#no body has sent any other requests in so just in case I also would like to thank everyone who is supporting me on my art journey
seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Some requests of the Mutant variety⚠️
Also, with this post we have hit a milestone :)
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A Sticky Situation
Wriothesley x Fem! Reader
Summary: With the sticker count rising higher and higher that week, it has finally reached a point where Wriothesley needed it to slow down for his sanity.
Words: 1,766
AN: I love stickers. I want to join Sigewinne in her bet.
Wriothesely had found what had to be the fifth sticker he had peeled off of his jacket just that morning alone. Not to mention it was the forty-second sticker that week and it was only Thursday morning. Usually, this prank from Sigewinne and the other Melusine wouldn’t bother him too much. It was harmless after all. But Forty-Two Stickers??? All in the same week?
Was it always this many and people were taking them off for him without telling him in pity? No, he would have noticed that if that was the case. It wasn’t like Sigewinne also had more Melusine friends visiting her more than normal. Maybe he really was a bad influence on Sigewinne if her bets had gone this far. Hopefully, that would be the extent of his influence and nothing else.
The one question he couldn’t get out of his mind besides how they were getting so many stickers was, where they were getting so many stickers from. It wasn’t like they got this many stickers sent down here from the overworld or that Sigewinne had the time to make so many stickers. And he hadn’t seen many of Sigewinne’s friends come to the Fortress of Meropide that week. It had to be Sigewinne who was currently winning that bet.
None of it made sense at this point. And what didn’t make even more sense was that he just found a sixth sticker on his boot. Maybe it was time to at least slow her pranks down. He wouldn’t stop them but this was starting to get disruptive. At least make her understand not to sticker on the leather of clothes. It never felt like it cleaned off right. He just hoped by bringing it up the sticker amount would go down instead of jumping it up higher as a challenge.
Making his way out of his office he took a glance around his surroundings. A peak over at the cafeteria had him spotting exactly who he wanted to talk to. Sigewinne was talking to her pharmacist friend from the overworld, a lovely woman who had taken it upon herself to sub in to try and help give Sigewinne a break to join her Melusine friends in the overworld. It made Y/N quite helpful as well if Sigewinne ever requested a set of extra hands as she was more comfortable around the Fortress than anyone else they would send down.
She flipped through a book leaning down just enough to show Sigewinne without causing her to strain her neck. Whatever the two were discussing had caused them to laugh aloud. “Personally, this one is my favorite. Its eyes are bigger than the shark's body."
Yeah, that was different from the normal pharmaceutical talk he never followed along with. It's easy to lose track of everything being referred to in great detail due to its chemical composition. This conversation even a child could follow.
"I take it your lunch went well.” He said making his presence known. 
Y/N closed up the book the two were going through handing it off to Sigewinne before standing straight up. “It did. I brought some muffins I bought down to share. How’s your day going so far your Grace?” She looked at him and smiled.
His eyes followed the book that had been handed off. “It's been okay.” He looked back up at Y/N’s face. “What happened to you thinking calling me that was weird?”
“You’re working at the moment. I can respect the professionalism within it even if it feels weird to say. Sigewinne and I were just finishing up.” She bit her lip holding her smile from getting any bigger.
“Anything you need?” Sigewinne asked making sure that the plain back of the book was facing his line of sight. She counted the stickers she could still see on him. There were 4 left. 5 if the one she placed on his chair made it on him.
“Can you at least not place any stickers on leather?” He bargained.
“Hmmm. I don’t see any on leather.” He must have peeled most of those ones off already. Pity. 
“I’ve counted forty-three this week. At least twenty of them were on leather. I don't care as long as they aren’t on the leather. Takes too long to clean off right.”
Y/N covered her mouth trying not to laugh. “Fourty-three?” Sigewinne had to be in the lead for sure.
Wriothesley frowned. He really didn’t want to have to bring her into this. “And do you want to tell me what medicine the two of you have been going on about that contains a shark with eyes bigger than its body?”
Annnnnnd Caught.
“I should go back to the infirmary. Someone might have shown up by now.” Sigewinne excused herself before she lost what Y/N had come down to give her.
She looked down at a nonexistent watch on her arm. “Oh look at the time. I should go.” She tried to walk away towards the exit only for Wriothesley to grab her arm and pull her back. “I didn’t dismiss you.”
 She turned her head over her shoulder looking back at him. “I’m not working for you today.” “Doesn’t matter. What was the book about?”
“Nothing to worry about. You do see how inappropriate this looks to everyone else. I can practically feel your heartbeat against my back.” “You’ve given me hugs in front of inmates before. We’ll be fine. I’ll let go when you tell me what was in the book.”
"Cause you won a match in the ring. I was high on adrenaline." She rolled her eyes at the memory. "Don't tell me you enjoyed it." She teased. 
"Don't change the subject.
“I’m perfectly on topic. I don’t know what you are so pressed about.”
“Do you understand that anything that comes within the Fortress without my knowledge can be considered contraband?"
Y/N pulled out of his loose grip and began walking towards the infirmary. He followed right behind. "Contraband? You do understand that Sigewinne and I are free people who work and sometimes work here."
"I know that. I asked nicely the first time."
"Nicely? You manhandled me." “I think we are running off of two very different definitions.” He lightly elbowed her side. “I have a feeling you’d enjoy that anyway.”
She rolled her eyes hiding a small laugh that tried to creep into her voice. “Wriothesley.” She attempted to scold him.
“We can unpack all of that on a different day.”
“It would be a short day with nothing to unpack.” She sped up her walk. It was hard to take his flirting seriously when there was still a sticker in his hair. He’d benefit from keeping a mirror on his person if the stickers were becoming a problem.
Upon entering the infirmary, Sigewinne and Ottnit were flipping through the infamous book. Laughing. Plotting when to strike their prank next. The two Melusines were clearly enjoying themselves. 
“Hi, girls.” Y/N greeted them as she and Wriothesley walked down the stairs towards them. “I’ve been assumed of bringing in contraband. May I see the book for a moment?” She held out her hand as Sigewinne passed her the book. “You do know we aren’t inmates here.” Sigewinne frowned at Wriothesley. “Told him that already.” She showed the open book to Wriothesley. “Happy now?”
His mouth dropped in shock. “I trusted you. Have you been the one supplying them?”
“Stickers are cute. I’m just giving my friends a gift. I don’t think that's betraying your trust.”
“Tell that to all the sticky residue on my jacket and boots. It won’t even come off right.” He complained. “Twenty of them on leather. I’m just covered in sticky dust.”
The three of them couldn’t help but finally break out laughing. Y/N invested her money in the right thing if he was to look this cute pouting. He crossed his arms frowning in an attempt to save himself from turning into a dust ball at the rate it was going.
Y/N handed the book back to Sigewinne. “Ottnit could you get me some baby oil and a few cotton balls.”
“Sure.” She went off and bought back the supplies. Sigewinne went off, setting the sticker book down on her table before sitting on a chair watching the faces of the two infirmary guests. 
Y/N took one of the cotton balls and dabbed a bit of the baby oil on it. Ottnit took the bottle of baby oil back. She grabbed one of the sleeves of the jacket and peeled off a sticker he had missed. Wriothesley frowned as she placed the sticker on his nose.
“You are doing a horrible job helping.” He took the sticker off his face and crumbled it up in his hand.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “My grandpa was a leather worker. He told me if there was any sticky residue on any leather, take some baby oil and rub it over it with a cotton ball.” She said as she cleaned off the sleeve of the jacket. She handed the used cotton ball to Ottnit before taking a clean one. “Dry it off with another cotton ball and then it's good as new.” 
Wriothesley looked over the sleeve. It was a lot better than his attempts. He sighed. “This doesn’t mean you can keep placing stickers on my jacket or boots,” he told Sigewinne and Ottnit. They were going to keep doing it anyway.
“Nothing to be angry about now.” Y/N dropped the sleeve of the jacket and handed the cotton ball to Ottnit. Ottnit went and threw away the used ones before putting up the baby oil.
“I wasn’t angry.”
“Good cause I’m going to keep giving them stickers.” She reached up pulled a sticker out of hair and placed that one on his nose as well. “I think they look good on you Ri.”
He rolled his eyes before repeating his action from before. “I’m not sure if you know the meaning of help.”
Y/N laughed. “I really need to get back to the surface. This lunch break has been going on a little long. I’ll see you later.” She turned around saying her goodbyes to Sigewinne and Ottnit before leaving the infirmary.
Wriothesley hadn’t even noticed how his eyes hadn’t left her till she was out of sight.
Ottnit sighed shaking her head. “You were right.”
Sigewinne smiled knowing she just won herself even more stickers. “When do you plan on asking her out?”
His head turned over to her. “Forty-five stickers. You get no say in this right now.”
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novacqnes · 1 year
omg could u write an au fic where both ellie and the fem!reader are detectives working on a case but like uhm, they’re also- married 🤭 and in one scenario they are undercover in a club and the reader has to act flirty with the bad guy and so ofc ellie is jealous…… that means yes. jealous s e x. uhm. please. i just- want to imagine ellie in a suit LMAO
poison // ellie williams
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warning: angst, smut, jealousy, top!ellie, squirting, fingering, strap on usage (fem receiving), mentions of crime (prostitution, human trafficking, drugs)
pairing: ellie williams x fem reader
a/n: …..this is pure genius. i haven’t been able to stop thinking about this ask since you’ve sent it in. i definitely need to delve into detective ellie fics for my own peace of mind. also i don’t usually put a wc in requested fics but this one is kinda lengthy so keep that in mind—
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ellie saw red. thick crimson splotches crept into the corners of her vision making it nearly impossible to see— let alone think clearly. green eyes narrowed into the sight on the opposite side of the bar. there, a man and a woman sat playfully bantering back and forth. their words were drowned out by the obnoxiously loud music, but the image was enough for ellie to get the picture. 
to most he was known as philip grant, a pompous ass responsible for running one of the largest prostitution and drug rings in the country. the man was balding, pale, and stocky— he couldn’t have been over 5’2, yet his arrogance preceded him. ellie observed silently. his lips, cracked and brittle, pressed into a menacing grin as he fixated on the woman before him. 
jealousy stirred inside ellie the longer she watched the woman— her wife flirt with grant. the long touches, dramatic laughter, and seductive eyes made her stomach turn, yet there was nothing she could do besides watch. any sort of interference would blow your cover, jeopardizing the lives of everyone in the club— including you. thus ellie opted for bitter jealousy, submerging herself in it as she did her best to trust you. after all, you needed to find some way to nail him or he’d walk free once again.
“i see him, it’s the last table to your right,” ellie whispered, adjusting the buttons of her coat. the two of you sat at a table just a few feet away, dressed to blend in with the elite to attend the club. she wore a jet-black suit that conformed to her body perfectly. yet your focus was pulled in the opposite direction.
 “el, we’ve got to get something from him tonight.”
“i know.” her breath hitched, pressure mounted onto both of your shoulders as time crept by with no true plan. by midnight philip grant would still be a free man and the possibility of changing that was growing scarce. you needed to act fast and without a call to action, ellie was without choices. she reached for her gun, sliding it into her jacket as she rose from her seat.
immediately you hopped up blocking her path, “what the hell are you doing?”
“…..i’m gonna go talk to him?” ellie muttered, her cheeks burning bright pink. shooting the man was not an option. the arrest needed to be swift and quick— which meant no guns nor endangering customers. you swiped the pistol from ellie’s hands, discreetly placing it in your bag. 
you pulled her back towards the table, “you can’t just walk up to him. the moment he sees you coming he’s gonna run— and it’ll be months till we get an opportunity like this again.”
“so what’s your idea?” she sighed, her hands thrown up in defeat. carefully your eyes lingered on the man for just a moment. dozens of girls swarmed, some from the club, others had come with him. they hung on grant’s every word— so much so that if he asked them to jump off a cliff they’d do it in heartbeat. 
“i’ll go.”
“you’ve gotta be kidding me,” ellie sputtered, her eyes doubling in size. 
“listen to me, philip grant is an asshole— a chauvinistic pig that gets off on exploiting women. all i need to do is stroke his ego a bit and he’ll start talking.”
you were right, and ellie knew it but she didn’t like it. she loathed this part of the job. the side that seemingly blurred the lines between reality and fiction. it required you to play a character, and put on a persona in exchange for just a sliver of information. it was something you were good at, yet ellie still detested it. 
“i can do this, alright? i promise if things start to go south i’ll signal and we’ll send the cops in— now tell me, how do i look?” despite your adamance ellie was more than hesitant. yet the plan was already in motion, and there was no time to stand in the way of it.  
