krreader · 3 years
I just realized that me and my friend literally have the personalities and physical resemblances of Tae and Jimin, bcs -> me- tol 🌳, believes in angels and guides, quirky, unique (almost otherworldly like and doesn't give 2 fucks about it bcs "normal is boring, anyways"), loves astrology 🤩💖💜💛💚🤍🧡💙❤✨🪄, MUSEUM DATES ❤, dances randomly, likes to troll, pretty hands; fren- smol but fierce, soft looking and plump cheeks, loves spicy food, very artsy and shyyyy but can also be cheeky, *hangs onto your arm and wants attention*) and oddly enough my bias is Jimin and hers is Tae. Oh and we both can sing, apparently, like tarot, astrology, palmistry, art, music. Tho, oddly enough I'm more into what you'd find in JK or Jimin's playlist and she's more into what you'd find in Taehyung's playlist. Also, we'reboth '95 liners (andwemightbothbebi) but we're from different countries, hahaha 💜
hahahaha these dynamics are the best <33
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btsreactionmemes · 4 years
I was talking about this with a friend and like, Idk how high the mast Jungkook uses during ‘Euphoria’ (to fly, I mean) is but imagine if someone tall carries someone on their shoulders and he accidentally hits them while doing that performance, omg—
Alright, who wants to team up and climb on eachothers shoulders?
I'll gladly get knocked the fuck out by jk
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sugar-petals · 4 years
that anon who was trying to compare jungkook to the average Chad honestly sounds like those people who try to impose workout or daily routines on people during this pandemic, while they’re struggling with their anxiety like: wOw, YoU’rE jUsT lYiNg ThErE, wHaT a LaZy AsS yOu ArE!’ honestly. #typicalkaren
critics of laziness are a whole topic to dissect, to cut the essay short it’s usually an unfair accuse and the critic struggles with productivity guilt themselves.
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suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
this is more than dealt with (& I'm feeling somewhat lost on the matter since I 'arrived late to the party'), but I just wanted to say that as an ally I am also worn out (not as much as you are, though, certainly!) from the incessant 'word war' from allies who talk over the offended party that is actually going through the issues. Also, with the upsetting events that have unfolded in the past week I honestly have no energy either and agree with your rightful take on this! Please take care! 💜💜
thank you, babe 💜 i appreciate your support and i hope you are able to build your energy back up. stay safe!
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bubmyg · 4 years
I'm finding this hilarious like this could be a headline for a news anchor: ' Kpop idol sparks passionate debate about barefoot walking on grass dangers' or smth
chrome recommended me an article abt guk miming the word asshole last night so honestly it might be better
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momo-de-avis · 4 years
completely unrelated btw... so agora me apercebi que o teu mobile banner é um layout de meme faces do Anakin LMAO
apanhei-o no twitter com a descrição “quando o anakin viu a rey a enterrar o lightsaber dele na areia em tatooine” e perdi a cabeça BIG mood
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arianaxamidala · 4 years
His loss. My achievement.
Maybe you should look through a females perspective on what you think is okay for you to do to me.
No. I’m not going to shut my mouth like you told me to. Just because you think it was totally okay to put me in a position where I was so defenceless.
You have no right in how I should look or how I should behave. You have no right for putting your hands on me. You don’t have the right to decide when your next move on me is.
You don’t get to pick my friends and or choose them for me. I am allowed to have friends of the opposite gender and I am allowed to have trans and non-binary friends. You don’t get to decide who I call or text.
You don’t choose my path placement. I choose that on my own. You don’t tell me where I should be when you need me for a favour. You don’t tell me what to wear.
I am a sexual assault survivor. You don’t choose how my story ends. You don’t choose how I live my life. And most importantly you don’t choose my path.
And if you think you’ve knocked me down. Well, this is the beginning of a war you wish you never called upon.
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plutoswrath · 4 years
I seem to have true lilith in gemini in the 1st house whereas mean lilith is in cancer in the 2nd house and I was wondering what are the differences between these two placements? could you explain them briefly? thank you so much and have a merry christmas 🎄🎁!
Thank you, hope you had a blissful Christmas as well! xx
The first Lilith is about being openly in need for new people and information, this Lilith needs freedom in her words and ways of exploration and perspective, she can be a manipulator with words and lives from short term excitement and people. The second is all about seeking emotional/material stability and validation of some sort, maybe even a home. This can be connected to wobbling self esteem and perceiption, craving people to stay and can come close to manipulation and giving her all to what she thinks needs to be hers.
