#nimona reference
your-local-lucifer · 11 months
Friendly reminder: Chopping off your partners arm is not a love language!!!!
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SAW THIS SCENE OF NIMONA & it reminded me of some plans I have for UDLTTOM.
Spoiler-sort of.
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Seriously, I could probably write a spinoff on these two alone. Like future Teddy having to raise & mentor his younger self whilst dealing with a mess of time traveling hijinks—Love it! Love them!
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catradoraism · 11 months
ND is like what if two gay childhood friends were horribly fucked up growing up and in love and divorced
true love is found in the childhood friend u were brainwashed with and has tried to kill u multiple times since u defected to the ‘wrong side’ <3
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corruptpixel · 11 months
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wanted to point out the squire in the family guy death pose
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mirroryears · 11 months
my official take on nimona the movie is that you shouldn't go into it expecting it to be the same as the graphic novel. it's a different story, and to me that's okay!
the graphic novel is better at handling the moral greyness of individual characters, with messy and complicated motivations, and an acceptance of ambiguous endings.
the movie is better at telling a short, standalone story of how people are framed as monstrous others by both individuals and institutions for no reason other than the fact that they're different and don't fit the mold.
i love both works for different reasons, and it's a shame to me to pit them against each other. if you've read the comic, check out the movie. if you like the movie, try the comic! they're complementary siblings, and both have value
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painfully-unoriginal · 11 months
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quick quick quick sketches for funsies
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tetsuooooooooooo · 11 months
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The, and let me make this perfectly clear, THE character design Of All Time
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goldeaglefire1 · 11 months
okay still having Nimona thoughts. may I just say I love the difference in the arrow scene in both the webcomic and the movie and how they serve different narrative purposes
giving context for those of you who haven't watched the webcomic - this will be spoilers, by the way, so if you intend to read the webcomic later keep that in mind; also there will be movie spoilers later on if that wasn't obvious so if you want to watch the movie go watch that first - in the webcomic, Nimona fakes being in pain after the arrow is pulled out of her leg. key word being fakes, given that Nimona has insane regenerative abilities (something that isn't outright stated in the movie but still seems to be true there) and in truth she didn't really feel any pain at all. but, much like in the movie, Nimona fears being rejected for who she is and what she's capable of, so she intentionally hides her regenerative abilities (or at least the full extent of them) so Ballister won't freak out. it's good and nice on a first read and then when you learn the full context it turns somewhat bittersweet because you know that Nimona has yet to fully trust Ballister yet and that's why this whole scene is happening to begin with
meanwhile, over to the movie - there, Nimona...doesn't really have a reaction to the arrow being pulled out. she doesn't fake any pain, just kinda sits there quietly. which, again, makes sense with the regeneration, and also more practically fits the narrative since the context for the arrow scene in the movie is wildly different (in the comic it was after a bank heist (long story), in the movie it's directly after a successful kidnapping of the squire who handed Ballister his sword to question him, with said squire still being in the trunk), but also in the movie the arrow scene is where Nimona starts to realize she can actually trust Ballister. sees that he cares, takes the time to help treat her injury even though it's not a big deal to her, actually asks questions about how she experiences the world and trying to understand her better. whereas in the comic the arrow scene is an initially heartwarming scene turned bittersweet as you realize that it's a perfect demonstration of how little Nimona trusted Ballister at all, in the movie the arrow scene is where she actually starts to trust Ballister and it's incredible
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pdalicedraws · 6 months
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Some scarring headcanons as a way to make myself practice painting skin.
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anglerflsh · 11 months
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my best friend's watching the movie
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zombbunn · 11 months
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ratsofarsonunite · 3 months
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I was bored, okay? 🥲 (Unfinished)
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Harry (to Tom & Teddy Lupin): If you see anyone—
Tom: Kill them.
Teddy: And hide the body.
Harry: No! Hide! If you see anyone, for the love of Merlin, just bloody hide! No murder!
Tom: I make no promises.
Teddy: It’s not murder if it’s in self defense.