“beautiful,” she whispered, allowing the pit deep inside of her to fester. you shot your wife a quick grin, placing a soft on your face before adjusting your dress. then you whipped out a dark red lipstick that was sure to captivate grant’s attention. 
in one large breath, you sauntered over to the opposite side of the room. as you approached the man a sly grin took hold of your lips. plastering itself there the more he eyed you up and down. his gaze felt like venom. your stomach churned with nausea as it intensified, sending a cold chill through your bones. nevertheless you took the seat in front of him, outstretching your hand.
“mr grant, right? i’m elora.” 
philip grant was an asshole, in every sense of the word. simply seeing you with him was enough to evoke more than jealousy from ellie. she couldn’t hear anything over the loudspeakers so she had to rely on sight, which seemed to worsen her regret. she despised the way he looked at you— as if you were prey, something to be conquered. and you had no choice but to play into it. 
she watched as your arms wrapped around his, pulling him closer to your body. in a matter of minutes, you’d manage to blend in with his women seamlessly, cooing at the man’s words. ellie’s felt nauseated as you doted on the man, pushing the boundary in order to draw more information. she was sure that if she stood by any longer she’d vomit. 
desperately she sought out a sign— anything to signal that she could arrest grant but nothing came. the music ruined any possibility of eavesdropping so she had to opt for visuals and they only made her even more jealous. she fiddled with the silver band on finger, her gaze narrowing on grant’s hand. it trailed from her pocket and to your arm as he slipped you a paper, leaning in dangerously close to whisper.
ellie wanted to gag, his lips nearly brushed your ear. although it was small compared to what she’d witnessed it was enough for her to radio in the cops surrounding the small bar. within a matter of seconds, she stormed over to the two of you, whipping out her handcuffs. 
“wait el—“ but your protests fell on deaf ears. at that moment dozens of officers swarmed the building, closing in. philip tried to push past yet ellie’s hand sent him crashing back down. his face turned beet red and ellie towered over him, more powerful than you’d ever seen her. 
“philip grant you are under arrest for 18 counts of human sex trafficking and the murders of rose and ruby daniels,” she said sternly, locking the metal around his wrists. bewildered, his eyes found yours as if to plead for help yet he was baffled by the lack of surprise on your face. 
“elora? y-you know her? lying bitch you set me up,” he spat, malice laced in each word. he opened his mouth to continue yet you count register a thing. instead, your focus found its way back to ellie. you watched as she passed grant along to the cops, the solemn glare in her eyes remaining. this was a win for both of you, but it was quickly overshadowed by the looming tension that hung over your heads. 
“what’d you find out?” her words were short and she refused to spare you a glance for more than a moment at a time. 
“he told me where he keeps the rest of the girls.” you slipped a sheet of paper into her palm. in it was a full outline of grant’s businesses which was guaranteed to work against him in court. despite uncovering the piece of evidence that would bury him, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of annoyance radiating from ellie.
“what?” she asked, growing restless under your prying eyes.
“i told you to wait,” you faltered, “he was gonna tell me about murders before—“
“we got what we came for, y/n. i wasn’t going to sit back and watch you flirt with him all night.” the last thing you wanted to do was fight— especially not about philip grant. yet ellie wasn’t in a position to reason with you. she saw what she wanted too— and that was you flirting with someone that wasn’t her. 
“listen i’m gonna leave this in evidence… just meet me in the car.” with that ellie turned sharply on her heel not even allowing you the chance to respond. still, you did your best to remain cheerful, making a mental note to apologize once you got home. hopefully, the events of the night would be long forgotten for both of your sakes. 
however, this was the opposite of what happened— the car ride back home was dreadful. ellie hardly even looked your way. vivid details of the ordeal seemed to haunt her. the shameless image of you fawning over grant seared its way into her memory and it only upset her even more. it felt like a wall was being built between the two of you and you had no way of tearing it down. unfortunately, when you got home it was no different.
ellie stormed into the apartment ahead, leaving you trailing behind. she made her way into the bedroom and the anger was detectable even from the kitchen. 
“you hungry? i could make something or we could order in?” you called, only to be greeted by the distinct sounds of silence.
you tried a second time yet all of your attempts amounted to nothing. exasperated, you followed pervading noise all the way towards the room down the hall. there ellie sat on a large bed— the place the two of you shared your most intimate moments. on most days it acted as a safe haven but now it seemed more treacherous than ever. 
the air was thick, presumably from the budding tension that only seemed to stir as you approached your wife. her green eyes buzzed with a certain type of poison— jealousy.
“please don’t tell me you’re giving me the silent treatment because of philip grant,” you muttered, shifting under her fierce gaze. it ignited something inside of you that was utterly unfamiliar. it was ardent passion in a way that you’d never experienced. 
she rose from the mattress, stepping towards you until she was just a few inches away. the heat was palpable and it took shape right in between the two of you, blending in with the jealousy that oozed from ellie.
“you know what i hate most about this job?” she whispered, her voice light and delicate like a feather. you hadn’t realized it then but you were just barely touching the wall. and you feared if ellie stepped any closer you’d be right against it. 
“seeing you with other people.” 
you began, “but it doesn’t mean anything—
“did you see the way he looked at you? hm?” she moved towards you, gradually sealing the distance between your bodies. the cold surface of the wall pressed up against your back, offering you little comfort as ellie spoke. her words were pointed and direct, you could almost make out the hurt behind them but it was overshadowed by a more intense feeling. 
“he wanted to fuck you. jesus y/n….the guy was practically frothing at the mouth the entire time and i had to sit there and watch it.” ellie seethed. she placed each of her arms on the opposite of your body, caging you in as her body stood firm against you. thus with every movement, no matter how minuscule you were able to feel the muscles that lay under ellie’s heavy suit. each one molding against you just perfectly.
“can’t really blame 'em’ though, right?” ellie leaned into your ear, pressing her body against yours with much more fervor. she left soft kisses on the sensitive skin of your neck when you felt something prod at your thigh. you bit back a gasp, jerking against the wall as you looked down. 
“you’re just so beautiful….” she cooed, a sharp tinge glimmering in her eyes. her words were gentle although her body told an entirely different story— and you would soon experience the magnitude of it. she hooked her calloused hands under your chin pulling you into a heated kiss. your hands roamed her body stopping at her crotch where you felt a strong bulge. immediately you went to unzip her pants but quickly stopped by ellie herself. 
“n-no— not yet. get on the bed.” 
you followed her orders without complaint. you took your spot on the bed as ellie watched, slowly peeling from her clothes. you followed suit stripping down to nothing but your underwear. once again, you reached for her yet she remained planted in her spot, desire burning in her eyes. you ached to have her near you— to have ellie inside of you.
“i need you ellie— please,” you whined, slowly soaking the thin piece of cloth over your core. 
dazed from anticipation you nodded mumbling incoherently. your hands trailed to your pussy, circling over the soft flesh as your wife hovered over you blinded by intense jealousy. she wanted nothing more than to see you beg. more as a reminder to herself than to you. no matter what happened during a case— you were hers and the simple sight of you pleading was enough to confirm that. 
“where do you need me?” ellie teased, running her fingertips along the side of your thigh. she brought her index finger to your underwear, sliding it underneath.
“in—inside me.” you shivered at the cold contact, gripping the sheets as she continued. one worked on your clit, teasing the nub as one more made its way into your cunt. ellie couldn’t help but moan at the feeling— your walls clamped around her digits desperately as she curved them. pressing up into the spongy tissue that was your g-spot. 
“o—oh shit…..”
you pressed your eyes closed relishing in the warmth that spread across your entire lower body. thick beads of sweat formed on your skin the more it persisted. ellie’s hand was slick with your fluids but it wasn’t enough. she picked up the pace drawing intense pleas from your lips that replicated music— yet she wanted to do more.
“tell me what you want, y/n.” her tone was so assertive and it made your head spin. you opened your eyes, forcing yourself to look back. frenzied short hairs clung to the side of her face and her cheeks were flushed, it all read of sweet determination. like she had something to prove. 
“i want you to f-fuck me— with it,” you purred, your hands traveling back to the now-exposed dildo that sat in between her legs. ellie leaned down to kiss you once more before removing her fingers from your heart and bringing them to your lips. in one swift motion, ellie moved her body on top of yours, situating herself comfortably in between your legs. she kissed down your chest, cupping her hands over your toys as she brought each one to her mouth, feverishly sucking. 
she sat up, teasingly running the silicone over your pussy coating the tip. the sensation caused you to jerk back, sending a smirk to ellie’s plush lips. after moments she moved forward, filling you to the hilt.
“is this what you wanted?”
“yes—yes it’s fucking perfect el,” you cried, hot tears welling in the corners of your eyes. she pursued a relentless pace, slamming her hips against. the rapid movement spread the pleasure all throughout your body, leaving you nearly speechless. 
strings of obscenities filled ellie’s ears as she sunk into you with each merciless stroke. your legs shook from the impact, desperately wrapping against her. the bed rocked along with the two of you, crashing into the wall as ellie fucked you.
you clasped onto her face, cupping it in your palms as you brought her face down. she pressed her forehead against yours, her pants mixing with moans and the filthy sounds of your pussy. 
“don’t stop, fuck me ha—“ your whines became caught in your throat as ellie pulled out, gently moving you into your stomach. she moved behind you, taking her place as she continued the fervent pace— this time with much more aggression. 
your cheeks rubbed harshly against the fabric of the blanket. you weren’t given much time to adjust to the next position before that same pit pleasure took shape inside of you. and it strengthened with each taunting thrust of ellie’s hips. 
she knew you were close, she could practically feel it in the way your body writhed underneath her. thus her movements had much more vigor and purpose behind them. she needed to bring you to unravel and she was going to be the one to do it. thus ellie placed a firm hand by your head to stabilize herself. using her free one to toy with your sensitive clit. 
“close aren’t you?” she hummed. 
“….please let me come” your voice grew weary and your body stiff. streams of pleasure rippled through your body and in a matter of seconds your vision was distorted by black spots. the sweet poisonous pit in your stomach unraveled, drawing deep loud moans from your lips. 
ellie moved from your body. watching in awe as you soaked the white sheets beneath you, drenching them in fluids. shockwaves tore through your body beautifully leaving you a mess on the bed you shared with your wife. she left soft kisses all over your face and neck, slowly easing from your high. 
“so beautiful…..”
as your vision cleared you gazed up at ellie, who hovered over you. the fierceness in her gaze was long gone, replaced with concern as she looked back at you.
neither of you said anything about the ordeal, in fact, you’d almost forgotten about it. instead, you were struck with fatigue. dozing off as ellie doted on you. she removed the wet sheets from the bed, replacing them with new comfortable ones for you to sleep on.
she took her spot snug behind you, burying her face into the crevice of your neck as she basked in your warmth. she adored these moments. especially the intimate one’s where she was able to see aspects of you that only she’d have the pleasure of experiencing. and it was all the reassurance she needed. 
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vyloy · 1 year
Can I request some Sub Johan Liebert with a Dom male reader??
Johan Liebert
Tws: mentions of murder
Dom male reader
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Johan is not the type of submit to anyone, why would he? Well that was until he encountered you, a detective. Though you hadn't been a known detective at the time, he found you very interesting. Your clumsiness despite being a detective was amusing to him, your sense of justice was also what caught his attention. From the moment he laid his eyes on you, he kept thinking about you, you never left his mind, making him so crazy just thinking about you so naturally he decided to lead you to him, how you may ask? Well of course to set up a case that only you would be able to connect the dots to. The crimes would be near you or even at the station you work at, making sure the bodies would always be found by either you or the cops working alongside you. The first time he saw your face when you discovered a crime scene that he had prepared especially for you, he was the most excited he ever was, even if it didn't show on his face. The moment you were on his case, he was ecstatic, it was your turn to be played by him.
"Hm..", you thought to yourself, lost in your own thought as you kept trying to make sense of it all, not even noticing the officer calling out for you from the other room until he had tapped you on the shoulder. "Huh", you jolted a bit, turning to look at officer Orto, "yes?", "sir, there's a mail for you", he said, going back to the other room, returning with a letter in his hands, handing it to you.
Once you were alone, you opened the letter, it read..
"To Detective (l/n),
I am sure you are confused as to why you're receiving this letter. I'm Kenzo Tenma, i used to be a doctor and i need to talk to you about the cases you have been receiving lately, please don't let anyone know you got this from me. Meet me at xxx.
From Kenzo Tenma."
Kenzo Tenma? You've heard that name somewhere before.
You decided to meet up with the man at the destinated location after reading said letter, what did you have to lose? Your life? At least they'd have the letter from the culprit if you did die.
The moment you got to the location, you saw a man with medium length black hair, must be the tenma guy.
You approach him, asking if he's Kenzo Tenma, at first he tensed up but eventually he relaxed upon seeing that it was you, the detective he sent a letter to.
