#ngl this yoongi is husband material
whats-k-popping · 2 years
Summary: The pressure makes him gag, dry and grating against his already irritated throat. His back is fully arched in pain, tears mixing in with his saliva puddles on the floor. All the force eventually expels thin streams of bile into the mix as well. In these moments of sheer agony, Seokjin can only think about how Yoongi will be stuck cleaning the mess.
Pairing: YoonJin - Married AU. Pregnant Seokjin.
Words: 3969
Warnings: Emeto || MPreg || Romantic Relationship between Members || Graphic Descriptions of Illness || Mentions of Shame/Guilt || Morning Sickness
Inspiration: if you're accepting request, can i request something? a mpreg story for yoonjin with seokjin experiencing morning sickness .. stuff like that. i dont have any specific scenes in mind,i just love to read smth about that !
Dedication: I'd like to dedicate this work to the anon who made the request. Thank you so so much for the request. I meant to just write a scene or two and it turned into this. I'll admit, I got a bit carried away with it. I loved building and writing their relationship so much, I apologize if it takes away from the emeto experience. If you just want to read the emeto portion, skip to the second cut and read from there. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!! <3
"What do you want for dinner, Jagiya?" Yoongi asks, one hand scrolling through delivery menus on his phone and the other rubbing his husband's noticeably round bump. The local news is playing on the TV, but neither one is paying attention. Seokjin's been resting on Yoongi’s lap all afternoon. The younger's legs have been asleep for probably too long, he shakes them every so often just to make sure they still work.
Seokjin turns toward the question. He shoves his face into Yoongi's stomach, batting at the drawstrings of the younger's hoodie. "Just get whatever you want," He says, but Yoongi can tell by the tone it's not what he means. 
Yoongi wonders if Seokjin's upset with him. He knows he didn't do anything wrong, but those hormonal mood swings have been kicking Seokjin's ass since he entered the second trimester, and Yoongi gets the short end of the stick each time. He readies himself for another pointless and irrelevant lecture. He can't in good conscience be mad about it. The man he loves most in the world is carrying his first child. Literally, fifty percent of Yoongi is living inside of the older man. And Seokjin’s taking such good care to ensure the health of their first born. Yoongi would be a fool to let a few hormone-fueled lectures sway his admiration.
Still, he wants to tread lightly. Because even though Yoongi doesn't care about the mood swings and the tiny tantrums, Seokjin does. Despite how many times Yoongi assures him that he understands and that he's not upset, Seokjin always feels so guilty afterwards. Guilty to the point that he weeps and sobs and convinces himself that he's a terrible husband and he's sure he's going to be a terrible father. It's just another hormone induced mood swing, Yoongi knows, but that kind of stress is not good for the baby. So Yoongi aims to avoid it whenever possible. 
Yoongi moves his hand away from Seokjin's stomach and into his hair, threading gently through the tangled strands. "You don't have a preference?" He asks again, gently with no hints of judgment. He knows Seokjin's not usually a picky person. But he's never known Seokjin to not want input on dinner. 
"Nope. I'll eat whatever you eat." Seokjin latches himself onto Yoongi's waist. He's needy, clingy. He wants Yoongi's attention, but he's too shy to ask. It’s another type of mood swing. But Yoongi actually loves this one. 
Yoongi figures there's something on the tip of Seokjin's tongue. He wants to say something. He assumes it's a dinner recommendation. But Seokjin wants Yoongi to pry it out of him. They've played this game before. Yoongi's had more success prying open sealed clam shells than getting his hyung to ask for something. 
It's times like these that Yoongi falls back on reverse psychology. Seokjin has a diverse palette, he rarely ever turns down food. But Yoongi knows a few things that Seokjin prefers not to eat. "I'm in the mood for fried tofu," he starts. 
Seokjin pulls a face of disgust. He hates the texture of tofu. Even more so since the pregnancy has been messing with his taste buds. Yoongi sees Seokjin's displeasure and he's satisfied with the response. "Alright. So you don't want tofu. What do you want then?" 
Seokjin sits up to face Yoongi on the couch, he's fiddling with his hands in his lap like he's in trouble, like he's guilty of some high profile crime. The older man pouts as he explains, "I don't want anything…" 
Yoongi knows where this is going, "But…" He spares a small glance to Seokjin's belly urging him to continue. 
"But," Seokjin palms his lower belly, "Agi is hungry for a hot pot." Seokjin's made a habit of blaming their baby on all of his cravings. A hot pot in the middle of July isn't even the most out-there request he's made in the past few months.
Yoongi laughs out loud, bellowing laughter that makes Seokjin feel just a tad less guilty. "Jagiya, you know it's like 33 degrees today, right? We're in the middle of a heat wave." 
Seokjin's quick to defend himself, "I tried to tell her that. But she already doesn't listen to me." He jokes, keeping his palm over his bump. "She's really set on a hot pot." 
Yoongi takes one of Seokjin's hands and kisses the knuckles. They’d received the sex of the baby just a few days prior and Yoongi was over the moon at the confirmation. He secretly wanted a daughter. He wants a little princess to spoil. But he wouldn’t have been disappointed with a boy either. He’s just happy to be a father. But when Seokjin refers to the little one in his belly as their daughter, it activates some primal paternal instincts he's never needed before. He can’t help but give in.
