#no i wont elaborate lmfao
ama-the-weeb · 1 year
hongice week day 7... the final day. today's prompts were school / free day. i did both, technically... it ended up being really short but honestly i think its kinda funny and sweet. some sweet fluff to end the week... fic under cut (@hongiceweek)
“Hey,” Leon says to Emil, leaning on the locker next to his. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Haha, very funny,” Emil mumbles, opening his locker. “You know this is my locker, you moron.”
“C’mon,” Leon whines a bit. “Can’t I have a little fun?”
Rolling his eyes, Emil finishes putting his stuff in his locker and shuts it. “It’s lunchtime, do you wanna get food with me?” He suggests, leaning on his own locker and turning to face Leon.
“Yes!” Leon cheers, smiling.
“Alright,” Emil replies, nodding slightly. “Lunch is on me this time.”
Because both of them are teenagers in high school, they get their lunch at the nearby fast food restaurant with its dirt-low prices. After ordering and receiving their meal, Emil and Leon sit across from one another at a small table in the corner of the restaurant.
“Well, this is kinda nice,” Leon comments.
“Getting treated to food,” Leon adds on. “Makes me feel special.”
With that statement, Emil’s cheeks flush red. “I’m just paying you back for all the times you treated me to food,” he explains, stumbling over his words.
“Thank you,” Leon says.
“It’s no problem,” Emil mumbles. 
The table falls into an awkward silence. 
“Maybe I should treat you to food from a really nice restaurant,” Leon muses, breaking the silence.
“That…” Emil trails off. “That sounds like a date.”
Nearly immediately after those words leave Emil’s mouth, both of them turn bright red. The word “date” completely changes the vibe of their lunch break. No longer does it feel like just two guys hanging out during lunch hour. 
“Maybe,” Leon starts talking again. “Maybe I will take you on a date to a nice restaurant someday.”
“Um, is it bad that I actually kinda like the sound of that?” Emil mumbles his question. Somehow Leon goes redder. 
“Um, I was just…” Leon stops for a moment, laughing awkwardly. “I was just trying to joke a bit. I… didn’t expect you to actually agree.”
Well. This certainly is bringing about a change in their relationship. 
“Um… maybe we could try something like that,” Emil mumbles, his anxiety screaming at him. “We could try dating… if that’s okay with you…”
“Emil,” Leon says. “I would love that.”
Emil feels like his heart is about to pound itself right out of his chest and die a dramatic death on the table. 
“Woah, are you okay?” Leon asks, noticing something. “You went really pale all of a sudden…”
“I… I think I need some water…” Emil mumbles, now panting. 
“Gotcha,” Leon gets up and runs to get some water.
This is so embarrassing. Emil messed up asking out his best friend by nearly passing out immediately afterwards. This is certainly not something his brain will let him forget for decades, probably.
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ariesbilly · 28 days
i still cant believe people ship r*nance like.. live your life i guess idk but that is such a smooth spongebob ship i cant
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
foilage 😍😍😍😍
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tumblr's mascot getting her whiskers tugged
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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kimmkitsuragi · 7 days
god i think im sick* and the deadline for this article just got postponed keksksjdjjdhffh so should i play bg3. maybe . finishing this article has turned into a sisyphean task tho.... but who cares let me kiss my virtual man now
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loveletterzsss · 2 years
it's embarrassing to admit it, but I got rickrolled by pangilive yesterday
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kiyocuck · 7 months
ok im sick as hell and unfortunately also very bored so im gonna write down some silly naeishimondo scenarios ive been brainrotting for a while
Makoto being sick like me and staying home, meanwhile both taka and mondo barge into his house, bringing in homemade soup and tea (both of which makoto already got), and while they're being sad over the fact their favorite little guy wont be at the academy with them for the rest of the week, komaru steals the soup and tea cuz she woke up sick too (from makoto). An alt ending is them giving makoto a Liiiittle kiss on the forehead, both of them thinking they wont get sick, and waking up with 40°C temperature the next day
