anxious-dumpling · 2 months
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Chapter One: First Day at Playcare! (6,600 words.)
♡ Fandoms: BTS, Stray Kids!
♡ Characters: Little!Reader CG Jungkook CG Taehyung Playcare Owner Hoseok EA Felix EA Hyunjin Little Jimin, IN, Seungmin Everyone else is Teachers!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, Fluff, Non Idol AU!
After moving from the rural city of Geochang to the bustling city of Seoul, your parents Jungkook and Taehyung decide to start you in a new Playcare Centre. Life is about to be so much different!
Time to be brave!
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Notes: Welcome! ʕ•◡•ʔっ♡!
This is a very fluffy, very relaxed series that hopefully you can immerse yourself in!
There will be some angst but mostly fluff!
In this universe, Littlespace is permanent. If you don't know much about Littlespace, please research the topic elsewhere, since this story doesn't reflect how Littlespace functions in real life! Thank you!
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The car's tyres grind against the tarmac as Jungkook pulls into the Little Sunshine Playcare's car park, a single storey building coming into view. It's made of caramel colored wood and black metal, a big welcome sign at the front that has a smiling cartoon sun attached to it. Arts and crafts are stuck to insides of the windows, so many colorful handprints reaching out to you as if giving you high-fives.
You tuck your chin into the soft collar of your pink sweater, peering at them nervously through your lashes.
As Jungkook chooses a parking space and turns off the engine, Taehyung twists around in his seat.
A kind smile graces his face. "Are you ready for your first day, sweetness?"
You glance back outside.
There's a man holding the hand of a colourfully dressed woman walking up to the front safety gate. He pulls the little knob and guides her through to the door, stopping to poke some buttons on a square thingy on the wall before heading inside.
"I dunno, Papa," You mumble as they leave your sight.
What if they don't wanna play with you? What if your teachers are meanies, and not nice like your Daddy and Papa?
"You don't know?" He sing-songs, pouting and reaching out to pinch your knee playfully. "Are you a little bit scared?"
Hang on.
You didn't say that!
Jungkook turns just in time to see you gasp, giggling to himself.
"I'm not scared!" You protest. "I'm not scared of anything, Papa!"
"Aww. I know."
Jungkook is sceptical. "No? Not even Lord Tirek?"
You think back to last night, when the big, scary monster appeared on the screen and you just had to hide in your Papa's arms.
You admit, "Maybe I'm scared of some things."
Taehyung smacks your Daddy on the shoulder, eyes wide behind his black glasses. "Luckily there's no Lord Tirek here then, right?"
"Right, Jagi," He agrees guiltily.
"Come on. It's time to get out now, sweetness."
You hug your teddy bear to your chest as they both exit the car.
Taehyung appears at your window, pulling your door open and leaning over you. He takes the big, red car seat buckle laying on your belly in his hands and clicks the two halves apart. The straps fall over your shoulders as he slots his hands under your armpits.
"Let's not forget your present," He reminds you, lifting you out of the seat and onto the ground.
As Jungkook rounds the car, he catches you chewing on your teddy's ear.
"Ah-ah," He chides, his tattooed hand coming up to pull it from your lips. "That's yucky. Be nice to Mr Bear, okay?"
"Sorry, Mr Bear."
"Sorry, Daddy."
"Thank you."
"Here it is." Taehyung pulls out the bakery carry-box, slamming the door closed and carefully passing it to you. "Gentle hands."
"Good job." Jungkook praises. "It's not too heavy?"
"S'fine, Daddy."
Walking through the car park together, Taehyung strokes his hand through your hair, fixing the few fly-aways that have slipped from your piggy tails he very lovingly styled you in this morning. Your Papa is great at doing hair. Oh, and at picking outfits.
He's wearing a beige knitted vest over a plain white shirt, baggy pants, big shoes, and a beret.
The hairdresser's he works at lets him wear whatever he wants!
Jungkook, though; He has to wear a suit every day.
"Wooooow. Is that right?" Your taller parent exclaims. "You must be very strong?"
"Yes, I am, Daddy." You agree, plodding along.
For some reason, as he opens the gate and lets you through, both of them break out in chuckles above you. You don't know what's so funny about saying that! When you carried that heavy bag of rice at the shops yesterday, Daddy only had to help a little.
The door makes a clicking sound as the code is punched in, Jungkook pushing it open gentlemanly.
As you step into the foyer, you're suddenly hit with the feeling of being lost in a new place. You got lost in the supermarket once and it was so scary. Even scarier than Lord Tirek. You were about to be lost forever and ever until your Daddy finally found you.
You don't want to be alone again. No, no, no! A sad moan leaving your throat, you drop the bakery box onto the floor and wrap your arms around Jungkook's waist, smooshing your face into his breast through the black fabric. You're never letting go!
"Oh!" Taehyung exclaims, picking the small box back up. "Whoopsies."
"Whoopsies," Jungkook croons.
"Good morning," The lady at the desk greets, before her eyes widen. "Would you like some help?"
"We've got it." Your Papa assures her. "We're here to sign in Jeon-Kim Haen, please."
"Of course. Just a moment."
"I'm scared," You muffle.
"It's okay, baby." Jungkook soothes, rubbing your back. "Remember what you said before?"
I'm not scared of anything!
"I lieeeed." You complain. "I'm sc- scared of Lord Tirek and the air frier and scorpions and getting lost!"
Taehyung plucks a tissue from the reception desk box, bending to mop the yellow frosting off the floor.
Jungkook tsks sadly. "Maybe. But you're still very brave, Haen-ie."
"I'm b'ave?"
"Of course you are. Can you say, 'I'm Daddy and Papa's strong, brave girl'?"
"I'm- I'm Daddy and Papa's strong, b'ave girl."
"Good morning!" A new voice comes lilting into the room. You squeeze Jungkook even tighter, turning your head ever so slightly to get a look at the newcomer. A man as tall as your Daddy is approaching the three of you, dressed in an orange hoodie and looking like he swallowed the sun and all the stars for breakfast, the light trying to escape through his face. "Did we have a little accident?"
"We did," Tae laughs, throwing the used tissue and squished cupcake into a nearby bin.
"Don't worry. No harm done!"
His black hair is tousled neatly over his forehead, a rainbow lanyard laying against his chest.
"She's nervous about her first day." Jungkook explains, stroking your cheek. "Had a bit of a scare coming in."
The man smiles, his eyes turning into crescent moons. "You must be Haen-ie. I'm Hoseok-seonsangnim. It's nice to meet you!"
"Hello, Hoseok-seonsangnim." You murmur politely. "Are the cupcakes okay?"
Taehyung chuckles. "They're for her classmates."
"Wow, that's very nice of you." Hoseok gasps, looking through the little plastic windows. "Ooooh, yummy. They look perfect."
You let him know, "You can have one, too."
The three of them burst into soft laughter.
"Awww. Thank you, Haen-ie. You're a very kind girl. How about we go share them with everyone? Would you like to do that?"
You pause, thinking about it for a moment. "Okay."
"Awesome! Good idea." He praises, even though the idea was his, taking the box. "You'll have so much fun today!"
"You hear that? Come say goodbye to Papa-bear, sweetness."
You let go of your Daddy to fall into Taehyung's embrace, trying not to feel too scared as he wraps you up safely in his arms, rocking you gently from side to side and growling like a big, happy bear. When he pulls back, he kisses your forehead and passes you off to Jungkook, who gives you a quicker, lighter hug and reminds you not to chew on Mr Bear because he likes his ears to be clean.
"I won't, Daddy." You promise, earning another kiss to the forehead.
"Good girl. Daddy and Papa will come and pick you up later, okay?"
One last kiss. "We love you."
"Love you," Tae smiles.
"Love you, Daddy, Papa."
Hoseok offers his hand to you. "Come on, Haen-ie. Let's go share these yummy cupcakes, huh?"
Taking his hand in yours, you bravely let him guide you away.
"What flavor are the cupcakes, Haen-ie?"
"They're chocolate," You tell him, remembering what Papa asked the baker-lady for this morning.
"Oooh. I loooove chocolate." Your teacher gushes, giving your hand a bit of a squeeze as you walk side by side down the bright corridor. Splodgy paintings and crayon drawings hang from little wooden pegs along the wall, all the cats and dogs and dragons and two headed shark-giraffe hybrids all grinning down at you with silly faces and glittery decorations. "Is chocolate your favorite, too?"
"Uh-huh." You sheepishly nod. "I like it- I like it even betterer than vanilla, but Papa likes strawberry."
"He likes strawberry, does he? What about Daddy?"
"Daddy likes chocolate, too. He goes to the gym a lot, but he says it's healthy so we can eat lots!"
He laughs at that. "Well, I don't know about 'healthy', but it sure is delicious. Oh, look! Here's our classroom!"
You come to a stop in front of a door with a sticker on it that says, 'A2.'
Glancing back down the corridor, you notice the foyer is suddenly very empty. No Daddy, no Papa. Hoseok distracted you. You face forward again, taking a deep breath and telling yourself, I'm Daddy and Papa's brave girl, as he knocks on the door.
It opens. A man with long, wavy hair smiles sweetly at the both of you, moving to let you inside.
"Good morning!" He greets, closing the door behind you. "This must be our new friend, Haen-ie."
The classroom is bustling, filled with squealing laughter as Baby Shark plays loudly from somewhere.
"We're doing some dancing right now. It helps shake out all those early-morning jitters." He explains. "My name is Hyunjin-ie. It's so exciting to meet you! I'm one of the EAs in this room, so I'll be helping you get settled in today! Does that sound good?"
"What's an EA, Hyunjin-ie?"
"It means, 'Educational Assistant'. That means my job is to be your best friend and help you with your work!"
When you giggle, Hoseok adds, "We've got some delicious chocolate cupcakes here for everyone, too."
"Ohh! Cupcakes? I knew today was going to be a great day."
"Excuse me, friends!" Hoseok calls out over the song, getting everyone's attention. "I know we're all having fun dancing, but we have a new classmate here joining us today and she's very kindly brought us some delicious cupcakes to eat together!"
Exclamations break out across the room. "Cupcakes!!"
As the kids come running over, Hoseok sets the box down on the nearest activity table. "Everyone, say thank you to Haen-ie!"
"Thank you, Haen-ie!"
"Thank you, Haen-ie!"
"I love you, Haen-ie!"
A shy smile makes its way onto your face, realizing that nobody here is mean like you thought they would be.
Your classmates jump up and down like pieces of popcorn as Hoseok hands a small cupcake to you first, then sharing the rest of them to the gathered crowd, reminding them all to be patient and thanking them for their nice manners.
Peeling back your cupcake's paper liner, you take a big, big bite.
Mmm. Chocolate with sweet, yellow frosting and a tiny, bear-shaped cookie sticking out of it.
"Thank you, Heun-ie!" A boy exclaims, his chin smeared with frosting. "Dis is soooo yummy!"
You smile, "My Papa buyed them."
"I love your Papa."
"I love my Papa, too."
"Nice manners, Jimin-ie." Hoseok praises him, handing the last of the cupcakes to EA Hyunjin and two other men who must be teachers. "Haen-ie, you've already met Hyunjin, but this here is EA Yeongbok-ie and Teacher Yoongi-seonsangnim."
The first man, Yeongbok; he has blonde hair, the color of vanilla cookies, and a wonky, toothy smile sweeter than every cookie in the world. He gives you an enthusiastic wave, his voice deeper than even your Papa's. "Hi! Nice to meet you!"
The second man, Yoongi, looks a bit like a sleepy, smiley cat. "Hello, Haen-ie."
"Hello," You wave back.
"We can meet the rest of your teachers later, but Yeongbok here is our second EA, and Yoongi is our very talented music teacher."
The man snorts. "I play recorders, Hoseok."
"All the same."
"Do you like music, Haen-ie?" Yeongbok asks as he pulls out a wooden seat for you, sitting in the one next to it.
"Okay, everyone! Sit down to eat, please!"
As everyone gets settled, you sit down next to Yeongbok and Hyunjin while Yoongi walks off with his cupcake.
"I like to sing with my Daddy and Papa," You tell the friendly EAs, your two new best friends.
"You guys just moved here from Geochang, didn't you?"
"Yeah," The mention of your old home sends a pang through your heart. It was a lot different than here. The streets were lined with wild grass and old, proud houses, always a breathtaking view of the mountains sitting on the horizon. "We got here two days ago."
"Well, we're very happy to have you here." Hyunjin smiles like a pretty prince. "What do you like about Seoul so far?"
Oh, um... You've never thought about that up until now.
"I like Han River," You guess, popping the biscuit in your mouth. "And we're going to Teseum Teddy Bear museum this weekend."
"Uwaaah," Yeongbok exclaims, "That sounds exciting?"
You nod, chewing, the wet crumbs falling from your lips and into your lap. "Bea'ws are my fav'ite animal."
"Oooh, careful," He warns, taking the handkerchief out of his pants' pocket and using it to clean you up.
"Oh! Sorryyyy."
"Don't worry." He brushes the crumbs off your sweater, and then your bear's fat, brown nose. "Look. It's as if nothing ever happened!"
"Daddy doesn't like it when I get my things dirty," You babble, giving the teddy a kiss as an apology, "Or chew on Mr Bear's ears."
"Aaah," Hyunjin hums understandingly, "So you're going to be one of the messy ones."
"You're going to love art class."
"I love art class!" A nearby boy butts in. "I made a painting for my Mommy yesterday!"
"Yes, and you used yourself as the canvas, didn't you?" He jokes, pinning him with an cool, sassy look.
The boy does nothing but giggle, his teeth covered in bits of chocolate cake, before running off to join his friends again.
"That's Jeongin-ie."
As you bite and swallow the last chunk of your cupcake, Yeongbok stands from the small seat, leaving his own cupcake on the table and offering his hand to you. "All done? Let's go put your bag away in the cubby before class starts, okay?"
"Okay, Yeongbok-ie." You agree, grabbing his pale hand and following him.
He takes you over to the wall besides the classroom door, where the cubby shelves are all stuffed with the other Little's backpacks, books, spare clothes, and water bottles. Coloured strips of paper are velcroed above each one, their names printed on them.
'Jimin', 'Jeongin', 'Maru', 'Nathan', and even your name! You point it out to Yeongbok, who chuckles in that delicate, tinkling way of his that makes it sound like he's a magical xylophone. He takes off your purple backpack and places it in the cubby below your tag.
Returning to the sitting area together, you spot Hyunjin and Yoongi helping tidy the aftermath.
"This one was yours," Yoongi nods toward an empty liner, wiping down the table with a cloth. "Go put it in the trash, please."
Hyunjin adds, "You too, Jeongin."
"Okayyyy." The boy sing-songs. "Fine."
Scooping up your trash and dumping it in the nearby bin, everybody works hard to clean up before settling down in their assigned seats at the activity tables strewn across the room. You're unsure where to go, awkwardly hugging Mr Bear, but sweet EA Yeongbok is there to help you again, taking your hand and guiding you to a table near the toy boxes. Jeongin and Jimin are sitting there, too.
"Ooh, Haen-ie. Look." The man points at the back of the chair. "What's that?"
You follow his finger.
Wow! It's another tag with your name on it!
"My name!" You exclaim proudly as you sit down. "This is my chair, Yeongbok-ie!"
"You're right. It is your chair," The man praises this genius discovery, as he drags another chair over and sits next to you.
Hyunjin and Yoongi are both sitting at other tables, joking with the kids around them.
"Hi! I'm Jimin!" The boy in front of you cheers.
"I'm Jeongin!"
"These are your table-mates, Haen-ie. Say hello?"
"Hello," You greet, using Mr Bear's fluffy arm to wave to them. "It's my first day today!"
"Why is it your first day?"
"We moved here." You explain, "And my old playcentre is too far away to visit, now."
"Awwww," Jimin pouts.
"That's so sad!"
"It is a little bit sad," Yeongbok validates, his tone comforting, "But she's going to make lots of new friends here, isn't she?"
Jeongin nods so fast you think his head might fall off. "I'll be your friend, Haen-ie!"
"Me, too! Do you like dinosaurs?"
Glancing at the T-Rex printed on his blue sweater, you shrug. "Um... A little."
"Oh." He deflates, perking right back up again afterwards. "It's okay! I'll still be your friend!"
"Yeah! He's friends with me, and I like sharks, but he doesn't like sharks, and we're still friends."
"Okay, guys," Yeongbok interrupts, placing a finger over his lips, "Sh, sh, sh. Let's listen to Hoseok-seonsangnim, okay?"
"It's time for our first class of the day, friends." You turn your attention to the front of the classroom, peering over Jimin's shoulder as Hoseok drags the wheelie whiteboard into view, uncapping an orange marker and smiling brightly at his class. "Now, Yoongi-seonsangnim and I were nice enough to let you guys have some cupcakes before class this morning, weren't we?"
"Yeah!" You all reply at once.
"Yeah! Fun, right? So do you think you'll all be able to put your learning caps on, now?"
As he mimes putting on a big hat, you all copy him.
Even Yoongi, Hyunjin, and Yeongbok, too!
"Perfect!" He lowers his hands. "Does anyone know what we're going to be learning today?"
The whole class starts giggling hysterically as he glances at the laminated chart on the wall, which very obviously reads, Monday, 1. Music, 2. Arts and Crafts, 3. Snack Break, 4. Math, 5. Nap Time, 6. Lunch Break, 7. Reading, in bubble letters.
Everyone shouts out, "Music!"
"It's Music!"
"Music, Hoseok!"
"It's what?" Your teacher squints, cupping his ear. "We're learning what?"
You join in the chaos, shouting, "Music!!"
"Aaaaah. Music! Why didn't you say that the first time?"
Silly Hoseok-seonsangnim. You guys did say that!
"Let's start with our word of the day first, and then we get out the instruments." Turning and writing, Word of the Day, at the top of the whiteboard, he faces forward and looks directly at you. "How about you choose today's word, Haen-ie?"
Oh! You?! 
"There's no wrong answers," Yeongbok encourages you when he notices your apprehension. "What about Bear?"
You give a quick nod. "You say, please?"
He happily reports back to your teacher, "The word of the day is Bear!"
"Oooh. Good choice. Let's all use the letters at our tables and have a go spelling Bear!" 