"Then I guess we're having hot pot," he picks up his phone and goes back to scrolling through delivery options, "does Agi have somewhere specific in mind?" 
"Actually…" Seokjin's back to fiddling with his fingers and it pulls Yoongi's attention back, "Agi wants it homemade. And with beef. Please." 
"What a little diva she's becoming," Yoongi chuckles with a wide smile. He wants to keep the mood light, he wants Seokjin to know it's okay to have cravings and it's okay to ask for them. Even if he wants a boiling meal on a boiling day. 
But he's only ever cooked hot pot once before. And he doesn't remember it tasting that good. Nothing like his mother's homemade hot pot. Not to mention that he doesn't know if they have all the ingredients in the kitchen. Their schedules keep them plenty busy. When was the last time they were in a grocery store?
Seokjin seems to sense Yoongi's uneasiness, "You don't have to, Yoongi. I know you're tired. I'm really okay with whatever you want to order." He looks down like he's talking to the baby, "Maybe we can have a hot pot when the rainy season comes around. It's not too far away." Seokjin's already shame-spiraling for asking. Yoongi will absolutely not allow it.  
"Jagiya, love. Look at me," Yoongi lifts Seokjin's chin with a finger to meet his eyes. "If Agi wants a hot pot, then Agi gets a hot pot. Made from scratch by her second favorite appa. With the finest beef we probably have in the kitchen." 
Seokjin's floored by the suave charisma of the one and only Min Yoongi. He's seen it a handful of times, specifically since they found out he was pregnant. It’s a different kind of sentiment than the usual calm, cool, collected, little-rough-around-the-edges Min Yoongi. In these moments, there are no walls up between them. Yoongi has nothing to prove, nothing to hide. He knows this is Yoongi's most raw, most pure expression of love. He swoons. "Thank you, Jagi. I'll make it up to you." 
"No repayment necessary, love. Remember this is for Agi." He stands off the couch, ready to take on the task, "And what Agi wants, Agi gets. Every. Single. Time." 
"And if Agi wants kisses…" Seokjin puckers his lips while his cheeks flood pink. 
Yoongi smirks, taking a few steps to close the distance between them. He runs a knuckle against Seokjin's jaw line and leans in. He can feel Seokjin's nervous breath against his nose. He can see the rapid pulse in Seokjin's neck. "What Agi wants," he whispers, lips centimeters away from Seokjin's. The older man quivers in anticipation. 
Yoongi drops to his knees in one swift motion and lifts the hem of Seokjin's shirt, exposing the protruding bump. He presses a kiss just below Seokjin's belly button, "Agi gets." He finishes with his lips still pressed to Seokjin's flesh. Yoongi scatters a few more kisses just for good measure before Seokjin swats him away. 
"Min Yoongi, you are such a tease!" Seokjin's trying to pretend that wasn't the most adorable thing he's ever seen Yoongi do. Because he wants to be mad those kisses weren't his. But it's hard to be mad at Yoongi with his soft lips still tickling Seokjin's belly and his melodic laughter filling the air between them. 
Yoongi picks himself up and presses against Seokjin's side. The hot pot will have to wait just a few more minutes. He coos, nuzzling into Seokjin's broad shoulder. "What's the matter, baby? Jealous you didn't get any kisses?" If Seokjin's going to call him a tease, then he best play the part. He leans in and whispers into Seokjin's ear. "All hyung has to do is ask." 
Seokjin melts into a puddle like snow on a hot day. Yoongi's rough voice tickles his ear and he needs. He turns to face Yoongi with pouty lips and batted lashes. "Please." It's as close as he'll to get to begging. 
That's all Yoongi needs to continue. He grabs a fistful of Seokjin's hair from the base of his neck and pushes his face closer until their lips meet. Neither wants to be the first to pull away, so they stay pressed against each other. Making small movements just to take in air and give attention to every millimeter of each other's lips. They continue until Seokjin's stomach rumbles. It reminds them both of how their little moment started. 
Yoongi's first to back away, releasing Seokjin's hair and smoothing it out. He's still wearing a wide smile on his soft features. "Sounds like Agi's hungry. I better get cooking." He keeps Seokjin's hand in his as he walks away. Until he steps too far to reach and he disappears behind a bend in the wall. 
Seokjin's left wondering what exactly he did in his past life to deserve a man like Min Yoongi. 
Yoongi's scrolling through recipes online. He's hung up on the cook time of the dish. He needs to marinade the meat for at least two hours. And they've already delayed the meal enough. He knows Seokjin is hungry now. And he doesn't want to keep his love waiting. Cravings can be fleeting. He doesn't want to go through all the effort just for Seokjin to change his mind. 
He's relieved to find some sliced beef in the freezer and gets to work on defrosting it. He needs to be quick with that so he can get it marinating. What good is flavorless beef in the hot pot. At the same time, he’s preparing the marinade and setting a stock pot on the burner. He needs to get the homemade broth. He's following the recipe down to the T. He wants this to be a meal Seokjin will enjoy. 