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jackievsn · 11 months
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I don't know if this has been done before, but I saw Nimona's half dragon form and the idea wouldn't leave my mind lol
(the @ is from my Instagram btw, haven't changed it on Tumblr yet)
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sunshine-zenith · 11 months
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So this one majorly got away from me
Teen Ballister and Ambrosius
(Lil Bal and Amb here)
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I got bored again so you get Nimona headcanons
I’m fully convinced that Bal is denser than a neutron star
He’s liked Ambrosius ever since he met him and when he was a teenager he was fully convinced those feelings were unrequited  
All the while Ambrosius was asking him out like every other week and making plans for their damn wedding 
Poor babe had to be kissed on the fucking mouth for him to even consider that Ambrosius liked him back
When he finally caught on he woke up half the institute with his realization because he literally screamed 
He got really excited and asked Ambrosius “So you love me yeah?” 
Ambrosius was out here looking for hidden cameras because no way in Hell can this man be that clueless
He let Bal believe that it was a new development because he didn’t have the heart to tell Bal that he was just slow on the uptake 
He accidentally let it slip to Nimona and she never let him live it down
The boys absolutely made breakup playlists during the movie 
Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift were their best friends during that time
When the dust had settled and they forgave each other and themselves they played the playlists and laughed about how stupid they were (and they both pretended not to notice the tears in their eyes)
I’m fully convinced that the trio has the dumbest sense of humor (which is my sense of humor) 
Bal has a bad habit of taking his arm off and leaving it in the most random places 
Whenever someone asks where his arm is he’ll say “Which one?” Or ��I don’t know love where is my arm?”
At first it caught Ambrosius off guard but now he just chuckles and says “Fine be like but don't ask me for help when you can't find it later” 
Bal will normally scoff and tell him he won't (they both pretend the conversation never happened when Bal asks him to help him look for it)
One time they were watching a firework show and Nimona turned to them and said “Remind you of anything?” 
The boys just sat there not knowing if they wanted to laugh or cry so they took turns doing both 
They kept making that joke and Ambrosius threatened to call them firecracker if they kept it up
All they could say was “You act like that isn’t a sick ass nickname” 
Whenever the smallest inconvenience happens Ambrosius always says “I wish the director stabbed me that day” 
Like this man could misplace his keys and look down at the ground and say “Do me a favor come back and kill me for real please”
The first time he said that Bal spit out his coffee and all Ambrosius could say was “You’re not helping this situation hun”
Honestly, I have no clue how old Ambrosius and Bal are but if I had to guess I would say 20-26
And because they’re both really young and Nimona hasn’t matured past 14 I feel like they would have a very complex relationship with her 
They have very paternal instincts when it comes to her but they also act like older brothers 
They’ll threaten to ground her if she sets another piece of bubble gum on fire (which she laughs at) but they also aren't afraid to mess around and roughhouse with her 
Sometimes Nimona and Ambrosius will be messing around and jokingly picking on each other and the next thing Nimona knows he’s being picked up like he weighs nothing and tossed on the couch 
Whenever Nimona annoys the Hell out of Bal while he’s working Bal will just pick him up and place him outside of the lab
And there have been plenty of times when Ambrosius isn't scared to tackle his little ass to the floor 
Oh she’ll make sure they regret it because she could easily snap them both in half like a twig but sometimes it’s just fun to play fight (Ambrosius calls them her zoomies)
They’ll bicker over who actually cleans up around the house and whose turn it is to wash the dishes 
But they’re also able to have these incredibly deep conversations that go late into the night 
They’ll get into very intense fights and then five minutes later Ambrosius will walk into Nimona’s room and leave a tray of cut fruit without saying anything 
Whenever the boys are working from home Nimona will hang out with them
She jokes that she’s “blessing them with her presence” and most of the time they let it slide because she doesn’t really do anything 
She’ll bring snacks drinks games and a phone charger but she doesn’t talk a lot she just hunkers down and waits for them to be done with work
Whenever the boys ask why she does this she’ll shrug her shoulder but the truth is she finds their company incredibly comforting
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