#ninjago cole headcannons
ievieofspring · 1 month
hi there! :> could i possibly request cole brookstone dating headcannons or just hesdcannons in general? i love him so much 😕🫶
genre(s): fluff
pairing: cole brookstone x reader
trigger warnings: none
a/n: first request, ty to this anon! hope you enjoy <3
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☆ baking and/or cooking with cole would be such a chaotic yet hilarious mess, especially if you’re not good either (zane would have to supervise if that’s the case)
☆ definitely overprotective of you, he will never EVER stand for anyone hurting you :(( he knows you can take care of yourself but he just wants to make sure you’re safe
☆ literally gives THE BEST hugs, he’s like a teddy bear that you will refuse to let go of
☆ he’s the type to eat your leftover pizza crusts (if you’re one to leave them)
☆ he is SOSOSO the type to make spotify playlists about you <33
☆ literally piggy back rides you anywhere and everywhere; you weigh like a pile of feathers to him
☆ his love language is definitely physical touch and quality time.
☆ he’s always looking for ways to touch you, super clingy but keeps his distance if you need it <3
☆ will hold your hand or keep an arm around your waist everywhere you go
☆ playing with his hair + cuddling will literally melt him :( he loves the feeling you touching his hair sm
☆ loves to just be around you, your presence alone gives him comfort
☆ nicknames for you are probably “cake” bc he loves cake and he loves you. perfect (at least for him). “sweetcheeks”, “darling”, and if you’re shorter than him “shortie”
☆ will tease you time to time, he doesn’t mean it in a mean way, but it’s just a way to show his affection. of course, he would never do it if you weren’t comfortable.
☆ karaoke dates omg >>>>>>>
☆ will definitely chase the ninja out if they walk in, but cough nervously and wait if it’s Master Wu or Nya
☆ his snoring doesn’t bother you much but sometimes it may get annoying
☆ especially if you sweat easily, it’ll be SO hot when you’re under the blanket + he’s cuddling you while sleeping
☆ you will have to very literally pry his arms off you in the morning or somehow convince him to let you go or else you’ll be stuck in bed the whole day
☆ overall, he’s such a gentleman and definitely THE best boyfriend
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ac3-76 · 2 months
Cole Brookstone Headcannons
warnings: slight cussing? mentions of racial stereotypes/discrimination
He was the sexiest man alive 3 years in a row
He also dabbled in modeling
he didn't even try either, a modeling agent saw him and gave him a business card
Cole went to one interview, the next thing he knows he's walking down the runway with Bella Hadid
he's a thought son
does a lot of stuff on social platforms to spread awareness for racial discrimination, politics, and cancer reaserch
if they were to have BLM protests in Ninjago, he would throw tear gas back at cops
He has the BIGGEST resting bitch face ever
obviously he loves cake, but he loves brownies with caramel drizzle and a sprinkle of sea salt on top even more than he loves cake
he really loves Dolly Partons Carmel Turtle mix
He loves Dolly Parton in General
He only drinks water
He HATES those "make my water of the day with me" videos
Gossip/debrief sessions with Nya are a weekly occurrence
the reason Nya was so confused abt Jay vs Cole in season 3/4/5 is because of how close Nya and Cole already were
But after she stepped away from both of them and thought about her relationship with each of them, she realized Cole was like a sister to her
And I mean sister
She's never had a sister before but her relationship with Cole is exactly how she imagines sister relationships
Nya introduces him as her sister and he's chill with it
He works out with Kai
but unlike Kai, Cole LOVES rest days
he goes to yoga 3 or 4 times a week and is besties with his yoga instructor Andy
Andy and her girlfriend got married and he went to the wedding, that's how close they are
I feel like he's friends with a lot of lesbians
idk they just kinda gravitate towards him
Cole is 6'3
he's also black
he has snake bite piercings
his mom's favorite tree was a maple tree, so he got a maple leaf tattooed behind his right ear
his mom would always tuck his braids or dreads behind his right ear.
he also has a hand tattoo that looks something like this:
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I'm not saying Ninjago has a lot of racial stereotypes or discrimination
but, when they see 6'3, muscular, tatted, pierced, black. resting bitch face Cole walking down the street people tend to label him as scary or dangerous
because of this he's always afraid of coming off as creepy or weird when he tries to talk to someone
His body is so large, solid, and muscular and it's perfect for hugs and cuddling
He doesn't care about cuddling position- if you guys are comfortable and can fall asleep, its perfect
his favorite place to kiss is your forehead and your shoulders
his love language is acts of service
"my room is too bright in the morning, even with my blinds shut" the next day he has blackout curtains installed
"I always hit my head on that one cabinet" idk how but thanks to his handy work you no longer bump your head on that cabinet
"I wish my kitchen had sodalite counters" You have sodalite counters now(the good thing is, it was mostly free too, he just used his earth powers to find enough sodalite for your counter)
You guys met when the ninjas went out to a restaurant to celebrate whatever victory they had just had
and because he's used to being stereotyped as scary or weird for the way he looks, when you approached him to ask for his number he was shocked and supprised
he was happy about it tho because he had been glancing at you the whole time the team was at the restaurant
You're first date? Mini golfing.
