#no more ai art
anotherwvba · 9 months
I don't want anyone to be caught unawares by the sudden removal of the artwork from my blog. I removed all the artwork that was created by AI after multiple artists contacted me and, in very kind and calm adult fashion (very refreshing in today's world) expressed their views on AI art to me. I never wanted to offend anyone and genuinely didn't think it was that big of a deal.
The story I'm working on is mine, however, and I hope there was no confusion over that. Hope you enjoy it and as I'm hard at work on the next part.
Now, back to figuring out how to get commissions on all the OCs I have in mind for my story :)
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voiddavicrystalheartc · 3 months
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zenurik76 · 1 year
Slight update/me lightly shitting on the defense of "Ai Artists"
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I just have one small issue,
is it just me or did this man just compare real hardworking artists
to fucking spiders!?
Are real Artists just insects to people like this MF?!
The rest of what he/she said is a topic I myself am not "up to date" informed on the AI vs Human Art Wars, so I can personally confirm nor deny if what they're bringing up is even worth it for me or anyone else arguing over, I had come across it late last night and found this seemingly nicely worded argument by an Ai artist, and their comparison snapped me awake, I find it so funny and bad at the same time.
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redstonedust · 5 months
yknow AI art has ruined an entire genre of painting to me, i saw one of those smooth anime-realism pieces and immidiately thought ''ugh, AI art'' until i noticed it was posted by an established deviantart user 6 years ago. like ive never been a huge fan of that genre but it looks like a pretty difficult style to master and i feel bad for the artists who specialized in anime-realism only to have their entire market jacked by people typing keywords into midjourney.
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
cant tell you how bad it feels to constantly tell other artists to come to tumblr, because its the last good website that isn't fucked up by spoonfeeding algorithms and AI bullshit and isn't based around meaningless likes
just to watch that all fall apart in the last year or so and especially the last two weeks
there's nowhere good to go anymore for artists.
edit - a lot of people are saying the tags are important so actually, you'll look at my tags.
#please dont delete your accounts because of the AI crap. your art deserves more than being lost like that #if you have a good PC please glaze or nightshade it. if you dont or it doesnt work with your style (like mine) please start watermarking #use a plain-ish font. make it your username. if people can't google what your watermark says and find ur account its not a good watermark #it needs to be central in the image - NOT on the canvas edges - and put it in multiple places if you are compelled #please dont stop posting your art because of this shit. we just have to hope regulations will come slamming down on these shitheads#in the next year or two and you want to have accounts to come back to. the world Needs real art #if we all leave that just makes more room for these scam artists to fill in with their soulless recycled garbage #improvise adapt overcome. it sucks but it is what it is for the moment. safeguard yourself as best you can without making #years of art from thousands of artists lost media. the digital world and art is too temporary to hastily click a Delete button out of spite
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0sbrain · 14 days
alternatives for ai to design ocs
hero forge
the fucking sims 4
your local furry artist
shitty photoshoped collage
DeviantArt bases
making edits of your favorite character
searching "dress up game" on the app store
learning how to draw
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thebonesofhoudini · 2 months
Question: does AI art make anyone else...uncomfortable after looking at it? Especially messed up uncanny valley looking ahh AI art?
I'll admit, I've developed a fear/phobia/anxiety towards AI generated art. That's why I don't like it. It genuinely makes me uneasy and makes my skin itch.
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louistonehill · 7 months
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A new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it’s scraped into an AI training set, it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways. 
The tool, called Nightshade, is intended as a way to fight back against AI companies that use artists’ work to train their models without the creator’s permission. Using it to “poison” this training data could damage future iterations of image-generating AI models, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, by rendering some of their outputs useless—dogs become cats, cars become cows, and so forth. MIT Technology Review got an exclusive preview of the research, which has been submitted for peer review at computer security conference Usenix.   
AI companies such as OpenAI, Meta, Google, and Stability AI are facing a slew of lawsuits from artists who claim that their copyrighted material and personal information was scraped without consent or compensation. Ben Zhao, a professor at the University of Chicago, who led the team that created Nightshade, says the hope is that it will help tip the power balance back from AI companies towards artists, by creating a powerful deterrent against disrespecting artists’ copyright and intellectual property. Meta, Google, Stability AI, and OpenAI did not respond to MIT Technology Review’s request for comment on how they might respond. 
Zhao’s team also developed Glaze, a tool that allows artists to “mask” their own personal style to prevent it from being scraped by AI companies. It works in a similar way to Nightshade: by changing the pixels of images in subtle ways that are invisible to the human eye but manipulate machine-learning models to interpret the image as something different from what it actually shows. 
Continue reading article here
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8pxl · 2 months
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an example of real pixel art and explaining the pixel grid:
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Thread on how to spot AI generated pixels by reyhkibanki on twitter!~ Might be a useful read to help you spot common mistakes AI makes when generating pixels. There's also a lot more info in the link!!
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bigolialragu · 10 months
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there's a bug like an angel
stuck to the bottom of my glass
you can get a print here: inprnt
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furious-fish · 3 months
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alex and jonny give me an easy episode to draw challenge (impossible)
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bixels · 4 months
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Just gonna have to wait and see, right? Just wait and see! Just gotta wait and see! Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see! It's anybody's guess, we'll just have to wait and see! The future is exciting, we just gotta wait and see!
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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zenurik76 · 1 year
I want to get the AI thing off my chest, if anyone wants to, my thoughts (the best I could put it) are here, I don’t plan to say more than this, I believe I made myself clear.
I just want this to end, unironically.
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erebusfinn · 25 days
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My official contribution to the lamb. Praise be to thy lamb lol
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cozylittleartblog · 25 days
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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