babybearcookie · 9 months
Amicus Ad Aras
not requested
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this is an age regression fic; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, and i am in no way infantilising the idols that i write about; i know they're grown adults. i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise this. word count: 3,7k
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Which is kind of how this whole debacle came about.
It was movie night in the ATEEZ dorms, for those wanting to join. There were 6 people gathered around in the living room this particular movie night, missing only Hongjoong and Jongho, the two of whom were working in the studio on something bugging them in a song, but had promised to join the cosy evening later. Most of them had found their favourite spot; having had quite a few movie nights gets you used to things being a certain way, like everyone having a regular spot to watch the movie from. Wooyoung’s spot was in the middle of the couch, beside San, who was sitting all the way to the left on the comfortable sofa, snuggled up to the older.
Wooyoung loved their movie nights. He loved how warm and familiar it made everything seem, even when everything else in their lives was hectic, they always made time for the ATEEZ family. They took turns recommending movies to watch and then the group voted on the options. This time, the vote had landed on watching Mulan, something that had Wooyoung excited beyond belief, eyes wide and blinding with joy when the vote favoured the old childhood movie.
Sometimes, if Wooyoung weren’t as interested in the choice of movie, he would let his body do what it wanted to, mostly it ended with him falling asleep in San’s arms as the film ran in the background, something San found incredibly endearing and funny, but a few times he would stay awake watching the movie anyway. This time though, he was determined to stay awake throughout the movie. One of the reasons for the movie to have been selected was that they all had seen it a million times before. Hongjoong and Jongho could join in whenever and still know what had happened and if people dozed off, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
As Yunho put the movie on, a job he took a little pride in as he did it for every movie night while everyone got comfortable, San plopped down on the couch, opening his arms to invite Wooyoung in as well, he joined as he usually does; quickly and with a happy sigh and a grin. San smiled down at him and began stroking his hair, feeling the younger relax into his embrace even further.
As soon as the movie started San paid attention to the screen, and so did Wooyoung, perking up at the music that he so easily recognised, ready to watch one of his favourite childhood movies with his second family. It didn’t take long though, only about 20 minutes or so, before San could feel Wooyoung slowly falling asleep and jerk himself awake again, desperately trying to stay awake for the duration of the movie, which San thought was going to be impossible, as the boy was already seeming so tired. So, the older of the two held him closer to himself, tucking Wooyoung further into the crook of his neck, and stroked his hair softly, slowly coaxing the younger into resting. If he woke up and whined about missing the movie, San was ready to promise to watch it with him another day.
When Wooyoung slowly woke up again he felt at ease. He noticed the slow but deep rise and fall of San’s chest. The heat radiating from his warm and soft skin, which he had seemed to have drooled on a bit. How the thumb of the hand on his back moved gently back and forth. How he could feel his hair moving on his head from San’s exhale. Then he looked around and saw the rest of the members around the living room, which caused him to hold his breath for a long second, realising that the combination of the childhood movie and being held so tightly by a person he loves and trusts had pushed him into his regressed headspace. He wasn’t fully in it, but he could feel it tugging at his groggy mind, luring it into the comfortable mindset. He couldn’t let the others see though, so plan A was first to push the tempting feeling of carefree childhood far enough away so that he at least could make it through the night, but that didn’t seem to happen, so plan B it was. Plan B was not the best and definitely not what Wooyoung had wanted to actually do, but it had to do, as the alternative was being regressed before all his close friends, which would, by Wooyoung’s standards, be the worst outcome. So, first, he tried to wiggle out of San’s grip without disturbing him, but he couldn’t do that, so he ran through the excuses he could use in his head.
“Young-ah, where are you off to? The movie isn’t even done.” San spoke in a soft and low voice, not wanting to disturb the peace among the others around the room, which now consisted of all of them, Hongjoong and Jongho having gotten home some time while Wooyoung had been asleep. “Um, I’m really tired so I was jus’ gonna go sleep in my bed.” Wooyoung hoped he could just escape without any more questions, but he wasn’t going to get away that easily. “Just lay down with me again and sleep. Weren't you comfortable?” San had grabbed a hold of his hand, holding him back from fleeing. Wooyoung wanted to pull his hand to himself and just run off, but he couldn’t do that when San looked at him like he did, all warm and welcoming. “I was bu-but...” Wooyoung’s head was void of anything to say. He wanted to lay down again and be doted upon by his friend, but he couldn’t because that would mean he would risk slipping up and revealing that he was feeling like the smallest kid ever at that moment, and he couldn’t tell him “hey, just fyi, I'm gonna be about 3 years old in a few minutes if nothing is stopping me” because he couldn’t bear to see San’s face when being told something so out-there and weird. “Baby, if you’re still asleep by the time the movie is over, I'll carry you to your bed myself, just please lay down again?” San pleaded with the younger, who almost crumbled by being called baby by his best friend in front of their group mates. “I-I... I can’t.” And with that, he ran to his room and closed the door behind him. San just watched as the other ran away from him, muttering ‘what just happened’ to himself.
Hongjoong, who had been watching all of it with mouth agape, got up from his little beanbag chair where he was watching the movie from and walked over to the younger, placing a firm hand on his shoulder, commanding San’s attention. “Is he alright? What did you say to him?” San sputtered a bit, not sure exactly what to tell their captain, as he had no clue what had happened himself. “I don’t know, hyung. One second he was sweet, cuddly Wooyoung, and the next he was running away from me. I tried asking him to stay, since he was so excited for the movie, and we’ve been so busy lately, but he seemed very anxious to get away.” San trailed off at the end of his explanation, thinking to himself, going over exactly what Wooyoung had said and how he had said it. He was worried about him. “Hyung, I would like to go and make sure he’s okay at least. Maybe he was just tired and wanted his own bed, but it didn’t seem like he was telling me the truth...” Hongjoong nodded. He knew the two of them had a bond like no one else and he didn’t want to assert himself in his leader role if that wasn’t what Wooyoung needed. San turned towards Yunho, who was looking at them quietly. Most of the members had forsaken watching the movie, listening along to the conversation, and were also concerned about their friend’s behaviour. “Yun, would you mind not sleeping in your bed tonight. I might bring Wooyoung to stay in our room.” Yunho nodded in agreement, softly saying that he could stay with Yeosang and Jongho, the two agreeing to that plan. As soon as Hongjoong turned back to lock eyes with San again, the younger stood up from the couch, briskly walking towards where Wooyoung had disappeared off to, leaving a lot of confused and anxious members behind him.
He knocked softly before opening the door to the bedroom, watching as Wooyoung hurriedly hid something underneath his duvet, obviously not wanting anyone to see it. “Young-ah, can we talk a bit?” San asked while moving forward towards where Wooyoung was sitting, back turned to the door, shrugging his shoulders to answer the question. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to talk to San, but he just didn’t want the other to think he was weird for the way he was acting. San moved over to sit on the bed behind Wooyoung. He didn’t want to force the younger to face him if he felt uncomfortable doing so, but he wanted to be close to him so as to read his body language a little better.
“So... You’re not under the covers and asleep, so I’m guessing being tired was an excuse to come here.” Wooyoung’s head hung in shame. He didn’t like lying but he felt like he had to so as to not hurt San’s feelings. “Is it something I did?” San continued; Wooyoung shook his head. “Is it something I didn’t do?” another headshake. Wooyoung took some deep breaths, gathering courage from seemingly nowhere, and San waited with bated breath. “I wanna tell you, but... I just- um, I’m not sure how- how to, um h-how you’re gonna react...” Wooyoung stumbled over the words, thoughts just as jumbled. San put his hand on the other’s back, as to provide a sort of anchor, some feeling to hold onto, “you can tell me anything you want to, Wooyoung.” The younger leaned into the touch, focusing on the warmth seeping from his friend’s palm and through his shirt. He turned around halfway, still not facing San, but the older could now see Wooyoung’s face, which was turned down, facing his lap and with eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to focus on his fingers, wringing his hands together to keep his anxiety at bay.
