#n 03
mubbyjo · 3 months
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a lil mixed bag of some screencap redraws, li'l sillies, and a tiiiiiny snippet of sum'n bigger i've been adding to here n there. they make me insane
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welcometogrouchland · 17 hours
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Disgustingly messy and crusty sketch dump but I couldn't get my own terrible theory out of my head and ended up making a bunch of sketches about it. Also at the end a bonus dickbats and Damian doodle bc I was reading an issue of their Batman and Robin run (IDs in Alt)
#dc comics#dc#batfamily#batman#damian wayne#stephanie brown#tim drake#dick grayson#cassandra cain#duke thomas#anyway. zdarsky run sure is something huh?#its still so funny to me that half of 148 was leaked a few days before like someone has it OUT for that book over at bleeding cool ig#i don't necessarily think this theory will come true I'm just imagining how stupid it would be if it did#I'm not super happy with the dialogue in the cass+duke+dick comic but i felt my og dialogue might've read too fanon#mainly just bc cass' last sentence was originally shorter/just ellipses and duke said smthin like ''wait? villain arc?''#which you could easily find in wayne family adventures. even tho it would've been appropriate for this situation 😭#now the dialogue just sounds kind of generic (esp cass') and it's BOTHERING ME AUGHH. this is the comic book fandom panopticon /j#anyway Bruce is in the retirement home in this scenario /j#me n my friends were talking over discord and came up w the cursed scenario that jason is tims robin in this (apart of the 'redemption' arc#-that he's been nail gunned with in this run. god this run is so weird when it comes to jason. like it doesn't outright dislike him-#-like it clearly does damian and (more obviously) cass steph and duke) but the tone of everything w jason is still bizarre#god. anyway yeah i didn't draw him but please picture grown man tank Jason in the robin undies (ala tt 03 but dare i say better)#also the dick being silly sketch was bc the issue i was reading had damian refer to dick as 'jolly'#specifically like ''unreasonably jolly'' or something like that (god i love when ppl find dicks cheerfulness deeply unsettling hehehe)#and i thought it was so funny. bc damian met dick when we has going through his ''bruce is dead'' depression-#-and STILL thought that dick was extremely unserious. he sees happy dick and is like ''what is wrong w you. genuinely''#but at the same time he loves it#i need to stop reading their batman and robin run so scatteredly (or i can just reread nightwing must die...always a possibility)#anyway yeah 👍 bad sketches be upon you#mine
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊boba time ┊ Hana #03 ꒱
『♡』 Katsuki decides he hates phlebotomists, nurses and doctors more than just about anything.
『♡』 needles, emotional katsuki, doctor appointments, baby check ups, having a baby and all that comes with it, fluff, post partum check up, everyone say thank you @majorapandahero for the idea (p.s I apologize if anything is innaccurate)
The baby and you have needed an unreal amount of doctors appointments and tests since birth. He knew, somewhere in the back of his head, that it was needed. But it didn’t hit him just how much there was to it until now.
You scheduled your appointments back to back to save on time. Yours has gone smoothly, as you primarily needed a basic post partum check up. It just ensures that all is well and healing smoothly.
The doctor warned the two of you to avoid sex for another week or two, because, apparently it’s just asking for another baby otherwise. He poured a little at that, missing that part of your intimacy.
Your doctor brings up depression, anxiety, and other symptoms you might be having. The look on your face explaining how truly anxious you’ve been is one she knows well. But she refers you to a therapist and names off a few tools for adjusting to life.
She asks how your urinary incontinence is going, if there’s been much or any progress. Your face heats as you explain that not much has changed but you’re working on it. He bounces the baby in his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead. He wonders if she knows, as little as she is, that her mommy keeps wetting herself as a result of her birth.
The halls of the hospital and office are cold and sterile. People bustle through the rooms and cool air wraps around the two of you. The intercom beeps and announces that Dr. Brown is needed in room 203.
Katsuki didn’t have warning. He knew the baby needed some tests done but he didn’t know it would be like this.
The doctor said she was coming along fine, measured her little body and worked around here and there, writing things down. But she said the little one still needed a few things taken care of.
And Katsuki hates it. His arms hold his daughter close, lip quivering. And the woman is gentle, wiping the bottom of Hana’s tiny foot with an alcohol prep pad.
You coo from the side, pressing a kiss to the side of his face and tell him she’s fine. But it’s not, it won’t be. Because the woman does something called a “heel stick” and Hana cries.
And it makes him want to cry. His little baby crying in pain, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Because these tests are necessary. The shots are necessary. His darling girl is squirming and screaming in his grip and he can’t do anything but bouncer her and apologize.
One of your hands begins to rub his back in support and tell him she won’t remember it in a few minutes. But his heart squeezes in his chest.
“We only have one more scheduled, she needs her Hepatitis B vaccine. Doc wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way, since she’s a little over a month now.” The woman reassures, rolling backwards in the chair to throw a few things in a biohazard disposer.
And oh, it’s just about the worse thing he can imagine. Because they have to put her on the stupid, hard table and he can’t hold her the whole time.
His eyes prick with tears watching Hana writhe as the nurse gets ready for the injection. She still hasn’t stopped crying. Fat, ugly tears roll down her face as she hic’s and wails.
“Baby, don’t watch if you can’t.. it’s okay.” You soothe, rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand.
It’s over quick and he all but swoops his little girl off the blasphemous table and into his arms. He peppers little kisses all over her face and apologies over and over. He bounces her, kissing her boo boos and she starts to sniffle as he soothes her.
And the phlebotomist snorts a little, chuckles even. She finishes everything up and goes over a few things out loud. Her gloves come off with a snap and she’s cooing at the sight. She glances down at the paperwork and chart next to her, then back up.
“For a big, scary pro, he sure is a softie sometimes huh?” She murmurs, brow lifted as she watches the scene in front of her.
You snort and he turns up his nose, glaring at her.
“I hate these damn places and the shitheads in them.” The blonde grumbles, pressing a kiss to the baby’s cheek and turning away slightly.
She sniffles lightly still, curling further into him.
You smack at his arm and demand he apologize to the poor woman in front of you but she cackles. The doctor allows you three to leave and he spends the entire car ride ranting about how much he hated that.
His face scrunches when you tell him there’s another appointment, only a month later.
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hiii hello idk if you take tmnt x reader requests (ignore this if you dont take requests) but like. can you make an 03 raphael x fem!reader ?? like something with love at first sight,, ykwim :3 something kinda similar to the '12 raph x reader thingie you posted??
Foot Ninjas and Sidewalk Beauties
2003!Raphael x reader
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A/N: Sure I can❤️ My guess would be that this takes place around season one or season two, but that doesn’t matter that much.
Warnings: Spelling, turtles getting their butts kicked, Raph falling in love at first sight❤️
Last encounter with the Foot was, just say it mildly, an absolute failure. The turtles had gotten their butts kicked and then had the floors cleaned with it. None of them had been prepared for Shredder and his ninjas. It had been a surprise attack, or as Shredder had called it, a warning. And then he left, leaving the turtles injured and bedridden for a week.
Leonardo was not happy. Not happy at all. He immediately started blaming their loss on their lack of training, giving way for him to start a ned training schedule. And Raphael did not like it. It messed with his own training. His boxing that helped him blow off build up steam was now cut short, leaving Raph more agitated and angry. Not only did he not have time for his anger relieving boxing, but his knitting had also taken a back seat. So to say that Raph did not like it, may have been an understatement. Raphael hated it.
Raph especially hated it today, as he was stuck on a roof on a Friday night, continuously doing push ups for what felt like hours. Both Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo was getting tired, yet their older brother did not yield. He continued, telling them to do the same, to which they sighed and did. Expect Raph. His patients was growing dangerously thin, as Leonardo continued once more.
“If I have to do one more push up, oh high leader”, Raphael growled. “The Foot ain’t the only one that will feel the rage of me breaking their bones!”
“Considering how you got your ass severely whooped the last time, I would have to see it to believe it”, Mikey shot in, causing Raph to growl at him.
“Raph, you know very well that we have to be prepared”, Leo said, during yet another push up, making sure his brothers were following his lead. “The Foot have been quiet for a long time. They could make their next move at any time”.
“Leo’s right, Raph”, Donnie strained as he did another push up. “After what happened last time, we can not be too prepared”.
“Don’t even remind me of that”, Raph said. If his arms weren’t preoccupied in his forced push ups, he would be slamming his fist against the roof. “Those bozos almost broke my sai!”
“That’s why it’s important we up our training”, Leo said as he got down on his forearms. “Plank, now. First to give in takes five rounds”.
“That’s it!”, Raph rumbled, getting up from his push ups, his arms screaming in relief. “No more training! I have shit to do, Leo! All of us do!”
“Raph”, Leo said, getting up to stand, frustration visible on his face. Donnie and Mikey sighed, knowing what was coming. “It’s not up for discussion. We have to be ready for the next Foot attack, and at the moment, we aren’t”.
“Speak for yourself”, Raph growled. “I’m ready for anything! Bring those Foot scumbags, and I’ll give them a taste of my knuckle sandwich!”
And as if those had been magic words, part of a spell, a ninja star embedded itself into the rooftop, in the space between Raph’s feet. All four turtles looked up to find a small army of Foot ninjas, waiting on the tall building beside them.
“Oh, crud”, was all Raph got to say before the ninjas descended upon them.
Once again the brothers found themselves unprepared. Their muscles weak after the extensive training Leo had put them through that evening, they found it hard to keep up with the Foot. Leo was the only one that seemed to put up a fight, while Mikey and Donnie dodged every attack that came their way, too exhausted to do anything else. But Raph was not the time to dodge. With his frustrations flowing, Raph threw himself at the Foot ninjas. But with his body and mind tired, he was easily pushed back.
It didn’t take long before they had backed Raph up against the edge of the roof, with no obvious way out. Okay, maybe Leo hadn’t been so wrong after all. But it was still his fault that they even were on the rooftop in the first place!
Raph did all he could, but with every punch or push he was taking a step backwards, until his heels hit the edge of the roof, causing Raph to go off balance. He tumbled backwards off of the roof and down towards the street below. Even though Raph was tired, the sudden adrenaline from his fall caused him to think fast. He took his sais and slammed them into the side of the building, digging them into the bricks in one hard move.
Raph breathed a sigh of relief, looking down to the street below, in order to look for an easy way down. But what Raph saw was far from what he had expected. Hanging from the side of the building, Raphael never thought that anything would be able to take his mind of the situation he was in, but then he saw someone. You.
You were standing right below him on the sidewalk, in the light of the street lamp, phone in hand and headphones over your head. You cased glances down the street, as if you were waiting for something. Most likely a car.
Continuously looking between your phone and the street, you did not notice the mutant turtle hanging off of the side of the building behind you, his mouth agape as he stared at you. To say it straight forward, Raph thought you were absolutely beautiful. The profile of your face whenever you turned your head to the side, the way your hair fell down your back. The silhouet of your body and the shadow it cast on the ground below you. Raphael felt his heart beat hard in his chest. Never had he thought he would see anyone so beautiful. How could his dream girl be walking the streets of New York City, and be so much better than he ever dared imagine?