He's been thinking about the perfect first date FOR. YEARS.
why is mini golfing the perfect first date?
Public setting for both parties feeling safe
mini golfing is fun and fairly inexpensive
mini golfing provides plenty of time to talk and chat, but if an awkward moment arises there's something to do
done golfing and now we're hungry?
cheap and decent food inside
done eating but don't want to end the date?
most mini golf places have arcades
AND most arcade games are meant for 2 people
want to take some cute photos?
Most arcades have photo booths for taking cute pics
Cole has been planing a mini golfing first date for years, and just needed someone with the right energy to do it with
Romcom type relationship
You guys meet in a cute romcomy way, have a cute romcomy first date, then you have some sort of romcomy problem, then work things out and live happily ever after
I feel like the romcomy problem wouldn't be very romcomy tho, maybe you guys met before he was a ghost, and him being a ghost was the problem you worked through?
he would keep 1 flower from every boquet he gives to you so he knows when the bouquet is dying, then he gets you fresh flowers
You always have fresh flowers from him, for the entirety of ur relationship
he's a thought son so you would stay up talking about what you guys want your future to look like
He's used to you waking him up in the middle of the night because he was snoring
He gives great advice, but before he gives it he asks if you want comfort or advice
he's also really good at comforting you
he just knows exactly how to make you feel safe and understood
you'd go to yoga with him, Andy and her girlfriend(now wife) would love you
if you guys did want kids, Cole would be the perfect dad
Physical touch is his 2nd love language, but he doesn't rlly like PDA
most touches in public are pinky or hand holding(he would do the thumb thing), putting his hand on the small of your back when going through crowds, maybe a peck on the temple here and there
but in private he can't get his hands off you
he just wants to touch you in any and every way possible
he's infatuated by you
he sends you tiktoks of an orange cat(him) and some other cat(color/type depending on ur personality) and says us
he sends you couple trends and says "we should do this"
"if I every won the lottery, oh wait, I already did" yeah. he did that, first 2 slides were him, and the other 30 were pics of you
"oh that's pretty, imma take a picture" yep.
he has life 360 with you
not in a weird way, obvi, in like a oh this fun way
You're like the parents of the team
Jay and Nya are the uncle and aunt
In another universe the four of you are drinking wine and talking about how annoying some coworkers have been recently
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astroturf-enthusiast · 11 months
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I feel like there's no way in hell Ninjago doesn't take place over the course of a few years right?
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badboychaser · 5 months
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Euphrasia is a new favorite character
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kywaslost · 1 year
Sleeping With The Ninja
A/N: I guess it’s about time I finally get something posted… I’ve been in this depressive slump for a while, especially because of the way my friends have been treating me, and for some strange reason Ninjago has been my source of comfort, so here’s this. And I made them platonic, idrk why.
Kai: Person A falling asleep in Person B’s shoulder/chest/lap and Person B really needs to get up to go do something but doesn’t want to wake Person A.
Today’s tasks have taken a toll on you. It was a chore day on the Bounty, but around lunch a call came in requesting help from the ninja. You went with Cole to take care of what you thought would be a simple mission, but it ended up taking 5 hours and leaving the both of you bruised and battered. It was a bank robbery, but on a much larger scale than you thought. There were so many ‘villains’ to catch while also protecting civilians. It was a tough task for only two ninja.
You didn’t get back to the Bounty until after dinner and you were exhausted. You barely had enough energy to shower, and it took you twice as long to complete the task and change into something more comfortable. You still had a few chores to do, but Wu dismissed them for you to complete in the morning. You didn’t have enough energy to do anything other than sleep, but it was only almost 7 at night and too early to go to bed.
Stepping into the gaming room to find a way to kill time, you spot your best friend Kai sitting on the floor, sorting through the various video games and stacking them neatly. You quickly walked over to him, sat down beside him, and laid your head down on his lap.
“Oh, hey Y/N,” he greeted with a smile. “How was it?”
