#wooyoung age regression
babybearcookie · 9 months
Amicus Ad Aras
not requested
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this is an age regression fic; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, and i am in no way infantilising the idols that i write about; i know they're grown adults. i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise this. word count: 3,7k
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Which is kind of how this whole debacle came about.
It was movie night in the ATEEZ dorms, for those wanting to join. There were 6 people gathered around in the living room this particular movie night, missing only Hongjoong and Jongho, the two of whom were working in the studio on something bugging them in a song, but had promised to join the cosy evening later. Most of them had found their favourite spot; having had quite a few movie nights gets you used to things being a certain way, like everyone having a regular spot to watch the movie from. Wooyoung’s spot was in the middle of the couch, beside San, who was sitting all the way to the left on the comfortable sofa, snuggled up to the older.
Wooyoung loved their movie nights. He loved how warm and familiar it made everything seem, even when everything else in their lives was hectic, they always made time for the ATEEZ family. They took turns recommending movies to watch and then the group voted on the options. This time, the vote had landed on watching Mulan, something that had Wooyoung excited beyond belief, eyes wide and blinding with joy when the vote favoured the old childhood movie.
Sometimes, if Wooyoung weren’t as interested in the choice of movie, he would let his body do what it wanted to, mostly it ended with him falling asleep in San’s arms as the film ran in the background, something San found incredibly endearing and funny, but a few times he would stay awake watching the movie anyway. This time though, he was determined to stay awake throughout the movie. One of the reasons for the movie to have been selected was that they all had seen it a million times before. Hongjoong and Jongho could join in whenever and still know what had happened and if people dozed off, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
As Yunho put the movie on, a job he took a little pride in as he did it for every movie night while everyone got comfortable, San plopped down on the couch, opening his arms to invite Wooyoung in as well, he joined as he usually does; quickly and with a happy sigh and a grin. San smiled down at him and began stroking his hair, feeling the younger relax into his embrace even further.
As soon as the movie started San paid attention to the screen, and so did Wooyoung, perking up at the music that he so easily recognised, ready to watch one of his favourite childhood movies with his second family. It didn’t take long though, only about 20 minutes or so, before San could feel Wooyoung slowly falling asleep and jerk himself awake again, desperately trying to stay awake for the duration of the movie, which San thought was going to be impossible, as the boy was already seeming so tired. So, the older of the two held him closer to himself, tucking Wooyoung further into the crook of his neck, and stroked his hair softly, slowly coaxing the younger into resting. If he woke up and whined about missing the movie, San was ready to promise to watch it with him another day.
When Wooyoung slowly woke up again he felt at ease. He noticed the slow but deep rise and fall of San’s chest. The heat radiating from his warm and soft skin, which he had seemed to have drooled on a bit. How the thumb of the hand on his back moved gently back and forth. How he could feel his hair moving on his head from San’s exhale. Then he looked around and saw the rest of the members around the living room, which caused him to hold his breath for a long second, realising that the combination of the childhood movie and being held so tightly by a person he loves and trusts had pushed him into his regressed headspace. He wasn’t fully in it, but he could feel it tugging at his groggy mind, luring it into the comfortable mindset. He couldn’t let the others see though, so plan A was first to push the tempting feeling of carefree childhood far enough away so that he at least could make it through the night, but that didn’t seem to happen, so plan B it was. Plan B was not the best and definitely not what Wooyoung had wanted to actually do, but it had to do, as the alternative was being regressed before all his close friends, which would, by Wooyoung’s standards, be the worst outcome. So, first, he tried to wiggle out of San’s grip without disturbing him, but he couldn’t do that, so he ran through the excuses he could use in his head.
“Young-ah, where are you off to? The movie isn’t even done.” San spoke in a soft and low voice, not wanting to disturb the peace among the others around the room, which now consisted of all of them, Hongjoong and Jongho having gotten home some time while Wooyoung had been asleep. “Um, I’m really tired so I was jus’ gonna go sleep in my bed.” Wooyoung hoped he could just escape without any more questions, but he wasn’t going to get away that easily. “Just lay down with me again and sleep. Weren't you comfortable?” San had grabbed a hold of his hand, holding him back from fleeing. Wooyoung wanted to pull his hand to himself and just run off, but he couldn’t do that when San looked at him like he did, all warm and welcoming. “I was bu-but...” Wooyoung’s head was void of anything to say. He wanted to lay down again and be doted upon by his friend, but he couldn’t because that would mean he would risk slipping up and revealing that he was feeling like the smallest kid ever at that moment, and he couldn’t tell him “hey, just fyi, I'm gonna be about 3 years old in a few minutes if nothing is stopping me” because he couldn’t bear to see San’s face when being told something so out-there and weird. “Baby, if you’re still asleep by the time the movie is over, I'll carry you to your bed myself, just please lay down again?” San pleaded with the younger, who almost crumbled by being called baby by his best friend in front of their group mates. “I-I... I can’t.” And with that, he ran to his room and closed the door behind him. San just watched as the other ran away from him, muttering ‘what just happened’ to himself.
Hongjoong, who had been watching all of it with mouth agape, got up from his little beanbag chair where he was watching the movie from and walked over to the younger, placing a firm hand on his shoulder, commanding San’s attention. “Is he alright? What did you say to him?” San sputtered a bit, not sure exactly what to tell their captain, as he had no clue what had happened himself. “I don’t know, hyung. One second he was sweet, cuddly Wooyoung, and the next he was running away from me. I tried asking him to stay, since he was so excited for the movie, and we’ve been so busy lately, but he seemed very anxious to get away.” San trailed off at the end of his explanation, thinking to himself, going over exactly what Wooyoung had said and how he had said it. He was worried about him. “Hyung, I would like to go and make sure he’s okay at least. Maybe he was just tired and wanted his own bed, but it didn’t seem like he was telling me the truth...” Hongjoong nodded. He knew the two of them had a bond like no one else and he didn’t want to assert himself in his leader role if that wasn’t what Wooyoung needed. San turned towards Yunho, who was looking at them quietly. Most of the members had forsaken watching the movie, listening along to the conversation, and were also concerned about their friend’s behaviour. “Yun, would you mind not sleeping in your bed tonight. I might bring Wooyoung to stay in our room.” Yunho nodded in agreement, softly saying that he could stay with Yeosang and Jongho, the two agreeing to that plan. As soon as Hongjoong turned back to lock eyes with San again, the younger stood up from the couch, briskly walking towards where Wooyoung had disappeared off to, leaving a lot of confused and anxious members behind him.
He knocked softly before opening the door to the bedroom, watching as Wooyoung hurriedly hid something underneath his duvet, obviously not wanting anyone to see it. “Young-ah, can we talk a bit?” San asked while moving forward towards where Wooyoung was sitting, back turned to the door, shrugging his shoulders to answer the question. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to talk to San, but he just didn’t want the other to think he was weird for the way he was acting. San moved over to sit on the bed behind Wooyoung. He didn’t want to force the younger to face him if he felt uncomfortable doing so, but he wanted to be close to him so as to read his body language a little better.
“So... You’re not under the covers and asleep, so I’m guessing being tired was an excuse to come here.” Wooyoung’s head hung in shame. He didn’t like lying but he felt like he had to so as to not hurt San’s feelings. “Is it something I did?” San continued; Wooyoung shook his head. “Is it something I didn’t do?” another headshake. Wooyoung took some deep breaths, gathering courage from seemingly nowhere, and San waited with bated breath. “I wanna tell you, but... I just- um, I’m not sure how- how to, um h-how you’re gonna react...” Wooyoung stumbled over the words, thoughts just as jumbled. San put his hand on the other’s back, as to provide a sort of anchor, some feeling to hold onto, “you can tell me anything you want to, Wooyoung.” The younger leaned into the touch, focusing on the warmth seeping from his friend’s palm and through his shirt. He turned around halfway, still not facing San, but the older could now see Wooyoung’s face, which was turned down, facing his lap and with eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to focus on his fingers, wringing his hands together to keep his anxiety at bay.
“I, um, feel small... sometimes...” he didn’t speak loudly but his words came out above a whisper, San picking up the words perfectly well. “Small? Small how, Young-ah?” San prodded a bit, obviously curious but mostly wanting to be there for his best friend. “Like-like I’ve shrunk, become tiny and vulnerable again. Like a-…" Wooyoung couldn’t get himself to say the words. It's easier to explain the feeling in broad terms because everyone has felt small and vulnerable, and he knew San could relate to that, but as soon as he would go into more depth, that’s when he’d start to sound crazy. “Like a... Like a kid?” San went ahead with what he was guessing Wooyoung was going to say, even though it didn’t exactly make sense in his head. It was a puzzle he had every piece to but the middle pieces. He could see some of it, get a sense of what it looked like, what it was supposed to be, but he was missing a whole lot that would tie it all together. Wooyoung’s eyes got wider, and he bit his lip, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up at his friend, instead he just nodded. “I’m not gonna lie, Wooyoung, I’m not completely sure what that entails but I'm sure that it’s completely alright and fine.” Wooyoung sat and considered the words and after a beat he grabbed San’s free hand, holding it in his own two hands, now playing with the small-ish fingers, adorned in pretty and dainty rings, one of which being one that Wooyoung had gifted him on his birthday. He knew that San loved and cherished him and something like the fact that he acted like a toddler sometimes wouldn’t come between them, but he was scared of being viewed differently, like he was mental for doing it or worse; that he would be able to see a hint of disgust in his friend’s face. “I’m scared,” Wooyoung whispered, shutting his eyes at the confession just made. He could feel himself get tense and start shaking with nerves. San could feel his heart jump at what his friend said and without thinking he pulled Wooyoung to him and wrapped his arms around him so tightly he could feel the tremors in the younger’s body. Wooyoung let his arms wrap around San’s torso and burrow his head in his chest, letting him be enveloped in San’s scent and warmth. His head was spinning. He, without realising it, had started to hyperventilate before being brought into San’s hug. San helped by squeezing him tightly and shushing him softly, bringing him back to that comfortable fuzzy feeling he had woken up to before, making him tense up as he realised yet again, though this time, San having him so close he could feel the little changes in his body language, held him impossibly tight, relaxing him.
They sat like that for a little while, San so focused on Wooyoung’s body’s reaction that he managed to get him calmed down again, bringing him onto his lap so that he could keep holding the younger close but still sitting comfortably while talking. “Why are you scared, Young-ah?” San hesitantly asked. He didn’t want to send the other spiralling again, but Wooyoung held it together, arms squeezing San closer to him. “I’m scared you’d think I’m gross,” Wooyoung spoke, not sure where the confidence came from but happy that it was there. He knew that it was for the best that he’d explain the situation to San, but his nerves had always gotten the better of him any other time he had tried to bring it up to his friend. San was taken aback; “gross? Why would I ever think you were gross?” Wooyoung shrugged. “Not just you, the others too.” Wooyoung looked carefully up at San before bringing his eyes back down. “It’s ‘cos of how you guys react when I do aegyo sometimes...” he shrunk himself in San’s lap, feeling absolutely ridiculous as the words left his mouth. He didn’t want to ruin their banter and fun atmosphere in interviews by expressing that that one running joke bothered him because of something none of them were even aware was going on. San, on the other hand, felt guilt well up inside of him. He knew exactly what Wooyoung was talking about. It was how they’d scoff and even “complain” when Wooyoung would do this very specific type of aegyo. He'd thought they’d all been in on it and having fun with it, but looking back he felt ashamed with how far they’d take it sometimes.
