
your eyes follow ray as he walks out the stage with his guitar in one hand and the amplifier in the other. fuck, he’s strong. 
the tequila has hit you, you realize, as you rake your eyes over his body from the crowd, a strange sense of jealousy over someone you met only yesterday pricking at your chest. your phone vibrates against your palm in your coat pocket, and you see a text from ray.
-super! you wanna come backstage?” 
you send a thumbs up and begin your trail around the venue, budding anxiety popping like bubbles. your eyes scour for the backstage, or any group of girls bunched together. where there’s smoke there’s fire, after all. 
you hear your name through the commotion of screams and giggles and whip your head in the direction, spotting him. he waves from inside a shed, the door open for anyone who wants to meet the band. you flash a smile, feeling giddy that he has the same interest in you as you do after only a few days of meeting him. 
he’s just being nice, you tell yourself.
he wants to fuck you, you argue, immediately knowing which part of you is the drunk one. 
you fight the wind, running toward the shed that has a string of fairy lights wrapped around the inside of the room. the room isn’t huge; enough for about twenty people to stand around and mingle. a sudden warmth embraces you as you blow a tired breath out and approach ray who’s nursing a beer, his eyebrows shooting up.
“you made it! how’d you like us?” ray raises his voice over the slightly loud music playing over somebody’s bluetooth speaker. you look over at the noise and look up at him through your eyelashes, feeling smaller than him. 
it turns you on. 
“you were awesome! the way you shred, it was so fucking cool.” ray hears you curse for the first time and giggles, the same toothy grin flashing across his face. he takes a swig of his beer, bringing the mouth of the glass bottle to his- wow his lips were plump.
the shed is barely lit, a lavender-colored sunset light on the right corner of the floor was the only light source. a strong scent of cigarettes and weed lingers in the air and occasionally clears out as the door opens when someone has to go out to piss, you assume. people huddle in groups, some way larger than the others. but ray stood alone when you walked in.  
he leans down to you, and your heart stops momentarily. his breath fans the shell of your ear. his face was fucking near yours. 
“i didn’t think you would make it.” he says, this time at a regular volume now that his lips were right near your ears. you shiver when his breath hits your skin, failing to compute what he says for a second.
you lean toward his ear, pulling him in by his arms on reflex because he seems too far to your tipsy ass brain, “of course i did. i need to get my grades up!” you joke, hoping to god he sees the humor lacing your voice. 
he chuckles, oh how sweet his voice is, you think, relief fighting the cortisol in your brain. 
“ray! what are you doing all the way over-” you hear his name being called, a blur of red hair knifing through the little crowd around him. you could see girls’ hands drag across his chest and even grab his shirt and he flashes them an obligatory get-the-fuck-off-me smile before catching up to the man in front of you. 
it is gerard, his red hair dripping in sweat making him the most easy to recognize. you watch the shorter guy turn his head towards you, “who’s this, ray?”
ray introduces you, “i tutored him yesterday.”
gerard’s eyes scan you from head to toe, a polite smile appearing, “good to know you’re not trying to rip ray’s clothes off like that crowd back there.”
if only he knew. you chuckle at his comment, looking at ray nervously before turning toward gerard, “you guys were super great, by the way.”
“you’re sweet, aren’t you.” gerard tilts his head, his fingers massaging ray’s biceps. you believe gerard notices the way your eye twitches at his move on ray and the corner of his mouth perks up, “huh, maybe not.” 
the crowd filters out of the shed, leaving the band and a couple of their friends, you assume, to let their hair down and get a couple of drinks in. 
“how long do these,” you look around at people rolling joints and pout, impressed, “...afterparties go on for?” 
ray looks up, trying to come up with an answer, “uh, like a few hours, no one knows really. i live on campus so i leave whenever i want to, sometimes g and frank stay back. sometimes we see mikey come to practice the next day with the same clothes on,” he shrugs, “it’s different every time.”
you aren’t sober by any means, but you aren’t piss-drunk either when you meet frank and mikey, the shorter one with a scorpion tattoo on his neck, with closer inspection, betraying his onstage persona. mikey, who you’re told is gerard’s younger brother, is as quiet as he seems when he plays on stage. you smile at him and make small talk, compliment his neon genesis evangelion shirt and he grins in surprise, revealing his pointy canines. 
ray is across the room, mingling with some people who you assume are from other bands who performed before them. a man with a shorter stature and a fuckton of eyeliner, wearing a zip-up hoodie that barely hid his torso, a tattoo around his collarbone with nothing underneath, sips on a cigarette and talks to ray, looking up at him like you did yesterday.
you don’t realize how long you’re staring until ray finds your stare, downing the beer he holds so casually between his index and middle finger. your gut flips. heat spreads from your chest to your stomach, making you crush your paper cup and throw it away in dismissal. 
you dream of the same flower you did yesterday. an odd sense of belonging tags along the haze you’re merged in. this time with another rose beside it. the roots of the other, pinker rose intertwined with yours, the ends connecting and becoming one. 
you wake up the next morning with a headache you haven’t had in months. you’ve heard of hangover remedies like swallowing a raw egg yolk. but you would never do that, even if it meant you were throwing up in the paper bag near your nightstand. which you do. 
admittedly, throwing up makes you feel better before you realize what you have to do today. 
the stack of papers on your table resembles mount everest as you contemplate the quantity of it all. not only had you forgotten about the project, but it is also due tomorrow night.