You only shook your head, burying your face into Kai’s knee.
“Not well?”
“I’m exhausted,” you muttered, closing your eyes. “ ‘Ma lay here a minute.
Your words blurred together slightly. Kai didn’t say anything as he finished up sorting and stacking the video games.
It didn’t take long for him to finish, and Kai needed to finish a few other chores before he was allowed to turn in for the night. You were still laying on his lap, so Kai said softly, “I’ve got to get up, Y/N. You should go to bed anyway.” Except he didn’t receive a response. Leaning over to look at your face, Kai asked, “Y/N?” Your eyes were closed as Kai noticed you were sound while resting on his lap.
Kai smiled softly, pulling out his phone. He was totally going to tease you for this later. Taking a picture of your sleeping form, Kai set his phone to the side and looked around the room. He had to finish his chores so Wu wouldn’t get on to him, but he didn’t want to move you. You looked so peaceful and you looked really worn down when you first entered the room. Kai didn’t want to disturb you.
There was a basket of laundry not too far away that needed folding. Kai was pretty sure that was Jay’s chore, but surely he’d swap chores around so as not to disturb you. So Kai pulled the basket closer and began folding laundry, careful not to disturb you. He’d carry you to bed later, or wake you up, but for the moment he was going to let you rest.
Cole: Person A falling asleep during the car ride home and Person B carrying them into the house.
The whole team was sent on a long single-day mission, leaving early in the morning and returning late into the night. You were all piled into one of the many vehicles that could carry you and soft music was playing in the background. Lloyd was driving as Kai sat shotgun, talking quietly to keep both Lloyd and himself awake. Nya was passed out on Jay’s shoulder, and Jay leaned over on Zane. The nindroid stared out the window quietly, joining in on Lloyd and Kai’s discussion every now and then.
You sat beside Cole in the back of the vehicle in a peaceful silence. You were curled up with your feet up on the seat between the two of you, drifting in and out of sleep as you watched a movie with Cole on his phone. As time passed, your feet slid off of the seat and your eyes began to droop. Your head now rested against Cole’s shoulder. Sometime later, your eyes closed for good as you slept soundly against your friend.
By the time you’d reached the monastery, you were passed out still, except you had moved to lean against your window.
“We’re here,” Lloyd called softly to those who were still awake or somewhat aware of their surroundings. Nya had just woken up, and Jay was in the process of waking up. As people started getting out of the car, Cole noticed that you were still knocked out beside him.
He contemplated waking you up, but you were hit pretty hard during the mission and he wanted you to rest as much as you could. So, in response, Cole slowly slid one arm under your knees and one behind your back. He pulled you close to his chest and slid out of the vehicle, kicking the door shut behind him.
“Aw, look at Cole being a gentleman,” Jay laughed slightly.
The earth ninja glared at Jay. “I don’t want to wake them.”
Following the others into the monastery, Cole carried you up the stairs and to your bedroom. He pulled back your blanket, gently laid you down, and tucked you in. You began to move in your sleep, and Cole froze. He was afraid he had woken you up, but watched as you rolled onto your side and buried your face into your blanket.
Cole smiled softly, then leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. He pushed the hair out of your face before leaving you be for the rest of the night.
Jay: Person A and Person B sleeping in the same bed and Person A keeps waking up cold because person B has pulled all the blankets off of them.
Having a movie night with Jay leads to you falling asleep in the same bed as him, his laptop sitting in between the two of you. You lay closest to the wall, back to Jay as you bury yourself in Jay’s blanket. You hadn’t been asleep for long, but you fell asleep before Jay. You’d say your sleep was quite peaceful, or it was until you were exposed to the chilly air abruptly. Opening your eyes, you realized that you no longer had a blanket.
Rolling over, you saw Jay with the blanket you were previously sharing. He was still asleep and didn’t seem to be aware of his actions. You grunted slightly as you pulled the blanket back towards you, enough to cover yourself as you rolled back over and closed your eyes.
It didn’t take long for you to be awoken again by Jay yanking the blankets off of you. It happened several times within the next 15 minutes, and you finally had had enough. Crawling out of Jay’s bed, you stomped over to his closet, pulled out his spare blanket, and made yourself comfortable back on your side of his bed. You closed his computer, tucked it away at the foot of the bed, and layed back down and finally fell asleep for the rest of the night.
When you were awoken by Jay in the morning, he had asked why you had a different blanket. “Where did you even find that?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
You glared at him playfully from where you still lay. “In the closet. You kept taking the blanket we were sharing. I finally had enough so I took your spare.” You lightly kicked him off of the bed. “I’m not sharing a blanket with you anymore.” Your words only made Jay smile with a small laugh, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him.