With the meat marinating and the stock brewing, he takes a breather to finish reading through the recipe. He’s as caught up as he can be. He will soon need to start chopping the vegetables and soaking the noodles. But he has time for that later. Meanwhile, Seokjin is still hungry with no end in sight. Yoongi takes it upon himself to whip up some instant ramyeon. When it's finished, he walks a tray out to Seokjin. 
"It's still gonna be a bit before dinner's done. I made you this to hold you over in the meantime." He sets the tray down on Seokjin's lap. 
Before Seokjin can thank him, his stomach rumbles in anticipation. He giggles shyly when he thanks Yoongi and starts slurping up with noodles. The bowl is empty in minutes. Seokjin leans back on the couch, smiling with satisfaction now that his hunger has been quelled. “Aren’t you going to have a snack, too?” Seokjin asks, only now realizing that Yoongi sat beside him the whole time just watching. He feels a bit guilty not that he didn’t offer any to his husband. But he remembers that he’s technically already sharing every meal he eats with someone else. That fact eases his guilt. 
Yoongi just shakes his head. He starts collecting the used dishware and puts it back on the tray. “No, I can wait until dinner. But Agi sounded a little too impatient.” He rubs Seokjin’s stomach a bit. “I hope she’ll still be hungry for hot pot.” 
Seokjin’s mouth waters at the mention of the dish. “Yeah, I think she’ll still have some room,” he teases. Yoongi kills time entertaining Seokjin on the couch. He explains that the meat needs to marinate and the stock needs to settle and the whole process based on what he read on the internet. Really, making the hot pot isn’t difficult. It’s just time consuming. 
Yoongi presses a kiss to Seokjin’s forehead before heading back to the kitchen. The stock should be nice and rich, the meat marinated enough. He’s ready to move on to the next step. He begins the hunt for vegetables. After searching every drawer, cabinet, and container, he finds spinach, cabbage, peppers, carrots, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, and green beans. He’s actually surprised to see they had so many fresh vegetables available; he wonders how they got there. He doesn’t remember buying them. 
Regardless, he’s thankful he has them and starts chopping them into manageable bite size pieces. The recipe is easy to follow from there and in nearly no time at all, he’s got the simmering dish set up in the middle of their kitchen table. He sets out three places, just to build the habit, and calls Seokjin to the table. 
Seokjin can smell the meal from the living room. The savory, rich aroma of the juicy meat and hearty vegetables fills the air.  The combined fragrance of various spices adds flavor to the soup. It smells exactly like how Seokjin remembered. 
His mouth is watering as he takes in the scent. But it's not watering in anticipation of the meal. His mouth is filling with thick saliva in anticipation of sickness. 
The thing about Seokjin's morning sickness is that it never actually happens in the morning. He always wakes up feeling fine. He's able to get through most days without being sick. But he's not exempt from the miserable symptom in full. 
Actually, Seokjin would prefer a more scheduled experience. He'd prefer if he would just know what makes him feel sick. He'd rather vomit every morning for 9 months like clockwork over dealing with what his body is currently putting him through.
He's more sensitive to foods, both the tastes and the smells. And if he encounters a trigger, it's immediate nausea that always ends in misery. He'd avoid them if he could. But there's no rhyme or reason to it. No consistency in what kinds of foods are going to trigger it. 
Early in the pregnancy it was eggs. He could hardly stand to look at them without gagging. But after a few days, he ate a whole dish by himself and felt fine. Then it was Yoongi's coffee. Seafood. Onions. Pork. And now something in the hot pot is triggering him. 
The ramyeon he snacked on is sloshing around in his stomach, reminding him that there's food inside that wants out. He presses his palm into his stomach, begging the churning to stop. He doesn't want to be sick today. 
He thinks about Yoongi, who he can hear humming happily in the kitchen while preparing the meal. He thinks about how willing Yoongi was to satisfy his craving for hot pot. He thinks about how hard Yoongi's working to cook a meal he probably doesn't even want to eat. All because Seokjin asked him to. 
He's going to be devastated if Seokjin doesn't doesn't eat. He can hear the pride in Yoongi's voice when he calls for Seokjin from the kitchen. So he mutters as much baseless confidence as he can and forces the nausea away. He knows it's a temporary solution, but it's all he can think of with Yoongi waiting for him in the next room. 
"Your appa is going to kill us," Seokjin whispers down to his bump. He may also blame the bump for his current predicament. May curse her out for the poorly timed sensitivities. But he keeps those thoughts to himself.
Yoongi's smile is wide as he ladles a heaping portion into Seokjin's bowl. He makes sure to get a little bit of everything in the bowl so Seokjin can experience all the flavors. Once he's got Seokjin taken care of, he ladles himself a smaller portion.
Beads of sweat are forming on Seokjin's forehead but it's easy enough to blame the boiling pot between them combined with the heat of their apartment. But in reality, the sweat is a sign of Seokjin's nausea. A warning, a consequence for trying to ignore it. "Smells great Yoongi," He tries to distract himself while he swipes his hand across his forehead. He hopes Yoongi hasn't noticed he has yet to taste it.