grabbing a coffee and a breakfast sandwich from the cafeteria, you sprint back to your dorm, trying not to wake your roommate up who had worked late last night and met you on the way to your shared room after the afterparty with ray’s band. 
ray was offering and insisting that he drop you off since he invited you there, but you politely declined, horny and exhausted out of your mind. 
the way he looked at you last night. his gaze clinging to every inch of you before looking away, had not only given you some interesting dreams that may have involved getting fucked in the lecture hall, but also left a lasting feeling that there was a ball of fire in your ribcage. 
you consider asking ray for help on your project. 
no, you can’t. he has better things to do. 
scanning through the question on the paper only makes you lean into the idea. suddenly forgetting everything ray taught you the day before. time blurs for you, and you don’t realize you have already texted ray and asked him if he can help you, fixing your hair and second-guessing your outfit.
wait, why did you care?
your phone dings. 
-all of the study rooms are booked :( 
you throw your phone on the bed, the pile of papers making your stomach sink lower into your body. fuck, you’re going to fail the class. you’re going to fail all because you went to the show yesterday to look at this fucking boy, who caught your fucking eye, and you wanted to fuc-
-unless you’re okay with me coming over.
you would be lying if you said your heart didn’t pound so hard against your rib cage that your ears started ringing. you send the same thumbs up emoji, pretending to be casual, regular; anything synonymous with normalcy. the coffee in your system kicks into overdrive; you straighten out your room, tell your roommate to get the fuck out once she gets up and receive a bunch of sex jokes in exchange, all of which you blush at. 
“have fun blowing that dude,” she yells, probably loud enough for your neighbors to hear. she closes the door on the way out, missing the paper ball you threw at her. 
“oh wow, your room is way cleaner than mine.” ray appears at your dorm in another tight black shirt, this time with the iron maiden logo that has clearly fought the washer and lost the fight multiple times. 
you see him duck through the door frame, fixing his hair back into position, and you try not to feel your heart wrench at the sight of him being adorable. you bring the papers down to the floor, a signal for ray to mirror you. he sits next to the foot of the bed, leaning against the wooden leg. his hands wrap around his knee, neck craning near yours to get a better look at the questions laid out on the fluffy grayish white carpet. 
you don’t realize that the shorts you’re wearing ride up your thighs, almost presenting themselves to the taller figure in the room. your legs lay on top of each other, almost parallel to the direction ray faces. you prop yourself up on the ball of your left palm, the arm that is stretched behind you, leaning into ray. ray begins helping you, talking about the different mistakes you make as you go through the process of solving the questions. his voice rings near your face, and you find yourself adjusting your seat on the carpet, moving the hem of the shorts closer to your pelvis. 
ray begins stuttering, and for a while you wonder what that is about. he strokes his chin like he’s thinking hard but it is clear that he is pretending to do so. the room gets hotter and you turn your head to check the thermostat. 
it’s the same. 
maybe it is the way you meet ray’s eyes, his plump, berry lips curving into a smirk at every joke you crack, or the way he, at least you think, gets distracted by your legs on display. he bends down to the papers, the fabric of the shirt stretching over his back, and you can’t help but think about leaving scratches on his back and trailing your fingers down his spine. 
ray smells like soap and the kind of cologne that a college kid can afford, not too charming, not too repellant. his hair is nearer to you than his face, and you can smell his shampoo that’s kind of coconut-y and beachy, and you try your best not to audibly inhale. 
you go through the papers at the speed of lightning with ray there to coach you through it. you chew and bite your lip, working through the problems with utter concentration. sometimes you don’t realize that ray is talking, and you end up ignoring him and apologizing for spacing out at the project. 
“holy shit, you were focused huh? like shiva at his penance,” ray comments, and you don’t understand. and he figures.
“shiva is a hindu deity. he’s known to be the sage of all sages, nobody would disturb his penance on top of this mountain in india,” he says, like he's almost embarrassed about knowing trivia. 
“wow…” you trail off, “and you just know all this?”
he chuckles, ducking his head and looking back up, “i used to google things a lot as a kid…” you cock an eyebrow, not believing him.
“...and maybe i still do.” he admits, palming his face, hiding that smile of his you love to see. 
“i admire that actually. i used to be obsessed with dinosaurs, google was like my life for a good few years” you comment, not expecting his countenance to be that of enthrallment; almost childlike joy. 
“you’re kidding, right? i did too! if you ever come over, you’ll see dinosaur stickers on my laptop and some of my drawers.” and you try not to think too much about the implication of the statement. 
you sort through the papers to make sure you don’t miss a single page and then turn toward ray, who was closer than before. you see specks of gray and black in his eyes, the way his nose bumps up slightly, freckles adorning his olive-toned skin. you notice he has dimples, appearing with each smile. his toothy grin melts you, and you feel that similar warmth you felt last night blossoming in your ribs. 
your breath hitches in your throat before you realize you’re staring like a madman into his eyes. 
“good job today,” ray says, his hand shaking your shoulder, jolts of electricity branching up the point of contact. you look away, a tight-lipped smile masking the sudden pulse his compliment sent straight between your legs. 
“oh, thanks. i really couldn’t have done this without you.” 
ray waves you off, leaning away, upsetting you slightly, “of course you could have. i just pointed you in the direction, you were the one on the journey.”
“any chance you play dnd?” you question, almost teasing his attempt at being poetic.
“it’s that obvious, huh?”
you both laugh, voices ringing out. you don’t remember laughing like this in a while, especially with someone you admired this much. the laughs settle into a comfortable silence as the two of you look out at the plane passing through the window. 
