#little wooyoung
babybearcookie · 9 months
Amicus Ad Aras
not requested
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this is an age regression fic; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, and i am in no way infantilising the idols that i write about; i know they're grown adults. i reserve the right to block anyone i think would sexualise this. word count: 3,7k
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Which is kind of how this whole debacle came about.
It was movie night in the ATEEZ dorms, for those wanting to join. There were 6 people gathered around in the living room this particular movie night, missing only Hongjoong and Jongho, the two of whom were working in the studio on something bugging them in a song, but had promised to join the cosy evening later. Most of them had found their favourite spot; having had quite a few movie nights gets you used to things being a certain way, like everyone having a regular spot to watch the movie from. Wooyoung’s spot was in the middle of the couch, beside San, who was sitting all the way to the left on the comfortable sofa, snuggled up to the older.
Wooyoung loved their movie nights. He loved how warm and familiar it made everything seem, even when everything else in their lives was hectic, they always made time for the ATEEZ family. They took turns recommending movies to watch and then the group voted on the options. This time, the vote had landed on watching Mulan, something that had Wooyoung excited beyond belief, eyes wide and blinding with joy when the vote favoured the old childhood movie.
Sometimes, if Wooyoung weren’t as interested in the choice of movie, he would let his body do what it wanted to, mostly it ended with him falling asleep in San’s arms as the film ran in the background, something San found incredibly endearing and funny, but a few times he would stay awake watching the movie anyway. This time though, he was determined to stay awake throughout the movie. One of the reasons for the movie to have been selected was that they all had seen it a million times before. Hongjoong and Jongho could join in whenever and still know what had happened and if people dozed off, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
As Yunho put the movie on, a job he took a little pride in as he did it for every movie night while everyone got comfortable, San plopped down on the couch, opening his arms to invite Wooyoung in as well, he joined as he usually does; quickly and with a happy sigh and a grin. San smiled down at him and began stroking his hair, feeling the younger relax into his embrace even further.
As soon as the movie started San paid attention to the screen, and so did Wooyoung, perking up at the music that he so easily recognised, ready to watch one of his favourite childhood movies with his second family. It didn’t take long though, only about 20 minutes or so, before San could feel Wooyoung slowly falling asleep and jerk himself awake again, desperately trying to stay awake for the duration of the movie, which San thought was going to be impossible, as the boy was already seeming so tired. So, the older of the two held him closer to himself, tucking Wooyoung further into the crook of his neck, and stroked his hair softly, slowly coaxing the younger into resting. If he woke up and whined about missing the movie, San was ready to promise to watch it with him another day.
When Wooyoung slowly woke up again he felt at ease. He noticed the slow but deep rise and fall of San’s chest. The heat radiating from his warm and soft skin, which he had seemed to have drooled on a bit. How the thumb of the hand on his back moved gently back and forth. How he could feel his hair moving on his head from San’s exhale. Then he looked around and saw the rest of the members around the living room, which caused him to hold his breath for a long second, realising that the combination of the childhood movie and being held so tightly by a person he loves and trusts had pushed him into his regressed headspace. He wasn’t fully in it, but he could feel it tugging at his groggy mind, luring it into the comfortable mindset. He couldn’t let the others see though, so plan A was first to push the tempting feeling of carefree childhood far enough away so that he at least could make it through the night, but that didn’t seem to happen, so plan B it was. Plan B was not the best and definitely not what Wooyoung had wanted to actually do, but it had to do, as the alternative was being regressed before all his close friends, which would, by Wooyoung’s standards, be the worst outcome. So, first, he tried to wiggle out of San’s grip without disturbing him, but he couldn’t do that, so he ran through the excuses he could use in his head.
“Young-ah, where are you off to? The movie isn’t even done.” San spoke in a soft and low voice, not wanting to disturb the peace among the others around the room, which now consisted of all of them, Hongjoong and Jongho having gotten home some time while Wooyoung had been asleep. “Um, I’m really tired so I was jus’ gonna go sleep in my bed.” Wooyoung hoped he could just escape without any more questions, but he wasn’t going to get away that easily. “Just lay down with me again and sleep. Weren't you comfortable?” San had grabbed a hold of his hand, holding him back from fleeing. Wooyoung wanted to pull his hand to himself and just run off, but he couldn’t do that when San looked at him like he did, all warm and welcoming. “I was bu-but...” Wooyoung’s head was void of anything to say. He wanted to lay down again and be doted upon by his friend, but he couldn’t because that would mean he would risk slipping up and revealing that he was feeling like the smallest kid ever at that moment, and he couldn’t tell him “hey, just fyi, I'm gonna be about 3 years old in a few minutes if nothing is stopping me” because he couldn’t bear to see San’s face when being told something so out-there and weird. “Baby, if you’re still asleep by the time the movie is over, I'll carry you to your bed myself, just please lay down again?” San pleaded with the younger, who almost crumbled by being called baby by his best friend in front of their group mates. “I-I... I can’t.” And with that, he ran to his room and closed the door behind him. San just watched as the other ran away from him, muttering ‘what just happened’ to himself.