Them all going to mondo's house for a hangout-sleepover bcuz hes the only one of the three with a queen-sized bed (lil context, after mondo quit being a biker gang leader [in a universe where daiya is alive cuz fuck you] him and his brother move to a more. "calm" place, just the two of them. they still hangout w the other gang members though). they all watch movies and taka drops dead snoring the second the clock hits 10pm bcuz his brain cant handle staying up later for "no reason" (he has pulled all nighters when it comes to studying). mondo falls asleep second, and makoto just watches them sleep peacefully before snuggling between them and going to sleep too (imagine cringing over what ur writing help)
Going home in the snowy weather after shopping all evening (taka made them both come with him). theyre all holding equal amount of bags, until mondo grabs them all and speedruns to their house cuz hes FREEZING, and boy oh boy does he not like the cold at all. after that he sticks himself to the heater for like 10 minutes, while makoto and taka think to themselves that he looks like hes purring next to it (they both assigned him a catboy in their heads cuz it makes him 10 times cuter (also my version of him has a default >:3 face that all owada family members have (its more noticable on daiya but still))
Continuing the last one, theyre cooking together now!!! mondo kinda sucks at it, makoto is trying his best, and taka is this 🤏 close to chewing a brick over how they cut the vegetables (they look chunky (his autism can't stand it, meanwhile their autisms dont care/dont even notice it (no im not projecting not at all))). eventually they make a nice meal (of unknown kind cuz i can never think of foods LMFAO) and it turned out surprisingly good. yum!
Pet assigning. as i mentioned makoto n taka have assigned mondo a cat/catboy, but the same applies for the others. taka is a dog, obviously, but specifically a husky BECAUSE (im gonna be so annoying about this): Hes black and white, hes dramatic and loud like how huskies are, very loving (as every dog), and when his hair grows out more and mondo touches it, it reminds him of how fluffy huskies' fur is. makoto is a bunny, but i unfortunately dont know many bunny breeds so i will probably elaborate more once i look up and decide. hes just short/"small" and silly like one, and his ahoge going down when hes sad resembles bunny ears going down. (btw if ur curious mondo is either a tiger (still a cat!!!) or a persian cat. bcuz i cant help but imagine him as a chonky orange persian cat that on one occasion scratches your eyes, and on another cuddles on your shoulders. la creatura)
i think thats all for now! most of my other scenarios are even more generic, like going on dates (aquarium, cafe, cinema etc) so i dont have that much to write LOL.
if you read the whole thing, heres some items for yuo 🍀🧭💎
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slutnali · 2 months
1, 4, 10, 11, 20, 22, 24
mar bebeeee 💜 ty
Fav overall season?
ooh the ones i revisit a lot would be seasons 12 and 15 so i would say those for sure!
4. Fav all stars season/vs the world season?
AS7, I really enjoyed that cast but most importantly pookie Jaida💜💜💜
10. What season would you most recommend to someone who's never seen the show?
ooh, hmm.. probably season 9 to get them hooked. I think it depends on the person though
11. Fav fight/untucked moment?
fuck so many!11111111 fave moment i quote often is from AS1 "act a fool girl, act a fool" and "HUH!! HUH!! I'm acting (: "
favorite fight is probably everybody vs serena cha cha
20. Fav winner?
Sasha C and Jaida !!!! You already know my love for them
22. If you were on the show, what edit do you think you'd receive?
Probably a mix of Kandy and Alyssa's edit lmfao
24. Hot take?
i cant take a stan srs when they like pj or db but hate kandy, luxx or mistress. its like, i've heard enough without you telling me much. i wont elaborate or speak further on that, its just my opinion to take w a grain of salt
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thisdreamplace · 5 months
how to drop the mind? what does that mean practically no one elaborates 😭 season’s greetings to you!!