“you know, you’re super talented.” you say, out of the blue, and immediately regret it, thinking you were giving away too much. he turns to you, you observe through your peripheral vision, almost like he knows you have more to say. 
“i mean. the way you just performed like it was breathing to you, it really is rare to see talent like that, especially in this dump of a town.” you finish, clearing your throat in the end, waiting for him to say something. 
“i don’t know what to say,”
“for starters, a thank you would suffice,” you quip, a humorous tone tagging along. 
he starts to rise from his seat, “thanks, i do appreciate it. it’s difficult for me to take compliments, though, if you haven’t figured it out yet.”
you ignore him, “oh yeah, you probably have to leave, sorry to keep yo-”
“no no! i love helping other students, you weren’t keeping me from anything else. i just have band practice in a few, so i have to get going,” 
you swear you hear regret in his voice but maybe you liked to lie to yourself. 
as you watch him see himself out, you wait for him to turn around, say something. 
come on, don’t leave without giving me something. 
“oh by the way,” ray turns around. you hope he doesn’t notice your eyes gleam at the sudden lightbulb moment of his. 
“there’s a mixer on sunday. the band’s gonna be there. you should come, if you’re not busy.”
you nod, and he leaves with a promise that he’ll text you the address. 
he does, followed by a text that says, “hope 2 c u :)”, and you receive a side eye from your roommate who watches you bury your face in your pillow and kick your feet. something about the way ray had to peel his eyes off your legs subconsciously makes you pick something that shows them off, ending up with fishnets and a short skirt you bought on a whim months ago that collected dust in the back of your closet. 
at this point, you know one thing. ray isn’t straight. you very well know you can imagine and exaggerate situations to fit your narrative, and that very well may be the case, but you don’t care. 
it’s your last year. it doesn’t matter if you’re rejected or if you really are imagining things. senioritis in university makes you hit a special low where you could care less what happened. you borrow a jacket from your roommate, ignoring the comment on how she would be really mad if you got ray’s jizz on it. 
sunday rolls in and your stomach does not stop jumping. you had somehow completed all your work ahead of time without having to ask ray for help. anxiety was nowhere to be found, just excitement and a little bit of nervousness to see him after days of texting him. 
he had sent you a picture of the dinosaur sticker on his drawer unprompted, and your heart skipped a beat at the notification before you began having conversations that extended late into the night. 
late night conversations turn into exchanging music recommendations and funny videos you find. he sends you videos of his band playing, and he’s the only one you watch, but of course you say, “you guys are going to make it big someday.”
saturday night before turning in, you text him.
-good luck. can’t wait to see you guys perform.
-you’re sweet.
you keep going back to the text, giggling at it throughout the day, even as you get dressed for the mixer. you keep telling yourself he’s being nice but you are at the event, looking around for ray or gerard, or anyone you know. a rotating light hung low in the middle of the floor, a small podium for people to perform at the mixer. people hover around the bar, clearly no age check involved in the process as they swipe drinks and trail off with a huge smile on their faces. 
you feel a hand on your shoulder, and you swear your heart jumps into your throat. 
“ray! i’ve been trying to find you forever.” you look up at him, a sliver of purple and pink lights from the disco ball light streaks across his face like an illuminated scar. 
“so have i, come on back, this place is just for the general public,” he nods his head toward the other direction, fingers grabbing your wrist and nudging you toward him.
“ooo, i feel like a groupie,” you comment, and you hear him giggle, thanking god he doesn’t take you seriously no matter how much you want your words to be true. 
gerard sips a cigarette indoors, frank tunes his guitar with an ear down to the strings, and mikey is nowhere to be found. gerard looks amused at you as he blows smoke out. ray steps out to grab drinks, and you feel vulnerable. exposed. 
“so…” gerard begins, and you know he’s not about to make small talk, “ray has told me a lot about you.”
“all of us actually,” frank interjects, and you look at both of them, bewildered. 
“oh,” he talks about you? “all good things, i hope.”
“oh yes, overwhelmingly.” gerard ashes the stick between his fingers on the crystal tray near him. you sense mischief in his voice as he gives you the same head-to-toe scan that he did the first time you met him. 
“ray isn’t the outgoing type,” mikey walks in. you turn around in surprise to see him without his beanie and glasses for the first time. you can see how similar his features are to gerard’s. 
“yet, here you are, after what?” gerard tilts his head, “a week of meeting him?”
his tone isn’t malicious, nothing he says could sound malicious because he knew how to talk to people, how to handle them. that’s what made him a good frontman. 
“would you be surprised if i say i don’t gel well with strangers either?” you shrug and straighten your back, trying not to seem so timid around them.
they chuckle with you at the irony of the statement, gerard simply says, “i like you,”
you tilt your head slightly, not sure what to say and gerard offers you his cigarette, “ray doesn’t trust people often. and when he does he’s rarely wrong.”
you wave his offer with a small “no, thanks,” and he continues, “i hope he isn’t wrong.”
“are you okay?” ray asks you after the show, a beer in his right hand as he leans back into the wall of the green room. 
“yeah, i’m fine, i think i was just too close to the speakers so my head hurts a bit,” 
you aren’t fine. you’re thinking about what gerard said to you, and you barely paid attention to the performance and focused on distracting yourself with a shot of tequila that burned deliciously down your throat. 
you make eye contact with gerard across the room who is sitting on frank’s lap for some reason, his stare less threatening at this point because ray is there. he can’t be obvious. 
gut slowly burning and the alcohol in your system climbing up to your head, you ask ray if he wants shots and before you know it you’re carrying a small tray of salt and slices of lime with two little vials of tequila. 