San’s brows furrowed, shame filling his chest. There was nothing worse to him than hurting the people closest to him and knowing that he hadn’t picked up on Wooyoung being hurt was not something he was ready to be confronted with. This time it was Wooyoung’s turn to lean back and see his friend being overwhelmed with shame. The mixture of already being on the edge of slipping completely, his friend being sad, and the familiar Disney music playing behind the door, something they could hear as both of them became absolutely quiet, all pushing Wooyoung further, slipping more into the headspace. “Oh, oh no, please don’t cry, Sannie!” Wooyoung started to pat his friend’s hair and caress it backwards, something his mom would do when he was feeling overwhelmed as a kid. “Here!” Wooyoung leaned to the side in a slightly exaggerated manner, not thinking about the possibility that he could fall, not exactly being the safest in San’s lap, but before anything could happen, San’s hands flew up and grabbed on either side of the bottom of the younger’s torso, right where his last couple of ribs were, making sure that if the other started to fall, he’d catch him. As Wooyoung leaned a little more, he dug out the thing he had hidden away under his duvet when San first came into his room to talk, which was a stuffed, sandy brown teddy bear with a little plaid bowtie. Wooyoung sat straight in San’s lap again, the older of the two still holding onto him even without the danger of falling, and held the bear before San’s eyes. “Her name is Sandy. She helps when you feel sad,” and with that Wooyoung put Sandy into the crook of San’s neck, nuzzling it into the crevice. San was flabbergasted. This was nothing like he had thought Wooyoung would act like. When he had told him that he hadn’t disclosed this part of himself because of the way he’d feel when they were dismissing his exaggerated cuteness, San had honestly thought that he would be exactly the way he was acting when he was asked to do aegyo, but this wasn’t like that.
“Thank... Thank you, Wooyoung. That's very sweet of you.” San’s eyes were following Wooyoung’s movements and picking up the way his facial expressions were less refined than they’d usually be. There wasn’t a lot of intention behind the way Wooyoung did things, which made them seem almost sloppy and careless and clumsy. The younger nodded, head flying around more than usual with the movement. “Youngie, are you doing the thing you were telling me about? Do you, eh... feel small?” San tried to use the words Wooyoung himself had used to explain his situation, hoping it would make sense if he phrased it in a similar way. What he hadn’t expected to happen was tears welling up in Wooyoung’s eyes. Biting his bottom lip, he nodded slightly at the question. San softened his facial expression, knowing that he had to be really careful of the way Wooyoung could perceive it and other things like body language as he was really sensitive about San thinking worse of him with this new information. “Oh, baby... Come here.” San pulled Wooyoung into his arms again, where he held his friend as he got his feelings in check, pushing every single grain of guilt that had filled him to the side and any feelings of doubt about how to act were pushed deep down. ‘You love kids. If Wooyoung is feeling like a kid, you just have to treat him as such. How hard can it be?’ San reasoned with himself, the logic seeming sound. He just had to get over the fact that there wasn’t an actual, physical kid before him, and then he’d be good. He let Wooyoung back out from his embrace and smiled at him as the younger had fisted his shirt tightly in his hands. “C’mon now, prince, no need to cry.” San wiped away Wooyoung’s fresh tears with gentle touches and leaned in to kiss where he’d wiped them away. “There. No tears allowed on my Wooyoung’s pretty face about this!” Wooyoung giggled as San nuzzled his nose into his cheek and it filled San’s heart to hear that carefree laugh he knew so well. Warmth rose in his chest as he leaned back and saw a huge smile on the younger’s face, eyes squinting with the smile, and he couldn’t help but hug Wooyoung again, this time placing a kiss on the top of his head. Wooyoung finally felt the love he had been missing from his regression, starting to cry again from sheer joy making San laugh and complain in a lighthearted way when he saw. “Good tears, Sannie. Woo promise!” raising his pinky to show that he meant it while his other hand was wiping the tears away. San smiled, eyes glimmering with fondness as he connected his pinky to Wooyoung’s. San, bursting with love for this new side of Wooyoung he had just met, picked his friend up and held him on his hip, letting Wooyoung wrap his legs around his frame after letting out a yelp at the unexpected action. “What do you say to having a sleepover in Sannie’s room tonight?” San asked, adjusting his grip on Wooyoung’s form. He got to see Wooyoung’s face lit up; his eyes opening wide, as did his mouth, and San could swear he saw light shine in the younger’s eyes. Wooyoung squealed; “yes! Yes please!” and San chuckled as he ran a hand over Wooyoung’s hair, “good boy! Remembering your manners,” to which Wooyoung beamed at him, proud at himself. “Now, help me gather what you need, honey.”
San did quick work of picking up Wooyoung’s pyjamas, his stuffed animal, Sandy, and a blanket that Wooyoung insisted on bringing; it wasn’t big enough to cover his entire body, so San had thought that it was probably a security blanket of some sort. He carried Wooyoung out of his room and into San’s own, relieved when he saw that Yunho had been in to collect what he needed for sleep already, knowing that no one should disturb them tonight. He helped Wooyoung make space on San’s bed for himself and then helped him change into his night clothes, though not too much as Wooyoung kept repeating “I’m a big boy! I can do it!” and only allowed San to help when he was stuck and couldn’t physically get out of a tangle of clothes. San let Wooyoung get under the covers first and then shuffled himself under them too. Wooyoung was quick to cuddle up to him the second he had gotten comfortable, making San chuckle under his breath and bringing an arm around Wooyoung’s frame, pulling him even closer, mimicking how they cuddled on the couch only a bit earlier that evening. Wooyoung melted into the touch of his best friend, letting himself relax, knowing that everything was okay, and he had nothing to worry about.
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Not even his own doubting thoughts, because, just as he’s always known; San would be the one to stick by him till the end. His amicus ad aras.
a/n: this started bc i was sick and tired of hearing ppl hate on wooyoung's 'googoo gaga' aegyo, which i know is silly but it also brought me this idea so... also,, started writing before i knew they'd moved into shared apartments, so you'll have to deal with the old roommate situation for this one.
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @bearseulgs @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
if you have a sfw account, please consider reblogging. tumblr runs on reblogs, and as much as likes are appreciated, they do nothing to bring new readers to my works. right now my only exposure is the tags i'm using, and i would love to reach more people <3
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lullabytaeyong · 5 months
little woo messing around in public and wanting to hug everyone he sees, but he gets held back before he can get too close, so he bounces around instead 🧁🐶
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makeitmingi · 2 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 33]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.3K
"Yunho..." You raised your head from your pillow, slight hesitation and worry in your voice.
"Hmm?" He hummed, eyes focused on the game that he was playing on his phone. You and him were slowly growing accustomed to staying at each other's places. And tonight, Yunho was staying over at your place.
"Would you like to visit my mom?" You asked.
That's how you ended up in your position now. Yunho drove, worried that you were too distracted to drive. He was right, you couldn't focus on a single thought for more than 5 seconds.
"Thanks again for coming." You blurted out, hands dripping the material of the pants you were wearing.
"(y/n), there's no need to thank me. I should be thanking you for introducing me to her." He said, reaching over to place his hand on yours.
"I'm a littler nervous. Going there always sends me spiralling." You confessed. But it also acted as a warning to Yunho of the state that you will be in when you reach.
"It's okay, I'll be with you all the way, alright?" He squeezed your hand.
"You can tell me anything, I'll always listen." He added. You nodded with a hum, turning to look out the window but you never let go of Yunho's hand. Although the memories of your mother are fond, they always scared you. So Seonghwa made you promise that you'll never come here alone.
"When I think about my mother... She's an amazing person. Seeing her regress to the state she was in before she died... It still haunts me." You told him.
"I understand that, considering how close you were with her..." Yunho empatised.
"And on top of that, my father was detaching himself. I could tell, when she got sick, he just wasn't there." You sighed.
"He left your mom alone?" Yunho asked in disbelief.
"Yes and no. He was there but he didn't visit her room, buried himself in work... almost as if she was already gone from our lives. And right after she died, he got together with my stepmother." You sighed.
"It's like he didn't even care to mourn for her. I became invisible to him, just forgotten. The father that I knew and counted on growing up was gone. And I know a part of me still cannot reconcile with that." You said.
"I can't imagine you having to go through that all on your own, especially at that age." Yunho replied with a small shake of his head, he really didn't like your father.
"You know, I always wondered how different things would have been if my mother was still around." You chuckled bitterly.
"Or is this just his true colours?" You thought out loud.
Yunho didn't reply to that. He has never met your father and mother But he knew he hated your father and was angry with him for treating you that way when you were little and just lost your mother.
"That's the only good part. Your mother isn't around to see how your dad truly is." Yunho said. You hummed in agreement.
"For a long time, I thought maybe that's just his way of mourning. Maybe he just blames me for making my mother sick. He always said she started getting weaker after she gave birth to me. That's why I don't have a sibling. It made me believe my mother would still be alive if I wasn't born." You said.
"That's not true. It's not your fault and your dad shouldn't blame it on you, you're his kid." Yunho frowned.
"It didn't help my case that my stepmother and I hated each other from the start. He hated that I 'embarrassed him'." You scoffed.
"Was she mean to you as a kid?" Yunho probed a little more. He was glad that you found this opportunity to share more with him so he could learn more about you.
"She saw me as a threat so she tried to erase me from my father's life. Little did she know, my father already didn't care for me at that point. But she knows she'll never be my mother." You said.
"What about your stepbrother?" He asked.
"Oh, just as bad as her. But he was the perfect child, wanting to be a doctor, so of course my dad was fine with paying for everything."
"My mother was a respected woman. Everyone loved her, no one can come close to her. She was philantropic, humble and confident. Everyone knows my stepmother is only in it for the name and the money. She'll never replace my mother. Even Seonghwa's parents hate my father and stepmother now." You shrugged.
"What parent would just ignore their child like that...How could he just leave you to be on your own after your mother died." Yunho shook his head.
"It was hard and I barely survived it but that's a discussion for another time." You forced a smile, patting the back of his hand.
"Thank you for telling me all that."
"Nothing to thank me for. I never want it to happen but if you meet my father and stepmother some day, I just want you to be prepared for how they will be." You said.
"I hope I never run into them." Yunho clicked his tongue. You assumed it was because Yunho was afraid of your dad. But no, Yunho just knew he would not be able to fight to urge to punch your dad.
"Is this this place?" Yunho stopped the car and leaned forward to see the sign overhead.
"Yeah, you can go straight ahead and park there." You pointed. Yunho nodded and continued driving until you told him to stop and park the car. When you both stepped out, Yunho went to grab the offerings from the boot.
"Are you cold?" Yunho asked, seeing you wrap your arms around yourself as you waited. You shook your head with a small smile.
"I just... hate it here." You looked away. It was hard explaining all the emotions you felt when you came here. Yunho came forward, holding your hand to walk with you.
"It's okay." He kissed the back of your hand. Although Yunho walked in front, you guided him to where your mother was.
"There she is." You nodded to the headstone that was by the big plum blossom tree.
"Hi... mom..." It felt like there was a rock in your throat you just couldn't swallow. Yunho saw your apprehension but didn't point it out or rush you.
"I'll set up." He said softly, opening the picnic mat. He placed down the flowers, fruit, Korean rice cakes and alcohol. Thankfully, he called his mother to ask for help the night before. You watched, rooted to your spot as Yunho picked off the weeds and used a clean, damp cloth to wipe the headstone.
"Done." Yunho informed, carefully folding the cloth and setting it aside. He didn't greet your mother yet, wanting to let you go first. You gulped nervously, kneeling down on shaky hands.
"H-Hi, mom... I-It's been a while... I'm s-sorry about that." You stuttered as your brain refused to form coherant sentences.
"You go. I don't know what else to say." You said with a clenched jaw. Yunho nodded, patting your head.
