#normally i'm SO BAD at prompt weeks this one was FUN
theminecraftbee · 7 months
hermit horror week day 7: season 9 or from beyond
A: That's, uh, quite the thing to start this out on, Joe, I mean. When you said you wanted to interview me for an article about my role at Blue River Raceway, I didn't think you'd... Who do you mean?
A: And you're starting off a bit too strong. Seriously, I might think you're lying.
A: I can leave.
A: I don't have to answer this.
A: I don't know who you're talking about.
A: I think if I knew, she was dangerous. She knew how to modify memories. She wasn't safe to be friends with, Joe. You should--you should get that checked out. I mean, think about what a me who didn't care for you might do, and then, like, go to a doctor about it.
A: I'm... not supposed to. I think she tried to make me forget she was ever there.
A: Look, time is weird. It was after I built my base. Before the Rift. Only slightly before then, though, because time isn't the same on both sides. If I'd known that, I would have been more careful. Sent her better supplies, too. Brought my own memory potions. I wouldn't have just... followed you all blindly. Not that I did.
A: Of course I did. I had to be prepared.
A: Joe, she's dangerous. You have to know she's dangerous. I did what had to be done, after she got dangerous, and I did what had to be done, after she escaped. I was prepared. I knew what would happen if she found you all.
A: Well, when you put it like that...
A: Hey, don't characterize it like that, you know as well as I do how much that was a game--
A: Joe, how much of your time in Cogsmede do you remember?
A: And I'm trying to tell you. How much do you remember? Did she show you everything? Did she tell you why she wanted you there?
A: Because I know she liked to hunt people. That's part of why I locked her up in the first place. Tried to figure out what had gone wrong with her. You kept asking how long she was missing, and I, I tried to keep you all safe. You have to understand I had to do it. And--how much do you remember?
A: Joe.
A: You have to know she's dangerous then. And she just let you remember?
A: It's not that simple.
A: It's not that simple. But yes. Of course I care. Of course I... Of course I do. I couldn't not.
A: Since slightly after the Rift closed. I sent her a letter. I haven't heard back.
A: Fine. I will.
A: I mean, I built the sign. What else is there to say, in the face of all that?
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escelia · 1 year
This is a follow-up/one-shot based on the fic I wrote here, which was based on the prompt by @ghostreblogging
I'm really having fun with Big Brother Danny AU~ big thanks to everyone taking the time to read it!
Not So Normal
Daniel Fenton-Wayne had been with the family for a while now. To say that he was odd would be an injustice because he wasn't really. At least, not compared to the rest of the costume wearing vigilante family. Danny was a civilian, albeit a strange one. Danny and Damian were close in age, and everyone could tell that Danny wanted to be a good big brother; he'd never had the chance to before. The strangeness came in when Damian brandished his many weapons toward Danny, and he... caught him mid launch. Just snatched the little bird out of the air for a hug. Damian had thought he was putting up a fight, but it was clear that Danny wasn't struggling. He seemed so casually unbothered by Damian's behavior, but he was normal, ya know?
Damian sneers and waves his fork menacingly at Danny during dinner?
"He's fine! He's like, what, 10 years old?"
Damian growled that he was clearly 12 and threw himself over the table at him.
Damian threatens him with his swords?
"Damian! No!"
"Nooooo! Don't discourage him! He might lose interest!" And even as the rest of the family assured him that that would be a good thing, he handed Damian the blade and asked if lessons were on the table so Damian could have a "competent sparring partner." He still tried to stab Danny after that.
As concerning as it always was when Damian tried to stab someone, they were all relieved that Daniel seemed to be able to handle the demon brat better than most. Eventually the baby bird would warm up to him and stop stabbing him so often, but until then, Danny could handle himself.
Let it be known that Damian did not have a favorite brother! They were all imbeciles with poor taste in humor and mediocre fighting skills. That being said, Danny did have a leg up over the others for inquiring about sword lessons to improve his fighting prowess, even if he was already surprisingly adequate for a civilian. Well, that and other things that Danny had admitted only to him in the months he'd been with the family. It was strange being the one he confided in, but he felt a sort of pride that, even though he'd tried to stab Daniel, he was still the one he went to when he needed to talk about stuff he hadn't told the others. So perhaps it wasn't that surprising that when he'd gotten in trouble, Danny was the one Damian called for.
Patrol that night had been boring and quiet. Too quiet. Way too quiet for Gotham, which meant that something bad was brewing. Batman had handed Robin off to Nightwing for the night while he poured over all the reports and data from the last few weeks to figure out what the rogues of Gotham could have planned. Nightwing was ashamed to say that the Joker had gotten the jump on them. He'd tied the two up, leaving their comms on so the rest of the bats could hear all of the terrible things Joker had planned for them. He included terrible reminders of how he'd murdered Jason and how he couldn't wait to pluck the wings from Batman's other birdies. Damian wanted to rip his throat out for that, but he was in no shape to fight. His family was in danger, so he called out to the only other person he trusted.
"DANIEL!" Damian screamed long and loud for his brother, the plea surging forth from deep in his chest. Dick looked horror stricken that his baby brother had called out for the one member of the family that wasn't a vigilante, painting a huge target on his back. But even as he could hear the commotion coming through the comms and see the panicked look on Dick's face, he called for Danny again. His brother would help. He would come!
The room's temperature dropped in an instant, their panting, panicked breaths fogging the air while the lights flickered. The Joker paused in his maniacal laughter to observe the Lazarus green pool forming on the ground between him and the birds. Frost and ice cracked through the concrete of the warehouse as a head of white hair with a crown of crystalline ice rose through the small pit and the Joker's veins flooded with dread at the too wide, too sharp smile on the thing's face.
"Don't worry, I'm here. You're safe," he cooed comfortingly back to Damian, his voice an otherworldly echo in the large space. "But you?" He gestured to the Joker with claw-like fingers. "Well, let's just say, I've been d̵͔̦̩̒̒̊ẙ̴̧͓͕̺ḯ̸͖̪͔n̶͉͛g̵̻̾͒͜ to get my hands on you."
It happened so fast that no one really knew if the Joker screamed or not. In one moment, the boy's body had morphed into a cloud of inky black scattered with what looked like honest to God stars that smothered the Joker, and in the next, he was gone. The being who, upon closer inspection, definitely looked like Danny if he had white hair and green eyes and was a literal Eldritch creature, was untying them with care.
"Danny?" Dick questioned. He acknowledged him with a quick nod before turning back to Damian, the one who had called.
"You came," the youngest mumbled.
"You called," Danny answered with a soft smile. "Did you think that I wouldn't?"
"No. I knew that you would. You're not incompetent like the others."
"You guys heard that, right? That was definitely a compliment!"
Damian huffed but sagged in relief once he and Dick were both untied.
"You- you're-" Dick stumbled over his words in astonishment. "Danny, you're a meta?"
"Technically, it's a medical condition, but details," he responded, waving off the rest of the question with a cheeky smile.
In Nightwing's ear Bruce asked to speak with Danny. He removed the earpiece and tapped Danny's arm with it, gesturing to his ear. The "meta" slid it on just in time to hear his adoptive father shout.
"We will be talking about this as soon as everyone gets home safe, am I understood!"
"Loud and clear, boss man!"
"Let it be known that I knew something was weird about Danny!" He heard Jason exclaim. "No offense man."
"None taken, my Revenant sibling mine."
"Where did the Joker even go?" Someone over the comms asked. Danny thought it was Steph.
"I sent him to clown jail. I hate clowns. I've literally never met one that hasn't tried to kill me or my family."
Upon learning that the Joker wasn't the first homicidal clown that their, before now, seemingly normal brother had met, the comms erupted into chaos. Danny tossed the earpiece back to Nightwing before whisking them away back to the cave under the manor. He had a lot of explaining to do.
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engie-ivy · 7 months
(I really thought this was gonna be a lot shorter than it is! I still couldn't resist the epilogue😅 Written for @wolfstarmicrofic 30th: Traitor, to add some Fluff to an angsty prompt!)
1651 words
Part Two: Label-Stuff
Remus and Sirius are in a strong, committed relationship.
They just don't know it yet.
"Remus, it's just you and me now, there's no one else left." Mary clutches Remus' shoulders as she looks him in the eyes. "We're the last ones standing, the only ones who haven't succumbed. The others all have fallen. It's just you and me."
Lily rolls her eyes. "Dramatic much, Mary?"
Mary shakes her head disappointedly. "Alice was a lost cause ever since she laid eyes on Frank back in third grade. Then Marlene met Dorcas at the coffeeshop and we lost her pretty soon after that. Of course no one can forget the day Gideon took Emmeline away. And now the unthinkable has happened, and our very own Lily gave in to James Potter, of all people." Mary pats Remus' shoulder. "We're the last ones who are still living our best single lives, free and independent."
"Goodness, Mary," Alice sighs. "You talk like being in a relationship means your life is over. It's just the beginning of a whole new and exciting phase!"
Lily nods in agreement. "I must say, it's a lot better than I thought it would be. There are actually so many new experiences to enjoy in life as a couple!"
"Yeah," Marlene says. "Even that stupid lameass couple-stuff isn't so bad when you have someone whom you enjoy being in a stupid lameass couple with. Like going to the bloody Farmer's Market on Saturday morning and sharing one of those giant, ridiculous caramel syrup waffles."
Mary looks unimpressed. "I spend Saturday morning in my bed after partying on Friday night, because, oh yeah, I still have a life."
"I actually like the Farmer's Market," Remus disagrees. "I usually go with Sirius. He pretends he thinks it's all so lame, but who always wants to share the syrup waffle?" He chuckles fondly.
"It's not just outings either," Lily says. "Just the normal everyday stuff too, like cooking, having dinner, doing the dishes, you never have to do it alone anymore."
"Sitting on my couch in my pj's watching trash tv with a bowl of food in my lap is like the best moment of my day," Mary says. "Never eating alone anymore sounds like a literal nightmare," she shudders.
Remus shrugs. "With Sirius and I being roommates, I haven't really been doing those things alone for years."
Emmeline glances at him. "Well, yeah, I guess you can do those kinds of things with a roommate too, but as a couple, you can add sappy romance to that everyday life! Candlelit dinners, movie dates, walks on the beach, watching the sunset…"
"Why does that have to be exclusively for couples?" Remus protests. "I mean, Sirius and I both love dinner and a movie, or taking the dog to the beach and watching the sunset. We can just do those things together."
Mary gives Remus a strange look, but then focuses back on Emmeline. "I can do all those things with three different guys each week if I want to."
Emmeline shakes her head. "It's not the same as being with the one whom you know is your person."
Alice thinks for moment, trying to find the right words. "Think about it like this," she says slowly. "When you're all dolled up, in full makeup, wearing your best outfit, ready for a night of fun, yes, you can have a good time with anyone. But the best thing about being a couple is that when you feel like absolute crap and look like an absolute mess and just want to stay in bed all day, your person will also be there, taking care of you, bringing you comfort food, making you feel better."
"Sirius has a sixth sense for when I'm having a bad day," Remus says with a soft smile. "Whenever I feel down, Sirius will bring home my favourite chocolate cinnamon buns, which they only sell at a bakery on the other side of town. And he's probably the only one who can make my tea exactly as I like it. He will make sure there's always a mug with hot tea on my nightstand when I'm sick."
Alice tilts her head and studies Remus thoughtfully.
Mary arches an eyebrow looking at Remus. "I was gonna say isn't that what you've got a mum for, but apparently, you can also have a roommate for that." She shakes her head. "Anyways, I still don't think having someone to bring me tea when I'm cranky is a good enough reason to have to constantly take someone else into account, deal with jealousy and spend time with in-laws you don't like."
"But even that is suddenly not so bad anymore!" Lily argues. "I always thought that I would hate having to spend my Sundays having dinner with my in-laws, but James is taking me to his parents' house this Sunday for the first time, and I must say, I'm actually excited!"
"Oh, you should be!" Remus says enthusiastically. "Sunday dinners at the Potters' are amazing! I'll tell you, Monty's Sunday roast is to die for!"
The girls all stare at him.
Remus scratches his head awkwardly. "Sirius started taking me with him years ago." He smiles sheepishly. "He says I'm Effie and Monty's favourite by now."
Lily keeps staring at Remus as she continues. "And I'm also going to spend Christmas Day with James' family…"
"Oh," Remus immediately chimes in. "Great! Effie pulls out all stops. Sirius and I always help with-"
"Bloody hell, Remus!" Mary breaks in. "You bloody traitor!"
Remus closes his mouth and blinks at Mary in confusion.
"Here I was, thinking that you were my last ally among the couples, but it turns out that you've been in a bloody relationship with Sirius Black this whole time!"
"I'm in a… With… What?" Remus sputters. "No! Sirius and I are friends, just friends!"
"Remus," Lily says calmly, crossing her arms over her chest. "The only way your relationship with Sirius differs from a couple's, is that you're not having sex with him."
Remus' cheeks turn red and he averts his eyes.
Lily's eyes widen. "Remus John Lupin!" She gasps. "You didn't!"
Remus' face turns bright red as he stares at his hands. "It… happened. Once or twice."
Lily shakes her head. "I can't bloody believe you!"
Remus lifts his head and looks at her defiantly. "Well, can you blame me?" He says defensively. "You know what he looks like! Besides, what's the harm?" He shrugs. "We're both single, but we still both have… urges, so to speak, and we find each other physically attractive, so why not?"
"And do either of you ever sleep with anyone else?" Marlene asks seemingly casually, studying her nails.
"I'm not," Remus says. "I mean, Sirius is just objectively incredibly attractive, no one can deny that, and we have great… uhm, chemistry in the bedroom, so it really wouldn't make sense for me to go out of my way to pick up some random guy. I don't really know about Sirius, but I don't think…" Remus trails off, pausing on the idea of Sirius with someone else and feeling inexplicably nauseous, and suddenly he wants nothing more than to change the subject. "Look, this is all very personal, and none of your business!"
"And do either of you ever date anyone else?" Marlene asks undeterred.
"We're not dating!"
"Fine." Marlene rolls her eyes. "Does either of you ever date anyone?"
Remus shakes his head. "Why would we? Sirius is my best friend for a reason, I can't imagine having a better time with anyone else, and I have zero desire to spend an evening making awkward small talk with a stranger. Besides, we both aren't looking for anything. Sirius does not want to give up on his freedom, and I don't want to deal with all the expectations and accompanying anxiety that come with a relationship."
"Oh, for god's sake, I can't bloody believe it!" Lily pressed the palm of her hand to her forehead. "You and Sirius are both so bloody afraid of commitment, but you completely failed to notice you've been in a bloody committed relationship to each other for years!"
"Sirius' and mine relationship is platonic!" Remus insists. "And, well, sometimes also physical, I guess. Platonic and physical, not romantic. I mean, not that I don't love him. Of course I love him, but more in a way that we complete each other. Sirius just feels like home, he's the only one who…" Remus trails off and runs a hand through his hair. "Wait, what was I saying again?"
Mary gives him a flat look. "I believe you were explaining how you love Sirius and are physically attracted to him, he's your other half and you're safe haven, but oh, all in a purely platonic way of course."
Remus groans and hides his face in his hands. "I'm screwed, aren't I?"
"Jamie?" Lily asks hesitantly.
James hums while he's laying with his head on Lily's lap, as she runs her fingers through his hair (like she has absolutely not been itching to do since fifth grade, no, absolutely not).
"Would you…" Lily is very careful to breach the topic. James isn't exactly good at dealing with change, and she doesn't want to upset him. Remus and Sirius are his best friends, and he might not be happy with the dynamic of their group potentially changing. Besides, those boys are both like brothers to him, so what if it makes him uncomfortable if the relationship between the two of them turns out to be not-so-brotherly?
Lily braces herself. "How would you feel about Remus and Sirius potentially one day being… more than friends?"
James stills, and a moment passes with him just laying motionless with his head under her hand, as Lily holds her breath.
Then James sits up and turns to her, his eyes wide and blinking at her. "Haven't they been a couple for the past three years?"
Read Part Two here!
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moonyasnow · 3 days
Hi, there! :D
I saw that request are open so I have a VERY angst request.
Type: Headcanons (Romantic and a lot of angst)
Reader: Fem or neutral (I leave it to your liking)
Scenary: How about a prefect who loves sing and has a beautiful voice but due to a magical accident (indirectly being said boy's fault) them/she ends up losing her/they voice forever. The reader tries to appear normal but deep down she/them is depressed by the situation even if she/them will never hate said boy
with Deuce, Ace, Sebek and Jack (or other characters you want)
If my request does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure, thank you. I'm loving your TWST fics and as someone who has a lot of ideas for angst fuel (I'll probably make some angsty requests here) >:D (Spoiler I have one in mind with Ortho) (and maybe I'll make fan arts) see ya :D
Sudden Silence.
PROMPT : Their singer S/O loses their voice due in part to them
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CONTENT : pre-established relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, Reader loses their voice, lots of guilt and shame, self-esteem issues too bc why not, hopeful endings at least!
CHARACTERS : Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek
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- { Crash— B O O M ! } -
An explosion resounded from the cauldron next to where you and Grim worked— the one you had seen your boyfriend and his lab-partner standing over.
Someone called your name, told you to watch out. But it was too late. The greyish-canary-yellow smoke and liquid of whatever potion they had failed to make splattered on your skin and clogged your airways from your nose and open mouth...
Your voice was never the same after that.
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Ace Trappola was good at lying. Exceptionally good at lying, even. So you'd witnessed firsthand several times, including the first time you met. And those used to dealing in falsehoods will always be the most adept at spotting them in others.
…Yeah you really weren't fooling him.
You had been singing your entire life. It wasn't something you'd ever really thought much about; it was just something you did. When you were young people had said that you had music in your blood— and you wholeheartedly agreed. Whenever a song you knew came on the radio you HAD to sing it, no matter what anyone else in the car thought. You ALWAYS volunteered for karaoke whenever it was an option. Were you a bit of a diva? Maybe just a little bit— but you couldn't help it! You just loved music and singing too much to ever keep it to yourself.
Ace often teased you about your need to be in the spotlight when you sang, loving how huffy you got and how you pouted, or he said that your choice of song was lame— but he never stopped you. He did actually like it, because you singing meant you were happy, after all. But Ace's gotta Ace, and the one and only Ace Trappola couldn't just let people think he was some mushy sap who loved the sound of his lover's voice, now could he?
But still, he'd often jokingly make fun of you, daring you to sing the most embarrassing song you could think of from your homeworld, or just starting a Twisted Wonderland song whose lyrics he knew would make you red in the face from embarrassment just to watch you sing to the very last note despite it. He loved that stubborn side of yours, partly because of how much fun it was to tease you with it. You were…kinda cute when you pouted. …Ok, really cute.
The accident left you with a sore throat for weeks. Your speaking voice returned to normal, but your singing voice…just didn't. You never sang anymore. Didn't even try. He felt a little…scared, to ask you about it.
He missed hearing you sing. Not because of your singing itself, but because it'd become to him the theme music of your happiness. Not having an easy way to know if you were happy or not bothered him more than he thought it would. But what bothered him most was that you didn't even get mad at him! Sure, he was used to covering up his own sadness with a bad joke when he didn't want anyone to know he was down, but seeing you try to do the same just…just no. It felt all kinds of wrong!
You lost your voice because he decided it'd be more fun to goof off and goad his lab-partner on than pay attention to the potion they were supposed to be making, even after Crewel said to be extra cautious making that particular potion. And you didn't even yell at him. Not even a little bit! Not even a pout, or refusing to speak to him in particular for a week or more. That's what he thought he kinda deserved for what happened. That's what he wished you'd do!
Anything was better than…than this!