“do you know how to do this?” you ask, not knowing what you got yourself into. 
“yeah it's super simple,” you hear, trying your best not to giggle at his go-to phrase, “lick, shoot, and suck.”
you dip the back of your hand in the hill of salt, where the index finger and the thumb meet, you glance at ray once before nodding, and lick up a stripe of your hand. ray does the same and you try not to think about the fact that that is how he would look between your legs. you throw your head back in unison with ray, squinted eyes and sour face, sucking at the bright green slice of fruit before smacking your lips. 
ray sits beside you, thighs pressed up against yours, leaning into you, giggling. a rosy blush rises to his cheeks, and his eyelids lie lower than before. your body is on fire. tipsy words making you stutter and laugh for no reason, forgetting about what gerard said for a while. 
ray walks you to your dorm that night, stumbling on the street and giggling at nothing in particular. you clutch his shirt for support as you burst into a fit of laughter at a joke he makes, not caring if you’re loud. 
the lingering breeze in the air makes your skin feel less hot even though being near ray was enough to make you sweat through a leather jacket. the streetlights shine down on the two of you, slowing down in your path and strolling, kicking pebbles and making a game out of them.
you ask him how he got into playing guitar, he tells you a story about how he got ripped off buying his first guitar that broke in the first fifteen minutes of playing it. you tell him about your university experience, your plans for your career. 
he beams at you with genuine admiration in his eyes, eyes softening. the spirit had weakened its effects on your body; you walked with a straighter back and a higher chin than before. almost like a gateway opening for your anxiety. 
“so, gerard told me something,” you begin, not sure what you want to know from striking this topic up.
“hm? what’d he say?” he asks, kicking the poor pebble on the pavement. 
“he said you don’t make friends that easily.” it sounds bad out loud, but you know that he knows what you mean. 
he chortles, “yeah? what else did he say?”
you raise an eyebrow, as if checking with him if you should continue, “he just… he said he hopes you’re not wrong with me.”
the two of you enter your dorm, shuffling through pockets and keycards. ray stays quiet. you noticed he does that when he isn’t ready to talk just yet because he’s thinking of the most logical and rational answer possible.
“why did he-” he begins, and you listen, ignoring the fact that ray follows you to your actual room, trying to justify his friend’s words. 
“he said something about how you can’t stop talking about me and thinking about me,” you flash a shit-eating grin, his eyes widening immediately. 
“that fucker…” he trails off, his head dropping down in defeat. 
“so it’s true?” you ask, leaning your back against the main door, a foot propped up on the surface. your back is straight, if not arched. you feel the after effects of downing two shots of fireball take over, the haze of the liquor blurs the line between “study buddies.”
he steps closer to you. there’s barely anyone outside in the hallways, they are either out partying or fast asleep. his hand trails up the doorframe, palm against the bumped surface. he’s so big that he casts a shadow over you from the main light. you notice his eyes trace your figure, backed up against a door, at his mercy. 
his left arm trails up your waist and stays there, “do you want it to be?” 
your bodies move in the dark, an orchestra of heavy breaths and moans bouncing off your dorm’s walls. the posters in your room are but flies on the wall as ray carries you to your bed, your legs wrapped tight around his waist. you lick into his mouth, his warm and soft lips slick with your saliva engulfing yours. 
you breathe in, the scent of his sweat driving your senses into a frenzy and your grip on his hair tenses up. he pulls away to look at your face under the moonlight beaming through your frosted window. ray tastes like the tequila you downed with him, deliciously bitter and intoxicating, his shiny lips sending waves of lightning to your clit. 
neither of you have spoken a word, fingers and lips grabbing and groping each other like hormonal teenagers away from their families at summer camp. ray places you on your bed, your sheets suddenly feeling foreign to you with him hovering above you, his fingers nosing toward the curve of your ass. 
involuntary whimpers escape your throat as his fingers stroke down the back of your thighs; he hooks one of them to the fishnets and rips them in one go, handling your thighs like he starves for something more than open mouthed kisses over his lips that make his cock stir in his tight jeans. the gasp you let out is more out of pleasure and surprise, and less of you mourning the loss of your clothing. 
“all this time, toro, yo- ah, fuck you- you liked me?” you kiss his neck as he works on peeling the fishnets off your legs, throwing your legs over his shoulders, elbows digging into your mattress, leaving kisses up your inner thighs. your arousal was obvious, ray- even you- could smell it through your underwear. 
ray stops and climbs up to face you, his fingers stroking your happy trail and you buck your hips for more just at his touch at your sensitive waist. he asks you if you’re okay and if you want to stop, you need to tell him. 
you grab him by his collar and pull him in, teeth clashing, skin feeling like a burning matchstick, flame eating away at its wooden body. you blabber nonsense, not able to get enough of his full lips around yours; hands lacing around his waist pulling him so close that if he didn’t pull away you would be crushed by his body weight. he kisses down your stomach, his calloused fingers soothing under your hoodie and to your breasts, tracing under the mounds of flesh before his hands flew to your thighs. 
soft trailing kisses become warm, careful presses down your stomach. you breathe like you don’t want him to hear how bad you need him, but your efforts are soon wasted as he presses his nose against your clit. 