u dont :)) u literally… cant. lmfao its here as long as youre here. what u can do is quiet it down, allow it to be what it is but no longer be its slave. a fear pops up and u let it pass u by. u dont engage in it and act upon it. thats what it really means to “drop the mind” u wont be like *literally* having ~no thoughts~ and if anyone is selling that i wouldnt bother w their approach lol
how do u this ? by not reading about it but actually trying it out. this is the basis of meditation. some ppl be like “i cant meditate i have too many thoughts” thats great bc thats the entire point lol meditation is ur safe space to feel out being the observer. to allow a thought to arise that causes a feeling and to not run away from it, to not engage with it, but to just watch it. you have to try it little by little and then u get the hang of it. so much of this work is done thru actual practice and not reading ideas behind a screen. thats the only way u will get anywhere and it takes patience, dont fall for quick fixes
alsoooo happy holidays to you <3
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jennilah · 1 year
transformers RT review embargo talk lmfao
how i feel whenever something i worked on gets stinky critical reviews but im just excited its coming out and im proud of my work regardless
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but fr i could go on a very long tirade about rottentomatoes again but heres the sparknotes version:
-its not like a grade in school and if it gets rotten then it FAILS, its a percentage of critics that enjoyed it. if something gets 40%- hey! thats 40% of critics that liked it :) not majority, but not horrible! -therefore if you WANT to see something, then go see it! dont let your disappointment in a score change your mind -half of my favorite films have rotten or otherwise "unideal" scores! dont put too much stock in these things man go have fun
i WONT elaborate more im FIGHTING myself not to write the whole essay
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okthatsgreat · 7 months
hiiiihihi lee those oc asks look so interesting so . any of the following for any of your ocs that you feel like talking about? 🔥🌪️🔧🔫🔪🙈💥 i got a little carried away picking out fun ones but feel free to only do the ones you want!!
LILY U RULE SO HARD. i was gonna go with sae but realised she's way too new for some of these questions so you know what....... ill choose ryobe teehee 😁
oc ask game!!
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
his complete inability to take anything seriously to the point of delusion and destruction lmao. he really and truly lives in his own little world where everything is about him and how much fun he is having, because he's convinced himself that if he is having fun then everybody ELSE must be having fun also
🌪 TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
AHGHJS oh jesus christ he got changed a lot design wise. he was always something along the lines of an ultimate prankster but originally he was way more business oriented, he still had red hair and a gap in his teeth but with a goofy looking suit lmfaooo. biggest change from that first interpretation of him to now was just how intentionally cold he was-- this updated version of him is still intelligent and cunning but his actions are so clearly driven by the horrors of the killing game and his attempted escape from it. the older version of him was always Like That GHFDSKJG
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
surprisingly he's kind of alright in settings that aren't post/pre-game! he's pretty persistent in trying to cheer people up so even if he doesn't really get all that serious he'll still make an effort to bug you even if you dont exactly want to see him right now ghfsdjkg. but if youre looking for a serious discussion with him youre kind of out of luck unless you catch him in a super specific mood and time lol. he's probably had like. two serious conversations post-game about his actions and he hardly acknowledges they ever happened
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
hmmmm this one is odd in regards to him short answer yes he does trust easily??? long answer it depends on what setting. like he trusts pretty openly but he is very flimsy with that trust and kinda throws other peoples trust around just as easily lmfao. he isn't extremely gullible but he'll believe you if you tell him something in earnest there just isnt much guarantee he wont turn around and use that information for a prank or something hgfkjsdghk ESPECIALLY pre-game/during the game. post-game he chills out he's a cool guy. definitely doesn't trust as openly and is a bit more reserved about who he hangs out with but he himself is way more trustworthy as a person
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
AGAIN DEPENDSSSS pre-game he'll try to cheer them up but will feel awfulllll about it especially if it happens during one of his videos, where he'll def blame himself but will cope by shoving all that into a tiny box where it will eventually catch on fire and explode. catch him during the beginning stages of the game and he's just wayy too far in his delusions that he'll straight up think you're fucking with him gfhdsjgkf. he'll be so convinced it's all some elaborate ruse that he legit starts dragging other people down with him. later on in the game he just crumbles entirely. just feels that guilt so immensely, and there is no going back to fixing anything