"Nice to meet you, omonim. My name is Jeong Yunho, I am (y/n)'s boyfriend. (y/n) has told me a lot about you and she continues to do so." Yunho smiled, bowing deeply.
"I own the restaurant that she's currently working at. She's amazing, her and the whole crew. They saved my business." He continued.
"Thank you for leading her to me." He smiled.
You looked on at how Yunho spoke to your mum, tears slipping down your cheeks. Hearing his words, maybe he was right. Your mother led you to Yunho, knowing what a patient, kind and amazing person he would be in your life.
"He's a big eater, mom, just like Hwa is. You would have loved feeding him." You whispered. To which, Yunho grinned proudly, nodding in confirmation.
"I promise to take care of (y/n)." Yunho quickly added.
"You already take such good care of me, Yunho." You said. He turned to you, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs.
"I know that. And I'll continue to do it. I just have to reassure your mom that her daughter is in good hands, don't I?" He chuckled with a charming smile, reaching over to pinch your cheek.
"I don't really know what you like to eat but I hope fruits, sweet rice cake and the soju is okay. I'll bring more next time." Yunho said.
"She's not a picky eater. She'll be grateful no matter what." You informed with a soft smile. It made your heart swell when Yunho said 'next time'.
"Here, sit." Yunho brushed the mat for you to sit. You hesitated before taking a seat beside him with your mother's headstone opposite. It was a new feeling, you never wanted to stay here for too long. Seonghwa always had to convince you to stay a little longer before you ultimately rushed out of there.
"Can you believe how long it has been since you left, mom? I'm still not over it..." You sighed. Yunho reached over to hold your hand, rubbing the back with his thumb to comfort you.
"When you left, dad left too. Things have never been the same, our family is gone." Your tears fell into your lap.
"But it's okay, I'm okay. I have a new family of my own, a better one." You looked up at Yunho with a sad smile. He smiled back at you.
Yunho wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his body and kissing the crown of your head. You wiped your tears with your sleeves.
Then it all happened, the same thing that always happened when you came, the flashbacks of memories of your mother. The happy ones and then the sour ones leading up to her death and after.
"Let's go." Pulling away from Yunho, you stood up and brushed your pants. Yunho looked at you in shock and confusion.
"Are you sure? There's no rush and-"
"Yunho, now. Please." You begged. Seeing your pleading eyes, Yunho nodded and stood up as well.
"Why don't you head to the car first? Start up the engine. I'll pack up and be with you." Yunho suggested kindly. You didn't need to be told twice. Taking the keys from him, you trudged down the small path and headed to the car.
"Forgive her, omonim. It's still hard on her..." Yunho bowed politely as he began to pack up. He pour the soju over the grass patch and put the fruit away then folded the blanket.
"Watch over her and protect her, please. She doesn't deserve all this. I'm sure you know that..." He sighed as he patted the headstone.
"We'll be back soon." He gave a final bow before leaving. You were already settled in the passenger seat.
"Hey." Yunho put the things in the boot and came to the driver's seat. Usually, he holds your hand but this time, you were so quick to grasp his hand, as if you would go crazy if you didn't.
"Hey, hey. It's okay..." His other hand came over to cup your cheek.
"Let's go home, hmm?" He smiled softly and you nodded. Yunho drove to your home, sensing that you would prefer the familiarity.
When Yunho arrived, you both went upstairs. Yunho placed the bag of fruits down on the counter and you immediately glued yourself to him, hugging his waist tightly and burying your face against his chest. Yunho hushed you, one hand on the back of your head and one on your back to hold you.
"It's okay, it's okay." He whispered as he felt your tears soak the front of his shirt. Yunho let you hold onto him for as long as you needed, he wasn't going to be the first to let you go.
"Sorry, let me shower." You mumbled.
"Don't be sorry." He patted your head. You shuffled to your bathroom to shower while he quickly showered in the other bathroom.
"Yunho, I'm sorry. I... I..." You struggled to find the words as you both sat on the bed after your showers. Yunho offered to help you dry your hair so you could sleep.
"Love, I told you, there's nothing to be sorry about." He told you, daringly trying the new affectionate nickname.
"I just have this whirlwind of emotions when it comes to her." While you didn't address it, you didn't react negatively so Yunho took that as a win.
"I understand, it's normal." Yunho said. When he was done, you combed your hair while he put the hair dryer back. He got under the covers and you scooted close to him so he could wrap his long arms around you securely. You felt safe with him.
"Yun, thank you." You murmured.
"You're very welcome." He smiled, brushing your hair away from your face, staring into your eyes.
Holding his bicep, you lifted yourself slightly to be on his eye level and pressed your lips to his. Yunho's eyes widened but kissed back, pulling your body closer to his. You pulled away first to breathe.
"Are you okay?" You chuckled, hand resting on his warm cheek. He grinned and pounced over, showering you in kisses.
"Argh! Yunho!" You yelled out as he placed multiple kisses all over your face like an excited puppy.
"That was amazing." Yunho grinned happily. You rolled your eyes jokingly, putting your face against his chest so he wouldn't see you all shy and embarrased.
"Go to sleep." You slapped his chest.
"I expect a wake up kiss later." He declared before returning to the original position as before. You let out an audible sigh then closed your eyes to sleep. Yunho let out a soft laugh, seeing you fall asleep to quickly. He was just teasing you but was glad that you took the first step and you shared your first kiss as a couple.
"Goodnight, my love." He rested his cheek against your head and joined you in dreamland.
"Oh, Seonghwa hyung." Yunho greeted, quickly adjusting his post-sleep hair when he saw that your best friend had arrived. He closed your bedroom door, not wanting to disturb you.
"Hey, thanks for contacting me." Seonghwa greeted Yunho with a brief hug.
"She's sleeping but I thought she might need you more than she needs me... to comfort her." Yunho rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yunho, you know that's not true. She needs you too, you've become such a big part of her life now, provided her protection and comfort." Seonghwa smiled softly.
"I'm guessing you both haven't eaten." Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. Yunho nodded his head shyly.
"It's early for dinner but considering it's your first meal of the day, I'll get started on cooking." Seonghwa informed. Before going to the kitchen to cook, Seonghwa went into the room just to be with you for a bit and see how you were.
"Let me help, hyung. I want to cook for her." Yunho said, standing in the kitchen, when Seonghwa came back out. Seonghwa chuckled as he nodded.
"I'll learn from you. I can't cook a full meal by myself but I can help." He said with determination.
"Sure, ask questions if you have any." The older began to look through your fridge, reading the labels on all the stuff.
"Put these on the counter for me?" Seonghwa requested. Yunho took the vegetables and deli containers, putting them on the kitchen island to be used later.
"Do you know what you're gonna cook right away?" Yunho asked.
"No. So I took out stock because you can always use stock in cooking. Then these vegetables look like they're going to spoil so I took them out too." Seonghwa explained, finding a knife.
"(y/n) removed you from knife duty, right? I don't want to face her wrath for disobeying her." Seonghwa teased.
"Ah, hyung~ Come on. I'm sure all of you got hurt in the kitchen before too! It was just a little cut but she doesn't let me near the knives anymore. I don't want to go back to weighing ingredients. That's so boring." Yunho whined. Seonghwa laughed and let Yunho use one of the spare chef knives.
"So we'll use the stock and braise the leeks. That's easily done in the stove then thrown into the oven. There's also some beef, we can do rice bowls." Seonghwa said.
"Okay, I'll follow your lead." Yunho began.
"Oh, let's make a quick pickle. Green papaya, radish and carrot. You can use this slicer. Use the guard though." He instructed.
"Alright, so to draw the water out, we put salt and let it sit for a bit. It's thinly sliced to it should be quite quick. In the meantime, we have prepare the pickling liquid." Seonghwa taught Yunho.
The two of them prepared the meal together, Yunho learning and remembering the little tips Seonghwa taught him.
"Yunho?" You woke up and found the bed empty. Groaning, you reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. After checking the time, you got out of bed and went to wash your face. You assumed Yunho had gone home.
"So you want to baste the steak to add flavour, grab the handle and tilt the pan like this." You peeked over to see Seonghwa teaching Yunho how to cook.
"What's going on here?" You blinked. The two men stopped and looked over at you.
"You're awake." Yunho bound over to you, putting his arms around you to wrap you in a big bear hug.
"Hey, Hwa." After hugging Yunho, you went to hug Seonghwa. He wrapped an arm around your waist while you took a a few seconds to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He whispered. You didn't say anything, your silence was a sufficient response. He patted your back.
"Aren't you supposed to be off knife duty?" You raised an eyebrow, turning to Yunho.
"Aww, (y/n). Come on~ I was careful. Look, no cuts." Yunho wriggled his fingers to show you. You gave him a skeptical look and went to the fridge to pour yourself some cold coffee, wanting the taste and aroma to really help wake you up. Yunho reached over to steal a sip from you.
For the first time, you didn't cook, on insistence by Yunho and Seonghwa that they'll handle it. They only allowed you to sit by the counter to watch them.
"Shall I make you a bowl?" Seonghwa offered.
"Can you let me slice the steaks, at least?" You asked back. Seonghwa gave you a flat look but gave in easily.
"Alright, let me assemble my bowl." You laid the slices of steak over your rice, making a well in the middle to put a raw egg yolk and sauce. Yunho placed the pickles they made onto a sharing dish.
"Perilla leaf kimchi?" Seonghwa asked. You nodded and he went to put a plate of kimchi there.
"Thank you for cooking, you two." You said before digging into the food with them.
"This is so good! Seonghwa hyung is a great teacher." Yunho said between his chews, clearly impressed that he helped put together such a delicious dish.
"And I'm just chopped liver... Maybe next time, you should cook with Seonghwa and help him with his prep, since he's such an amazing teacher, you know?" You scoffed, feigning offense. Yunho's face fell as he tried to defend himself.
"You know that's not what I mean!"
Series masterlist
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Caregivers : Park Seonghwa(Mama) Jeong Yunho(dada) Song Mingi (Daddy) Jung Wooyoung (Mommy)
Littles : Kim Hongjoong(Joongie) Kang Yeosang(Sangie) Choi San(Sannie) Choi Jongho(Jongie)
Warning : People who don't like the topic or are uncomfortable, just don't read.
It was a very hectic day for the TEEZ household because after the break from all the promotion and tours when the members got the 2 weeks for themselves of course the littles were free regress and the caregivers were more than happy to take care of their littles.
Hongjoong was the first one to slip into little space, usually he would slip to an age of 2 but apparently the little woke up in headspace. And started crying out for his Mommy instead he found his Mama rushing to him concerned look painted over his face.
"Joongie what happened baby? Don't cry mama is here." Hongjoong didn't reply as he couldn't get himself to form a reply. He opted to just start screaming more which caused all the caregivers to run to the room with a concerned look on all their faces.
Hongjoong caught the sight of his mommy through his blurry eyes and held his hands up in hopes that his mommy would catch on. And he did, Wooyoung quickly rushed towards his baby taking him in his arms and picked him up as Hongjoong wrapped his legs around his waist and buried his face in the crook of his neck.
The cries got quieter as Wooyoung continued to calm him down. The other three caregivers soon rushed out to go back to the other littles. After knowing that the boy in his arms has stopped crying, Wooyoung sat on the bed with Hongjoong still attached to his waist.
After feeling secure in his Mommy's embrace, Hongjoong finally pulled away from his neck and looked up at Wooyoung, his eyes red with tears still in the corner of his eyes. Hongjoong wasn't in babyspace anymore as he could now speak. "Joongie do you know how worried mommy was? Never do that again please." "B-but joongie had a dream and chu left joongie and say you don't lub Joongie" "Babyboy you know Mommy would never do that, Mommy loves you lots and lots." "Rweally?" "Yes baby!"