"What type of information can you provide me, Dr Tenma?", you asked in a demanding tone.
By the end of his explanation, you were shocked, Johan, the name of the supposed culprit who has been trying to "get your attention" as Tenma put it, "I understand Dr Tenma, i'll try my best to apprehend him, if you have any information about him, please don't hesitate to call me, here's my number, don't let anyone else get ahold of it", you gave him a firm look before walking away, towards the station.
The next few months went horribly, not only did you discover 4 new crime scenes in the span of 3 months, you were also being stalked, evident by random notes and gifts being left on your desk or at your doorstep, making you visibly uncomfortable. Today was the worst by far, somehow someone got ahold of your number, when you picked up the phone, you heard a soft voice, very soft and gentle, "is this Detective L/N?", "who is this..", you heard a chuckle before the voice continued on, "if you want to know, please head over to...", and that was how you ended up infront of a bar, it was very crowded, making you a bit pissed, having to find a criminal amongst the waves of people. Before long, you found yourself sitting at the bar counter, it had been an hour since you arrived there and you were still unable to spot the man, now you were just tired and frustrated, very unlike you but you haven't been able to get any sleep for the past week so it's reasonable, you swore the man beside you looked familiar but he was always facing the other way so you never got a good look at his face. Deciding to let go a bit, you order a shot and took it immediately. Just as you were about to order your sextuple one, the man next to you grabbed your shoulder, making you face him...God he was gorgeous, blue eyes, blonde hair, gorgeous face..You thought he was an angel, you really are drunk aren't you?.
"If you drink anymore, you won't be able to make it home safely, Detective L/n", he said your title flirtatiously, making you blush a bit, evem his voice was angelic but you knew, he was far from that, "Johan..", was all you could muster out, "Yes, detective?", he smiled, tilting his head a bit in the process, you did nothing but blush, his face up close made you unbearably shy.
A couple moments went by before you remembered, Johan! He's the-
"Finally realizing, detective?", as if on cue, he taunted you and then he grabbed your chin, freezing you in place as he looked at you with lust in his eyes, "detective, will you show me what you can do?", naturally you would accept his offer but your drunken self knew better and declined, swatting his hand away from your chin. You remember being picked up by a co-worker that night after he hadn't heard from you when you told him you would update the guy if anything happens at the bar, thankfully you got home safely.
The next day you woke up, still wearing the same coat you had the night before, on the nightstand next to you there was a cup of water, you drank it down immediately as the thirst inside your throat was unbearable. As you finished showering, you noticed a piece of paper poking out of a pocket on your coat, urging you to open. Wearing just a towel around your waist, you opened the paper and it revealed an adress, huh, it was close to your apartment, what a coincidence.
Not even remembering what happened when you were drunk, you were naive enough to go to said location without a hint of nervousness. Just as you arrived at the door, it slammed wide open, a hand dragging you inside and in a blink of an eye, you were pinning someone to a wall, "oh? So impatient", a visible smirk forming on his face, "J-Johan!", you were flustered but at the same time, shocked. "Let's continue what i planned last night, won't you take me here, Detective L/N~?", his hand slithered their way to hug your neck, beckoning you to kiss him, who were you to refuse now? He looked absolutely delicious pinned by you. You instantly connected your lips to his, not even caring that this individual is a wanted criminal. Strangely, he didn't fight for dominance, he let you take him right then and there, allowing you to slide your tongue inside of him as the two of you made out near the now closed front door, "mmh~", Johan moaned out inbetween breaths he could take. When the both of you finally stopped making out, Johan was a panting mess, his cheeks flushed, a hard-on forming in his pants, you finally snapped seeing him like this, taking him to a bed, you stripped him of his clothes, making sure he was still underneath you while you did it. "Drawer", was all he said, you knew there was some type of lubricant in said drawer, lo and behold, it was a brand new bottle of lube, he must've really been looking forward to this, "don't expect me to be gentle with you", "wasn't planning on it~", god you broke, lubricating your fingers with the bottle and pushing in 2 fingers into him, the moans he let out were delightful as his face contorted, he had never felt this type of pleasure before and he's glad the first one he experiences it with is you, his one and only detective. After a few more fingers, you knew he was ready to take your cock so you lubricated yourself and began pushing into the blonde. "A-ah~ Y/n~", he moaned out your name, making it sound erotic. When you bottomed out in him, he looked down to see a bulge in his tummy, "See this?", you placed your hand on the bulge, "this is me inside of you, a detective inside a criminal like you", you smirked, he was so pretty under you that you couldn't resist the urge to thrust into him, his eyes went wide, a silent moan coming out, the more you thrusted, the more he tried to cover his mouth, to make sure no moans came out, "remove that hand, i want to hear your pretty moans", you say as you removed his hand, taking the other and pinning his hands above him, "you'll be filled with my cum soon", you teased, knowing you were near the end of your climax. Soon after, you came inside of him, he came right after you, both of your bodies sweaty and panting. You then bent down to his ear, "give me a good chase why don't you, if I catch you, you know what will happen", maybe it wasn't a bad thing getting caught by his dearest detective afterall.
Took so long, writer's block ig😭 i'm so sorry
Taglist: @secretivemessenger @devilswhore-emrys
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weenisstuff · 3 months
Affinity - Part 1 (Huskerdust)
Valentino wasn't at the studio, which in most cases would be a godsend but in today's case only made the day more exhausting. 
The demon chose Vox to take care of the shoot, very different from his usual choice of Velvette. Anyone but Valentino otherwise would be amazing except that Vox was negligent when it came to breaks, as well as Angel's request to bring in physical force in any case where Angel felt it necessary. Ultimately leading to Angel getting way more roughed up than he originally expected when walking into the studio that day. 
He finds himself waiting in the waiting area of the studio once all is said and done, his legs are sore to a point walking makes him tremble and shake. Better yet it's raining more than it has in months leaving him trapped inside as he calls Vaggie to ask for a ride. 
“Hello?” she says, finally picking up after the sixth ring. 
“Hey toots I need a ride again from the studio” Angel says his usual confident manner of speaking falling flat as his throat is also bruised, he prays Vaggie can't hear it from the other side of the phone. 
There's a shuffle and a background voice that he presumes is Charlie. “Husk will be there in a bit” 
“What?!” He exclaims “What happened to the car?” It had only been once but he was sure the last time he called for a ride they sent over a black mustang, incredibly impressive for what the hotel's financial state was currently in.  
“Angel that was a rental, Husk is coming for you just stay where you are '' She says, her tone is exhausted. Whatever, at least he didn't have to walk alone in the streets, he wasn't in the mood for fighting off any pervs. He hung up swiftly no longer having the motivating to argue further, the rain was only falling harder. 
Husk was used to being ordered around regularly, he worked for Alastor long enough to realize that not doing so was only more work than doing the task itself. So even though his hangover made him sluggish and impossibly tired he moved fast to retrieve Angel when Vaggie instructed him to. 
He wasn't entirely bothered by the labor, spending any time with Angel was a treat. He ran his mouth sure but his quick wit and charismatic humor really helped him warm up to the idea of actually being his friend, and helping him out of any situation that involved Val was always extremely gratifying. 
The rain was coming down especially hard, the wind a nuisance as Husk gripped the handle of his umbrella. The booze only helped a bit with warming his body, small shivers erupting every time a breeze hit his fur in a particular way. He held Angel's big puffer jacket close to his chest in an attempt to warm himself as best he could, his only solace the neon pink lights of Valentinos studio in a close distance.
Husk arrived soaked, shivering, and with Angel’s jacket in hand. Why he didn't put it on while traveling was a mystery to him.
“Jesus Husky, you really could have waited until the rain calmed down a bit” Angel commented, getting up from his seat in the waiting area and walking over to the soaking wet cat.      
“Didn't wanna leave you here for longer than you needed to be” Husk admitted handing over Angel's dry jacket that somehow survived getting just as drenched as the cat before him. He couldn't help but feel like a nuisance for making him come and retrieve him. 
“Stop that” His thoughts were interrupted at Husks annoyed tone, confused he asked. “Stop what?” 
“You're overthinking, I came because I wanted to so don't go thinking that you're a bother” he sighed, making Angel wonder if he had always been so transparent or if Husk was simply all too perceptive. Regardless he smiled and with a pep in his step tugged on his jacket and hooked one of his six arms around Husks, making the cat smirk at his new attitude. 
The rain was just as harsh as it had looked from inside the studio, Husk held on tight to keep the umbrella from flying out of his grasp. Angel's new pumps would definitely be ruined after this little trip. 
Just as they were approaching the hotel the rain finally let up, Husk groaned at the irony. 
“Thanks” Angel sighed from beside him, shivering from the harsh winds that invaded their space. Husk wished he had thought to bring a spare pair of Angels pants to shield his bare legs from the cold. 
“No problem, '' he replied, pretending not to notice the small smile that lit up on the other demon's face. Angel liked to pretend he was mysterious but his true emotions were easier to read when he wasn't performing for an audience that wasn't there.
As the pair made it inside Angel gladly took his usual spot at the bar. “Hope you're up for a drink old man” he challenged excitedly. 
“Gonna need it after being in the cold for that long,” Husk answered, pouring himself a glass of scotch and Angel's usual vodka. 
Angel chuckled sweetly “With our luck we'll probably get a cold” Husk nodded in agreement, disregarding his hatred for being ill as thoughts of it all being worth it invaded his mind.
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maaarijaaa · 1 year
We meet again ✿ Sherlock Holmes
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Sherlock Holmes x Detective!Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Summary: After your father stepped down as a detective, you decided to take over and got on your first case. What you did not expect is a letter standing on your front porch from a person you wanted to leave in the past…
Warning: smut, nsfw 18+, murder
A/N: Hello everyone! I have not written a smut in a long time so if this is bad just let me know. English is not my first language, so let me know if I made any mistakes. I do not allow for my work to be posted or translated on this or any other platform. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Ever since you were little you were introduced to the world of the detectives. Your father was a detective him self and was also, your biggest role model.
You two have traveled all around the world to solve cases together. You were his little Nancy Drew.
As years went by your father became old and decided to step down, meaning that you would have to take over his job. You were excited at first, until you got on your first case.
There has been a murder in a neighborhood not that far from yours. The person who was murdered was a young woman, probably in her late 20s. Her body was found by her sister who came home late at night that day. Her sister owns one of the most popular bookshops in town and that day, the bookshop held a small event, celebrating the success of a new book that was recently published by a writer that was from the town. The book became really popular not just in your town, but also across the country so they had a reason to celebrate.
Her sister sent you a letter asking you if you could solve the murder and you agreed.
Solving murder cases were not your thing since your father never allowed you to help him whenever he was asked to solve a murder.
But your father has stepped down, and now you are the one in charge so you have to try your best.
The woman’s sister invited you over to their house so you could investigate.
The living room where her body was found looked pretty normal to you and did not see anything suspicious.
“Was your sister at the event too?” You asked the woman.
She looked at you for a few seconds before she spoke. She was still in shock after finding her sister’s body so you understood why she took her time.
“She was, but only for a short amount of time. She said that she was not feeling well and wanted to go home. I told her that we can go together since its dark and could be dangerous but she did not want me to leave since she that the event was important to me. After a hour or two I kinda felt that something was wrong and was scarred that something might have happened to her so I left to see if she was doing okay. I was first relieved to see that the lights were on but that quickly changed when I saw her lying lifeless on the ground.”
You noted every detail before asking her other questions.
“Did she act differently at the event? Was she maybe scared or maybe uncomfortable?”
The woman took her time since she tried to remember the way her sister acted.
“What I remember is that she was a little bit scared, like she saw a ghost or something but I brushed it off since she was often scared or shy whenever she was crowded by the people. What surprised me the most is that she requested to walk home alone at such late hours. She never went out when it was dark unless there was someone with her, but I thought that she was brave enough to alone so I let her. I also saw that she was walking fast, like as if she was running from someone.”
You noted every important detail about the night.
You asked the woman if she had any scars. Anything that would prove that she was murdered.
She told you that she had bruises on her body, mostly on her neck. She also told you that police and doctors believe that the killer held their hands on her neck until her last breath. There were a few scars that were caused by a sharp object that could have been a knife or other things like glass.
That’s everything she knew since they are still trying to find the cause of death before she is laid to rest.
You went around the house to see if the killer left something or dropped something. You found nothing.
Her sister let you search in her room.
You checked everywhere until you opened a box that was hidden under her bed. The box was full of letters.
All the letters she has received were from a guy named Connor Smith.
Most of them were love letters where he declared his love to her, until you opened the letter that were sent to her only a moth before she was killed.
You could definitely see that his love turned into obsession. He told her that she will always belong to him. That he was the only man she was allowed to love. He also wrote her that she should stop seeing the man she was out with once, which meant that he was probably stalking her.