But he knew you, and he knew calling more attention to it would probably just make you feel even worse. So, like the sleight-of-hand master he was(not really but let him dream won't you?) he drew your attention away from it. He practically dragged you away from moping alone in your room to force you to watch him at Basketball practice, and during the dreaded music lessons he even willingly embarrassed himself by playing the violin so badly it made you burst out laughing and making fun of him when he so much as tried to screech out a single note. Then he dished it out twice as bad when it was your turn to fail at it.
You punched his shoulder. Hard. And pouted at him like you always did. It felt…good, to have something normal.
But he still couldn't shake those feelings of guilt whenever he heard you start to tap along to the rhythm of a song you had playing in your head. It just reminded him every time if the way you used to hum the melodies. He felt like such an ass every time. You'd have to talk about it some day...but for now things would stay in this forced equilibrium.
Until you felt ready.
And until that day, whenever it would be, he'd keep distracting you at all hours of the day, taking your thoughts away from it. You could say it was his way of trying to make it up to you.
…Even though he knew he'd taken too much from you for the guilt to ever really leave him.
But this wasn't about him.
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Deuce Spade, the former delinquent, aspiring honor student and— despite his best efforts— someone who acted without thinking, knew what it was like to lose your way. It could be said his entire adolescence had been a long period of him continuously losing his way. So much that it, in a sense, became his way? But not a good way. It all caught up with him and smacked him in the face when he'd heard how sad it made his mom, how much it made her worry and even blame herself.
When he got into Night Raven College, he couldn't believe his luck. It was, to him, a second chance. A place he could go where no one knew of him or his past mistakes, where he could create a new identity for himself and become someone better. That was also where he met you. And also developed a big crush on you. You seemed his polar opposite: calm, thoughtful, polite and reserved. A lot of things he wished he was more of. Yet you didn't judge him at all for that delinquent side of him that seemed to rear its ugly head whenever he got too worked up. You even appreciated it when it compelled him to try to protect you and his friends. It made him feel like that was something he really could learn to leave in the past one day…or maybe even learn to repurpose for better things. He gushed about you to his mom over the phone so much that she figured out his feelings for you faster than he himself did. And when he finally did, she was also the one to encourage him to try asking you out.
…But you also ended up inadvertently reminding him of what was so troublesome about it, why he wanted to change it in the first place.
You had always been praised for your singing voice. To the point it was your biggest point of pride— something you took good care of and refined to the exception of almost everything else in your life. Back home your shelves were lined with awards from song competitions and walls with posters for all the different concerts you'd sung in, musicals you'd participated in. 'You have a bright future with music' a teacher had once told you. Those words had engraved themselves into your heart. Not having any idea what the future might hold and how you'd get a job felt less scary when you knew you had your voice to rely on. Being transported to a new world, forced to make a new life from scratch, was difficult. But at least your voice meant you had some kind of potential future career. You could ask Vil to introduce you to someone in the industry, or work for Azul at his lounge.
But you lost it. Because of him. Because he had gotten worked up over a comment Ace made and, as Deuce went to grab his collar, had accidentally knocked over something on the table next to their cauldron, causing it to break against the edge and spill way more than the recipe required into the mixture. The
It wasn't that your singing voice had become gravelly. No. It had disappeared completely. When you opened your mouth to sing, your vocal chords moved, but pure silence followed. Not even your breath was heard.
When your singing voice 'died', all your future plans, ambitions, confidence and sense of self died with it. You had never realized before just how much your voice was a part of your identity— how large of a part of your vision of 'you' that it made up. But now, having realized that the thing which, in your mind, made you 'you' was just...gone...
You didn't know how to handle it.
You became quiet. Barely even spoke. Retreated into yourself. It made him so, so, incredibly worried. He knew it was his fault. That you didn't shake your head when he said as much, a stabbing pain to his gut, only confirmed it for him. He blamed himself. How could he not? In his mind, if only he hadn't taken Ace's words— whom he knew was always just joking and teasing, trying to get a rise out of him— so seriously and entered 'delinquent mode' again and knocked that vial over, none of this would have happened. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to call his mom for advice, like always…but this time he just couldn't. It was too personal. So he waited. He didn't know what else to do but just wait. He wanted to speak to you, too…but he didn't know what to say. So he joined you in your silence, spending as much time next to you as he could, texting rather than talking, even when you were seated right next to each other.
But the worst part was when he'd come to Ramshackle and hear you, who didn't know he was there, clear your throat, obviously to try to sing. Only to be met with silence. Even the creaking of the old wood or the tweeting of nearby birds faded to nothing when you tried. All he could think in those moments was of how badly he'd screwed up.
…Weeks later, you finally spoke again.
"It's...not coming back, is it?" He could tell it was rhetorical. He felt tears mist his eyes and the same guilt stab his heart. He tried to speak. But before he could you turned to him, face for once no longer hidden behind your hair, your eyes already beginning to overflow with tears.
'Oh' he realized. You weren't upset at him. Or at least, not anymore. He didn't know what he could ever do to make up for what happened. But maybe looking at it that way— like something he did wrong— was just making it worse. The more important thing was him being there for you, not beating himself up over something that already happened, that he couldn't change.
Neither of you said anything else; he hugged you close, and you buried your face in his shoulder and you both just cried. His crying was quiet. Yours was wailing, loud enough all of Ramshackle must have heard. But you needed it. To let out your voice in anguish; to use it one last time.
His life trajectory had changed out of guilt. Yours due to something out of your hands. Yet the result remained the same: two people who lost their way, in one way or another, who now had to pick up the pieces and grow past it. When you came back out of your self-imposed, mute isolation, you felt like a different person, the world seemed a different color. It was...scary. Like the sky and horizon had collapsed and revealed a world outside of a box you'd lived in. A world vanished to reveal another. But when you trembled, Deuce was there to take your hand, even though his was trembling just as much. It made the task seem less insurmountable.
Because now you were growing up together.
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Jack Howl knew devotion to an activity well; he had a reason for his training of his body, that which he devoted himself to. And it was no different for you.
You had always filtered your life through music. Music had always been there for you; a sound to use to plug up the thoughts you didn't want to deal with, thoughts that whispered to you that bad things were going to happen. When you couldn't find the words to describe your feelings, you had always been able to find a song that got those same feelings through, and got used to expressing your thoughts through song rather than speech. You had never been very good at speaking. Your vocal chords always seemed to seize up when you even thought of trying. Your life happened entire confined within your head. But singing, you became someone else. Someone with the confidence to speak into being the things within you which had previously been confined to that space.
You didn't merely partake in the act of singing; you were song. From the tips of your lashes to your very core of your bones. While you didn't often sing in front of others, more due to feeling too awkward to start singing out of nowhere for seemingly no reason, Ramshackle was never silent so long as you were there. A second that music was not flowing either through your ears or from your lips was a second not spent living.
He had only ever seen you at your quiet moments, never even having heard your voice before. So he was shocked to see you alone up on stage at a small talent show some of the students had set up. He'd attended because Epel had been forced by Vil to take part. He was surprised, then, when you came onto the stage and began to sing with an incredible passion he never would've imagined someone as shy as you would have.
It…made his heart beat a little louder, seeing you so confidence for once, so clearly in your element. It made him start to look at you in a way he hadn't before, his tail wagging more than usual whenever he saw you. He told you once that you had the talent to make singing your profession one day, and he genuinely believed that.
Then came the accident.
You weren't even together yet when the accident happened. But as one of your closest friends, he noticed the shift in you instantly. Whenever he came to visit Ramshackle, it was dead quiet. You hadn't even put on any music in the background; his hearing was good enough that his ears would've picked up it if you did.
When the Song and Dance Competition, SDC, came to Night Raven College, his chest never stopped hurting through the whole multiple-day event. He felt so restless...he wanted to run to where you were, to comfort you somehow, and he hated that he was too busy helping to build stages and move heavy equipment or shop stands all day to be able to. His ears were laid flat against his head all day, and all through the event. He couldn't even focus on any of the performances.
After it was over, he rushed to Epel to ask where you were, only to find out you'd left as soon as you cast your vote. When he came in through the door and entered the living room where you sat on the creaking couch, you smiled and waved at him the same way you always did.
He knew how much your singing meant to you. There was no way you'd get over it that quickly, right? He knew he couldn't if he somehow became unable to train, or take care of his cacti. And when he looked closer, he saw that your brows were slightly furrowed, eyes more pink than usual at the corners. It broke his heart to think of you crying all on your own. It hurt even more to know it was because of him. But he didn't know what to do to fix it. So he went with his gut, and came closer to hug you.
…And like an idiot, he blurted out how much he liked you. He wanted to kick himself. But you signed that you liked him too, thankfully.
Then Port Fest came around. He felt guilty for you needing to hear all the music in the air and not being able to participate since you couldn't play an instrument. But he didn't want to treat you like glass; he knew you were stronger than that. So he felt caught in a state of limbo, not knowing what to do.
But...something happened which neither of you had expected.
You were put on Saxophone along with Floyd, and while you seemed apprehensive at first, when you started playing, you eventually had a blast!
Later on you ended up playing a short solo of what you'd learned for him; a 'private concert', you'd signed to him. And for a moment, he recognized that fire light up within you again. He laughed.
Not even losing your voice would stop you from pursuing music.
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Sebek Ziegvolt knew what it was like to feel inadequate, for his efforts to be called 'too much'. He once heard it said that he 'puts in a lot of effort to accomplish barely anything at all'. Yet all it did was push him to push himself even more. For how could he just let such comments stand, debasing his reputation as a knight of Malleus Draconia? It could not stand! Hence why he continued to push himself harder and harder in all he did.
It was that same mantra that lead to the accident. He and Ace had been partnered for Alchemy that day, as Professor Crewel had wished to keep Ace Trappola away from his habitual other half, Deuce Spade. As such, he was paired with Sebek for this class of Freshman Alchemy. In retrospect, Sebek would curse this decision for years to come…
Ace, not wanting to do the work himself, had goaded Sebek into doing his share of the work as well in brewing the voice-changing potion designated as that class' assignment. The attack on his pride left him trying to overcompensate and complete the assignment in half the usual time, to prove himself far more skilled at potion-making than a mere, lazy human!
But then the potion exploded. And you were caught in the crossfire.
While he hadn't admitted it, your soft singing voice had always soothed him— almost like a lullaby. Anyone who payed enough attention would have noticed his voice was always a few decibels quieter after he heard you sing. And you sang often, repeating the lyrics to some Earth song on your way to class by his side, even humming quietly to yourself as you worked. It was the gentle, ambient noise that your presence by his side brought. A sound he'd found himself growing enamoured with.
Your voice enthralled him, capturing his attention fully. Yet it was not purely due to your voice. It was the look of serenity on your face. The way the world around you seemed to stop and hold its breath each time you sang. Your voice was breathtaking, yes, but the pure passion, the sheer joy and bliss your voice carried with each note, no matter the tone or subject material of the song, that truly enraptured him.
Despite his duties, and claiming he only did so on request of Lilia for him to 'get cultured', he never missed any of your shows at the Mostro Lounge. He said it almost seemed disrespectful for the Lounge's business to go up so much whenever you sang on its stage, not realizing the feelings of bitterness in his chest were not at you being disrespected, but jealousy at so many others recognizing your charm. Deep within him— past the already buried desire to want to be by your side, not as a friend, but a lover— he doubted that you would ever look upon him as he did you: with pure adoration.
Yet he was proved wrong. After a show, he had shown up with a small bouquet of flowers— hand-picked, he had made sure to emphasize— to congratulate you for a good performance. He recalls telling you that the performance was…lovely…s-so much so that— while he of course would never speak on his Lord's behalf!— he believed his Young Master might even enjoy it, were he to attend one of your concerts. His face had become redder by the second of him speaking, too caught up in his rambling speech to notice you coming close, until you had cupped his cheeks and silenced him with a kiss. He'd dropped the flowers on the floor.
So then…
When the accident, a failure of his own creation, had robbed you of that joy of yours, he felt so incredibly guilty, and ashamed! You, his beloved, had lost the one thing you loved so much, all due to his mistake. The sheer weight of that guilt, of having cost you your greatest passion in life, threatened to drag him under.
So instead of stewing in those feelings, he acted.
He tried to search through the library top to bottom, asked both Lilia and Crewel for advice on how he might possibly reverse the effects. He even got desperate enough to seed aid from his Young Master. He trembled as he did— what right did he, a mere knight…no, not even a proper knight yet, have to beg a boon from his Lord Malleus? But since it was for you, to restore that smile to your face once more, he felt compelled to.
He cried as he made his request for aid in his search of a cure, overwhelmed with his conflicting interests of wishing to help his beloved and of wishing not to burden his Lord. His cheeks reddened in shame, thick tears rolling over his cheeks, when Malleus agreed to try to help you.
You tried to tell him that him going so far out of his way to find a cure to your predicament wasn't necessary, but no matter how you explained that there are worse things, he refused to budge. It was a matter of pride now, too. He would prove to you that he had the ability to right this wrong; that he was a worthy partner to you, that he could restore to you the thing you lost. Not out of a desire for praise or gratitude this time, but because he knew he alone had to take responsibility for the accident.
The way you shone when you sang, the pure bliss the act seemed to spark in you…he couldn't live with himself if it meant he'd taken that away from you forever.
And you knew how he felt. You knew how important it was to him to be able to be of help to you in what he, not incorrectly, considered your time of need. Losing your voice was…indescribably painful. As though a flame in your soul had been snuffed out like a candle in the wind. Yet you had tried to act as though it didn't truly bother you as much as it did. You still had other avenues of music you could pursue, after all, such as learning to play an instrument…
Yet, though you doubted it was that he saw through that ruse of yours rather than that he felt compelled to right what he saw as a wrong he had committed, the dedication to restore your singing voice…it made you able to cling onto a shred of hope that you might see it returned one day. It reminded you once more of why you fell for him in the first place.
But above all else…he just longed to see the smile you always wore when singing, the smile that without fail made his heart skip a beat, grace your face once more.
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Writing this got me genuinely emotional— my singing is actually one of the things I'm the most proud of in myself and I love singing so much— imagining this scenario happening to myself made me so sad ; ; But in a good way!
Some didn't turn out as angsty as the prompt described: I can do angst just fine, but if there's not a happy ending, or at least the potential of things becoming better in the future, I just start crying too much
Also didn't keep the 'tries to appear normal' part for all of them since it seems like I'm just incapable of writing the exact same Reader for every single character for a scenario haha ;^^ I think more 'what would be the most interesting way to spin this scenario and how does the Reader need to react to make it so' And I decided to go with a gender neutral Reader just to make it more inclusive to everyone
Sorry for Jack's part being a bit rushed in places— I'm kinda worn out from the school year haha My perfectionism keeps telling me it's not good enough for my standards because I know I could do better if I just had more energy, but that just how it be sometimes; better I learn to take the L than never finish this, at least!
But I really hope you like what I did with the prompt!
Also a head's up that, since June is gonna be really busy for me, I'm probably not gonna be able to write much at all until at least the start of July; hence why I've closed writing requests until then.
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
mr. fantastic // sam golbach
A/N: first off, sorry this is getting posted so late. had to make some last minute revisions. so, for this one and colby's fic later on, i need to give some slight context. basically in both of these, they are AUs were snc are corrupt ppl, or have a bit of a corruption aspect to their personalities. some of these fics are/can be seen as dark, so i totally get if you don't feel comfortable reading it. just give a good look over of the trigger warnings and see how you feel. if you do enjoy it, please lmk what you think. also this fic is very vaguely based off the boys, the tv show/comic book series. sam is a smidge (and i mean a very tiny amount) reminiscent of homelander. do with that information as you will. happy haunting!
prompt: everyone around you loves sam, or as he's commonly known as - mr. fantastic. but you can see right through his facade. but when he starts winning over your friends, you know something is going on, and it's not good. || AU!superhero!sam x fem!reader
trigger warning: SMUT, enemies-to-lovers, you used to have a crush on sam in high school and now he's a superhero, superhero!sam, corrupt!sam, twist ending, i would say a hint of dubcon (but y/n never says no or stop, but just to be on the safe side i'm letting yall know), manipulation via powers and magical handcuffs (it will make sense in the story lol), hate fucking/rough sex, unprotective sex, cursing, mentions of: babygirl, slut, good girl, my girl, baby, degrading language
word count: 6769
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I couldn't stand him, or anyone else like him. Everyone praised the ground he walked on, but me? Every time I saw him, he made me sick to my stomach.
Well, maybe not sick. But I did hate seeing his dumb, stupid face.
You would think with superheroes becoming known to the public, life would get easier. Crime would go down, more criminals would be off the streets, and the overall quality of life would skyrocket. But that just wasn't factually accurate. Did you know in my city alone, the crime rate has gone up 25% since last year? And what exactly are the superheroes doing about it? Causing more destruction and chaos. I swear, bad things only truly started happening once they came out to the public all those years ago.
The only saving grace I had in my life was that I wasn't alone in my feelings towards superheroes. I had my two best friends, Macie and Rachel, and they both felt the same way I did. Especially towards the best-known superhero in our city, Mr. Fantastic. His real name was Sam Golbach, and I hated him deeply.
He and I had history, you could say. We both went to the same high school. We were both nerdy, and just overall losers. We graduated and moved away to the same city, and then a couple years ago, all of a sudden, he is shown on the news as the newest superhero to save us. It made no sense to me because I remember him from high school. He never had powers. And there's no way that he, the guy that got shoved into lockers and made fun of for being a band nerd, would have tolerated being bullied like that if his powers were super strength and flight. And not only that, but the way the news describes his upbringing: it's all a lie! They paint him to be this all-American boy. They say he was a jock and just a bit shy for most of his life until finally growing into his powers at 19. Most superheroes get their powers by 16, so that alone should be telling that something is off with him. But no. Everyone just believes the lies he tells them. And that is why I hate him.
I may also hate him because I had a huge crush on him in high school and he never gave me the time of day. But I mostly hate him for all of the superhero stuff, not the high school bullshit.
It was like any other normal Tuesday in our office. Our manager, Sally, would bring in donuts, George would make some comment about the week moving too slowly, and around ten o'clock we would all have to stop working to watch the daily superhero news. It was mandatory in our office, as our jobs revolved around fixing superheroes’ fuck ups.
It was almost ten, and we all sat around the flatscreen hanging in the middle of one of our bigger conference rooms, waiting for the news to begin. I glanced around, noticing that Rachel wasn't in. I furrowed my brow, leaning towards Macie.
"Have you seen Rach?" I asked.
She shrugged, "No but I talked to her last night and she seemed fine. Maybe she's just running late or is taking a half day."
I hummed, "Maybe..."
The news turned on loudly, quieting everyone in the office. I leaned back in my chair, sighing deeply. God, please let today be a normal, boring news day.
"Hello everyone, thank you all for coming out this morning," the police commissioner nodded his head, looking at the audience that had formed outside of the precinct. "As always, we like to start with the positives and then move onto the, uh, wreckage. Please hold all questions until the end of the press conference. And now, I pass the stand to Mr. Fantastic."
A bunch of people clapped in the office, some wooing lowly. I grimaced, rolling my eyes the moment he popped on screen.
"Good morning, hello. Oh no need for cheering, thank you. You're too kind," He smiled brightly, shushing the crowd politely. "First, like I always say during these press conferences, thank you for letting me protect this city. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I couldn't protect the lovely citizens of this place."
"You'd probably be working at a Burger King by now." I mumbled, getting close to Macie. She snickered, gazing back at the screen.
"So last night was eventful, like most nights here. I was able to stop two car jackings, and finally put an end to the mask thief that's been vandalizing all of the inner city's school buses. You can all be glad that today, your kids are riding on safe, clean transit." Sam pointed, giving his trademark wink and smile.