Hongjoong lets out a giggle at that and his tiny hands come up to wrap itself around Wooyoung's nose, his comfort thing to do, Wooyoung also loved whenever his little did this to him.
When Wooyoung walked out of the room with Hongjoong attached to his hip with his minion onesie, Yunho cooed at the sight and soon the other two caregivers' hearts also melted. Wooyoung then sat on the chair after he gave Hongjoong the cup of milk and got his own plate of food and settled on the chair.
Wooyoung did notice the look, the youngest little San gave the boy on his lap when Wooyoung gave him a kiss on the cheek. Was he... Jealous..?
Everyone was now watching Frozen on the demand of Yeosang and San. Hongjoong was still clinging on to Wooyoung like his life depending on doing the task. San was sitting next Wooyoung after all the fighting with Yeosang. San was pouty during the whole time, whining about something throughout the movie.
When everyone was going for the nap time, it was time to choose who would the littles go with. And there was a problem because both Hongjoong and San shouted 'MOMMY' and both of them were now fighting. While fighting San threw the nearest pillow at Hongjoong and it hit his face. And soon loud cries filled the room. Hongjoong ran towards Wooyoung as he scooped him up and caressed his back to calm him down.
After the cries died down, which happened in a minute, Wooyoung gave the little who was now sleeping in his arms to Seonghwa, and went to San who was sitting on the floor, his eyes welled up in tears as he looked up at his caregiver preparing himself for the angry look and a lot of scolding maybe even a spanking punishment from him but he found him smiling down at him.
"Chu angwy at Sannie?" San asked as he held his plushie closer and looked up at Wooyoung with doe eyes. Wooyoung couldn't help but coo at that and replied, "Of course not babyboy" And scooped him up in his arms. "But Sannie bad boy" San looked up at him with glossy dyes, Wooyoung smiled and pecked his lips, "No baby, mommy is not angry. But we should apologize to Joongie. Shall we?" San gave a small nod as he was soon being picked and taken to Hongjoong.
San looked at him, "Sowwy hyungie." Hongjoong just giggled as he hugged San.
That took long for me to finish. But damn I'm proud of myself
-Jeong Aera
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ao3feed-ateez · 9 days
Show me first what comfort is... (YunGiSeongJoong)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NyRdklG by tigerrush Hongjoong was feeling weird, stressed and at edge, and feeling like that made him feel a fourth thing: sensitive. It was getting to him, it all was too much and he was scared of asking anyone for help, even his three boyfriends. Or Hongjoong involuntarily regresses in front of everyone but his sweet boyfriends are there for him, and for everyone else that needs it. Words: 3830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ) Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho/Park Seonghwa, Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong/Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho/Kim Hongjoong Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, they are in love your honor, little!Hongjoong, Age Regression Caregiver Park Seonghwa, Age Regression Caregiver Jung Yunho, Age Regression Caregiver Song Mingi, Cg!Seonghwa, Cg!Yunho, Cg!Mingi, Overstimulation, Noise Sensitivity, involuntary slip, hongjoong is stressed and overwhelmed, little sh but varely mentioned, senghwa is stressed, everyone loves tiny joong, bad beginning good ending, sweethart yungi, sippy cups, and toothless, Non-Sexual Age Play read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NyRdklG
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ateez-ao3feed-new · 2 months
I Don't Wanna Fight Alone(Anymore)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dJDxMY4 by louisa_pennyfeather21 Wooyoung just wants to bet at home in the comfort of his dorm with his group members. The past month had worn on his physical, mental, and emotional state drastically. As much as he loved Coachella and the week he spent in Japan right after in a dance workshop before diving into tour preparations and the possibility of their next comeback, he was just so tired. Wooyoung wants nothing more than to be at home, safe and sound, so he can regress and cope. However, an airport crowd turned mob turns his slip to regression into a crash that leaves him emotionally distraught by the time his Captain and Maknae get home that night. Or, Wooyoung slips into little space all alone and Jongho and Hongjoong have to pick up the pieces of a distraught Little. Words: 4936, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong, Background & Cameo Characters, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Relationships: Choi Jongho & Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung & Kim Hongjoong, Choi Jongho & Jung Wooyoung & Kim Hongjoong Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Play Little Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Age Play Caregiver Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Age Play Caregiver Kim Hongjoong, Little Jung Wooyoung, Caregiver Choi Jongho, Caregiver Kim Hongjoong, airport mobs, Panic Attacks, Fear of Abandonment, Not Beta Read, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Jung Wooyoung-centric (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung Needs a Hug (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong is Bad at Feelings, he's trying though, Soft Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Can Be Read As Romantic, platonic ot8, Fluff and Angst, Don't Like Don't Read read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dJDxMY4
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keep-it-ateez · 2 years
Welcome To: Informational Post
My pronouns are he/they, I'm 20 years old, I'm not really sure what else to say, but if you have questions feel free to ask. This is my Harry Potter blog, this is my Stranger Things blog, this is my Stray Kids blog, this is my Tomorrow x Together blog and this is my Walking Dead blog.
Be warned I am still new to Ateez so if I make mistakes I am sorry I'm still learning.
Rules for my blog:
I only write for Ateez
Requests are open
Inbox is open
16+ for smut
Any asks/requests that go against my rules and/or make me uncomfortable will be deleted
Only send requests in my asks, do not message me your request
Requests from women or fem aligned will be deleted
Women and fem aligned DO NOT INTERACT
Women and fem aligned will be blocked
Female reader blogs will be blocked
I will write:
Male reader
Gender neutral reader
Dom reader
Top reader
Most kinks
Poly relationships
Trans man reader
Trans masc reader
Dark fics (yandere, knife play, gun play, etc.)
Age regression (Atz members as littles only)
I won't write:
Female reader
Fem aligned reader
Piss kink
Shit kink
Sub reader
Bottom reader
Ship fics
Pseudo incest
Smut with afab reader (I don't have a vag so idk how to write smut with afab reader)
Member x member
OT8 - Masterlist
Hyung line - Masterlist
Maknae line - Masterlist
Seonghwa - Masterlist
Hongjoong - Masterlist
Yunho - Masterlist
Yeosang - Masterlist
San - Masterlist
Mingi - Masterlist
Wooyoung - Masterlist
Jongho - Masterlist
Goodbye From: Informational Post
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haechanls · 3 years
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pov: woo is in little space nd wants to play with a new toy but gets pouty after u ask him to clean up his current toys
wooyoung looks so cute here :(( lil bb
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babybearcookie · 1 year
ATEEZ Age Regression/Caregiver HC
not requested
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this is an age regression headcanon; if you don't like that, don't read it, age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who might sexualize it
as a caregiver
we all know where this'll start, right?
everyone's favourite, like there'll be wars to get his attention
even if there's no one around, his baby wouldd always be seeking his attention
maybe by showing something they'd made or misbehaving
he's tried to say that 'if you want attention, you just have to ask'
but no bc that would not be right
no clue, seongwha doesn't rly get why his attention is so important but he thinks it's kinda cute either way
when he's watching over his little, he's also just content sitting there, doing nothing other than keeping his eyes on them
but even with as soft as he can be
he WILL call you out when you misbehave or cuss at him
he hears a commotion happen and he knows his baby is in the middle of it?
uh oh
"you stop that right now, little one!"
and you will bc he has pretty much mastered the 'don't you dare' stare
and you don't wanna be on the receiving end of that
well, that depends
bc it usually works on someone regressed younger
but if they're a kid regressor, they'll probably just constantly push to see how much he'll take
and you'll know when he's had enough bc, not only will he tell you, but you can also see it in his eyes.... shuddering at the thought of being on the other end of those
but he will soften up as soon as his baby acts cute toward him
just a cute little gesture and some puppy dog eyes and they're back in the warmth, so to speak
seonghwa would be so devoted to the role of someone's caregiver
he has so much love to give and being able to just take care of someone's every need while they're small and vulnerable and innocent and adorable?
it's a hell yeah from him
having someone to baby like that is one of his favourite things
he's not very loud and/or wild when in his caregiver headspace, so a calm regressor would be the best fit for him
but he would of course never reject being someone's caregiver just because they aren't calm
he'll just guide them into calm states a lot, since those are his favourites
he loves loves loves having his baby lay in the crook of his arm, cuddling into him, as they follow along in the book he's reading aloud for them
it's even better if it's a little longer of a story, since he absolutely adores looking down randomly to see his baby having fallen asleep to his voice
though, as much as he likes when his little is calm small, he does NOT like it when it's bc they're sick or down
then he starts fussing and worrying over them
he hears one unhappy whine and his cool, calm and collected nature is out the window
might even call for backup from another member if he's RLY worried
and he dreads taking his eyes off of his baby for even a second when they're in that state
when he does have to, he leaves them with a million kisses being placed all over their face (mostly on their forehead) and just holding on to them
that goes on for like 10 minutes, less if the little falls asleep while he comforts them, before he can do what he needs to go out and do
when regressed
i definitely believe that he's a shy little baby
he keeps to himself a lot, doesn't seek out the attention
he loves being warm n cuddly
big sweaters n coats n blankets
give them to him, let him snuggle up pls
he also love his kitty ears headband
he got it as a gift, it has little bells hanging from the ears
it's his favourite accessory when he's regressed
he's the type to, as soon as he sees his caregiver, he gives them a smooch on their cheek
it's become his way of greeting them
he's feeling just a little bit small, his reserve of being affectionate in front of others goes away
and it's become a method of payment, if you will
if he asks for something, his caregiver will pretend to think about it very hard and then tell him that it costs him a kiss on their cheek
which he gives happily
can still be a bit shy about doing it in front of others but still does it
bc he gets such cute reactions when he does it regressed
a lot more coos than if he were to do it when he's big
flappy hands when frustrated or excited
it can result in some injuries if we aren't careful
like, hitting himself, but that happens more if his frustration isn't taken care of
he just need someone to help him calm down
he's just feeling a lot of feelings that needs to be expressed :((
is pretty calm and quiet until you put on girlgroup songs, best of all twice, then he'll jump up to have a dance party wherever he is
and of course, movie nights are the how to train your dragon movies 50% of the time
he even acts out toothless' facial expressions while watching the movies
not for anyone, i don't even think he himself knows he's doing it, but it's adorable either way
he has a million toothless plushies hidden all around
he always have one ready to grab
he's never more than 50 meters from one, like it's excessive
when going out, he either brings a little plushie or a stuffed toothless keyring accessory
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as a caregiver
i'll just say it now
he's definitely the type to dress you up all fancy just to go to the store or park
like those parents who dress their toddlers like they're young adults
but he makes sure you enjoy your outfit too
it's actually more that he matches his outfit with what you like to wear, just a more grown-up version of it
he's loud and you know when you've reached his line
he'll yell but not in a scary way, more like in a way that makes it fun to get him to that point
but if he actually feels like he needs to discipline his little, he'll do it when in private
never in front of others
both for his own sake and his baby's sake
something like that is very personal
and never actually yelling. he's very aware that there are some things you never do to a child, and never ever to someone who may already have certain triggers
dramatic dad tho
but also very very sweet and considerate
if you see something in a store, he'd be game to go and buy it for you
he just likes to provide like that
and it makes him happy when his little one is happy
he's very aware of people's relationship to being touched, as it's something he struggles with himself
so he'll always ask before doing anything involving touching
"do you want a hug, baby?"
one thing he does love is when you lay your head in his lap uwu
"can you hold my hand while walking outside, sweetheart?"