inner thighs pressing into his ears, hips bucking up to the warmth of his mouth over the damp cotton underwear, you look down at him, locks of curls falling beautifully over his eyes. his tongue licks a stripe up through the fabric, the frills of your skirt resembling one of those bell-curves ray drew on the whiteboard the first time you met him, with him underneath it.
skilled tongue that circles on your clit before curling his digits under the hem of your panties, yanking the fabric off your skin, a sudden chill making you feel exposed. ray doesn’t let you feel that way any longer; his tongue licks up the folds of your pussy, tasting you whole and you almost pass out from the sheer euphoria locking down the ends of your spine on your bed, the arch in your back pushing your clit further against his nose. 
you beg and beg and beg him to do something. he simply chuckles and swipes the pad of his thumb on your slit before dipping his middle finger into you, a guttural groan emanating from your throat. your feet move against his crotch and you feel his dick strain against his tight jeans, his tongue replacing his finger and tugging you into his face, delving into you. 
hands thread through his curls, clutching and pulling at him needing to feel a release expeditiously. the hotness of his mouth against your pulsing core has you palming your tits hoodie, playing and pinching at your nipples. 
teeth pulling at the skin on your thighs, making you moan helplessly has him circling your clit with his thumb, wanting to hear more of your voice. you chant his name like a prayer, like he would somehow lift your soul up to the heavens with his tongue. 
his stubble adds delectable friction to your cunt and you gasp like your life depends on him; you forget everything. every word, every person in the world, every fucking thing is wiped clean like patterns in the sand under the foamy waves of the ocean. 
your thighs clench around his head, the honestly fucking corrupt noises of him devouring your pussy muffling under the flesh of your tastefully bruised thighs. he hums lowly, gulping and licking and gorging, the vibrations of his voice (that you didn’t know could get that fuckin low) driving you closer to the white light of orgasm that seems so close. 
his moans crescendo as the heels of your feet grind into his cock, his lips pressing and sucking harder at your clit, his fingers that once moved carefully in your slick walls, now quickening and curling up into you. 
you plead, you beg, you pray to him, hips jerking againsts mouth as his teeth lightly graze over the swollen lips of your cunt, your nails scratch his scalp perfectly, the tip of his tongue licks up your clit perfectly and his fingers, oh his fingers, scratch an itch seated so deep inside you that you swear you see stars before tipping over the edge, bottom lips falling open in a silent plea.
you ride his nose, his tongue, you push his head down, fist his hair, do whatever it takes, to make your orgasm last as long as possible, ankles meeting at the back of his neck. the way your legs shake at his last lap on your swollen clit, moonlight reflecting off of his beautiful brown eyes and your arousal dripping down his chin makes you go dizzier- if it was even fucking possible- and you feel like you’re high on the world’s most euphoric drug. 
you smile down at him, fingers holding his cheeks gently, nudging him up to meet your face; his palms digging into your ruined sheets on either side of you, lowering his wet lips onto yours, wanting you to taste yourself against his tongue. you breathe into his kiss, his hair falling on your face, you feel him smile against your mouth and you suddenly remember. 
“ray, do you want me to-” you start, eyebrows twisting up in concern and he cuts you off with another sweet kiss to your lips.
“you expect me to not cream my pants when you’re splayed out like this in front of me, in this little fucking thing around your waist?” his words sound harsh, but admiration fills his eyes, and you know it’s just an amalgamation of what the both of you have been feeling for the past few days. 
“you fucking-” you sputter, still recovering from incredible high- the type of orgasm that the little toy in your nighstand or your fingers could never give you, “-you fucker.”
he sits back on the bed, pulling down your skirt and helping you up to sit, his hands sturdy as a brick wall holding you up while your legs still solidify. as viciously as he ate you out mere minutes ago, he was back to being himself, sweet, nerdy, kind ray. helpful as ever. 
“can i take you out tomorrow?” he asks, his thumb stroking yours, like he’s afraid he’ll break you. 
you kiss his neck and then his jaw, smiling up at him, “just text me the address.”
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mintspidey · 5 months
i can't quit you - rayrard
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summary: Gerard Way can't quit Ray Toro, or Rayrard drabble.
warnings: ray toro/gerard way. smut. they r buddies who fuck. enjoy :)
Ray has always had a soft spot for Gerard. Ever since they met, Ray would listen intently as Gerard spoke about his ambitions, his art, the new video game that has him so amped up and inspired for their next record. He never said no to him.
Because Gerard was logical and practical and kind of crazy and really pretty, but he would try his best not to be obvious about his feelings. Like when the raven-haired boy sat on his lap in the dressing room, and Ray had to pretend like his heart didn't just do a million summersaults at the mere scent of the gummy-smiled lead singer so close to him. He would play around him with, pretending like he wanted Gerard to get off his lap already, but he never meant it.
And Gerard knew it.
Sure, Gerard and Frank acted out in public the most, kissing on stage, groping and humping each other's faces in front of an audience. But that was the extent of it. If you don't count that one time in London.
And Ray knew. He wasn't blind. He knew Gerard was free spirited and never really held it against him. So, when he would walk in on Frank kissing the older one pinned against the wall, fingers threading sweaty hair after-show, he would simply smile and act like nothing happened, and the other two adjusted to his rhythm.
The sheer normalcy of Ray's attitude freaked Frank out a bit and Ray rarely ever encountered them locking lips again. He would be lying if he said that that had been his intention since the beginning, but it was certainly a plus.