I groaned, lulling my head back in the chair. Could this day get any more boring?
"I also have some fantastic news to share with you all," He chuckled, the crowd following suit. "I saved a special young woman from a purse nabbing and possible assault last night around 2:30. Now as you all know, I know many of the people I save like to remain anonymous, but this one really wanted to let you all know how she felt. And of course, I just can't say no to any of you. So please, allow me to give her the floor." He let out another laugh, backing away from the mic. I glanced at the clock, realizing only five minutes had passed. God must have been punishing me, specifically.
Suddenly, everyone in the room gasped, Macie being the loudest. She slapped my leg, pointing at the tv. I turned and my eyes widened at the sight. Rachel, with tears welling up in her eyes, stood at the podium, smiling brightly. "Thank you all. I just wanted to say that Mr. Fantastic," she turned to him giving him a sensual gaze, "Sam, is one of the best superheroes around. This man saved my life, and I couldn't be more grateful for him. He is amazing and so handsome, and this city should be thankful to have a man like him. I love you, Sam. Thank you so much."
She reached over, giving him a huge hug. He accepted her embrace, allowing her to run her hands almost up and down his body too many times.
My mouth dropped open, unable to comprehend what I was watching. Rachel hated Sam just as much as I did. Literally last week she wished a car would fall out of the sky and squish him because he held up her commute stopping a supervillain from breaking out of the state prison. And now she was on tv, basically ready to suck his dick, because he saved her!
Macie and I looked at each other, knowing we needed to talk to Rach as soon as possible. I sent Rach a quick text, telling her to meet us at our usual lunch spot.
My eyes narrowed at Rachel, her smile irritating me. "Please, repeat the story one more time for me."
"Okay, if I must," she giggled. "Last night I went to the corner store because I was craving some ice cream. As I was walking home, a man rushed me and stole my purse. I tried to chase after him but couldn't catch him. He ran across the street, and out of the shadows... there was Sam. He swooped in, grabbed the man, roughed him up, and got my purse back to me. God, it was seriously so hot to see him in action like that."
Rach lightly fanned herself, and I had to hold back my vomit.
"So, he saved you, gave you your purse back. And then what?" Macie questioned.
She continued, "He walked me home and... I woke up this morning knowing I had to thank him for saving my life. So on my way to work, I stopped by the police station, saw him and begged him to let me speak at the conference."
I blinked hard, "He didn't save your life. You weren't threatened. Some random dude just stole your purse."
She pouted, "Yeah, but he saved me so much hassle of having to call my credit card companies and tell them to shut everything off and having to get a new I.D.-"
I jumped in, "I get that, and I'm not trying to downplay it, but like.... last week you wanted a car to fall out of the sky on top of him."
"And the week before that we betted on the subway crushing him between the tracks during that pipe burst. What's changed?" Macie argued, taking a sip of her coffee.
"He saved me," she stated plainly, with a soft smile. "You know, I think we've been so focused on this idea of him that I think if we got to really know him, we would know he's a great guy."
"Have you forgotten that he is lying to the public about his upbringing and reputation? Or the fact any time he saves someone, there is destruction in his wake that our company has to clean up, causing our jobs to be more difficult?" I scowled at her, unable to hold back.
She rolled her eyes hard, "Oh, come off it, Y/N. The only reason you care about that is because he rejected you in high school and you're too hung up on it."
"Excuse me?" I deadpanned.
Rach crossed her arms defiantly. "You heard me. I will no longer be a part of your rain-on-Sam parade. He is an amazing man. And a great superhero."
"Even if any of that were true, you gotta admit that this 180 you're doing is weird. You fucking hated him last night." Macie argued.
"And now I want to marry him." Rach smirked.
My eyes widened, "What the fuck did you just say?"
"If you want me to be honest, I'll say it. I think he is the man of my dreams and everything I could hope for in a partner. I want him, and I hope he'll have me." She turned to Macie, almost giggling, "I slipped him my number at the conference."
"You can't be fucking serious, Rach." I groaned.
"I just know he’s great in the bedroom..." Rach thought out loud.
"Oh... so you've completely lost it. Good to know." I remarked, taking a quick sip of my coffee.
"Don't be jealous of our love. Maybe one day he'll save you too." She quipped.
I laughed sarcastically, "I would rather get crushed by a car, thanks."
Two weeks had passed since Rach's incident with Sam. We hadn't been talking to one another all that much, just casual conversation in passing. Maybe she was right to some extent. Maybe I was holding onto this hatred for Sam just because he didn't care about my existence back when we were kids. I should let it go, and stop being such a hater.
At least, I thought that way, until this morning.
I had tunnel vision as I glared at the tv, unable to peel my eyes away as I watched the news. Another press conference. Another day of kissing Sam's ass. But this time, he again introduced another woman that wanted to thank him publicly. And this time... it was Macie.
Her spiel was the same, her mannerisms almost identical to Rach's speech. I watched, my mouth a gaped, as she thanked Sam profusely for saving her from the purse nabber. She leaned up and kissed his cheek multiple times, her hands gripping the collar of his shirt desperately.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. There's no way that this was actually happening. Something fishy was going on, and it had everything to do with Sam. I fucking knew he was trouble. I just needed to get proof.
I met with Macie alone at our usual spot. I begged her to tell me everything in detail, and her story was eerily similar to Rachel's.
"So a guy stole your purse as you left some club, Sam got it back to you, walked you home, and then you woke up today knowing you had to tell the world how great he is." I reiterated her story, annoyed.
"Exactly. He really is truly a fantastic guy." She snorted, rolling her eyes, "Oh my God, sorry. Such a bad pun."
"Yeah... that." I blinked, holding in my rage. "So, you don't happen to feel the same way as Rach, tho, right? Like... you're not in love with him?"
She thought about it for a moment, "I do think he's amazing, and I would love to be married to him... So I guess you could say yeah. I am in love. Am I blushing?"
I sighed deeply, "What exactly changed? I know he saved you, or your purse, and that's great. I'm so happy he did that. But what exactly made you wake up today and feel this need to wish to have his children?"
"I don't know. It's like... this light just switched off in my head. I just feel that deep down in my soul, I want to be his. And I really hope he'll have me." She smiled dreamily.
Hearing her say almost the exact same thing as Rach made my composure crack. "Do you hear yourself? You want to be his?! He is a douchey superhero who makes our jobs harder, and not to mention barely does anything to actually help the crime rate in this city! He got you your purse back, and all of sudden you want to... be his? You can't be serious."
She shook her head, glaring. "You know, I think Rach was right. You are jealous of the love he and I share, all because he rejected you."
"He didn't even reject me! He didn't know I existed! There's a difference," I took a breath, trying to calm down. "You don't think it's odd that all of sudden you want to have his children? You don't even want to have kids."
Macie ignored me, continuing her argument. "Either way, you come across really bitter and I hope if he comes to save you, you change your attitude. To be held in his arms would be a dream come true."
She stood up dramatically, leaving the restaurant in a huff.
After the shitty month I had, I needed to buy some alcohol to drink my troubles away. Rach and Macie hadn't talked to me since their "savings", so work had become even more tedious and annoying. And now, it seemed like I was the only one in the office that didn't like Sam. Morale had really gone up once he saved two of our coworkers, and I had to quietly sit there, pretending I did despise the man or the situation as a whole.
As I walked home from the liquor store, I noticed how quiet the streets had become as I got closer to my apartment. It was like anyone that was out on the street moments ago disappeared. There were sirens off in the distance and the light rumble of the subway underneath the streets. The low buzz of the street light above me caught my eye, and as I looked up, the light flickered. A chill ran up my spine suddenly.
Okay, maybe I was just freaking myself out for no reason.
A body slammed into mine from behind, almost knocking me flat on the ground. A man wrestled my bag out of my hand, sprinting off down the street.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I screamed. I began to chase after him, my speed not even remotely catching up to him.
My thoughts swirled of all the things I had in that bag. My wallet, my phone, and my key to get into my apartment. I groaned loudly, annoyed.
Where the fuck were any of the superheroes when you needed them?
The man ducked into an alleyway, a loud crash coming from there. I ran to where he was, finding him passed out in the street. His nose had blood running down it, like someone punched him. My purse was nowhere in sight.
"Are you looking for this?" A voice said from behind me.
I spun on my heels, coming face-to-face with Mr. Fantastic himself, Sam.
I opened my mouth to speak but was unable to say anything. I had so much I wanted to say, but couldn't decide on what.
"No need to be shocked, miss. I know, superheroes are a lot to take in." He smiled softly.
Hearing his voice brought me out of my stupor. "That's not why I'm shocked. You kinda just... came out of nowhere."
His face dropped, surprised by my tone. "Oh..."
We stood there awkwardly for a moment, both unsure what to say next.
He reached out, my purse in his hand. "Um, here you go, Miss...?"
"Y/N. My name is Y/N." I stated.
"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He complimented me.
"Thanks, I guess," I mumbled. "And thank you for getting my purse back. It means a lot."
"It's all in a day's work. Or night's technically." His well-known laugh escaped his lips.
I blinked, slowly walking away from him, "Yeah.... Anyway, I gotta get back home. It's late, and I wanna get drunk."
"Oh, well, why don't I walk you home?" He asked, keeping in step with me.
"I don't think there's any need to." I argued politely.
"No, let me. It's clearly unsafe on these streets." Sam responded.
"Well, you just stopped the purse nabber... again. For the third time. Maybe this time he can finally get arrested." I smiled bitterly, trying not to sound it.
"The police have already been called and they are on their way. So, why don't I walk you home?" He stopped in front of me, looking me in the eyes genuinely. "I will be worried if I don't make sure you get there safely."
I exhaled, "...Okay, fine."
I walked home silently, not wanting to speak to Sam. He stepped in time with me, never speaking. I almost forgot he was with me, until he cleared his throat once or twice.
I pointed up at my building, pulling my keys out to go inside, "Well, we're here. Thanks for walking me home, I gotta get upstairs and get to drinking. So, goodbye."
"Wait, before you go up, can I ask you something?" He queried.
I squeezed my eyes shut, opening them again and turning back to him. "Sure, I guess."
He crossed his arms, cocking his head. "How did you know I stopped the purse nabber before? Those were such minor crimes I solved; I'm surprised anyone would remember them."
"Well, you didn't really solve the crime since clearly the man never got put away." I retorted; my voice sickeningly sweet.
Sam raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to answer his previous question.
"My friends were the two you saved." I deadpanned.
"Oh really, what a small world." He pursed his lips in thought, "Their names were... Rachel and Macie, correct?"
"Yep, them exactly." I nodded.
"They were kinda like you, in a way." He mentioned.
I furrowed my brow, "What do you mean by that?"
His tone shifted. It was no longer the public persona one he used on the news. Now, it was more... casual. Equally as snarky as mine. "They too didn't like me. Or were a little... snippy with me."
Oh, well if you wanna play like that... "Yeah, and weirdly now, they want your babies."
He faux-gasped. "What a strange turn of events."
"I guess you changed their minds. How exactly did you do that?" I glared at him, accusatory.
"My charming personality." He smirked.
"Right." I jeered.
"I mean, if you really want to know the answer, let me into your apartment," his voice was almost sultry, his eyes mischievous. "Let me have one drink with you."
I narrowed my gaze at him, blinking slowly. "You're serious."
"100%. But I mean, if you don't want to know, then I can just leave." He pointed to the street, backing away.
"No, you can come up." I felt this overwhelming sensation that I had made a grave mistake, but I continued. "But if for even a second you make me uncomfortable, I have every right to resend your invitation."
"You know I'm not a vampire, right?" Sam snickered. "I'll respect your wishes regardless, but you can't just kick me out that easily."
"Okay fine, if you don't get out of my house when I say so, I'll stab you. Got it?" I grinned crazily.
He raised an eyebrow playfully, "Feisty... Sure, I hear you loud and clear."
We walked up to my place, my eyes catching his form out of the corner of my eye. What the hell was I even doing? Why was I inviting this asshole to my apartment?
I mean, I know why. But God, I just hope this ends quickly.
I cleared my throat as we both stepped in. Sam glanced around my apartment, giving a soft whistle. "Fan-cy."
I rolled my eyes, knowing he was joking. "Well, some of us aren't government paid employees with apartments in skyrises."
"You are a very defensive person. Do you always feel like you're being attacked, or is that just your general tone with me?" He shot back.
"I guess you just bring it out of me." I popped the bottle of whiskey open, the sound reverberating as I smiled bitterly. I poured two cups, dropping a cube into both.
"You're into whiskey, huh?" He gave me a quick once over, "That's kinda sexy."
"No one asked." I raised my glass, "Cheers."
"To new beginnings." He toasted.
"Sure..." I took a long sip, the whiskey burning a little extra hard.
He let out a light cough. "Hooo, that's has a kick."
"So, are you gonna tell me how or why my friends all of sudden started liking you or not?" I asked coldly.
"You don't mess around." He chuckled.
"I only invited you up here for that reason." I replied honestly.
"It wasn't to sleep with me?" He hummed, "I'm surprised."
"I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth." I spat.
"Well, thank God I'm not." He quipped.
I placed my hands on my hips, annoyed. "So... the reason?"
Sam walked over to my living room, taking in everything. His eyes scanned my bookshelves, stopping suddenly. "Hey, how do you have this?"
I glanced up at the ceiling, hoping God could feel my glare from down here. "Have what?"
He pulled a book out, its green and white cover I knew all too well. "This yearbook. This is the school I went to, the year I graduated."
My heart dropped and I raced over to him, "Hey that's mine!"
He flew across the room easily, flipping through the book. "God, I haven't seen this in so long. But again, how did you get this?"
"Give it back to me." I demanded, stomping up to him.
"Wait a second. Is this you?" He opened up to a page with my high school portrait, little writings around it from friends of mine from back then.
I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks, making me speechless. I yanked the book out of his hands, going back to the bookshelf.
"You went to my high school. Wait, Y/N...." He gasped suddenly, "I remember you! Wow, you got a lot hotter."
"Thanks. Can't say the same for you." I grunted, hating how warm my face felt.
He spun me around, his eyes staring into mine. "Now, there's no need to lie to me."
"You don't understand personal space, do you?" I bitched, trying to push him back.
He barely moved; his eyes unchanging. "Am I not allowed to be close to you? Do I make you nervous or something?"
"No, I just hate your presence." I did my best to hide the shakiness in my voice, my body hitting the edge of my window and radiator.
"Strangely, you are the only woman that's like that." He jested, "Is it because you're hiding a crush or some-"
"No!" I cleared my throat, huffing. "No. I don't have a crush on you."
For a second it looked like he moved, his face holding back a smile. "Can you say that again for me?"
"I definitely have a crush on you." I breathed, my brain feeling like it buffered for a second. Why the fuck did I just say that?
He backed away, cocking his head. "Oh you do? Glad you could admit it."
"I wasn't admitting anything. I was just joking, and the joke is that I've had feelings for you since high school." I gasped, "What the fuck?!"
He teased, "I'm so happy you feel comfortable telling me the truth."
"Why am I saying this?" I whispered to myself.
He pointed down to my hand, "It probably has something to do with the handcuffs I put on you."
"Wha-?" I glanced down, and sure enough one of my wrists was handcuffed to the radiator by my window.
"You gotta be a bit more observant than that." He laughed sincerely, lounging on my couch.
I let out a ragged breath, pissed. "How the fuck did you-"
"Those handcuffs are really only meant to be used by me on criminals, that way they confess. But sometimes I like to use it for more..." He gazed at me longingly, "spicier reasons."
"You're a fucking creep." I hissed.
"And you're into it." He snapped.
"Yes I am." Oh my God...
He bit his lip, pleased at my answer. "So, your friends actually told me, without needing the handcuffs B-T-W, that you had a crush on me since high school. And now seeing you, I remember who you are. You were just as nerdy as me."
"Oh, at least you're admitting that now. Why, because there's no cameras around to lie to?" I sassed, pulling at the handcuffs.
"Hey, it's not a lie that I tell. I just... fib a bit." He settled into my couch, fluffing up one of the pillows, "I did play sports, so that would qualify me as a jock."
I scoffed, "Ping-pong is barely a sport."
"Says you," he grumbled. "But that can't be the only reason you hate me slash love me."
"I don't love you." I stated honestly.
"Oh, but you will," Sam uttered lowly. “You still didn't answer my question though. So, is it really just the crush bullshit?"
"No. It's not just that," I started. "You lied, not only about your upbringing. But your powers. You didn't have them in high school. You got bullied just as much as me, if not more so. If you had super strength, you would have kicked Joe's shins in."
He chuckled mockingly. "God, are you, like, obsessed with me? How do you know so much?"
"Joe bullied me too, dumbass. I'm not obsessed with you, I just don't understand you at all. And I know you're a liar. And I try to use those reasons to hide the feelings I still have," I groaned, pulling at the handcuffs more. "Jesus Christ get these handcuffs off!"
"Not yet," Sam commented. "So... you are right. I do lie, in a lot of ways, to the general public. Sometimes I throw in extra crimes I 'solved' during the night, when usually I'm just chilling at the 24-hour Taco Bell."
I gaped, "I fucking knew it!"
He sat up, sitting on the edge of the couch. "Jokes on you, it's actually the 24-hour Wendys."
"Why do you lie? People love you. There's no need to pretend." I argued.
"Ahh, but there is. I have a lot riding on me to be one of the best superheroes around." He remarked.
I hid my eye roll. "Like what?”
"You're right about one thing. I didn't have superpowers in high school. I wasn't born a superhero. When we graduated, an up-and-coming bio-tech company, Malusvir, reached out to random people asking if they wanted to be part of a study for $50k. I thought, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, might as well go see what's up. Go be a guinea pig for some money." Sam shook his head, his anger brewing, "Come to find out, they were testing out if they could grow superheroes."
"What the fuck?" I squeaked.
"I was injected a whole lot of times with... something. And while I was basically comatose for months, all of a sudden, superheroes started bursting on the scene. The government was finally letting them out of the bag, and they were allowing all heroes to sign up to become part of the Superheroes Task Force." Sam stood up, starting to pace. "When I awoke, I was one of the only ones that survived the trial run. This company ended up getting bought out by the government, and they covered it up by going bankrupt and saying they were making chemical weapons, which isn't technically wrong."
"Does the government know about you being... home grown?" I inquired.
"No. The bio-tech company used an alias for all of us, so no one found out. And the secrets disappeared with the CEO when he flew out of the country back to his home country and mysteriously died. I'm pretty sure he's just hiding. Or was killed for what he knew." He informed, his eyes almost glazing over.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" I questioned, confused.
"Because no one will believe you." He replied softly, his voice taking me back. Then, he switched back into his cocky self. "So... that's my story. But back to you, how long were you into me?"
"Since junior year." I confessed.
"You liked 17-year-old me?" He winced, "Oof, now that's a choice."
"So was that haircut." I quipped lightheartedly.
He leaned towards me, whispering. "And those cargo shorts."
I snickered, and he smiled genuinely for the first time.
A silence fell over us for a moment, then he looked up at me and asked nonchalantly. "So... do you wanna fuck?"
I choked, "What?"
"Is it really that surprising of a question? You're into me, and I find you hot," his eyes snaked down my body. "Especially handcuffed."
I stammered, "I-I don't-"
"Look, if you don't want to, understandable. I am a bit of a dick. But let me put it to you this way, have sex with me and get all that anger out that you feel towards me." He stepped closer to me, teasingly. "A good hate fucking helps out everyone involved, really."
I breathed, "You're insane."
"Or, if you have sex with me, and I'm bad... you can brag to your friends that I suck." He offered.
I sucked in a deep breath, already knowing my answer. "You raise a good point there."