Yoongi beams at the compliment. He's trying to be humble, but he thinks he did really well. And most importantly, he was able to satisfy Seokjin's craving. And that's worth more to him than the hours he spent working up a sweat in the hot kitchen. "Thanks, hyung. Agi's wish is my command. I hope it satisfies her." 
Seokjin raises the corners of his lips just a tad. He's reminded that Agi will not get the chance to taste it. If he's able to get any down at all, it likely won't stay there for long. He's got the nausea at bay for a moment and decides he's ready to take a bite.  
He picks up a chunk of carrot with his chopsticks, believing it's the safest option. The texture is soft and easy to chew, making it easy to swallow. And it likely didn't absorb as much flavor as the rest of the dish. He still doesn't know what specific element of the meal is making him so sick. The dish is filled with so many potential triggers. 
Choosing the carrot had been a mistake. The second the vegetable touches his tongue, his stomach bubbles and sloshes with rage. He's convinced the carrot is the trigger. Still, he's chewing, trying to convince Yoongi that everything is fine. He needs Yoongi to think he's enjoying the meal. Otherwise, he'll find himself on the spiraling train of thought that he's disappointed his husband. 
Seokjin's racing against his stomach. It's a competition to see if he can swallow the carrot piece before anything shoots up his esophagus. But sadly, as he continues to take slow and measured bites, his stomach rebels and he feels thick liquid climbing up his throat. 
He considers booking it to the bathroom, but the kitchen sink is so much closer and he knows he's out of time. So comfort and dignity be damned, he sprints to the kitchen sink and heaves up the undigested remains of ramyeon. 
He heaves again, and a third time before he notices Yoongi beside him. Though Seokjin thinks he's been there since the first wave. Of course, like the Saint he is, Yoongi is coddling him. Yoongi is encouraging him to get it out, easing him through wave after wave of what looks to be everything he's eaten since his last morning sickness episode the week before. 
After eight productive heaves and three dry ones, Seokjin relents. He throws himself onto Yoongi. Yoongi cradles him, guiding him back to his chair at the table. 
As soon as he's back at the table, his senses are bombarded with the stench of the hot pot again. He’s thrown immediately back to a nauseous mess. He falls off the chair onto all fours. His mouth is hanging open, droplets of saliva making small puddles on the floor. It feels like his stomach is being pressed into a juicer. But there's nothing left to push out, no matter how hard it's squeezed. It doesn’t know when to quit,
The pressure makes him gag, dry and grating against his already irritated throat. His back is fully arched in pain, tears mixing in with his saliva puddles on the floor. All the force eventually expels thin streams of bile into the mix as well. In these moments of sheer agony, Seokjin can only think about how Yoongi will be stuck cleaning the mess. 
Seokjin's memory is missing pieces, because next thing he knows he's in their bedroom, slouching against the mattress. Yoongi's beside him, running fingers through his hair and rubbing gentle patterns on his exposed stomach. He looks at his husband's soft, sympathetic smile and caring gaze. 
Yoongi swipes a hand across Seokjin's forehead. It's warm, but probably just from the effort. He accepts that it was just another bout of morning sickness. "Are you feeling better now?" There's no malice, only softly spoken words meant to help him be okay. 
Seokjin immediately starts crying anyway. In between hiccuping sobs, Yoongi can make out a few little phrases. "So sorry…you cooked…the smell…and Agi…belly hurt…the carrot…didn't mean it…good to me…I'm sorry…my fault." He can sort of paint a picture of what Seokjin’s so upset about. He scoops the older man into his lap with ease, resting Seokjin's head in the crook of his neck. Seokjin's using his shoulders as a tissue to wipe his leaky eyes and nose but Yoongi couldn't care any less. 
He shushes Seokjin, gently rocking side to side. He plants a kiss on every inch of skin he can reach without moving his husband too much. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay. Everyone is okay. Everything's fine." Yoongi repeats the same gentle mantras until Seokjin stops shaking with sobs. When Seokjin seems calm enough to hold a conversation, Yoongi continues. "You don't need to apologize for anything, love. Something just didn't agree with you. That's no one's fault." 
Seokjin sniffles, "You worked so hard. And I couldn't even eat any of it." 
"If you don't feel well, you don't feel well." Yoongi states matter-of-factly, like it's obvious. Because to every extent it is. So he guides his nimble fingers along Seokjin's body for comfort. 
"You wanted to order out. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if we just ordered something." Seokjin rambles. 
"You had a craving, jagiya. You didn't know it would make you sick." Yoongi counters, "That's no one's fault either." But the reassurances all fall on deaf ears. 
"Please don't be mad, Yoongi. I'm sorry for wasting all that food. And for the mess in the kitchen. I'll clean it up.” Seokjin tries to pull away from Yoongi, but Yoongi tightens his grip. Seokjin abandons his efforts when he notices they’re not getting him anywhere. He settles back in before he’s hit with a blaring realization, “You didn’t get a chance to eat anything! You should get yourself something to eat." 