"Oh! I know, I know!" Jimin exclaims, wiggling impatiently as your EA reaches into the middle of the table and pulls out a velcro board and a cup of felt letters from the basket of supplies, splaying them out. "Let me do it! I know!"
He grabs the pile of letters, pulling out a flimsy G character and sticking it to the board.
"Good job, Jimin-ie." Yeongbok slides the letters in front of you. "Haen-ie's turn, now. We have to work as a team!"
Humming thoughtfully, you sound out the word Bear in your head. There's a Guh, and then an Ohhhhh. Must be O.
You stick the O character below the G.
When it's Jeongin's turn, he sticks down an M character, completing the simple Hangul symbol.
"Is everybody ready? Show us your boards!"
Chatter fills the room again as Yeongbok holds up the board for you.
Hoseok glances from table to table, nodding, "Correct! Yep, correct! Well done! Yeongbok's table, correct!"
Your EA gives you a high-five.
"Hyunjin's table," He sucks in a breath at the last group, "I'm afraid that's not quite right."
Everyone at the table groans in defeat and starts throwing accusations around.
"I told you it was just one M!"
"You didn't listen!"
Yoongi's laughing behind his hand, shoulders shaking.
The kids keep heckling him as he grumpily throws down the letter in his hand.
Yeongbok laughs, "Maybe you need to move to the baby's room, Hyung? What do you guys think?"
"Baby's room!" The girl next to Hyunjin chants. "Baby's room!"
Hyunjin sticks his tongue out at her.
"Okay. Okay," Hoseok chuckles, taking back control of the room as Yoongi stands up. "Time for music, now."
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When Namjoon checks his watch, he announces, "Snack break, everyone!"
Jumping up from your seat and pulling your bucket hat on, you can't wait to eat!
You file out into the play yard with everyone else, finding a spot at one of the picnic tables. Hoseok and Namjoon-seonsangnim wheel out two carts of food, approaching each table and handing out the small bowls. Namjoon; You met him during Arts and Crafts. He's tall and muscly like a sports teacher, but he actually teaches art and English, his face round like a toffee candy, both cheeks dimpled.
"Hello, everyone." He greets, placing a plastic bowl and spoon in front of you. "Did you have fun in art today?"
"Thank you," You remember your manners, licking your lips at the sight of the sliced fruit and yoghurt.
"You're welcome, Haen-ie."
As you stick your spoon in, Seungmin exclaims, "Yeah! I maked a rainbow! It was really pretty."
"'Made'." Hoseok calls out.
The boy corrects himself. "I made a rainbow."
"Yes, I saw. It was pretty."
Gulping down the dollop of yoghurt and crunchy apple pieces, you gaze out at the patch of sunlight nearby. Your class's art creations are drying in the sun, the pieces of paper swaying in the breeze, wrinkled from all the glue and pom poms on them.
"I made a dinosaur with Jimin," You garble as Namjoon walks away with the cart, your mouth full.
The boy nods. "It was a brontosaurus. Brontosauruses are the ones with the-!"
"The long necks," The girl across from him rolls her eyes. "We know."
Your dinosaur's neck was five pompoms long!
He gasps. "You like dinosaurs, too, Ahyun?!"
"No. You just talk about them all the time." She glances up from her bowl. "Haen, you have glue on your elbow."
You do? Shrugging a shoulder, you peer down at the side of your arm and scratch the dried flake off.
"And paint on your shoulder."
Oh, she's right. There's a pink splat on your sweater. You hope your Daddy won't be too upset.
"And on your hand."
... Oh.
"She got really messy," The girl beside her giggles. "She's like my baby brother, and he's only one!"
"I think she's messier," She jokes, making your cheeks go hot.
"Are you one, Haen-ie?"
"No. I'm nineteen," You mumble uncomfortably, hiding your paint-covered hand under the table. "And four on the inside."
"You should go sit somewhere else," Ahyun chirps. "I don't want you to get me dirty!"
"She won't," Jimin frowns.
"Yes, she will!"
Whatever. You don't want to sit with Ahyun, either. You pick up your bowl and stand from the wooden bench, storming over to the playground and ducking under one of the platforms. You hide away in a dark corner to finish eating your snack in peace.
Tears start burning at the edges of your eyes when you catch a second glimpse at your ruined sweater.
"Haen-ie? Sweetie?"
Sniffling, you watch Hyunjin as he searches the playground, coming to a sudden stop when he sees you. He looks like he's about to explain that you're not allowed to eat in the playground, but something in his expression changes and he crouches down.
"Haen-ie, sweetie, what are you doing all the way over here?" He asks. "What's the matter?"
Glancing behind him, you catch the other teachers watching the two of you, before they go back to what they were doing.
Hyunjin crawls in and sits beside you, long hair framing his face as he tilts his head at you.
You pout, "I don't wanna sit at the tables."
You shake your head, poking sadly at your yoghurt.
"You don't want to sit with your friends? Jimin and Jeongin?" He tries, only to be met with silence. "Me and Yeongbok-ie?"
You admit, "I don't wanna sit with Ahyun."
He pauses. "Did Ahyun say something a little bit mean?"
You nod. "Her friend said I'm like her baby brother because I'm messy. And then Ahyun said I'm even messier than him because I got paint and glue on my clothes in art class, and then she said I can't sit with them, so I came over here to hide."
Sympathy washes over his face. He muses, "That wasn't very nice of her, was it?"
"No, it wasn't," You agree.
"Did it make you sad?"
"Uh-huh." It did make you sad. "I didn't get messy on purpose, Hyunjin-ie. It was an a'sident."
"Awww, Hyunjin-ie knows it was an accident, sweetie. And you know what?"
"Art class is all about getting messy, little friend. Wouldn't it be boring if the paint only got on the paper?"
"My Daddy doesn't like it when I get dirty. He likes it when things are perfect and nice and clean."
Your Papa calls him a 'Perfectionist'.
"You're already perfect and nice," He argues. "And Yeongbok and I are going to make sure you're clean, too."
"You are?"
"Yeah. Yeongbok is new, too, you know. He's only been here a week. And he says I should be in the baby's room. Pssh. After art class ended, I had to teach him where to find the extra wet wipes, but you went outside to eat before we could clean you up!"
Ohhh. You remember now! After class ended, Yeongbok told you to wait, but you forgot and ran outside!
"I was too excited to eat!"
"Yes, you were." He chuckles, taking your hand. "Come on. Let's go get clean!"
He helps you crawl back out from the playground, leaving your bowl at the table and stepping inside the empty classroom.
It's much quieter in here. The aircon hums above you, tables all clean and glossy. You see Yeongbok standing behind the partition of the exposed bathroom area, peeling open a package of wet wipes and digging through your purple backpack.
Both of you approaching him, Yeongbok gasps dramatically with a big, sunny smile. "Haen-ie!"
Hyunjin squeezes your hand.
"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you, Yeongbok-ie," You apologize sweetly. "I got distracted and forgot to wait for you!"
"Aw. That's okay." He says, pulling out a spare shirt with a big strawberry on it. "Let's get you into some clean clothes."
The two nice men work together to remove your paint-covered sweater and stuff it back into your backpack, wiping down your fingers and palms with the wet wipes afterwards. Yeongbok quickly dresses you in the green shirt and adjusts your bucket hat.
"There we go," He celebrates, zipping your backpack up. "That was nice and easy, wasn't it!"
"Thank you, Yeongbok-ie and Hyunjin-ie!"
"See? Nothing bad about getting messy." The older EA holds his hand out to you. "Come on. Let's go finish eating, little friend."
Uh oh.
"Do I have to?"
Yeongbok makes a confused face. "I thought you were excited to eat?"
"I am, but," You twist your shoe into the floor. "Ahyun was mean to me."
He frowns. "Oh, no."
"Hyunjin-ie will make sure Hoseok-seonsangnim tells Ahyun's parents she was being mean to one of our friends," Hyunjin promises. "And you can sit with me, if you like, or we can ask Jimin and Jeongin if they want to move tables with you?"
You wanna sit with all of them!
"Let's all sit together!"
"Okay, sweet friend." He praises as you take his hand. "Let's go. Your yoghurt is waiting for you!"
You giggle. "I'm coming, yoghurt!"
Hyunjin guides you back into the play yard, approaching the picnic table.
"Excuse me, guys," The man politely interrupts, pointing to a nearby empty table. "I'm going to take my friend Haen-ie over to the kind-friends table over there, and we want to know who else is going to join us."
"Ooooh," Ahyun's friend exclaims. "I do!"
Not wanting to be left out, Ahyun agrees and raises her hand. "Me too, Hyunjin!"
"Sorry, Jenna and Ahyun. This table is only for kind friends. You weren't being a very kind friend to Haen-ie today, were you?"
She gawks. "Wh-?!"
"Maybe when you're feeling a little bit kinder," He suggests, "You can come and join us later."
As she scoffs angrily, Jimin raises his hand. "Can I come, Haen-ie?"
"What about me?" Jeongin adds. "I wanna sit with you!"
"Me, too!" Seungmin agrees. "I'm a kind friend!"
You go pink under all the attention. "Okay!"
"Let's go!"
"Kind-friends table!"
The four of you grab your bowls and go sit at the other, better table together. Hyunjin offers his lap to you since you might still be a little sad. Even though you're feeling better now, you still climb up onto his thigh, while the three boys sit around you.
"There you go," Hyunjin cooes, bouncing you up and down a little. "Ooooh. Apple? What else did you get?"
"I got banana," Seungmin answers, pointing at his friend's bowl. "Jimin got some, too!"
Jeongin pouts, "I got grapes."
"He hates grapes," The boy beside him explains helpfully.
You ask, "Do you like apple?"
When he nods, you hold your bowl over his, using your spoon to flick the apple into it.
"Thanks, Haen-ie!" He gasps, before giving you his grapes. "You can have mine!"
"Thanks, Jeongin-ie."
"Woooow," Hyunjin exclaims, "Nice sharing, you guys."
"My Papa says it makes our friends sad when we don't share," You tell him. "And I don't like it when people are sad, Hyunjin-ie."
The man suddenly clutches his heart through his baggy shirt, wincing like he's in pain. "Dawww."
You giggle at his outburst. "What, Hyunjin-ie?"
He makes a Grrrrrr sound as he mimes grabbing your cheeks. "You're adorable, that's what!"
You push his hands away. "Silly Hyunjin!"
Yeongbok comes into view as you all laugh together, setting his bowl on the table. "Hey! Don't have all the fun without me!"
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"How are you guys going over here?"
As Hoseok approaches your table, you pout your lips around the pencil in your mouth.
Not good. Math is hard!
He takes notice just like all good teachers do. "Needing some help there, Haen-ie?"
You mumble, "Yes, p'ease."
Yeongbok gently pulls your hand away. "We don't chew on pencils, little friend. There you go."
As he goes back to helping Jeongin, Hoseok takes a seat next to you. "Tell Hoseok-seonsangnim what you need help with."
"Yeongbok-ie is busy with Jeongin and there's-! There's too many steps!"
"Ahhh, I see. Don't worry. Let's break them down together, shall we? Can you read the question to me?"
You look down at your paper, making sure to ignore the cartoon gardener at the bottom because he's annoying you. "Taeyun buys some-... some flower seeds. He plants five seeds in normal soil, and five seeds in special mulch. The seeds in the... in the special mulch grow double the flowers than the seeds in the regular soil grow. How many flowers will he have when they're done growing?"
See?! That's super hard.
Taehyun should ask somebody else about his flowers, because you have no idea.
"That was great reading," Hoseok praises you, before grabbing a blank piece of paper and some crayons from the supply box. "I've got an idea. You know what helps me when I can't figure out a question? Drawing it out!"
Your eyes widen. "There's questions you can't figure out?"
A laugh escapes him. "Yes, there are. Even teachers need help, sometimes."
"But you're super smart?"
"The only way to get smart is to be wrong a lot of times first." He explains, drawing some dots on the page. "Let's draw what we need to know. First, I'll draw the seeds... Five normal seeds on the left and five special seeds on the right."
When he's finished, he hands you a green crayon.
"Now let's draw the flowers coming out of the seeds."
"Okay. I'll try!"
"That's what I like to hear, friend. You should draw two flowers coming out of each special seed, remember?"
Nodding, you get to work drawing the stems.
After that, you add a yellow ball and colorful petals to each one.
"Let's add some ladybugs!" You suggest, reaching for the red crayon.
"Hang on. We don't need any ladybugs right now." He reminds you. "Maybe you can draw some in art class tomorrow, okay?"
Awwww. "Okay."
"Let's count the flowers instead. Ready?"
"Uh-huh. One, two, three," You concentrate hard and count every flower. "Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen!"
"Fifteen. Well done!" Hoseok exclaims with a big, excited grin, giving you a double high five. "You did it!"
"I did it!"
"Go ahead and write the answer down and we'll have a go at the next one."
"Okay! Thank you, Hoseok-seonsangnim."
"You're very welcome, sunshine."
By the time you've filled out the math booklet, you're in serious need of a nap. Being smart is lots of effort. How does he do it?
Luckily, it's nap time.
You grab Mr Bear and head into the toy area, where the EAs have moved the furniture out of the way and set up sleeping mats on the floor. Your Papa packed your softest, pinkest bedding today. You kneel on the cotton fabric, yawning and laying your head on your pillow as Hyunjin pulls the curtains over the windows. Hundreds of stars light up the walls when Yeongbok switches on the lamp.
"Who needs a little extra help getting to sleep today?" He asks quietly, switching on the speaker next.
The sound of somebody playing the piano graces your ears.
A couple of kids raise their hands, including you. No matter how tired you are, it's still scary falling asleep in a new place.
Hyunjin comes over to you.
"Close your eyes, sweetie," He whispers, settling beside your mat.
With him slowly stroking your hair, you're drifting off into dreamland before you even realize it.
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At the end of the day, while you're all sitting on the rug, Hoseok asks, "Who here had a good day today?"
"Me!" You all shout.
"Let's share three things we're grateful for today," He says, gesturing to a student. "Let's start with you, Jihyun."
She tilts her head. "Ummm... Art class, Yeongbok helping me find my pencil when I lost it, and... Oh! Haen's cupcakes!"
"Oooh. They were yummy, weren't they? Jimin?"
He's got his answer right away. "Meeting my new friend Haen-ie!!"
Jeongin's got his, too! "Haen-ie sharing her fruit with me!!"
"Aw, those are great answers. I'm grateful for our new friend, too."
When it's your turn, you shyly stare back at the class. It's difficult to choose only three things! You're grateful for the EAs, who made your first day as easy as possible for you, Yoongi for making you laugh as he taught you how to hold the recorder, Namjoon for opening the glue pot for you when it was stuck, and Hoseok for being such a great teacher, even if he's bad at drawing flowers.
"I'm grateful for my friends and my teachers and the EAs... and nap time, and brontosauruses."
That might've been five things... But Hoseok doesn't mind. "Aww. I'm so glad, friend."
Hyunjin does that thing again where he looks like he's going to die.
Yeongbok chuckles, petting his shoulder in support.
Parents start gathering in the corridor outside the classroom as the rest of the kids share their three things. You keep an eye out for your Daddy and Papa, your legs squirming and your heart racing like it's trying to break out of you and go find them.
The last time you glance through the window, they're both there!
When they spot you, their faces light up like they always do when they spot you in school assemblies and sport events.
They wave to you.
"Daddy, Papa," You cheer under your breath, trying to keep your hand in your lap. "Daddy, Papa are here."
"Okay, my friends." Hoseok eventually concludes. "I'll see you all tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!!"
"Bye, Hoseok!!"
"It's home time!!"
As soon as he opens the door, you jump up and run over to the big group of parents, straight into your Papa's open arms.
"There you are!" Taehyung gasps happily, holding you tight. "There's our sweet girl!"
"Did you have a good day?" He asks you, kissing your hair and letting you hug Jungkook next. "You didn't miss us too much?"
"I missed you so much," You muffle into Jungkook's button shirt. "But I had a good day at the same time!"
"We missed you, too," Your Daddy chuckles.
As Hyunjin approaches the three of you, handing your backpack and artwork to Jungkook, you pull away slightly.
"Here are Haen's things," He smiles.
He thanks the man. "Wow. Is this a dinosaur, baby?"
"I made it with my new friend, Jimin! He said I could keep it because he has a lot of dinosaur drawings at his home already."
"It's so cute."
Taehyung adds, "I love it."
"She had a good day," The EA smiles. Yeongbok and Hoseok are talking to some other parents behind him, handing more backpacks and artworks out. As Jungkook gives your dinosaur craft to his husband and unzips your bag, making sure everything is in there, Hyunjin explains, "We did have a little hiccup this morning, though. You'll find her sweater in there. It just has some paint on it."
Guilt squeezes you as you watch Jungkook turn the fabric over in his hand. "Sorry, Daddy."
"It's okay, Haen-ie." He shakes his head, zipping it up. "Daddy just wanted you to have fun today, okay? We can wash it out."
"I also got crumbs on Mr Bear," You admit.
He laughs at your sudden burst of honesty, slinging your bag over his shoulder. "We can wash him, too."
"He'll love it," Tae agrees. "It'll be like a spa day."
Some people might think your Daddy is the stricter parent, but he actually breaks more of his own rules than you do, and it's him who's always spoiling you with new toys, treats, and clothes! He's a big softie!
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, Haen-ie!" Hyunjin says. "High-five!"
"Buh-bye, Hyunjin-ie!"
After you smack hands, Taehyung and Jungkook thank him again and they each take one of your hands, leading you out of the Playcentre. They listen intently as you babble about every detail of your day all the way to the car, where Tae lifts you in.
"Did everyone enjoy the cupcakes?" He asks, helping you thread your arms through the straps.
"Oh! Yeah! They were really yummy, Papa."
"No dessert tonight, then, I guess." He pouts, clicking the buckle together, before grinning cheekily at you. "Just kidding."
You stick your tongue out at him.
"Hey," Your Daddy chuckles, watching you in the rear-view mirror. "Save that little tongue for your ice cream tonight."
"We're having ice cream?!"
Tae closes your door and settles into the passenger seat as the car starts. "Didn't we tell you? Brave girls get ice cream, baby bear."