"So, will you let me make you feel good or no?" He wrapped an arm around me tightly, bringing his face close. Our bodies were pressed together, my heart speeding up. "Do you wanna fuck me or not?"
"Yes I do." I admitted.
"See, and I didn't have to keep the handcuffs on you for you to tell the truth." He raised up his hand showing the cuffs, smirking.
I scoffed, shoving him back. "You are such a dick."
"And you love every second of it." He taunted, back up to the couch.
"I do, I can't lie." I bit my lip, staring at his mouth.
He sat down, pulling me towards him. "Go ahead, sweetheart. Fuck me like you hate me."
I straddled his lap, grinding down on him as our mouths connected. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, a moan falling from my lips. He gripped my ass, pushing me down more onto his lap. I yanked on his hair, digging my nails into his scalp and chest.
He winced, chuckling darkly as he pulled away from our kiss. "Oh you like it rough, baby?"
"Yeah." I smirked.
"Well good," he bunched up my shirt, tearing it away from my body suddenly. The ripping fabric fell apart in his hands and he chuckled darkly. I gasped loudly, a pleasurable chill running down my spine. "Me too."
I whined, "I liked that shirt."
"I don't care." He slammed his lips back onto mine quickly, taking my breath away. He nibbled on my lip, our teeth clashing together from the intensity of the kiss. I grinded myself against his growing bulge, my wet panties pressing into my sex achingly. I hadn't even realized how hot and bothered he had made me, but I wasn't complaining. I needed this, and clearly so did he.
We removed our clothes desperately, needing each other. He sat back against my couch, gazing up at me hungrily.
"God, your body is killing me." He grunted, "Give it to me."
I settled back down onto his lap, my sex grazing his leaking cock. Our breaths stifled, hitching at the feeling of our bodies being so close and so bare. I lined up my hips, slowly taking in every inch of his dick.
Breathy moans fell from my lips, his groans almost covering up my sounds. Once he was completely inside of me, we stared into each other's eyes intensely.
He began moving his hips, his eyes never leaving mine. "How's it feel, baby? Riding the dick of someone you hate."
"I love it." I whimpered.
"Of course you do. You take me so well, babygirl." He grinned.
I grimaced, "Ew, don't call me that."
"I'll call you whatever I want to, and you'll enjoy every second of it." He slapped my ass hard, pushing into me harder, "Won't you?"
"Yeah, I will." I laughed, moving up and down on his cock, "Fuck, you are so annoying."
His voice was raspy as he glared at me, "Oh, I am? Well, you ain't any better."
I snickered, "Nice comeback, nerd."
He grabbed my face, forcing me to look into his eyes. He pounded into me faster, "Nice cunt, slut. Take this dick."
"Oh my God, fuck yes Sam!" I whined.
I bounced up and down on his cock, his hips meeting with mine, making him go deeper and deeper each time. Sweat slid down our bodies, the room rising in temperature from our movements.
His lips brushed against my ear, nibbling along my neck. "Baby, baby, do you wanna know something? I forgot to tell you something."
I groaned, displeased. "Do you know how to not fucking talk?"
"But babygirl, I think this is really important. You'll want to hear it." He hummed, his thrusts stopping.
"What? What is it?" I slowed my hips, my pussy quivering around him, needing more.
He let out a breathy laugh, pushing my hair out of my face. "So, I forgot one major detail when I told you about the bio-tech company that made me the way I am."
I rolled my eyes, not interested in this conversation at all, "What did you forget to tell me?"
"Malusvir..." The lights behind Sam's eyes dimmed, his face dropping. "They weren't making superheroes."
My heart skipped a beat, my eyes fluttering, "What do you me-"
His hand wrapped around my throat quickly, squeezing tightly. My breath hitched, and Sam began to pound into me again, his hips picking back up the pace they were at once before.
"You are such a silly, dumb girl. Your friends were just as dumb as you. Maybe even dumber." His almost sinister gaze sent shivers of pleasure down my spine as his grip tightened.
I held onto his shoulders, my heart rate picking up as he made it harder to breathe. "S-Sam, fuck."
"You wanna know how I got your friends to fall in love with me?" He pressed his mouth against my ear, whispering harshly. "I fucked them. Just like I'm fucking you. All three of you were so desperate and needy for this dick. But you? God, you're so much sexier."
I shook my head, "You're fucking joking..."
"No, I'm not. And yet, even as I tell you this, you're still riding me." Sam smirked, growling, "God, aren't you pathetic? Your crush runs real deep. Just like my cock."
"Fuck you." I spat.
"Fuck you right back." He leaned in again, biting my earlobe and neck. "I could literally feel you squeeze around me when I called you pathetic. Don't pretend you don't like this."
I tried ignoring him, but he was right. My body reacted to him saying it again, throbbing around him. "How did you make them-"
"Love me? Pheromones, mostly. Thanks to all of those..." His eyes closed tightly as he got lost in thought. "Injections. Fuuuck. God, you make it hard to think sweetheart."
He had to be lying. He had to be fucking with me. "So they fucked you, and that made them fall in love with you? But Rach said-"
“I fucked them but made it so they can't tell anyone. They remember it, but will never say a word. No one would believe them anyway." He winked, releasing his hand from my neck and sliding it down my body to my clit. "Oh baby, you are in for a world of change once you come. Or once I come inside of you."
"S-Shut up Sam. Shit, fuck yeah..." I let out a breathy moan, my hips stuttering. His cock was hitting the right spot repeatedly, his thumb rubbing my clit gently, making it hard to do anything but whine. "You're just fucking with me."
"Believe what you want to, Y/N. In the end, you're gonna be mine." His lustful blue eyes bore into mine, his voice husky as he continued fucking me. "My girl to use whenever I want to. My girl that gets love drunk on my cock. Aren't you excited for that? Don't you want that? To be my little plaything forever?"
"Yeaahhh," I mewled. My eyes widened, realizing what I said. "Fuck, h-how did you-"
"It's already happening. You can't stop it now. But you don't want to, either. Take this dick more and more, slut." He gripped my hips, slamming me down onto him over and over again. My brain grew quiet, mindless. All I could think of was his leaking cock deep within me and needing him to come inside of me. I needed his come. I needed him.
"Aww, baby. You're in love, aren't you? You love me, don't you?" He mocked, a feign innocent smile on his face.
I tried shaking my head. I was not in love with him. But my body didn't listen to me anymore.
I nodded my head, unable to stop myself. My heart surged, a wave of adoration washing over me as I took in Sam's face. God, he was so handsome, even more so when he was fucking me. I cried out in pleasure, my hips bucking hastily.
He bit his lip, his head falling back against the couch. "Good girl. You're my good girl. Forever."
"Forever." I repeated, my heart soaring.
"Who's are you? Tell me." He ordered, his eyes staring into mine.
"Yours." I whined wantonly.
He sped up his actions, fucking me faster and deeper. "Say it again."
Borderline sobbing, I stuttered out, "I'mmmm youuurss."
"Again!" He yelled, rubbing my clit harder.
"I'm yours, Sam!" I panted, bouncing on his dick as fast as I could.
"That's it, baby. You're so close. Get close for me!" He shouted darkly.
I begged desperately, my body overwhelmed, "Fuck Sam, please! Let me come! I fucking need it! I need you."
"That's right babygirl." He grabbed my neck again, growling, "Fucking come! Come for me!"
I exploded in ecstasy, my brain turning off as I came the hardest I ever had before. My body took over, my hips rutting against Sam's. My nails dug into his arm and shoulder, holding onto him for dear life as I rode him through my orgasm. Suddenly, he came inside of me, his groans thundering off the walls of my apartment. His hips bucked into me with abandon, pounding me once more before dropping back down onto the couch. I felt his cum leak out of my cunt, sliding down my inner thigh. Our bodies collapsed against one another, completely spent.
As I passed out, the last thing I heard was a small whisper that escaped his lips. "Mine."
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi, may I have something with platonic yandere Toy Freddy with the Yandere Prompts 13, 26 and 59?
I struggled on this so much. I first hated the plot, then found a plot I liked and accidentally deleted my draft. So this was... an experience. Luckily the one I accidentally got rid of was a poor version of this that was badly organized so here's a revised version :)
Note: Tee Hee I had fun with this, made it scary and gorey for once :)
No dead kids, just self-aware robots
Yandere! Platonic! Toy Freddy Prompts 13, 26, 59
"So what if a few people have to die? It'll only bring us closer!"
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
"Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?"
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession at first sight, Slight stalking, Clingy behavior, Violence, Gore, Murder, Kidnapping/Death implied, Forced companionship, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Blood.
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Toy Freddy loves to make friends. Every day the tubby bear animatronic seemed to make a new pal at Freddys. He always had so much fun on the job!
Freddy loves to play games and sing songs with his new friends, too. If anything... the bear just likes to be involved. Playing 'Hide and Seek' while singing songs with Bonnie and Chica to occupy hyper children was one of his favorite tasks.
Although, none of his other friends compared to his BEST friend.
The moment Freddy met you, the new dayshift guard, he knew you and him would be great friends. In fact... Toy Freddy was determined to be YOUR best friend, too! How could you not see him as your friend?
Toy Freddy always watched what you did eagerly. You delivered cake, sang songs with the crew, and all around entertained the kids. Toy Freddy was always around to help, too.
In Freddy's eyes, you were always destined to be best friends. In your eyes, you saw the bot as friendly... but not entirely a friend. You were closer with your coworkers more than anyone.
For the most part, Freddy either didn't notice this or denied it. The overly friendly, to the point it's suffocating, bot just liked your presence. It was unnerving to have the bot so close all the time.
"Hey, kids! Who wants to meet Freddy's best friend?" The bear would always say, optics clicking over to you to greet groups and groups of children. You wished he'd leave you alone at times.... Unfortunately, when the bear wanted attention, he was determined to get it.
He didn't even leave you alone on break, either. You'd take time to eat lunch in the break room and coworkers would report the bear looked frantic. It amused you to think the animatronic had attachment problems.
Until you realized how bad it got.
For the most part, the beloved Toy animatronic was tolerable. He was like a clingy teddy bear. Always around... always eager to please.
Problems truly started to arise when you noticed what looked like Freddy's optics having issues. At times the bear would glitch, blue eyes flickering into a dead black stare before returning to normal. That or his eyes would just stare at people around you blankly.
It didn't usually happen during performances, although it was only ever getting more frequent and creepy. Close friends who worked with you often commented on the malfunctioning eye tracking, saying Freddy stared at them strangely. You called a mechanic for a maintenance check in the future.
They'd come near the end of the week... and you just had to hope Freddy won't break until then.
"Feeling fine, Freddy?" You ask while taking paper dishes off tables. The bear's ears click and he turns his head towards you quickly.
"Of course, best friend!" The animatronic chimes, bounding over to you heavily. "Never better! Why'd you ask? Want anything?"
"I'm getting reports of your glitching..." You comment, placing the trash from the party room you're cleaning in a garbage can.
"Glitching?" Toy Freddy asks, clicking his head to the side. "I feel fine...."
"You're staring at employees. I've heard of your series of bots having a scanner problem... but you never acted up this much." You explain, the bear blinks slowly. His optics flicker yet you're too busy cleaning tables for another party.
"Are those friends of yours?" The bear asks suddenly, causing you to turn towards him. His tone is strangely not as cheery as usual. "Are they your everything?"
"That's a weird way to put it..." You laugh softly, the noise pleasing to the clingy bot. "We're friends. Great people to talk to on the job, y'know?"
"I thought I was great to talk to...." Freddy whines in a sad tone. You pause, thinking about your words.
"You are... but you can't be around all the time, Fred." You smile, the bear's eyes locking onto your face. "We just talk about things outside of work. I can't do that with you."
The bear bot gives you a neutral look. You clear your throat, nervousness clogging it up for a moment. You then pick up your cleaning supplies.
"Freddy, you have kids to see. Come on."
You exit the room and Freddy obediently follows. He was way quieter after the conversation you had. The day was almost over, anyways, you just hoped his AI would fix itself when the kids went home.
Tragedy at Freddys was common. It was always in the papers. You just hoped your own time at a location would be... normal.
Talk about wishful thinking.
Yet another accident occurred... and you couldn't help but feel it's all your fault. You knew something was wrong with Toy Freddy yet didn't get him repaired fast enough. A malfunction must've caused all this....
The only good thing about this was it happened when the day ended...
That did nothing to ease your trauma, however.
Only to hear liquid dripping onto the floor, followed by a disturbing stench of blood.
You were cleaning last second and your fellow coworker on duty went down the hall. The bots still wandered, they would be recalled before you left. When you finished your section... you went out into the hall...
You run down the hall only to see Toy Freddy standing still, metal body hunched over. In front of him lay a quivering body bleeding on the floor. On closer inspection... it was a much more grisly sight.
Gorey matter covered the bot's jaw, you had no idea he could bite. The body on the floor is indeed your coworker... with their head crushed and body broken with pooling blood. You freeze, trying to see if Freddy was moving at all.
He looked offline... he wasn't.
"Best friend..." Freddy's voice box trails off, blackish eyes locking on you when he turns his head. "They were going to replace me as your best friend... you didn't need them."
"Freddy. Shut down! They need help-"
"They won't be moving anymore, friend."
"You killed them-"
The usually friendly bot quickly looks angry, twitching aggressively.
"So what if a few people have to die!? It'll only bring us closer!"
"Shut down, Freddy!"
"Best friend... our fun is only just starting! Why should I go to sleep now when you're right... here...!"
The bloodied bear makes a lunge for you, you move out of the way and look for an emergency phone. The bear's voice box glitches, the bot turning around slowly to see you gone.
"You know me so well, best friend!" Freddy giggles.
"Hide and Seek has always been my favorite game...."
You hide quietly, awaiting sirens. The cops were called but you weren't even sure what they'd do with Toy Freddy still roaming. Would they even believe you?
They had to... the bot was covered in blood. The franchise couldn't frame you....
Toy Freddy had been patrolling the exits, searching frantically for you. You couldn't tell if he was nervous or excited by the idea of finding you. All you knew was you weren't safe... and you yearned for the police to save you.
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!" The bear coos in a sing-song voice. You bite your lip and cower in a party room. Deep down you had a feeling he knew you were somewhere here...
He wasn't planning on letting you waltz out of those doors, even if he needed to find other bots to help.
"Best friend...? I know you're in here! After all, I'd never let you leave...."
You remain silent.
"You said you couldn't talk to me about outside of work? Now you can! I'd listen to everything you say about yourself!" The bear says into the empty halls, giggling.
"We could do so much together... just the two of us! If you'd just let me get closer...."
The blood certainly didn't help.
You hear footsteps step closer to the room you were in. You catch a glimpse of his dull eyes, blue orbs now a midnight black. You've never seen him like this...
"You must be in here..." The bot ponders aloud. You shuffle closer to a table to stay out of sight. Unfortunately... that does not stop the bot from stepping into the room.
"Come on out, best friend... I always win my favorite game...!"
Steps crept closer and closer to you... making you shuffle around the table to stay out of view. You strain your hearing... catching the sound of faint sirens under the heavy sounds of metal. Just a little longer....
The bot must've registered the sound too, his ears twitching.
"No fair, friend!" He cries into the dark room. "You're cheating! You're a cheater! This game is over, come out now!"
You don't move. The sound of sirens progresses until they're in the parking lot. You catch sight of lights... and Toy Freddy loops around your table.
"There you are, best friend...." Toy Freddy croons, stepping closer. You shuffle backwards, shaking your head.
"Game over... right?"
You hear the sound of a door being kicked in... you also see Toy Freddy back you up against a wall.
After that... everything's black.
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470 Shayne/Spencer? Because why the hell not
here you go red !! y'all come get y'all juice (very explicit smut) number 470 on the spreadsheet is from this list of prompts the prompt generated in specific is: “It was indeed. The wrong place the wrong time." [partially used, we have fun here]
linked on ao3 || read under the cut || 7.2k, rated E
The first time really is just a case of wrong place at the wrong time. They've both been on set all day, even Spencer spending most of his time on camera, and neither of them are awake enough for this by the time four in the afternoon hits. Ian had taken a long look at Shayne a few minutes ago and told him to maybe take a minute? A few minutes, even. Maybe go sit in a dark room, drink a hot beverage, whatever he needs. The bags under his eyes must be purple. Ian only gets that worried look to him when somebody is getting bad. Worrying when there's nothing to worry about isn't really his thing. Not that Shayne is in any condition that needs worrying about. He just gets it, right? He looks like death warmed over. || or, it takes a couple of times sleeping together for shayne and spencer to sleep together.
The first time really is just a case of wrong place at the wrong time. They've both been on set all day, even Spencer spending most of his time on camera, and neither of them are awake enough for this by the time four in the afternoon hits. Ian had taken a long look at Shayne a few minutes ago and told him to maybe take a minute? A few minutes, even. Maybe go sit in a dark room, drink a hot beverage, whatever he needs. The bags under his eyes must be purple. Ian only gets that worried look to him when somebody is getting bad. Worrying when there's nothing to worry about isn't really his thing.
Not that Shayne is in any condition that needs worrying about. He just gets it, right? He looks like death warmed over.
Spencer's not in dissimilar condition. It's been a busy fucking week, and it's only Wednesday. So he drags Spencer with him to take a break so he feels less like a piece of shit for not working the entire time he's at work because he'll be making sure that Spencer takes some downtime too. It certainly has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Shayne just wants Spencer around, no thought to what he's doing or how Spencer'll be involved, he just wants him there. It's like the whole world is a little too quiet without Spencer Agnew's color commentary. The world is certainly not quiet now, for instance, as Spencer makes his displeasure clear.
"Dude, you and Ian are totally over-blowing this. I'm fine!" he insists, but honestly, Shayne has to wonder: exactly how much of Spencer's protesting is token? How much of it is productivity guilt? He pulls Spencer into a dark office, knowing he'll find a couch there. It's been the office of two or three people in the company, depending on how long qualifies as having an office. Less than two days is probably too short to say it was their office, right? But they, this last person, had been shuffled to another office, and still the couch stayed behind. Between the seclusion and the comfort factor, this was definitely the best place to go.
"One couch and two dudes, looks like I'm gonna have to go back to work," Spencer says, and Shayne supposes there's that one thing. He's shared a couch with Damien so many times it didn't even really occur to him. He doesn't need a whole couch. Sleeping at a 45 degree angle is totally normal and fine and has never, ever hurt his neck. He shrugs at Spencer.
"Share?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow. The room is dim, but Spencer can still see that and Shayne can still see the eye roll he gets in return as well.
"Shayne-" he starts, but he cuts off when they make eye contact again, something on Shayne's face stopping him in his tracks. "Fine," he says instead, walking over to the couch and laying down. Shayne tilts his head, but Spencer just opens his arms, gesturing for Shayne to lay on his chest. Blinking, Shayne is glad for the dimness of the room in this moment, because it's likely that he's gone a rosy scarlet. He clears his throat, about to decline, but he's the one who started this. And it's Spencer. It's not that big of a deal, right? He walks over to the couch and stands beside it for a moment, unsure of how to continue, but Spencer just pats his chest again, silent but encouraging. Might as well bite the bullet, right? He climbs between Spencer's knees and lays his head down on his chest, surprised when Spencer immediately puts his arms around his shoulders, pulling him just a little closer. He breathes a sigh of relief; he didn't know that he needed to lay down this bad. He didn't know he needed to be held this bad. There's a hand on the back of Shayne's neck, scruffing him like a kitten and massaging the muscle there, and Shayne can't help shuddering, consciously relaxing down against Spencer.
