#nightmare family dynamics challenge
rogesims · 1 year
5 Stars and a SURPRISE!
On Monday, a famous restaurant Critic went to make a rating of Sakura Scent's service. Jade made sure he felt the best served he ever had in his short NPC life. 
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Thankfully, everything good the critic heard about the place turned out to be even better! He gave a 5-Star review, which certainly will help attract even more customers! 
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When the shift was over, there were two great pieces of news: the restaurant finally reached 5 Stars, and the new Garza baby was on its way!
“Honey, it’s time”, said Jade, clearly ready to get it over with.
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When Kyara got home from school she had not one lil' bro but two!
"Mom, they're so cute! I can't wait until they are old enough to bring me stuff when I'm playing."
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And then there were TWINS! That was an unexpected plot twist. Meet Lorenzo and Marcus Garza, which were instantly turned into infants at home because anybody got time for those object babies! From what it seems, for now, they're identical twins! Let's see if they age up differently in the future.
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I'm also gonna be honest and say: the twins are just spares so I won't feel guilty about cheating their motor and social milestones. This is a short lifespan legacy and I won't have time to do it the regular way LMAO
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And like that, this legacy gets to the part in which we're in between gens. Justin has fulfilled two lifetime aspirations! They left the boys with the nanny and hiked to the Temple together. 
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They reached the temple and the Wishing Board, where Kyara made her own wish! It's been years since Justin's last visit here. 
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Last time Justin was here was in the beginning of his story, when he wished for a big, happy family! And he got what he wanted.
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After the hike, the Garzas went to the Festival of Light! Since the  Festival was basically across from their house, Justin and Jade could bring the twins over to their first Komorebese Festivities! The Sakuras were BEAUTIFUL!
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Here's Kyara's memory wall. I think some expanding will be needed soon!
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musicalplumbob · 1 year
Today my last two posts of my NSB are going to post and then it’s going to switch to my old Family Dynamics save for a bit because I’m feeling a bit burnt out.
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mattdobbins · 7 months
Reflections on Growing Up in a Jehovah’s Witness Household: Fear, Faith, and Self-Discovery
Growing up in a fundamentalist, conservative Jehovah’s Witness household feels like revisiting a chapter of my life filled with memories that are both surreal and thought-provoking. As I look back now, it’s incredible to think about the intensity of those beliefs and the impact they had on my upbringing. The concept of Armageddon was not just a distant notion but a constant presence in our daily…
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Two birthdays and a new girl to call sis - Stepbro! Nate Jacobs x reader
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tw > stepcest, cnc, creampie
It all started after Nate's dad moved out. Well, a bit after that to be precise, when Cal Jacobs finally found Derek. From then it was all sunshine and roses for the couple. But for the presumably youngest siblings in the respective families, it was a catalyst that would turn their entire lives around. They just didn't know it yet.
Nate thought that he would mind his dad leaving and putting the already rocky family dynamic of the Jacobs clan in shambles. But it was the opposite of that. His mom eventually cleaned the lobby and stopped drinking wine before noon. His brother made appearances and not just at the annual Chili booth. And most importantly of all, his dad was out of the picture, most days. With Cal gone, Nate's nightmares stopped. He stopped watching the CDs obsessively, stopped playing football as if his life depended on it, hell he even stopped tormenting both Maddy and Cassie. Now the only thing underneath his arm in the hallways was a stack of SAT preps and college applications. And that was all about to change at the drop of a hat when his dad came to stay with them for a couple of weeks. Bringing his boyfriend and Nate's new stepsister in tow. And she was a new challenge for Nate, something for him to bend and break and corrupt. She was a plate of cookies under a cellophane wrap with a note that said ''Don't touch''. And he was craving sugar more than ever. And he intended to get it, in any way he had to.
Your life had been perfect. And then it crumbled completely. It happened gradually as these things often do. Innocently enough you urged your brilliant, yet lazy brother to actually apply himself and go to a good college, instead of relying on a safety school just because he could stay home. And he did, leading him to get accepted into his dream school, which was, unfortunately, all the way in New York. Sure, he moved to college and left you with your dad. And he, in turn, was going through a midlife crisis and an empty nest syndrome all at once. It was clear from the moment Derek broke down crying as his son was packing still and couldn't stop reminiscing about family all through your trip to the school. So in order to bring back old habits he had turned to have his first drink since you were born and all in a familiar spot. And that's how he met Cal fucking Jacobs. In the same bar, they had shared their first dance together, it all came back rushing at them. And that's how you got a new stepdad. And subsequently, courtesy of the lovely motel, bedbugs. 
It's not like your dad rushed headfirst into this. It accumulated over time, just like the aforementioned vermin. Cal and he went on dates, and after a few relatively expensive meals on his side and ''your dad kept yours and your brother's birthdays as a password for everything and you were not above snooping'' on yours, you got introduced to the man. After a few more weeks of awkward ''family'' outings, Cal moved in. You made so many jokes about Uhauling that your dad almost shipped you off in one to the dorms in New York. All humor, aside you were finally happy that Derek had found the right partner after so many years. And then came the bedbugs. Awful bites that left you itching for weeks and restless. It got so bad that you couldn't sleep at night, instead you tasked yourself with hunting them down and squishing them, watching the blood linger on your dainty fingers. When Cal saw you one night stripping your bedding away and bringing it to the patio, he knew that this was his fault and that it had to stop. So he did what he had to do to stop this. He offered for you and your dad to go live with him in the Jacobs family home.
Nate simply came back from school and was greeted by 2 unfamiliar faces and one that was too familiar.
''Cal, I mean dad, what are you doing here? And who are these people.'' He vaguely gestured between the aging man and the girl that was around his age.  
"Well, this is my boyfriend and his daughter. I just started living with them.’’
  Nate took in the suitcases behind them. No way. He started asking
"So, what, you're just gonna waltz back into our lives out of nowhere with two strangers in toll. How is my mom on board with this?''
''You know your mother. She likes watching me suffer. I secretly think she got me here to see how long I can stay without cracking. Also, she can't say no to a couple of hundreds.'' Cal said smugly.
''Wonderful, you're calling the woman who birthed me and cared for me while you were gone a greedy sadist.'' Nate countered back.
''Son, let's not get into it. We have company after all.'' Cal tried to smooth things over but to no avail. 
''Oh, I forgot. You have a new family now. I wouldn't wanna scare off your perfect boyfriend and his daughter. How ironic that you now have a girl, when you can't even raise one of your sons to be a proper man. And I don't fucking mean a guy that can bench press 250, I mean a guy who doesn't hurt other people. You had to leave for me to realize how fucked up you made me, how toxic this dick-measuring contest that we were having was. I thought it ended for good, but look at me, I'm back exactly where I was the day when you walked out the door. Just like you wanted. Well, I'm not giving you the satisfaction of seeing me lose it again. See you around I guess, I'm sure I've made a great first impression.'' With that, Nate walked away and slammed the door to his room shut. Soon enough though there was a gentle knock on it. 
''Cal, get the fuck away from there,'' Nate yelled. 
''It's not Cal. It's me. I didn't introduce myself earlier, I thought that it would be nice to have someone in your corner.'' You answered. Still, on edge, he said,
''What, are you doing this because you’re feeling guilty or something? I'm usually not like that, I should be the one coming to you to apologize, but my dad, he has a certain effect on people.''
''Oh, trust me, I know. He's so grating, sometimes I just can't stand him. And everyone sees that except of course my dad. Do you have any tips and tricks for me to tune him out or something?'' You replied.
''Unfortunately, there isn't a way. But I recommend avoidance. Here, sit and talk with me a little. That way, we both won't run into him.''
''Are suggesting we work together, would you like to form an alliance with me.''
''Absolutely I do.''
''Okay, I trust any man that finishes my ''The Office'' quotes, I'm in. So, let's get to know each other. Is playing 21 questions too childish?'' 
''It is but I'll let it slide if you let me ask you first.''
''You have a deal.''
''Why did you move in here and not stay anywhere else?''
''You mean besides the fact that the bed bugs that are infesting our home right now are literally from the only motel in town. Well, also I'm homeschooled and need a place for my dad and my tutor to work with me in peace, can't imagine this to be a single room. So from time to time, I will also be invading your living room.'' a part of Nate wanted to make a reference to Mean Girls. But he just let you talk.
''How does college prep feel like,'' you asked
''Really, that's your most burning question for a guy who had a screaming match with his own dad 10 minutes ago.''
''Hey, I like to give people a second chance. So hit me with it.''
