#nia & lena
rjmac211 · 1 month
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Nia: Lena broke my brain
Kara: She broke mine too
Nia: What
Kara: What
Lena: She means with magic Kara
Kara: Yes… I was also talking about magic
Nia: Please stop talking
Nia walks out bumping into things as she goes
Lena: So I break your brain Supergirl? How often do I do that
Kara: Daily and the outfits you wear do not help with the matter
Lena: Guess you’ll just have to take them off me
Kara runs and locks the door
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blazethecheeto · 4 months
Things Supergirl Characters Absolutely Have Said Pt.3
Alex: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Kara: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.
Alex: Not when you’re playing with Brainy, it’s not. He put words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
J'onn: What’s your greatest weakness?
Brainy: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
J'onn: Could you give an example?
Brainy: Yes, I could.
- Kara: Look, I know you think my judgement's a bit clouded because I like Lena a little bit.
Alex, holding Kara's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kara: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Alex: My mistake.
Lena: This bloodline ends with me.
Alex: That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say 'I'm gay.'
Kara: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you're single?
Nia: Do not do that.
Kara: You won't even notice!
Brainy, entering: You wanted to see me?
Kara: Nia's single
Kara: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
Kara: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
Lena: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
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ekingstonart · 4 months
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for an anonymous benefactor who asked for super-soft supercorp: do you guys ever think about dying the moments of tenderness Kara and Lena get to share now that canon can no longer get in the way?
After this illustration by Joe Bowler
i’ve opened up commissions again, please check my pinned post for more information!
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beefcake-penguin · 10 months
Lena: *sitting in grumpy silence on Kara's lap* 😡
Kara: *looking beefishly humbled* 😔
Alex: *whispering to Nia* "What's the matter with those dorks this time?" 🤨
Nia: *trying not to laugh* "Lena found out that Kara's been referring to her pregnancy as 'The Milf-ening' and she was... not amused." 🤭
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thecasualqueer · 3 months
Nia: Oh my God, Lena, have you seen this (shows Lena her phone screen)
Lena: Oh, yeah, I try not to pay attention to twitter, people seem to really hate me there.
Nia: Hate you? Since when?
Lena: You literally just showed me a tweet where someone was calling me old for no reason.
Nia: Lena what do you think they mean by mother?
Lena: That I'm old enough to be their mom, which for most of them is just categorically untrue. I'm only 26 but god forbid a woman show any signs of aging!
Nia: Okay so that's not what it means... it's actually more like a term of endearment
Lena: It's a positive thing?
Nia: Yeah I could go into the whole history behind it but, its basically the latest way of calling someone a queer icon.
Lena (with a huge grin): I'm a queer icon?
Nia: Yeah, you didn't know that?
Lena: Hey Kara, I'm a queer icon apparently!!!
Inspired by this post here
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incorrect-supercorp · 11 months
Kara, waking up from (yet another) coma: Oh hey, guys. What time is it?
Nia: It’s about 2am. Are you hungry?
Kara: Oh, cool. I’m up for some Chinese.
Lena, sobbing uncontrollably: Can you guys please stop acting like nothing happened?!
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lonelydiary · 11 months
Nia: Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Kara: Well Lena and I-
Lena: *elbows Kara*
Kara: ....wouldn't know
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msdanvers · 2 years
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SUPERGIRL tv | comics
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jellolegos · 2 years
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happy birthday Kara Zor-el :)
(Im aware canonically she never ages but that makes me very sad to imagine and I think both she and Lena would definitely be milfs so I drew that instead)
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rjmac211 · 4 days
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Kara’s phone starts ringing
Nia: Hey Kara someone’s calling you
Kara: Who’s calling
Nia: I didn’t know you called your Dad Daddy
Alex spits out her drink and Kara rushed over and grabbed her phone
Kara: Hey I’m Lena not a good time
Lena: Okay darling just wanted to know if you were still up for date night
Kara: Yes I’ll be there at 7
Kara hangs up
Alex: I don’t want to know
Kara: Good I don’t have to talk about it
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proudtobealuthor · 8 months
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The question is….are the fishnets also Katie’s as well as the sinfully short shorts because I’m gonna go feral if they are
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Sister, Sister: After the End
When Eliza invites the entire family to Midvale over Easter weekend, none of them offer a single squeak of protest. It's been a long few weeks of working on their own endeavors, with only infrequent, hectic teamups between them.
It's nice, Lena decides after dinner the first night. The warmth, the easy familiarity that sinks in as though it never left. But even so, she's grateful for a spare moment to snag a blanket and go out to the dunes, where waves crash steadily against the quiet of darkness.
She spreads the blanket out and lays back, folding her hands over her ribcage. Her magic fills her these days, and she can feel the power of the ocean tugging at her, as though inviting her to join its current. She can also feel the shifting energy of the sand beneath the blanket, and the sway of the reeds that obscure her from the view of the house.