As many jokes and cracks as damn near everybody make about his stature, Shayne's never really been held like this. He's been the holder, the protector, the keeper. He loves holding people. He loves that feeling of knowing that he's providing comfort for someone, knowing that they feel safe to relax with him. He's never really thought about how it feels to be the other person. The held. It's really fucking nice. He feels suddenly and astronomically out of his depth, at the end of the pier and with no way to pull himself up, alone with the terrifying pull of the riptide.
"This okay?" he asks, needing to make sure. Spencer hums in the affirmative, hands smoothing over the planes of Shayne's back. Shayne can't help the way his body wants to magnetize toward that touch, that feeling, the buzzing sensation of skin hunger being fed. He's not an idiot, he's been somewhat aware of the fact that he's been touch starved probably... since the pandemic started, but he didn't know feeding it would feel so calming. Despite his earlier doubts, Shayne can feel his eyelids growing heavier, his breathing becoming slower as Spencer moves a hand up to his hair, tangling his fingers in it.
"All good. Get some sleep, Shayne," he says, the ghost of a smile haunting his voice. Treading water, Shayne does as he's told.
The second time, Spencer doesn't even bother with trying to make it seem like he wants anything else. He's tired, and foul, and he hasn't slept as well as he slept with Shayne on his chest in months. You never realize how shitty something is until you see how it feels fixed, do you? The weight of Shayne on top of him, the smell of his skin, his hair between Spencer's fingers, everything about it made that couch feel like a fucking five star hotel bed, with the chocolates on the pillow and the thousand thread count sheets. It was... distractingly good. As in, Spencer doesn't think he's gone more than an hour without thinking about it since it happened. In a lot of ways, he's just been trying to come up with how to make it happen again. That timetable has been moved up severely by a headache that Kickstart and ibuprofen just aren't killing, and something tells him that sleeping with Shayne would. Not that he's sleeping with Shayne. Not that he wouldn't, but it's just the fact that he's not. Yeah.
He makes excuses to get a few minutes alone with Shayne, dragging him by the hand until they're in the same office they had been in then. They've been touching more often in the past couple of weeks, not enough for Spencer to think this weird thing he has for Shayne is reciprocated, but enough that he keeps getting side-eyed looks from Tommy and Courtney and he can't even defend himself. He recenters himself back on Shayne as they enter the office, pausing in the doorway. If they're going to talk about it, they might as well talk about it where it started. Shayne raises an eyebrow at him, but goes with it when Spencer shoves at it his chest, pushing him around til he's laying out on the couch, arms open. He had thought about this arrangement last time. He doesn't know anyone that isn't at least a little obsessed with Shayne's chest, the roundness of it, the softness. The way you can see his nipples through his shirt sometimes, perky and pink. Everyone thinks about Shayne's chest a little too much.
Or maybe that's just him. No need to unpack that.
Shayne takes it in stride, carding his fingers through Spencer's too-long hair that needs to be cut so bad, but with Shayne playing with it, cutting it seems much less urgent. He likes the feeling of Shayne's hands touching him. His hands are warm and wide, the breadth of his palm nearly enough to cup the entirety of the back of Spencer's head. To be kept in those hands? For those hands to hold him and want him and keep him? Another thing he thinks anyone would be a little bit obsessed with.
"Comfortable?" Shayne asks, amusement coloring his tone. Spencer closes his eyes and hides his face against Shayne's pec, putting his hand on the other. God, Shayne smells good, holy shit. That's not what Spencer chooses to say, though.
"Perfect pillows right here, dude. No complaints from me," he says instead, humor a much easier distraction than anything else he could come up with on the fly. Shayne snorts, pulling his hair just the tiniest bit; it's obvious from the way he tenses that he's not expecting Spencer's reaction. He can't exactly blame him. Spencer whimpers. Shayne tries to urge him into looking up at him, but Spencer hides still, unwilling to be moved. Shayne hums, acquiescing in the form of relaxing his grip and rubbing his hand down Spencer's back. For a brief moment, Spencer is naive enough to hope that they'll be able to move past this without a word about it. Shayne does not agree to do so, however.
"Sorry," Shayne whispers, his breath warm against Spencer's scalp. Spencer shakes his head, effectively nuzzling into Shayne's chest.
"All good, man," he says, letting sleep take the tone from his voice, eyes firmly shut. He could swear he feels a kiss brushed across the crown of his head, but that's just wishful thinking, right? He falls asleep before he can collect himself enough to ask about it.
The first time? Technically on him, even if he wasn't expecting Spencer to take sharing the couch in such a manner. It was, indeed, the wrong place at the wrong time. The second time? Most definitely not his fault. As much as he had been hoping for it silently, Shayne can't say that he was expecting a third time. He rarely expects these things with Spencer, though.
"Hey asshole!" Spencer calls across the parking lot, pulling Shayne out of his head. He raises an eyebrow, not deigning to respond verbally. "Come over, I've slept like shit all week." Oh. So they're still not talking about it, but they're also not ignoring it? Jesus fucking Christ. Sure, why not? Well, except. He walks toward Spencer's car to maybe not have this conversation at thirty paces and eighty decibels. Spencer meets him in the middle, one arm crossed his chest, a little less confident than he was at a distance. Shayne can't help but take a softer tone with him, laying his hand on Spencer's wrist.
"Come over to mine. I have laundry to do," he says, immediately getting an expression of absolute protest.
"Just bring your laundry," Spencer whines dramatically, slipping his hand from beneath Shayne's to shove Shayne in the shoulder. He rolls his eyes, catching Spencer's hand and holding it where it is. He's half a step closer and looking down at Spencer from far too close a distance, using their barely there height difference to his advantage.
"Are you allergic to the idea of sleeping in my bed?" he asks, the mirth there but his voice perhaps pitched a little low to be casual. Spencer's hand briefly tightens, his thumb pressing into Shayne's collarbone. He's got this holographic look like a deer in headlights, Shayne only able to see his fear if he tilts his head a certain way or changes the angle he's looking, but Spencer doesn't linger on it, shaking it off. Shayne lets him.
"Well, no, but- I don't have an argument, but dude, my pillows are better. Your pillows suck," Spencer says, which isn't even true. And how the fuck would Spencer know if it was?
"You've never slept on my pillows, Spencer," he says, that fond little annoyance nearly enough to force him out of character on whatever bit they're doing right now. He's worked with guys where everything always felt like a bit with them. It has rarely in his life been a trait he cultivated in a lasting friendship. Sometimes, he needs a serious conversation. Sue him. But with Spencer, it's like... they can laugh about shit he'd normally need a serious conversation for. They've joked their way through every fight they've ever had, and even if sometimes the jokes could get a little sharp, it's not something Shayne thinks he'll get sick of. He doesn't know what the joke is here, why there's tension in the air that doesn't exactly feel comedic, what the fuck they're doing.
"I can make assumptions," Spencer insists. A giggle bursts from Shayne despite himself, unable to hold it in as he leans down against Spencer's shoulder. It takes him a second to realize what he's doing, just how casual he's being about touch with Spencer, just how much closer the two of them have gotten since they started occasionally sleeping together. Well, not sleeping together. But sleeping together? Between his contemplation and the intimacy of the action, Shayne is about to pull back and apologize, but then Spencer's hand is on the back of his head, blunt nails scratching his scalp.
"Just come over, Spencer," he says softly, a little more vulnerable than he intended to be. Spencer hums, not protesting this time or perhaps just waiting to do so, conscious of the fact that Shayne needs a second, maybe.
"I'll go home, pack a bag, handle my shit. I'll see you in like an hour?" Spencer offers, soothing his hand over the back of Shayne's neck. Shayne nods and backs out of Spencer's hold reluctantly, Spencer's hand catching his own as they separate. Their fingers are linked for a brief second before Spencer clears his throat, taking his hand away to rub at the back of his own neck. "See you, Shayne," he repeats, softer, heading off to get into the front seat of his car. Shayne shakes himself loose of the moment perhaps a second too late as he just watches Spencer walk away from him, flicking a wave at Spencer before heading over to his own car, watching Spencer leave the parking lot before resting his head against the wheel, unsure exactly what he just agreed to. Sitting here won't make him know, though. He starts the car and takes the familiar road home, already planning out something quick to cook for himself and Spencer that won't take long to eat either. He hasn't been ignorant to how tired Spencer has looked all week; he's actually glad Spencer came to him. He had been worried he would have to broach the topic himself.
He never knows how to bring shit up with Spencer. He's always been somewhat avoidant, fixing situations quietly so that no one will be inconvenienced by the mere existence of him. He's trying to get better with that. Smosh makes it easier in a way, taking up space and at the very least acting like he's confident in doing so. It's still hard to take up the time of people he loves. Being burdensome is part of the human condition. Society exists because of this. It's not easy.
Take off your shoes at the door. Go ahead and put a load of laundry together so you don't forget. Pull ingredients for dinner so you can make sure you don't need to ask Spencer to pick up anything. Try not to feel like you're getting ready for a date. Ultimately fail. Change clothes like Spencer didn't see you at work all day, change again so it looks like you changed to be more comfortable. Do a quick clean of the apartment. Talk yourself through worst case scenarios for a few minutes. Check and make sure that your bedroom doesn't have anything sexual out in the open for probably the fifth time. It's not as if you usually leave sex toys, lube and condoms spread out as decor, but you can never be too cautious, right? Tell yourself you're being normal about this. Be intimately aware that you are lying to yourself.
It's almost a relief when he hears Spencer knock on the apartment door, already aware of his approach seeing as he had to buzz him in. He smooths his hands down his sweatpants before he opens the door, conscious of the fact that his palms are sweaty. Why are his palms sweaty? This is just Spencer. He opens the door and Spencer rushes right in.
"Dude, I think I almost hit a former presidential candidate on the way here? Some guy in a suit, and obviously I know Beto O'Rourke is in Texas, but dude, running guy looked so much like him," he rushes out, turning to look at Shayne once he's standing in the living room. Fondness is overwhelmingly sweet in Shayne's mouth, candy melting beneath his tongue. Spencer is wearing different clothes than he was wearing at work too. He seems to have shot for comfort in the same way Shayne did, band cuffed black sweatpants and a hoodie, also black but with the logo of something Shayne's never heard of. Knowing Spencer, it could be anything from advertising material from some obscure manufacturer of novelty mechanical keyboards to a logo from a fictitious brand in a video game.
"I mean, almost hitting Beto O'Rourke with your car is pretty common in El Paso, from what I hear. Very against running on the sidewalk," Shayne says, grinning as he just jumps right into the batshit insane thread Spencer entered his apartment on. He was building it up in his head again, wasn't he? Spencer is one of his most comfortable people, inarticulable feelings or no. Well, truthfully, Shayne could probably articulate them well enough, it's just that putting a name to this makes it real, and that, he really doesn't know if he can handle right this second. Spencer shrugs a shoulder at him, unaware of Shayne's turmoil.
"Maybe it's a Beto O'Rourke cosplayer who is really committed to the bit," he poses, keeping it together just long enough to get the joke out before he's snorting, bursting into laughter.
"I hate you," Shayne says, not meaning it in the slightest. Spencer just grins at him, moving to sit cross-legged on Shayne's couch. Shayne crosses his arms, raising an amused eyebrow at him. Despite himself, he can't even pretend to actually be irritated with Spencer. "Wanna pick something to watch while I get dinner together?" he asks, to which Spencer frowns.
"I can help," he says, his mouth pulled down into something he would hate to have called a pout, but well, if the shoe fits. Shayne walks closer, bravery thick in his throat, or maybe that's just fear, maybe he shouldn't do this, but he reaches down and he cups Spencer's face, tilting his head up to look at him. Spencer is blinking up at him, pretty eyes a bit surprised but mostly just happy. He reaches out and fists his hand in the bottom of Shayne's shirt, just barely pressing back into Shayne's hand. There's something heady in being able to be this gentle with Spencer, in being able to touch him and have it be with as much care and affection as he'd like to touch him with. Spencer's hand twists in his shirt, pulling him just a bit closer. Spencer wrinkles his nose, embarrassed.
"Put on something brainless, it shouldn't take ten minutes," Shayne says, level and logical, the most persuasive version of him all wrapped up in practicality. Spencer frowns again but settles back on the couch, only keeping two fingers hooked in Shayne's shirt but putting his other hand on Shayne's, maintaining the connection.
"Alright," Spencer says, soft, before he clears his throat. "I'll hold you to that, you know. Ten minutes." There's something all too gentle in interacting with Spencer like this, too close and yet too far from what Shayne will dare to want. Kissing the top of Spencer's head, Shayne clears his throat and leaves the room followed by the sound of Spencer's laughter, likely delighted in the fact that he's made Shayne blush. Collecting himself, Shayne puts together their simple meal through the power of routine alone, following the instructions he had laid out for himself in his head ahead of time, knowledgeable enough of his own nervousness to account for the practical mitigation of it. He's humming to himself when he hears the fucking Friends theme, a smile stretching across his face. Spencer only puts on the dumbest shit when he's planning on talking to Shayne through it. Maybe he's just as ready for this as Shayne is.
And he'd wait. At this point, sometimes he's halfway to sure that Spencer returns his feelings at least somewhat, but feeling the same way is not the same as being ready for a relationship. It's not the same as being willing to open who you are to someone, let them look at the patterns and choices of your life and assess if they want to be part of it, however messier and more emotional that actually is when it happens. He likes the way Spencer reaches for him, the warmth of him tucked into Shayne's side or the comfort of resting against his chest, the thrumming trust Spencer has for him. That he has for Spencer. He knows how to open up around Spencer in a way that's really rare for him, that same old feeling of waiting and waiting and waiting til you feel safe enough to crack everything open to look at, but Spencer doesn't make him feel like that. Spencer makes him feel like letting someone reach into the cage of his ribs and feel around for his heart wouldn't hurt, just introduce that aching kind of newness, the shrapnel bomb spread of affection.
He's pulling a pan off the burner when he feels arms wrap around his waist from behind, Spencer's face pressed into one of his shoulder blades. A smile stretches across Shayne's face as he just continues moving with the weight of Spencer behind him, letting Spencer cling onto his back like a koala. Spencer is grinning so bright and wide that Shayne can feel it against his back. Putting down the pan now that their dinner has been plated, plates still resting on the cooling stove, Shayne puts his hand over one of Spencer's, resting on his stomach.
"Can I help you?" he says, his voice so warm it's hard to even call it a tease. Spencer hums and presses his face into Shayne's shoulder further, his nose tracing a line down the blade.
"'s been eleven minutes," Spencer says, just a little bit of sleep-slur in his voice, just enough to make Shayne feel like his spine is gonna melt out onto the floor. He imagines Spencer like that in the mornings, wrapped around Shayne's back with his nose tucked against the back of Shayne's neck, the heat of his breath on Shayne's skin. With a shudder, Shayne turns in Spencer's grip, making them far too close and yet neither of them moving in the interest of creating space.
"One minute more than I said, huh? Crimes?" he asks, referencing a post that he knows Spencer will remember; it was about cats, and he had been the one to show it to Shayne in the first place, and Shayne's rewarded with his laughter, Spencer's head dropping briefly against his shoulder.
"Crimes. Jail for Shayne. Jail for one thousand years," Spencer says, light and lilting fake Russian accent coating the words. Laughter is so easy in this space with Spencer, so natural. He loves it.
"You know you can't sleep in my bed if I'm in jail, right?" Shayne challenges, raising an eyebrow. Spencer meets him, grinning.
"Sure I can, I'll just also have to go to jail. You'll have to protect me, though, I think they'd probably eat me alive."
"Pretty boy like you? Absolutely, Spence," he says, mostly joking but able to see when it catches the other's attention.
"You think I'm pretty?" Spencer asks, perking up so obviously it's almost amusing, but mostly it just makes Shayne feel on top of the world, knowing he made Spencer look like that. He represses the desire to kiss him, too aware of the detriment of going too fast in a case like this.
"I think a lot of people on the internet would tell you that for free," he remarks, knowing exactly how much people on the internet do tell Spencer how pretty he is.
"I'm not asking people on the internet, Shayne. I'm asking you," Spencer says, taking out that last bit of joking aura they had both been holding onto, keeping Shayne in place with hands resting on the counter on either side of Shayne's hips. Taking a deep breath, Shayne dives.
"Yeah, Spence. I think you're pretty," he says, the rasp of his voice spreading it thin as he leans just a little closer to Spencer, resting their foreheads together. Spencer leans up into it, kissing Shayne so casually on the mouth that it's like they've done it a million times before, so practiced and familiar as it is. He lets Spencer control the flow of this, sleepy and languid, and Shayne just tagging along for the ride. Spencer moves a hand to his chest, splayed flat and holding him there, keeping Shayne right where he wants him. Heat shoots through Shayne's chest at the thought of Spencer wanting him like that, vulnerable and open beneath his hands. He can't help kissing Spencer a little deeper at the notion, his grip on Spencer's hip going just a little tighter before he makes himself loosen it back up.
"I don't mind," Spencer whispers, pressing into another kiss like he'd never broken it in the first place. Pliant, Shayne goes with it, turning them around so that he can lift Spencer onto the counter. Spencer hums, pleased, and closes his knees around Shayne's hips, clinging to him with arms linked around the back of his neck.
"Let me take you to bed," Shayne murmurs, his hands splayed across Spencer's lower back. Spencer pulls back from the kiss just to look at him, far too amused for the situation.
"I thought you wanted to eat dinner first," he asks, eyebrows raised.
"Fuck dinner," Shayne argues, kissing down Spencer's jaw and following the path of his moles, spreading kisses across all that he can reach. Spencer laughs, but his breath hitches when Shayne bites him again, worrying a little mark into his skin. Spencer threads his fingers through the hair at the back of Shayne's head, pulling at it just a little.
"Fuck me, dinner can wait," he says, pulling Shayne up for a kiss. Shayne laughs against his mouth, unable to return the kiss for the size of his grin.
"That was... I can't believe I like you so fucking much," he says fondly, not kissing Spencer but just lingering, their foreheads resting together. Spencer's smile is soft, and Shayne wants a picture of him in this moment, looking up at Shayne flushed and sweet, his lips kiss swollen and bruised, marks from his jawline down to his collarbones.
"Yeah?" Spencer asks, that look getting a little flustered as Shayne keeps the eye contact, and he kisses Spencer briefly, the desire too strong to push down.
"So fucking much, Spencer. 's embarrassing, really. Miss you when you're not at work, wanna sleep in your bed, wanna take showers with you just to wash your hair type bullshit, dude," Shayne promises, grinning widely between feather light and frequent kisses, unable to keep himself from that pretty mouth and that fucking tongue. Spencer's teeth graze across his bottom lip and Shayne picks him up off the counter, self control falling to the wayside.
"Oh, fuck you, why is this hot?" Spencer asks, complaining even as he makes himself easier to carry, clinging onto Shayne without impeding his steps and attaching his mouth to the side of Shayne's neck. Well, he's making himself easier to carry in some ways. Other ways, he's making things harder in more ways than one. 
"Let me fuck you," Shayne says, pressing Spencer to the wall in the hallway. He kisses his way into Spencer's mouth like he's trying to take him apart and maybe he is, maybe he wants to see inside of Spencer like he wants Spencer to see inside of him. Shayne kisses him, kisses him, kisses him, til he's pushed back a little, kiss broken with a grin.
"Eager?" Spencer asks, laughter shot through his voice making it light and airy, like Spencer's floating on air. Shayne tightens his grip on him, moving them into his bedroom and dropping Spencer on the bed. Stripping of his shirt, Shayne grins down at a wide eyed Spencer.