Zane: Person A can’t sleep so Person B sings them a lullaby.
You weren’t sure what time it was. You remembered leaving your room around 1:45 a.m. but you had been out on the deck of the bounty for a while. You had tried for hours to fall asleep, but you finally called it quits and headed outside to get some fresh air. You hated how you were feeling at the moment. Your body was so exhausted you couldn’t stand, so you resorted to leaning against the railing on the edge of the ship. Yet you couldn’t seem to rest in the slightest.
You were scared out of your mind when a cool hand was placed on your shoulder. Shooting upright and wiping your head around, your fearful gaze met Zane’s blue eyes. The nindroid was kneeling behind you, looking at you worriedly. “Are you alright, Y/N?”
You blinked slowly, then turned your head to look over the edge of the railing. Shrugging, you muttered, “Can’t sleep.”
Zane’s brows furrowed. “You don’t look well. Maybe you should come inside.”
You shook your head. “I like it out here.”
With a sigh, Zane moved to sit beside you, pulling you to lean onto his shoulder. “Then I will stay here with you.”
You hummed contently, nuzzling your cheek into his shoulder. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other’s company. You still couldn’t seem to fall asleep, but you were much more relaxed. “Hey Zane?”
You hesitated for a moment. “Do- do you think you could do something for me?”
Zane’s voice was gentle as he responded with, “Of course.”
“Could you hum something?” You hoped you weren’t asking too much from your friend, but his voice was so soothing. There would be times when Zane would be driving the team home from a mission, and he’d hum quietly to himself when he thought everyone else was asleep. And if you were sneaky you could catch him humming to himself while making dinner. There was just something about his voice that calmed you.
“I suppose I could.” Zane wrapped an arm around you so you could get more comfortable before he began to hum quietly. You could hear his voice vibrating lowly through his chest, and you closed your eyes to enjoy the peacefulness of it all. For the first time that night, you felt like you could finally close your eyes and get some rest.
After a few minutes, Zane looked down to check on you. You hadn’t said anything in a while, and your breathing had changed. The nindroid smiled softly when he saw you asleep on his shoulder. He thought you looked exhausted when he first found you, enough to make you sick. He was just glad you were finally resting. Zane wanted to carry you back to your room, but he was afraid of waking you, and it was a nice night. He did adjust you, however, so you were more comfortable. Starting to hum again, Zane watched over you for the rest of the night.
Lloyd: Person A can tell that Person B is having a nightmare because they’re making weird noises/motions in their sleep so Person A wakes them up and asks if they’re ok.
Lloyd wasn’t known to be one of the deeper sleepers on the team. In fact, he was probably one of the lightest sleepers out there. It didn’t help that some of his roommates were loud sleepers. Jay talked in his sleep, and Cole snored excessively loud. It drove Lloyd insane on nights when he was exhausted but would be awoken several times due to his brothers, but he touched through it most of the time.
You never really made noise while you slept, and that’s what allowed Lloyd to get a full night’s rest. The two of you were best friends, and the two of you often spent nights together in one of your rooms. Especially during the day, when Lloyd wants to take a nap, he’d settle down in your room for a few hours while you either napped with him, or worked on something quietly.
Afternoon training had finally ended and everyone was either in the process of showering and settling down or getting ready for dinner. It didn’t take long for you to shower, change, and curl up under your blanket while you waited for dinner, and it didn’t take much longer for Lloyd to come knocking on your door.
“Hey Y/N,” the ninja greeted with a gentle smile as he leaned against your doorframe. “Mind if I come in?”
You looked up from your phone and scooted over on your bed, patting the spot next to you. “Not at all!”
Lloyd flopped down beside you with a groan. “Man, am I beat. HIs blonde hair fanned over your pillow, and Lloyd tilted his head up to look at you, still smiling. “Whatcha watching?” He scooted further up the bed, moving to rest his head right above your shoulder to look at your phone. His hair tickled your face slightly, and you could smell his shampoo from the shower he must have just taken.
“Just social media, nothing much,” you answered, turning your phone off and setting it beside you. You adjusted yourself to rest on Lloyd’s shoulder, burying your face on the side of his clothed chest. In response, the green ninja wrapped an arm around you. “I could go for a nap right about now.”
Lloyd’s fell to rest on top of your own. With a contented sigh, he said, “Me too.” The two of you fell into a soft silence as Lloyd pulled your blanket over himself and began to doze off.
