#new pinned that's right
cptapathy · 15 days
We have all been saying this was coming for years now. The UK is now introducing a new section 28.
This is a direct attack on the queer Community, stop accepting it.
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malusdraco · 1 year
About me:
Call me Malus, I also go by Axel. I use they/them pronouns primarily, and am trying out it/its pronouns as well. Born in '97 (figure out my age from there). White settler on unceded Massachusett land. I work in IT by day and draw/paint things as a hobby.
I'm Aromantic, Asexual, and Nonbinary- but I prefer the term Genderqueer.
About this blog:
Everything goes here- I cannot keep sideblogs. My former art blog is @solsticine and my aesthetic/inspiration blog is @malus-aesthetic. I'll post my new art under #art_gallery. I have a very wide range of interests including wildlife (bugs especially), fantasy/sci-fi, tokusatsu, film/art history, and some anime. I'm not a reliable tagger, so be warned if you are sensitive to specific things.
This blog is for mature audiences. I won't be censoring my posts or reblogs beyond tagging them, so scroll at your own risk.
Self-proclaimed safe spaces and DNI lists aren't my thing. In lieu of that, here is a non-exhaustive list of things I'll make fun of you for:
metaphorical bootlicking/fascism/capitalist values
insincere tone policing and performative activism
promoting any sort of queer infighting, including any sort of 'is x allowed at pride' discourse
making copious amounts of pornographic content related to a children's show
spreading fear/hate for mental illnesses and personality disorders, especially schizophrenia, bipolar, BPD, and NPD
spreading fear/hate for animals you don't like, including INSECTS, rats, pigeons, "ugly" animals.
relatedly- promote animal rights over animal welfare
If I think of anything more that's distinct, I'll add it. Sometimes we can't get along. It's your job to handle those feelings, not mine.
Find me elsewhere:
Malusdraco on Deviantart || malusdraco on Cara || Malusdraco on Toyhouse
malusdraco_art on Twitter || malusdraco on letterboxd
malusdraco on Ko-Fi
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fakakta-art · 2 months
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I finally have the Red Hood Jason Todd pins up in my Etsy shop! If you want to support me and check it out I'd appreciate it :)
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crunchchute · 2 months
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tumblr is being nice so here you can have a look at my cosplay wips :]
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
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yashley · 11 months
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"Auggie, how do you get stitched up and refreshed?" "I am going to go over to Arlo’s house."
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kastalani123 · 11 days
Leo Valdez was not born. Instead, two pairs of hands form him from bronze and steel and gold. His hair is copper wires so thin they bounce like natural curls, and his eyes glimmer with silver flakes. The joints of his body are plated so delicately, so perfectly, the segments are near indiscernible, smoothly gliding over each other. Faint traces of fingerprints and flecks of impurity are deliberately left behind for their uniqueness, a form of impossible signature of his creators.
Most importantly, gilded bars curl around each other in his chest, protecting the red-red-red flame that pushes his eyes open everyday, that beats in tune with his thoughts, that heats his body to expand and grow.
A metal child is not so different from a human one, and yet is so far from it at the same time. He is curious, about the world, about himself, and he picks apart toys and TV remotes and his arms, spilling their secrets before his constantly shifting eyes. He does not cry from fatigue or thirst or hunger, but a bump, a dent, a scratch never fail to draw tears. He splashes in the rain and snow, carefully bundled in waterproof coats and jackets, and runs from baths like he's possessed, fire flickering in fear.
The first time he meets someone like him, an endeavour he had long thought hopeless, it is a malfunctioning dragon others call for the death of; he is too unpredictable, too dangerous, too broken. Leo looks him in ever-shifting eyes glimmering with silver and sees himself if the cage in his chest ever bends, cracks, shatters, if the gears beneath his skin ever jam and stick and wear down irreversibly.
It is not golden flowers and godly aid that preserve him; just as he'd done for his twin-in-all-but-appearance, he creates a new body, with new fingerprints and impurities mapping his design. His hair is more bronze than copper, now, and his eyes more gold than brass. The plates of his joints scrape against each other faintly, and the gears of his bones grind together uncomfortably — he only had so much time, so much material to use, he could not polish every element of himself in the way he wished, but it holds together.
Most importantly, he reinforces the cage in his chest, coats it in layers upon layers of metal, to ensure his flame will not go out in the explosion, that Festus will be able to salvage it and lay it gently in the chest cavity carefully carved in his new body, bringing it to life.
He returns to Camp, movements more clunky and mechanical than should be, and his siblings finally pin down his segmented limbs, his shifting eyes, his clicking fidgeting. They are ecstatic, just as fascinated with him as they had been with Festus, and he lets them. He lets them take him apart, piece by piece, clean out the sand of Ogygia from his organs, polish and oil his gears until they glide against each other, press new fingerprints, new signatures of belonging, against his skin.