"You could say that," he says, helping Spencer out of his shirt, which becomes a lot easier once the other gets with the program. The desire to touch every inch of Spencer's skin, the desire to hold him and fuck him and make him happy and make him feel so good he cries, it all overlaps over itself, overwhelming rational thought with its ferocity. He kneels between Spencer's knees, pushing him back up against the pillows. "Is this too much?" he asks, suddenly very aware of the fact that they haven't really talked about this, joking aside. Spencer makes a frustrated noise, pulling Shayne closer with greedy hands. Shayne can't help laughing, though it turns quickly into a surprised sort of moan when Spencer grabs at his chest, running his thumbs along Shayne's nipples.
"Fucking obsessed with your chest, fuck," Spencer says. Shayne gasps when he pinches at one, fully moaning when he twists the other. He moves over Spencer til they're face to face, biting his way into Spencer's mouth. He whimpers when Spencer bites back, digging his teeth into Shayne's bottom lip and making Shayne lose some of his focus on holding himself up, thus making him drop to align their hips. Spencer gives him a pleased hum, knees closing around his hips just as they had in the kitchen, holding Shayne close.
"How do you want to do this, Spence?" he asks, pressing kisses to Spencer's jaw, down the side of his throat as Spencer tilts his head to give him room to do so. Spencer's still rubbing at his chest, not really so much his nipples, but rather just cupping the muscle in his palms. It's making Shayne feel something though he could not confidently say exactly what that something is.
"Want you to fuck me. You're gonna finger me, and then fuck me but before you cum, I'm gonna ride you. That sound doable?" Spencer asks, so blase about it, so confident. It's hot, which is surprising seeing as Shayne did not know he was into that. He presses Spencer into his mattress, kissing him hard and fast before he's leaning up, grabbing lube and condoms from the bedside table. The reach puts his chest over Spencer's face, and really he should have saw this coming.
"Fuck, Spencer," Shayne says, his hips canting against Spencer's as the other latches onto his nipple, his lips, tongue and teeth a visceral feeling, especially when unexpected. Though that isn't to say that it's at all unwanted.
"They're so soft, Shayne," Spencer says, looking up at Shayne with round eyes and an overwhelming eagerness, his tongue still laving at Shayne's chest.
"Your tits, babe. So fucking soft," Spencer says, his eyes closing as he sucks at Shayne's nipple again; arousal shoots through Shayne violently almost, his cock twitching as soon as the word tits came out of Spencer's mouth. He has to move on with what they're doing or this is going to be how they spend tonight, good fucking God. Shayne grabs Spencer by the jaw and pulls him up into a kiss.
"You can play with them when you're riding me, baby. You still want me to fuck you?" Shayne asks, needing to make sure even if he's pretty sure Spencer would kill him if they stopped. Spencer nods, hands dropping from Shayne's chest to his hips. Shayne kisses him again just because he can.
"Get naked, I wanna see you," Spencer says, pushing Shayne up and off of him long enough to shove his own sweatpants down, boxers quickly following them off the side of the bed. Just looking at Spencer makes Shayne want to bite him, suck marks into his skin, make him cry with it. He wants to please Spencer, make him feel good and wanted and desperate and needy and he wants to see that look in his eyes like Shayne is the only person in the world, and he wants Spencer. God, he fucking wants him. He shoves off his pants and boxers as well, crawling back between Spencer's legs as soon as they're both bare. Kissing Spencer briefly on the mouth, he quickly moves on to biting at his jaw, kissing at his neck, sucking marks into his chest. Spencer is pulling his hair and it's keeping Shayne focused, maybe, or maybe it's that it makes him just that much more desperate to see Spencer come apart beneath his hands.
"Can I suck your dick while fingering you?" he asks, figuring you miss all the shots you don't take. Spencer snorts, pressing his face briefly into the pillow beside his head.
"Only if you want me to cum, and I cannot guarantee I will be any fun after that," he says, pretty grin stretching across his mouth.
"Making you cum will be fun for me," Shayne teases, even if he knows that he's gonna do whatever Spencer wants even if it means not having Spencer in his mouth for another night.
"That might be so, but I want your dick inside me, so how about you do as you're told?" Spencer says, probably aiming for sarcastic and joking, but Shayne's head is going fuzzy, and that might be the hottest shit anyone has ever said to him in his life, bar none. Holy fuck. Grabbing the lube from where it's been resting near Spencer's hip, Shayne coats the first three fingers of his right hand. He rubs over Spencer's hole for a few seconds, preparing him for the sensation before he sinks his first finger into Spencer, earning a choked off moan.
"Good?" Shayne asks, needing to be sure even as he continues in movement. Spencer nods again, two or three more times than strictly necessary, so Shayne circles a second finger around his hole, pressing in when Spencer presses down into it. Shayne curls his fingers; he's only ever done this to himself, but he's pretty sure-
"Shayne," Spencer moans, and Shayne grins against his thigh, pressing kisses to the pale skin there.
"Good?" he asks again, though this time more as a tease than anything.
"So fucking good, Shayne. Fucking me so well, can't wait for how your dick is gonna feel. Want you to fuck me, Shayne," Spencer says, like Shayne needs reminding of exactly what he's getting to do here. The praise makes Shayne shiver, but he focuses on the task, well. The task at hand, so to speak. He rubs against Spencer's prostate, biting down on Spencer's thigh. Spencer arches up into him, and so Shayne adds a third finger. Spencer moans, head falling back against the pillows.
"You're almost ready. Could stop now, but you're so tight around my fingers still. Would feel like I'm splitting you open on my dick," he says, teasing Spencer with the idea if not with following it through. Spencer's hands clench down on his shoulders, make Shayne look up to see Spencer's face. Spencer pulls at him.
"Fuck me now," he says, shoving Shayne up til he has to pull out his fingers to catch himself above Spencer. He looks down at Spencer with wild eyes, his mouth dry. Spencer kisses him, not lingering before speaking again. "I wanna feel you like that, Shayne. Make me feel you," he says, desire painting his voice so vividly that Shayne can't help himself, lining himself up to fuck into Spencer and only pausing when he's ready to push in.
"Do you want me to put on a condom?" he asks, not willing to overstep that boundary with Spencer even if it seems like they both want this. Spencer moves as if to pull at him, but stops as well, looking up at Shayne with an analytical eye.
"Do you want to put on a condom?" he asks, squinting at Shayne like that'll let him read his mind. Shayne smiles, kissing Spencer in an effort to get that look off his face.
"I'm cool with however you want to do this, Spence," he says, running his nose along Spencer's jaw. Spencer does pull at him then, giving Shayne that last shove he needs to thrust into Spencer, pushing into him slow and steady til he bottoms out. Spencer's face is tucked against Shayne's throat, his whines muffled against Shayne's skin. Shayne tries to give him a moment to adjust, possibly in need of a moment of adjustment himself, and resists Spencer's attempts to push him into movement before either of them are ready. He kisses Spencer instead, slipping his tongue into his mouth and mollifying his partner. Boyfriend? Partner? Guy he's having sex with? They really need to talk about this. Spencer bites his bottom lip and rolls his hips down, removing Shayne of all thoughts concerning anything but exactly what they're doing.
"Move," Spencer says, his voice going thin with desperation. Shayne follows immediately, pulling out in one solid stroke before pushing all the way back in, a quick snap of the hips. Spencer moans and bites down on his shoulder, so Shayne fucks into him the same way, again and again and again. The moans go ragged as Shayne changes the angle of his hips just a bit, and Spencer's grip on him gets tighter, his thighs around Shayne's hips near painful. He maintains that angle, focusing on Spencer's pleasure in an effort to ignore his own; Spencer feels so fucking good around him that Shayne wants to cum inside of him now, get him off with his hands and mouth instead. He's going to do as he's told though, and that means fucking Spencer for as long as he can before letting Spencer ride him. That might not have been exactly what Spencer said, but the intent was there. Or, there enough for Shayne to do it anyway. Flustered but wanting, Shayne grabs one of Spencer's hands, moving it to touch Shayne's chest. Moving to this desire eagerly, Spencer touches and squeezes and pinches and generally makes Shayne feel like his brain is coming out of his ears.
"Need you to ride me," he chokes out, not pausing fucking into Spencer til Spencer tells him to. Spencer clenches around him and Shayne's head falls down against his shoulder, hot breath fanning across Spencer's chest. Spencer grabs his hips and shoves him up again, just a little rough with him in a way that electrifies him as he pulls out of Spencer, rolling onto his back. Spencer follows pretty immediately thereafter, sinking onto Shayne's cock like this isn't the first time he's done it, like this isn't the first time they've done all of this. For a brief moment, Shayne is viscerally overwhelmed, not by the physical sensations as overwhelming as those are, but by having Spencer at all, by making it here. Spencer leans down and cups his face, pressing a kiss to Shayne's mouth. When he pulls back, he sits all the way up, proud like he's holding himself over Shayne in more ways than one. Shayne grins, all too willing to be in this position. Spencer splays his hands on Shayne's chest again, cupping his pecs.
"Fuck, you've got nice tits. I've thought that since the first time I saw you shirtless, and swear, they've only gotten bigger, fuck. And now I get to play with them? So hot, Shayne," he says, all low and rambling and Shayne tilts his head back against the pillows when Spencer puts his mouth to his chest. He arches his back and Spencer gasps, apparently so enraptured with Shayne's chest that he forgot he had a dick inside of him. Shayne grins, but it quickly falls to pieces as Spencer pushes up, grinding down on his cock and biting his chest in the same breath. Shayne's hand moves up to Spencer's hair, gripping at it instinctively.
"Spencer," he says, breathless. Spencer rises and sinks down on his cock again, a little faster this time as he gains his bearings with it. As soon as he seems comfortable, he grins down at Shayne, setting a fast pace and still playing with Shayne's- with Shayne's tits, and fuck it's hot, and Spencer is muttering praise against his chest and Shayne feels floaty, fucked out despite the fact that he's the one theoretically doing the fucking. Spencer makes him feel strung out on it, desperate to please and rung out by it too, vulnerable no matter their positions. His breaths are coming heavy and quick, most of his focus directed on not cumming before Spencer does. In the interest of that, he reaches down, wrapping his right hand around Spencer's cock.
"Fuck, Shayne. So good for me, aren't you, baby? So good for me," he says, the repetition falling out of his mouth as his cum paints Shayne's stomach white, and Shayne keeps stroking him through it. He's still got his hand around Spencer and he's fucking up into him desperately, eager to cum and eager to cum inside of Spencer, the idea of which is driving him just this shade insane. Whining, Spencer closes his teeth around Shayne's nipple, biting down and the pain enough that Shayne is cumming, moaning into Spencer's hair. Spencer stays in his lap, tucking his face down against Shayne's throat as they both work to catch their breath. Inexplicably, a giggle starts up in Shayne's chest, so quick and unexpected that he can't stop himself from bursting into laughter, head falling back against the pillows. Spencer picks his head up to raise an eyebrow at him, but he's smiling too, and there's no way that Spencer isn't feeling this too.
"I really fucking like you, Spencer," he says, Spencer chasing the words with his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to Shayne's lips. This is Spencer's way of saying it back. He lingers, but the kiss stays closed mouth, chaste. Reassuringly innocent with Shayne's dick softening inside of Spencer. As if aware of the thought, Spencer lifts himself off of Shayne slowly, both of them hissing as they separate from one another.
"Come shower with me. Then we can eat? I'm not really that tired anymore," he notes, shrugging a shoulder as if he has no idea why this could be, but grinning at Shayne at the same time, kneeling on the bed and reaching for Shayne.
"Yeah," he says, "me neither." Spencer pulls him up and takes his hand; taking a deep breath, Shayne dives.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
If you're still accepting '101 ways to Say I Love You with Actions' prompts then 36. "Letting them lay across your lap to read." with anyone who takes your fancy would be wonderful!
36. "Letting them lay across your lap to read."
Lucretia has accepted a lot of things by now. She's accepted the fact that they don't (yet) know how to defeat the Hunger. She's accepted that she will probably never have a normal young adulthood. She's accepted that she's stuck rooming with Merle for now, who snores like an entire ogre in his sleep. She's accepted that she's probably gonna fuck up her wrists real bad with all this writing.
And she's accepted the fact that Magnus has decided that her legs specifically are the best place to read.
She's not complaining! Well, not out loud. Lucretia loves Magnus like a brother, but sometimes she does get the Cain Instinct. Magnus is big- much bigger than her, both vertically and horizontally. And he likes to read out loud. Never super loud, but if Lucretia was trying to read herself, Magnus's attempts at whispering under his breath were incredibly distracting. Lucretia was the type of person who could work in pretty much any environment if she gave it her all. That didn't mean she wanted to be in said environment, though.
It's never really been a problem before now. That being said, they had never been in a world with the largest library Lucretia has ever seen before now. This plane was completely devoted to learning and documenting new discoveries. In return for letting them study the Light alongside the crew, they had been granted full access to the library's services, including the books regular citizens were not allowed to borrow. Lucretia was consuming them at a lightning pace.
For the past few weeks, she'd come into the library first thing in the morning and start right where she left off. Often, another crew member would come with her. Barry and Lup, usually, if they had time between their work with the Light. Davenport preferred to check out books to read on the ship, and Merle had a temporary ban for tracking mud inside on three separate occasions (when it hadn't even been raining. Lucretia would have asked questions but by now she knew how Merle was.). Taako made a huge show of telling her that "reading was for nerds" and "I have better things to do", so Lucretia was content not bringing it up every time they came across each other on the shelves.
Magnus was kind of touch and go. Getting him to focus on something like this had always been a challenge, but with a world focused mainly on studies and books, he didn't really have anywhere else to turn. He had taken to setting up shop near Lucretia, and then next to her, and then quite literally on her. She had to move over to one of the couches because sitting at the table was not going to support both of them.
"Luce," Magnus said, poking the back of her hand. Lucretia blinked, looking away from her book.
"I asked if you think they've invented fun on this plane," Magnus said.
"You're awful," Lucretia said, bringing her attention back to her book. Magnus squirmed.
"This is awful," Magnus said. "Do they even have sports? Is sport a thing? Is there a book about, I don't know, some physical activities or like, punching someone, or?"
"I'm sure there is somewhere," Lucretia said. Magnus groaned.
"I don't wanna read about it," he said. Lucretia was beginning to think she wasn't going to be allowed to read anymore. "I wanna do it."
"Who's stopping you?" she asked.
Magnus paused. He had his Considering face on, which was never a good thing. Lucretia might have just caused a terrible thing to go into motion. But after a long, tense second, Magnus rolled his eyes and said,
"I don't wanna right now."
"Fantastic," Lucretia said. "Great reason. Keep reading."
"I don't get why people enjoy it, is all!" Magnus said. "Like, the letters keep jumping around and it hurts my brain. And all of these are non-, uhm. Fiction? Non-fiction? Or is it-"
"Non-fiction is right," Lucretia said. "Also, is it like a dyslexia jumping around thing or like a, you can't focus jumping around thing?"
"I don't know what dyslexia is," Magnus said. "The letters are just wrong."
Okay. No. Lucretia wasn't going to be reading anymore. She put her (new, very fancy) bookmark on the page she was reading and shut the book, setting it aside. Magnus had already closed his book. He looked up at her expectantly.
"Okay," Lucretia said. "Tell me about the letters."
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steves-strapcollection · 10 months
Gerry's WIP Wedneseekend!
This was hugely helpful for me last week in just getting Words Down for the strap!verse which has now become an actual fic rather than a series of smutty one-shots oops so now I'm gonna do this to focus on my fics for Lex's Summer Challenge!
DISCLAIMER: I am only calling it WIP Wedneseekend because it stresses me out to "limit" myself to one day and I think it's fun!! Please do not feel like you also have to do a whole thing too if you're tagged or see this.
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The Rules
I post the two prompts I claimed as a poll
Y'all vote in the poll and send me asks requesting a snippet of the fic of your choice
For every vote a fic receives, I will commit to writing 100 words on that fic. For every ask I receive, I will commit to writing an additional 100 words. (So if one gets 10 votes, and 5 asks, that's 1500 words)
At the end of the weekend, I will have completed fics to prepare for posting by the end of the month!
I will post a snippet of what I wrote and tag everyone who requested a snippet!
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The Snippet - "Can I braid your hair?"
“Can I braid your hair?” Eddie blinked over at Steve, eyebrows high on his sweaty forehead while he held his hair up off the back of his neck. He could swear he felt heat pouring out of his head. Summer had descended on Hawkins with a vengeance, as if in retaliation for the brief handful of weeks in the Spring when the portals to a frigid hell dimension opened up and attempted to take over their world. Granted, summers in Hawkins tended to be hotter than Satan’s taint, especially around Independence Day, but Eddie figured he was allowed to be noisy and bitchy about it if he wanted. He almost died—first at the hands of a town full of angry, scared hicks, then by a swarm of demobats—and this was his first summer officially free of Hawkins High, the other frigid hell dimension in that shitty town. If Eddie had to spend the summer in the sweaty armpit of America because of dumb bullshit like “recovery” and “physical therapy” and “being under observation,” he was going to bitch and moan and throw all the tantrums he wanted. It helped that all the stupid bullshit (like recovery, and physical therapy, and being under observation) meant that Eddie got to spend a lot of time with Steve outside of the apocalypse. They were both lucky enough to be Under Observation together, courtesy of both of them being the favoured chew toys for the demobats. From there, Steve just started staying close to Eddie, taking him to and from physical therapy, helping him with his exercises at home, coming over when Eddie was in too much pain to get up to use the bathroom, let alone get up and locate painkillers and take them. It had been a while since Steve had to help him on a particularly bad pain day, at least one that extreme, but Steve still came over almost daily. Usually, they would just hang out and eat junk food, smoke a bit of pot sometimes, usually watch whatever movie Steve brought over from work. Sometimes, Steve would suggest they go for a drive and they would just do that, make like they would leave completely. “We could get out of here, never look back.” Worded like a comment, spoken like an oath. “You wanna run away with me, Stevie?” Tone teasing but lined with a hollow desperation. The air in the Beemer would change the moment that question fell from Eddie’s lips, the way Steve’s arms flexed as he squeezed the steering wheel captivating. Most of the time, Eddie doesn’t hear an answer from Steve, other times he hears a quiet but teasing, “Of course, Eds.”
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The (no pressure) Tags
These are mostly just so people can vote if they want ;p
@scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle @stobinesque @inairbinad @legitcookie @thefreakandthehair @sidekick-hero @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @wynnyfryd @steddieas-shegoes @pizzaqueen @starryeyedjanai @starrystevie @scoops-stevie @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @xenon-demon
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Hi! I feel a little bad prompting two weeks in a row, but if you feel up to it could you maybe do some more stuff with the sentient shadow au? I love it so much, I would love to see the progression of Alec and Magnus’ relationship (maybe through an outside pov, if you want).
I hope you have fun with this and enjoy your Wednesday!
here we go! also no worries, plenty of people prompt every week and there is nothing wrong with that. the prompts are all happy things for me, not burdens. so don't feel bad kay? plus i love starting to recognize names of those who prompt!
i'm greatly enjoying this wednesday and the last ones! i hope you are doing well and having a good day!
hope you enjoy
“I cannot believe you!” Magnus seethes the moment Alec is gone and Ragnor sighs and takes a deep puff of his pipe. “How could you have been hiding such a delectable treasure from me?”
“Magnus, I have a contract and an oath that restrict me.” Which is something of an over exaggeration but Ragnor is tired and he doesn’t want to deal with Magnus’ outrage.
There’s a huff and finally Magnus settles for a moment before he adds, “so what is he like?”
“Aren’t you going to want to find out on your little ‘thank you’ dinner?” Ragnor teases and it earns him a cold, sharp eyeroll. “Fine, ducky. Ruin my rare fun. The lad’s incredibly intelligent and calculating, or at least he normally is. It seems you rather turn his thoughts around.”
Magnus almost looks unbearably smug at that, but Magnus wears smug well and so Ragnor sighs and just relights his pipe.