While Raph admired your beauty from afar, the car you had waited for drove up beside you. You greeted the driver with a smile, that almost made Raph loosen the grip on his sais. He watched you take off your headphones as you took a seat at the passenger side, before shutting the door behind you. Raph watched, with his heart beat so loud he wondered if you could hear it inside the car, as you and the driver drove away, disappearing down the street, leaving Raph behind with a feeling of longing. He already felt a need to see your face again. You’re pretty face, that he hadn’t had the chance to enjoy the sight of, to the fullest.
A sigh escaped Raph, in the form of a breath he did not know he was holding. He felt a tingling sensation in his stomach that made him feel happy. All the anger he had been feeling a few moments before, was gone, replaced by a feeling of joy.
“Raph!”, his big brother’s voice sounded from the roof above. "Where are you? We need some help here!”
“Coming!”, Raph yelled back, suddenly having the energy to propel himself back up to the roof, using this sai and his own strength.
As Raph jumped back into action, giving the Foot ninjas a long overdo round of a good beating, his mind kept wandering back to you, enjoying the energy the thought of you gave him. Maybe that day's training session hadn’t been so stupid after all.
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brie-draws · 4 months
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Gagamaru = Banana poses... Seals = Banana poses... unlocking something here [Gin Gagamaru from Blue Lock]
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cherrykamado · 2 months
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previous. | next. | masterlist.
☆ pairing: yandere kamado tanjiro x reader.
☆ summary: Tanjiro and Y/N meet "gentler" demons, but Y/N can't help but distrust them. Tanjiro will gain an insight into Y/N's past to understand, empathize and add her pain to his reasons to bring down the Demon Lord, Kibutsuji Muzan.
☆ warnings (general): yandere themes, toxicity, gore, manipulation, smut, delusional thoughts, unhealthy relationships. All characters are aged up.
☆ warnings (as for ch. 04): violence, unhealthy love perspective, idolization (story is told from tanjiro's perspective.), traumatic past allusion (gore, death).
☆ notice: minors / ageless blogs do not interact.
☆ comments: yearly update!! i'll try to be more consistent but inspiration suddenly came in and i sat down to finish it hehe. one day it came back (again)! thank you for the infinite patience and all the support throughout the years!
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A blink of his eyes and Tanjiro is encountered with a different kind of scene: flowers swirling around him, as if covering him from the outside crowd. He looks around but he can’t find you. Where are you? What’s all of this?
“You use the term person to refer to one that has turned into a demon.” 
His head snaps to the direction of the source; as his nostrils become full of that smell he has grown to hate so much. Her smell, she’s a… That’s right, she is a demon — she brings her now healed forearm to her chest— but she’s also a doctor.  
“I also wish to see that man, Kibutsuji Muzan, obliterated.” She resumes, and now he’s gained his full attention. 
Her statement causes his eyes to widen, orbs tinted with shock. His gaze shortly flickers between the face of the mysterious woman and her hands, where nails, sharp as claws, elongate and fade into a darker color. Underneath them, the torn skin, once bleeding, quickly closes up and heals, as it though it has never been torn in the first place. Unbelievably so, the dichotomy is evident, confusion reigning. Good demons? Tanjiro asks himself.
 Is there even such a thing? 
“W-wait, Tanjiro!”
Your voice makes him turn immediately towards you, his gaze tinged with concern as he notices the shakiness in your voice. He can sense it, your scent tainted with fear. He knows just how much you do not trust demons.
 “You’re… Y-You’re not really thinking—”
“I assure you, neither me nor Yushiro mean harm. In fact, we want nothing more than to help.” Tamayo clarifies. 
As he sees your gaze averting from his, there’s a bit of hesitance. As much as he wants to take your side, he believes she is telling the truth. Taking your hand in both of his own, he causes you to bring those gorgeous eyes of yours back onto his. 
“It’s okay.” He softly says, burgundy eyes showing nothing but determination, as he then points to his nose. “I haven’t picked any scent of dishonesty from them yet.”
Yet — the emphasis in such a word that leaves the implicit more than explicit; given the premise becoming a reality, that if anyone were to turn against them, he swears, with just one look, that he will protect you no matter what. 
Remembering Nezuko’s back at the Udon store, you both return to see her. In the way, so uncomfortably silent, Tanjiro is obviously stealing glances at your form. Your sweet scent is mixed. He notices how you’re trying to hold your hands together in an attempt to make them stop shaking but it’s pointless. 
“[Name]?” He calls, but he doesn’t get to see your lovely face, fully looking at him. He decides to tend a hand to you and so it caresses your angelically soft skin. Only then  does he notice that, just as soft as it is, your skin is humid too.
Whatever could have been so tormentuous, that your lovely face is contorted that way? In a way that makes Tanjiro wish he could just brush it off, and in return see your smile once again. Whoever is the one responsible for that alienating fear you are showing so overtly? 
“ [Name]...” Tanjiro decides to try once again. “It’s alright… I’m here. You can tell me anything, you know?”  He adds,  in a nervous attempt to console you, to let you know that he is here for you. That you can confide to him anything that is discomforting you so much.
He watches how your eyes blink your tears away, and how your teeth hurt your lip in an attempt to get that fear in control. Yet, how little does this do, as he watches you shake like a fallen angel, who’s lost its way back to heaven. 
“I-it’s just… Why did you have to do such a thing?” 
“Why… did I do w-what?” 
“That man— H-he’s monstrous… He’s… h-he’s the w-worst…” He notes how your start to stammer, but his heart has already begun racing as he noticed how your eyes, pleading humid eyes, reciprocate his gaze. From your lips come the words that would fuel Tanjiro’s infatuation more than ever, making it feel as though his heart was doing backflips inside his ribcage:
“What if he hurt you? He’s way too strong! I’ve seen what…” 
In his mind, only the question lingered and repeated, just as if there was a parrot inside his mind, mimicking your voice, mimicking… your worry towards him. 
So, you care. 
“I-I see… I promise I’ll be more careful next time.” He smiles at you, trying to conceal his inner turmoil by bringing you the reassurance you need. However, amidst all this, there is an important question that arises: 
Why are you so afraid of Kibutsuji Muzan? What happened between you and him? 
What did he dare do to you, thought a darker voice at the back of Tanjiro’s mind. 
“Did you already know him?” His thumbs ever so delicately brush away your tears. “Kibutsuji Muzan, I mean.”
And what came from your mouth… Tanjiro swears that he could feel a ripping void inside of him. 
His burgundy eyes widened tremendously as he heard his angel tell him about the hell she had gone through. Had his gear been a person’s wrist, for sure he would have broken it. It hurt him especially so that it was you who had to witness such a scene, the brutal murder of your loved ones. The magnitude of a trauma that made you pass out right then, only for his face to have been the last thing you saw. Only for the first thing to feel, smell, and afterwards see, to be the pool of the blood of your loved ones. 
But he snaps out of it, and goes back to you when he notices your upset expression, and it tugs at his heart. He notices how you squeeze your hands, and how your lips are still quivering, how your beautiful eyes are yet once again shedding tears of despair. The anxiety, the fear coming from you is insane in amount.
“I…I’m very sorry. I— couldn’t think.” He confesses, “That smell… That—”
A flashback comes to him the moment he closes his eyes. No, he doesn’t want to remember. Not now. He doesn’t want to face those memories now. 
You seem to notice this, and you’re quick to apologize. You seem to get it, more or less. He promises to himself that he’ll tell you one day, but he’s not ready. The way his expression had changed must have warned you. 
“T-that man…” You mumble out, between hiccups. “I wish… I wish for him to go down like the m-monster he is.” 
Tanjiro knows this very well. But he wants to push all those thoughts away, he doesn’t want hatred to get to him. He has to think about you, his beloved, who’s suffering right now. Something in him tells him to think about you, and to comfort you in some way. 
He doesn’t think much when his offer rolls off his tongue, yet his hand is shyly reaching out for yours. 
“Y-You can hold my hand if you want…” He risks.
And when you take it! oh, to feel such delicate fingers, intertwined with his once again. Your gentleness, holding him, how your soft skin brushes against the hardness of his rough palms; it’s like small pangs running from his hand to his heart, which skips a beat, and makes his cheeks heat up. 
A small smile then escapes his lips, and his gaze softens on you, whose gaze is fixed on the road ahead, the small udon store already showing up, as well as nezuko’s pink kimono. 
All bad feelings and thoughts vanish from his head, and the once turbulent river in his heart starts to slowly calm down. The effect you have on him, he can’t tell. The only thing he knows is that he’s so fond of it. So fond of you . 
Tanjiro has just faced one of his worst and biggest fears, and almost got killed because of that. But then you appeared, you saved him, and you comforted him. This is the least he can do for you.
Don’t worry, [Name]… he thinks to himself, but his gaze on you, thinking as if he was talking to you; this silent promise, another oath. As long as I’m here, I won’t let anything happen to you.
That is the oath he swore to himself from that very same night.
Your voice is the one that snaps him back to reality. Releasing his hand gently, almost politely, you wipe the sweat off your palm; the redhead hasn’t noticed that it was his sweat until you point it out for him. Embarrassment sneaks into plain view and coats his cheeks with a dust of pink; immediately, he’s wiping the sweat off his palms furiously against his haori, cursing himself in his mind. 
Gaze turning at a muffled voice he knows so well, he’s greeted by the innocent look of his beloved sister, Nezuko. Tanjiro smiles, and offers her an apology. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you here, Nezuko…”
“Actually!” You interrupt, in your usual cheerful voice, “It’s me who should be sorry… I shouldn’t have left her like that! But when you ran away, I-I freaked out! So I asked Mr. Toyo to look after her in the meantime.”
You did that? For him?
His breath is shaking, and his heart is pounding in his ears. 
You ran… after him. 
“T-thank you very much!” is all that he can say; his voice comes out loud, unintentionally, but he couldn’t help it. 
And your smile… That cute smile you send him, while scratching the back of your neck. That giggle that jingles from your lips, dances into his ears to travel down toward his chest, and shakes the core of his heart.  Why you are so cute is a question that doesn’t cross his mind at the moment. At this point, he has stopped asking himself questions; he allows himself to feel it, because you are warm, because you are light. Because you remind him of something so precious to him. 
Even though it has only been a few encounters since he properly met you, Tanjiro doesn’t think about whether this isn’t going too fast. Oh no, that’s another question he won’t ask himself. Time doesn’t matter to him; He feels he’s known you, because he feels he can trust you entirely. He trusted you with his little sister, and you had made the right call. You had rushed to his aid — you protected him.
You’re an angel. A guardian angel. You’ve been sent to him. And, oh, does he want to give everything to you. 
At that moment, he can’t help but to feel how his expression softens, how another smile escapes him. You have developed the ability to steal the most sincere smiles from him, it is contagious.
Your stomach growling brings your giggles to a stop, and Tanjiro can’t help but to puff his cheeks at how cute you are when you look embarrassed.
“Are you hungry?” He asks, smiling, to which you burst out laughing in pure embarrassment. 