It didn’t take long for Lloyd to be woken up by you. He woke up quicker than usual, because you almost never made noise in your sleep, especially soft whimpers and whines. Opening his eyes, Lloyd immediately scans the room for any threats. There seemed to be nothing harmful that he could see. The two of you were the only ones in your room, and you were still asleep beside him. That’s when Lloyd noticed how distressed you were. Your back was to the ninja, but he could still see how quickly you were breathing. Your shoulders shook, and you kept moving slightly.
Lloyd was no stranger to nightmares, and he knew how much it could mean to someone to be awoken and comforted by a close friend. So Lloyd gently wraps his arms around you and turns you around to place your head on his chest again. He keeps one hand around your waist and moves his other to run through your hair. “You’re alright,” he said softly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Wake up Y/N, you’re alright. I’ve got you.” It took a lot of gentle caresses and soft words for Lloyd to wake you up, but eventually your eyes opened and you were pulled away from your nightmare.
You weren’t sure where you were at first, but it didn’t take long for you to recognize your best friend beside you, covered by your favorite blanket and watching you with watery eyes. “Are you alright?” Lloyd asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You had a nightmare.”
You took a deep breath, releasing it shakily. You shrugged your shoulders, slowly curling in on yourself against Lloyd. “I think so?”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t remember it.” Part of you was grateful you couldn’t remember the dream, but you felt terrible for waking your friend. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I know that’s why you sleep in here, cause I never --”
“Hey, don’t be sorry,” the green ninja cut you off, hugging you tighter against him. “I’d wake up a thousand times every night if that meant you’d rest peacefully.” He smiled at the thought. “I really don't mind. And, besides, I think dinner is almost ready. We’d be waking up soon anyway.” He was silent for a moment. “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You smiled softly, and added, “Thank you Lloyd.”
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miksterrr · 1 year
hc that lloyd tried to do the 'super-glue,' pickle-jar prank on kai. kai couldn't open it and got v mad and almost smashed it on the ground, until cole was just like, "kai, just give it too me." and cole popped the lid right off. and that's how kai fell it love with cole.
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it-could-be-fun-tho · 5 months
My Ninjago Headcannons! (some of them are actually cannon, but idc)
• Jay has naturally red-ish, curly hair and decided to not try to tame it and grew it out starting at Season 8; extremely high pain tolerance (relating to Skybound); ADHD, and lots of energetic outbursts; he can be smart when he really needs to; self-esteem issues; good with anything mechanical; very curious + clever; video game genius; listens to kahoot music on repeat
• Cole isn't very flexible (compared to the other ninjas) because of his muscular body; sweet-tooth; loves food, not very good at cooking, ofc; loves playing and listening to music; good taste in music; literally the BFG; makes a good father figure; really kind; gets back at anyone who hurts people he cares about; literally besties with Kai; grounded and down to earth
• Nya, like Cole, is a terrible cook; tends to rant a lot; Kai's babysitter when he gets mad; sharp, pointed features; EXTREMELY stubborn; exceptional with hands-on situations, but not really good with technical and mentally challenging situations; pretty intense
• Lloyd is also Kai's babysitter when he gets mad; has an extreme sweet-tooth, which outstands even Cole's, because of his Oni heritage; the Responsible One™; somewhat energetic, like Jay; DON'T GIVE HIM COFFEE WHATSOEVER; gets teased by most of the ninja for his short height; has the mentality of a child
• Kai has a, surprisingly, good sense in fashion, and is good at doing hair; hot-headed, ofc; average cook; loves to fight, and is pretty good at it; average cook; Overly Protective Older Brother™; sharp, pointed features; terrible dancer; jumps to conclusions and miscommunicates a lot more than the average person; loves roasting people, but mostly Jay though; kinda stupid; insanely extroverted
• Zane has a very sweet personality; if there was an award for "Best Smile" he'd definitely win it; despite being the smart and logical character, he ends up being the wildly oblivious; pretty tall; accidently roasts people really hard; quite an agreeable person; has most control over his elemental powers out of all of the ninja
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jalluzas-ferney · 4 months
Soooo….I made some nationality headcannons! At first I was a liiittle bit unsure if to do so cuz then again.. they live in ninjago…. And im pretty sure countries like argentina or Morocco don’t quite exist in the ninjago universe LMAO. Butttttt. Already seen others make headcannons, so hell, why not? I uses they apply to some irl au or what if they lived in our world uk? And what different countries would I see them coming from and etc.