Hongjoong, who had been watching all of it with mouth agape, got up from his little beanbag chair where he was watching the movie from and walked over to the younger, placing a firm hand on his shoulder, commanding San’s attention. “Is he alright? What did you say to him?” San sputtered a bit, not sure exactly what to tell their captain, as he had no clue what had happened himself. “I don’t know, hyung. One second he was sweet, cuddly Wooyoung, and the next he was running away from me. I tried asking him to stay, since he was so excited for the movie, and we’ve been so busy lately, but he seemed very anxious to get away.” San trailed off at the end of his explanation, thinking to himself, going over exactly what Wooyoung had said and how he had said it. He was worried about him. “Hyung, I would like to go and make sure he’s okay at least. Maybe he was just tired and wanted his own bed, but it didn’t seem like he was telling me the truth...” Hongjoong nodded. He knew the two of them had a bond like no one else and he didn’t want to assert himself in his leader role if that wasn’t what Wooyoung needed. San turned towards Yunho, who was looking at them quietly. Most of the members had forsaken watching the movie, listening along to the conversation, and were also concerned about their friend’s behaviour. “Yun, would you mind not sleeping in your bed tonight. I might bring Wooyoung to stay in our room.” Yunho nodded in agreement, softly saying that he could stay with Yeosang and Jongho, the two agreeing to that plan. As soon as Hongjoong turned back to lock eyes with San again, the younger stood up from the couch, briskly walking towards where Wooyoung had disappeared off to, leaving a lot of confused and anxious members behind him.
He knocked softly before opening the door to the bedroom, watching as Wooyoung hurriedly hid something underneath his duvet, obviously not wanting anyone to see it. “Young-ah, can we talk a bit?” San asked while moving forward towards where Wooyoung was sitting, back turned to the door, shrugging his shoulders to answer the question. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to talk to San, but he just didn’t want the other to think he was weird for the way he was acting. San moved over to sit on the bed behind Wooyoung. He didn’t want to force the younger to face him if he felt uncomfortable doing so, but he wanted to be close to him so as to read his body language a little better.
“So... You’re not under the covers and asleep, so I’m guessing being tired was an excuse to come here.” Wooyoung’s head hung in shame. He didn’t like lying but he felt like he had to so as to not hurt San’s feelings. “Is it something I did?” San continued; Wooyoung shook his head. “Is it something I didn’t do?” another headshake. Wooyoung took some deep breaths, gathering courage from seemingly nowhere, and San waited with bated breath. “I wanna tell you, but... I just- um, I’m not sure how- how to, um h-how you’re gonna react...” Wooyoung stumbled over the words, thoughts just as jumbled. San put his hand on the other’s back, as to provide a sort of anchor, some feeling to hold onto, “you can tell me anything you want to, Wooyoung.” The younger leaned into the touch, focusing on the warmth seeping from his friend’s palm and through his shirt. He turned around halfway, still not facing San, but the older could now see Wooyoung’s face, which was turned down, facing his lap and with eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to focus on his fingers, wringing his hands together to keep his anxiety at bay.
“I, um, feel small... sometimes...” he didn’t speak loudly but his words came out above a whisper, San picking up the words perfectly well. “Small? Small how, Young-ah?” San prodded a bit, obviously curious but mostly wanting to be there for his best friend. “Like-like I’ve shrunk, become tiny and vulnerable again. Like a-…" Wooyoung couldn’t get himself to say the words. It's easier to explain the feeling in broad terms because everyone has felt small and vulnerable, and he knew San could relate to that, but as soon as he would go into more depth, that’s when he’d start to sound crazy. “Like a... Like a kid?” San went ahead with what he was guessing Wooyoung was going to say, even though it didn’t exactly make sense in his head. It was a puzzle he had every piece to but the middle pieces. He could see some of it, get a sense of what it looked like, what it was supposed to be, but he was missing a whole lot that would tie it all together. Wooyoung’s eyes got wider, and he bit his lip, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up at his friend, instead he just nodded. “I’m not gonna lie, Wooyoung, I’m not completely sure what that entails but I'm sure that it’s completely alright and fine.” Wooyoung sat and considered the words and after a beat he grabbed San’s free hand, holding it in his own two hands, now playing with the small-ish fingers, adorned in pretty and dainty rings, one of which being one that Wooyoung had gifted him on his birthday. He knew that San loved and cherished him and something like the fact that he acted like a toddler sometimes wouldn’t come between them, but he was scared of being viewed differently, like he was mental for doing it or worse; that he would be able to see a hint of disgust in his friend’s face. “I’m scared,” Wooyoung whispered, shutting his eyes at the confession just made. He could feel himself get tense and start shaking with nerves. San could feel his heart jump at what his friend said and without thinking he pulled Wooyoung to him and wrapped his arms around him so tightly he could feel the tremors in the younger’s body. Wooyoung let his arms wrap around San’s torso and burrow his head in his chest, letting him be enveloped in San’s scent and warmth. His head was spinning. He, without realising it, had started to hyperventilate before being brought into San’s hug. San helped by squeezing him tightly and shushing him softly, bringing him back to that comfortable fuzzy feeling he had woken up to before, making him tense up as he realised yet again, though this time, San having him so close he could feel the little changes in his body language, held him impossibly tight, relaxing him.