“He’s both incredibly perceptive and incredibly sheltered about certain things.”
“Like?” Magnus demands, summoning himself a glass of whiskey as he gives Ragnor a viciously impatient look.
“Like casual intimacy. Or consider the power of touch, of which he knows little of. Alec lives in relative isolation from other people in the embrace of his powers. They’ve always protected and comforted him, and he relies on them, which mean very few are allowed to approach him.”
“They’re not merely powers.” Magnus muses and Ragnor nods his head, unable to say more due to oaths but wanting to warn Magnus. Alec himself isn’t the only obstacle in this that Magnus will face, Alec’s shadows will be the true obstacle. 
“I’m sure I can woo the entirety of him,” Magnus drawls smugly and he gives Ragnor a curious look. “What do they like?”
“They’re hungry, Magnus. Greedy and powerful and they only care for Alec. They’re incredibly dangerous and not to be underestimated, even by you.”
Magnus shows up nearly every day after that for a week, as if he’s hoping Alec will drop by again, which was rare enough the first time.
Finally, after much exasperation, Ragnor has had enough.
“Why not just go to the New York Institute, instead of portaling all the way over here?” Ragnor questions, cross after Magnus has come over and stolen the last of Ragnor’s favorite biscuits. A specific type that are warded by their baker against being summoned.
Ragnor will have to request a new delivery by fire message and he scowls at the additional work. He’d been hoping to avoid that until the next day at least.
“What do you mean the New York Institute?” Magnus drawls, “why would I go over there when I want to see my darling Alexander? Not some boring cannon fodder hunters.”
“Because your darling,” Ragnor says rolling his eyes, “is the Head and Commander of the New York Institute, Magnus. Weren’t you paying attention? I did mention it.”
“It wasn’t as important as getting him to agree to dinner—” Magnus tells him. “And you haven’t mentioned again at any point in this last week because?”
“Frankly, I have better things than just assume that you no longer listen to me at all.” Ragnor retorts and he summons a new cup of tea with a sigh. “I’m far too tired for all this nonsense Magnus, go woo the lad and come back once you have your boy. Perhaps with your influence, I’ll see him more than a handful of times a year.”
“Oh, you’ll be seeing plenty of him.” Magnus promises with a leer and Ragnor flicks him with magic.
“No! I’ve helped raise that lad since he was a wee one, Magnus. I’ll not have you telling me about how you plan to deflower him or anything else. This is one relationship where you will have to rely on Cat alone to pander compliments to your ego. Bring the lad around for tea and know that you’ll be staying clothed in my abode.”
Ragnor groans wishing he’s said defile and knowing he’s about to hit every one of Magnus’ possessive, covetous and prideful instincts with his words.
“The lad’s not shy Magnus. He doesn’t blush, he doesn’t stutter, he doesn’t get entranced. This isn’t a normal reaction for him. I’m fairly certain there is a graveyard somewhere dedicated to people who made the mistake of hitting on him. Alec generally considers it a nuisance. I hope you can understand what I mean and treat him well.”
Ragnor doesn’t say anything else, because he’s said enough and while he’ll step in if he feels he needs to, he trusts Magnus enough to let him try first.
“Thank you, Ragnor. Even if you did let me suffer for a week.”
Ragnor rolls his eyes and waves his hand in farewell as Magnus portals away.
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midnightdevotion · 2 years
Party of Three
Request: Reader is maverick's sister and is dating iceman, finds out she's pregnant.
Pairing: Iceman x Reader (afab)
Tag list is open!
Requests are open!
Warnings: Some angst, some fluff, one punch. ( i did not proof read, bc it's midnight )
a/n: In true gen-z fashion I cannot write a fic without the use of cell phones so, were going with it. Everything else is pretty cannon i think.
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You've been feeling off for almost three weeks before you realize you haven't had your period for 2 months. Your heart hasn't stopped racing since you came the realization of what that probably means.
Rushing to the store at a prompt 8:46 this morning to get pregnancy tests. You haven't been able to work up the nerve to actually take said tests. Anxiously biting your lips, even though they are already tender and you taste the tang of blood.
Sighing you look at the clock, and seeing it is 4:00 and you've wasted the entire day looking at the damn tests on your coffee table you stand. Finally grabbing the box you march to the bathroom in what you hope is confidence but you know is really just fear and mental exhaustion.
You've spent all day running through every possible situation that could come from this. No matter what your older brother is going to be pissed. You groan as you think about what he's going to say to you. Not ready for the onslaught of being told you are irresponsible and how could you be so reckless.
Opening the boxes to gather the tests out you have shaky hands and almost drop the pregnancy tests. It takes another ten minutes to actually build up the courage to sit down to take the tests.
Within a minute you have three tests sitting on the counter. You turn on your phone timer to 5 minutes, and god you'd rather plank for five minutes straight than wait for this. You sit on the ground, back to the cabinets that are holding your entire future on top of it.
Your leg is shaking as you anxiously wait for the results. Glancing down at your phone every 3 seconds feeling like it's been 30. When the timer finally does go off, you've never stood up so fast. Legs feeling like jello, and your palms are sweaty.
Swallowing hard you pick up the first test. Looking down to see a plus sign your heart stops. Quickly glancing at the other two you see they are also plus signs.
You can't take it anymore and your nerves are shot. Rushing to the toilet you let out all the contents from the sandwich you forced yourself to eat earlier.
Hearing your phone buzz on the counter you stand, leaning against the counter as you read the message.
My love: Hey sweetheart, we're all gonna go to the bar tonight, want me to swing by and pick you up.
It takes you a solid two minutes to come up with a halfway decent reply, hoping it sounds like you in any way.
You: I'm actually not feeling too hot, just a headache so don't worry about me go have fun :)
It doesn't take him more than 10 seconds to call.
"Do you need anything?" He doesn't even bother with a hello when he hears you pick up the phone. You try to control the shaky in your voice when you answer.
"No-no that's okay, I'm just gonna take some tylenol and try and sleep." You can picture him furrowing his brow, because usually you love cuddles when you aren't feeling well and you never say no to take out and icecream when you have a headache either.
"Babe are you sure? I can go to your favorite Chinese food and grab some ben and jerry's?"
"yea I'm sure, I just really feel tired, So go enjoy your time with the boys" You feel so bad lying to him, knowing he's got that confused look in his eyes and he's probably running a hand through his blond hair. Almost like if he does it enough he will solve whatever problem is wracking his brain.
"alright... but you'll call if you need anything right?" You hate yourself for the sad tone to his voice.
"Of course babe" you cringe because you know this whole conversation is a train wreck attempt at acting normal. You quickly say your goodbyes and love you's before hanging up. You call the only other person you know you can trust with this.
"Mav... I need you"
And thank god for Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, because he's outside of your place in less than 30 minutes. You do feel bad because he picks up your favorite Chinese food on his way over. An offer you just ignored from the man you swear is the love of your life.
"Oh mini Mitchell, what's got you all out of wack" is the first thing your brother says to you. The look on your face must say it all, because he is wrapping you in a hug without you even saying a word.
You called Mav for a reason, knowing he would give you the time you needed to get whatever is on your mind sorted before speaking. He's making idle chit chat about his day, knowing both of you aren't here to hear or talk about Mav and his dare devil ways. However, he does know that you aren't ready to tell him why you called him over so he's dishing out the food and distracting his sister the best way he knows how.
It takes two and a half hours before you blurt out your thoughts. Anxiety running rampant in your mind and seeping into your tone.
"Mav...I'm Pregnant" It can't be more than a whisper but you know he hears you because he freezes mid reach for popcorn. It feels like a lifetime could go by in the time you are waiting for maverick to reply. "mav... please say something" You're desperate, needing to know that maverick will support you in this.
"I don't know what to say" You can tell his answer is honest, and you can't really fault him for being shocked and stumped for words, because if you're being honest so are you.
"Please just be here for me...I can't do this on my own"
"you will never do anything alone" his blue eyes pierce into you as he says this, and you are so thankful to have a brother as loyal as maverick.
With the small weight of maverick knowing and knowing you won't be in this alone, no matter what Tom says, you feel like you can breathe slightly lighter now. Your brother is a man of few words in this moment though, and you let him, because you don't really have anything else to add either.
He reaches over and hugs you, and it's then you feel the exhaustion of such an emotionally grueling day hit you. You don't have it in you to stay up to face Tom when he gets home, knowing he prefers to sleep here instead of on base on weekends.
Maverick might not have said it to you, but boy oh boy was he pissed. First Kazansky had the nerve to date his little sister, now he's gotten you pregnant?!
After he made sure you had everything you needed and went to bed, he headed directly to the bar he was counting on Iceman being at. He keeps rehearing the phrase "I can't do this on my own" in your scared voice bounce around his head. Clenching his jaw, rage runs through him at the thought of Tom thinking he could just get you pregnant and leave you out to dry.
He whips his bike into a parking stall, seeing none other than Ice's car parked in the third stall over. He's seeing nothing but red as he makes his way into the crowded bar. Eyes searching for one person only.
Goose see's maverick walk in, brow furrowing as the brunette brushes right past him, anger radiating off of him in thick waves.
"KAZANSKY" is shouted as soon as Maverick lands eyes on him. It takes not two seconds for him to be within grasp and Maverick doesn't hesitate to send a brutal punch to the blond pilots eye.
"Maverick what the hell!" Tom reaches for his eye, confused as to why he's standing in searing pain when sure he and Mav have always had somewhat of a turbulent friendship but things had been sailing smoothly for a while now, since he started dating you.
"DON'T WHAT THE HELL ME, YOU THINK YOU CAN GET MY SISTER PREGNANT AND BAIL AND I WONT KICK YOUR ASS" and has never been more confused because... well what the fuck?
"Maverick what the fuck are you talking about?"
"Don't fucking play dumb with me!" and goose the level headed one-- an odd thing to say about the usual goofball, steps between the two.
"Mav... can you explain what's going on" and if it were anyone other than goose who was asking they probably would have been punched too.
"This fucking asshole got my little sister pregnant, now she's sitting at home terrified because he left her to do it alone!" and goose has to physically hold maverick to keep him for going in for another strike.
"She's pregnant?" and it's like a bucket of ice cold water gets dumped over the trio. Tom's head is spinning. Why didn't you tell him? He's gonna be a dad? Wait why did you think you were going to do it alone? Man his eye still hurts.
Maverick has immediate guilt wash over him, he didn't know you hadn't told tom yet, and maybe he shouldn't have punched the guy and caused and scene out in public before he knew the whole story. Maverick has always been an act first think later sort of person and usually it works out, but this time his gut is telling him he's not gonna be so lucky.
"You-you didn't know" and it's not a question, it's a statement. Iceman just shakes his head, shouldering his way out of the bar. Easy to ignore the throbbing of his eye when his heart feels like it might shatter.
You wake up the next morning feeling slightly better about the situation than you did yesterday. Finding it weird when you don't see tom in bed next to you. Yawning you figure maybe he got too tipsy at the bar last night and had to get a ride with someone else, leading him to stay on base.
You slowly make your way into the living room, scanning the mess on the coffee table from your's and Mavericks movie escapades. Telling yourself you'll clean that up later you walk into the kitchen. Gasping at what you see, or rather who you see at the kitchen island.
"Honey what happened to your face!" you reach out to touch his cheek and feel a stinging in your chest when he moves away.
"Were you going to tell me" Your heart freezes at his words.
"t-tell you what" and you hate the stutter to your voice, feeling like you might explode from fear.
"You know what" is his cold reply.
"How did you find out" your voice is so quiet, and you can feel a tear leave the corner of your eye. He won't even look at you. This is exactly what you were afraid of, you two had never talked about kids, and god if he were anything like your brother then he didn't want them.
"Your brother told me, gave me this shiner too" and there's such a dead tone to his voice that it has you scared. He never sounds this monotone to you, so much like he just doesn't care.
"I-I...." and your voice catches on sobs in your throat.
"I'm sorry" it finally makes it's way out of your mouth, combined with an ugly sob. He finally looks up at you, and you see his swollen eye for all it's glory.
"For what exactly, sending your brother after me or--" and you cut him off.
"for getting pregnant... I know you don't want this, so it's okay if you go..." and you are whispering, any louder and you might break in half. You can't bear the thought of losing the one man you've ever really loved, but you don't want him to feel trapped to you and this baby.
You see his brow furrow, and you think here we go, he's trying to figure out how to tell you he doesn't want you or this baby, and to leave him alone.
"what makes you think I don't want this" You don't even have to think about your response.
"because you're a pilot, you don't want to be held back"
"I am not Maverick." You glance up at him, to see him now standing in front of you, just out of arms reach.
"Darling, all I've ever wanted was a future with you, and here you are carrying ours and thinking I don't want it?" Your breath hitches at his words, speechless as he moves closer, resting his hand on your non existent bump.
"I'm gonna be a dad" it's nothing but a whisper and maybe you aren't even supposed to hear it, but it makes you cry harder. All the anxiety of him not wanting this washes away in an instant.
He looks up, quickly bringing his hands to your face, wiping your tears off your face as best he can with how quick they are leaving your eyes. Softly he places his lips against yours, it's every bit reassuring as any words he's going to say to you.
"Sweetheart, I hate that you didn't trust me to come to me with this, but I'm not going anywhere, You are carrying our baby and you're my future wife. There's nothing that could keep me away from you" It sends fresh tears down your cheeks and you can't help but laugh.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you first, and I'm so sorry maverick gave you that awful black eye. I was just- I was so scared that you wouldn't want us." He glances down at your stomach, full smile on his face.
"I'd take a black eye for you any day love, just give me a chance next time please?"
You two spend the next three hours discussing plans, calling a doctor and him pulling you out of your anxious thoughts of 'will I be a good mom?'
"This little bean is going to make us a party of three tom!" You have anxiety pouring out of you.
"Can't wait to make it a party of four" comes his suggestive reply and wink. You throw a pillow at him.
"Can't you let me deal with this pregnancy first" you grumble, a happy smile on your face.
"Only if you let me marry you" and when you turn back around you see tom kneeling, ring out.
"this isn't really how i planned on doing this, but you're carrying my baby and I just don't want to wait any longer to have my ring on your finger" He lets out a nervous laugh, as you tear up again. If any one asks you're going to say it's pregnancy hormones.
"Oh my god yes!!" you can't help but to tackle the gorgeous aviator to the ground in excitement.
"we're waiting till after the baby though, no way I'm walking down the aisle with a baby belly" You add as an afterthought. Unable to stop yourself from joining Tom's laughter at your comment.
"God I can't wait for your baby belly... but whatever you want for our wedding honey" you both can't help but grin at those words. Our wedding.
Yeah maybe you had nothing to worry about in the first place but you'd live through it ten times over if it meant marrying the love of your life and having his kids.
Taglist: @alanadetigy
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ventisettestars · 5 months
Happy New Year! This is a fic/art combo for @46-reasonable-hamsters in the 2023 Holiday Truce. The prompts were fun but I adored this one. The art is at the end. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Danny needs adult supervision while his parents are out of town.
wc: 1.2k
Tags: Badger Cereal, Maddie the Cat, it's all fluff, no beta
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"Daniel." Vlad looked down at Danny from the doorway of his Amity Park mansion, making note of the suitcase beside the boy.
"Hey. So my parents called you a bunch, and Dad said he left a message so that was as good as you agreeing to this." Danny pointed a thumb to indicate the GAV behind him, his father giving them both a thumbs up as Vlad made eye contact.
"Ah, yes, how could I, as his best friend, turn down a sudden request." Vlad's voice was dry. He'd listened to the messages, and hadn't responded back for a reason. They were going to a convention and didn't want to bring Danny along. Too dangerous or something?
"Yeah, you must have been just soooo busy you forgot to call him back." 
"Your father is a fool." Vlad scoffed. 
"Watch it. Anyway, if we just make it look like all is good, I can just fly back home once they are out of view and they won't know a thing." 
"That isn't a bad plan." Vlad waved to Danny's parents, who then began to speed off. "Though seeing as it's the holiday week, you're welcome to stay and enjoy some real food. I'm having some things catered throughout the week as well." 
Danny raised a brow. "This isn't some weird 'show me true holiday' scheme to make me want to be your son again?" 
"No, if that is the outcome, I wouldn't dislike it. But it is not the plan. Simply, just a lousy time of year to spend alone. Shall we call it Truce early?"
Danny seemed to ponder a bit. "I guess as long as you don't try to force actual holiday cheer at me, warm meals would be a perk." 
"Splendid." Vlad grabbed Danny's suitcase telekinetically and had it follow the both of them inside. 
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The room Vlad led Danny to was weirdly plain. A normal guest room with a TV and balcony facing away from the city with a rather nice view of the sky. 
"The room faces the sunrise, so I'd suggest closing the curtains if you don't want the sun in your eyes first thing in the morning." Vlad set down the suitcase near the wardrobe. "My room is directly below this one if you need anything."
"You didn't take the top floor with the best view?" Danny walked over to check out the view.
"It was originally, but I grew tired of having to go one more floor up each night."
Danny let out a little snort. "That's super lazy of you when we can both fly."
"I'll admit it's partially to do with the lady I employ growing older as well. I'll introduce you to her when she comes in the next few days." 
"Huh, Okay." Danny didn't expect that from Vlad. 
"I'll leave you to it. You know where the Kitchen is, so help yourself to anything."
Danny watched as Vlad left. It made him suspicious on how non-confrontational Vlad was being, but he settled into the room and started sending messages to his friends.
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A few nights into Danny's stay, things continued to go smoothly. Vlad left Danny to his own devices most the time, only interaction around meals or a few times when Danny was bored. 
Most the time Danny spent playing with Maddie the Cat, or checking out Vlad's lab since quote 'I've nothing in the lab you haven't seen before while we fought'. 
Danny wouldn't admit it was nice to be able to move around without having to keep an eye open for ghost traps at all hours of the day.
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"Aw, hey there Maddie, whatcha got there?"
The cat merped from where she rolled in her tangle of yarn. Danny took the thread of yarn from her by phasing her out of it, starting to ball it best he could. It was longer still and trailed up the staircase. He followed it to one of the many rooms that Vlad had on the second floor. 
Looking into the room was a given. Danny looked in confusion as he was greeted by a wall of yarn. Shelves contained a well organized gradient of yarn. Vlad sat at a desk with his laptop in front of him, a pair of knitting needles with half a scarf floated next to him. 
The two half ghosts stared at each other, the only sound in the room was the clicking of the needles followed by Maddie jumping onto Vlad's lap. 
Danny's eyes drifted to the striped scarf, that matched the sweater that Danny had assumed Vlad bought, but no. It was the same colors, and not that Danny knew anything about producing sweaters, he's sat through enough of Sam's gripping about matching all the shades of black. 
"Ah, Maddie had this." Danny held up the yarn he collected on his way to the room. 
"I was wondering why it'd gotten so quiet." 
"So, you knit?" 
Vlad sighed and pointed to the other chair in the room. Danny took it and got comfy, yarn still in hand. 
"I do. It started as a means to control something telepathically while distracted. The lady next to me in the hospital back when- Well she would be knitting while doing just about anything but eating to keep her hands from going stiff." 
"So you do it with your mind? Doesn't seem the same." 
"No, but at the time I needed something to help fine tune my control. It was only one of the things I did, mind you." 
"But you kept at it cause you liked it?"
"Indeed." Vlad barely even glanced at his work as he switched colors. 
"What other things did you do?"
"It was before I made my fortune, so small things. Cleaned, dishes, puzzles-those were the worst cause I needed to have a visual most times- sometimes folded clothes. Once I'd even tried to use telekinesis to pick up the floor rather than vacuum."
Danny laughed. "How'd that end up going?"