''Well, I do good enough to land a few sports scholarships, so it's not as intense. But when I'm not relying on those it gets heavy. I can give you tips, also let me know which brochures you want so I get them from the counselor's office for you.'' Nate went on. 
''Thanks. Your turn.''
''Are you an only child? I mean, there's not gonna be more unexpected quests, right I don't think my house can handle it.''
''I do have an older brother, but he's not set on coming back anytime soon. So I might be a homeschooled jungle freak, but at least I'm not a spoiled brat.''
Spoiled brat. Nate could make you that, a girl that's desperate and begging for him to stick his cock inside her, even just the tip, anything. As soon as he allowed himself to imagine that, he had to stop. It had been a while since he got laid or watched any porn, so of course, a thought like that was expected. Sensing that it got the better of him, he tried to continue the game.
''Sorry, I spaced out. I'm back now, so ask away.''
''Am I missing out on not going to school like a normal person?''
''If you like kegstands and one-night stands, sure. Other than that, not much. I'm sure you're just as smart as anyone in my class, if not smarter.'' Nate said, clearly playing to what you wanted to hear. But then, surprising even himself he asked
''Do you think this thing between our dads will work out.''
''I mean this isn't like that one gay video game where all the dads in town date each other just because they're dads. Those two really have loved each other since high school. My father used to talk about Cal all the time, the one that got away. So don't be surprised if you have me as a stepsister these days. Even if that doesn’t necessarily align with what we actually want.''  While a stepsister had not been on Nate's bingo card for the year, it sure was now. Through you, he would achieve the perfect revenge on his dad. Because if Cal could ruin Nate and his family, Nate could do the same to Cal. It might have been cruel to take an innocent girl as collateral damage in his plan, but you know what they say, by any means necessary. He would have to get that fucked up movie he watched on demand with Maddie, Cruel Intentions, but the plot to that didn't really fit this situation. They were more like Clueless. At least that's what he thought until a string of unexpected events proved him wrong. But that would be getting ahead of the story and we cannot rush the plot here.
You yawned and said
''Okay, I think that this day has been a little much for me, so I'll just head to your living room and get some sleep.''
''If you want, you could use my room for tonight, or always. I don't mind taking the couch.''
''Thank you, but I'll feel super bad. Plus I'm staying only for a few days.''
If only you knew how wrong you were. You did find that out at a ''family'' dinner. Through some twisted turn of fate, everyone in the house could eat together and they did. Nate's mom and brother were sitting on one side, followed by him, you, your dad, and finally Cal. Then at the end of the dinner, everyone was enjoying dessert when the former Jacobs family patriarch stood up and tapped his knife against his long empty wine glass.
''Everyone, I have an announcement. We're getting engaged.''
''You're getting what. But you barely know each other.'' you protested. You also absentmindedly gripped Nate's arm for support. He, in turn, took that as an invitation to squeeze your thing, his fingers lingering on your skin a little longer than appropriate.
''We've known each other since high school, It may seem a little rushed to you, but to us, it has been long overdue.'' Your dad interjected in a stern tone.
''Well, Cal, it seems like you have a pattern. At least I'll just be a guest at this shotgun wedding '' Nate's mom replied.
''How did you even decide that? This changes everything, you're not just playing house anymore, you're introducing complete strangers into our families. '' Nate added.
''Yes, isn't this exciting? Also, you can't call yourselves strangers, we're already living together and eating together. In fact, just look at this table. We are all sitting here as if this is our thousandth meal together. It inspires me to have nights like this for the rest of my life.''  Cal said
''Yeah, what a night indeed. I think we should all sit and process this information in our own way.'' Nate replied and demonstratively left the table. Surprisingly, you followed him out.
Nate helped you into his car and drove to the store, where you got ice cream and he got beer and you both ended up sharing them in the backseat. When you snuggled into him, tipsy and tired, he wanted to leave everything and just devour you in the back of the jeep. But Nate wanted you to be fully into him when he had you, to be aware and feeling every single inch of him. So he resisted and just drove to the house, where he carried you to the couch and tucked you in.
Nate has planned to ignore you, for the time being, to make you come to him. After all, that's what worked with Cassie, leave them cold and they will be begging for you. Not that he expected you to send him continuous texts like the blonde, but anything was a start. And it seemed to be working. You'd ask to go somewhere with him, forgoing your usual bus route, trying to get him to drive you. Or you would fake being a family with a proposal for movie night. And as much as he wanted to spend a couple of hours in front of the TV watching you laugh at a cheesy movie, he refused. He used late-night practices and early morning classes as an excuse. He even considered faking a date but realized that it would do more harm than good.
So he was beyond surprised to see you dolled up on the couch with a much older guy. You were studying, by the looks of it, textbooks and highlighters all over his mom's expensive leather sofa. But you, you seemed to treat this as more of a date, twirling a pencil in your pigtails, how predictable of you, and asking the man to repeat basic concepts that you already knew. But Nate could not control you, as much as he wanted to. He decided to not embarrass you, by asking if you had just bought your pink gloss or if your dad was aware of how short your skirt was. He just said.
''Hey, sis. Working hard as usual. Let me know when you're done, we can work on dinner together, make it a little easier on the old folks when they come home, how about that.''
And you just barely registered him, responding back with a hmm and still not taking your eyes off of the older man. Oh, Nate was going to get you back for this later. If you even remembered to come to him, that is.
But you did, like an obedient puppy. He first looked you up to see any signs of ruined lipgloss or a rumple in your shirt. When he found none, he relaxed and headed to the kitchen.
''So, who was that?'' Nate said, trying to keep his voice steady.
''Oh, that's my private tutor. Daddy hired him, cause well I'm kinda shit at math and it runs in the family. So I'm getting all the help I can get.'' Daddy, you said fucking daddy. He swore that you were giving him kinks that he thought were disgusting before. Two could play the teasing game. And Nate was about to up the heat, literally. As soon as you looked away, he turned the oven up and asked you to take out the food. Watching you touch the hot metal of the door and wince, he replied.
''The oven mitts are always missing when you need them. Here, I'll help you out.'' 
Nate took off his shirt and watched as you admired his toned body. Bet your tutor did not have this. He wrapped the shirt over the handle and opened the oven door, letting the dish cool down. But his temper still hadn’t. So he asked,
''And what's the deal with that your tutor? You acted a little different than usual around him. Do you have a crush on him or something?''
''Is it that obvious, god? But yeah I do. ''
''Isn't that kind of, you know ... '' sick is the word he wanted to use.                    ''Unconventional, yes. But I do love a taboo romance. In theory, I haven't had any. So don't go snitching to my dad.'' you replied
‘’Sure, for a price, the best way to get silence is to buy it.’’
‘’I have 5 bucks to my name, take it or leave it.’’
‘’You think I’m that cheap.’’ After that, he grabbed a wooden spoon and smacked your ass with it. To his surprise, instead of scolding him or cursing you let out a moan. Turning red you made an excuse and then scrambled out of the room quickly.  Meanwhile, Nate added this interaction to his spank bank which was now becoming a literal spank bank.
Despite all the moments charged with sexual tension between the two of you, Nate seemed to keep his morals intact. Or at least keep up this cat-and-mouse game for a little longer. But then that night came (spoiler alert it wouldn’t be the only thing coming). Nate had woken up in the middle of the night, very thirsty. While he was salty that you were into another man, he also made your food salty. He made his way down the stairs, watching his footsteps in order to not wake you. But judging by the sounds he was hearing you were not asleep. He just saw movement under the couch blanket and then he was seeing red. Nate dramatically tossed the blanket from you, eager to beat up the person who was defiling his sister. Instead, he saw your shocked face, your phone on your chest and your hands were desperately clutching something small that was vibrating. At least you were alone. That still didn't calm his anger enough, because you were still getting pleasure from something that wasn’t him. 
‘’Nate don’t look’’ you said, before feeling a hand go over your mouth. And despite your stepbrother actually not looking before, he did now. Your face was red and your pupils were wide. Your nipples were hard and visible through your shirt. Your shorts were pulled down, with your panties to the side, revealing your slick cunt. Nate cupped your wetness and for a minute he contemplated starting to fuck you right then and there. But one look at your concerned face was enough to stop him right in his tracks. If he was gonna do this, at least you had to enjoy it. So he pulled your arms closer to himself instead and squeezed them a bit too hard, causing you to drop whatever you were holding. First, he reached for your phone to check if you were on call with someone. What he saw was more surprising. You were listening to an audiobook about a steamy romance between a girl and her stepbrother. Your own stepbrother took pleasure in leaning down to where you were and whispering the synopsis in your ear in a low voice. He could practically feel your heartbeat against him and he knew that you were feeling his hardon. Then he retreated back and grabbed the second item you had been holding. It was a necklace that he had seen you wearing a couple of times, the long shape of the pendant always perplexing him. And all this time it had been a vibrator. This just got a lot more interesting
‘’Promise to be quiet and I won’t snitch on you,’’ Nate said and retreated his hand from your mouth. But as soon as you began explaining he pressed the vibrator right against your clit.
