#not mm
if-mirrormine · 11 months
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Hi there! I'm currently writing my thesis and have a very tough time to motivate yourself to continue writing. Is there a chance you can share a few tips to overcome the writing block? If you are not to busy ofc (love your writing sm it makes my day evrytime I see you on my dash <3)
I think it's okay to admit that you're stuck in a rut. Don't kick yourself if you can't write no matter how hard you try to force it. Yes, the work has to get done when it's for school/work and not for leisure, but the fact is, if you kick yourself and try to hammer something into the dirt over and over again, you're just going to tire yourself out.
It's healthy to sit down and take some time to breathe and collect yourself before you sit back down to write.
Just like artists need to warm up, writers need to warm up. Don't put yourself into a tough spot where you're picking up the thing that's got you in a frenzy. Write something you small to help you get back into a solid groove. When I need to warm up, I use a prompt list and write a small scene of 100-200 words to help me feel prepared for the longer thing I want to write. It just helps my brain get the swing of things! It isn't something I time myself on, either. I just challenge myself with a prompt that I didn't come up with on the spot and see where that can take me.
This advice generally works better for fanfiction, but that doesn't mean we can't apply it to the writer's block you're dealing with over here. 
You can apply this to any kind of writing, not just fanfiction. If you're working on a thesis, that means you're working on something that has opinions and information you need to use to string everything together. Likely the best way to help yourself is to take some of the references you have, narrow it down to one or two, and write down why that particular resource is going to help you with your thesis.
Breaking things down to a smaller level can make it feel easier when you go to write the longer paper. Why do you need this? How does it benefit your argument? What does this do for you? Most of the time, we find ourselves struggling with educational papers because there is so much we need to argue for, against, and about, and piecing all that information together can make your brain feel like real alphabet soup. 
Breaking this down may make it easier for you to write the actual thesis, because now you have the bits and pieces coming together, and maybe as you're figuring out why this particular resource is useful, you will know what you need to write in the paper with more clarity. 
Hope this helps!
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brilynnsims · 4 months
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Being that most of my days in sims are in CAS I just wanted to play around with this shadow effect from @joshseoh & I had it for a while & just never used it…just adds a extra umph 🤌🏽
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intr0verted-weird0 · 1 year
never forget that the knights stopped albedo from inventing the fridge
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theawkwardwriter64 · 1 year
This is my Fran Bow drawing from 7th grade (last year)
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And I am going to re-draw her and Reblog this post when I'm done!
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rederick-ignis · 2 months
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pumpmans · 10 months
I FORGOT I WANTED TO DO THIS this is not megaman but i was tagged by @rederick-ignis smiles hiiiii ^_^
last song i listened to: uhhh i am not going to lie it think it was when i was listening to a streamer play bring me to life
currently reading: i was borrowing 2 ebooks from the library (a mr rogers book and also mccurdy's book) before my thing ended and i never finished them . i want to pick them back up again
currently watching: i dont think anything right now
current obsession: megaman ocs :)
tag nine people you’d like to get to know better: i get soo nervous about doing things like this so . i am just going to tag a bunch of people i think are really cool @dwn049 @teeniechoppa @nijimarii @suncklet @metalst @gigagear @willows-rambles @lofthousezzz @dahlia-the-nurd @rockmanzero11 @ryukokas @dwn040 @chloemew oh i think i went over 9 i am going to stop here (YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS... just know that i think about u all smiles)
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adwox · 11 months
i can do nothing but laugh
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mithclearwell · 1 year
"Sorry, mate, we liked you before, but now you're being you, the real you. It's not good."
"Even if it's just because it got to a point where they were not prepared to deal with you, the real you, right? Just the fake you. Even though that's completely…unacceptable, it's a daily occurrence."
from this video by Orion Kelly
I've never felt more seen, heard, and validated.
I live in a hellscape mental healthcare desert, and I have never heard such a brilliant resonance with my lived experience than when I started watching Orion Kelly.
The past month has been so incredibly stressful and lonely... I NEED to get that formal diagnosis. It's the only way I'll ever have any small , public validation that I have real problems with sensory overload, that I have to mask more often than I feel is even ethical, and that I have trouble communicating sometimes, and make mistakes doing that -- completely by accident.
It's the same, tired old story: I think I'm being nice and that everything's fine. Then something is very wrong. It doesn't go wrong, it already is. And I never knew, I never suspected that it was even a thing...until learning it suddenly, and starting the cycle of hating myself enormously and wondering what is wrong with me all over again.
And this happens because it was...apparently the cool thing to do to just...not tell me anything was wrong in the first place?
My brain is different. It's always been different, from the time I was little. Everyone learned very quickly that I was odd.
I guess it was Autism.