You exited the room so that you could talk to her sister.
“Do you know if a man named Connor Smith was at the event?”
The woman looked at you with a weird look on her face.
“Yes, Connor used to work at the bookshop until two weeks ago. I invited him since he help us a lot with the bookshop.”
You noted that down.
“Did you maybe see him around your sister that night?”
“I am just asking because he sent your sisters some letters so I need to know. Was Connor around your sister that night?”
“Yes he actually was. They talked about something and maybe a half an hour or so she asked if she could go home since she did not feel well.”
You noted that down too and told her that you will come back in a few days. You also told her that she should tell you if she found something suspicious or any new clues.
You thanked her for inviting you over and left her home.
After leaving their home, you stopped at the local marked and bought some groceries since your dad requested it in the morning before you left.
You brought everything that your father requested and left. When you arrived to your house, you saw that there was a letter at the door.
Ever since you got this case, people would not stop asking you about it. They wanted to know everything. You have received letter from people in town who wanted to be part of the case. You even received letters from the local newspaper with dozens of questions.
Who did it? What clues did you find? Any suspects?
All you wanted was to be left alone and solve this case in peace.
Before you opened the letter, you stored the groceries that you brought and made your father some lunch since he was starving. Poor man.
Leaving your father to eat in peace, you went to your room and opened the letter.
I heard that you just got your first case
If you need any help, I am there for you
You instantly rolled your eyes when you saw who sent you the letter.
Sherlock Holmes, one of the most successful and most popular detectives in the world. He was smart and intelligent, knew several languages and every case he got, was solved.
But you knew Sherlock way before he even became a detective.
You two used to be lovers until he became a detective and made it his priority.
You did not care at first. You were happy that he was doing something that he loves.
Until, he started to travel around the world to solve cases.
During that time you would miss him a lot and wrote him letters daily. He never responded to one of them.
After he came back from Spain, solving a case that involved kidnapping, he admitted cheating on you with other woman so he could get some information out of her since she was one of the main suspects.
He told you that it meant nothing to him but you did not believe him, so you left him.
And after five years of no contact, he sends you a letter saying that he will help you with the case. What an idiot, you thought.
You ignored his letter and went off with your day.
You went down to the town center to visit your favorite cafe, hoping that you could relax and read the notes you took while visiting the victim’s sister.
You sat down at your favorite spot, outside since it was a nice day and the sun was shining, and ordered some coffee and your favorite cookies.
You were so lost in the notes you took that you did not notice the person standing behind you.
“Well, we meet again sweetheart.” He spoke softly
That made you jump since you did not know that he was behind you. You even realized that others were staring at you.
Turning around to see the figure behind you, you could not help but to roll your eyes again.
It was Sherlock.
He took the seat next to yours and sat down, meanwhile you started reading your notes again, ignoring Sherlock
A few seconds went by before he spoke again.
“Are you going to ignore me again”
You did not say anything as you still read your notes.
“Did you receive my letter” he spoke
You looked up at him
“I did” you spoke back
“I meant everything I wrote in the letter. I am willing to help you with the case if you just let me…” He could not even finish the sentence because you cut him off.
“I do not need your help. I am capable of solving it alone.” You spoke harshly
Sherlock understood why you were like this since he has hurt you a lot, but he really wants to help you.
The lady who works at the cafe, came with you order.
You were about to pay her, but Sherlock was faster.
He payed your order and ordered some coffee too. The lady noted down Sherlocks order and left.
“What do you know about the case?” He asked you.
You knew that he will not give up so you just answered him.
“Well I visited her sister today. She is terrified and wants answers to why could someone do this to her sister. I asked her a few questions about that night. She told me that her sister did act weird and that she was scarred. She described it as she has seen a ghost. She later on leaves the event at around midnight, saying that she does not feel well. Her sister feels like something is wrong and goes home to check up on her only to find her dead in the living room. Her body has both bruises and scars. Most of the bruises were on her neck and doctors and the police believe that the killer killed her by pressing their hands on her neck until her last breath. The cuts were caused by a sharp object. Could have been a knife or glass but I did not find anything suspicious until I checked her room where I found letters from a man named Connor Smith. He has sent her too many love letters over the years. The last letters she received from him was a month ago. In the letters, it said that she should stay away from the man that she was seeing because he did not deserve her. I suspect that Connor was stalking her too, but I can not say that its clear that he did. I asked her sister if Connor was at the event, which she said that he was and that they had a conversation. Shortly after their conversation, her sister came up to her, asking her if she could go home since she did not feel well.”
“So, this Connor is the…” Sherlock spoke before you cut him off.
“Is the main suspect, but I need to find the name of the other guy she was seeing. He could also be a suspect or may know something we don’t.”
Sherlock nodded as he listens to you.
“What are your plans now for the case?” He asks
“Well, they are still checking for a cause of death, but the main theory of the death cause is that the killer killed her by chocking her very hard until she took her last breath. I wanted to hear if they have found something in her body since she said that she was not feeling well. Could be because she was talking to Connor, but it could also be that she was..” You spoke, but to your surprise, Sherlock cut you off.
“Poisoned” he spoke
“That’s one of my theories, but I could be wrong.”
“At this point everything is possible.” He spoke before asking you more questions about the case.
“Do you know where Connor lives?” Just then, the lady comes out with Sherlocks order and he pays.
“Well, no but he used to work at the bookshop where the event was being held at so they probably know.”
Sherlock nodded and then drank his coffee. Then you realized that your coffee and food is still untouched so you take a bite of cookies and drink some coffee too before you speak again.
“We have not seen each other for five years and then you all of a sudden send me a letter where you will gladly help me with my first case. Why?!”
Sherlock looked at you for a moment before he spoke.
“The truth is that I wanna make it up to you and helping you with your first case would be my honor. I know that was an idiot for doing the things back then, and regret doing it. I regret hurting you and most of all, I regret leaving you.”
At that moment you told your self “he does not mean it”, but then you saw that his eyes are filled with tears that are threatening to spill.
“I don’t know if I can forgive your for hurting me back then, but what I know for sure is that we can try again, but…as friends for now.” You spoke while looking at him
“I understand but could I at least help you with the case?” He asked as a smile began to form on his face. You chuckled since you could not take him seriously.
“Fine, I would be needing some help.” You said while chuckling.
Both of you finished your drinks and you shared your cookies with Sherlock before standing up and leaving.
You walked around town and talked about each others lives.
He told you about the amazing places he visited while solving cases.
From Paris to Moscow, and even Cape Town. He told you that he can bring you with him when he travels again.
You smiled at that, already imagining the places you two could visit, but that imagination was cut short when you told yourself that you have moved on and wanted to stay as friends.
Well, so you thought.
You walked together for what seemed like hours, but it was only 10 minutes.
You two found yourself standing on Sherlocks porch.
Sherlock opened the door and yelled “Hello!?” to see if anybody was home, but it was dead silent.
“Well turns out we are alone” he said while turning to look at you.
You gulped hard, since the last time you were alone with him in his house was when you had your huge fight with him because of his affairs. You ended things with him and stormed out. You have been there to visit Enola and her mother but you were never there when Sherlock was back.
You headed towards his office to focus more on the case.
You went through the notes you took, to see if you can at least solve something. What bothered you the most was that you did not know the name of the other guy she was seeing.
It would have been much easier to know since he could tell his side of the story, but right now he is on the list of the main suspects.
“How are we going to find the guy she was seeing if don’t know his name or have any description of him?” He asked
“I don’t know but I think its best for us to investigate and see if Connor is behind her death. Besides, the news have spread around town, so he is going to come forward sooner or later.”
“You are probably right” He sighed
During the time you spend in his office, you would often notice that his hand would often brush yours or your waist. You did not mind at first but he kept on going so you decided to confront him.
You pulled away from him and yelled “Alright Sherlock, ever since I got here, you would not stop touching me!!! So if you don’t have anything better to do then I think that I should leave!!”
You were about to exit his office when he suddenly pulled you into a kiss. You really hated yourself at that moment since you gave in.
He pulled away and looked into your eyes before he spoke.
“These past years without you have been hell and everyday I hate myself even more for hurting you and don’t think I could ever forgive myself for making my work my priority and doing all those disgusting tings I did that hurt you. I think about you, I dream about you every damn night and I love you…more than anything in this world.”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes, and did not know what to say.
Sherlock later on took you to his bedroom without pulling his lips from yours. He laid you down on the bed before pulling away from you to take his shirt off. He then helped you get out of your corset and rest of the dress. He finally took his pants, along with his underwear. He then laid on top of you and began kissing your neck.
“May I??” He asked for your permission. You have done this while you were still lovers but it was a long time ago so it was the only right thing to do.
“Yes” You blurted out.
He slowly lined himself on your entrance and began thrusting. You both began moaning softly while he kept a slow pace since you needed some time to get used to his size.
“Fuck, it feels so good” He said.
You could not form any words at the moment because of the pleasure.
Sherlock later on sped up the pace and you were a moaning mess.
“You okay sugar?” He asked while thrusting into you.
“Yes! It just feels soo goood!” You said.
Both of you reached your limit and were out of breath.
“Did you really mean everything you said?” You asked.
“Every word. Do you think that we can try again?” He asked
You were skeptical about that but you had other plans.
“Well first of all, it would take some time for me to trust you again so you would have to prove it. Second of all, yes we can but as friends for now until I know that I can trust you again.”
Both of you looked at each other and smiled. He came on top of you again and gave you one last kiss before you both doze off.
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Love it when the current events on the news are complicated on a moral level and you know the Correct Answer According To The Echo Chamber, but you also are the kind of person who has to break things down to the smallest level. [Sarcasm]
Please be civil, I'm not trying to convince people of anything, I'm trying to break down my own feelings on this and figure out what, if any, resolution it could have.
So the thing is
Some people would like to have their ashes buried on the moon.
There are reasons to dispute this, but ngl if we're gonna do space exploration, then subsidizing it through the vanity project that is having your ashes sent to the big rock in the sky seems like a relatively efficient way to fundraise.
However. The Navajo nation is asking that human remains not be placed on the moon because it is sacred to them and other indigenous peoples.
Which is fair, I understand them being upset, but...
Unlike specific mountains or lakes or even the entire continent of the Americas
The moon is. Everyone's.
The moon does not and should not belong to any one community.
The question becomes, does one community's claim over a celestial object hold more weight than another's?
It's not that other communities have a sacred history OF burying ashes, so the request isn't hurting anyone, but what about precedent? If a moon colony is set up, will deaths on the moon be expected to result in shipping bodies back to earth for burial? If the colony exists, how many bodies might that eventually be?
And just the general question of, like, what about other cultures that involve the moon in their religion? What if "joining the moon" is something a person views as achieving a oneness with THEIR moon god? If someone from China wants to do this in honor of Chang'e, or a Greek person for Artemis, or a Zulu person for iNyanga, or a Japanese person for Tsukuyomi, etc etc
Then where does that balance lie?
This isn't land that was stolen, it's the MOON.
I don't imagine it would be a COMMON choice (see: cost), but it's not unimaginable that someone would ask to do this out of a GENUINE religious or spiritual devotion to the moon or associated deity.
But there's a history of disrespect to indigenous culture's sacred places, especially in the Americas, and it's PROBABLY not like the rich individuals paying a private company to get their ashes up on the moon are doing it out of devotion to a moon god.
So in this case it would be putting the individual wants of a wealthy person above the cultural practices of many people.
But in the long run... What do we expect to come of it? What are the consequences of precedent? The rights of individuals need to be protected even when the individual is shit, but the rights of marginalized communities can't get dropped by the wayside on the way.
I don't know how to feel about it, it's complicated. I'm trying to relate it back to something personal that I DO have similar feelings about, but everything comparable (e.g. the Hagia Sofia situation) is very grounded in "it was ours first" so like. Yeah. That approach isn't working.
Nobody in the news I'm following has really explored it, just dropped a mention of it and moved on.
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Hello! I'm having a bit of a rough time so I thought I'd send this ask. What would the turtles be like with a S/O that has anxiety, depression and PTSD? How would they help them if their depression is bad enough that on some days they can't get out of bed, forget to eat, etc? Bonus if S/O is plus-sized/kinda chubby and insecure about it.