I can imagine that the EM might have travelled all over the world, either to go into hiding, or missions, or escape conflict, etc. Or maybe simply that’s where they came from! So yeah that’s my little explanation that is mostly for myself cuz im a little bit too literal sometimes lol.
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When thinking about nationality I always think a lot about where they grew up and what nationality they grew up with and would later on identify with the most. It’s a complicated concept when your parents are from a different nationality and theyre immigrants in a different country- so you grow up in this country, surrounded by this culture and people, but your. Also. Raised by your parents who also have your family living in this completely different country- where you also find home and relate to the people considering how you look, the language you speak with your parents- or the specific culture and environment your parents grew up wiooith, impacting your home life and the way your raised. Perhaps you lived in both places, or travel a lot to your parents homeland. Perhaps you live in one of your parents countries but the other. Not. but you still identify with one of your parents nationality because of the rest of your family from that side and the culture your take in from them. So it’s always very personal! So for Kai and Nya, I imagined that ray was Argentinian and Maya Filipino. And perhaps - because I want to project onto my faves- they were born and grew up in Argentina. But have always also identified a lot with their mothers homeland, since not only does their race impact the way they might feel more different and set apart from kids there, maya loves talking about her childhood in the Philippines and is always talking over the phone with their aunts and cousins, meaning Kai and Nya def were taught some Tagalog, tho theyre not incredibly fluid with it. In their early teens they probably travelled to the Philippines, (took ray and maya some time to settle down and get enough money to travel, as well as find time) and met their whole family, and the place they reside in, habit that would turn quite common as they would continue to travel other times the following years.
For Lloyd, I really wanted to make him Asian -Brazilian. It just felt right. So imagined that my queen (don’t you judge her >:() Misako would be Brazilian, meanwhile Garmadon,Japanese. i imagine that Misako adores traveling, so she met Garmadon on her trip to Japan, and decided to stay there for a WHILE because of the brothers. During her time there, she had Lloyd. Since her family heard of her new baby, she travelled back to Brazil with a two y/o Lloyd to have her family meet the him and catch up overall. but as the serpentine wars rose In japan (ill hc it happened in japan let me know what u think of that) Misako was told to wait in Brazil. Misako didn’t really like that though, and while she dreaded having to leave her son, she was sure shed come back soon after helping out the Brothers in the battle against the serpentine. So Lloyd was left to live with his aunties and grandparents in Brazil. Of course, after Misako found out about the whole Green Ninja thing and all that crap, she pulled the same stunt as in the series and ✨ vanished ✨. But then Garmadon came and fucking took him like divorced parents sometimes do uk? So then he spent some other of his childhood years growing up in, ya guessed it, Japan. This is how Lloyd identifies both with being a Brazilian and Japanese. As for the rest, I just envision that they lived in their respective countries their whole lives till they were recruited!
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alienpersonnn · 7 months
Wyldfire likes biting people but still makes sure she doesn't hurt them, she'll mostly bite people sleeves or arms
Fritz and spitz has accidentally called both geo and/or cole dad at least once or twice
Sora likes to spend time with Nya by teaching each other about tech and how theyd mix their current knowledge with the stuff the other taught them (i imagine the same thing happening when pixal comes back)
Kai thought it'd be funny to show arin and Sora old pictures of lloyd when he was younger with the bowl haircut, now you're probably imagining both of them laughing but n o. Why? Cuz arin had a similar bowlcut before (this was before the merge) so he just kinda stayed silent while Sora was cry laughing
The thingies on the side of wyldfyres leg and knees are sheded scales from heatwave cuz she's not exactly lava proof
Arin is really cultured when it comes to memes and every time he references one to sora or wyldfyre their reaction is just like "what are you talking about?" But when he references them to the ninjas they go "YOU KNOW THAT MEME????"
Wyldfyre learned how to swear from kai
Fritz and spitz are masters of hide and seek! Whenever it's their turn to hide, they'll always taunt the seekers and you can never tell where they were hiding, not only that but they are really good at seeking too
Wyldfyre HATES the cold, AC rooms are a no no. Why? Cuz 1, she's not used to it. 2, it makes her feel like she's nowhere near her family/home. Which brings me to another headcannon
Wyldfyre loves hugs, they're warm and well it's nice, she associates warmth with the feeling of home or something like that, idk i thought it was sweet
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triangular-dude · 12 days
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Happy pride month ninja nerds! Hope you have a wonderful month whether or not you fall into the celebrated group! But most importantly, remember the amazingness of the world’s diversity.
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Also, additional doodles cause these two are my favorites.