"Yay! Thank you!"
Cupcakes, new friends, a good nap, and ice cream?
You wish every day could be your first day at Playcare!
When you get a whole bowl's worth of chocolate ice cream all over your pyjamas that night, Jungkook just fondly smiles at you and sneaks you a second scoop while Tae isn't looking. He taught you that chocolate is healthy when you want it to be, after all!
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Please share your thoughts and leave some suggestions for future chapters! ʕ•◡•ʔっ♡!
Things I won't write. - Smut. - Self-harm. - Intense angst. - Anything unrelated to Haen or Littlespace. Everything else goes!
Current roles. - Taehyung: Parent Caregiver. - Jungkook: Parent Caregiver. - Jin: ??? - Namjoon: Art / English Teacher. - Hoseok: Homeroom Teacher / Playcare Owner. - Yoongi: Music Teacher. - Jimin: Little. - Bangchan: ??? - Lee Know: ??? - Han: ??? - Changbin: Sports Teacher. - Hyunjin: EA / Art Teacher. - Felix: EA. - Seungmin: Little. - Jeongin: Little.
I encourage you to be friendly and patient with me! ^◡^
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bunnyrhe · 2 years
Work Visit to Daddy Namjoon and Daddy Hoseok
Summary: AppaJin gives you money to get Namjoon Bubba and Papa Hoseok lunch while he went to a photoshoot. Your Bubba and Papa do not like that their baby had to be big.
Warnings :big dick energy, daddy, little space reader,caregiver bts,infantilisazion
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I typed in the code on the recording studio door, popping my head inside to see Namjoon standing in the middle of the studio, hands in his pockets. He shook his head, forehead creased like old leather with worries tucked into every fold. Hoseok was in his spinning chair behind the soundboard, head laid over the chair back. His bare face stiff as cardboard.
"Is that our girlfriend?" Hoseok asked excitedly, head whipping up, his demeanor changing instantly.
"Hiiii," I waved, setting the food down and dishing it out for them. 
"Our little girl brought us lunch? Aww Bubba, our little princess thinks she's a big girl." Papa Hobi snickered, his teeth baring in a teasing smile.
"Maybe we should remind our princess of her place."Bubba's voice suddenly thundered around the room like a thunderstorm indoors. Stern and staccato, something to make you sink deeper and deeper into submission.
"It's time to remind yn that only her Daddies should be buying things in this relationship and that princess just has to sit pretty and not think. Princesses should just be good and say thank you because Daddies do all the providing around here." Namjoon Bubba sized you up, his eyes like a predator looking for vulnerabilities to make you melt. Hoseok watched you with a mysterious smile, a twinkle in his eyes but he ensnared you just as aptly as Namjoon. 
Their stances were powerful, dominant energy. They were leaning back in their chairs, strong thick thighs spread wide, testing the denim limits of jeans. Papa placed a hand under his chin, eyes smoky with passion and care. Bubba had an arm around the chair back, the other furling and unfurling in his lap. It was obvious, they were in a big Daddy headspace, all the testosterone in the room was making the wallpaper wilt. I was standing between them in the midst of the fray, shifting my weight from leg to leg.
"'m sorry, just wanted to help," I toed the carpet, shrinking under their gaze. My toes were wiggling in my sneakers. I could feel my arms become too heavy like I needed someone to hold me and keep me warm. "Appa gave me money to buy Bubba and Papa food today.. He said he was proud when I ordered food myself, and he gave me extra bum pats and kisses too. Was that bad?I'm sorry."
"It's okay this time baby, but let us take care of you from now on." Papa tugged me to stand in front of him, between his thighs. He wrapped his arms around my hips. 
 "Little girls don't buy food, and they don't order it either. It's perfectly fine for you to be shy and just tell Bubba and Papa what food you want so we can buy it. Come here, babygirl, did Appa dress you today, or did you do this on your own?" 
"Appa dressed me up, papa." Appa Jin dressed me to match his pink top and sneakers and black jeans. He had a shoot for YSL and picked out matching outfits for us: a grey sweater and pink pleated skirt with my pink sneakers. He added a simple chain with a J pendant to make me feel special when he dressed us. "He let me wear lip gloss too, look!" 
"You look beautiful my baby. Bubba and I think our baby girl looks perfect. "he grinned, watching my cheeks stain red, every word of his to me was like a love letter,"Ohmygoodness you're so cute when you blush!"
"Yeah Appa, baby peaches got up to the studio safely. Okay."Bubba clipped the conversation off, clapping his flip phone shut.  "Appa said he loves you and he's going to his photoshoot now, he'll see you in one hour."Namjoon Bubba kneeled down to kiss my cheek."Do you want help with your shoes? Of course our little baby needs help from her big strong bubba when she's feeling so small." He helped me take off my backpack and sneakers, kissing my shins softly.
Namjoon sat on the couch ,thighs spread ,unwrapping his food. He looked so comfortable and something about it was vaguely alpha male. It always made me feel squishy and soft around the edges. He patted his thigh, holding eye contact with me. "Come here baby come sit on Bubba's lap, don't be shy c'mere baby koala …that's it sweetie settle in."
 I whined softly, pouting deeply. I sat down slowly in his lap, maintaining eye contact with him, wide eyes checking for signs of discomfort. He scoffed, pulling me down until I could feel the warmth of his thighs and firmness of his chest. He manhandled me between his thighs, letting me get comfortable in my usual position: straddling his lap with nose in his clavicle to inhale his woodsy cologne. Goosebumps bloomed on my skin, my spine tingling from the way he was murmuring into my neck. 
"Doesn't my lap feel nice and comfy much better than yucky big girl chairs huh…Do you love your Bubba? Can I get a kiss?"
"I lub you Bubba,"I mumbled into his cold cheek, my warm glossy lips leaving a pink waxy sheen.
"I love you too, baby koala. Is that a J pendant? Appa loves his baby peaches huh? You're an Appa girl?"
"What about Hobi? And Bubba? Who's your favourite?...Baby koala?" he patted my bum, receiving no response. I wasn't going to answer that question at all. I snuggled in deeper, taking a deep whiff of his cologne. I was susceptible to smells and Bubba's aroma always made me weak. 
"Little one?" Hobi sung.I popped my head out."Everything okay?"
I nodded, nuzzling back into Bubba's pulse point, closing my eyes to inhale his smell."Baby koala, come get your nuggs," Bubba held one up for me to my mouth for me to nibble. I tried to reach out for it but he pulled it back. 
"Uh uh, you must be so tired from bringing up these bags, let Bubba feed you."Papa cooed,dragging his chair closer to the couch.
Hobi mumbled,"you're lucky you're so cute," retrieving my Mang feeding tray from my backpack ,setting out my food in the spaces on the tray. He got my sippy of juice that Appa packed for me too.
"I love having my little baby koala wrapped up in my arms." He kissed my forehead before  taking a bite of his burger. Papa watched me chew, making a funny face to make me giggle. "Come baby,"Bubba broke off a piece of his burger into a bite sized piece,"take a bite of this, eat up for Bubba….no arms down let us feed you...Is it good?"
I nodded excitedly,cheeks full of food like a chipmunk.
"Baby rainbow, try my chilli fries…chugga chugga choo-choo mmmm yumyumyum," Hobi smiled, scooping some sauce off my chin with his fork to let me eat the sauce. "Let Hobi see if Appa packed you a bib in your baby bag."
Appa pulled up to pick you up, the driver parking the S-Class. He was flicking through his phone gallery at your pictures. Jin hated being away from you. He switched screens to new dresses from Moschino that you would like, he wanted to start a colourful closet and have Hobi have an OCD moment and organise everything by colour. 
He sighed, closing his new Samsung foldable phone. He rested his head back watching Hobi and Namjoon bring you out. You were perched on Hobi's hip, face pressed into his shoulder. Namjoon carrying out your backpack and food.
Jin opened the door for you watching security pile around you in the underground parking lot. One of them opened the door,"Is that my cub?" Appa grinned, tugging off his mask.
"Appa!" You cheered cutely, voice like a bell.
"My cub!" He cheered letting you sit in his lap,"and look who's with me?"
"Awr J!"
Jin swore he carried your RJ plushie around like a Gucci purse. All the boys did now, you just loved stuffies. Especially when they smelled like a daddy. You climbed out of his lap to Rj, clicking off his seat belt. Jin put in a soft seat belt cover knowing how it scratches your neck when you wear it. 
"Is Yoongi's car here? I want her in her car seat today,"
"He just left," Namjoon and Hoseok looked over Jin noticing he was matching you, feeling infinitely jealous that he didn't match your clothes. 
"Aish,well that means my cub can sit in my lap for the drive home? And Bubba and Hobi will see you at home? You can take a nap on the way and then Appa can get you to a bath with lots of bubbles and bath toys?"
"Yayy!" You cheered snuggling into his side.
Taglist: open ✅ Ask to join Rhe's taglist @cinnamonspicedreader @soft-teddybear @importantnickelcloudfish @urluvl @cherrystaehy @choi-kim-misuki @sophiayoongi-hyung @chubbycheekschub @nlost21 @nothingeverdies @lady-amethysta @xanny91 @jvinnv @bokuatsubro @rosquilleta @shiverrick @hearts-4-yoongi @namutiddy @snowyydayss @maddiejo112 @kenkozsgf @kimahnjung98 @sunshinee0-0 @frinnabibi @guess-whos-now-a-mood @ejspencer14
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Movie Night
this was requested
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise it word count: 1,8k !!! this work contains spoilers for the movie Ron's Gone Wrong !!!
“WHAT?!” Jungkook shouted in disbelief, making poor, sensitive Yoongi cover his ears and whimper a bit in surprise over the loud sound coming from the other. Yoongi and Jungkook had gotten into a rhythm of hanging out on the weekend, sometimes regressing together if they had a lot of stress coming on. The two were best friends; they met at the tattoo studio where Yoongi worked as a piercer and manager of the place. He'd seen Jungkook come in multiple times, his friend Taehyung, one of the tattoo artists in the studio, having promised the boy tattoos at a lower rate, and since it looked like the younger was going for having his entire body covered at some point, he gladly took his friend up on that offer. Yoongi’s first real interaction with the boy was when he was coming in for an eyebrow piercing. They got to talking and the talking just never stopped. Even if they didn’t have a lot of things in common, they held a lot of similar values and a huge love for music, though Yoongi showed love for it by making it and Jungkook, by moving his body to it. The more they started hanging out together, the more protective Yoongi felt towards Jungkook, regarding him almost as a little brother, which is why Jungkook found it so funny that when they both regressed together for the first time; Yoongi was the younger in age. 
Jungkook loved being a big sibling to Yoongi when they both were regressed and even when it was only Yoongi who had slipped, he loved guiding the ‘younger’ to new and exciting things, like games, food and especially movies, which is why he was astounded that he hadn’t shown his best friend his all-time favourite movie yet. He immediately went to work on building a pillow fort, which he usually did when he and Yoongi wanted to watch some movies, as the smaller was very prone to sensory overload and therefore couldn’t focus much on a movie if he wasn’t comfortable. It was no sweat for Jungkook; he always loved spoiling his little sibling and wanted to show that he would do whatever Yoongi needed to be comfortable. 
Having made a pillow fort many, many times before, Jungkook was quick to get one set up, having half a mind to keep watch on Yoongi. It wasn’t that Yoongi was that younger than him, Jungkook being around 8 and Yoongi being about 4, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous if the other wasn’t in his field of vision, being the one responsible for him. But Yoongi stayed put where Jungkook had left him, enamoured by how Jungkook was ensuring everything was up to standard for Yoongi. Back in his mind, the adult version of him found it amusing that his best friend was going through all that trouble to not have an overstimulating environment for the movie night just after yelling in his face, overstimulating him. That was of course not something regressed Jungkook had thought about, and not something Yoongi was hung up about, having slipped into somewhat of a trance, watching Jungkook roam around, getting all the necessary things. It helped with regulating the stimulus.
Jungkook, now very gentle, brought Yoongi over to the finished pillow fort and sat him down in the spot that would be most comfortable. “Okay, Yoonie, this is my faaaavourite movie and I really really think you’ll like it. Do you want some snacks for the movie?” he asked as Yoongi got situated. Yoongi, fumbling with his fingers, looked up a Jungkook, who was still standing, ready to fulfil every request that might be coming from the one sitting. Yoongi mumbled out; “fishies, hyungie?” not feeling particularly verbal that day but still above writing out what he wished to say. Jungkook nodded with a wide smile on his face, sprinting off to get the ‘fishies’ aka the goldfish crackers. He was just happy that Yoongi was in a salty mood instead of something sweet because that would have meant using like 15 minutes on washing and cutting up fruit for the smaller. 
Yoongi got himself situated; ears perked as heard the sound of the goldfish crackers being poured into a bowl. He looked around him, suddenly very aware that his stuffed teddy wasn’t in his line of sight. He whimpered, and as if Jungkook had super hearing, he sprinted into the living room and crouched down in front of Yoongi. “Why is Yoonie baby sad?” he pet his friend’s hair, trying his best to comfort him. “Bear!” Yoongi cried out, getting more distressed the longer he was without his stuffed teddy bear. Jungkook whipped his head around, scanning the room to find the plushie, finally spotting a little tuft of brown fur sticking out from underneath the couch. It seemed, that in his hurry to build the pillow fort, he might have pushed the bear out of the way and under the sofa. He quickly got it, dusted it off and handed it over to Yoongi, who immediately hugged it and nuzzled his face into its soft fur. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. He could see that Yoongi was close to tears, and if Yoongi had cried, Jungkook would have cried, and he didn’t like crying when he was the bigger kid.
After getting everything set up and making sure Yoongi was feeling comfortable beside him, Jungkook finally put on the movie, jumping a little where he sat in excitement for his favourite movie. He had seen the movie a million times before, almost to the point where he could recite the entire script by heart along the movie, so while watching the movie, he was also watching Yoongi for reactions to the movie, excited to see if his baby brother also found it as good as he did.
Though, when Ron got introduced to the viewers as well as to Barney Yoongi didn’t like it one bit, hiding himself a bit behind Jungkook, away from the TV screen. Jungkook frowned and hesitated, reaching out for the remote to stop the movie, not liking Yoongi’s facial expressions one bit, but let a sigh out of relief when Yoongi lit up at Ron doing the ‘dikky dikky dakka’ dance not long after, and leaned back, bringing his arm around Yoongi to bring him closer into his body, knowing that it wouldn’t be the last time Yoongi would find the movie a bit scary. Actually, he tried his best to comfort Yoongi, but then came the scene with the bullies at the playground and he couldn’t help but get excited, though, he did his best to hide it as Yoongi definitely didn’t like the scene.
When they came to the scene of the B Bot being crushed, Yoongi whimpered and hid his face in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook held him close and after the scene was over, he pressed pause, deciding to give Yoongi a little breather. He did not like the scene himself when he watched the movie for the first time, and that was even when he was feeling big, so he did his best to comfort Yoongi, holding him tight. “Do you wanna stop watching, Yoonie?” he almost whispered and, it took a beat, but Yoongi shook his head the best he could while being burrowed in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook smiled and patted Yoongi’s head to let him know that he was heard, well, felt.
“Yoonie, can Jungkookie get up? I won’t be long, I promise.” Yoongi let go but not after holding onto the mentally older for a second. Jungkook made sure Yoongi had his teddy and then hurried off to the kitchen, struggling to get on the counter for a second to get to the top cabinets where older Jungkook and Yoongi had put the best snacks, to not make them as tempting for them when they were regressed, but younger Jungkook thought that it was time to bring some of them out. As he opened the cabinet, he was overwhelmed with the scent of all the goodies tucked away, but he reminded himself of having some self-control and not bringing all of them into the living room. His eyes landed on the Honey Butter Chips. He knew that big Jungkook would want to scold his regressed self for taking them, but he reminded himself that it was for Yoongi, even though, even in his younger headspace, he knew that they were expensive compared to other chips.
When he brought them into the living room, Yoongi caught a glimpse of the bag, eyes widening. He waited very patiently (not at all) for Jungkook to sit down and open the bag and immediately dug into the deliciousness that was the honey butter chips. Jungkook started the movie again, happy to see Yoongi content and munching away on the chips, almost not taking any himself, despite the love he had for the snack. Yoongi gave a few very cute reactions throughout the movie as they continued, such as patting Jungkook and saying “frien’ reqwest!” as he had seen Ron do in the movie, which got a giggle from Jungkook, not that Yoongi saw, as he was moving on, doing the same to his teddy, although patting softer than he had Jungkook. Jungkook couldn’t help but coo at Yoongi when he pouted at the scene where Ron uploaded himself. When they were done with the movie, Yoongi was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, bringing Jungkook to help him up and hold his hand as they walked to Yoongi’s bedroom to get him into bed. Jungkook tried his best to tuck Yoongi in but before he could turn to leave, thinking that Yoongi had fallen asleep, the mentally younger tugged on his shirt sleeve. “What is it, Yoonie?” Jungkook asked. “Dark,” was all that Yoongi muttered to him. Jungkook went over to the corner of the room to plug in the little warm light that Yoongi would use as a night light when he needed it, only to be met with a whine and Yoongi pointing his finger downwards. Jungkook happily took the plug to the light out of the socket as he understood what Yoongi was hinting at, plugging it back in, in the socket beside Yoongi’s bed, pushing the light underneath the bed, mimicking the movie they’d just seen. When he was sure everything was good with the light, he crawled back up, giving Yoongi a big, sloppy kiss on his forehead and took his leave. 
When he got outside the door, he looked around the living room at the mess they had made of it, deciding that he was definitely too small for that, and it was a problem for big Yoongi and Jungkook the next day when they woke up, and then promptly turned to his bedroom to call it a night also.
a/n: sorry for it taking so long for me to finally having this written, and for writing all the other requests collecting dust in my inbox, but i'll try my quickest to get to them. also, if you haven't tried Honey Butter Chips, i REALLY recommend them. they might be a bit expensive but they're so good
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
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blu-archer · 2 years
Stand in ~ Part 2
Finally posting that continuation to that Jin fic I wrote. Sorry it took so long!
t/w: Brief mention of like s/exual harassment /implied racial slurs within a work space. - nothing happens, its quite briefly mentioned but it kind of just got written in since I have my own experiences with it - but I just thought to make a note of it here just in case, its mentioned in the beginning section
m/m [basically just fluff]
Care giver: Yoongi
Sickie: Jin
word count: 5544
there will probably be errors, please over look them
yeah.... anyway, hopefully its enjoyable! Thanks for reading!