TMNT Boys x Depressed!GN!Reader Headcanons
Pairings: Rise!TMNT x GN!Reader
Summary: How the boys would react to a S/O with anxiety/depression/PTSD
Warnings: Mentions of depression, body insecurities, andskipping meals. Contains spoilers for Rise Movie
Type: Angst 💔, Romantic ❤️, Hurt/Comfort ❤️‍🩹
A/N: This is a pretty touchy subject, and it could be potentially triggering for some readers. I did a bit of research while writing this, and I tried to depict everything as accurately as I could without getting too specific, but everything might not bee 100% accurate. To the anon that sent the request, I hope that every thing gets better for you and you enjoy the headcanons. Also, always remember that you're beautiful the way you are <3
Headcanons start below cut
Rise of the TMNT Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Rise!Raph x Reader
As the oldest, Raph has the most experience out of all the boys when it comes to comfort (besides maybe Mikey)
As his S/O, Raph is just as protective of you as he is his of his brothers
After the Kraang invasion, Raph felt even more inclined to offer comfort to his brothers, and the same feelings extended to you
On days where you're feeling more down than normal, Raph will cuddle with you for hours to help drown out any dark thoughts
Due to his size, Raph is able to cradle your entire body in his arms, and he does his best to distract you from your thoughts with movie marathons, gaming tournaments, or simply taking about whatever shenanigans he and his brothers are up to
After being possessed by the Kraang, Raph often hears it's voice in the back of his mind even after he was freed from it's control
The two of you often meditate together to clear you mind of any anxious or dark thoughts
Raph is very physically affectionate, so he will always engulf you in big bear hugs whenever he notices you're feeling more down or anxious than others
Although he knows he can't always make the bad thoughts go away, he tries his best to comfort you through physical touch
On the days where you can't get out of bed, Raph will cuddle with you for hours until you feel well enough to get up
If he is ever unable to come see you in person, he will face time you throughout the day so you don't miss out on whatever is going on in the lair that day
You'll never be able to miss meals under Raph's watch
He's used to having to drag Donnie out of his lab every few hours so he doesn't skip meals, so he'll make sure you never forget to eat either
If you ever tell Raph about your body image issues, he'll be quick to reassure you that your size doesn't matter to him
He'll often pick you up and carry you around the lair to prove to you that he loves you regardless of your size
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Rise!Donnie x Reader
Obviously, Donnie isn't the most emotionally intelligent one of his brothers (that would be Mikey)
He often struggles with understanding strong emotions, whether they are someone else's or his own
This is still the case even when you start dating
However, even though emotions are not his area of expertise, he would still make and effort for you (you are his S/O after all)
Post Kraang invasion, Donnie would likely also suffer from PTSD to some extent
On days when both of you are feeling overwhelmed, the two of you will spend time in Donnie's lab while he works on his latest project (If he's feeling nice, he may even let you sit on his lap)
Donnie has a very calming presence, so the solitude of his lab allows you to relax your mind as you listen to the soft sounds of Donnie's tinkering
Due to his emotional stupidity, Donnie finds it difficult to comfort you with words of affirmation, and tries to bring you comfort with gift giving instead
Donnie spends hours in his lab creating practical, yet comforting, gifts for you such as weighted blankets or stuffed animals
When Donnie is either busy or on a mission with a brother, he has S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N keep you company and take care of your needs in in absence
On days when you don't feel well enough to get out of bed and come down to the lair, Donnie will come to you
He'll spend hours at your bedside, rambling about his latest invention to distract you from whatever thoughts are plaguing your mind
Donnie often ends up skipping meals after losing track of time while working in his lab
However, he is much more aware of your needs, and makes sure you eat throughout the day
Donnie's not the most talented chef, so he'll often asks Mikey to make your favorite food to make sure you eat properly
Donnie can also relate strongly to your body insecurities
Although it bothers him less as a teenager, Donnie, periodically, gets really insecure about his soft-shell, and feels inadequate compared to his brothers
Donnie doesn't really care much about the appearance of his S/O
The most important thing to him is that he simply enjoys being around you
Whenever you feel insecure about your appearance, Donnie is sure to remind you that he loves you no matter your size <3
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Rise!Leo x Reader
Although Leo isn't as good with comfort as Mikey or Raph, he still puts forth his best effort for you
After the Kraang invasion, he definitely has some symptoms of PTSD himself, and is able to relate to you in that regard
He often has nightmares about his time in the prison dimension, so if you also have reoccurring nightmares or trouble sleeping, the two of you will spend many sleepless nights having Jupiter Jim or Lou Jitsu marathons to help clear your minds
On days where you can't get out of bed, Leo will come to you to keep you company
He'll portal to your room with all of you're favorite snacks, and he'll entertain you until you feel better
If you don't feel up to talking, that's also fine!
Leo's willing to sit silently and cuddle until any dark thoughts leaver your mind
In spite of his unserious attitude, Leo is actually a very good listener
Whenever you share your insecurities with Leo, he is quick to smother you with words of affirmation to get rid of any self-deprecating thoughts you may have
Unfortunately, Leo is not always the best at making sure you don't miss meals
He can often become easily distracted and forget basic things like that
Luckily, Mikey is always willing to use you and Leo as taste testers for his new recipes, which helps to cancel out that problem
Overall, Leo is a very loving and attentive boyfriend, and is willing to do anything to support you in spite of his carefree attitude
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Rise!Mikey x Reader
Despite being the youngest of the brothers, Mikey is the most emotionally intelligent out of the four
He's also a sympathetic crier
Like Raph, Mikey is also very physically affectionate
Mikey is very in tune to your emotions, so he always senses when you're feeling more depressed or anxious than normal
He always makes sure to give you a big hug whenever he sees you, and showers you with kisses and words of affirmation <3
Like his brothers, on days where you can get out of bed, he will leave the lair and spend the day with you in your room
Mikey will spend all day telling you about his latest missions with his brothers, new recipe ideas, or talk about his improvements with his mystic powers to help keep your mind off things
Accidentally skipping meals isn't something you have to worry about when dating Mikey
One of his love languages is quality time, so he loves spending time with you in the kitchen either cooking together, or having you as his taste tester
If you're not in the lair, he'll text you reminders throughout the day to make sure you don't accidentally skip any meals
Like Donnie, Mikey has no preferences about the appearance of his S/O
Whenever you express your insecurities, he is quick to reassure you that he thinks you're perfect no matter what
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heeseung-min · 9 months
hi i love your writing and the creepiness of the yandere love you do for the enhypen members, would you consider doing a part 2 for this one? (police officer LHS after he murders y/n sister) i just have to ask otherwise if i can use my imagination but would love to see more of your creativity.
Hello, thank you for sending the request and im sorry for answering it late, anyways i hope you enjoy it😁 Part 1 for the story is here [10:34]
"So, do you have any news about my sister?"
It's been like one month since you reported about your missing sister to the police. They did investigation at the places your sister went before she went missing. However, nothing new has been discovered.
At the same time, you also made friends with the new police there, Heeseung. He will always assure you that everything will be fine. Sometimes, he will bring you to the places he need to investigate. You were grateful to have him as your friend.
"Sorry, y/n. There is still no sign of your sister. Our captain said your sister might be kidnapped by someone and got murdered. That's how usually the case will be when someone go missing."
Heeseung said with guilty on his face. He didn't say anything more and waited for you to response. You knew the police had tried their best to find your sister but when there is no any sign or clue that can be used, it's useless.
"Are you okay, y/n?"
"I- I'm not Heeseung. I just wanted to know where is she. Even if she is not alive, at least let me know how she looks like. At least I can prepare a proper funeral for her."
Heeseung pulled you closer to his body so you can cry on his shoulder. Ah, he wished he can always hugging you like this. He frowned a bit when you slowly distanced yourself.
"I will try my best to find your sister, y/n."
"Thank you so much, Heeseung."
You were busy studying at the library before someone knocked the table you were using on. You looked up to see your sister's classmate, Jay. Sometimes both of you talked to each other when you guys see each other.
"Are you okay, y/n?"
"You must be worried about your sister, right? I'm so sorry for you."
He patted your head making your eyes tearing up a bit. You looked to him and smile brightly.
"Thanks for being caring."
"I don't like see you sad. Let's have lunch together at your favorite place."
Both of you ate and catching up with each other. You can see how Jay is trying hard to not make you think about your sister too much. He ensure that you are really okay with everything.
"Oh? What happened to your arm?"
Jay chuckled a bit when looked back to the scratches he got few days ago.
"I got scratched when I tried to feed the stray cats."
"Jeez, you should be careful Jay."
But little did you know, Heeseung saw the two of you. And he really didn't like the sight. Only him that should make you smile that wide or laugh that loud. Only him should make sure you are good and not someone else.
Heeseung: Y/n, we found your sister.
You rushed to the location that Heeseung sent after the text. Your heartbeats increasing and you tried to control yourself. You saw some polices and paramedics on the site. There were few people asking the polices what is it about. You looked for Heeseung and when you found him, his reaction was gloomy.
"Y/n, I'm sorry you had to find her this way."
You looked down at the body bag. Once again, you controlled your breath before opening it and there you saw your sister. Her face was very pale like she has been drowned and there were few stabs on her chest. You closed it after you finally had enough look.
"Did you catch the culprit?"
"Yes, it was her classmate Jay."
You don't want to believe this. No, no no no. That's not true at all. You don't want to believe that the man who is so caring towards you will be the one who caused you nightmare. You turned around when you heard a scream.
"I didn't kill her!!!!! I swear!!!!"
"You can explain it at the police station."
Jay looked at you. He was shocked and scared when he saw disappointment on your face. He can see how you were being hesitant to take one step closer to him.
"No, y/n. I will not do that. Trust me!!"
"Can I really trust you?"
You watched him became speechless and brought inside the car. The paramedics also had took your sister to the hospital for investigation. Heeseung brought you inside Jay's house to show where they found your sister's body.
"We came here to get his statement but then the dog smelled something at his backyard and begging us to dig it. There was where we found your sister."
You followed him into the house and keep walking into the basement. There, you found the room creepy. There were many pictures if your sister and few pictures of you. Some of the pictures has been crossed out on certain person in the picture. You also saw of your sister clothes. You wanted to throw up. This can't be real. There is no way that all of this is real.
"The forensic still investigating but what my team can conclude that Jay abducted your sister and killed her in here."
"I-I I can't believe this."
"I know. We were shocked too. The forensic found his DNA on your sister's nails and that made us really confirm that he is the culprit. She must tried to escape from Jay that time by scratching him."
You suddenly remember the conversation between you and Jay the other day about the scar on his arm. That made you disappointed more on him and furious.
Heeseung hugged you when he saw you wanted to cry. He let you cry on his chest for few minutes while caressing your hair gently.
"Thank you for helping me find my sister, Hee."
"Anything for you, Y/n."
Ah, he loves playing as a hero. Especially for you. Now, he finally get you and pushed everyone else from your life.
It's not that difficult to fabricate everything.
Especially when you are a police.
I hope this part do good, thank you so much to those who read my story. I really appreciate you guys. Taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount @huggyuvita @obsessed1with1straykids @rinbowaman
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r-is-typing · 2 years
an asset | s.r
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summary: in which spencer saves the day
requested?: yes! requested by @night-sky-full-of-stars
request: hello beautiful, I wondered if I could maybe do a bit of a self-indulgent request because I’ve been feeling a bit down lately and can’t stop wondering how spencer would act in the situation 🥹 could I please request a spencer reid x reader (up to you whether she’s in the bau), where the two are either best friends or dating already and reader has a bad day and is made to feel really small by someone and spencer affirms her and cheers her up? adorable, shy spencer would be super cute 🤓 thank you!! 💛
pairing: spencer reid x reader
category: fluff
content warnings: descriptions of violence, little angst, degrading comments (in the form of sexism)
word count: >1k
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Miami was hot and humid.
Spencer Reid made sure to tell everyone on the jet just how hot and humid Florida during the month of July was. Everyone rolled their eyes as he expressively talked everyone’s ears off, rambling on and on.
But, not her.
In fact, she craved the days they’d be alone in his apartment where they’d be alone, him able to tell her all sorts of facts that he knew off the top of his head without having to worry about Hotch telling him to stop firmly, or Prentiss putting him down easy, a way of trying to get him to quiet down and let them fly in peace.
This case was a hard one.
They had been in Miami for almost a week now, and boy, they weren’t even close to catching the unsub yet. “So, I don’t get it. Why is his MO changing all of the sudden?” One of Miami’s officers asked, looking around the room at the agents.
“It’s simple, really. He probably feels like he’s getting close to being caught, but I’d say in this case, he found a new, efficient way of killing.”
Despite the gruesome conversation, Y/N smiled softly, just like she did every other time her boyfriend said something so confidently.
Only her, Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch were at the police station as the rest of the team were either sent to the coroners office, one of the family’s homes, or the places where the bodies were found.
“I’ll be right back. Just going to the restroom.”
Y/N got up off of the chair, walking towards the door. “Well, sweetheart, while you’re at it, get us some coffees, will you? Let the men work this out.”
Y/N froze.
For anyone that knew Y/N, they knew that she felt quite… insecure. She was new to the team in the past two years, but has always been shy, not speaking up like the other women on the team had.