“I, um, feel small... sometimes...” he didn’t speak loudly but his words came out above a whisper, San picking up the words perfectly well. “Small? Small how, Young-ah?” San prodded a bit, obviously curious but mostly wanting to be there for his best friend. “Like-like I’ve shrunk, become tiny and vulnerable again. Like a-…" Wooyoung couldn’t get himself to say the words. It's easier to explain the feeling in broad terms because everyone has felt small and vulnerable, and he knew San could relate to that, but as soon as he would go into more depth, that’s when he’d start to sound crazy. “Like a... Like a kid?” San went ahead with what he was guessing Wooyoung was going to say, even though it didn’t exactly make sense in his head. It was a puzzle he had every piece to but the middle pieces. He could see some of it, get a sense of what it looked like, what it was supposed to be, but he was missing a whole lot that would tie it all together. Wooyoung’s eyes got wider, and he bit his lip, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up at his friend, instead he just nodded. “I’m not gonna lie, Wooyoung, I’m not completely sure what that entails but I'm sure that it’s completely alright and fine.” Wooyoung sat and considered the words and after a beat he grabbed San’s free hand, holding it in his own two hands, now playing with the small-ish fingers, adorned in pretty and dainty rings, one of which being one that Wooyoung had gifted him on his birthday. He knew that San loved and cherished him and something like the fact that he acted like a toddler sometimes wouldn’t come between them, but he was scared of being viewed differently, like he was mental for doing it or worse; that he would be able to see a hint of disgust in his friend’s face. “I’m scared,” Wooyoung whispered, shutting his eyes at the confession just made. He could feel himself get tense and start shaking with nerves. San could feel his heart jump at what his friend said and without thinking he pulled Wooyoung to him and wrapped his arms around him so tightly he could feel the tremors in the younger’s body. Wooyoung let his arms wrap around San’s torso and burrow his head in his chest, letting him be enveloped in San’s scent and warmth. His head was spinning. He, without realising it, had started to hyperventilate before being brought into San’s hug. San helped by squeezing him tightly and shushing him softly, bringing him back to that comfortable fuzzy feeling he had woken up to before, making him tense up as he realised yet again, though this time, San having him so close he could feel the little changes in his body language, held him impossibly tight, relaxing him.
They sat like that for a little while, San so focused on Wooyoung’s body’s reaction that he managed to get him calmed down again, bringing him onto his lap so that he could keep holding the younger close but still sitting comfortably while talking. “Why are you scared, Young-ah?” San hesitantly asked. He didn’t want to send the other spiralling again, but Wooyoung held it together, arms squeezing San closer to him. “I’m scared you’d think I’m gross,” Wooyoung spoke, not sure where the confidence came from but happy that it was there. He knew that it was for the best that he’d explain the situation to San, but his nerves had always gotten the better of him any other time he had tried to bring it up to his friend. San was taken aback; “gross? Why would I ever think you were gross?” Wooyoung shrugged. “Not just you, the others too.” Wooyoung looked carefully up at San before bringing his eyes back down. “It’s ‘cos of how you guys react when I do aegyo sometimes...” he shrunk himself in San’s lap, feeling absolutely ridiculous as the words left his mouth. He didn’t want to ruin their banter and fun atmosphere in interviews by expressing that that one running joke bothered him because of something none of them were even aware was going on. San, on the other hand, felt guilt well up inside of him. He knew exactly what Wooyoung was talking about. It was how they’d scoff and even “complain” when Wooyoung would do this very specific type of aegyo. He'd thought they’d all been in on it and having fun with it, but looking back he felt ashamed with how far they’d take it sometimes.
San’s brows furrowed, shame filling his chest. There was nothing worse to him than hurting the people closest to him and knowing that he hadn’t picked up on Wooyoung being hurt was not something he was ready to be confronted with. This time it was Wooyoung’s turn to lean back and see his friend being overwhelmed with shame. The mixture of already being on the edge of slipping completely, his friend being sad, and the familiar Disney music playing behind the door, something they could hear as both of them became absolutely quiet, all pushing Wooyoung further, slipping more into the headspace. “Oh, oh no, please don’t cry, Sannie!” Wooyoung started to pat his friend’s hair and caress it backwards, something his mom would do when he was feeling overwhelmed as a kid. “Here!” Wooyoung leaned to the side in a slightly exaggerated manner, not thinking about the possibility that he could fall, not exactly being the safest in San’s lap, but before anything could happen, San’s hands flew up and grabbed on either side of the bottom of the younger’s torso, right where his last couple of ribs were, making sure that if the other started to fall, he’d catch him. As Wooyoung leaned a little more, he dug out the thing he had hidden away under his duvet when San first came into his room to talk, which was a stuffed, sandy brown teddy bear with a little plaid bowtie. Wooyoung sat straight in San’s lap again, the older of the two still holding onto him even without the danger of falling, and held the bear before San’s eyes. “Her name is Sandy. She helps when you feel sad,” and with that Wooyoung put Sandy into the crook of San’s neck, nuzzling it into the crevice. San was flabbergasted. This was nothing like he had thought Wooyoung would act like. When he had told him that he hadn’t disclosed this part of himself because of the way he’d feel when they were dismissing his exaggerated cuteness, San had honestly thought that he would be exactly the way he was acting when he was asked to do aegyo, but this wasn’t like that.
“Thank... Thank you, Wooyoung. That's very sweet of you.” San’s eyes were following Wooyoung’s movements and picking up the way his facial expressions were less refined than they’d usually be. There wasn’t a lot of intention behind the way Wooyoung did things, which made them seem almost sloppy and careless and clumsy. The younger nodded, head flying around more than usual with the movement. “Youngie, are you doing the thing you were telling me about? Do you, eh... feel small?” San tried to use the words Wooyoung himself had used to explain his situation, hoping it would make sense if he phrased it in a similar way. What he hadn’t expected to happen was tears welling up in Wooyoung’s eyes. Biting his bottom lip, he nodded slightly at the question. San softened his facial expression, knowing that he had to be really careful of the way Wooyoung could perceive it and other things like body language as he was really sensitive about San thinking worse of him with this new information. “Oh, baby... Come here.” San pulled Wooyoung into his arms again, where he held his friend as he got his feelings in check, pushing every single grain of guilt that had filled him to the side and any feelings of doubt about how to act were pushed deep down. ‘You love kids. If Wooyoung is feeling like a kid, you just have to treat him as such. How hard can it be?’ San reasoned with himself, the logic seeming sound. He just had to get over the fact that there wasn’t an actual, physical kid before him, and then he’d be good. He let Wooyoung back out from his embrace and smiled at him as the younger had fisted his shirt tightly in his hands. “C’mon now, prince, no need to cry.” San wiped away Wooyoung’s fresh tears with gentle touches and leaned in to kiss where he’d wiped them away. “There. No tears allowed on my Wooyoung’s pretty face about this!” Wooyoung giggled as San nuzzled his nose into his cheek and it filled San’s heart to hear that carefree laugh he knew so well. Warmth rose in his chest as he leaned back and saw a huge smile on the younger’s face, eyes squinting with the smile, and he couldn’t help but hug Wooyoung again, this time placing a kiss on the top of his head. Wooyoung finally felt the love he had been missing from his regression, starting to cry again from sheer joy making San laugh and complain in a lighthearted way when he saw. “Good tears, Sannie. Woo promise!” raising his pinky to show that he meant it while his other hand was wiping the tears away. San smiled, eyes glimmering with fondness as he connected his pinky to Wooyoung’s. San, bursting with love for this new side of Wooyoung he had just met, picked his friend up and held him on his hip, letting Wooyoung wrap his legs around his frame after letting out a yelp at the unexpected action. “What do you say to having a sleepover in Sannie’s room tonight?” San asked, adjusting his grip on Wooyoung’s form. He got to see Wooyoung’s face lit up; his eyes opening wide, as did his mouth, and San could swear he saw light shine in the younger’s eyes. Wooyoung squealed; “yes! Yes please!” and San chuckled as he ran a hand over Wooyoung’s hair, “good boy! Remembering your manners,” to which Wooyoung beamed at him, proud at himself. “Now, help me gather what you need, honey.”