Part 1
It took Jin a moment to realise it was him being called and not staff voices projecting through the walls into the office. He had been going through invoices and stock lists, correlating them to one another before putting down notes for any more purchases, and time had seemed to stop within his little isolated space. Outside the door, the restaurant was bustling with movement and loud chatter between staff and customers alike, but Jin had remained obliviously in solitude after Yoongi had been dragged back to the kitchen by an annoyed Jungkook, who had apparently been waiting on him to make a dish for his one table.
So hearing the deep, familiar sound of his cousin had surprised him. Taehyung was peeking in cautiously, leaning heavily on the office door with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His appearance was crisp and clean, not at all seeming like he’d been running around after others since the morning. If Jin could find any slip of a flaw that gave  away how exhausted the younger man must be it would be the light wariness in his eyes, but even that seemed like it would be easily hidden with a smile or a perhaps few deep breaths.
“Hi hyung.. I hate this… you look like you’re feeling a lot worse than what Jimin said you looked like earlier.”
“I… What?” Jin ran the words through his mind again, but it seemed to make less sense each time. He couldn’t decide whether that was because of his own illness muddling his brain or because Taehyung just had his own way of wording things sometimes.
Taehyung glanced back over his shoulder hurriedly, as if something important needed to be done but he couldn’t bring himself to get to it just yet. Then he stepped inside, closing the door before letting out a sigh heavy enough for Jin to feel the weight of it.
That couldn’t be good.
“Sorry I just need a moment.” Taehyung murmured softly, moving to sit down on the spare stool in the corner of the room. “It’s been a long day. Although from the looks of things in here, you’re probably having it worse.”
Jin flushed at the nod towards the used tissues that were almost overflowing from the waste bin. The past few hours had been annoyingly difficult with how his nose seemed to not stop running, and the medicine he’d taken before was starting to wear off. He was down to his last cough drop and despite how sore and scratchy his throat was, he was determined to save it for when he felt he needed it most. Well, that was one reason. The other was that he was deeply dreading how the menthol scent would trigger his sinuses again just after he felt like he had gotten them under control, so he was holding off for as long as physically possible.
“Let’s call it even then.” Jin smiled tiredly. He dropped the pages he’d been attempting to read onto the desk and stretched out languidly with a cough infused yawn.
“I really hope I don’t have to do this again tomorrow. I really hate the night shifts.” Taehyung admitted, sinking into his rant with an annoyed tone. “The people are so awful sometimes, especially towards the time of the final call for the kitchen. Our waiting staff have to deal with drunk assholes that more often than not, refuse to close their food tabs because making snide comments or sexual remarks is more important than ending the night respectfully, or they just disregard the whole “Kitchen is closing” announcement and get upset when our staff tell them they can’t order food anymore.”
Drunk assholes were why Jin tried to avoid customer service all together, it was unfortunately something that became more common when they opened up the bar segment, but he was luckily cornered in the kitchen for most nights.
“Sexual remarks? Towards our staff?”
Taehyung nodded sternly, adding a less confident shrug as he made direct eye contact with Jin. “It’s not usually too bad. Sometimes there’s the odd racial slur too, but most of the time we just kind of suck it up, smile and try very hard not to feel bad about ourselves at the end of the night.”
Not too bad? Jin couldn’t imagine willingly working in an environment where that happened all the time. Just the thought of his staff and colleagues – his family – having to deal with that made him feel even worse than his cold had already done. A different kind of sick feeling drained through his body. How had no one come forward and told them? Guaranteed Namjoon must not have known. There was no way either of them would let that slide.
“Did something like that happen tonight?” Jin asked, massaging his temple as he ruffled around the desk for his phone. It was just after 10pm; the kitchen would have started their nightly clean up and would no longer be taking orders. “Why wasn’t I called?”
Taehyung hesitated, glancing to the door before looking at the ground with almost a hint of shame. It was enough to tell Jin that something had in fact happened. Something that drove Taehyung to seek out a quiet space rather than sink into the side of his best friend by the bar. God knows they’d all caught Taehyung drifting towards Jimin whenever he had a moment to spare. Sometimes even when he didn’t.
“There was a group of men that were getting a bit handsy with Mina. Not respecting boundaries and all that, I stepped in as soon as I saw it, but I’m pretty sure they’d been giving her a hard time for most of the night. Hell they even made me uncomfortable.  She told me that one of them kept trying to touch her waist while she took orders. It just makes my skin crawl.”
“That’s harassment, Tae.” Jin said sharply, coughing into his fist as he stood. “Where is Mina? Are those guys still here?”
Tae’s eyes widened, his mouth set in an unconscious ‘o’ as he followed hastily after his cousin.
The restaurant was still active, although most of the attention had drifted away from the tables and closer to the bar. A couple of wait staff still hovered at their station, keeping an eye on the last of their tables, but none seemed too overly fazed despite the activities Jin had just come to learn.  
The unbotheredness made his stomach twist and he clamped his bottom lip between his teeth harshly to try to ignore the sick and angry feeling crawling in his veins. A sweeping gaze over the floor told him that the men must have left, everyone that was still here seemed to either be mostly sober or politely keeping to themselves. 
Having missed the group only made him feel worse, but there wasn't much he could do in this immediate time. He would have to look back in the camera logs and make sure the group was banned from entry. For what reason their staff decided to keep this a secret, he would never understand. 
His gaze narrowed in on the petite girl that had only just graduated high school, as she found her place back at the wait station. A small, tired smile splayed on her face when Jungkook swung a friendly arm over her shoulders. 
"Hyung..?" Taehyung stood by his side with wide worried eyes. "I know this is important, but maybe we should wait until the morning to discuss this. You're not feeling well and everyone is tired. You're swaying, hyung. Did you know?"
No. He hadn't realised how unsteady he was, although his mind was focused on other things. 
"I just-" His breath caught in his throat and Jin broke off to muffle the painful cough into sleeve. He could feel Tae's hand rest firmly on his back, but he ignored the guiding push towards the office and started towards the station. 
"Are you okay?" His voice sounded grating and hoarse, and speaking only prompted more coughing. 
Mina, who quickly realised he'd been speaking to her, nodded with wide, surprised eyes.  Another waitress had hastily pulled up a chair for him to sit down on but he brushed it aside, instead choosing to pull Mina in for a tight, almost overbearing hug. Then unsteadily stepped back with a soft apology after he remembered that he would probably get her sick. 
"Mina, I told Seokjin-hyung about that table of yours. The one I helped with." Taehyung explained. His previous calm and polite composure had returned, and Jin envied him for his ability to appear together. He probably looked like death. 
"Oh," she rolled her eyes as if the thought of the men was just a bother and not as if they'd been making her uncomfortable in the least. "Don't worry about it Seokjin-ssi. Next time they come in, Jungkook-oppa or Moonbin-oppa will handle them."
"No." He said sternly, forcing himself to make eye contact with all the wait staff that were present even though the lights overhead - much brighter than what he had been sitting in - were making his head pound intensely. "They won't be welcome in. I'm so glad that Taehyung helped you as soon as he noticed, and I'm beyond pleased that you seem to be alright because I care about your wellbeing, but anything that resembles harassment is not welcome here." He took a moment to clear his throat. Hoping to sound a bit more gentle before he continued. "I am appalled that this was happening without anyone telling me, and I am certain Namjoon will say the same. This is supposed to be a healthy and happy working space, and I understand that working in customer service is usually not fun and you have to deal with a lot of bullshit from people, but in no way are you expected to lower your self respect and standards and just silence your discomfort for the sake of anyone else. I'm going to have those people banned, and if you want us to try to press charges then we will."
No one said anything. They stared at him as if unsure whether he was scolding or reassuring them. 
"So, are you okay? Are all of you okay? I need you to tell us when this happens." 
He almost thought they weren't going to respond until Jungkook shuffled forward, his arm having moved to rest reassuringly on Mina's back. 
"Nothing else has happened today, it was just the one table. But I think Taehyung-hyung handled it before anything terrible could have happened."
Mina nodded in agreement. "Really, I'm fine. I think the 'what ifs' of the situation scared me more than what happened. You don't need to file anything against them."
"I promise I'll start telling people if things like this happen, I just thought it would be a bother." Jin's chest tightened and he couldn't stop himself from hugging her again, leaning heavier onto her than before. The world around him seemed to faze in and out, the chatter and people fading into a void now that he wasn’t as focused on his previous horror. 
"We all promise." Taehyung reassured, with a ruffle to Jin's already messy hair. 
"As long as you're all okay." Jin said, his voice deeper than usual. "I'll always be a phone call away -or in the kitchen, if you ever - ever - need me. Okay? Okay." He pulled away, wiping a tired hand over his face. Avoiding his nose in case he started something. "Your safety comes first, please remember that."
The staff nodded silently with wide eyes as Jin let out a heavy breath. Half of the little energy he had had seemingly drained out into nonexistence. Taehyung was quick to grab a hold of his wrist and tug him back towards the office door, softly apologising when Jin stumbled as he coughed - as if it was Taehyung’s own fault for the action. 
“Hyung, do you- Hey!” Taehyung had been about to suggest stopping at the bar to get something warm for Jin’s throat when he saw the elder stumble again with a pale face. He grasped his cousin’s shoulders tightly, alarmed with the warmth he was emitting. “Hyung?”
“‘M fine. I just got a bit dizzy.” 
“That’s not fine, Jin-hyung. Come,” Tae pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around his waist, calling something towards the bar before speaking softly to his cousin once more. “Lean on me. I’m taking you to your car.”
Jin wanted to put up a fight. He really did, but his car was one step closer to home and that's all he really wanted right now. To be at home where it was quiet and warm and he could sleep without having to think too rationally about anything for at least a few hours.  
But he needed to stay. He probably had another two hours to go through, at the very least and he needed to double check on Mina. And the others. He had to make sure they were really okay, and he needed to blacklist those guys. He definitely couldn’t go home.
“Minnie, can you open up for me?”
“You’re putting him in the back?”
When had Jimin gotten there? When had they gotten outside?
 Jin sniffled, shivering as a chilly breeze forced him to cough. Taehyung’s grip on him tightened as a reassurance, steering him towards the direction Jimin had jogged. 
“Yeah, he can lie down for a bit.”
“I need to stay here, Tae…”
Taehyung scoffed lightly, that weariness from before was even more present now.  “No. You have a fever, hyung. You need to rest properly. Jimin can cash up for the night, I'll lock up tonight and the floor is just finishing off their tables. You aren’t needed for anything else today, okay?”
“But I have to-”
“I said no.” Taehyung replied sharply, his actions contrasting his tone as he gently pushed Jin into the backseat that Jimin had opened for him. Carefully making sure his cousin didn’t get dizzy as he was pushed down and somewhat folded into his car. 
Jin gave up, clamping his mouth shut tiredly before instantly regretting the air he’d tried to breathe in through his nose.  
"Bless you. Wait here, okay? I'm going to see if Yoongi-hyung can drive you home." 
Jin didn't even reply. The door was shut with a bit too much force but Jin couldn't bring himself to care as much as he usually would have. Instead he reached for the tissues he had left in his centre console and blew his nose, thankful that he had left some in his car and not taken everything with him before. Curling in on himself and hoping that the pain in his throat and chest would subside soon.
He must have fallen asleep or something because the next thing he was aware of was Yoongi trying to shift him around in the back seat of his car as if the younger chef planned on carrying him. Which is absurd because Yoongi would definitely know better than trying to carry a heavier weight than his body can manage. 
"..gi?" Jin coughed and would have fallen forward, and out of his car, if Yoongi hadn't been in front of him. Yoongi's chest acted as a pillow and Jin was willingly sinking into it. 
"Are you awake?" Yoongi asked gently, running a hand through Jin's hair before snaking both hands beneath the elders' thighs when he received no answer. He gave a grunt as he tried to lift but only succeeded in lifting Jin a few centimetres before dropping him back on the car seat, wincing at the hum of pain that shook through his tired body. 
"..ur shoulder… heavy." Jin murmured hoarsely. He wasn't quite sure of where they were or how they'd gotten there but he knew that he was over the weight Yoongi was supposed to carry. He'd hate to see the younger get hurt because Jin couldn't look after himself. 
"It's fine. I can try, Taehyung said you were struggling to walk."
"No.. just dizzy. .. I… I can walk. Where're we?" Jin blinked his heavy eyes open to see a soft glow of a familiar streetlight illuminating the space behind Yoongi. The man's blond hair and fair skin seemed to glow in the lowlights, making him appear even more angelic than usual. 
"At my house. Are you sure you can walk? Your fever seems pretty high.." Yoongi bit at his bottom lip anxiously as he helped Seokjin stand on shaky feet. "At least lean on me, hyung. I've never seen you so sick, you should never have been at work like this."
Well they could agree on that. Maybe Jin should have fought his cousin a bit harder when Namjoon had initially asked him to come in or should have caved into Yoongi's nagging words from earlier, telling him to go home. 
His car door was closed and locked as soon as Yoongi had a sturdy grip on his waist, and they made their way towards the house. It was a slow walk, the path to Yoongi’s front door could have been a maze with how it seemed to circle and twist in Jin's mind  - more often than not needing his boyfriend to catch him as he stumbled on the edges on the stepping stones, but eventually they'd made it inside. Jin had almost collapsed onto the small staircase by the doorway in an attempt to take off his shoes but Yoongi once again kept him stable - tugging him towards the living room with soft words of comfort and the occasional chastising of Holly when the dog had rushed to join them. 
"Just sit here. I'm going to go get some medicine for you." 
Then he was left. Jin sunk into the expensive couch that probably cost more than his own bed, sniffling and mildly embarrassed at the progression of his day. He must look like a mess and was definitely contagious - or at the very least gross - yet Yoongi had brought him to his home. Holly didn't seem to mind that he was a walking plague victim either as the dog effortlessly jumped up onto the couch beside him and went to town licking at his arm, face and neck with overjoyed excitement.
Despite himself, he couldn't help but smile at Holly and his eagerness. Even after a few minutes once the initial excitement of "friends are home" had worn off, the dog still seemed to tremble with an energy that rested just below his skin as he made himself comfortable in Jin's lap and watched keenly in the direction Yoongi had gone. 
"I can't remember if it was you that didn't like lemon flavoured cough syrup or if it was your cousin," Yoongi murmured as he returned, squinting at the back of a brown bottle and with a small bag in his hand that Jin recognised as the medical bag which the younger was prone to carrying around with him. "I have another one, but it really tastes disgusting. If you drink that one don't expect me to kiss you at any point tonight."
A trinkle of warmth spread in Seokjin's chest as the couch dipped with Yoongi's weight beside him. "You would kiss me while I'm sick but not if I taste gross?"
"Seokjin." Yoongi spoke with a matter of seriousness, momentarily setting down the medicine to stare pointedly at his boyfriend. "It tastes disgusting. Trust me, you will understand if you taste it."
As exhausted as he was, he didn't think that he'd feel the slightest bit more human at the appearance of humour- no matter how dry the delivery had been- yet somehow it helped. Or maybe it was just Yoongi. Jin had always heard Yoongi complain about how his energy gets sapped from overly hyper people and then restored through quiet time with Jin or by himself. This seemed like one of those situations, except this time it was Jin who was in need of the reboot of energy.
Unfortunately Jin's laughter quickly turned into a fit of coughs that left his throat feeling raw and torn. Holly had jumped off at how Jin had jostled him, having needed to hunch forward to try catch his breath while Yoongi rubbed at his back. "It's a good thing I'm a fan of citrus then." He croaked, recollecting one of the used tissues from his pocket to gently wipe at his nose shyly. 
Yoongi hummed and placed the bottle he'd been reading in Jin's hand. "Good choice. I have some flu tablets that should help with this fever as well, then maybe a bath?"
A bath was not anywhere close to being on his list of things he wanted to do right now. 
"I should call Joon." He'd said earlier that he would and he needed to tell him about everything that had happened, while it was still fresh in his mind. Of course he'd need to find his phone first and then battle against that stupid screen brightness. But it needed to be done, he was already not doing what he had promised by not being at work.
"It's late," Yoongi started. He leaned in closer and Jin melted into his warmth despite being a little self conscious about his audible sniffling. "And Tae has this covered. I'm sure he's already called Namjoon-ah and chewed him out for making you come in today."
"He just-"
"There is nothing that you can say right now that will make me believe that it was the right choice. Not when you almost fainted at work and definitely not with how congested your breathing sounds."
 There was a prominent pout that could be heard in Yoongi's familiar  accent. One that made Jin feel an odd mixture of soft fondness and guilt.
Before he could even open his mouth to respond, his boyfriend continued to speak- this time in a much softer, tender tone. 
"If it puts you at ease I will send him a message to let him know everything that's happened. I'll message Taehyung as well to update him in case I miss anything but I want you to get some rest and not stress over anything right now. Forget about work and forget about your cousins for now." Long nimble fingers brushed into Jin’s hair and he closed his eyes with a sigh at the sensation. "Take some medicine and then I'll run a bath for you, okay?"
Jin burrowed further into Yoongi’s warmth, his forehead brushing against the skin of Yoongi's neck and collar bone. "No bath. I'm so tired, Yoong's, and my head hurts."
The fingers retracted from Jin's hair as Yoongi hummed and shifted to dig in his medical bag while still having an arm now wrapped over Jin's body. It wasn't long before a spoon was silently pressed to his mouth and the strong taste of artificial lemon filled his mouth making his throat ache as he swallowed. Yoongi gave him another spoon full and a small flu tablet that was probably a lot stronger than any of the medicine he had been taking. 