“A-A little bit...S-sorry!” You answer, your eyes looking glossy from all the laughing. Tanjiro could hear your laugh for hours, if it was up to him. 
“Now listen to me, you! This isn’t about the money” The owner of the udon store, Toyo, beams all of the sudden. Storming at the redhead, the man looks so outraged, but only takes it out on him, not on you. 
“I can’t forgive what you did!! Not even wanting to try my udon!” 
“I-I’m so sorry—” Tanjiro’s body stiffens, “P-please serve us another bowl!” 
“So, you gonna eat?”
“Y-yes!” Tanjiro retorts, and you echo with a nod.
“You’d better eat this time!”
You and tanjiro eat up all the bowls; Tanjiro had to make up for the portion Nezuko didn’t eat, devouring bowl after bowl, insanely fast. Once he finishes, his red wine gaze looks at you, so lost in a world of your own, slurping on your own noodles with a bright smile on your face, delighted noises coming from you as you eat up.
“Is it good?” 
You nod frantically, noodles still in your mouth. Can you get any cuter? He would buy you as many bowls as you’d want, no matter how hungry he can be, only to see you smile. 
Just the moment when you’re finishing your plate, Nezuko’s growl brings his attention to a tree. The scent of a demon hits his nostrils; the moment he turns his gaze, however, he meets the demon that was standing next to the woman who defended him and you from the policemen. 
It’s then that his intentions are revealed: reluctantly, you follow them to a house hidden behind a dead end, in which you not only meet the doctor demon again, but also one of the victim’s from Muzan’s attack. 
Hopefully, she was alive, being treated by her. Lady Tamayo, as you both learned her name was, was treating the victim’s injuries. She is asleep, but she is going to get well soon. 
“Isn’t it difficult for you to treat human’s wounds?”
Tamayo’s partner, Yushiro, doesn’t like Tanjiro at all. At least, that’s what he shows. Tanjiro doesn’t understand why, but he’s received a hit to his chest, knocking the air out of his lungs. 
“You think that we’ll treat humans while choking on our drool at the smell of their blood, just because we’re demons?” Yushiro hisses, and Tanjiro immediately regrets having misjudged them. 
He doesn’t notice how you hesitantly have stepped right ahead, standing near tamayo. Not so close, but not so far, still loud enough for her to hear what you were saying. 
“Will she… Will she be alright?” He hears you ask, making him stop fighting with Yushiro, looking at you with curious burgundy eyes. 
Tanjiro’s cheeks feel warm, seeing you so concerned for the woman. 
“Yes,” The demon doctor answers, “Although it is her husband who is in a worse shape than her. We had to lock him down in the basement,” 
Tanjiro’s eyes squint in sorrow, seeing how awful it would be. To be hurt by Muzan, to be stripped of humanity, to be a demon. To betray what you once had known and loved, and to hurt what is most precious to oneself. 
Thinking about the word precious makes Tanjiro’s eyes travel to you. His mind also resorts to his little sister, but his sight, the windows of his heart, of his soul, are fixed on you. The way you look in concern, how your expression is turned into one of sorrow and hurt. Would you be feeling that too? Are you thinking the same? Who might you be thinking about? Is it about him, or is it about someone else?
The sole action of considering there could be someone else in your life is something Tanjiro couldn’t bear with. So, he is optimistic. It’s him you’re thinking about. Your family maybe? 
Please, say something. Please, he longs that your heart has a little place reserved for him. 
“How sad…” Words roll off your tongue and dance into his ears.  It’s then than the blueish scent —if he could see that, he thinks that scent would most certainly it would be blue-ish, mixed with the amber color of your usual, enticing honey scent— 
And his heart clenches. It is really sad to be like that. 
His heart clenches. He would never forgive Muzan. 
His heart clenches. He will protect you from everything. 
His heart flutters. You’re looking at him. 
“Tanjiro…” You start, and his sight travels down to your extended fist, held out towards him.
“Promise me we will kill him no matter what.” 
He didn’t need to feel your scent to know you’re upset. Angry, beyond mad, to say the least. It’s shown in the way your fist is clenched, knuckles white from the pressure; it’s in the glint of your once cheerful eyes. 
His fist gently connects with yours, a silent nod is his response.
But when he meets your gaze again, he notices that your eyes... they do not only hold anger. They hold determination . 
And that smile confirms it. 
“I promise I will do everything I can to help you turn Nezuko back into a human.” You pledge to him, stealing his breath away.
His cheeks heating up, glossy burgundy orbs pointlessly blink back tears, tears that stream down his cheeks. He’s not oblivious at how you’re looking at him, in concern, as if you have said something wrong. But he’s feeling all the opposite: it’s joy, it’s happiness. Knowing that you got him, that you understand him . That you understand his pain. 
As if your soul and his have been forged with the same material. You and him were the same — you were one. Either that, or you had been splitted into two parts of the same soul when you were created. It just had to be true. 
Arms wrap around you and don’t let you go; for the first time, they feel your warmth and, god, he loves it.  You feel like something he hasn’t felt in a while. Even if he can’t put his finger on it, it feels pleasant, it makes his heart flutter, and it brings every single inch of his self bliss. Tanjiro feels reassured, Tanjiro feels… 
“Thank you—” He sobs, breathless, while nuzzling his head in the crook of his neck, “You don’t know how much this means to me…” 
And it feels like heaven when you wrap your arms around him, enclosing him full in your loving embrace, in your kind warmth. How you gently pat his head, as he gradually calms down. He doesn’t care that everyone’s looking —they can look all they want, because Tanjiro’s never been afraid to show himself as a sensitive human being. He’s not afraid to show himself at his rawest before you. 
Embraces are always bittersweet: when you unwrap his arms, certain that he’s calmed down, there’s nothing more that he wants than being held by you again. 
But your kind gaze just does, the lovingness of your touch as you brush his tears away is reassuring enough, the nod you give him while your smile shows itself before him again is enough. 
He promises —again— himself that he will always protect you. Just as much as you want to protect his little sister.
Just as much as you want to protect him.  
Because you’re out of this world. Because you’re an angel in disguise. 
And to have an angel like you in his life… 
He shakes his head, seeing things really as they are — he’s finally found it. His angel.
The very same angel that has faith in him.
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CHERRYKAMADO/JCTARO © 2024 — all rights reserved. do not repost or recommend on any platform. plagiarism will not be tolerated. visuals belong to me.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
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Patients 6 and 3
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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idfk just look at the babygirls :)
#NOOO I FORGOT THE BALD SHINE :(#it's funky to me :)) idk :))#someone said saying XD is cringe so I drew Mikey saying it because IT'S FUN AND SILLY AND YOUR JUST A MEANIE >:(((#drew these while listening to some guy talk about crime? I think mostly..ALSO MY DUDE WENDIGOON; LOVE THAT GUY#bby gurl has her first encounter (jesus that was hard to spell) with transfem voice training?#ig? uhm I first found out of it from One Topic covering a Trans subreddit...I don't remember which-- uh#I have school in like 3-ish hours :) fuckingkillmegoddamnitfuckshirbitchUGGHHIWANNAKMS/SOBBING/MYPARENTSSAYohitsnotthatbadBUTITIS:(((((#hahah now back my regularly silly little guy persona xPP!!#OMFG WHY DID N O O N E TELL ME '03 IS SO FUN AND GREAT AND AAAA (how can I do the shakey stim hands through text—)ANYWAY IT SO FUN ILOVE#oh! OH! UHMM so my mom apparently got me a trisaratops plush for Valentines:)) but I didn't get it till a few days ago because I just went#over a few days ago :p my sister got a bear it kind of looks like a Care Bear yaknow??#I should....add real tags....#uhm ok#2012 tmnt#2k12 tmnt#mikey 2012#michelangelo 2012#leo 2012#leonardo 2012#transfem leo#<-wait does that always have to be tagged? well..I guess for the people who have it blocked yeah :^ I'll leave it:)#my friend....just that thats it just her#idk I was gonna say something but then forgor :((((#okay so I've only seen 8 ep of s1 in 03 and ive seen 12 and rise so I'm gonna put my fav from each so far :))#uhm okay 03: Raph; Mikey; Donnie; Leo. 12: Mikey; Leo; Donnie; Raph. Rise: I have rewatch it :( but from how brain going rn#Lee;Dee;Mike;Raph :)))#or Dee;Lee;Raph;Mike...OR—#okay i'll stop now#OH MY FUCKING GOD I JUST LOOKED AT HOW MANY TAGS I ADDED AND JESUS FUCK HOLY SHIT#if you read all of these...I...Ijust...damn..thank you for listening to my stupid thoughts <3
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feltpool · 6 months
SW calendar Day 03
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nigesakis · 9 months
tragic toxic old man gay love .... who did it better than them... nobody
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
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jeonwonwoo · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM SUNOO! 🍓 the vitamin of enhypen! 24.06.2003
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Kids Of The Future
FastForward!Turtles x reader
A/N: Been having this idea for a while now, so decided it was time to write it down💙❤️💜🧡
Arriving in the future and meeting Cody Jones, the great-grandson of Casey Jones and April O’Neil isn’t the only family surprise you and your turtle boyfriend stumble upon.
Warnings: I’m not sure what warnings apply to you meeting your own future great-grandchildren.
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After the whole ordeal of finding Mikey somewhere in futuristic New York City in the year 2105, it was a relief to be back in Cody’s penthouse. Watching Raph and Mikey fight over the TV remote was oddly familiar and comforting. Master Splinter was right; adjusting wouldn’t be a problem.
“Well”, Leo said, turning to you with a small smile. “I guess date nights are going to be quite different for the time being”.
You snorted at his comment, wrapping your arms around his torso. “You think so?”
Leo nodded before placing a peck on your lips, causing his brothers to let out noises of disgust. But then someone came through the front door of Cody Jones’ penthouse.
“Hey, Cody!”, a voice sounded in the hallway, causing the turtles to stiffen, looking in the direction of the noise. Even Cody stiffened a bit, his eyes widening as if he had forgotten something.
You held on to Leo’s arm, watching as a young man walked in. His skin was green, and on his back he carried what looked like a small shell. His four fingers on his right hand, carried something that reminded you of a phone, reading from a hologram projected by the said phone. “Have you heard the news? Absolute chaos downtown. Undocumented aliens causing chaos with the peacekeepers and destroying a gravity level 3 road. It’s a mess! They even have pictures, and they kind of look like…”
Once he saw you and the turtles, he halted, before quickly pulling for the blaster on his left side. Cody told him no, as Leo moved a hand over to protect you, he and his brothers ready to jump at a moment’s notice.
“No, Kai!”, Cody yelled. “It is okay! They are with me!”
The so-called Kai looked from the fight ready turtles to Cody at his side. He hesitated for a moment, before he left his blaster alone in his belt with an audible sigh.
“We have talked about this Cody”, he said, looking like a tired older brother. You fought a chuckle. He kind of reminded you of Leo. “You have to tell me when you have people visiting. Remember last time? Where I almost shot up your and Darius’ business meeting, thinking those investors were there to kidnap you?”