San did quick work of picking up Wooyoung’s pyjamas, his stuffed animal, Sandy, and a blanket that Wooyoung insisted on bringing; it wasn’t big enough to cover his entire body, so San had thought that it was probably a security blanket of some sort. He carried Wooyoung out of his room and into San’s own, relieved when he saw that Yunho had been in to collect what he needed for sleep already, knowing that no one should disturb them tonight. He helped Wooyoung make space on San’s bed for himself and then helped him change into his night clothes, though not too much as Wooyoung kept repeating “I’m a big boy! I can do it!” and only allowed San to help when he was stuck and couldn’t physically get out of a tangle of clothes. San let Wooyoung get under the covers first and then shuffled himself under them too. Wooyoung was quick to cuddle up to him the second he had gotten comfortable, making San chuckle under his breath and bringing an arm around Wooyoung’s frame, pulling him even closer, mimicking how they cuddled on the couch only a bit earlier that evening. Wooyoung melted into the touch of his best friend, letting himself relax, knowing that everything was okay, and he had nothing to worry about.
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Not even his own doubting thoughts, because, just as he’s always known; San would be the one to stick by him till the end. His amicus ad aras.
a/n: this started bc i was sick and tired of hearing ppl hate on wooyoung's 'googoo gaga' aegyo, which i know is silly but it also brought me this idea so... also,, started writing before i knew they'd moved into shared apartments, so you'll have to deal with the old roommate situation for this one.
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @bearseulgs @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
if you have a sfw account, please consider reblogging. tumblr runs on reblogs, and as much as likes are appreciated, they do nothing to bring new readers to my works. right now my only exposure is the tags i'm using, and i would love to reach more people <3
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babybearcookie · 11 months
you can see sungmin's eyes slowly close and then flutter open again, smiling as you see how hard he's trying to stay awake. you know you have to get him to the bed before he bonks his head on the coffee table, where he's currently colouring with his crayons, from sleep. "hey, little prince, is it time for sleep?" you ask softly, catching his head with a gentle palm to sungmin's forehead, stopping it from letting gravity do what it does best. he mumbles something agreeable to your suggestion, letting his weight fall onto you. you smile softly at him, helping him crawl into your arms. you sit there, holding him, swaying back and forth slightly for a few minutes. "baby boy, i know you wanna fall asleep here but i can't lift you from the floor." you brush his hair from his forehead and lean down to place a soft kiss there. "okay" the sound is soft and quiet and sleepy but he lets you stand up before hanging onto your neck, ready to be carried into the bed. you place sungmin down, pulling the sheets up and tuck him in, running your fingers through his soft hair, watching him slowly fall asleep, now cozy as can be. "i love you so much, baby. you're my love and i can't think of anything more perfect than taking care of you. you deserve the world and i plan to give you as much of it as i possibly can." you whisper, careful not to wake him, leaving him with another kiss on his forehead before going back into the living room, looking back once to catch one more glimpse of sungmin's peaceful state.
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babybearcookie · 1 year
tw moonbin
i know this is probably overdue but i wanted to get right with the situation first. i have been trying to process the loss of moonbin, and for me that has looked like having distractions while going through my emotions about the loss of his bright soul.
so, my words don't mean much, but i'd like to give my condolences to anyone who cared about moonbin, especially his family and friends. i never got to know him as a fan, but whenever his smile popped up on my timeline, i would smile with him. may he rest in peace ♡
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Movie Night
this was requested
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise it word count: 1,8k !!! this work contains spoilers for the movie Ron's Gone Wrong !!!
“WHAT?!” Jungkook shouted in disbelief, making poor, sensitive Yoongi cover his ears and whimper a bit in surprise over the loud sound coming from the other. Yoongi and Jungkook had gotten into a rhythm of hanging out on the weekend, sometimes regressing together if they had a lot of stress coming on. The two were best friends; they met at the tattoo studio where Yoongi worked as a piercer and manager of the place. He'd seen Jungkook come in multiple times, his friend Taehyung, one of the tattoo artists in the studio, having promised the boy tattoos at a lower rate, and since it looked like the younger was going for having his entire body covered at some point, he gladly took his friend up on that offer. Yoongi’s first real interaction with the boy was when he was coming in for an eyebrow piercing. They got to talking and the talking just never stopped. Even if they didn’t have a lot of things in common, they held a lot of similar values and a huge love for music, though Yoongi showed love for it by making it and Jungkook, by moving his body to it. The more they started hanging out together, the more protective Yoongi felt towards Jungkook, regarding him almost as a little brother, which is why Jungkook found it so funny that when they both regressed together for the first time; Yoongi was the younger in age. 
Jungkook loved being a big sibling to Yoongi when they both were regressed and even when it was only Yoongi who had slipped, he loved guiding the ‘younger’ to new and exciting things, like games, food and especially movies, which is why he was astounded that he hadn’t shown his best friend his all-time favourite movie yet. He immediately went to work on building a pillow fort, which he usually did when he and Yoongi wanted to watch some movies, as the smaller was very prone to sensory overload and therefore couldn’t focus much on a movie if he wasn’t comfortable. It was no sweat for Jungkook; he always loved spoiling his little sibling and wanted to show that he would do whatever Yoongi needed to be comfortable. 
Having made a pillow fort many, many times before, Jungkook was quick to get one set up, having half a mind to keep watch on Yoongi. It wasn’t that Yoongi was that younger than him, Jungkook being around 8 and Yoongi being about 4, but he couldn’t help but feel nervous if the other wasn’t in his field of vision, being the one responsible for him. But Yoongi stayed put where Jungkook had left him, enamoured by how Jungkook was ensuring everything was up to standard for Yoongi. Back in his mind, the adult version of him found it amusing that his best friend was going through all that trouble to not have an overstimulating environment for the movie night just after yelling in his face, overstimulating him. That was of course not something regressed Jungkook had thought about, and not something Yoongi was hung up about, having slipped into somewhat of a trance, watching Jungkook roam around, getting all the necessary things. It helped with regulating the stimulus.
Jungkook, now very gentle, brought Yoongi over to the finished pillow fort and sat him down in the spot that would be most comfortable. “Okay, Yoonie, this is my faaaavourite movie and I really really think you’ll like it. Do you want some snacks for the movie?” he asked as Yoongi got situated. Yoongi, fumbling with his fingers, looked up a Jungkook, who was still standing, ready to fulfil every request that might be coming from the one sitting. Yoongi mumbled out; “fishies, hyungie?” not feeling particularly verbal that day but still above writing out what he wished to say. Jungkook nodded with a wide smile on his face, sprinting off to get the ‘fishies’ aka the goldfish crackers. He was just happy that Yoongi was in a salty mood instead of something sweet because that would have meant using like 15 minutes on washing and cutting up fruit for the smaller. 
Yoongi got himself situated; ears perked as heard the sound of the goldfish crackers being poured into a bowl. He looked around him, suddenly very aware that his stuffed teddy wasn’t in his line of sight. He whimpered, and as if Jungkook had super hearing, he sprinted into the living room and crouched down in front of Yoongi. “Why is Yoonie baby sad?” he pet his friend’s hair, trying his best to comfort him. “Bear!” Yoongi cried out, getting more distressed the longer he was without his stuffed teddy bear. Jungkook whipped his head around, scanning the room to find the plushie, finally spotting a little tuft of brown fur sticking out from underneath the couch. It seemed, that in his hurry to build the pillow fort, he might have pushed the bear out of the way and under the sofa. He quickly got it, dusted it off and handed it over to Yoongi, who immediately hugged it and nuzzled his face into its soft fur. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief. He could see that Yoongi was close to tears, and if Yoongi had cried, Jungkook would have cried, and he didn’t like crying when he was the bigger kid.