he knows that his baby would rather have him with them all the time, but as his role as leader and the time he spends in the studio, there are some days when he doesn't get back till late
but he always makes sure to stop by his baby's room, check in on them and give them a kiss on their forehead
probably have something, like tying a little bow with some string around your finger, to let you know you'd been kissed goodnight if you were to wake
when regressed
he mostly uses aegyo as a weapon
if he wants something or wants to avoid doing something, out comes the squishy cheeks and big puppy eyes
and it's super effective
excited and polite baby
also very bitey
he doesn't know what to do with his affection and his energy a lot
so he just bites ppl
his caregiver is going to get bitten the most
it's done out of love though <3
if he gets a lot of love, he might get a bit emotional
pull back and isolate himself
it's not that he doesn't like getting loved on or being around those who love on him
he's just used to being the one having to keep it together
so if you see him become quiet and pulling back, go with him and hold him as he cries
baby has sensory issues
when he isn't regressed it mostly manifests in not wanting to be touched
but when he's small it shows a bit more
some days he's okay with most things but
some days he needs his sensory clothes and can't even handle his hair touching his forehead in a wrong way
and he wants to show affection but doesn't like the feeling of being held onto
so he finds something, holds it at one end and offers the other end for his cg to hold onto
hongjoong can easily get pulled out of his headspace though
so, it's best to hide everything that reminds him of his responsibilities when in his adult headspace
there's nothing worse than when he suddenly gets pulled out of his regression
he'll get overstimulated and confused and dizzy at the sudden shift
and there's nothing to do rly, other than leave him be to get himself to the right place mentally
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as a caregiver
for me, yungho seems like the one most likely to be physically affectionate with his baby
not that the others wouldn't be, but he's just something else
he's always holding his baby's hand and pulling them into his arms
just always touching them in some way
hand on their back or arm(s) around their shoulder(s)
cuddles are a must with him
he loves loves loves just laying with his baby
bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces
he feels nothing but bliss and happiness if his baby lays themselves on him
most likely to love giving you 'uppies'
he also loves teasing his little with threats of eating them
opening his mouth around one of your fingers and softly chomping down on it, just as a little joke
"you're just so cute, i wanna eat you!"
"Daddy's gonna eat you, baby!"
big fan of listening to baby talk coming from his little
just gibberish directed towards him and him going
"oh really? wow, tell me more!"
and in that vein, he also has conversations with stuffies
if his baby says one of their stuffie said something, he'd look at the stuffie and talk to it
absolutely playing along, not ever a question coming from him
(he also secretly loves playing dress up, feeling good when he's dressed as the prince or knight that saves you)
he actually reminds me a bit of bandit from bluey with the way he just goes along with his baby's shenanigans
i don't know how else to say it but
he's just so warm and loving
he would go above and beyond as a caregiver
do everything in the world to make sure his little felt loved
i really feel like he'd be the best caregiver of the bunch,,
he works so hard to make himself a safe space for others
when regressed
naps, a lot of naps for this one
he gets very confused a lot
just big questioning eyes
being confused a lot can make him feel even younger
everyone is very protective of him bc nobody can stand seeing him upset, least of all his cg(s)
another regressor would maybe use that to get their way, but not yunho
he just feels safe and cared for
he's not incredibly loud when regressed
type to always carry a plushie around with him
he just loves having something soft to hug and hold
shy when it comes to affection but loves it
he won't ask for hugs and kisses but is given them all the time
and he gets all blushy but he likes it a lot
in his head he's way smaller than he is physically
so, when he's running up to his cg or anyone for a hug, he doesn't realise how big he is
more than once making the person he's tackling fall over or lose their footing
he loves when he's laying in his cg's lap and looking up at them
makes him feel so small and giggle, especially if the cg is making faces and being silly
he just loves being the one below, being doted on
a lot of times that means he's being tickled but he doesn't mind, as it makes him feel smaller
he's more of a baby regressor than a little actually
which hurts his cg bc he wants to be carried around and treated like a baby when regressed
but he's so physically big, it's hard to do so
even though most of them work out and are strong
but there are ways to help
he loves bottle time
it's usually before bed with some warm milk
it's warm and safe and he feels like the tiniest little boy
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as a caregiver
i don't see yeosang being a parent-type of caregiver, i rly don't
babysitter maybe, mostly see him as being an older sibling type
he'll try his best though
he'd make the space very comfortable and very chill
like, priming the livingroom for colouring and cartoons time for the little
family means a lot to him, so if you really see him as a parental figure, of course he'd do his very best
he'd do well with an older regressor that'll pull him along for things
then he'd just primarily have to make sure they're okay
likes guiding the little
just holding their hand
and maybe having dance parties
very giggly when the little is being silly
always ready to shower the baby with compliments but
if you want him to be flustered yeosang (tm), just give him loads of compliments back
he loves feeding the one he's taking care of
it's one of the things he know he'd be able to do successfully
!!! he also loves playing board games with the one he's taking care of
he'll get so into it, it would just be a great time for both him and the little
he likes cuddling together
both him and the little will just fall asleep like that most times
he'd also agree to playing dress-up, though he would be a little embarrassed about it
when regressed
loves playing pranks, but very quick to apologise if the slightest look is given to him
though, he doesn't have to apologise bc all is forgiven when it comes to yeosang
very very giggly at almost everything
everybody, and i mean EVERYBODY, finds him adorable, which makes it hard to scold him when he's done or said something
if someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do
it's one pleading look from him and he gets out of having to do it
he's definitely king of the house when he's regressed
the little prince who rules everything
and he doesn't have to lift a finger if he doesn't want to
the only thing that is a sure thing, that everyone has agreed to uphold, even if little yeosang pleads and looks sad
is that he cannot have chicken every day
2 times a week at the absolute most
he loves being fed so so much
and his cg(s) love feeding him
he looks so cute munching on food that's given to him
it's almost a fight for who gets to feed him if he has multiple cgs
which is not such a wild thought, bc everybody wants to take care of him if they find out he regresses
if wooyoung is one of the cgs, he definitely sneaks himself more chances to feed yeosang, since he's making a bunch of the food and snacks for him
i think the one who loves feeding him the most is hongjoong, so he's second in line after wooyoung
his cg(s) would definitely lead the 'yeosang protection squad'
ready to fight if anyone dares to disrespect little yeosang
they'd go to the ends of the earth to make sure yeosang is feeling safe and happy
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as a caregiver
his first priority is making sure that his little is his first priority
everything else comes second
always makes sure they are included in everything
it's important to him that he's verbal when it comes to caring for his baby
so, a lot of reassuring words and words of affirmation and love
but he won't forget the physical
always pulling his baby into his embrace and having them there for safekeeping
so he can be a shield against all negativity
he'd do all the things that are tedious so you wouldn't have to
cutting up food, putting in the DVD, bringing you your stuffie
and he's so quick and silent about doing that, that you mostly don't realise he is doing it
he's always keeping his (affectionate) eyes on his little
ready to jump into action at the slightest hint that they need him
always keeping them comfortable
absolutely staring daggers at anyone who has made them uncomfortable
you do not want to be on the receiving end of those
he'd be the parent cg that's always there
which can maybe be a bit much
but for a clingy little, he'd be perfect
he'd go to sleep and wake up hugging his baby close to him
that physical connection is very important to him
he wants to make sure he's a safe space
even around others he wouldn't change his behaviour
he isn't shy or ashamed about his relationship with his little
and if they wanna be little around other people, he is there to make sure that nothing happens while they are
when regressed
pouty baby
and with a lisp uwu
and and he's very loud when little
he has problems with fine motor skills
though that doesn't stop him from enjoying doing makeup while small
especially on others
it'll look like a mess of colours and glitter but he just loves doing it so much
has to have his stuffie in bed or he can't get to sleep
(probably blåhaj or blåhaj sized, since it's perfect for hugging to sleep)
((can confirm))
his mind flies around a lot
until it locks on something specific and then he can't stop thinking about that until he has done something about it
when he's excited about something, he yells out about it multiple times
to show how excited he is and get others just as excited about it
he doesn't really care if people gush over how cute he is
he wants them to indulge in what he's into at that moment though
showing care for what he pays attention to is the best way to show you care about him
very territorial when it comes to his favourite people
the person who's his favourite can vary, but not how clingy and possessive he is about them
he will hold them tight, not letting them go
and if anyone tries to take them away, he'll hold them tighter and either get angry or upset
when he's upset he's prone to hitting
either himself or others
he doesn't hit hard and it only takes a gentle hand and a soft "baby, no" for him to stop
but it's what he does when he's frustrated or upset
to get him to calm down, cuddle him tightly
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as a caregiver
he loves carrying his baby
just having them in his arms is something he loves
and knowing they feel better being held by him is everything
piggy back rides is something he's rly good at
he can run and stuff for when it's supposed to be fun
and he knows how to walk slowly when you're tired
is the type to let his little cuddle with him while doing other things
or having adult conversations with someone
just holding them tight while continuing to talk about work or whatever
loves tickle fights
he usually wins but
he just loves hearing his little one giggle up a storm
will aggressively pinch your cheeks
he'd sometimes ask his hyungs for advice on taking care of someone younger
he's a little nervous about it
but they usually tell him just to be himself and go with his gut
and they are right
as soon as he gets into the mindset of taking care of someone, he does really well
he loves nothing more than to have his baby in his lap while they colour
pointing and asking what they're colouring
helping too if the little asks for it
is the type to take his little out on walks to parks
holding their tiny backpack for when they wanna run around and have fun
just watching with a smile
when regressed
loves rolling around
it makes him feel all small and silly
also laughs with his entire body
which sometimes is the reason why he's rolling around
loves being in his cg's lap
but he's also very self-conscious about his size
so it usually ends up with his legs being slung over his cg's legs
unless they physically pull him into their lap
very curious
will look over your shoulders if you're doing something on a device
even if his young mind won't understand it, he loves watching the screen as things are being done on it
pretty shy about wanting attention
when he wants some, he usually bumps his head into the person he's wanting attention from
he loves being held from behind
even if the person holding him is way tinier than him, he'll feel small and protected
isn't much for eye contact when little
will look at your nose or lips when you're talking to him
he'd be a menace around other regressors
whispering and keeping secrets and plotting against the cgs
probably be the planner of the cookie coup
sweater paws >>>>>
he loves having knitted sweaters that are just too big for him
a very snacky boy
and plays with his food too
but he's just too adorable doing it that nobody can tell him not to
(especially dino nuggets)
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as a caregiver
so attentive
like the boy is all over the place and wild but when he's with his baby, every single ounce of his attention is on them
his eyes are glued to them and he loves keeping their hand in his
some of the members may tease him about that but he loves giving kisses
and he doesn't hold his want to give a smooch back
as soon as he gets the impulse to give a little kiss to his baby, he does so
you'd never not feel loved, being wooyoung's little, because it's constant affection with this one
he'd always be ready if his help is needed, you just need to say the word
"papa, can help me with my math?"