They sat like that for a little while, San so focused on Wooyoung’s body’s reaction that he managed to get him calmed down again, bringing him onto his lap so that he could keep holding the younger close but still sitting comfortably while talking. “Why are you scared, Young-ah?” San hesitantly asked. He didn’t want to send the other spiralling again, but Wooyoung held it together, arms squeezing San closer to him. “I’m scared you’d think I’m gross,” Wooyoung spoke, not sure where the confidence came from but happy that it was there. He knew that it was for the best that he’d explain the situation to San, but his nerves had always gotten the better of him any other time he had tried to bring it up to his friend. San was taken aback; “gross? Why would I ever think you were gross?” Wooyoung shrugged. “Not just you, the others too.” Wooyoung looked carefully up at San before bringing his eyes back down. “It’s ‘cos of how you guys react when I do aegyo sometimes...” he shrunk himself in San’s lap, feeling absolutely ridiculous as the words left his mouth. He didn’t want to ruin their banter and fun atmosphere in interviews by expressing that that one running joke bothered him because of something none of them were even aware was going on. San, on the other hand, felt guilt well up inside of him. He knew exactly what Wooyoung was talking about. It was how they’d scoff and even “complain” when Wooyoung would do this very specific type of aegyo. He'd thought they’d all been in on it and having fun with it, but looking back he felt ashamed with how far they’d take it sometimes.
San’s brows furrowed, shame filling his chest. There was nothing worse to him than hurting the people closest to him and knowing that he hadn’t picked up on Wooyoung being hurt was not something he was ready to be confronted with. This time it was Wooyoung’s turn to lean back and see his friend being overwhelmed with shame. The mixture of already being on the edge of slipping completely, his friend being sad, and the familiar Disney music playing behind the door, something they could hear as both of them became absolutely quiet, all pushing Wooyoung further, slipping more into the headspace. “Oh, oh no, please don’t cry, Sannie!” Wooyoung started to pat his friend’s hair and caress it backwards, something his mom would do when he was feeling overwhelmed as a kid. “Here!” Wooyoung leaned to the side in a slightly exaggerated manner, not thinking about the possibility that he could fall, not exactly being the safest in San’s lap, but before anything could happen, San’s hands flew up and grabbed on either side of the bottom of the younger’s torso, right where his last couple of ribs were, making sure that if the other started to fall, he’d catch him. As Wooyoung leaned a little more, he dug out the thing he had hidden away under his duvet when San first came into his room to talk, which was a stuffed, sandy brown teddy bear with a little plaid bowtie. Wooyoung sat straight in San’s lap again, the older of the two still holding onto him even without the danger of falling, and held the bear before San’s eyes. “Her name is Sandy. She helps when you feel sad,” and with that Wooyoung put Sandy into the crook of San’s neck, nuzzling it into the crevice. San was flabbergasted. This was nothing like he had thought Wooyoung would act like. When he had told him that he hadn’t disclosed this part of himself because of the way he’d feel when they were dismissing his exaggerated cuteness, San had honestly thought that he would be exactly the way he was acting when he was asked to do aegyo, but this wasn’t like that.
“Thank... Thank you, Wooyoung. That's very sweet of you.” San’s eyes were following Wooyoung’s movements and picking up the way his facial expressions were less refined than they’d usually be. There wasn’t a lot of intention behind the way Wooyoung did things, which made them seem almost sloppy and careless and clumsy. The younger nodded, head flying around more than usual with the movement. “Youngie, are you doing the thing you were telling me about? Do you, eh... feel small?” San tried to use the words Wooyoung himself had used to explain his situation, hoping it would make sense if he phrased it in a similar way. What he hadn’t expected to happen was tears welling up in Wooyoung’s eyes. Biting his bottom lip, he nodded slightly at the question. San softened his facial expression, knowing that he had to be really careful of the way Wooyoung could perceive it and other things like body language as he was really sensitive about San thinking worse of him with this new information. “Oh, baby... Come here.” San pulled Wooyoung into his arms again, where he held his friend as he got his feelings in check, pushing every single grain of guilt that had filled him to the side and any feelings of doubt about how to act were pushed deep down. ‘You love kids. If Wooyoung is feeling like a kid, you just have to treat him as such. How hard can it be?’ San reasoned with himself, the logic seeming sound. He just had to get over the fact that there wasn’t an actual, physical kid before him, and then he’d be good. He let Wooyoung back out from his embrace and smiled at him as the younger had fisted his shirt tightly in his hands. “C’mon now, prince, no need to cry.” San wiped away Wooyoung’s fresh tears with gentle touches and leaned in to kiss where he’d wiped them away. “There. No tears allowed on my Wooyoung’s pretty face about this!” Wooyoung giggled as San nuzzled his nose into his cheek and it filled San’s heart to hear that carefree laugh he knew so well. Warmth rose in his chest as he leaned back and saw a huge smile on the younger’s face, eyes squinting with the smile, and he couldn’t help but hug Wooyoung again, this time placing a kiss on the top of his head. Wooyoung finally felt the love he had been missing from his regression, starting to cry again from sheer joy making San laugh and complain in a lighthearted way when he saw. “Good tears, Sannie. Woo promise!” raising his pinky to show that he meant it while his other hand was wiping the tears away. San smiled, eyes glimmering with fondness as he connected his pinky to Wooyoung’s. San, bursting with love for this new side of Wooyoung he had just met, picked his friend up and held him on his hip, letting Wooyoung wrap his legs around his frame after letting out a yelp at the unexpected action. “What do you say to having a sleepover in Sannie’s room tonight?” San asked, adjusting his grip on Wooyoung’s form. He got to see Wooyoung’s face lit up; his eyes opening wide, as did his mouth, and San could swear he saw light shine in the younger’s eyes. Wooyoung squealed; “yes! Yes please!” and San chuckled as he ran a hand over Wooyoung’s hair, “good boy! Remembering your manners,” to which Wooyoung beamed at him, proud at himself. “Now, help me gather what you need, honey.”