‘’Naaaateee’’ you moaned unexpectedly and just let him do it, chasing your pleasure. After all, there was nothing wrong with him simply holding your sex toy against you. It was taboo at best. As long as that was all your stepbrother did it would be fine. But of course Nate had other plans. He put two fingers inside of you, fuck you were so tight and clenching around him. For a second he didn’t move them because you were so tense, so he focused the vibe on your clit until you opened up for him. 
‘’Please, be gentle. It’s too much.’’. He slowed down his pace, almost pulling them out of you entirely.
‘’Should I stop then,’’ he asks as he’s barely touching you. You just shake your head, too shy to actually say it. 
‘’Keep going, I just wanna cum, make me.’’ you clench against him, and thrust, fucking yourself on his fingers. He trails the vibrator against your opening, coating it in your juices and then brings it back to its place. He then speeds up his fingers inside of you, thrusting in and out and curling them up. After a couple minutes you cum.
You’re so dazed that you just close your eyes and pant. For a few minutes you don’t feel anything but pleasure. And then you realize he’s teasing your opening with the tip of his penis. Your tongue feels thick in your mouth,and you’re about to protest when he kisses you and thrusts inside of you.
You thrashed around like a woman possessed hushedly whispering ‘’no’’ and ‘’stop’’.
He pressed his body against you and thrusts again, chasing his pleasure.
‘’Nate, it hurts, this is my first time.’’ you say. You still haven’t gotten used to his size or his tempo. So he stops for a moment and moves slowly, filling you out completely. Then pulling it out almost to the end. He does this a couple more times, until you say ‘’okay, give me more.’’. Apparently that’s all you need to say for him to go absolutely feral. He spreads your legs further and lifts them by your head. Then he moves in the space in between them and starts shallowly thrusting. You cum and he doesn't stop. He comes and he doesn’t stop. You feel his seed inside you, hot and sticky as he thrusts a couple more times. He then rolls down to the floor for a few minutes. Once he’s regained his breath he takes you in his arms in a bridal carry and gets you up the stairs to his room, his cum dripping down your legs. So much for family bonding
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fumifooms · 8 months
Marchil crumbs masterpost
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Because I can and I will. Someone already made a tiny one way back but I lost it idk if it was here or on reddit… And we’re so small that we have no tag… I can’t credit you sorry marchil warrior you are not forgotten. I’ll definitely updating this whenever I find a new crumb. We’ve already reached the 30 pics cap part 2 coming soon. They do interact a ton I suppose. As always it’s not because I put moments on here that I’m saying they’re inherently romantic blablabla.
Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
My vision: Unstoppable force vs immovable object. Corrupt (money) bitter divorcee and corrupt (magic) hopeless romantic. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic. Girl with the longest lifespan possible who has trauma over loss x guy with the shortest lifespan who has trauma over past romance. They would take their romantic interest to the fricking grave.  Halfling vs elf. Emotionally distant vs clingy and needy… Not that Chilchuck doesn’t seek her attention plenty ngl. By all means they are so incompatible and yet their dynamic is so delightful, opposites certainly do attract if Kui’s to be believed because these two constantly drift towards each other.
To me they're the embodiment of "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known". Oh actually that'd apply to Laios and Dunmeshi as a whole as well-
She’s his worst nightmare. Opening up to someone?? The audacity to ask that of him. She raises his blood pressure to dangerous levels. He would risk his life for her.
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HIS WORST NIGHTMARE (what he needs). She's classified as a friend who won’t shut up btw Notice how on the dating sim chapter cover, the clicky hand is always on the choice he ended up choosing in canon except for two, Falin’s and Marcille’s. Meaning he may have hesitated on it, on telling her she was pretty? She’s front and center~
It’s notable that Marcille is the main victim of his teasing, he criticizes Laios and everyone plenty but teasing is done much more towards her than anyone else, and we can see that it is something he enjoys. Perhaps one of the things that put him in a good mood the most, besides alcohol and laughing at others in general lol. Here’s a post compiling a lot of that teasing: link
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He often confronts her about things and teases/insults her but it's always without any real animosity, sometimes having problems with her actions but never disliking her.
She craves his approval? More likely than you think.
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Chilchuck having a sparkly flustered Marcille on his mind and failing to pull her ponytail so she'd give him her attention the right way, then being devastated when she claps back lol. For as much as he teases her, she’s very much able to stand up for herself when it goes too far and to challenge him on some flaws he may have.
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Marcille’s canon shapeshifter of Chilchuck is the most convincing one/last one standing! In which he was nicer because Marcille still had some trouble not seeing him as young and thus innocent. Which besides the whole age thing, her having an accurate but nicer version of Chilchuck in her mind is pretty flattering lol
In the earlier chapters they stick by each other the most, often sharing knowing glances and judging the other together. They share this complicity and "wow finally someone sane in this party" energy that none of the others have in quite that way. Comrades in disgust.
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He cannot escape her gossip, she will not rest until she knows all and has met his family and romanticized his life and relationships. She’s the one who pushes Chilchuck to be more open about himself the most. Which, we do also see her being jealous when Chilchuck opens up more to others instead of her, like pic below. Moreover, we see that she’s able to read him like a book to the point that it freaks him out!! Oh the horror of being known… Relationship goals, freak him out bc you understand him so well Oh can I just point out as well that they're the only ones who saw each other's succubus. Like wow knowing each other's most alluring form? Dayum
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When doing her theory about what happened between him and his wife, the pictures where her roleplaying as his wife, like literally with her being a half-foot like in the changeling chapters and the mini chilchuck for a baby lmaooo. Which I just now realized that means Marcille’s question about if his wife has blonde hair is valid, we technically don’t know if he already liked blondes or if it’s an acquired taste. Give me a sec to recover from that-
But yeah Marcille is so people-obsessed that she catalogues every little detail about someone, like how Chilchuck complains when he has to wait after someone… She notices things and takes them in stride even if they’re flaws. (In first page, it's the bottom row middle panel)
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She wanted to sleep in his bed when Izutsumi was being clingy and she didn't want to sleep alone <3
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Here he goes to her to either help her stay upright or comfort her… Uncharacteristic of him but very sweet. What are you gonna do if she collapses on you big guy, collapse along in a show of solidarity?
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He's been shown to make sure Marcille stays safe a few times as well, like below. No I will not accept "she's the healer of the party" as a full explanation. He really does get an arc, from not wanting to be anywhere near the battlefield to sticking by his party members. Unlike Laios, Senshi and Izutsumi they both tend to hang in the back in battles, I love how they often strategize together as well.
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The reverse is also sometimes true. Especially with how non-shy Marcille is with physical contact, interestingly she's way less delicate about saving others than him lol.
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He’s the only one shown to flinch when she makes a noisein the bath which leads me to think he’s the one most flustered by the whole Marcille changing and bathing close by thing, it prob doesn’t help that he has great hearing but yeah, he seems to be hyperaware of her presence in those instances and overreacts.
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"Come with me and braid my hair every day!" Meanwhile Chilchuck is fighting for his life holding her at an arm’s length
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I can’t believe this is on his ADVENTURER’S BIBLE DESCRIPTION like that thing is one big paragraph about his whole character and you allotted that important limited space for this. Kui do you hear yourself
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Part 2 here
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glasskey · 15 days
THT True Love and Double Trouble Remix Part 3
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Welcome to the 3rd and final part of this remix. In the context of this love triangle Luke is the equivalent to the “home body” or the “boy next door”. For years and years now, in classic love triangle scenarios these slouchers have been “getting the girl” based on the lame-assed rule of “first dibs”. However our heroine isn’t beholden to anyone, SHE makes the rules, and as the infamous Dawson / Pacey / Joey love triangle taught us; the so called “diamond in the rough” is the everyday man’s worst fucking nightmare.
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Because Luke is the everyday man he presents a perfect vehicle for demonstrating the casual chauvinism experienced by women as a normal daily occurrence. Luke is a homebody with a desire for a wife and an idyllic family, and with this comes all the dynamics of it’s traditionalist ideals. Luke represents the average middle class male persona; educated but self-entitled and somewhat willingly complacent in his efforts to change his or societies attitudes to gender roles and dynamics. As such, the infringements of June’s initial freedoms are concerning rather than alarming and certainly not enough to motivate him into direct action. In Atwoods text Luke actually enjoys some of these restrictions of June’s former freedoms, as they allow him to assert his dominance, thus bolstering his own sense of self confidence. This character aspect has been somewhat downplayed in the series, but we do still see signs of it.