After getting everything set up and making sure Yoongi was feeling comfortable beside him, Jungkook finally put on the movie, jumping a little where he sat in excitement for his favourite movie. He had seen the movie a million times before, almost to the point where he could recite the entire script by heart along the movie, so while watching the movie, he was also watching Yoongi for reactions to the movie, excited to see if his baby brother also found it as good as he did.
Though, when Ron got introduced to the viewers as well as to Barney Yoongi didn’t like it one bit, hiding himself a bit behind Jungkook, away from the TV screen. Jungkook frowned and hesitated, reaching out for the remote to stop the movie, not liking Yoongi’s facial expressions one bit, but let a sigh out of relief when Yoongi lit up at Ron doing the ‘dikky dikky dakka’ dance not long after, and leaned back, bringing his arm around Yoongi to bring him closer into his body, knowing that it wouldn’t be the last time Yoongi would find the movie a bit scary. Actually, he tried his best to comfort Yoongi, but then came the scene with the bullies at the playground and he couldn’t help but get excited, though, he did his best to hide it as Yoongi definitely didn’t like the scene.
When they came to the scene of the B Bot being crushed, Yoongi whimpered and hid his face in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook held him close and after the scene was over, he pressed pause, deciding to give Yoongi a little breather. He did not like the scene himself when he watched the movie for the first time, and that was even when he was feeling big, so he did his best to comfort Yoongi, holding him tight. “Do you wanna stop watching, Yoonie?” he almost whispered and, it took a beat, but Yoongi shook his head the best he could while being burrowed in Jungkook’s chest. Jungkook smiled and patted Yoongi’s head to let him know that he was heard, well, felt.
“Yoonie, can Jungkookie get up? I won’t be long, I promise.” Yoongi let go but not after holding onto the mentally older for a second. Jungkook made sure Yoongi had his teddy and then hurried off to the kitchen, struggling to get on the counter for a second to get to the top cabinets where older Jungkook and Yoongi had put the best snacks, to not make them as tempting for them when they were regressed, but younger Jungkook thought that it was time to bring some of them out. As he opened the cabinet, he was overwhelmed with the scent of all the goodies tucked away, but he reminded himself of having some self-control and not bringing all of them into the living room. His eyes landed on the Honey Butter Chips. He knew that big Jungkook would want to scold his regressed self for taking them, but he reminded himself that it was for Yoongi, even though, even in his younger headspace, he knew that they were expensive compared to other chips.
When he brought them into the living room, Yoongi caught a glimpse of the bag, eyes widening. He waited very patiently (not at all) for Jungkook to sit down and open the bag and immediately dug into the deliciousness that was the honey butter chips. Jungkook started the movie again, happy to see Yoongi content and munching away on the chips, almost not taking any himself, despite the love he had for the snack. Yoongi gave a few very cute reactions throughout the movie as they continued, such as patting Jungkook and saying “frien’ reqwest!” as he had seen Ron do in the movie, which got a giggle from Jungkook, not that Yoongi saw, as he was moving on, doing the same to his teddy, although patting softer than he had Jungkook. Jungkook couldn’t help but coo at Yoongi when he pouted at the scene where Ron uploaded himself. When they were done with the movie, Yoongi was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, bringing Jungkook to help him up and hold his hand as they walked to Yoongi’s bedroom to get him into bed. Jungkook tried his best to tuck Yoongi in but before he could turn to leave, thinking that Yoongi had fallen asleep, the mentally younger tugged on his shirt sleeve. “What is it, Yoonie?” Jungkook asked. “Dark,” was all that Yoongi muttered to him. Jungkook went over to the corner of the room to plug in the little warm light that Yoongi would use as a night light when he needed it, only to be met with a whine and Yoongi pointing his finger downwards. Jungkook happily took the plug to the light out of the socket as he understood what Yoongi was hinting at, plugging it back in, in the socket beside Yoongi’s bed, pushing the light underneath the bed, mimicking the movie they’d just seen. When he was sure everything was good with the light, he crawled back up, giving Yoongi a big, sloppy kiss on his forehead and took his leave. 
When he got outside the door, he looked around the living room at the mess they had made of it, deciding that he was definitely too small for that, and it was a problem for big Yoongi and Jungkook the next day when they woke up, and then promptly turned to his bedroom to call it a night also.
a/n: sorry for it taking so long for me to finally having this written, and for writing all the other requests collecting dust in my inbox, but i'll try my quickest to get to them. also, if you haven't tried Honey Butter Chips, i REALLY recommend them. they might be a bit expensive but they're so good
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Are still open for requests? Can you write little!jungkook watching ron gone wrong with little!yoongi? If that's ok with you!
hello!! i am so sorry for the incredibly long wait and i hope that like what i made of your request,, to be honest, i was putting it off because i hadn't watched the movie before writing, but now it's here!!
It's posted :D
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babybearcookie · 1 year
to let you all know how many things i have right now ↑ plus i have 2 requests coming from my ao3.
i'm working very hard on all of them rn so pls, i beg you, hold on on sending new requests for the time being 🙏🏻
: if you wanna check if i got your request :
here's all the requests i still have in my inbox. this is made for the people who might be worried that tumblr ate their ask but if you're just curious, you're welcome to look too :D
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babybearcookie · 1 year
hello 💜 anon here! Thank you so much for my bangers! My other blog is @jungkookfan92 by the way
hiya!! i'm so glad you like them, i was honestly not the most confident in them, so thank you <3
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babybearcookie · 1 year
hi!! are you taking requests rn????? ^^
hahah technically i'm not but i feel bad for having requests waiting for such a long time i don't have the heart to delete the requests ppl send even though i'm not taking requests at the moment.
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babybearcookie · 1 year
ATEEZ Age Regression/Caregiver HC
not requested
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this is an age regression headcanon; if you don't like that, don't read it, age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who might sexualize it
as a caregiver
we all know where this'll start, right?
everyone's favourite, like there'll be wars to get his attention
even if there's no one around, his baby wouldd always be seeking his attention
maybe by showing something they'd made or misbehaving
he's tried to say that 'if you want attention, you just have to ask'
but no bc that would not be right
no clue, seongwha doesn't rly get why his attention is so important but he thinks it's kinda cute either way
when he's watching over his little, he's also just content sitting there, doing nothing other than keeping his eyes on them
but even with as soft as he can be
he WILL call you out when you misbehave or cuss at him
he hears a commotion happen and he knows his baby is in the middle of it?
uh oh
"you stop that right now, little one!"
and you will bc he has pretty much mastered the 'don't you dare' stare
and you don't wanna be on the receiving end of that
well, that depends
bc it usually works on someone regressed younger
but if they're a kid regressor, they'll probably just constantly push to see how much he'll take
and you'll know when he's had enough bc, not only will he tell you, but you can also see it in his eyes.... shuddering at the thought of being on the other end of those
but he will soften up as soon as his baby acts cute toward him
just a cute little gesture and some puppy dog eyes and they're back in the warmth, so to speak
seonghwa would be so devoted to the role of someone's caregiver
he has so much love to give and being able to just take care of someone's every need while they're small and vulnerable and innocent and adorable?