At her last jobs, she had experienced sexism just like this. Guys always tried making themselves more superior than her, a way of asserting their dominance.
It also brought her back to the academy days where cocky wannabe agents would look at her as if she’d break at any moment.
Y/N regained her movement and walked out of the room and towards the restroom.
Finishing her business, she walks out, eyes meeting a few of the other male officers. “Listen, sweetheart, Gary didn’t mean it.. well, sort of. You understand right?“ She raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“We’re just saying that.. you’re young, clearly, and very obviously a woman. You need the men in there to show you how it’s done, yeah?”
Y/N felt tears fill her eyes and she shoved past them, walking outside of the station.
Spencer’s voice, filled with concern, alerted her. Footsteps became louder as they became closer. Spencer’s natural musk mixed with the scent of his cologne he put on every morning filled her senses.
“You know they’re wrong, right?”
Y/N shrugged.
Spencer grabbed her hand in his own, pulling her close to him. “They don’t know what they’re talking about. You’re one of the smartest women I know. One of the strongest, too.” He chuckled softly. “I mean, remember last month, in Washington? You basically solved the case on your own, my love. We wouldn’t have been able to catch him, had you not seen the clues he left behind at the crime scenes.”
She sniffles, rubbing her eyes with her fists. “I guess, but still. Maybe, I dunno, Maybe they were right.”
Spencer shakes his head, kissing the girl’s head. “You’re so smart, m’love, and I’m so proud of you, you know? You’re doing amazing. I mean, you’re such an asset to the team. An important one, at that.”
Y/N smiled at this.
Boy, was she lucky to have Spencer in her life to remind her what was really important, to show her that she was important.
Spencer took her hand, making sure she was okay before walking back into the station with her. The two resumed working, and before they knew it, the case was over.
On the flight back to Quantico, Y/N slept soundly, tucked into Spencer’s arms.
“She okay?” Emily asked, Spencer looking up and shrugging. “I think it just hurts her, you know? She works hard, and still gets belittled.” Emily nodded, understanding exactly how the girl felt.
Soon enough, the plane landed in Virginia and Spencer helped Y/N out of the jet. “C’mon.” He smiled at her, entangling their fingers.
“Are we going home?”
He shook his head. “Not yet, sweetheart. In just a bit. I know Garcia wants to see you.” Y/N nodded, stretching and then continuing to walk in sync with Spencer.
The two entered the round table room and Y/N’s eyes lit up. “Surprise!” Garcia quickly walked to Y/N, enveloping the girl into a hug. “What’s all this?”
“This, my sweetness, is for you. We don’t really show our appreciation for you enough, and Boy Genius made us realize that we should. I mean, most times, you’re the one that helps push us towards catching those awful people. We couldn’t do it without you, sugarplum.”
Y/N smiled, looking at everyone who said different things in unison, but all agreed with Penelope. “Thank you, Pen. Truly.” Penelope smiled once more.
“Now, you tell me if any other idiot says something about you, and they’ll have to deal with me, yeah?”
The room filled with laughter as they all stood there, basking in the close knit family that the team had made, knowing that every member was needed in every way, and the team wasn’t the same if any one of them were gone.
Each member had their own specific set of assets that were essential to bringing down the horrible people they witnessed on a daily, and that’s what made them a team.
One perfectly, functional, hard-working team.
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shakethatsassyass · 2 years
Sleeping with GOM Headcanons
So I accidentally deleted this request... which was sent in by someone who was off-anon. I can’t remember the un for the life of me but I hope you see this
SFW. Kuroko, Kise, Midorima, Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi
Hello!! I was just wondering if you could maybe do some Hcs for GOM and what it would be like sleeping next to them??
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He sleeps like a dead man. Kuroko literally doesn’t move. 
He keeps the room at a freezing temperature too you would die if you only had a thin blanket to cover you
So Kuroko sleeps with layers. Even during summer he must be in layers of clothing and blankets.
How his indoor plant is still alive is a mystery
Kuroko doesn’t mind cuddling orb either the little or big spoon but it is quite hard to get away from his grasp once he’s asleep
He sleeps through anything… earthquakes, construction work, Nigou jumping him, you leaving his side cause you were going to get frostbite if you didn’t move to the living room… 
His bed is REALLY SOFT too. There’s a topper on his mattress and another comforter on top of it. It feels like a cloud
He is obsessed with scented candles and has a nice collection of the jars inside his closet. 
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Kise talks in his sleep.
Kise’s room is surprisingly huge. He as a walk-in closet with sponsored clothes and a vanity with different skincare products. His bathroom also has a tub.
He also has a small fridge in his room where he keeps some wine, drinks, and some skincare products like sheet masks.
He takes his evening skincare routine seriously and encourages you to do it with him. You oblige, knowing there’s so many products to choose from!
Every day is spa day with this model and it’s just your form of self-care and bonding time with one another.
He’s big on cuddling and always insists on spooning your or being spooned to sleep. You oblige of course, he’s always so vocal when you don’t and when you do… he just says the dirtiest things. *parental guidance* just moaning into your ear and rubbing circles on your back oh lawd…
Kise also likes watching shows with you before going to bed so you almost always fall asleep mid-episode with the television on……
He’s A HEAVY SLEEPER and Kise TALKS IN HIS SLEEP. Like the first time you slept together, he was just talking normally and you were responding only to realize he was fast asleep and his responses were not making any sense!!!
He doesn’t remember whatever he says or what you say in the next morning, though.
The only downside with sleeping with Kise is that he’s kind of A BITCH in the morning…. Before he gets his caffeine… like just kind of rude sometimes LMAO
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Midorima is very particular about his bed. He has rules.
No outside clothes. If you were just outdoors you aren’t even allowed to touch the bed let alone sit on it.
He has a humidifier on his bedside because his nose and skin gets really dry
His bed and closet is also full of stuffed toys of different sizes that he previously bought as lucky items and kept just in case he needed them again. 
Midorima also is very strict about the pajamas he wears. They have to be matchy all the time. Even if they seem mismatched, trust me, he has specific pieces coordinated together and folded as one in his wardrobe.
He smells really really good, too. Like just clean soap smell… or like a baby… Mmmm Shin-chan…
Midorima is a really warm person so his scent just radiates your senses whenever you sleep next to him. 
He’s a quiet sleeper. He’s still quite reserved when it comes to cuddling but when he’s extra sleepy, tired, or even buzzed… he’ll initiate skinship with you
Having this 6’5” man’s warm skin against yours is an experience like no other. He’s strictly the big spoon though. Over his dead body would he let you see his flushed face. besides… that way he can bury his head on your hair to smell you lmao
Bonus because you get to see Midorima without glasses and admire those oH SO LONG LASHES of his…. ykwita
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Surprisingly the best one to sleep with
You’ve been caught by Momoi sleeping in the university rooftop more than a couple of times…..
And you didn’t even mean to fall asleep… it’s just that it was after lunch… and it’s Aomine… soo….
Aomine can literally sleep anywhere anytime and if you’ve shard a bed with anyone YOU KNOW THIS TYPE OF PERSON IS THE BEST TO SLEEP WITH
Aomine’s room is likee a typical bachelor pad.
But it’s quite neat due to two reasons:
1) Aomine’s a perfectionist. Idk if it’s been acknowledged in KNB but he always seemed like someone who liked to keep things in order. He knows when something is out of place (like that magazine is 3 inches farther to the left than when I last left it…)
Maybe because Aomine’s a Virgo sun, too.
2) Momoi, though she very rarely has to, she helps clean up Aomine’s place when she comes over.
You can toss and turn all you want in bed and Aomine will still be in deep slumber
You can jump on the bed and sing karaoke at full volume beside him and he’d be snoring
Aomine also gets cold pretty quickly, used to being outdoors all the time so he’s always drawn to your warm body
But there is one thing that can wake him up…
He subconsciously knows when you’ve left his side.
He’s always finding a way to hold you one way or another at night… like he has this sixth sense that just knows where you are in bed and magic spatial vision of how he can pull you close against him
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He has a custom-made bed (the rest of his family barely fits in their mass-produced ones) and it’s full of so many pillows you wonder how you both could possibly fit in it
He also has a fridge in his room.
Snacks closet, snacks under the bed, snacks in all his bags… movie nights are the best because it’s like a mini grocery there
Murasakibara sleeps really early too. He’s knocked out by 10pm and is an early riser. 
He’s a gentle sleeper. Doesn’t snore and turns in his sleep minimally so you don’t have to worry about being crushed
His limbs ARE PRETTY HEAVY when he accidentally hits you at night but his skin is so warm too so it’s welcomed during winter
Buuuut he does love being the little spoon (don’t ask me how) and prefers sleeping with you that way
You don’t even need a blanket… Murasakibara just engulfs your body so completely that it’s more than enough
He’s THE BEST HUGGER. I don’t make the rules.
Also he has the softest skin oUT OF EVERYONE, Mura’s limbs are so long and so soft it’s comforting.
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Akashi smells IMMACULATE. He spares no expense when it comes to hygiene and has a great selection of body gels and creams.
His room and sheets always smell like fresh laundry and are replaced bi-weekly.
As for sleep… your sleep is 100% elite class thanks to all the goose feathers and amazing fragrances…but only if you’re comfortable with a certain someone sneaking his way into your duvet in the wee hours of the night… giving you a forehead kiss before lying on the pillow next to yours
Akashi does his best to maintain a balanced sleeping schedule but with so much responsibility, he’s grateful if he even has time to chat with you before getting up in the morning
It’s really the small things that matter most to you and Akashi
Akashi sometimes snores… when he’s extra tired. He doesn’t know this and you have no plans of telling him. It’s your little secret.
As for Akashi’s sleeping habits, he’s kind of a light sleeper so he sometimes sleeps with earplugs just so he wouldn’t wake up at random times.
He’s also a great cuddler but somehow his toes and fingers are always so damn cold you shudder when he makes contact with your skin. You always hold his hands as a result so even if you’re sleeping on your respective parts of the bed… he still searches for your hand under the covers…
He’s knocked out on Fridays, exhausted from work so staying in bed during weekends is just priceless
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asksavel · 10 months
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"Yes, I can. Go talk to them on the solstice."
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"You misjudge Lucky. That would be a fatal mistake on your part. But then, you did not see his soul, nor his previous lives. Makes sense that you wouldn't understand a thing about him."
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"Anomaly? You're odd to say such things. I am no anomaly. Maybe to you, I suppose. But I am just me. A leader doing my job."
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"The only thing I resemble with Mew is a similar body style and similar size. I am bigger than a Mew, and my skill set is the complete opposite of one of those. If anything, I am the Universe's mythical Pokémon, in a way you'd understand."
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"Otherwise, I am as you say. The Goddess of Spirits, even if the 'God' part is not yet official, it makes no difference in the end. I'm strong enough as I am."
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"Er, no. Soul Matter, that is to say, the energy that Souls are created from, was created at the dawn of the Universe along with matter and antimatter. So, just as the Universe was born, so were billions and trillions of Souls."
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"As you have understood from me - Souls can also be destroyed through the Red and Black Gates. Also, I can destroy a soul if I so felt like it. But, that is not my job. As it stands, Soul Matter will eventually run out in the Universe as everything falls to darkness, until the next Big Bang."
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"So, to answer your question - yes. New souls are born sometimes. You've already met the holder of a brand new soul: Savel."
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"Heh. You're funny. You're mistaken on one thing. I didn't see the Beholders reincarnate on Earth..."
"... but it was I who sent them through the green gate, at their request."
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"... 'Sempai', the Kantonian word for 'teacher' or 'respected elder.' I don't mind it, though you should ask permission before calling someone such. I shall digress on this occasion, but I recommend asking in future."
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"The best way to learn how to reap souls is to become mortal. The lifespan I have as an immortal was not always as is - I was once mortal, and before that, I was a spirit myself."
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"I was born unto the world, as a mortal Mingle, and lived as one for 2 billion years. I suppose I wasn't exactly 'mortal' if I kept coming back, but alas, I had to deal with everything a mortal also has to. I had to survive. I had to feed myself. I had to live among society. I had to endure wars. I had to learn how to live amongst those whom I would someday judge. In that time, I had left my post in the hands of another."
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"20 years is barely enough time to scrape the surface of mortality, let alone the position you find yourself in. I worry for the state of your Universe in that sense, yet I suspect if it is as unstable as you say. Therefore, I would suggest forming allies among the spirit world. Make a reaper corporation. Those that show neutrality. Those that can judge fairly and without bias."
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"I wish you luck, strange one."
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"It doesn't really matter how you came into existence. All lifeforms have the same basic physiology: A mortal coil, and a soul. Your kind have souls, for I've dealt with one of you in the past."