 "Jinnie-hyung. I don't care about the stupid hot pot. I don't care about the mess in the kitchen. I don't care about wasting food. I don't care about skipping dinner. I care about you,” Yoongi’s got both hands squishing Seokjin’s cheeks. He’s forcing Seokjin to look at him. He’s forcing Seokjin to hear him, “It’s you. You and Agi are all that I care about. Always.” Seokjin’s eyes well with tears again, but these aren’t guilty tears. No, tears of admiration for his husband. “Do you understand that?” Seokjin nods, nuzzling himself back into Yoongi’s chest. 
Yoongi hums in satisfaction, petting Seokjin’s head. “Good, now that that’s settled. Are you feeling better?” Seokjin hums an affirmation. “You’re all empty, Jagi. You and Agi need to eat. Think you can stomach something light, jook maybe?” 
Seokjin contemplates the question before agreeing. He looks up at Yoongi, “Can you order it from that cafe in Seongdong-gu? The one where every meal is named after a different fish. And can I get a soda. Please.” 
Yoongi chuckles fondly, pressing a long kiss to Seokjin’s forehead. “Anything for you, hyung.” 
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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hellreads · 5 years
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Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Min Yoongi | Suga/Reader Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga Additional Tags: Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Drama, Noona Romance
Working for the UN, you are tasked to handle the poverty reduction campaign of a certain boy band. A certain rapper from the group, however, decides to mix business with pleasure.
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sighhhh tbh reading this was a breeze with a bit of shock why? because I’m not used to the version of Min Yoongi in here but if we look closely I think he’s really this soft and loving in real life, and to immerse into being a Noona he’s totally whipped for ngl I fell for him hard and fast.
so this is what it feels like to be a Noona and have someone like Yoongi fall head over heels in love with you, this story brings you to the realization that dating (not only celebrities but especially celebrities I mean) require a lot of sacrifices, understanding, compromise, courage, strength and unconditional love to keep going, to keep holding on, to keep fighting for something you want even if you clearly have the short end of the stick, because time and circumstance are not your friends but you have to try to at least make it work because you know it’s all worth it, worth all the sacrifice, the devastating moments and all the pain and suffering you have to endure because love needs to undergo all sorts of beautiful pain for it to grow stronger and eventually become impenetrable.
if I had Carpe Diem Min Yoongi in my life I would never let him go, but I would also die every minute, every hour, every day if staying with him means having to constantly worry, fear and be cautious even with the littlest things, the world they live in is so small and suffocating given the situation that Yoongi is famous and belongs to BTS but despite the fact that they have to walk on eggshells to protect one another, they learned a lot especially when it comes to cherishing every single moment they spend with each other, every millisecond, second, minute, hours, all of those moments count, even if they get to spend more time they have learned to value that borrowed time and not have regrets later on. I enjoyed all their soft fluffy moments and how straight forward Yoongi was, at first it felt overwhelming with how things escalated quickly but you know all that feeling went away because to me he was perfect, they were perfect and it hurts to watch them go through so much in a short period of time, there were pros and cons of staying together, and you know what sometimes love is not enough, I commend Yoongi for trying despite his crazy busy schedule, for being strong for them, for being true to himself, to his feelings, for keeping his promise, for loving her without regrets, and Noona for allowing herself to love again after her own tragic love story made it seem impossible for her to recover, for not being selfish, for giving everything she can, for loving as if she’s never been hurt, for loving him without regrets.
I enjoyed all the moments they spent together, it was all too real, some parts too domestic it made my heart feel so full, to have a love like theirs (minus the lows, I know it comes with it but let me bask in a happy loving domestic life with Yoongi lol) I would give everything, I live for their love-making moments, it may have been consummated right away but I feel like it was just right given how whipped Yoongi was and how much limited time they got in their hands at that moment, their future plans, especially his plans (he’s the sweetest, most thoughtful, most husband material in my eyes after reading this, totally flipped suga/agust d image and gave me a super soft, loving and sweet Mr. Min) the dates they had especially the overseas one siggghhh I got carried away and was a fluffy whet mess through and through, but just like Noona I have been worrying the whole time while reading I had so many what-if’s and then the angst started consuming me.. then it was time to face the bitter pill, it was bound to happen anyway.
ofc all couples go through a rough patch, and as I was anticipating that moment I got antsy and uncomfortable with how dragging the situation was, the events stated also made everything feel so real, and real means it’ll hurt a lot, but tbh I was sad but never felt devastated okay I lied, I was devastated because they had to hold back thinking it was the best decision, but it wasn’t she was lingering so much in the past, she clearly loves him but she had to let go for Yoongi to soar higher, because true love isn’t selfish, okay she had been selfish for letting him go without talking things over with him but it had to be done, she can’t carry the burden if she keeps him with her, looking back I was also  shattered by the fact that she named her unborn children after the TROS kids T_T, the future they would be sharing with each other, but all of my frustration was replaced with hope because I trust that things will be better, that things will fall into place, they were two halves of a whole waiting for the right time to happen and it did, as much as I wanted to know more of what happened after that fateful night, the way this ended made me believe that if you’re meant to be together, fate will bring you back together, years and years may have passed but it was clear as the beautiful night sky Yoongi was hers, and Noona was his, as always op you did amazing, thank you! | 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Youth // Jung Hoseok
the prompt: could you make a Prince Hoseok fanfic? It’d be nice if it were fluffy (Hobie’s been getting all up in my feels as of late) but I have nothing specific in mind. the au i based this scenario off of: i’m in an arranged marriage but i’m in love with the sibling help
words: 3056
category: fluff + minimal angst
author note: hobi is always in my feels ngl. he’s just so happy and handsome and can we talk about the fact that hobi is the definition of husband material? my sister and i talk about that a lot. anyway, enjoy!