Gerard would come back from hanging out with Bert and be littered with hickeys, and Ray would high-five him on "scoring," completely unbothered.
Because Gerard always came back to him.
It started a year after the release of their first record. Mikey and Frank were out of the tour bus, leaving the two eldest members of the band to entertain each other on the tour bus. Ray was on the black vinyl couch strumming along his guitar, practicing riffs and rehearsing chords, occasionally being interrupted by Gerard’s breathy exhales of boredom as he shut the comic, he was reading for the fifth time that tour and slammed it on the table.
Ray didn't flinch, he stayed focused on his instrument, purposely ignoring the hyper ball of energy lying down on the couch in front of him.
"Yes, Gerard?"
Ray gave in and looked at him, unamused.
"Do you wanna make-out?"
Ray waved him off, ignoring that his heartbeat had picked up speed and continued playing, thinking Gerard was just playing around, "Yeah, and later you can suck my dick too, buddy."
Gerard took it as a challenge, unbeknownst to Ray.
So later, when Gerard sat a couple inches away from the guitarist on the noisy fabric of the couch, thighs touching as they binged the star-wars prequels, he got an idea.
Ray had leaned all the way back, knees split apart, large thighs on display, and his small waist accentuated by the ridden up tight black shirt he wore for the third time that week. Curls distributed beautifully and framing his face, soft lips resting peacefully, parting to exhale occasionally.
Gerard had lost focus from the movie a long time ago. He moved closer to Ray, thighs fully in contact, hoping Ray wouldn't notice.
And he didn't, too invested in the screen with spaceships and aliens and robots, and Gerard wanted to scream because Ray was perfect.
Gerard took the opportunity of resting his hand on Ray's thigh after seemingly "Laughing so hard he had to hit his leg repeatedly," and then Ray noticed.
"Gee... What do you think you're doing?" He wasn't upset. He wasn't mad. Just extremely curious. His heart was now in the roof of his mouth, ears hot and ringing.
"Nothing! Just watching the movie, like you are"
"And that requires your hand on my thigh?"
"Anakin is scary in this one, I need moral support."
"From my thigh?"
Gerard rolled his eyes and faced Ray, repositioning himself on the tour bus's lightweight couch.
"I’m fucking pent up man, I haven't fucked in months, and your tight little shirts have been giving me blue balls."
"What the fuck, Gee? You were serious earlier?"
"Yes! Oh my god, you idiot."
"Since when have you-"
"Does it matter?" Was all Gerard had to say before Ray pulled him in, breathing in heavily, like he had just quenched his thirst after centuries. Dancing tongues, clacking teeth, and unchoreographed hands fisting each other clothes had turned the heat up in the tiny tour bus. Ray had pushed Gerard on his back and nudged his knee between Gerard’s legs and grazed his bulge, eliciting the whiniest noise he had heard from Gerard yet, and that was saying a lot.
Gerard was lost in the warmth of Ray's soft lips, not being able to stop kissing him like he would somehow disappear if he did. Ray's hair poked his forehead at first but that barely mattered when he kissed that one spot on Gerard’s neck that he had noticed Gerard was sensitive about since that one-time frank had touched the singer on stage and witnessed his body arch into his touch.
Oh, Ray was extremely observant.
Ever since then, Gerard crawled back to Ray no matter who he sucked off or made out with in dirty bathrooms.
Gerard would spend hours on his knees licking and kissing and sucking Ray off when they were alone, loving the way he would be handled by the guitarist. Nimble fingers scratching the back of Gerard’s head, praises like "That's a good boy," or "You're so good to me," making Gerard cream his pants without much help from Ray.
If Gerard whined and pleaded enough, just a regular part of their routine, Ray would let him sit on his cock and milk himself till he split apart and eventually fell on the taller's chest, gasping and panting like a bitch in heat.
Ray enjoyed the attention of course, acting like he couldn't care less and that he was doing Gerard a favor by letting him get off on his dick, but he would be half hard the minute their lips touched.
Gerard would climb into his bunk late at night, back facing him like all he wanted to do was be spooned to sleep, and Ray, the first time this happened, happened to go to sleep commando in his sweatpants. Needless to say, he had to bite down on the smaller's shoulder from grunting at the friction of his clothed dick pressing up against Gerard’s ass as he pretended to be clueless about the things he made Ray feel.
The fans would often 'ship' frank with Gerard and they had every reason to, but the reason there was heat on stage is because backstage Frank and Gerard acted like friends at best.
Ray had Gerard cock-drunk, gagging around him, pretty pink lips contracting as he tried to fit in more and more of the older man, like he was trying to prove himself. And Ray would hum lowly, hips bucking and hitting the back of Gerard’s throat, making him choke before pulling him off by his hair, revealing his throbbing dick coated in Gerard’s saliva, the tip of his cock connected to his bottom lip with a translucent white string.
"You did so good, Gee," Ray would announce, pulling the younger one in by his collar to taste himself, almost like he wanted to breathe him in. "why don't you let me-"
"You have a problem with blowing your load down my throat, Toro?"
"Well n-"
"Then let me do it. You're welcome," Gerard would quip, like rising on his feet from the vulnerable position he was once in on his knees somehow made him switch back to the bratty piece of shit he was.