it's a hell yeah from him
having someone to baby like that is one of his favourite things
he's not very loud and/or wild when in his caregiver headspace, so a calm regressor would be the best fit for him
but he would of course never reject being someone's caregiver just because they aren't calm
he'll just guide them into calm states a lot, since those are his favourites
he loves loves loves having his baby lay in the crook of his arm, cuddling into him, as they follow along in the book he's reading aloud for them
it's even better if it's a little longer of a story, since he absolutely adores looking down randomly to see his baby having fallen asleep to his voice
though, as much as he likes when his little is calm small, he does NOT like it when it's bc they're sick or down
then he starts fussing and worrying over them
he hears one unhappy whine and his cool, calm and collected nature is out the window
might even call for backup from another member if he's RLY worried
and he dreads taking his eyes off of his baby for even a second when they're in that state
when he does have to, he leaves them with a million kisses being placed all over their face (mostly on their forehead) and just holding on to them
that goes on for like 10 minutes, less if the little falls asleep while he comforts them, before he can do what he needs to go out and do
when regressed
i definitely believe that he's a shy little baby
he keeps to himself a lot, doesn't seek out the attention
he loves being warm n cuddly
big sweaters n coats n blankets
give them to him, let him snuggle up pls
he also love his kitty ears headband
he got it as a gift, it has little bells hanging from the ears
it's his favourite accessory when he's regressed
he's the type to, as soon as he sees his caregiver, he gives them a smooch on their cheek
it's become his way of greeting them
he's feeling just a little bit small, his reserve of being affectionate in front of others goes away
and it's become a method of payment, if you will
if he asks for something, his caregiver will pretend to think about it very hard and then tell him that it costs him a kiss on their cheek
which he gives happily
can still be a bit shy about doing it in front of others but still does it
bc he gets such cute reactions when he does it regressed
a lot more coos than if he were to do it when he's big
flappy hands when frustrated or excited
it can result in some injuries if we aren't careful
like, hitting himself, but that happens more if his frustration isn't taken care of
he just need someone to help him calm down
he's just feeling a lot of feelings that needs to be expressed :((
is pretty calm and quiet until you put on girlgroup songs, best of all twice, then he'll jump up to have a dance party wherever he is
and of course, movie nights are the how to train your dragon movies 50% of the time
he even acts out toothless' facial expressions while watching the movies
not for anyone, i don't even think he himself knows he's doing it, but it's adorable either way
he has a million toothless plushies hidden all around
he always have one ready to grab
he's never more than 50 meters from one, like it's excessive
when going out, he either brings a little plushie or a stuffed toothless keyring accessory
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as a caregiver
i'll just say it now
he's definitely the type to dress you up all fancy just to go to the store or park
like those parents who dress their toddlers like they're young adults
but he makes sure you enjoy your outfit too
it's actually more that he matches his outfit with what you like to wear, just a more grown-up version of it
he's loud and you know when you've reached his line
he'll yell but not in a scary way, more like in a way that makes it fun to get him to that point
but if he actually feels like he needs to discipline his little, he'll do it when in private
never in front of others
both for his own sake and his baby's sake
something like that is very personal
and never actually yelling. he's very aware that there are some things you never do to a child, and never ever to someone who may already have certain triggers
dramatic dad tho
but also very very sweet and considerate
if you see something in a store, he'd be game to go and buy it for you
he just likes to provide like that
and it makes him happy when his little one is happy
he's very aware of people's relationship to being touched, as it's something he struggles with himself
so he'll always ask before doing anything involving touching
"do you want a hug, baby?"
one thing he does love is when you lay your head in his lap uwu
"can you hold my hand while walking outside, sweetheart?"
he knows that his baby would rather have him with them all the time, but as his role as leader and the time he spends in the studio, there are some days when he doesn't get back till late
but he always makes sure to stop by his baby's room, check in on them and give them a kiss on their forehead
probably have something, like tying a little bow with some string around your finger, to let you know you'd been kissed goodnight if you were to wake
when regressed
he mostly uses aegyo as a weapon
if he wants something or wants to avoid doing something, out comes the squishy cheeks and big puppy eyes
and it's super effective
excited and polite baby
also very bitey
he doesn't know what to do with his affection and his energy a lot
so he just bites ppl
his caregiver is going to get bitten the most
it's done out of love though <3
if he gets a lot of love, he might get a bit emotional
pull back and isolate himself
it's not that he doesn't like getting loved on or being around those who love on him
he's just used to being the one having to keep it together
so if you see him become quiet and pulling back, go with him and hold him as he cries
baby has sensory issues
when he isn't regressed it mostly manifests in not wanting to be touched
but when he's small it shows a bit more
some days he's okay with most things but
some days he needs his sensory clothes and can't even handle his hair touching his forehead in a wrong way
and he wants to show affection but doesn't like the feeling of being held onto
so he finds something, holds it at one end and offers the other end for his cg to hold onto
hongjoong can easily get pulled out of his headspace though
so, it's best to hide everything that reminds him of his responsibilities when in his adult headspace
there's nothing worse than when he suddenly gets pulled out of his regression
he'll get overstimulated and confused and dizzy at the sudden shift
and there's nothing to do rly, other than leave him be to get himself to the right place mentally
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as a caregiver
for me, yungho seems like the one most likely to be physically affectionate with his baby
not that the others wouldn't be, but he's just something else
he's always holding his baby's hand and pulling them into his arms
just always touching them in some way
hand on their back or arm(s) around their shoulder(s)
cuddles are a must with him
he loves loves loves just laying with his baby
bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces
he feels nothing but bliss and happiness if his baby lays themselves on him
most likely to love giving you 'uppies'
he also loves teasing his little with threats of eating them
opening his mouth around one of your fingers and softly chomping down on it, just as a little joke
"you're just so cute, i wanna eat you!"
"Daddy's gonna eat you, baby!"
big fan of listening to baby talk coming from his little
just gibberish directed towards him and him going
"oh really? wow, tell me more!"