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murdochfantasies · 8 months
October is gonna be freakin lit
1st - my old assed birthday
2nd - Murdoch Mysteries season 17 premiers in Canada
there's a Friday the 13th
some people around the world may see a partial solar eclipse on the 14th
and of course, Halloween on the 31st
it's gonna be a party all month, lads
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shittylongcatposts · 1 year
@mrs-han it's only 7 seconds but this video sparks so much joy for me! 🤌✨
It was really beautiful! (Heres a more pleasant looking picture of ponte vecchio)
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
absolutely no one cares but i was just asked out (IN THE WILD OF ALL PLACES) by a girl who looks exactly like drew barrymore so i need you to know that im winning at life 😌😌
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Hey, just sending this to let you know that sometimes (more times than you think) when I'm feeling down, I come to your blog and just... scroll. Read your analysis. Read your short fics, and rants, and stuff about the characters and your stuff with the fandom. I may even interact on anon
And I do feel better, after that. It always comforts me, sometimes a tiny bit and sometimes a lot. So yeah, thank you very, very much ♥︎
Aw, thank you, Anon! I'm glad that my writing has been able to bring a smile to your smile. :)
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rfaromance · 2 years
anyone here play tears of themis
marius von hagen is growing on me like a MOLD I love him and I'm mad about it
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intr0verted-weird0 · 1 year
"Though the strings that played that melody survive, the one who inspired it is gone. Tell me, Cloud Retainer… when the one attuned to my soul is no longer here, who else could hope to understand this tune?"
— Streetward Rambler to Cloud Retainer
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Boya (伯牙) was bright and eager to learn when he was young. After three years learning from his teacher Lian Cheng, he had already had a good command of the temperament and superb skills in playing the guqin (古琴). A few years later, his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level. But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things which had deeply impressed him. Knowing what was in his mind, his teacher said he would take Boya to his own teacher who would help Boya with his music.
He took him to the Penglai Island (蓬萊仙島), a fabled abode of immortals, on the East China Sea by boat. When they reached there, Lian Cheng told Boya to wait while he went to pick up his teacher. Then he disappeared with his boat. Boya waited and waited but his teacher didn’t come back for several days. His heart was filled with sadness.
The running waters, the flying seagulls and the silent woods all seem to be composing a sad melody. With myriads of thoughts welling up in his mind, he began to play a tune on his musical instrument. He found his music got more expression. It turned out that his teacher was putting him there by himself on purpose to let him find inspiration in the arms of Nature.
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On the island, Boya enjoyed the natural scenarios and listened to the roaring of the great waves. He incorporated the beautiful nature with his music, thus reaching a realm of thought he had never experienced before.
One day Boya was boating alongside the river bank. A heavy downfall struck and suddenly he felt an urge to play his guqin. Thoroughly immersed in the scenery and his melody, Boya was startled out of his dreamy retreat when he noticed someone was hiding in the shadows. In his shock, he overused the strength of his finger and caused one of his guqin strings to snap. Boya came out of the boat, and saw a woodcutter standing on the bank.
The man, Zhong Ziqi (锺子期), had been listening to Boya’s music so attentively that he was even oblivious of the rain. Deeply touched, Boya invited Zhong Ziqi to his boat so he could share his music with him.
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Full of zest, Boya played the guqin for him. As soon as Boya finished a tune he had named in his own mind “High Mountains,” Zhong Ziqi told him, unaware of Boya’s unstated title for the song, that the melody painted a picture of unbroken mountain ranges in his mind: "The melody is as magnificent and dignified as Mount Tai which reaches to the sky!"
Then, after Boya performed another tune he intended to call “Flowing Waters,” Zhong Ziqi commented that it seemed as if he had heard the torrent of the Yangzi (Chang) River while listening to the song: "The melody is as vast and mighty as the great rivers!"
Seeing his zhī yīn in front of him, Boya’s joy was boundless, and said "Bosom friend! Only you can understand my music!”
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Before parting, they agreed to meet again in the near future. A few years later, Boya decided to pay Zhong Ziqi a visit. Unfortunately, when he arrived at his home, he learned that Zhong Ziqi had already passed away. Boya was filled with sorrow, lamenting that no one in this world would ever appreciate his music like Zhong Ziqi.
Rushing to his friend’s tomb, Boya knelt down and played his guqin. Then, rising slowly, he crashed it to the ground. After that day, not a single tune ever came out of Boya’s skillful hands again.
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Boya's story exemplifies the Chinese ideal of friendship. The term zhī yīn (知音, literally "to know the tone") has come to describe a soulmate or intimate friend.
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Boya was a guqin player from the Spring and Autumn period or the Warring States period. He was known by his first name of "Boya", although his surname is often incorrectly given as Yu (俞), so he is sometimes referred to as Yu Boya (俞伯牙) in modern literature. The Lute Platform in Hanyang, Wuhan, China was where musician Boya is said to have played. He is associated with the guqin pieces Gao Shan 《高山》 ("high mountain") and Liu Shui 《流水》 ("flowing water").
The famous melody in China, Gao Shan Liu Shui (高山流水), High Mountain and Flowing Water, is related to this story.
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theawkwardwriter64 · 1 year
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