And Ray liked it.
let me know if u have any requests :) <3
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mintspidey · 5 months
Queen of the Night- My Chemical Romance
Summary: Gerard was fifteen years late to her dawning. She wouldn’t care much if that wasn’t all she heard about every single fucking day, either from the maidens outside the gates, or even the ones whispering in the walls of her palace. Attending dawning ceremonies all over the country and feeling a murder of sympathetic eyes on her had made her bitter and bored. She would spend her days at the hookah clubs in town, head buried between the cream-colored lace-clad thighs of waitresses and unhappily married women, giving them the first and probably the best orgasm of their life before kissing the back of their hand softly, never to be seen again. As a result, Michael, her younger sibling, was always on edge, covering up her mess, wanting to keep the Decree of Dawn far away from their palace. But when two helpers deployed by the Decree, Frank and Ray, are assigned to the Way Manor to conduct their first ever new Dawning on Gerard, things take a heated turn for the worst. Author's note and warnings: minors dni please. vampire femcr. smut. frerard and rikey. maybe ill add pete wentz for fun who knows. enjoy!! idk when ill update but ill try my best <3
The Way Manor, Cynthia. 
Epiphyllum Oxypetalum, often known as the Queen of the Night blooms after sunset. Sharp and crisp petals fall apart to reveal a softer, more delicate flower underneath: like a full moon against the midnight sky. It taunts its beauty, proud and angelic, riding its glorious high before the inevitable eclipse of its prime. 
Gerard has been pressing these flowers between the pages of her brown leatherback diary since she was five years old. The garden of her father’s palace was lavishly decorated in the spring (he spared no expense). Every spring, these were planted along the edge of the greenery and fifteen minutes past six in the evening, right before supper, Gerard would sneak off in her day gown to watch them bloom, a candle caged between her dainty, pale fingers, as she plucked them off and hit them in the pockets of her gown. 
She never told anyone of her habit, however normal it was as a young girl to like flowers at the time, giggling whenever the housekeepers complained about this ‘flower thief.’ It was her secret. 
And maybe her father’s too, sometimes. She painted the flowers in detail till rigid paint stains covered her lily white gown; and she would skip over to her father’s chambers, crying out, “Look what I made!” 
He ruffled her hair and pressed an adoring kiss to her forehead before he hung the canvas up on the royal blue walls of his study. Once Gerard turned sixteen, her father requested that his deathbed be moved into the study; he wanted her paintings to be his last memory of the earth, he explained, barely able to croak out the sentence as Gerard stood in the corner, quiet staccato sobs seeping into the canvas. 
Her trips to the garden shortened over the next few years, her spine stood taller, canvases grew darker, like she invented a new color of melancholy; her sister, Michael, after a few months, called it over emotional with a twinge of blood red and black. 
Michael was reserved, not as expressive as Gerard, but not heartless. She didn’t eat for days after the passing of her father, and Gerard had to sit by her bed and take care of her before she got back up on her feet. Michael made fun of Gerard for worrying too much and Gerard then knew she was okay. 
When Michael approached dawning, Gerard assumed the role of her guardian. Gerard, older than her and still not having dawned, tried her best to push feelings of being left out and made sure her baby sister was taken care of, now that only housekeepers and maidens roamed the halls.
Michael developed an aversion to sunlight during her first dawning and Gerard installed heavier, more opaque curtains, giving candle shops back in town more business than they had ever seen. Vials of crimson liquid reflecting the candle flames, struck the hottest glare into Michael’s eyes, and Gerard would hear her wail all night before her newfound thirst died for the night. She was safe to be fed then, and only then . 
It was all about contro l, their mother’s diary read. Gerard narrated it into melodies and sang them softly over the piano in Michael’s room, noticing the way her sister’s eyebrows moved the slightest in amusement. 
“Control your teeth, control your eyes, control your mind before you wilt and die.”
Michael lied when she needed to. When she had to. A lot of the time she felt like the older sibling in the family, a calculated mind outsmarting all others. She knew Gerard had a good soul and that she would never outright admit wishing it was her who dawned earlier. 
“Mi, is she just as dramatic as she seems?” Gerard once asked, lifting her fingers momentarily from the black and white keys to face her sister who had her pupils blown wide open. 
Michael hesitated for a fraction of a second before wincing out loud, “I am in so much pain, she exaggerated of course, you know how she was.” 
The truth was: Michael felt alive for the first time in her life. Sure, she wasn’t being completely dishonest about her pain, but it didn’t exactly sting her after the first hour. Rather, it grew dull and insignificant with every meal. Her blood ran cold, yet she felt like she could breathe for the first time in her life. And she wanted so badly to tell Gerard all about it; she was her best friend after all. 
But because she was the only person Michael would ever live, lie, kill, die, do whatever it took for, she stood silent.
Gerard was fifteen years late to her dawning. She wouldn’t care much if that wasn’t all she heard about every single fucking day, either from the maidens outside the gates, or even the ones whispering in the walls of her palace. Attending dawning ceremonies all over the country and feeling a murder of sympathetic eyes on her had made her bitter and bored. She would spend her days at the hookah clubs in town, head buried between the cream-colored lace-clad thighs of waitresses and unhappily married women, giving them the first and probably the best orgasm of their life before kissing the back of their hand softly, never to be seen again. 
Michael often found her smoking in some alleyway, hiding from the flock of women around town looking for her, and her sister would have their carriage escort her back to the palace, throwing judgmental looks at the maroon marks on her neck. 
“You know that the Decree is to visit the palace soon, no? What are they going to think about,” Michael pauses, gesturing towards her sister’s neck in disgust, “all of that .”