Then he was being pulled to his feet. Holly ran circles around their feet as they walked to Yoongi's bedroom, torn between getting there before them and wanting to stay close. Thankfully he wasn't pestered into getting that bath, he definitely wouldn't have stayed awake for that. Yoongi merely led him to the bed, quickly grabbing a familiar set of t-shirt and sweatpants before kneeling down to remove Seokjin's shoes as the elder exchanged his layers of clothing for the simple blue t-shirt. He tried not to shiver as he lay on his back and let Yoongi tug his jeans off and slide on the sweatpants. The material was cold but soft and with how thick Yoongi's blankets felt beneath him, he would have no trouble warming up quickly once he was under them. 
"Don't fall asleep yet, I need to get some Vaporub on you." 
Jin nodded but his eyes still slid shut, his mouth already uncomfortably dry from how blocked his nose was. There was a sudden, sharp grunt as a weight pounced onto the bed with him and a small warm body wiggled its way into his side. Apparently Holly had decided that his excess amount of energy would be put on hold if there was an opportunity for cuddles, now resembling an almost sleepy form with his nose tucked into Jin’s arm.  
Oddly enough, Jin was reminded of Yoongi. It was kind of weird how dogs and their owners started to mirror each other, but also incredibly endearing. If his brain wasn't so hazy with sickness and sleep right now he might have gone on a rant about it to his boyfriend and teased him endlessly about his "mini min". 
Time seemed to drag on and his thoughts floated about his mind in a lazy fluid motion that made him lose all sense of his surroundings. When he opened his eyes to soft lips pressed on his temple with the heaviness and fog in his head he must have fallen asleep despite Yoongi saying not too, and yet the younger didn't comment on it as he trailed soft kisses along Jin’s hairline and gently lifted his shirt to get to his chest. 
The touch was icy and the strong scent of menthol somehow made an immediate breakthrough into his sinuses, burning tickles into his nose until he was forced to turn his head and sneeze harshly to the side. He was a bit delayed in bringing up a hand to cover and he'd scared poor Holly awake for a moment before the dog decided not to care, but at least he wasn’t sneezing openly or onto his partner- that was the last thing he wanted. There was a pause in Yoongi’s action as he waited for Jin’s breath to stop hitching, but it only seemed to grow in frustrating, unproductive build ups that forced tears into the elders eyes.  So he slowly continued to massage Jin's chest, spreading the rub all the way up to his neck as he whispered soft words of comfort. Not the Jin could hear him properly over his breaths, but he liked to think it helped. 
Eventually Jin was able to sneeze hoarsely into his cupped palm, sniffing back wetly as he groaned. 
That hadn't helped him at all. The tickle that had grown was still very much there and yet it didn't seem to want to come. His random hitches of breath were beginning to catch in his throat and only produced coughs that left him gasping. 
"Take a tissue. Maybe it will help to try and clear your nose?" Yoongi reached for a box that he had found in his bathroom and set it on Jin's lap before running a soothing hand up and down Jin’s shaking body until he stilled. He then climbed to sit cross legged on the bed - trying to ignore the mildly painful clicking bones of his knees and ankles as he moved after a long day of standing in a kitchen - and pushed Jin to sit upright in front of him so that he could access his back. 
"I feel so gross." Jin whined around blowing his nose, slowly creating a mini pile of used tissues next to him. "I just waahh'he HEH'EIDSHHH! … HH'EHIDSHH'EW! IG'ESHH! .. waah-want to breehh-breathe-ah-AHH…HE'IKSHHHH'AH !!"
Yoongi made a sound of displeasure in his throat as Jin blindly reached for more tissues to try and clean himself. Those had sounded like they'd hurt, they'd sounded like they'd hurt even if Seokjin hadn't already had a sore throat so it must have been painful. Yoongi pressed his fingers hard into the tense muscles of Jin’s back and shoulders, spreading the vaporub over his skin as well as trying to relieve some of the ache that must have been building. It seemed to help a little if the low moan Seokjin let out was anything to go by when Yoongi started on a specific area between his shoulders. 
He massaged for what felt like an hour but was probably only about twenty minutes, only stopping once Jin was limp against him. Although he honestly wasn't sure whether the exhaustion was entirely from the massage or if his continuous sneezing had just worn him out that much. 
“C’mon handsome, I think you’re ready for bed now.” Yoongi whispered as he poked at Jin’s sides playfully, earning a low grunt and Jin twitching away from him as he crawled off of the bed. “I’m just going to clean up a bit and make some food for when you are awake enough to eat. Holly baby…” He scooped up his dog, dodging an excited tongue shooting for his face and pulled the blankets of his bed back enough for Jin to roll into place then set Holly back next to him. Then he recovered them both. “... Keep him safe for me.”
He grinned at how Holly gleamed at him against Jin’s chest, content with the attention he was getting even if Jin had seemingly fallen asleep as soon as he’d rolled into place- a tissue still grasped loosely in his hand.  
A familiar warm calm settled over him at the scene. Despite the situation - which Yoongi obviously didn't enjoy because Jin was sick - he was still entirely smitten with how the man could do the bare minimum and he would somehow find it endearing. The elder just had to fall asleep - mouth agape, nose chapped and in need of care, feverish and with a snore to accompany his usually silent sleep - and Yoongi could probably sit here for an hour and just watch him with a dorky smile on his face if he didn't have things that he needed to do. He couldn’t stop his fond smile as he pressed a kiss to the sleeping man’s warm forehead. Jin was an idiot sometimes, but god, he was Yoongi’s idiot. 
Yoongi made quick progress with his tasks. It was rounding close to midnight already and even if he was on the evening shift at work again tomorrow he still needed to get to sleep soon to be able to function. So he got started on two basic soups, letting them simmer as he wandered around his house picking up random bits of clothing to dump in his laundry basket to be done tomorrow and quietly collected all the scattered tissues into the rubbish bin. He’d even managed to clear up the dishes [which he had regretfully  neglected to do for the past day or two], wiped down his kitchen to its usual glory and walked his trash outside for collection the next day. Even a message to both Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon had been made [although he had come close to forgetting about that completely, Jin would have held it against for sure if he had]. Once he deemed the food complete, he quickly sealed it into containers and put it in the  refrigerator for Seokjin tomorrow. Hopefully the soup would be light on his throat and stomach. 
Yoongi yawned and stretched as he left the bathroom, rubbing a towel roughly over his hair to get most of the water off of it. Considering the time, he almost opted out for his usual shower but a second of looking at his soft pyjamas, he could almost feel his skin crawling with the grime and sweat of the kitchen. Showers were essential. His future self will thank him greatly. 
He made sure to grab a small bowl of water and a cloth before turning off all the lights and finally returning to his bedroom. The dull glow from his bedside lamp showed that the blankets had been moved down and Jin was lying closer to the beds centre, having unconsciously rolled over so that he would be now facing Yoongi’s despite his earlier murmurs of not wanting to breathe on him during the night. He had apparently dragged Holly with him as his dog was still pressed to Jin’s chest but now sprawled on his back with his legs dangling kind of awkwardly in the air. As adorable as the scene was, it was still pretty clear that he wasn’t well. The room smelt entirely of menthol and a thin trail of sweat was building along Jin’s hairline. Neither form shifted at the sound or addition of Yoongi on the bed, if anything the sound of their unified snoring only deepened. If Yoongi was cruel he may have recorded it. … So maybe he was a bit cruel? Just a little? He can’t be blamed though, it was kind of  adorable and Jin would have done the exact same thing if their roles were reversed!
He messed around taking a few photos and videos before he sent a few to their staff group chat with a small message that Jin was okay. Then he slipped the damp cloth onto Jin’s forehead, moving his hair out of his face before slipping beneath the covers and after his alarm was set, shrouded them in darkness with the flip of a switch.
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7ndipity · 4 months
Sweet Morning
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Just a lil thing about Yoongi looking after his S/o when they wake up sore after a particularly intense night together.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: slightly suggestive, implied smut, implied drinking, swearing, mentions of bruises, bathing? not proofread
A/N: I’m back! Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I decided to stick with Yoongi for this one, but if you’d like similar blurbs for the other members, let me know! This turned out a lot softer(and longer) than I planned, but I couldn’t help it, I love sweet caregiver Yoongi 🥺(also, I wrote part of this at like 4am, so I’m sorry if it’s eh)
At first, you thought the late morning sunlight was what woke you, managing to shine through a gap in the curtains directly in your face and pulling you from the cozy cocoon of sleep. The shifting weight of the bed behind you though proved otherwise, a sleepy grin spreading across your face as you felt a familiar pair of arms slip around your middle, a set of warm lips leaving a trail of soft kisses along your bare shoulder.
“Morning.” Yoongi rasped, his voice somehow even deeper first thing in the morning.
You hummed contentedly, memories of the night before flickering back through your mind as you stretched.
Yoongi’s lips somehow never leaving yours for more than a moment as you’d fumbled through the front door and to the bedroom, clothes hastily discarded in your wake, tasting the whiskey he’d drank at dinner on his tongue. Falling back on the bed with him, desperation making each touch somehow feel a thousand times more potent, swallowing each other's moans as you rode out wave after wave of pleasure til you were both too exhausted to continue, falling asleep still clinging to one another.
Yoongi’s feather light touches pulled you back to the present, in stark contrast to the night before as his lips drifted up the side of your neck.
"What time is it?" You asked sleepily.
“Late, but I have the day off.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to the faint purple mark that was forming just below your ear. “What do you want to do today?”
“I think this is pretty good,” You replied happily, rolling over to face him, but pausing midway as you winced, hissing slightly at the pain in your lower half.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, brow furrowing in concern.
“I’m just a little sore from last night.” You said easily, trying to pull him in to connect your lips, but he pulled back, looking down at you with growing alarm.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked, sounding horrified.
“What? No, Baby, I’m fine.” You quickly tried to convince him, but he sat up, gently tugging the blankets away from your body.
“Fuck.” He whispered.
Your skin was littered with hickeys and marks from him, some faint and barely discernible, others blooming in deep shades of red and purple.
He didn’t remember leaving so many marks, but when he was with you, it was like his brain shut off. All he could remember was the taste of your skin and all the sweet noises you made every time he’d dragged his teeth across your flesh.
His frown deepened as his eyes landed on the marks that decorated your hips and thighs, faint imprints of his fingers evidence of his vice-like grip on you from the night before.
He traced a finger over the marks, causing you to wince slightly, shivering from sensitivity. His attention snapped back to your face.
“Fuck.” He repeated, looking at you sadly. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Yoongi, I’m okay, really.” You tried to reassure him, trying not to grimace as you sat up, but he just shook his head.
“I shouldn’t have been so rough with you.” He said.
“I wanted you to be rough.” You reminded him, catching hold of his hands to pull him closer. “Did you once hear me complain last night?”
He shook his head again.
“Exactly, because there was no reason to. Everything about last night was amazing.” You said, caressing his face gently. “You made me feel so good, you always make me feel so good."
He smiled faintly in spite of himself, leaning into you instinctively as you kissed him, his lips dropping back into a frown as he felt you wince again as you tried to press closer to him.
He pulled away, looking at you softly.
“Wait here.” He said, climbing off the bed.
You did as he asked, sinking back into the covers as your eyes drifted closed.
You couldn’t lie, as much as you might have enjoyed the night before, you were beyond tired, your whole body feeling heavy and achy.
You had nearly fallen back to sleep before Yoongi returned, smiling down at your sleepy form for a moment before rousing you gently.
“Come on.” He said, tugging you up from the bed.
He helped you up slowly, wrapping an arm around your waist for support as he guided you to the bathroom, the scent of lavender enveloping you as you stepped through the door.
He’d prepared the bath just the way you liked, even setting a few of your favorite bath bombs out for you to choose from, as well as lighting a few of your favorite candles to further set the mood.
“What’s all this?” You asked, looking at him in surprise.
He didn’t answer right away, focusing instead on helping you slide in, smiling at the way your eyes fell shut as you sank into the warm water.
“Feel alright?” He finally spoke.
“Mmm.” You hummed, looking up at him expectantly. “Aren’t you getting in too?”
“I can, if you want me to.” He said uncertainly.
“I want you to.” You said, shifting forward to give him enough space to sit behind you.
He slipped in quickly, letting you lay back against him as he grabbed a cloth and started to wash you.
Normally, you’d argue a bit with him, just for the hell of it, saying something about how you were perfectly capable of washing yourself, but you let it go this time, enjoying the feeling of his gentle touch.
“Do you feel any better?” He asked after a bit.
“Mhm,” You practically purred. “Thank you.”
“Thank you.” He replied.
“For what?” You glanced up at him quizzically.
He shrugged. “Letting me have you.”
You grinned.
“You know, you didn’t make it out of last night unscathed either.” You said, poking a mark on his neck, making him wince slightly.
“At least I can still walk though.” He said pointedly.
“I can walk!” You argued.
“Like a penguin.” He smirked.
“Yah!” You splashed him, making him laugh. “I thought you were being nice to me?!”
“I’m just trying to keep things balanced.” He said, kissing your temple. “I can’t spoil you too much.”
You pouted, making him chuckle.
“I love you.” he said, pecking your cheek.
“Love you too.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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smoothlikealikeasnake · 2 months
Strawberry Princess - Overview
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Pairing - BTS OT7 x Reader
Genre - Hybrid!Au , Hybrid BTS x Hybrid Reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slow burn? , alternative reality , strangers to lovers , strangers to friends, friends to lovers
Warnings - slight suggestiveness in some parts of this brief
Summary - When a certain hybrid starts to appear whenever Jungkook is at the gym, an immediate pull is felt between the two and their eventual friendship soon is spread to the rest of his pack.
This Chapter will be a brief on the dynamics in this reality along with an overview on each character.
Chapter One -Complete Opposites
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Seokjin - Polar Bear Hybrid
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Yoongi - Black Panther Hybrid
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Hoseok - Leopard Hybrid
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Namjoon - Grey Wolf Hybrid
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Jimin - Arctic Fox Hybrid
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Taehyung - White Tiger Hybrid
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Jungkook - Black Bunny Hybrid
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Y/n - Orange Siberian Hybrid
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Dynamics in this reality
In this reality, human and hybrids live equally, both interact and work together with little to no division. Hybrids however, often create packs especially when they find their mate or mates, it isn’t uncommon to have more than one mate but it is unusual to see more than 2 mates to a hybrid.
A hybrids animal self is often more dormant than their human side until they are in the comfort of their homes and while they have some influence over their behaviour, a hybrids animal side often won’t depict their personality based on stereotype.
Hybrids are meant to shift atleast twice a month to remain healthy and are advised to give in to their instincts often as they are not harmful, some resist but it’s not healthy too.
There are often pack hierarchies, which there is in Bangtan, each member / mate will have a designated role to keep stability and peace within the pack. For example, Seokjin took it upon himself to care for the pack through gestures of cooking and cleaning while the rest of the pack have different roles. Namjoon is the pack leader of Bangtan while Seokjin is the caregiver.
Hybrids have stronger scents and sense of smell than humans, their scent is sourced in multiple places of their bodies such as the whole base of their necks, just under their jaw, inside of their wrists and a few other places which you will find out about soon.
Heats and ruts are inevitable, there is no way to prevent them but there is relaxers you can buy to reduce the pain and sickness some hybrids experience. Along with abdominal pain, all hybrids also experience the overwhelming urge to mate with their partners, this is the only way to truly satiate the pain and other symptoms. Contact from a mate will ease the symptoms but any other attempts at relief will not change the symptoms. The frequency and length of ruts and heats depend on the species of Hybrid the individual is,
Jungkook gets his monthly for example while Y/n gets hers every 2 months compared to Seokjin only getting his every 6 months but for a longer duration than Jungkook and Y/n. The rest of the packs frequency spans between 2 months to 5 months for varied lengths.
Hybrids also have specific mannerisms that instinctively affect them and that they will project.
Scenting - Scenting can be done in multiple ways and is normal amongst close friends and especially lovers. It can be done by rubbing scent glands together such as wrist to wrist, wrist to neck or neck to neck but it can also be done by many more intimate methods. Kissing and licking a scent gland will also scent the recipient but this is usually only done between lovers as it is intimate and often elicits arousal between the two.
Touches - Hybrids naturally crave touch more than humans, especially between eachother, friends and lovers both require more touch than humans would but also have stronger reactions to touch due to the sensitivity of all of their senses and skin. Hybrids can become unhappy and even depressed after going too long without touch from their friends and lovers, a simple hand holding will make it better but it’s easier to satisfy with kisses and more intimate gestures between lovers.
Behaviour - most species will have mannerisms specific to their species for example most felines will purr when happy and comfortable while most canines are energetic but there are more mannerisms breed specific so each hybrid is different.
Tails and Ears - these parts of a hybrid are especially sensitive and aren’t touched by anyone but the hybrid themself and their partner or partners, even small grazes of a hand will send shocks over a hybrids entire body so they often move subconsciously away from any near surface or person.
Treating - hybrids saliva will naturally heal wounds many times faster than it would without, those close to eachother, especially mates, will feel instinct to treat wounds of those they share close relationships with and they often can’t help this instinct and will do it without thinking.
This was just an overview of the general things that may come up in this fic but if you have any other questions now or throughout just ask ! X
This is my first fic and hasn’t been edited so there may be spelling and grammar mistakes, please excuse them but I hope you enjoy the fic ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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fruitmins · 8 months
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caution — all rights reserved so don’t steal or repost anything to different platforms. this is for tumblr only. please keep in mind that i am a very young adult (as of right now) who made this blog purely to expand and improve my writing so my works won’t be as good or long as others.
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k e y — ✓ completed ✐ ongoing დ fluff ⌬ angst ✞ smut
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Agust Dad ⌬ ✐
Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever..
start here
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For You — yoongi⌬
Yoongi is the son of a big business man and is now the CEO of the million dollar company so naturally he grew up distant and stern. But suddenly, his attitude changes when he meets you, a local kind hearted stripper that catches his curiosity. He finds himself lost in your smile and warm spirit, despite him being the opposite. But he’s willing to let down his walls for you..
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Victory — namjoon⌬
Namjoon is a wolf hybrid who has a dark past with humans that ultimately landed him in a boxing ring, so he tries his very hardest to hate every single one of them. Even his mate, who happens to be a human nurse who works for the boxing ring. But everything changes when he finds you bleeding out with marks all around you..
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Attention — jimin✞
You’ve been stalking your ex ever since you two broke up. And he’s aware of this, but you know he won’t stop you cause he’s a little attention whore. Until he starts seeing some else so you have to remind him who he belongs too..