"Terribly. I just made the floor intangible so that the dirt would go into the apartment below me."
Danny laughed. "That's evil."
"Well, they vacuumed at 6 in the morning, so they deserved it." Vlad followed Danny's gaze to his knitting. "Would you like to try it?"
"You can even use the yarn that Maddie summoned you here with." 
"I guess it couldn't hurt to try." 
5 minutes later Danny was about to stab someone with the needles. "How do you like this?"
Vlad tsked. "You've hardly even started. I never took you for a quitter." 
"I'm not quitting." Danny bristled. "It's just so- It looks ugly." 
"It's because you're just learning. You're good enough with your powers this should be cake walk."
"You say that, but I just throw things."
"Then this is good practice. Developing fine motor skills has no downsides."
"Fine. I'll finish this damn scarf. It's gunna be for your cat." 
"Ah, nice and small then. She will love it."
Danny growled and put all his focus back into making the needles move.
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End notes:
The prompt was: Someone stumbles across Vlad practicing his ‘hidden’ hobby—knitting.
And I just couldn't get the idea of that being the one thing Danny would end up letting Vlad mentor him in.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Could i request hcs of riddle, lilia, epel and kalim with a gn! short lover? Like significantly shorter than them? Thank you if you do write this 💖
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{Hello! I'm sorry if these feel rushed. They were originally much longer but you see...h a h. I was writing for about 2 hours and made it to the last imagine when Tumblr crashed and I lost all my work. I can't remember half of what I wrote origionally but i hope these are alright! Please enjoy}
Prompt: What if their s/o was shorter than them? Characters: Lilia Vanrouge, Riddle Rosehearts, Epel Felmier, Kalim Al-Asim, Leona KingScholar, Malleus Draconia, Ruggie Bucci
Lilia Vanrouge
Not going to lie, your height doesn't matter much to him. He's used to being the short king and now you both match!
He may get some joy from teasing you. Nothing too bad. Just small things like floating in circles around you, draping himself over your shoulder, using your head as a chin rest, and occasionally taunting you
Likely buys a stuffed plushie at your height. You know, the ones meant to be 'life size' for children. He's an asshole like that
He has definetly asked you to sit on his shoulders and pretend to be one person. You know, with the big trench coat so it looks like you both are one above-average person in height. May or may not walk up to Malleus for a stare-off
All in all, he isn't insecure about his height and really doesn't take yours into consideration either. He may ask if you want to borrow his heels though, just to rub salt in the wound
Riddle Rosehearts
He canonically has a height complex so he gets it. He was raised to seek perfection and knows that he isn't the 'perfect' or 'desirable' height that most people want in a guy
Would never let anyone make a comment about your height. Ace did it once, saying that as a couple you and Riddle could fuse to make a normal sized person. He was collared for a week and no one could do anything about it. Riddle was hella pissed, especially if your feelings were hurt
Riddle carries a bit of toxic masculinity that stems from insecurity. You're height doesn't help because it enforces in him that you are something that needs protection
He treats you like royalty. Holds your hand when you walk down the stairs, guides you by the arm, grabs things from higher places, bends down to kiss your wrist, holds your umbrella when it rains, etc.
He prefers to have the leading role in a relationship and your height kind of makes you less domineering in his eyes
So like, know it stems from his own insecurities but don't let it go too far. Make sure you have a little chat about it
Epel Felmier
Another one with an inferiority complex. He has a feminine appearance, and combined with his height is a recipe waiting for disaster in Epel's eyes
He is literally a ticking time bomb disguised as a harmless flower. He canonically wants to grow into the normative picture of masculinity, and you know? Its understandable. In society's eyes, his personality is nothing like his appearance and that can cause identity issues for anyone
Epel is also another person who secretly likes your height. He likes feeling tall and macho. Likes the way he can slink his arms over your shoulders or when you ask him for help doing things. It makes him feel reliable
Don't be mistaken though. He'll throw your ass under the bus if it means escaping Vil and Rook. You love him right? Do him this favor and be their play thing for a bit
Kalim Al-Asim
Like Riddle, Kalim is a bit protective though it comes from a good place. You see, his homeland is very crowded and there is always some big event going on with large crowds
Crowds that are easy to get lost in. He remembers vividly one time that he nearly lost one of his little siblings. One moment they were playing and the next? Poof! Gone.
He nearly had a heart attack. Was not fun. 0/10 never again please
He doesn't mean to treat you like a kid, but if it's crowded then he's sticking to you. This boy will walk you to all of your classes
Demands that you hold hands or at least hang on to his sleeve. He will pave the way and you won't get run over by the stampede of humans
Other than that? Yeah, nothing much. I think he would love nuzzling your head
One time he catches you climbing a bookcase to reach the top shelf. Next day? There's a ladder. He won't say where it came from but Jamil's tired look is all you need to know
Ruggie Bucci
You know how Kalim worries about you getting lost or trampled? Hah. Ruggie is sitting back with some popcorn and enjoying the show
This lovesick fool can spot you a mile away despite how everyone else towers over you. He's got your scent memorized, and even knows small things like your walking pace and movement patterns
He feels slightly proud, watching you weave your way through the halls like a ninja or accommodating a world that favors tall people to work on your behalf. Those reflexes of yours could do wonders in the slums...want to learn the art of pick pocketing?
We all know he's too much of an ass not to make height jokes. He's around the average build himself, but can't resist how easy it is to dangle things out of your reach
Leona KingScholar
Purposefully puts things out of your reach, just so he can sit back and watch you struggle to get it.
His personal favorite is watching you climb the kitchen countertops to get him the snack he wanted. Its free entertainment, and he's happy to see the lengths you will go to make him happy
He walks quick and most of the time doesn't have patience for your slower pace. Definetly the type to throw you over his shoulder so he can walk faster
Likes the way his jacket reaches past your thighs. You should wear more of his stuff
Don't get me wrong though. No one else is allowed to be an ass to you aside from him (and sometimes Ruggie). One time a freshman made a sex joke about your height difference and got decked right across the jaw
Malleus Draconia
Perfect gentleman. Finds your height difference adorable and questions if you're a fairy and not a human
I know it might not be what you want to hear, but like Lilia, Malleus doesn't care. You're you, ya know? He's been alive for so long, do you seriously think that appearance is the thing he is picky about when choosing a partner?
Unlike Leona, he does everything he can to accommodate you. He'll walk slower and have foot stools placed everywhere in his dorm (and home because he wants you comfortable if you ever visit his residence in Briar Valley). He's aware that everything he has is meant to accommodate someone 6ft+ and wants you to feel welcome
He full on has to squat to kiss you, which looks awkward to the onlooker but he doesn't care. He's laying claim to what's his and if it bugs you then he's more than happy to pick you up. Wrap your legs around his waist and give him a peck on the lips or forehead. The man will be putty in your hands
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bvannn · 1 month
Weekly Update April 19, 2024
I had more lingering sickness from the last surgery this week. I'm pretty sure that's what it was since it went away after I took my medicine, although I'm still messed up and exhausted from all my schoolwork, though. Haven't got a whole lot done as a result, but I made some progress.
Most of what I did was on music projects, which I've decided to start referring to by their initials in these updates so they can be differentiated from one another, but they aren't completely spoiled either. OEB was the cover I got done a while ago, and I've been chipping away at the music video for that, which is 16% storyboarded. Also finished up another cover I had been working on, WOTW, which I'd like to do an animation for as well, albeit a shorter and simpler one. This means I'm sitting on 4 songs I can't release for a while, because those two need visuals, and the two originals, BMBO and BATB, still need lyrics. I did progress on lyrics for BATB this week, and I've been upset for the same reasons that prompted me to write BMBO in the first place today as well so I'll try to take another bite out of that one, too. BMBO is 33% done with lyrics right now, BATB is like, 45%. Both a ways out but if I sit down and focus they'll get done quick, that's how I was able to finish WOTW as fast as I was. A couple instrumental themes are in progress too, I've been having fun just sitting down and writing melodies, but I don't think I need to work on those for a while anyway because I want to focus more on my comic once I'm able.
Oh yeah the comic. I haven't had much chance to work on it myself because I've been sick and playing piano helps my heart rate, so I've been doing that instead. Right now comic pages are 7% done, I am bottlenecked on drawing backgrounds because I really don't feel like it with my workload, but if I get more free time I'd like to just pound out another page's worth. It's mostly a time issue right now, but hopefully I can get some rest, and finish up page 3 soon.
I also haven't had the chance to do anything else. I apologize for posting so many low effort sketches, I hope I'll be able to have time to make a real drawing soon, but for now I'm focusing on schoolwork above all else. I'll do schoolwork for now, but normal classes are done after next week, finals shouldn't be too bad, and I'll be able to just unload on animation and comic after I get some rest. I've been in a pretty bad headspace as well due to being sick and all the work, so I've been trying to post more small drawings to still have something to show, since interaction makes me feel less lonely, but it seems like you guys are getting tired of it, which is fair. I'm going to try to lay off for a while, and if I have time to make a real drawing I will, but it's unlikely. Thank you for being patient, I'm almost through the worst of it!
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smut-angel · 2 years
the 44 dialogue prompt with carmy also having a crush on the reader is 🫠
#44. "I bought two sandwiches... by total accident, of course. Thought I might come give one of them to you, and maybe while I'm here spend some time with you, hm?"
"has anyone seen, y/n?" carmen asks aloud as he furiously cut vegetables. the restaurant was opening in an hour and everyone was extremely behind on prep.
"no, chef," a few voices call out. carmen shakes his head, biting his bottom lip in frustration and slight anxiety. everyone knew you were sort of going through a hard time lately, but you had promised carmen that you'd help out today, yet no one has heard from you all week.
"i'm kinda worried about the kid," tina says in passing. after the normal lunch rush, carmen stashes a 2 two sandwiches in his bag, racing out of the kitchen just a few hours later.
"i’m leaving! syd you’re good to lock up tonight?” carmen doesn’t wait for a response because he’s already out the door. he practically runs the entire way to your apartment, knocking in a hurry.
“i’m coming, i’m coming!” you manage to yell as you pull yourself from the couch and groggily stagger towards the door. looking through the peephole you see carmen, your face twisting in confusion.
“what are you doing here?” you say as you open the door.
“nice to see you too.” you roll your eyes at his sarcasm while he lets himself in, dropping his bag on a chair and rummaging through it.
“seriously, carmen. why’d you come here?”
“i brought two sandwiches from work…by accident, of course. thought i might come give one of them to you, and maybe while i’m here spend some time with you, hm?” carmen began to make himself at home, getting you both beers from your fridge and setting up station on your couch. he patted the cushion next to him as you watched him sit down, inciting you to join him.
“no onions, just how you like it,” he says to you as you tear open your designated sandwich. the gesture makes you smile to yourself.
“thought you brought these by accident,” you comment.
“accidentally on purpose?” carmen suggests with a shrug and a mouth full of bread. you both eat in silence for a little while, the only noise coming from the chicago streets as your living room window was slightly cracked.
“i don’t know what you’re going through right now, but i just want you to know that we all care about you,” carmen finally says. you sigh and sit back in your seat.
“i’m really sorry i bailed today. i should’ve said something, but i’m better now. i promise.”
“ahh, don’t worry about it.” carmen swats his hand in the air. “i’m just glad you’re okay.”
you and carmen spent hours in your apartment blasting music, telling stories, watching films. at some point carmen read the the clock that hung on your wall, his eyes widening at the time it displayed.
“fuck, i should get out of here,” he says. you frown, standing up with him to walk him to the elevator. you so badly wanted to tell him he could stay at your place but the potential of him refusing made you bite your tongue. once at the elevator, carmen presses the button waiting for the machine to get all the way up to your floor.
“thanks for coming, carmy. i really had fun.”
“yeah?" a blush began to rise over carmen's cheeks which made you feel a particular heat on yours as well. "i had fun too." for some reason you reach for a hug and like second nature, carmen sweeps in to grab you. he smelled like himself and the restaurant but not in a bad way, but in a comforting way. his arms around your waist were strong yet he was gentle enough to not squeeze you too hard, although you wouldn't mind if he did. being in his arms just felt right.
finally, you let go of him, your faces just centimeters apart. without thinking, you peck his cheek, your entire body feeling like it was on fire at how boldly you were behaving. seconds later, the elevator dinged, its doors opening in front of you both. carmen didn't move, his posture shy and almost embarrassed but a smile reaching his lips nonetheless.
"i'll see you around," you say to him as he stood frozen in place. you laugh quietly at carmen, gently pushing him into the elevator before he missed it.
"yeah, yeah. i-i'll see you,” he managed to stutter before the elevator doors closed.
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Group projects are the worst, but at least the cute guy Vio likes is in their group, so it can't be all bad, right?
This is my enerty for fsff, for the vampire prompt Wouldn't it be funny if i made a vampire au where Shadow is just a normal ass human, i joked some months ago. Anyways, thanks Four Swords Fright Fight for giving me an excuse to actually write this au. i'm gonna use it for all five weeks, so we will see more of them.
The only thing Vio could smell as Clair ushered them into her apartment was garlic. Wrinkling their nose, they realized they where regretting not insisting in doing this group project on their own more and more. The things they would do for a stupid crush, they swears it makes them stupid.
“You like it?” Clair chuckled, “Roasted garlic tomato spaghetti and garlic bread. Figured we could eat some before we started studying.”
“Or at least,” Jen added with a laugh as she stuck her head out from the kitchen, “The three of us can.”
Vio gave them both an unimpressed raised eyebrow. “Is this about Shadow? You two do know that vampires can like, exist, in the same general vicinity to garlic right? It just smells like shit.”
“Sure, but we can still make it squirm a bit.”
“What a great host you are,” There was a knock on the door as Vio spoke, “Can’t wait for the rumors to be just that, it’ll be hilarious when it loves garlic.” Vio made his way to the table where the girls already had their own books and laptops set up, and sat down as Clair went to answer the door.
Rolling her eyes before opening it, she put on a big smile as she greeted their last group member. “Shadow! Hey.”“Hi.” Shadow poked its head in a bit, and seeing the other two there already it frowned. “I’m not late, am I?”
“No, no! Vio just got here as well.” Her overly sweet smile was annoying Vio, and they weren’t even the one she was trying to fuck with. Trying being the key word, as Shadow seemed to be oblivious to it.
“Cool, cool. I, uh, brought some snacks?” It lifted a bag, adorn with the logo from the convenience store around the corner, and gave the three and awkward, one corner smile.
“Aw, that’s great, Thanks Shad!” She smiled at it and made her way back into the apartment, sharing a look with Jen that had Vio rolling their own eyes when Shadow didn’t follow her in right away.
“Shadow,” They added themself, “Why don’t you come in and put those on the table.”
“Oh!” It quickly entered the apartment and closed the door, embarrassed flush on its face. “Right. Yeah. Uh, hi, Violet? Was it?”
“Right, I-” Shadow wrinkled its own nose, face twisting as if it had tasted something awful. “Is that, garlic?”“It is. Entirely to much garlic.” Vio nodded in exasperated agreement.
“Isn’t it great?” Jen came back out with a bowl of the pasta. “I figured I would make us dinner, since Clair was nice enough to let us work on the project at her place.”
“Oh, yea. That was nice of you.” Shadow glanced at the bowl, nose still winked like it had smelled something that had died. “But I um, I’m allergic to garlic, actually, so y’all have fun with that. I’ll be good with just the snacks.”
“Oh no, I’m so sorry! I wish I had known.” Jen’s words where so fake, and it was all honestly beginning to piss them off.
“Uh no, really, it’s fine?” Shadow put its hands up in a small gesture of surrender, eyebrow raised, looking, honestly just a bit confused. “I brought plenty, and it’s not like I was planing on eating here anyways.” The girls shared a look, and visibly had to hold back giggles as they continued to ‘apologize’ to Shadow, who shared its own, much more confused, look with Vio, who just shook their head. “Uh, so, what’s going on?”
Running through his option in his head, Vio decided that this was, in fact, not worth it. No mater what Red said. Slamming their hands on the table as they stood, to get the girls attention, Vio leveled them with a glare. “You know what, I’ve just decided, I actually don’t want to do this project with you two. Shadow keep your snacks, trust me you don’t either.”
“Oh thank Hylia. I never wanted to.” Shadow didn’t even bother looking sorry as it spoke, just shrugging his shoulders when Clair gave him a look.
Vio had to hold back a laugh of their own at that, giving the girls the same sickly sweet fake smile the had been giving Shadow since he arrived, though theirs had much more fang in it. “I would say it was nice, but I’m not interested in tricking you. Next time you plan on pulling a prank on someone who’s not even your friend, maybe don’t tell it to someone else who also doesn’t like your fake bullshit.”
Jen just stared at Vio’s fangs as Clair used her friend as a human shield, as if Vio was actually going to attack them. Please, they had far more class then that. Shadow however, looked like a light bulb was just smashed over its head, and it was pissed about it. “Oh come on! Is this about the vampire thing? Really? How many times do I have to explain to people that just because I’m goth and allergic to garlic does not mean I’m a vampire.”
“You didn’t come in the apartment, either.” Jen added, with far to much confidence for someone who was currently being used as a human shield.
“Yea! Because I’m autistic!” It laughed. “Besides, who the fuck just, walks into someone’s home without being told to when they barely know them?”
“Most humans, for some reason.” Vio added. “Also, vampires technically can, we just, for the most part, agree that it’s rude.”
“Because it is! I swear, I do not get neruotypical people.” Shadow hooked its own arm with Vio’s, pulling the vampire back towards the door. “Come on, lets go.”
Any intimidation Vio had on the girls faded as they proceeded to short circuit. Do humans still consider this gesture a courting thing? Or was Shadow just being friendly and making a point? the last time Vio had dated a human, they had also still been human, so they really didn’t know, but they hoped the blush on Shadow’s face was an indication.
When Vio did come back to his senses the two where about half a block away from Clair’s apartment, and Shadow was furiously texting. Vio couldn’t make out much of the conversation, other then the contact name ‘Puppy,’ as the whole conversation was moving to fast.
Curious, they leaned closer, grinning when Shadow shuddered a bit, but the human just turned to them with a big smile. Before Vio could ask any of the questions they now had, Shadow spoke, putting his phone away as it did. “Letting my girlfriend know my plans for the evening have changed a bit.”
“Oh?” Vio mused with a frown, debating texting their own partner about the nights plans. “Does she like to know where you are all the time?”
“Nah, but I like to keep him updated.” Shadow laughed, light and airy as it leaned into Vio. “Her and his other boyfriend love to keep a tally of how many people accuse me of being a vampire. I’m pretty sure they take bets on it?”
Vio responded with a small breathy laugh and a bewildered look, until they realized Shadow was serious. “How, how does that even work?”
“I donno. I think its monthly.” It shrugged. “Like whoever gets closest in a month wins? Don’t ask me what they win, I have no idea.”
“Ah. Alright then.” Vio chuckled, they had decided notifying Red was pointless. The Fae had probably assumed that Vio and Shadow would dip at first opportunity, seeing as she knew Vio didn’t like the girls in their group.
“Sooo,” Shadow cut through their thoughts, “Wanna go do something else, or do you have a partner to get back to now?”
“Oh don’t worry, they know exactly what my plans for the night are,” They grinned at their Shadow, “After all, it was only with his convincing that I came at all.”
“Oh!” It laughed at that, a full body laugh that had it leaning away from the force. As soon as Shadow calmed down, however, it leaned back in. “So we’re in the same boat tonight then. Come on darling, I’ll show you my favorite secluded spot in the park.”
“Careful,” Vio’s voice dropped as they let Shadow drag them along, “I think that’s how you humans get bit.”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” It shot them a coy smile, “That’s what I’m counting on.”
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