“Oh, who cares? I have plenty of scarves. I find it hard to believe that the Decree of Cynthia will-”
“It is not them.” Michael stated and looked out the window, her glasses bobbing up and down with the bumps on the road.
“What the fuck do they want? You’re done with your dawning aren’t you? I’m not sharing anything about our decree either, and those women don’t suspect a thing especially because I haven’t dawned.”
“That’s the point, Gerard.” A lull fell over the carriage, nothing to be heard but the click-clacking of horseshoes against the unpaved roads of the town side. Of course , it came back to her dawning, God forbid they ever ever let that go. 
Gerard bit the inside of her cheek, “So what? Do they intend to force my dawning? Has that ever even been done before?”
“I’ve heard stories,” Michael commented, deep in thought, “Someone in Camellia was successful, but that is about all I have heard.”
“Did they at least tell you who is coming?” Gerard paused, a glint starring in her eyes, “Are they women?”
“Do not even think about bedding the helpers of the Decree of Dawn.” Gerard had never seen Michael this agitated, except when she caught her crying over her broken cello, as if they couldn’t fill the entire palace with cellos and still have enough money to buy the entire town. 
The older woman smiled, soothing the younger’s nerves. That’s how things worked between them. Gerard would get a kick out of making Michael concerned beyond belief, and they would forget about it immediately after. 
Losing Michael was the worst thing that could happen, according to Gerard; she was not afraid of much. Her baby sister was her only priority, especially after the rest of their family had passed. 
Her romantic life wasn’t worthy of mention; none of her escapades involved love, simply pure bouts of dopamine. For the fairytale-like romance that her parents had, she needed someone like her. Some non-human. Someone who understood her needs: maybe even shared them.
So at night, when loneliness grew like black mold and etched scratches in her heart, and her ribcage tugged so hard that her chest felt like it would burst open, she painted. Herself, her brushes, and some late night smoke-filled affairs. She could not be bothered anymore about her dawning. She already had everything she needed. She was satisfied. 
She did not wish for change. Not at all. 
Juliet Docks, Camellia
“Frank Iero and Raymond Toro; Way Manor for ten months.” The voice in the atrium echoed and Raymond’s fingers fisted the puffy fabric of Frank’s dress pants, making her hiss in surprise. 
Frank’s heart had started beating again (as much as it could for someone of his kind), and she sighed in relief before glancing at her chum with the shiny brown curls and a hopeful grin facing the front of the room. The tie around Frank’s neck felt like a noose before their assignment was announced, and now it hung lower, unbuttoning the first few knobs on her dress shirt in the process. 
She leaned into the taller woman’s ear, almost resting her chin on her shoulder, chapped lips ghosting over her neck, “Can we please leave now?”
And they did, the shorter’s wobbly legs hardly making it out of the assignment room as nausea and bile sank lower in her torso. 
“Can you believe this? The Way Manor? We must have saved the world in our past lives.” Raymond wondered out loud, arms hooking Frank’s as they walked out of the tent, onto the gravel ridden path lit by the moonlight. 
Frank reached behind her ear adorned by a tiny pearl resting atop the lobe and plucked a cigarette out, Raymond lighting it as a reflex. “My stomach has been in knots all day, Ray,” her voice had softened, stopping in her tracks to inhale.
“Frankie, it is less than a year,” Ray stroked her thumb over Frank’s as her gaze tracked the smoker’s movement, “Besides, I will be there with you. We have nothing to fear, right?”
The shorter woman shrugs, clouding her face before clutching the cigarette between her rosy lips, “We have only ever seen a new Dawning once, and Ray…” She trails off, not wanting to say what she wanted to out loud; as if that would make it true. 
Ray sighed; she had heard this from Frankie a hundred times before, “You know it won’t be like that, Frankie. That was years ago, and we barely knew anything about them then.”
“I am not sure. I feel a tempest brewing beneath my chest. Like something inevitable is coming.”
“The time of our lives at a palace for ten months and maybe a few bad nights? I cannot wait a single day either.”
Frank giggled at Ray’s complete lack of consideration for her overdriven thoughts and linked arms again, “Do you have to be so happy all the time?”
“You would be lying on your cot covered in bottles of absinthe if it weren’t for me dragging you out of there.”
Frankie drops her head in defeat, making the taller one straighten her back, “Who knows, maybe one of the Ways look exactly like Jacki-”
Frank shot her best friend a desperate look, begging her to stop talking, “She is the reason I signed up for this. I need to take my mind off her, so I would appreciate it if you did not mention my most recent gut wrenching heartbreak that had me draining those jars of absinthe in the first place, thank you very much.”
The two looked around the dock, watching parents bid their children goodbye, hugging and crying into their shoulders as their luggage was thrown onto the boats haphazardly. The raging wind had Camellians clutching their coats and hats, making Frank and Ray seek shelter under a beaten wooden shed. It was going to rain, presumably, the tacky air and petrichor overwhelming their senses. 
Frank sipped the last of the stick hanging between her lips before putting the embers out on her tongue and tucking it back behind her ear. Her silence had tipped Ray off to place a soothing touch on the small of her back. She knew Frank better than herself, and Frank was painfully aware of that. 
“It will be good for us, Frankie.” Ray reassures the younger one, ruffling her hair before pulling her in by her shoulders, “I know it will.”
I don't know when the next update will be, but I am genuinely looking forward to writing this because it has been a while since I have delved into supernatural concepts. Please comment and let me know if you liked it :) Thanks for reading xx. 
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