and in that vein, he also has conversations with stuffies
if his baby says one of their stuffie said something, he'd look at the stuffie and talk to it
absolutely playing along, not ever a question coming from him
(he also secretly loves playing dress up, feeling good when he's dressed as the prince or knight that saves you)
he actually reminds me a bit of bandit from bluey with the way he just goes along with his baby's shenanigans
i don't know how else to say it but
he's just so warm and loving
he would go above and beyond as a caregiver
do everything in the world to make sure his little felt loved
i really feel like he'd be the best caregiver of the bunch,,
he works so hard to make himself a safe space for others
when regressed
naps, a lot of naps for this one
he gets very confused a lot
just big questioning eyes
being confused a lot can make him feel even younger
everyone is very protective of him bc nobody can stand seeing him upset, least of all his cg(s)
another regressor would maybe use that to get their way, but not yunho
he just feels safe and cared for
he's not incredibly loud when regressed
type to always carry a plushie around with him
he just loves having something soft to hug and hold
shy when it comes to affection but loves it
he won't ask for hugs and kisses but is given them all the time
and he gets all blushy but he likes it a lot
in his head he's way smaller than he is physically
so, when he's running up to his cg or anyone for a hug, he doesn't realise how big he is
more than once making the person he's tackling fall over or lose their footing
he loves when he's laying in his cg's lap and looking up at them
makes him feel so small and giggle, especially if the cg is making faces and being silly
he just loves being the one below, being doted on
a lot of times that means he's being tickled but he doesn't mind, as it makes him feel smaller
he's more of a baby regressor than a little actually
which hurts his cg bc he wants to be carried around and treated like a baby when regressed
but he's so physically big, it's hard to do so
even though most of them work out and are strong
but there are ways to help
he loves bottle time
it's usually before bed with some warm milk
it's warm and safe and he feels like the tiniest little boy
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as a caregiver
i don't see yeosang being a parent-type of caregiver, i rly don't
babysitter maybe, mostly see him as being an older sibling type
he'll try his best though
he'd make the space very comfortable and very chill
like, priming the livingroom for colouring and cartoons time for the little
family means a lot to him, so if you really see him as a parental figure, of course he'd do his very best
he'd do well with an older regressor that'll pull him along for things
then he'd just primarily have to make sure they're okay
likes guiding the little
just holding their hand
and maybe having dance parties
very giggly when the little is being silly
always ready to shower the baby with compliments but
if you want him to be flustered yeosang (tm), just give him loads of compliments back
he loves feeding the one he's taking care of
it's one of the things he know he'd be able to do successfully
!!! he also loves playing board games with the one he's taking care of
he'll get so into it, it would just be a great time for both him and the little
he likes cuddling together
both him and the little will just fall asleep like that most times
he'd also agree to playing dress-up, though he would be a little embarrassed about it
when regressed
loves playing pranks, but very quick to apologise if the slightest look is given to him
though, he doesn't have to apologise bc all is forgiven when it comes to yeosang
very very giggly at almost everything
everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY, finds him adorable, which makes it hard to scold him when he's done or said something
if someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do
it's one pleading look from him and he gets out of having to do it
he's definitely king of the house when he's regressed
the little prince who rules everything
and he doesn't have to lift a finger if he doesn't want to
the only thing that is a sure thing, that everyone has agreed to uphold, even if little yeosang pleads and looks sad
is that he cannot have chicken every day
2 times a week at the absolute most
he loves being fed so so much
and his cg(s) love feeding him
he looks so cute munching on food that's given to him
it's almost a fight for who gets to feed him if he has multiple cgs
which is not such a wild thought, bc everybody wants to take care of him if they find out he regresses
if wooyoung is one of the cgs, he definitely sneaks himself more chances to feed yeosang, since he's making a bunch of the food and snacks for him
i think the one who loves feeding him the most is hongjoong, so he's second in line after wooyoung
his cg(s) would definitely lead the 'yeosang protection squad'
ready to fight if anyone dares to disrespect little yeosang
they'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure yeosang is feeling safe and happy
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as a caregiver
his first priority is making sure that his little is his first priority
everything else comes second
always makes sure they are included in everything
it's important to him that he's verbal when it comes to caring for his baby
so, a lot of reassuring words and words of affirmation and love
but he won't forget the physical
always pulling his baby into his embrace and having them there for safekeeping
so he can be a shield against all negativity
he'd do all the things that are tedious so you wouldn't have to
cutting up food, putting in the DVD, bringing you your stuffie
and he's so quick and silent about doing that, that you mostly don't realise he is doing it
he's always keeping his (affectionate) eyes on his little
ready to jump into action at the slightest hint that they need him
always keeping them comfortable
absolutely staring daggers at anyone who has made them uncomfortable
you do not want to be on the receiving end of those
he'd be the parent cg that's always there
which can maybe be a bit much
but for a clingy little, he'd be perfect
he'd go to sleep and wake up hugging his baby close to him
that physical connection is very important to him
he wants to make sure he's a safe space
even around others he wouldn't change his behaviour
he isn't shy or ashamed about his relationship with his little
and if they wanna be little around other people, he is there to make sure that nothing happens while they are
when regressed
pouty baby
and with a lisp uwu
and and he's very loud when little
he has problems with fine motor skills
though that doesn't stop him from enjoying doing makeup while small
especially on others
it'll look like a mess of colours and glitter but he just loves doing it so much
has to have his stuffie in bed or he can't get to sleep
(probably blåhaj or blåhaj sized, since it's perfect for hugging to sleep)
((can confirm))
his mind flies around a lot
until it locks on something specific and then he can't stop thinking about that until he has done something about it
when he's excited about something, he yells out about it multiple times
to show how excited he is and get others just as excited about it
he doesn't really care if people gush over how cute he is
he wants them to indulge in what he's into at that moment though
showing care for what he pays attention to is the best way to show you care about him
very territorial when it comes to his favourite people
the person who's his favourite can vary, but not how clingy and possessive he is about them
he will hold them tight, not letting them go
and if anyone tries to take them away, he'll hold them tighter and either get angry or upset
when he's upset he's prone to hitting
either himself or others
he doesn't hit hard and it only takes a gentle hand and a soft "baby, no" for him to stop
but it's what he does when he's frustrated or upset
to get him to calm down, cuddle him tightly
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as a caregiver
he loves carrying his baby
just having them in his arms is something he loves
and knowing they feel better being held by him is everything
piggy back rides is something he's rly good at
he can run and stuff for when it's supposed to be fun
and he knows how to walk slowly when you're tired
is the type to let his little cuddle with him while doing other things
or having adult conversations with someone
just holding them tight while continuing to talk about work or whatever
loves tickle fights
he usually wins but
he just loves hearing his little one giggle up a storm
will aggressively pinch your cheeks
he'd sometimes ask his hyungs for advice on taking care of someone younger
he's a little nervous about it
but they usually tell him just to be himself and go with his gut
and they are right
as soon as he gets into the mindset of taking care of someone, he does really well
he loves nothing more than to have his baby in his lap while they colour
pointing and asking what they're colouring
helping too if the little asks for it
is the type to take his little out on walks to parks
holding their tiny backpack for when they wanna run around and have fun
just watching with a smile
when regressed
loves rolling around
it makes him feel all small and silly
also laughs with his entire body
which sometimes is the reason why he's rolling around
loves being in his cg's lap
but he's also very self-conscious about his size
so it usually ends up with his legs being slung over his cg's legs
unless they physically pull him into their lap
very curious
will look over your shoulders if you're doing something on a device
even if his young mind won't understand it, he loves watching the screen as things are being done on it
pretty shy about wanting attention
when he wants some, he usually bumps his head into the person he's wanting attention from
he loves being held from behind
even if the person holding him is way tinier than him, he'll feel small and protected
isn't much for eye contact when little
will look at your nose or lips when you're talking to him
he'd be a menace around other regressors
whispering and keeping secrets and plotting against the cgs
probably be the planner of the cookie coup
sweater paws >>>>>
he loves having knitted sweaters that are just too big for him
a very snacky boy
and plays with his food too
but he's just too adorable doing it that nobody can tell him not to
(especially dino nuggets)
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as a caregiver
so attentive
like the boy is all over the place and wild but when he's with his baby, every single ounce of his attention is on them
his eyes are glued to them and he loves keeping their hand in his
some of the members may tease him about that but he loves giving kisses
and he doesn't hold his want to give a smooch back
as soon as he gets the impulse to give a little kiss to his baby, he does so
you'd never not feel loved, being wooyoung's little, because it's constant affection with this one
he'd always be ready if his help is needed, you just need to say the word
"papa, can help me with my math?"
"need help cleaning up"
"check underneath my bed for monsters, please"
his answer is always "of course!", he puts everything on hold if his baby needs him
he feels the most in control and in his element when he's cooking
he loves having his baby watching him
he loves when he's cooking and his little joins him in the kitchen, sitting at the table he isn't using and start to colour while talking to him about random stuff
he loves the domesticity of it
and he loves it even more when they come over and peek at what he's doing in the kitchen, eyes full of wonder
making snacks is therefore one of his favourite ways to show love for his baby
when regressed
not gonna lie, i see wooyoung being really shy about his regression
he knows it's just banter and fun but he's so used to the others sometimes hating when he's acting cute normally
he'd always scurry off when he's slipping, not wanting the others to catch on that he might be a little different
but of course they do
i might write something further on this but
san is the first he tells about regressing
he trusts him and knows that san would never look down on him for something like this or ridicule him
when he finally feels comfortable enough, he fully lets out his cute childish side
grabby hands for almost anything
always wanting his cg by his side
whining a LOT bc he wants his way with almost everything
loves performing
like, dancing across the room, making sure all eyes are on him
he just loves attention
repeats sounds or words or sentences a lot
if he finds them funny at least
his cg says something like "nah-i don't know actually"
and wooyoung repeats it very giggly
lovesss praise
he does something and immediately seeks praising words and pats on his hair
when he's excited he hops
so much his cg refers to him as 'little bunny'
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as a caregiver
he loves providing for his little
you want anything and he'll bring it
within reason of course
loves having quiet nights
where he'll be reading a book and his little will be watching a movie
maybe they'll look up at him, tugging at his pant leg, going "papa, papa! look!" and pointing at the screen at a scene they like
and he'll ofc look up at it and respond with something like "that's very cool, baby!"