- destinee
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“You coming, Prince Hoseok?”
The tall prince groaned and hurried to match the stride of his guard. “Honestly, Yoongi, I don’t know why I have to do this.”
“We’ve been through this, Your Highness,” Yoongi glanced at him. “An arranged marriage is a great way to merge two kingdoms for years.”
“But what if she’s really rude or something?”
“Then I guess you’ll have just to marry a rude princess.”
“Thanks, Yoongi,” he said sarcastically.
Yoongi opened the door to the main hall and bowed over dramatically, “That’s what I’m here for, Your Highness. Now she’s already arrived with her staff, so please try to pretend that you like this idea, alright?”
“Fine,” the usually happy prince rolled his eyes and passed Yoongi. He strode across the room, towards the crowd of people waiting for him.
He could already see the princess he was going to marry. He took in her face. While attractive, the sneer upon her lips turned Hoseok off. What could she possibly sneer about in his castle? Everything was absolutely perfect to him.
The first thing out of the princess’ mouth begged to differ, “We’ll have to change the drapes. Write that down.”
Her advisor followed her around as she already had begun to make interior design plans. “My chaise can go over there, in place of that ugly upholstered stool.”
“Hey,” Hoseok made himself known. “That’s my grandmother’s ugly upholstered stool and there is no way you are going to get rid of it. Who said you could redecorate my castle anyway?”
As he crossed his arms over his chest, the princess walked towards him and smiled slyly, “We’ll be husband and wife, soon. You’ll have to make room for sharing.”
How did she make it sound like he was the unreasonable one?
Just as Hoseok was about to comment what a disaster this was, the doors to the hall burst open, and you ran in, the bottom of your skirts caked in mud. “Sis, there’s a lake out there with geese and everything!”
Hoseok couldn’t help but quirk a smile at your small, happy figure. “Who’s this?”
Y/s/n rolled her eyes. “This is my little sister, Y/n. She’s supposed to be measuring the layout of the land for the landscaper I’ll have come in after the wedding.”
“Yeah, about that.” You walked up to the pair, ignoring the protests of both staffs as you trailed mid behind you. “I like the landscape already. All the colors really blend well so I was thinking you wouldn’t have to redo the gardens at all.”
Hoseok stepped closer to you and faced your sister, “I like her idea.”
You smiled up at Hoseok, admiring the handsome prince. He was much taller than you, but that didn’t stop you from getting on your tiptoes and attempting to match his height.
“What are you doing now, Y/n?” Your sister asked, obviously annoyed at your constant bout of energy.
“I’m trying to be as tall as the prince,” you answered, struggling to stay on your tiptoes for a long amount of time.
Hoseok reached for you elbow to help steady you, “Watch yourself, Princess.”
“Right,” you stumbled back onto your flat feet, feeling your cheeks heat up at the older boy’s words.
“Well,” Yoongi said in his droning sort of voice. “I suppose we’ll need to start the engagement ceremony.”
The next day, Hoseok asked Y/s/n if she wanted to go ride horses with him down one of his favorite trails.
“I suppose,” she answered haughtily. “I could use a leisurely stroll.”
“Horse riding isn’t for leisurely strolls,” you chided her as you followed her and Hoseok into the stables. “Horse riding is for racing and jumping and all that fun stuff.”
Hoseok turned around and held out his palm. “I like the way you think.”
You clapped his hand, a smile filling up your face.
Y/s/n crinkled her nose. “Then why don’t the two of you go race for some in-law bonding. I have a book to read and a parlor to remodel anyway.”
“Really?” You asked her. “I can go?”
“I don’t care,” she said. “Do whatever you want.”
You turned to Hoseok, “Do you mind if I come with you?”
Somewhere in his mind, Hoseok had let out a long sigh of relief. Perhaps it was your youth, being a few years younger than him, but it was much easier to talk to you than it was to talk to your sister.
That was probably going to be a problem in the near future.
“I don’t mind.” He sent you a soft smile. “We better go ahead and tack up if we want to get out and home before dark.”
“Okay. Bye Y/s/n! Have fun reading your boring book!”
She waved you away and left.
Hoseok addressed you as the two of you walked into the tack shed. “You don’t like books?”
“Of course I do,” you answered. “I like adventure and fantasy novels. Science fiction and dramatic tales of retold history. I’m not into the heavy romance she reads.”
“Aren’t you at that age?” Hoseok wondered aloud. “Don’t most girls began thinking about boys at nineteen years old?”