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In Atwood’s text, Luke taunts Holly making light of her action against the patriarchy, in the series we see echoes of the two at loggerheads when Holly voices her disapproval of June and Luke’s marriage. Holly’s perception of Luke is as a trap of conventional traditionalism, a direct obstacle between June and her independence. Holly embodies the fight against a patriarchal society and the definitive independent woman. As such she is captured, enslaved and most likely killed off during the inception of Gilead. Moira also voices concerns that Luke will leave her if she cannot produce the child he so desperately desires, leaving June wondering; what if he sees her as primarily a walking womb? June’s insecurity at his faithfulness and her own abilities to provide a child cause her to continuously apologize, and minimize her own anxieties. Ultimately it allows him to take control, determining when they run and enabling his passivity to leave her trapped.
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When June returns home she is far from the affectionate, compliant wife he once knew. She is distinctly uncomfortable in a world that somewhat acquiesces to Gilead’s will. She is enraged, vengeful and hypervigilant. After waiting many years for her return, Luke seems determined to “love whoever she turns out to be”, it seems almost defeatist to “let her go” after all this time. However he’s constantly challenged by the person who’s returned to him, and while there are moments of connection they’re tenuous and it’s doubtful that pre Gilead, he would have ever chosen to marry the woman he now knows.
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Prior to Gilead’s inception the nature of the physical connection between Luke and June ranged from flirtatious to affectionate. Upon returning from Gilead, physical contact between Luke and June ranges from cautious to violent and finally settles back into a friendly affection. In contrast scenes of unrestrained climactic sex seems to have been reserved almost exclusively for Nick Blaine, drawing a sharp line between the two. In S5 we witness a spontaneously passionate sex scene between Luke and June, but the lighting and positioning hurtles you back to Nick and June’s heated, passionate exchange at the Boston Globe. As June turns away from Luke, it’s difficult not to conclude that June is reliving a distant precious memory. It’s a moment of passion triggered by their mutual hatred of Serena rather than any loving desire for intimacy. In the fading cold light he lies exposed as she remains covered, his attempt to reach her has failed once again.
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I truly sympathize with Luke, to me it makes perfect sense that he would TRY and reconnect with June. That he would hope against hope that despite many years of separation and her obvious love for another man, that he might be able to salvage his marriage somehow. Throughout season 4 and 5 we witnessed a man clinging to the past, the moments he connected with June were when he spied the remnants of the woman he once knew, or when hopes of Hannah returning were raised. Maybe, just MAYBE, he hopes, he might be able to get back the family he lost on that icy road so many years ago. Throughout S4 and 5 Luke showed a deepening awareness of June’s altered perception of both him and their relationship. He expressed regret that he’d failed her as a partner and made ill-conceived attempts to redeem his short comings, he tried desperately to hold onto her and the dream of his family…..but it all seemed for naught.
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As June bade him farewell at the train station we saw her pivoting from Ep 9 where she told him to let her go, to telling him to come find her. But the borderline disconnection of the last 2 seasons made it seem either like a sentimental goodbye, or an unrealistic attempt to suddenly reconnect these two characters fully. I was moved by the “goodbye’s”, but the “I love you’s” and “come find me’s” left me confused. Had I missed something? Had some immense edit had taken place to save air time?
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Both Luke and Nick are cautionary tales but in decisively different ways. Luke is privileged and well educated, he works in a white collar job and he chose a passive role, doing little or nothing to act, at the inception of Gilead. He represents the willful ignorance and complacency of men who assume that power comes at no personal cost. He is a demonstration of men’s responsibility to, not only change their own gender biased beliefs, but be pro-active about changing those around them. In contrast Nick is poor, unemployed, with no higher education and he chose an active role. His position has a great deal to say about the ease of manipulation by the wealthy ruling class. His servile and initially diminutive role of action turns the larger wheels of power for Gilead, as Serena said: “we wouldn’t be here without him”. Both Luke and Nick illustrate the incredible destruction caused to ALL, by both the active practice and social complacency of gender bias. Both challenge our perceptions of guilt and innocence. The Handmaid’s Tale is known for its painfully accurate social commentary, and the inescapable truth is that whether passive or active, both of these roles can be equally devastating.
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In S5 we see Serena confronting Luke with the reality of his inaction, provoking a rage filled response. Luke is seething with hatred for Gilead, but there is also an undercurrent of immense guilt and self-loathing for his own apathy.
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Luke said nothing, did nothing, ran too late, lost his wife, lost his daughter…….there are consequences. Nick joined the Sons of Jacob, he took part in a right wing regime and he lost his country, his freedom, his daughter and the woman he loves……..there are SO many consequences.
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Both of these men signify a journey that male attitudes and society at large must take in order to unstack the deck. Throughout the seasons we’ve seen both Nick and Luke’s painful personal journey of enlightenment, regret and their ultimate choice to change. It’s no coincidence that they BOTH now reside in the “purgatorial” Big House…..it’s time to show true sacrifice and pay the piper.
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There seems to be a tendency to attribute a mantel of innocence to Luke for his passivity during the inception of Gilead, furthermore the idea that he’s EARNED some sort of expected devotion through the role of husband and provider. Ironically this attitude reflects the very archaic traditionalism that The Handmaid’s Tale kicks against time and time again. As Holly said, “now’s not the time for settling down, now’s the time to fight.” so when push comes to shove, if either of these boys want to tag along with our rebel, they’d better get ready to gear up and go underground. Rebellion waits for no man.
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In story telling great lovers have something that for lack of a better term, could be referred to as “calling cards”. They act like talismans of their deep connection, and Nick and June have a LOT: their hand brushing, foreheads touching, ever present glowing lights, when Nick calls her name, her gasp and eyelash flutter at the mere mention of his name, and the touching of June’s neck. These “calling cards” seem so very conspicuously absent in Luke and June’s relationship, and as the seasons roll on, this is harder and harder to ignore.
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The end result is that watching Nick and June fall in love, is like watching two people GENUINELY fall in love for the first time. Regardless of whether this portrayal is the result of June’s overly romanticized narration is irrelevant, the fact remains that Nick Blaine is quite literally being visually described as “the love of her life". In comparison the audience is fed somewhat ordinary glimpses of her life with Luke. The Handmaid’s Tale moves in circles, depicting the turning of seasons and as such June swings back and forth between these men. The end of the shows seasons always somehow cruelly reuniting and yet separating her from Nick. The rule of chances state that the wheel of fortune must finally turn differently this time. But I don’t trust these writers, I never have, they’re erratic and brilliant and you can never trust genius to be predictable. Whether Nick and June end in tragedy, sacrifice or victory is yet to be seen.
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leoisgayforwriting · 4 months
【Promise To The Moon】
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏𝟒𝟑𝟗
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞- 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟏𝟖!!! 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨, 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟏𝟖 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝟏𝟕! @diorlumx @n3r0-1417
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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟑𝟎𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟎:𝟑𝟎 𝐀𝐌.
In a cozy corner of the local cafe, amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of fellow students, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri gathered around a small table, notebooks and planners sprawled out before them. The ambiance was filled with an air of youthful excitement as they brainstormed ideas for Katsu Yamamoto's upcoming birthday celebration.
"Okay, so we all agree on doing something fun and memorable for Katsu, right?" Satoru, ever the lively spirit, began, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Suguru, thoughtful and calculated, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. Considering Katsu's interests, I think an arcade party would be perfect. It's casual, fun, and right up his alley."
Shoko, with her organized demeanor, flipped open a planner. "That's a great idea, Suguru. We can book a section of the arcade, maybe even get some group discounts. We'll need to send out invitations and plan some activities."
Satoru grinned, clearly excited about the concept. "Imagine Katsu's face when he walks in and sees all of us ready to challenge him in his favorite games! We can have tournaments, prizes, the whole nine yards."
Suguru leaned back, his mind already working on the logistics. "We can coordinate a schedule for the tournaments, ensure everyone gets a chance to play their favorite games, and maybe even have a dedicated area for snacks and cake."
Shoko jotted down notes, her practical nature ensuring that no detail was overlooked. "For decorations, we shouldn’t have to worry about that since he isn’t a fan of decorations."
Last year's decorations were a nightmare.