San did quick work of picking up Wooyoung’s pyjamas, his stuffed animal, Sandy, and a blanket that Wooyoung insisted on bringing; it wasn’t big enough to cover his entire body, so San had thought that it was probably a security blanket of some sort. He carried Wooyoung out of his room and into San’s own, relieved when he saw that Yunho had been in to collect what he needed for sleep already, knowing that no one should disturb them tonight. He helped Wooyoung make space on San’s bed for himself and then helped him change into his night clothes, though not too much as Wooyoung kept repeating “I’m a big boy! I can do it!” and only allowed San to help when he was stuck and couldn’t physically get out of a tangle of clothes. San let Wooyoung get under the covers first and then shuffled himself under them too. Wooyoung was quick to cuddle up to him the second he had gotten comfortable, making San chuckle under his breath and bringing an arm around Wooyoung’s frame, pulling him even closer, mimicking how they cuddled on the couch only a bit earlier that evening. Wooyoung melted into the touch of his best friend, letting himself relax, knowing that everything was okay, and he had nothing to worry about.
Wooyoung had always found himself feeling at home when tucked in the crook of San’s neck. It was warm, it was safe. Nothing could hurt him there. Not even his own doubting thoughts, because, just as he’s always known; San would be the one to stick by him till the end. His amicus ad aras.
a/n: this started bc i was sick and tired of hearing ppl hate on wooyoung's 'googoo gaga' aegyo, which i know is silly but it also brought me this idea so... also,, started writing before i knew they'd moved into shared apartments, so you'll have to deal with the old roommate situation for this one.
tag list:
@mylittlesafehaven99 @bearseulgs @ihugjakey @kiki-woo
bolded couldn't be tagged
if you have a sfw account, please consider reblogging. tumblr runs on reblogs, and as much as likes are appreciated, they do nothing to bring new readers to my works. right now my only exposure is the tags i'm using, and i would love to reach more people <3
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lullabytaeyong · 5 months
little woo messing around in public and wanting to hug everyone he sees, but he gets held back before he can get too close, so he bounces around instead 🧁🐶
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themaiddefender · 11 months
Little Wooyoung 1
Wooyoung who gets so stressed over their new comeback that he just slips, but it's okay because Hongjoong is there and Wooyoung knows that everything will be alright if his favorite hyung is here so he walks to him and tugs at his sleeve, eyes big and shiny with unshed tears because the music is so loud in the practice room and everyone seems mad for no reason. Can't they all be friends and play? 
Hongjoong turns to look at Wooyoung, frown in place, not understanding why Wooyoung has stopped dancing.
However, when their eyes meet, he softens instantly and he's quick to cup Wooyoung’s face with his hands, bringing him closer to kiss his forehead.
“Little pumpkin," Hongjoong says, hugging the younger.
"Hyungie, Yuyu hyung yelled at me," Wooyoung mutters, lower lip trembling 
They don't know what can trigger Wooyoung to get into little space, but the leader glares at Yunho anyway. No one yells at his little pumpkin. Of course Yunho blushes, embarrassed at being scolded.
Despite not being very strong, Hongjoong picks Wooyoung up and lets the boy hug him like a koala, deciding it's late to train anyway and heading home.
As Wooyoung’s main caregiver, Hongjoong makes sure Woo gets a nice bath (that he leaves for Mingi and Jongho to clean) and puts him on his most comfortable pajamas before sitting him on the couch, ready for dinner.
Yeosang prepares Wooyoung’s plate with a bit of everything and makes sure he swallows the food (he has the habit of leaving it stored in his cheeks and fall asleep with food in his mouth).