“I’m sorry Kai, but it was kind of a spontaneous visit”, Cody said, rubbing his neck.
“Cody”, Leo said, drawing the young Jones' attention back to the turtle, rat and human, still ready for any attack. “Who is this?”
“I could ask the same thing”, Kai said. You were surprised at how well he matched Leo’s tone.
Cody started scratching his cheek, seeming a bit nervous, eyes flickering back and forth between the two of them. “Uhm… Kai, this is Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Master Splinter and…” You saw Kai’s eyes widen, as if he was realizing something. His gaze moved straight to you and Leo. “This is Leonardo and (Y/N). Leonardo and (Y/N), this is Kai. My personal bodyguard and uhm… your great-grandson”.
Silence fell in the room. The stare down that happened between you and Leonardo and the shocked Kai had taken up every sound.
Great-grandson. You and Leo had a great-grandson. That meant you and Leo would have children. You and Leo would have children! The thought rocked your head, and from the expression on Leo’s face, he was just as shocked as you were.
“Personal bodyguard?”, Raph asked, crossing his arms with a disapproving look. “What kind of personal bodyguard isn’t home when their boss brings strangers home?”
“It’s my day off, okay!”, Kai exclaimed.
“Bad excuse”, Mikey teased, bringing a hand up, causing Kai to scowl at him.
“Bad excuse or not”, Donnie said, staring at Kai. “There’s no doubt that he’s a lot like Leo”.
“Would it surprise you to hear that my grandpa used to say the same thing?”, Kai asked.
The conversation that unfolded between Kai and Leonardo’s brothers was wild to say the least. You and Leo stood staring at them, not truly sure what to say or do with your future great-grandson in the room. Yet you still turned to Leo, not being able to hold your thoughts back.
“Whatever date nights you got planned while we’re here, I think it’s fair to say they’ll be successful”.
Leo nodded in agreement.
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Still shaken by the incident on the road, you, your boyfriend Raph, Donnie, Leo and Splinter followed the “walking pile of scrap metal” - as Raph had called the robot - into the big penthouse apartment. Your boyfriend was still fuming, angry at the fact that all of you were in a nice penthouse while Mikey was out on the street somewhere.
Leo thanked the robot for his help, and mentioned how they needed to find their missing brother, but the robot continued talking about how his Master had ordered him to bring them there as fast as possible. You could feel the anger radiate off of Raphael whenever this Master was mentioned.
But then you met this so-called Master, and your world got turned upside down. A 15 year old boy named Cody. Cody Jones. The great-grandson of Casey Jones and April O’Neil. To say you were shocked was an understatement. But you were soon about to learn some more shocking news.
As Cody was explaining where he had gotten his collection from - his ninja turtles collection that is - Raphael noticed something that almost made him smile. His beloved sais, being on display just as proudly as his mask had been. Oh how he had missed them!
So as Cody, and his ginormous robot named Serling, continued to explain, Raph went over to the display, his fingers tingling as he got closer to the weapons.
He chuckled as he reached out for them. “I have missed ya!”, he said, a smile growing on his face. “Come to papa- Ow!”
Before Raph had been able to grab his sai, someone had slapped him over the fingers, causing him to retract his hand in pain. He turned to that someone, expecting it to be that Serling robot, only to be met by a turtle like humanoid, with flesh toned skin and an anger burning in her eyes.
She pushed Raph away, stepping between him and his sais.
“Hey!”, Raph yelled, immediately bouncing back. “I was in the middle of something, spoil sport!”
“Do not touch them!”, she yelled, blocking Raphael’s way.
“You don’t tell me what to do!”, Raphael yelled. “Now move! I want my sai!”
“You’re sai!? They are not you’re sai, you thick shell head! They are the sai of my great-grandfather! He used them to fight the Shredder, and used them while saving the world, several times! So if you think you’re worthy enough to call them yours, you’re not just mistaken! You’re dumb!”, she yelled in Raph’s face, the two of them locked in a growling match.
“Rogue”, Cody said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “That is your great-grandfather, Raphael”.
You saw as the realization hit both Raphael and Rogue the same time with the same exact expression. You blinked, taking in the scene in front of you, feeling as if a rock sank to the bottom of your stomach. It was like watching twins, except one was green and the other and a human skin like complexion.
“No way”, you heard Donatello whisper right behind you.
“You’re kidding, right?”, Rogue finally asked Cody, side eyeing Raphael harder than Raph had ever side eyed any one. Even you could tell they were related, and it was almost frightening.
“I am not kidding”, Cody answered, stepping between the two of them. “Rogue, this is Raphael, and as you know, your great-grandfather. And that-”. He gestured towards you. “-Is (Y/N), your great-grandmother”.
Rogue stared at you for a moment, before turning her gaze back towards Raphael. “Really, grandma? You look that good and you chose this”, she said, gesturing towards Raph.
“Yup”, Leo mumbled. “That’s Raph junior, alright”. You couldn’t help but agree.
“(Y/N)”, Raph called out, arms crossed and gaze firmly fixed on Rogue in a new staring contest. “Remind me to teach our children some manners, ‘coz this one obviously has none!”
“Great”, you breathed out, rolling your eyes. “This is going to be fun”.
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“So, let me get this straight”, you said, standing from the spinning chair and walked closer to your boyfriend, Donatello, and Cody as they continued working on the Time Window. You haven’t even been here for a full two days, and the two of them were already looking for a way to get you back. You didn’t blame them for wanting to work fast. You and the turtles’ presents in 2105 could prove dangerous in more ways than one, and could only get worse the longer you stayed there. “You live in this big cool penthouse all alone, just you and Serling?”
“Yeah, mostly”, Cody said, helping your boyfriend connect two wires too small for his own three fingered hands.
“What do you mean by mostly?”, you asked, your brows frowning.
“Well, I have a family that comes and visits every once in a while”.
“Family?”, Donnie asked with a pleasant smile, watching as the wires got connected. “Does that mean there are more Jones’ out there?”
“No, not really”, Cody said, chewing his cheeks with a thoughtful look in his eyes. “They’re not really family, but I see them as such”.
“I know what you mean”, you smiled, before mindlessly letting one of your fingers trace the edge of Donnie’s shell. “I have the same feeling about a group of people I know”. Donnie smiled at that comment, taking your hand to give it a small kiss.
“They have been friends of my family for quite some time”, Cody said, just as thoughtful as before. “I’ve pretty much grown up with them”.
“Will we ever meet them?”, Donnie asked.
“Yeah, maybe”, Cody said, getting slightly nervous. “They usually show up uninvited - not that anything is wrong with it!”, he quickly added, seeming almost panicked. “It’s just the norm. Their parents are busy, you know. With all that quality control at O'Neil tech and paperwork and…”
“Quality control?”, you asked. “Do their parents work for you?”
“No”, Cody smiled a little sheepishly. “Their parents own part of the company, just like their parents did and… their parents…”
“Their parents?...”, Donnie repeated, confused.
You and Donnie wanted to ask what he was talking about, when a pair of young sounding laughters erupted from just outside the lab. Cody sat up, panic in his eyes as he looked towards the door. Suddenly two green young humanoids came into the lab, laughing at something one of them had said. You were shocked to see the small shell-like outlines on their backs, and their shortened number of digits on each hand and foot.
They saw you and Donnie and stopped dead in their tracks. “No way”, they mumbled as they enthusiastically poked you and Donatello, eyes wide and smiles big on their faces.
“Nova, Orion, be nice”, Cody sighed, sounding like an exhausted parent.
“But Cody, it is them!”, Nova exclaimed before jumping on you, her arms wrapping around you in a hug.
“This is amazing!”, Orion said, jumping up and down in front of Donatello. “I have so many questions! Mom and dad literally have a picture framed of you and grandma in their office! There’s so much I want to know, grandpa!”
“Grandpa?”, Donnie asked in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I think you got the wrong person. I’m only 18, and very much childless”.
“Yeah, obviously”, Nova said, still hugging you tightly. “You and grandma don’t have your first kid before 29”.
“Okay, that’s enough”, Cody said, pulling the two young terrapin-like creatures off of you. “Great-grandchildren, what can you do?”, Cody smiled, hoping to relieve you and Donnie from your shocked expressions, as he started pulling the young hyperactive twins out of the lab.
You and Donnie sat and stared after them for some time, before finally turning to one another.
“They have that from you”, he said, before turning back towards the wires.
“With the way you and your brothers act, I’ll have to disagree. That’s definitely from your side”, you said, leaning on his shoulder and watched as he worked.
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In the short time you had been in the year 2105, you had actually liked it way more than you thought you would. The food was good and the air was fresher than you had expected. But even better was the entertainment. The movies were amazing, especially on Cody’s brand new TV, that would allow the viewer to enter the movie, watching it while standing and moving around the scene as it pleased them. You and your fun loving boyfriend, Mikey, had already made great use of that feature, often bringing junk food along with you, snacking loudly during even the quietest scenes. Never had you thought that you would be able to wave your fries in the face of the villain of a horror movie.
But if there was one thing better than the food and movies of the future, it was the video games. Both you and Mikey agreed; the video games of 2105 was absolutely amazing! The storylines, the dialog, the graphics! Oh! How you wished you could get to see something like that in your own lifetime! Especially something like Helix.
As soon as you and Mikey learned about the existence of Helix, no one could get you or him to stop playing it. It took merely a few days before you had finished and played it through half a dozen times. So when the two of you learned about the upcoming sale of Helix 2, you and Mikey were over the Moon Station, begging Cody to take you to the mall to get it. And much to your happiness, he did, although with a sigh as you can Mikey started running circles around him.
Once at the mall, your enthusiasm didn’t diminish in the least. With big eyes you took in your surroundings. Aliens of all sorts mingled among each other, talking and buying everything from clothes and normal day to day articles, to high end luxuries from big name brands, that you had not yet heard of.
As you walked through the mall in search of the game store, hand in hand with Mikey, followed by his brothers and Cody, you came by the open space that went several floors up and several floors down. A viewing spot, where you could see people on escalators and elevators, along with the restaurants down on the ground floor. That was when you noticed the advertisement on the big screens that hung around on the floors. It was for the new Helix 2 game along with a strangely familiar guy, who stood with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips, posing over the neon green title of Helix 2.
Mikey noticed how your attention was drawn off to the side, and followed your gaze to the advertisement. He stopped dead in his tracks, causing the rest to stop in confusion.
“Who the shell is that?”, Mikey asked, pointing to the terrapin-like person on the holographic poster, where the title shone and the guy winked at the people watching him. “Awfully handsome fellow though”.
“Oh, I feared this day would come”, Cody sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Michelangelo, that is Dash. Dash Hamato. Five times winner of the Intergalactic Gaming Championships, and a pretty good friend of mine”.
“Wait, Hamato?”, Leo asked, hands in the air. “As in, Hamato Yoshi?”
“Yup”, Cody said with a nod. “Hamato as in Michelangelo and (Y/N) Hamato. The great-grandfather and great-grandmother of Dash Hamato”.
Your mouth fell open. You looked from Cody to the advertisement of Dash, who once again winked to the people walking through the mall. That was your great-grandson?!