You shrugged, sending him a mischievous smile, “I’m not like most girls, Hoseok.”
For some reason, that playful smirk made his heart race.
He blamed it on your energy. Perhaps you were just too energetic that it upped his cardio levels. That had to be the case.
Once the horses were all tacked up and warmed up, Hoseok and you sat upon your horses in front of the long trail Hoseok had first mentioned.
“This isn’t really fair,” you began.
Hoseok glanced at you from the corner of his eye, “How so?”
“You said yourself that this was one of your favorite trails. You must know the turns in your sleep. Give me a thirty second head start.”
“No, way.” Hoseok said.
“Please?” You clasped your hands under your chin and gave him your best puppy-dog eyes and pouty lip.
“No,” he spoke, though he wavered a bit.
“Fine,” you sat up straighter as your horse shifted beneath you. “I guess you’re just afraid I’ll beat you.”
“I am not,” he scoffed.
“Then give me the head start.”
“Fine. I’m counting now.”
You kicked your horse and he sensed your cue to begin galloping.
The trail wasn’t too hard to maneuver about. Luckily, you and your horse were so in tune with each other that he knew your commands before you enforced them.
You could hear Hoseok’s horse gaining on you, but your horse was already going his maximum speed. If Hoseok caught up, he caught up.
Throughout this, you failed to see the large bullfrog hopping across the road. Your horse saw it, however, and stopped abruptly in his startled form, throwing you over his head and onto the road.
“Y/n!” Hoseok slowed his horse and jumped off, running to you: a pathetic lump in the road. “Are you hurt?”
“Nothing but my pride,” you answered, pushing yourself into a sitting position and giving him an assuring smile.
Hoseok grabbed your cheek and turned it this way and that, looking for any cuts or bruises. Then he ran his hand down your arms to do the same.
Everywhere he touched he left a buzzing sensation running behind him. You felt heat rush to your cheeks when you finally looked at the prince.
“You’re a bit flustered, probably from surprise,” he murmured, “But other than that I don’t see any injuries.”
You bit your lip nervously. There was no reason to be so flustered around this boy. Especially when he’s your sister’s fiancé. “Thanks, Hoseok.”
“Call me Hobi,” he said, patting you lightly on the head before standing up and offering you his hand.
You placed your small, smooth hand in his large, touch ones and allowed him to pull you up. “Thanks, Hobi.”
“No problem. Now I’d say I won that one, didn’t I?” He asked, a twinkle in his eye. “Since you broke the rules and dismounted.”
“First of all, that was never against the rules. Second of all, I was thrown off my horse!”
Hoseok sent you a wide smile, “Than you wouldn’t mind starting again?”
“You’re on.”
You were happy to spend the next few months with your sister at the palace. While she got ready for her big day, you were able to explore the grounds as you pleased. You even made friends with many of the guards and servants there.
It felt like you had gained a whole new family. You were going to be sad when the wedding was over and you had to return to your home.
Today, you felt like going to the garden and helping the landscaper pull weeds. It was a fun job, and you were able to step out of your dress and into pants for once.
The landscapers name was Jin, and he loved the help you offered him. The two of you gossiped a lot while you worked, mostly about your sister and how annoying she was.
“Hoseok told me she had him change his suit color five times,” Jin complained.
You rolled your eyes, “Poor Hobi. He’s going to be in for a horrible ride.”
Jin scrutinized you, “What did you call him?”
“Hobi?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “He told me I could call him that.”
“Wow,” Jin grunted, pulling at a particularly tough weed. “Hoseok only lets his close friends call him that. You must’ve made a good impression on him.”
“I have that charm,” you agreed, jokingly flipping your hair off your shoulder.
“Jin, if she makes me go to the tailor one more time I am going to- Oh hello, Y/n.” Hoseok walked into the garden, feigning a smile. “What I was saying was I am going to rejoice because I too think the suit should be bright pink.”
You giggled, “Don’t worry about it, Hobi. I know my sister is a tyrant.”
At that, Hobi dropped on his back to the grassy floor, “I don’t want to get married to her. She’s so mean to me. What did I even do?”
“She’s mean to everyone,” you tried to console him.
“Not me,” Jin piped up, not noticing your looks of warning. “She told me I was handsome and laughed at all my jokes.”
Hoseok turned to look at the gardener, “She flirted with you? Wait, does that mean she is upset because she thinks I’m not handsome enough?”
“That can’t be true,” you said without thinking.
A smirk grew on the prince’s face and he looked at you, “Why’s that, Princess?”
You averted your eyes, feeling your cheeks get hot. “Because you’re really handsome. If my sister can’t see that then she’s blind.”
Hoseok sighed and looked back at the sky, “I’m glad you think so. I think I care about your opinion more than her’s anyway.”
Jin, the only one sensing the obvious tension between you two, cleared his throat, “Wow, look at the time. Y/n, can you finish this up for me while I go water the queen’s gardenias?”
“Of course,” you said, smiling.
Only when he left did you realize you were alone with Hoseok. You attempted to reassure him, “She’s not that bad once you get to know her. I’m sure you’ll be happy with her.”