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Stay Focused — jungkook✞
in which your dorm mate and best friend Jungkook isn’t pleased to hear that your boyfriend was over the week he was away. but wow did he look hot when he was pissed off…
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Purple Car — jungkook ⌬ დ
in which jungkook is a successful solo idol and your his long time girlfriend that he hasn’t seen in almost two months. again. it’s starting to feel like your more like distant friends more than lovers so when you unexpectedly disappear, jungkook goes the distance to try to find you.
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ᴍ ɪ ɴ ɪ ꜱ ᴇ ʀ ɪ ᴇ ꜱ
Oᵤᵣ Bᵢg Bₐby / BTS OT7
➭genre: little space, age regression, fluff, caregivers bts, little reader, maybe some of the members can be littles to idk, sfw, hurt/comfort, mostly no plot
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Invisible Bonds: The Power of Destiny
Author's Note: This fanfic contains possible strong language and explores themes of unconventional love. The relationship between the protagonists will be handled with sensitivity, without explicit scenes. If there are explicit scenes, readers will be warned. This fanfic focuses on the reader's relationship with Jungkook and Taehyung, separately.
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Chapter Fourteen
It was days of waiting for either of them to come back to the hospital to visit you. What to do, maybe you're a hypocrite. Sending two handsome men away and now wanting them back It seems a bit silly even to you. Your mother didn't leave your side, not for a minute. She only stepped away when some of your other friends came to visit. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, and Jimin. They all came here to spend a few hours, or in the case of Jimin and Hoseok, the whole day with you.  You can safely say that you understand what Jungkook and Taehyung mean to you,  but without remembering them, it hardly matters. It's been almost three days since you returned home, and neither of them has shown up at your house. According to your mother, both of them call her. She said that despite not understanding your romantic life, she's happy that you'll definitely marry well. You're not so sure if she's right, but you don't know if you have an open enough relationship to tell her that you don't remember wanting to marry anyone. Your mother was a great caregiver, but you're feeling more liberated now that she's back home. And your first task is to go downstairs to fetch the mail. Using crutches makes it incredibly difficult to descend the stairs in your building.
"You need some help?" You look ahead and come face to face with Jungkook, who seems to have just come from a run, his hair wet and his face slightly sweaty. Truth be told, what a handsome man.
"I'd really appreciate it if you could help me with these crutches. Grabbing mail with them seems to be impossible." You say in response, not looking directly at him. There's always the risk of getting lost in his gaze and giving the wrong impression.
"Let me help you with that." He says, using the keys in your hand to open your mailbox. You take a deep breath, feeling Jungkook's scent fill the air of the lobby. He then places your mail in your hands and takes your crutches, handing them to you. You look at him with confusion, wondering what his plan is. Then he firmly puts his arm around you, lifting you up and placing you in his arms.
"You know that's not what I meant when I accepted your help, right?" You speak as he carries you to your apartment, which by the way, you're not sure how he's managing. Maybe he's a supernatural being, huh?
"All I know is that you're not in a condition to go up and down alone. I guess what you're trying to say is thank you." He doesn't seem too pleased. You look at him a little embarrassed.
"I'll put you down now, so get ready." He speaks as you search for a good response to give him. Nothing comes to mind. Maybe this accident has affected your ability to interact.
"Look, I... would like to apologize. I was rude that day at the hospital. Maybe because I'm confused. Maybe it's because..." Again, your ability to think of what to say escapes you. But Jungkook seems to be amused by this.
"Because I want you, Taehyung wants you, and you have no idea what you want?" He says, opening the door to the apartment for you. You then smile. It's funny to be in a confusing love triangle.
"Can I be honest with you? Like really honest?" You speak as you look into his eyes, now standing face to face with him just after he opened the door.
"It's hard to imagine a moment when you haven't been like this with me, but okay, be honest. Give me the truth, I can take it." Jungkook says playfully, which seems quite charming.
"Wanting isn't the issue. I don't even remember you guys, and I could easily want both of you back, with reciprocity. The problem is that you both seem to have deep feelings, something I don't have. And I hate to break it to you, I don't want to discover feelings." You say, being as honest as you can possibly be. The proximity between you two becomes more physical, giving you a sense that perhaps Jungkook is less disappointed than you imagine.
"When we talk about wanting, you mean..." Jungkook seems to be teasing, which is quite pleasant. Flirting is something new since you lost your memory.
"I mean, if you were to kiss me right now, I'd be okay with that. But if you want to sit down and talk about feelings, I'll save it for another time." You speak straightforwardly. Was that how you were before, or is it a new aspect of your personality?
"I believe a kiss is worth more than just an 'okay,' but let's see how you feel about it in practice." He says, pulling you closer and kissing you. But contrary to what you expected, it's a gentle kiss. A kiss that stirs your emotions, which you now can see is Jungkook's objective. But you can't seem to pull your lips away from his. It feels like a kind of addiction, something you want to hold onto. In fact, you're holding onto Jungkook tightly to keep him as close to you as possible. Until you stagger, almost falling.
"You want to, um... have some tea with me?" You say, adjusting yourself and heading towards your apartment. Now, what you want is a long make-out session with Jungkook.
"I don't know, maybe it's too much for you. Not to mention I need a shower." He replies, teasing you.
"You have two seconds to come in here, close the door, and seize this opportunity. If you want, you can take a shower here. I have a great washer and dryer." You suggest nonchalantly but hoping he accepts. There's a fire burning inside you, and he seems to be the cure for it at the moment.
"You know that means you're going to see me naked, right?" He says, closing the door, and you smile, leaning against the corner of the couch. He then comes towards you, and you kiss him again. There goes your time to be alone and reflect on what's best for you.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Kaleidoscope: Softness
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In which you and Yoongi spend some alone time, and what used to be an intimidating and serious Yorian suddenly turns soft and gentle.
Tags/Warnings: poly!AU, Alien!AU, strangers to lovers, fluffy comfort, yoong looks all mean but he's a closeted cinnamon roll, soft hours
Length: Mid
It's quiet except for the noises of Yoongi moving around in the kitchen, while you sit at the table, legs swinging back and forth a little. You're spending today almost entirely just with him- both Jimin and Jungkook busy, leaving you in the oldest's care for today.
He shakes the bottle after putting your supplement powder in, and it's now that you notice that this is what he does.. all the time. He keeps track of your health, makes sure to buy foods that are good for you, and probably knows every brand of human-supplements on the market.
"Here." He says, putting your water bottle with the pink-ish liquid in front of you, and you immediately open it. Yoongi had complained in the beginning that you didn't want to actually take your supplements at all- eventually figuring out your ways of trying to avoid them at all costs, though after Jungkook had mentioned that there might be a reason for it, Yoongi had tasted the bland powder himself. Ever since then he mixes it with some fruity juice concentrate to make it taste better- and by now, the problem is simply forgotten. "What do you wanna eat today?" He asks absentmindedly, wiping the kitchen counter clean, before he turns around to face you.
While you still don't talk, it doesn't mean that you don't communicate. And sometimes Yoongi genuinely forgets that you don't speak- because by now, he himself has absolutely no issue understanding you at all.
You draw a shape on the table with your finger, one he easily recognizes as a heart. "You can't eat your favorite every day. What about something simple then?" He asks again, and you huff to yourself, making him chuckle.
For a long time, you thought Yoongi was just.. annoyed by your presence. But these days, with reactions like these, and that warm glimmer in his eyes, you realize that that's not the case.
He likes you just as much as the other two do.
"Don't make that face. You liked what jungkook made for himself last week, so I'm gonna make that as lunch, alright?" He offers, and you nod eagerly. Jungkook gets scolded by Yoongi often for eating randomly and sometimes even in the middle of the night- the Yorian having trouble adjusting to your human body's circadian rhythm. You yourself need time as well, considering that on this planet, there are no 24 hours in the day- but 30. It throws you off a lot of times during the day, but you've been slowly adapting to the normal day and night cycle this planet goes through.
Unbeknownst to you, it's Yoongi who's making these changes easy on you.
Having bought black-out curtains to keep the sun out of your room, opening them earlier and earlier each week so you can naturally adjust to wake up yourself. And every time you're still clearly not sleepy enough to go to bed yet, he will entertain you until you are to stretch the time until your body becomes tired. Jimin and Jungkook have both noticed already- constantly teasing the oldest about his caring behavior.
He's acting like a mate by now, rather than a simple caregiver to you.
"Hey-" Yoongi calls out when you get up to leave the kitchen, holding something out to you. "-but this stays between you and me." He warns with no actual threat, as you eagerly grab the sweet fruit snack he'd given you.
Though he's left a little bashful from the kiss you place against his cheek before running off.
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littlemessyjessi · 1 month
little!reader × caregiver!yoongi 🥺 the reader doesn't like being alone so she's* always at his side 🥺
*i used she/her pronouns but u can use the ones u want
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Caregiver!Yoongi you say?
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Oh, honey! I am in IN! Let's go!
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Ok, so first of all, thank you so much for sending in this request! I loved it so much that I had to see to it immediately!
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Ok, so first things first. We stan a healthy relationship who both respects boundaries but also understands that your partner is different and may have different needs. *chef's kiss*
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Alright, so I think Yoongi's first move might be to find you a buddy, lol. That is not in any way to say that he doesn't love you or doesn't want to be with you. But Min Yoongi gives the impression that he is a man of practicality first and foremost. Therefore, dude is gonna have a backup plan.
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Because, Babe. He adores you but also knows that there are going to be times when he can not physically be with you. That's just life. I'm so sorry life sucks and it's hard for you to be alone. I am so sorry for whatever happened that made it hard for you to be by yourself. You didn't deserve that and it's not fair. However, that is life sometimes and while it is true that not everyone feels that way and some do feel more comfort in alone time.... we're not talking about that right now. We're talking about how to help you. And we're gonna focus on that because you're important and I want you to know that.
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That being said, I can definitely see Yoongi with a myriad of backup plans. The first being a buddy. If you're not comfortable with other people, an animal might be a great suggestion. If you have a pet of your own, I could see him loving that you have a little friend to keep you company. If you want one but don't know where to start, I could totally see him taking the initiative to research and find out what pet might be suitable for you. If you're just not ready for a pet of your own, I can absolutely see him encouraging you to bond with Holly. He's already gonna do that anyway because he loves that little dog and he loves you. Besides, he already tells Holly that you're his mother anyway so you might as well just make the decision to have Holly be your purse puppy and everyone would be happier, lol.
Now, outside of that. Regarding your home. There are times when he is just going to need his alone time. Yoongi is an absolute sweetheart from what I understand. However, he is still human and all human need at least a little alone time to just reset. For some, that's just when you're in the restroom, perhaps sleeping or maybe the commute to work. That works for some but for others it could be different. They might need more.
To help with those feelings of loneliness and separation anxiety, he might take it upon himself to turn a spare room or even that random ass closet in his home office/studio/creativedungeon/ect./whatever  into a little space for you. In reality, the little hole in the wall closet was literally supposed to be a linen closet but he never uses it because he keeps the towels under the sink and the extra bed sheets in the hallway closet … like a normal person! So it just collects dust or random shit anyway.   
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In reality, I think he would get pretty into it too.  He’s a man of few words (or seems to be) but what he does say, he means.  What he tries to express to you, he does through actions.  Creating safe places for you is so healing for him because it’s basically the soft, gentle sweet side of Yoongi (which let’s be honest is about 95% of him anyway) -  Basically it’s that side of him going, “Hey, little precious angel that I love so much and I’d do anything for! I made you something because I DO love you so much and I want you to be happy and safe and if that means being around me, please let me make a spot for you so that you can physically see a visual representation of the fact that I want you in my life.  Please, please enjoy this.  I tried my best and please never go away.  I love you.  Please stay.” 
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However, he will not be saying those words aloud.  Because he is a man.  Possessed by the spirit of a cat.   And he’d sooner die than utter those words aloud.  At least in front of other people.   He has a reputation to protect, ya know.  
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He will, however, show you just how soft he is for you by his actions.   Literally, sis, just blink your eyes at him.  He’s done. You’re his sweet baby angel love and there is no thing that he will not do for you if you ask him.   And that is literally all it takes.  Just ask him.   
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Which, sigh, I know it’s hard to ask for the things in life that we want or we feel we need.  If you’re anything like me sometimes you might struggle with feeling worthy enough to even ask for needs.  And mental health (and the subsequent help) is, in fact, a need, love.  Please remember that you are valued, loved, worthy and wanted.  
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All of that to say, he adores you.  You are his babylove and therefore what baby wants, baby gets. 
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Now, some other ways he might do this might include: 
spraying his cologne on some of your little space items so that they have his scent 
always having something for your to play with 
sometimes this is just his hands/fingers
which is fine (and actually preferable if he can just sit and not have to have his hands at that moment in time) 
also maybe just some coloring books and stuff in his office spaces because it’s relatively easy to hide away
glow in the dark stickers that he 100% encourages you to stick up under his desk at work so that when you visit and you’re overwhelmed you can just get under his desk and he’ll roll his chair in to hide you and you can feel safe and lay you head on his leg and it’s just a good thing
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better, dear! I am so sorry if you are feeling rough.   I know you might not know me but I do believe in love for people that might not even know us well.  Compassion for our fellow peoples.   So I love you and I sincerely wish you all the healing and loving energy.   If you ever need to talk please feel free to message me.   I might not be able to fix but I can definitely listen.   
All my love, 
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K, Love you, Bye!
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bunnyrhe · 2 years
Teaser Alert
Demon's Head: Mafia Yoongi x Little Space Reader
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Summary: This would be your eighth date with the Silver Fish, Min Yoongi. The King knows what he wants, however, he's unwilling to wait another minute. It only makes sense then to take you home with him, by force.
Warnings: hybrids, mafia, big dick energy Yoongi, drugging, violent scenes, little reader, caregiver Yoongi
He wore his face the way a thousand of his ancestors did, with a single cut through this right eye. It was symbolic. It made his eyes similar to the cross hair of a gun, it meant he was always focused. The intensity in his eyes took my breath away. He was tall, handsome and radiating wealth, prestige and honour. 
And danger. He was a dangerous man above all else, only 29 but was the head of the Korean crime empire-The Demon’s Head Clan. This was the oldest living clan in Korea, rivalling the age of even the 6Eye clan run by the Jeon Family. 
Min Yoongi was the only living successor of his Clan, he was revered in the streets as the Daechwita. Less commonly known as silverfish. He was ruthless, sadistic murdered all hidden under his deceptively unbothered, bored even plucky exterior. His reputation made him a walking contradiction. 
Release Date: Saturday 2nd July, 2022
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anxious-dumpling · 2 months
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♡ Fandoms: BTS!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, One-shot, Fluff!
One day, you're invited onto a shoot with BTS called, 'BTS Meets a Little for the First Time'.
(2,300 words.)
Notes: In this universe, Littlespace is permanent. If you don't know much about Littlespace, please research the topic elsewhere, since this story doesn't reflect how Littlespace functions in real life! Thank you!
When the director's countdown reaches zero, Kim Namjoon puts on a pleasant smile and begins greeting the camera in English.
"Hello, everyone! We are-!"
"Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
"And today we are gunna be meeting a Little for the very first time."
The interviewer watches them from behind the camera, holding a clipboard of simple questions for the seven K-Pop stars. When Hello82 first contacted BTS's managers and proposed an interview with them, they knew they had to accept. The concept of Littlespace has been getting more attention on the internet recently after a celebrity mentioned it during a live show, so they're hopping on the trend.
"How much do you know about Littlepsace?" The interviewer asks in English.
Namjoon translates quickly.
Hoseok pulls a cheeky grin and exaggeratedly points down at Taehyung.
"Him!" He says in English. "Him. Yeah."
Namjoon chuckles, his cheeks punctuated with two charming dimples. "Yes. Taehyung has been doing a lot of extensive googling about this topic before we got here."
"Little bit." Taehyung smiles shyly, pinching his fingers together.
"I think he would be the most knowledgeable out of all of us, to be honest. He loves kids, you know, so this is like his time to shine."
"And you guys have never met a Little before, right?"
"That's right."
"Are you excited?"
Namjoon repeats the question in Korean, and all seven members answer with varying degrees of enthusiasm, from Jimin and Taehyung clapping with cheesy grins, to Yoongi and Jungkook just smiling mildly.
"Okay, great. Well, today we have a very special guest who has kindly come from the Seoul Littlespace Care Centre with her Caregiver, Park Jongsuk, to see you." They give a small round of applause. "And to make things interesting, we are going to be putting you into three groups and giving you some challenges to complete." Ah, Jinjja?, Jungkook mutters. "You will have to attempt to feed her her favorite food, receive a hug from her, and make her laugh. The group to succeed in all three of these challenges will win."
"Woooow," They all exclaim, looking around at one another.
Jimin raises his hand, speaking in Korean. "I think she will like me the most."
"Yah," Seokjin leans forward. "I don't want to hear an amateur speaking on this matter. I deal with you guys all day, so how should this be much different? Tsk. Exactly. No doubt I'll win her over."
Hoseok barks a laugh, grabbing Jimin's shoulders while he doubles over with embarrassed giggles.
"He-" Namjoon laughs, trying to translate his bandmates' silliness, "He's saying he will win because he has experience dealing with the younger ones in the group."
"Shall we bring her out?"
He smiles. "Yeah, let's do it."
Be calm, you think to yourself, Jongsuk said they're nice!
Your caregiver leads you around the corner and into the filming studio. You squeeze his hand, using your other to tug nervously on your piggy tail. All of a sudden, three men in front of the camera greet you with bright smiles and exclamations of Gwiyeooo.
He leads you to sit on the fluffy white rug with them and sets you in his lap.
"Hello," Jongsuk says softly in Korean, bowing slightly.
The men copy his greeting. You eye them curiously, tilting your head. The one sitting closest to you and your caregiver is Kim Seokjin. You recognise him from the photocards the studio gave you to prepare for today. In the picture, he had brown hair, but you see now that he actually has pink hair! Wow. You want to reach out and touch it to see if it feels as soft as cherry blossoms, so that's exactly what you do.
He rises from his bow with a shocked chuckle.