Wooyoung refuses to go to bed (even when San hands him Shiber so he can hug the plushie) so they put on Pororo that Wooyoung only watches when he's sit on Hongjoong’s lap it's after ten minutes that Hongjoong carries a very asleep Wooyoung to bed and tucks him in so he can go out and work a bit, when a hand takes his wrist.
"Hyungie, don't go," Woo slurs, half asleep.  
Hongjoong is only human and Wooyoung is incredibly cute, how can he refuse? So he gets in bed and hugs the boy until they fall asleep.
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mingwrites · 2 months
I’m not sure if you have done this but can you do something about how ateez will feel after a concert or especially Coachella, all h.rny and all js being very dominant? (I love your work btw, I think it’s very true to them)
hello there, first of all thank u so much for the compliment thats so sweet 🥺 and second i really hope u enjoy~!
ateez after a concert
seonghwa ~ it was a hot night, as evident by the sweat stains soaking through seonghwa's low-cut tank. backstage, he dashed around the room, panting as he repeated, "where's my y/n? where's my y/n?" you didn't even care that he looked insane. you ran to him and he scooped you up in a big hug, lifting you off your feet. "you guys were so good," you cheered, holding the tired, sweaty man as close as possible. seonghwa set you down but held both of your hands in his. “thanks, baby,” he smiled warmly, leaning in to kiss you. you pecked him on the lips, about to pull away when you felt his hand comb through your hair, pulling your lips closer to his. your stomach filled with butterflies at seonghwa’s command and you happily submitted to him, leaning into his touch. his lips searched desperately for an entrance into yours, and you obliged him, parting your lips as his tongue came flooding into your mouth. with a mind of their own, your legs backed you up against the wall and seonghwa followed closely. his hips crashed into yours when you collided with the wall, causing both of you to moan at the sudden pressure. you laughed into the kiss and seonghwa finally pulled away to look at you. “what’s gotten into you?” you asked. seonghwa was breathing hard and stared at you with heavy eyelids. “i just…really need you.” a ping of arousal shot between your legs and you responded, "let's get out of here."
hongjoong ~ his ride raced across the city, headed for his hotel. unfortunately for both of you, the 15-minute ride was just a little too long. you sat impatiently in the back seat beside your lover, his hand on your thigh. you held his hand tight as your legs subconsciously squeezed together, relieving a little bit of the heat in your clit. hongjoong's tongue was exploring your mouth, meanwhile your free hand crept its way toward his lap. he moaned lewdly when you landed on his hard dick, a raw, vulnerable quality in his voice as if he hadn't been touched in ages. "that's it, darling," he whispered, "go on, touch." you glanced to make sure the driver wasn't snooping before undoing hongjoong's pants and wrapping your hand around his bare skin. "good girl," he sighed, his head falling back on the headrest. he fit snugly in your hand, the feeling of his veins and sight of his red, leaking head causing your legs to tingle. you pumped him just a few times before the car came to a stop. “we’re here, mr. kim."
yunho ~ practically running through the revolving hotel door, you giggled along with your boyfriend as you held tight his large hand. you headed straight for the elevator, the wetness pooling between your legs in preparation for the night ahead. yunho pressed a button and the elevator doors closed. then he immediately turned to you and pressed you against the wall, his hand finding your jaw and pulling you to him as his lips made a mess of yours. you moaned when his hand trailed down to your chest, grabbing a handful of squishy flesh and massaging your taut nipple. then his hand drifted lower, sneaking past the waistband of your pants and underwear, where he found your soaked and swollen sex. he smirked into his kiss as he dipped his finger inside, coating it in your arousal before rubbing a few tentative circles on your clit. you swore your legs almost gave out at the sensation. he made you moan a few times before sliding back inside, now hooking his fingers into your sweet spot and stroking it gently. the elevator made a ding and yunho pulled away from the kiss. he looked down at you and said, "i'm gonna make this pussy all mine."
yeosang ~ you collapsed onto the hotel mattress and yeosang wasted no time before reaching for your zipper. he freed you of your bottoms, the cool air hitting your already messy pussy. then he kneeled on the floor, pulling you toward the edge of the bed so your pussy was right in front of his face. "i love you," he said, not giving you a second to respond before taking the breath right out of you. his warm, soft tongue licked a slow stripe from your sopping entrance to the tip of your clit, causing your legs to instinctively close around his head. he groaned at the feeling of your thighs against his warm cheeks then gently pushed them back toward the mattress. you ran a hand through his hair, messy and a little damp with sweat from performing. he continued rubbing his tongue against your clit, switching every so often between quick flicking motions and long, sucking kisses. it was the sucking, along with the deep sounds of satisfaction yeosang made that got you off so damn quickly. your legs closed again, and this time he let them, sticking his tongue out for you to grind against as you rode the waves of orgasm. when you finally looked down at his gorgeous face between your legs, he said, "i was waiting all night to do that."