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"While I don't know your lifespan as you do not exist in my home universe, however, you will live and die the same way as any other mortal."
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"Hmm, a mortal tasked with the role of a reaper? It's not uncommon. Most of the reapers in my corps were once mortal, but are now mid to high ranking spirits. In any case, I won't answer your question because there is no point."
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"Your universe is your universe. My universe is my universe. My advice to you would be to investigate it yourself."
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"Simple. It was similar enough to Lucky's current body that wouldn't cause excessive discomfort, and also would live long enough for him to carry out his punishment."
@a-shy-mimiktwo , @docmenlonhead , @askazutheshinymew , @fugamsemidei , @kornstreif , @iamyour-peace, @seraphic-dark , @ask-a-learning-ai
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selenacosmic · 1 year
This is a bit funny but how would the warlords (+ Kennyo) react to learning that there were intruders while they were gone from their home only to found out that they got taken out by the Sengoku equivalent of the Home Alone traps, created by none other than MC?
Ohh this is really funny! Thank you for the request. Funnily enough, this reminds me of the home alone parody cybird made with Keiji.
Warlords being caught in MC’s traps accidentally.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
He isn’t one to be caught so easily by a trap, Nobunaga was always prepared in case someone tries catching him off guard. However… this was a bit unexpected to him.
He was just going to visit your room at night, nothing much (wink wink) but he was unexpectedly caught in one of your traps. It was a net that covered him completely, and it was hard to move in it. Nobunaga will feel both frustrated and embarrassed, he will convince you with Konpeito bribe to not mention this to anyone.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi.
Hideyoshi is used to telling you to be careful with the dangers of the world around you, always stay alerted. Well… you definitely became prepared with your traps. He will be visiting you just momentarily to see if you are alright, it was a bit late but it was precisely to make sure you were ok.
The moment he got in? Boom, a trap was triggered and sent a sandal flying towards him. His face was red, both from embarrassment and the sandal.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
He is another one that warns you to be careful, with the excuse of “I don’t want to have to protect you all the time”. Truth is, Ieyasu worries about you a lot and if you can handle yourself on your own. However, poor Ieyasu wasn’t expecting what was coming…
He was just walking through the corridor, when suddenly he slipped on something, making him fall on floor. Apparently you put a banana peel on the floor in front of your room at night for unwanted visitors and forgot to take it in the morning. Ieyasu was very annoyed and grumpy.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
The prankster? The one who enjoys teasing others and playing tricks at them? No way, there is absolutely no way he would fall for a trap… or is there? Truth be told, this was more about luck, Mitsuhide happened to see you preparing a trap in front of your room, and he needed to see it.
You will innocently suggest that he tries it, just to make sure it good. He will agree, it’s not like he would let such a silly trap get him- next thing he knows, Mitsuhide is on the floor, rope trapping his whole body. That… made him shocked.
Masamune Date.
This was also quite the surprise for Masamune, though he wouldn’t be angry about it. Here’s what happened, Masamune wanted to sneak a special dinner made only for you by him, he should be lucky that he didn’t spill any of it when he fell for your trap.
Apparently, there was a trigger near your door that, when stepped on, would make a small object hit the person’s head. Good to alert you to be prepared and slow whoever it is down. You ended up treating his head for him, luckily it wasn’t a big wound and it didn’t cause much damage.
Mitsunari Ishida.
Poor Mitsunari… even if your trap was safe from the warlords, he would fall for it anyway. This time it was because he was distracted, Mitsunari was reading a book while walking… which is already very dangerous. Somehow you managed to make a trap door in front of your room, but you were still testing it to make sure it would only activate when true intruders appeared.
Mitsunari ended up falling in it, luckily it wasn’t deep at all, but it made him fall. He would still be reading and would be surprised when he stops and look around. Just how did he get there?
Ha! He is smart, Keiji wouldn’t easily fall for traps, you could never fool him with your traps. Yet… here he is, tied upside down on a tree branch. He will not be smiling at you when you find him and release him from the trap.
Just for that, you are in for some punishment, which is revenge! Just you wait, Keiji will think of a way to pay you back.
Ranmaru Mori.
Ranmaru is a skilled ninja, so naturally he is used to avoiding traps. This one will be very silly when compared to the other traps though. You will try to catch him, using peaches as bait.
It’s the famous trap box with a bait underneath it, but with a big box. It looked way too obvious when Ranmaru saw it, he giggled at it and played along. “Kyaa, you got me!” Will be his reaction, just to make you happy that you got him. Besides, he got peaches as rewards.
Uesugi-Takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Trapping him is both easy and difficult. There are many ways you can get his attention, but it shouldn’t be forgotten that kenshin trains his ninjas, he knows every trick to avoid and get out of traps. The best trap to catch him off guard would be the attack type.
Try using triggers that, if he steps on, will release objects in his direction. Even if he falls for these traps, kenshin will be fast to take his sword and cut any objects that is thrown at him.
Shingen takeda.
Falling for traps? Unless shingen wants to, he wouldn’t just fall this easily for traps. He does find your traps adorable, and even gives you advises on how to improve them. He also trains his own ninjas, which is why he wouldn’t fall for any traps.
So, imagine his surprise when he tried taking a few sweets on the kitchen and got caught in a trap. He will be completely trapped with rope, the sweets will likely fly onto him as punishment. Though considering how tall he is, the sweets would only manage to hit his chest. What a waste of pastries… or maybe not.
Yukimura Sanada.
Trapping him will be pretty fun, Yukimura would accidentally get caught up in one of your traps and bicker endlessly with you about it. Apparently, he was up early in the morning and was heading to the training grounds for an early morning workout, only to fall and end up trapped in one of your traps.
It was a hole in the ground that was covered as a disguise, it was not deep so he didn’t get hurt, but it also kept him there for a while, he had to make a fuss to get someone’s attention for help.
Sasuke loves traps, as a ninja he has tried many different kinds of traps, and has installed many of them in the ceiling of Kasugayama. Since he knows them, it’s obvious that he wouldn’t get caught in them. Little did he know that you also went to the ceiling and planted your own traps.
Everyone in the castle could only hear loud noises from the ceiling, not understanding what it was. Later, you will find Sasuke getting out from the ceiling in your room, covered in small spikes. Nothing deadly but it still hurts.
Yoshimoto Imagawa.
Yoshimoto would be angry… he would hate it if he got dirty or if his clothes got messed up for being caught in one of your traps, and also because it’s too troublesome to deal with traps. Which is why a trap that includes getting him all dirty would make him… a bit mad.
He was just taking a stroll on the garden, wanting to look at the beauty of it, the flowers that were blooming, the river… he noticed a particularly strange flower. Yoshimoto will try to pull it, only to get hit by mud from your trap. You made it just for fun, but it got Yoshimoto really upset since it ruined one of his favorite kimonos.
Oh… you should be careful with this one. If he sees fit to punish you for a trap, he will. Kanetsugu knows that you do it only for protection, but what if lord kenshin gets caught up in these?! He will have his point proven when he gets caught up in one of your traps, apparently it was a trap that, if triggered, would throw a bucket with water at the person.
He will be wet from head to toe, his arms crossed as he looked at you. Yeah… you were in for lots of nagging.
Lone forces.
Kennyo understand your need to make traps in case someone tries invading them, but wouldn’t it be too dangerous? What if innocent people got caught up in them? He will notice this when he accidentally gets caught up in you. It was a net on the floor that, the moment you step on it, would suddenly trap the person in it. He got spooked at first, but managed to release himself by cutting the rope.
This trap could be dangerous for animals too… Kennyo will talk with you about it and how you should tone down with the traps.
He wouldn’t judge you for having traps, you shouldn’t trust him or anyone else. But he might scold you a bit if he gets caught up in one of them. The trap was a little dangerous, it would send small spikes if the trap was triggered, this was designed specially for enemies.
Kichou will easily avoid the spikes, easily deactivating your trap. He will find the idea interesting though.
Motonari Mouri.
Traps, huh? He likes them occasionally, but Motonari prefers to be more straightforward, he only uses them on elaborate plans. He will wonder what kinds of traps you can make with that head full of flowers. If he got caught up in one of them… he might get made.
Motonari was almost hit by a sandal when he opened the door to your shared room, though he quickly caught it. He will give you a glare… and then comes the punishment, a good smack on the butt should teach you. Even if it was by accident.
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can you do chubby mc 😍😍 any characters is fine!! Hcs or ff you pick!! You can ignore this if ur uncomfy
Of course!and that doesn't make me uncomfortable at all it's a normal topic! I made the MC nonbinary because you didn't say what gender so just in case! Hope you enjoy, thank you for the request <3
He didn't notice at first because he was too busy trying to keep you alive in Devildom but once he did he didn't think much of it because it's just a human body nothing important. Once he got closer to you and warmed up to you he started giving you headpats out of nowhere (I stand by the fact that lucifer gives headpats often) and then one day he found out that some humans are rude and harass those who's body's look "different" and "Don't fit the beauty standards"...."pardon me but wtf?" Was he's exact thought, chubby people are THE beauty, he's met so many Goddesses and Angels who are chubby. Everyone looked up to them and everyone thought they were beautiful, heck even him. So he was really pissed off at that, but hey some humans are dumber than Mammon so what can you do?.
Anyway after that he made sure you knew you were beautiful even tho you are, especially if you were insecure, my guy started spending he's money to buy you gifts (ofc he didn't give you them right away so that he didn't seem desperate and soft he's pride would never let him) also he shares he's coffee with you, you guys have a coffee break everyday yay!
"So how's your headache?" MC asked jokingly, "well as long as my brothers are immature absolutely terrible, *sigh* I have no idea how they haven't matured yet" lucifer said as he brought he's palm to he's head, mc chuckled and took a sip of their coffee "they will mature one day don't worry" "mhm by then my hair will be whiter than Solomon's" lucifer joked as he drank he's coffee "But anywho how are things with your tasks?" "Meh nothing new, I'm getting better at demonology that's for sure" MC smiled, lucifer smiled back and took their hand in he's, "By the way, thank you lucifer, for the gifts, it really means a lot" mc said with a closed smile, Lucifer's grip tightened on their hand and used the other free hand to pat their head, MC laughed. The coffee break soon came to an end and Lucifer got up as did Mc "alright we should get back to our tasks now " lucifer said and MC nodded, before leaving tho, lucifer grabbed their hand and kissed their knuckles and bid them goodbye. ( This mans flirting will be the end of you one day)
Okay so like lucifer he didn't think much of it as well, he was just annoyed he has to show you around because "he lost he's precious time spending money". But after warming up to you and everything he just l o v e d putting he's head in your lap, it was just heaven, he especially loved spooning you at night because it was so fluffy manz was astonished, but then he came across someone on the internet making fun of chubby people and he was so mad, my guy cursed that person and sent bad luck to them (I hc that he can give people bad luck)and after that he spent money on whatever you wanted, even if you told him it was enough he did not stop, clothes? You got it. shoes? The package is at your door. Accessories? He's putting one on you rn. Like he says in he's song, he's head over heels for you so he'll buy you anything, he's love language IS gift giving soo. But of course he also gives you physical affection, but since he's a tsundere mf it'll be hard for him to make the first move but it's fine because he'll find a way to make it seem like "yOur the one who wants a hug from thE gRrrreat Mammon!"
"alright MC what colour is your favourite?" He asked on the phone "it's f/c, why do you ask?" "Nothin nothin~ you'll find out soon enough! The great mammon has to go now, bye bye human!!" Weird. You thought, but shrugged it off. Later that day you heard a knock on your door and opened it, but there was no one there, when you looked down you saw a yellow box and you took it in, once you opened it you saw a pair of f/c shoes, you knew exactly who the person behind this was, smiled and hugged the shoes closer to you, what you didn't know is that that certain someone was hiding behind a wall and enjoying your happiness, satisfied that you got your gift he went back to his room.
When he first saw you he's first thought was "oh.my.diavolo. THEY LOOK LIKE THE CUTE ANIME CHARACTERS WITH FLUFFY ARMS AND LEGSAAAAA" he was squealing when he saw you. Tho he was still jealous of you. After the whole thing tho he warmed up to you and started showing you animes that included characters that reminded him of you. Like the rest tho, once he found out people didn't like those who's body's were "different" he was so upset, on the internet if he saw someone say shit about you he'd find their IP, address, bank account everything and expose their sorry ass (bank one gets to mammon)
"MC MC look!" He yelled out to you while excitedly showing you he's new anime figurine that had a lot of your features " Wow levi that looks so cool! They look nice" "I know! They reminded me of you so I bought it, uhm...you can have it.." Leviathan said shyly, mc chuckled and patted him on the head "it's alright levi you keep it" Leviathan shook he's head "no, I wanna give it to you, you rarely have any figurines since your a normie.. "am not-" SHUSH. So I'm giving this to you" Leviathan handed the figurine to you, you took it and held it close to your chest raising your head up to meet he's eyes and smiled at him "thank you Levi, really this means a lot to me I appreciate it" Leviathan blushed as he tried to cover it but with the back of he's hand while looking away "n no problem normie.." he may have made a rude remark that made you laugh but at that moment he was filled with love and adoration for you:).