Satoru's eyes sparkled with excitement. "And we can't forget about the cake! It has to be epic. Maybe shaped like a game controller or adorned with symbols from his favorite arcade games."
“Maybe not…”
“You guys are no fun..”
As the planning session continued, the trio delved into the specifics — from sending out invitations to organizing transportation and ensuring everyone had a role in making Katsu's birthday a memorable one. They discussed games, prizes, food arrangements, and logistics, each contributing ideas and suggestions to create the perfect arcade-themed celebration.
Shoko emphasized the importance of ensuring Katsu felt special, surrounded by friends who cared about him. "Let's make sure he knows how much we appreciate him. Birthdays are not just about fun and games but also about celebrating the people we care about."
None of them knew Katsu’s parents, which was for the best since their friend always talked poorly about all of his family members. They just knew to not invite any of his family members.
Satoru and Suguru nodded in agreement, a shared determination uniting them in their mission. "Absolutely," Satoru affirmed, "Katsu's always been there for us, and now it's our turn to show him how much he means to all of us."
The small woman thought about gifts for their friend, “What would we get for gifts?” she asked. “We know he doesn’t like big expensive gifts…Satoru.”
The white haired male had his hands up in defense as he pouted when the two friends looked at him since he always went crazy with gifts for them. “I’m sorry I like spoiling you guys!” He defended himself. “It makes me happy when you guys are happy with what I get you.”
Suguru chuckled, his enigmatic smile hinting at a well-established dynamic. "Satoru, no one's complaining about being spoiled. We appreciate your generosity."
Shoko chimed in with a warm smile. "It's true. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to us. But for Katsu's birthday, maybe we can focus on something that aligns with his interests and preferences."
Satoru feigned a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart. "Are you telling me not everyone dreams of receiving a dozen extravagant gifts at once? Well, I never!"
“Katsu prefers our presence over presents.”
“Well, he can have both.”
The teasing continued, each friend contributing to the lighthearted exchange. Despite the banter, there was an underlying understanding that their bond went beyond material gifts. The true essence of their friendship lay in the shared moments, laughter, and support they offered each other.
Satoru turned his head over to Kento and Haibara, who were sitting at a table doing some homework. “You both are coming to Katsu’s party right?”
Kento was about to reject the offer yet his friend cut him off before he could speak.
“Yeah! We will be there, just text us where and when to arrive.”
With a plan in place and excitement in the air, the trio finalized their arrangements, eager to bring their vision to life. The arcade birthday party promised not only a day filled with laughter, challenges, and camaraderie but also a heartfelt celebration of friendship, marking another memorable year in the life of their dear friend.
Everybody in the room was acting like nothing was talked about once Katsu had actually entered the room and sat with the group.
Satoru, with his characteristic grin, leaned against the table, arms folded as he surveyed the array of party supplies. "I bet you twenty yen that Katsu's favorite gift will be the one I got him," he declared, his confidence bordering on cockiness.
Suguru, ever the strategist, arched an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh, really? And what makes you so sure that your gift will be the standout hit of the party?" he countered, a sly twinkle in his eyes.
Satoru's grin widened. "Because I have an impeccable sense of what Katsu likes," he boasted, his voice brimming with self-assurance. "Besides, my gifts always have that extra touch of flair that he can't resist."
Suguru chuckled, a knowing gleam in his gaze. "We'll see about that," he replied, his tone tinged with playful challenge. "But if by some miracle your gift doesn't win him over, you owe me dinner at that new ramen place you've been raving about."
Satoru's eyes lit up at the prospect of the wager. "Deal!" he exclaimed, extending his hand to seal the agreement. "But don't get too comfortable, Suguru. I have a feeling you'll be treating me to dinner."
Shoko rolled her eyes at the two of them making a bet like this. It wasn’t new but still.
The trio came up with some lame excuse when they were questioned on why they were nervous.
They were glad when the green haired boy didn’t question them anymore.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭, 𝟏𝟐:𝟎𝟎 𝐩𝐦
The soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room where Katsu lay, still immersed in the realm of dreams. As he gradually stirred from his slumber, the muffled sounds of hushed whispers and the rustle of paper reached his ears.
Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko had gathered in a conspiratorial huddle, their expressions animated with excitement. 
As Katsu opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of his friends, each wearing a grin that betrayed their eagerness to celebrate. Satoru, the irrepressible whirlwind of energy, was the first to notice Katsu's awakening.
"Good morning, birthday boy!" Satoru announced with a boisterous cheer, his enthusiasm infectious. The white haired boy wrapped his arms around the green haired boy. "Rise and shine, it's time to kick off the celebration!"
Suguru, with his characteristic smirk, joined in. "Happy birthday, Katsu. Ready for a day filled with surprises and fun?"
Shoko, the voice of reason in the trio, added her warm wishes. "Happy birthday, Katsu. We hope this day brings you joy and everything you wish for."
The room seemed to come alive with the promise of festivities. Balloons adorned the walls, and a banner proudly proclaimed, "Happy Birthday, Katsu!" The presents beckoned with tantalizing mystery, and a cake with flickering candles awaited its moment of illumination.
As Katsu absorbed the warmth of their greetings, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the friends who had become an integral part of his life. The bond they shared transcended the ordinary, and birthdays were not just about cake and gifts but about the shared moments and camaraderie that made each celebration memorable.
With the day ahead promising surprises, laughter, and cherished memories, Katsu embraced the joyous atmosphere, grateful for the friendships that made his birthdays truly special.
Tears had formed in the green haired boy’s eyes as he wiped his tears before he pulled his friends into a hug.
Memories had long been gone since the last time his birthday was celebrated yet his friends were something that always seemed to make him happy. “Thank you….” he mumbled as he smiled at them which made the three feel relieved he wasn’t pushing them away. 
Today was only going to bring joy.
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incesthemes · 27 days
i'm impatient so i wanted to share my handwritten notes for 1.15 the benders because i can't wait to type it all up... it's a little messy so here are my key takeaways from the episode, formatted for easier reading:
this is another episode which subtly explores the idea that hunters are monsters. similar to 1.02 wendigo, the monster of the week is defined by its skill in hunting, which suggests that hunters are the same cruel killers that their prey are. other episodes up to now that touch on this are 1.06 skin, 1.07 hook man (less directly), and 1.14 nightmare (less directly).
dean is resistant to this hunt, while sam is enthusiastic about pursuing it. i wrote extensively about the importance of sam pursuing this case here, but regarding dean: dean not wanting to follow up on a potential hunt reveals something about his character, and here it seems to be his worries about sam's developing powers.
sam performing acts of service (hunting) in order to ensure his goodness seems rooted in his family values which are based on service to others. importantly, compare 1.22 where azazel also upholds these values while posing as john. azazel worms his way into the family dynamic and corrupts it by enforcing toxic relationship dynamics, both through acts like this and through acts of incest.
the benders are implied to be incestuous at various points in the episode. they're also paralleled with the winchesters as a whole, through them being hunters and through their undersocialized, insulated dynamics. daddy bender further draws a direct parallel by comparing himself and his family to dean during his interrogation and invites the audience to see them as similar. this consequentially invites us to see the winchesters as incestuous, but in a different way from the incest parallels in episodes up to now: this is a grotesque, warped thing, nothing romantic about it. it's peeling back the layers to reveal the ugly truth of their isolated family.
sam attempts to include himself in this hunt by telling dean to be careful. saying this is important to him because he wants to be part of this dynamic and help, even when locked in a cage. being part of his family is important to him.
sam doesn't kill any of the benders. compare 1.14, where he says it's wrong to kill humans. consistency that reveals a difference between sam and dean: sam doesn't want to see humans as the monsters they hunt, while dean assigns monstrosity based on actions and behaviors.
the episode concludes that seeking revenge will not result in healing, continuing the theme from 1.14—still, sam remains motivated to find and kill azazel, while dean seems to agree with kathleen (who is paralleled to him) and has in a lot of ways abandoned this revenge quest (hinted at in 1.16 and confirmed in 1.22). like in 1.11 and 1.12, sam is making the decisions that will result in tragedy, while dean lacks the narrative agency and willpower to challenge sam's choices and avert their ruin, because his devotion to the family is his ultimate flaw that sam denied him of developing out of in 1.11 (and we see now the effects of this, further expanded upon in 1.18, 1.20, and 1.22). the "moral" of the episode runs directly contradictory to sam's choices, and the warning signs are ignored as sam continues his hunt for azazel.
actual notes under the cut because there's a lot of them!
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rogesims · 1 year
A Secret Basement?
Sunday morning at the Garza Residence, and the family woke up early to have breakfast together without having to rush because of school or work.