and then go back to his book until his attention is needed again
very verbal about how proud he is of his baby
he always wants to show his support for whatever they decide to do
ending the praise with a soft kiss placed on top of their head
can stare you down if you've done something you weren't supposed to
best at tucking someone in at night
and omg the lullabies he could sing
though, i do worry about him going all in and being too loud for the baby to sleep
(jk, boy is very respectful about his volume)
he's the type to come home and cuddle you if he's been working late
fully dressed too, not even getting under the covers
it's how he recharges
wears soft cardigans a lot bc he knows it's a nicer fabric for cuddling
also will let you put whatever cute headbands you want on him
when regressed
is a sucker for being dressed
someone helping him, pulling a shirt on over his head
snapping his overalls in place
he just becomes mush
loves really soft clothing
anything with fleece
sleepy baby in the mornings
barely a person, so has to be helped a lot
clapping his hands when laughing or finding something amusing
but very quiet other than that
even if he has comments or concerns, he whispers them in his cg's ear
even if they're alone
he just doesn't really like talking when he's regressed
gets his way most of the time
one pout from him and your argument is invalid
he likes teasing too
like the kid that's constantly poking you?
yeah that's jongho
won't outright admit to it but he loves being held
nuzzling into someone's warmth is very comforting for him
he likes playing games
not video games but those children's games that aren't exactly board games
like the crocodile you have to push its teeth or the hanging monkeys?
those kinds of games
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A/N: gosh this took a lot of my creative energy but was so fun to do. since my ateez concert, i've just not been able to get those boys out of my head, so now they're here too :3
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
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babybearcookie · 1 year
Hey hope you’re okay and I hope that march brings you happiness and joy 💜🥺
hi!! thank you for checking in. life has been hard but i'm taking a lil breather, in the form of going to shows. i've just been to daniel howell's show and met him, which was just what i needed after over 10 years of being his fan, and i'm going to an ateez concert with my best friend tomorrow!! i hope you all are okay and i also hope you're okay with being as patient with me as you've been lately. your kindness have not gone unnoticed ♡ here's some pics i took at daniel's show and i might also post some of the stuff from the ateez concert
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babybearcookie · 1 year
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[id: a light blue userbox with a pastel blue border, and pastel blue text that reads “it’s this user’s birthday today.” on the left is an image of a birthday cake. /end id]
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babybearcookie · 1 year
hey guys, i just wanted to positively vent a little ♡
so, most of you know me from this fairly new blog where i write, maybe one or two people came from my ao3, i have no way of actually knowing, but what you probably don't know is that i've been writing for about a decade by now. i started out on wattpad, writing things for the One Direction fandom and was heavily criticised on my first ever post, which was an incoherent mess with only 200~ words per chapter. it was how you'd probably expect the first chapter of a fanfic to be, coming from a 13 y/o with no prior experience in writing fiction for an audience and who hadn't yet had a good grasp on the english language, and i was pretty close to vow never to post anything ever again. luckily i had 1 irl friend who believed in me and encouraged me to keep writing, even if the things i wrote only ever were seen by the two of us.
i think we forget that we all start somewhere, most of all us, the writers. we feel like we can't post anything until we deem it good enough for strangers on the internet, who are most likely not even writers themselves; only knowing how to judge writers without any knowledge on how draining it can be to share some of our soul to many scrutinising eyes, even if they don't realise that's their position.
i encourage writers to post, even the stuff that they believe is "bad". improve with your community. share that little piece of your soul and look at it grow as you work on it ♡ because it is truly worth it.
i ended up deleting my first ever story posted on wattpad but here is a sample of some of my first things published, even though i was considerably better at writing at this point ↓ TW FOR SOME DISTURBING DESCRIPTIONS THOUGH
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babybearcookie · 1 year
hi 💗 i really really wanted to thank you for your writing and for being so kind always :”) i stumbled upon ur blog and was unfamiliar with agere and am still learning but i realized that i enjoy feeling little and it makes me feel safe and reading ur works makes me feel safer and happier and i just thought you should know <3 hope you have a good day always
hi, sorry for not having answered this earlier, but i have just been going back to read it so so many times when i feel low.
i cannot express to you how much this means to me. i am so ecstatic to know that my works have become something good for you and that i could have any hand in helping you find something that you enjoy doing.
if i can be completely honest; i cried first time i read this ask. if you ever wanna talk, just reach out and we'll chat <333 i hope you have the best time reading and feeling little and just living life in general
all the love, maeve <3
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babybearcookie · 2 years
i wanna say again; i do NOT tolerate having ed profiles in my notifications and they will be blocked on SIGHT.
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babybearcookie · 2 years
thank you all so much!
so, not only have i just hit 200 notes on a specific post and 200 followers, it is also a whole year since i made this blog.
i want to thank you all and apologise for not being very active; i had underestimated how tough university was going to be, and i wanna get back to writing, i really do, i just can't be that productive until I've sorted some things out when it comes to school and my own mental situation. i have a thing sitting in my drafts for the celebration of 200 followers that i will get to, but i also wanna use this anniversary to say that i am working on an agere social media au that i will (hopefully) start posting very soon, but until then, you can get a little sneak peek here.
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again; thank you so much and i hope the next year will be even better for this little blog <3
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babybearcookie · 2 years
La-La Land, part 2
not requested
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this is an age regression drabble; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who might sexualize it
word count: 2,1k part 1 // part 2
Jay had tried to entertain Heeseung, he really had, but when they didn’t have any toys at their disposal, there truly wasn’t much he could do. He had considered stealing Sunghoon’s Chimmy plushie that he got from their Jimin sunbaenim, but he really didn’t want to do that, mainly because they all really cherished their gifts and would hate to lose them or have them broken, but partly because he didn’t want Sunghoon to ask questions about why they would need his Chimmy plushie and honestly, Jay doesn’t know how he would even begin to explain the situation while not revealing too much.
He was sitting on the floor of Heeseung’s room with his little friend, having draped the blanket he got from Taehyung over the boy while trying his best to entertain him with a water bottle. He had been doing bottle flips but it didn’t seem to interest Heeseung so he was giving up on that until he mindlessly shook the bottle, making the water swish around in there and making sounds, which caught Heeseung’s attention instantly. Jay passed the bottle to the other, who shook it and watched as the bubbles rose to the top where the air was. That was seemingly the most interesting thing Heeseung had ever experienced because Jay didn’t even have to try anything else to keep him occupied, now focusing on his watch and waiting for Sunoo to come back, growing more nervous by the second.
The most he knew about this kind of headspace was from reading a few fanfictions that mentioned it in them or had it as a theme, and even then, he couldn’t pull a lot from them as the fiction had been very different from what he was experiencing in real life. In the fics, the littles were loud and bratty and some of them even came onto their caregivers, and the last may be because Jay, a guy, was taking care of Heeseung (and Hee hadn’t disclosed being anything other than heterosexual to them), but the other things didn’t fit Heeseung either. He wasn’t demanding, loud, disobedient, and that kind of worried Jay. He was scared that Heeseung felt unsafe or embarrassed, both of which he had no need to be.
On the other end was Heeseung, who just felt content. He wasn’t hungry or thirsty, he wasn’t lonely, nothing hurt; he was honestly good. When he felt fuzzy, he'd usually put on music, but that’s more because he’s alone and it helped with the loneliness that crept up on him in his fuzzy state. He did wonder where Sunoo had gone but the thought didn’t stick around too long, fleeting like most of his thoughts.