Catan (sorry I don't really feel comfortable saying he's actual name-)
When you first came to Devildom he was intrigued by your body, he's read many books about the unique human bodies so he was glad he got to see one up close. Once you 2 warmed up to eachother he started studying your body more and asking questions,with one of the questions he found out that people with other kinds of bodies were shamed and he was so mad. my boy had to be held back by diavolo barbatos lucifer and Beelzebub to not go in the human world and blow that shit up. After he calms down he comforts you (if you were bullied for it and even if you weren't bullied for it) He gives you forhead kisses all the time, he really likes when you 2 are in the library or he's room (those 2 are basically the same thing but still) in eachother's embrace reading books in relaxing silence oh and also this man has 7 heart attacks when he sees you cuddled up to a cat, you just look so damn adorable with the fluffy cats he just. he's gonna faint.
Soft fur brushes against your leg as a grey cat meows at you, you smile and pick it up cuddling it close to you, at that moment catan arrives (I can't take him seriously with the nickname I have him HELP)Ahem, at that moment Stan arrives with a book in he's hand for you two to read, the second he sees the sight of the 2 beings he loves most in he's life my guy is using every blood cell he has within to not faint and cry, clutching he's heart, I'm not joking he legit has to grab on SOMETHING nearby or he's gonna fall. When you see him you wave at him showing the cat " looks like mimi warmed up to me as well" you say while scratching he's head as he starts purring, "y..yeah I can *cough* see that" "Stan see you okay?..you don't seem well" you ask raising a brow "yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine" he says, he definitely doesn't look fine tho, he finally manages to walk over to you, sitting next to you as he starts petting the cat as well, the cat then jumps out of your arms to wander off, you turn your head to Stan still smiling, he smiles back and holds the book in he's hands "okay let's read now" as you scoot closer and begin reading, Stan still hasn't gotten he's attention to the book, it's still to you, unable to resist himself anymore, he gives you a peck on the cheek, surprised by the sudden action your cheeks redden, you chuckle and kiss him on the cheek, you two laugh and then finally start reading (I love him sm but I can't say heS nAme)
Okay this man. This man. Is the body worshiper👏👏👏. The second he sees you he starts squealing it doesn't matter what body type you have he is gonna love it, compliment it and get he's hands on it. Stan literally has to hold him back so he doesn't latch himself onto you. From day one this man cannot stop commenting how adorable you look, like the others once you 2 get closer he starts giving you MORE affection (If that's even possible)shopping with you, taking pictures, spa time etc. He knows how in the human world not all people accept and see the beauty of chubby people, and he's exact words are honey don't waste your time on them! It's not your fault those uneducated roaches don't know beauty. He loves squishing your cheeks sm( AYO NOT THAT KIND OF CHEEKS, WELL..if you want those can too
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯) their just so squishy and soft!!
"MC how about we have a spa day!" "Sure asmo sounds good" he excitedly grabs your arm and takes you to he's room "oh wow I didn't know you already had the whole spa routine planned out" mc laughed surprised "I am always ready no matter what darling~" he said as he started getting the mask prepared to put on the both of you, as he was about to put on yours he giggled and squished your cheeks "asmo!" "Sorry you know I can't resist you! You just look so adorable I might love you more than myselff" asmo said dramatically you laughed as you squished he's cheeks back as revenge he gasped "oh you naughty MC!" He laughed and hugged you. (This man loves squishing you:'))
Like the rest he didn't care what you looked like he knew it was another human body, was probably munching on a gronila bar or something- after warming up to you he started sharing he's snacks with you (it was hard but he managed) he found out most humans were shamed for chubby bodies but he was confused because why? It's just a body, he was upset about it but as long as no one shames you he won't go to violence
The sound of someone roaming in the fridge was very loud and clear, the said someone was none other than beel, footsteps were heard from behind him and he froze, wide eyed looked behind him so fast afraid it was lucifer, he's tensed body soon relaxed once he saw it was you " MC whafsn arw youfh doimg uwp so mwate" you laughed " I can't understand what your saying beel" he swallowed the food and asked " MC what are you doing up so late?" "I wanted to get some water" he made an oh sound and looked back to the fridge, he looked in the fridge as he took out a doughnut giving it to you, you smiled as you thanked him, munching on the doughnut as beel went back to raiding the fridge. After midnight snacks you were about to head to bedroom but beel asked if you wanted him to carry you there instead you gladly took the opportunity and agreed. He gave you a piggyback ride, once you arrived there you plopped down but asked "do I weigh anything to you?" "No, it's just like holding a couple of grapes" he replied (this is a tt reference iykyk) you laughed, he bent down and hugged you closed eyes big smile "goodnight mc see you tomorrow" "goodnight beel see you soon" you two smiled and waved goodbye to eachother as you went back to your room . (Also you 2 always share snacks)
Okay so to this guy didn't matter what your body looked like he still wanted to kill you because he hates humans, but after the whole thing and once you two were good and close he kept on apologising. Let me tell you belphie lives for chubby body's, the laps are just perfect to sleep on, thighs are he's high and he would love to stuff he's face on your stomach, in your neck or in your arms just anywhere as long as your content, he truly loves and worships your body and has no idea why most humans shame people with chubby body's
"see that's why I hate humans" belphie said as he's head was on your stomach "they are missing out." He said as he nuzzled closer to you even more, you chuckled and patted he's head playing with he's hair, belphie hummed pleased with the comfort your giving him, as he lifted he's head up and gave you a peck on the nose and went back to sleep on your stomach "I love you MC" "I love you too belphie" you replied while rubbing he's head lovingly, both happy in each others embrace.
The end
A/n: ITS FINNALY DONEE, sorry it took so long! I saw this request late BUT THANK YOU SM FOR THE REQUESTT my first ever request was very special i hope you enjoyed this <3
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password-door-lock · 8 months
Mystictober Day 4-- Royal/Rebel
Maybe it's a weird way to think about a scruffy-looking stranger crashing into your apartment, boots first, through the window, but as far as you're concerned, your prince has come to rescue you. After all, Rika’s apartment may as well be an enchanted tower, and you may as well be an imprisoned royal heir straight out of a fairy tale, for the fact that you are stuck here alone. Anyway, the hacker isn’t really any more of a stranger than the members of the RFA , though he, at least, seems to want to get you out of here. That’s good enough for you.
Besides, you haven't been getting very much out of your guest coordination experience thus far— you feel a bit awkward talking to the RFA, so you've barely even used the messenger, only scrolling through the chat rooms once or twice a day to gather the contact information for potential guests. You're willing to send out invitations, but you have no interest in anything beyond a working relationship with the other members of the organization. Unfortunately for you, many of them strike you as being interested in something... more. You can't help but feel a bit trapped, waiting patiently to be rescued by the first person to get the better of the fire-breathing dragon— or, in this case, the bomb, but same difference— that guards you.
Well, here's your hero, then. He doesn't bother stepping over the shards of broken glass from the window he just tore through; instead, they crunch under the soles of his heavy boots as he crosses the room to reach you. "Stay where you are, okay?" His voice is smooth, even and measured, like he body-slams shatter-proof glass every day and has no reason to be at all shaken by the events of the past fifteen seconds. "You might hurt yourself if you step on glass."
He's got a point— you’re wearing no footwear more protective than a pair of fluffy slipper-socks. You bite your lip, nervous despite the relief you feel at the prospect of escape. You haven't so much as felt fresh air against your skin since the special security system was hacked three days ago, and the night breeze seeping through the gaping hole in the window is providing a very pleasant change of pace. "Who are you?" You already know, of course, but it's all that you can think of to say.
"I'm your knight in shining armor, prince(ss). I'm here to rescue you from your boring task," he cackles, making the threat that he poses abundantly clear. You would have to be a fool to actually go anywhere with this man, even if he seems more interesting than the members of the RFA. But, then again, you would also have to be a fool to break into a stranger’s apartment at the behest of a complete stranger, so perhaps your track record is working against you. "I thought you would have fun talking to those people, but you’ve barely even looked at the messenger. You must really hate it here— but I didn’t expect you to get bored of them so soon." He doesn't sound particularly apologetic. If anything, he sounds mildly amused by your refusal to be predictable, like you're a puzzle that he's looking forward to solving.
He's reached you by now; the hacker is close enough to see that you're shaking like a leaf. As much as you'd love to ask him why he thought you would cooperate in the first place, there are much more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. "Somebody from the RFA will be here soon," you inform him. You're sure of it— they won't let you get away so easily. One of them will come, convinced that you need to be rescued, without bothering to ask for your opinion. They may mean well, but none of them seem to have considered your feelings, being lured into a strange, demanding organization in the middle of a work week— not that the hacker is any different. He has yet to ask you if you want to leave with him, although you suppose you could have refused to even humor his request when he sent you to the apartment in the first place. It's clear to you that you're nothing more than a pawn to the hacker; he is using you as a means to whatever end he desires, the same way that V and his followers are using you as an excuse to host a party. That being said, you have no interest in watching a battle between the hacker and the RFA unfold. When push comes to shove, you’d rather make the decision for yourself.
The hacker, for his part, seems to agree with your assessment of the situation. "You're sharper than I thought," he decides, appraising you with glimmering eyes. "Do you already know what’s going to happen? If you’re so excited to leave this place, then you and I must be a little bit similar... I think we'll have fun together." He reaches out, and his meaning is clear— maybe he's only giving you the illusion of choice, but it's your call whether you'll stay loyal to the RFA or transfer your allegiance to him, at least for the time being.
"We should probably get going." You've made your choice. Anything is better than staying in this stuffy apartment, even jumping out the window with someone you just met. 
"Let's go, then, prince(ss)." The hacker smirks. This is all a game for him, but you don't care half as much as you probably should.
You could kiss him for how relieved you are to get out of Rika's apartment— to your surprise, he doesn't lead you to the window when you take his hand, but across the room to the door. He did say that he didn't want you stepping on glass— maybe he cares about your safety, or perhaps he only wants your loyalty. "Thanks for saving me." You give his hand a little squeeze in a vain attempt to demonstrate your gratitude.
"Of course." The hacker sounds amused as he walks you to the elevator. "You were already mine from the beginning, anyway."
"If you say so," you shrug. As far as you're concerned, anything is better than being trapped in this small suite, inviting strangers to a party about which you could not care less. It doesn't even occur to you that you might be trading one locked door for another, a picture window for a wall of glowing monitors.
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ratmonky · 9 months
Wait jkdkdldld monky... Is it okay to request? Like i saw your post (also I am the one who sent the previous ask 🫠 i am so shameless)
And ugh, you said geto & gojo brocode?? Uhmmm... How about a literal one? Them being twins and corrupting their little sis after they hear the elders planning to marry you off to another clan? Nope they can't have that, its either Satoru or Suguru or both of them 🥹 i'll be okay if you ignore this but the idea has been in my mind since the first time I saw jjk 🥹 i am so sorry
Also I am so sorry but yeah, Choso, Naoya, Gojo, Geto, & Noritoshi are all tied in my #1 sister fker list. Its just that I'm a bit biased with Naoya because of that one fic that I have read.🥲
i mean cmon... my requests are always open but i just write for the stuff that catches my attention
in that case, their brocode is that they HAVE to share. they're both shamelessly selfish when it comes to deciding who gets to muffle your little cries and who is the one making you cry.
as for another clan trying to take their precious little sister away, that would never happen, after all, they are the strongest. everyone will obey what they say and do.
naoya is unmatched when it comes to the annual sister-fucking contest sponsored by munkey because he's careless, he believes that he owns every woman he comes in contact with, they are beneath him. his sister is nothing but another pile of trash in the hands of any other man than him, he knows he needs to keep the bloodline pure to make sure they don't have any more failures like the zenin twins. he says he'll breed you until you birth an heir who will only be the strongest sorcerer the jujutsu world has ever seen
however, choso cannot be with any other woman if it isn't his pure little sister. he only has eyes for you and wants to care for you, whether it be by asking you to spread your legs and let him clean you in the bathtub. he says he needs to clean your insides and he’s right because the more he pushes his fingers inside you the more of the creamy fluid comes out of you. it’s slick and he tells you that only he can clean it out of you. he moves his fingers until you feel the dirt coming out of you in the form of a jolt that you feel in your nerves all over. you let him ravish your body however and continue being grateful for having such a good brother as always
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