“Oh no”, Raph mumbled, facepalming as he realized what was coming.
“Hell yeah sonnie!”, Mikey yelled, fist in the air as he turned back towards the poster of Dash as Raph growled in frustration. “Champion, just like his great-grandpa! I can see that the Battle Nexus Champion gene is running strong in the family!”
“Not this again!”, Raph said, shaking his head in his hands, causing Leo to put a supporting hand on his shoulder.
“He made a deal with Helix after his third win, and is now their official spokesperson”, Cody explained, watching as Mikey jumped in happiness.
“I have to meet this guy!”, Mikey said, before turning to you. “(Y/N)! Our great-grandson is Helix spokesperson! We have to meet him!”
“I don’t know, Mikey”, Cody said, scratching his neck. “Dash is a busy guy. He takes his gaming very seriously and is often hard to get a hold of. He lives on the Moon Base because the darker atmosphere makes it easier for him to practice his gaming”.
“That sounds like a descendant of Mikey”, Donnie chuckled.
“No great-grandson of mine can leave his great-grandparents hanging like that!”, Mikey said, wrapping an arm around you. “First we get Helix 2, and then we get a hold of Dash! Time to teach him some family gaming tricks!”, he said and started marching the two of you towards the gaming store.
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nicoscheer · 3 months
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The reel
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🎵 Teenage mutant ninja turtles 🎵
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The reel
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cherrykamado · 1 year
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previous. | next. | masterlist.
☆ pairing: yandere kamado tanjiro x reader.
☆ blurb: It’s your smell — your honey-like smell. Intoxicating from beginning to end, the first time he breathes it in, he can’t help but get addicted. And now, he doesn’t just yearn for your sweet scent — he craves for you.
☆ warnings (general): yandere themes, toxicity, gore, manipulation, smut, delusional thoughts, unhealthy relationships. All characters are aged up.
☆ warnings (as for ch. 03): violence, obsessive thoughts, idolization (story is told from tanjiro's perspective.)
☆ notice: minors / ageless blogs do not react or interact. Age in bio or you’ll be blocked.
☆ comments: one day it came back! thank you for the infinite patience and all the support throughout the years! this chapter was supposed to be released, like, half a year ago, but since i got stuck i never posted it. today, with a fresher mind and another perspective, i decided to cut it half way, and to try out something for later. enjoy!!
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Ever since the meeting with Muzan Kibutsuji, Tanjiro knew your relationship with him changed. 
Well, you said it. It came straight from your lips, so it just had to be true.
Oh, to see your eyes gleaming in awe as you stare at the city lights, you look like a child in a candy shop. Maybe the purest look he has ever seen, you have it. 
Even if he, himself, is not comfortable with crowds or the movement of the city, he will be alright as long as he puts on a smile. 
“I’ve never been here before,” you say, mesmerized.
“M-me neither…” He mumbles, taken aback not only by the crowds, but also by the tall buildings and bright lights.
But, most importantly, it’s you that takes him aback. Just being in here with you, it’s you and him, in an unknown place.
I-Is this a date…? I’ve never been in one before!  he thinks, blushing at your mesmerized - and mesmerizing- form. 
But a date can’t be a date if you don’t-
“H-Hold my hand?” He says, his trembling hand reaches out to you. 
“Why?” You ask him, tilting your head. 
“A-ah… Uhm… I… what if we get lost?” 
He couldn’t bear having you apart from him. 
“It’s okay,” You shake your head, chuckling, “But if that’s what you want, I guess.” 
And it’s then that the two pieces of the puzzle connect, like that first time. Gasping, Tanjiro can’t help but to squeeze your hand a little bit too hard, making you wince.
“S-Sorry!” He apologizes, “L-let’s go, okay?” 
Yes, he is the guide; but he’s doing a poor job, having no idea of where to go. One thing is sure, though: his gaze turns towards the direction of his heart, a glance or two, when he’s sure you’re not looking. God, you’re so perfect. 
“Let’s go here, Y/N!” He says, tugging at your hand as he guides you to an alley. 
The moment you come across a couple shamelessly making out, touching each other in almost plain view, you freeze in place. For some reason, you find yourself staring. 
Tanjiro, on the other hand, can’t help but to feel embarrassed. Apologizing in an annoyingly loud way, he tugs at your hand, dragging you out of the scene. 
You become too tired by the time you reach the udon mini shop. You go sit with Nezuko, while the redhead asks you whether you would like to share his yamakake udon with him. 
Oh, and when you say yes! Please, his heart gets so flustered, voice so quavering that he can’t help but to feel his cheeks burn at the thought of him feeding you from his udon bowl.
But you ask for one yourself. Truth to be told, he’s disappointed; however, still getting to be close to you is enough for now.
He holds the plate, feeling the warm coat his hands, and he tries it out. 
He sighs in bliss, hot breath escaping his lips. Tastes so good, so perfectly done. 
“How is it? Do you like it?”
“Hmmm!” You nod. He notes that pearly smile, sneaking into plain view just for him.
He watches you eat, so pleased and in bliss. He loves seeing you like this: it makes his heart be delighted with a joy he swears he has never felt—
All his thoughts of you are cut off, as if a tree had fallen on the way, disrupting all lovely thoughts of you. That tree? A smell. Such a horribly unique scent that it freezes him to the bone. Makes his heart stop, his breath stops as well. The world stops. Time is stuck.
T-that smell…
W-why now?
Painful memories flash in Tanjiro's mind, the pain is excruciating. It is too much for him to feel. He can’t even utter a sound; he doesn’t even hear the sound of the warm plate, once in his hands, now shattered on the floor. He didn’t even stop to grieve over the spoiled food; all he could do was move forward, to the direction of that smell. 
The encounter with that man, the man that took everything from him. Tanjiro can’t stop swimming through the crowd of people, mind always resorting to that horrible smell, the very same scent that lingered the day the slaughter had taken place. 
He doesn’t hesitate to put his arm on the demon’s shoulder, but those dull, salmon colored eyes looking back at him petrify them to the core, chilling up even his bones. He wants to puke, he feels the anxiety take over his body, clouding his already clouded mind, only that now he can’t think of anything. 
He feels as if he’s going to lose it, as if the thread’s too close to snap. And it’s even worse when he discovers that demon, that horrible creature is carrying a child, a child that innocently asks her dad what is going on. So impune he is, that he dares to reassure his hostage, sending her the sweetest smile ever. 
As if he was human.
Only the most despicable being could do something like this, Tanjiro has no doubt, and he feels the repulsion travel all the way up his esophagus; clutching the fabric over his abdomen with one hand, while his other hand places itself over his mouth, as if to prevent himself from screaming, from puking. 
He doesn’t know. Everything is unreal. 
But it’s the honey scent that brings him back to Earth. Carmine eyes turn to meet your figure, right beside him, who’s looking at Muzan with an apologetic smile on your features. 
“I-I’m v-very sorry, sir—” You utter, Tanjiro not being oblivious to the creaking in your voice, or how you stumble with your words. As if a prisoner of the situation, the only thing he can do is watch you deal with the situation. 
“My… M-my boyfriend over here thought you were s-someone else, hehe…” you chuckled nervously, and then bowed down, “please excuse him—”
Then, a hand reaches for him, the warmth so similar to the one he had the delight to hold not a long time ago. 
“Let’s go, Tanji!”  He catches your smile now being directed to him, “You promised my father to get me home before 10, remember?” 
For your sake, all he does is nod. A nod that will get you out of this situation. Again, he hears your sweet voice apologizing to Muzan and, with a gentle tug at his hand, and you’re away from him. 
You don’t say anything, and he doesn’t question it, still too shocked to utter a word. His gaze is unconsciously glued to your back, yet lost in nothing in particular; everything feels as if he was in a limbo.
He doesn’t even notice when he’s greeted by the darkness of the alleyway you guide him to. Only then, when his back collides against the wall, does Tanjiro come back to reality. 
And it’s then that he takes note of every single of your features, guilt instantly taking over him the moment he realizes the danger you have just avoided. He notices how tears have welled up in the corner of your eyes, how your body is shaking from the horror, lip quivering. 
So, you felt it too? 
“W-what were you even thinking about?” He hears the question stumbling from your tongue. He notices the few droplets of sweat that have formed at the very upper part of your forehead, gently glistening with the scarce moonlight that is bleeding into the alleyway.
“Do you know w-what you have just done?” You ask him, as if trying to bring him to reason. 
Tanjiro’s not oblivious to the anxiety scent  that fills his nostrils. That’s when he notices: You have been so brave when you stood for him. You have come at the right time, saving him from fucking up hard, saving him from what not even him knows what could’ve been.
Realization strikes him, as his mind takes him back to that moment. He felt himself reliving that moment as if for the first time. He remembers your hand taking his, intertwining your fingers shyly with his. 
That would be enough to set his heart ablaze, but then your words echo through his temple, travelling around his mind from side to side. 
“My… M-my boyfriend over here thought you were s-someone else, hehe…” you chuckled nervously, and then bowed down, “please excuse him—”
But it’s in four words that he’s actually focused. 
M-my boyfriend over here…
He breathes in hard, cheeks starting to heat up as his eyes widen.
M-my boyfriend over here
M-my boyfriend over
M-my boyfriend
“Tanjiro!” The angel’s voice that never called him brings him back to life. 
Instinctively, his gaze is drawn to you, and oh, does his heart miss a beat at this. You’re looking at him questioningly, there’s no way that you could know what is going on in his mind. He can’t even get a hold of himself right now, the thought of you… with him… like that… 
No way. His expression drops, the voice of his consciousness dragging him down on Earth. No way she would ever see you like that. You’re imagining things. You just met her!
Yet why did it feel as if he’s known you forever? Why can’t he help but to feel so… attracted to you… so devoted?
 Tanjiro can’t help it. He can’t. 
Why is he so drawn to you? 
The answer strikes him: you are an angel. 
You have saved him. You have saved him from danger. You have saved him from drowning. You must be an angel. 
You must have been sent to him. 
You must be an angel. An angel  in disguise
A high pitched scream, and the noise of the crowd, snaps him out. Makes him realize he’s been so close to you. Closest than ever. Yet why does he notices  this the moment you break away? 
You’re then turning to him, gesturing at him to come with you. Your hand on your sword, you’re quick to sprint through the crowd. He’s quick to follow behind you, noticing the scene right ahead of him. 
He’s quick to knock the man down, who was biting on a woman’s trapezium, while you catch the injured woman. Taking his blue scarf from his head, he wraps it around his hand, shoving it in the demon’s mouth. 
A quick glance stolen at you, and he notices you’re fine. “Apply pressure to her wound, please!” He asks you. You didn’t have a scarf or anything. So the first thing that comes to your mind is using your haori. 
No time wasted, he notices how quick you are. Tanjiro’s desperation doesn’t leave his soul for a minute. All of this… because of Muzan. That damned man. 
Why would he do something as horrible as this? Even worse, what if he hurt you?
No, that can’t happen. Tanjiro must be there to protect you. And he will. As long as you’re with him, you will be okay. 