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junqkook · 4 years
this is gonna sound mean (a bit) but your photoshopped jk (the got au! one) looks so cheeky it made me snort out my water, wtf XDDD
its not mean at all dw!! hehe he is cheeky in the fic (i think) so thats fitting!! c:
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portugalnet · 4 years
gostaria de fazer uma adição ao teu post sobre cultivar amigos, if you dm!) No meu caso, estou a meio dos meus 20's e também me encontro numa situação semelhante. Cortei algumas pessoas tóxicas que nunca evoluiam ou ficaram pior ainda ou/e que me faziam sentir não incluída e de momento voltei a ir pra universidade (após estar numa depressão profunda pq venho de uma linha de pessoas que é problemática*) e tbm me encontro com dificuldades apesar de já ter feito alguns amigos no curso, e fora. 1/2
2/2 Acho que, sinceramente, alguns já comecam a ter familias deles e não têm responsabilidade de estar lá pra nós sempre claro, enquanto outros continuam falsos como tudo e só estão lá pro drama. A este ponto, a gente tem de continuar a tentar e tentar algo com a mentalidade de ' vou tentar criar a melhor versão de mim mesma/o' e com isso atrais as pessoas certas, porque as que não aceitam teres limites de comforto ou quereres evoluir constantemente só querem tirar proveito de ti. :)
subscrevo 100%. especialmente a coisa de  “vou tentar criar a melhor versão de mim mesma/o' e com isso atrais as pessoas certas”.
só adiciono que muita gente que conheço se começou a acomodar a não ser tão socialmente activa, ou seja, vão de casa para o trabalho e do trabalho para casa (isto especialmente depois de se juntarem com namorados/namoradas). às vezes até combinar um café é uma dor de cabeça. 
apesar de entender isto, porque a sério que entendo (especialmente pessoal millennial que fdse está muitas vezes a ser pago ordenado mínimo e a trabalhar imenso - é frustrante e cansativo), também sei que é uma questão de mentalidade e algumas vezes fazer um bocadinho de esforço para estar com os outros. quando nos começamos a acomodar muito a ter esse estilo de vida e começamos a reduzir o nosso circulo social depois é extremamente difícil de sair desse barco. conheço muita gente que entrou nesta dinâmica e agora oiço-os dizer “nunca mais combinamos nada...” ou que se começam a sentir “isolados” ya, porque estás sempre a dizer que não queres nem beber um café rápido. 
por outro lado, conheço um casal com 3 filhos (o mais velho tem para aí 5) que apesar de claro que tiveram que fazer ajustamentos ao estilo de vida deles, continuam a ir sair e beber café com os amigos. algo que eles deixaram muito claro na conversa que tive com eles é que é uma questão de “estado de espírito” e que tipo de vida eles querem ter a longo termo. passam muito tempo em casa, e passam muito tempo com os filhos, mas nunca quiseram que isso fosse o “fim” da sua vida social e individualidade por isso “trabalham” para que não seja. 
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lovecatcher · 4 years
this is so sweet. thank you!! i hope you know youre wonderful too 💖💖💖
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btsreactionmemes · 4 years
I see lots of fellow LONDON armies here, :D I'm starting to think we should just meet up at the venue and exchange memes with each other XDD (like, use memes as secret morse code or smth) LMAO
Hahah I'm sure memes will be swapped
When I was on Eurostar on the way back from Paris show and in the cinema before love yourself in Seoul so much funny shit was being airdropped about, was jokes
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sugar-petals · 4 years
I'm gonna join the bandwagon bcs I'm a hufflepuff whose bias is yoongi :D
i would’ve guessed classic gryffindor, that’s a surprise 😄
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tata anon: this is coming from someone who learned to step up and square up to bs humans* having problems or a mental/physical illness is NEVER an excuse for someone to treat/make you feel like trash REGARDLESS OF WHO IT IS. I know it’s hard but smts we gotta be boss ass bitches/dicks and defend ourselves, so next time that happens just tell them straight up with a poker face like V’s that you won’t tolerate any more misbehaving like that.
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bubmyg · 4 years
OKAY BUT WAIT. Shane teaching Kookie his typical demon taunting phrases and Kookie just spells them slowly in english while Ryan stares at the both of them cursing like, ‘ what is wrong with you?!!! You’re contaminating him?! I already have you, it’s enough!’
also, why can i see kookie be the type to do that jumpscare with the lantern to try to taunt the ghosts or smth, lmao. Meanwhile Taehyung will try to befriend the ghosts and Yoongi is just casually making up morbid facts alongside Jimin to scare the rest.
the ambitious and wild crossover we deserve tbh
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wistfulwisp · 4 years
Oh, you’re doing love readings?? :O would it be a bother to ask for one as well? if not, I completely understand!! Have a good day and merry christmas 🎄!!! ❤️
sure thing @notyourangelanymore :)
ten of pentacles: great things await you! this is a card symbolizing a path you’ve taken in our romantic life that will (or already has) led you to a prosperous and satisfying ending. feel at peace knowing that you’re doing a good job in finding happiness for yourself. if you’re with someone right now romantically, know that they have the chance to bring you great happiness, and if you aren’t know that you’re on your way to finding everything you’ve hoped for. walk forward knowing that the universe is looking our for you, my dear :)
thank you so much for requesting! feedback is always appreciated!
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