Hoseok moved beside you to help with the weeds, getting the knees of his pants dirty as they pressed into the soil. “She’s the complete opposite of me and what I’m looking for.”
He said the next sentence under his breath, “I wish I could just marry you.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you turned to look at him, “What?”
“I wish I could marry you instead, Y/n,” he said. “It’s just a thought, but I think about it a lot, I suppose.”
You felt like choking. Did this boy just admit to thinking about you in his free time? “Actually, I think about you a lot, too. If you want to know.”
Hoseok and you made eye contact, both of you smiling softly at the other.
You studied his face, and the way his golden skin seemed to outshine the sun. How pretty the slope of his nose and the bow of his lip seemed to you.
His gaze trailed down your face, landing on your lips. He suddenly licked his own, blinked and looked away.
“I should probably go see what Y/s/n is up to,” he spoke, ears red.
“Good idea.”
Even though you knew it would probably a good idea to avoid Hoseok, you couldn’t find it in yourself to do.
Over the many weeks in preparation for the wedding, the two of you had gotten closer.
So close, that Hoseok often came to you with his worries.
“The wedding is in a week, Y/n,” said Hoseok.
“You’ll do great, okay?” You reached out and rubbed his arm for assurance.
He exhaled in frustration and ran his hand through his hair. “Why are you the one comforting me?”
“Sorry?” You looked at him, confused.
“You’re always there for me and Y/s/n always ignores me. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. Y'know, I think I meant it the other day. I really wish I was marrying you.”
He had gotten closer with every word, so that now he was towered over your short form. “Y/n, I think I want to marry you.”
His eyes flitted you your lips and he swallowed thickly. “But I know I want to kiss you.”
He dipped his head to match your gaze. You could feel the warmth of his breath as it fanned your lips, “I just want to know if that’s okay.”
A slight nod to confirm that it was indeed, okay to kiss you was all Hoseok needed to capture your lips in his own.
He gripped your waist, holding you in place while he kissed you. You could feel his tongue graze your bottom lip as he tried to deepen the kiss. Eventually, you allowed it, opening your mouth slightly for his tongue to enter.
It was back and forth, push and pull, passionate and messy, until a door slammed. Hoseok pulled away slowly, watching your expression through hooded eyes as he licked his own lips. They were swollen and red, and you were sure yours were the same.
Neither of you even noticed that someone had entered the room, for the action of catching your breath was first and foremost.
“What did I just witness?” Yoongi said, rubbing his eyes before giving you a stank face. “If you guys are going to sneak around, at least don’t do it in one of the main halls.”
“I need your help,” Hoseok said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently. “I need to get out of my marriage with Y/s/n.”
Yoongi looked at your interlocked hands and sighed, “Can’t the two of you just tell the queen? I mean, you’d still be marrying a princess.”
“But my parents would never agree to it,” you said. “They want my sister to be married first and take the throne, since she’s older.”
Hoseok looked at you, a wave of determination in his eyes. “I won’t get married to your sister. I promise.”
You knew Hoseok had every intention to keep his promise, but on the day of the wedding you began to doubt his word.
What if he did marry Y/s/n? What if you had to watch them grow old together while you pined after your brother-in-law?
You sat on one of the thrones beside the queen, Hoseok’s mom. You bit your nails nervously, only to have Her Majesty slap your hand away. “Have some class, Dear.”
“Sorry,” you whispered, folding your hands in your lap.
Soon, Hoseok walked down the aisle and stood in front of the minister. His fancy prince attire made your heart swell in pride as you thought of his bright future.
If only you could be in it with him.
When your sister appeared, you felt tears behind your eyes. She looked beautiful, but the gaze she gave Hoseok was not a loving gaze. Not even a friendly gaze. It was a gaze Hoseok shouldn’t have to live with the rest of his life. You could see tears of resentment in her eyes, and you suddenly felt sorry for your sibling.
She didn’t want this any more than Hoseok did. Maybe all her annoyances were to try and get Hoseok to call off the wedding. Maybe all she really wanted was to flirt with the gardener and be a normal girl.
You missed the vows while thinking of the couple’s misfortune.
The minister smiled at your sister, “Do you, Y/l/n Y/s/n, take Jung Hoseok as your husband: to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Your sisters voice cracked. Her resolution was breaking.
“And do you, Jung Hoseok, take Y/l/n Y/s/n as your wife: to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live?”
Hoseok stilled. He glanced at your sister before uttering the clear words you longed to hear, “I don’t.”
The crowd gasped, but the queen beside you pushed you into a standing position. “He told me everything last night. Go to him.”
You couldn’t disobey the queen, so you hesitantly walked through the crowd.
Hoseok, who had been looking for you, suddenly smiled and ran towards you. “I told you I wouldn’t marry her. I’ll marry you instead.”
You slapped his chest playfully as happy tears began to leak from your eyes, “I thought you were going to go through with it!”
Hoseok pulled you into his chest and kissed your forehead, “I had to clear it with everyone first. I’m sorry I scared you, but look.”
He turned to around, where you saw your sister talking to Jin with a relieved smile on her face.
“I think everything turned out okay.”
~the end~
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