"Aish, sweetie, hands to yourself." Jongsuk gently chides, pulling your hand back into your lap. "I guess that's her way of greeting you."
"Hello." Jin mutters sweetly, giving you a small wave. He tilts his head toward you, letting you tug on his hair again.
The two other men scoot forward, offering you some more greetings. The one in the middle is Hoseok, and he's got a lovely smile. The one beside him is Namjoon, and he's big and scary and has muscles, but he's also got a lovely smile, so you don't get up and run away just yet. Jongsuk promised you that his new friends are all very nice, remember!
You let go of Jin's hair and nervously fiddle with your sweater, making them laugh.
"You're scaring her already!" Hoseok jokingly scolds Namjoon. "Don't ruin our chances!"
"She's shy around new people." Jongsuk explains, grabbing your hands and bouncing them around playfully. "Isn't that right?"
You nod, staring Namjoon down. 
"Has she done anything like this before?" He asks.
"We've actually worked with Baby Cloud on a few videos in the past, but this is her first proper interview-style video."
"And she speaks...?"
"Korean and English." He answers.
"Ah. Korean and English."
"Hi." Hoseok smiles at you in English.
"Say hi." Jongsuk encourages you.
"Hi, Hoseok-Samchon." You obidiently greet, using the title Samchon just like Jongsuk taught you, which roughly means Uncle.
You didn't think it was possible, but Hoseok looks even happier when you say that. You think he might've swallowed the sun for breakfast this morning. "Aaaah. Hi!"
"Hi, Seokjin-Samchon." You continue, offering a small bow. "Hi, Namjoon-Samchon."
"Hi," They both respond excitedly.
"Are you hungry, Jagiya?" Seokjin asks you. "We hear you like banana bread."
That's one of your favourite treats!
"Banana bread?!"
"Yeah!" He reaches behind him and pulls a packaged slice of banana bread from the coffee table, carefully tearing it open.
Jongsuk suggests, "You wanna go sit with Seokjin-Samchon?"
You think about it for a second. Hm. Then you nod. You like Jin's hair and he has a tasty snack for you, so of course you'll sit with him. You rise from Jongsuk's lap and plop down in Seokjin's instead, which is very spacious and comfy, opening your mouth eagerly.
"Aaaaah," He mirrors you, popping a piece of bread on your tongue. "Mmmmm. Good?"
You nod enthusiastically, grabbing for more.
"Aigooo, finish the piece in your mouth first." He exclaims, making you giggle.
"He's a natural." Hoseok exclaims in surprise.
"So, what does she normally eat?" Namjoon asks.
"Well, we feed her according to her mental age, which mostly ranges from two to six," Jongsuk answers, "So, you know, mashed fruits, boiled vegetables, yoghurts, but sometimes bigger meals. Meat, rice, stews. And tteokbokki. She loooooves tteokbokki."
"She doesn't have trouble using chopsticks?"
"Hmm... Sometimes. Her motor skills are mostly that of an adult's, but applying them can be challenging when you're in the mental state of a two or six year old, you know, so we sometimes have to help her with that. Or we get her children's chopsticks."
"Some people think she might have poor hand-eye coordination or something like that, but she doesn't."
Hoseok listens with interest. "So, physically, she's not on par with a child?"
"Correct. Unless you count chemicals and hormones in the brain," He jokes.
"And her height," Giggles Namjoon.
"Hey. Can Seokjin-Samchon have a hug?"
Without even thinking, you wrap your arms around Seokjin and he returns it, hugging you tightly.
"Gwiyeooooo," They all say at the same time.
Then Hoseok tries feeding you the banana bread while Seokjin and Namjoon ask Jongsuk some more questions. They're curious, because you're not like them. You're as tall as an adult, you look like an adult, but you know you're not really an adult. You like to play with stuffed animals and watch cartoons. You can't drive a car, get a job, or use a bank card. You don't even live in a normal house!
Not until you find a family, at least. But most people don't want a Little. They want a real child.
Once you've taken a piece of bread from each of them, they all clap lightly, making you smile around your stuffed cheeks.
"Well, team Hyung," The interviewer says, "I think you succeeded in all three challenges."
Hoseok gives you a gentle double high-five.
Jongsuk was right! These new friends are great. They're friendly, they're gentle, and one of them even has pink hair!
The second group comes out after the first leaves, making you a little sad.
"Hi, Yoongi-Samchon," You shyly greet them as they sit on the rug, "Hi, Jimin-Samchon."
Yoongi gives a shallow bow, while Jimin grins and leans forward, offering you a high five like Hoseok did. Ah! His face is suuuuper close to yours! You shrink back into Jongsuk, shaking your head nervously. The poor man giggles and turns red at your rejection, covering his face.
"Aigoo," He exclaims, "I'm sorrrrrryyyy!"
Yelling?! Why's he yelling? His loud voice disturbs you even more, and just like that, your eyes are stinging and filling with tears.
"No, no, no, please don't cry," Jimin panics. "Oh, no. We just sat down!"
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi laughs, "You're awful at this."
"It's okay," Your caregiver laughs along with him as he wipes your eyes. "Oh, it's okay. Jimin-Samchon didn't mean it."
Jimin tells you in English, "I'm sorryyyy."
"Here, you want some yoghurt? Strawberry yoghurt?" Yoongi reaches behind him for a small tub of pink yoghurt and a spoon. He rips the seal off and Jongsuk pushes you off his lap, encouraging you to go over to Yoongi. "Here. Come here."
Sniffling, you kneel down beside Yoongi. He opens his mouth and you copy him.
"Shuuuuuuu," He does the areoplane with the spoon, and you eat the yoghurt with no problems.
"Aish," Jimin flops onto his back dramatically. "Hyung, what's your secret?"
Jongsuk pats him on the shoulder.
As Jimin sits back up, he opens his arms and wiggles his fingers, asking for a hug.
You get back up and run behind the camera.
"Aigoooooo," Yoongi hits him with the spoon. "Look what you've done."
The interviewer chuckles. "Okay, I think we should move onto the next group."
"I'm sorry, Jagiyaaaaa." Jimin pouts.
Seokjin cackles at him from the back of the room.
The final group is Taehyung-Samchon and Jungkook-Samchon. When they enter, they make sure to keep their voices low and their movements small, not wanting to make Jimin's mistake of being too loud. Taehyung's smile almost takes up his whole face.
"Helloooo," He says in English as the two of them sit down. "My name is Taehyungie. Nice to meet you."
"Hi, Taehyungie-Samchon." You mutter. "Hi, Jungkook-Samchon."
"Hello." Jungkook also says in English.
They offer polite greetings to Jongsuk as well, and then Taehyung pulls a watermelon flavored lollipop from his shirt pocket and takes the plastic off, offering the candy to you with a warm expression. How did he know that's your favorite flavor of candy?
You take it from him and pop it in your mouth, making him clap giddily and pet your knee. "Yaaaay."
Jungkook laughs. "Hey, you can't bribe her with candies!"
Tae ignores him, keeping all his attention on you.
The interviewer asks, "Taehyung, was this part of your research?"
"I watched all the Baby Cloud videos she's been in," He explains, "And I saw that the watermelon candies were always her favorite."
"Smart." Jongsuk praises him.
While you suck on the candy, Taehyung shows you a stuffed animal plush that was on the coffee table, and Jungkook asks, "So, is this what her everyday life is like? She doesn't ever... I don't know, behave like an adult?"
"Right. Her brain is perfectly healthy, and she's perfectly smart, but she'll always function within the emotional range of a child."
"Ah. Okay."
"It can take a bit of getting used to, can't it?"
He hesitates for a moment, not wanting to say anything offensive. "Uuhhh. A little bit."
"I understand that. I mean, it can be hard to grasp the fact that she's not pretending or exaggerating. But this is just how her brain works."
"Do people think she's pretending?"
"All the time. They keep waiting for her to snap out of it or drop the act, but of course, it won't ever happen."
"Mmm." He hums thoughtfully, gazing at you.
"Can Taehyungie-Samchon have a cuddle, Jagiya?" He asks you nicely, opening his arms.
You scoot over to him and give him a short, loose hug just to be nice, because he gave you a candy.
"Aaah, thank youuuuuu."
"You're welcome, Taehyungie-Samchon."
"Good manners, Jagiya." Your caregiver smiles at you. "What about Jungkookie-Samchon? Does he get a hug?"
"Mmmm...." You look at Jungkook's heavily tattooed arm and his facial piercings, shaking your head. "No."
All three of them laugh at your blunt answer.
"Alright, I think that concludes this segment."
Taehyung waves goodbye to the camera with you. "Buh-byeeeeee."
"So, what did you guys think of this experience?"
"So cute!" Hoseok exclaims, his Korean accent thickening under his excitement. "Her- Her face. Awww. So cute! Right?"
"Well, Jimin wouldn't know anything about that," Jin sasses, turning to his junior, "Because you made her cry, didn't you?!"
"Aigo," He groans, "I didn't mean to."
"Can you believe this guy?"
The interviewer swiftly cuts off their shenanigans. "Team three - Taehyung and Jungkook - managed to get two points during their segment. Taehyung expertly charmed her with a candy, and received a hug. Team two, however..."
Laughter breaks out among the seven members.
"Only received one point. They impressed us by upsetting her in record time, but Yoongi saved it with the strawberry yoghurt."
The mentioned man gives the camera a smug thumbs up, while the younger of the two continues to fake-sob dramatically.
"That leaves team three as our winner!"
"That's right!" Jin shouts suddenly in English, clapping loudly. "That's right! What I tell you, huh?!"
"After a small hiccup in the beginning, she managed to overcome her nervousness thanks to the help of her charming Jin-Samchon, and happily ate some banana bread with all three members. They also made her laugh and received a hug! Well done!"
"Well done," Namjoon repeats with a smile, clapping along with everyone. "Thank you for letting us meet her."
"Thank you, Hello 82!" 
"Thank you!"
As they bow and wave goodbye to ARMY, the video comes to an end.
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7ndipity · 5 months
Aftercare Headcanons
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How each member would handle aftercare with their S/o
Warnings: mentions of sex(nothing explicit tho), not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!(note: since I did a similar list for Hobi a while back, part of his section is kinda reiterations from that post).
Aftercare with him is pretty quiet, tbh. He tends to get a lil shy after sex, especially if it was a rougher, more intense session, so he mainly likes to just hold you and talk for a while to help you both calm down.
He’s pretty simplistic when it comes to his routine(hydrate, wash up, sleep), but he’s super cute and gentle about the whole process, cracking lame jokes here and there to make you laugh(lowkey bc it’s part of how he checks to make sure you’re in a good headspace afterwards, but also just bc it’s Jin)
Lots of soft kisses and lingering touches as the two of you clean up(loves showering with you and would totally just stay in there hugging you till the water runs cold)
Will happily make you both some snacks if you’re hungry, but he definitely needs a nap with you to fully recharge.
As I’ve said before, acts of service is his main love language, so this is very much his wheelhouse.
He’s surprisingly cuddly after sex, especially if it was a more intense session. He finds quiet skinship afterwards even more important than during the act. He might restrict your hands so you can’t touch him during sex, but afterwards he’s making sure to hold them and let you touch and feel him, helping both of you ground yourselves.
He might not be the most elaborate with his routine, but he’s very serious about the basics. Like, he knows you might feel too tired to do much, but he will nag your ear off about dehydration and the dangers of UTIs if he has to till you drink some water and go to the bathroom.
He kinda melts when you look after him too, tending any scratches or marks and offering to massage any sore muscles. He’s used to being the one in the caregiver role, so when the roles reverse, he turns into the softest baby.
He’s so soft and giggly after sex, his hands never leaving you, playing with your hands as he leaves little kisses all over your face, speaking softly as he asks how you feel and if there’s anything you need.
He tends to go into caretaker mode a lil bit, making sure you have some water, maybe a snack if you feel up for it, carefully checking you over for any marks or sore spots that need extra care if it was a more intense session.
He almost forgets to look after himself as well until you kinda take the reins on him, treating him in much the same manner as he does you. Loves when you wash his hair for him in the shower.
After you’re both clean and back in the bed, he likes to just kinda hang out with you, watching a movie or show together, even though he almost always ends up falling asleep while you play with his hair.
Honestly, he gets a little shy/nervous during aftercare? He knows he has a tendency of getting pretty rough even during softer sessions, so once he calms down and his head clears, he wants to make sure you’re okay and that he didn’t go overboard.
Handles you so tenderly and with so much gentleness. Takes a lot of pride in getting to look after you in such intimate ways, washing and drying your body, helping you get dressed, making sure you eat and drink something before you fall asleep, etc.
Absolutely melts at the way you take care of him afterwards too, always ready with gentle reassurances and soothing touches as you work out any soreness he has(could honestly lead to a super soft round two if you’re not careful)
He doesn’t usually fall asleep that quickly after sex, so once you’re both clean and settled in the bed or wherever, he likes to talk for a while till one of you falls asleep, tending to get a little sentimental as he goes on.
He’s so sweet and comforting after sex, aftercare with him would be full of the softest touches and kisses, refusing to leave your side for more than a minute(unless you want some time by yourself, then he’s waiting impatiently for the second you say okay so he can tackle you for another cuddle session)
Likes just getting to lay with you for a while as you come down, talking quietly while running his hands over your body absent-mindedly or playing with your fingers to help you both ground yourselves.
Takes looking after you quite seriously though, making sure you drink enough water and do some stretches to relieve any soreness in your limbs before moving on to the shower to clean up(where he will continue to hug/cling to you as you help wash each other)
Gets quite tired afterwards, but will only fall asleep once he’s sure you’re both okay and tended to, either holding you close to his chest or vice versa.
He’s usually super sleepy after sex, so initial aftercare is pretty basic, but still super important for both of you.
He tends to get really clingy, needing to hold you close as the two of you talk and get your bearings, seeking reassurance that you’re okay and that you both feel good, that you love him, etc.
Honestly, you might have to take the reigns a little bit to make sure you’re both clean and hydrated and taken care of in those ways before he falls asleep on you(he just feels soo subby to me, I can’t)
In the morning/after a nap however, you’re waking up to a bubble bath, food, massages, the full royal treatment. He basically waits on you hand and foot for the next couple hours to make up for his initial lack of focus.
He is so soft but serious about aftercare. He knows he can be more than a little rough when he’s lost in the moment, so he tries to counter that by being extra gentle with you afterwards.
He has the whole thing down to a system, it’s almost like a post workout routine for him, (lowkey the type to high-five you afterwards like “good job babe”🙄)
He’s honestly kinda hyper about the whole thing? Like, as soon as he manages to catch his breath, he’s immediately up and all over the place, getting you both some water, helping you to the bathroom to wash up(will straight up carry you if your legs are shaky) grabbing some fresh sheets if needed.
It’s only once you’re both clean and tended to that he kinda starts to slump and gets tired and cuddly, snuggling close to you before dozing off.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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soft-for-yoongi · 9 months
Fever dream Taehyungie. I read some fics with this and I'm hooked.
Choose whoever you like as the caregiver and whatever other sickness you want to add. I have no problem with emeto 💜
Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave (sick TH)
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Sick: Taehyung
Caretakers: ot7, Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin
Tw: emeto, vom**, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, fevers, nightmares, puking
Word count: 1744
Thanks for the request, anon!! I really enjoyed this, and I hope it's what you had in mind 🫶
Cold. Taehyung was so so cold. And... where are his hyungs? One second they were right there, and now it's all dark? They were with him before he got sucked into dreamland? But now he feels freezing and so... alone. "Hyungs?" Taehyung wants to reach out but his arms feel like lead and won't cooperate.
Shadows were growing around him and his brothers were becoming distant, his cheeks are wet with tears and he wants to yell for them to come back but the sounds don't make it past his throat. Did they really leave him?
He woke up with a sharp gasp, almost instantly dissolving into tears that wrack his frame. Yoongi is quick to pull him into an embrace, cradling his head into his chest. Despite the younger being taller than he is, Taehyung looks so small in the rapper's arms. "You're burning up, Taetae." Yoongi says, feeling warmth radiating off of the younger's skin.
"I'm c-cold... w-wh-where are the others?" Taehyung's head perks up, eyes wide and scared. The dream felt so vivid. "Hyungie, are they gone?" Taehyung suddenly tries to stand up, pulling away from Yoongi's grasp.
"Woah, careful." Yoongi rushes to help Taehyung and sits him back down with little effort needed. "They're okay, Taehyungie." He comforts, rubbing his back in circles. "I-I need to see them, h-hyung—" Taehyung cries, gripping onto Yoongi like a lifeline.
"Shh, okay. Let me get Jinnie and the others." Yoongi takes out his phone, frantically spamming Seokjin's number. All of Taehyung's weight is up against Yoongi and the flow of tears has him biting his lip in worry. "Yoongi-ah?" Seokjin sheepishly walks into the room, rubbing his eyes and taking a split second to register Taehyung.
"Oh, Taehyungie, baby." Seokjin rushes over, petting and soothing over his hair as Taehyung instinctively reaches for the eldest. "H-hyung... I thought you left me." Taehyung mumbles, breaking out in tremors and moving to wrap an arm around his stomach.
"Of course not, baby. Gosh, you're so warm. Yoongi, what happened?" Seokjin turns to the rapper. "He was dreaming, kept calling out for us and now he's got a fever." Yoongi explains. They both look at Taehyung with pity, thinking on what to do. "We have to give him some medicine, he's way too hot." Seokjin concludes.
"No—I need to see Jiminie a-and Namjoon-hyung—" Taehyung sniffles, hiccuping between words. Yoongi sadly rubs his back, turning to Seokjin. "Aw Taehyungie... how about we go to the living room and I'll get the others?" Seokjin offers, using his thumb to wipe away the tears. Taehyung nods approvingly, somewhat calming down.
They go on either side of the younger, helping him to the lounge. Yoongi flicks on a couple lights, putting them on the dimmest setting. Taehyung reaches for Yoongi and he gladly holds him on the couch. Seokjin starts off at the closest bedroom. Jimin and Hoseok's.