He tries to restrain the demon, but it’s getting out of control. Policemen run to the scene at the sight of the commotioned crowd, who can not understand what is going on right now. 
“What the hell are you both doing?!” One of them roars, with the bludgeon in hand, ready to beat them up. 
As they run closer, Tanjiro’s grip on the demon tightens. 
“W-wait, you don’t understand—” He tries to explain, as ferocious hands clutch and tug from his haori. But he can’t let go, or else people will be hurt. Or else you will be hurt. He can’t bear the thought of that.
“Leave him alone!” He hears the plea of his beloved say. He is shocked, and scared now that the attention is focused on you. 
“Did you two do this?! You will have to come with me!” 
And by the time any of the policemen are going to lay a finger on you, Tanjiro’s blood boils in his veins. Frustration clouds his judgement, as he can’t decide between letting the demon go, or saving you. Either way, people would get hurt, and he didn’t want that. 
What kind of man would he be if he let the demon hurt more people? 
He can’t allow that. 
What kind of person would he be if he let you get hurt? 
He could never forgive himself. 
The frustration, again. So hard, so infuriating, it has him facing a dead end. As he hears your pleas for them to understand, trying to reason with them. But their hands are already on you, tugging at your arms, as they lift you up. They’re going to take you away. 
They’re going to take you away from him.
“Let her go,” his voice cracks in a tiny whisper, eyes fixed on the demon, dull as a void.His expressions contort into a glare, strong, yet brief as a heartbeat, that makes his chest throb once with a pump of rage. 
  or I will kill you.  
He doesn’t notice the veins protruding on his face, eyes red with rage. As if he had turned into a beast. The reaction, much to his luck (unbeknownst to him), was not noticed by the policemen. Flowers engulf the whole area, surround it and it’s confusing. 
What is this smell? Is this an attack? 
Tanjiro’s sight turns to you, his love, who’s just as confused as he is. The urge to rush to your aid takes over his heart, but he remembers there is this demon whom he must restrain, in order to not hurt people; in order to not hurt you.
But you could be in danger.
 What should he do?
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CHERRYKAMADO © 2023 — all rights reserved. do not repost or recommend on any platform. plagiarism will not be tolerated. visuals belong to me.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Lab Rats AU: Prologue
Cesar had been missing for weeks, and despite the danger, Mark decides to figure out why.
TW: Body horror, blood, needles, kidnapping mention (I think that’s it-)
Notes: this is around 6′600 words long. Yeah! Lab au writing!! These characters are miserable!! Hope you enjoy-
 September 15th, 1992
 Cesar had been missing for three weeks.
Mark remembered seeing him at their high school, like usual. However, he seemed especially…paranoid that day; complaining about strange noises outside his house, and seeing things peeking in through his window. Mark understood the feeling of paranoia too well, though something about Cesar’s retelling of those events felt more unsettling, making Mark feel only more so when Cesar didn’t show up at school the following day. Mark told himself he was worrying too much, and that Cesar was probably just sick, or out of town for a while, but after his many calls to his phone remained unanswered, he figured that something must’ve been wrong. He couldn’t rest until he knew what was going on, being the reason he was driving to Cesar’s house in the middle of the night.
Mark’s tired, yet intense gaze was fixated on the road in front of him, the headlights of his car shining on the damp asphalt under it. He was wearing a pale grey sweatshirt, along with a pair of blue jeans. Around his neck was a silver necklace with a golden cross on it, which rested on his chest. His brown hair was swept to the left side, partially covering his acne-covered forehead. His brows were furrowed in a look of concern, even though his eyebrows were naturally low, making him look pissed off without trying.
It was particularly dark that night, with the moon being blotted out by the layer of clouds from the recent rain. It wasn’t particularly cold, though Mark couldn’t help but shudder slightly, making him turn up the heater in his car. He wished he was at home; lying in his mostly comfortable bed, covered in multiple blankets, with the only light coming from a small nightlight he refused to mention because it made him seem childish. He was tired, but couldn’t sleep without knowing exactly what was going on with his friend.
Mark took in a deep breath, his fingers pressed against the leather steering wheel, his thumbs rubbing over the textured surface. He felt a pressure in his chest, with his stupid subconscious wondering if he was going to accidentally give himself a heart attack. He kept thinking to himself: “You’re overreacting, Cesar’s gonna be fine when you get there, and all this will be for nothing.” However, he couldn’t make himself fully believe his reassurances, as much as he tried. He took in deep breaths, letting them out before taking in another, hoping for relief from the tense pressure in his body.
He turned off of the main road, onto a gravel lane, and continued to drive until his headlights hit the side of Cesar’s house. He parked in front of the garage, sighing deeply as he looked at the home. He felt a pit in his gut, despite never feeling it towards Cesar’s home before, even in the middle of the night. Mark remembered the times where he’d stay the night, keeping Cesar company while Ms. Torres slept in the other room. They’d have to try their best to stay quiet, despite them both wanting to laugh loudly at each other’s stupid jokes. Mark was just hoping this would be something similar, despite the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that it wouldn’t.
The home felt so desolate, with no lights on and its windows only leading to darkness. It almost felt like a void was trying to swallow the house up, with it being completely black aside from whatever Mark’s headlights hit. It felt unwelcoming, making Mark almost want to hightail it out of there without even going inside, feeling immense dread just being near the home. However, Mark didn’t drive all that way for nothing, so he might as well do what he needed to do and get out of there as soon as possible.
Mark stepped out of his car, clutching his flashlight in one hand, and his trusty Desert Eagle in the other, his trembling fingers wrapped tightly around its handle. He walked to the front door, taking in yet another deep breath before letting it out and knocking on the door. No response; something about that made Mark sick. Mark shakily reached for the doorknob, pulling his arm back before thinking hard. For all he knew, Cesar and his mother were asleep, and Mark was about to break into their home without warning. However, when he turned the doorknob and realized it was unlocked, he only felt worse about wandering inside.
He shone his flashlight into the dark living room, seeing that one of the end tables was knocked over, and that there were random objects strewn around the room. It looked as if it had been robbed, which wasn’t out of the question considering Cesar’s mother set up cameras due to a robbery a few years prior. However, nothing appeared to be missing; only broken or misplaced. Mark felt his heart sink as he slowly walked through the home, walking into the kitchen and looking around to see everything in disarray. A kitchen knife was missing from its block, and there were faint stains in the tiled flooring, along with shards of a vase. It looked as if someone came in and swept everything off of the tables.
Mark looked towards the corner of the room towards the roof, seeing that the cameras were off, meaning Mark most likely couldn’t have found anything from the CCTV footage. However, when mark glanced towards the back hallway, he noticed something in the corner of it, with Mark being able to identify what it was when he walked closer; a messily folded piece of paper. Mark hesitantly kneeled on the ground, placing his gun on the wooden floor before grabbing the paper, unfolding it as he pointed his flashlight towards it, reading the hastily written, barely legible message:
“There are people outside, they cut the phone lines
They’re here for me and are trying to get in
I see MBT on their uniforms, pleas hel ”
Mark shoved the paper into his pocket before grabbing his gun, fumbling with it for a second before standing up. The acronym MBT sounded vaguely familiar, but he wasn’t completely sure what it meant. He remembered it being mentioned around town, but only in hushed whispers and crazy conspiracies. From what he remembered it was just a medical research facility somewhere outside of Mandela, so…why did Cesar mention it?
Mark glanced to his left, seeing that not only was the door to the guest bedroom open, but the glass doors that led outside were as well. He stood up, swallowing hard before walking into the room, flicking on the light. He looked out into the backyard, seeing very faint tire tracks and footprints in the mud, though the rain seemed to have washed away most of them. Every single faint track led into the woods, and even though Mark didn’t go through the tree line, he knew deep inside where the trail was leading; to the highway.
Mark knew the best thing to do was to call the police and report a kidnapping. However, considering how dismissive the MCPD was towards the disappearances plaguing Mandela County, he doubted that it would’ve been any use. Mark was in no way capable of handling rescuing his friend from possible kidnappers, but…he had no other reliable option. Mark’s brows furrowed, breathing in and out multiple times before sighing. “Fucking…shit.”
Mark jogged around the house, hopping back into his car before starting it up again, backing out of the driveway and turning back down the gravel lane. He should’ve called for help the first few days of Cesar being missing, but he no longer had the time to regret his decisions. He drove towards the highway, wondering where the “kidnappers” would’ve gone, deciding to drive towards the border of Mandela, knowing it wasn’t too far away. Mark only hoped they didn’t flee to the other counties; Mark only had so much time in a day to search.
Mark continued to drive, the dread in his gut only becoming worse as he approached the border between Mandela and Bythorne. What if Cesar was long dead; with his body thrown in a ditch somewhere, half decomposed. Mark shook off the images his mind came up with before he caught something in the corner of his eye. He was in between two small fields, cloaked by darkness aside from the light coming from Mark’s car. He slowed down, parking on the side of the road as he squinted towards the right field, seeing something in between the wheat. There was a small, worn down dirt road that led into the woods.
Mark really was a fucking moron; he’s seen so many movies laying out why what he was doing was fucking stupid. “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” sprung to mind, making Mark think he was going to end up being chopped up, eaten, and having his bones made into a couch by a family of cannibals. Mark could feel himself wanting to dissociate just to make himself believe he wasn’t really putting himself in danger, but he knew he needed to focus, as much as possible. Cesar was in danger, and by God, Mark wasn’t going to lose his only friend. He just hoped he wasn’t too late, and that if he found Cesar, he would forgive him for dragging his feet.
Mark reluctantly turned down the dirt road, carefully driving through the field, pausing at the edge of the forest before continuing his drive. The forest was dark, and the road was uneven, feeling as if it was supposed to be barely discernable from the regular forest floor. It felt so claustrophobic, despite it being out in the open, feeling as if the trees were closing in. Mark could feel the pit in his gut growing the further he went, considering turning around and abandoning the mission. However, when he spotted distant lights, he stopped the car, turning off the headlights.
He could see a sort of parking lot, with trucks and cars in the many spots. Though it was barely illuminated by the streetlights, Mark could see something clearly on the side of some of the vehicles: “MANDELA BIOTECH”. Most of the vehicles however were plain black or grey from what he saw, making him wonder what the hell Mandela BioTech was doing. Either way, it seemed Cesar’s note really was referring to the company, but why?
Before Mark could think any more, he turned towards his window, seeing a set of headlights approaching from a branching road. Mark gasped, ducking and hiding under the dashboard as soon as the headlights hit the side of his car. Mark heard the brakes of the vehicle squeak, waiting in terrified silence as he heard the truck’s door open. Mark’s wide eyes looked at the window as he heard footsteps approaching, a flashlight being shone into the car right above Mark’s head.
“What’s going on?” Another person said, their voice muffled.
“Is this vehicle authorized?” The man looking through the window asked.
“…Should I call this in?”
“Ask around. I swear to God if another one of the new recruits left their vehicle here I’m gonna lose it.” The man said before backing away from the car.