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Jade and Justin needed to have a chat with Kyara. "So pumpkin, listen: you know your sibling is coming and the two bedrooms upstairs aren't gonna be enough to all four of us. So you're getting your own en-suite!"
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"Your dad was cleaning and when he moved a box in the yoga room, he found a set of stairs he didn't remember existed! It's gonna need a new coat of paint and some deep cleaning, but you'll have your own bathroom AND closet!"
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"So what you guys mean is, you need my room and you're kicking me out to the basement." "Ky, infants are hungry and sleepy all the time. We need to be closer to the baby so we can take good care of it. I'll help you fix the place." "OK cool, but can I have those HSY egg chairs?"
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All hands on deck! Ky and her dad have a long day of cleaning and furnishing ahead. Just kidding, the Watcher will B/B this in a second LOL
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After some quick Build/Buy and using mostly the stuff from Ky's upstairs bedroom, here's the basement substitute! Kyara has been really into green lately.
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After tidying Kyara's new bedroom, there was still time for her and Justin to build a treehouse on the tree that was miraculously TOOL'd onto the back of their lot, and also learn how to ride a bike! 
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And that afternoon, Kyara learned how to ride her bike! That night, before sleep, she had a few hours of gaming in her new room!
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desultory-novice · 6 months
Also. I kinda wanna know what you think Kirby's dynamic with Meta Knight is.
Personally, I'm of the Camp that while Meta Knight isn't really Kirby's father figure, Meta Knight is Kirby's for lack of a better word, anime sensei. Their relationship is mostly Meta Knight teaching Kirby things that Kirby didn't learn in their travels. Their relationship is mostly friends outside of this though. They don't REALLY see each other as family, because... Their species doesn't DO family. However, as time passes on planet Popstar, as Kirby considers different types of relationship they didn't think of before,,they do at least start seeing Meta Knight as an older brother figure, even if Meta Knight doesn't see Kirby as a little brother (quite yet).
Gah, I asked people to send me dynamics in November and then failed to answer any of them in good time... ; _ ;
Ahem! Let's answer them now!
"Anime sensei!" Yes! That's probably pretty close to how I see them too!
Dess confession - I haven't finished the Star Allies novel where Kirby supposedly has that huge crisis seeing how similar Void looks to him. (Although there are definitely issues with taking those novels at face value, sometimes there is the suggestion that they may be written with an eye/ear to lore that the games can't express.) All this is to say, I don't think of Kirby as being one to hung up on encountering someone who looks like him for that to be the crux of their relationship. ("I finally found another of my species" thing.)
Maybe in their first (?) encounter in Kirby's Adventure. But I can easily see Kirby combining the information of "looks like me" and "gave me candy" with "friend!" Such that from Kirby's point of view, Meta Knight instantly became someone who was, like, ma~ybe at risk of causing problems, like that troublesome King Dedede (Meta DID attack Kirby after all) but otherwise wasn't someone Kirby had t go out of his way to stop. Then comes Meta Knight's Revenge and, okay, I WILL go back to the novels for this to pull in Kirby's explanation to Magolor that, yeah they're friends. If Magolor did something bad, Kirby would beat him but otherwise!
And I think that's what was going on in RoMK. Kirby saw that Meta Knight was causing trouble in his newly adopted home of Dream Land and said "Nope. We're not doing this." (He does seem to be kinda on the warpath in that mode XD )
But Meta Knight's ambition is sunk and Kirby drives off (Perhaps he stayed to make sure everyone got away safely?) and the next day, things are back to normal. For Kirby, at least.
I do think that was definitely the moment Meta Knight's view of Kirby changed. That in Adventure, he was very wary/worried about Kirby. If Meta IS of the same species and has some... let's say knowledge of their or maybe just Kirby's potential, he very well could have been guiding/testing him. "Can he stop Nightmare?" Maybe he even...underestimated him in their first duel? Not completely - not that he would have gone easy on him, not with Dream Land at stake - but say he was surprised by what the puff pulled out!
He doesn't make that mistake in Revenge and I think he's EXCITED to face Kirby at something closer to his full power! And Kirby matches and exceeds his expectations! Meta Knight is still not ready to see Kirby as an equal until after the events of the Amazing Mirror, where after besting MK twice in the past, Kirby now rescues Meta Knight from something MK thought he had to handle on his own.
From that point on, I think the "sensei" begins to realize there's things HE can learn from Kirby! Perhaps he'd been too confident? Too content in being the strongest force on Popstar. But now that he's willing to see Kirby as an equal and learn from him, we see him join the adventuring party and even perform the victory dance with the others! (Despite the fact that it can't look THAT cool to do.)
Past that point, I imagine Meta sees Kirby as a reason to continue to grow and challenge himself. But not just with training. Because Kirby teaches that life doesn't all have to be about getting stronger through trials. You need naps and food and fun time as well. And I think Kirby's softer side is slowly rubbing off on Meta Knight as well. (Maybe that's why he stayed to protect Waddle Dee Town?)
Back to Kirby's side of things, I think Kirby trusts Meta Knight a lot. He doesn't come running to him whenever there's a problem or seek him out for advice all that often, but I think if Meta makes his presence known TO Kirby, that's a sort of signal MK has something worth listening to and Kirby will listen.
I imagine that just like Kirby has begun to rub off on Meta, Meta has begun to rub off on Kirby a little too. I imagine early on, Kirby saw those fights with Meta Knight as an annoyance or a hassle or as MK "getting in the way." But in the modern games, I think Kirby kinda looks forward to them? FL is the first game with a "canon" arena and in order to get the True Ending, Kirby has to go there to fight. A lot! So I think it's not a stretch that Kirby is enjoying testing his growth and control over his powers against Meta Knight's experience!
In summary, I think Meta Knight "thinks" about Kirby more than Kirby thinks of Meta Knight. But their bond has grown closer over time: from wary overseer to interested challenger to sometimes ally to something more like...a friend? Albeit, an ever-mysterious one!
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Evan, a 19-year-old boy, found himself caught in the throes of frustration. Life, with its unyielding pressures and expectations, seemed like an insurmountable mountain. He longed for the wisdom, stability, and respect he believed only years could bring. One evening, overwhelmed by his thoughts, he wished aloud, "If only I could wake up at 50, all these problems would be behind me."
The universe, in its mysterious ways, decided to grant Evan's wish. The next morning, Evan awoke to a reality that was both his dream and his unforeseen nightmare. He was indeed 50, but not at all prepared for what that meant.
**The Transformation**
Evan's initial moments were of disbelief. His reflection revealed a man with lines mapping stories on his face, hair that had surrendered its youthful color to the sands of time, and eyes that held a depth born of experiences he had not lived. His body felt different too—strong yet marked by the inevitable wear of years. His room, his home, even the world outside seemed alien, filled with technologies and changes that two decades had ushered in without his witnessing.
As he ventured out, he realized that while he had aged, the world around him had evolved too. Friends and family were not as he remembered; relationships had evolved or dissolved, leaving him to navigate a labyrinth of social dynamics that were now foreign to him. Professional achievements, which he had assumed would come with time, felt hollow without the journey of hard work and passion.
**The Acceptance**
The initial thrill of bypassing life's immediate challenges soon gave way to a profound sense of loss. Evan had skipped over three decades, missing milestones, love, failures, and the simple joy of living. The wisdom he thought would be granted with age was, he realized, not a product of time alone but of lived experiences.
In this new reality, Evan began to seek out those experiences with a renewed perspective. He started to build genuine connections, not just based on shared history but on the person he was now. He found joy in learning—technologies that were new to him, skills that he had never considered, and hobbies that bridged the gap between his physical age and his youthful spirit.
Evan's journey of acceptance was not just about making peace with his new age but understanding the value of every moment lived. He engaged with life with a vigor that combined the enthusiasm of his youth with the maturity of his new age. He mentored, loved, and lived with the knowledge that life, in all its phases, holds unique lessons and joys.
**The Realization**
Evan came to realize that age, whether 19 or 50, is not a remedy for life's challenges but a canvas upon which one paints their story. The wisdom he sought was always within him, waiting not for time but for recognition and acceptance.
In time, Evan no longer saw his transformation as a curse but as a unique blessing. It taught him the importance of patience, the value of experiences, and the beauty of aging. Life, he understood, is not about reaching a certain age but about embracing the journey, with all its twists and turns, with a heart full of courage and a spirit that never ages.
Evan's story is a testament to the idea that while we may wish for shortcuts in life, it is the living, learning, and loving through each moment that truly defines us.
