#nothing to lose but our chains
They beg to be defunded every single day
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athelind · 9 months
Talk Like a Pyrate Day, Yarrr
Avast, me hearties!
I think it only proper that on this day of all days, we should look to the wise words of that Daniel Defoe ascribed to that scallywag Black Sam Bellamy:
"...Damn ye, you are a sneaking Puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by Laws which rich Men have made for their own Security, for the cowardly Whelps have not the Courage otherwise to defend what they get by their Knavery; but damn ye altogether: Damn them for a Pack of crafty Rascals, and you, who serve them, for a Parcel of hen-hearted Numskuls. They villify us, the Scoundrels do, when there is only this Difference, they rob the Poor under the Cover of Law, forsooth, and we plunder the Rich under the Protection of our own Courage; had you not better make One of us, than sneak after the Arses of those Villains for Employment?" "You are a devilish Conscience Rascal, damn ye, I am a free Prince, and I have as much Authority to make War on the whole World, as he who has a hundred Sail of Ships at Sea, and an Army of 100,000 Men in the Field; and this my Conscience tells me; but there is no arguing with such sniveling Puppies, who allow Superiors to kick them about Deck at Pleasure."
Edited from my LiveJournal post of 19 Sep 2005. New attribution added.
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snapbackdad · 2 years
I work at a warehouse loading thousands of packages containing thousands of dollars worth of product
We have a certain load rate per hour we’re supposed to hit and at that rate and w the base pay at this job it means that we get paid about $0.05 per package loaded (and of course loading faster than the expected rate does not mean increased pay, you’re still only getting your hourly wage)
So my bosses pay me in literal nickels to move thousands of dollars worth of product
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plasticdinnerware · 11 months
“Call your senator” this
“Mail your senator” that
Look, y’all, I’ve got a Four Letter Word for something to do to your senators
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transrevolutions · 7 months
While overall I felt like the tbosas movie was well done, there's one part that really bothered me. When Sejanus gets involved with the rebels in the book, he's fully on board, stealing them ammo and weapons from the base, and planning to hold guards at gunpoint to free the prisoners. In the movie, however, he just wants to run away and then is surprised and upset by the fact that the rebels were planning an act of violence.
This doesn't seem like a major change, but from a political standpoint (as tbosas is a very political book), it's a big one and one I very much do not like.
In the text, Sejanus plays the role of the moral compass. Whereas both Coriolanus and Lucy Gray having complex and subjective motivations, Sejanus is always driven by wanting to do the right thing, even if it costs him. He acts as a baseline, keeping the readers from getting lost in endless loops of justification for atrocities just because Coriolanus's internal narration is rhetorically persuasive.
So when Sejanus (who up until this point has been relatively pacifist) joins up with the rebels in the book and agrees to participate in an act of revolutionary violence, the text is pointing out that that act of rebellion is morally permissible. That even violence against the oppressor class can be an altruistic action. Sejanus planning to fight the guards with the rebels is not a sign of his corruption, it's a sign of the fact that his society has become so corrupt that not doing it would be morally worse than doing it. After all, someone's going to die either way, so why not have it be the oppressors?
If movie!Sejanus is still occupying the role of the moral compass (which he seems to be), then his dismay at the possibility of the rebels using violence acts as a narrative condemnation of the violence, when the opposite is true in the book. The movie tries to make a distinction between the "good" dissenters (pacifist, nonviolent, morally superior) and the "bad" dissenters (violent radicals/terrorists). In the current political climate, this idea and narrative is extremely unsettling. And I'm disappointed they did this, but not surprised. Like the other Hunger Games movies, it was produced by a large media company, and they can't follow the satire of the book too closely lest people realize the fundamental irony of it. People in positions of power do not want to tell a story where violent activism is portrayed as moral--at least when it's against a society that obviously mirrors our own. (The brutalist architecture style is another complaint that I have, but that can be discussed in another post.)
Changing that seemingly small detail about Sejanus's involvement with the rebels doesn't do much to change the continuity of the storyline, but it does a lot to change the underlying message of his character and the story. This was almost certainly intentional, because the same sort of thing was done in the original trilogy movies as well. Companies are scared of subversive media because it makes them look like the 'bad guys' too, so they wrap rebellion in a lens of fantasy and moderatism.