Mark let out his breath before peeking through the window, seeing that the men that were looking at his car were decked in FBI-like body armor and masks, with guns on holsters next to their hips. They entered the truck before driving by Mark’s vehicle, letting Mark try and calm down. “What kind of fucking medical facility requires armed guards?” He asked himself, wondering if it was safe to leave. He felt like he wandered onto the set of some sort of Sci Fi horror movie, thinking that it was most likely wise to leave now. However, something in his heart refused to leave; if Cesar was in there, Mark was going to get him out. God damn it, he knew he was stupid for doing so.
Mark carefully opened the car door, crawling out and lightly closing it behind him, looking around before quietly running down the path, avoiding any lights that could blow his cover. He was tired, cold, scared, yet stupidly brave, and was beginning to wonder if his gut feeling was going to end with him dead. He refused to let himself think about his six year old sister, Sarah, as even the idea of her wondering where he was made him want to cry.
 Mark soon found himself at one of the outer walls, glancing behind him whenever he heard even the faintest of sounds. In front of him was a row of dumpsters, garbage bins, and containers labeled “BIOHAZARD”, among other random bits of parts and garbage. However, when he looked up, he saw the entrance to a vent, embedded in the wall above one of the dumpsters. Mark swallowed hard, flapping his hands before groaning quietly, grabbing a metal rod that was resting against the other pieces of trash. He placed his gun on top of the dumpster before he climbed on top of it, unable to ignore the stickiness on his hands that made him want to claw his skin off; he instead just wiped them on his pants.
He jammed the metal pole in between the metal grate in front of the vent, pushing against it to try and open it. “Don’t be loud, don’t be loud, don’t be loud—” Mark whispered as the grate began to creak open, all before becoming loose enough for Mark to pull it open. He nearly lost his footing as he pulled the grating off, all before he tossed it onto the grass behind him. He turned towards the vent, feeling cool air hit his face and being able to smell cleaning alcohol and chemicals. He took in a deep breath, flapping his hands once again as he tried to shake off his trepidation, pushing aside his worries as he grasped his gun and crawled inside the metal vent, not once noticing the camera on the wall filming him.
 The cameras red light blinked as it caught Mark’s legs disappear into the vent, its footage being monochromatic and overlaid with static, yet still clear enough to catch his movement. The light from the camera feed reflected on the heavily dilated eyes of the watcher, their eyes partially covered by their wavy, pale grey hair. They coughed up speckles of phlegm and blood onto a tissue, before they began to chuckle; a choked, wheezing chuckle. “How…fascinating.” They stated, their permanent smile wide on their face as they continued to look at the footage.
A boy, no older than 17, breaking into their facility, believing he wouldn’t be caught? How ridiculously idiotic, yet curious nonetheless. They would have applauded him for his bravery if it weren’t the stupidest idea they’ve ever seen. They had a small button under their desk; alarms would blare and every single staff member of the expansive facility would be on the intruder’s tail at just a single press. However, something about a young man’s attempt to break in was amusing to them, so despite the option being there, they decided holding out was the more fun option. After all, they wanted to know why he was there. What could spur such a dangerous act? They supposed they would just have to wait and see, if he didn’t get stuck somewhere and die in the vents of course. The smell of rot would be hard to remove.
  Mark wasn’t claustrophobic; however he still found himself fighting against a panic attack as he crawled through the steel vents. His hand was white-knuckled, gripping his gun as if his life depended on it, checking every few seconds to make sure he didn’t accidentally move his finger to the trigger. Thunks and clanks echoed throughout the vent system from Mark’s shoes hitting the metal, and his weight causing the metal to bend slightly. He knew he wasn’t necessarily skinny, but he figured he wasn’t too heavy to actually break anything. He hoped.
He found himself at an intersection, seeing two ways to go. He looked down both sides, before he took in a breath and moved to his left. He had no clue where to go, or even what to do once he was out of the vents. He still didn’t know where Cesar was being kept, nor if he was even in the right place in the facility. However, Mark supposed it was too late now, as when he found himself at a dead end with a grate under him, he realized it was time to leave.
The grate smashed against the floor when Mark pushed it out, causing him to flinch and wince at the noise. He peeked out of the vent, seeing no one in the blank, white halls before he hopped down, his ankles stinging when he fell to the ground. It smelled like a hospital; overly sanitized and the air feeling artificially clean. All Mark could hear was the air conditioning, and the sound of faint medical machinery. It felt surreal, seeing how empty the halls seemed, but despite no one being nearby, Mark couldn’t help but feel as though someone was watching over his shoulder.
Mark’s sneakers squeaked against the linoleum floors, his eyes darting around in every direction, checking behind him every few seconds. It felt as though he was in the back hallways of a hospital, knowing if he got caught he would get in trouble; if said hospital was a hundred times bigger and getting caught meant getting shot. His hands shook as he tried desperately not to wave them around to ease his stress, making every movement as quiet and careful has possible. All he needed to do was find where Cesar was being kept, and he would be out.
Mark pressed his back against a wall, peeking around a corner to see more of the same: expansive corridors. He hesitantly began walking down the hallway, swallowing the lump in his throat before he froze; footsteps. Mark frantically glanced from side to side, settling on a door to his left before scrambling towards it, quietly yet quickly opening it before rushing inside. He closed it until only small part of it was open, gazing through the gap to see a couple men in professional attire, both wearing surgeons’ masks over their faces. Mark backed away from the door, trembling before his back hit something.
He swung around, letting out his breath when he saw it was just a few filing cabinets. He walked around them, seeing the room he was in. It seemed to be a storage space, with papers strewn across tables and pieces of medical machinery in the corners. Mark chose well he supposed; if there was any place he’d find info on where Cesar was, it was there. He immediately started sifting through the loose papers, glancing behind his back whenever he felt as though there was a presence behind him. All he found for a little while were random medical records, bills, and one that seemed intriguing, being a report on a vaguely mentioned “incident”, though it had no info Mark needed.
Luckily, or unluckily, Mark found a paper that had a familiar face on the corner: Cesar.
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 6’2”
Mark glanced behind him, shoving the paper into his sweatshirt pocket without reading the rest of it before hurrying out of the room, hoping he was in the right area to find the room he needed. A part of him was saddened that Cesar was actually there, but was quickly pushed aside when he realized that all he needed to do was find him, and they’d be able to escape. He hoped.
Mark quickly rushed through the halls, checking every room door to see if it was the number he was looking for. 215, 217, 226; Mark was nearing the room, feeling the shaking in his core increasing with every step. However, he stopped in front of one of the doors, hearing footsteps yet again before pressing the switch next to the sliding door and rushing inside to hide, pressing his back against the wall next to it as he heard the footsteps getting closer. Mark glanced into the dark room, feeling his heart sink and his breath hitch when he saw that there was someone in there with him.
It was a tall, strangely proportioned and thin man, sitting completely still in a chair next to the wall. He had a white and red jumpsuit on, reading “03” on the right side of his chest. He had a long neck, and arms that reached the floor, seemingly filled with holes that revealed his bones. Mark looked up at his face, eyes widening when he saw that he was devoid of a mouth, and his nose was nothing but a pair of nostrils. Two, wide, unblinking eyes stared vacantly at the wall, not once even giving Mark a passing glance.
Mark shook wildly out of fear, wondering what the hell happened to the man before he heard voices outside of the room, being the guards acknowledging the open door. Mark held his breath, seeing the armored guards walk in, their guns trained on the man in the chair. Mark stared at the man, seeing him blinking in strange patterns as soon as the guards looked away from his face.
Blink, hold, blink.
Blink, blink, hold.
Hold, blink.
Mark backed out of the room, seeing the guards swing around towards him before he slammed his hand against the switch, shutting the door and trapping them inside. Mark ran down the hall, ignoring the yelling from the guards as he ran down a branching, wider hallway, leading to room 234; Don’t worry Cesar, Mark was there.
He slammed his gun-holding fist against the switch, running into the room before promptly shutting the door behind him. He pressed his back against the door, breathing heavily before realizing that it wasn’t a normal cell like the one he was in prior. It was a large room, with a circular glass wall in the middle of it, like a large tube. Faint classical music played on the speakers, almost like a lullaby. Mark quietly walked down the hall, finding himself in the main room, looking up to see that the room’s roof was taller than the other rooms, making the place feel giant in comparison.
He looked at the glass, seeing that it was smeared with a black substance, like paint, it reaching towards the floor and ceiling in thin strands of the material. He could barely see inside until he walked around the glass, finally seeing inside of the cell. There was a single, stained bed in the middle, along with random pieces of garbage littered around it. The same black substance stretched across the floor, attaching itself to everything nearby, and Mark could swear he saw it moving slightly. However, Mark didn’t care about the state of the room itself, as when he saw the figure inside, he almost choked; Cesar.
Cesar was sitting in the middle of the cell, wearing a uniform similar to the mouthless man Mark saw, however, with orange patches on his shoulders with Biohazard symbols on them, along with the number 02 on his back. He was facing away from Mark, with him only barely able to see his left side. He seemed to be picking at the floor with his obscured right hand, humming to himself. Mark could barely make himself speak, but swallowed the lump in his throat before taking in a deep breath.
Cesar’s humming stopped.
He sat up straight, slightly turning his head, though not looking at Mark. “…Who’s there?” He asked, his voice hoarse as if he hasn’t used it in a while.
“I…I-It’s…It’s me, Cesar.” Mark stuttered, walking around the glass towards the steel door that led into the cell. Cesar looked at him, his left eye widening when he could see who it was. He stayed in stunned silence before he stood up, turning fully towards Mark before speaking.
Mark was too horrified to respond.
The entire right side of Cesar’s face was covered in a semi-shiny black substance, much like the rest of the room, with his right eye being shut. Mark could see that his cheek had been stripped away on that side, showing his teeth and the half-absorbed muscle under his skin. The substance ran down his neck as well, though Mark was fixated on his right arm; his far-too-long right arm, which was completely coated in the fungus. Its hand had sharp claws at the end of each elongated finger, and he could see black veins under the shifting fungus. Mark could barely let out a whimper before Cesar recognized the look of horror on his face.
“W-wait…” Cesar said, raising his left, normal hand towards him before a faint, nervous smile appeared on his face. “I’m…it’s…god…” His smile faded when he fully realized something. “You…why are you here? How did you…find this place?”
“I-I…I saw your…your note.” Mark stated. “Oh my God…what…what happened to you?”
“Listen…you need to get out of here.” Cesar stated. “If you’re here, you’ve already been spotted. If they catch you they’ll—” Cesar cut himself off, looking at the ground before scoffing slightly, trying not to cry. “…besides. I mean…look at me. I’m not worth saving if that’s what you’re here for. Just…tell mama I love her, okay?”
“…You can tell her that yourself.” Mark pressed the switch on the door, it swinging open before Mark stepped into the cell, causing Cesar to stumble backwards.
“W-wait, NO—” Cesar couldn’t get his thought out before Mark grabbed his left arm, staring him in the eye with determination. “What are you doing?”