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gatheringbones · 1 year
[“Given how disillusioned she became, one might imagine that at some point Heather was among those who waved good-naturedly at the Code Pink protesters. Instead, she glared through her sunglasses at them, bristling at their self-righteousness.
Far from appreciating their presence, Heather viewed it as an affront, as if she and her peers needed a bunch of peace activists from Berkeley and San Francisco to have their consciences roused. “They assumed that we don’t give a shit, that we’re just a bunch of brainwashed, nonhuman robots,” she said. “They would say, ‘You know you’re killing people from across the world—you don’t care about it, you have no conscience.’ But they didn’t know us. They didn’t know what kind of shit we had to see; they didn’t know most of us wanted to go home and fucking kill ourselves. “There’s a reason that after work we’d all go and get trashed, then talk about how fucked-up mission was this week,” she went on. “I would go home and drive past these people protesting and then go have nightmares.”
It wasn’t just the protesters’ blindness to her distress that upset Heather. It was also the air of superiority she felt they gave off, an impression inflected by differences in social class. The ranks of Code Pink were dominated by educated women from middle-class backgrounds who could afford to devote their time to protesting America’s wars without worrying about how to pay their bills or make ends meet: people like Toby Blomé. The ranks of the drone program were filled with people like Heather for whom this was an unimaginable luxury, high school graduates from depressed rural areas and hard-luck towns like Lebanon, Pennsylvania.
As during the Vietnam War, when some soldiers returning home felt stigmatized by college students from more affluent families who had secured draft deferments, Heather bitterly resented the judgment of people who had the privilege not to be in her shoes. “I can guarantee that none of you has ever been put in a fucking situation where you have to kill someone or have people that you care about be killed,” she said of the Code Pink demonstrators. The protesters were equally blind to the power dynamics within hierarchical organizations like the military, she felt, shouting antiwar slogans at low-ranking enlistees who had little say over the scope of the drone campaign. “They’re personally attacking these people who have no control over what’s going on,” she fumed. “We have no control on that base over what’s going on with the drone program.”
In fact, some might argue, Heather and her peers had a lot of control. If enough of them quit or became conscientious objectors, it would almost surely have gotten the military’s attention, not least because the high burnout rate in the drone program made staffing missions challenging.
Not long after Heather got to Beale, she was assigned to provide over-watch for a mission in a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan, alerting the marines on the ground to threats—improvised explosive devices, insurgents plotting ambush attacks—that could be spotted on the cameras affixed to the Global Hawk. The work was stressful, not least because a carefully camouflaged fighter or IED could easily escape the camera’s eye. During one shift, a group of marines disembarked from a helicopter and stormed a compound that appeared to be clear of danger. After they entered it, insurgents ambushed them. Heather watched the attack unfold in real time; then she saw one of the marines bleed out.
A few months later, another convoy fell under attack after an IED exploded, igniting a fuel truck that caused more “friendlies” to die. Once again, Heather watched the live feed in real time. At home afterward, she surfed the internet and clicked on a news story about the incident. The article listed the names of some of the soldiers who had been killed, including one who had a wife and young son. When Heather read this, she began to sob.
A week later, at a party for her unit, Heather broke down again, this time in front of her supervisor, who tried to comfort her by reminding her that she was “fighting the good fight.” The slogan had been drummed home to Heather during basic training, when new recruits were told their mission was to save lives and to protect America from “terrorists” and “towel-heads.” For all her alternative inclinations, Heather had internalized this message. She believed that she and her peers were fighting the good fight. But at the party, the words of her supervisor rang hollow to Heather, who wondered whether the mission—which had ended disappointingly, with no progress made in rooting out the Taliban—had been worth it. “Nothing was accomplished by that convoy,” she said later. “Those guys died for absolutely nothing.”
Whether innocent Afghans might also have died did not yet cross Heather’s mind. “I only felt bad about the guys that maybe we would have saved if we somehow had better technology,” she said. “It wasn’t out of any sympathy for the so-called enemy. It was out of self-preservation for our people.”
This began to change after the marine whom she befriended over Skype forwarded her documents about the area in Afghanistan she was surveilling. Like Christopher Aaron, Heather was responsible for conducting surveillance operations rather than coordinating strikes. But what she reported could determine whether a missile would be fired, and it now dawned on her that innocent civilians could die as a result.”]
eyal press, from dirty work: essential labor and the hidden toll of inequality in america, 2021
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 10 months
i've been exploring chatgpt (my horror, my nightmare, my nemesis, my reason for giving up) lately because it was getting a lot of attention at work, and what really astounds me about it is that when you tell it to put supporting quotations in, it just fully makes stuff up. the supporting evidence is literally!!!!! fake!!!!!!!
for example, i just told it to write me this essay: Write a 500 word essay explaining why Gerri Kellman from Succession is in love with Roman Roy. Include four supporting quotations from the show.
... and it spat up this pack of lies! also, chatgpt is not good at writing succession dialogue!
disclaimer: okay, admittedly, except for "you know, i wish i was allowed to have desires." i would pay one zillion dollars to hear jsc drop that one on us as gerri. it is not amazing writing, but it is made to be said in her dulcet tones and immortalized in 1000 gifsets.
Title: The Complex Affection: Gerri Kellman's Love for Roman Roy in Succession
"Succession," the critically acclaimed television series, intricately weaves a web of power dynamics, family struggles, and intricate relationships within the Roy family. Among the myriad of characters, the relationship between Gerri Kellman and Roman Roy stands out as a compelling example of unexpected affection. Gerri's unspoken and complex love for Roman is subtly portrayed throughout the show, revealing a unique connection that transcends the conventional boundaries of power and status. This essay delves into the reasons behind Gerri's affection for Roman, supported by key quotations from the show.
Shared Vulnerability and Wit
Gerri and Roman's dynamic is characterized by a shared vulnerability that draws them closer together. Gerri finds herself attracted to Roman's quick wit and sarcastic humor, which provide moments of genuine connection amid the often tense family environment. In Season 2, Episode 8, Gerri remarks, "You’re very charming and funny, but it’s a defense mechanism. So, you’re very guarded too." This quote highlights her perceptive understanding of Roman's emotional armor and hints at her admiration for his protective facade. This shared insight into each other's vulnerabilities creates a bond that goes beyond the surface.
Emotional Support and Trust
As the show unfolds, Gerri becomes a trusted confidante for Roman, offering emotional support and understanding that he struggles to find within his family. In Season 1, Episode 7, Roman confesses to Gerri, "Sometimes, I feel like I can only really talk to you." Gerri's role as a sympathetic listener and her ability to provide Roman with a safe space for his emotions showcase her genuine affection for him. This level of trust and emotional intimacy further deepens their relationship.
Challenging Status Quo
Gerri's love for Roman is not just about affection; it challenges the Roy family's established power dynamics. Gerri, as General Counsel of Waystar Royco, occupies a significant position, yet her feelings for Roman disrupt the conventional boundaries of power and social status. In Season 2, Episode 3, she admits to Roman, "You’re the one Roy that doesn’t take advantage of me." This confession underscores the unorthodox nature of their connection and suggests that Roman's treatment of her is one of the reasons she's drawn to him.
Unfulfilled Desires
Throughout the series, Gerri's unfulfilled desires and the limitations of her personal life come to the forefront. In Season 1, Episode 3, she tells Roman, "You know, I wish I was allowed to have desires." This line reflects her suppressed longings and suggests that Roman, with his reckless demeanor, represents a certain freedom and indulgence that she craves. Her affection for him might stem from his embodiment of the boldness she feels constrained from pursuing.
Gerri Kellman's love for Roman Roy in "Succession" is a multifaceted and compelling aspect of the show's intricate character dynamics. Their shared vulnerability, emotional support, challenge to the status quo, and unfulfilled desires all contribute to the complexity of their relationship. Gerri's affection for Roman transcends the boundaries of power and social norms, providing a unique lens through which to examine the characters and their motivations. As the series continues to captivate audiences, the intricate dynamics between characters like Gerri and Roman continue to illuminate the human complexities that lie beneath the surface of wealth and power.