"need help cleaning up"
"check underneath my bed for monsters, please"
his answer is always "of course!", he puts everything on hold if his baby needs him
he feels the most in control and in his element when he's cooking
he loves having his baby watching him
he loves when he's cooking and his little joins him in the kitchen, sitting at the table he isn't using and start to colour while talking to him about random stuff
he loves the domesticity of it
and he loves it even more when they come over and peek at what he's doing in the kitchen, eyes full of wonder
making snacks is therefore one of his favourite ways to show love for his baby
when regressed
not gonna lie, i see wooyoung being really shy about his regression
he knows it's just banter and fun but he's so used to the others sometimes hating when he's acting cute normally
he'd always scurry off when he's slipping, not wanting the others to catch on that he might be a little different
but of course they do
i might write something further on this but
san is the first he tells about regressing
he trusts him and knows that san would never look down on him for something like this or ridicule him
when he finally feels comfortable enough, he fully lets out his cute childish side
grabby hands for almost anything
always wanting his cg by his side
whining a LOT bc he wants his way with almost everything
loves performing
like, dancing across the room, making sure all eyes are on him
he just loves attention
repeats sounds or words or sentences a lot
if he finds them funny at least
his cg says something like "nah-i don't know actually"
and wooyoung repeats it very giggly
lovesss praise
he does something and immediately seeks praising words and pats on his hair
when he's excited he hops
so much his cg refers to him as 'little bunny'
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as a caregiver
he loves providing for his little
you want anything and he'll bring it
within reason of course
loves having quiet nights
where he'll be reading a book and his little will be watching a movie
maybe they'll look up at him, tugging at his pant leg, going "papa, papa! look!" and pointing at the screen at a scene they like
and he'll ofc look up at it and respond with something like "that's very cool, baby!"
and then go back to his book until his attention is needed again
very verbal about how proud he is of his baby
he always wants to show his support for whatever they decide to do
ending the praise with a soft kiss placed on top of their head
can stare you down if you've done something you weren't supposed to
best at tucking someone in at night
and omg the lullabies he could sing
though, i do worry about him going all in and being too loud for the baby to sleep
(jk, boy is very respectful about his volume)
he's the type to come home and cuddle you if he's been working late
fully dressed too, not even getting under the covers
it's how he recharges
wears soft cardigans a lot bc he knows it's a nicer fabric for cuddling
also will let you put whatever cute headbands you want on him
when regressed
is a sucker for being dressed
someone helping him, pulling a shirt on over his head
snapping his overalls in place
he just becomes mush
loves really soft clothing
anything with fleece
sleepy baby in the mornings
barely a person, so has to be helped a lot
clapping his hands when laughing or finding something amusing
but very quiet other than that
even if he has comments or concerns, he whispers them in his cg's ear
even if they're alone
he just doesn't really like talking when he's regressed
gets his way most of the time
one pout from him and your argument is invalid
he likes teasing too
like the kid that's constantly poking you?
yeah that's jongho
won't outright admit to it but he loves being held
nuzzling into someone's warmth is very comforting for him
he likes playing games
not video games but those children's games that aren't exactly board games
like the crocodile you have to push its teeth or the hanging monkeys?
those kinds of games
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A/N: gosh this took a lot of my creative energy but was so fun to do. since my ateez concert, i've just not been able to get those boys out of my head, so now they're here too :3
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @luveuly @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
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sweetheartsannie · 3 years
Flo's  Masterlist
Originally posted: 28/11/21
Last updated: 28/11/21
Here you can find all of my Ateez works so far, I hope you enjoy and I will try to update this list as regularly as I can!
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Kinktober 2021
Ateez in Littlespace
CW: age regression, mommy/daddy mentions but not sexual, fluff.
Ateez + Dollification Kink
CW: crossdressing, lingerie, bondage, body writing, praise, degradation, overuse of “doll”, crying, breeding kink, vaginal sex, anal/pegging, vibrators, gangbang mention, dirty talk, Seonghwa calls his dick his “doll parts”, taking pictures, master/slave dynamics kinda (mostly Wooyoung, they all call reader “master”), there’s a little bit of spit/drool kink in there.
By Member
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Rope Bunny
CW: bondage, degradation, oral, facesitting, anal (w/ strapon), master kink.
Early Mornings
CW: smut, fluff, somno, oral, mdlb kink, “kitten”, spit kink, spitting on each other’s genitals, the slightest bit of breathplay.
CW: oral, mommy kink, cumslut!hwa, recording during sex.
Public play w/ Seonghwa
❀ Pretty Boys ❀ w/ Seonghwa + San
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CW: consensual somnophilia, freeuse kink.
CW: overstimulation, namecalling, unprotected sex, mommy kink.
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Ice Cream
CW: suggestive, not really anything to warn about, just pretty corny and pervy tbh.
Yunho + breeding kink blurb
Petplay w/ Jongho + Yunho
CW: kinda painful-pleasant/rough sex, dick bulge, kinda size kink.
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CW: choking, spanking, bondage, unprotected sex, one use of “slut” but it’s in a praise-y way?
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CW: Smut, mommy kink, babyboy!san, switch!san, or maybe just brat!san I guess, orgasm denial, biting, teasing, fleshlight use, dildo use, namecalling.
Cruel (Part 2)
CW: babyboy!san, mommy kink, spanking, flogging, crying, degradation, cbt kinda? (just spanking/slapping with hands), spitting, cunnilingus, blowjob, rimjob, creampie/unprotected sex, amazon position/reverse mating press, San cuddles (Suddles).
Kitten hybrid!San
CW: mirror sex, anal, crossdressing, skirt and panties kink.
San has a dream about a succubus
Fucking San outside
CW: light feminisation talk
Thigh riding blurb w/ Wooyoung + San
Dumb Baby Sannie
CW: dumbification, use of “master”, degrading names, innocence/corruption kink, could be categorised as light cnc (just to be safe).
San + dollification/objectification
CW: anal, degradation, mirror sex (this is like the 4th time now), bulge kink, hair-pulling.
Bedtime with Baby Sannie💞
CW: little!San, caregiver!reader, reader is called mommy once.
❀ Pretty Boys ❀ w/ Seonghwa + San
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Mingi + corruption kink
CW: choking, some degradation.
CW: size kink, anal, mommy kink, degradation, cum eating, finger sucking, gagging.
Plushie fucker!Mingi
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Be Quiet
CW: mommy kink, cockwarming, a little bit of pain.
CW: oral, cum eating, humiliation.
Wooyoung + Pussy Eating
CW: hate sex, breathplay, face slapping, self degradation.
Wooyoung begging you to cum
Thigh riding blurb w/ Wooyoung + San
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Riding Jongho’s thigh Petplay w/ Jongho + Yunho
342 notes · View notes
stay-tiny2021 · 3 years
Sick Day // ATEEZ Little Space
Published:  10/28/2021
Words:  2885
Relationship:  Jeong Yunho/ATEEZ
Characters:  Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho 
Tags:  de-aging/age regression, little space, baby space, fluff, angst, sickfic, poly!ATEEZ
Little/Baby:  Yunho
Caregivers:  ATEEZ
Plot:  Yunho becomes sick, which prompts his caregivers/boyfriends to take care of him.
Names Used
Mama (SH)
Dada (HJ)
Baba (YS)
Appa (SN)
Minnie appa (MG)
Mommy (WY)
Eomma (JH)
Requested:  No
~ ~ ~ ~ || ATEEZ || ~ ~ ~ ~
“Yunho, are you alright? You look pale,” Hongjoong voiced his concerns to the tall blonde male. 
The 8 members of ATEEZ had just finished rehearsing “Wonderland,” and were now taking a break. During rehearsal, the leader could tell that Yunho looked different than usual, and it wasn’t a good thing. 
Yunho’s skin was an ashy pale color, his pink lips were chapped and dry, and it appeared that the third eldest was sweating even more than his boyfriends were. Sure, the song’s choreography required a lot of energy, but no one should be sweating that much in a t-shirt and gym shorts. 
Yunho was the group’s little, and he’d been feeling off since he’d woken up this morning. His head pounded and felt like it would explode at any moment, his body horrendously ached, Yunho felt warmer than usual, and to top it all off... he had this feeling of nausea building up in his stomach. 
Of course, he didn’t tell his boyfriends this; he didn’t want to let them or Atiny down because he suddenly didn’t feel good. The puppy-like boy needed to push through today and remain big. His team was counting on him -- a silly headache and a bit of an upset stomach couldn’t stop Yunho. 
“I’m okay, hyung. I just didn’t get enough sleep last night,” Yunho lied. 
No matter how badly he wanted to slip and have his caregivers look after him, Yunho was going to stay big. The others needed big Yunho right now. 
Hongjoong didn’t exactly believe his younger boyfriend, but he knew Yunho would get defensive if he was cornered. So he let it go for the time being. 
After drinking some water and snacking on energy bars -- Yunho was mostly drinking water -- the boys went back to practicing. 
Yunho was trying so hard to push down the nausea in his stomach so he could focus on his dancing, but it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore his churning stomach with each passing minute. 
Mingi watched silently, making sure to check on Yunho every now and then. He knew something was wrong -- everyone knew -- but like Hongjoong, Mingi knew not to corner or push Yunho into telling them. It wouldn’t get them anywhere. 
Mere seconds after their next run through of “Wonderland,” Yunho couldn’t hold it back anymore. The nausea that had been building in his stomach all day was now rising up, and he felt his mouth water. 
Quickly excusing himself, Yunho ran to the restroom, not knowing that Mingi decided to follow after him.
The sound of the door banging against the wall sounded throughout the quiet and empty restroom as the dancer made his way to the toilet in one of the empty stalls. 
Walking in, Mingi was met with the sounds of gagging and splashing. Quickly making his way to the stall Yunho was in, he knelt behind the older boy and gently ran his hand up and down the blonde’s back. 
Once Yunho was done emptying the contents of his stomach, he leaned back into the firm but soft chest behind him with a deep sigh escaping his lips. Mingi wiped his mouth off, flushing down any evidence of his boyfriend being sick down the toilet. 
“Yunho, why didn’t you tell us you were sick, baby?”
“Didn’t want to be a bother,” Yunho mumbled tiredly. “Couldn’t let you or Atiny down.”
Mingi hummed, running a hand through the little’s sweaty hair, feeling how warm Yunho was. “But your health comes first, baby. We wouldn’t have been upset, and you would never be a burden. Come, let’s get you back to the practice room; I’ll take you home so we can get you all cleaned up.”
Mingi helped Yunho up, with a bit of protesting coming from the older male as the pair made their way back to the practice room.
“What happened?” Hongjoong asked as soon as the pair walked back inside the practice room.
Yunho’s cheeks and ears were now a bright shade of pink, which stood out against his still pale skin. 
“Yunho just got a little sick, hyung. I think he has a fever, too; he feels really warm,” Mingi reported to their leader. 
There was now something else bubbling up inside of Yunho, and it wasn’t another wave of nausea -- it was his little space. Little Yunnie was desperate to come out, wanting his caregivers to take him home and give him lots of love and care. But at the current moment, he was fighting to stay big... and Yunho was helplessly losing his internal struggle against the overwhelming urge to slip.
“Darling, why didn’t you tell us?” Seonghwa questioned gently, putting the little’s attention on his eldest lover. “You know we wouldn’t have gotten upset or mad, baby boy.”
That one nickname sent Yunho over the edge. 
As the dancer looked to his eldest boyfriend, his pupils began to dilate. This was a tell tale sign that he was slipping. 
Within seconds, Yunho was engulfed by his headspace and felt his knees give out from underneath him. He fell to his knees on the hardwood floor of the practice room, scaring and worrying his caregivers/boyfriends. His brown eyes filled with tears, as the pounding sensation in his head and the soreness of his aching body had not gone away just yet. 
“Yunho!!” Hongjoong exclaimed, running over to Yunho and Mingi, who were now on the floor. 
The younger rapper had not expected the sudden drop, and went down to the floor with Yunho.
Yunho had tears in his eyes, making grabby hands for Hongjoong. “D-Dada,” he cried as the leader checked him over for injuries. 
Cooing, Hongjoong pulled the taller to his chest and rubbed his back gently. “Dada’s here, baby boy. Dada’s right here.”
Sniffling, the little buried his face into his caregiver’s neck and pouted. “Feew icky.” 