“I’m getting you out of h—”
Mark was startled by loud sirens ringing throughout the facility, causing him to cover his ears. Cesar looked around, seeing red lights flashing before grabbing Mark’s arm. “I’m getting you out of here.” He stated before running out of the cell, Mark following close behind. Cesar slashed the control panel of the door with his mutated claws, causing the door to slide open before they ran into the hallway, Cesar looking both ways before running to the left.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” Cesar said, trying to cover up his fear. “You should’ve just left me; lived normally without—”
“And just let you suffer?!” Mark questioned, trying to resist throwing his gun on the ground and letting go of Cesar’s hand to cover his hurting ears. “What kind of fucking friend would I be?!”
Cesar remained silent, running through the halls before freezing in place when he turned a corner, seeing three guards in front of him. Cesar backed up, feeling Mark’s grip on his hand fade as one of them swung a gun up, pointing it at Cesar—
The man’s head jerked back, slamming against the ground behind the other two before one of the others felt a bullet pierce through their neck, falling as well. Cesar took the chance to slash at the last Guard, bloody slashes appearing in the torso before Cesar kicked them to the ground. Cesar’s breath was heavy as he turned around, his piercing gaze softening when he saw Mark, who was holding his pistol in front of him with a look of shock in his eyes.
“I-I…I…” Mark muttered, unable to get his thoughts out. “I…I k…killed—”
“No time to dwell on it,” Cesar grabbed Mark’s hand before continuing to run. “We’re almost there.”
After what felt like hundreds of winding hallways, and multiple dead guards, they finally made it outside, Mark immediately looking around before spotting his car by the trail, pointing towards it. “THERE!” He ran towards it, stopping when Cesar didn’t follow. He turned around, seeing that he had a solemn look on his face.
“Save yourself. For me.” Cesar said, backing up a few steps.
“Don’t pull that shit on me—” Mark grasped Cesar’s hand, making Cesar feel his heart sink when he realized that it was his mutated hand. Mark pulled his hand back as he yelled, staring at his hand, which was partially coated by the fungus, wiping it on his pants just to see that his skin was now a pale pink color, as if the top layer was eaten off.
“Please, just leave me here!” Cesar begged as Mark grabbed his normal hand, despite his own hand stinging at the action, leading him to the car. Mark swung open the back door, letting go of Cesar’s hand as he did so.
“Get in!” He asked. However, before Cesar could do so, Mark heard him let out a shocked yell. He turned around, expecting to see that Cesar got shot, however when he saw that there was a dart sticking out of Cesar’s neck, he almost felt worse. Cesar looked at Mark with a solemn, fearful gaze, as if he was saying “It’s too late” without speaking. Cesar’s eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground, narrowly being caught by Mark, who, despite the tears running down his face, pushed him into the car, wiping the fungus that got on his hands onto his pants and sweatshirt. “You’ll be okay, we’ll be—”
Mark’s empty reassurances were interrupted when he felt something stab his neck, only realizing what it was when he ripped It out and looked at it; a tranquilizer dart. “…Oh…god no.” Mark scrambled towards the front door, grabbing the handle and ripping it open, despite feeling dizzier with every passing second. He dropped his gun, unable to crawl into the car before he slammed against the dirt, trying to resist the urge to fall asleep. Alas, he wasn’t strong enough, and as he saw feet enter his tunnel vision, he realized he failed.
Mark could smell cleaning alcohol and felt as if he was sleeping on an air mattress. He opened his eyes, seeing that he was in a mostly dark room, dimly lit by an orange light on the ceiling. It looked almost like a dorm room, with a desk, a very small closet, and a mirror on the wall. The walls were a pale grey, seemingly made from concrete. Mark felt weak, not wanting to get up, though something else felt different.
He looked down at his arm, which was resting next to his head, seeing he wasn’t wearing his hoodie anymore. When he looked down he saw he was fitted in a…white and red jumpsuit, just like Cesar and the man in the cell. However, his uniform had 04 on it, though he wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. Either way, it felt like thick flannel, though not necessarily comfortable like it. He pat his chest, realizing in disappointment that his cross necklace was gone as well.
He stood up, realizing he was wearing non-slip socks as well, the texture of which making him want to rip them off, which he did. He threw them onto the desk, and despite the floor being ungodly cold, he preferred it over the itchy footwear. He walked to the sliding door, looking for a switch or handle to get out, but being unsuccessful. He soon realized that it wasn’t a dorm; it was a prison cell, which explained the fact that there was a toilet in the corner.
Mark felt tension build in his chest as he shook his hands, pacing in his room as he wondered what the hell happened while he was out. Was Cesar alright? Where was he? Why did he have a uniform on now? How was his family going to react to this? Would they know…? Would they…ever find out…?
Mark’s thoughts were interrupted when he saw light pour into the room from the door behind him. He turned around slowly, seeing a figure in the doorway, their face obscured by darkness until Mark’s eyes adjusted. It was a woman, around his height, with black, curly hair, wearing a white lab coat over a blue shirt of some kind. She had a respirator mask over her face, completely concealing her appearance. She had her gloved hands crossed in front of her, staring at Mark through the dark glass of her mask.
“W…Who…who are you?” Mark hesitantly asked.
“I must ask of you the same thing.” She responded.
“Well, my name is Dr. Amanda Harlow, and you shall refer to me as such.” Amanda stated, though she didn’t follow it with a friendly handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“…Where am I?” Mark asked.
“I’m afraid…that’s classified information for the time being.” Amanda said. “Though allow me to reassure you; everything will be answered in due time.”
“W…What happened to Cesar?” Mark questioned. “What did you do to him?”
“…02 is safe, currently in our custody. No harm has been done to him.”
“No, what the FUCK did you do to him?!” Mark questioned with a grimace. “You’re the one that made him like that, aren’t you?!”
Amanda remained silent and still, all before she let out a breath. “Mark. Like I have already said, everything will be explained sooner or later. Why don’t you walk with me? I’ll tell you everything you need to know for the time being.”
She stood to the side of the doorway, gesturing towards the hallway before Mark hesitantly walked out of the room. Amanda followed Mark, her hand planted on his shoulder as she led him down the hallway. “I understand you must be…confused on what exactly happened yesterday—”
“Yesterday?” Mark asked.
Amanda paused before continuing. “…However, I can assure you, no harm will be done to you or 02. Though I must ask why you are here, and what exactly spurred you to try and break it out?”
“…It? 02? His name is Cesar.” Mark sternly stated.
“…Just answer the questions, Mark.”
“I…He left a note, I…he’s been missing for a while, I couldn’t just…leave him.” Mark answered, feeling Amanda’s nails digging into his shoulder even through the glove.
“How brave of you.”
“You are…friends with him?” Amanda asked.
“I see.” Amanda remained silent for a few moments, Mark seeing her other arm shift behind her from his peripheral vision. “Now…trespassing is a serious crime, though I suppose you are quite young…don’t know your way around this world just yet.”
“I…huh?” Mark felt himself beginning to sweat.
“Don’t stress yourself, Mark. You will be in good hands here.” Amanda stated, pausing as she gripped the syringe in her hand tighter. “Now…you may feel a slight sting.”
“Wh—” Mark felt a needle being stabbed into his neck, slowly falling to the ground as Amanda injected something into him, all before he felt a too familiar sense of heaviness rush over his body. He fell onto his back, looking up at Amanda, whose emotionless mask was staring back at him, all before he once again fell unconscious.
“…Appears to have no…physical ailments. However, I’ll have to find his governmental records to be sure.” Mark heard the voice of Amanda faintly, his eyelids still heavy and his mind foggy. He was laying on something, restrained, though he wasn’t sure where. “Mark Heathcliff appears to be his full name. He’s young, healthy...I believe you will be happy with a…canvas such as this.”
“Do you think he will be better than 01?” An unrecognizable, coarse voice stated, sounding further away, though Mark’s eyes were still shut, unable to see who it was.
“Potentially. I suppose that depends on what you do.”
Mark’s eyes slowly opened, dilating when he saw there was a bright light beaming on his face. He couldn’t move his legs or arms, feeling binds around his wrists and ankles. He lifted his head slightly, feeling his head throb as soon as he did so.
“Oh…hello Mark.” Amanda came into view, staring at him as she spoke in a calm tone.
“Wh...Where am—”
“Don’t panic.” Amanda stated. “It’ll make things harder for everyone involved.”
“Are…are you going to…kill me?” Mark could feel himself fighting back tears.
“Absolutely not.” The unrecognizable voice from the corner of the room spoke up, a figure standing up, concealed by the shadows. “If anything, you’ll come out of here…better than you were.” Mark could see that the person was incredibly tall, limping out into the light with a cane in their hand. However, when Mark looked up, finally processing what they looked like, he froze.
They wore a dark grey suit over a white dress shirt, along with a black tie. However, everything aside from their formal attire was a complete nightmare. Their long, wavy hair was completely grey, and his skin was a greenish yellow color, like a corpse. Their right foot was covered in bandages, though it looked more like the talon of a bird, its claws scraping against the floor as they walked towards Amanda and Mark. Their face was the most horrifying of all; elongated, with them having a “snout”, and their teeth were visible through a permanent wide smile. Their molars and front teeth were separated from one another like a horse’s skull. Their wide, dilated eyes stared down at Mark, and despite emoting being hard for them, Mark could sense…joy emitting from them.
“What the fuck, what the FUCK!” Mark tried to push himself from the monster growing closer, only to have Amanda push him back down.
“Don’t be afraid,” The figure said, their teeth chattering with every word. “I understand; perfection…is hard to handle for most.”
Mark wanted to say so many things, but nothing came out of his tight throat.
“Oh, how rude of me, my name is Gabriel.” Gabriel stated. “I’d recommend getting used to hearing it; I’ll be seeing you often while you’re here.”
“I-I…I…” Mark stammered, shaking his head.
“I saw the necklace on you when you came in.” Gabriel stated. “…A sign from the heavens. God has sent me one of his own angels…I just need to uncover it.”
“Shall I start?” Amanda asked.
Gabriel glared at her, growling slightly. “No. You failed with 02, why would I let you take the chance to ruin a perfectly good subject again?” They stated with a tinge of aggression. “I shall take care of this myself. I have ideas for what exactly to do with the blessing I have been given.”
Gabriel looked back at Mark, seeing the horrified, wide stare they were being given before they let out a wheezy chuckle, coughing after doing so. “Oh, don’t fear, after the procedures are done, I imagine you’ll be thanking me.” Gabriel said, grabbing a syringe from the table. “After all; the pain is only the weak human form shedding…allowing you to finally reach the unreachable. Trust me…I’ve experienced it myself.”
“Do you wish to put him under?” Amanda asked.
“…I suppose, yes.” Gabriel said. “We can work on pain tolerance at a later date.”
Mark began to scream, thrashing around as tears streamed down his face. “PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME!” He begged, seeing Amanda place a mask over his face. He struggled the hardest he could against the third anesthetic he was given, believing he’d surely die if he fell asleep again. These people were going to kill him; all he wanted was to go back home. He wanted his mother and father, and wanted to see his sister again and hug her. He just wanted to go home, back to the way things were. “GOD HELP ME, SAVE…save…m…me…”
Despite his efforts, Mark fell asleep.
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