“Hee- um, Heeseung?” Jay started lightly when he saw Heeseung having stopped playing with the water bottle. He looked up at Jay with a far-away look and Jay wondered if there was a ‘too far' when it came to Heeseung’s headspace if there was a point where he needed to reel him in, to ground him. He cursed that he wasn’t born with mind-reading powers. He wished Heeseung would’ve come to him about regressing before doing it so that he knew what he could expect, but of course, he knew that it was absurd to expect the elder to do something like that when he himself explained to Sunoo that this was very private for most people. He was just a stranger who recently had been upgraded to a new friend and possible teammate, there was no way that Heeseung would talk so openly about something so personal to someone he hadn’t built any trust with after all. He looked at the door, Heeseung turned his head to look with him, and he hoped Sunoo would walk through the door at any point, hoping to have him as a crutch. Even if he was the one with the most knowledge of the two, Sunoo always brought such energy with him; energy Jay could really use at that moment.
Almost like sent from heaven, answering Jay’s prayers, Sunoo walked through the door with a big smile on his face. Heeseung smiled with him, the happiness being quite infectious, but Jay could almost see the horns growing from the boy’s forehead. The youngest came trotting over to the two on the floor, hurriedly leaning into Jay’s frame to whisper into his ear; “I got the producers to cut the cameras in here and in the little practice room on the second floor.” Jay could almost hear him giggle as he finished the statement. He must’ve really given the producers a hard time. “Great. Thank you, Sunoo,” Jay was relieved, he felt his shoulders dropping from the tense position they had been in, giving his back a rush of relief.
Sunoo turned towards Heeseung, who had just been watching the other since he stepped into the room; “Hi, Hee! Wanna go have a dance party?” Sunoo was hyping up, getting Heeseung excited about the idea. He nodded eagerly, clapping his hands, happy about the plan. Jay stood up and came over to take the blanket off Heeseung’s shoulders, thinking that he wouldn’t want or need it when they were dancing to music, but stopped in his tracks when Heeseung let out a whimper of protest, clutching the blanket a little tighter in his grasp. Jay instead refocused his hands to help the boy up from the floor, letting him keep the blanket for now (though, the second Heeseung was in his normal headspace, that blanket was his again).
Sunoo had taken Heeseung’s hand, pulling him along, both of them giggling and jogging to the practice room Sunoo had miraculously made recording-free. Jay, truly the oldest at that moment, stayed back for a second to make sure they had everything they needed, and after picking up a few water bottles and snacks in the kitchen area, he walked up to meet them in the room they had run up to without him.
When he got there, the pleasant sound of Pretty U filled his ears. As they were pretty much isolated from the rest of the world, which unfortunately also meant access to most music, their only choice in music was the tunes they had performed to. He looked at the scene in front of him; Sunoo was standing in front of a sitting Heeseung, making fresh, cute faces, causing the boy to giggle and smile. Jay closed the door to the room, though stayed in the doorway, just looking at the two (currently) younger boys having fun and being silly.
Jay couldn’t help feeling a warmth filling his chest. He hadn’t known these boys for long and yet, he felt so close to them; so protective over their happiness. If he had to think about it in depth, it was probably the unique forming of brotherhood under stressful and extreme conditions; they were all in the same situation, needing to help each other out to succeed in their endeavours and leaning on one another for emotional support as to not be driven insane by the competitive environment. There were some of the boys under the roof of their living space Jay didn’t even know a lot about, and yet he was ready to throw himself to the wolves for them. Jay was the kind of person to sacrifice himself for the good of others, something his parents had told him to abandon when coming to the programme, but he couldn’t help it when it was his nature to be there for others, maybe to a fault. He had tried to focus solely on himself, but kept being pushed into situations that made him realize that it wasn’t like him to do so. He's someone who cares, and he can’t just leave that behind. And he’s not worried about himself anymore; even if he doesn’t get to be in the final lineup of who gets to debut, he knows the final team will be the best there can be, and the fact that it’s consisting of his friends will make it even more worth it.
His stream of thought was broken by Sunoo waving him over with a; “c’mon, dad!” which made Jay release a chuckle. But Sunoo, whether he knew it or not, was spot on. Jay realised that he was actually starting to feel like a dad when it came to most of the members in the house. He was getting increasingly good at nagging them about keeping the space clean and he had grown to become a source of support for the youngers. He walked over to the other two, taking Sunoo and Heeseung’s hands, dancing around with the two, feeling lighter as he saw his friends look so carefree.
They spent a bit of the time in the dance studio practising for the new performance; the one the others were also preparing for, and they made sure Heeseung could keep up, but even when in the headspace he was, he was the best dancer of the three of them, and the more they practised, the more Heeseung matured. Jay had no clue if Sunoo was tuned into how Heeseung changed, but he could feel the difference in him. He could see the way his body worked while dancing getting more refined in its movements, his eyes became sharper, more focused. The blanket, Jay’s blanket that Heeseung had held onto so dearly, was discarded the moment that Heeseung felt it restricted his ability to move, and before they could say anything, they knew that the Heeseung before them was the grown version, focused on the competition. It’s not that it disappointed Jay; the fact that Heeseung was back to the version he had been most of their stay at the contest, but he already missed the feeling of being useful. Sure, he was useful, helpful, most of the time, especially as he’s getting more and more confident in his dancing, the others seeking him out for help with some of the moves, but the way Heeseung had leaned on him wholeheartedly, trusted him to keep him safe and happy, that was an addicting feeling.
“Jay?” Heeseung caught his attention. Jay smiled back, realising he had been slacking a little, too stuck in his head. “Sorry, hyung, let’s go again.” Sunoo had gone to the others, having some moves that required him to interact and work together with some of the other housemates that he needed to practice with them. He let them know, of course, and told Jay that he would swing by the producers on the way, also having picked up on the fact that Heeseung was back to his former self. Jay looked up to see the little red light being lit on the camera in the room, indicating that Sunoo had been around the producers and given them the OK for turning on the cameras again.
He waited for Heeseung to start the song again, the elder being the one starting closer to the speaker and having the shorter distance to the tablet they used for the music, he had somehow, unspokenly, been appointed the role of song-starter. But the song didn’t start. Instead, Jay was suddenly embraced by Heeseung. It was a warm, tight hug. One that would be given to a child’s mother when she was finally found after having been lost in a big store, gratitude and longing and home being poured into the grasp. It took Jay by surprise but it was pleasant, especially after his emotions had taken such a dive when he figured he was back to being somewhat useless again. “Thank you,” Heeseung had whispered to him as he held him close, squeezing him tighter. “Of course, Heeseung hyung,” Jay offered back, a little bit of surprise still present in his voice, though squeezing back with matching strength. Heeseung never actually told him what he specifically said thank you about but Jay knew, somehow, he just knew. He knew that Heeseung, coming out of the headspace, had been scared they’d think less of him, treat him differently, think of him as weak, but when they did none of that, he had felt pure relief rushing over him. And he knew that Jay had been the driving force behind the safe and accepting environment provided for him. 
Releasing him from the hug, Heeseung’s eyes were full of sincerity and trust and Jay knew that he might not need to feel as useless as he had anymore, this definitely not being the last or only time Heeseung would be vulnerable like he had been in front of him. There would come another chance for Jay to take care of him, and that comforted Jay almost as much as Heeseung’s newfound trust in him did.
To be continued...
A/N: finally got something finished!! i am so sorry, i feel like i've been neglecting this blog and i swear it isn't on purpose, university is just taking most of my attention and i still have to get used to being in school again. i hope you enjoy this!! i'm already in love with little hee and jay's relationship, and this time we get more sunoo :D i already have more planned for next part but i rly do have to try getting the requests i still have in my inbox done sigh
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tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
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babybearcookie · 2 years
future lalaland!jay when he's fully accepted himself to be a dad
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everybody’s dream guy 💙
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