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
he's a lot smarter than he lets on!! his talent is catering to the algorithm and staying relevant, and he knows how to manipulate the platform in his favour. ryobe hardly talks about the business side of his job just because it kinda ruins the illusion of this "fun-loving prankster"
💥 COLLISION - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
oh jesus fear. he will NOT be scared
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kaizokuniichan · 8 months
what you want was so fucking hot omfg 😭😭😭😭 fr had me clenching LOOOOOL anyways thanks so much for delivering such a work, would you ever elaborate on that couple? Like the way zoro described her made me believe she’s a very stubborn and driven one outside of sex, I’d be over the moon to read about their dynamic outside of the bedroom and zoro being amused by the switch in attitude, never knew I was gonna be into brat taming by wtf kinda super hot
again thanks for your work, be safeee🩵
AAAAAHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LOVING IT!! I’m so flattered it had such a…positive effect on you 🤭
Oh Lordy, since you asked I guess I gotta provide my Reader lore that I’ve spent many a day brainstorming 😂 prepare for a slightly lengthy post
In most of, if not all of my fics the reader is some loose extension of myself and as a Taurus I am VERY stubborn, so that tends to bleed into my characterization 😂
The dynamic between the reader and Zoro in What You Want is set up as her not being completely forthcoming with how she feels about Zoro, even though it’s very obvious to him and everyone else. On more than one occasion she’s had someone (mainly Nami) try to force the confession out of her, but she wont even admit it to her or Robin, her lips are remaining sealed.
He knows he likes her but he’s not gonna initiate anything bc he likes making her sweat. He won’t outright say “I know you like me” but he’ll tease her in really subtle ways like crowding her space and maintaining eye contact with her until she gets flustered. She’s typically pretty bold and outgoing and has no qualms about saying what’s on her mind, except when it comes to him. She wants to say something to him about it but she’s a little insecure with him specifically bc with Zoro you really never fucking know. When she first starts falling into his bed he’s genuinely surprised bc she’s typically not bold enough to even be near him, so he was going to just leave it alone. But the longer he pretended not to know, the more she squirms so it’s a win for him.
Ultimately, she’s a scaredy cat who needed that liquid courage, and he’s a menace who knows her, what she wants, and how she wants it very well. Hence the name lmfao
I hope this was what you were looking for! If there’s anything else you’d like to know my inbox is always open!
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aakipple · 2 years
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Tiger & Bunny? And why do you love them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
losign my mind i already typed an answer to this question but i didnt realize it didnt post and now its gone LMFAO
um anyway! my top 3 characters :)
1. kotetsu - a lot about his character is just SO likeable its great. reading his wiki page made me like him already and my love for him only continued to grow when i actually started watching
2. barnaby - i did not expect him to grow on me as much as he has. his character development is CHEFS KISS and i will steal the moon for him if he asks
3. kaede - whenever i find myself attached to a dad character i often end up liking their kid/s as well so...🤧 i want to see her become a hero!!!
i cant choose anyone else after them bc all characters are just so interesting🥺 subaru is very close to top 4 though KANDKFNMG
as for moments ummm
in NO particular order:
- kotetsu calling barnaby bunny for the first time :''')
- the entirety of s2 ep 7 no i wont elaborate
- THAT scene from s2 ep 21. you know the one.
- side tiger ending where kotetsu returns barnabys pin (collapses)
- kaede learning about tiger's identity (THE reason i started watching. i love reveals)
there's definitely more i like but i forgor 💀 thanks for the ask 💖💕💗
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
i think i may or may not have accidentally convinced a bunch of my friends that mike wheeler was adopted
we were talking about casting families in stranger things and i was like “lmao yeah they cast the families all so well except for mike” and they were like “??? elaborate?”
and i go “well karen and ted both have naturally light brown hair. mike has naturally black hair. nancy has naturally light brown hair too and holly’s is blonde, but i’m pretty sure blonde hair is a recessive trait”
(this prompted a conversation about genetics and phenotype things, what’s dominant etc, it’s more complicated when applied to real life rather than simple problems, but long story short, yes, blonde hair is a recessive trait, and black hair is dominant*)
i go on to note that karen and ted both have naturally straight hair (though karen takes to curling it), as do nancy and holly (though again, nancy curls it, and permed it in s4). mike has naturally curly hair. this, again, is a dominant trait. their parents can’t have those genes since their hair is straight.