sannie ~ "go ahead, pretty girl," he said, one hand around his massively hard dick and the other in your hair, "suck it." you obediently opened wide, sticking your tongue out just to drive san crazy. saliva dripped down your tongue which made san moan, his hand guiding his dick to your lips. "so hungry for me, aren't you, babe?" you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock and moaned in response to his question. san's head rolled back and he let out a deep groan, his hips twitching a little at the feeling of your warm, tight mouth. with his hand on the back of your head, he gently urged you down the length of his dick, an action you didn't resist. you leaned all the way in until he poked at the back of your throat, when he let out a satisfied moan, then you went a little further. "that's a good girl," he praised, his hips beginning to move on their own, fucking your mouth slowly. you continued to suck on him dutifully, stroking him with a flat tongue and letting him use you how he wanted.
mingi ~ you lied on your belly with your ass up in the air, your pussy an empty hole just waiting to be filled. mingi got positioned behind you, his hands around your waist and his huge dick standing tall just inches from where you needed it. he was inches from where he needed to be, too, both of you throbbing and dripping with desire. you swore you could have cried when the head of his dick finally penetrated you, and you almost did when his girth stretched you fully, his veiny skin pressing against your sweet spot. you moaned in harmony as mingi bottomed out, his hands pulling your ass flush with his belly. you could feel him bulging through your stomach, but couldn't bask in the feeling for long as mingi's hips began to move rapidly, his dick pounding into you again and again, always hitting your sweet spot. you shoved your face into the mattress, your hands gripping fistfuls of bedsheets, as you were fucked into oblivion. you couldn't hold back the lewd sounds you made, bordering on screams and sobs, while mingi let out deep-voiced growls behind you. "love your sweet little pussy," he said, staring down at where he disappeared inside you. "all mine."
wooyoung ~ he rolled over on his back, groaning out of impatience during the few moments he wasn't inside you. you hurried along, repositioning his dick at your entrance and slowly sliding down. you sat on his pelvis, his dick throbbing inside you, but didn't move yet, instead taking the time to lean back and circle your clit with your finger. wooyoung quickly pulled your hand away, hissing at you, "don't tease me. and let me rub this." you giggled at his temper but obeyed his demands, letting his thumb pick up rubbing messy circles into your clit, and rolling your hips backward, forward. wooyoung quickly became a symphony of sounds, moaning when you bounced on his dick and whining when you slowed down. his thumb kept up its diligent work on your clit, each circle and swipe drawing you closer to the edge. wooyoung was panting, his eyes fluttering shut as he focused in on the pleasure. he said to you in a breathy voice, "gonna make you cum all over me. my sweet y/n."
jongho ~ he had you on your back, his large, muscular body forcing your legs apart. you moaned like a helpless animal as his thick length pummeled you, filling you up over and over. his powerful arms were on either side of your head, his fingers interlocked with yours. you whined as he fucked you, "please, jongho, don't stop... it feels so good..." he laughed breathily at your needy tone, speaking in your ear, "it's okay, sweetheart... i won't stop." in response to your desperate plea, his hips began to move a little faster, still hitting that perfect spot inside you. soon after, you felt the familiar tight, tingly feeling in your tummy. "jong-! oh..." your muscles tensed repeatedly around him as you came, a few more thrusts into that tightness causing jongho to reach his high in time with you. he dropped his head in the crook of your shoulder and his hips slowed to a stop as you felt his warm seed paint your walls. he lifted his head only to kiss you - a sloppy, lazy kiss in between heavy breaths. he placed his index finger underneath your chin and lifted it so you could face him. then he whispered, "you're such a good girl."
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maxsix · 2 months
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tyudeongi · 7 months
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leatherbookmark · 2 months
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he said ₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎
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sxcret-garden · 5 months
mtl of who would like choking 🫣🫣🫣
I think i just died a lil when i saw this in my inbox because i actually have a liiiiiittle bit of a choking kink myself dhbsxbdnxjxnx,,,, THAT SAID i'm gonna divide this up into giving and receiving because i have Opinions 👀🫢
Look- i'm trying to do this as objectively as possible here, so what I'm gonna say is that even if i had the ability to stay 100% objective about this and him i wouldn't put Jongho lower than nr 3. Like, we know he likes control, and what better way to have control over your partner than with your hands around their neck? Definitely the type to have his hands around your throat often if he knows you like it, even if it's not necessarily to apply pressure to your pulse. Actually super careful and responsible about the whole thing, even though feeling your reaction to him choking you turns him on soso much
Wooyoung too is super into having his hand around your throat. Even just the sight of it has him going crazy, and will definitely awaken the most possessive side of him. Loves feeling you gulp against his palm and if you go limp under his touch he could cum on the spot. Definitely needs to agree on some kind of non-verbal cue for when it gets too much for you, because no matter how much self control this guy exerts, chances are he'll lose himself in the moment every once in a while. HUGE on aftercare, will literally not stop kissing your throat on the exact spot his fingertip had been digging into your flesh, kissing it better afterwards
Yunho definitely likes the feeling of having you at his mercy with his hand around your throat. However, it's not something he needs. It's more of a thing he's more than willing to do for you if you happen to be into it, and I'm not saying he won't enjoy himself! Certainly gets off on having power over you sometimes, but he also has his days where he just wants to make love to you, and when he's overwhelmed with his softest feelings the last thing he could think about his wrapping his fingers around your throat
Hongjoong and Seonghwa are similar imo. They'd both enjoy it if it's something you're into, but they can live without it just fine. Also wouldn't really get the urge to do it every single time you're having sex, if it happens on a rare occasion that's okay by them! However, I think Hongjoong would like to do it a bit more often, whereas Seonghwa would make the whole thing that much more intense
Mingi too will be more than willing to try choking you if you're into that! But it's not among his favourite things to do to you. However!! I do think he has certain days where he craves having this kind of power over you, and then he will indulge. Hard dom Mingi jumping out every once in a while and that CERTAINLY includes him having his hands around your throat (so long as you give him the okay for it that is)
I'm very sorry to everyone who would've wanted them higher up on the list but I just don't see San and Yeosang enjoying this? Idk it's a gut feeling jddhdjd they'd both be willing to try and to do it sometimes if you're into it, but overall they'd really prefer not to. They both strike me as way too worried to seriously hurt you in the process, plus there's just a lot of other things that turn both of them on more!