And if you were wondering about Jay’s scars, they are based on the semi-periolar scar type (from top surgery of course). They are kinda weird due to something having to do with Prime Empire. I don’t often see other scar types depicted in this fandom, so, yea…
and alt version to the Jay cause one of my best friends said he’d get cold.
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Harumi’s face
I’m in the middle of rewatching season 8 because (I found a streaming platform it is free on), and I am sooooo curious to hear interpretations of Harumi’s “real face” as Lloyd calls it. we know she painted over the mark with makeup, but I would love to know peoples opinions. Personally, I believe they’re scars.
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ievieofspring · 1 month
Hi! Can I request zane dating headcannons?
genre(s): fluff
pairing: zane julien x reader
trigger warnings: profanity (just one curse word), mentions of panicking
a/n: thanks for the req, anon! i didn’t have many ideas sadly, but i still hope you enjoy! <33
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☆ this man is so gentle and sweet, it’ll melt your heart :’((
☆ zane cherishes you sm and is willing to go out of his way for you
☆ he will absolutely treat you like royalty
☆ he’s so patient and understanding, and would never push you into telling him personal things unless you were comfortable
☆ always would calm you down whenever you get mad or panic and will try to talk to you in the sweetest and calmest tone
☆ “it’ll be alright, snowflake, breathe for me. you can figure it out, i know you can.”
☆ would always write you notes or send you texts in the morning and at night, he’s so thoughtful and always reminds you to take good care of yourself (fr sobbing rn)
☆ you taught him emoticons like “:]”, “:)” “^^”, and etc, and he always uses “<3” at the end of every text he sends you to remind you how much he loves you
☆ he can get a bit cold (and i mean literally) being a nindroid and master of ice so you’d always have a blanket over you two while cuddling (unless you prefer the cold)
☆ tries to attempt a “wink and walk away” (per kai’s advice) but it just ends with him blinking awkwardly at you, leaving kai who laughs his ass off in the back
☆ he’s the one who confessed, but we all know the ninja have terrible advice, so let’s just say he was pretty embarrassed and had a meltdown
☆ always kisses the back of your hand or your knuckles
☆ stores a whole memory bank of just the two of you <3
☆ he’d always help you out; love language would be quality time, acts of service, and/or compliments and praises
☆ is always there to take care of you while you’re sick, makes warm soup and everything
☆ you two absolutely adore playing in the snow together and he’d always try to make sure you’re bundled up so you’re not cold
☆ he will literally do anything for you so you should too <33
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greenbean-4ever · 1 year
◇ random ninja headcannons ◇
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◇ Cole is the oldest, hence, the dad of group
◇ he doesn't eat more cake because, for the life of him, he can't bake
◇ he sometimes asks Zane though
◇ Jay hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD because he never had the chance to be examined. but trust me, he does have it. and Zane knows
◇ over time, Lloyd has collected every single edition of the Starfarer comics, and it's his most prized collection
◇ at a certain point, coffee was banished from the monastery because it was all Lloyd would eat and drink for days
◇ Kai raised Nya, that's a fact. But to me, they never went to school. so, he taught her everything.
◇ Pixal knows everyone's deepest, darkest secrets. she never takes advantage of it, but she never questions the ninja if they have to go or do something
◇ she even helps them sometimes in subtle ways and they never notice
◇ in my head, Skylor is officially on the team, but she stays back on most missions like Pixal
that's all I have for now! what are your ninja hcs?
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Ah can I request the ninja with a teammate that acts as an older brother
You sure can!