Most importantly, they craft him a secure, intricate cage, with golden flames licking up the bars, with delicate chains shielding it from the elements, and his flame settles inside it, flickering happily, finally truly, truly comfortable in the cage of his body.
Leo Valdez may not have been born, but he was crafted with the most loving hands imaginable, and is that not so much better, for a son of the Craftsman?
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howaboutahat · 9 months
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Feeling very comfy this morning!
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tervaneula · 1 year
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I saw the original pic (that + the full edit under the cut) and blacked out and when i came to this had happened. that one dude's face screams donnie to me ugndhfsg
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sillylittlegaymer · 2 months
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This is my sona blah blah blah die
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Also my other ones middle drawing by @moefool666 godbless
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crimeronan · 27 days
one fun fact about devin is that they would make a legitimately Great EMT. unfortunately they live in a horror-fantasy narrative where they're in hell forever.
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milkweedman · 8 months
my pieces got accepted to the local museum ! i was quite sure they'd been rejected because i was supposed to hear back over 2 weeks ago, but i guess there were just time issues. am very happy about this !
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greypetrel · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @pinayelf : thank you so much Ellie! <3 Since it's the next week, you're tagged back if you have anything new to share :D
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@shivunin (hi Mo, you're tagged!) sent me this cool video + analysis… I HAD TO draw Aisling doing it. With the right conditions, she'd fight on horseback, yes. Will say that it's not a big deal, horses are that much more stable than halla, it's not that difficult if you trust your horse. (seriously, look at the video... the skill it must take to make it look so effortless???? Insane.)
A death stare inspired by a recent theory going around. It's a collaboration. Try to guess.
Saw a video on maternity stays and corsets from the XVII century onward. Had to draw one to fully understand how it worked. Featuring Aisling, with her daily announcement of her pregnancy symptoms in details. She won't be the greatest fan of the experience, overall, but she'll feel very pretty once morning sickness stops. The city should really give her its keys, if you ask her. The city won't give her its keys becase she's obnoxious about it and will add 10 very embarrassing and gruesome details and isn't embarrassed by discussing bodily fluids.
A couple of sketchbook Whale (not) AU things that aren't as pretty. Meanwhile tagging: @salsedinepicta @ndostairlyrium @shivunin @melisusthewee @blightbear @daggerbeanart @dungeons-and-dragon-age @hollytree33 @inquisimer @heniareth and YOU!
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frost-can-bite · 3 months
Intro Post!
I'm Frosty, welcome to my little slice of the internet! I try to keep to art on my blog, but who's stopping me from posting whatever I want?
Please do Not interact if:
- Proship (support inc3st, p3doph1lia, etc)
- Just here to spread hate
- Ship-sensitive with the characters I post about
- AI "artist", AI "writer", etc.
I'm just here to have fun! It's my blog and I decide what I do with it.
Tags for My Blog!:
> #[ frosty shitposts ] - my personal tag when what I'm doing isn't serious/art related
> #[ frosty asks ] - my tag for when I answer asks!
> #[ frosty art ] - posts with my art!
> #[ frosty sona ] - all art with my sona!
QNA and additional info below cut for those interested :D
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(P.S. blog is pg-13, but I do post the occasional suggestive content under the #suggestive tag! If you aren't comfortable with that, block the #suggestive tag.)
"How old are you?"
19 as of currently writing (shocking I know)
"Do you take requests?"
I do!!! I don't have enough ideas to post about as is, please do ask!! :]
"Do you have any boundries?"
Just no hating on my ships or commenting disrespectfully about my art or something, that will get you blocked! I don't argue guys.
"Favorite ships?"
Obviously Ragapom, but I think Queenie x Kinger is sweetl!!
also ragatha x myself, ill kiss her right on her fabric face /j
"Do you have other social medias I can follow?"
Not any active ones, the past times I've tried social media flopped- but since this blog is pg-13...
maybe I should have a place to keep my more adult thoughts... 🔞
I'll add to this when I think of anything else
enjoy my blog fellow tumblerians
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
i think i am going to make a pay what you want digital zine this year for people who want to get into making little artist alley knick knacks like keychains and stickers and enamel pins, cuz i get a lot of asks about that and i think it would be nice to put my design skills to the test and have it all in one place! that being said, what kind of questions do y'all have about this stuff that you would want answered? everything from packaging to shipping to the products themselves, what would you guys want in there? keep in mind i have only sold on etsy myself and a couple craft shows, so i can't give much advise about personal storefronts.
please put them in the replies on this post so it's all in one place!
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