The others looked at each other in worry as Seonghwa knelt down next to Yunho and Hongjoong. 
“I know, sweetness. Mama knows you don’t feel good. Why don’t we go home, hmm? Mama will make you some of your favorite soup to eat, and give you some medicine to help you feel better. Would you like that, my sweet?” The eldest hummed. 
Yunho continued pouting but nodded, making grabby hands for his Minnie appa, who didn’t hesitate to cradle the mentally younger boy close to him. Once he was secure in Mingi’s arms, and the others gathered their belongings, Yunho reached to hold onto his Baba’s hand as they made their way out to the van. 
Yeosang just smiled softly but sadly at their baby while gently running his thumb over Yunho’s knuckles. “Baba’s right here, prince.”
They all hated to see Yunho sick, especially now that he’d slipped into his headspace. The poor thing looked so pitiful already, and he looked even more pitiful now that he was sick and little.
Everyone piled into the van, making sure that Yunho was comfortable where he was seated... which was right between his mommy (Wooyoung) and eomma (Jongho). The little one had curled himself into Wooyoung’s side, meanwhile Jongho busied himself by rubbing Yunho’s back to keep him calm in case he threw up again. 
The ride home was mostly silent. The only sounds made were Yunho’s sniffles and the comforting voices of Wooyoung and Jongho as they tried to console their baby.
It hurt everyone’s hearts to know that their precious little one wasn’t feeling well at all.
~ ATEEZ Dorm ~
“A-Appa, hea’ huwts,” Yunho whined pitifully, tugging on his hair due to the massive pain of his headache. Grabbing at his hair didn’t do him any good, seeing as he pulled his hair hard enough to make it hurt, which made him even more upset. 
San -- who had volunteered to carry Yunho inside the dorm -- pressed a kiss to the dancer’s head. “I know, treasure. Appa knows it hurts. Don’t pull on your hair, okay, pup? We don’t want your head to hurt more.”
Yunho’s body shook with cries as he felt aches and pains in every part of his body. Both big and little Yunho hated being sick or injured, so he was often sad and clingy if he slipped into headspace while he was injured or feeling ill.
The group finally entered the dorm once Hongjoong unlocked the door with his key. San reluctantly handed Yunho over to Yeosang once they were inside the dorm. Yeosang’s arms were filled with the sick boy, who immediately cuddled into his Baba’s touch.
“B-Ba… b-b-ba.” Yunho whined into the crook of Yeosang’s neck.
Yunho had slipped so far into his headspace that he couldn’t form words. It was rare – but not uncommon – for Yunho to slip into baby space, and it looked like today was one of those days for the blonde male.
Yeosang rubbed the baby’s back, trying to comfort him and keep him calm to the best of his ability. “I know, pumpkin. Baba knows you don’t feel good. Don’t try to talk if you can’t, baby cakes. Let’s get you upstairs, hmm? You need a nice, warm bath and some comfier clothes,” he said even though he knew Yunho didn’t really understand his words.
While Hongjoong stayed with Seonghwa in the kitchen to help him cook, Yeosang carried Yunho upstairs to one of the bathrooms. Wooyoung followed behind them to find the little some comfy pajamas.
“Here we are, sugarplum.” Yeosang cooed as he and Yunho entered the bathroom. A chuckle left the male’s lips when the little began to suck on Yeosang’s shirt. “Oh no, baby, we don’t suck on my shirt – it’s icky.” 
Yeosang sat next to the bathtub, Yunho still cradled to his chest. The mentally older boy searched in his bag with his free hand, finding the pastel blue dummy he’d cleaned this morning. The comfort item had sat in Yeosang’s bag since the last time Yunho had slipped.
“Here you go, puppy – Baba’s got your dummy for you.”
When Yeosang laid Yunho on the carpet next to the bathtub, he slipped the dummy into Yunho’s mouth. The little just looked up at him with bleary eyes as his caregiver turned to leave the bathroom. The baby began whining and fussing, his cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink while tears stained them.
Yeosang nearly got whiplash from how quickly he turned around. “Shh, baby boy. Baba’s not going anywhere. I’m right here, precious. I’m right here,” he coaxed soothingly into Yunho’s ear.
Wooyoung appeared in the doorway, having heard Yunho begin to fuss. “Sangie, I’ll get him cleaned and changed. Will you please go and get his blanket and his puppy stuffy from his room?” The second youngest asked in his lover’s ear.
Yeosang nodded, gently placing Yunho in Wooyoung’s arms. “Mommy’s going to get you in your bath, sweetness. Baba’s going to go get some things for you.” He told the little and pressed a kiss to Yunho’s flushed cheek before leaving the bathroom.
Yunho looked at Wooyoung with his big, brown eyes. He gave a little whine as the lilac-haired male laid him on the rug that sat atop the bathroom floor.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Mommy’s just running your bath,” Wooyoung cooed as he began running the warm water into the bathtub, pouring in the little’s favorite bubble bath mix. It held a vanilla scent that wasn’t too strong, and would hopefully make Yunho feel somewhat better.
When there were enough bubbles and enough water, Wooyoung shut the faucet off.
Without any resistance, Yunho allowed the mentally older boy to undress him and set him in the bathtub. The little just sucked on his dummy in content while his boyfriend/caregiver gave him a bath. The only time the baby made any noise was when Wooyoung removed Yunho’s dummy from his mouth in order to wash the mentally younger’s face.
When his bath was done, Yunho’s dummy was placed back in his mouth. After Wooyoung dried him off with a fluffy towel, the little was changed into a nappy and his favorite puppy pajamas. Clutching his puppy stuffy and yellow blanket close, Yunho was carried downstairs by Wooyoung, where the pair met Hongjoong and Seonghwa in the kitchen. The eldest couple were waiting with a bowl of soup for the sick little.
Hongjoong took Yunho from Wooyoung, brushing some of the baby’s blonde hair out of his face. “Did mommy give you a bath, my angel?” He cooed sweetly and softly.
Yunho nodded against Hongjoong’s shoulder, finding comfort in his dada’s embrace.
Seonghwa gently caressed the little’s cheek with his thumb. “Do you think you can eat a little bit of soup, baby boy? Mama and Dada made it just for you, sweet prince.”
Yunho nodded, but whined when Hongjoong tried to put him in his high chair. The leader’s face contorted into one of confusion before he realized what the baby wanted.
“You want dada to hold you while mama feeds you, don’t you, my sweet?”
The blonde sniffled and nodded, feeling Hongjoong’s lips press themselves against his temple.
“It’s okay, puppy. Dada’s got you. Let’s go sit down.” Hongjoong cooed, sitting down at the table with Yunho in his lap.
Seonghwa sat down next to the pair, gently reaching over and removing the dummy from Yunho’s mouth, which caused the little to whine. The eldest boy smiled softly when placed a small spoonful of soup in front of the baby’s lips.
“Here you go, baby boy.”
Yunho obediently opened up, allowing his mama to slip the spoon into his mouth. He swallowed the spoonful of soup, its warmth settling in the baby’s stomach.
Downing at least a third of the bowl, Yunho felt full. Seonghwa recognized this and smiled, pressing a tender kiss to the mentally younger boy’s cheek. “Mama’s so proud of you, darling. You did so good. Here’s your dummy, my love.”
Yunho immediately took the dummy between his lips when Seonghwa placed it there, leaning into Hongjoong. The leader gently rubbed his back and kissed the baby’s head. “Dada’s sweet boy. Yes you are,” he cooed softly.
The ’98 liners had originally planned to give Yunho a bottle filled with milk, honey, and powdered fever reducers, but decided against it in case the little got sick again. They’d wait for the soup to settle in Yunho’s stomach before attempting to give him medicine.
After a while, Yunho’s eyes felt heavy and a yawn escaped his lips. It was nap time, and he definitely needed one. He began to squirm in Hongjoong’s lap, and the older boy took notice of it.
“Okay, baby. Dada knows it’s nap time. Let’s go get Eomma, yeah?”
Here’s the thing about Yunho and nap time:  he would only nap with Jongho, Seonghwa, or Yeosang. It wasn’t anything against his other lovers/caregivers, but he just enjoyed napping with those three the most.
At the mention of Jongho, the little nodded fervently. “‘Omm… ‘omma!” He blurted with all his might, despite his scratchy and sore throat.
Hongjoong smiled as he carried Yunho into the living room, seeing ATEEZ’s maknae seated next to Mingi on the couch. “Jongho? Someone’s ready for nap time, love.”
Jongho looked up, a gentle smile forming on his face once Yunho began making grabby hands for him. He didn’t hesitate to take the baby into his arms, kissing his head. “Hi, baby. Are you ready for nap time with Eomma?”
“Hmm,” Yunho hummed around his dummy. The little looked so exhausted. Given what he’s gone through in the last few hours, no one could blame him for being so worn out.
“Okay, baby boy. Say night night to everyone.” Jongho cooed and waved to the others with his free hand.
Yunho – too little to understand – saw Jongho’s wave and copied it with his own. The others cooed and bid both males ‘night night,’ watching the maknae disappear as he turned the corner with Yunho in tow.
Carefully making it up to Yunho’s bedroom, Jongho immediately laid the boy down on the bed. The mentally older male laid down next to the baby, pulling the covers over the both of them. Jongho had an arm around Yunho’s waist, and the little had his head on the other boy’s chest, cuddling his puppy stuffy and blanket close.
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Eomma loves you and hopes you feel better soon,” Jongho mumbled and pressed multiple kisses to his boyfriend’s hair.
Yunho never registered Jongho’s words, as he had fallen asleep as soon as the two got comfortable in the bed.
Everything seemed to feel better now that little Yunnie had his caregivers, who would go to the ends of the earth for their precious little baby.
~ ~ ~ ~ || ATEEZ || ~ ~ ~ ~
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ao3feed-ateez · 16 days
hold my wandering hand and hug me
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9IRLiun by rainy_daybreak "Tell him again that I'm not taking visitors, and if he doesn't leave, get security to handle it. Thank you, Jiyoo," he said, just about to hang up when she spoke again. "His name is Hongjoong, and he says he needs to see you, sir," she informed. Seonghwa went stiff. What was Hongjoong doing here? Words: 9065, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Bang Chan (Stray Kids) Relationships: Kim Hongjoong & Park Seonghwa Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Play Little Kim Hongjoong, Age Play Caregiver Park Seonghwa, Alternate Universe - Non-Famous, Older Park Seonghwa, Crying, Jealousy, Team as Family, Family, Businessman Seonghwa or something, Embarrassment, public breakdowns read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/9IRLiun
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crimsonbubble · 3 years
ATEEZ Reaction: Them In Little Space
(warnings: gn!reader, dilf!ateez, little space, use of mommy once [non sexually], oral fixation, finger sucking, general adorableness)
*more and taglist after the cut*
note: age regression is not age play, don't sexualized it !! also this is my first time writing about little space, so if i get anything wrong, please forgive me :]]
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sleepy baby
he'd come home and the only thing on his mind is changing and falling asleep in your arms
he can feel himself slip, but he tries to hold himself together until he got inside
but once he does get home, he's all floaty and dopey eyed
and when you come to greet him at the door and see the dopey smile on his face
you know that you get to pamper him
so you're ushering him inside
putting his stuff down
giving him kisses because he deserves them for getting through the day
"did you have a long day? yea? is my little baby tired? wanna go to bed?"
but when he wraps his arms around you, he won't let go
and if you try to pull away, he'll whine softly and bury his head in the crook of your neck
just run your fingers through his hair and you can feel his smile against your skin
if you ask him what he wants, he'll hum against your neck and just leave soft kisses
but once he makes up his mind and tells you
he pulls away a bit and talks in a soft and quiet voice
there may also be a soft flush on his cheeks
please kiss his forehead and praise him for being a good boy
"wan' cuddles, please."