Ninjago - Ninjas With an Older Brother Figure
He’s used to playing the role of an older brother himself, so it throws him for a bit of a loop when he meets you
At first he’s a little wary
He thinks you’re trying to replace him
But once he realizes that you treat him like a little sibling too, he starts to come around to the idea of you
Surprisingly, he actually ends up liking you a lot
He finally gets to experience what he’s provided for others his whole life
It’s a huge weight off his shoulders; for the first time he feels like he doesn’t have to carry all the responsibility
He comes to you often with his troubles, taking full advantage of your relationship
(Not in a manipulative way)
He even asks for help when he needs it
He really does look up to you, and he’s grateful to have you in his life
He still carries a lot of responsibility though, no matter how much you might try to alleviate it
It’s just what he’s used to, I doubt you could convince him to change
He’s a little confused when he first meets you
He doesn’t know why you’re being so friendly towards the group, taking on the role of companion and mentor at the same time
He’s not complaining though, your presence seems to boost the others’ morale
One day you pull him aside and tell him that you’re there for him too if he should ever need anything
He just blinks at you, but after a moment he smiles
He won’t come to you at first, so you’ll have to come to him
Seeing you helping out with cleaning and sparring shows him that he really can trust you
He starts to come to you when he needs help with cleaning
One day, while you’re doing the dishes, he asks you for advice
You’re happy to help, of course
You’re also stoked that he finally trusts you like that
It becomes a bit of a tradition for you two; discussing life while you clean together
It helps Zane sort out his feelings
Though it took a while for you two to get that close, he’s really grateful to have a relationship like that in his life
He took to you straight away
Despite his mature nature, and as much as he likes to act grown up, he still feels like a kid inside
So he finds himself needing advice often
And to have someone like you, someone reliable who cares about him in an older-brotherly way, it’s no small comfort for him
He spends a lot of time with you, bombarding you with questions and always trying to learn something from you
Of course, he knows that you’re no sensei, but in a way that makes you more trustworthy
You’re closer to him than Wu or Garmadon, both in age and mentality
And he appreciates that it doesn’t always have to be a therapy session when he’s with you
He likes to mess around too, releasing that inner child
A sensei would never help him with pranks or buy comics; that’s another thing that makes you special to him
Overall you play a unique role in his life that he quickly grows attached to
After a while, he can’t even imagine a life without you
He’s not so receptive to the idea of an older brother
He’s a bit of a brat to you at first
He doesn’t accept your authority or wisdom; he doesn’t even see you as a friend
But when he finds himself in need of advice, he starts to regret the hostility between you two
Luckily you’re both forgiving and observant, so you come to him
He begrudgingly talks to you; you can hear the lingering apprehension in his voice, but you ignore it
You can see his face soften as you offer some advice and comfort
By the time you’re done speaking he’s actually smiling
He jumps up, hugging you tightly before running off to try out your suggestion
After that it’s like he forgot your rocky history together
He comes straight to you with the littlest problems
He usually just needs to vent, which is fine by you
It took him a while to warm up to you, but once he decides you’re okay he’s tied to you for life
When he first meets you, you guys get along pretty well
You’re more like friends in the beginning; Cole doesn’t really feel the need to come to you for advice
Mostly because he doesn’t trust you like that
So you just stay friends for a while
But after a while he starts to see the merits of your wisdom, so he tests the waters by asking little questions
When those questions lead you into deep conversations, that confirms it for him: you’re definitely a good source for advice
Mostly he just explores those deep topics with you though, learning what he can from the things you say
And it definitely helps that you guys usually have these conversations mid-hang out
So you’ll be working out or playing video games while talking
It certainly makes things more enjoyable for you both
Basically, your relationship is an even balance between deep talks and hanging out
Which Cole greatly appreciates, since he likes deep talks but at the same time doesn’t like to take things too seriously
So you’re the ideal companion :)
You’d think she’d be opposed to accepting you as an older brother figure, since she already has Kai
But you’re different from Kai
Kai might’ve been a rock in her life, but unfortunately he isn’t much one for advice
In the past when Nya needed advice, she’d have to go to Wu
His riddles were often confusing, leaving her more conflicted than before
But when she meets you, she finally has someone who will speak on her level
Someone who’s got more up to date wisdom, too
She likes to talk to you about her problems because she knows you’ll understand
Your wisdom is just more modern
Plus she likes that you speak to her like an equal, rather than a sensei
You’re just as open with her as she is with you
That’s another reason that she trusts you a lot
She’s glad to have Kai, but she’s also glad to have you :)
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Thanks for this request! And thank you for reading, take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
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miraculousninja-345 · 7 months
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Geodeshipping sketches!!
Kinda gave up on the last one lol but it is what it is
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trashnotfound · 2 months
✨Vanillacake headcannons✨
- Cole and Vania write letters to eachother due to communication between ninjago and shintaro being difficult
- Vania likes to bake chocolate cake for cole when he visits her
- vania once snuck away for a weekend so cole could show her around Ninjago city
- Vania doesn’t like chocolate (because they don’t usually have it in shintaro) but she makes sure to keep some for cole
- their favourite thing to do when Cole visits shintaro is spending time in the palace gardens, Vania usually reads one of her many books on the ninja cole lays his head on her lap and listens
- cole braids Vanias hair
- even tho Vania is queen Cole’s fav nickname to use is princess (trying to make him calling her princess in crystallised something good 💀)
- cole brings Vania hydrangeas everytime he sees her (their her fav flower and are the ones used to commemorate her mother by her statue)
- cole calls their daughter “my little hydrangea” (pink ones have a saying of “you are the beat of my heart” others promoting pride, gratitude etc)
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