Wooyoung and San are complete goners for this kind of stuff. Like you can't tell me they wouldn't get off on their partner's hand around their throat when they're taking on the submissive role. And while Wooyoung would see it as a way to lose a battle for power in the best way possible, loving the feeling of being put into his place by you, San would just give himself up to you completely once he feels you applying pressure to his pulse. Also if we're talking breath play especially, Wooyoung would definitely be the one most willing to try being on the receiving end of it.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong hmmm... both strike me as pretty kinky actually, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were into being choked. Hongjoong especially would be the type to get experimental during sex, and being choked really is just another thing to get pleasure out of - even better if you enjoy having your hand around his throat too! As for Seonghwa I'm pretty sure the second he feels your fingertips against his pulse he'll drift off into subspace so fast... this guy is going to be at your mercy for the rest of the night or day, melting underneath you completely
Yunho wouldn't necessarily come up with the idea of having you choke him imo, but if you were the one telling him it's something you want to try he'd be more than willing to do it. And to his surprise, he'd end up enjoying it. It's not something he will crave every single time you have sex though, just something for every once in a while. When he comes up to you and guides your hand to his throat, you know he's desperate to be taken care of today...
Mingi as well would willingly let you choke him if he knows you find it hot, but it wouldn't really do anything for him. Idk, getting choked is just not his thing, he prefers other kinky stuff to try out with you!! UNLESS you do it with the intention of breath play, then he's suddenly very much here for it and also hard in an instant. It's really the power aspect that gets him going, though he needs to be really in the mood for it to enjoy it and indulge in the experience fully
Yeosang and Jongho wouldn't be big fans of it I think. Idk, I just don't see Yeosang enjoying having someone else's hand around his throat, not to say he doesn't like his partner being in control! He just prefers it in different ways that don't include the danger of him being unable to breathe... As for Jongho I'm convinced he'd see it as a playful way to pick a fight at most lol not that he wouldn't be willing to turn things around on you in a sexual way, but I just don't think your hand around his throat is gonna do much for him (sad)
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bae4choi · 1 year
So are we just going to pretend this didn’t happen… or.? WHY ARENT PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS?!
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towl · 10 days
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CHOI SAN & JUNG WOOYOUNG Vogue Korea (2024), Behind the Scenes
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nateezfics · 8 months
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now…this is certainly an interesting view point…
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mingwrites · 2 months
ateez as incubi
seonghwa ~ in your sleep, you had the most vivid and pleasurable dream of your life. you had a mysterious man between your legs, face buried in your pussy, clit between his lips. upon waking up, the fantasy didn’t end. you stirred hazily, moaning at the imagined sensation in your clit. it became a little too vivid, however, when you felt a long tongue slither inside of you. you looked down, seeing that the man was real, and he was still working your pussy dutifully. you knew you should have felt scared, but somehow the only thing you said was, “don’t stop.” this caused the man to chuckle against you. “don’t you worry, doll,” he said, “you’re so delicious, i’ll never get enough.”
hongjoong ~ when you awoke from your restless sleep, you had tears running down your cheeks. there was a sheen of sweat across your body and a dull throbbing between you legs. at first everything was hazy and confusing, but then you heard your demon’s voice break the silence of the night and it all came together. “what’s wrong, little baby?” he mocked from your bedside where he pervertedly observed your plight. “do you need me so bad? these fingers, this dick? tell me how much you need me.”
yunho ~ you woke up to your walls being stretched open by something ice cold. you realized it didn’t hurt because you were already soaking wet somehow. then you realized the handsome man slowly materializing on top of you, eyes locked on yours, hips sliding carefully closer. you groaned as he filled you up entirely, hands moving with a mind of their own as they reached to hold onto the man’s shoulders. “it’s so big,” you moaned. the man smirked, hips beginning to fuck in and out of you. “you know, i can make it even bigger, if you think this little pussy can handle it.”