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dragonagitator · 7 months
if anything gales a switch in my opinion? i TOTALLY get him being dominant though like YEAHHHH let that all out after having to keep in in for so long, poor boy 🥺 but I feel like hes also a hardcore switch LMAO
I do enjoy the dominant idea though I mean....... like yeah. please gale 🙏
I feel like Gale would switch if that's what it took to please his partner because he cares more about that than specific BDSM roles, but I also feel like if he were imagining a perfect partner/relationship without anyone specific in mind then he would want a partner who would submit to him. But like as a secret guilty desire that he's a little ashamed about.
My reason for believing that is we only get the line about Gale always liking the idea of being "worshipped, adored, obeyed" in a Gale origin playthrough. AFAIK he never says anything like that to our PC when we romance him, as if he's worried that he might scare us off if he disclosed his darker fantasies.
It would likely be a long, slow, and delightfully fun process to get Gale to admit to and then indulge in his darker fantasies. One of those relationships that just keeps getting kinkier and kinkier over time.
(Sorry for the slow response, I just found my Tumblr Inbox lol.)
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fiddles-ifs · 11 months
"The main character, the person who you will be stepping into the role of, is severely mentally ill." I'm already in character!!!!!
god help you
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tikkunolamresistance · 7 months
Global condemnation and protests are not working, it’s time to take direct action. Start blocking roads and railways, strike from work and education, boycott businesses. Make it LOUD.
Keep one another safe, unite with your communities and rise against this facist corruption.
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azulock · 4 months
Somebody requested Niko cause his bday is fucking TOMORROW and I gotta comment, yall never hear it cause I'm not horny for him, but I love that little guy, he is one of my faves. "Oh you got metavision too niko?" "the fuck is metavision? I call it looking at the ball with my fucking eyes like a normal person" 10/10 and he likes Yu-Gi-Oh which I too like.
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My silly little headcanon is that Oliver, eternal mom friend, let Niko brush up his memory on how the actual card game works to play with Niko cause nobody else in the Ubers would
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The lengths society will go to rescue a couple billionaires vs. several hundred poor people are staggeringly different.
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fishareglorious · 7 months
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u always after that damn whale penelope!!!
Alternate black-haired version because I'm indecisive:
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annecriedpower · 2 years
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It means everything to me that the two instances of uprisings that we had seen in season one came from the workers - workers under the oppression of both colonialism and capitalism. The makers of Andor remind us once again that the intergalactic rebellion was first and foremost a proletarian rebellion. They are the spark of hope that lit the fire, that burned the Empire down.
~ Andor, S01, episodes 10 and 12 (2022)
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diamondnokouzai · 8 months
im in the comments sections on bato fighting like hell for yuri routes in my shitty rofan comics. im like mao zedong trying to inspire the peasantry in 1935 im like BROTHERS! SISTERS! DO WE NOT DESERVE BETTER? ARE WE NOT ALSO HUMAN? WE MUST BRING THIS WORLD TO THE MODERN AGE, BY BOOK OR BY BLADE, AND THE MODERN WORLD WILL BE FULL OF LILIES!
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disasterhimbo · 19 days
Starting to feel kinda bitter whenever anyone mentions being able to afford hobbies that require money or being able to buy art/collect things, that’s probably not a good sign :/
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dragonagitator · 7 months
fav dom! gale truther on this side of the realms. christ almighty. have any more hcs to share?? i beg??
My only other headcanon about Dom!Gale is that he's into the D/s side but not the sadomasochism side of BDSM.
He fantasizes about being worshipped and obeyed, but his reaction to the PC with Abdirak suggests that he's not really into painplay.
So I think a spanking is probably the most we'd get from Gale in terms of physical discipline. But his disappointment would likely hurt more than any physical pain ever could.
(Sorry for the slow response, I just found my Tumblr Inbox lol.)
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baked-octopus · 11 months
I can’t find the post but someone was asking if there was a way to give money to writers and actors who were on strike and needed some financial support.
The Entertainment Community Fund is just that. Support if you can. If you live near a spot where there is a picket line, you can join. Find them here.
If you can’t picket all day, buy them pizza or bring drinks. Or just show some moral support.
Also, if you want to support other strikes and labor movements here’s an AFL-CIO link to current strikes.
There are currently other labor actions happening all across the country. UPS will likely strike soon. Be on the lookout for local unions, municipal employees, or teachers who are taking up the fight.
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