"Hoseokie? Jiminie?" He calls into the dark room, walking in to find the two curled in each other's embrace, both their beds pushed together. They start to stir after a few taps. "Sorry guys, Taehyungie is sick and a bit emotional. Can you both comfort him in the living room?" Seokjin explains in a hushed voice. It wakes them up and Jimin's eyes are already glistening with worry. "Of course, hyung." Hoseok replies. Onto the next bedroom.
"Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin hears the snoring cut off. "Hmmg..? Hyung?" The leader groans. "Can you go to the living room, please? Taehyungie has a fever." He says, gaining a hum as Namjoon swings his legs out of bed. And now, the maknae.
"Kookie?" Seokjin moves straight to the bed, gently rubbing over Jungkook's thigh. "Jungkook-ah." He tries again, making the lump roll over. "Taehyung needs you, Bunny." And that finally wakes him up. "Huh..? Is he okay?" Jungkook rubs his eyes, making a move to get up. "Fever, bad dream." Seokjin summarises, letting the youngest follow him back to the living room.
Taehyung is still next to Yoongi but Jimin is giving him a kiss on the cheek, Hoseok tying back his hair and Namjoon is standing nearby, not wanting to crowd the boy. "Taehyungie-hyung?" Jungkook says when he catches sight of the second youngest. He looks up from the couch and is visibly relieved. "You g-guys didn't leave?" Taehyung's lip quivers. The six of them butt in to reassure Taehyung, telling him they love each other way too much to even fathom the idea.
"Taetae, do you feel well enough to take some medicine?" Yoongi asks, all too aware of the sticky heat coming from the singer. He's still so out of it. "Mm.. I don't know." Taehyung pouts, "does anything hurt? Your ears, throat, head, stomach?" Jimin asks, kneeling down in front of Taehyung. "Tummy.. and my head feels dizzy." Taehyung concludes, just now picking up on the nausea washing over him in waves.
He shivers and curls up to Yoongi. "Hyung... I think I'm gonna throw up." Taehyung whines, face squashed into Yoongi's shoulder. "Aish–right now?" Yoongi looks to Hoseok for help, "I'll get a bag—" Hoseok dashes off, right as Taehyung moans in discomfort, chills going up and down his spine. Seokjin leaves to grab some towels and medicine. Namjoon and Jungkook take a seat on the other couch, talking to each other worriedly.
Hoseok comes back with a puke bag, quickly handing it to Taehyung who grips it shakily. "You're okay, Taehyung-ah." Yoongi starts rubbing up and down his back, sympathising when he feels his muscles clench and a dry gag escapes. Taehyung feels like he's on a merry-go-round, he's not enjoying it. Before he was cold and lonely, now he's covered in sweat, about to heave up his dinner. What a night.
He looks up from the bag, noticing Seokjin returning and all his brother's concerned faces. It makes him think back to his fever dream and a tear slips before a nasty heave takes over. It leads to a string of drool and acidic taste in his throat. Jimin uses his small hand to wipe away the tears, moving to sit next to Taehyung. "Let it up, Tae." Yoongi slips into daegu satoori, hoping to comfort the younger some.
Taehyung sucks in a deep, shaky breath before bringing up a mouthful of sick. It gets the momentum going and before he can relax, another bout exits him. "We're right beside you, Taetae. You're doing great." Hoseok comforts, looking away from the puke bag but also trying to support his dongsaeng.
Taehyung retches, spine curling over as he vomits. He feels so hot and sticky, tshirt plastered to his back. Seokjin uses a damp cloth to wipe Taehyung's forehead, holding it on as he coughs into the bag. "Namjoon-ah, can you get the thermometer please?" Seokjin asks, tone filled with concern.
"Sure, hyung." Namjoon responds quickly. "Ughh—my tummy doesn't feel good.." Taehyung whimpers, fingers still clutching the bag. Jungkook watches with sympathy. "Poor baby, Taehyungie. You'll feel better soon." Jimin rubs the 95's knee, Yoongi tracing along his back.
Taehyung doesn't feel like he'll ever get better. He would make another statement that he's dying, but a painfully dry heave cuts him off. It highlights just how empty Taehyung now is. But his stomach sets him off anyways, into endless (about 3) empty gags. "Tae-yah it sounds like you're finished. Wanna try relax a little?" Yoongi points out, slowly easing the younger's grip on the bag.
"Yoongi's right, Taehyungie. I'm sure Jungkook's happy to give you some company on the couch?" Seokjin smiles, and Taehyung swallows down a retch before weakly nodding. Yoongi manages to take the bag, making note to keep it away from Hoseok's general direction before disposing of it.
Seokjin and Jimin wipe down Taehyung's face, just as Namjoon comes back with the thermometer, holding it out. "Ah, thanks Joonie." Seokjin says, grabbing the device and hovering it over the second youngest's forehead. It beeps and reads, "39.1° (102.4°)" Seokjin says out loud, "shit. Taehyungie, you're really warm, how about we take your shirt off?" The eldest adds.
Taehyung nods, face blank and zoned out. "Arms up," Jimin helps take off the top, leaving Taehyung exposed on the couch. "Can I lay down with Jungkookie?" Taehyung looks up at Jin, then glances at the youngest. "Of course, Kookie? Is that okay?" Seokjin turns to Jungkook, who responds with a reassuring nod. Jungkook motions for Taehyung to come closer. With Hoseok's and Jimin's aid, Taehyung gets nestled on Jungkook's chest, both of them long ways on the couch. Jungkook has an arm tucked around Taehyung securely, while he listens to the soothing rhythm of Jungkook's heartbeat.
"Promise not to be sick on me?" Jungkook jokes, retracting the statement when Taehyung frowns sadly. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well, hyungie. You can throw up on me, that's fine." Jungkook kisses Taehyung's temple, ruffling his hair at the same time. At least that gets Taehyung to whimper-laugh, his body still isn't happy with him.
Before Taehyung lets himself drift off, he opens his eyes and scans the room. He sees five pairs of eyes staring back lovingly, the elder members smiling at the fondness between the two youngests. "Don't worry, Taehyung-ah. We'll be right here when you wake up." Yoongi hums, beginning to settle on one of their armchairs, letting out a huff when Jimin sits on his lap, but not making him move either. Fully reclining the other couch, Hoseok is comfortably squished between the leader and Seokjin.
"Okay, I love you, hyungs." Taehyung murmurs softly. He surrendered to the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the presence of his brothers soothing him to not worry about any more dreams.
Hours passed and they slept semi-comfortably. Seven people in one living room was a lot. Slowly, Taehyung stirred awake, greeted by the gentle caress of Jungkook's hand on his head. Blinking away the sleep, he found himself still tucked up to Jungkook. "Hey there, sleeping beauty." Jungkook whispered.
Taehyung grinned weakly, "did I throw up on you?" He asked, voice raspy but amused. "Not this time, hyung." Jungkook chuckled. The lounge room was bathed in a morning glow, Taehyung noticed his other hyungs, still there and their expressions more relaxed. The worry he felt during his fever-induced dream was replaced by comfort, yes he was still uneasy but he now had some support.
"I told you we wouldn't leave, Taehyungie." Jimin chims in, perched on Yoongi's lap. "Thank you, Jiminie-hyung."
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fruitmins · 1 year
Oᵤᵣ Bᵢg Bₐby / BTS OT7
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➭genre: little space, age regression, fluff, caregivers bts, little reader, sfw, hurt/comfort, mostly no plot
➭warnings: none
➭note: my first request!! i saw this before going to bed and got so excited I stayed up for another hour and a half working on some of it. also purple car has a lot of notes wtff i love all of you
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“Y/N angel, I think today’s the day we need to wash blankie.” Jimin calls out to you in a gentle voice when he spots you waddling down the stares with said blanket in hand after your nap.
You’ve had that blanket for months now and it’d only been washed a handful of times. It was getting so bad that the original pink color it came in was now a nasty light brownish color and covered in all types of food stains.
Originally, Minnie Mouse’s face was plastered in a diagonal line. But now, you could barley see her black outline. Not to mention the wrinkle and god awful smell.
At first they thought you were going through one of your phases and would eventually ask for a new blanket that had whatever thing you were fixated on. And of course they’d buy it for you cause you they loved spoiling you. But that’s how it had always been. Stuck on unicorns? You needed a unicorn blanket. Cars? Needed it in a blanket. Even plants (you could thank Namjoon for that phase).
But no. You couldn’t seem to let go of this Minnie Mouse blanket. Literally. You’d take it everywhere with you. Quick grocery trip, the studio, the beach, to another friends house. The boys were actually glad one time you brought it with you to the water park so they could rinse out some of the dirt from the last trip.
But now it was beginning to be a problem. The boys had several talks about it amongst themselves. All begging the question, ‘how do we get it out of her grasp?’ Why was this one thing giving you so much comfort you would fight them for it? For months they had tip toed around the idea, pointing out the blankets flaws in hopes of cloaking you over time to wash it. But somehow you weren’t phased.
The boys had finally decided to put their foot down that day when Taehyung came complaining to them in the morning about how he couldn’t sleep because the blanket was uncomfortable and smelly, but you had insisted on sleeping with it.
Sure it didn’t bother you, but it was starting to get to them. Being idols, Taehyung needed that sleep. But every time they even reached for the blanket you’d flinch before starting to scream and kick, not stopping under any circumstances till it was secure in your arms.
You quickly shook your head at Jimin’s words, eyes already filled with worry. “No. No wash blankie.” You huffed holding it tighter.
“Baby..” Namjoon warned, not liking the word no coming out of your mouth but this seemed to only make you angrier.
“Baby, it’s icky! Wouldn’t it be nice for it to be soft and clean again? Almost as good as new?” Jungkook asked you trying to pass his excitement over to you but you weren’t having it.
“I don’t want it good as new.” Your voice got louder as you argued with him in a mocking manner which only caused him to frown. This could turn bad really quick.
Your words just made the boys more confused but let the comment pass. “Y/N I don’t think this is up for discussion anymore.” Hoseok said sympathetically. He knew this was going to escalate and that you were likely going to cry, which is one of the things he hated seeing.
“Because it’s not.” Yoongi stepped in with a somewhat firm voice. Yoongi was easily one of the scariest when mad but he never let his anger get to far. Still, you knew his potential from small moments when you were big. “Baby the sooner you hand over blankie the sooner you can have it back.” He explained in a calmer voice.
You seemed to realize that this time they wouldn’t back down so easily. “But l love blankie! You can’t have it!” You almost shouted tears already welling up in your eyes as your face turned red.
“Y/N calm down.” Jimin told you firmly. They had tried to be sweet but it was frustrating when you acted like this.
“Baby, we’re sorry. We truly are, but this has to be done.” Jin told you and your eyes widen with fear when he stood up, making his way towards the end of the stairs where you stood.
“No! No! Please! Mean daddies!” You pleaded with tears, walking up the stairs backwards which was also a no-no. The others followed behind Jin, now worried that you’d trip and abruptly told him to stop moving.
Even when Jin stopped following you, you turned your back and run upstairs and to your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
The boys sighed as they stood there in silence. “I hate this.” Yoongi admitted, guilt brewing in his stomach when you started crying and the boys agreed in hums.
“But we can’t put this off anymore or it’ll come back to bite us in the ass. We aren’t getting rid of it.” Jin spoke as if reminding them cause it felt like you were going through the six stages of grief.
“Maybe she doesn’t realize that. We should try to make her understand the situation more.” Namjoon suggest and without another word Taehyung pushed himself between them and up the stairs. Jimin tugged on his arm before he could go further.
“You guys just stay here for a while.” He told them ultimately ignoring their confused and concerned glances before continuing up the stairs and to your room.
Taehyung’s heart broke when he could hear your sobs from outside your door. He couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty that his whining had caused you all of this. They knew it brought you some type of comfort but your attachment was getting unhealthy.
When he knocked on your door, your sobbing stopped but he could hear you shift on your bed. “Go away.” You told whoever was on the other side in a shaky voice.
“It’s Tae Tae. I just wanna talk.” He told you and not giving you another chance to refuse before he slowly opened the door to your room before softly closed it.
You watched him with glossy eyes and short shaky breaths as he made his way to the edge of your bed. He held out his arms for you and you slowly climbed into his lap, clinging onto his shirt for dear life as you two hugged.
He combed through your messy hair and after you had calmed down, he spoke. “Baby, why do you like blankie so much? You were over Minnie Mouse ages ago.” He asked trying to understand your attachment to it.
You sniffled before answering, “Because it protec me. Like at the airport.” You stated and at first Taehyung was just confused until he realized what you meant.
The blanket was a split second decision. You were at the airport with them and had spotted it in a store for a brief second. The boys couldn’t resist saying no to you when your eyes sparkled just describing what it looked like to them.
They couldn’t go out and buy it themselves, there was to much press and it was a baby scandal waiting to happen. So they sent out some staff to go get it and you were over the moon when it was in your hands. It was one of the easiest flights with you ever and you were fast asleep the whole time.
The boys had joked about how magical the blanket was and how it protected them from any bad behavior (mostly talking about you). Hearing that, I guess you took it to heart and vowed to take it everywhere.
The worst part of it all was that it worked.
Whenever you took the blanket anywhere you were on your best behavior and had no mishaps.
“Oh but honey, it doesn’t need to protect you at home. Nothing bad can happen here and if something does that’s what we’re here for.” He explained with a beaming smile, happy that they had gotten somewhere. “You trust us right?”
You nodded hurriedly. Of course you trusted your daddies to protect you. They were super safe and had protected you many times before. And now that you thought about it, nothing had ever happened at home…
“So while we’re protecting you, blankie can get a nice bath.” Hoseok spoke softly, you hadn’t even realized that the rest of them were slowly making their way into the room hearts fluttering when you said you trusted them.
“Bath?” You repeated and he nodded with a reassuring smile. “You know when you get icky after an accident or playing in the mud? Blankie feels icky too.” Jin stated and they watched with anxious eyes as you glanced down at your blanket. You guessed it did look less pink, and you had seen a ketchup stain that felt weird when you laid on it.
“Blankie feels icky?” You asked still nervous and the boys smiled, knowing that they had finally convinced you to crack. They would help you feel safe and the blanket would finally get washed.
“Very.” Jimin answered scrunching his nose. He made a mental note to bring up cleaning your room to get rid of the smell.
“Can I help with the bath?” You asked eyes slowly started to brighten which warmed the boys hearts.
“Absolutely!” Tae grinned.
“Now you can’t get in, but you can help wash.” Yoongi clarified but it didn’t seem to matter to you which made him feel proud of you.
Moments later you waddled off be bed and handed the blanket over to Jin causing them to shower you with praises about how good and brave you were. It made you feel a lot better.
After everyone put on gloves, including you, they all headed to the bathroom and got it ready. You had wanted a lot of bubbles and they didn’t fight you.
“We should have used the washer and dryer.” Jungkook said his arm covering his nose when the smell got worse. He was the one with the most sensitive nose so they put him on snack duty instead.
“And the tub is going to be ruined.” Namjoon pointed out when they had drained the nasty brown water for the third time.
“It’s better than buying a whole new dryer.” Jin scolded them with a huff. Not like they couldn’t afford millions anyways.
“I got pink dye.” Taehyung said when he came rushing in out of breath. He had ran all the way to the store when he had thought of the brilliant idea.
After hours of hard labor and letting everything set you were reunited with your blanket right before going to bed. You had been tucked in, teeth had been brushed, story had been read but they could tell you were still sad about not having it with you.
You let out a loud gasp when Namjoon came in the door with it in hand. It smelt like flowers and it got some of its color back. Not good as new, but you didn’t mind.
“Thank you daddies.” You whispered, yawning when it was in your hands. They looked at you with loving eyes at the adorable sight.
“Thank you for being so brave.” Yoongi said back giving you a soft kiss on the forehead before tucking you in himself. Your daddies always knew how to make you feel safe.
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bultaoreunheyyy · 5 months
the sickfic without a title
I'm making a little master post of sorts for this fic, since it is turning out to be very long. (update: 25k 50k words so far but I keep adding to it 😬)
I'll link each part/chapter here after I post it, and then I'll probably post the whole thing to ao3 after. it is still a wip so I'm not sure when it will be completed, but I'm thinking about 7-8 chapters? at least 9 12 chapters and each one is about 4-5k words.
giving a little background in the summary because it's very lazy writing and very self indulgent so it might be confusing/not well written for most parts lol
summary: jungkook, a graphic designer, goes on a summer vacation with his six boyfriends (seokjin owns a bakery, namjoon is an architect, yoongi is a music producer and part time barista, hoseok is a dance instructor at a university, jimin is a kindergarten teacher, and taehyung is an art therapist) but he's hit with a stomach bug on the very first day. it's all kind of downhill from there when he catches a cold just as he's recovering, but he has six wonderful boyfriends to take very good care of him
tags/warnings: emeto, vomiting, stomach flu, fever, snz, common cold, cough, sinus infection
main sickie is jungkook (side sickie jimin and sickie taehyung) with ot6 caregivers. none of the descriptions of vomiting are graphic, snz/cold descriptions are my usual level lol
Part 1 - 5,020 words
sick Jungkook (stomach pain, vomiting, fever)
Part 2 - 5,270 words
sick Jungkook (stomach pain, vomiting, fever)
Part 3 - 5,020
sick Jungkook (stomach pain, vomiting, fever)
sick Jimin (cold, sneeze)
Part 4 - 4,120
sick Jungkook (stomach pain, fever, ...sneeze?)
sick Jimin (cold, sneeze)
Part 5 - 5,130
sick Jungkook (nausea, fever, cold, sneeze)
sick Jimin (cold, sneeze)
Part 6 - 5,151
sick Jungkook (nausea, stomach pain, vomiting fever, cold, sneeze)
Part 7 - 4,124
sick Jungkook (nausea, stomach pain, fever, cold, sneeze)
sick Namjoon (sunburn, heat exhaustion)
sick Jimin (cold, sneeze)
Part 8 - 4,827
sick Jungkook (fever, cold, sneeze)
sick Jimin (cold, sneeze)
sick Taehyung (cold, sneeze)
sick Namjoon (sunburn)
Part 9 - 4,635
sick Jungkook (fever, cold, sneeze)
sick Taehyung (cold, sneeze)
Part 10 (coming soon)
Part 11 (coming soon)
Part 12 (coming soon)
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