She's not too difficult to find though, as footsteps whisper through the sand towards her. Lena closes her eyes, biting the smidge of irritation that creeps up on her unexpectedly.
"I'm fine," she issues pre-emptively. Kara settles down on the blanket next to her.
"Didn't think you weren't."
Lena's eyes snap open as her head whips towards Nia's voice. Not Kara.
She huffs a laugh. "Sorry," she offers readily. "Thought you were someone else."
"Mhmm," Nia returns. "Considering she's the only one able to get hold of you these days."
Lena grimaces. "I know, I'm sorry--"
"Me too," Nia assures her of no hard feelings. "I could have done more to make it happen. It's just been..."
"Yeah. It's a little crazy to think about, you know? I'm doing more as Dreamer for the foundation than I am as a crime fighter or whatever. And you're back to being on top--"
Lena scoffs a laugh that turns into a giggle as she turns her head to look at Nia. It takes a moment to click.
"Oh--! Lena! You know that's not what I meant!"
The light smack to Lena's ribcage only earns a throatier laugh. Nia joins in with a giggle of her own, and they laugh for a long moment before calming.
"I know what you mean," Lena concedes after a heavy sigh, returning to the moment. "The foundation is everything I hoped it would be, but--"
"It's different." Nia turns her head, and Lena echoes the movement to meet her gaze.
She nods. "Yeah. As much as I don't miss the entire world being in peril..."
"You miss how it was." Nia's voice is quiet. "Even if it's better now."
They stare up at the stars for a long quiet moment. The sky is clear tonight, and the Milky Way spreads out before them in a wide, untouchable ribbon. A wave of nostalgia overwhelms Lena, and not just for the good old days. Sudden tears burn at her eyes.
"I miss my mom," she whispers.
Nia doesn't turn, but pats across Lena's hip until Lena reaches down to clasp the questing hand.
"Me too," Nia returns softly. Her next words curl with a gentle smile. "They'd be so proud of us though."
Lena chokes out a bit of a chuckle, which mostly sounds like she's being strangled. "Yeah." She squeezes Nia's hand. "She would have really liked you."
"Oh my gosh, are you kidding?!" Nia's voice lifts. "My mom would have gushed over you! Especially now with the whole earthy, witchy vibe you have going on these days. She'd love that."
Lena grins. "Could you imagine if they'd had the chance to meet?"
"Oh god." Nia covers her eyes with her free hand. "Inseparable. No embarassing childhood memory would be safe..."
Lena laughs, truly, as though she actually had memories with her mother to be embarassed by. In this fictional world they've created, she would.
"Hey." Lena catches Nia's gaze, and offers a wide smile. "I'm proud of you too."
Nia's lips pinch tight, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. All she can manage is a trembling nod, and a firm squeeze on Lena's fingers to reciprocate the sentiment.
Neither of them keeps track of how long they stay out there on the shallow dunes. They simply lay there, hands clasped, as the galaxy slowly swirls above them.
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beefcake-penguin · 11 months
Alex: *proudly* "I'm here to report that 'Operation: Lena-napping' has been carried out successfully! 😌"
Kara: "Oh that's great! She always works too hard and forgets to maintain a healthy sleep-schedule and she can be so stubborn when I try to ask her to take a break. So how did you and Nia manage to finally convince her to take a nap?"
Alex: "🤨"
Alex: "🤔"
Alex: "😳"
Alex: *dashes out the door without another word*
Nia: *whistling happily as she drives around with a bound and gagged Lena in the back of her van* "Kara's gonna be so happy when she finds out we 'napped you!"
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thecasualqueer · 6 months
Nia: So, who asked out who first?
Kara and Lena in unison: Obviously I asked her out first... it was definitely me though... I asked her out to a romantic dinner ages ago, clearly she didn't get the hint.
Lena: ...
Kara: ...
Lena: I filled Kara's office with flowers two weeks after we first met.
Kara: I saved Lena's life the first day we met.
Lena: That doesn't count you're a superhero, its literally your job to save people.
Kara: hmph...
Alex: This tends to be a sore topic we try not to discuss it.
Nia: Yeah, I see what you mean.
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incorrect-supercorp · 10 months
[At the DEO]
Nia: Lena, we need your help!
Lena: Yeah, sure, I'm down.
Nia: Wait... Seriously?
Lena: Yeah. I'm down for anything really. I only hang out here, because my wife doesn't let me crimefight while I'm pregnant.
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lonelydiary · 1 year
[Superfriends in a bar]
Nia: Why is Kara crying?
Lena: She’s had a little too much to drink.
Nia: And?
Lena: She asked me out and I told her I’m married. Now she’s crying because I’m unavailable.
Nia: ..But you guys are literally married to each other??
Lena: I know.
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