yeosang ~ you were grinding against your mattress, a rhythmic flow of moans and whimpers echoing in your room as you dreamt of yeosang. in your dream, he was all over you - tongue down your throat, face in your pussy, and dick pounding into your soaking heat. “there you go,” dream yeosang whispered, “make yourself feel good, my darling.” your eyes slowly opened and for a moment you were utterly disappointed about losing your dream. that was, until you realized yeosang was lying right beside you, urging you on further, “don’t stop, baby, i want to see you make yourself cum.”
san ~ you opened your eyes when you heard a familiar voice filling your bedroom with sweet, soothing melodies. “sannie?” you called, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “good morning, sweetheart,” he smiled cheerfully. you smiled in return, but groaned when you felt a throbbing ache in your clit. “it hurts again,” you said. that pain always seemed to return when san stopped by to visit. “i know, angel,” he cooed, placing his icy cold hands on your thighs and rubbing them gently. “do you need sannie to take care of it for you?”
mingi ~ “get up,” a deep voice commanded, awaking you from your dreams. you shot up and scanned your bedroom for intruders. sure enough, he was there staring down at you, and he was mad. “mingi?” you said softly. “what’s wro-” he cut you off: “where have you been for the last week?” your heart sank. he was really mad. it struck no fear in you, just stirred up butterflies in your stomach. “i-i was on vacation, i’m sorry i forgot to tell you.” mingi scoffed. “vacation… you’ve been naughty for the last time, do you understand?” you couldn’t hold your smile back, thrilled for what mingi might have in store for your punishment.
wooyoung ~ the last thing you expected to see when you first opened your eyes was a dick inches from your face. but that’s what you got, and you weren’t complaining. “suck it,” wooyoung demanded. having just woken up, you were a little slow to register what was going on. getting impatient, wooyoung reached out to stroke your jaw, thumb landing on your chin and gently pushing your mouth open. “i said suck it for me, baby.”
jongho ~ you awoke when you heard someone calling your name in a singsong voice. you looked around your room expecting to see him there, but he wasn’t. “jongho?” you whispered. suddenly, there was a strong hand wrapped around your throat, pressing gently on your airway. you grabbed his wrist, and then he became visible. jongho was floating just above your mattress, staring intensely into your wide eyes. he lowered himself so he was straddling you and strengthened his grip around your neck. “please,” he scoffed, “don’t look so scared. i can smell how wet you are from here.”
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maxsix · 2 months
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astayinwonderland · 6 months
No… but imagine Seonghwa, who always shows he is very controlled, lose it because of you.
~Seonghwa’s POV~ internal monologue | smutty thoughts so +18 MDNI
There you are again. This is the third time you get lost in the crowd. Dancing, drinking, you know how to have fun. I wonder how much fun you would like to have with me. You think I’m not noticing the lingering stares and the batting of your eyelashes, or the way you say my name just to entice me. Well, darling, it is working, and you know it is working because I can’t keep my eyes off you.
I need to keep playing this game you have orchestrated for the two of us. Now you are just in front of me, bending a little bit too far over the bar to ask for a drink. You want me to notice you are wearing lace lingerie? Love, you would look even better without it anyway, and with me pleasing your needy hole with my tongue.
Yes… I saw you staring while I licked the overflowing liqueur from my glass earlier tonight. I did that for you. How much longer will you keep me waiting, angel? The fire inside me can’t wait to consume you, fuck you, praise you. Oh! There’s that look again, the one I can’t say no to. You want me to follow you through the dark corridors all the way to my room. Is this why you insisted the party should be at my place? Do you want everyone to hear you screaming my name?
You just close the door and pull my face to meet yours.
“Would you make me yours?” your sultry voice almost making me cum in my pants.
“I thought you would never ask.”
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brrrkdslek · 9 months
thinking about hybrid bear! jongho's face buried deep into the pillows with tears prickling the corners of his eyes as he whimpers and moans softly at the harsh thrusts you were delivering.
hybrid bear! jongho whose fluffly brown ears would twitch every time your hot breath got a bit too close. hybrid bear! jongho who would be coming nonstop as you rearrange his guts.
hybrid bear! jongho who ended up in this position because he refused to eat during lunch, all because of some random passerby calling him chubby and fat. but it's okay because you were here to reassure the little bear how perfect he is to you.
hybrid bear! jongho who sobs into the pillows at your harsh but passionate thrusts, sweet nothings whispered into his ears, and your warm hands that held him so lovingly, making sure to grope every 'fat' part of his body.
hybrid bear! jongho whose tiny fluffball of a tail would just be dying for your touch, sending waves of heat straight to his dick. hybrid bear! jongho who would cum so many times even before you touched him, cock turning a pretty pink at the tip.
hybrid bear! jongho who would be covered in bite marks and hickies by the end of the night, lips and eyes swollen as his ears flattened against his head, falling asleep to the warmth that radiated from you.
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candescentkpop · 8 months
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That's right, be strong
Ateez: Limitless
Ateez Part 137 / ∞
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