mike’s nose is also pretty different from both his parents and both his siblings, but this is genetically possible (it’s nowhere near as cut and dry as hair color or texture, and since incomplete dominance does apply to noses and stuff, and mike’s nose could be kind of a blend between karen and ted’s noses along with genetics of other family members that present in him), so we didn’t take it much into consideration.
the same applies to his dark eyes (where both parents have light brown eyes)—it would have been more likely for them to have a light brown eyed child. brown eyes are dominant to blue and green, green is dominant to blue, blue is recessive to both. holly has blue eyes, so they definitely carry those genes. mike also has brown eyes, even if they’re much darker than both his parents’, so they’re all the same genes, but he inherited more melanin in his eyes than his parents have. this is also possible. so we again wrote this off.
i wouldnt say something like “well the actors arent related so they wont actually look similar” bc everyone else looks like each other, and they paid attention to casting, so it must have been a deliberate decision.
it also doesn’t have to mean mike’s adopted. it could be a symbolic indicator of him feeling different from others, or like the odd one out, like he doesn’t fit in, etc. as those are pretty big parts of his character. or it could be attributed to infidelity (karen was pretty eager to sleep with a kid the same age as her oldest daughter, even if she didn’t in the end i wouldn’t put it past a younger, more adventurous karen)
i could also just be way overthinking this and roping everyone around me into it lmfao
*we couldn’t find conclusive data on what genes produce light brown hair vs black hair, or whether they’re the same genes and just present differently visually—two black haired parents can definitely produce offspring with light brown hair, but we’re unsure whether the other way around is possible. if you know, please let me know!
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fallowtail · 1 year
Am I a little sad about the end of the Ghosts' episode? A bit. I still think Hetty and Trevor have more in common than they realize. I am sorry if I am too hopelessly hopeful. Haha. They tried way too hard, way too fast. (pun kind of intended) I mean....maybe I can get behind the friends with benefits scenario for them...but I just see something there. I don't know. Just a bit sad...but definitely happy for their sex life. Haha! I think it made more zesty, that is for sure. 😆
Haha awww, yeah, I get it! Personally I'm super excited about the ending, because I didn't like how soon they came out to the house- the sneaking around was pretty much the only reason we were getting any steamy content, because it fell under "rule of funny", so hopefully we'll be getting to see some more of that soon...that ending kiss, holy MOLY <3 But as long as those two are fuckin', I'm happy LOL. I've basically been promised they won't split up for a while now and that's all I wanted!
BUT! I do think that this set up between them is not over yet- they're giving off the vibe of being the will-they-wont-they couple of the show, since we haven't had one yet! I think they'll still end up together- hopefully- but they're going to do it in their weird, Hetty and Trevor horny way, and not in the same way that the other couples are. It's gonna be super interesting for sure, and it makes their dynamic even more fun for me <3
What's really interesting here is that they clearly had a discussion, off camera, about wanting to go back to sneaking around, so at the very least these two are 100% on the same page about this, there's no hurt feelings, the fake arguing turned them on instead LMFAO, and them being in this dynamic means they're probably going to be safe in the background for a while...I think that they have more in common than they know, as well. I think that this issue between them could have been settled if they actually talked it out to come to a compromise, but these two have communication issues out the ass, Hetty especially, so they both decided to go the easy path and get themselves out of the public eye...I don't think dating publicly is something they're ready for just yet! Hetty is still struggling with her Rules Of Standard, of wanting to follow the Rules Of Social Functions, and Trevor was put off by not fitting into the conversation and then let Stephanie (and then Pete!!) get into his head...I think we'll see some more of this from them, for sure. They're not gonna just drop the plot, more is coming ; )
(Sorry, I actually had a lot of elaborate thoughts about this but I totally forgot all of them, my brain fog is awful today LOL, might tack onto this later)
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ultimate-snek · 4 months
ngl i hate "put in the tags" and then turned off replies reblog bait because. im not doing all that lmfao now i just. wont reblog ur poll period or elaborate
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