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pouty baby
the second he walks through that door
he calls out for you
the second he sees you coming down the hall
he's speeding to you and just pulling you into his arms
he'll just hold you and sway with you in his arms
he'll start rambling about the things he did today
and if he does start rambling, just hold him and give him small words of encouragement every now and then
even if you're legs get tired from standing, just stand there and hold him
he's all touchy and just wants to be held
so when he finally finished his ramble, he's gonna be sleepy because he talked out his emotions
so guide him to the bathroom and run him a warm bath
give him soft kisses and push his hair out of his face
reassure him that he did good and wrap him in warm blankets
"my pretty baby, did so good today, did so well."
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cuddly baby
he just wants to be held
as soon as he gets his hands on you
he's not gonna let go
he'll literally wrap himself around you and just not let go
he'll probably fall asleep in no time
so just lay there and hold him
rub his back and stroke his hair
let him use you as a pillow/teddy bear
if you kiss his forehead or cheeks, you can probably see and/or feel him smile against you
once he wakes up, he'll be all cranky and fussy
so make sure to cuddle him close and try to get up and get him some food
"come on bubba, if you don't eat now, you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow."
keyword: try
he's probably not gonna let you go, so you'll have to bribe him with cuddles to get him up
"bubs, if you get up now, you can get even more cuddles tonight."
ok but he'd probably also have messy hair from his nap
so just run your hands through it and watch as he gets pouty because he thinks that you think he looks silly with hair sticking out in every direction
so give him kisses and watch a soft flush appear on his face along with a tired smile
"come on sleepyhead, lets get you some food."
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he's the quiet type
if he can feel himself slip
he'll try to steady himself because he's only slipped into little space once or twice
and it was usually when he was super stressed and alone
but he hasn't really worked up the courage to do when he's spending time with you
but if he's been holding out for so long
there's a likely chance that he'll slip the second that you hold him
he'll go limp in your arms
because he's so mentally tired of having to keep up his calm and collected facade
so make sure to be gentle with him
let him lay against you
he'd probably start biting at his lips
so try to keep his occupied by either letting him play with your fingers
or give him a fidget toy
and if he gets mouthy, give him hard candy or a small chew necklace
if he starts rambling, listen to him and encourage him every few seconds
just think of the dopey smile on his face when he sees that you're actively listening to him
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the babiest baby
the cuddliest boy
will cling to you like a baby
probably needs to be kept occupied or he'll be restless
if you're in public, hold his hand and watch him play with your fingers
if you're at home, he's gonna wrap himself around you
and don't think that you can move or get up now
because he will cling onto you for dear life
and he'll whine and just snuggle into you
"nooo, momma, wanna cuddle~"
let him suck your fingers
he'll get all sleepy and dopey eyed as he does
once he falls asleep, it doesn't matter if your body gets sore
you stay still until San wakes up or he's gonna wake up moody
but if he does, offer him food and more cuddles
maybe put on a cartoon or anime and watch him fall back asleep in your lap
he just wants to lay with you, eat snack and just relax
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cuddle him
pls for the love of god cuddle him
wrap both of yourselves in a warm blanket and snuggle
maybe lay out a few snacks and drinks
but on a disney movie and just enjoy each other's presence
stroke his hair and give him forehead kisses
make sure to keep a water bottle nearby
make sure to hold him tight
and just let him relax into you while you watch beauty and the beast
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giggly and cuddly baby
if your gonna cuddle him
expect to get tickled
but make sure to tickle him back
because he just wants to play
will try to wrestle you
so make sure to play along with him
let him win or else he'll be pouty
and make sure to give him victory snacks
and let him have all the cuddles and kisses
because he's a playful baby and wants all of your attention
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another quiet boy
just wants to be held
and remember to give him praise for getting through the day
give him a blanket and just cuddle on the couch
just hold him and let him ramble if he wants to
hum a soft tune as you run your hands through his hair
if you sing to him, he will definitely fall asleep in your arms
like with your warmth, and the soft melody that you're humming
he'll be out like a light
@a-soft-hornytiny @cometoceantrenches @ddeonghwva @fullsun-s @hanatiny @latte-fairytaekwoon @multidreams-and-desires @serialee @seongsangsgf @strawberry-joong @tinkerbellwoo @vocalyunho @yunhoiseyecandy @yunhofingers @ethan806
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kittensyoonie · 3 years
Ateez As Age Regressors
Ateez as littles/age regressors. This isn’t technically an x reader work but caregiver is you, so if cg is mentioned it’s you and gn (no pronouns used).
Ateez X Gn Reader
Requested?: Nerp just my little heart needing a post like this
Warnings: Age regression, mentions of tantrums and time out, bottles, sippies, coping mechanisms.
Age regression meaning under the cut.
Congrats you made it past the cut!
Age regression: age regression is a coping mechanism and a stress reliever, where someone regresses to the mental state of a child. They can be middles (older kids to teens), littles (young child to toddler), or baby space, where they regress to the mindset to an actual baby. Some “little space” is sexual, we do not do that here, this is strictly agere. Everything in this post is non sexual regression and I ask you guys to respect that.
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Kim Hongjoong
little - baby space
probably around 0-5
my guess is he only slips into baby space when he’s really stressed or held off regressing for too long
it’s hard getting him comfortable enough to slip, hence him being the leader and feeling like he needs to protect and care for
but when he’s little he’s the cutest little baby
he usually doesn’t like physical affection but when it comes to little joong, he wants nothing more than to be in your lap cuddling you while watching his favorite movie
bottles and sippy boy, he’ll be curled up holding it while snuggled into you.
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Park Seonghwa
little space
even little, hwa is a mamas boy. I don’t mean that in a gender way, but that’s just his little personality
he’s super sweet and caring, tbh I can’t picture him really ever acting up, though I feel when he does or he gets fussy/tantrum he does cry easily
even when smol he still takes care of everyone, like this little one will try to make you tea with his tea set so he can take care of you, or share his food
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Jeong Yunho
little - middle space
super duper cuddly little puppy, though I feel like he doesn’t regress that much idk why-
but he’s a fun little to play with, and he’ll be your personal koala when he wants, and he’s a sweetheart
you’re making breakfast? he’s back hugging you clinging as he watches, his stuffie in his hands
if he’s on the bigger side, he’s happily helping you cook
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Kang Yeosang
little space
he’s a chill quiet little, who is also extremely shy and nervous, even after his 50th time regressing with you
he sits in front of the tv playing with blocks with a paci in his mouth silently
and when you praise him, like say he did a really good job on his drawing for you, he turns completely red and gets so shy-
he pretends not to like cuddle time, but in reality the safest place he feels is in your arms
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Choi San
little - baby space
happy little baby, usually slips the easiest and most when sleepy
you’ll go into your room and find san sitting in bed sleepily, holding shibers (you can’t forget shibers) with his hair a mess, asking for you in a cute voice
when smaller he’s a koala, when bigger he’s a ball of energy and loves to play, just don’t let him around wooyoung or there will be trouble-
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Song Mingi
little - baby space
princess minki, that’s it that the line-
you better treat him like your little princess too or I’ll haunt you in your sleep
You can find the boy either bouncing off the walls playing with his friends or cuddled into your lap, even if he’s bigger than you
he’s pretty sensitive when little so he careful around the little angel 🥺
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Jung Wooyoung
little - middle space
brat, full on brat, you can’t change my mind
he’s that one little that never listens and gets hurt, or hates time out and ends up dragging it out longer than it should’ve
I love woo don’t get me wrong- but he’s got a lot of energy and doesn’t like to be told no
even so, he loves you lots and by the end of the day he’ll be cuddling you with a paci in his mouth telling you so
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Choi Jongho
Little space
jongho can be quiet but not like yeosang
and let’s all be honest, his giggles when big is the most precious sound, so just imagine little jonghos giggles?
because yeah he’s a giggly baby, and he loves helping you out around the house when big enough
he’s not the most cuddly, he only cuddles when he’s sleepy, but he shows his affection in many other adorable ways
need help collecting dirty clothes for laundry? he’ll march his little butt around to collect them for you to make you happy
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hyetiny · 3 years
Okay if it’s not too bothersome would you consider doing a reaction to Ateez s/o in little space?
it isn’t bothersome at all, thank you for requesting! i had a lot of fun writing this c:
c // gn!reader, little space, “daddy” in a non sexual way, brief mentions of punishments/discipline (again non sexual), just general adorableness and fluff, ateez being best caregivers
please keep in mind this is age regression and not ageplay, therefore it is completely non-sexual. it isn’t a kink and shouldn’t be seen as weird as it is a coping mechanism.
clingy caregiver!!
hand holding, head pats, playing with your hair
will always make sure you’re content and happy, always asks you if you need anything
“my baby wants juice? of course my little bun, daddy will get it for you”
has a collection of different coloured sippy cups for you!
tummy rubs until you’re asleep 🥺
so so sweet when you get non verbal or fussy
the best at calming you down and responding to what you want
all around fluffy and soft caregiver
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writes songs for you when you’re little omg,,,
like lullabies for when he’s not there
stop im gonna cry just thinking of him doing that
matching outfits!!
he is a style icon and he will make sure his baby is as well
so great at taking care of you
not afraid to dish out punishments when you misbehave though
a good mix of fun caregiver and disciplinarian
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literally so so soft for you
would end the world if you asked him to 
but that’s the problem,, 
he ends up spoiling you and just can’t say no to you
see a toy in a store and want to buy it?
yunho goes “darling i already bought you a stuffie today...”
once he sees you all pouty and on the verge of a tantrum he’s like “no no baby don’t cry, it’s okay, i’ll get it for you”
basically just completely weak for you, would give up everything just to see you smile
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not gonna lie, he’s probably a clumsy/awkward caregiver at first
messes up a LOT at first and gets really disheartened and sad when he accidentally makes you upset
baby steps! (no pun intended)
he’s doing his best!
and in no time at all, he’s the perfect caregiver c:
will draw you hehetmons everywhere because little you loves it so much hehe
“oh my baby is so adorable! such a little cutie!” he says while poking your cheeks
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playful caregiver!
just a very high energy duo
always tickling you, chasing you around, playing peekaboo etc.
but also just as good at winding down and taking care of you
“okay baby playtime is over, how about i tuck you into bed and tell you a story?”
just finds you so adorable and lets you know it
will love dressing you up in cute lil outfits or doing your hair!
sannie softest caregiver
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similar to yeo, awkward and clumsy at first
but he’ll do his best!
imagine falling asleep in his lap while he works in his studio 🥺
has a bag of your little things in his studio just in case!
paci, blankie, stuffie etc.
grows into the role effortlessly
super protective and won’t let anyone hurt his little baby
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he has so much fun with you!!
similar to san, you just match each other’s energy and play around a lot
loves buying you toys like building blocks and stuffed animals
he loves cooking for you!!
creates special recipes just for you
“this is a special bottle of milk! i added a secret ingredient so it’s magical~"
basically your own personal chef
always cheers you up by doing silly faces or voices
a lil goofball who is a baby himself
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just,, the most gentle cg ever
so soft, treats you like you’re fragile
singing you to sleep while playing with your hair <3
tells you the most fascinating stories when putting you to sleep
“once upon a time, there was a pirate ship with 8 best friends...”
loves carrying you around the dorm, gently cradling you and giving you soothing back rubs
also overprotective
anyone who hurts his baby needs to start writing up their will
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haechanls · 3 years
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so smol 🥺🥺
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