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riddles-n-games · 11 months
I feel the need for some reason to give my stance on this but I was never shy of giving my opinion before in this fandom so I won’t stop now either. I’ve went through some reviews of The Final Gambit today and I noticed some people mentioning how Jameson and Avery are “sleeping together” because they are sharing a bed and due to some supposed innuendos at various points in the book. One reviewer on goodreads went so far as to imply that they had closed door s*x three times and I was flabbergasted when I read that because I don’t even know where this information came from. Anyways, I feel like we should dispel some of this. Starting with them sharing a bed at night; listen, these two had been through a lot within the short amount of time they’ve come to know each other and started a relationship so this seems to be one of the unspoken ways they comfort each other. Avery needs Jameson to keep her nightmares at bay and Jamie, well, we all know how he is and given that he often has his guard up and is emotionally unavailable, this is the way he lets himself be vulnerable and open to Avery. It’s a sign of him trying to rebuild his trust in someone other than his family after being hurt and spurned by the first girl he loved. Now, if we’re going to go to the scene in Ch. 22 where he came back home all muddy and bloody after a fight with Grayson, he was just being flirtatious and I bet that they made out or had another mini challenge since that appears to be a hobby of theirs as a couple and I find that cute, it’s very fitting of them. They have a fun competitive streak that keeps them going and obviously over the course of the year that’s become a habit for them and something tells me Avery hasn’t gone that far with him anyway since he’s her first boyfriend. It’s also quite clear from their dynamic in all the books that they flirt with each other although obviously that’s more so coming from Jameson rather than Avery because she’s more deadpan with her responses but she clearly still engages in those conversations and that’s their typical banter. We know this through almost every other scene we’ve witnessed between the two of them, from the moment they met. Regardless, just because of some of the scenes having Jameson shirtless when it’s nighttime and the story takes us to Avery’s bedroom, that’s quite normal of this Hawthorne especially when our very first interaction as readers with him through our narrator’s eyes is literally him being with no shirt on in the middle of November, mind you, drunk and tempting death. There is no insinuation to s*x at all making me see this as a “did we read the same book” sort of situation. Anyways, thanks for reading. Bye until next time.
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crying-killer-fnaf-au · 7 months
Introduction Post I suppose
"He had no use for me before. I can be useful now. He always said my fear makes me weak, but now he says I can make it into a weapon. He can show me how to be strong."
Evan Afton, 12 years old, is a middle child who can never be heard. He can't get his words out to save his life and would do anything to earn his father's approval. Unlucky 13 comes around and Evan ends up with a pair of broken arms and a nearly broken mind.
Any caring father would see a son in need; William Afton sees a willing apprentice.
If I didn't make this sideblog now, I don't know if I would ever feel ready. This is a place to host the comic, along with keeping my various ideas and drawings for it. Feel free to send in questions in the ask box if you're so inclined, in-character questions can be asked during events and such
This AU starts off as almost a slice-of-life from autumn 1982 until October 1983, then the plot gets dark, and pretty quickly. I would count this as a sort of slow burn, especially in the beginning. There's quite a bit I want to do with the family dynamics before things go downhill.
Once things do go downhill... well, the premise of this AU is a teenage serial killer trying to earn his father's favor. Take a guess what goes wrong. If you don't feel like getting attached only to find the story gets too dark, allow me to give you the inevitable content warnings:
Bullying, Ableism, Canon Typical Violence, Manipulation/Gaslighting, Neglect/Abuse, Eyestrain, Disturbing Imagery (Nightmares)
The eyestrain warning is going to be in effect the soonest. There's a lot of colour symbolism in this comic, and sometimes that means colours getting really intense to show the emotions. I'll also probably be posting colour pallet challenges between chapter updates (just because I think those are fun) and some will be pretty saturated. The bullying and ableism mostly relate to the bullies and the gaslighting doesn't start until right before there's a body count. Not really sure how disturbing the nightmare sections are going to be, but probably not as bad as the rest.
I think that covers everything. Of course I'll be tagging the triggers above when it becomes relevant, but that won't be for a while. Knowing me, there will be plenty of hiatuses as pages come out, but there will hopefully be art and random thoughts in the meantime. When working on each chapter/episode (whichever I call it) I'll try to be consistent so the reader isn't left hanging in the middle of a scene.
Well, that's a lot of information, and I'm not sure how to sign off this post.
Comic run by @angeygirl
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
That’s good to know. I like headcanoning PK as a people pleaser or a naturally protective person. Also stems from feeling like he has to regardless of how bad he is at it.
I think one of PK’s love languages is making stuff, so he makes stuff for the Troupe and Grimm. He finds that knowing Grimm is happy and even more so after the shows go well makes him ecstatic. Grimm probably never stops smiling after successful shows.
I also view Grimm as somewhat a perfectionist when it comes to his shows. Because he’s an artist, he’s own worst critic and can definitely tell when something is wrong but just hides it under his bravado. PK is able to tell something is wrong but just sits next to him and listens. Eventually Grimm just starts listing off all the parts that went wrong.
I also wonder, because I don’t know how you position the Radiance and Grimm’s dynamic, but I’m always the fan that they never got along. Even with her self importance, she never understood Grimm’s love for performing and said it was dumb. Which deflated him a lot. PK and Grimm bond on having terrible family members.
oooh another very interesting ask, love these!
i agree with the people pleaser part! pk hates conflict, he doesn't want to make enemies, and because he bit off more than he could chew with the whole kingdom deal, it very much affected him on a personal level. no one wanted to see a king with all those feral instincts, so he forced himself to "correct" them, which resulted in him feeling detached from himself, like he was playing a role he wasn't built for. but because he didn't want to fail, he kept going, until it eventually all went to hell anyway, which completely broke him. so it's not surprise that he quickly accepted his new life post hibernation. he was free from forcing himself to be someone he wasn't, and even though the guilt and shame of failing the kingdom still haunt him, being able to act without those artificial boundaries did help him cope with it on a daily basis. he is cringe, but he is free, as i like to describe him
i skipped over the natural protectiveness part there but i also see him having that. after all, that's what drove him to making the kingdom. he wanted to prove himself, yes, but he wanted to offer the mortals a chance to thrive, and protect them from dangers they couldn't face without his help. as we know, he failed at that, but this instinct still carries over post hibernation, now directed at his family (which already manifested itself when he was raising hornet, but now it's his sole focus)
and yes, he absolutely does love doing and, especially, making things for others! he's terrible at talking about his feelings, so that's his main way of expressing love (a trait which hornet shares with him, for better or worse). i could totally see him making stuff for grimm to use in his performances! maybe he cooks up some tech used for special effects for the shows? i do think he would try, at least, it would be an interesting challenge
also, that's a very interesting read on grimm! i do agree that he's a perfectionist when it comes to performances, though like you said, it's purely for self improvement purposes. i actually see him as someone who doesn't give a single damn about the opinions of mortals. he's like the higher beings who don't really care about them, except instead of seeing them as mindkess worshipers or collateral damage, he just doesn't care what they think about him. if they're scared of him? good, he won't bother making them think otherwise, though at times he thrives on those negative emotions (showing up in someone's nightmares and traumatizing them just because they pissed him off once? yep, he would do that). he knows he can do whatever he wants and that they can't do anything about it, it's like the "what are you going to do, arrest me?" mentality. that all changes if it's someone he cares about (like pk and pk's family), it's like a complete 180 from a cruel (but polite, if you don't piss him off that is) jackass to a loving partner/parental figure. and he can absolutely switch between the two on the spot, which makes him seem very unpredictable
that being said, i like the idea of him going over his slips up during the performances when talking to pk! unlike with others, he would certainly value pk's opinion, even if pk knows little to nothing about performances. but even then, he's a good listener, and that's a trait grimm appreciates
also i haven't really thought about grimm's relationship with the radiance. i know he would hate her because pk does, she hurt pk and his family, so in grimm's eyes she's an enemy. though i did consider giving him a more personal reason to hate her. i like the idea of them being family, i know a lot of people interpret them as siblings, but i'm not sure how that would work in my au. the radiance is a moth, and since the nightmare heart is, well, a heart (or a heart shaped creature? it's a strange being, maybe i'll figure out something if i ever give them a design for the au), and it's physical body is more mammalian/reptilian than insect, so would it even work? unless they were adopted siblings. that could be an interesting direction to take it in, i'll have to give it more thought, but i like that
if they were adopted siblings, i could totally see them having a terrible relationship. the radiance values her image as a god a lot, refusing to even walk among the mortals (no wonder they forgot about her when a more relatable god material showed up hahaha), while i see grimm as a god akin to dionysus. loves a good performance, loves drinking and pleasure (it's likely why he made his physical body a hermaphrodite, for the full experience haha), doesn't care about worship. that would with no doubt piss off the radiance. maybe she kicked him out of the dream realm, which forced him to sustain himself with the ritual, as he no longer had a reliable source of power? that could be interesting, and would certainly give him a personal reason to dislike her
well, thanks for the ask! really got me thinking about grimm there, i'll have to add this to my mental notes (i swear i will write them down... one day)
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